#i just like the calleberos idk
llama-head · 2 years
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Today I am basking in soft thoughts of post-tcp Callebero and Sirion settling into routines of getting ready together, whether it’s Callebero combing Sirion’s hair before bed or Sirion helping Callebero with all his official layers in the morning ;___;
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llama-head · 2 years
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Transcript Below
[Jax] I still don’t like how things went at lunch.
[Vincent] Jax, buddy, chill. It happened, it’s whatever and Randi had it coming.
[Autumn] Wait, what happened?
[Jax] Breanna is pissed at Randi, so now we’re all pissed at Randi.
[Vincent] You don’t think we should be?
[Jax] I think you’re forgetting Cheyenne is my cousin and I want her to be happy too.
[Vincent] Since when?
[Jax] Since always. She can be a bitch but she’s still my family.
[Vincent] Why can’t she be happy with someone else?
[Jax] Uhhh, ‘cause she’s a bitch?
[Vincent] Got me there.
[Autumn] Wait, so are Randi and Cheyenne dating?
[Vincent] Yeah.
[Autumn] Oh, so Breanna is pissed at Randi ‘cause of that?
[Vincent] Yes, rightfully so.
[Autumn] I mean sure but how many queer girls are there?
[Vincent] A lot.
[Autumn] How many does Cheyenne know?
[Vincent] Well...she knows Breanna and Randi.
[Jax] Sawyer too but she’s taken.
[Autumn] So you’re saying she only knows two, and she’s already dated one of them. 
[Vincent] Yes.
[Autumn] Welp. You can’t be pissed then.
[Vincent] I’m not pissed at Chey, I’m pissed at Randi.
[Jax] You’re only pissed off ‘cause Breanna is.
[Vincent] Yeah! It was a shitty thing to do to her. That would be like if Major and I broke up and he dated Jax.
[Jax] We’re cousins. 
[Vincent] Shit, right well…
[Autumn] If he dated me?
[Vincent] I don’t give a shit about you. 
[Autumn] Thanks Vincent.
[Vincent] What, I don’t. 
[Jax] Vincent, no one’s disagreeing what she did was shitty, my problem is with how we handled it.
[Vincent] I mean, sure we were asses back but she’s a big girl, she’ll get over it.
[Jax] So is Bre. 
[Vincent] She’s not though. She’s younger than all of us.
[Autumn] Dude, you talk about her like you’re her older brother.
[Vincent] I basically am, her sisters don’t do shit for her.
(Signal bell chimes)
[Vincent] Goddammit, fucking people.
[Autumn] Go do your job.
[Vincent] Ugh. This conversation isn’t over!
[Autumn] Yes it is. So, Jax two days until playoffs.
[Jax] Don’t even get me thinking about that.
[Autumn] What? You’re not excited?
[Jax] I’m nervous. 
[Autumn] Oh, dude, same but once we’re playing it’ll be fine.
[Jax] Our team hasn’t won since my dad played and now he’s gonna be watching us.
[Autumn] So? Your dad is chill as fuck, he doesn’t care if we win or lose.
[Jax] I care.
[Autumn] Bro, why are you pressuring yourself? If we win we win, if we don’t we don’t. Like, obviously I wanna win it’s my senior year and I wanna be remembered. Rory and Ian have scouts coming, you don’t think we’re all nervous and stressed? You aren’t in, like, a tough spot at all dude. ‘Oh no, I need to live up to my dad even though my dad just wants me to have fun’. Chill.
[Jax] Well when you put it like that-
[Autumn] It sounds stupid? Yeah. Look I get wanting to impress your parents but don’t stress about it. We all wanna win and we’re all gonna be sad if we don’t but it is what it is. For us anyway, the other guys...it’s a bigger deal. 
[Jax] You aren’t gonna play college basketball?
[Autumn] No, I’m not good enough to get in with my grades. Should’ve cared more.
[Jax] Same, past me screwed me over.
[Autumn] Yeah, that kid was an idiot. I hate to say it but my mom was completely right.
[Jax] My dad didn’t even bother getting me to go, he just let me run around the island all day.
[Autumn] I mean, from what you’ve told me you were kinda scary. It was probably easier to just let you do whatever.
[Jax] I guess. So what are you doing next year? 
[Autumn] You’re looking at it. You?
[Jax] Me and Bishop are taking a year off together, I’ll probably get a job.
[Autumn] Why?
[Jax] What do you mean why?
[Autumn] Taking jobs away from the working class.
[Jax] I would like money dude, I’ve been neglecting music so I barely have anything to spend. 
[Autumn] Don’t your dads give you money?
[Jax] No. Well yes but not for dumb shit.
[Autumn] Hmph.
[Jax] Don’t ‘hmph’ me.
[Autumn] Whatever, where ya gonna work?
[Jax] Do you think they’ll hire me here?
[Autumn] Dude, they hired Vin and I of course they’ll hire you. They’ll hire anyone.
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llama-head · 2 years
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Transcript Below
[Donnie] Or the time when Mo ripped his pants in front of, like, everyone.
[Griffin] How is it you still have new stories about Em?
[Donnie] He’s done a lot of dumb shit.
[Emory] Ugh, I was very drunk at that party.
[Donnie] You were wearing basketball boxers.
[Emory] They were lucky!
[Donnie] What are his lucky boxers now?
[Griffin] He has a lucky blue thong.
[Emory] Griffinnnnn.
[Donnie] A thong!?
[Emory] Will you keep your voice down? I do not need Jax and his friends knowing about my underwear.
[Donnie] They can’t hear us, they’re in their own little world.
[Griffin] Teenagers.
[Emory] Griffin, don’t say that you’ll make us sound old.
[Autumn] Have you seen A Silent Voice?
[Breanna] Nope.
[Autumn] Oh, dude, that shit made me cry.
[Breanna] I don’t wanna see it if it’s sad.
[Autumn] No,no it’s not all sad.
[Bishop] It’s angst with a happy ending.
[Breanna] Oh! That’s my favourite kind of fanfic.
[Autumn] You should watch it!
[Jax] Should we watch it?
[Bishop] Yeah, we should you’d like it.
[Vincent] What was that anime we just finished?
[Major] Fullmetal Alchemist.
[Vincent] Yeah! Oh my god, that shit was so good! The ending kind of sucked though.
[Major] Yeah.
[Autumn] Have...have you watched Brotherhood?
[Vincent] What’s that?
[Jax] Fucking! The real ending of Fullmetal!
[Major] Oh!
[Vincent] Wait, really? Is the ending good?
[Jax] Yes!
[Autumn] Another show I bawled my eyes out at.
[Randi] I literally have never heard of the shows you’re talking about.
[Autumn] Get some culture!
[Cheyenne] Randi and I watch real tv.
[Major] What do you classify as real tv? Keeping Up with the Kardashians?
[Cheyenne] It’s entertaining!
[Jax] Is it?
[Randi] It actually is, she’s got me watching it now.
[Jax] You’re just as bad as my parents.
[Autumn] Drag Race is good Jax, you’re missing out.
[Rory] Literally have never seen any of these shows.
[Jax] What do you watch?
[Cheyenne] Yeah, what are the straights watching these days?
[Rory] Uhhh, I watch a lot of Marvel stuff.
[Bishop] Oh, we should’ve guessed that.
[Rory] Is-is that a straight thing?
[Breanna] Not necessarily but yes.
[Rory] Aight.
[Sawyer] Jai loves Marvel too. I don’t really but the actors are hot so it’s cool. The costumes are cool too.
[Bishop] I’ve literally only seen the Captain America movies ‘cause of Chris Evans.
[Sawyer] And that’s completely valid, he’s hot.
[Rory] Yeah, he is.
[Jax] Damn, really Rory?
[Rory] It’s Chris Evans Jax.
[Breanna] I’m gonna get more pizza.
[Autumn] I-uh, um I’ll come with you.
[Breanna] Oh, okay.
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
There are many parts of tcp that are just there for my own amusement but I won’t lie, one of my favorites is Jisel being like “but why would I want to kill Callebero?” and Malia, Callebero’s sister in all but name, going “idk I got some ideas”
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