#i just……. my leetle family 🥺🥺🥺
libertys-lovers · 2 years
Welcome to Day 3 of my (accidental) daily Dororo posts ✌️😘
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Him and Koyuki (AKA his adopted daughter in the middle) stopped by to help the Hinatas (pink hair and dark-blue hair kids) manage with the power outage. They look like they’re having the time of their lives 🥺
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morganali-art · 8 months
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I decided to sit down and sketch out all my WoLs (not including like, six other joke characters that I have) and I have come to the conclusion that someone should take the character creator away from me.
I got too many lil guys 😵‍
From left to right...
J'rhota Tia is just a silly orange lad - PGL/ROG main, a scrappy little fight boy. Means well, but very head empty. Constantly getting locked out of the Waking Sands, but unfortunately is the only one who can take down Ifrit without getting tempered.
Amelot Greywoode Lost an eye on one of her adventures - couldn't afford a glass eye to match her good eye at the time, so the one she wears under her eyepatch is slightly off colour. (Highlander, GLD)
Parasha Pasha - Tiniest gorl. Min height lala. My god, she's so small. 🥺💕 Ostensibly mains WAR/DRG, but really is a FSH main.
Sami'ra (Sameth/Bunny) Lavellan - ARC/ROG main, previously a Dragon Age Inquisitor. Yearns to keep the stories of his people as a historian, but in the harsh economic times post-calamity, adventuring better pays the bills and provides for his large extended family. Per his name, he is the youngest son in a Keeper family with an oddly large number of sons. Truth be told, not all are family by blood, though are loved just as well. Sam has quite the crush on a certain Lord Commander.
Cessalie Sombreterre was an orphan of Ishgardian birth, and made her way to Ul'dah at a young age to try and make her way in the world, eventually taking up adventuring. Ostensibly a BLM main, though dabbles in roguery and swordplay. Min height elezen. Amongst her people, she's so leetle 🥺💕 Marries into the Fortemps house.
Hazel Rah is my main lad, first boy I ever made. He was born in the Golmore Jungle. Though he misses his childhood home dearly, he was forever restless, and eventually left - spending some time in Dalamasca and other occupied territories, before travelling to Eorzea in the wake of the calamity. Young for a travelling viera, he's about 70ish years old. Before he came to Eorzea, his forest name was Rjel Fith. He loves to garden.
Clover Frith is Hazel's much older sister - she's around 200, though she's not one to keep count. She left the forest when Hazel was quite young, in his 20s or thereabouts. When they met up again decades later, she was taking work as a gleaner in Sharlayan. Though her forest name is long left behind, her last name was Fith.
Blackavar Rehw-Dvre was Hazel's childhood sweetheart. In my headcanons, he does not leave the forest at all until well after the calamity - the general upheaval and unrest making its way even unto the forest, prompting the Rava people to make the choice to send scouts far from home to investigate. As such, though he is confident in the ways of his home, he is very out of place in the wider world and is often mystified by the ways of outsiders. As far as appearances go, Blackavar actually has quite curly hair - so I imagine his hair is more like the catboy hair both J'rhota and Sam have. Alas, there's no perfect bun options 😞
Holly Huorlwesfv is a veena bunny who I created as a retainer and went "aw fuck, I did it again," and had to turn him into a real boy because I liked him so much. He doesn't yet have a lot of a backstory yet, but I named him after Captain Holly from Watership Downs, and so in my mind he looks quite a bit scrappier than he is. Ears are scratched up and tattered. A few more scars. He's a stoic bun, a former guard most like. Definitely a fighter. PLD main iirc.
Bitter Snow is my beautiful, purple, goth Roe. I did not mean to give her the same name as Yellow Moon's paramour, it happened completely accidentally. 👀💦 She's so pretty, I ought to play her more. Pretty sure she's a DRG main, I cannot recall.
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rosella-writes · 2 years
HAPPY DADWC ROSELLA💜💜💜 I would love some more Virelan & Solas & Tulin (the little familyyyyyyyy🥺🥺🥺), perhaps with: comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together?
family family FAMILY FAMILY
Rating: G
Pairing: Solavellan (and leetle boy)
for @dadrunkwriting
Tulin knew his mamae’s hand as well as he knew his own. He’d played his finger along the scars and creases of it as he fell asleep for as long as he could remember — the little knick on her thumb, the nail that grew in split in half, the rough knuckles that felt like they’d punched everything there was to punch. He wondered if she’d punched demons before. 
He almost asked, half-rousing himself with the curiosity of it, when Mamae hummed and drew her hand from his. “Vhenan,” she said — that word that sounded different, somehow, than the ones she’d said to him. He didn’t know what this one meant. 
The low voice that answered made him blink awake — the man’s form was big and lanky and pale in the dim light from the window. He leaned over the bed to kiss Mamae. He didn’t kiss her mouth — instead he clasped the back of her head and tilted her towards him so he could press his mouth to her forehead. Tulin could see the little glimmer of Mamae’s hidden smile under his chin. 
Then the man glanced at him, reminding him of how he’d looked at him in his dreams. Papae, he told himself. Not the Walker. My papae. It still felt strange. He wondered if he would ever look at this man and feel comforted, instead of like he wanted to stand up straight and fix his shirt.
“Da’len,” Papae rumbled, sitting next to him and laying a hand on his tummy. “I did not intend to wake you.”
Tulin wiggled until he settled better on the bed. Papae’s hand was warm and heavy, and his half-asleep question about whether Mamae had punched demons suddenly felt very silly. “I… was wondering things.”
“What things?” Mamae asked. She laid her hand over Papae’s and hooked her pinkie under his thumb.
Tulin hemmed and hawed, feeling very foolish. His cheeks grew hot and his tummy twisted. “Don’t laugh.”
Papae smiled. “We won’t.”
Tulin grumbled to himself, then blurted out, “Mamae, did you punch a demon? Ever?”
Her smile grew, and grew, until it stretched her face and shone white in the dark. But she didn’t laugh. She just looked up at Papae with twinkling eyes and said, “A couple of times. One rushed you, remember?”
“I remember.”
“It was a demon of Despair, Tulin,” she said, leaning over him — her smile suddenly looked wicked. “All hunched over and covered in a big black cloak. It had claws and its face was all teeth. It flew straight at your Papae like it wanted to claw his face off.”
“But then there you were,” Papae said — he was watching Mamae with a little, thoughtful smile on his face, while she wasn’t looking. His eyes shone like two mirrors in the dark. “You always did throw yourself in the face of danger, no matter the cost. No matter if you were already bleeding.”
“You were exhausted from the Pride demon,” Mamae insisted, looking up at him. She seemed to catch his smile, for her face softened suddenly. “Could barely pull up a barrier in time. So I grabbed it.”
“You grabbed it?” Tulin gasped. 
“And I punched it,” she said, grinning down at him again. “Right in its teeth, again and again until it was pulp.”
“What about your sword?” Tulin asked, fascinated.
Mamae shrugged. “It was too big. I couldn’t use it while holding the demon, and it was so wiggly anyway. Like when I used to try and make you take your bath.”
“Cuz I can do it myself,” Tulin grumbled.
“Tulin,” Papae chuckled. “If you could have only seen her. She pulled me from danger more times than I can count.”
“It was usually your own fault, you know.”
“I do know,” Papae said with a smile, turning towards Mamae. “For you so often remind me.”
Tulin looked down at the hands on his belly, and how Mamae’s seemed to fit on top of Papae’s so well. Her fingers rested between his knuckles — his were not nearly as rough as hers. Before he even thought about it, he reached out and grazed a finger over Mamae’s knuckles, then Papae’s, to test whose hand had punched more things. 
The same moment he did it, he felt so incredibly silly. He snatched his hand back, mumbling to himself, but Mamae tutted and reached for him. “Come back, da’len. I want to see how you’re growing.”
Tulin brightened. “Am I bigger?”
She spread out his fingers, then held her hand over his. His fingers barely met her first knuckle. “Remember when your hand was only as big as my palm?”
“Yeah. And I don’t have any of your marks either.”
Mamae laughed. “You don’t want those. Those come from using a sword, or a hammer. Now look at your Papae’s, see if you match.”
Tulin glanced up at him, feeling wary — Papae’s eyes flashed with a strange sadness, but it was gone as soon as he looked. He held up his hand, and Tulin tentatively reached out to touch it. 
Papae’s hand was a little larger than Mamae’s, and not nearly as rough. Tulin searched Papae’s hand for any scars or marks like Mamae’s, for the familiarity of a callus or a notched nail. He found only a little roughness in the curve of his thumb into his palm. His fingers were long and thin, and Tulin saw more similarity there than between his and Mamae’s short, thick-knuckled fingers. Even the shape of their nails looked alike.
Papae was watching him with a strange look on his face, like he might cry. Tulin hoped he wouldn’t. He wasn’t sure what to do if he did. So instead he piped up, “I think our hands are the same shape.”
Tulin looked away then — Papae’s face had crumpled a little bit. But he didn’t cry. He just took a deep breath and shifted until his fingers laced through his. He held Tulin’s hand tight. 
“A mage’s hands,” Mamae said. “Both of you. Would you look at that?”
Tulin felt a sudden warmth wash through his chest, making his heart feel rough and tight. “Yeah? You can tell?”
Mamae reached for their interlaced hands and plucked them up. She pressed a kiss to Papae’s, then Tulin’s, and held on to the paired fist they made with her rough fingers. She looked up at Papae with her one eye — he thought he saw a tear slip from under the droopy lid of her other one. 
“Only because I know what to look for now,” she said quietly. 
Tulin wasn’t sure if that answer was for him, or for Papae. Papae seemed like he couldn’t speak — his throat kept bobbing up and down, and his brows furrowed in a funny peak that made his forehead scar look deep and dark. He just held Tulin’s hand tighter and lifted it — his, Mamae’s, Tulin’s — until he took his turn to kiss Mamae’s knuckles. 
It was a funny little mess of sweaty fingers, but Tulin suddenly didn’t want anyone to let go. He just kept watching his parents as they looked at each other, wondering what they saw — it must have been important, because Mamae reached up with her stump as if she’d forgotten there was no hand there. But Papae didn’t give her a moment to realise, or to feel bad. He closed the distance, as if she’d succeeded in grabbing him, and kissed her hard. 
Tulin wriggled between them, giggling, and squeezed Papae’s hand. “Ewwwww,” he insisted, growing louder and louder until his parents parted with soft, matching laughs.
Tulin tugged, and their tangled hands came undone. The two grownups leaned over, one at a time, to kiss Tulin on one cheek each. He suddenly yawned, feeling very warm and slow and like every blink was heavy. 
“On nydha, da’len,” Papae murmured, giving him an extra kiss on his forehead. 
Tulin’s last, drifting thought as they both stood up and left his room was that Papae had smelled like Mamae — lemons and spicy warmth, mixed in with his own minty-herby smell. He couldn’t help but giggle again, thinking about how hard they’d kissed, and how nice it was that that was enough for them to smell like each other.
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chilling-seavey · 2 years
↳  A/N I honestly love our precious lil bb henry :') this was so sweet to write...didn't put too much thought into it and just had fun with it <3
↳ Word Count: 1466
↳ Amoureux Masterlist
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December 24, 1821
Daniel clutched the brown paper package to his chest, his head bowed, and trekked through the blistering snow that stung his cheeks and slowed his strides. It was already dark by the time he was reaching the small white paneled house on the edge of the larger property and he paused a moment to peer up to the mansion on the hill. The windows were warm with candlelight from inside and the wind hardly touched the well structured exterior of the two and a half storeys, protecting a large family of a few generations inside throughout their filling Christmas supper served by servants.
It was a life Daniel once knew well. Now, however, in a country that was not his own, he was faced with the drafty two room servants home that was graciously offered to him and his wife by the land owners.
It was Daniel and Louisa’s second Christmas in Virginia and felt just as cold as the last with less than enough money to get them by. He stepped inside the door and closed it strongly behind him to keep the worst of the wind out. The whistling of the storm was only replaced by the crying of the baby and Daniel brushed the snow off his coat before making his way into the cramped living space over creaking floorboards.
Louisa held their four-month-old son in her arms, shushing him desperately as she tried to urge him to latch to her breast. She was knelt by the fire, her long dress puffed up around her like a pastry, and her thin shawl doing the best it could to hold the baby’s body warmth around him. The seventeen-year-old mother was desperate and shivering and pleaded with her son in trembling French to encourage him to eat so she may tie her blouse up again.
“I’m back.” Daniel called softly from the doorway.
Louisa didn’t look at him as she sniffled, “He refuses to eat.”
The baby only screamed louder in her arms and Louisa shushed him helplessly, stroking his head and touching his toes tenderly.
“He is so cold, Dani.” Louisa whispered.
“Here.” Daniel shrugged off his coat and draped it around his wife’s shoulders, encompassing her with his own body heat that had warmed the inside. She quickly moved to huddle their son inside it with her.
The baby just cried on, resting against her shoulder as she wrapped the coat around his tiny body and held him close.
Daniel crouched down just behind her and rested a gentle hand to his cold cheek, sighing out a worrisome, “Oh, Henry.”
“He will get sick if he will not warm up.” Louisa muttered.
“No, no,” Daniel shifted to sit beside her in front of their small fire, “Look.”
He held the brown paper package on his lap. It was tied with string in a messy bow and was stained in tiny spots of melted snow from his journey back from town. Louisa stared at it for a moment and then looked up at his hopeful expression.
“What is that?” she asked.
“Our little prince’s first Christmas gift.” Daniel answered proudly.
Louisa’s breath shuttered, “Daniel, we do not have money for gifts right now. We barely have money for food-”
“Don’t worry about that. Go on now; open it.”
She clutched the baby to her shoulder and he held the package as she pulled the twine ribbon open with her one free hand. Daniel watched her with a hopeful smile she didn’t meet. When the paper was torn away, a thick woolen blanket was left in his hands, the deep royal blue fabric folded neatly into a square.
Louisa could only let out a small, “Oh” before her hand was pressed to her mouth and she cried.
“Something cozy for my son.” Daniel whispered as he opened up the blanket and tucked it around his tiny body.
Louisa sniffled back her tears of relief as she eased the baby from her shoulder in order to swaddle him properly in the thick blanket on the floor in front of the fire. She brushed her tears away with the heel of her palm before lifting him back up into her arms, her puffy little prince.
Daniel tucked her messy hair behind her ear and leaned in to kiss her cheek before he shuffled closer to wrap an arm around her back, “Let’s get off the floor, alright?”
She nodded, still shivering herself as the baby was starting to quiet down. Daniel helped her to her feet and they took the few steps across the tiny living space to the worn down sofa and the young parents sat side by side. Daniel stared down at his infant son swaddled in that large woolen blanket right up around his head, and he dusted his cold fingertips over the bridge of his tiny nose.
Louisa tried to feed the baby again as she lifted him closer and guided her nipple to his lips. He latched with ease now, content in his blanket, and suckled eagerly on her breast with his eyes rested peacefully closed against frost bitten cheeks.
“Very good, mon coeur.” Louisa whimpered.
Daniel made sure his coat was still wrapped around her shoulders securely and she leaned her head against his. He kissed her temple before leaning into her too as they stared down at their baby.
“How ever did you afford this?” Louisa asked quietly, as if speaking loudly would interrupt Henry’s eating, “It is so high quality.”
“I played piano in the town pub for money.” Daniel whispered. “Few afternoons…put my hat on the top one time and someone dropped a coin in. Not much but after a month or so I had enough for a little something. Henry needed a good blanket for the winter. Couldn’t let my boy freeze.”
Louisa leaned her head back onto his arm that was draped around her shoulders and her loving smile urged them to share a soft kiss or two.
“Je t'aime.” she whispered.
“I love you.” Daniel replied back just as softly and left her with one more kiss to her head.
“Mm, I have something for you.” Louisa said and shifted away from him while carefully holding the nursing baby to reach down beside the foot of the couch.
Daniel, confused yet awfully curious, watched as she held out a very tiny box towards him. It was topped with a small red ribbon and no bigger than the palm of her dainty hand. With furrowed eyebrows, he took the small box from her and unwrapped the ribbon. A single chocolate truffle was sitting inside.
His face absolutely lit up and he looked over to his wife with a grin, “Louisa.”
“Happy Christmas, darling.” she smiled sweetly.
“Oh, Louisa.” Daniel breathed in awe as if he had just been given the keys to the country and he carefully lifted the small dessert from its box between two fingers. “Where in heaven’s name did you find this?”
“The bakery in town, of course.” Louisa giggled. “I wanted to get you something much nicer but all I could get for my hairpin was enough for one of these.”
Daniel looked back over at her, “You sold your hairpin?”
She shrugged, “It is alright.”
“But you loved it.”
“I love you more.”
Daniel pouted sweetly and reached over to brush her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder, “I was wondering why you had your hair down today.”
“Do you like it? I hope they are still your favourite.”
“I love it. Share it with me.” Daniel offered.
Louisa shook her head, “It is your present.”
“You’re my present. Come here. Little bite.” Daniel tugged gently at the end of her hair.
Louisa giggled sweetly and shuffled closer to him and offered her mouth. When he held out the truffle, she bit half and he popped the rest in his mouth. There was a moment of silence as they chewed and savoured the sweet chocolate that melted on their tongues, cuddled together on the couch in their cold single storey house.
“Not as good as England.” Louisa whispered.
Daniel shook his head, “I agree. Although, it was an incredible surprise.”
Louisa smiled widely at him, “I am so very glad.”
They shared a chocolatey kiss.
“I didn’t get you anything though.” Daniel whispered, swiping his thumb over her cheeks that held a few stray drying tears.
“I do not need anything. This blanket is more than I could have asked for Henry.”
They looked down at their son, having fallen asleep after his feeding and was dreaming peacefully in his dark blue blanket and his mother’s arms by the light of the small fire.
Daniel leaned down to kiss his forehead, “Happy first Christmas, our little prince.”
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Amoureux Taglist: @hopelesslylivv @tempus-ut-luceant @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @randomlimelightxxx @jonahlovescoffee @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23 @serenityseavey @marthagryffindor @xkelsev @lotus-brekker-inn
Please click the link in my bio to be added to the taglist!
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Yay! I’m thankful I send that ask question, made you excited🥺, I’m very awkward to interact online, but I have so many questions I wanna ask, but at the same time I don’t wanna be annoying😵‍💫
But anyway… one more question 🚶‍♀️(many rambles here, sorry) is the lost of vision/scar why readers parents think she’s not worthy as a woman? I’m asking because she didn’t have the chance like her sisters (their traditions, painting, that kind of stuff, not have the chance of getting married -not even thinking about it-), or….there’s another deeper reason 👀
Oh you don’t have to worry about that at all! Getting asks always brings me so much joy 😊Writers put so much time and effort into their stories so to see that people are enjoying them enough to come up with questions about them is incredibly rewarding! 💕 Also tbh it really helps my own writing process to think through these kinds of questions
Also, and I can’t stress this enough, I myself am absolutely out-of-control when it comes to sending feedback/questions/theories to other writers 😅 I will send like five giant asks in a single day full of wack theories to a single author so you definitely do not have to worry about annoying me!!
And again a very good question!! Sorry this is definitely going to be super long and rambly so I’m going to put it below a cut:
I think (at least in terms of what I have plotted out at this point, honestly pretty much every part of writing this has been a leetle bit of a flying-by-the-seat-of-my pants bootleg writing operation), it’s mostly that there is just some very profound old-school misogyny going on because this is a historical!au. Daughters in this era (particularly daughters of anyone in power) are very much viewed in terms of what they could gain for their families through marriage. The process was basically: you send a painting of your daughter to the nearby monarchs, and that plus whatever your kingdom/clan can offer from a political/economic perspective is how the other party decides if they want to go through with the marriage. So for reader or any of her sisters, in terms of what they are bringing to any potential marriage, 95%+ is probably just like, will monarch A think she’s hot based on 100% superficial reasons. So I think her parents assumed that, by those standards, she wouldn’t have enough value to secure any major alliances through marriage herself 😔
She could probably have married someone in her hometown if she weren’t from the family in power, but that would profoundly not-useful to her parents. If she were to marry within the clan, the expectation would be that she would stay home and raise a family, so by the standards of that time, raising her would have gone to waste since that wouldn't be helpful politically
So I think they very much actively tell her that marriage isn’t a possibility for her because (1) they decided on a niche for her, which she has proven herself to be good at and useful in, and her getting married within the clan would nullify that and (2) I think because of their own subconscious biases they do actually kind of believe that no one will want her, and they think that shutting that aspect of her life down and encouraging to focus on something else is actually helping her 😬
This is very much TMI but I think it’s useful to explain a little more about that aspect her character/my writing process for this part of the storyline is that it was inspired by the fact that I actually am missing some of my vision in my left eye, and one of the fairly common side effects of the surgery for it is that it can mess up, without going into too much detail, your facial aesthetics. And before I got the surgery to keep me from going fully blind in that eye, I had family members either (1) suggest that I should maybe just wait to see if I lost more vision because if the surgery did mess with my face, it would make dating very hard or (2) have me describe in detail repeatedly how it felt to be going blind so that they could justify to themselves why it was necessary to take that risk of me not finding love/having people look at me weird. And this is modern times!! So I’m just extrapolating to how this kind of thing would play out in even more superficial, misogynistic times
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starlost-andfound · 3 years
meaningful miscellaneous
an infinite list-in-progress of all the little things which make me smile
cherry blossoms gifted by @chilling-seavey
a drabble of a poem by @the-girl-who-cried-wolf which I really love
little interactions
comfort fics
 The night florence and daniel meet  - from the Anything But Mine universe, one of the many exceptional worlds written by the talented and humble @chilling-seavey. This is one of my favourite (if not, my favourite) stories of two people crossing paths for the first time.
Chapter 20 of Seasons Change by @chilling-seavey - specifically this one line “Just thinking; what a gift to have the opportunity to fall in love twice.”  *MELTS INSIDE*- and most of the chapters to be honest, one of the few books I have genuinely bawled my eyes out to. 
I think there's something you should know  - a story of two friends, Daniel and Delilah; written by an incredible artist and writer @stuffofseaveyy. I have a soft spot in my heart for this one.
@jonahlovescoffee wrote this little something for me 🥺 and it’s really the sweetest thing ever :’)
His Muse  written by @jonahlovescoffee. Literally the softest most fluffiest writing ever. This is easily one of my favorites after “better together”.
our leetle family, beautifully drawn by @stuffofseaveyy :
teedledum and teedledee the two tadpoles (which @stuffofseaveyy said were lizards but I refuse to accept that)
fred the frog 
phoenix the fox 
gaia the dark green forest tiger (or pickle for short) 
himalaya the dragon
kirby from chicken little
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kuroowo · 3 years
Casssss if you have self ships and time, I’d love to hear some headcanons you have!!💖🥺
P. S. I am in love with OriMakki uwu
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Miya Osamu
⋆ So much food and eating and discovering new places to eat 😩
⋆ I’m quite a picky eater, so it’s either Osamu’s challenge or blessing because stuff I don’t eat will go straight to him (blessing), but that also means not eating some of the stuff he makes bc of my palate (challenge) LMAO like baby it’s not u, it’s my taste buds LOL but I’ll change his mind by making him view it as a challenge rather than a problem 🥴
⋆ Me making a bunch of semi-random food combos (butter & cream cheese sandwich, ribena and milk, etc.) and him tagging along to try because we’re too curious for our own good🤡😂
⋆ I will literally be Onigiri Miya’s hype woman. Watch me and Atsumu lowkey embarrass him but highkey support his business. That’s on unconditional love 😩👏🏼
⋆ Cafe hopping and you can’t change my mind 🗣
⋆ Us having quiet, low energy days together. Not much speaking, but it’s just enough to be together 😭 I’d also imagine nightly whispers being our thing, and it’s super intimate and soft and it’s something that Osamu loves and made such a habit out of that he can’t sleep properly if he doesn’t have it with me uwu
⋆ I like having alone time. He has a busy restaurant. Quite complimentary imo, but we’ll always steal little moments together. Shit keeps us going 😩 and if we have enough time and energy on the weekends, we’ll go on dates/meet with friends/family/etc. 😋
⋆ I will literally dote on this man but annoy him in the same breath, and Osamu can’t do anything but roll his eyes fondly at me with a leetle blush uwu
⋆ Overall, the relationship is more on the chill side but with lots of food and soft love involved uwu
Kuroo Tetsurō
⋆ I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again: OFFICE GOSSIP DUO 🤪
⋆ I can see us being the type of couple who fall in love as best friends 😩 like sure, we’re not the most attractive people we’ve seen (to each other), but the more we get to know each other, the more we just can’t help but let that love for each other’s personalities spill over to our appearances.
⋆ Because of our parental situations,, I think we’d try to be as mature as we can if we have an actual fight or if there’s a miscommunication/misunderstanding. We all have our different ways of coping too, so I think we’ll work it out fine together.
⋆ So much light hearted teasing 😩
⋆ I’m sensitive about certain topics, but other than that, if Kuroo teases or provokes me, I’ll take it as a joke and double down on his ass 🥴 man’s about to get a taste of his own medicine (lighthearted though)
⋆ We’ve seen how he looked after Kenma & the team bro and I love being taken care off without feeling like I’m a burden or incapable, so I’d just JXOWMSOXKWM for that side of him 😩 but I also have a habit of taking care of my loved ones, so Kuroo’s about to be LOVED 😤
⋆ I feel like we’re both secretive people? Honest, but secretive. I have no problem respecting boundaries and I’ve always been good at reading boundaries without being told to, so Kuroo would appreciate that I’m not tryna dig out every little thing. Sometimes, you just gotta keep a few things to yourself yk?
⋆ It’s basically one mature but provoking con man looking mf dating one soft sensitive mf who’s too intimidating & edgy looking for her own good LMAO
⋆ Overall, the relationship is like dating your lovable but also (lovingly) annoying best friend 🥰
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Thank u for asking me this bc it really helped take some edge off of me today 😩🤲🏼💓 I LOVE U ORI 😤💓
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