#when u make the parents from cloning the kid
bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
AEW/ NJPW Wrestlers Pregnancy Headcannons
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Main Masterlist
Wrestlers Mentioned: El Phantasmo, Drilla Moloney, Clark Connors, PAC, Jon Moxley
(Mentions of abortion)
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El Phantasmo
It was no secret Riley had been going through a touch time. He was depressed, he felt alone. All his friends had moved on from New Japan yet he coudn't get himself to leave the place he called home for so many years. When you found out you were pregnant you were shocked. You didn't think it would happen so soon. Sure you and Riley talked about wanting to start a family but now that you were pregnant you started to have second thoughts. When you told Riley you were pregnant he was over the moon. It was like he was relieved. His mood was instanly changed. He was instantly out of his depressive state. RIley was so exited to be a dad, he was contanly buying things for the new baby and woudn't leave your side. He was so supportive and encouraging during your whole pregnancy. There was nothing he woudn't do. The two of you ended up having a son and he and Riley instantly became best friends. It was almost like your son saved Riley.
Drilla Moloney
You were terrified when you found out you were pregnant. You and Dan where nothing more than friends that sometimes slept together. You didn't want to tell him about the pregnancy, in fact you didn't even want to keep the baby. Your friends convinced you to at least tell Dan about the baby before making any decisions. When you told him about the baby he was mortified. He was in no state to have a child. Dan was supportive during the process, he went with you all your appotiments and was understanding when you told him you didn't want to go through with the pregnancy. At the end of the day your relationship grew closer due to all of it.
Clark Connors
When you found out you were pregnant you knew it was more than likley you would have to do it on your own. Clark was terrfied when he found out he was going to be a father. All he did was party and do drugs, simular to what you did. He saw how easy it was for you to get your act together and get clean after finding out you were pregnant but knew he wouldn't be able to follow suit. For the majority of your pregnancy you were alone. It was hard, it was depressing. You didn't know how you would be able to raise a daughter on your own, especially in this economy. You called Clark dozens of times but it was no worth it. Two weeks before you have birth to your daughter Madaline, Clark showed up at your front door in tears. His hands were filled with gifts as he begged for foegiveness. He explained how he checked himself into a rehab and got sober. He admited to being a jerk and was genuinely sorry. He wanted to be apart of you and your daughters life. Clark would end up being a great dad. He spoiled your daughter and would play dress up with her. In fact he was such a good Dad you would end up having 3 more kids together.
Pac and his son were best friends. It was like you cloned your husband. Your son Wyatt was a absolute menance, he was a little bastard like his father. I just know Pac and his son would get up into trouble. The two of them were in a constant prank war to see who could scare you the most. He would teach Wyatt how to hunt, fish, fight and more than likley some illegal things aswell. When you told Pac you were first pregant the look on his face told you he was planning on knocking you up. You wondered if he replaced your birth control for sugar pills. I feel like Pac would be obsessed with your pregnant body, he loved the way your skin glowed and body changed. He wanted to keep you pregnant all the time.
Jon Moxley
Mox is such a girl Dad (I mean look at him and Nora). He would spoil your daughter to death. From a far he looked scary. He was always that sketchy looking guy at the park that often scared the other parents. But up close he loved your daughter. He would spend hours playing with her. She would play dress up with him, do this makeup and play with dolls together. Mox's soft spot was his daughter. Even though he did lots of "girlie' things with your daughter he made sure to teach her every sport. He would teach her Death Jitsu and how to fend for herself in the scary world. When you told him you were pregnant he was so happy. He coudn't wait to be a dad. He truly is the best father.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
okay i swear last from me tonight and no spoilers for show but i need armand happiness can we have some book armand / devils minion headcanons. literally about anything- their relationship, what they like to do, post canon, general armandisms that make me love him So Much?
don’t worry about bothering me I love when u interact with me <33 ok so I have a rlly cringe post canon devils minion head canon that I have been wanting to talk about but it’s rlly cringe and self indulgent 😭💔 but tbh, about as cringe as anything in late book canon so 🤷 I hope u enjoy and it makes u feel better, it’s my go to comfort headcanon
so I think Anne rices canon introduction of “through Science™️ vampires can conceive children with the help of DNA 🧬 , but they will come out as genetic clones, literally like identical twins but they r ur child, and lestat has a canon clone son” is a stroke of unhinged world building genius that is greatly underutilized by the fandom! I also think the vampire chronicles fandom is rlly missing out on some cringe fandom trademarks (like fandom ocs, ridiculous aus, stuff like that) bcus of the lawsuit thing probably. So anyway, I made the change I want to see in the world, and I have a genetic clone fan child oc 🙏. inspired by Armand’s canonically paternal personality and nurturing tendencies and soft spot for children, I like to think that way way post canon (around modern day) Armand and Daniel decide to Start A Family, and go through the process lestat did of conceiving a clone child with a surrogate (through armands dna), and they have a son (clone of Armand) named Ivan (after Armand’s father, I’m sappy) ! 🥰🥰 . It’s so silly I know, but I think having the opportunity to raise a human child and getting to give him and watch him live the mortal life he constantly envies and hoped to be able to provide Benji and Sybelle (before it was stripped from them) would be like, rlly good for Armand, and definitely I could see him in later canon wanting to pursue having a child with Daniel bcus of this unresolved grief. The clone layer, as ridiculous as it is, adds another dimension of sappy bcus not only will Armand get to live out the catharsis of giving a human child the fulfilled human life he never got, he will also get to see *himself*, or an almost too literal embodiment of his inner child, get to experience what he never did, and live that happy and safe childhood that Armand was deprived of. I think watching his son who looks just like him grow up and become a man while Armand is eternally frozen as a teen would be hard for him, but still healing and important.
So in my heart, post canon Armand and Daniel have their shit together enough to healthily (tho imperfectly) raise their clone son Ivan, who lives and dies a mortal. Ivan is the most spoiled child to ever live and he has a lavish playroom that is practically a house, fifty iPads, probably like ten ponies, etc etc. I imagine since he shares so much of Armand’s dna he strongly carry’s a lot of his traits, such as autism and strong hyper fixations. And I like to think he’s a little bit of a brat like Armand was as a child🙏 especially since his other dad Daniel does little to discourage those tendencies 😭. Ivan is a screen addict, a model train addict, and a Wolf Kid. He grows up to be the freakiest, strangest, long haired big bearded 5’6 ginger man at the gay bar. As a toddler Armand dresses him like a tiny fancy little man bcus he won’t have any son of his committing any fashion crimes, but unfortunately for Armand Ivan takes after Dad-niel in the fashion department and by the time he’s able to dress himself he wears wolf themed t-shirts and cargo shorts everyday 💔💔
Daniel is rlly naturally good with kids which is incredibly sexy and romantic to Armand. He’s the fun dad 💀 Armand is a little too strict and a little to over protective bcus of how trauma based I imagine his parenting would be, and daniels laid back, comfy and understanding energy helps level that out. When he’s a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious emo phase and Armand and Daniel have to spend all of their energy desperately trying to ensure Ivan doesn’t tap into his addiction gene or his strong susceptibility to inheriting his father’s personality disorders 💀. He is very doted on and very loved, he is given more care and attention than any other child would be capable of receiving 😭. Armand is convinced he’s a child genius and will definitely cure cancer and become a world leader, so he tends to parade him around like his prized possession that everyone needs to know is incredibly special during Vampire Family reunions or whatever goes on post canon. ivan is not allowed to interact with Most vampires, except for Uncle Louis, who finds it emotionally difficult to be around children 😭 and Uncle Lestat (only under careful supervision of Uncle Louis), who loves throwing Ivan around like a ragdoll and telling him embarrassing facts about Armand 💀
I hope u like this lol, thank u for the ask!!! <33 u r always welcome to ask me for headcanons or ask for my thoughts, that is my favorite thing. Anyways, for those who r invested, here’s my Ivan art
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gl1tchy-4rt · 2 months
after the rest of the kiddos,
can u share more cheeseslime anatomy?
like how they reproduce and how many months till the curd is born?
Okay let's go >:)
TW (?): Biological Topics ahead like reproductive systems.
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As shown in the drawing above, CheeseSlimes have cloacas, that meaning a "Hole for everything" like most reptiles and the platypus.
This internal organ remains closed most of the time, only opening and letting the genitals to slip out when necessary, and the cloaca itself is covered by the Cheese's slime coat.
As said above: the placement and shape of the organs is speculative, because they naturally stretch and squish, and it's not clear were they end or start
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Nature is Queer and so are they :)
As explained above, CheeseSlime genitals are not "just Male" and "just Female" (or gonochoric like humans), is more of a spectrum between Male, Female and both!
Because of this they can be qualified as "Unperfect gonochorics" or Intersex, but not Hermaphrodites since only one sex is predominant and fertile.... In most cases.
In Rare occasions a "True hermaphrodite" (both fully functional sexes) CheeseSlime can be born, as well sometimes a "Perfect gonochoric" can be born (a singular sex with no bits of the other.
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Despite this spectrum, CheeseSlimes do have sexual dimorphisms as listed above, things that can list them as "predominantly male" and viceversa.
Yet even when they look completely of one gender, they still have characteristics of the other sex.
Example: our beloved Vigi has non-functioning uterine tissue, he can't get pregnant but it's still there, besides this is pretty common among male CheeseSlimes.
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Like humans, CheeseSlimes are Viviparous (Embryo develops inside of mother) and the Pregnancy takes around 7 months, sometimes a bit longer.
On the first weeks of their life, babies feed from their parents's slime coat, yet most of the time they are feed animal milk (like cow milk) it's just as nutritious.
The two other ways to make a CheeseSlime:
Cloning: Most of the CheeseSlimes in the levels are non-sapient clones that tend to have a synthetic taste, however those clones can develop sapience and have normal life (like Snotty) and...
Forced mitosis: Like a starfish, but most of the time either the other half never regenerates or the original CheeseSlime just dies, tho most cases of both halves surviving are kids that went through this mitosis.
That's all of the weirdass biology headcanons of the CheeseSlimes (I think) 😃👍
Ho boy I had to make some trips to Wikipedia to look up some of the concepts in this post.
So yeah! I like writing down this Headcanon stuff and making up facts about this world
And... yeah
See y'all next time!!
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mushroomnoodles · 11 months
minor lore/hcdump on vampire au (no art)
mostly being posted for 2 people in mind but here u are! idk if ill ever get to expand on the worldbuilding in art or asks so. ta da, puttin this under the cut
since the crown was never discovered, vampires in this universe are still hindered by the day. they were not able to take over the world, and vampire hunters are a serious threat. this universe has a vampire kingdom, where the majority of vampires live.
THE LOVERS are a part of the vampire kings inner court, and have been for over a thousand years.
THE WORLD/betty is a battle strategist. she works with the vampire king to keep the kingdom safe and defend it from hunters and other general threats of Ooo. she doesn't work on the frontlines- she is a very intelligent woman, but she is still a powerhouse in her own right. not sure of her power yet.. thinking either teleportation or extremely resilient to damage.
THE HANGED MAN/simon is a historian and teacher- a researcher of artifacts deemed potentially beneficial to the efforts of vampirekind. currently, he is researching the location of the crown. he owns and manages a giant library of books gathered over a millennia. for six months of every year he invites vampire scholars to his library to read, and offers classes to them. he has telekinesis.
marceline is a young vampire and adopted daughter of THE LOVERS, having recently gained her title of THE STAR. she shows amazing battle prowess and fiercely wants to make her parents (and the kingdom) proud.
THE LOVERS (but especially betty) are known to abruptly refuse visitors and work to spend days, sometimes weeks alone with each other. sometimes, they allow visitors but refuse to separate for business. simon is much more consistent- he is a man of habit, after all. but who is he to say no to wifey time?
THE CHARIOT is the unofficial title for morrigan. additionally, they are inexplicably the only vampire born to two fully turned vampire parents (though this knowledge is a secret within the inner court). they have the power to clone themselves almost infinitely, and are a scholar under their father. they have a special interest in black magic and spells, hoping to be able to open portals one day.
simon and betty are very in sync with each other's emotions due to the fact that betty turned simon.
simon still has a bit of a grudge against the vampire king. he turned his marcy when she wanted simon or betty to do it >:(
betty and simon would instantly drop the vampire king(dom) for their kids.
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mbirnsings-71 · 5 months
i am but a little guy on ur door step
pls spare some bernard hcs??? any
stares @ u,,,,,,,,,,
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OKAY OKAY OKAY- So these are just very Generic Bernard headcannons I have in my notes okay okay-
(Headcannons under the cut)
- Is a mix of Irish, Greek, and Italian (Mother is probably Italian, His dad is Greek and Irish in my head)
- Despite that he doesn't speak any of the languages but has been wanting to try learning some of them, just college is a very busy time for him and he is tired man. Such a tired double major college student
- this being said He does love looking up pet names in those languages and Calling Tim them to which Tim calls him Cheesy as if Tim isn't also a cheesy guy as well
- Can ice skate actually really well due to going on yearly ice skating trips with his parents since he was young, like at least since he was eight.
- Due to the fact that he's estranged from his parents despite still wanting a relationship with them but they don't reach out and basically ignore him due to his sexuality and not living up to their expectations, he has tried getting Tim to go on ice skating dates with him and Tim is more than happy to go Even though Tim is more a skateboarder than an Ice skater.
- His love of cooking came from his mom when he was younger because he loved helping her out in ways that he could in the kitchen as a kid. He loves making recipes he learned from his mom for Tim but it's also very bittersweet cause of that factor but at least Tim loves his cooking so it's a win. That being said he also loves learning new recipes online and has a folder of bookmarks saved of one's he wants to attempt to make.
- Biggest Physical affection lover and gives it so freely, Has turned Tim to the side of Cuddles being a must for sleeping
- Audhd haver because If I like a Neurotypical character assume that means they either have a really compelling story or I've just been replaced by a clone!!
- Favorite colors are Yellow and Green but Green it specifically has to be more on the yellow side. He just likes it okay okay-
- My headcannon for him realizing he like guys was He started feeling romantic feelings for Tim while he was in Louis E. Grieves but didn't have a name for the feelings til Losing connection with Tim and so he had to struggle with that for a bit-
- Loves being a provider, it's part of the reason he likes cooking because he can make food for his friends and make sure they eat- even if he can't make food for them he will always make sure to be able to get food for his friends (Read that Tim Drake Robin panel where Bernard brings Tim burgers while Tim is trying to crack the case like my god that man loves Tim-)
- my personal favorite headcannon is that Bernard realized either as Tim saved him from the cult that Tim was Robin like Bernard's not dumb!! He has eyes and has been crushing on both Timothy Drake and your alter ego for a Hot minute he can puts the dots together man!
- As much as he is a Mothman lover, Batman and The Jersey Devil is what sparked his interest in Cryptids. Batman is explainable but also so mysterious and no one knows what his deal is besides saving Gotham from crime, The Jersey Devil however Bernard wants to know about because IT'S THE JERSEY DEVIL HELLO???
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dxdoha · 22 days
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yaaaay, she's finally in! hi everyone, it's sera or sarah (whichever you prefer because i like both) and i'm here with my girl, bae doha - a tier c agent who mostly works in espionage, a girl can show many sides to her personality simultaneously which is probably considered crazy to most people but i swear it's not her fault. if any of your muses want to engage in some wild shenanigans, please do like to plot and i'll come over to u to plot and possibly share discords if you want that! i'll put a hopefully (?!) shortened little summary of her under the cut! if you want something more in depth, you can look at her profile here as well!
when i decided to write her, automatically i thought of spy x family as a tiny part of her backstory was inspired by it if you couldn't tell already!!
doha in a way, is trying to figure out the cause of her parents' deaths, as in who turned their house into a fire cockpit so she has been trying to get her hands on documents or sensitive information on any villain she can encounter on missions (if she feels as if they could be the cause of it).
by the way, she was about to die too in that house but her mom basically protected her til the very end and she did survive long enough to be saved.
from the orphanage she stayed at, that was when her abilities started to go out of control and she would manifest like multiple copies of herself so they'd have an extra two dohas running around. doha was just that one kid who stands in the corner, a lonely kid but with the ability to make clones of herself, people see her differently.
she got adopted at the age of 11 from super spy parents and you'd think that normal parents look for a child because they just want a normal little happy family, right? well it was like shopping to them when they decided to take doha home. her powers intrigued them and everything and they thought simply having a baby was too much work.
went into school fairly early, like a month after she got taken home from the orphanage. private school in korea pretty much, which had her parents pull some strings in order to get her into it but it worked, due to her mom's profession. went there until she was able to pass exams in order to enter the academy, which she ultimately joined once she was sixteen. finished in the top five basically, barely made it up there actually!
has been a tier c agent for not even a full six months? she's still pretty new. she has gotten better at espionage though due to her father's teachings in combat and her mom tries to help her temper her own emotions; got her charm from her.
you can be charming and be a loser at the same time, that's doha basically. the number of times she embarrasses herself during a mission was plenty but thankfully no one notices.
but anyone can definitely find other sides to her if they encounter any of her clones around doha's vicinity. just a warning that one may be meaner than the other or one much more confident and less embarrassing than the original. in the end, they are all still her. real doha is more empathetic at least.
all still her in terms of personality, ones that are buried i guess!
plot ideas anyone?
so many orphaned kids in this rp so maybe there was one that was in the same one as doha and witnessed her powers go out of control?
you dropped some sensitive information somewhere out in public that could make or break you on accident and now doha managed to find it?
met one of doha's clones out and about and then you meet doha herself and she seems completely differently from the one you met earlier? because that happens sometimes.
fellow spies apart of n.e.p.a, rise up!
not gonna lie, i am a big fan of romance whether it becomes something or not so like... maybe there is someone who just completely charms her by doing something cool and badass.
two terribly lonely souls drinking at a bar to have fun, or go to a cute bakery to have a perfectly crafted cake all to themselves.
frenemies? rivals? we love those! two people who love to compete with one another every chance they get or just one of them waiting for the other to fail / embarrass themselves so they can laugh? it's endless.
for a more serious plot... maybe you heard about that one family who became collateral damage to a villain attack and you suspect doha was apart of it in some way? as in she was effected by it? or you've been in the medical field and suspect something instantly? public isn't aware of it.
if nothing else, we can brainstorm! that's a-okay with me too!
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
[Incoherent screaming about Avatar 2 in no particular order]
W I T H  S P O I L E R S ;  O B V I O U S L Y
Neytiri’s song!!!! I connected with her so much in that moment!! What a perfect way to recapture the first movie’s events!! Also her sentiment... her love for her people... her grief. She suffers so much.
That moment where Lo’ak swims into Payakan’s gaping mouth. Whoa.
The use of the color yellow in connection with Kiri. She’s like a warm hug. I love that so much about her and about that artistic choice
Tsireya be like Metkayina’s next top model
too. repetitive! they literally used shots from the first movie...!!!
the Ikran riding was nothing short of SPECTACULAR. I could have watched that endlessly.
I don’t like the boys being “military sons” because I can’t connect with that. To me, Jake was being way too hard on them. He was mad at them the entire time, yet didn’t look out for them at all. I mean, what was HE doing during all the time the kids spent training to be underwater?? He wasn’t devising any defense tactics, he was just like absent from the plot??? He didn’t even really try to fight back too?
visuals were STUNNING, music was underperforming. It’s like they didn’t even bother to write a new score. that was disappointing...
people randomly being absent from plot describes a couple things really well
SPIDER IS EVERYTHING. I know it looks like he’s not doing anything most of the time but that’s exactly the point! He’s a stray. He serves no purpose, no one wants him, yet he exists. He spends his time watching and observing how the circumstances he grew up in came to be. It happened before his time, so he’s trying to make sense of everyone’s point of view. And then he ACTS and it becomes clear that he was never going to betray the Sullys and I’m like aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
The underwater breathing butterflies... I WANT ONE.
Poor Kiri suffers much too... I wish she got some explanations.
Neteyam’s burial... I cried. I hate that Jake was waking up to his other kids’ existence only when they lost the eldest son. I’ll say it again, Jake was being way too hard on his boys and weirdly soft with the girls. Bleh. But that “I see you” he spoke to Lo’ak...that was the beginning of something awesome. One of the few emotionally powerful moments of the film.
I love that the battle against Quaritch’s clone happened rather spontaneously like “ok then let’s get this over with” lol. Also with knives only. So intimate. The one-on-one wrestling was so much more personal than a machine gun standoff could have been!!
The Sully kids saved both their parents’ sanity and Idk what to think about that. Yes they have been through a lot. No it should be the other way round - the parents taking care of and comforting the kids that were ripped from their home.
NEYTIRI’S WRATH IS A WHOLE AESTHETIC IN ITSELF TO ME. It was unexpected but so rewarding. It makes sense to me why she would choose this and it’s epic to watch. That moment where Spider hides from her - ,,, AUUUGHHHHH
Also the moment Spider fights back with a fire extinguisher lol. I love how he has both human and Na’vi characteristics. He’s a kid of both worlds and will use the environment around him accordingly.
The moment Lo’ak woke up on Payakan’s back. Also the moment where the tulkun shoots the water fountain and Lo’ak goes like “that’s disgusting” XD
The Metkayina were suuuuuuuuper pretty!!!!!!!! Also tattooed tulkuns WOOWWW!!!!!!
I LOVED the open dislike between Neytiri and Ronal!!! RARELY do you see two women hiss at each other DUUUDE
I’m gonna be really, really honest about something and I hope I won’t track hate for it... look, the use of sign language underwater was obviously really smart. However. I would have much preferred more Na’vi being spoken instead. I felt the use of sign language was introduced too early and too prominently. Like, this could have been cool in the third movie. But I basically hoped for the entire movie to be spoken in Na’vi. I came for the Na’vi, not for sign language. Sure, it could be interpreted as naturally overwhelming to the viewer as it must have been overwhelming to the Sullys... but it should have been addressed as overwhelming then. They adapted more or less seamlessly, the audience didn’t. ...yeah.
It was so good seeing Grace again. Sosososososososo good. 
So many plot holes in the overall movie lol
I missed Norm. And Trudy. I’m really mad that Trudy died.
Having a female officer/General whatever lead the RDA’s evil campaign this time was refreshing though.
The callback to Neytiri’s arrows and that fateful day where she shot Quaritch was really great. I love how he hunted HER, too. 
Leaving all the scrap metal and the corpses from the first battle to rot in the forest felt really insulting to the planet of Pandora and to the Na’vi lifestyle though. Like... would you really want your kids to randomly stumble upon skeletons??? Sure they possibly couldn’t find every dead body to bury, and their priority must have been the Omaticaya casualties, but it seems really disrespectful to the humans AND to the forest to just... leave everything an open battlefield. I’m sure the military base could have recycled the scrap metal, using it for repairs on their technology. Since they were kinda cut off from terran supply ships now, they must have kept their breathing, living and research equipment up to date somehow. And the forest deserved to be natural/untouched again. It shouldn’t have become a constant reminder of what went down. Anyway...
At first, I was a little bit confused by the long aesthetic, atmospheric sequences of the movie. Like, where’d all the action go? But somehow, it was relieving to not have constant battle disturb the visual feast and the relational developments. The Sullys got a little time to regroup. To breathe. Which is a main theme in this movie. I’m glad the action came just in time and didn’t disappoint. The director chose a different narrative structure this time and it confused the heck out of the audience. But the more I let it sink in, it was the perfect choice!!! It’s what we wanted and needed!!!
I’m sure there’s more to say but it will come to me in time. This post is long enough as it is. If you made it all the way down here, THANKS for reading!!!
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sebek-zigbolt · 9 months
i wanna whine I LOVE baul. I rlly love his tsundere ass. But I feel like his introduction to the story disconnects sebek from the rest of diasomnia kinda... Like the latest update he says he will protect what is important to him but like.... Isn't that malleus and lilia??? Ofc he loves his grandpa too but he has LITERALLY STATED that malleus and lilia are the ppl more important to him than ANYONE and like his behaviour prior to this chapter and in EVERY event absolutely supports that. Sebek felt like a character who wants to live up to his grandpas expectations but it is MALLEUS and lilia who are at the core of his life. His existence revolves around them. And his actions these last chapters when concerning lilia and malleus have been honestly so.. Mild for him??? Like ofc silver would worry abt lilia but sebek would too????? It's so weird bcause I feel like im watching a character assassination in slow motion lmao. Like u see maleona attacking lilia and silver steps in immediately but sebek just 🧍‍♂️. HELLO???? THE INSANE PERSON????? R U SURE?? idk...
I also feel like they are trying to make is so that sebek being half fae had no impact on him growing up bcause uuu but his grandpa loves him after all, and there has been no mention of it affecting his life in these chapters. We got mentions of fae vs human tensions and it was abt Lilia. It rlly feels like they just don't wanna deal with it and changed their mind. LIKE IM NOT INSANE RIGHT?? 90% of sebeks behaviour links back to him being half fae and his inferiority complex abt it?????????????CONSTANTLY having to prove himself. Needs to feel useful or he will explode. Never being strong enough. Like.... ok. It feels like instead of that, what we r getting is... racist grampa is the problem yup. thats it. Nothing to see here besides that, sebek is just bauls clone.
On one hand I didn't rlly expect for sebek to get any development this book but on the other it feels like they are erasing his Previous characterisation. To me. And I think they are kinda doing it with lilia too but the other way around. Like they over correct his character flaws by not mentioning them. We KNOW hes not that great at parenting for example, he trained silver and sebek like soldiers for a while before relaxing abt it, he is generally very rough, feeding baby silver from a Mug and stuff. He just thinks that a baby can handle getting lost in the woods. Doesnt't mean he doesnt love his kids!!!! But it's how he is!!! And we Completely ignore that this book. It feels so weird.
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
Which topic amuses you the most? (I don't know if amusement is the right word just pick)
-Jill Sandwich
-Leon can't drive
-Leon's parents were affiliated with the Italian mafia
-OG Ashley and Mia Winters hate
-Ship wars
-Wesker being a fucking whore
-Alcina Dimitrescu strangling the internet
-Leon killing Ben Bertolucci with nothing but his goody-two-shoes "erm actually I need to speak to chief irons-"
-Krauser and Wesker both keeping a pic of their young coworkers
-Ada, her "love triangle" consisting of Simmons and Leon, and her playing Perfect Blue with Carla
-Chris and Wesker's bromance
-"NOO AHSLEYS A KID" "NOOO THEYRE SIBLIMGS" (like dude come on she's 20-)
-The "Are you staying to back me up?" (Why does that scene feel so fuzzy to me? Like I can't explain the emotion idk Adas just cute in that scene)
-Chris, Leon and "PLS MARRY MY SISTER-"
-Excella being the biggest Wesker simp
-"Seems like this isn't your first time running from creeps" (Six years of torture caused this man's rizz to drop like holy shit-)
-some aeon shippers being annoying
-getting mass amounts of hate for having an opinion (when you talked about "leshley" in your own blog)
-"Omg Ada and Leon kissed in re2" "omg they fuck in damnation" "omg they 'fight' in re4" "omg he saves her in re6"-
-Deborah Harper....(what even happened with her?)
-Simmons simping for Ada so much he makes a clone of her
-Leon asking Hunnigan out for a date
-That one Leon x merchant vid (If you don't know then I'll try and show you uh)
-Picking fights with a bioweapon baby (Eveline)
-Og Leon being a whore
-Wesker being a fucking whore -Krauser and Wesker both keeping a pic of their young coworkers -"Seems like this isn't your first time running from creeps" (Six years of torture caused this man's rizz to drop like holy shit-) -getting mass amounts of hate for having an opinion (when you talked about "leshley" in your own blog) -Leon asking Hunnigan out for a date -Og Leon being a whore
all of these ^^^^ are very strong
wesker being a whore is funny because it grosses so many people out, and also he's the most hilariously evil man on the planet, so the thought of him just dragging his dick around is funny.
krauser and wesker keeping a pic of their young subordinates is funny because it is so. goddamn. pathetic. like with wesker it's funny because it's just more evidence of him being a sex fiend, which, like. see above. and with krauser it's funny because he's this huge, imposing, terrifying man, but with the photo it's like "u gonna cry? baby gonna cry? maybe just ask him out already you fucking sad sack of shit."
leon having no rizz is funny because so many fans want to fuck him, so the fact that he can't actually pull off being charming in-universe is just. delicious irony.
the mass amount of hate is funny because... a long story, but like the tl;dr is that there's nothing that anyone in this fandom can do to me that will be worse than that stalker i had who was jealous and butthurt that i was rping leon for a friend's ada, and they carried that hateboner around and harassed me for ten fucking years, so like. if that didn't run me out of the fandom, nothing will.
and leon asking out hunnigan + og leon being a whore is funny for the same reason why it's funny that he has no rizz. i love watching that boy strike out. it brings me an immense amount of joy.
if i had to pick just one, though? probably the photos. i could shitpost about that for hours.
leon being a scrub is a close second, though.
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hatkuu · 8 months
taps my claws together... Did u know the typical structure of wolf packs out in the wild is a breeding pair and all of their pups (some leave as they enter sexual maturity [~2 years old, males more likely] to start their own packs, but a fair share stay and help raise the next litters of pups).
Anyway. Imagine a PC with the wolf tf mentioning/confessing this to Kylar and just how overjoyed Kylar might be by the fact... Esp if they got the wolf tf From said PC, but either way - to think!! That PC might want them as their mate (*surely* they do, to tell them this), to *breed* with them, to have a loving family like that... isn't it ideal? And of course, even if PC didn't tell them directly, it's not like Kylar can't do their own research <3...
OR wolf tf Kylar themself!! Scrawny little thing... Having found such a perfect mate, wanting so *badly* to have a family (pack) again after their parents got sick and Sydney stopped talking to them, so devoted and loving and wagging their tail rapidly as spend time together, helpless to stop it bc they're just so happy... (TRYING TO HIDE HOW MUCH THEIR TAIL WANTS TO WAG IN THEIR LOW LOVE STAGES BC THEYRE STILL SHY AROUND YOU......)
Just. Thinking so much about Kylar getting to be part of a pack honestly bc it's really sweet to me. Maybe throw Sydney in there for funsies (+ so they'd have more warm connections than just PC and any theoretical kids/pups) also... Honestly I just think it's cute to consider them getting what the want and it hit me a moment ago that would pack structures do kinda lend to that
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(i'm so glad you enjoyed my rambling!! reveal your blog to me right now. get off anon. i love seeing big asks in my inbox! they're always so fun to read and they make me feel like i've gotten a FREE COMMISSION AFHSKJK) (also i gravitated towards m! kylar for this ehe) wolf tf stuff and having babies with kylar stuff below
you confess anything about starting a family to this freak he loses it. gets himself so worked up that it's all he's been thinking about for a week straight. he starts mishearing things you say - he has to slap a hand over his mouth to stop himself from moaning out loud if you mention anything regarding his/your wolf tf.
also. kylar doing his own research is SOOOO true. this would happen with ANY tf that you have. looks up mating rituals, what ur tf finds most attractive in a mate (and replicates it horribly), and googles when ur mating season is. he's a freak. probably hyperfixates on your tf and blurts out fun (disgustingly degenerate) animal facts while you're hanging out with him. eg. "did you know wolves mate for life??? what do you look for in a mate, pc?? :)"
i feel like if he's the one with the tf, he's a lot whinier about his ruts. makes it out like he's bed-ridden and needs you to take care of him. please please please let him knot you! if you're the one going into heat/rut, he'd be all over you! doesn't want you leaving the orphanage/his room. look! you're presenting yourself to him as soon as he walks in! you can't possibly go out when you're acting like this!! it'd be unsafe!!
i think kylar obsessing over starting a pack with you is 100% accurate. he'd get so emotional and sappy over everything. probably cries with happiness after you let him knot you for the first time, just because he's thinking about the litter you'll have (yes. he refers to ur babies as a litter/pups. even if he's the one without the tf. sobbing.)
a pack with sydney would be ...something. poor sydney would turn into a glorified babysitter. so many little feral children running around and they're all clones of kylar. it is SHOCKING how virile his sperm is. with the amount of children kylar insists on the two of you having together, you'd think that some of them would look like you, but no. kylar taints the gene pool. they're all coming out with dark hair and freakish little green eyes. yeah. poor sydney.
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panther-os · 1 year
Any thoughts on Clone and/or Jedi language?
Too Many of them 😅
The biggest thing on my mind for trooper languages right now is that Jaster was a Journeyman Protector and so was Jango's bio dad, so Boba, the Alphas, and any CCs or CTs the Alphas trained directly most likely speak JP dialect Mando'a like Bacara does. I have sound change rules written up for converting standard Mando'a to JP but I need to finish transliterating the established dictionary before I can feed everything to Vulgar and generate the remaining vocabulary.
I think besides Mando'a, the clones probably haven't been exposed to many languages besides Galactic Basic and various common languages like Shyriiwook and Gand where the speakers can't translate themselves due to structural differences in the vocal tract.
For Jedi, I've created [counts on fingers] four? Sleheyr, Kimpian, Dyungzilyu - three! I've created three languages for various slave communities in the galaxy (inspired by fialleril's Amatakka) that are spoken by different members of the Jedi Order. Not all of them, as they're all closed languages, but enough that there's a sort of cultural exchange going on in the Temple. Those that aren't rescued slaves themselves are trusted rescuers who have been taught by Elders.
Sleheyr uses custom phenomes and is spoken by the Prosmyi (sky-children) of Sleheyron and is integral to my OC Taio Pallas. Kimpian uses Farsi phenomes for the most part and is spoken on Nar Shaddaa and in one of my WIPs, Nico Diath offers to get permission from an Elder to teach Eeth Koth, who was born a slave in my headcanon. Dyungzilyu uses Mandarin phenomes with slightly different spelling (but just as many diacritics) and is spoken on Bandomeer.
I'll actually share a snippet real quick. This is a giant time and dimension travel groupchat epistolary fic. This is 10yo Anakin (one year post-TPM) and 49yo Obi-Wan (eleven years post-RotS), while Taio is from 1½-2 years post-AotC and is the same age as the Anakin in her time. Aayla, Eeth, and the clones are from one year post-AotC while Nico is roughly three years pre-AotC.
Anakin Skywalker: Yithai, bliv gey yi kid muv beyng thev mim. Okay! I’m gonna practice it!
Taio Pallas: Don’t forget to tell your teacher that you want to meet me and Kalo, he’ll be able to schedule it with Master Nu. You’ll also need to tell him you have a tracker and need to have it removed, he probably doesn’t know.
Kenobi: I can confirm that he does not. Also, Anakin, if you want to get his attention, call him yēngun. It’s Dyungzilyu for teacher.
Taio Pallas: You too?
Kenobi: Unfortunately, I had an eventful Padawanship.
Windu: Bandomeer was your initiatehood.
Kenobi: That, too. Really, though, it was only a year.
Taio Pallas: Mine was only two, and I don’t remember it. You were trusted enough to be taught the language, which makes you one of us.
Aaylas’ecura: Ca jehsa eyi ca jehsa eyi ca jehsa eyi
Eeth Koth: Jee-jee vaa tula goola.
Anakin Skywalker: U settah huttese?
Eeth Koth: I do. I don’t remember if my people on Nar Shaddaa had their own language or what it was. I was three when my parents abandoned me on the streets instead of killing me like Master ordered, and four when I was Found. I only know that much because I told my Finder and they remembered and made sure to tell me when I was old enough to ask.
Nico Diath: Could’ve said something. You want Kimpian, I’ll see if I can find an Elder or Keeper on my way back to Coruscant, get permission to teach you.
Gree: So many culture, language, and history subchannels, this is great.
Taio Pallas: And of course the Vode are welcome, too, since you all come from a background of slavery.
8826: Well I wanted to but now that you’ve said something…
Gree: Don’t be a bastard, Neyo.
Bacara: He can’t help it, it’s his one setting.
Taio Pallas: I thought it was funny.
Anakin is practicing a Sleheyr greeting for meeting a fellow slave for the first time. Aayla is saying "one of us one of us one of us" in Ryl, and Eeth is saying "we can start a band" in Huttese, after which Anakin asks if he speaks Huttese.
I do also think the large number of languages spoken in the Temple results in a lot of mixed metaphors and a constantly developing creole formed primarily around Force-based jargon. Pretty much every Jedi is canonically multilingual, but this would be yet another reason for it.
Besides that, I'm a huge fan of the already existing Dai Bendu, which I hc is also a ceremonial language for Miralukka due to their shared history with the Jedi Order. (And I've crafted a fully developed Miralukkan common language as well. And a Kel Dor one. And a less developed Trandoshan one.)
If I let myself talk about languages any more, I'll never shut up. 😅 Thank you for the ask! This is one of my passions and another of my special interests (as I'm sure you cannot tell (sarcasm)) so I always love talking about it.
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clambuoyance · 2 years
Sorry if uve answered this before but like. What do u think kon and clarks relationship? I kinda like them being on good terms but in the nebulous ur ny uncle/brother/cousin/close family memeber deal instead of clark being a parent because... waves hands at luthor and the uh. Kinda constant issues of how kon was created and also because I think kon deserves to choose what people to mean to him after everything he's been thru but what do u think
ive had a couple asks about this and i dont remember if ive answered it before or not but i guess ill separate my thoughts into Fanon/my preferred timeline and then canon. but i think im in the same general camp where i think that theyre relationship is very nebulous, but don't mind if Parent is one of those relationships thrown into the mix. saying theyre brothers doesnt feel 100% right, but saying theyre father-son also doesnt feel totally right? i literally don't know how to explain how i feel about it but if you read this maybe it will be more clear
uh this will be long
1)Canon (pre retcon and post retcon)
Sooooo firstly with canon, i chalk a lot of the choices up to the narrative constraints and dc editorial things? because one, they wanted superboy to be a solo hero and not a sidekick, and two, his original story is that he is not a superman clone, but just a clone from a shitbag scientist named Paul Westfield that was altered to look and mimic clark, which is also pretty weird and understandably off-putting for clark still.
then when clark finally "returns from the dead" he's still pretty concerned about the kid? like he helps kon figure out what to do with cadmus and all, and then kon gives clark's old apartment back to him and says he's gonna find a new place and fly "second star to the right and straight on till morning" T-T
and you know from then on he's just a guy that occasionally pops up and gives kon advice.
and then we get to the whole "brother thing" because when kon went into hypertime and met teen clark, teen clark assumed his adult self had shared his secret identity and life with kon, which makes kon feel insecure about not being trustworthy. teen clark explains that he probably has a reason and says they could be like brothers. and when kon comes back and confronts kal-el, kal tells him he's family.
they do act familial, but the brother thing was proposed by clark first so it's not as clear on kon's side. personally, despite his rebellious attitude and insistence on being his own man, he's still a kid, and with how much kon latches onto father figures, laments about not having a real father or mother and even wishes he had one, gets distraught at the thought of losing his father figures like guardian or dubbilex, i don't really blame some readers for hoping clark would step in more as either a mentor or something more?
but again, that would require some big narrative commitments and mightve made it hard for them to be solo heroes with separate lives, and supergirls a solo hero too with a similar age range but she's already been established as a cousin.
now after the retcon, its been changed so that kon is half lex luthor half clark, and though there's still a mixed bag of opinions on it, at least kon's attitude towards paul and not wanting to end up like a shitbag and have to be told by clark he's his own person still applies i guess T-T and the circumstances are more iffy and kon does keep it a secret for a while. it also complicates things by painting clark to be some absentee dad, which frankly is out of character for him i think. so idk kon keeping both his donors a secret could be interesting ? i have to think about it and how to resolve that narrative issue T-T. but also, i dont think the retcon is necessarily bad, just had a bunch of missed unique opportunities they could've used to make it stand out in a medium where this type of plotline already saturates its stories T-T (you could buy a sandwich if you had a nickel for every hero with half villain half hero genes)
so yeah basically im pretty sure readers at the time were hoping for a more father-son relationship while some were fine with just being brothers, and dc cant decide so i have decided that i will apply homestuck rules in which they are genetic father and son and may call each other brothers but in a way where kon looks up to clark so much he's basically a father to him. or like in ninjago where kai and lloyd clearly have a brotherly relationship but lloyd claims "kai was a father to me when i needed one."
because relationships aren't so cookie cutter you know? especially when it comes to family.
2) Fanon/My canon timeline
In my mind's eye, their relationship takes a longgg time to develop, and it has to overcome misunderstandings, but they are always amicable to each other. (Basically, not whatever the yj show did?) Clark doesn't automatically set himself to adopt or whatever, but he promises to look after him and has a more active role in helping kon find a place to stay, on kon's own insistence on being his own independent person. He heavily distrusts Cadmus though but dubbilex and guardian seem trustworthy enough. There is a part where he asks kon to keep an eye on cadmus' shady operations, and in my fanon I'd rather him just say that kon should go to him if anything bad every happens more out of concern for kon's safety than anything else? If that made sense.
Also, Clark is young and still rattling with the fact there's a mini-him running around the place that was meant to replace him so he's allowed to feel weird about it and not have all the answers. He does know that the right thing to do is make sure the kid's safe, but the kon's got a chip on his shoulder and doesn't make it easy. Kon is no one's sidekick--he is going to be superman one day, because it's what he's meant to do. He doesn't always know what's best for him, and always gets himself into trouble, and maybe he knows that, but I'd write it so that he slowly has to learn that it's okay to be a kid and to fuck up sometimes and listen to someone who knows better. Also, he talks big shit about being superman but also places expectations on himself because Clark's shadow is just so big that it makes it hard to connect with clark maybe? Like that's the guy you were made to be one day. And you know for a fact he didnt mess up as much as you did.
And when kal gives him the name kon-el and proclaims that he is family, kon is so happy he cries so you're left wondering why it took so long for them to get to that point. so i think in my timeline it'd happen a bit sooner? or like i would not make it take so long lol.
then you meet teen clark, and i think that's when things start to change. Of course this is the homestuck in me talking, but I think i'd have liked to see kon spend more time with teen clark, where some of that walls between them could have been broken down at now that kon's able to see what clark was like as a kid and bring him down to earth more rather than view him as this big lofty figure in his life. that's also partly what the yj sins of youth arc does too i guess. mmm gotta love the coming-of-age-ness of it all.
teen clark says that having kon around is kind of like having a brother, and kon nods but wonders if adult clark will think the same. after returning to his reality, kon goes to kal-el who reassures him he's family and trusts him and is sorry he doesn't make that more clear. he'd ask what kon wants but kon himself is still unsure. and after that convo, clark makes it a point to check up on him more and grows more concerned. he's gotten to know the kid a lot more!
and okay i could go on and on but basically, he voices his concerns about kon's living situations and surrounding peers a lot more and is careful not to command kon like a scolding parent, but nudge him with advice and let it be kon's decision on what to do. basically this is the stage where clark is acting more like a guardian figure i guess and after kon is finally convinced to go live in smallville with the kents, clark gets a lot more unbearable and acts like an annoying family member to kon and smothers him with sagely advice lol. and kon appreciates the gesture but he's having a hard time adjusting to it all, at having to live a normal life, and no matter what clark does there's still this shadow and expectation that falls on him. and not knowing what to do kon gives in, and tries to mimic clark cuz his previous efforts to be his own person all always landed him in hot shit.
(and if we are keeping the retcon, then finding out you arent who you thought you were would just add more to ur identity crisis T-T and if ur like me who likes to think of kon as queer then aaaah this new life would do a number on you and you might try to act soooo normal and scramble for a sense of control and understanding of your own life. and insisting on keeping it a secret bc ur afraid it'll change what people think of you? ough ik it wasnt meant to be read like that but my brain just went aaaaah. the queer experience. and with the whole luthor mind control thing? I hate 70% of it but i like thinking about it from an angle where kon realllly has to fight for an ounce of control over any aspect of his life idk idk T-T even without the retcon, i think you could still find a way to do something with this notion of identity and control)
anyways, i think time in smallville would slowly allow clark and kon to bond even more and really see each other for who they are as people and for kon to really find out who he is and who he wants to be, not as a sidekick to clark or as superman but as himself (and he'd slowly come back to a more punk and/or flamboyant fashion sense T-T). he's friends with the coolest teen heroes ever who are his family, and he's ma kent's boy. and he's clark's family. he tells his school friends that clark's his cousin and maybe thats what the documents say, and they may agree to call each other brothers, but bottomline is clark will be a father to kon whenever he needs one and will always be there to help kon and be a home to him.
then when clark is older and has jon, i guess maybe kon would still stick around and help out and definitely sees himself as jon's brother. like regardless of what clark and kon decide to call themselves kon is jon's brother like i really want them to be silly brothers. also cuz jon deserves one. there's so many interesting things dc could do with jon and kon aaaag so sad. it's also important to me that clark is a good parent and even if he wasnt perfect, he cared about kon and explicitly shows theyre family? like even in canon sometimes it didnt feel like it T-T
maybe it's just me, but i guess i project a lot of my own experiences and my oc rolin's experience onto him a lot. because rolin lives with his aunt who is basically a mother to him, and he has an older cousin who is basically a brother to him, and then this little girl that barges into his life basically becomes his sister and he can act like an overbearing parent to her even though they're not related by blood. he's got a weird relationship with his own dad, so he sees a father in a lot of older ppl. you can never have too many parental figures!!! so i guess my mind's used to thinking of family members doing double duty T-T ? i just personally really think dynamics shouldn't easily be pinned down as just one thing and think ppl are too stuck on traditional (or perhaps a nuclear or western) family standards. ugh when i write my oc story you will all see.
sorry that was really long and rambly and didn't make sense in some parts--i probably should have done this in google docs and made this fancy. also! who knows i might totally change my mind on a thing anyways. canon is my playdough i mold to whatever i think suits a more interesting narrative or to my personal bias.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
I am in NEED of more headcanons about Ivan, I'm so in love with the idea
AW OMG YAY!!! Ur in luck because I have so so many Ivan headcanons, so many dude 😭🙏. Thank u for the ask!!! I’m so excited. For ppl coming across this without context for who ivan is: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/754664585129279488/okay-i-swear-last-from-me-tonight-and-no-spoilers?source=share , here ya go. TLDR he is my Armand x Daniel fan kid who was conceived by vampire chronicles canon compliant prince lestat trilogy era vampire clone child means
—Armand named his son Ivan to honor his mortal father, and to honor the culture and heritage he associates with him. By naming his son ivan armand vowed to find inspiration in the fierce devotion, love, and protectiveness his father had for him while breaking the cycle of violence and abuse his father introduced him to
—Armand very heavily restricts who is allowed to interact with Ivan, he is VERY weary of anyone being around him extendedly who isn’t him or Daniel. He has a selection of vampires he trusts with Ivan to varying degrees that he composed before he was born, and that list loosens as he ages. Bianca, Alessandra, Benji + Sybelle, Louis, Lestat (selectively), and Fareed and Seth (who handle Ivan’s pediatric care, he has check ups every three months or so), are the only vampires who Armand considers worthy of interacting with Ivan 😭 he’s very over protective
—Ivan didn’t start talking until he was around 6, which Daniel and Fareed thought was probably indicative of a developmental disorder they should screen him for. Armand was very insistent that this was normal and Ivan didn’t have anything wrong with him because “Armand was the same way as a child” (Ivan has autism 💀 and so does Armand). For the majority of his childhood Ivan carried around a communication device to help him with his speech impairments
—When he was young Ivan spawned some inappropriate behaviors from observing the way his vampire parents interact, such as biting ppl as an equivalent for kissing bcus in his household his parents bite each other/share blood bcus they love each other 😭🙏. Which is cute at a glance, but became a problem when Ivan started biting other children to try and communicate that he wants to be friends 💀
—When he was little Ivan had long hair that reached his lower back. Before putting him to bed Armand and Daniel rotated between putting his hair in a braid so that it didn’t tangle while he sleeps.
—Armand goes through hyperfixations like his dads, his longest and most prevailing interests being wolves and video games. He was the type of kid to wear wolf ears and a tail wherever he went, lol. He’s also a major screen addict 💀 his favorite games are Minecraft, Roblox, and five nights at freddy’s
—Ivan is a massive little shit 💀 it doesn’t help that both of his parents encourage him, especially Daniel (he thinks it’s hilarious). Armand is an enabler 💀💀. When he was little Armand used to bring Ivan to Vampire court meetings and have him sit on his lap while he played on his iPad, just for convenience and so that he didn’t have to leave him in someone else’s care, since Daniel usually attended meetings with him. He had to stop doing this when Ivan started talking at 6 bcus he’d end up interrupting meetings to run his mouth and make fun of vampires that armand complained about at home😭. Poor lestat couldnt get a word in without this seven yr old ginger boy making fart sounds whenever he spoke 💀.
—Armand raised Ivan as a Protestant Christian. Armand retains the healthy and comforting aspects of his faith and religious values post canon (in my heart), and he hopes to share the comfort and importance he finds in God with his son in an empowering and healthy way (and undue any generational religious trauma in the process ‼️). Armand tried taking Ivan to church in his early childhood but Ivan was too sensorily overwhelmed by the environment for it to work out, so Armand teaches Ivan his faith at home by reading a kid’s bible to him at bed time and doing nightly prayers, telling him that Jesus loves him, stuff like that.
—Armand was a suppperr overprotective parent, and he had an incredibly intense (trauma based) anxiety about someone harming Ivan or taking advantage of him while he’s a vulnerable child. This *heavily* influenced his parenting, which became a problem bcus the prevailing fear and anxiety that Armand let inform all of his actions began to affect Ivan and cause him to take on some of that social anxiety and paranoia during his childhood. Daniel had to have a lot of talks with Armand about this 🙏 and Armand is eventually able to work through it, but it’s pretty bad for a while
—Daniel is a good contrast to Armand when it comes to parenting. He’s lighthearted and chill, and is a very positive relaxing presence in Ivan’s life. It’s very important to Daniel that Ivan get to experience the typical, classic childhood trademarks Daniel grew up with, which can sometimes be hard to access bcus of his unique circumstances. But Daniel still finds away <3. He teaches Ivan to ride a bike, takes him to theme parks, gets him cheesy decorations and a cake with candles for his birthday parties, takes him on night time beach trips, stuff like that lol.
—Armand wanted to keep Ivan homeschooled for his whole life but Daniel insisted he start going to school when he turned ten so that he can interact with other children and learn to be social and independent from his parents. Armand obliged, and sent him to a private, small, high priced Catholic school, in fear that smth less sheltered and prestigious would be too much. Ivan quickly started to get badly bullied in school, and Armand freaked out and insisted that they need to pull him out of school. Daniel and him had a big argument, Daniel saying that cutting off Ivan from the world anytime he faces adversity is going to ruin him in adulthood. They can’t come to a comprise, and so Ivan is given the finale say, and decides to go back to home schooling. He only goes back to school when he turns fourteen, and tells his parents that he’d like to try public school so that he can get to have the normal teenager experience. Needless to say he has an interesting time 💀 Obviously being the homeschooled, extremely wealthy and socially isolated genetic clone son of a vampire makes it pretty hard for Ivan to relate to other children, but he is able to find his own flock of weirdos, and by adulthood Ivan is a thriving social butterfly.
—Ivan inherited Armand’s artistic talent and passion. The type of art he makes is very different though, lol. He draws a lot of animals (he’s a bit of a furry), and he is rlly into creating characters and making up stories with his art. He gets into animation in his teen years
—Ivan has pretty bad sensory issues, especially when it comes to sound, so he often carries his noice canceling head phones with him
—Armand fixated on child safety when he becomes a parent and took some pretty strict measures when it came to trying to protect Ivan. When he found out about online grooming and online pedophile circles he vowed to very thoroughly go through all of Ivan’s devices once a month. Ivan doesn’t like this 💀 particularly bcus of his love for raunchy wattpad mafia boss romances 😭. Thankfully for Ivan, Armand knows from experience that their r worse ways for a teenager to explore his sexuality then reading shitty erotic online, and if he happens to come across any smutty writing in Ivan’s history he will tasteful ignoring it🙏
—Raising Ivan caused Armand uncover a lot of repressed childhood memories (some good, some traumatic). One of the good ones was the memory of the song Armand’s mother used to sing to him and his siblings to soothe them. Armand starts singing this song to Ivan when he cries as a baby, and it heals a part of him to feel that connection to his mother after so long.
—When Ivan gets older he starts gaining interest in reading the vampire chronicles, which Armand is very adamantly against. When he reaches the age where Armand can’t exactly stop him from reading anything, Ivan tries reading the vampire armand, but he doesn’t get past the beginning because he finds it too nauseating to read about those things happening to his father.
—Daniel struggles with knowing that Ivan will never rlly have an extended family. He mourns that his parents will never know their grandson, and sometimes wonders what they would think of him
—As a rite of passage, on his fifteenth birthday Daniel gifts Ivan his favorite leather jacket when he was a young man. Ivan feels so cool in it that he wears it nearly everyday of freshman year.
—When Ivan reaches the point in puberty that Armand never did and starts to deviate significantly from him in appearance Armand is shocked by how much Ivan starts to resemble his namesake. When Ivan grows into an adult he is stocky and thick, and he wears his hair long with his natural curls, and has a pretty nice beard. He looks like a modern day gay Viking lol
—As a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious phase and starts having a bunch of unhealthy, volatile relationships, in response to how restrictive and isolating his upbringing was. It scares the ever loving shit out of armand. At some point Ivan had a short lived relationship with an older man, which was quickly cut off by Armand and Daniel finding out and very violently killing him 😭. This prompted the end of Ivan’s rebellious streak
—Armand was concerned that Ivan would begin to crave the dark gift and resent Armand for refusing to turn him, but thankfully that never happened. Like any child, Ivan grew up finding his parents pretty lame, and so he didn’t have much of a reason to envy vampirism 💀. He always said he preferred werewolves
i could go on, but I’m going to end my list here haha, sorry for how long it is he’s literally my favorite guy. Thank u sm for the ask ur interest means a ton to me and as u can probably tell, I had a blast writing this ❤️
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urpaperboy · 2 years
Ramble all your rambles about Charlie and Haydin if you have em I beg of you *gets on my knees and prays for you to bring your light down to me*/lh
omg u just unleashed a monster cause I HAVE A LOT!!
OKAY OKAY i have like a lot of stuff !! So imma make them like points
I made a Comic today of Little Haydin and Little Charlie and came up with an idea of a Nickname Charlie would’ve given Haydin, its Hayds!!
Sitting at the top of apartment complex just to examine the city and stars feels like something they would do together (Haydin has a thing for Stars :])
You know that yellow clock ride they have over at Chuck E. Cheese?? The one that goes up and then back down, Yeah I had this thought that Charlie would get on it just to prove something to Haydin, poor dude gets stuck and Haydin is just standing there laughing. But dw he helps him out after
They’d probably also just keep some of the tokens from there to themselves
The moment Chuck comes out for that mini dance party for the little kids, Haydin looks at Charlie with a smirk and say “AWHH CHARLIE.. DIDNT KNOW YOU HAD A CLONE” with Charlie telling him to shut up and just covering up his mouth quickly just out of sheer embarrassment.
Funny thing I talked to somebody about: Charlie does the whole “would you still love me if I was worm?” to Haydin and he’d just respond with leaving for a moment only to come back with some worm costume and say “Put this on and then we’ll see” (Spoiler Alert: He loves it)
If it wasn’t obvious, Haydin is taller than Charlie, So imagine the amount of times Haydin would pick on him for being short (tho I think Charlie would enjoy that–/j../hj?)
Haydin used to live with a Horrible family so, he either lied about going to some other friends house or snuck out to Charlie’s House just to hang out with him (Haydin’s Family have like a DEEP HATE for him)
Depending on what activity Haydin’s parents had him doing, if there was some sort of presentation, Charlie would go and just support his best friend and probably give a gift after the presentation in secret
STILL CHARLIE FINDING SOMETHING TO COMPARE HAYDIN’S EYES TO AND THEY COME OUT DUMB BUT CUTE, Haydin is just thinking “He’s stupid but so goddamn adorable.”
The whole writing notes to each other in a classroom they are in together AND STILL DOING IT WHEN THEIR ADULTS,, sighhhhh yeah <33
Okay also stupid of me to do but i had like some ship name for them…… Caydin/Harlie-.
If Charlie is a stinky boy, Haydin throws him into a bathtub with a bunch of bubbles and just says “You’re not coming out of there until I see a beam of light reflect off of you.”
Charlie have any ripped piece of Clothing? Haydin comes in with a sewing kit and sews it up quickly.
When Haydin had long hair, it felt like Charlie could lay his head on his and just take a tiny nap, they were nice
Okay uh lemme put an affectionate type one, they both just kiss each others scars, big or small. No matter what happened they’re both just happy to have one another. <33
Haydin has a new redesign (will post eventually) and he has shorter hair now. I like to think that in the hopes that if he ever ran into Charlie again once he went back to the city, he’d look like a super badass best friend.
Charlie’s pet name for the lis is Casper/Cas, i like to think that when Haydin heard it the first time, he sorta just stood there like “should I think this is cute and just say I wanna make out or think this is just him being him??”
Haydin’s form of flirting would be either “your looking submissive and breedable ” or literally any flirty like in Spanish since that is his second language but when he’s serious about something, he just compliments Charlie and ramble about everything he loves about him.
You and I by d4vd is a them song tbh
Uh,,, yeah if it isn’t noticeable i love them so much,,, i love haydin SO SO MUCH…. and im happy to see people like him as well <33
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
gib me kid meme for kaz & mel please lov u k thx bai
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child . accepting
Name: Olivia Hope Drysdell-Miller (Kazuhira insisted that Melissa's name was included; he didn't want to be the only parental reference on Olivia's documents). Gender: Female. General appearance: Much to Kazuhira's delight, she looks like a younger version of Melissa - fair skin, the same honey color of the eyes, full hair (here is where one might notice that Kazuhira's dirty blonde and Melissa's dark chestnut colors mixed, since Olivia's hair is a lighter shade of brown that pairs in a lovely way with her eyes). She grows to be of average height (just a little taller than her mother), not overly curvaceous or owning a voluptuous figure but staying rather on the slender side like a ballerina. Personality: Sweet, innocent and really befitting of her names associated to peace and hope for better, brighter years. Kazuhira did his best to shield Olivia from his own anger and hatred; having a daughter somehow worked beautifully to have him get in touch with his softest side, and the protective and caring nature of his youthful years clearly left a lasting impact in Olivia. She also shows a lot of the nurturing and cheerful disposition of her mother, making her incredibly gentle and compassionate. There is never anyone in the room who doesn't want to hug the girl - she is really too precious. Special talents: A very good listener and supportive individual for as long as both her parents can remember; in a direct opposition to many kids who are often able to talk non-stop, Olivia was always very happy to lend an ear and to counsel others, from her dolls who faced imaginary problems to her own friends and even Kazuhira and Melissa (if she sensed they were struggling with something). Her selfless nature is a weakness that can be exploited, what concerns the former soldier - but he's more focused on protecting her from external threats than forcing her to change. The world needs good people - Kazuhira is honored he was given the chance to contribute to that goal despite everything; it feels like he has been given a second chance by karma. Who they like better: Both! Olivia feels very lucky in relation to her parents - some of her friends have crappy families, but she is just delighted to have been born to a such a loving couple. The way her mother and dad found one another and overcame obstacles by being each other's source of strength (even if it came in the form of a rather forceful push sometimes) fascinates Olivia, and she makes no secret of the fact she wishes to find someone just as nice for herself one day. Who they take after more: Melissa - she is physically and emotionally a small clone of her mother, being very open about her affections, assisting others through their endeavors and finding meaning in not only holding someone close but to do acts of service for them as well. They share many hobbies and similar approaches (with Olivia having inherited Melissa's famous 'hand on the hips' gesture which means that Kazuhira is in trouble when she pulls that one) and if the two ladies of his life join efforts... He is absolutely doomed. He means this fondly, of course. Personal Headcanon: Olivia really likes birds - watching them, hearing them sing, feeding the little ones who come to her. It is an adorable hobby and one that makes the frequent Disney princess allusions even stronger, but the girl really is dedicated to them and has always asked to be gifted with themed books or to be taken on strolls where she could try and spot them. Olivia is very against holding them captive in cages - but she likes to offer fresh fruit and water at their home garden to see them voluntarily come for the food and keep her company. Faceclaim: Nicole Gale Anderson.
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llama-head · 2 years
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