#i just want hcq content again :(
artheresy · 8 months
Everybody moved on to Penacony and I’m still in agony over the High Cloud Quintet lore… I’ll never move on from these tragic gay mfs
I do need,, HCQ revisited at some point. Doesn’t even have to be in any main story, I honestly just need more HCQ readables because those are some of the most enjoyment I’ve gotten out of Honkai Star Rail. Baiheng’s Travelogue to the Zhuming chANGED MY LIFE and sewed the seeds for an obsession that is far too unhealthy to the point I am in the process of wasting my money to make a Blade ita bag. And it was a single readable that started me spiralling into this obsession and made me motivated to read more readables and character stories and etc.
I need another Baiheng travelogue… here’s to praying we get another if we end up on the Yaoqing soon, in general heres to hoping for more BH lore on the Yaoqing since apparently she’s from a very prominent family on that ship.
I just really need more HCQ crumbs because as much as I love them, their in game dynamics are so underdeveloped. Yes, we have a lot of Dan Feng and Yingxing, but a lot is very vague, and we have to mostly make assumptions with the little crumbs we have. Baiheng and Jingliu also have a lot set up, but I really need more content of them because my god, we barely know anything bout their dynamic too. We mostly have the aftermath and Jingliu’s grief, but I want to know about their happiness so her prolonged mourning hits even harder by knowing exactly what she lost. Jing Yuan and Jingliu probably have the most show upfront dynamic mostly due to the animated short, but the knowledge of Jing Yuan’s dynamics with the rest of them are practically nonexistent outside of that one line about Yingxing and Jing Yuan bickering and sad looks he has that really don’t hit as hard in my opinion because we don’t have the context.
And personally out of all the dynamics I want more content more, I think I want Jing Yuan and Baiheng content the most. The lines he has when he visits the Express that are about her are my saving grace, I am the biggest advocate for these to have a very sweet familial kind of bond and messing around together causing all kinds of trouble. Bonus points if they get Yingxing along for the ride with them. But we have crumbs only 😭 we only have itty bitty crumbs and I am starving
I have a lot of my own views about what I hc their dynamics as due to what we know, but god I want to see what their dynamics in canon are supposed to be. I ranted so much about how I see Dan Feng and Yingxing’s potential dynamic, but even with that, I wanna know. I wanna know about Jingliu and Yingxing, to add even more pain to how their dynamic is now (which hehehe… I have some ideas for this specific topic, but I want canon stuff too not just my own hcs). I wanna see just exactly what Jingliu lost when Baiheng died, what in Baiheng and the way she treated her made her so devastated as to promise to cut down the stars from the sky (which? Is that? Potentially a code for something else like the current plan she has regarding a certain aeon?), like Jingliu was so clearly devastated and tormented by Baiheng’s death, still is 700 years later and we don’t know what about her made it so painful. Yes Baiheng was clearly kind as she’s been established, but just how was she kind to Jingliu? I have my own assumptions and conclusions given what we know about both, but even then it’s still something pretty completely fabricated in my head because we don’t have enough!! GIVE ME THE LIUBAI CONTENT HOYOVERSE I have you’re keeping it somewhere, tell me where
Ugh, too many HCQ thoughts in my head. I need to keep writing and finally finish that first chapter so I can reveal my insanity about them esp the Zhuming family to world. I love them
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 10 months
oh yeah i forgot i wanted to touch up on the future of my doodle blog here as well:
i am very burnt out and Something Bad always seems to happen when i think im in the clear and will def be back to do some doodles over the winter holidays since im helping out with a renheng event on twt
but ive been dealing with too many health scares for me (autoimmune testing and stuff) and my mom (possible cancer) so i've started taking a back burner on content for other people (besides comms im still working thru those)
its not worth it to run myself into the ground trying to draw what i think other people want or work on fanart shit for my portfolio in hopes to get accepted to fan projects not to be negative but like. ive never been accepted to anything so spending so much time on work JUST to boost my chances to get accepted to just be rejected anyway made me not want to do Anything
dont get me wrong i appreciate and am amazed that my silly doodle blog got this much attention and ive made new friends because people found me through that. and i love that so much but. im burnt out on hsr almost completely and theres some parts of it just make me feel Icky and bad to even touch (how the hcq was handled and certain ships)
but ive also been like. terrified to start/stop doodles again because this is the first time ive ever got even the SMALLEST spotlight and i dont want to risk being irrelevant again. but also im not a content machine and content consumption / algorithmic based social media has just become to distressing and soul crushing to keep using
idk where im going with this but again im so happy to the people ive met and became friends with everyone who likes my work but im just in the worse headspace and could get some good vibes sent my way
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
been sitting on the subject of like. general vague dissatisfaction i have with the handling of recent hsr writing and after reading a comment on reddit along similar lines im realizing how hoyo kinda just? overplayed their hand with the HCQ lore?
like they leaned way too hard into the "hehehe tune in maybe youll learn the truth THIS time~ SIKE its still vague and inconclusive as shit!!!!" and trying to tease and wink and nod to extend the shelf life of the initial hype far too much to the point where the 'promise' of new HCQ content doesnt even like... really excite me as much as it just makes me pre-emptively irritated bc i genuinely dont know if theyre just gonna keep on dodging the big questions bc uhhhhhhhhh reasons!!!
its not like we havent gotten SOME answers, true, like bailu = baiheng but post dan fengs terrible horrible no good DNA soup more or less confirmed Was pretty huge but its still like. that mission still left more questions unanswered than it did answer them and it just feels frustrating when it feels the ratio of questions answered and questions unanswered hasnt changed much at all since 1.0 at least when it comes to the big lore stuff
like unironically imo if they didnt want to reveal dan hengs past or answer HCQ questions upfront and do the characters involved justice this early on they shouldve left luofu as like. the 3rd or 4th world we encounter and just foreshadowed shit much more gradually. which probably wouldve resulted in the entire luofu arc being way better too lmao. but they just had to sell DHIL asap so now dan hengs pivotal character moment is pretty much forever sullied by the writing and pacing failing both him and the larger HCQ & luofu plotline and thats just. Unfortunate
again its not like shits unwatchable or completely terrible it just. fell short. and when your gameplay loop is by default more simplistic and barebones than something like genshin factors like the story content each patch should really be as polished as possible and not... this. its ok to build up with less stakes arcs in between! spend time expanding the express gang dynamics with wacky space shenanigans! explore the setting! and then once the stakes have had the time to be established and everythings lining up thats the time for a major arc bc imho its better they leave the subject completely unexplored than rush things and feature it in a subpar manner like this
like. man. its really just that im more disappointed and sad than angry tbh.
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vryivs · 8 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by @tiesanjiaoshenanigans <33
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
oh god i dont even know. probably any silm ship i liked since i just outgrew that part of my life organically and also dennor probably?
Which ship would you consider your first one?
percabeth easily
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
it was dennor hetalia
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
most likely percabeth since i got tumblr literally just to follow viria for the art
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
yes i was 13 and i didnt like fruk. i made an apology drawing that said 'im sorry fruk shippers' on a sign being held up by a sad girl. i was 13. since then? not really. i dont tend to have the time or energy to actively argue with people i disagree with. to me theres no point + it doesnt matter
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
im opinionated so absolutely!! didnt like hk/iceland (hetalia) or fruk (hetalia again lol). didnt like yuri/otabek (yoi), most byleth/student ships (femblem), jeanluc (when i was into genshin). currently dont like renheng (it's just not my thing), jing yuan/fu xuan (also not my thing) or dan heng/anyone tbh (although i make exceptions for tb). i dont have any massive reasons for disliking them theyre just either not my thing or dont align with my hcs (shrug)
any jing yuan/hcq feels vaguely icky to me because they knew him as a teenager while they were adults (aside from yingxing since his age is more ambiguous and it seems like he mightve grown up at the same time jy did?)
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
brb checking my ao3 history
oh my god is was a fucking dddne dabi/hawks fic i found when i was looking through trans tags. i havent read or watched mha it just sounded interesting. i liked it and its here if you want to read it (mind the tags)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
weirdly no massive ones for hsr which is my main fandom. i have ships i like tho!! kafblade, stellemarch and bronseele. also i think clara/yanqing is adorable in concept. arranging playdates between my daughter and jing yuans son. i also think voidwelt would be really interesting
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
not rlly!! i tend not to care too much about canon when it comes to shipping, so i hardly even pay it attention
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not rlly!! if there is i cant remember them
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
any rpf ship tbh. i honestly think rpf is fine as long as you dont project its contents onto the very real people it's based off of.
What is your favorite crack ship?
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i dont read fanfic v often (combination of bad attention span, really specific tastes, etc) but when i do its usually sansang, seongjoong, or whatever ship fic @tiesanjiaoshenanigans or @kireinalix ask me to beta are hehe
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
this is a good question and i dont really know the answer. my taste tends to favour characters who make a good parental unit (seongjoong, jingliu/baiheng), but i also enjoy the dynamics of amoral pairs (kafblade), as well as goofy lesbians having a good time (stellemarch)
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
if its boring tbh. if something feels boring or overdone im p much guaranteed not to like it. like jeanluc? theyre just boring to me. i also really dont enjoy the 'i knew you when you were a kid and then you grew up hot and now we're dating' thing
tagging @himbodevotee @morifiinwe @shineoftherainbow @kireinalix @aowyn and anyone else who follows me :3
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artheresy · 8 months
No but I don’t think anyone understands how deeply I need to witness Blade identity crisis content like, the focus on identity usually with the HCQ and the struggles usually centers around Dan Heng because of course! We get the content in canon touched upon, expanding on it with your own view is so much fun and I want to do it myself at some point.
But the potential of Blade? And exploring his fucked relationship with his identity and with Yingxing? MWAH, delicious, and not done enough compared to something I do see a bit whenever the topic comes up which no hate to anyone for but I have my own opinions on it
Like, shit Blade has HUGE issues with dehumanizing himself as a result of Jingliu’s teaching in which she projected her own self dehumanization onto him and taught him to turn his body into a weapon and remember the feeling of death. He doesn’t view himself as being a person, he is nothing more than a sword for slaying, a weapon whose path is soaked in the blood of both his victims and himself. And UGH listen, I’ve already ranted about this so many times that y’all are probably tired of hearing me talk about it.. it truly is one of my favorite topics, the disconnection between Yingxing and Blade that does exist in canon to certain extent. Though he takes on the weight of his sin as his own and his duty to repay it (and make sure Dan Heng repays it too), the ways in which he doesn’t connect to Yingxing in other matters is used in such a tragic way when you peel back the layers upon layers that can relate to the simplest things. Like fucking hell, not to mention it again but the use of craftsmanship between the two of them is heartbreaking as crafting represents not only what he happened to do as apart of the HCQ and in the end his legacy, but how it is used as a representation of his passion that Blade does not share, how it represents the revenge that dominated his life as Yingxing built on the pain and trauma of losing his entire family and home while still such a young child which Blade probably doesn’t even fully remember anymore let alone connect with. I swear, that hurts, it hurts me every time I think about it.
I also just have a lot of my own headcanons that I firmly don’t think are canon, but are things I instead sprinkle in like finishing salt into my wounds to make myself even more sad. Like thinking about Blade in a way constantly being in mourning, not solely for Baiheng, but genuinely in mourning for Yingxing as well. Although he used to be Yingxing, that man is still dead and gone and never coming back, never in a way that will actually be Yingxing. So I like to imagine he mourns for him as well. Not just his death but mourns the severed connection between them. The passions he cannot submerge himself in, the pure dedication he cannot fathom, the love and happiness he cannot even begin to imagine the feeling of. Or at least not the warmth of them, he only feels the bitter shards of those feelings left within him, making his hatred all the more agonizing and deep set.
Hm… I wonder how we’re going to see Blade progress as the story keeps going on. I do truly hope we get more of an exploration of this. I need to see what happens to him. I need to see how his mindset ends up evolving or instead of evolving, the sheer amount of shit it ends up getting him into. God do I love this man, sorry that my love manifests in needing to see him suffering. It just comes with the territory
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artheresy · 1 year
I am currently manifesting a Myriad Celestia Trailer soon because the last one was August 26 with the one before being August 12 and yet we haven’t had another and I just want another one so so badly
The Myriad Celestia Trailers are outright carrying in terms of giving us the HSR lore and I need another one soon because I need more content to lose my mind over. And when I am y’know manifesting this Myriad Celestia Trailer, I want it to be one of two things
Either 1) I want it to be about Fu Xuan after already having her banner (which admittedly is much less likely out of the options given when the Kafka/Stellaron Hunters one dropped, it was only 5ish days after her trailer and Fu Xuan’s was dropped 10 days ago from today) specifically centering around her calling upon a certain Aeon if any of yall have read into her lore because h o l y f u c k or
2) I want one meant to be tied to Jingliu to follow her banner and release which y’know is coming soon. It can be specifically about JUST Jingliu (c o u g h maybe a lil Baiheng content too even then) which y’know her status wasn’t to scoff at OR OR OOOH if not her status on the Luofu then delving into what happened on the Xianzhou ship she used to call home, or (what I kind of would like a little more because more content of ALL of them esp baiheng-) it being a myriad celestia trailer that ends up being dedicated to just lore of the entire High Cloud Quintet, bonus if it’s being told like an old heroes tale being recounted by storytellers which I think would also fit with Jingliu’s release not only for the fact that she was obviously in the HCQ but also due to the fact that certain things seem to suggest coming with her in 1.4 is specifically quite a bit more of HCQ lore so
Of course, maybe we will be starved of Myriad Celestia trailers for a bit, but I love them and the style they have been presenting information in especially for the Xianzhou ships so far and I want another one before we completely move on from the Xianzhou for now :’D
I mean maybe they’ll end up saving the next Myriad Celestia specifically for once we leave the Luofu again to not overflood with just those trailers but like,,, I want more, i NEED more. The style they’ve used for specifically the Xianzhou ones is so *chefs kiss*
I dont want to think about the likelihood of it being Belabog (i forgot if thats how its spelled help) given the main quest because I want the next one to be for the Xianzhou so badly, like please even if its not tied to Jingliu, imagining Fu Xuan getting some lore drop in one would be amazing for me (but again probably unlikely given how late it is into her release)
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