#i just kinda hate seeing that with keith idk it just doesnt suit his character
eddiethehunted · 7 years
#salty tags ahead:#listen...... i love the gay!keith headcanon a lot like... usually i hc him as gay too#BUT#i hate seeing ‘hes too gay to function :3’ like#i know... often its like just a joke like i know i do it a lot ill be like wow im too FUCKING gay to do this#or see a cute girl and completely shut down#i just kinda hate seeing that with keith idk it just doesnt suit his character#and plus can we stop acting like as soon as a character is gay (headcanon or not) thats ALL the character is#i see a LOT of posts that are like#lance: breathes#keith: oml imtoo gay for this 😩 jesus take the wheel😩😛#which is like. all fun and games as a joke#but some ppl genuinely like. lmao believe that#and actively perpetuate it???#i just find it insulting to gay ppl or lgbt ppl in general#irl if you redhce someone to only their sexuality its ugly and uhhh extremely fucking rude lmao??#but as soon as its a character its okay?#like no its not lol#keith could be confirmed bi/gay/ pan whatever and a good potion of the fandom would reduce him entirely to tht#portion*#and thats jsut..... really gross and dehumanizing lmao#Some People in this fandom.. you know the ones... are rly guilty of this with. any chatacter they hc as lgbt its :///#like idk a lot of the time its like theyre hcing w character as lgbt just to look woke but then thy go and completely erase the character#‘s entire personality and suddenly all they are is Gay. or Trans. or Bi. they arent people theyre just the token lgbt™️ suddenly#and ofc theres nothing wrong wifh those headcanons ifs when ppl make jt out as if the characters ONLY trait is being lgbt#idk im just tired of seeing that. it makes me feel like. yall dont see us as people lmao#salt /
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n3s0-old · 7 years
If you use your OCs (ill give them the title...space jam...) if space jam is normally in the voltron universe how would they all interect with the paladins + Alura and Coran?
space jam asdskdksjdfs
the more i think about it the more the characters seem a lot like the paladins lol....cept ASH their just a bitchy Coran
this got SUPER long so its under the cut, but i really enjoyed writing this lol
(keith really got the short stick in this tho cause i havent thought of anything plus i dont think hed really talk to them he doesnt seem like a people person)
He’d like Cirus for the most part, both leaders and level headed and protective of their kids team, but they’d probably fight for who was leader lmao.
If you’re a leader, ASH (especially after she was recently created) is a fuckin nightmare. They would never listen to him. How Shiro was with Slav is basically how they’d interact in the beginning. 
that being said, once ASH develops as a person (robot?) shiro would probably start treating them less like something he gives orders to and they execute, but more as an actual person (they kinda are, they do develop their own thought and ideas) 
Mala’s kinda skittish and reserved around new people but they’d bond over similarities, both don’t remember a lot of their captivity, got a cool white tuff, missing limbs replaced with weapons. they'd get along.
I honestly don’t know how he’d feel about Val? like he’d appreciate her smarts but she’s already cirus as a father figure but when he dies (spoilers for a story ill never publish lol), shed probably get really attached to shiro bc hes very similar to cirus 
Again with Aice idk how he’d interact with them....like shiro would probably train with them and would make sure they didnt get seriously hurt but theyve just got nothing in common or anything to talk about.
With Cirus, i feel like he’d remind her of her dad and so she’d be kind of distant from him at first and wouldn’t really interact with him. they would eventually talk cause cirus acknowledges that shes a huge part of why missions work and he needs to be closer with her.
Pidge would LOVE ASH so much. pidge would constantly work with val to upgrade and fix them and pidge would constantly interview them to see how they can have individual though when theyre a robot! shes so fascinated by ASH and surprisingly, ASH is really nice and protective of Pidge. 
ASH is programmed to care for those who are hurt, and because ASH can read people like a book, ASH quickly learns about her missing father. ASH and Pidge are the new platonic power couple of the group.
She’d probably be just acquaintances with Mala. Kinda like Shiro and Aice, Pidge wouldn’t want Mala to get hurt and vise versa but they just dont really know each other (and are okay with leaving it at that.) 
She’d admire Val. After all Val literally built her new bff so...jk pidge really does look up to val and they talk about techy and science shit a lot that only hunk and coran can follow.
Her and Aice would connect over small stuff like being so far from your family, and their love for creating stuff. Aice would teach pidge how to sew for sure (Pidge would want to know how to make fabric based casings for different robots and aice knows how to sew soo)
Honestly with all of them I don’t thin keith would be super close with any of them.
Like he’d talk with them about interests that aline, Aice with training, Cirus with leading, Val and ASH with technology. But beyond that theres no real connections.
(this might just be because im not a huge keith fan so i dont bother to give him connections lmao)
He’d look up to Aice and Cirus, they’re both super strong and amazing with guns. The three of them would bond over cool downs after training, getting food and chatting. He knows a surprising amount of information about them because of said food and chat sessions. 
He asks Cirus to teach him to sniper and how to spot angles etc. With Aice they just train a lot bc theyre both long range.
He tried jokingly flirting with Mala once but noticed she left and was super uncomfortable so he went to go apologize and they talked and he learned a lot about her too.
what im trying to say is lance has a skill for reading people and can relate to literally everyone 
he went to go look at the stars one night and found val overworking herself so he invited her to go look at the stars together and they bonded over that fact that they both miss their family and home. 
Val promised to take lance to Ashara sometime because its a lot like Earth, its 85% fresh water, 7% salt water, 5% rainforest, and 3% beach.
lance cried, so did val
He thinks ASH is super cool but they fight a lot. someone who gives out every idea they have mixed with someone who only narrows down what the consider the ‘best logical plan’ would not get along most the time.
Same with pidge, he fucking loves ASH. he sometimes joins pidge during her interview sessions with ASH but just asks random questions rather than pidges statistical ones.
“whats the one stop tool to fix a broke cooling system?” “a contermator” “dont know what that is so im gonna say youre wrong, its a wrench!”
loves cooking with Aice and again, they train together a lot because, again, both long range and they teach each other their different skills. aice teach hunk how to clean a super computer cooling system (aka ASH’s room), and hunk teaches them how to fix a ship. 
He doesn’t talk much with Cirus or Val. Again, cares for their well being but they just don’t have much in common to talk about. 
Val does teach Hunk a lot about ASH’s system tho and sometimes joins him and pidge during their time working on ASH.
He tries to teach Cirus to cook but that man is hopless.
SPEAKING OF COOKING he hates malas godly bread skills.
how does she NOT know how she does it? she doesnt have a recipe???? nothing! JUST GODLY BREAD!
jk he and mala bond over cooking, hunk again tries to teach mala how to cook and she learns pretty quickly (isnt as good as hunk tho) but whenever she tries to teach him how to make bread it never turns out as good ;-;
Cirus is happy that hes not the oldest one anymore. Both Coran and Allura are sure Cirus is altean because of his markings so Coran’s first idea is “Im now this boys father”. Coran likes telling him about altea and in return Cirus tells him about the different planets he been to during his time as a soldier.
a family can be a ten thousand year old 50 year old and his 27 year old kid
Close with Val and ASH. ASH is honestly intimidated by him because they know hes a really good mechanic and might even have been world knowledge than her. Val and Coran like talking science shit and build little things together.
Once Val told Coran that he reminded her of her uncle and then that dived into where is her uncle/family, so she tells him basically her entire backstory (she kinda snaps it was a long week) and after that Coran adopts another kid
He doesn’t talk much with Aice or Mala but does enjoy their company, claims his cooking is better than Aice and has gotten into a few self defense debates with Mala, but they dont know much about each other.
Like Coran thinks Cirus is altean (backstory to that i have a headcanon that the altean race survived but theyre kinda hanging on by a string because i dobt every single altean in all of the universe was on altea the day it was destroyed. allura and coran survived why couldnt have others?) and she enjoys telling him stories of altea like coran.
she hates ASH so much and nobody blames her. ASH tests her patients a LOT and disobeys her authority a lot. Allura tried convincing Val to just program them to be nicer but Val wants them to “become their own person and grow” 
allura thinks thats bullshit
she then convinced cirus to convince val, it didnt work
she and val are pretty close, they like talking about their families and lost planets together (Ashara is still around, it’s just hidden and few have access to it) but they do fight over ASH a lot for the aforementioned reason.
Doesn’t really talk to Mala, Mala’s not a huge people person and is also very cautions. Mala finds it hard to beleive the princess of a dead planet from 10000 years ago is still alive so shes kind of untrusting of allura but allura is willing to give mala some time
She likes cooking with Aice and Hunk. Because all of the paladins dont have any other clothing asides from what they left earth with, their sleep clothing and their suits, and she and coran are they same way, she and Aice decided to take clothing requests.
they made everybody new pajams, some more casual clothing and 
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