#i hate seeing ‘hes too gay to function :3’ like
gonetoforks · 5 months
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Introducing; Yuichi Usagi-Cuddles!
There’s a slight typo in his basic character bio, (first, grey image) other than “yuich,” his family in America lives in the part of the hidden city under Jersey. He lives in Jersey. He’s a Jersian. So in terms of leosagi, it’s gonna be an enemies-to-lovers comedy-of-errors muahahahaha!!
More (a LOT more) info about him as his own guy under the cutoff :D ⬇️
Basically; He’s a silly guy! I feel like his kinda buffoonish, embarrassing personality in canon is simultaneously PERFECT for Rise’s writing style & grievously underrated in fanon depictions. So he’s this clownish type of character, haha.
Okay, time to go hyperfixation mode.
Adhd & his stubborn attitude;
He has ADHD! Executive function issues makes it hard for him to start tasks & manage himself, so he relies on his teams (the Mad Dogs when he’s training & the Rise equivalent to his canon friend group on his own time) to not only instruct him, but also hold him accountable & keep him on task. He’s body-doubling without even realizing it.
Although, he resents the things he does to accommodate his disability. He doesn’t notice that doing the things he does genuinely helps or why so he thinks he’s using them as a crutch because of incompetence. Every time he gets stubborn and ignores the things he needs to do, he crashes and burns. When he was new in town with no teacher & no friends who liked martial arts, he became a huge sad sack until the kraang invasion.
His character arc is about being able to rely on other people & accommodations. That relying on a bit more help than other people doesn’t make you incompetent, choosing to seek out the support you need so you can do your best is the true mature thing to do. I was inspired by canon Yuichi’s struggles with paying attention and Rise’s themes of cooperation. (& also my own experience with adhd and learning with executive function issues & junk)
Relationships w/ the turtles;
The Mad Dogs agree to let him like, intern with them? So he can see what it’s like to be a vigilante, they offer him advice and they occasionally go on low to mid-tier missions with his help. They take him on cause they think more heroes and allies out there, the less work they have to do haha. Also, one of the writers mentioned a season 3 would have them adjusting to being ~official heroes,~ I think this would be them trying to be “real.”
He’s closest friends with Mikey out of the whole group! (Adhd solidarity) Then it goes Donnie -> Raph -> and finally Leo (for now muahaha)
I tried to give Leosagi an interesting dynamic with constructing his character like this; They have similar insecurities from drawing self-worth from technical capabilities that they can develop past together, but Leo is clever and calculating about it vs Yuichi being rash and impulsive. So like smart x stupid but they’re the same actually.
His Family in Jersey;
He speaks english fluently because he’s visited his American family frequently his whole life, they’re very close. He has an accent though since he mainly speaks Japanese.
I haven’t fleshed out this concept enough, but I think members of his jersey/Cuddles half of the family would be spoofs of characters from the original yojimbo comics, implied to be reincarnations? Except Miyamoto ofc. (i’ll explain later..)
Reusing the ninja orphans plotline from the original show, his family utilizes their cute appearances to run an orphanage too. They wonder why this Chizu lady is constantly showing up with unhoused children, but they’re just grateful they’re safe now.
Everyone in his family HATES Mrs. Cuddles, they all think she’s in prison and are happy about it. She might’ve given him that scratch on his face.
He is gay.
Thank you for your time.
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mustafa-244 · 2 years
Switch with Uncle Mitch Pt 1.
Hey everyone, I haven't really written anything in a while so let me know if you enjoyed this one and I might be motivated to finish a part 2 or even part 3.
I was hanging out at my family reunion this summer when a unique opportunity presented itself to me. I was staying with my parents for the summer while on break from college. I wasn't particularly looking forward to the get together as it was an excuse for all of my relatives to get drunk while I was going to be stuck as the babysitter. It was rough because I was old enough to be the adult in charge but not old enough to legally drink yet.
My Uncle Mitch had other plans for my weekend though. He was my dad's older brother, owned his own company, amd I admired him because as a gay man myself, it was nice to see that he was able to find love with his husband Gary. It gave me hope that one day, I'd have a partner of my own too. Little did I know at the time that I'd be part of that marriage before too long.
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While everyone was mingling, my uncle Mitch pulled me aside and offered to let me have a bit of his beer since he knew I got the short end of the stick here. He had finished most of his beer and I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to drink while underage. While I was still 19, my parents weren't the type to bend the rules even at a family function.
I happily accepted and quickly drank what was left. When I looked back at Uncle Mitch to thank him, the weirdest thing happened. I was looking down at myself. When I started to speak, I noticed my Uncle's voice come out of my mouth. I quickly reached up and felt a beard--my Uncle's beard on my, or his, well I guess its my face now.
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My Uncle explained that he hated these reunions and thought that I might enjoy being a real adult for the weekend, enjoying his cigars, drinking, and being treated like a man of stature. He had found an expensive potion online that promised to swap the bodies of any two people who drank it and made eye contact. Mitch wanted to go have a weekend of fun in a youthful body, so he figured that at worst he'd have slipped his nephew a drink or two of beer at a safe family event, but at best he'd have a weekend as a hot, young adult.
I looked down at my new self, and felt my cock get hard in Mitch's suit pants. With Mitch's blessing to take over his role this weekend, I was excited at the idea of being Gary's husband and what I could get up to.
While my 'nephew' wandered off, I noticed the vial of potion he spoke about in my new suit pocket. Considering how much I've admired Mitch's life, I might decide not to swap back at the end of the weekend. We'll have to see how much fun I have.
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froot-batty · 1 year
for asks… pls I need to know more about your Ozzie. Like. Anything
( also hi! You’re so nice btw ! )
i've been trying my DARNDEST to go as fast as possible to finish his ref just for this ask but unfortunately i just don't have the time tonight. HOWEVER, i can give you the wip, and some more fun facts....
(i'd give you his whole backstory, but i don't have it typed up/fully fleshed out yet :[)
((also thank you !! you're very nice too <3))
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i got about as far as frantically lining ozzie. whoopsie
i'm gonna be honest, i don't have a toonnn written down about oz just yet. so i'm just gonna be going off the ref for the time being
-as i said SOMEWHERE, ed was the one to design and build oz's trick umbrella (gunbrella) and his trick cane. not only does it have the obvious twist-and-pull knife at the top, but it's also meant to look deceptively delicate and fancy. in reality, the actual stick part of the cane is HEAVY, and can easily crack skulls if need be
-relating to that, oz is actually like wickedly strong. his fancy clothes, pretty face, and missing leg trick people into underestimating him, but he is fuckin BUILT. his favorite party trick is having people bet on whether or not he can win an arm wrestling contest with the biggest, most muscled-up person in the room, and then collecting all the cash when he breaks the other guy's hand
-the pocket watch is a gift from jervis! jervis' nickname for him is the duchess, which oz absolutely hates. why does he have to be the rude, ugly one with a pig-baby?
-oz's messed up eye is from getting attacked with acid. it makes what he'd later to do harvey ironic
-that plague/masquerade/gas mask up in the corner is a gift from jon! because he's an ass, jon gifted him it after ozzie getting fear-toxin'd, specifically made to look similar to jon's. oz hates it, and wouldn't wear it, but he's more afraid of getting gassed than he is petty
-the gunbrella is based off of this insane combination of a gun and an unbrella hanging on the wall of a very weird couple who gave house tours. while i don't think it's real life inspiration was functional, this one IS. the cloth part (i don't know the name) is bulletproof and semi-see-through, so oz can hide safely behind the canopy while shooting. ed was paid handsomely for it
-he's gay and trans, along with having intermittent explosive disorder. my freak old man
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papakhan · 6 months
Character Ask Game: 2, 6, 10, and 29 for Boone. Go on, be a hater. Unleash it. 👀
oh my god i think i reblogged that meme back in January and only just saw these I'm Soooo sorry :'( I will do them now as well while I'm here. Also thank you so much for enabling me to be a little hater <3
Character Asks
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
I mixture of 2 things made me into a true Boone hater. No.1 is When I first played New Vegas I thought the Khans were kinda wack, not really evil but I didn't really like them either. Then I got the line from Jack about Papa being "a softie at heart" and it immediately made me rethink them. And me being more sympathetic towards them made me question the rest of their treatment at the hands of other characters in the game, one of whom being Boone. No.2 was seeing how wack his fans were about defending his actions and how much they will make shit up about him to justify his actions. Like idk I saw fem!courier number 8784589 loving stroking Boone's arm and tearfully say "its soo sad you were forced to kill those raider children but don't worry I forgive you" and I just snapped ig
6. My least favorite ship of them
I hate Manny/Boone with a firey passion for real there is a special place in my heart dedicated to hating that ship. I just hate everything about it, Manny's conflict with Carla is interesting enough just stemming him being from a poor family in North Vegas and her being from a more well-off family from the Strip, you don't need to add romance to it to make it more ~spicy~. At no point does he even allude towards being in love with Boone, he's just pissed off because he hates his besties wife. I hated my bestie's boyfriend and it wasn't because I was in love with her it was because her boyfriend was a prick. And I feel like there's a lot of people really into it who don't really seem to notice the connotations they're cooking up. Like seriously can we not have the canonically gay brown/latino man be the spiteful jealous ex-lover who is trying to steal the poor innocent white soldierboy away from his loving wife guys cmon do these people not know how bad this makes them look. I'm gripping these people by the shoulders and shaking them very hard. Anyway I hate it so much let my OC fuck Manny instead <3
10. Describe the character in one sentence
A boot-licking war criminal who learnt nothing and who gets too much credit.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren’t?)
Awful. Not only is he emotionally constipated but he's also former military, basically a marine, so I think he'd just order his kids around and be like :/ when they don't do what he says. And that's me being nice about it, I've had plenty of ex military men scream in my face as a child for crying, I don't think he'd be that bad but he wouldn't be good. Maybe it's hot take but I don't think it is considering he shot his own wife and also countless Khan children so I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think he doesn't take any special considerations when handling kids. He'd expect them to function as NCR recruits or would just ignore them <3
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
I might be generalizing but a difference between Jikookers and Taekookers is many of the latter can't really look beyond their OTP.
I was recently asked how I would react as a Jikook supporter if Tk turned out to be "real".
I said I would support them. The Tker was taken aback. But why be so shocked?
I don't think Tk is a thing but... but if I am wrong and they hypothetically come out as a couple, as a fully -functional adult, LGBTQ rights supporter and ARMY I would support. Anything else is unimaginable.
In fact I would support if they come out with any partner unless ofc they are underage or something
Any fan theories or conjectures about dynamics are not important than the boys happiness.
You are better than me I would have thrown rocks at OP🙂
If Tae koo- quick punch to their throat now their gagging and choking on their own blood
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I can't even assume hypothetically that that ever be the case because that would require a level of madness I can't bring myself master.
I'm sorry I don't have it in me.
Several problems with that hypothetical situation-
1. To support that I would have to reconcile all the nasty things Jikook have done with eachother out here onto my sanity and then proceed to gaslight myself into believing it was all nothing.
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2. Then thinking it was all nothing, I now have to glare at Tuktuk with this wild and uncomfortable secret at the back of my mind knowing very well every time Tae is away Jungkook would be up in them rooms clapping JM's cheeks
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Naa I really would have to hate Tae to support that for him. I would.
He deserves better than his alleged boyfriend and soulmate frolicking around in the sheets behind his back. Jikook would be a true primetime villian if that was the case.
3. To support his alleged romantic relationship with Jungkook, I would have to constantly drag Jimin and rant and cuss him out whenever he does something fishy with Jungkook cos he ain't about to disrespect his best friend's relationship on my watch...
But it would be a cold day in hell before I do that 🙂
4. I don't subscribe to this whole menage a trios kumbaya polygamy relationship people think is going on with them.
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If Tuktuk were real jikook wouldn't do the things they've done in front of Tae. It would have been disrespectful and morally indefensible on both parts. Especially for Jungkook to sneak into Jimins room at dawn when he is bored. Yall don't think that is problematic if Tuktuk is real?
I know tuktukkers don't have no respect for Jimin and Jungkook but have some respect for Tae💀
A modicum of respect. A pinch. A dot. A grain of respect and I promise you they wouldn't be saying shit like these.
When he tells yall to get out of your imagination this is what he means.
Every single moment we celebrate of Jikook blows a hole into that ship it sinks right down to the bed floors of the sea.
And by support what do they mean? Celebrate them?
Absolutely, we all gon celebrate them send them the generic congrats message on Twitter and twerk a little bit out here cos GAY. But support????????
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Support in this economy? As a PJM/ THV/JKK stan????????????
They don't lost their minds.
Listen, I can't even bring myself to support Tae Jennie what about me makes them think I would be able to support Tae and Jungkook BE REAL😫
I would like to see Vmin kiss one day, bring all that tension into a climax but I would not be on the front lines carrying their plaques if they decide to come out to say they are a couple too.
After everything Jk has done for Jimin it would be wicked on my part as a JKK to throw my weight behind VMIN if ever they decide to date eachother too. Just plain wicked.
My love for JK wouldn't allow me to do that. My love for JM wouldn't allow me to and my love for Tae wouldn't allow me at all. I would feel so miserable, my conscience would bother me to death.
It's that simple.
Tae deserves better. Jk deserves better. Jimin deserves better. And let's have some respect for them damn.
When you break it all down and ask yourself in what ways you are going to support their alleged romance, that's when this whole shit starts to Crack.
But of course I see what you mean and I understand where you are coming from. Love is love and if you made a mistake in assuming Jikook were the couple when they weren't then the right thing to do would be to fix it and support those who truly deserve to be supported 💜
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How do you measure your top and bottoms? I will likely greatly regret asking.
oh HIIII @diamonddung~<3<3<3!
why yes. yes you will<3 i never did get that answer on fiona's nick valentine % <3 tho you may need to amend billy's % lmao<3<3<3
as a bonafide too queer to function lunatic and multishipper who *hates* catty supremacist false dichotomy fandom bullshit because of all the unnecessary problems it causes (you know me, lmao, bit of another psa in here i guess given multiship tags and yes, i am still upset about the thing with the artist)? ya know i'm a little out there and not quite with the 'in' crowd of the chunk of cis het women who take party~ in the shipping world~<3 no shade, but it does tend to change one's perspective. i do feel there's lots of shipping discourse that may miss the mark/certain character elements in favor of...
well, normally just plain ol' over-sexualization from some horny ass people lfmao, (homie's scene with doppelhomie is a good example, the trauma presented on his face was ignored in favor of the selfcest fantasy, but in antony starr's words, homie wasn't interested, he was traumatized :((() but also unfortunately... echhh i gotta say it!
hetero-normalizing gay ships and then treating the kink presentation like a goddamn religion... the amount of times i have those 'are the straights okay???' moments are just...
LMAO, all in good fun of course<3 let's not kink shame.
it's fine to have different kinks and discourse, disagreements over how you view characters or what you like, even be enthusiastic with your own views and shout them out to the heavens~! it's *NOT* fine to try and police, dehumanize, or discourage others from enjoying what they like just because it's *different* from you and they exist in a *shared* space.
friendly important reminder to *ship and let ship*, *art and let art* however that may be. even if i don't like the way a ship is presented or voice how *i* personally feel about it, i would *never* try to or even have the gall to tell someone *no, you can't do that, my way or the highway*
It does NOT *exclude* you to *include* others. It costs nothing to be *nice* or simply DNI. This is NOT a dichotomy. Fandoms do NOT need additional toxicity and bullying over something so *trivial* as fictional bullshit. EVER.
"i don't like bullies... i don't care where they're from." ;)
anywho~<3 i love top/bottom exploration because i have a very bad BAD~<3 dominance kink, but switching definitely gets the most downplaying/ignoring with a heavy focus on... mmm, i suppose often, more superficial elements half the time and i'll admit some of mine def are~ lmao nose size. and i don't say that to dissuade any writers, young or old. i say it to *encourage* moar deep diving<3<3<3 and even questioning the way you might think/listening to new perspectives~<3!
we all start somewhere and have times of exploration/learning~<3 learning moar and challenging yourself? that's a *good* thing<3<3<3 but sadly, not always valued (it should be!) :(
but apart from canon dynamices/character depth/personality to the best of my ability/understanding? the long answer is ANAL GAPE~<3
among other things, i'm sure that makes no sense whatsoever<3 because some other factors do get thrown in. intelligence because i'm a morosexual and LOVE big dumb tops<3<3<3, practicality super anuses are a death trap to not be played with however super phalli~, and weirdly... nose size. i'm not kidding!
yeah i know some idiot out there told me nose size is apparently related to phallus size and testosterone levels OH WAIT-- but oddly enough...? i think there may be some kinda instinct there LOL, because it seemed to registered in my brain the same way i registered my top/bottoms for the most part, even *before* learning that...
and i *swear*... i'll come back to this shit cause it's hilarious, but even in fanart, you'll see many artists subconsciously/purposefully give the guy they want to 'top' a bigger nose... even if he has a smaller one. ;)))))))))))))))))
not the nasty version ya nasties~<3
it basically boils down to... how big of an ASSHOLE is this asshole... just wide do those booty cheeks spread with the level a disrespect-- how *badly* does he *need* a good railing and prostate MMPH~<3<3<3! or even spanking~<3 how much of a control freak is he? how stubborn~? how far do those bitchy manipulative little devil vibes go~<3<3<3 what does he *want*? really want. figurative dick energy? is he compensating for something? is he in need of, holdin' out for a hero~<3<3<3? how so? how far from the goal of expressing positive masculinity are we and why? just how toxic we talkin~? i'm slippin' under<3
what is the outward presentation being given vs. the one he gives privately/with those he loves? there's a pretty big difference sometimes and it can say a lot. naturally gentle doms like kal-el or steve rogers i see get mislabeled for that old thing, 'mistaking kindness for weakness', so to speak. but as a general rule, they say that in the bedroom~ people actually tend to give the opposite of what they present in their day to day lives/'those with the most control of their lives are secretly the most submissive' or something along those lines, and it makes sense that things would manifest that way when you think about it. (ironically learned about this *after* learning my kinks)
a good example would be billy butcher, who gives the outward presentation of being rough and ragged and 'in control' wannabe logan, but is extremely soft, caring and submissive with those he loves<3 contrast with homelander who has had ZERO control over his own life from day one and *really* likes it rough when he gets the chance and--
boi lemme tell ya hwat--
it's a number of things, lmao, and the calculations in my head are automatic and will not make sense in numbers. so.
i don't think i need to explain much on anal gape when it comes to scott summers, lex luthor, bruce wayne, tony stark, and especially... *especially* billy butcher.
but lets not forget the added morosexual aspect~ which *can* even override anal gape! so let's go over what every one a my tagged ship bottoms might be saying to their big dumb idiot animal tops being DUMB<3<3<3
scott: *glares violently*
lex: *glares in pure bitch trying to hide the horny*
bucky: steve... what the fuck.
tony: *hard eye rolling and harder cuddling*
bruce: . . .
charles: ERIK!?
billy: *as he takes off his clothes* why... are you a brainless cunt?
pay no mind to homie's indignant huffing with a side of horny in response (somebody find me that goddamn meme lmao<3), and brucie might still be processing clark's stupidity lol<3
it's funny tho, cause i have competency kink too~<3 and i love me a good boi team up/learnin' as we go~<3<3<3
practicality? pretty self explanatory... way back when... dc gave us detail on the urinals of the justice league and pretty much confirmed man of steel, woman of kleenex (my favorite<3). i could not make this shit up-- (thanks btw dd for sending me this shit now i HAVE to share it)
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so. given that we know superman's piss stream is strong enough to *dent* reinforced titanium steel when *weakened*--.
do i really have to say much about his sphincter? it makes diamonds, it makes fucking diamonds, do not stick anything up there unless you wanna lose it forever.
from a practical sense, i never like making it *easy* for clark~<3 to bone someone lmao, it's just too fun<3<3<3 (blue k is always an option of course) but also... he can vibrate it (along with his fingers and tongue), he has infinite stamina. and he has no refractory period... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
homelander is much the same, maybe with an added *lack* of control and def a bit moar scary leik, might deliberately murder you scary but STILL--
you could not fucking *PAY* me to miss a goddamn chance for superweiner--
not sure i wanna think about what martian manhunter has... but i'd still let him do whatever to me, honestly<3 he'd be the BEST gentle dom i *swear*. like he'd literally check in and politely ask on you instead of reading your mind and check for any discomfort and be SO SWEET and tender and caring, making sure you're okay the whole time and just genuinely give you an experience you're never gonna forget leik<3<3<3 J'ONN~<3! HHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3
oops... ignore that--
and as for nose size~<3?
well~<3 OBVIOUSLY i want my bottoms to be getting the best they can<3 i SPOIL the shit out of them! of course we NEED the guy with the bigger dong nose to top, they should be havin' a grand ol' time~!
but back to that artist thing and genuinely, genuinely amazing. it's almost like a guarantee and i don't even know if people are aware of doing it, but it is always so hilarious and adorable to me. *especially* with billy butcher, the star of the anal gape show<3<3<3
"they just can't get my nose right!"
and of course no shade/disrespect to the actor (his nose is so goddamn cute<3<3<3 and i love it<3) or any other actors, or artists, but even *becca* (her nose is also cute and i love it~<3) had a bigger nose than him. seriously. homie's nose is fiiiiine~<3 but also actually bigger and longer. and it's just... ALMOST *guaranteed*. anyone who sees billy as a 'top' while drawing him *automatically* gives him the bigger/longer nose... and it just blows my mind how amazingly consistent that seems to be LOL (apparently like the study done on noses and weiners!)
what does that say about us, i wonder...?? (no seriously, i really wonder<3) adamant denial~<3 maybe? ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
billy boo does have the biggest eyes tho~<3<3<3
and apparently, did look it up... but it works inversely with bmi?? which... 100000% explains willem dafoe<3<3<3
it ALSO pretty much... confirms show homelander as their very own willem dafoe/norman osborn... and i never thought i'd have it THIS down bad for osborn but i can't with the things that does to me-- I'VE BEEN CONVERTED!! like the boi *already* is confimed *HUGE* canonically. *by BILLY* in the comic!
but by the gods--
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down to the lovely eyes, scary smile, and psychosis. so it is that history repeats... hello mad daddy~<3
god i need to watch dafoe's spooderman again<3
I guess billy boo is now confirmed to be actually *compensating* for SOOOOOO much--
welp. i guess this explains why billy called himself an 'alpha male' unironically which i will never let him live down~<3 he already has the biggest gape i have EVER seen on a character. EVER. like. this boi. has enough gape to fit a goddamn planet up his ass. let's be generous and say that show boi billy is just at moon level. but it is still just. HUGE. which i guess makes homie just the perfect match for him given the willem dafoe vibes--
and honestly... it's beautiful<3
and the best part about billy is just how *self aware* he is of this. he postures to high hell and plays the part his dad would want him to, but he knows it's a goddamn problem, *addiction*, *hates* it, and spends his life looking for *solutions* and *self punishment*...
that's homie baby~<3
billy considered becca his *cure* (if the clear cut submissive role he took with her wasn't enough<3<3<3 SO CUTE<3<3<3) but *homelander* is the *replacement*. his *last resort*. cut my life into pieces--NOOOOO--
goddammit billy boo, i *really* do feel for you, i do... but lemme translate what billy butcher is *actually* saying in both the show and comic in going after homelander. cause lemme tell ya it ain't just revenge...
*destroy me, eviscerate me. because i am afraid of what i will do if you can't stop me. and because you took away the one who could save me, you owe me this and i will take it if need be.*
because there's *one* thing that billy fears, and he's had the ability to say it, even feel it... beaten out of him. but he almost always fully goes into battle *not* intending to come out of it. he *wants* to die and he hates himself a whole lot... and he knows. it's the thing his father gave him, the sickness he passed on that billy never wanted but can't control. but this would also be why he gives no fucks about 'collateral'.
even if by force or violence, billy wants to fail, he wants to be held down, he *wants* to lose, he wants to get knocked back down until he can't get back up anymore. he sure as hell isn't gonna make it easy for anyone, that's not in his nature, but he knows what happens if he can keep going.
billy knows he's a monster, but he is preconditioned to never control it. he sees the kindred monster in homelander, preconditioned to be *under control* but slipping through and vying to get loose... but homelander, despite everything *still* has control... billy wants to see it break, he *needs* it.
ugh~<3<3<3 yes, i know i am redundant with this shit<3 but it's just SO poetic<3<3<3 i CANNOT--
even season 3 evidenced their dynamic and dug in perfectly. scorched urf? the candle's fuckin' lit. herogasm? 3 on 1. ONLY A BRUISE--. billy, bloody smile~ comes back for more? billy gets his ass kicked by the dad on his own and only *maeve* gets anything done to homelander... who doesn't want to kill her, so he holds back even if she won't.
"i respect what you are even if you don't--."
got. damn...
but homie? he's the last lifeline, and he's tied to *both* sides of billy. and a people pleaser<3<3<3! who's also too dumb to get what's going on with billy, not that he'd care if he did... who's at the same time caught and curious by billy's obsession and the mirror between them<3
homie wants and knows how to please people... not just because he's been trained for it or a clear cut service top with dark~<3 elements<3<3<3 or because he wants the feeling he gets from their approval/admiration. very typical of a narcissist lmao, but also because of the added vulnerability that he is easily manipulated/exploited by the women in his life, not realizing he's a victim or being groomed/manipulated.
even the uh... *moment* he had with stillwell, she exploits his trauma and desire for a mother so directly that he just totally loses it and profusely appologizes. he's aware of how to *please* someone if ya get me~<3 ;))))))) (by the apology given at all) but he's *not* aware that she is abusing/exploiting his trauma in this way *because he lacks empathy for himself/has never genuinely had it given without some sort of exploitive exchange*, sort of opposite of billy in this sense too. poor dumb baby~<3!
what's really extra hilarious and ironic is that stormfront is pretty much what a lady billy would be but nowhere near as good as manipulating as him
but all homelander has ever known is the *examples* set before him by vought. and it's... quite obviously not a good one... :(((((((((((((((((( but he's *not* aware. billy is much the same, but he *is* aware. hence the deep buried cravings to be *free* vs. fucking approval ratings in homie, and *controlled* vs. lack of self control in billy... goddammit the fucking POETRY<3<3<3
so? it's just more of the same old same old. and homie loves, LOVES not having to hold back once he gets a taste for it... with *stormfront* no less... but *also* from billy in a different sense and now... beyond. still ADORE how he went flaccid on the nazi rhetoric lmao even this boi has his limits<3--
"let's light this candle--"
it's already fucking lit--
... you know full well how excited i get, lmao<3 and ya DID ask<3<3<3 XD
everyone else (to homelander): don't be what they made you... please for the love of fucking gawd, PLEASE--
billy: be what they fucking made you motherfucker, i wanna fuck FIGHT and see everything destroyed. i'll wait.
stormfront: be what we fucking made you, i wanna fuck and see everything not us destroyed. i won't wait.
but the short answer? i go by % of willem dafoe energy, the *CORRECT* answer is WILLEM DAFOE<3<3<3 (not to be confused with norman osborn... unless willem dafoe<3) DUH~!
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WOOO-- goddamn... and i ain't even done yet. i spend WAY too much time obsessing over these fuckers, i SWEAR.
and ALSO the ladies~<3 are tops. all of them. ALL OF THEM. NO EXCEPTIONS-- lmao, KIDDING... maybe<3 (i might do another one going over mah lady~<3 ships<3<3<3 cause this got long... and i did get carried away with butchy and homie... of course i did. but you know how i love them<3<3<3)
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princessmo · 1 year
ok im HATING im gonna be a HATERRRR under the cut so do NOT come at me. i think my meds are wearing off and i'm mad about shit that doesn't matter (it's b&bh ship opinions. i'm not trying to start shit i simply want to bitch)
1. so glad i haven't seen any beavis/daria shippers on here. let's keep that up
2. i fr will neverrrrr understand why people ship butthead/daria. idc that there are occasional bits that imply he likes her bc SHE HATES HIMMM and she's a dyke and in a relationship with jane. she literally only spends time with b&bh because she sees them as a fucking science experiment; she's doing that thing popular girls do where they adopt autistic kids as pets. she doesn't want to be their friend, she wants to put them under a fucking microscope and find out what's wrong with them. she wants them dead and she didn't give half a shit when she thought they were! this is all spoken as someone who loves daria btw
3. beavis and butthead are gay and in love and literally married. they're horrible and i love them and every woman on earth is too good for them. they should only ever be with each other they literally cannot function when separated for more than 5 minutes. they do not need to infect anyone else
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niccerooniererer · 1 year
Sadly not all, as sadly I can't spare enough thoughts for everyone sorry
Disaster bisexual
Has a thing for gnc reckless idiots (he doesn't realize it)
Scared of thunder
Romcom fan
He's easy to scare, horror gets him easily
Stronger than he looks
Only thing he's smart w is his bow
Particularly oblivious, yet easily notices tension between other people
Insecurity. Basically canon
Tends to push himself w training due to that
Becomes even more stupid when nervous, tries to break tension by doing the dumbest thing he can think of
Cuddly. Loves warm cuddles. Affectionate
Used to be real popular at school (yeah I hc he went to public school)
That's where his insecurities started because people always wanted the best of him
Veeeery sincere
Thrown a certain someone on a MOAB before
Afraid of heights
Shitty eyes, shitty legs
Cane user
Huge interest in flying, reason he made his drones
Used to be good at hacking
Kind of blunt but not in a rude way
Occasional weird word choices which make him sound a bit weird
Tends to swear in french more
Picky eater, fast food is really not his thing
PDA makes his stomach turn. Most he can handle is unobtrusive tail to tail touch
Probably the most closed off about personal life, very professional
Unexpected friendship with Gwen (not good) she gives him ideas on some really funny things to say, as even with all that professionalism he loves jokes
Snorts at puns which he hates, unless the pun was in french
Occasional gamer
Gay and french ??! Pick a struggle dame !! /Silly
Also hc him to be aro-acespec, this guy has a hard time getting romantic feels
Past with Ben, used to date him when they were working in the same place, separated because life pulled them too far away each other
So bitter when they meet again. But it was hard to say no when in private Ben came to him sobbing, apologizing and trying to save what they had. He gives in, love wins <3
Gets cold easily, hero that gets sick the most
Has a strange amount of love for outdated memes
Since he knows Ben is more up to date, just to spite him, he would print out the oldest memes he can find and hand them to Ben randomly
He would also hand these to others as well, just to see their reactions, it's like his unofficial "research"
That is a whole lesbian right there
Knows Quincy was into her at some point but doesn't really mind it. They're friends
Talking friends, she's big time besties with August (my oc, you'll hear a lot about him if I let it out of me), being awful hazards together n all, almost getting each other banned from the battlefield for getting so careless
Fire related puns and jokes. Canon basically
Has one of those kiss the cook aprons for when she grills
A bit of an anarchist
Gets REALLY excited about all sorts of destruction, not just fire
Girl that loves breaking rules soooooo much
For this reason she has a weird amount of fascination for natural disasters and the like
Has a competitive mutual gay thing going on with Sauda and Brickell. Hard to tell what the relationship there is between the 3 but it's def queer
Mullet Gwen mullet gwen
Kinda queer that would beat up homophobic bullies for you
She tends to pick fights like that a lot
Tho the good part because of that is she has a lot of passion
Literal streamer. In breaks or chatting streams he plays fnf mods
Has bought a maid outfit before because a charity donation goal being reached (he rocked it)
Has a complicated but tragic relationship with crypto and nfts
That's a functional bisexual right there, mostly functional
Bit of a flirt but only to get what he wants
B…. Boob (sorry)
Always plays a support character in multiplayer games, just like how he is
Vocaloid fan
Has done weird things for really big donations before, he regrets
The kinda guy that actively keeps up with trends and tends to have opinions about them
Due to said opinions he had to do apology videos before but he just never learns
From desk job to secret agency worker who was managing huge amounts of data with programs he built himself
Said work really pulled him away from someone he really really loved
Imagine his surprise when he saw him again. Looking hurt
Can't lie with a straight face, tries anyways
Dry ass eyes from staring at his screen too much
Also carpal tunnel moment. Etienne sometimes appears in his streams to yell at him to stretch his hands
Works well under pressure, which is why he got to be the code monkey hero
Used to support "creative" algos (what we usually call AI for some reason but it isn't really AI) until he saw how people use them
Commissions artwork of himself from time to time. His demeanor about being drawn always gets him a discount since he's "such a joy to work with"
Do you guys also remember something about him living in a cave
Striker Jones
Kinda dad, literally canon
Keeps bubblewrap in his pockets for when he stresses out too much from battle
Usually laid back about it though
Etienne and him working on jokes together is a worst case scenario/silly
Likes to tell jokes, especially puns to Obyn because it really annoys him
Yeah one of his love languages is making you angry <3
Can sure work the grill
Loves to read non fiction books and long realist novels
Non sensical but due to some mishearing lines, there was an Emo Lady in his life once who he doesn't think fondly of (the way he says MOAB sounds like emo lady)
D… dad bod. That's all
Has reading glasses
Augaghaaughah woman
STRONG, can throw you if she so desires, her height doesn't stop her
Had the biggest leather jacket phase before getting really into her navy look
A lot more laid back when off duty
Not too fond of jokes, doesn't really get memes
Big fan of wlw manga and shoujo in general
Knows her history, was one of her favourite classes too
Was a great swimmer from a very young age
Even went to competitions, tho she didn't get too far with that
Very just and fair
Though a great liar, playing poker with her is Hard
She could just stare the truth out of you, like, it's deadly, it's like she sees into your soul
Generally not one to dress down, girl loves her navy ass outfits
The manga guy, we already know
Engages with all sorts of genres since he's curious about all the culture he can learn, along with morals the stories hold
Commissions artwork of himself a lot, also how he has manga about himself at his house (that lives in my head… why would he do that)
He is short, his battles 2 self does not exist to me
Big fan of cosplaying
Most likely to hop on Ben's streams time to time
Very strong, as he should be
When he feels like it, he arm wrestles with Sauda and Brickell when those 2 aren't too absorbed in each other or Gwen
He is Etienne's 2nd most regular victim of bad memes, since he always looks so devastated
When people don't know about him that he's into manga, he has a harder time easing into talking about it, so he'll always start w the most normal thing, as if he didn't see food porn the anime (I don't actually know the name of it)
Probably the best hero to sit with in silence and do nothing, or read if you get bored
She is so cocky and oeperfect
God she is so so strong
Can't swim, like at all
She's great and she knows it
Can get annoyed if people can't keep up with her
Due to that, she isn't always the best to work with, as she's not the biggest team player
Often gets approached to help design cards (like an invitation card or what's it called) due to her pretty handwriting
Loves to play fight, her love language is holding you down until you tell her to stop
Loves to tease, especially if she thinks you're weak
Cut her hair on accident once while practicing with her swords
In general she has accidents a lot, it mostly happens when she thinks she's simply Too Amazing to mess up in the moment and then she does
Has been patched up at least once by most heroes
When she gets tired or tipsy, she gets really touch starved and kinda begs to be cuddled. She denies this
She does get tired a lot as she trains a lot
Not really someone who likes silence and peace, but those few occasional times when she feels that way, you really can't bother her
When she gets sick she also gets cuddly and needy (not good)
That's my dad he's a wolf
Very caring and loves his druids so much
He tends to hold picnics for them, sometimes the heroes as well
Although a dad, jokes have never been his thing
And does Striker Jones take advantage of that, 2 opposing forces, like their own weird kinda foreplay or something
Gives 2nd best hugs from the heroes
He goes awoo, it's a habit he can't shake off, he will awoo at the Moon sometimes when he forgets he shouldn't
Tends to call the druids his pack
They love to be his pack
Probably the hero that has seen most of the world, bit of a traveller
Considering he was raised by wolves, he isn't sure of his origin. Also the reason why he travelled the world
Also I know he's just an oc, but that's when he got his lil guy, my lil big guy CC who is worryingly tall and strong while being 17 (that's what Obyn gets for mingling with someone who isn't a monkey lol)
He loves being a dad to especially orphan druids because at least if he didn't have one, he can be just that to others
The best with children
Loves the horror, draws the horror
Loves to "jumpscare" people during halloween
Loves to dress up for it as well
Her morning routine involves reading a good horror short story
Has resting bitch face
Has rancid vibes. All cuz of the curses
Big big fan of silence
Loves to see the big bloons fall, that look on her face she gets when they do
It's like she gets pleasure out of murdering them
Insults from her tend to hurt more because she curses her words as well
I know I said this before but she would be a great William Afton, to me
Let her be unhinged is what I'm saying
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
for blorbo bingo I desire your opinion on gay clown nikolai, liddol guy mika, and/or babygirl genius architect kaveh <3
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he was having a girl moment
unfortunately. his silly swag caught up to me and before i knew it i was excited when u started liking him dhdhshaj
understandable i think. he'd let me maybe
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MY SON MY BABY. i can fix him. and by that i mean he can stay in my teapot and i can work out a custody arrangement. or hand him over to kaveh
mikas got like a lot of problems that i think everyone like. overlooks. he doesn't want to be a burden more than anything, and is seemingly terrible at saying no to people. him and noelle are plenty similar in this regard, the only difference being that mika is a member of the knights already. he's not just socially awkward, but cares about the reputations of the superiors he represents. he's not just shy, but is terrified of making himself a burden to others. in almost every voiceline he has he says something like 'i wont drag you down' or 'ill take some weight off your shoulders'. in his wounded voicelines he says he'll be fine or alright. in his gift 3 he says he'll finish eating the disgusting food because you went through the trouble of making it for him. in his about mika V he says he's fine with whatever anyone thinks of him.... AS LONG AS HE'S NOT CAUSING TROUBLE FOR ANYONE. mika is also an incredibly intelligent man! hes the ONLY person who can use the mapmaking gadget he has with ease. why? because, and i quote, "This function can greatly improve the accuracy of a map, but regrettably, everything else — including the statistical information and calculations regarding the terrain in question — has to be computed in the user's mind". Mika is constantly doing mental calculations to use this gadget, and he's the ONLY surveyor who can. Also
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his issues regarding wanting to be completely confident in what he says lest they reflect badly on varka and eula are sooo me fr fr
mika my son boy
i cant live normally now that i know abt him. i cant look at him the same. hes not just the nerdy sounding little german boy hes a guy to me
theres so much lost potential in not having him in more stuff. just like heizou mika needs more events. i honestly thought he'd be a focus in weinlesefest because thats where he was introduced but???? they didn't??? it makes me so fucking angry. also i want expanded venti mika friendship
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why does everyone think that he's like. the dumb one. he's literally equally smart as haitham, and is stated to have the closest understanding of true wisdom. in NAHIDAS WORDS. they also dont understand his mommy issues. his father may have died but he lost his mother that day too. and he'll never have her back. hes was doing the emotional labor in that relationship and then she left him!!!! she started a new life in fontaine!!!! her last bit of family, her son, wasn't able to make her happy anymore. was he not enough? do you understand
its less they dropped the ball of kaveh and more they dropped the ball on haitham. which fucks it up for kaveh. if haitham is always right when we see him then we dont see how kaveh reflects and improves him. and if kaveh always loses then of course he seems dumb :/
kaveh 💕💕💕
i can. i can do it watch me
hes literally gorgeous???? stunning???
its less that I hate him and more that im so concerned for him. i fundamentally can't understand why he'd pour his all into the palace of alcazarzaray despite everything else. id kill him for that. which is why hes so fucking well written
you understand
see: point about haitham
stares at you. stares at you. stares at you.
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randomshyperson · 10 months
Heyoo so I haven't watched that one lol is it good? I've seen a bit about it but haven't given it a chance yet, yet I have seen France, Spain, DRUCK (and very excited for the fic of that one ngl 🤭) and ofc the OG, have you seen the Spain one, it's one of my favourites frrr also can we get a little sneak peek of the other story (if you don't feel comfortable that's okkkk thank you so much for sharing your work with us 💕) also can I be 🐜 anon?
FIRST OF ALL, GO WATCH WTFOCK SEASON 3! Like, their Evak season is one of my favorite versions, Sander is such a sweetheart, he's the best Even, boyfriend material. And all the characters were allowed more screen time and plots, remember the girl that Isak tries to date in order not to look gay, and the only function the Original (and most remakes) gave her was to be the annoying girlfriend? WE HAVE THE SUPERIOR Noor Bauwens. She's just so-
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I'm too gay for this.
I can't speak about the entire Wtfock. The 3th is really good, but I haven't watched the other two. Also, a lot of people hate the 4th and I never watched. The new season is nice, I've been busy to follow them, but the couple has a lot of chemistry and it's WLW so I'm down for it. All episodes are available on Youtube, which is a super bonus.
But yes, I have seen Eskam. I love Crisana (and cris season is so fun) and I was never able to get over my crush on Joana and that's okay. I don't like the first season much, but love the girl's squad dynamic. Also, their Noora/Vilde Season is something else, right? I feel like the put on a lot of things the fandom wanted to see in the original.
I think I have seen at least one season (or a few episodes) of each remake. I didn't follow them all, since the first four seasons are the same plot, but I have seen them all. My favorite was Skam NL, and to this day the fact that they got canceled haunts me. Skam Italia is amazing, all seasons! The characters have incredible chemistry and they changed a lot of the dynamics, it makes it feel like a new show. AND I LOVE DRUCK, are you kidding me? Third-best after NL version, they have the best chances into the storylines and the new generation is just superior to anything the others tried to do it (I'M TALKING TO YOU SKAM FRANCE). And we have Transgenders Characters falling in love, talking about the subject and it's so so beautiful. BTW, I like Skam France too, but they broke my heart with Maya and Lola breaking up so I'm not on good terms with them.
I hate Skam Austin and can't believe they approved that.
I don't wanna share the story because I'm always changing it! And I have dozens of drafts, and none is usable haha But I can say that the main inspiration will be the healthy versions of Noora/William. Sorry, but the original one is just not it for me. I loved Nooreva too much and hated William. Plus, Noora literally gets sick from anxiety while dating him, so nope. Not gonna work. Lucky for us, Skam Italia and Druck gave us healthy versions of this couple. I think Edoardo and Eleonora are the main inspirations, but Mia and Alexander are incredible as well. I could put some references to Skam NL as well, since Liv and Noah are very sweet and I feel like the closest I could be to a William is the Noah Sad artist version.
I can't give any spoilers for the druck fic because I want it to be the best one, Kieutou is my favorite skam couple. I'm gonna invest some extra time into this one.
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solavelyan · 1 year
3, 5 & 22 for choose violence!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
lkaj;fdsf god. i think the most recent one was someone speculating on why of all the inquisition love interests, blackwall isn't as popular, and one of their guesses was that people don't like him as much because he's available to dwarves and qunari. as if people are so comically "prejudiced" against dwarves and qunari that the love interests that will fuck them are somehow tainted. that was pretty fucking stupid.
but one of the ones that really stuck with me was someone who said that... if you dislike cullen, you actually hate drug addicts in real life and you're a bad person. as if that's the only reason he might not be your favorite. pffff.
5. worst discord server and why
the one i'm not in anymore. :3
okay but realtalk, i'm not quite high or brave enough to give a specific name, but i will say that i think it's easy for writing-focused discords to get into a sort of feedback loop that it turns out i just really don't enjoy. some of that is definitely me, but i think i have similar feelings to some other people who were on the same servers as i was and left (the feeling of some spaces being a popularity contest, being unsure of how genuine feedback was at any given time because it could feel transactional, just not necessarily vibing with the sort of unspoken preferences of the group wrt canon interpretation/fanon/etc.).
i also just don't like servers that get above a certain member count because they're too active and i feel obligated to read everything and know everything and then i get anxiety lmao. my ideal server size is like... somewhere under 100 people, probably realistically somewhere south of 50. so that's just me.
most of my fannish group activities before 2022 were either just out in the wild on tumblr, or RP circles in IJ, so i had a bit of a discord culture shock after keeping to myself for so long. and i will say that while some people who are loud about being "live and let live" and being open to other people's opinions are being genuine, functionally... yeah, any contained group of people that gets to a certain size is going to start emulating the behaviors of wider fandom, but in ways much more specific to the driving personalities of those servers.
so you end up with some really wild, overly dramatic discussions of "fandom problems" that functionally only affect the 5 people having that discussion and the maybe 3 or 4 other people that got under their skin about it, so you end up with takes like... well, like in my last question, proposing that a straight white man love interest in a fandom historically pretty friendly to straight white men must be unpopular because he's marginalized somehow, and not because his competition was Ex-Templar Fandom Has Been Thirsting Over Since DAO, What the Fuck Do You Mean That's Freddie Prinze, Jr.?, Charismatically Voice Acted Gay Magic Man from Cool Fantasy Rome, and Tragic Elf Man Ianto Jones. people were just not as into burly bearded dilfy types in 2015 as they are now. it's not a mystery, but if your fishbowl is curved enough, it sure looks like one.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
oh, this is probably small and silly, but that bit of flavor text at the beginning of Inquisition for the human pc mentions that trevelyan is from a huge family with close ties to the templar order, is the youngest child of multiple siblings, and was expected to go into service to the chantry, either as a templar or in the clergy. i've seen a lot of religious trevelyans, but i rarely see them portrayed as templars or chantry clergy or something. i'm honestly really surprised, given how popular some of the templar npcs are, that we weren't awash in templar ocs during inquisition's heyday.
i don't mind feeling relatively unique (i think i've only seen one or two other templar trevelyans but that's about it), but this is one of those things that always surprises me when i'm the only one rocking up with an ex-templar oc in a given group. they're so interesting! i would totally read someone else's take on the concept.
[ from the choose violence ask meme ]
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eolewyn1010 · 2 years
Yes, I have in fact ended my reblog spree for today (I think), and now on to other matters: My weekend <3
Bavaria sure has A Landscape(TM). Granted, my usual route every week goes mostly through Brandenburg which is just kinda. Flat. So it ain't much of a contender. But anyway. Bavaria in winter. A hellhole to travel through, but what a beauty.
Sänk ju for träwwelling wis Deutsche Bahn, I guess? Germany, get your shit together and invest money into functioning public traffic services. Yesterday, I spent nine and a half hours on trains (some of them not the ones I had planned to go by) and freezing my ass off at stations, waiting for a replacement bus that never showed.
Statistically speaking from my personal experience, when people older than 50 are on a train in a group, they will have atrocious manners. No trace of basic politeness towards fellow travellers. I'm "young people these days", and I was behaving better. Fascinating.
WHY IS FOOD IN MUNICH THAT GOOD?? Like, it's expensive, but there's expensive food in Berlin, too, and it tastes like ass. I order an expensive meal in Munich, and I wind up not regretting a cent. I'm baffled. And I wanna eat there again.
Apparently, everyone can iceskate but me. That's probably a gap I should fill in some day, but I don't enjoy pain, or cold, or wet, and my sense of balance is really underdeveloped. It looks really nice from a distance tho.
Munich's internal train network makes way more intuitive sense to me than Frankfurt's.
I met two people I've only ever written with so far in person for the first time, and I think they didn't hate me! Yeah, the anxiety corner of my brain was there in the beginning like, "you're so annoying!", but I managed to convince it that, if they actively hated spending time with me, they probably wouldn't bother for so long to pretend otherwise. And then I had a good time! I had legit fun! In the presence of other people! Who knew!
Thermo tights are my best friends. Lovely thermo tights. Dude, what a German winter. I could swear we haven't had Weather(TM) like this in several years.
So. Much. Architecture! I wanna have a piece of Munich and take it home with me. Pretty pretty houses. And parks. Etc.
The receptionist at the hotel greeting me like, "Servus", me instantly going, "Hallo" - peak awkward stranger syndrome. If I'd had time enough to out myself as a Saxonian, I probably would have done that, too.
As for the actual Thing(TM). Well.
The Thing(TM) is a reading performance of Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol on stage, and I was only looking forward to this for half a year or so.
The lighting? So goddamn pretty?? They don't do very atmospheric stage lighting in the theater where I used to go with my school as a kid, and I didn't really have many opportunities for other theaters as an adult, so... mind = blown. It was really just a reading performance, but the lighting alone took it a huge step closer to a full-on play.
The MUSIC. Oh my god. I'm reasonably sure they never strayed far from that one Christmas song, but, again, all the things they did with it built out the storytelling way beyond "two guys reading out a well-known story on a stage". Mind = blown again.
The two guys? Yeah, they just happen to be the actors of two of my favorite characters of all time, and there they were live and read-acting the shit out of this story. *squee*
We were, like, five meters away from the stage? We got so great seats, you guys. We could see their performances so fucking up close. Nothing evades my eyes!
I know I'm biased because of my dumb little shipper heart usually having fun with their Tatort characters, but was Christmas Carol always that gay? "His partner" this, "the only one who grieved for him" that, "he was Marley's only heir", that dramatic "JACOB!" yell with hand reaching out to him, and there was the comment about his co-apprentice from way back when having had a soft spot for him. Okay then. You kids have fun. So did I.
Miroslav Nemec performing Ebenezer Scrooge - yeah, I was told before that he was the weaker voice actor out of the two. So I was not prepared for him going to town on Scrooge's facets and development and all that he tries to conceal and all that just bursts out of him. The fears, the joys, the attempt to appear cold and unfeeling when confronted with a break-up, the genuine love and worry he shows early and late in his life for various people. Yeah, no, that was awesome character work.
Udo Wachtveitl playing Basically Everyone Else was. A treat. Like, he believably speaks the role of an excited 8-year-old! He has all the gloom and doom of dead Marley - and then injects a dose of ridicule, just because. He's very grave about his roles in one moment, and the next, he stumbles in belatedly as the Ghost of Christmas Present, chewing a snack on stage. Or running into walls. Or making sounds I didn't know a human person could make. So many voices that he can just pull off. Boy, I hope acting this is as much a joy to him as it is for the audience to watch him.
We met Miro Nemec afterwards. And he was in a hurry, he had a cab waiting, but he still? Signed our stuff? And was super nice? And not impatient for a moment? He even asked if he should use another pencil and try again because he wasn't sure the signature on my photo was visible. I can't believe I've met the actor of one of my favorite characters in the big wide world, and he just has the audacity to be a huge, kind sweetheart.
That is all I can remember for now, but. I don't regret a thing; this was the best weekend I've had in a long-ass time. What a highlight. I don't often do highlights. This one was spectacular. So much love goes out to my accomplices this weekend, and so much gratitude to everyone involved in the making of this performance. (Miro gets a little extra love just because he's a sweetie.)
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plushyuicorn1158 · 1 year
gay little demons and their modern parallels
oh the autism is strong with this one. i've been watching good omens for 3 days nonstop and have so many thoughts so heres a block of text about queer things/trauma response parallels in good omens
crowley/azraphael are very obviously portrayed as good/evil foils and like we got that. however i make the argument that not only are they foils they also portray the roles certain people take up in modern society so crowley for example. hes the "bad" one. he's the angel who fell and therefore he must be terrible. but we see so clearly his want to be good. it's just shrouded by the demands of his society. so when looking at him as an alegory for queer people/internalized homophobia, he takes on the role of the self hating queer. someone who knows he is queer, who has been hated/bullied/demeaned for it and he internalized it and believes it is a fundamentally bad part of him. he tries to run from it however his true nature tends to peak through. now lets look at azraphale. he takes the role of the resilient queer. someone who can see the damage being done to his fellow queer people but he believes in the "few bad apples" fallacy. if he can just get the few bad apples out of power than everyone will be able to be their true selves and be happy. he is the idealist whereas crowley is the realist. and even though he himself has been damaged by this, he still believes in the goodness of people and wants to fix it so as far as queerness goes, crowley is a queer who desperately wants to let himself love but he has been taught otherwise. azraphale has been taught that a few bad people don't make all the rules and whats important is that crowley and azraphale need each other as balancing points. where crowley is untrusting, azraphale is there to show him that people can be good. and when azraphale is inevatebly harmed by awful people, crowley is there to comfort him. so while they foil each other they also need each other to function in society and the way it functions
because crowley is the quintessential black sheep to azraphales golden child. azraphale believes he is the mediator. he is the fixer. and if he just tries harder he can fix everything. theres some grand gesture he can do to fix it. but crowley has accepted the fact the he is inhearently awful, as hes been told. crowley doesn't think he can fix things and he doesn't want to. he is very much a flight person. the minute something happens that threatens his worldview or challenges his perception of himself he runs because the person he truly is, is vile and harmful and he doesn't want to take the chance at vulnurability and this is shown clearly but also subtextually crowley has bright yellow eyes with slit pupils. so when he goes out into human society or is around people he doesnt fully trust he wears dark glasses. and what we see is that he takes them off around azraphale. even when azraphale isnt there he takes them off in the bookshop because he feels safe there. and so this pattern of behavior makes their final confrentation all the more painful. because he bares his soul to azraphale and when he feelings aren't returned the exact same way, he assumes he's hated. and so, after this massive breech of trust and vulnurability, he puts the glasses back on. he puts all his walls back up because the one person he thought he could trust with this has let him down he is so broken, and this moment is his desperate plea to azraphale to see him. to love him. and azraphale does, in his own way. but not in the way crowley understands. and because theres such a breakdown in communication, azraphale thinks that his action is showing crowley just how much he does love him
but to crowley, it says the exact opposite
and theres this moment of dialouge i wanna draw attention too crowley says "you can't leave this bookshop" and azraphales response is "oh crowley, nothing lasts forever" and its this moment that really shows how they fundamentally understand and misunderstand each other and i'll tell you why what azraphale is saying here is that nothing lasts forever. what he means is that the bookshop is just material. earth and heaven and hell they're all temporary. but this, him and crowley, this is eternal. he is going back to heaven and he is taking crowley with him so they can carve out a new life together. he is going to fix things and give crowley everything he's every wanted and they will be happy. but thats not what crowley hears. what he hears in this moment is "nothing lasts forever." nothing will last. he hears azraphale saying that this thing they have, that means more to crowley than any material posession, is nothing. it wont last. he hears azraphale choosing the system that has harmed him and cast him out and made him feel worthless. and now, the only thing he's allowed himself to love in 6000 years has turned their back on him. has given into the system and betrayed him
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anonil88 · 2 years
The White Lotus Ep 5 and 6 Liveblog
Episode 5 thoughts
Tanya is annoying but I hate to see these men con her and belittle her.
The way this couple is looking at Harper is oooo its hot as fuck. Aubrey is so fine too.
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The opera scene is actually very sweet but I am still suspicious of this man and his whole group.
Oh they are broke.....damn tonya you are about to be "had".
That is a ginormous secret that Daphne just dropped. Whew lord they better hope that secret doesn't get out because they are in a dysfunctional but happy stable marriage.
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"Uncle" or uncle? Cause he has been giving me rent boy since this group showed up together.
Albie might be an actual nice guy but he screams incel at moments, other moments he just seems like a sweet boy trying not to be like his dad and granddad.
I think Lucia is going to have a fiance or something because that guy was like.....hmmm. Oooo or that could be her brother and he is trying to be like "be more discreet".
Episode 6 thoughts
Can these four fuck already cause they're drawing out this jealous power play, and I don't want to come out of this show hating either Daphne or Harper. We as a society really do love a deranged woman.
I want Mia and Lucia to have the best life ever because they done so much for this hotel and only one is being paid.
Ethan is hot but man does he got some serious resentment bubbling against Cameron. It is kind of funny that he was so "IM NOT CHEATING" only to turn around and start thinking his wife is going to petty fuck his "friends". (He definitely may be right based on Cameron's past but I need him to take a second, collect himself, and then bring it up. Oh wait but then he'd have to take his wife's approach.
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This 3 generation men trio being turned away from a matriarchy mirrored household is pretty funny. Its even funnier because they may be blood related.
Ethan is bugging! Daphne and Cameron are messy and full of lies but they are really functional. They also clearly do care about eachother whereas Harper and Ethan don't even seem to like eachother. Sexual attraction aside in ep 1 and 2 all he did was talk down on what she wanted to do on the trip. It was pushback from every side and he was the one person who could be like "oh honey that is a great choice" without it seeming ingenuine. I wonder why they got married.
Not these gays about to set Tonya up with a boy toy and snow ❄. I hate it because this group seem to have alterior motives. British boy is drowning himself in alcohol to prepare for whatever meanwhile killing Portia's mood.
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Not the replacement ending up an actual creeper.
Boyfriend? Fiancee? Ughhhh oh Valentina is hurt. Hey at least the receptionist is a little aware that it hurts but still wanted to celebrate her birthday.
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Ethan has mur der in his eyes. 😭
Granddad realized he might be a bad person after not getting what he's been searching for. The comfort of a woman. 😂 someone has mommy issues for sure.
That's a very pretty martini glass. The stem is so skinny and the bowl/cup area is so thin as well. Very nice glasswork or prop pulled.
I thought for a second they weren't actually going to have a party/a gallery. But they didn't lie about that at least.
A gun? To a blizzard? Oh Tanya please be careful.
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Is Valentina not out out? Ohhh she's just never done that. Mia is actually being very sweet albeit forward about this.
Lucia and Albie actually really do like eachother, even if this ends up just a trip romance.
Valentina looks so afraid and Mia is like let me give you a birthday gift.
Jack is a rouse I think in general and especially now getting her to stay away from the villa, but he also being an obnoxious United fan so he should probably sober up.
Ay Valentina get you a lil something something on your birthday.
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Not Ethan making up scenarios, this is going to end up so so bad. Especially with all these statues that provoke the mind and expose the truth of everyone's intentions.
I wonder how much of what is happening to or being told to Tonya is false and how much is true.
The reddit super sleuths were right, like how tf did they even catch this all those previous episodes. Albeit that is one of the weaker storyline this season, the Greg or Carl dude Tonya shacked up with in season 1.
Boy toy just out here in his birthday suit but I appreciate that he's taking the gentle approach with Tonya.
SERIOUS! Can someone identify the painting of the woman with the dagger?
Oop not Jack spilling fucking tea. I hope Portia a. Helps Tonya see the light and b. Stops complaining to this boy so it can't be used against her later.
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Ep 7/Finale next week woot woot. My prediction is its Cameron, Ethan, and then a red herring. Trailer is looking mighty spicy for the finale. Also, I like that the Italian actors are getting their own moment to shine in certain episodes for their character development and we get to see their post show bts talk back. "All the characters are tragic and funny."
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I'm gonna. Show you more blorbos. I can be normal.
👇 this meme made by lovely mutual @/prince-gallade. Society hates Yomotsu's ambitions 💥💥
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Transmasc Yomotsu real he got the pussy and the dick he's so slay.
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We see Yomotsu's sexiness with his. Canonical, in the visual novel, Future Diary the 13th Diary Keeper, very big buldge. Look at that. SOMEONE DREW THAT. SOMEONE MADE THAT HAPPEN. I SURE WONDER OF THE ARTISTIC INTENTIONS BEHIND HIS SPRITE. And also him with no ass. We get two Yomotsu ass shots in this VN....... How interesting...
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Here's Takao in the visual novel, can't believe they made him ginger in the VN 💥💥 Anyway he is so goofy ahh and unhinged I hope he gets betrayed and crushed under rubble... Eheh....
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And here's Takao in the anime art style, the only time in this art style where he smiles !! (This is from a gosh darn card game eidbjsbd) I hope he dies 5 times more. What a silly smile. I hate it.
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Here we see gay people unable to properly communicate their affections for one another, truly a sight. Losers. Perfect material for a miscommunication fic. Eheh.
Based off PinnochioP's ねえねえねえ.
(Here's also an ENG cover I really love for this song..)
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Autism creature Yomotsu :) yippee my silly guy... Yippee....
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This one Takao art which derives from the classic Yuno Yandere pose, which you might have seen before. Ahh Yuno.. but this isn't about her this is about her greasy 30 year old teacher and he is so so okay and can function like a normal human being. He won't get heavily and unhealthily attached to anybody. He's a professional man. Ye.
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Bald Takao to curse your soul. Sorry. I hate him too. My bestie used him in a science project once.
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That's a lotta blorbos...
I am going to remind you of them in your notifs when I inevitably rb one of your rbs and tag it with the blorbos. >:3
i love how you are about them LOL and the fact that you probably just had these images at the ready makes it even better
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ventoaureomii · 2 months
redoing this
about me :
my name is miisha but i also get nicknamed as miimi , mii and miishmish , my pronouns r she/her yes i have dark red hair and pronouns ,, and i’m 🧡🤍💗. my main interest is jjba and my fav is obviously narancia , i have adhd so it’s my hyperfixation and i will talk ab it constantly . i also a few mental health diagnosises due to my trauma so my blog is fully a safe place for anyone suffering like me . usually i only shitpost , hornypost or jjbapost but sometimes i will mention that stuff as a joke pls dont be uncomfortable it’s how i cope bc it’s FUNNY also pls laugh at it
leo sun , aries moon , leo rising , leo venus , scorpio lilith
notable stuff : i have bpd , adhd and psychosis spec and suffer w ana since i was a child on and off and it’s currently back sadly . i’ve had anger issues since a child and had to have years of counselling and anger management to counter it . psychosis / psychosis spec isn’t psychopathy at all PLEASE educate urself on differences . i talk ab my trauma and mental health past so tw for : sa trauma , grief , sh , suicide attempt , grooming , substance abuse for me and others , daddy issues in many ways?? idk how else to describe it without trauma dumping bc it’s deep😭😭
jojos :
my main interest is jojos bizarre adventure so i have to do a big section on it:
fav characters :
1. gyro !! : love him SO much
2. mista + narancia + fugo : they are all me esp fugo
3. caesar : my first fav jojo character, gotta stay loyal
5. iggy : love that dog
honorable mention : rohan , kakyoin , avdol , okuyasu
fav part : part 5 obviously and part 7 bc sbr peak , but also part 2 , idc if there is no stands the hamon stuff in that part was cool asf
fav stand : purple haze bc fugo not being able to control it to represent his anger resonated to me so hard and it made me UPSET but also killer queen bc looks like a cat , pet cat plant inside , BOMBS😁 but also golden experience requiem bc wow
fav jojo : ,, what if i told u my fav jojos were giorno and jolyne , you bitches are sexist bc jolyne is amazing and u just hate her bc you’re all gay and wanna see buff men . i’m 🧡🤍💗 and wanna see a pretty woman so we even out but jolyne hate is not wanted i love her not just bc she’s a woman too . ppl who think giorno is boring can’t talk bc they have the personality of a wet paper towel he’s so likable and golden experience requiem is one of the coolest stands ever
fav jobro : gyro + caesar , my favs zeppelis i’m a zeppeli wife
fav side character : obviously narancia , fugo , mista
other interests :
im tradgoth but i listen to a lot of music , a LOT , i’m almost constantly listening to music bc it helps me function , i like kpop unfortunately but i love sm genres but i’ll start at kpop bc it’s most long . my fav group and main ult is shinee but i also ult nct and loona and my biases are : key , jinki , taeyong , yuta , hendery , kun , jeno , sion , heejin , haseul and hyeju. i also listen to hyperpop (dorian electra , charli xcx , sophie kind not cringe kind!!) , metal , rap , vkei 💗💗 obviously goth , and very occasionally pop . some of my fav artists are literally any goth music it’s my main , dorian electra , charli xcx , sophie , mejibray , dadaroma , kendrick lamar , ken carson , lil uzi vert , amy winehouse , dio , king crimson (ha jojo ref but they’re good) , victoria monet , megan thee stalion but obviously also artists of my other genres . but don’t support any wack shit ppl did
ive always loved music , i used to produce music w my cousin when i was younger and he also got me into bands like slipknot , mcr and more when i was only 7-8 , i’ve produced edm but i also know how to play electric guitar , he taught me when i was 8 and i’ve played since . i’ve also been rapping since i was young and when my (other) cousin passed away i made it a mission to be as good at rapping as i could for some reason bc i used to show him me rapping . i am very passionate ab music
i love horror content like my fav movies are saw movies , pearl , x , martyrs , terrifier , tcsm , sinister . i also like horror games like outlast . i also rly like youtube analog horrors and args , k really like greylock , veta carnae and lacey flash games . i like researching deepest obscure parts of the internet as well as obscure general knowledge like tibettan sky funerals and mother 3 youtube channel and the garfeild iceburg chart
i love alice in borderland , all of us are dead and the high and low movies , my fav non jojos content
interact ily :
- jojos fans !! (and marry me)
- goths :)
- anyone funny and nice
- anyone who wants to
dni list :
- jojos haters ,, ewww
- jolyne haters (sexists usually)
- “jojos has an ugly artstyle” (smd)
-will upstate in morning ohine dying
keeping that bc it’s funny
- basic dni stuff like racists , homophobes etc
- kpop haters
- anyone pro ana or mia
- bodyshamers
- goth fetishizers (irs ok if we’re ur type just don’t fetishize)
- goths that don’t align w the politics
- bpd sexualisers / fetishizers
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