#i just love colin and penelope so much and i can't believe after literal YEARS of waiting we've finally got them on screen 馃ぇ
dylanconrique 4 months
send help, i think there's something fundamentally wrong with me, i just keep watching bridgerton on repeat.馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
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dollypopup 4 months
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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savingthrcw 4 months
opinions time!
When it comes to B.rigerton don't get me wrong, I love Penelope and when I write of Eloise and Cressida's emotions I'm simply writing from their pov, I *want* Eloise and Penelope to become friends again (even if it should take years, realistically, and probably Eloise getting over the leftover feelings of her crush for Theo and of how badly it ended), I am not saying that my characters are right and innocent. I am writing my characters believing they are right, no doubts, the same way we all think we are right when we fight with someone! But Eloise has plenty flaws and Cressida, sympathetic backstory and ability to change aside, has been a d*ckhead.
However I do think that Eloise is 100% right to be mad, just like I think Penelope did literally everything she could to protect her, and that includes giving her good advice and making sure the queen would never suspect of her again. Her hand was forced in writing (but I also do think that she didn't want to give herself up and face consequences and wouldn't have done so even if the queen might believe her, she didn't really consider all the ways she could make the queen believe her) (but she would have also never written again after saving Eloise because she was genuinely horrified about almost ruining her friend)
I also do think Eloise was reckless, careless, in going back to Theo, but so are literally all other Bridgertons because all of their love-stories went the non-acceptable route and the men were arguably more careless than the women. She also felt lied to and when they argued I'm sure that Penelope telling her she's all talk while she, Pen, did something about society, hit her hard because "is that how she always felt about me?". But Eloise was still too okay to go see Theo after being gossiped about, she was the one to risk her family's honor there. But she was in love and her brothers did equally dangerous things (the duel??? Anthony's entire life in the last two years? Colin proposing to Marina after 5 seconds? Daphne making an arrangement with the Duke way worse than Penelope asking Colin for help??) and hell, Penelope given the chance didn't exactly tell Colin 'stop, let's wait until we are married'.
And I think we should not underestimate that Pen is literally putting lives at risk with what she writes, gossip in their universe/time is not gossip in ours, a woman with a bad reputation is ruined and so are all her siblings, especially the female ones: a woman who can't marry has NOTHING left, can't work, will have to live with her parents in shame, has no other prospectives, which is why Marina was literally trapping Colin with the intention of telling him she got pregnant right away (and no, that's not okay but she didn't have many choices. Still, she should feel bad and not act like she's somehow superior to Colin because he dared to reject her over finding out he was being tricked). And yes women shouldn't break the rules if they don't want to risk it, but that's just not realistic, no couple would exist in the show if rules weren't broken, since when we expect love to follow bureaucracy?
But also Eloise just assumed Penelope wanted everything she did and didn't listen to her as much, and doesn't seem to really be judging Penelope for the fact that she's doing the time-period equivalent of writing about disabled people working in secret to evade taxes (yes that's the closest thing to it we have today, because really, it's a choice, but it's ridiculous to expect disabled people to survive if the money they receive isn't enough but also for them to work like an abled person with nothing in between, and they are risking being ruined for the rest of their lives and possibly poverty. Same as following your heart is a choice, especially hoping it will end up in marriage, but in many situations these women have no real choice but to throw themselves at men, and risk being ruined if caught), no, Eloise is just mad when it's her family that gets written about, it's not a moral opposition, it's a SELFISH one, and she still wanted to chitchat with Lady W. She felt almost superior to all for not wanting what they did, and then got a taste of what's life is like when you actually will not be accepted by society and ran to buy stylish dresses because yeah, guess what, maybe women around you have a point in not wanting that life. Then again, Penelope found so awful to almost ruin Eloise because she cares about her, meanwhile all women she didn't like were fair game, also not great.
But I think we'd all be mad like Eloise if our friend lied to us for years and did stuff that could damage our families, and convinced us to interrupt the secret relationship we had going (which none of our siblings had to do, they got to marry their loves instead) just like we'd all feel like Penelope about having the right to keep secrets especially if we think our friends wouldn't listen to us, and not being given the choice to earn money and find some satisfaction in life outside of this because our gender means no work, no freedom unless married.
So when writing Eloise I find thousand of motivations for her be angry and if I wrote Penelope I'd justify her in a thousand of ways, but I also think they BOTH have a point and the fandom is too quick to demonize one or the other.
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androgynous-barbie 4 months
Bridgerton S3 thoughts thus far
spoilers under the cut i guess. but i dont have like anyone to talk about this show with so
Reasons I do ship Polin
i want Penelope to be happy and being with Colin would make her happy
it's gonna happen anyway
his growth/development is making me like him a little bit
maybe if he grows to accept the Whistledown thing, he can also help Eloise realize that Pen exposed her to save her from the queen cuz god why are we not getting this Eloise ur supposed to be the smart one ffs
gets her the FUCK out of that house (like she wants). her mom's bad but god her sisters just SUUUUUCK
Reasons I don't
he literally does not deserve her (or really, so far, anyone in my mind) after years of her just being a thought in his head and then espesh the bs in the s2 finale - then again really idrc much for any of the bridgerton men thus far.... i know the show's named after them but (as is a pattern with me in life) i really care about the female characters so much more. s1 was daphnes story. s2 was kates story. s3 is penelope's. i know im supposed to see it the other way round in the latter 2 cases but.... (i dunno. maybe make the men cooler than 'he was a rake/slept around alot and didnt know what to do in the world til he found love in her' ? although to be fair they DID make Anthony a compelling character in his season. they just have yet to do that with Colin)
she deserves someone who didn't HAVE to grow to love her after writing her off or suddenly realize she's always been beautiful
the Whistledown plotline.... like... is he just gonna shut up and accept it? is she gonna have to convince him its okay? is he gonna become a co-Whistledown the way Dan and Jenny were BOTH Gossip Girl? this gripe gets its own point later on
Rest of the season thoughts
i wish it was explicitly stated if the match Edwina made overseas was Prince Friedrich cuz my god my girl deserves to be a princess omg
why are we still supposed to care about the Mondrich plots? its leading to NOTHING. this is just as bad as the con artist plot from s2 that i literally just started fast forwarding thru until the finale. - and even THEN all it did was give Penelope more reason to fawn over Colin so really it led to NOTHING
LOVING Cressida Cowper being in her character development era.
Lord Debling is so gorgeous
Lord Debling is so adorable
Lord Debling is so sweet....... and I wish he had said 'yes i do believe love CAN grow' or at least 'fondness/deep fondness' rather than his (truthful) 'i don't know'. cuz damn that was a cute courtship but again we all know this is gonna be Polin season (no pun intended)
solely because of her shit ass parents, i hope Cressida becomes Lady Debling. They COULD be cute but it seems like asking for romantic chemistry is asking alot so if they approach this like a contract ('you receive a wife and eventually a son we hope and i receive a title and money and my parents off my neck') then it could work to everyone's happiness or at least contentment (s2 Marina flashback omg)
i hope at SOME point we get some redeeming qualities from Penelope's sisters. They're so two-note (stupid and mean) and I really think if they're going to insist on putting this bitches in our faces they should at least be bearable
I hope we get some redeeming qualities from Lady Featherington too. It does seem like she cares for Pen but for some reason can't find a way to say it. I hope we find out WHY and then undo that
like i seriously hoped that when she said 'a life unmarried doesn't have to be miserable' (paraphrased or whatever) that pen wouldve been like 'i can do unmarried i can't do unLOVED' and then her mom wouldve said she DOES love her or something
AND i was hoping Pen calling her out wouldve led to something but of COURRRSSSSSSE the moment had to be interrupted
so i'm hoping I just have to wait a little more
The Whistledown identity plot. GAWWWD.
so i havent read the books but from what i heard about them the queen isnt a character in them and so i think the whole 'who's the gossiper' isnt a plot in the books too
and so i wish that this and gossip girl 1 had just been like 'she's here she exists we tolerate it lets go' cuz it's causing ANOTHER plot line to be added into this very loaded season
and it's TEDIOUS especially because we KNOW this wont end with Pen on trial for treason or her and Colin shunned by society cuz this isnt THAT DEEP of a show so WHAT are we doing here?
Benedict gets his own story soon doesnt he? so why are we getting another him + random woman plot?
that being said, i love this season's random Benedict-girl. gorgeous and has some bite. wonder how thatll pan out tho since she doesnt bare the name of the girl he gets with in his book so..
speaking of gorgeous: FRANCESCAAAAA!!!!!!!
she looks like a mix of Phoebe Dynevor and Lily James
I was gonna say 'where has she been hiding' but i found out the actress has been in 2 things ive seen before omg
but ughhhh i was so happy for her and Lord Samadani until the 'i want 8 kids thing'
espesh cuz this'll lead to the queen lashing out cuz she feels like a bad matchmaker and that'll be bad for the bridgertons or whistledown or both and like ughhh
i was SO on francesca's side about being fine and being paired with whoever
but now that she's finding love or fondness with the earl omg im loving that for her too
the giggliness at the piano, their comfort sharing silence its SO CUTE
but knowing just the plot of the books i wonder if this means that [redacted] is gonna end up with her and then she'll still be widowed and [redacted] will end up pursuing her.
maybe THATS why theyre giving her a plot this season. to lead to that
i miss daphne a little. i get it tho
i DEF miss Kate. and Kate and Anthony but i get it tho
come to think of it. i think i'd actually just be happier if Pen's mom and sisters just died tbh (that could change tho. please give them positive qualities QUICK)
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silverhallow 2 years
I loved your answers they were so great! Another question when you want one! What鈥檚 your favorite thing about each couple??
OHHHHHHHHHH another good one!!!! and that's hard... but let's try...
Again we shall go in Book Order!
Saphne - I like that Daphne loved him so much that when she thought he couldn't have children that she wanted to be with him anyway. he was enough for her...
(yes there is a lot of other things we can get into here about what happened after but this was one of the things i loved best about her character... it was only when she realised that he didn't want when there became an issue... TALK FOR GODS SAKE PEOPLE)
and Simon liked her for who she was, that she was different and she's a bit of a tom boy but a girly girl at the same time, she can stand up for herself... they complimented one another in a way and if it wasn't for that scene, they would be a lot higher on my couples list... because that's what killed it for me...
They work well together, she sees past what he sees as his fatal flaws and helps him accept himself and she feels accepted and appreciated for who she is... and isn't that what we all want at the end of the day?
Kanthony - oh where to start... I love these two so much... couple wise, they are second on my list. they're both Alpha's and it's why they butt heads, they both like control and being in charge and yet they recognise something in each other... it's what draws them together and why they can't seem to stay away...
They're the power couple. Yes Daphne and Simon might out rank them... but I bet in the eyes of the ton, Kate and Anthony are more respected because of their collective power and aura...
Anthony has someone who understands him, understands his pain and his responsibility... and Kate has someone who loves her for who she is. has never compared her to her sister, who wanted her from the off... and they see each other, they complete one another and they are able to heal their old wounds. they can be vulnerable together, they can just be goofy idiots and be themselves and I love that for them
Benophie - oh my sweet babies...there is so much that i love about these but i think... my favourite thing is they aren't equals, like the other couples who are close to it, they're not. Sophie needs someone to protect her and look after her after a hard 22 years of life... someone to LOVE HER and Benedict needs someone who sees him for who he is after a life as being SECOND... they understand each other immediately, yes it is love at first sight but they don't really get to the core of one another until later.
they just meet someone who understands them from the get go. the fact Sophie DOESN'T recognise him straight away as a Bridgerton and is interested in him... its TOP TIER. They bring out the best and the worst in each other. they're stubborn they drive one another crazy.
Sophie understands Benedict better than anyone, probably even himself... she believes in him in a way no one else has. Benedict loves Sophie when no one else ever has...
they literally complete one another, they give each other a purpose. I could write about these two ALL DAY.
Polin - this is a hard one... cause they're not my favourite couple and i struggle with them but i think what I do like about them is they were friends first. Friendship is the best foundation for any relationship, for it to work you have to LIKE each other... and they do like one another as friends first. they have that bases and foundation. I like that Penelope encouraged Colin to pursue his writing and gave him a sense of purpose... and grounding which he DESPERATELY needed.
Philoise - i love that they're able to be themselves. I love that it wasn't magical and whilst it was a moment of madness that had Eloise fleeing across country, she had thought it out and I think if she had written ahead to say she was coming... it would have still gone in a similar way... albeit it without the assault on Sir Phillip and Eloises on Benedict... i love that Eloise is still able to retain her independence and be in charge, I love that they compliment one another. Like Ben and Sophie they bring out the best in another, they make each other happy and it's just... YES.
Franchel - i love these horny beans. I love that Michael just loves her so much that he'd do anything for her... i just love these two being filthy and wicked... and honestly... good for Frannie! her and Michael living their best lives in Scotland without clothes on hahahaha
Hyreth - i love that Hyacinth was so stubborn and strong willed but she found a man who loved that about her. he didn't try to push it down, to get her to conform. He loved that about her... but at the same time, was just as smart and just as challenging and engaging as she is... she needed someone strong enough to hold her back at times but someone man enough to let her do her own thing... Gareth needed a family, he needed someone stable and someone to challenge him and stop him from getting bored. she accepted him for who he was and we stan that...
Grucy- who doesn't love Lucy! I mean, she's like the legitimate version of Sophie, at least in my head... actually she's like Sophie and Kate rolled into a tiny adorable OCD laden package...
Poor girl just wants to be loved for the first time (cause lets be honest... hermione loves no one but herself) and she wants to be accepted and looked at first... She was always an after thought to Hermione (Like Kate and Edwina) and she was so sure she didn't deserve any love or anything that she was going to marry a man out of duty. she didn't know her parents, her uncle was a wanker and her brother... don't get my started... she's had a rough start to live and she just wants someone to accept her...
I love that despite the initial cock up, that Gregory wants her so badly and will do anything to do that and prove that... he's a romantic bean (he's been taking notes from Benedict i am sure of it...) and he just wants to love her. he wants to be a malewife and be a father and be Lucy's... they're chaotic and they're adorable and they just... they want to be happy damn it and they want to be together but it's a sense of duty that drives Lucy to go through with her wedding...
they're idiot himbos both of them and its why i love them
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