#i just hate when people do that and i cannot respect Tsukasa hate
kittytheartist · 2 years
*cough* so is anyone gonna comment on how Tsukasa made an entire fake world for Mitsuba to be happy in and didn’t bother him a single bit. Like he just let Mitsuba live his fake life
hi Anon!
you're SOOO right! no one talks about that but??like?? that's so cute?? and people say Tsukasa doesn't even like Mitsuba, like what? what was that? because what I'm reading is that MITSUBA IS ONE OF THE ONLY PEOPLE TSUKASA CARES FOR!!
he gave Mitsuba his own present, he's tried to grant his wish how many times??
can't believe people think Tsukasa doesn't care about Mitsuba! he says he likes Mitsuba!
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and he got him a gift! a welcoming gift, because he cares, who has he given a gift to before in this manga besides Hanako? he used to bring his brother gifts all the time, and he gave Mitsuba something he thought he'd like!
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something to help his wish come true, and he lets Mitsuba have fun and meet people, just like he wanted and remember, Mitsuba is a main character okay? it's not just about Hanako or something, this whole fake world wouldn't be a thing unless Mitsuba wanted something like his wish.
I believe Tsukasa really does want to grant Mitsuba's wish and make him happy, I really do, because the fake world is for him for his happiness
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it's all for Mitsuba, this is a solution him, a supernatural thought would be good, and Mitsuba did like it, with how it seemed Tsukasa stayed in there for a little bit he didn't do anything, you're right Anon, he let Mitsuba enjoy himself, he didn't bother him
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which, I think is kind of sad thinking about because he also thought Amane was better off without him but, hay! I'm sure Tsukasa was happy with how it was turning out, since Mitsuba seemed satisfied, but oh well it seems he'll keep trying to grant his wish, although seems right now is Sakura wish time..
also Tsukasa was excited, I swear he was! he celebrated and used his party popper before anyone else could turn things on and surprise him
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when has he done this with someone he doesn't care about or just sees as a creation of his? NO WHERE!! and I'm sure we all know where we've seen Tsukasa act with someone he could care less about and only sees as useful sometimes
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yeah safe to say he has never let be treated/treated Mitsuba like that! I'd say he's quite protective more then anything! i also stand by Mitsuba being one of the only people Tsukasa has tried to comfort or help make feel better
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he's also more gentle with Mitsuba despite punching him to help him gain some backbone and I think they created a connection considering how Mitsuba acts, it may not be apparent, but they have this sort of bond that comes naturally, I feel it in my bones with how their relationship has progressed
and lets talk about how willing Tsukasa is to get Mitsuba something? like friends? he was ready to make Mitsuba a friend, and was also ready to be his friend, but I'm sure we all know how Tsukasa has a harder time with that, with how Tsukasa in the red house said that Amane would be happier without him and how he hated him, how was he supposed to know Mitsuba would except him as a friend?
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his speech bubble is FRILLY!! he must be very happy (not just because he wants to know if sparklers will still crackle in his stomach I swear bare with me)
but am I the only one who feels sort of like Tsukasa thought Mitsuba, a creation without memories would rather be able to see his self... because I'm quite sure Tsukasa knows of the powers of school mystery number three, especially since he talks about how powerful the power is
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and helping Mitsuba become stronger...feels kind of like Tsukasa knows a creation without a goal or knowing is horrible, so he tried to let Mitsuba forge that himself with the powers...maybe I'm looking too much into it and Tsukasa really did just make him number three for a big plan but I feel like there could more to his relationship with Mitsuba, I think he cares
I know Tsukasa isn't the best at showing affection and doesn't really know what people like, but I think they have something going for them that isn't toxic
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hanako-san · 10 months
Tsukasa, not wanting to lose his brother, decided to sacrifice himself for his older brother. I believe Tsukasa is deeply hurt, that his sacrifice was pointless because Amane died killing him and Tsukasa for some reason, but I think there's more to it than he showed in chapter 108. I'm not surprised. I'm glad Tsukasa finally showed his hurt feelings, he's right! (This isn't the main topic of this post, but I wanted to mention it because I'm glad that Tsukasa showed more of his hurt feelings instead of hiding, faking, his hurt feelings behind a fake smile) However, when Tsukasa returned to his own time through Kou. The mother noticed that something was wrong with her son, that he was possessed by something. They checked it and nothing came up. But it was obvious that there was something Tsukasa could even talk to it. The mother begged and received to help her. They no help her. But the fact is that there was something wrong with Tsukasa.
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Tsukasa granted wishes and I'm sure that something inside him is still there.
The priests didn't react in Yugi's house after the disaster and later when people were dying there and the Minamoto forbade anyone to enter there to this day, making sure no one goes in there.
Yugi's house stood on the site where young girls were sacrificed to the 'gods' and this whole 'god' was talking to Tsukasa before what happened.
When Amane became number 7, Teru wanted his younger brother to get rid of Hanako, but he didn't. Knowing that Hanako is a 'threat' because he can act with Yashiro's help, which he cannot allow.
Sure Amane had a fight with grandma minamoto, but honestly I don't care that the old lady lost her powers by sealing Amane.
and then the elder minamoto says this
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Their entire family is full of hypocrites and self-proclaimed heroes. They were the ones who sacrificed poor young girls for the residents' wishes and peace. They had no problem torturing them when they opposed, after all, Hakubo did it on their orders, their minion. This family had no generations of respect for anyone. Just like the Teru, they don't care about human life. teru loves to kill and doesn't care about anything. He just loves it, he's an ordinary murderer with the justification 'the supernatural are the worst and the most evil' teru is exactly the same as his ancestors. He loves killing and enjoys it. It was the same with Sumire and the other girls when his ancestors behaved the same way.
Teru even said these words to Akane
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“special standing' in English. . Minamoto teru named ONE of many victims of his family effectively leaving out the involvement of his hypocritical and sadistic family and Sumire was shown.
The only one of the victims who didn't run away and didn't fight back, which allowed her to lead a relatively normal life before her death, but she knew what her fate is and she knew she couldn't escape it.
Teru made it clear from the very beginning that he knows much more and knows what is going to happen, so I am almost sure he knows what his dear family has done in the past, and he is no different from them, he is exactly the same, spoiled and thinks that if he is an exorcist, he is allowed because he is the 'good' one and the supernatural are the 'bad' ones
His family sacrificed poor girls in exchange for wishes, while having a party. He is like that too.
Teru also said this.
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Yes, Teru, play moralist and say how Amane is a murderer when you are 100 times worse than him. At least he hates and despises himself for it. And you? You are like your ancestors. Teru doesn't hide the fact that he especially hates Hanako, and to be honest, I'm sure it has to do with Amane's power and the red house. They didn't help Yugi's family when they asked for help, but Hanako is supposed to be 'dangerous' and they are 'heroes'
Another scene that is supposed to make Hanako a 'bad' guy, while Ter is supposed to play the 'hero', but in fact, if it weren't for his feelings for Aoi, he wouldn't care about it, because as he said, he doesn't care about people, it didn't occur to him naturally and he still doesn't care. He want to be a hero to my younger siblings who look up to him. That's all.
Hanako and Tsukasa have powers from the red house from the 'god' in which they were in the past. All the supernaturals at school who have numbers protecting something and that something must be in Yugi's former home. The red house is the key, even in the well where the house burned by Tsukasa was left, there is a passage to the far shore
I also understand that this whole lying family could have done more, they could have sacrificed poor young girls and one guy to have their wishes fulfilled and have peace, and if they opposed, they were tortured and teru is exactly the same, knowing much more, but he can fight these evil spirits' and he can enjoy killing these 'evil' supernatural ones, because he is a 'hero''. I wonder why teru hates Hanako so much, does Hanako know something? He had business with God; whom they cannot release, and Hanako is the most dangerous link for him.
This whole family must have an interest in getting rid of Hanako, and maybe even a personal one? And honestly? It's time for Hanako to be released, let him show his true strength that he gained as a supernatural, if he is so 'dangerous' so what? Let him do what he wants and let Tsuaksa do the same. Because Teru's family has been around for generations and Teru himself is no different. It is absurd that a murderer accuses another murderer of being a 'bad murderer', it is so absurd and so false, but that's minamoto, they are always better than others. They can do more cause they're minamoto hiding behind the fact that they are helping others when in fact they enjoy killing.
Hanako tried to fulfill Yashiro's wish, he agreed to let her live, he took care of Aoi and killed his brother, for some reason he is disgusted with himself and regrets it, but yes, Teru and his family are supposed to be 'heroes', people who had nothing against raising future children. young girls who have become victims of their selfish desires the desires of the village and Teru are exactly the same.
It's time for Hanako to be released and destroy everyone, I'm absolutely for it. If teru can do it,so Hanako can do it too . Time to Tsukasa to destroy the entire system, because why not? The source of the twins' power is the red house, I suspect.Hanako fulfills his duties well as number 7 and Tsukasa goes ahead to destroy them to also fulfill Sakura's wish. This 'evil' Hanako has more human feelings than the self-proclaimed family of heroes.
The double standards of this family are truly pathetic. teru you can disappear like your ancestors. and finally let this 'evil' Hanako show what he can do, but first let him show his back story.
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ameftowriter · 5 years
5738 A.D. 4,1 (UPDATED) (Dr. Stone fanfic)
From here: https://ameftowriter.tumblr.com/post/188742703889/5738-ad-41-dr-stone-fanfic
This is the updated version of the fic above. After watching Episode 22 I had to change this a bit and edited it better to make sure it flowed smoothly. Also I may plan on putting more chapters but I’ll have to see to that later.
Anyway, I love Episode 22 so much and it touched my heart so! I have two more fics incoming that I posted along with this, so that will be incoming soon.
Ao3 | ffnet
Part 1 (This!) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ???
Gen still has a hard time taking everything in. Was it really the year 5739? The mentalist just couldn’t wrap his head around it. On top of it all, those statues. So many statues.
They were people, turned to stone.
He realized that something terrible has happened and it affected every human being on earth.
He was affected too, considering the position he woke up from. The last thing he remembered was that he had just finished his act. Hearing the cheers and applause from a delighted audience, that's when everything went dark.
And the next thing he knew was a bright light, and faced an open ocean.
He wondered if this was a prank, he’s seen a lot of celebrity prank shows, to be a victim of that disgusted him. He was a mentalist, being subjected to a prank like this defies his very image. He grumbled at the thought of it as he stood up from his position.
That is until he heard a deep commanding voice from the background.
“Welcome to the year 5739 AD”
He felt cold sweat drip off his currently naked body. He turned to recognize the man who broke him out of the dark stone prison. It was Shishio Tsukasa… the strongest primate high schooler.
He heard him say something about making a choice. That him and those statues behind him were selectively chosen for his new world…
Gen looked up and just could not believe what he saw...
He was then given some clothes to wear, made by their resident tailor named Yuzuriha. He didn’t know who she was, but was grateful for her.
It was… clothes he supposes. It was a tunic of sorts that reached up to his knees. Made of animal skin. He wanted to ask for a T-Shirt and Jeans. Then again… if it really was year 5739, and everyone was petrified…
He nearly stumbled on a statue lying around. He gained back his footing and turned to see what tripped him. His eyes widened to see that it was his manager.
Memories of the man flooded his head. When he first started, he would try to use him, booking his shows back to back, expecting him to nearly give up his own education, family life, and his private life for his acts.  He tried to milk so much money from him, Gen was sure it was borderline illegal. But eventually, he found a weakness to the man and he became an easy target for Gen’s manipulation. Sometimes he used him as a guinea pig for any new acts he had thought of. He nearly had him prance around the streets naked once as a form of revenge.
But if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have become this popular and famous…
He wouldn’t have had the money to…
Tsukasa shattered the manager’s head beneath his feet.
Gen nearly jumped back at the sudden destruction in front of him.
“I apologize for startling you.” Tsukasa spoke up, “I remember this man once, he was your manager yes?”
Gen could only nod.
“He tried to charm me to having you and I do more shows together, he treated us as if were freaks in a carnival. I simply cannot stand adults like that…”
It didn’t take a mentalist to know that every word he spoke dripped of hatred and loathing. Gen looked at the remains of the destroyed statue, and felt his stomach churn.
He hated his manager yes, but…
For someone to just mercilessly destroy that…
They had arrived at the Empire of Might as Tsukasa had called it. Gen could only look at it with awe as he saw various forms of treehouses and caves formed from the mountain. But most of all, he saw that almost every man and even women around him were muscular and looked like they would be able to carry him like he was a feather.
Then Gen met the said tailor, Yuzuriha, and the big oaf that he was pretty sure was her boyfriend, Taiju.
They were friendly and chipper. Gen was surprised to see this. After all it's been about 4000 years and everything around them is gone. For them to act this way.
Well… he wouldn't verbalize it without any sort of evidence. But to him it seemed to be just an act.
He wondered why.
Gen thanked her for the clothes. But wonders if he could ask her for something more… sophisticated. Something that suits his style.
Tsukasa agreed, he saw Gen as a valuable member of the Empire, but he also needed him for a mission.
Yuzuriha agreed to do it without any questions asked.
Gen missed paper and pencil or any kind of writing instruments. But it seemed that the girl understood his directions nonetheless.
Now, he’s curious as to why they're acting this way.
While they waited for his new outfit, Tsukasa then began explaining to him his goals. Goals of creating a new and better world without the adults who tainted it. Gen listened to him intently, and felt himself get pulled into Tsukasa’s ideals. He knew what he meant and fully understood his words and reasonings. After all, he made a living using and exploiting the naivete and idiocy of the adults that ruled the earth. He knew and understood the pain and suffering Tsukasa has mentioned. He had experienced it himself as young as he was. And yet the scene of his manager being crushed underneath Tsukasa’s feet kept playing over and over his head….
Sometimes Gen wondered if that's what kept him from being swayed by Tsukasa's words…
But at this moment he was afraid. Very afraid for his life. He was reborn into this "Stone World" and was spared from a fate worse than death. To even show any resistance to Tsukasa or any of his people would equal his untimely demise.
So he as it was many years ago, put on his mask and showed his agreement to the man's ideals and goals. Even showed support and gave suggestions on who to pick and revive. The mentalist was a master of weaving words into the most believable of sentences, right down to the inflection of his syllables.
Tsukasa was pleased. And that was good enough for him.
That night, Gen just could not sleep. He tossed and turned endlessly as he made the effort to close his eyes and forced his body to sleep. He thought of everything he could remember on how to go to sleep, but that failed him too.
It was strange to him. He remembered during his performance that he was so exhausted that he could collapse the moment he let his body relax. Yet when Tsukasa broke him out of the stone prison that he felt so energized that he could run a marathon and not feel winded. And he certainly still feels that way. He wonders if being asleep for so long had made him catch up to his lost sleep. All nineteen years worth of it.
Well, he did the math and technically he is now 3739 years old…
If there was any kind of sleepiness in him at that moment, Gen had completely lost it.
3720 years…  is a really, really long time…
Yuzuriha finished his new outfit the next day, he was very grateful for her. Especially after hearing the fact that she spent all night with it. Gen felt a bit bad for her, until he heard her voice crack just a little…
Gen did not have supersonic hearing, but as a mentalist, he taught himself to pay attention to people’s subtle noises. He wondered if Yuzuriha was lying to him.
He tried the new outfit on, and it fits him just right. He was definitely impressed with her.
Later, Tsukasa began explaining to him about a certain “miracle fluid” that had broken him out of the petrified state. And that it was located in a special cave. Which was also dubbed, Cave of Miracles.
A miracle fluid that undid the petrification? He couldn't believe that it was even possible. That peaked his interest, not that he would show it.
As Tsukasa brought him to a cave and along a few other muscular men with him. It seemed that he wanted to show respect to nature's bounty and sorts. It was something that lost his interest, and it fell into deaf ears. Thanks to that distraction though, Gen had tripped over a giant root, but he quickly gained footing and held himself against a tree near the cave. He brushed his fingers against a tree without realizing it.
He felt something odd.
He knew tree bark was rough and could hurt depending on the tree, but even so, this sensation felt weird to him. To him it was like… like… Something was engraved into the tree.
He moved his hand away and saw a carving into the tree he held on.
A.D. 5738 4, 1
“Fifty-seven, thirty-eight… Four, One…” Gen read the engraving. “5738, 4, 1…”
It was like everything he had known right now had changed.
His thoughts came back to when Tsukasa told him the current year. He wondered so many things that day, that even today he was still trying to take it all in. He wondered how… how would Tsukasa be able to determine the current year. From what he saw of the strongest primate high schooler, he was more than just a muscleheaded idiot. He had strength, he had skill, he had smarts.
But even so that did not give him a proper answer as to how and why he knew the current date.
Does Tsukasa even know this engraving?!
Was it even really the year 5739?
But this engraving shows it. 5738… It’s been a year since the engraving was written in the tree. April 1st… How did the writer knew of the exact date even…
“5738… April 1st…” Gen repeated himself, “H-How…. How did… How could someone…?”
“No…” Gen gathered his thoughts, “Someone… someone must have carved this after breaking out… They had to. But… How would… would they know the exact date…”
“Is it even possible…?!”
He read again the crude kanji and the numbers written on the tree. It was clearly there. It wasn't some sort of hallucination… It was actually written there…
The mentalist's heart swelled with hope.
“This… this is…” Gen shuddered in excitement at the realization of someone like that ever existed, and broke out first, and to do this, “This is too antastic-fay! Whoever did this… Must be…”
Then his thoughts were interrupted by Tsukasa calling him to the cave.
Gen quickly dashed inside. To see Tsukasa standing in front of a pile of… bat guano. Gen’s nose scrunched up at the awful smell and saw yellow liquid dripping down from the cave’s ceiling, to a clay bowl.
He quickly deduced it as a so called “miracle fluid” that Tsukasa had mentioned. But when he read Tsukasa’s expression and listened to his voice, he felt there was more… than just that fluid…
That night, he couldn’t stop thinking about that engraving.
5738 A.D. April 1.
He wondered who could even do that. In that darkness. For almost 4000 years, calculated the year, month and date. The exact date?! He wondered why would the person even bother to calculate. When normally you'd think of surviving first.
He thought of possibilities. He knew you can tell how old a tree is by cutting it and counting the number of rings… But that would have been a gigantic tree. He considered the number of natural disasters that could have destroyed it way before the next millenia… So he scratched out that idea. He thought maybe some sort of machine that could tell the time had survived, but he hasn’t seen a sign of any kind of civilization, let alone a machine that could tell the time. His thoughts wandered of any kind of sci-fi theory he’s seen. But just like before, he saw nothing…
Nothing from the year 2019.
Gen curled up onto his sheets. It has hit him again, the realization that there was nothing left from the year he knew. No buildings, no cars… no cola even…
He felt the sudden urge for a bottle.
As he realized he couldn’t sleep once again, he stepped outside of his living quarters and saw the stars in the sky. It was numerous, more than he could ever count.
That's when he thought of something… a completely ar-fetched-fay possibility...
Yes, there was no machine or anything that could tell the time, but the fact remained that time still moved forward, no matter what…
It was something insane. Something that no human being should be able to do, but it was possible…
He had heard rumours of a kid who counted the exact seconds within a month, and he had counted it exactly.
“To count the passing seconds…” Gen thought to himself, “To do that during all that time in the darkness…”
Many feelings he suddenly felt for this mystery counter. Excitement, pity, delight, fear... In order to do that, he would have had to remain conscious all that time… Gen eventually felt nothing and his mind went completely blank after a while. When Tsukasa revived him, he thought everything before was just a dream… a long 3720 year dream…
Gen gritted his teeth, he was nervous, he was scared, he was so lost in this new world, but to even think that there was a person like that, a human being that could do such a thing...
He had to find them… he had to find the person who could have done this feat… He had to know. He had to know this person. He had to pick him apart and understand his own way of thinking. He had to analyze everything about him. He had to know how and why would he do such a ridiculous yet logical thing.
He hadn't felt this eager in knowing a person he hasn't even met.
The rest of that night spent thinking about this person. He smiled at the thought of someone else being this unique.
It was like… to him it was like getting excited over a book he had heard only good reviews about.
Yes, he was skeptical, but the thought of someone like this.
It got him excited.
The next day, the third day, Tsukasa called for him after his meal.
He was called to be given a mission…
“Those dusty old fossils who used to be in power…” Tsukasa began as he led Gen to a path in the forest, it was a bit further from the Empire, “Are even less necessary in this natural world of stone…”
Gen didn’t hear a hint of hesitation from those words. In fact to him Tsukasa spoke of his ideals in such great confidence and conviction, that the mentalist felt a bit swayed by those. Especially when he said…
“But I see a massive amount of potential in you… Gen.”
Gen felt himself snap out of that trance. He knew Tsukasa had a lot of natural charisma, but even he as a master of minds, felt like he was grabbed instantly and quickly, as if he got there by himself. He cursed himself mentally, as he remembered how Tsukasa crushed the statue of his manager, again. And all of the other pieces of statues he has seen scattered everywhere, crushed with his bare hands or by his men.
“There’s something I need you for…” Gen’s attention was grabbed again as Tsukasa cleared some branches to reveal a treehouse, made by… concrete? He wondered. “And your skills as a mentalist will be invaluable…”
Gen saw on the side a few empty jars, crude makeshift spears… he was surprised that even the ladder that leads up to the treehouse was still sturdy. To him it looked like it was all abandoned.
But that wasn't where they went, rather, Tsukasa led him to a hut near the tree house. It had a worn out sign that said, “Laboratory”.
Tsukasa led him inside and the mentalist saw broken clay pots everywhere. He watched his step, as he moved in closer to see more and more broken pieces scattered everywhere. To him it was an obvious sign that whoever lived here scrambled to take everything and left. To the untrained eye that is.
Gen saw this was too intentional. It was too much of a mess for him. He thought maybe a scuffle, but that would have caused those shelves to fall apart. To him, it is as if the previous occupants just intentionally took those jars and smashed them.
“Follow them for me.” Tsukasa gave him his mission, as it also confirms Gen's deductions. “And get inside of their minds… Perhaps I'm being overly cautious, but I want you to track down this man Senku and tell me if he’s dead or hiding out somewhere…”
That is the name of the person he was tasked to look for.
‘Senku…’ Gen thought to himself. He tried to think of anyone he knew by that name, none came to mind.
So he asked, “Who is Senku?”
“He, was the first of us to revive…” Tsukasa replied.
‘First? Don’t tell me…’
“He used his knowledge of science to create a formula to undo the petrification.” he continued as Gen took in this invaluable information, “That’s how he revived me…”
Gen couldn’t hide his surprise anymore.
‘This Senku person… revived Tsukasa? He created a formula to undo the petrification?’ The pieces started to fall into place...
“This man…” Tsukasa continued as Gen felt the man’s voice grew bitter, “His only desire is to revive everyone, no matter who they were…”
‘What? He… what? He wants to revive… everyone…?!'
“He’ll bring back the same people who ruined our world.... And they’ll make weapons…” Gen felt every word laced with pure hatred, as he still tried to take in everything.
“He was the most intelligent man alive, and that’s why I killed him myself…”
He saw Tsukasa’s eyes narrowed as he finished his sentence.
'He killed him…' Gen held back even his own expressions, 'He killed this Senku…'
When he first met Tsukasa in this new world, he was kind, considerate, gentle to everyone in the Empire and even to the animals. He would ensure that every part of every animal killed was put to use, even the organs. For Gen to hear him say that. For Tsukasa to kill another human being… he got even more scared of him.
Gen started to doubt himself. He wondered if there really was someone who could take down the Strongest Primate High Schooler. To kill the "smartest" man alive, as he called this Senku.
But even so, the fact that Tsukasa had to send him, a mentalist… to make sure that Senku is alive.
There was no doubt. Senku is alive.
He finally understood what he had to do.
Gen enjoyed it. He enjoyed experimenting and toying with the human mind and the limitless possibilities of the human psyche. He mostly used it for his own benefit and gain, but that's what the world, the previous world, taught him. To him adults were easy picking, even more so than teenagers and children. He knew as one grows older, the ideals and beliefs, and biases a person has learned will stick longer and thus harder to change or remove. Gen knew of this and exploited it to his heart's content. So it was child's play for him to figure out what had occured in this laboratory.
He asked Tsukasa if he could stay a bit more to inspect the area. The man let him, and asked if he knew the way back.
Gen knew the way back.
When he realized that he was finally alone, he quickly observed the area. He looked at the pieces of the broken jars, the stains on the floor and at the walls, he saw the various broken tools nearby. He then rushed into the tree house and saw the same mess as the lab. Gen saw this as a laughable way to make it look like they got scared and escaped.
Smartest man alive? More like the world's worst crook if he had ever seen one.
He remembered Tsukasa’s expressions, the hatred in his words and the shakiness of it. That was also obvious. Tsukasa was scared. Very scared. He only knew of Tsukasa as a fearless man who would stare down other fighters bigger and stronger than he was, and took them down easily. For someone to induce such paranoia and fear in him...
He has to know. He has to know who this Senku person is.
He just has to!
After gathering what he can from the area, he went back to the Empire. He gave Tsukasa what he could deduce from it, and said that he and his companions that he too figured this out from the tracks, that they probably dashed at around southeast to where the Empire was.
Tsukasa was impressed by him. He mentioned that the two companions were Taiju and Yuzuriha.
Gen faked a shock, well to everyone it looked like a real shock. He knew some of the bigger and heavier footsteps belonged to a heavyweight like Taiju, and smaller, lighter footsteps belonged to a woman, Yuzuriha fits that description.
Tsukasa explained to him that they returned after he had subsequently killed Senku and buried him in that direction. Gen was right it was southeast to where they were, Hakone (or it would have used to be considering the lack of any buildings).
He also mentioned that they were Senku's best friends.
That's what stood out the most.
Gen wondered to himself as to why they were kept under surveillance. Now it made sense, Tsukasa was worried that they might turn on him eventually. Even with the power difference, there was an instilled fear that Senku would come back for them and have a scientific weapon that could be used to defeat him.
That's what the mentalist deduced at least.
So Taiju and Yuzuriha were… no are Senku's friends. He filed that important tidbit for later.
Tsukasa had given him information that was more valuable than even he thought.
He was also told of a blond haired, blue eyed girl that seemed to have no knowledge of science and had a very primitive way of thinking. He was (truly this time) shocked to hear that there is a possibility of a village of primitives in that area, and that Senku might have made contact with them if that was the case. So now he had a destination in mind.
Hakone. Around a two day walk from where they were now. Gen didn't particularly like the idea of walking so far and so long, but his desire to meet this Senku was what pushed him further.
Before he left, he asked Yuzuriha for some extra materials and a cutting tool. Part of him wanted to tell them that he was going to see Senku, just to gauge their reactions. He knew if they didn't react to what he expected it, then it was truly confirmed that Senku is alive.
But he held his tongue on that. He didn't want to risk then getting caught on this mess.
Gen himself haven't really decided on if this Senku really is the person he was looking for. If he was the mystery counter. All he knew was that, he was a threat to Tsukasa's ideal world.
The smartest man alive vs the strongest man alive.
A typical brain vs brawn...
His journey was long and painful, especially since he didn’t wear any shoes. Along the way he picked up many nightshade flowers and stored them into various hidden sacks underneath his clothes. He even found many berries and even some small animals he could use to make fake blood bags for his own protection, just in case everything went downhill for him. He knew when to expect the worst. After all, he made a living from expecting the worst in people and exploiting it.
His journey took way longer than two days. He was exhausted, yes, but every step further was one step closer to meeting this Senku. He thought it was worth it.
From what he knew about the positions of his shadows, he had deduced it was around noon. He walked further and further through the forest, and that's when he heard something, music. He heard music playing nearby, he walked closer to the source, and saw it, clear as day. A village, built on two small peninsulas connected by a bridge.
It was the primitive village that Tsukasa told him about. There were primitives living in this area.
And in front of it was…
Well to his surprise. It was a ramen stand.
Gen approached the stand closer then was quickly given a bowl of said ramen by a child wearing a melon mask over her head. He thought it was kind of cute.
He felt a pang of hunger as he took a whiff of the bowl on his hands. It was a crude version of ramen that he knew, but well, he supposed it was still ramen. So he took a bite.
Gen nearly gagged from the taste.
He remained very quiet despite the complete awfulness the dish had. He couldn’t even call this ramen. He heard this was foxtail millet ramen.
Once again he nearly gagged at the thought of foxtail. Foxtail, was what the noodles were made out of. He could feel the grainy texture and the bitter aftertaste of the ramen.
It was ositive-pay awful!
But he heard nothing but praises for this dish. Gen peered to see other people wearing similar clothes like the one the melon girl wore. It looked like they were almost inhaling the ramen. It was a complete consensus that it was the best thing they've ever had.
That's one other thing that hits Gen.
He sighs and misses something way more than ramen right now.
One of them quickly asked for seconds and Gen sighed and realized with the stereotypical glutton man. He supposed that in any kind of era there's always a glutton.
Then his attention quickly changed when he saw the man at the stand itself, putting the ramen together.
His hair stood out the most, literally. Even at the year 2019, he would have easily stood out. He wondered if it's dyed or if he used any hair products. Almost every bit of his hair stood upwards defying gravity. To Gen he looked like a walking giant leek or bok choy. Then when he turned sideways, that's when Gen finally saw his face. He looked sweaty and tired, but his face is full of eagerness and pride, that admittingly seemed contagious. The most noticeable features were the two jagged scars that lined and bent up from his forehead down to this eye line and just below the eyelid. The Mentalist instinctively touched his own scar.
He remembered the explanation Tsukasa gave him. That these scars are just a side effect of the depetrification process.
Gen remembered the day when he saw his reflection at the river and saw the scar running underneath his left eyelid, where it turned to shape his mouth then went straight down his chain and his neck. To him this was a reminder that he was petrified and awakened. Which meant, this man was…
“Are you the man who made this incredible food?” He heard a young girl approach the man with such eagerness and obvious intent of flirting, “the one called, Senku?”
This green haired, prideful, obviously exhausted guy...
Is Senku?
Gen tried hard to cover his laughter. This was the man that Tsukasa, the strongest primate high school, was scared about? He looked physically weak. Everything about him was so lanky and skinny. It completed the giant walking vegetable set. Big green leaves and a nimble easily breakable stem.
He was….
'This was the man who wrote that date on the tree isn't it?'
He saw a familiar equation written on Senku’s outfit.
'Yeah… definitely the science nerd around here.' Gen chuckled internally, 'Who the hell writes that on their own clothes?!'
When the girl asked Senku what kind of girls he liked Senku simply answered this:
"A kind that would pump a ton of oxygen into my furnace"
Gen groaned internally at that answer
'And he's uninterested at romance. Like he's some sort of a Shonen protagonist…'
Gen managed to breathe and calmed himself in order to prevent getting noticed by the villagers. Senku had made the ramen for them. It was errible-tay. He could barely call this food.
'So this is what Tsukasa was talking about.' Gen just placed everything together in his head, 'This Senku is a scientist, through and through. He made the depetrification formula, he made this ramen, he has that silly equation on his clothes, he even has a furnace! I see why Tsukasa-chan fears him… but…'
Gen had to make sure. He wasn't going to just mingle with him and the primitives.
The blond villager girl whom Gen deduced as quite strong, and possibly the girl that Tsukasa ran into before, even expressed her displeasure at that answer. He wondered if she had some feelings for this Senku person.
The Mentalist admits that Senku is quite handsome. It was a shame to him that he isn't interested in romance. He would have loved to have gotten closer to him. But he supposed that he still has a job to do.
Well to everyone in the Empire of Might it was his job.
To Gen….
It was some assurance.
If this Senku is what he thought he was, that this Senku is the man that striked fear into Tsukasa's heart.
This handsome, nerdy, passionate man…
Might be the counter he was looking for.
Better strike while the iron's hot….
"Ah… this ramen is making me wickedly thirsty…" Gen admitted to himself, out loud for everyone else to hear. "A cola, would be great…"
And with that, Gen had Senku's undivided attention.
The Mentalist then went to work, fully analyzing this Senku to his heart's content.
Little that he knew what would happen later that within the past 3700+ years of his life, would change for the better.
'This is worth it…'
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could it be that no one else sent this before? ♛ - knights-queen and ♛ - mamachansenpai bc I wanna know your opinion about mama lol
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((You clearly hate me por quuuueeee))
@knights-queen​ @mamachansenpai​
my opinion on;
character in general: So as you and aoi both know, I have a huge bias for Arashi, as do I Izumi. Probably because those are the two characters I associate you both the most with, therefore bias. I mean they’re also just wonderful characters in general. So here’s what’s up: 
Arashi, from what i’ve been told is a narcissist. Very feminine, and I feel as though he’s also just like-- kinda dominant in a way? He may be very girly and stuff but he’s apparently pretty buff like dang child, CHILL. I’ve also seen art where he’s just yeah, large and in charge. The one I saw looked as though he was protecting Tsukasa from Izumi? I just look at that like //squints ‘does this happen often. Does Arashi get in the way often and stop Izumi from being mean to the Kohai? Eehhhhh???’ So pretty much this boy is a bit of a mystery to be tbh. 
I do know that he was apparently a lil shitstick in the past... supposedly. Though with a certain event, that apparently changed and he’s become the lil thing he is today. I believe he is someone who like, goes to many lengths for those that he likes? What was it, for a while he wore glasses because someone he liked did? Wasn’t it also that he joined a club because a teacher he liked was the advisor or whatever for it? Oh child. Well, From what I know, he’s a very lovable child, and though he’s a narcissist, he’s still pretty friendly, caring, and just a gentle creature until you piss him off. lol 
how they play them: So like, I only really know the enstar muses from like 2nd hand information really. So I can’t really say that I know them well. I’ve seen some things from the game so it’s like I have a few things to work off of. From what I can tell, aoi does well in making the guy a very lovable thing. I feel like his ‘higher than you’ kinda aura is a lil less? It’s like, as a narcissist, you have to see yourself in a high place and you kinda look at everyone like ‘ohhhh how cuuuuuuuuuute you all are~’ kinda high? I can’t really explain it well but I feel Arashi in age has toned down a bit-- however i’m very sure I only think that because I am speaking about the interactions with my muses. You simply cannot just walk up to Shugarl like ‘Awwwwww you’re so cuuuuuuute~~~’. I mean, you can, you’ll just die. So really Arashi had to adapt there, huh? I figure it’s similar to how he’d act around someone he had to respect like a teacher. Just a guess.
Now, when he’s interacting with other enstar muses, you see more of that. You see the way he kinda treats everyone like they’re really cute, or just sorta teasing them a bit. You gotta be in a high place to tease someone, you know? Arashi is also just really my pace about things, like the way he joins the track club to help him loose weight but doesn’t like to go too often because he builds muscle easily. Just a willful guy, honestly. You can still see that in aoi’s writing, especially when he’s dealing with Shugarl. The amount of suffering that model gave my guy. Amazing. All in all, I think aoi does a good job and appropriately changes things here and there according to muse. 
the mun: Ahhh I love aoi. We just talk a lot and i’m often indulged with all my shenans. I do love to be indulged. Let me be a troll and i’ll be happy. Let me be a angst magnet and i’ll be happy. Let me give my muses some happiness in life, and i’ll be happy. I also get sent cute videos and pictures all the time. Especially those of Arashi or Izumi. This is how you get my heart. Send me pictures of my biases. lol 
So like aoi always does their best when rp’ing. Arguably you can say that she can be a bit slow sometimes, but we all have our own pace. Sometimes people are more influenced by their moods and what not. Regardless, aoi does try. She also tries to keep things in line with her muses, and is also mindful of what the other muse will do. Gotta think reaaal hard when interacting with the Geripeta’s, ya know? lol aoi really just goes along with a lot of my BS which i’m always grateful for. Listens to me complain about life and just yeah. ... Yeah. lol Often tries to make Neo be a good girl by actually sleep or eat. A good friend. 
do i;
follow them: Yeyerp with them: Here and there yeyewant to rp with them:  ... yeye????ship their character with mine:  //ming. I mean... like... so like... he’d like that lol but I’m not going to let that happen lololololololololol-- So no.
what is my;
overall opinion: So pretty much aoi is a good person to talk to and bond with. An understanding individual. I’m a very passionate kind of person? I can get really riled up. aoi is a bit more indifferent, I guess? At least, that’s how it seems, but that’s not the case. aoi just doesn’t really show off emotion as strongly as a lot of people do? So that would be my word of advice to always remember. 
aoi is someone who will work with you and try to do things that will help you feel comfortable. If you have an idea, she will work with you the best she can to make your idea work out. Of course she will throw in her own ideas if she has any so it’s never just a one-sided thing. A very fair individual. A caring friend who looks out for you. If you are super emotional like I am, aoi is a good grounded person so she keeps me from flying off the handle a lot. Just talk to me and let me vent my frustrations by venting and then i’m good. aoi adores her muses and does try to keep on top of things though sometimes you know, you may not feel like it, or you may have lost muse.
Even so, she pushes through things, which is always respectable. All the muses are fun to read/interact with so I don’t think you’d be bored if you wanted to interact with em. Most if not all of them have strong personalities/quirks. you won’t be bored. A lovely person to add onto your ‘muns I interact with ‘list. 
my opinion on;
character in general: Did you mean, hello he’s a serial kidnapper? Okay i’m kidding (but seriously tho), this guy is Aesthetics. Neo loves the way he looks like hello there, come here often? Yeah? Well you don’t come round often enough, come around more will ya? I only know a few things about him from what you or aoi have told me. I know he used to be the leader of Ryuseitai or something, right? I believe he was Green? He’s now the solo unit member of MaM. 
Now, I do understand (sort of, begrudgingly) why he did what he did for Leo. I do, but at the same time I think about how it would look in the eyes of the public and it’s like dude, pretty sure in some ways, or even MANY ways that is illegal. Very much so. However, it did help Leo and it’s like... mnnnnn I wanna say ‘BAD BOY!, BAD JOB!’ but really it’s like a ‘good boy you helped a friend’. Still, like that way was like like WTF BOY???? 
I think he’s like what, a student who is constantly going on exchange student programs or something? Therefore he’s just always travelling? Like no one really knows how to reach him or where to like... find him? That’s really as far as I know. He seems like such a fun and loving character. He’s totally a kidnapper, but he does so meaningfully... if that... like pardons him a bit. Probably not, but hey. He’s pretty so I guess he can get away with it. No, more like this is people reading on with fictional goggles and everything is okay. With all honesty, it’s good that he knew what Leo needed and he took the time to help a friend out and help him heal. That’s a good thing. 
how they play them: Ahhh so like... I’ve been slacking so I haven’t really been reading all that much. After that one day I took off early because I wasn’t feeling very happy, I missed the start of a thread and since I came in like part way through I didn’t want to read bc I prefer to read from the very beginning. I can’t start from the middle. However, I’ve read a few sections of rp’s here and there sparingly. From what I can tell, he’s still the lovable and energetic guy that he’s known to be. Very friendly with all his friends and he seems like someone who is willing to lend a hand when they need help. I honestly don’t really even know much about him. I don’t really even know what his personality is like but I get the feeling he’s a lil weirdo, but a lovable one. If lovable is accurate, then aoi is doing a good job. 
the mun: I dun wanna repeat
do i;
follow them: Lol well ye, we gotta.rp with them: Nopewant to rp with them: Mmnnnn I’m totally up for it. We got so many threads tho and a part of me cries a bit with how much there are that I gotta keep track of.ship their character with mine:  Naahhhhh I’m not about to make this a square.
what is my;
overall opinion:  MORE REPEATS
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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