#i just think abt izzy hands
thequeerpaladin · 9 months
taking language night classes is so unserious bc my Best Friend is a 60yr old man called drew who looks and sounds exactly like con o neill
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i put a ton of tags on a thing and realized maybe i should just make a post because i wanna know what other ppl think…
thinking about how if izzy had continued/forced his confession onto ed would've gone bc with eds mental state probably backing off on it and being more vague was a good choice. when izzy confesses ed is at his lowest and fully unable to accept that someone loves him and that he can love someone else and ed might have used violence to reenforce these beliefs.
ed dismissing it was probably the best outcome for izzy at that point because if ed was convinced that it was true (although i suspect he did believe that bc he shot izzy to kill the love) i'm not sure what he would have done to end that love.
i’m also thinking about the scene where ed is sobbing and playing with the wedding toppers after having shot izzy. i'm not sure when ed realized that izzy wasn't dead but if he had before that time an aspect of that breakdown could have been him grieving izzys love for him because he did think izzy stopped after the gunshot. which is why he went to izzy to be killed he thought “well, izzys done it for me before and there's no way he still loves me so he will be willing to kill me”
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like i’m not even an izzy stan but ppl who ARE izzy stans and also think that izzy wasn’t having the time of his life during the toe scene are so boring tbh. this show is full of So Many healthy relationships and characters who are capable of expressing affection in a normal way, and y’all chose the most repressed freak in the show to imprint on and then don’t even enjoy how fucked up he is!! izzy hands is the ONE outlet in ofmd where u can play around with toxic and obsessive romance without getting wildly ooc, and instead of playing with izzy’s fucked up hannibal-esque style of homosexuality portrayed only through acts of violence there are people who are like “actually izzy loves and respects every part of ed” “izzy wasn’t really threatening ed when he told him to watch his step” “izzy was so scared and traumatized during the toe scene” “when izzy smiles and says blackbeard is himself again he’s obviously lying to the crew and himself” boo your takes are lame!!!! don’t call yourself an izzy fan if you can’t accept that the toe thing was the greatest moment of his life
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krak-house · 2 years
Con: If Izzy weren't a pirate he'd be a chef
Me, looking at the open wip on my laptop where Izzy is a hyper-competent hotheaded sous chef:
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werewolfest · 10 months
Truthfully I need to just make an our flag sideblog so I can be more obnoxious but I’m not ready to break down yet
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pyratelibrary · 2 years
was just thinking abt how ed is emo kid-core with the biggest color variation in his wardrobe being a single dark purple shirt
this reminded me of an interaction i had w a coworker once, when we were talking about a student whose mental health we were worried about
she said “the only color he ever wears is black”
and i said “that doesn’t necessarily mean anything, i only ever wore black in middle/high school too”
and then, entirely innocently and unaware that she was reading me to filth, she asked “were you depressed?”
so yeah big edward vibes
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izzy-b-hands · 25 days
My fill for the prompt 'Jim' on my Izzy Hands Bingo 2024 bingo card is done and posted!
TW for death talked about in detail and grieving.
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izstevns · 1 year
it's frustrating when you see a character you love making choices you wouldn't personally but not feeling right to change it because it does fit their arc and their personality 😔
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canonizzyhours · 6 months
hey remember that genre of izcourse that was like “if you post izzy critical rhetoric then you are directly responsible for the harassment of izzy fans” as if a joke post abt how izzy is a gay homophobe was actually a form of stochastic terrorism. does anyone else remember that shit. i think that was like the main overarching theme of all ofmd fandom discourse in the hiatus between s1 and s2. like yeah there were other specific things we all fought over but when it came to izzy pretty much every disagreement would eventually circle back to “how dare you say this about izzy hands when izzy fans have suffered so much”
anyway rip to the izzy fans who tried to silence all somewhat negative izzy takes, i imagine it feels very embarrassing that not only did that not work, but then show itself went and validated the interpretation of izzy as ed’s abuser right as izzy died. woof, that’s rough. all that energy trying in vain to make the fandom worship izzy and then s2 comes out and he just fuckin dies bc at the end of the day izzy is just a supporting character in ed’s story. very humiliating for those guys.
and it’s a honestly shame bc this show is actually rlly fucking good when you’re reading with the text instead of all your interpretations warping canon to center around a side character. too bad those ppl shaped their whole ofmd fan experience around their perception of being part of a specifically targeted group of fans, now there’s no way for them to ever approach the show from the angle it was intended to be read (where izzy is an antagonistic side character who is both bad for ed and also who doesn’t matter to the narrative even a little bit as much as ed) bc their perception of the show is too tied up in their personal feelings of victimization. bummer.
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fairyrcts · 5 days
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nikes , c.s. • track 1
by fairyrcts contents - cursing , drug use , 3rd person (an) - i know nothing abt drugs so bare w me
"serenity!" her professor called her as she was about walk out the door.
"yes, sir?"
he did a motion with his hand, telling her to come over there.
serenity stood in front if his desk, fiddling with the sleeves of her cardigan.
"i just wanted to compliment your poem. i mean, to be able to say so much by saying so little, really, it's a raw talent. but i'm not necessarily seeing how this goes along with the prompt i assigned. maybe look it over and try realigning in some places." his words were gentle, but god were they harsh.
"uh, yeah, of course. thank you." she gave him a tight-lipped smile and a nod, turning around and walking out of the room.
seriously? realign? it was already perfectly aligned.
she wasn't very great at constructive criticism, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it.
as a journalism student, she had to take multiple types of literature classes. her poetry class was her least favorite. her poetry spoke to her and that's all that was needed in her mind.
serenity made her way out the cramped halls and outside of the large boston college building.
she enjoyed walking around the campus. it was very peaceful.
her nikes walked across the green grass and out the college campus onto the concrete of the sidewalk.
her headphones played frank ocean in her ears while she walked to her apartment building just a block away from campus.
most of the college students lived there, so she was blessed to even be able to have an apartment there.
of course, to keep cost down, she had a roomate. izzy was.. unique, to put it lightly. she was one of those crystal girls who believed that mercury's orbit speed is what's causing her life to go to shambles, when it's really just the amount of pot screwing up her head.
serenity opened the glass door to the complex and waved at one of the neighbors.
"hey, kelly. how's the kids?" she spoke kindly to the middle-aged woman walking down the stairs.
"hi, serenity. they're fresh, as usual. maybe you could watch em' for me sometime soon. i need a break." she chuckled as she spoke.
"yes ma'am. you know where to find me." serenity smiled back while she walked up the stairs, ending their conversation.
unfortunately, she lived on the eleventh floor and the elevator's been down for 3 days, so she's got her workout done for the day.
after around 7 exhausting minutes, she finally reach the door to her apartment. she unlocked her door and fell onto her couch instantly.
izzy walked out of her dimly lit room and greeted serenity back home.
"you seem tired. you okay?" the ginger girl in front of her asked.
"i just walked up like a bazillion stairs, of course i'm not okay." serenity panted.
izzy gave her a look, as if telling her to calm down.
"hey, i was bouta call my dealer, chris, tell him to come over. getting like a quarter pound of weed. want some?"
serenity usually would say no without hesitation, but she was thinking about it. she'd never done anything like that before. so maybe just once wouldn't be so bad?
"uh, yeah, call him." izzy definitely didn't expect that for an answer, but she did as asked.
she sat across from serenity and dialed a few numbers on her phone and held it up to her ear. around the 4th ring, he answered.
"what'sup?" he groggily spoke into the phone.
"yo, come over. me and ren need weed." serenity narrowed her eyes at her. ren? they weren't that close, but okay.
"you and who? y'know, i don't wanna know. i'll be there in ten." chris grumbled and hung up the phone.
before interrupted, chris was napping. he'd just gotten back from doing deals all day and he fell asleep on the couch of his shared home.
he moved himself to go grab his stash that lied under his bed. he stuffed the ziplock bag into his hoodie pocket and made his way to his car.
while waiting, the two girls ordered chinese from some local place down the street. a knock in sets of threes indicated that christopher was here.
"can ya get it?" izzy didn't bother to look up, making serenity roll her eyes. she stood up and opened the door to chris. she'd never met him before, so she just assumed the boy in front of him was her dealer.
chris's eyes looked her up and down unashamedly. he gave her a small smile. "ren, i'm guessing."
"serenity, but if that's what you'd like, ren's fine to." serenity reciprocated the smile and opened the door to him.
"nah, i'll come up with a better nickname within time. like your nikes by the way." chris walked in and gave one of those boyish greeting nods to izzy.
he sat on the couch that serenity was laying on before. she felt sorta awkward sitting next to him so she sat on the floor in front of the coffee table.
her roomate scrolled through things on the tv while chris took out the small bags from his pocket.
"so, you ever done marijuana?" he looked towards serenity.
"uhm, no. i hit a vape once in seventh grade." she spoke with a small smile but her words caused chris to laugh loudly.
when he saw that she wasn't laughing with him, he became confused. "wait, you're serious?"
"uh, yeah."
chris let out a tsk noise from his mouth and shook his head.
"can't let you get a joint then. you've got low tolerance, you'll literally green out within minutes."
serenity's cheeks turned a light shade of pink now that he was looking at her. she felt embarrassed. she'd never really felt embarrassed about not doing drugs, so it was weird in this instance.
"you can get a few hits from mine? but i don't want ya takin' in too much, y'know?" he could see that she felt out of place around them, so he only offered to make her feel better.
"yeah, no, i get that. whatever's okay with you, i mean." serenity gave him a small nod.
izzy was already smoking her blunt and looked buzzed from just onw hit, but to be fair, she always looked buzzed.
chris began rolling it in a tan rolling paper while some random video played on the tv.
serenity just sat contently, her body lightly rocking in her criss cross position.
chris kept glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
she was oddly intriguing to him. she seemed so polite and innocent. too polite and innocent to be doing drugs, but hey, he definitely wasn't one to judge.
he took out his lighter and lit his joint in between his two fingers. he scooted to the edge of the couch and put it in front of her mouth.
"here, just inhale it, then exhale the smoke out."
she took it from him and placed it between her pointer and middle finger and took a hit from it.
it wasn't as scary as serenity had imagined.
when she exhaled, chris gave her a wide smile and izzy clapped dramatically.
"not so bad, ay?" he chuckled lightly and took it from her hands.
-- --
the three were now high out of their minds. serenity was so new to the feeling, she just never stopped laughing.
"oh my god, dude, is that chinese ever gonna get here?" izzy was clearly too buzzed to remember that she never even placed the order.
"uh, i dunno. maybe we should go to the place or sumthin." serenity now sat on the couch next to chris, her head resting on the cushion behind it.
"yeah, alright, i'll go. don't do anything stupid." her words really didn't mean anything since doing drugs with a stranger was stupid in general, but chris and serenity nodded.
izzy walked out with her car keys, leaving the two alone.
"so." chris took another drag from the blunt, eventually letting it burn out.
"so?" she giggled.
"i don't really know anything about you. might as well kmow a bit if this becomes a regular occurance." he sat up to talk to her more properly.
"what do ya wanna know?"
serenity always like the idea of talking about herself. not in a selfish way, but she liked being able to share her passions with people and just having them listen.
"just, tell me sum shit, i dunno." he shrugged.
"uh, okay i'm 19, i go to college at boston university, i like the color brown and i'm really high right now." her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke.
her tone caused chris to listen attentively. it was weird how much her voice kept doing that to hi. it just made him want to hear more.
"god, you're voice is just so soothing. it's like, precious." sure, chris was high, but he meant what he said.
"precious?" serenity's face turned a shade of light pink once more as she gave him a bright smile.
"mhm. hey, i told ya i'd think of another name to call ya!" he laughed humorlessly with serenity.
"you're corny."
"whatever you say."
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winterchimez · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
hi anon-ie!! yayyyy ok this is so fun imma just *rubs hands* cook up some scenarios 😋 (tagging the ones i talk to on a daily basis!! 💗)
@sungbeam acedemic rivals - theres something about you just being rivals with changmin and it gets on your nerve whenever he outperforms you but then all that bickering slowly turn into romance and thats something i will be watching from afar with my popcorn.
@from-izzy strangers to lovers - you and hyunjae (as much as i wanna mention the other guy but i won't bcs im trying to be nice 🥰) would meet as strangers on your first day of uni orientation, seemingly also ends up as deskmate in class and boom hes the goofy funny guy, always trying to get you involve in activities when you're just shy and reluctant and then the both of you start falling for each other
@daisyvisions best friends to lovers - we all know how much you love this, esp with hyunjae when yall be doing things that are pretty much obvious that's more than just friends 😏 so by the time yall end up together its more of a meh we've already done this before but then it gets awkward cs you're both now labelled as bf/gf
@aimeecarreros / @momhwa-agenda enemies to lovers - bcs of what you told me yesterday....but juyeon who's always teasing and bullying you...but then it's bcs he actually likes you sm but bcs of his ego he refuses to believe nor accept reality...but then it eventually hits him and hes confronted by you with a revenge dress and he goes oh. 😌
@snowflakewhispers mutual pining - realistically you and jacob would be having feelings for each other but then you both have your doubts (even though you don't look like it when you have beef with me everyday 🙄 HOWEVER it'll be cute but then the rest of us at the side will be all frustrated (aka me, daisy, elena) be like HE ALSO LIKES YOU BACK WTF but you're just "IDK MAN I DONT THINK HE WOULD"
@kimsohn unrequited love (but with a happy ending) - sunwoo's been head over heels over you since day one but you're always just ignoring his advnaces be like "this dude is hella weird", this goes on until one day you eventually see the other side of him, he makes you blush and he gets a high and giddy be like "okay confirmed maya likes me now i've won in life"
@justalildumpling rich kid au - ok i know it sounds cliché but hear me out!! na jaemin aka the rich boy from uni and he gets all the girls and naturally you fall for him too cs hell hes a fine-looking man but then maybe one day you are forced to live with him and thats when you see his true colours which makes you go ew, but then bcs of your personality you'll be like "i will change this man" (which you do) and he realises that you're not like the other girls out there
@ethereal-engene coffeshop au - you just give me calm sunshine vibes so!! you and woozi in the coffee shop, woozi as the barista (WHEW WITH A WHITE SHIRT- 😮‍💨) either you both work tgt as coworkers and eventually become a couple, or you would often visit the store not just for the good coffee but also for the good looking barista 👀
@drunkdrazed childhood friends to lovers - you're literally the sweetest human being so it would only be appropriate for this trope!! either with ten / jacob, you would fit so well 🥺 love the way how yall know literally anything abt each other and when yall reach uni / work and thats when you both realised that you're falling for one another instead 🫶
@h0mebody-heaven soulmate au - you're so funny and another ball of energy!! i can't imagine a better soulmate for hendery than you! lmao i can imagine all the chaos, the jokes that you both are gonna pull, probably asks you to film plenty of questionable tiktoks but then you oblige bcs YOLO 🤭
@strayed-quokka established relationship - do i need to say more, husband sangyeon and you're the housewife. you can replay that scenario in your mind.
@sanaxo-o arranged marriage - chanhee the rich son of dior's ceo ✨ but imagined getting pampered by him??? what a life it'll be 😮‍💨
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beelzeballing · 10 months
listen i love izzy. i dont even have to say this, all of you are fully aware of that fact. today i woke up and before i was even conscious enough to clearly remember what i was thinking abt in retrospect, i was thinking about izzy. i am ALWAYS thinking about izzy.
but some people give that man too much fucking credit, especially in s1. "he said he massages the crew so that means they must have respected him if he can influence them" what show were you watching where that was happening? genuinely?? blackbeard's crew cannot stand izzy. at best theyre kind of afraid of him, at worst they think hes a joke and only begrudgingly respect his authority because he has blackbeard backing him. we are literally SHOWN in episode two what izzy's "massaging the crew" looks like:
fang expresses frustration and confusion at blackbeard's choice to follow the revenge and izzy basically tells him to shut the fuck up and do his job without asking stupid questions.
and we all remember what happened when izzy lost edward's shadow looming large behind him and had to actually lead a crew on his own; they staged a mutiny in less than 24 hours.
izzy hands in season 1 is many things, but respected by his crew he is not. id argue we dont even have enough info to confidently judge whether he actually cares about them or not.
that's what makes his arc in season 2 all the more emotional! because after all the jabs at him, the mean nicknames and his unsuccesful attempts at bullying people back into line, he finally earned the crew's respect through his care for them. so much so that, where they'd previously attempted to kill him the second edward was finally out of the picture, they now went behind ed's back (at great risk to themselves) just to save izzy. that's what it's all about! that's why the new unicorn scene hits like a fucking freight train! that's why his death scene was such an insult, with the crew observing from the sidelines instead of doing anything in their power to help him!
izzy hands is such a great character. stop smoothing him down into this innocent victim who has never done anything wrong in his life and has always had everyone's best interest at heart. he starts out a mean, vindictive, jealous little cunt whose top priorities are 1) the man he's in love with and 2) being at the side of the man he's in love with. thats half of his charm! the other stuff comes later!!
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how long was izzy waiting in the captain’s cabin for stede to show up just to give him his little dramatic ‘i told you so’ speech? izzy knew this would happen, he warned stede. and stede didn’t listen. i love how izzy places himself in the most drama queen areas when he’s got a point to make.
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suddenly remembering an old post where someone was pointing out that izzy’s “the plan is very much on, he promised me” line in e6 was an unreliable description of the situation bc ed did not actually promise anything, and someone’s argument against that was that there’s probably a moment we didn’t see where izzy was hounding ed about the murder plan and to reassure him he probably said something like “iz, i promise, i’m getting to it”
and they said. they said. that this was “occam’s razor” logic.
occam’s razor. the problem-solving philosophy of seeking explanations with the fewest steps or smallest amount of elements. had them conclude that there is a canonical moment that the showrunners decided was not important to include. a moment that would’ve made it clear that izzy’s “he promised me” wasn’t made-up bullshit. and even tho they did not include this in the show. clearly this is the most logical and straightforward explanation for that line.
not that izzy’s stretching the truth again, like he did in episode three. “i explicitly told him, blackbeard desired his company” when he very much DID NOT tell stede that.
that second explanation. apparently has more steps to it. than assuming there’s a whole scene that we never see for some reason. hello.
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rivangel · 2 years
do u reckon levi got super fucken sunburnt when he first joined the corps because his edward cullen skin couldn’t handle the sunlight. like whole face red and peeling sunburnt.
i do fuxkin reckon
maybe it was like autumn when Levi, Izzy and Furlan went aboveground and Levi got sunburn the very next day (it was mostly cloudy). he thought he was having an allergic reaction to something (all the disgusting dust?? the mountains of food??).
he also squinted for days. it was just so bright.
but so warm. Levi fell in love with the sun and the air. to hell with sunburn. he’d find any excuse to go out ‘for some fresh air’. others thought he was weird for just standing around outside, but he was having the time of his LIFE.
some rando probably pointed out his red face (and shoulders. and hands. and) and used it as more ammunition to use against Levi being a former criminal, super rude and unapproachable and short etc etc etc. before Levi had any reputation except being a criminal shoved into the scouts’ ranks. he literally got bullied💀
but for like an hour. and then everyone was scared of him, and just gossiped in secret. then they were made even more shocked when (in the canon no regrets manga) Levi was immune to shadis’ efforts at corporal punishment.
but anyway Levi realized the sun could burn him, but he didn’t know what to do abt it bc he couldn’t read very well, so research was out of the question… and asking for help was even MORE out of the question. probably Furlan asked around and bought aloe for Levi. but then Levi got mad that Furlan, blowing his money on him, and made it up to him later with a blowjob.
next summer Levi got so sunburnt he could barely move💀💀 bc he kept ignoring it and insisting he was fine (typical Levi behavior). atp maybe it was a bonding time between Erwin and Levi (fuck that’s a good fic idea) where Erwin looked after him while he made Levi rest
ps: i think Levi Izzy and Furlan had to be told not to look directly at the sun too💀
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oldmanffucker · 1 year
Been kicking around an au where the crew goes to Blackbeard’s ceramic studio for a wheel throwing happy hour. It’s byob and Lucius packs them cans of wine and it’s like peach moscato
lucius ends up being awful at it and is confused bc no one told him it would be hard, Pete told everyone he’s actually a really skilled potter who’s taken tons of classes with blackbeard but has actually never touched clay before and is making the most horrifically messy wet slop on his wheel that makes blackbeard physically recoil when he comes to check on their progress but Pete is bent over it determined to make something out of it, fang making a slightly lumpy but completely endearing dog bowl, jim who whips up a surprisingly good fruit bowl, olu is tentatively doing his best and made like a 2 inch tall "vase" with a half inch deep indent on top bc he's afraid if he tries to do anything more he'll just ruin it so better safe than sorry. stede is also pretty deliberate but not too bad etc etc
izzy is the assistant for classes and everyone is afraid to ask for his help but him and jim get along okay and he's soft for fang and he pretends to not like lucius but privately smirks at all his stupid jokes.
Blackbeard and Izzy do production pottery (where they make a large number of exactly same forms to sell) and Ed is like this is boring I miss making Real Art and Izzy is like don’t be stupid this is a good business & Stede comes in for the happy hour and he’s like oh I’m not too great at the wheel but i've taken to handbuilting sculptures and making super dainty/superfluously beautiful functional objects that double as sculptures in his hands and it makes Ed heart so full to see him wholeheartedly enjoying making this art & since he's self taught stede does all these techniques with clay he'd never've thought of before and he's utterly besotted.
ed, izzy, and stede all have grief in common (ed & stede lost their moms, izzy his sister) and with stede ed feels encouraged to make art exploring his grief and losses and his relationship with his dad through sculpture, and over time even izzy is pulled into stede's talk it through mentality and makes a piece about his sister.
I’ve been thinking abt that piece nonstop. He finally shows stede and stede is. Verklempt. He made work that served no function but to be art, and showed it to HIM. stede is holding back his weeping and sobbing and izzy is rolling his eyes like oh my GOD but privately he's pleased
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