#i keep looking at my receipt for it and going :) hehe new game :)
claitea · 2 years
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27 notes · View notes
rosaetae · 4 years
no sweetness
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☇ “It’s funny because you remind me exactly of this drink I made last night. Yeah, yeah, it was the black tea with boba. Bitter, with tiny balls.”
➣  pairing: reader x jungkook
➣  genre: fluff, comedy, bobarista!reader, lacrosseplayer!jungkook, e2l!au
➣  word count: 23k (of pure disgusting e2l fluff) 
➣  warning!: slight implicit smut 
➣  a/n: header title credit to the loveliest @yehdayums​ !!! a sweetheart for making this cute header hehe <3 also support small businesses! 
➣  summary: jungkook has a thing for pretty girls who work with tiny balls, especially the new fiery bobarista at his favorite boba shop, whom he finds absolutely adorable, but finds out later that she’s just as sweet as she made his milk tea order— not sweet.
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Jeon Jungkook is absolutely whipped as cream.
Why, you may ask?
His favorite boba shop at the very edge of the outskirt of town hired a new bobarista, and her name—supposedly— being ___. Jungkook made it a mental note to ask for it when he goes into Pleasantea with his friends, but word goes around and it out of the many words there are in the world, it's her name that catches his ear.
It is no doubt that Jeon Jungkook comes off as a flirt to every living species he encounters, but seeing that the new bobarista wasn't as happily taking it in as most people would, he was shocked that someone didn't have much interest into him. Sure, call him egotistical, but he was captain of the lacrosse team and he was pretty damn good at almost— well, everything.
The first time he goes into Pleasantea after hearing the news of a new duckling in training was after another win that Friday night. He's there with his group of friends, raiding the popular boba place with cheers while greeting the familiar workers behind the bar.
On Friday nights, it's Luna, Dahlia, and Jihyo working the closing shift, making the drinks and providing impeccable service, especially to the rowdy group of college students that come in almost every Friday to hangout or just to celebrate. Luna's pretty good with taming them down, especially when other customers are there. Dahlia likes to yell at them— she likes to yell at people in general. And Jihyo nurtures them like babies.  
They've gotten close to Jungkook as Luna happened to be in his communications class first semester. He recognized her first, but Luna, being oblivious in all ranges of settings, faked a recognization of his name and face, and gave him a discount anyways. Because of this tiny occurrence, Jungkook came back, then with friends, and eventually with his whole lacrosse team to support the business.
"I'm guessing another win, Team Captain?" Jihyo rhetorically yelled over the cheering voices towards Jungkook who followed behind the group with a smirk. Her doe eyes peeks over the bar where her height was significant from the taller men on the other side, eyebrows raised and awaiting for the cocky response Jungkook can muster.
"What can I say?" Jungkook laughed sonorously, followed by a few encouraging and prideful pats on the shoulder from his teammates. "Wouldn't show up tonight with the boys if I didn't make that winning shot."
Rolling her eyes at the sound of the booming, testosterone-filled voices of his teammates and his vibrant ego, Jihyo scoffed away to work on other orders that Luna and Dahlia were speedily making before Jungkook's teammates and good friends come up to him, ready to order their drinks.
"What should I get?" Yoongi asked Jungkook, eyes scanning the menu of different drinks.
"Dunno. Get the usual," Jungkook advised, crossing his arms over his chest as he pondered what he should get too. "Your matcha milk tea with boba."
"Aight," Yoongi nods before he paused. The pause wasn't obvious enough for Jungkook to look his way, until Yoongi went ahead and nudged Jungkook, taking his complete attention away from the menu. "New worker."
"Hi, welcome!" That odd cheery voice didn't seem to come from the usual cashier he knew as Luna, nor Dahlia, throwing him off a bit. He does a double take behind the counter, finding a girl hurriedly filling a cup up with boba before she's running to the cashier, doe-like eyes widening in surprise at how many people she has to take orders of.
Her eyes catch Jungkook's, and it immediately clicked in his head that the word circling about the new Pleasantea worker were true. Pretty much all of them were aware, but it didn't seem to catch their attention as much as it caught his. Maybe it's the unfamiliarity of having someone foreign in a place he likes to call a second home. Maybe it's the odd satisfaction of meeting the so-called bobarista who's name somehow runs laps around his brain. Really, he was merely curious.
"What can I get you guys?" She asked with a warm smile. Jungkook's worked at a retail shop before, and he can tell good customer service apart from just a single sentence.
Jungkook peered over at the boys, watching Yoongi motioning at the others to go order, but seeing that they were also too busy eye-goggling the new girl behind the counter out of curiosity, Yoongi let out a sigh and ordered first. A smile bursted on the new girl's face when she's nodding to Yoongi's order. Her eyebrows furrowed as she works the register all before Yoongi whipped out his trusty credit card and does the procedural routine of inserting the card, tipping, signing, and saying "no thanks" to the receipt, dropping in a spare dollar or two into their "college funds" tip jar.
The boys filed in line after they've decided on what they wanted that night all while Jungkook started to overthink what he wanted to get.
Jungkook likes to change up his drink from time to time. After practices, he'd like something more refreshing to quickly chug down. After later practices, he'd get something more caffeinated to keep him awake for a night full of assignments. After games, it depends on the outcome of the prior— losing, he wouldn't order anything. Winning, however, he likes Pleasantea bobaristas to choose for him.
It's a good thing they won tonight.
When the line of his teammates dispersed and they all maneuvered into the back where their usual spot was,  Jungkook realized it was his turn already. He didn't notice that he let all the boys go in front of him  on purpose and he was the last of the group to order. However, he does take mental note of how New Girl keeps up a good face after each customer, something that Dahlia lacks because each customer removes a layer of her niceness as they come and go.
Jungkook slides closer to the register, his eyes never leaving hers as her own form into crescents— a silent, but welcoming greeting.
"Hi, what can I get for you?"
His lips forms a smile to hear her voice clear as day. "Do you think you can surprise me?"
The favor evidently takes her by surprise before she lets out a laugh, nodding. "Yeah, I can. Is there anything you're craving specifically?"
"Nope," he shakes his head. "You new?"
She smiles in return. "Yeah. Yesterday was my first day. Still getting a hang of it."
"You got a favorite drink..." Jungkook dragged out his sentence to look at her name badge, realizing that her name really was what he has been told. "___?"
The bobarista hums in thought before she lazily shrugs. "I haven't had many drinks, yet, but I really like the plain milk tea."
"I'll just get that then. Large, boba, light ice."
She nods as she puts it into the register as Jungkook patted his black jeans, searching his pockets for his wallet. In his head, he's pondering about the amount of tips to tip her.
"Sweetness level?"
Jungkook, without even processing he's said it, goes, "you." It takes him by surprise just as much as it took her, but he decides to roll with it. He even mentally pats himself, because damn, that was pretty smooth of him. He noticed that her fingers paused in tapping on the pad, just before meeting his expression consisting of a (douchebag) smirk and kind eyes. She raised her eyebrows before letting out a light chuckle, shaking her head.
"Cute," is all she said before placing the order and directing him to insert his card. As Jungkook mentally fist bumps himself, he decided to tip her the ten dollar bill laying in his wallet into the tip jar, before she glanced up at him with crescent eyes once more. "Your order will be ready at the other end of the counter."
As Jungkook thanked her, he lingered for a bit as she disappeared behind the bar where she met the three other girls shuffling around to finish the end of the night shift with dozens of customers waiting inside and outside. He shoved his wallet into the back of his pocket as he met up with the boys who took up the entire back of the shop where a long table basically welcomed them with open arms.  
"What you get this time, Captain?" Jaehyun made a single nod towards Jungkook.
"Just their milk tea," Jungkook responded.
Jungkook has had the plain milk tea before. It's what Pleasantea was known for. It's their signature drink. A roasted flavor with just the right amount of sweetness with just 75% sugar. However, responding with reference to her as a sweetness, it might be a bit sweeter with just 100%. But it doesn't matter. He managed to get a "cute" from the new bobarista at Pleasantea and he intends to share it with his lacrosse team.
"New worker called me cute."
Jaehyun let out a snort, while Yoongi excitedly leaned in to add onto the list of other cringe-worthy pickup lines Jungkook says to girls. "Did you make another boba pick-up line? Remember when you tried to flirt with Dahlia but ended up only getting roasted by her?"
"Yeah, well, ___ called me cute. She just asked how sweet I wanted my drink to be," he explained. "I answered back with, 'you'."
It's the shove and nudge coming from both directions and the bursted balloon that held crazy laughter coming from not only Jaehyun, but Yoongi and Jaemin who listened to the terrible conversation they were most grateful to not have witnessed first hand. Jungkook grinned widely, pushing off his teammates who were disgusted by such a revolting experience.
"God, you are terrible," Yoongi covered his face with his hands, hiding from sheer embarrassment as Jungkook chuckled broadly. "I hope she spits in your drink because that was god awful."
"She thought it was cute, actually," Jungkook tooted his own horn— something he loved doing. Cocky isn't a pleasant trait on him, but he somehow makes it work.
Jaemin shook his head in mild distaste. "Man, get the fuck out of here."
The familiar sound of Jihyo calling out a broad name as an endearment to the only boys that she has a love and hate relationship with catches the lacrosse teams' ears, having them get up in excitement. Half of the table decides to go while the other half stays and saves the spot, wanting to spend about half an hour there to settle.
It takes them a minute or two to have all of them come back with max two drinks in hand and while half of the boys passed out the variety of drinks to the others who saved their spot, Jungkook scrolls through his phone as Jaemin places his drink in front of him, a straw on top. Like second nature, Jungkook grabs the straw and stabs the plastic wrap, his jaw preparing to chew the sweet goodness of tapioca pearls.
However, it's not that that he was anticipating prior that made him furrow his eyebrows at the taste. It was the odd flavor that came before the pearls that made him retract the drink from his mouth to look at the label of what type of drink he got.
At first, he furrowed his eyebrows because he thought he had received the wrong drink. But it's in the middle of wanting to ask Jaemin if the drink he got actually belong to him, that he realized where he fucked up. Jaemin was curious as well, arching an eyebrow and turning the cup to its side to see if Jaemin actually grabbed the wrong drink.
It's the hysterical laughter coming from Jaemin's mouth ringing in the air that made Jungkook's lips part, but in all honestly, Jungkook wasn't as surprised. He watches his teammate share the cup around, laughter suddenly becoming louder at what has been witnessed— a rise and downfall of their own team captain.
The mocking sniggering that dispersed into air echoed throughout the boba shop's walls and inevitably, the new bobarista girl must be hearing it crystal clear, probably a playful smile on her lips as she heard the laughter grow at her own doing.
Eventually, Jungkook snatched the drink back and chugs it down anyways, shaking his head. Each time he took a sip, he looks at the side of his cup and wrinkles his nose in disdain.
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two days later.
The unfamiliarity of the road just near the outskirt of the town heading towards your new part-time job grows familiar each shift you are scheduled to work. The swerve and crooks of the road, the uneven pavements, the tiny dip as you enter the plaza— your mind becomes used to it, no longer using your GPS to know your way around the roads.
You arrive to your shift about a minute late, hurrying out of your car into the shop where Dahlia only greets you with a welcoming smile behind the bar. You take the marble colored hair clip you had in hand and clip your damp hair no thanks to your last minute morning shower you had to take after skipping your nightly routine. In theory, you had to blame the overwhelming paperwork you just had to wait last minute on for your lack of sleep and lack of hygiene.
"Hi, sorry, I'm late," you apologize, clocking in. Dahlia waves you off, passing by you into the back room where the sink was running. As you met her gaze, her lips portray a warm smile.
"You're all good. Sunny went to Orange Valley, so it's just you and me for awhile."
"Orange Valley?" You raise an eyebrow. "Why did she go to Orange Valley?"
"To restock. That's where our supplier of lavender and fresh fruits are. She usually has me or Jihyo pick it up, but thank god she had me just watch over you," Dahlia explains, turning the faucet off and pouring what you assumed was freshly rinsed boba in a large strainer into a bin of sugary water. "How was your morning? Did you sleep at all last night?"
"Nope, not at all," you respond, washing your hands in the sink just behind the bar.
"I can tell," Dahlia laughs, her voice more apparent as she appears from the back, two hands carefully holding the boba bin of where tiny black spheres float in sweet water that is only about to get sweeter once Dahlia pours the honey in. "Load up on some of the coffee and you'll be fully recharged."
"What type of coffee do you suggest?"
Dahlia pauses, looks up excitingly, and says from the top of her head, "Cold brew. Two pumps of the white chocolate, shake it, and add oat milk. That's my go-to for my 8 am's."
Wrinkling your nose, you go ahead and grab one of the metal shakers and take it apart in front of you, grabbing the ounce cap and the bottle for the white chocolate syrup. "You take 8 am's?"
"I like to get out early. Like 11 am early so that I can sleep for lunch," she says as she stirs the boba in continuous loops. "Plus, I can fit more shifts into my schedule."
"You're so brave," you sarcastically state, filling the cap with the syrup twice and pouring it into the shaker.
You'd like to say you're getting the hang of it. It's only been your third shift, but the register has been pretty good to you in terms of taking people's orders. The drinks were slowly getting there, but at least you can make the flavored teas without freezing and having to look at the ratios placed on the fridge. That only occurs with the more complicated drinks. Even then, you'd rather ask Dahlia or Luna or Jihyo for help.
Dahlia asks you if you had any questions or any difficulty with memorizing. And while you honestly tell her that some drinks are hard to remember, she agrees wholeheartedly and encourages that you'll eventually get it. She also throws in with her encouragement while in preparation of the shop opening that she has some sort of quizlet for the drinks and that she'll send it to you to help you memorize.
As you thank her, you decide to make that cold brew drink she recommended, repeating her instructions in your head like a mantra. Dahlia curves around the bar to flip the sign to open as well as bringing out a stand that promotes a a buy three get one free drink deal just a few feet away from the door.
She comes back in and checks up on your drink that you were currently just shaking together, only then that the particular movement of the glass door swinging open captures your attention from the coffee machine, your mind immediately registering that a new customer has entered the shop, causing you to pause on your current doings. Sauntering over to the register of where the point of sale system sits, you immediately make eye contact with the customer.
And once that you realize that that customer just happens to be Jeon Jungkook, the dumbass that thought you were worth a coy, yet terribly executed coquetry dripping from his mouth, you internally groan.
He makes the same eye contact with you, eyebrows shooting up as if he didn't expect to see you, especially after the 'first' encounter with each other that one night, working. You hope that he saw the way your face falls into sheer distaste while he makes it plan to order because as he opens his mouth, you immediately halt him in his tracks, putting a finger up and shaking your head.
"Give me one second."
Without a second glance thrown into his direction again, you take the time to run behind the counter, unseen, tapping Dahlia's arm, tutting your tongue and nodding towards the register in which Dahlia could only laugh to herself at how easy it was for you to do that. She drops the shaker she was making of the mango black tea for the customer waiting by the bar and silently motions you to take over, in which you pleasantly do so, so long as you don't ever get to interact with Jungkook.
Trust, it isn't the confrontation of that night where you made his drink revoltingly plain, but it is more of the initiation of cutting any type of contact attached to him, as that night of the winning lacrosse team isn't the 'first' encounter with him.
Jeon Jungkook is the acquiring taste of dark chocolate. Like the bitter yet sweet taste, you know of the infamous Jeon Jungkook from your own past experiences, having to have encountered him multiple times along the road of lengthy university years up until now. He's introduced himself to you multiple times, but guessing he was completely shit-faced drunk each occurrence, your name and face has probably went over his head as he wakes up with another name and face beside him in bed.
The first time was during your first year, a visit to a Kappa Sugma Ligma frat party where the face of second year Jeon Jungkook was pretty prominent. (And by that, he was shit faced drunk and kept insisting to dance with you. But as a prude first year, you stuck with babying your friends instead). The second time was at a more mellow kickback the summer prior to second year, introducing himself again right after getting kegged. He stole your friend away from your group to dance, but you didn't really notice that you've already met him until the tiny revelation hits one afternoon when that so- called friend announces that her and Jungkook are supposedly fuck buddies. The third time he's introduced himself to you again was when he was smashingly drunk. The other times were just as sublime, but this one was what kicked you off your rocker because not only did he end things with your friend who grew an emotional attachment, he managed to introduce himself to you by puking all over your new pants.
Jungkook is the exquisite taste of dark chocolate; while he may be known for his good looks and "long-stick shots" and his supposed 'kind' demeanor, a lot of people do happen to like him. However, you aren't those lot of people who enjoy the taste of dark chocolate, hence why he leaves a strong dreadful taste on your tongue.
There's a mild surprise sparking from Jungkook when he realizes that Dahlia takes over, but nevertheless he orders his drink of a passion fruit green tea with light sugar and light ice. And with his whole chest, he loudly enough goes, just for you to hear behind the bar, "Can you tell her to actually add sugar this time?"
And a light scoff at his indirect, you roll your eyes as you pour the previous drink into the large cup with boba for the other customer, a response coming out of your mouth channeling the same energy as his.
"Don't worry, I will."
It's not long until you've rejuvenated through the suggested cold brew drink and began washing dishes that Dahlia comes in with a devious laugh escaping her throat. She leans against one of the fridges of where the basic teas of ranged from black to green sat in, her head shaking as she marvels at you with glimmering eyes. You raise an eyebrow at her in curiosity, confused as to why she was giggling.
"How many ounces of syrup do you put in the flavored teas?"
Her laughter kind of dies down, but she bites her lip to suppress another giggle making its way up. Drying your hands with the green dry rag hanging to the side of the sink, you turn your body to face her and answer swiftly, "3 for larges, 2 for regulars."
And then her smile grows to the point where it reaches her eyes. "And how many ounces of passion fruit did you put in Jungkook's tea?"
The question takes you back in time just about 10 minutes ago when you finished making Jungkook's desired passion fruit green tea with light sugar and light ice, only after he decided to throw in with such ambition to "actually add sugar this time". You debate on telling Dahlia the truth, only because you haven't worked with her for awhile to trust her just yet, but seeing how she was very amused as she asked the question, you shrug.
Dahlia giggles once more. "Jungkook complained about it and asked me to make him a new one." You roll your lips inward, stifling a laugh. "It's okay, you can tell me. I won't snitch. Seeing him ticked off was pretty funny."
And that was enough for you to trust your sweet co-worker. "Six. And a half."
It's then that she bursts all of her laughter out, both of you basking in light laughter about your own doing. "Brilliant."
"Why, he didn't like it? I added sugar."
The light laughs coming from her mouth ultimately leads into tears as she wipes under her eyes. Shaking her head, she points a finger at you. "You are terrible. Absolutely terrible. First the milk tea— which was a pretty genius comeback— and now the passion fruit? Gold."
To that, you shrug. "Thanks. Sorry you had to remake his drink, though."
"Girl, you're fine. To see him all annoyed about it was worth it," she smirks. "Are you guys like... I don't know... archenemies? Frenemies?"
"I'm not exactly fond of him," you answer truthfully. "I'm guessing he's never met me before— or at least, he doesn't remember we've met before, but I've met him plenty of times. One of which is when he puked all over my new lilac pants."
Dahlia's mouth flies open, a hand slapped over her mouth in complete shock at what she was hearing. Maybe you are tampering with the impression of a well adored guy that everyone at Pleasantea (hell, the whole town) seems to love, but hell, Jungkook was not handmade by the gods to be loved by everyone.
"Jungkook puked on you?"
You nod your head in response. "Third time in meeting him and each impression does not progressively get better."
"Now I see why you put no sugar in his milk tea the other night," Dahlia laughs. "Jihyo was a little mad at the move, but she admits his flirting tactic was dreadful."
"I'm sure he's tried flirting with you guys? I'm not the only one who experiences it?"
"Oh yeah," Dahlia nods, letting out an amused puff of air. "Flirted with Luna first because they were in the same class. She's never interacted with him in school, so once he found out she worked here, he suddenly became all flirty, but you know Luna, she's blunt and she told him that she has a girlfriend."
You nod, staying quiet as Dahlia goes on to continue. "Then it was Jihyo, once he started bringing all of the lacrosse team here. But Jihyo's like... basically engaged. Promise ring and everything. Then it was Ryujin, but Jungkook realized he made her uncomfortable." To that, I snort. "Then me, but personally, I've been eyeing Yoongi and he backed off when he found that out. So yeah, he's a very flirty man with a taste in boba girls. It's your turn now!"
"Does he have some sort of boba fetish? Does he need help?"
"Probably," Dahlia shrugs, smiling amusedly. "But you're not exactly helping him with that."
You let out a chuckle. "Well, it's a no from me."
"Figured as much," she nods in agreement. "He's nice when he's not trying to get your number."
"You mean when his ego isn't eating him up and he suddenly thinks that every girl is going to fall for him at first sight?"
Dahlia rolls her lips inwards before nodding once more. "Precisely. But hey, hella tips."
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Jungkook comes in again while you're working a week later, but this time with his friends, Yoongi and Jaehyun following after him, strutting inside the minimalistic shop with what you assumed to be their practice attire just by the sweat and glow on their facial structures caused by the aftermath of exercise.
You're guessing that Jungkook's been avoiding you, and he has been pretty good with it if you can recall that the last time you've seen him in the shop was a week prior. When Jungkook peers up from his phone after you greet the group a, "hello, welcome" loudly and scurry behind the register to take their order, he couldn't help but to groan obnoxiously.
"Great," he mutters in hopes that only his friends would hear, but due to the lack of distance and your exceptional hearing, your eyebrows shot up.  
"Woah," you put your hands up in mock defense. "No need to get all irked. I won't tamper with your drink again."
"Right. Annoying brat," Jungkook mutters to himself half-heartedly as you smirk. As his eyes look up to the menu to give it a few sweeps despite how often he comes here, you think about how much he dreads having you work here and to be taking his order, and while it's not exactly the best customer service, it was very amusing.
"Just don't mess up while ordering, and we'll see what happens," you tell him bluntly. His eyes glued onto the menu above you flickers down to meet yours, a false vendetta of your eyes disappearing into crescents as his your lips turn upwards to greet him, his head shaking in response. Audibly, his friends snicker behind him.
"Go, Jungkook. Tell her that you want your milk tea as sweet as her again."
"Or that you'd want your drink to actually have sugar in it."
The taunts eliciting out of his own friends' mouth set Jungkook into straight annoyance, his eyes snapping behind them to throw presumable death glares at them over his shoulder while you patiently wait for him to hit you with a brand new drink that you can practice on making under 30 seconds thanks to your competitive mindset.
The teases make you chuckle as you shake your head. You notice Jaehyun take a step forward to rest his hands on the tense Jungkook, attempting to give him a friendly pat before Jungkook nudges him off.
"Fuck off," Jungkook scoffs, Jaehyun cackling beside him in response before he turns his direction towards you and gives a single acknowledging head nod.
"How's a going, Shortstack?" Jaehyun asks, pulling out his wallet beside Jungkook whose eyes are roaming the menu up and down, top to bottom.
"Doin' alright, Jaehyun," you smile, politely. "How's anatomy for ya?"
Jaehyun lets out a sarcastic, nervous laugh— one that takes the attention of Jungkook and you're unsure if it's because of his own friends' laughter or because he is surprised to know that you and Jaehyun know each other from your guys' microbiology lab class last semester. "Kicking my ass, but I've been using your notes as guidance. Hey, thanks for those by the way."
"No worries. Hopefully that'll do some work and help you pass," you encouragingly say, a smile on your face as he gives a single thumbs up. You know Jaehyung as the sarcastic ass when he fucked around in microbiology and always picked fights with your lab professor. But even then, he was nice to you, other than the fact that he made fun of your height. "Decided on what you want?"
"Yeah, can I get that lavender milk tea? Extra boba, please."
"Got it. Regular ice and sugar?"
"Yes and yes," he nods, pulling out his wallet. Once he finishes the transaction and Ryujin, your other coworker whom you barely work with, comes out from the back to start on the drinks, Yoongi steps up as you take a glance at the wandering-eyed Jungkook.
Facing your attention back to Yoongi, he carefully orders an iced green tea with light sugar and regular ice, emphasizing that he wants no toppings with that order as he wants something to chug down. From his energy, you take that he's very easy-going, not someone hard to talk to by how aware he was when he sounded annoying emphasizing that he didn't want any boba in his drink that he apologized. He drops in a two dollar tip into the box and as you thank him, he gives an easy smile.
As it was Jungkook's turn, he lets out a long "um" before dragging his eyes down to you from the menu. His friends wander to their usual spot in the back, leaving Jungkook behind to finish up with his order that he seemed to be taking centuries making up his mind with. He quirks his lip a bit as you stare expectingly. "Swear you won't mess with the drink?"
"Not the one making it," you point towards Ryujin behind you before smirking. "None of that flirty business and you'll get your drink in perfect condition."
This time, Jungkook laughs, and it's warm. It's like a light scoff, but there was something velvet about the way it rolled out of his throat, followed by a shake of his head. "Was it that bad?"
"Pretty bad," you agree, honestly. "If you wanted my number, you could have asked."
"Not that I'd actually give you my number," you warn, teasingly. He lets out another laugh and this time it was more audible and clear. Something that makes you want to hear again. "But, tacky pick-up lines don't really tickle my peach."
"Then what does?"
Jungkook holds your gaze for a moment, expecting an answer that could help him in the near future. Maybe if the register wasn't the only thing separating you two, it would be mistaken for an intimate moment, but because you know your place as the bobarista talking to a customer and this is strictly a professional environment, you decide to go with, "Ordering your drink. Have you figured out what you'd like?"
It takes a second for him to realize his standing point as well, shaking his head as he realizes your answer, one that he is impressed by because not only did you not cower away with an awkward response, you weren't that easy to give him what he wanted. The response you gave him was nothing short of clever, and he realizes that each encounter with you reinforces his idea of you that is solely based off of the sly, clever, and beautiful boba worker of Pleasantea.
"I'll have the regular guava green tea. Light ice, light sugar," he says, his hand digging into his back pocket, fishing for his wallet.
As he slides his card and finishes up everything with his transaction swiftly, you go and hurry over to Ryujin who has finished all the other drinks of Yoongi and Jaehyun's, expectantly looking at you to finish Jungkook's drink.
Ryujin quirks her lips as she leans back against the ice dispenser, nodding in confirmation as I point at the receipt of Jungkook's order staring flatly at you. "It's your boyfriend's drink. You should make it."
"Not my boyfriend," you tell her as her lips twitch up more. Taking the shakers and preparing to make his drink, you focus on pouring the syrup into the shaker before speaking up towards her. "Didn't he flirt with you too? He's yours, isn't he?"
Ryujin crinkles her nose, shaking her head vigorously in disgust that her hair bun shook on top of her head with her. You start chuckling to yourself at her reaction, the look on her face was filled with distaste, as if she associated Jungkook with a bad memory. "Nope, never. He's all yours, babycakes."
"Nuh-uh. I don't go for guys who have a fetish for boba workers."
"He just has great taste," Ryujin half-heartedly defends him with a wink, throwing an imaginary hair strand over her shoulder before taking a cap for the cups and popping it on to finish it. "Can't blame him. I mean, we're all pretty hot."
To that, you let out a snort, shaking your head. Ryujin takes the cup and calls out for Jungkook's name, the sound of the echoing shuffling of his footsteps fading in closer as he comes to the counter. Instinctively, you beat Ryujin to the dirty shakers used for the drink and go into the back to wash them, avoiding any more interaction with Jungkook for that day.
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"Oh, so sorry to do this."
Jungkook wasn't really sorry, but he feigns innocence in his attitude a couple days later while you work an opening shift with your boss. It doesn't help that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, annoyed that you didn't wake up as early as you hoped to, and ended up being a couple of minutes late to your shift, with Sunny raising an eyebrow at your delayed presence.
She wasn't all that disturbed by it, but it made you annoyed for the first hour of opening as few customer came trickling in. To make matters worst as you were just dying down from your self-annoyance, Jungkook comes in.
It wasn't his order or the way he ordered that ticked your rocker off, but it was a good 30 seconds right after you'd finish making his drink order that he gives off an innocent customer façade as if you weren't the barista that he flirted with before.
"But I asked for light sugar?"
Blinking at him, you felt your eyebrow medially twitch. For a moment, you don't know what to do, and of course, Sunny's behind you, watching your every move carefully. An apology slips through your mouth as you take the drink and nod, feigning a smile at him as he replicates one of his own. "Oh, was it too sweet for you? I'll fix that for you."
Sunny is silent from the other side of the bar as she observes you remake the drink, being careful with the sweetness and your mind mentally shooting daggers at Jungkook's doe-like eyes while you perfect the drink. As you hand over the refurbished tea to Jungkook, he had the audacity to try it again in front of you, as if he was some critic for the Boba Review. Pausing to see if the taste was enough to be satisfied, he shakes his head and lays it in front of you, nudging it with the knuckle of his finger. "It's still a little too sweet."
Biting your tongue, you feel your eye twitch as Jungkook smirks at you, taunting you with the customer service you're forced to veil. And it's within the third drink you made for him, only for him to taste it and shake his head again as if you were in servitude to him. But knowing Sunny and how she is strict on Pleasantea's saying of, 'making the customer satisfied', you smile through the annoyance and the mental stabbing, Jungkook probably amused at how your right eye was twitching after he taunts you with purpose.
And on the fifth drink, you purse your lips as he finally take a sip of it— one that was dramatic and off the top— before he gives a satisfied nod, showing off his pearly whites to you as he takes the drink half-heartedly. "Thank you, it's just right."
Should've spit in that one, you thought.
"Sorry about that. Thank you for being patient," you grit through your teeth as he smirks winningly before trotting off outside into his damn red Jeep that makes you consider keying.
Unexpectedly, once the door shuts, Sunny starts to laugh at the other end of the bar, shaking her head as you turn towards her with two dirty shakers in hand. Concerned, you scrunch your eyebrows, "what's wrong?"
"You both are..." The way that Sunny scrunches her nose as she thinks makes you pause in your stance, wondering what she could say about you and Jungkook to be in the same category. "Something else," she observes, walking away with her head down to her iPad.
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With Jungkook, it became banter here and there.
Most of the times, it's just silent banter, one of which he gives you a side eye, you simply taking it in every time he orders, but at least his friends don't feel the same way. You only familiarize yourself with Jaehyun the most out of Jungkooks' friend group, but even then, the entire group weren't strangers. Dahlia tells you about how they come here all the time and she can breezily list off their usual orders from the top of her head and eventually, it didn't become hard for you to befriend them.
Jungkook takes note on how your voice drops about the 5th time he's came in when you were working. It was more prominent after having dealt with a customer before his group of friends and him. He notices that you've taken a comfortability with them to be given the privilege to talk to them in your casual voice rather than the higher pitched voice that exudes customer service.
After the incident that you falsely laughed to him the next time you saw him at the shop of which he used Pleasantea's promise of making the customer satisfied against you and had you remake his drink five times, there were a lot of promising moments between the two of you. Dahlia witnessing one too many times that she keeps a stick note near the register and tally marks under "Jungkook and ___ Pleasantea tension". It made Sunny amused enough that she even tally-marked for the time he made you remake his drink.
There was this one favorable moment that Dahlia deemed deserves two tally marks because Jungkook just happened to come in and order a drink right before your shift ended. And while you assume he was going to pick a fight with you again, you notice as you're about to clock out, he was flirting with a girl. You don't think too much of it, until you notice the girl looking uncomfortable.
The dark-haired girl presses her lips into a fine line, almost forced as she tries to politely back away and silently hope that Jungkook would leave her alone. It isn't until she's laughing nervously and Jungkook following in her fleeing steps that you take the situation into your own hands and quietly wave goodbye to Dahlia who was in the midst of taking another customer's order.
Sweeping past around the bar, you approach the girl, politely laying your hand on her arm with a smile on your face.
"Hi! Thank you for waiting for me! You didn't have to meet me at work, I could have just picked you up!"
Jungkook, in the corner of your eye, furrows his eyebrows at the seeming connection between you two. The girl's face morphs from being startled to understanding your motives before she nods and follows in suit. "Oh, no worries. I wanted to get a drink anyways."
"Here, I'll walk you to your car and we can figure out where to eat," you kindly urge as she responds with an agreeing nod. When you peer over at Jungkook, he could only arch an eyebrow at the situation he was standing in front of.
"Jungkook," you acknowledge, a single nod heading his direction.
"___," he says your name with the same intent, watching as you and the girl he was unknowingly making uncomfortable slide past him, leaving him to grab his drink that was waiting at the other end of the counter, dumbfounded.
After that day, you made a new friend, her name being Jisoo. She gives her thanks as you walk her back to her car for saving her from that uncomfortable situation and you, in turn, having to explain that Jungkook is a little airheaded at times. You gave her a comforting hug and announce that you hope to see her soon in different circumstances in which she wholeheartedly agrees and while not only did you make a new friend that day, you also gained two new brooding tally marks on the pale yellow sticky note that stared back at you at your next shift.
Along with tension, Jungkook remains reluctant when he orders.
A roll of your eyes and a reassurance that tampering his drink was a one time deal— until he opened his mouth again, and it wasn't so much a one time deal— would be in check. But even after that second time you messed with him, you didn't bother with the third time, although he makes it very tempting to. "It's not like I'm going to continuously ruin your drink every time you come in here. I heard you're the reason why this place picked up business."
"Am I?"
"Yeah. Star of the lacrosse team, well-known in the town, bringing your teammates— that's what Dahlia tells me."
"Give Dahlia my thanks for her appraisal," he smirks and you snort at how quickly his ego has sky-rocketed by your simple statement.
"How can Sunny tell me that you're the most humble person on earth, yet you proceed to continue with cocky, yet cunning statements?"
"All apart of the charm, baby," he winks and clicks his tongue.
The "charm" makes you internally want to vomit. "Watch it, baby. I heard you're allergic to almonds. I'm not afraid to put almond milk in your milk tea."
He sucks in a deep breath at your threat, raising an eyebrow in challenge. The way you were so quick to use one of his weakness against him has him merely impressed, but nonetheless intimidated. "You wouldn't."
"Tempting," you hum to scare him off, but you shake your head. "But you're right, I wouldn't. However, you call me "baby" one more time, your next drink will have a little surprise with a side of an ambulance, just in case."
A handsome smile conquers his face, before shaking his head. "I'll just keep my mouth shut and hope you accept my tip."
"Tip accepted. Will that be all for you?"
"If I ask for my receipt, can I have your number on top?"
And just then Jungkook cuts you off by hitting "print" on his screen, causing the long receipt to print from your end, an amused smirk on his face while you take his receipt and glare at him. Letting out a defeated sigh, you take the pen right next to the cashier and begin to write numbers on the top. "Just because you asked."
Jungkook raises his eyebrows at your notion and immediately acts calm when you look up to hand him his receipt. Internally, he was shocked that you actually put your number on it, followed by a heart and a comforting smile from your end as he didn't think it'd work. Jaehyun and Yoongi were just as surprised as well, but they shrug it off, thinking that you'd actually fall for his flirty tactics one way.
That was, until he calls the number that night when he gets home. He waits specifically until 9:23 PM and calls your number, hoping that you weren't asleep so that he could whip up a random and cheesy statement in the heat of the moment when you'd answer. However, when he hears the line pick up, he is first met with surprise, then confusion, then absolute hysterics as even he couldn't help but laugh to hear that you had given him a fake number, one so intricate that it led him to hear a man's voice saying, "so sorry, man. But they're not interested. But plenty of fish in the sea, right?" and then the voice mail message immediately ending.
Jungkook laughs in his kitchen, staring at his phone with an amused smile like an idiot. Even his roommate who walks into the kitchen to grab something from the fridge asks Jungkook why he's staring at his phone like a psychopath. Jungkook could only shake his head in realization that something as simple as to asking for your number wouldn't be that easy.  
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"I didn't think I'd see you here," Jungkook approaches you with ease, giving a head nod towards his lacrosse mates that he'd catch up with them later as he pauses to stop in front of you. Just then, he points at the drink you were holding. "You brought boba?"
"Came from work," you shrug. You didn't think you'd show up to this party last minute after getting a text from Chaeyoung that she'll pick you up at your house after you get home from your shift, but in an odd spin of events, you're at the party and sponsoring your job's signature milk tea. "It's my chaser."
He lets out a sonorous laugh, one in which he gives you a look as if you were pure genius. It slowly disappears when he gives a subtle nod of his chin to prep his next topic change. "Hey, just wanted to let you know that if you were jealous of me talking to your friend the other day—"
Widening your eyes, you retract your mouth from your boba straw and attempt to swallow down the sweet taste before you choke on it. "Slow your roll, cockface. I interrupted because she was evidently uncomfortable with your presence."
He hums in denial, making you roll your eyes at his obliviousness.
"Trust me, Jungkook, your flirting isn't all that great," you scoff, putting him in his place. "Just because you're Mister "Long Stick Shot", doesn't mean you're Mister "Long Dick"."
Jungkook lets out a laugh, evidently amused by your rhetoric. "As if you've seen one for good measure."
"Do you really want me to respond to that?"
And just as he snorts in response, you couldn't help but let a smile creep onto your face at the sound of his amusement. Unsure why, but you just want to continue hearing it and be satisfied that you're the reason for the laugh that elicits out of his mouth.
The small appreciation is well buried the minute you freeze for a single moment when you see a figure you've done so well to avoid.
A 61-day streak of not running into him, but who's counting.
A groan pasts your lips, followed by a scrunch of your nose that makes you want to chug down a bottle of Fireball rather than make the slightest interaction with your ex-boyfriend of two years, Kim Taehyung.
Admittedly, you were doing so well as to not running into him after that one incident at the grocery store. While you were with your roommates, they advised you to hide behind the apples and then covered you when you went into the tampon aisle.
Though it's been four months since Taehyung and you have called it a quits— more so on his end because he claims he had 'lost feelings overtime', it still bothers you to be in the same place breathing the same air as him. He wasn't the most revolting character in your mind, but if he were the last person on earth and there was only a bucket of water left, you would not share the basic human necessity with him.
Jungkook shoots an eyebrow at your irked presence, pondering if his existence standing only a foot away from you was that disgusting to you that you had to groan the minute he lets out a single breath. However, he notices the way your eyes flicker from the bottle of Jameson to your right to a certain person in the crowd a couple times, taking it into his mind of his own to look past his shoulder, trying to dictate which person is making you want to chug down a bottle of Jameson so badly.
"Who are you—?" As he turns his head back to your taciturn behavior, he was expecting you to have disappeared, but he did not think that he would see you, a cup of boba in one hand and the other, a bottle of Jameson being directed down your throat as your neck evidently takes in multiple chugs. Widening his eyes, he immediately brings his hands to the bottom of the bottle and retrieves it back from you while you take in every last drop before the bottle of the wretched liquid is retracted from your every grasp. "Are you insane? Slow down, babe."
You bring your boba straw into your mouth, driving off the pungent taste of what will come up again later on the night with your well thought out chaser, a few boba balls to chew in between your teeth before wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Jungkook stares at you as if you grew two heads, placing the bottle down before someone else takes it with a glare shot at you for drinking nearly half the bottle in one go.
"Don't call me that," you let out a burp, one that makes Jungkook chuckle, shaking his head at how sporadic you can be. "I need to forget someone's presence tonight."
Jungkook wasn't dumb, he knew it had to be someone that's making you want to regret a fun night altogether. "Ex-boyfriend?"
You nod your head in the direction of where you previously stared at before doing something reckless in confirmation. Letting out a giggle, you wait until he scrunches his eyebrows his confusion for your clarification. "Of two wasteful years, the award for best douchebag is Kim Taehyung!"
He hums in response. "Ah. You know chugging down Jameson is only going to make you forget your name, not his."
Shrugging, your lips form into a smile. "That's alright, I'm not a lightweight. Don't worry. It'll take awhile for it to do its job."
"Not the job you want—"
"Shush," you stop him for a moment before taking one last sip of your boba and place it down onto the countertop, giving it a silent goodbye as you know better not to pick it up again after it has been set down. "You up for dancing, Long Stick?"
"What?" He chuckles, before he realizes that you've taken his wrist into your own fingers, tugging it as the loud speaker plays another Mac Dre song that has the crowd repeating, 'get stupid!' over and over again with the beat.
Jungkook wasn't dumb. He knew that you pulled him to dance with you in subtle hopes that Kim Taehyung would notice that you're cozying up to someone that wasn't him. He knew you could care less if it were either him or another guy in the party, but to Jungkook, in his mind, better him than any other blood thirsty, testosterone-filled guy that would take advantage of you and your badly drunken state from the wrath of Jameson.
He knows he may not be the best option to have you rub up against him as you slur the lyrics of Mac Dre's Thizzle Dance with his hands holding onto your hips, but as annoying as he can be with his coquetry, he knows that morally he cannot and will not take advantage of you after witnessing you chug down dark liquor that even he has bad memories tied along with it.
It doesn't take long before you're closing your eyes from the dizziness you were feeling from each sway and bump of your hips. It doesn't take long before everything becomes a blur and you're having to blink multiple times to keep your gaze in focus. You think you stumble over your feet a couple of times, but you can't tell if you're standing upright anymore. It doesn't take long before you feel yourself against someone, eyes closed as you find odd solitude in a stranger who holds you carefully in their arms. It doesn't take long that you indeed forget your own name, trying to steady your breathing. It doesn't take long before it's become black, and there is nothing for you to remember all through the night.
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"Oh fucking hell."
There's something frightening about the first time you wake up and you register that you are somewhere that is nowhere near recognizable. It's not your own bed, maybe your own sofa, or even your friend's sofa— it's somewhere completely foreign. The realization after blinking the drowsiness away is what gets to you, and your heart races when the blood has gone cold as ice throughout your body.
That is exactly how you felt when the ceiling had a dark wood fan hung from it, when you felt that the bed was springy than your usual tempurpedic mattress, when you saw that the walls were not your room's decorative green, but a boring beige, when you realized that your bed was not only empty, but Jeon Jungkook sleeps soundly with his body turned towards you.
The worst part is realizing where you don't know where your things are. You distinctively remember you brought nothing but your phone and keys to the party right before you recall chugging down the devil's water.
As you sit up on the bed quietly to roam down your pockets of your jeans, you realize something that also makes you want to freak out as your breath has halted. You were also missing your jeans.
Peeking under the sheets, you must have gone pale to see nothing but your bare legs and your cherry printed underwear just below your waist. Thankfully your shirt and bra was on, but the night was too hazy to even tell what could have happened and that was enough to make you feel a vitriolic taste climb up your throat.
You turn your head in hopes to find something of your belongings, realizing with each sweep of the foreign room, you find your black jeans on the floor just at the foot of the bed. Gulping, you carefully and silently flip the sheets off of you, noticing that Jungkook didn't have one inch of the sheets around him and you wonder if you hogged it all last night. As you swing your legs off the bed, you make a queasy face each second as you stand up, the sound of the springs not helping you sneak off without waking up Jungkook.
Tiptoeing to your jeans, you snatch them and hope to find your phone in the back pocket, only to feel a bit of relief to find your keys, but not your phone. Closing your eyes at the fact that you might have to roam around the house to find your phone, you take your jeans and carefully, one by one, slide your feet into them.
And just then, as you take a peek at Jungkook, he shifts and stirs in his bed, a slight moan coming out of his mouth before you realize that he is just waking up. You watch in silence as his arm slings over to where you lied, as if searching for you, and after a few unsatisfying pats, he drowsily opens his eyes to where they trace up to you.
Both of your gazes meet and with your heart completely stopping, you let out a meek, "Hi."
In that moment as your pants are midway being pulled up along your legs, you suddenly forget how to move. Every inch of your muscles head to toe has completely frozen over and without even being punched in the gut, the wind was taken right out of you.  
Jungkook notices how you freeze so much so resembling a dog, he stifles a laugh, a tired chuckle emanating out of his lips as he sits up with one elbow propping him up. He rubs his eye with a curved index finger before sliding the pad of his thumb under the tip of his nose. You can't help but notice how good he looks just arising from his slumber, while you were in the midst of taking a walk of shame. You cringe when you realize your makeup is probably smudged under your eyes. "Hi. You alright there?"
"Uhm..." You blink, mouth becoming dry. "In all honesty, I really don't know how this usually works because I don't usually do one night stands—"
Jungkook lightly scoffs at that, shaking his head. "___."
"Can we forget this happened? Like can we just totally forget that I woke up next to you and that we—"
"___," he cuts you off, a laugh following after. He's amused by your panic, your immediate assumption making you run off in sentences that were flying off the walls this early in the morning. "We didn't do anything."
You blink again, your already dizzy mind running circles all over again. "We didn't?"
"You were pretty piss ass drunk, babe. I asked around for your friend... Chaeyoung, was it? to take you home, but I'm guessing she went home with Jaemin." The look on your face was probably amusing because there's a quirk of his lip evident. "I was also asking you where you live to drop you off, but little miss "I'm not a lightweight" could not form proper sentences by the end of the night, so the safest bet? I asked Yoongi to lend me the guest bedroom for you." He pauses to see your reaction, but seeing that you were more anxious to hear why the hell your pants were off, he lets out a sigh and continues. "You removed your pants because you said it was hot. Not because I removed it, or because I or you were insinuating anything. You basically threatened to use your "one week free trial of Muay Thai" on me if I laid a finger on you."
That made you cringe. "Good to know that drunk me can still defend herself."
"Yeah, if that means verbally threatening someone to break their arm and then blacking out mid-threat is considered defending yourself."
His little add on was responded with a glare from your end. "I'll break your arm right now, Jungkook."
"Funny. You said that last night before you pulled me into bed with you."
And your eyes widen again. "What?"
"Mhm," he says nonchalantly before letting out a dragging yawn. As he scratches his head, he continues, "you apologized for being mean and then asked me to stay with you. Didn't even plan on leaving, babe."
"Okay. That's enough embarrassing me today. I don't want to know the rest."
"You sure? Because you also said—"
"Piss off."
Jungkook, hysterically laughing at your quick annoyance to his own tease, contemplates in his head if he should tell you that you both had just happened to share a kiss that night. But seeing that a coral color was formulating along your cheeks and you were biting down on your lip, he mentally decided against it.
The embarrassment would grow immensely if he told you that though drunk you can defend yourself, drunk you also revealed to him that his lips looked, quote on quote, "soft and kissable". And just when he was in the middle of explaining to you to use the code word "boba" to indicate to him that you needed to throw up, you took him by surprise and kissed him. Would he be a fool to kiss back? Yes. To kiss back gently and memorizing your lips? A thousand times yes— a complete idiot, at its finest form.
Too bad that you just happened to be fool's gold— and Jungkook just happened to like shiny things.
Of course, Jungkook had no intention of taking advantage of you that night, especially when you were piss ass drunk and in any continuing second, you might've had to use the code word "boba" without any warning. So, he pulled back, and while he was worried that you might've realized what you've done, there was a smile on your lips, your eyes slightly opened in a daze. When he says your name in caution, you hiccup and tell him, "your lips are soft and kissable".
Would he be a jerk to just casually throw it in there while you are nearly freaking out and slightly disturbed by the whole scenario of waking up next to him pants-less at that moment? Yes, a big one. To maybe keep it in silence for awhile so that he may use it against you one day? Oh yeah, definitely. Ultra Platinum Jerk 3000.
But if he was going to fall for fool's gold, he might as well be the Ultra Platinum Jerk 3000.
"Why'd you even stay?"
Jungkook snaps out of his thoughts, realizing that his eyes had somehow wandered down to your legs without much notice. You didn't mind, mostly because it didn't seem like he was checking you out, but more so in deep thought. Plus, your legs are pretty killer.
"What?" He asks, causing you to lightly scoff.
"Why'd you stay?"
His nose crinkles as if that question was a terrible question to ask. "To watch over you? I'm not that terrible of a guy to just leave a very vulnerable girl alone in a bedroom in a house she doesn't know."
You purse your lips, a bit surprised at that considering that this is cocky "long stick shot" Jungkook. "Well... now great, that just make this super awkward."
"No sweat," he waves you off easily, hopping off the bed and running a hand through his tousled bed hair. "Here. I can take you home."
You pause, blinking. Your now still movements caught his attention, an eyebrow raising in question to your reaction to his gesture. "Are you sure?"
"You'd like to walk home instead, babe?"
Rolling your eyes at his question to answer your question, Jungkook smirks. "Thought so. Put your pants on and let's go."
When you get out of the room, you follow him downstairs, only for him to stop at the midsection where the stairs turn the other direction. You halt in your footsteps as well before he dives into his pocket and reaches out a phone with your familiar blue phone case on it. "Here. Saw it sticking out of your pocket and I knew you were going to lose it somehow."
As you take it in your hands, you felt a big wave of relief flood over you as you realize you had obtained everything important that you almost had a heart attack about losing. You and Jungkook share a small smile, him acknowledging that that was your way of thanking him, but not being able to say it, but if you allowed yourself to, you'd throw your arms around him for caring just a bit. However, the thought disappears when he continues on going down the stairs, a moment delay in your head to process before you continue following him.
There's shuffling down the hall when you reach the floor, and while you can barely make out what was happening because you managed to remove your contacts and discard them somewhere, all you hear is a very recognizable voice.
"Holy shit, you fucked boba girl?"
You groan and throw an annoyed middle finger at Jaehyun, cutting off Jungkook who seemed just as irked by Jaehyun's blunt question. "Fuck off. No, we didn't. As if I'd ever let him." You roll your eyes at the Jaehyung's assumption, but Jungkook could only quirk his eyebrow at your add-on. "How about you? Were you fucking Yoongi?"
A snort is heard next to you, Jungkook looking the other way to stifle his laughter.
"Woah there, Shortstack," Jaehyun bemusedly smirks, throwing a towel he was holding over his shoulder and crossing his arms over his chest. "And if I did?"
"I might have blacked out, but it's not hard to miss your screams for Yoongi's name down the hall," you announce, sarcastically. No, you were too blacked out to remember anything. Another snort coming from next to you as you let out an irritated sigh, your head just now pounding in indication of your hangover, is heard, but you were too drained to mentally high five yourself.
"Well, good fucking morning to the lot of you, assholes. I leave for one second and I'm suddenly dragged into a conversation about how I was getting fucked in the asshole by Jaehyun?"
"It's okay, Yoongi," Jaehyun turns to Yoongi, taking a step closer to him as he coos, "we don't have to deny it."
Yoongi rolls his eyes in annoyance and swats his friend away. "You guys are making my hangover worst."
"I've always known you were a bottom," Jungkook chimes in, making you, in turn, laugh. You mentally fist bumped him for that one.
"Yeah, and I could say the same for you," Yoongi throws back as it was your turn to snort.
You nod in counterfeit confirmation. "Oh, he's definitely a bottom."
In a breaking moment, Jungkook rolls his eyes and reaches down to grab your wrist hastily. "Would love to continue this wonderful conversation, but I have to take her hungover ass home." It catches you off guard when you realize after being tugged at the arm that it was Jungkook at the origin of the other end, making purposeful contact with you.
You let out a fake gasp, a bemused smirk playing your lips. "Ah, little Jungkookie is a bottom, huh?"
"Wouldn't you like to find out?" He challenges as you shake your head, laughing.
You pat his shoulder that was lifted while his hand extends to the back of your head seat as he reverses out of the driveway. "You see, it'd be an interesting experience, but two bottoms don't make a top."
He opens his mouth to say something— probably in regards to the open sentence that you just threw out there that confirmed you were— at least, preferably— a bottom. Knowing him, he would've said a snarky reply or a very sexual joke, but instead, there's a small smile on his face that you don't miss. It's out of amusement and while you've seen plenty of smiles like that in response to your own misfit of reactions coming from him, you don't miss the way his lips just curl with ease and how his eyes form crescents even from that minuscule facial muscle movement. Before he gets too suspicious of your staring, you look away, glad that your blind eyesight focused on his facial expressions, a fine resolution of a simple Jungkook smile arising on his face imprinted in your brain.
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Jungkook comes in a couple days later. This time, he's accompanied with a backpack. You notice that he was intentionally staying at Pleasantea to study, making use of the bar and bar stools placed by the window.
You work with Dahlia that shift, her tapping the sticky note near the register in translation that she is predicting another iconic tension moment between you two, but it doesn't happen when admittedly, waking up to Jungkook beside you and him showing an ounce of care has made you warm up to him by a smidge. There was no walk of shame and he was good at making sure you had everything before you left his car. Not only that, he stayed in front of your home until you were inside safely.
It's the bare minimum, but truthfully, it's not something you expected from him.
When Jungkook usually comes in, he normally only waves to the other workers who wave back, and today was a bit of a groundbreaking moment when he first waves to Dahlia, flickers his eyes over to you and waves. A wave directed towards you and you only responded with a mere smile.
He orders something new. A peach green tea and when he went to pick it up at the other counter, he raises his eyebrows and silently smiles at you. In hindsight, it'd be a weird moment for Dahlia or for anyone who didn't know what happened a couple nights ago, and even to you, it's kind of different, but it was also refreshing.  
Everything goes swell and dandy until you notice the door swing open from the back, the words "hi, welcome" becoming lost in throat when you notice who walks in. Similar to a storm nearing a field of daisies. A dream turned nightmare instantaneously. Instantly, you tap Dahlia's arm without a single word, swiping your hand back and forth near your neck in signal of who it was. Dahlia immediately taking note of it, nods and gestures you to hide in the back.
It's an odd feeling. You know that you're over him and you've been over him, but you can't help but wonder why your body is in fight or flight mode and why your breathing has become ragged. The air has suddenly become heavy and the walls seem to be caving in.
At a mental cross roads, you feel yourself heave breaths, simple tumbles of calm affirmations to stagnate your heartbeat runs circles around your mind. Few reminders of breathing in and breathing out, a mere countdown from 10 to 1, fingers tapping each other. You are trying so very hard not to struggle in the ocean as you had just been caught in the riptide. Out of the blue, completely unheard of, not a single sign, an abrupt happening— there is nothing to do but to not be scared. An evident showcase of fear, the water just knows without a doubt that you're struggling. It'll pull you in if you go against it.
Just then, in your moments of self-assurance, Jungkook's form magically shows up in the back room. Eyes widening at his presence, you're taken aback at how breezily he walks in an employee restricted part of the store.
You suck in a deep breath, feeling your chest rise and lower as you roll your lower lip inwards. "What are you doing here?"
"I saw who walked in," he simply explains, taking a step closer to you. "Dahlia said I can come in here. I wanted to check up on you."
"Oh," you breathe, not really comprehending his motive behind his actions and not really finding the effort to. "I'm fine, just... hiding."
Jungkook glances down to meet your eyes as you immediately avert your attention to your knees, tapping your fingers on them in a rhythmic fashion to settle your nerves. "You alright? I can ask Dahlia for a cup of water."
"That's okay," you shake your head. "Uhm— thanks for checking up on me."
"No need to thank me," he shrugs and in a blink of an eye, he sits in front of you, arms resting at his knees as he runs a hand through his hair.
"You don't have to do that."
"I'll wait until he leaves. I'm not leaving you alone."
You stare at him for a moment. At first, you find it wholly odd that he connected two dots when he saw Taehyung coming into the store and found it, to his own discretion, to accompany you, the person who is most affected by the presence of someone no more than a stranger to Jungkook. It's peculiar to think that there's just this smidge of care for you within him, but your past experiences and encounters with him thinks quite otherwise. And while he makes himself comfortable, meeting you eye-to-eye in an attempt of support, you let out a defeated sigh.
"So, how's work? You know, before he came in?"
You inhale sharply at his way of starting small talk. "Fine. Can't wait to get off, though."
"You got plans after your shift?"
Shrugging, you pull your knees closer. "I wanted to catch up on sleep."
He arches his eyebrow, taking note of how you built your walls higher and stronger. "You haven't been sleeping?"
In an honest gesture, your shake your head, shrugging. "Midterms."
"Hm, gotcha," he nods understandingly, letting it drag out into silence.
In all honesty, (and you won't admit it) his presence just happened to comfort you. He didn't have to say a word and just him being there— Jungkook taking the thought to care and stay with you was a matter of solace you didn't think you'd appreciate as greatly.  
"You know what I'm craving?"
You lift your head up to meet his eyes, the pair that glistened with slight amusement to keep the spirits high. Wordlessly, you arch an eyebrow as he quirked his lip, answering his own rhetorical question.
"A big ol' hearty bowl of tomato soup and grilled cheese," he says with great yearning. He closes his eyes for a second as if to imagine the flavors just fulfilling his cravings. "And a nice slice of peach cobbler for dessert? Vanilla ice cream on top and everything."
Jungkook says it with such a dreamy voice that it makes you snort, a laugh coming from his end as he nods.
"Is that so?" You ask in between your tiny fits of chuckles.
"Yeah," he gushes in an obvious tone. "Does that not sound mouth-watering to you?"
Shaking your head, you couldn't help but let out one more chuckle before rolling your lips inward. "I'm craving gyozas. I could eat fifty of those in one sitting."
"That's a bet I'm willing to make, sweetheart," he raises his eyebrows, impressed.
Lips curling, a sudden gasp escapes your lips as your mind reawakens a craving you haven't had in awhile. "Ooo, and tiramisu gelato," you mull, shoulders falling as you think about the creamy texture of the heavenly goodness. "When I went to Italy a couple of years ago with my mom, I would always make her stop by every gelato shop we passed by so I could get tiramisu gelato."
Jungkook smiles. "Just tiramisu?"
"I mean, I dabbled in other flavors, but tiramisu—"
"He's gone now."
Your sentence is cut off when Dahlia's sweet presence briefly peeps from outside into the back room, Jungkook turning his head over his shoulder as Dahlia glances between you and him amidst your conversation on the ground. As Jungkook turns back and begins to stand, you don't miss the growing grin on Dahlia's feature as you know very well that she was going to add another tally mark.
Glaring at he, your eyes flicker from her and then to Jungkook who has his hand in front of you. Mindlessly, you grab it as you pull yourself up with a bit of a tug coming from him, a mere "thanks" coming from out of your mouth as he gives you a single nod.
"You alright?" He inquires as you give him one last nod, a smile growing on your face as a silent reassurance just right before he exits out of the back room and proceeds to finish studying.
20 minutes later, he makes his leave and waves goodbye at both Dahlia and you.
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"Why are you still outside?"
It is 9:06 PM, Pleasantea closing at 9 PMs on the weekdays and Jungkook just happened to come in at 8:51 PM on Wednesday to teasingly spite you. However, as he left once he saw you turn the 'open' sign to 'closed', you realize while you are sweeping the lobby that his car is parked out in front of the shop. The red jeep with the top on sitting in front staring back at you, as well as his form sitting in the driver's seat, his face illuminated by his phone screen in his lap.
Confused as to why he was still outside, you call him from your phone. You happened to have his number after Dahlia just happened to slide it to him one day while you were off the clock, a random text notification sparking curiosity in you as you realized that the only person who would text— hey babe, didn't see you at work today—  to you, would be Jungkook.
You watch the way the white light morphed into a dimmer light counteracting his face before he brings his phone to his ear. Doing so, he looks up and sees you through the window, the broom you were sweeping with standing right against you as you raise an eyebrow in question.
"I'm waiting for you to finish closing," he answers, his pearly whites coming to show even from afar. "By the way, loved the dancing to Blondie."
Your cheeks grow red in your realization that as it hit 9 PM, you blasted Blondie in the store speaker, and danced while cleaning all the tea tubs and sweeping the back to Long Time and The Tide Is High. "Piss off."
"You didn't say, 'please'."
Scrunching your nose, you stare at him as he is amused by your annoyance of him. "Jungkook, you don't have to wait for me."
"I know I don't. But I want to," he tells you, his voice sounding caring and concerned as he doesn't let his gaze off of you while he keeps you on the line. You let out a sigh before his lips curl upwards. "___, do you realize what happens to people at night when they're alone? Bad things happen. And while I'm still upset that you forgot to put boba in my drink—"
"I gave it to you in an extra cup!"
"I called Jihyo and apparently, you're the only person available to close tonight and I'm just purely making sure nothing happens to you while you finish closing."
"Better hurry up, babe. At this rate, you won't be able to leave early."
There's a groan when you glance over at the clock, and Jungkook takes the time to smile at the way you stare back at him through the glass window, a middle finger adorned with a gold ring on your finger sent his direction before you let out another defeated sigh. "Fine, but come inside. Don't just sit in your car and watch me like a stalker."
"Aw, you want me to keep you company?"
"No, I just need a dance partner when Heart of Glass plays."
"You ask me to dance with you once, and suddenly I'm your dance partner."
"Precisely. Should've seen what you were getting into after I asked you to dance at the party," you say, a smile on your lips as you hear his laugh through the other end, his mouth open in amusement. "Now come inside. Maria's almost over."
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You could not believe you were here.
In fact, you could not believe that you let a stinkin' pearly toothed and politely asking Jungkook convince you in the first place, and now you're sitting on your bed, realizing that the knot in your stomach is a reminder that you are not only lost, but also very anxious in the upcoming setting you put yourself in.
Last minute plans were never your thing. Sure, some spontaneity can be refreshing, but this was a prime example of reasons why you should not allow yourself to agree with such sporadic decisions without even a basis to work off with. Now you're sitting at the edge of your bed, staring at your closet, jaw slacked and mind running in circles, wondering if you're overthinking an outfit to wear amongst a bunch of people.
Besides, it's not like Jungkook's going to care. Not like you would expect him to— or want him to.
Recalling the last time you went to a game, you wore a plain white shirt and jeans, but you remember being cold that night— but those were autumn nights. Your mind tries to think of wanting to wear something, but the possibilities clashes and you result into groaning at your flavorless closet, knowing very well that there's gotta be at least something, but your mind was not coming up with anything.
Throwing your body back to be cushioned by your mattress, you close your eyes and cringe, retracing your idiotic steps earlier today on how you brought yourself into this mess.
"Hey, ___, wait up!"
Jungkook calls after you as you bid your farewells to your co-workers, pacing up to your form as you stop in your tracks, waiting for him to reach up to you. As his face comes into view, you pull your lips up into a small smile, eyebrows furrowing as to why he called for your name. He smiles back, a small peep of his bright smile before he places his elbow against the counter next to you.
"Come to the game tonight. We're going against UFenesy."
Hearing the invitation roll out of his mouth, you were slightly taken aback, but nevertheless practical when you shake your head. "I'm good, thanks."
He pulls his eyebrows together, though his inviting smile never leaves his features. "Why not?"
You shrug, unsure yourself as you pull your falling bag over your shoulder. Jungkook nearly reaches over to catch it for you, but seeing that you beat him to it, he flickers his eyes back onto yours.
Jungkook narrows his eyes in plain suspicion. "You haven't been to one, have you?"
"No, I've been to a game," you defend, eyes wandering as you finish your sentence honestly. "Just not a lacrosse game."
"Great," he grins, eyes sparkling. "This'll be your first."
Helplessly, you let out a laugh. It sounded more like a scoff, if anything— one that was in disbelief. "No, Jungkook. I have to finish an assignment and I have an exam on—"
"Is it tomorrow?"
"No, but it's on—"
"Come on, babe," he pokes at your side, making you take a step back as you narrow your eyes at him for his sudden poke. "I need my number one boba worker there."
You nod your head over your shoulder. "Then go ask Jihyo, not me."
He laughs in a way where his eyes crinkle, shaking his head. "No, come on. I asked you for a reason. Listen, I'll give you cash and you get yourself a hearty corn dog with extra ketchup and ranch, and you'll stand at a perfect view—"
"Jungkook, why does it sound like you're treating me as your trophy girlfriend?"
Jungkook frowns. "I'm not. I just want you to be there, okay? Even if that means buying you a corn dog and keeping the best spot in the stadium open for you."
Pursing your lips, you cross your arms. "I don't even know how lacrosse works. I'll probably end up cheering for the other team."
"Unless the other team has a teammate named Jeon Jungkook, then don't let out a peep. Just cheer me on specifically and you'll be fine."
"Self-absorbed," you inform him as he pokes at your cheek, making you look at him with an arched eyebrow. He smile reaches his eyes once more, hoping that you'd agree to go to the social outing just for him.
"Is that a yes?"
You pause, weighing your options. To stay home and procrastinate or to drag yourself into a social setting and experience a college game. "Will you give me a ride home?"
In hindsight, the former was probably a better option for your nerves, but admittedly, it was more so the most comfortable option.
And as if the universe has heard your regretful decision, your friend, Jisoo texts you in perfect timing if you wanted to go to the game with her tonight. First, you feel elated because now you have someone to go with, but you feel yourself groan for agreeing to something you regret. As you text her in agreement, you continue to have an internal battle with your thoughts for an outfit.
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"There goes Jeon again with the long-stick shot!"
Jisoo picks you up when you tell her that you were already having a ride home— only if Jungkook remembers— and she was gladly to take you to the game. Though just only having to have met her, she explains how her friends don't really go to games and she usually goes alone. While you nod and reassure her that she has you now, you mentally thank the universe for her keeping your nerves at bay.  
Right before the game started, a random person comes up to you while you were discussing with Jisoo about the classes you were planning to take next semester. "Are you ___?"
"Yes?" You answer, raising an eyebrow at the girl with hair in braids. "Who's asking?"
"I'm Essie," she smiles. "I'm one of the water girls for the team. Jungkook wanted me to give you this—" Essie pulls something from her back pocket and it's a twenty dollar bill. Before you could even let out a word of protest, she grabs your hand and places the bill in yours, retracting hers swiftly before she lets out a chuckle. "Jungkook said to do that because you would refuse. Also, he wants me to show you your seats."
"Wait, wait," you shake your head, eyebrows knitting closely together as you glance at Jisoo who tries to refrain from laughing. "Jungkook asked you...?"
"Yeah, he asked me to give you cash for a hot dog and to show you your spots because he said he promised you the best seat in the stadium. There's an extra seat for your friend, too," Essie glimmers a quick eye smile before giving a single nod, turning around and leading the way past the crowd of people to get to the so-called "best seat in the stadium".
Essie leaves you and Jisoo with a happy farewell after leading you to a seat where two other girls move after Essie waves at them for saving the spot.
"Enjoy the game!" The girls who were sitting at the spot smile at you and Jisoo before taking their spot that they were supposedly saving for you.
As the girls have left and left you and your friend dumbfounded, Jisoo was the first to laugh.
"Was Jungkook your boyfriend this whole time?" Jisoo inquires beside you, more so amused rather than angry as she sees your reaction to her question. Your mouth gapes open as you vigorously shake your head.
"He was never my boyfriend from the start," you scoff and she nods, laughing.
"Oh? And he promised you a seat at his game?" She curls her lips upwards curiously, jumping on the immediate implication that Jungkook and you have something stirring.
"He promised me a good seat if I went tonight.... And a hot dog. You want one?"
Jisoo lets out an amused giggle before shaking her head. "Maybe later. Game is about to start."
She explains which team is which and that UFenesy were called "Phoenixes", chiiming in that she's never seen the opponent play, but she heard they were a pretty good team that made it to championships the prior year. You nod as you try to figure out how to analyze the game just by listening on and off to the commentary from the echoing speakers to Jisoo's added explanations thrown in sporadically here and there.
It takes a couple of minutes, but you finally spot Jungkook, broad letters of "Jeon" imprinted on his jersey above the number "3". Finding comfortability of finding him on the field, you watch the whole first quarter solely on him and his moves. His stature was built and tall along his teammates, his speed and stamina was endless, and the way he would shoot and score each time was impressive— it was no wonder why the girls next to you screamed out his name every time a shot was made.
Home: 5
Visitors: 4
You watch attentively as his teammates all roughly gather up to Jungkook after making his second signature long-stick shot of the night, all of them hastily patting his helmet and shoulder while their testosterone-filled cheers were accompanied by the crowd's.
"Are you guys a thing?"
Nearly snapping your neck at the question, Jisoo doesn't tear her eyes apart from the field in front of her, her dark eyes looking around before she felt your gaze on her was when she meets your eyes. Innocently, she smiles.
"No, we're not," you answer honestly, a nervous chuckle coming out of your throat.
"Oh, so he just likes you," Jisoo turns her head back onto the field, nodding in thought. "That's cute. He had the water girls find you and save you a spot."
Scoffing, you shake your head. "Please, he's probably done that to a lot of girls. I'm not anyone special."
"I'd beg to differ," she hums to herself, amusement glinting her eyes.
As intermission at halftime arrives, Jisoo volunteers to stay at the seats while you go on and buy two hot dogs. One with ketchup and mustard, and another with extra ketchup and extra ranch. Thinking about it, you weren't sure as to how Jungkook knew you liked hotdogs with ketchup and ranch, but you ignore it as you take the hotdogs in both of your hands and walk down the steps to find Jisoo.
And when halftime ends and the third quarter speeds on by, you're in awe at how Jungkook talks to his teammates when they huddle. It's nothing that you can hear from where you and Jisoo stand, but from his stature and hand gestures, a pat on one of his teammate's helmet, you can see how much he cares about his teammates and how easy it was to motivate and inspire them. A true team captain at work. They release a mini cheer amongst each other before heading off to the last quarter of the game.
"Jungkook likes you and you can't convince me otherwise," Jisoo states out of the blue about ten minutes into the last quarter, making you turn your head at her once more. "Oh, come on, don't give me that look. He gave you money for a hot dog and saved you the best seats in the stadium."
"You don't think he'd do this for anyone else? If you gave him your number that day, he'd probably do the same for you, too."
"Maybe," she sings, not denying how flirtatious Jungkook was being to her that day. "But it proves that you may like him, too. Why else did you come?"
"For the—"
"The hotdogs are not that great, honey. Don't say it's because of the hotdog."
It was true, the hotdogs were so and so. Pursing your lips, you shrug. "Well, he just convinced me."
"Because you like him."
Jisoo was being stubborn about it, but so were you. "I don't like him. He doesn't like me."
"Oh, he definitely likes you," she laughs, shaking her head at your denial.  
Wondering why she was so convinced about Jungkook liking you or vice versa, your mind drifts off to the time at the party when you asked him to dance. It wasn't meant to insinuate anything other than try to remove your mind off of a dreadful presence at that party, but you wonder why did he stick with you that night? Was it odd to think that that a simple expectation of sticking with someone under the influence— let alone a woman— should be common sense for him?
You'd think of him as a friend now— someone who is not consistently trying to badly flirt with you who causes your eye to twitch every time he comes in.
Admittedly, he's been pleasant to you. And undeniably, you're aware of such "tension" between you two, but you thought of it nothing more than just you being annoyed by his tactics. Did he actually have intentions of liking you? Sure, he's attempted to flirt with you, but overtime you didn't take it seriously? Why are you suddenly getting so affected by this? It's not like—
"North Stars and Phoenixes are tied."
The commentary snaps you back into present time, a quirk of an eyebrow while you flick your eyes to the scoreboard makes you realize that the commentary was correct.
Home: 10
Visitors: 10
"30 seconds on the clock— and there's Jeon with the ball."
Fixated on the man with the number 3 on his back, you watch as he zips through the opposing team like flying colors, flashing through like lighting as he keeps the stick right at his shoulder. He picks up the pace when he feels someone cutting through from his left, dodging and leaving them at the hands of one of his teammates to slow them down.
The clock ticks downwards with every anticipating bones of the crowd shaking, leaning in, clenching. Hushed whispers of, 'come on, come on' are heard from behind as you subconsciously clench your fists tightly until they were white.
It's not until he's close to the opposing side's goal, the opposing defensemen running towards him like moths surrounding a beacon of light— your hands intertwine with each other almost in prayer, heart rate speeding up as you watch his feet kick behind him and in an instant—
"Here comes Jeon—"
The ball hits the net.
"There it is! Ladies and gentlemen, Jeon again with the winning shot for the North Stars!" The sports commentary becomes overpowered by the loud screaming of the crowd, Jisoo included when sue stands next to you jumping up and down with raised fists and clapping hands. For you, you didn't realize how anxious you were feeling when you let out a sharp breath of relief, a laugh eliciting from your throat as you watch Jungkook run through the field haphazardly, his teammates scurrying over to him to engulf him in hugs and pats.
What set your heart off the rocker was that when his helmet is pried off from his head, his eyes go off on a flurry search onto the crowd, immediately stopping when they meet your eyes from the screaming and wild crowd. It's like he instantaneously ignores his teammates shoving and sharing loving pats around him when he meets your gaze, an ethereal moment of how time just completely stops around you both as you share that gaze with him.
A smile so handsome and pearly stretches along his face before the god gifted moment was pulled away too soon, and he is pulled away by being lifted into the air by his teammates, sonorous chants being audible enough to hear from the stadium.
"Cannot convince me otherwise," Jisoo nudges you with her elbow, causing you to roll your eyes despite your coral pigmented cheeks growing dangerously evident.
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As people began to trickle out as the game was officially over, the parking lot becoming filled with cars leaving, Jisoo waits with you voluntarily for Jungkook. When you try to convince her to go on and go home, she rolls her eyes and announces all of the "what if's" ranging from being abandoned to someone kidnapping you. Sighing defeatedly, you both wait for Jungkook who takes awhile, but you don't mind— you loved Jisoo's warm presence.
Jungkook spots you first before you spot him, calling your name from a distance before his teammates— you recognizing Jaehyung and Yoongi behind him— run up and jump on him, sharing fits of laughter before you smile and look at Jisoo.
"Alright, I'm gonna head out now. Give Jungkook a winning kiss for me. And make sure he gets you home safely. Text me, alright?" Jisoo gives you a hug before you roll your eyes and squeeze back lovingly, her parting away and heading towards her parked car in the lot.
As you head over to the sweaty Jungkook in his casual attire, his friends shove his arm and laugh.
"See you at the after party, Jungkook?"
"Maybe," he nods towards Yoongi who asked the question. "Gotta take her home tonight."
"Whaaa?" Jaehyun nods his head towards me, placing both hands on his team captain's shoulders. "Not comin', Shortstack?"
"Opening tomorrow," you reason before grinning at him. "If you want hangover boba, just pop right in."
"Sweet," Jaehyun cheers, giving Jungkook one last shoulder pat before heading off a different direction with Yoongi. "Take her home safely then, Kook. You comin' afterwards?"
Jungkook pauses, a slight glance given your way as you obliviously quirk an eyebrow at him. He gives an outward point of a chin before letting his teammate know his answer. "We'll see."
Eyebrows raised, you purse your lips at his answer.
"What?" He asks when he notices your facial expression.
"You're not gonna go? I live only like 10 minutes away from campus with driving. You can still make it."
He laughs, shaking his head. "Nah."
"If you think I'm letting you into my apartment—"
"No, I was not thinking that at all," he lets out a chuckle at your wary assumption. "It's just—" he pauses and he lets out a sigh. "Do you need to be home now? Can you spare an hour or two?"
His question makes you narrow your eyes in suspicion. "Why?"
"You said were craving tiramisu gelato, right?"
"Yeah, a couple days ago," you furrow your eyebrows, recalling the moment when you disclosed your craving in the odd circumstances that was when you were mildly panicking, eyes nearly watering, and to save your sanity, you began talking to him about what was going through your head all thanks to his calm approach of making small talk.
Tiramisu gelato circled your mind.
"I know a place with the best gelato. Closes at midnight. You up for a little gelato action?" He smirks, you walking beside him towards his car.
You let out a small chuckle, a bit flattered that he remembered that you were craving gelato. "Sure. But I'm paying for yours."
"Because you're driving."
"Psh. That's nothing."
"Keep your money in your purse or else I will take it and never give it back to you."
"But— Jungkook!" In a wrapped up instant, he hastily grabs your bag from your shoulder, dashing as fast as he could resembling his previous run across the field to make the winning shot. Seeing how he was gone in a blink of an eye, you run after him, calling his name.  "Jungkook!"
And just like how he started running, he halts, causing you to bump into him when your momentum was too fast to stop a second early. All at once, he collects your force, a hand at the small of your back to keep you from knocking both of you guys over. The physical contact makes you shiver under the night, and the realization that you were close to him as he was close to you makes everything ini your mind stop.
He looks down at you amusedly, his chuckles fading out as he realizes that you were staring up at him, the level of proximity you two were at with no one around you guys but you two suddenly becoming well aware in his mind like headlights. He didn't want to let you go, he stops and it's this moment where you two are close and you kind of stare at him and sigh. "Fine. I won't pay, but can I have my bag back?"
"You may." He gladly gives it back under your touch, taking a step back to amusedly make the previous proximity obvious. Once your bag was back in your grasp, you narrow your eyes at him before you take a step forward and give him a jab at the arm.
"Ouch," he laughs, rubbing his bicep of where you punched him. "I gave you your bag back."
"That was for making me chase after you," you huff, sending him daggers through your eyes. "You know I hate exercise."
He throws his head back in complete bemusement before leading you to his signature red Jeep.
When reaching to the gelato place that took awhile to travel to as it was near the beach, located next to a small theater and a pizza place, you furrow your eyebrows at how unfamiliar the place seemed to you.
As you gather your bag, you realize that Jungkook had disappeared from the driver's seat to reach the other end of your door to open it, his chivalry exuding from the gesture. Surprised by this, you give him one small acknowledging nod and thank him, a laugh eliciting from your throat as you tell him that he didn't have to that. But before you even finished that sentence, he opens the door to the gelato shop for you, a teasing, toothy smile on his face as he awaits for you to go inside.
You take a moment to scan through the flavors, all of them sounding appetizing before your heart is set on the tiramisu flavor just sitting at the very end beneath pistachio. You don't hesitate to ask for a scoop of tiramisu in a cup, an excited childish smile on your face as Jungkook keeps you close.
He goes ahead and orders the double chocolate gelato after looking at the flavors, you taking the cup the worker already scooped for you in your hand and taking a small spoonful to taste. Your mouth instantly waters.
Peering up at Jungkook as he watches you attentively fulfill your craving, you purse your lips. "Don't you usually go to Pleasantea after winning a game?"
"Yeah," he nods, shrugging. "The team and I deserve winning drinks."
"Then why are we here getting gelato?"
"I mean," he clears his throat, plucking a blue spoon from the jar of blue, red, and purple spoons. "I got the winning girl with me, it trumps a winning anything."
His statement makes you snort. "An excuse to break tradition?"
"An excuse to spend time with you," he nods with affirmation, bringing his spoon to his mouth. Rolling your eyes to that, he gives off his winning smile all while biting his gelato spoon. It was such a picture perfect moment, you mentally snapshot him before his attention is torn from you to grab his scoop of gelato. "Besides, I begged you to come to the game anyways. It'd be a dick move to just abandon you afterwards."
"True," you agree, before you stop in surprise at how Jungkook smoothly takes out his wallet and pays the worker with a ten dollar bill, putting the rest into the tip jar as you both leave your grateful thanks to him and leave. Jungkook goes again and opens the door for you, stepping beside it to let you out. You narrow your eyes at him once more and murmur a thank you in which he gives a chivalrous nod.
Instead of walking to the car, he leads the way to somewhere, you following suit beside him. You don't question it, mostly because you were distracted with your tiramisu gelato and the fact that you've grown so accustomed to Jungkook that you let your feet match up this pace.
"Good job out there, Long-Stick. Now I know why all the girls swoon over you," you tell him once you both settle over the rails that overlooked the beach. It was a vast opening, the ocean was almost as ebony as the night sky, but the moon was the glimmer that differentiated what was the sea and what was the sky. It was romantic itself, but you don't let the venue label your current experience with him. While it was beautiful, you don't let it get to your head.
Your appraisal makes him laugh lowly. "That was nothing."
"Against UFenesy? I'm pretty sure that's something," you recall what Jisoo told you. "Plus that last shot had everyone on the edge of their seat. Including me, and I didn't know what was going on for the half of it."
He lets out a fit of chuckles at your honesty. It makes you feel warm and appreciated that you're able to make him laugh. For some odd reason, you feel like his laugh is as rare as diamonds, and it is so beautiful once found. It's contagious and just as pleasing as yawning and you just want to hear it more and more.
However, once his laughter dies down, you chew on the inside of your cheek. "Don't you want to go to the party tonight?"
"I don't know. You made the winning shot, Long Stick," you shrug. "Don't you want to celebrate by getting drunk or high?"
Jungkook, shamelessly, stares at you closely as if you were hiding something. "You sound like you want to go home really badly. Just tell me up front and I'll take you."
"No, it's not that. I just don't want to be holding you back from anything or changing up your plans for the night."
"___," he laughs hearing this, shaking his head. "Relax. You're not holding me back from anything. I'm a big boy, I can change my plans as they go." You give him a nudge, one that follows with a laughter coming out of his mouth. "Besides, I'm with my winning gelato and my winning girl with a Blondie obsession at the beach. I don't need to go to a party to feel this high."
"Is that so?"
"I'm on top of the world, babe. You wanna try my gelato?"
He brings a spoonful of his gelato towards you and usually you'd hesitate from trying a shared portion of anything from someone, but there was a level of comfort that exuded safety, one where you allow yourself bring your mouth to his spoon and taste the rich flavor of milk chocolate gelato along with with biting down onto a dark chocolate bit.
Returning the gesture, you bring a spoonful of your tiramisu to his mouth, one where he happily eats it off the spoon and nods approvingly of the flavor that you were craving a couple days ago.
As you let his gelato flavor melt in your mouth and you bite down on the bit, something floods your thoughts— dark chocolate wasn't too bad.
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Jungkook's mind is engulfed by you.
When he dropped you off that night, he felt the luckiest he's ever felt— somehow his lead to multiple victories have all been trumped by simple quality time with you. It wasn't at all romantic, but he somehow can't unwrap his mind around you. You are tattoo ink, your name written all over his mind and his brain as a constant reminder that you are very much alive— a living, breathing form he has grown to be submerged into. An addiction, an obsession.
He likes the way your eyes form crescents every time you are introduced to a new customer. He's convinced it's no longer your customer service persona, but your general nice appearance that is sweet and approachable. And while you may argue that you aren't as sweet as you may be given by the first encounter with the dull milk tea, he knows that you are as sweet as the tiramisu gelato you are so very fond of.
He won't tell you, but he remembers every drunken spill you unraveled to him that night when you thought it was a good idea to drown your mind out of a certain someone.
When Jungkook first brought you inside the guest bedroom and helped you sit on the bed, you let out a slurred threats of using your muay thai free trial if he ever touched you, but only giggled afterwards when you expose yourself of quitting because people made fun of the way you jump-roped— "princess jump-rope", as you liked to call it.
You like fun, printed underwear over the lacy see-through ones, and while he didn't catch a glimpse of the ones you wore that night, you made it an announcement and proof that you were wearing cherry printed ones. You were craving a hot dog that night, almost bursting to tears because you wanted a hot dog with extra ranch and extra ketchup so badly, but sucked it up when you started staring at him. You have a lip tattoo— an impulsive and drunk decision walking by a tattoo parlor with your friends at 2 AM— that says, 'ur mom'. You also admitted that you didn't want him to leave you— not that he was, he was only going to lock the door to prevent people from coming in— and that you like his presence no matter how annoyed you may seem by him.
And while you were drifting off to sleep, you let out spills about Taehyung.
"When Taehyung and I broke up, it was because he lost feelings. I mean, I guess it was also mutual because I felt the same way, but, uhm... I was so convinced that we would last. I think I'm more mad at the fact that I didn't end it first. He stopped making me feel loved about a year in. Honeymoon phase was over, I guess, and I don't know— I guess I just lost that security and love with him. I should be relieved that he ended it, but I'm just mad that I wasted two years of my life being with him when I should've just ended it first."
He didn't say anything in response to that— it's not because he didn't want to, it's because his mind could formulate such words that would console your drunk mindset. And before he could even let out a peep, he hears a light snore.
He doesn't forget everything you said that night though. He couldn't. Not when it's the most you have ever disclosed to him.
As if you weren't occupying his mind enough, you somehow show up at times he merely forgets about you.
One time, you were working a closing shift and you decided it would be nice to surprise Jungkook with a drink, remembering he would be staying up that night to finish an assignment. You went out of your way to ask Jaehyun for his address to drop it off, Jungkook very confused to see a text message with "come outside" and to see you with one of your crafted drinks in hand and your hair flowing down your shoulders as you released it from your work bun.
"A bit stalkerish, isn't it?"
"Hey, you asked Dahlia for my number. This is merely an innocent act of giving you a drink because I know you're staying up," you defend with a smirk. "It's a strawberry and guava green tea. It's not heavily caffeinated, but it'll keep you up for a bit because you should also get some sleep while you can."
Jungkook, to your misfortune, couldn't sleep that night, and it wasn't because of the strawberry and guava green tea or the amount of homework he had to finish, but it was because you had swarmed his mind the whole night. The overall surprise from you in which you went out of your way to ask his friend where he lived, to remember he was staying up to finish an assignment, to handcraft a drink that wasn't on Pleasantea's menu, the text of "come outside"— it is all small gestures that accumulate and create a supernova in his mind. All the vibrant colors and specks of stardust trail to you that it was impossible to sleep. And even when slumber did come to him after dragging hours, you were in his dream.  
Another time he likes to recall was when he came in while you were working and that day, you were particularly happy, and he'll never forget it because you went, "Welco— Jungkook! Hi!" in the most sweetest tone he didn't think you could ever muster, but the way that you smiled and how your features were accentuated with a bit of makeup made his heart skip a beat.
He was going to order something that same day, but you shook your head and stopped him. "Here, I made this drink the other day and I think you might like it. It's on me."
And gratefully, he liked it. Even if he didn't like it, he would've pretended to just for you. And when he asks what it was, you wouldn't tell him what you made it with, but what really caught him off guard and made his insides turn to gooey liquid was that you called it the "Jungkookie Tea."
Jungkook doesn't miss the way Dahlia overhears what you named your drink for him, meeting Jungkook's eyes with an entertained smirk as she hides away to the back room, trying to stifle a giggle.
"Hi, I left a surprise for you on front door," you called him one night. Jungkook just came home from his lacrosse practice and as he arrives home, there is a large paper bag that has his name written on it in neat, cursive lettering that makes him question who his secret admirer is before he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He answered it immediately when he saw your name on it, an immediate announcement that you were the one that left him that surprise on his doorstep.
"You're scaring me here, babe."
"I just like keeping you on your toes," you smirk, as you laugh into the phone. Jungkook opens his front door and kicks off his shoes, walking into the kitchen and flickering on the lights excitingly to open your gift to him. "Just open it, you'll like it."
"No way."
"Way," you laugh into the phone. "I baked it this morning after I came home from the farmer's market. I bought some peaches and remembered that you were craving peach cobbler a couple weeks ago. There should be a pint of vanilla ice cream in there, too. Do you have roommates? You can share with them, too."
"Hell no, I am not sharing your god sent dessert with my roommate."
"You haven't even tried it yet, idiot! Be nice."
"Nuh-uh. It smells too good. I'll probably end up finishing all of this up tonight. Thank you so much, babe."
"Anytime, baby," you coo, his mind stopping immediately when he hears you call him 'baby'. "I'd like to keep you on the phone, but I'd rather listen to Blondie on the road."
"Okay, drive safe."
"No promises."
"Bye," he sings before hanging up. And as much love you put into it, he ate it with all the love he had for you.
Small moments with you fills his mind up to the rim and he is as elated as ever. Jungkook prides himself for being able to be at a level where you sort of expose him of your previous past introductions with each other, all of those in which he couldn't remember. You tell him of all the times from the first encounter at the frat party, to the embarrassing moment of when he threw up on your new pants. It made him groan as you cackle beside him in his red Jeep in front of your house.
Obviously, it flew past you, but you tell him that truthfully you weren't very fond of him during the whole distasteful plain milk tea with no sweetness ordeal, and anytime after that, but he lets out a laugh with a simple apology flying out of his mouth for the past encounters that really did not work on his first impression with you.
However, there was this one moment that irked him a lot. So much so that he couldn't really hide it from you.
Sunny asked you to go to Orange Valley to restock and while you would've happily obliged, your car wouldn't make it very far if you were to drive, so she offered asking Jungkook to drive. Jungkook, at first, was ecstatic that you asked him as an alternative to drive you there— a road trip with you probably wanting to change the songs multiple times until you were satisfied or you snoring away in his passenger seat until you both get there.
However, he was silent while on the freeway, unsure of what to really say. And you weren't dumb, so you caught onto his aura when you sat in his car.
You try to make a joke to lighten up the mood about this one customer who wanted a fruit tea without the fruit in hopes you could witness a laugh from him, but only a light scoff was the result of your efforts gone to shit. Knowing that there was no good on having a grumpy Jungkook driving you for the rest of the day, you let out a laugh. A veiled laugh, one that makes him question you silently.
"It's funny because you remind me exactly of this drink I made last night." He glances at you as you nod. "Yeah, yeah, it was the black tea with boba. Bitter, with tiny balls." Your laughter dies along with your analogy you throw in the air. Your arms sternly cross over your torso, an arched eyebrow awaiting him when he gives you a glance. "Mhm, yeah. What's wrong?"
His lackadaisical answer was too quick for your taste, anticipating very well that he was going to dodge it the minute you bug him about it. However, you were too stubborn enough to not let it go. "No, I want to know."
Jungkook sucks in a sharp breath, shifting his previous position of two hands at three and nine of the wheel, to move one arm to prop against his window, leaning his head on it. "___, it's nothing—"
"Then why are you being like this?"
"Like what?"
Scoffing, you shake your head at his purposeful obliviousness. "Distant. Cold. Bitter. I don't know, but it's giving me bad vibes."
Jungkook signals to merge onto the carpool lane, you noticing that his speed rising on the speedometer with haste that it makes you shift in your seat. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Jungkook, stop acting like that," you state in a softer tone. It sounded more like a beg if you listened carefully, but you straighten your shoulders against the seat to not come off that way. "Did I do something wrong?"
He immediately takes notice as to how you immediately take blame onto yourself, making his previously tense body soften at the way your voice had gone soft and how you were no longer staring ahead at the road, but at your knees that were pressed together. He wonders if this was the result of your past relationship where you were convinced that you were always the one to blame. He adjusts his position again behind the wheel, one where he returns his free hand back onto the wheel, more relaxed as he releases his foot from the gas slightly to keep a steady speed along the road. Jungkook now felt bad.
He stays quiet before you try one more time, poking at his arm in which he gives you one more sideways glance and lets out a sigh. "You called Jaehyun to pick you up instead of me."
Jungkook notices how your eyebrows knit together. "What?"
"Last night, at the party you went to. You called Jaehyun to pick you up and take you home."
"Oh," you nod slowly. "If you're upset, just know that him and I didn't hook up or anything—"
"No." Jungkook cringes. It's first the thought of you, someone he has began to feel things for, being with one of his best friends and teammate in a sexual way that made him want to gag. It's then the realization that that was your first immediate thought as to why he was upset that made him realize he's explaining it all wrong. "No, it's not that. It's more because you called him, but you didn't call me that upset me."
"Oh," you nod once more. "Oh..."
"It's not a big deal—"
"But you were busy last night—"
"I know," he says, tapping his finger against the wheel. "I can't get mad because I told you I was busy, but..."
He notices that you turned your attention to him, which caused him to sweat a bit. "But?"
"I would've dropped everything if you called me to pick you up. I know, you didn't want to bother me, but I want you to know that you can depend on me, too. If that means dropping a late night lacrosse practice with the defensemen for you to be home safe, then I do not mind."
Hearing this created pangs in your heart, your cheeks ultimately flushing before you couldn't help but smile up at him. "Is that the only reason why you're so Mr. Grumpy today?"
"Not a big deal, ___—"
"I'll call you next time," you cut him off before he takes back everything he says. "I thought you were getting annoyed driving me everywhere."
"No, just the opposite," he smirks. "I just want you to know you can depend on me. Calling Jaehyung wasn't bad, but call me next time."
"Okay, I will," you promise, a smile never breaking from your face. "Thank you. Very sweet, very thoughtful," you muse, bringing a hand to teasingly comb your fingers through his fluffy raven hair. "Now will you stop being a Debby Downer? I'll put you as my personal chauffeur in my contacts so you can stop being so sad for the whole trip."
"Fine, sorry." Jungkook, without thinking about it, grabs your hand and adjusts it so he can intertwine his fingers with yours, kissing the back of your hand that left butterflies in your stomach. He lets out a laugh before meeting your eyes for a spare second and then back onto the road. "Am I still the black tea you made?"
"Not at all."  
To you, Jungkook was anything but bitter from what you have learned about him in the past few times you've shared moments. He makes you laugh and makes you feel appreciated that you can't help but want to do the same for him.
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"Woah, hey. What are you doing here?"
Jungkook's bewildered, but it comes off as just subtly surprised to you. After a good day of practice, with his last game tomorrow, he wasn't expecting to get a text from you telling him that you're pulling up in 5 minutes in front of his house. And here you are, climbing out of your car as he takes in your form, a quick sweep up and down of the 12 AM you in nothing but your Gryffindor t-shirt just barely covering your pajama shorts that exposed your legs that he had to consciously remind himself not to glance over at too frequently. Still, he couldn't help himself with a few stolen looks.
You're panting, and not because you're exhausted or you're that out of shape that getting out of your car took out all the energy from you, but somehow standing in front of him in nothing but your thrifted tee and pajama shorts has made you feel more vulnerable than ever and more nervous than you'd let yourself believe.
"I was just..." your voice trails off, but you taking in one big breath as he studies you carefully. "I was just wondering if this thing I did was just completely stupid or—"
"What?" He asks immediately. "What did you do? Was it that stupid that you decided to come over in your pajamas?"
His questions make you laugh. It's breathy. Airy.
It's your nerves wracking together as you try to figure out a way to formulate words, but it's hard when he's wearing sweats and a t-shirt that hugs him nicely when his arms are crossed over his chest.
"I'm fine. It's just that— uhm," your eyes flicker to his where his eyebrows furrow in concern, making your heart stop when you realize that he's actually listening. "I think I let myself catch feelings for you."
There's this grace period that happens. It's surprisingly excruciating and long. It's like you're watching your own heart get ripped out of your chest before you realize that what has just happened. Jungkook could only pause, and you could only handle silence for so long.
He gives off a single nod, one that makes you blink as you realize that could be his only answer. Nodding, you suck in a deep breath. "Alright, nice, cool. Yeah, good to know that it actually was stupid, uh—"
"No, no, no," he stops you mid-rant as you pause yourself from whipping around to walk back to your car in utter embarrassment. But even as you pause, you hope you aren't completely making a fool out of yourself before you can back out. "Come here."
"You know, it's fine. I don't know what I'm saying and I don't think—"
"___, please shut up for one second and come closer." He watches as you poke your tongue into your cheek before taking a step towards him with your gaze trained on the ground. "Can you look at me please?"
Letting out a preparing sigh, you bring your gaze to look at him, his expression all bland and emotionless.
"There's a few things I want to ask."
"Oh. Uh, okay? Shoot."
"Are you sober?"
The question throws you off for a moment. "I mean I drove here—"
"Are you sober?"
"Yes, I don't condone drinking and driving, idiot."
"Okay," he heavily breathes.
"Is this, by chance, a prank?" This question makes you furrow your eyebrows, not only throwing you off, but making you speechless. "Like, is there a camera somewhere and I'm being punk'd?"
"What?" You ask, astounded by his question just before you're shaking your head and beginning to walk away. "No— okay, you know what? Forget it. I knew this was a dumb idea to be here and actually confess that—"
He grabs your arm, his hand grasping your forearm and giving a slight tug in hopes you'd stay grounded. "I'm not done. Are your feelings real? Or are they just a figment of your imagination to compensate for your break-up?"
Hearing his blunt words, you feel your eyes widen at how easy he can let those words roll off his tongue. You scoff in sheer astonishment, yanking your arm back in attempt to get away from his grasp but he holds a firm grip on you. "God, this was stupid."
"___, answer the question."
Sparing a glance at him, you notice at how his face was not at all hard— not one formed out of pure jealousy, but a refined look of compassion. One that was willing to listen, one that was sparked from curiosity, one that was forged from general empathy and care. Seeing at how his eyes don't hold a single ounce of defense nor offense, you let yourself relax under his touch, a movement that caused him to loosen his grip that wasn't at all squeezing you uncomfortably in the first place.
There's a twinkle of light that you don't miss in his eyes, a subtle hint from him to you in hopes you'd continue instead of turning the other cheek.
"I don't know," you breathe out, feeling his hand drop from your arm completely to his side. "But what I do know is that I haven't stopped thinking about you these past few days. And all I know is that every time someone comes into the shop at around closing time, I'm expecting to see you. Either with your friends, or your teammates— I don't know, my eyes are just trained to find yours, I guess? And no, I don't think I'm completely healed from the break-up, but that doesn't mean I never will. And if it's worth anything, when I'm with you, talking to you, or even when you're just... there— I don't feel hurt or, or scared. I feel safe." And happy, and excited. And I might just love dark chocolate now.
"You make me feel safe," you securely tell him with a full heart, knowing very well that it's out in the open and there's no going back. "And you make me not want to leave your side. I just want to be with you, for as long as you'll let me."
Jungkook's head is spinning. There is no way, the girl who claims to not be sweet as his milk tea you made him during the night of his winning shot against Renall University, his number one boba worker, his Blondie fanatic, his winning girl was reenacting a dream that he so wanted to give to you. He imagined he would be the one to pull up to your home outside after having to realize his feelings were too much to contain— too much to endure— right before he lets out words that he probably would regret putting it out there into existence.
This isn't confusion, this is elation.
While he processes each word, digests every sentence, consumes the ever-so subtle nervous smiles and chuckles you elicited within your wholehearted confession, he forgets that he's a physical form of a human, standing right in front of you with nothing short of a blank expression. It makes you let out a nervous clear of your throat.
"I answer your question and you're not going to say anything...?"
The observation you announce aloud snaps his mind back into the realm of what is of you and him in nothing but in both of your pajamas, the night sky shedding light on your vulnerable hearts in the open.
He lets out a speechless breath of air, before he rolls in his bottom lip inside, tongue gliding along the inner lower part from his right cheek to his left. You would be lying if his silence wasn't making your heart beat fast and your cheeks stain red.
Jungkook eventually shrugs. "I knew that my charm would reach you eventually."
The straight vanity dripping from his response causes your eyebrows to shoot up, then a scoff to leave your mouth, and your third instinct to turn around towards your car. However, you are stopped midway when he grasps your wrist and tugs you back to him, his honey laughter ringing in your ears.
"Alright, okay. Bad move," he acknowledges while you scowl. He drags his hands down to yours as he smirks once more. "Just don't make my drink with no sugar again." The entertainment he was gaining from this rather than really responding to your excessive pouring of emotions was irking you to the point that you raise your fist to punch his arm, only for him to avoid that by wrapping his arms around your waist.
Unfortunately, his hugs just happened to make you feel safe enough and your liquids turn into absolute goo that you relax under his touch.
"You're not stupid," he tells you into your hair. "Though it is kind of surprising to see you in front of my house all vulnerable like this."
"Shut up, Jeon."
"Don't worry, I thought about doing the same thing to you," he confesses, watching carefully at how your scowl softens just when he says that. "Mhm. Except it'd probably be more embarrassing. More of begging rather than confessing."
To that, you let out a snort, one of which he cuts you off short as he tugs you closer to his chest.
"However, if you really want to give us a chance," he begins before he pulls his signature smirk. "I'm not opposed to it." You peer up at him and purse your lips. "Does that mean I get a boyfriend discount?"
As you scoff, he laughs along with you, tucking a hair behind your ear as he holds onto the smalls of your back. "Endless boba supply?"
"You're getting a drink with spit in it."
"And baby, I'll be happy to drink it."
Just then, your jaw drops, your immediate reaction to slap his arm lightly. And he laughs, pulling you closer (if that was even possible). "Don't worry, you get a perfect seat at my games and a flying kiss from me before each game."
"Very cute," you muse at the idea.
He stares at you for a long moment, and while you think it's him trying to memorize every bit of your face, his eyes kept flickering down to your lips back to your eyes. In an instant, you realize that he just didn't know what to do next, but he sure as hell was thinking about kissing you, it makes you burst out into a tiny fit of laughter. "You're not so much of a kisser, are you?"
Jungkook scoffs lightly. "Do I come off as an expert in kissing, babe?"
"No, but you're lucky I have some experience."
Groaning, Jungkook lolls his head back while his nose cringes at your sly comment. "I don't want to see an image of the girl I really like making out with her son of a bitch ex-boyfriend."
"Oh, so I went from Annoying Brat to a girl you really like?"
"Yeah, yeah, you leveled up. Did you want a kiss as a reward or what?"
"Yes, please," you smirk as you bring all of your weight to your toes, lifting your heels to give yourself enough height to press your lips onto Jungkook's, slowly and easily. He's taken aback by how much time you dragged along with it, nothing of a sort of the fiery and urgent kiss you first had with him.
He pulls away and he laughs remembering that you have no absolute recollection of the first time you placed your lips on his. Ultra Platinum Jerk 3000 underway. "Not bad for our second kiss."
"Second?" You furrow your eyebrows in complete confusion. "When did we—?" Realization hits you in the face as your jaw goes slack, staring up at him in plain shock. "No, we didn't."
"For the record, you did. I pulled away."
Your arms still wrapped around his neck, you pull back to gape at him. "And you didn't want to tell me about this?"
"I was saving you a lifetime's worth of embarrassment."
You cringe, mentally face palming yourself that you let yourself slip so easily under the influence. "It's embarrassing because you pulled away!"
"Hey, hey, you caught me off guard. I wanted to kiss you back, but not in that current state you were in. You said my lips were "soft and kissable"."
Adamantly, you shake your head. "No, I didn't."
"Mhm," he smirks, bring his hand to tuck a hair behind your ear, his fingertips purposefully dragging down the skin of your neck to create evident goosebumps. "So what do you think now? Still soft and kissable?"
"Jungkook, I'm literally going to make sure your drinks are a living hell," you threaten, scowling at him.
He gives another amused laugh, pulling you closer from the smalls of your back before peppering kisses onto your cheeks, causing you to squeal at his immediate affection. "Alright, alright. Points for Gryffindor, no need to get all feisty."
"Dickwad," you call him, making him smirk. "I'm leaving now."
When Jungkook feels a slight slip of you from his fingers, he grasps onto you quickly to press his lips onto yours once more. Undeniably, you couldn't ignore the way your smile pulls at your cheeks with each peck he places onto your lips, laughter being shared into the air by both of you as you try to wiggle out of his strong grip.
"Jungkook, I have to go," you beg in between fits of light-hearted giggles. "Jungkook!"
"Fine, fine," he sighs in defeat before pressing one more kiss onto your forehead. "See you tomorrow night? At the game?"
"Will my spot be saved?"
"I'll have your name engraved on it," he nods making you smile like a fool. "Gelato right after?"
Eyebrows pulling together, you pat his chest with your palms. "You don't want to get boba with the boys?"
"Nah," Jungkook firmly shakes his head. "Besides, I'd rather break tradition to spend time with you."
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isaksforelsket · 5 years
I’ll start with isak/even, but also, what are your other ships?
who hogs the duvet: isak. for sure. whenever we saw him wake up the boy had the covers tucked around him, now this could be because 1. even tucked him in cause he wanted him to be comfy, or 2. isak gets cold easily and just pulls all the blankets towards himself and wraps himself up like a burrito. even doesn’t mind really, cause isak just presses himself up against him and keeps him warm.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: at first, it’s even who will text him throughout the day more often, but eventually isak starts doing it more often as well and usually messages even first, just asking him what time he’ll be home, what they’re having for dinner, ‘can you hurry up even im horny’ and shit like that, but usually he just asks him how he is and tells him he loves him. but even is the one to send him pictures of shit that reminds him of isak.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: even is more creative, as in he’ll find weird and new things and even make shit for isak, but isak also knows what to get for presents, like he just remembers the shit the person has mentioned before and gets them that
who gets up first in the morning: even for sure. isak likes to sleep in for as long as possible, and really even loves it too, even if he’s awake he’ll stay in bed, just holding isak and making sure he’s sleeping peacefully, but eventually he’ll just have to get up and do shit.
writing the rest under this cause boy oh boy this got long
who suggests new things in bed: even, even, even. isak is a bit too shy about it at first so he wont suggest anything, but even will. as they’re making out, he’ll just go ‘wanna try something new?’ and isak would just nod numbly cause like he’s so fucking turned on, even can do whatever he wants to him honestly. but eventually isak brings shit up as well, but its still mostly even.
who cries at movies: i mean, we all know this right?? but even does cry often at movies cause ‘look at the cinematography isak!! its so beautiful’ and also he doesnt give a fuck, if he wants to cry at a movie, he’ll cry. but isak also cries but he acts like he isn’t, he gets all grumpy and frowns and wipes his cheeks all the while saying ‘im not fucking crying even’
who gives unprompted massages: even. isak gets stressed easily and his body is tense all the damn time so even will often just rub his back or his shoulders and get isak to relax his muscles and calm down.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: both of them really, but mostly isak, he just tries to make sure even has everything until even tells him to go to school and that he’ll be fine and not to worry, but isak still worries and stays home for as long as possible. when isak is sick, even has to persuade him to let him take care of him, he just cuddles him a lot until isak stops being stubborn and just melts against his body. 
who gets jealous easiest: isak gets jealous cause he worries that even will leave him and that he’s not enough, plus even is a really nice person and his kindness can get misinterpreted as flirting, so isak will often see the other person just looking up at even with fucking stars in their eyes and he’ll just go up to him and press himself against his body and whisper in his ear ‘can we please go home, i need you’ and obviously even will do so right away. while even gets like possessive, isak is kind of oblivious so if anyone hits on him he’ll have no idea, and even would be seething as he watches this guy get closer and closer to isak until even just walked up to them and wrapped an arm around isak’s waist, arching a brow in the guys direction and silently telling him to fuck off.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: i mean, we all know its even, i dont need to elaborate on this right? he just listens to anything and everything, he doesn’t give a fuck.
who collects something unusual: hm hm hm, i dont feel like either one of them would collect anything unusual. they dont seem like the type. bUT maybe isak would like collect sand from all the beaches he’s went to with even? and he’d be real sentimental and keep like the receipts from restaurants they go to and all that. but i dont think they’d actually collect anything random.
who takes the longest to get ready: isak. the fact that he just rarely wants to go anywhere and wants to stay in and cuddle just makes him take fucking ages. just slow, languid movements around the flat, throwing the clothes around and complaining ‘evy i have nothing to weaaaar’ but even is just like ‘isak i love you so much but if you dont hurry up i’ll kick your cute lil ass’
who is the most tidy and organised: isak isak isak. he just wants their flat to look nice cause he never had a place of his own and now that he has, he wants it to feel and look like a home
who gets most excited about the holidays: even, he fucking loves that shit, gets in the holiday spirit and all. isak didn’t really celebrate anything much while growing up, and then he started disliking Christmas cause his dad left around that time and he was just going through a lot, so he absolutely hates it. but even still tries to make sure isak has nice holidays.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: usually isak is little spoon, he just loves the feeling of even’s arms around him (plus if he wants to he can press his ass against even’s dick ‘by accident’), but sometimes they switch, usually when even is depressed.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: honestly, both of them. they both love to win, but isak probably. he’ll play lil tricks on even to distract him so that he can win, just call him daddy or some shit in the middle of it to make even glance towards him. he’s just a little shit honestly.
who starts the most arguments: um, they dont really argue that much, they tend to talk things out, but id say that even maybe? like his insecurities will sometimes come through and he’ll snap at isak and tell him to leave or something. but they dont really argue that much.
who suggests that they buy a pet: even. isak is against it at first but even keeps showing him photos of kittens or puppies and eventually isak is like ‘fine whatever but you’re taking care of it’ and then when they finally get the pet, he loves them and hugs them and wakes up early to take them for a walk and shit.
what couple traditions they have: you cannot tell me that they dont go swimming together, especially on the anniversary of their first kiss. they also go on a trip somewhere every summer, either to a different country or something or they go on a road trip (someone write evak on a road trip pls).
what tv shows they watch together: rupauls drag race. fight me. they sort of get into it at some point and then they just keep watching and they argue over who’s going to win and who has the best looks. 
what other couple they hang out with: jonas/mikael, mikael/adam, eskild/his bf whoever it is, eva/noora.
how they spend time together as a couple: they’re together all the time honestly, they try to go out on a date every week or every other week, just go to the movies or to get some food or something. but usually they just chill at home, cuddling, making out, having sex, watching movies cuddled up on the couch, or they cook for each other while laughing and dancing in the kitchen, or they just play some music and slow dance in the middle of the living room.
who made the first move: even, obviously, we all know this.
who brings flowers home: even, for sure. he’s just the romantic type to do that shit, and isak will like roll his eyes but he’s blushing so hard and smiling and he puts them in a vase straight away as even walks up behind him and wraps his arms around isak’s waist, kissing his blushy cheek.
who is the best cook: even, but listen, i think isak can cook, he’s just lazy. like my boy took care of himself the majority of his life, of course he can cook, he’d just rather not.
thank you for asking, this was fun!! and i dont mind what ship you send hehe i feel like i could do this about anyone.
send a ship and i’ll answer these questions
29 notes · View notes
thedappleddragon · 4 years
Day 134 (Saturday July 25th)
Whoops I’ve gone almost a week without an entry let’s go
I gave my sister her birthday present of a bunch of glowing paper stars on a string, and she thought it was really sweet. I got up earlier than I wanted so my dad could take me and my sister to look at buying a new phone for her. We didn’t end up buying it, so we drove around for something I don’t remember until my dad dropped me off to a friend’s open house. The open house was fun. It was at the same location as another one I had been to recently. We had been having so many open houses that we were running out of things to talk about lol. I had a good time, but I accidentally stayed a lot longer than I intended. Near the end I got tired and was on my phone half listening to the conversation until the other friend left and I listened to Katie talk about a Minecraft role play series she was super into until my mom picked me up. We drove around for a while, picked up my sisters birthday card from our grandparents, and went to the phone store to buy the phone dad was looking at earlier. We waited in there for an HOUR AND A HALF because the girl behind the counter didn’t really know what she was doing. When it was bought and set up, I thought we would stop by home, but instead we drove around for reasons I don’t remember and went straight to Roman’s birthday party. My phone died and we got lost, but we eventually made it. I gave them the $25 amazon gift card I had gotten at the open house iyrssjristsiry. They weren’t out to their parents yet, and hearing their dead name was really jarring so I just didn’t refer to them by name at all, not wanting to deadname or out them. Other than that party was really nice! We sat around a fire and talked bout everything and anything. We bonded over men being scary and also hot. One friend talked a lot about her ex and her crush, and we all talked about how shitty her ex was. At one point when we were all getting pizza, the dog stole my entire goddamn slice off my plate lmao. When my dad came to pick me up and asked who the party was for, he asked weither my friend was a guy or a girl. I explained what non-binary meant, and he was super chill about it!!! He did say it was dumb or anything. He just went “well there’s another new thing I learned today.” Like!!!!! I didn’t know my dad was cool!! Wow. That cheered me up a lot. When we got home, we sang happy birthday and had some cookie cake before Emily left to Michigan for a week.
Day 135 (Sunday July 26th)
The only thing I could think about that day was making a fursuit. That’s the only thing that was happening in my brain for like all of today and the next day. I started to do some laundry until I realized we were out of soap. I went with my mom to Walmart, and while she did curbside pickup I went in the store to get soap. While we drove to pick up food, I played a game with my friends where we all assigned each other colors to match our ~soul.~ I left my phone in the car, so I made paper cranes out of the Walmart receipt instead. I watched some tutorials on how to dye fur, because all I have is white, but I ended up not doing that. I decided FUCK IT and cut a chunk out of a memory foam slab bed insert thing and got to work. I didn’t take like ANY WIP photos so I have no clue how far I got. I just kept going until I got too tired.
Day 136 (Monday July 27th)
I spent all day either working or laying outside in the hammock. I found a frog!! I got really happy because I never see frogs or snails, even though I love both of them.
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It jumped off of the seat where I didn’t even see it into the folds of the broken umbrella. I laid outside watching my cat, and I even got her to lay on my lap while I sat in the hammock for a little bit. Then it started to rain, so we went inside. By the end of the day, I had completely finished both paws. I was super proud of myself and I loved just wearing them for no reason. I still do!! I would wear them all the time if they worked on my phone screen lol. They’re obviously not perfect, but I love them. 💕
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I made a video and of me wearing them and collapsing from cute and sent it to my friends the next day.
Day 137 (Tuesday July 28th)
I spent my day watching tutorial after tutorial after TUTORIAL about how to make fursuit heads. I couldn’t think about anything else. I also spent a lot of time outside in my hammock again. I spent most of my day trying to decide whether or not to give it a try. Late in the afternoon I said fuck it and cut out another chunk of foam from the sheet in the garage. I spent hours working on it, and I knew from pretty early on that it wouldn’t be usable. The foam I was using was wayyyyyy too soft and floppy (hehe ew). I decided to keep going, just to use the foam I had already cut and use it as practice to get the shapes right. I also spent some time shopping for fursuit supplies, but not actually buying anything. I played animal crossing for a while after a couple days of not playing.
Day 138 (Wednesday July 29th)
I spent some more time working on the head base, adding cheeks and eyebrows, but ultimately decided to offer it for sale on furry amino for cheap. I haven’t gotten any offers yet almost 12 hours later, so I think I’ll either wait longer or try selling it somewhere else. I went outside with my cat and got her to lay on me while I lightly swung on the hammock, and it was really nice. She was being super snuggly and rubbing her face on my and on my face and on the ropes of the hammock. I made myself some pasta and hung out for a while. I did some laundry and changed into some real clothes for the first time in a few days, which felt nice. I showed my dad my fursuit paws, which I had been referring to as a secret project to him for a few days. He was really impressed! He pointed to the head I had wrapped in plastic grocery bags, asking if it was the headpiece. I explained that it wouldn’t be usable because I was using the wrong foam, and he said he would buy me the right kind of foam within a few days. I really appreciate how supportive he is about it. I haven’t told my mom about it yet. She’s poked fun at me before about making a “furry suit” and occasionally pokes fun at my interest in the fandom. It doesn’t upset me, it more joking than actually making fun. I laugh it off like the idea is dumb, why would I go to a convention or make a suit. I would totally show her, I just don’t know if she would be super impressed or if it would make her poke more fun. Idk, I’ll bring it up eventually. But I was sutting in my room thinking about making fursuits. I had an itch to get back to snipping foam and making stuff, so I decided to make another pair of paws for my characer Egg. I think I’ll name the dog suit Peppermint, since it’ll be a red and white color scheme. These are my plans for each character. I’m not sure if Egg should have pink mouth bits or yellow mouth bits.
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I plan on using the kloofsuits headbase patterns, just because it’s seems like an easy way to make sure my first suit turns out looking ok. I think it’s funny how I’ve only make 1 pair of paws and half a headbase and yet i already have plans for multiple full partials lmao. Actually I’ve already started on Egg’s paws, and I probably would have gotten further if it weren’t for a random hesitation (idk if that’s the right word) to get out the fur/fleece. I tried a slightly different method for these paws. For the first ones, I had a little layer of foam over the back of the hand, and it was all one piece. This time, it’s all still cut from the same chunk of foam, but I separated the fingers and there’s no backhand foam layer. They also fit differently, since I sewed the lining closer to the edge and it’s not at tight. If I really need to, I could rip the foam off and re-sew it, but I’m going to continue and see if I actually need to or not. I’m also exited to try a different, cleaner way of attatching the paw pads this time, since the first pair had slightly messy blanket stitching.
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Anyway yeah. All I’ve been doing for the past few days is either making fursuit parts or think about making fursuit parts or watch fursuit YouTube tutorials. I’ve gone back to that one phase I had in middle school where I was OBSESSED with getting a fursuit. I want to make a tail and maybe feetpaws too, I’m so exited about everything. Sorry this blog is now a pro awoo zone, NO fine.
ALSO the entire time I was working on fursuit things, I had MBMBAM on in the background. I’ve been listening to the entire podcast starting with episode 1 since before quarantine, I think. I realized while I was typing this out that i went through AT LEAST 35 EPISODES during that work time, probably closer to 40.
(Sorry for the long post!!)
0 notes
minahraven · 7 years
Current Post Statuses (in order of receipt) - Nov 9, 2017
 All requests I’ve received are listed below, along with the statuses (whether they’re done and ready to post, in progress, or haven’t been started yet). If you don’t see your request here, please don’t hesitate to re-send it, as it means it hasn’t been received, and I don’t want anyone to feel as if I’m ignoring their request at all. As you’ll be able to see, I’m currently working on getting scenario requests up to date, since I’ve been posting almost solely ships recently, so I hope noone minds that.
Thank you so much to everyone who’s requested so far! I love doing all these requests, and though I may not be as fast at posting as other blogs, that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it. Far from it. This has become a truly enjoyable hobby, and I’m loving every moment ^_^
Anonymous said:
Amber x girl reader smut where she admits all of her kinks to you and you have kinky sex (dirty talk, spanking...) – in progress
alicemad-hatter said:
Can I request a Bom scenario where after the group disbanded she came home upset and y/n (preferably female) cheered her up with food and loving sex – in progress
Anonymous said:
could u do an amber smut were she misses a date but makes it up to you? ;) ur previous amber smut was AMAZING! – in progress
anotherworld-fan said:
Hiiiiii!!! Can I request a ship? I'm 5'9 (I know massive) I'm quite shy and introverted but with my friends I turn into a crazy/shouting/rambling mess that cannot be stopped. I'm a hopeless romantic and I love reading, cooking, dancing and all artsy things. My favourite season is winter because I love wrapping myself up with warm blankets and having a hot tea while reading. I'm really caring, especially with people close to me and I always put other people's happiness first😊 thank you xx – Done (to be posted)
Anonymous said:
Hi :) can you please ship me with BTS? I am an ENFJ, outgoing, independent and social. Most would say I’m energetic, smart and bubbly. I like reading, writing, making art, learning/experiencing new things and cooking. I also tend to be a the mother type in a group and want to make sure everyone is happy. If I am out in public and hear a song I know, I will find myself singing and dancing (sometimes badly) along to it, much to the embarrassment of those around me 😆 Thanks for you hard work~💛💛 – Done (to be posted)
Anonymous said:
hello!!! i was wondering if i could have a written ship with bts? :D if so:id consider myself funny and caring; a lot of my friends call me mom (b/c i always cook, clean up after them and have snacks ready hehe) and tend to look to me for advice. I’m a great listener and i love to hear other people talk for hours (same thing w me i love talking a lot) i love singing and I’m v grounded and my opinion on things usually stay unchanged. (i also love affection and holding hands) Thank you so much💝✨ - To do
Anonymous said:
Hi! May I request a BTS ship please! I’m 5 ft 6, down to earth type, sensitive, soft-spoken, shy but very outgoing once I get to know someone. Also kind, cheerful, sweet & calm, I tend to be a dreamer, love listening to Kpop, reading, traveling & writing poetry. I also can sing/dance a bit!! my style is cusual/chic/comfy. A bit clumsy, laid-back & insecure alot. I tend to never give up on any task, love going on adventures. I really love helping others & really really enjoy skinship! Thank you🙏 - To do
Anonymous said:
Hi, Can I request for a written ship with BTS please? Thank you!! I’m 170cm, a Scorpio, Ravenclaw. I’m energetic/fun-loving, friendly, a listener/caring and easy-going, but also overly sensitive. I love food and eat a lot, and I’m a pretty lazy homebody whose ideal day is to sleep in, play video games and watch drama/anime or read. In a relationship I like spending a lot of time with my partner cuddling, talking a lot from shallow, derpy things to deep debates, or exploring new places with them. - To do
Anonymous said:
Hi~ Can I have a Red Velvet ship pls? I’m very introverted & come across as cold at first. But people say I’m super sweet once they get to know me. I’m very 4D & love bad jokes/puns. I’m a homebody, but love going out on adventures when in the mood. I love animals, traveling, late night drives, stargazing, reading, art, & watching movies. I play guitar & want to be a songwriter. I'm very into social issues & psychology. I have anxiety/depression & am moody at times. Very into skinship. Tysm! - To do
Anonymous said:
can you do a scenario where jungkook and you broke up but he’s desperately trying to win you back and you ring for an elevator trying to leave he gets in with you and it gets smutty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) snd then you guys get back together after that ,, thank youuu! – In progress
Anonymous said:
Holaa! Can i request a Jimin scenario where his lover (not GF or wife) his LOVER is unexpectedly pregnant and they don't know what to do cause of his career and the scandal that might cause him to have a baby with a girl that's not actually his partner? pls - To do
Anonymous said:
Hii, can I have a bts ship please!! I'm pretty quiet and nervous around people idk but once I get to know them I can't stop talking and to some people it's a bit irritating haha. I randomly get sad a lot and it's a little hard to handle at times. I'm pretty clingy tbh and I lovelovelove cuddling. Bad jokes are my favorite things in the world. Physically, I'm korean and I have longish black hair. I have really annoying acne and dimples but I hate my smile lol. And ye that's it. Thank you!! - To do
unniesao said:
Written ship with BTS.I'm 5'3 with really pale skin, I have green/blue eyes and red hair (natural)! I'm from Ireland.i love sports,makeup,fashion,art and skincare. I love Dancing and singing! But in kpop groups I like the rappers! I have lots of natural aegyo. I'm really quiet and I don't trust people easily. I worry a lot and am drawn to people who have a motherly side to them, a caring type.I love giving but not receiving skinship! I speak lots of languages and want to learn more! Thank you! - To do
channynipa said:
Hi❤️ Can I have a self ship w/Yoongi,pls? I'm ENFJ,the eldest of 4,making me reliable & a good leader. I'm supportive,caring,affectionate,trustworthy,kind,strong both physically & mentally. I get competitive & fearless sometimes. I'm a good listener so as a good adviser. I'm not the type to open my worries to others fast & likely to say it's fine. In fact, I just need someone who will face me and tell me to be honest w/them. I have so much love to share w/everyone, esp. my fam & people I care. I'm good w/children,they make me super happy!😍 My friends say I'm persuasive,good w/words,funny,very friendly & warm. I LIKE flowers,animals,coffee & LOVE cuddling,skinship and watching movie(horror movies are my fav). I enjoy theme park & advanturous things. I really like listening to music & going for a walk at night. I don't really like changes,hate heat & worst w/directions. I'm always there for my siblings. Smile's always on my face & I hope everyone can smile,too. TYSM & take your time.❤️ - To do
unflame said:
bts ship pls? i’m canadian/korean with neck length peach hair and 170cm tall. people are scared of me at first as i have a bad rbf, but i like to joke around and laugh a lot. i’m very skin ship-y and love to cuddle. i’m more of a homebody but i do enjoy hanging out with friends for karaoke, drinking, and movies. i’ve been told i’m mature but also really impatient and sometimes tease others a little too much. i also tend to be flirty w/o knowing which can be a problem rip me - To do
chana-ninja said:
Hi~. Can I get a selfship with Jungkookie(BTS) please?? I’m honest and always keep my word. Others usually say that I'm polite, feminine, caring, reliable and fun to tease. I can be a dork, unconscious humming song, clueless sometimes, and clumsy... very often. I love sweets (let’s say all kind of food) flowers and ANIMALS. I'm adventurous and love traveling. I prefer walking to driving. I like drawing and enjoy listening to music. I'm also a fan of Horror movies. Thank you❤️ - To do
littlewriterme said:
Hi! Could I get a bts written ship?I'm 5'3" with light brown skin and black curly hair. No one knows what color my eyes are but I see green and sometimes grey! I'm smiley and positive and say what I mean. I love singing and dancing as well as writing music. I want to produce music or be a singer in the future. I'm also self conscious so exercise and grew to love it. I like hikes, coffee, and rainy days! A day in is nice too but I also love traveling! I'm easily annoyed but also caring! Thanks!❤️ - To do
zoohope said:
Excuse me, can I get a ship with shinee minho please ? I'm an anime, video games nerd, that listening to a lot of music. I like to sing, dance, draw and rap. I also like to read but I have a reading problem sorry for spelling errors. I'm the youngest child of 5. I'm 13. I'm very shy but if you get me out my shell I'm very loud and out going. I get scared easily when I watch horrors but I love horrors. My friend call me innocent cause I don't get dirty jokes. I love cats but dogs like me too. - To do
thegirlthatlikesasianboys said:
Hello! 💖 Can I have a BTS and GOT7 ship? My name is Jahné. 5'3, chubby, a Scorpio, ISTJ, I'm known to be shy among friends and family, sometimes very mature for my age (16), I love reading and watching stuff about conspiracies (aliens, abnormalities etc). Introvert, very perverted, I love anything that involves Art especially photography and design, I'm also such a nerd!! (Anime/games you know how it goes) I'm a little clumsy, and I also like to write fanfictions Thank you so much!!!!! 😍💖 - To do
sorry-ionlydrinkmilk said:
Hello :) Could I pretty please get a self-ship with Jimin BTS? I'm actually kind, friendly, down to earth and also clumsy. I well have the mind of 19+ lol I cannot live without talking and really love taking care of others. Good adviser. Yet, there is a time I need someone to hear me pour out about anything and give me courage. My goal is to have a big family. Love running, dancing and advanturous things even though I'd rather choose to lay down all day lol Thank you so much for your effort. - To do
thebreathbeforethekiss said:
Hi, May I please get a self ship with Tae Tae? I'm an ambivert. I study/work hard too, which is good, but I sometimes become too distracted by it and forget to sleep and eat. I tend to take care of others before myself. I'm a perfectionist but not to an extreme. I believe that life is easier when you share your positivity to others. If someone I like asks me for a favor, I'd do it without a second thought. All in for skinship. My hobbies; relaxing, daydreaming, listening to music. Thank you <3 - To do
before-i--fall-in-love said:
Hey there!! I was wondering if I could get a self-ship with BTS Jin please? I'm very cuddly, loving, motherly in nature. Really nice a friendly to everyone including strangers, good with kids (and animals!!), polite around adults. I absolutely love being around animals and people. I tend to be very empathetic and I love to encourage people through their hard times because I have been through hard times. I love that I can let go easily like moving on happily with understanding. People tend to describe me as sweet and charming with a very quick witted sharp tongue lol. In my spare time, I dance and work-out, as well as watching movie (horror and romantic comedy movies) and cooking. I love cuddling and skinship in general. I am also really family oriented. I spend a lot of time with my family. I especially really love children. I really want to get married :D and be a mom someday. If I can’t be a mom, I want to be a mother to a bunch of puppies. Thank you very much 💗 - To do
chanitnim said:
Hi! Can I have a selfship with Namjoon please? I'm very carefree, open and happy in general. I'm the type to say ok to anything with no regrets. I tend to be easy to read and be able to get over lost/sadness faster than others. Friends say I'm bubbly, funny, approachable and reliable. I'm very forgetful and pretty lazy. Observing people, arts, languages CHOCOLATE and a long nice walk are LOVE❤️ Just no bugs! I get scare easily but horror movies are my fav! Thank you! - To do
Hi! I hope I'm sending this right? Let me know otherwise 💕 I was thinking a requesting a self ship with bts Suga? I’m 155 cm tall, have long straight dark hair and brown eyes. I’m usually dressed pretty casually in something like black skinny jeans and knitted shirts. I’m openminded, polite ,creative,softspoken,kind,friendly,introverted,calm & quiet(I can be pretty quiet even when I’m close to someone, but I also have days when I’m very talktaktive). At first I can seem cold/awkward because I’m shy/quiet/in my own world. I’ve been told that I seem like someone who has a responsible, calm, sweet and gentle personality. I’m pretty independent and value authenticity and dislike burdening people with my problems. I always try to be friendly but sometimes get slightly anxious in some social situations as I find it difficult to make conversation with new people (I try to hide that, though).Also, I’m kind of easily distracted and don’t always notice things in my surroundings. I like to paint (actually just art in general, like photography, etc),play piano (I’ve mostly played classical, though),travel,read,be w/friends,sleep,watch movies,listen to music & dance. I’m a major homebody but I do like going outside on adventures and I love travelling. I’m a huge procrastinator but I’m also pretty ambitious and perfectionistic so I’m often feeling like I’m not working hard enough whilst like… procrastinating, haha. I dislike inconsiderate and judgmental people who cannot/don’t care to put themselves in other people’s shoes. I really like skinship and cuddling but only when I’m close to someone. Thank you! - To do
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silkyandsurveys · 4 years
survey #4
What grocery store do you shop at the most?
we usually go to giant hehe
Which stovetop burner do you use the most?
the bottom left is usually what i use especially to boil things i won’t use any other
Do you use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand?
my mom is the type to lie wash by hand and THEN put in the dish washer which like lowkey pisses me off cause it wastes so much water
What color is your favorite laundry basket?
this is the weirdest question ever but we only have like tan ones and one blue and they’re all the same exact thing
What color was your first car?
my black nissan mwah
What was your first job?
i used to answer the phone for my grandfather when i was super young and get paid like 20 bucks lolll but my first actual job was a dishwasher 😍
What is the best job you’ve had?
uhm i actually liked when i was a food server
What is the best pharmacy near you?
we use cvs and it’s actually really poppin
Do you use public transportation?
no never i live in a small town so there is no public transport
Which bank do you use?
i have some savings in one and then my actual bank is a pennsylvania ran bank
Do you have a credit card?
no not 18 bleh
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
probs chick fil a mcdonald’s or taco bell they all be yummy
What do you want to name your kids?
i have some ideas i love finn/flynn weston for boys i really struggle for girl names though
How many tattoos do you have?
none but on my 18th birthday i plan to get one
What year did you graduate high school?
i graduate next year !
What chore do you hate the most?
i hate putting away laundry SO much
What is your favorite shampoo to use?
i use shes moisture and i quite like it it’s the first one that really allows me to not shampoo every day cause it really cleans my scalp
How do you remove stains from clothes?
stain remover always
Do you carry pepper spray?
no i lowkey want to but i’m scared of spraying it wrong ig
What highway do you drive on the most?
i literally never use the interstate and even if i did i honestly wouldn’t know the name of it
Do you like driving?
yes i love to drive. going on drives during quarantine has been actually my favorite thing to do. i love being the one driving cause i just like having the control of the car cause i’m a big scaredy-cat
What is your favorite radio station?
hits 1? i don’t ever listen to radio but if i do that’s what i’ll listen to
What do you use for an alarm clock (phone, stereo, actual clock, etc.)?
i use my phone or my alexa
Which department store do you shop at the most?
i no joke had to look up department stores but honestly i don’t shop there? if i had to pick one it would be macy’s but even then
Which dollar store is your favorite?
i don’t ever go to a dollar store i can’t remember the last time i did
Do you shop at the dollar store often?
not really. i only go there for party supplies or like school projects but like ? i never go
What is your favorite gas station?
i use sunoco but i like sheetz the best
Do you burn candles often?
yes i love burning candles i’m so sensitive to smells so i like to burn candles so my room can be a cohesive smell. i also leave the windows open whenever i can for that reason too
How do you relax?
go on tumblr or embroider. i also love watching youtube videos i have like specific categories of videos that will make me relax and not worry
What’s your favorite app on your phone?
twitter for sure
What do you cook the most?
if i’m cooking i’m either boiling pasta or baking i don’t do anything else
When was the last time you relaxed in a hot bath?
i had a bath a month ago? i don’t like baths though unless i’m in a HUGE bath tub and a bubble bath
Do you take showers or baths normally?
showers like 100% of the time
What is your favorite candle scent?
i love vanilla candles but man smell candles are so nice. something fresh and springy is nice but the absolute best candles are fall and christmas
How much does it cost for you to laundry (if you use a slot machine)
0 i have a washer
Do you make your bed every day?
uhm i fake make my bed normally? i sleep pretty still so i only mess up my side but then i’ll like adjust my blankets to make it look made but it’s not really
Do you have any pets?
yes two dogs
Do you have kids?
no this girlies 17
Are you married?
Do you save receipts?
no i don’t i used to and it probably would be good too but i find it really hoarder esc and gets so messy.
Do you use re-usable bags at the grocery store?
yes i try to but i don’t always succeed . i try to not use bags if i don’t need to
What color is your carpet?
my rug is like medium grey
Have you ever burnt yourself with the glue gun?
yes that shit is so painful
Do you write checks?
no i don’t think i ever have from my own bank account. i’ve only written one check and it was for SATs this year
Ever had a garage sale?
yes my area has a big yard sale every year and we used to do it
What have been some of your best garage sale finds?
i’ve never gotten anything special
What time do you wake up in the morning?
lately around 9
Are you a morning person?
i wish so much it was easier for me to wake up because my favorite time of the entire day is early morning and i love waking up early and being productive but it’s so hard for me to get up. i’d still say yes cause i’m always in a good mood in the morning and i love it
Are you more of a morning person now than you used to be?
yes for sure
Do you like to read?
i don’t like reading real books but i’m ngl my guilty pleasure is fan fiction still to this day
What was the first election you voted in?
never voted i’m not legal
Who is on speed dial in your phone?
i don’t have speed dial
Do you play games on your phone?
yeah but very rarely
What phone do you have?
iphone 8 + but i’m gonna get a new phone next month hehe
What was your first phone?
it was called a cosmo i don’t remember the real brand though
What kind of computer do you have?
i have a hp
Wall calendar or desk calendar?
i don’t have either but i like planners the best
If you read a daily devotional, which one are you using currently?
i have costar if that is the same?
What is your favorite book?
hunger games they’re my fav books and movies
What is the strangest food you’ve had?
i really don’t know i’m not an adventurous eater at all
What do you do when the power goes out?
my heart actually snaps
Does your home have a basement?
How often do you clean?
i try to clean my room every couple of days to keep it tidy
How often do you go grocery shopping?
every two weeks about
Ever bought a lottery ticket?
i’ve never bought one but i’ve been gifted them
Do you gamble?
What does your purse look like?
i don’t have an every day purse. i need to get one really bad though
Do you ever sleep on the floor?
uhm no the last time i slept on the floor was after i got cross faded at my sisters apartment lol
Which room do you stay in the most?
my room always
What is your bedtime?
i try to like “get ready” around 9-11 but then lately i’ll go to bed around 1-3 at most
Ever worked two jobs or more at once?
i don’t think i have ive worked at a fair while having my normal job if that counts?
Do you live in an apartment, condo, house, or dorm?
my moms house
What does your dream house look like?
very open and bright but filled with decor
Describe your dream wedding.
something very bright and light and pretty. idk i have a small distaste to marriage
How often do you go on vacation?
it used to be never when i was a kid but the past couple years it’s about twice a year?
What is your favorite type of weather?
i love snow, rainy and cold, or cool and sunny
What do you do when you have a sore throat?
complain i can’t lie
How often do you go see a doctor?
it depends i have some years where i go all the time and others where i rarely go at all
Do you have acid reflux?
i don’t think so no
Do you snore?
no thank god
Are you on birth control?
no i can’t go on birth control hehe love it
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
i think colgate?
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
i have glasses but i actually never wear them
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 6 years
from soul perception tests to bike riding antics
 Saria: *hanging out by a locker* Q___Q
hibiki: you ok?
Saria: "EEP!" *jumps* "Y-You startled me...I was waiting...Here."
hibiki: for any reason?
Saria: "...Just making sure of something. Don't want to see someone get hurt..."
hibiki: ??
Saria: "!!! There he is!" *hides*
hibiki: ?? *peeks*
hollinger: *getting out text books*
Saria: *writing in a journal with a glitter pen*
hibiki: ?? are you stalking him or somethin'?
Saria: "N-No! I just want to help him! Just observing and seeing what triggers this bad luck..."
hibiki: mmhmm...
Saria: "!!!" *hides behind Hibiki, rolls her collar cover up to hide her face*
hollinger: what exactly are you doing?
hibiki: just getting textbooks, same as you, fam.
Saria: *nod nod nod--but can't see and hits her head on the locker* "Ow."
hollinger: are you alri-*slips and falls...right out of his pants somehow* .///////////.
Saria: "Ow...Yeah, I'm okay--" *pulls down her sweater collar* "... ... ..." O\\\\\O;;; "HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!"
hollinger: *pulling up his pants* DON'T LOOOOK! >///A///<;;;
Saria: "I TRIED NOT TO!"
hibiki: yikes.
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the Sturm HQ door*
hans: coming! *answers*
Yosano: "Yo." *waves*
hans: dr yosano, please, do come in.
Yosano: "Thank you. Who should I meet first?"
hans: her room is this way. *leads her in*
leo: *doing some embroidery*
Motojiro: ^w^ "It's looking lovely."
leo: hehe, thank you, motovya.
Motojiro: *smiles, looks up--and freezes* QwQ;;;;
leo: ??
hans: here is the patient-
Yosano: "..."
Motojiro: *tiny whine*
leo: um...h-hello, doctor...
Yosano: "...So, what seems to be the problem?"
leo: oh, there's no problem, you see, i'm expecting a baby, and we dont have a proper doctor on hand to check on the progress of our child.
hans: basically they're looking for an OB/GYN.
Yosano: "Ah." *stares at Motojiro* "...Wait...You mean...him?"
leo: yes. he's the father of our baby. *she smiles* and my fiancé.
Yosano: "..." *looks at Motojiro* "...I see...May I have a moment with my patient?"
Motojiro: QWQ;;;;; *can't move*
leo: ?? motovya? are you alright?
Yosano: "Yes, are you alright?" *opens her bag, reaching in* "Do I have to tend to you as well?"
{-much to horrifying to show-}
Motojiro: .w. "I am fine...I will be back soon, <darling>." *slides out of the room*
Yosano: *smirks*
leo: *concerned*
Yosano: "Now, I can begin. How are you feeling?"
leo: a bit tired, with some morning sickness, but for the most part, alright.
Yosano: "That's rather normal." *removes a thermometer* "I'll also need to check the baby." *takes out a smock* "Please change." *turns around*
Shiemi's Mother: "How was your, um, 'date'?"
shiemi: it was...eventful. ^^;
Shiemi's Mother: "Did you learn anything?" *reviewing receipts*
shiemi: we did get a few new bits of information on the mission- ah, or is that classified information?
Shiemi's Mother: *shrugs* "I would ask Yukio. Have you seen him?"
shiemi: well, actually, yes.... .///.;
Shiemi's Mother: "...Oh~?"
shiemi: !!! ./////. m-mama!
Shiemi's Mother: "Just teasing!" *looks at receipts again* "Hmm...Who did you sell the kudzu to?"
shiemi: *looking*
*It seems to be from the day that stranger walked in...*
shiemi: hmm.. *examining the receipt*
Shiemi's Mother: "I don't remember--I was in the back tending to inventory."
shiemi: hmmm...(i wonder....)
Shiemi's Mother: "Think it over. I want to figure out why someone would want that kind of a weed growing everywhere..."
shiemi: *nods*
*The priest sits by the window, reading a book*
Priest: "..."
girl: *breathing*
Priest: "Yes...That's the trick. Hmm...I'll need access there, then let the seeds spread..."
Asher: *yawns, sits up* "That was a good nap. I guess I better head to lunch--"
*The clock says it's 3 PM*
Asher: "... ... ..."
izumi: oh, there you are.
Asher: "Yo. I missed all classes."
izumi: so i noticed. and lunch too.
Asher: "..." *stomach growl*
izumi: *she hands them something* i got one of those lunch sets from the cafeteria to give you.
Asher: "...Oh. Thank you." *opens it* "Looks good..."
izumi: pretty much everyone's gone home now, save for everyone doing after-school stuff like clubs or detention.
Asher: "I'll probably get detention for sleeping..." *looks at textbooks on the desk* "Nuts."
izumi: want me to help you?
Asher: "...Sure. You took notes in class?"
izumi: *she nods* if you want, i can help tutor you.
Asher: "...I'd appreciate the help. Thanks. Where would you start?"
izumi: not sure, but we'll figure it out. ^^
Asher: "..." *small smile* "Yeah."
izumi: did you have anywhere in mind to have the tutoring sessions?
Asher: "...My place is not far."
izumi: ok. are you living with anyone?
Asher: "Family."
izumi: i look forward to meeting them then. *smiles*
Asher: "...You have family? Aside from the Death Scythe?"
izumi: there's my mom. she's a nurse.
Asher: "Ah. Long work hours?"
izumi: yeah...
Asher: "Hm. Well, let's go."
Yosano: "I'll have someone bring the medicine to you tomorrow. We'll meet again next week."
leo: thank you, miss yosano.
hans: *gives yosano some money* for your services today.
Yosano: *nods* "And take care of that fiancé of yours."
leo: i will. *she smiles* ^^;
Motojiro: *outside* .w.;
Yosano: "...And as for you--"
Motojiro: *dog bark*
hans: ._.;
Yosano: "You better be on good behavior--'cause you need to live for that kid. And by the time that kid is 18, I'm going to be right here--to kick your ass again."
Motojiro: O___O;;;;
leo: m-miss yosano... ._.
Yosano: *smiles* <No worries, ma'am. Just an old joke between 'friends.'>
Motojiro: O____________O;;;;;;;;;
leo: <oh?>
hans: ._. (where did she learn russian?!)
Motojiro: <I-I said I was sorry! Nothing happened! I only killed her a little!> >____<;
leo: eh? but she appears just fine...oh! miss yosano, your ability-
Yosano: "Is healing, but only when someone is at the point of death."
leo: ...*sad smile* you're truly lucky, to have a useful ability that benefits others...
Yosano: "...I've been lucky to get to use it."
leo: i only wish my own ability could be useful to others as well...
Yosano: "...Well, you're young--give it time. It may surprise you."
leo: ...
Motojiro: "But you don't look much older--"
Yosano: *death glare*
Motojiro: OxO;;;;
hans: *facepalm*
katya: so you're the visiting doc, eh?
Yosano: "Yes, I am."
pushkin: *hiding behind the wall* .____.;;;;;
Yosano: "...You're familiar."
katya: oh? how so?
Motojiro: O_O; ("Don't say her height, don't say her--")
Yosano: "I think it's the hair. That really suits you!"
katya: oh really? never really paid much mind to that kinda stuff. usually just wake up with bedhead and leave it as is.
Yosano: "Sometimes the natural style is the way to go..." *knocks on the wall* "Right, rat?"
Yosano: "Well, you're not a threat to me right now, and I do have a mani-pedi appointment to run off to. Maybe another time."
pushkin: QxQ;;;;;;;;
katya: dont threaten him! D8< you wanna go?!
leo: katyusha, please be calm.
Yosano: ^w^# "Not at all."
katya: *GLARING*
katya: !!!
pushkin: EEP!
hans: alright, settle down, all of you.
Yosano: ._.;
hans: i'd like to apologize for miss makarov's behavior.
leo: she can be rather protective.
katya: 737
Yosano: "Yes, I gathered..."
katya: whatev, c'mon pushkin, i feel like playin' some darts.
pushkin: ok, kati. ^^ *follows her*
hans:.....would you believe me if i told you she's 28?
Yosano: "Given who I work with, yes, I would."
Ogun: *doing sit ups* "Slowing down, Shinra? Got to keep up the pace!"
shinra: *also doing sit ups*
juria: HAAAH! *throwing punches*
tamaki: hyah! *blocking juria's punches with her tails*
Arthur: *meditating* "Hmm..."
Viktor: *taking notes*
fang-hua: everyone's working pretty hard, huh?
nozomi: yeah.
Takeru: "It's kind of intimidating..."
fang-hua: how's the supplies gathering coming along, captain pan?
Pan: "Not great, unfortunately. I can't tell whether it's language barrier or just a rude merchant."
fang-hua: want me to help?
nozomi: *checking their map*
-seems they're taking a zig-zag pattern through the badlands, with stops at small villages and towns in the upper and lower points-
Pan: "If you could, please."
fang-hua: <hello, we're looking to purchase some supplies?>
Merchant: <Oh? How much you got?>
fang-hua: *looking at their funds*
Merchant: *shiny eyes* <I think that'll be more than enough! Let me show you our top of the line outdoor living exclusive waterproof windproof ultra-durable domicile!> *it's just a tent*
fang-hua: hmm... <do you have any food or drink?>
Merchant: <Yes! All organic, no pesticides at all! See? Spit-shined the apples myself!>
fang-hua:... *sweatdrop*
shinra: *looking over at fang-hua* huh....seeing her checking supplies....kind of reminds me of the oregon trail games.
*A small child appears behind the Merchant*
fang-hua: *glances at the child and smiles*
Child: *hides* >~<
Ogun: "Yeah--just without dysentery."
shinra: yeah.
fang-hua: <shy i see.>
Merchant: <Hee hee...Yep! My grandson isn't used to strangers. Don't be rude--say hello to the nice customer!>
Child: "..." <Hello.>
fang-hua: <hello.> ^^
Merchant: <He helps me with packing and sorting the merchandise.>
Child: <And turning the apples worm-eaten side down!>
fang-hua: ._.
Merchant: <...Kid, what you doing to me here?>
Asher: *walking ahead, head down, hands in pockets*
izumi: ...
*The apartment buildings look to be in disrepair*
Asher: "Here..." *starts climbing stairs*
izumi: ....
-shouting can be heard from upstairs-
???: mom, you cant just spend that money on drugs and alcohol all the time!
Asher: -____-
izumi: ...
Asher: *holds up a hand to tell Izumi to wait...they take out the keys and open the door slowly*
-there are two women in the room, one young adult with glasses and short braids, yelling angrily at an older, trashier looking woman sitting on the floor-
Asher: "...Hey."
girl: !!! asher!
woman: *grunts*
izumi: .....
-the room is rather messy, with beer cans in one corner of the room-
*The room opens up to a tiny kitchen with a hallway next to it with two rooms*
Asher: "..." *closes the door, starts walking to the hall--*
izumi: *follows*
woman: bringin' home random skanks like your shitbag old man, eh? so typical. *takes a drag*
Asher: "Piss off, bitch."
girl: asher's nothing like dad was!
*Asher opens a door to a room with two beds. One looks typical of Asher--a little messy, some books, a drawing pad*
Asher: *closes the door behind them* "...Sorry. I could leave the door open if that's better."
izumi: i-it's fine.
Asher: "..." *shrugs* "My family is kind of fucked up."
izumi: ........so, where do you want to start off first? *trying to smile*
Asher: "History will be quickest, I hope." *unzips their hoodie a bit* "I like hearing old stories."
izumi: ok then. *nods, noticing the binder under the hoodie*
Asher: "Naigus was having us talk about the first weapons? Or did she move on?" *grabs the sketchpad*
izumi: no, we're still on that lesson.
Asher: "...So, witches combined random objects with humans to cause..." *rolls up a sleeve, transforming their forearm into part of the tonfa*
izumi: yes. in a sorts.
Asher: " 'Sorts'? Did she talk about the names of the witches?"
izumi: *she nods* the witch responsible for these experiments was Ananzi Gorgon, who then passed that knowledge to her eldest daughter, Arachne.
Asher: "Gorgons...And Arachne had a sibling?"
izumi: two other sisters, Medusa and Shaula.
-a young man enters a book shop and goes up to the desk-
Salesperson: *looking through a book*
man: excuse me, do you have any poetry books in braille?
Salesperson: "Hmm? Yeah, on the left at the front--" *looks up*
man: thank you. *sniffing* *walks over* ah, here it is.
Salesperson: "...There's braille on the aisle signs?"
man: nah, i just have a very good sense of smell. but then again, i cant see if there is or not... *checking* no. you should probably bring that up with your supervisors.
Salesperson: " 'Kay? That's some sense of smell..."
Vulcan: *unlocks the door to the old workshop*
-some rustling can be heard in the scrapyard-
Vulcan: "?!" *turns*
yu: ??
Vulcan: "...What was that..." *glances behind him into the workshop*
-seems just as it was left-
Vulcan: "Hmm...Had to leave quickly after the attack..."
yu: yeah. *goes up to the loft beds*
Vulcan: *walks to his desk, unlocks some drawers*
yu: do we have any boxes with us to bring stuff back?
Vulcan: *grabs an empty box* "We left some behind before leaving...Pick it up here."
yu: ok!
child: ....do you think they saw us?
???: "Don't think so.."
child 3: better wait it out for now. riko's gonna get mad if we get caught.
Zeke: *sips his frozen drink while sitting outside the convenience store--* "AH! BRAIN FREEZE!"
hibiki: warned you not to do that, dude.
axel: put your tongue to the roof of your mouth, bro!
Zeke: "D'AAAAAAW!" *doing so*
Asher: *listening at the door* "...Either gone or asleep."
izumi: ...
Asher: "Okay, so that was history, math, and a review of weapons training...That about it or was there something else?"
izumi: that's about it for today. *notices a plastic bag on the door handle with a note*
-got you some ramen for dinner again, working a late shift tonight -cassidy –
Asher: "...Hm."
izumi: ...if you want, you can always stop by my place every now and then.
Asher: "I don't need your pity."
izumi: i'm not saying it out of pity, i just thought that maybe....n-nevermind. sorry if it came out wrong.
Asher: "..." *opens the door* "Fine. It's late. Need me to walk you to the bus stop?"
izumi: did you want to? if not, i can call my dad.
Asher: "No...I don't want your dad seeing this kind of a place."
izumi: ....*pats their back* see you in school tomorrow then?
Asher: "..." *nods*
izumi: see you then. sleep well.
Saria: *opens the door* "I'm home..."
saria's dad: welcome home, bug-bear. ^^
Saria: ^^; "Hi, Dad."
saria's dad: you have a good day at school today?
Saria: "Kind of...Just a lot to take in."
saria's dad: it's understandable, hun. it's a new experience for you.
Saria: "B-But I want to try my best..."
saria's dad: *he nods* want something to eat?
Saria: *nods* "Sure! What do we have?"
saria's dad: want some hot pockets? ^^
Saria: *shiny eyes* "Yes!"
Spirit: "Welcome home!"
izumi: hey dad.
Spirit: "You're getting back late. How did tutoring go?"
izumi: it went good.
Spirit: "That's good. You're being a good teacher?"
izumi: i think so. *sad smile*
Spirit: "...Something wrong?"
izumi: hmm? sorry, just thinking...
Spirit: "...Okay. Well, dinner's ready!"
sonia: *pokes her head in*
leo: ?? oh, hello, sonia.
Motojiro: *waves*
sonia: the other kids and i made this. *she holds up a banner with various happy drawings on it that reads 'get well soon, miss leo'*
leo: *blushing, teary eyed* oh sonia..
Motojiro: "D'aw!"
sonia: uncle kajii, would you help me put it up?
Motojiro: "Sure!"
-and so-
leo: it looks lovely.
sonia: thank you.
Motojiro: "I hope it speeds up recovery!"
leo: *smiles*
Chuuya: *walking by*
sonia: hi, papa.
Chuuya: "Oh, hello."
leo: sonia and the other children made a banner for me.
Chuuya: *looks* "Oh, hey! That looks great!" *pats Sonia* "That was kind of you and your friends."
sonia:...*small smile*
Chuuya: "Good work. I'm proud of you."
Zeke: *hunting through the kitchen cupboards in the boys' dorm*
axel: pizza burritos baby!
Zeke: "Oh, yay!" *high five*
axel: *high five* hell yeah!
Zeke: "Let's heat these up! And crack open the pop!"
Kid: "What's everyone up to today?"
kirika: stuff.
Patty: "Re-decorating!"
liz: i'm gonna be at deathbucks for tsugumi's birthday party.
Patty: ^w^
Kid: "Well, have fun."
stocking: i'm gonna be at work again today. and you?
Kid: "I think I'll be working with Father today, so, work for both of us."
stocking: *smiles* and after work, dinner for the two of us~ *traces a finger up his chest*
Kid: ^\\\\\\^ "Of course~"
kirika: ugh, some of us want to eat, you know. -_-
stocking: *GLARE*
kirika: ._.
Kid: "..." *pats Stocking;s hand* "You are amazing."
stocking: hehe~ ^///^
Spirit: *walking down the DWMA hall* "Have a good day! I'll see you after school."
izumi: ok!
marie: mornin'
Spirit: "Good morning!"
clay: have a good night, sir?
Spirit: "Well rested and ready for the minimum required amount of work."
clay: oh course... -.-;
Yumi: -_-# "Let get this meeting started already."
marie: so what's on the agenda?
Yumi: "We are keeping updates with the other divisions about their investigations. True Cross is looking at some plant-related threats. We have missions to assign to Death Scythes."
marie: *she nods*
soul: ok.
Yumi: "We need someone in Salem."
Tezca: *shoveling cookies set out under his mask*
esther: so that should be fun. ^^
Tezca: *muffled* "Can I go?"
Yumi: *just stares at the cookie crumbs* "...Anyone want to go? Anyone at all?"
Tezca: D : <
kirara: tezca, esther, and i will go.
Tezca: ^w^
Yumi: -_-; "Very well. Thank you. Keep an eye on him."
Tezca: *ahem* "You forgot Enrique, you troglodytes!"
kirara: ...*sigh* and enrique.
esther: shall we be bringing any EAT students with us?
Yumi: "Onto other business: we have newer students in need of some supervision..."
esther: just leave those to me, *scary aura* i'll whip them into shape in no time~<3
kirara: -_-;
Yumi: "That's the spirit."
Spirit: O_O;;;;
Tezca: "Yay!"
Shima: *laughing hard*
Yukio: -_-# "Stop that."
Shima: "I-I can't! It's hilarious!"
konekomaru: *enters* what's so funny?
Shima: "B-Bon had told me how Teach had a freak out at the restaurant! I-I thought--HA HA--Rin was supposed to be the dumb one!"
Yukio: -_-##
konekomaru: come on, shima, it's not nice to tease them like that.
Yukio: *calm smile* "Oh, dear--I saw a mosquito on you. Just missd it. Sorry about that."
Shima: @~@
Pan: *stops the truck, looks up the road* "...Darn."
fang-hua: see anything?
Pan: *points at a rockslide* "Road's blocked."
shinra: hmm.
juria: *steps out and walks over*
Ogun: "???"
Pan: "Juria? What are you doing?"
juria: *flame gauntlets* clearing the way, duh!
shinra: wait up! let's at least check to make sure the other side is clear first! *flies up*
Ogun: "Shit..." *steps out as well, grabbing a board*
shinra: *examining the other side of the landslide*
Pan: "What do you see?!"
shinra: hmmm....
-just a lot of rocks-
shinra: *jumps back down, giving a thumbs up*
juria: *pulls back fist, and punches the rocks*
Viktor: O_O
juria: *dusting herself off* tch- didnt even break a sweat. *stretching*
Viktor: *writing notes*
Arthur: "...Savage..."
nozomi: oh wow. ._.;
tamaki: so that's why they call her the oni...
Ogun: "Hmmm...Good pacing."
nozomi: well, the path is cleared now. so that's good.
Pan: "Good work, Shinra, Juria. Get back in and we'll head out."
*A man in a hoodie gets off a bus at the slums*
Man: "..." *looks at a map, circling a spot at the southern border of Death City*
homeless man: got some change to spare?
Man: *drops some coins--and one sounds heavier*
homeless man: thank you.
Man: *nods, keeps following the road, towards some torn up pavement and trees*
-there's a few kids playing around, as well as a few people taking photos of the ice pillar-
Man: "???" *looks up* "..."
old woman: yes, that was from the infernal incident a while ago. it's become quite a tourist attraction now. hopefully it brings some revenue to cone street...
Man: "Hmm...Hope."
old woman: *she nods*
Man: "How have things been here? Shops still open?"
old woman: somewhat. mostly just people though. orphans and the like.
Man: "...How sad."
old woman: but still, we manage to get by as best as we can.
Man: *nods* "Still...If people can do something to produce better days, they better doing it pretty darn quick..."
old woman: ....so what brings you around?
Man: "Trying to rebuild."
Saria: *flipping through a book by herself at lunch*
izumi: oh, hey saria.
Saria: "Um...Hi." *meek wave*
izumi: whatcha reading?
Saria: "Just wanted to read a bit more about soul resonance...”
izumi: ah.
Asher: *walking in, carrying a brown bag*
izumi: *waves them over*
hollinger: *walks in*
Asher: "..." *looks away, starts moving away*
Zeke: "Asher! Sit with us!" *drags them over to Izumi and Saria*
Asher: -____-;
Saria: *waves at Hollinger* *she has a sweater on with the pi symbol*
hollinger: that's a nice sweater, saria.
axel: ^^
Saria: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks. It's pi."
Zeke: "??? Cherry or apple?"
hollinger: she means the symbol. -_-;
Zeke: "??? But the symbol doesn't look--"
Saria: *closes her book, puts it into her backpack--looks like a folder with stickers on it is in her backpack*
hibiki: it's a science thing, i think.
Zeke: "Oooooh...Like 'Emcee Square'?"
hibiki: *sigh*
Asher: *takes out a peanut butter sandwich*
izumi: so, what kinds of music do you like?
hibiki: all kinds, rock, techno, j-pop, anything with a good beat to it i guess.
Yafeu: *leaving the food line, looking aggravated* -___-###
Zeke: "Oh, like anime music?"
hibiki: *nods*
Saria: "How about you, Hollinger?"
Yafeu: *sits down, grumbling, with a tray full of burgers*
hollinger: i prefer classical music. i actually do play a bit of the cello, myself.
Saria: "Oh, neat! I like some classical, too."
izumi: oh?
Saria: "My dad plays it around home. We've gone to concerts."
izumi: cool!
axel: i'm kind of a rock guy, myself.
Zeke: *makes the horn gesture*
hibiki: oh cool, what about you, izumi?
izumi: i've always been fond of jazz.
Saria: *nods* "So does my dad."
hibiki: so he likes classical and jazz, huh?
Saria: OwO; "...No. Daddy likes classical, and Dad likes jazz."
hibiki: oh, so your folks are-
Saria: "Two dads."
hibiki: oh, cool.
Saria: ^^
axel: so how 'bout you, asher? what kinda music you into?
Asher: "...Punk. Hip hop."
hibiki: ah.
Yafeu: "I like hard rock! Metal!"
preston: ah personahly agree with mista hollingah, classical is quite divine tuh listen to. *bishie sparkle*
Asher: -_____-###
Zeke: "..." *reaches, trying to grab the sparkle--and misses* "???"
hibiki: (we didnt talk to you, weird upside-down eyelashes...)
Saria: ^^;;; "Classical is nice..."
Toby: *nudges Louisa*
louisa: oh? do you want to go for a walk?
Toby: *he's holding his leash in his mouth*
louisa: ok then. *smiles*
Benimaru: "Have you scheduled your doctor's appointment?"
kirei: yes. it will be in a few days.
Benimaru: "Oh." *he looks pensive*
kirei: ...*she holds his hand*
Benimaru: *small squeeze of her hand* *nods*
Kafka: *arms stretched out--as someone is sewing an outfit around him* -_-# "Why?"
leroux: we agreed to attend the convention with walter.
Kafka: "I don't remember agreeing to this at all."
etta: come on, franzy, it'll be so much fun!
Kafka: *grumble grumble*
Tachihara: *watching, eating a Pop Tart* "So, what y'all going as?"
etta: it's a secret~<3 ^^
higuchi: well, you all have fun.
Walter: "??? You aren't coming?"
higuchi: it's not that we dont want to it's just, given our situation...
Walter: "...Light bulb! You can go in disguise!"
higuchi: ??
Walter: *opens a chest* "I got old costumes I made and/or wore before! You can wear them so no one knows who you are!" *pulls out a full-body latex suit and a motorcycle helmet*
Tachihara: *mouth full of Pop Tart* ._.;
naoya: oh, that's celty from durarara, right?
Walter: "Bingo!"
Tachihara: *pulls out a blue jacket and holster* "Hm?"
higuchi: oh?
Tachihara: *hands it to Higuchi* "Seems appropriate."
higuchi: um. ._.;
Walter: "But I said she needed a mask!" *puts fake glasses onto her* "Perfect!"
higuchi: ...
naoya: *cracking up*
Tachihara: *puts on a mask, shifts his hair up, puts on a ninja forehead guard* *dramatic pose, but voice muffled* ""In the ninja world, those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum!"
katya: *nod nod* i agree on that.
Gin: *walks in* "...What. Are. You. Wearing?"
Tachihara: OwO;;;;
higuchi: R.I.P., tachihara.
Tachihara: *starts doing hand signs* "Escape no jutsu!" *nothing happens* "..." *runs*
Gin: *tosses a kunai*
higuchi: *facepalm*
Tachihara: "AH! MY APPENDIX!"
Walter: OwO;;;
Meme: "A mission?" *looks at the paper*
tsugumi: to salem, apparently.
Anya: *shiny eyes* "It has such rich history!"
mio: ._.;
Meme: "And a booming tourism industry to see what the commoners enjoy."
Anya: *squeal* >w<
ao: i wonder what the mission entails...
Meme: "It mentions wanting someone with experience dealing with--...Oh. Witches."
mio: *pats her back* we can handle it.
tsugumi: yeah. ^^
Meme: "R-Right..."
sasa: and here is my place~
tsukasa: it's pretty small....
tsukuyo: yeah....
sasa: oh, and i have food for your demon!
tsukuyo: really?
sasa: mmhmm~! got it fresh last night!
Demongo: "YAY!"
sasa: he consumes souls, right?
tsukasa: yeah.
Demongo: "Yep yep yep!"
sasa: good to know~! *opens a door to a room*
-there are two girls bound and gagged-
tsukuyo: ._.
sasa: *drags one of them onto a bed and undoes her gag*
girl: please. why are you doing this?!
Demongo: OwO;;;; "...I'm conflicted."
sasa: relax, they're magical girls. their soul gems are right here, see? *holding up two soul gems*
Demongo: "Oh, good!" *taps on the top of the lid*
tsukasa: i see.
Demongo: ^w^ "Yum yum yum!"
sasa: wait just a moment! i want to have a little fun with this. *looks at the girl and takes off her blindfold* say, you want to be saved, right?
girl: yes! please! let me go!
sasa: how about i give you an ultimatum?
girl: w-what do you mean?
sasa: *opens a drawer and pulls out a letter opener* do you want to live?
girl: *her eyes widen in fear*
sasa: then the demon will save your life. *plunges the letter opener into the girl's throat*
tsukuyo: !!!!!!!!!
tsukasa: !!!!!!!!
Demongo: O_O
girl: !!!!!!! *struggling to breathe as she's bleeding* ah- g-ha-
sasa: she's all yours~
Demongo: "O-Okay?"
girl: *she's reaching out* pl-ple...-ese.....i d-dont.....w-want to d-die...
Demongo: *crawls out of the jar towards the girl*
girl: *she just stares at him with a pleading look of fear on her face*
Demongo: *leans over, takes the soul gem*
-the girl's body just vanishes and follows along the soul gem-
sasa: y'know, i'm sure there's some sicko out there who would be aroused by this.
tsukuyo: *gives her a weird look*
tsukasa: *gives sasa a disturbed look* what the fuck is wrong with you?!
sasa: that's classified information~
girl 2: p-please! i-i-i'll go willingly! just please dont hurt me! *she's crying*
sasa: *snaps a picture* oh that look of despair on your face, it's glorious! the look on your friend's face was great too, hehe~ ^^
Demongo: OwO; "Could you stop that? It upsets my stomach."
sasa: *pouts* fine, knock yourself out.
Rin: -3- "Still getting the stink eye..."
madoka: that's a bummer ^^;
Rin: *grumbles* "Enough of that...How're things for you?"
madoka: not too busy.
Rin: "Hmm. Any missions?"
madoka: i'll have to check.
Rin: *smiles* "Maybe we can go on one together soon."
madoka: i'd like that. *smile*
Tezca: "So, you all excited for this mission, too?"
esther: indeed. it's been a while since we got to do anything exciting.
kirara: no kidding. -_-;
Tezca: ^^; *ahem* "What have you been up to, anyway? I was just hiding around..."
esther: nothing much.
kirara: i've been making more ofuda.
Tezca: "Neat! Do you ever use those papers for drawings or cigarettes?"
kirara: *chop* these are not toys! they're to seal or purify dark entities with ill intent.
esther: like how you use seals on me when i go out of control in my weapon form, fufu~
Tezca: *rubs his head* >_<; "Still a problem for you, Esther?"
esther: i dont mind. it usually slips my mind anyway~ ^^
Tezca: "Oh, hey! Like when it slips my mind when to change my boxers!"
kirara: please keep that information private. -_-;
enrique: =3=;
Tezca: OwO; "...Sorry. So, any students signed up yet?"
Damon: *leaves school* "..."
becky: *following*
soul: hey kiddos. *smiles and waves*
Damon: *small smile, walks up*
becky: hey dad!
soul: how was school today?
Damon: "Just okay."
becky: same old. there's gonna be a school play next month.
soul: oh?
Damon: *nods* "Auditions..."
soul: you interested in auditioning at all?
becky: i guess so.
Damon: O~O;
soul: and how about you, damon?
Damon: "N-Not sure..."
soul: need time to think about it?
Damon: "Maybe...I'm not that familiar with the play."
soul: any idea what it is?
Damon: "I think 'Wizard of Oz'?"
soul: oh, cool.
baum: we're baaaaack~!
Steinbeck: "Hello."
baum: i got dorothy the cutest pair of silver shoes~<3
dorothy: -.-;
Steinbeck: "...Huh. A little, um, shiny, though?"
baum: only the best for my sweet sister ^^
dorothy: big brother, you're just embarrassing yourself.
oscar: oh, that reminds me! emmy~!
emily: hmm?
oscar: let's give you a makeover!
emily: O///O w-what?!
oscar: come on! it'll be fun!
Steinbeck: "Um--Maybe that's not a good id--"
oscar: *puppy eyes*
emily:....*siiigh*, you drive a hard argument. alright, just a little-
oscar: YAYSIES~! 💗
Steinbeck: ._.;
Asher: *grabs their bookbag*
Saria: ^^ *walking down the stairs*
axel: ever wonder how the students in wheelchairs get up here?
Zeke: "Elevator, obvies. There are laws about that kind of thing."
axel: oh, right.
hibiki: they have exclusive key-cards so other people dont abuse the elevator access.
axel: really?
hibiki: yeah, izumi told me that.
Zeke: ("She sure knows a lot." ^^ )
axel: speaking of, where is she?
Asher: "..."
hibiki: she said something about after school programs that she's helping out with.
preston: *pant pant* these staiuhs....ah gunna kill meh.
Zeke: "??? She's busy. No time for studying or getting pop?"
hibiki: seems so.
Yafeu: -_-# "I see Preston's learned Death Child speak."
Asher: "Hmph."
axel:....hey, were's hollinger?
hibiki: school clubs.
Saria: OwO;
axel: oh? he didnt strike me as someone who'd be in a club.
axel: pretty cool phrase, man. ^^
Saria: "..." *looks back*
hibiki: you ok, sar?
Saria: "Eep!" ^\\\\^ "F-Fine..." *reaching out a hand for a hand-rail on the steps--and doesn't feel one* "???" *looks*
Zeke: "...Huh. That's an OSHA violation."
hibiki: ??
Zeke: "Um, a safety hazard again."
Asher: "Probably because a death god is not worried about safety laws..."
Saria: "...Did anyone here think about joining clubs at school?"
hibiki: i was considering the light music club.
Zeke: "Like singing?"
Tachihara: *bandaging himself* "Ow..."
naoya: you're lucky she didnt kill you.
Tachihara: "You'd think working with her this long, I'd dodge better..." >_>;
naoya: you'd think working with her this long, you'd know not to run your mouth and get your ass beat in the first place.
Tachihara: "It was just a joke! I didn't know she'd walk in..." *grumble grumble* "Just recommending some outfits..."
*Someone approaches the old entrance to the Nether*
Man: "..."
Man: ("Hmm...Looks like...claw marks? Scorched marks?") *looks at the barrier* ("They haven't blocked the entire entrance--but the landslide...Still, should be enough room.") *carries a pouch with leaf clippings inside*
Kid: *walks into the Mansion--and just stares* "...What."
*Every piece of furniture has potatoes lying around*
Kid: "..." *heavy sigh*
heather: patti.
Kid: "Typical...Where is she?"
heather: kitchen floor.
Kid: *enters, finding multiple bags of potatoes* "... ... ..."
Patty: "..." Q_Q
julie: *pats patti on the back* it's ok, patti, mr takeru will be back soon.
Patti: T~T *hugs Julie*
Kid: "..." *group hug*
heather: why dont we watch some movies?
Patti: " 'Kay..." *sniff*
Sid: *walking the hall, looking into the club meetings*
izumi: *sitting in the hall, looking at pamphlets*
Sid: "Oh, still at school?"
izumi: yeah, i was just looking for somewhere to help out.
Sid: "Oh, that'd be useful. What you know about them?"
izumi: i'm learning about different soul types....dad told me maka was good at soul perception. i dont know what all that is.
Sid: "Ah...Well, to simplify it, soul perception is locating someone by their soul--as well as knowing what emotions they're feeling, their spiritual power..."
izumi: that sounds pretty cool.
Sid: "It can be. Takes special kinds of meisters to get good at it. Not everyone can do it..."
izumi: i dont think i have that kind of ability in me.
Sid: "We can test for it in meisters."
izumi: really? how are you able to do that?
Sid: "It's kind of like 'Marco Polo' or 'Hide and Go Seek.' We see whether you can locate someone in a small room hidden somewhere in it."
izumi: oh cool.
Sid: "I can set it up--we're doing a test of it on Saturday."
izumi: i'd like that, mr barrett.
Sid: "Okay--8 AM is the test Saturday. I'll mark you down as attending."
izumi: *she nods* (maybe i'll get to meet other meisters too.)
Sid: "In the mean time, I'm going to check on the other clubs. I heard the cooking club was making a souffle and--"
Sid: O_O;
izumi: ?!
Anya: *cough cough* "I said to check the pilot light first!!!"
Raid: "I DID!"
izumi: *sweatdrop*
Vulcan: "Hmm...I wonder..."
lisa: hmm?
Vulcan: "I got files back from the workshop--just something...off." *looking at a tear on one paper* "..."
lisa: ??
Vulcan: "Okay...These were some important files Dad left. And Giov--...They didn't take these papers. But someone wanted something out of them, because the desk was rummaged, this is ripped, but they didn't take it...So, who went through the files?"
lisa: hmm...
Vulcan: "And I felt like someone was following us. I know it's a lot to ask, but you don't think it's the Hoods?"
lisa:...i-i hope not...
yu: i dont think it was the hoods.
Vulcan: "What makes you say that?"
yu: i didnt get the same vibe from whomever it was as i got with the hoods.
Vulcan: "Well, I told you to trust your instincts, so I'll hear you out on that. So, what kind of vibe did you get?"
yu: it didnt seem too threatening...
Vulcan: "I think, then, we should do some surveillance on whoever was surveilling us."
Shima: "--so I was thinking you, me, a milkshake, two straws~"
girl: um, i kind of have baseball practice today, shima. sorry.
Shima: "Maybe I could help. I used to play a bit of b-ball in shrine training."
girl: well i heard they're starting sign ups next week. maybe you could apply there?
Shima: "If it lets me be helpful to you, consider me signed up~"
girl: would your friend like to join too?
Shima: "??? What friend?"
girl: *points*
unagi: *staaaaare*
Shima: OnO;;;;;;;;; "...I have to go now!" *runs for the fence*
girl: um... ._.;
unagi: ....
Shima: *climbing desperately* Q_Q ("Her family will kill me!")
Chuuya: *humming to himself, working on the motorcycle*
sonia: *pokes her head in*
Chuuya: *looks like he's really taking it apart*
sonia: what're you doing, papa?
Chuuya: "???" *wipes his brow* "Well, I'm trying to improve the speed and control on this bike."
sonia: oh?
Chuuya: "Yep! I wanted to see if I was still any good at repairs."
sonia: may i watch?
Chuuya: "Sure!" *places a piece of machinery back into the bike, tightening it*
sonia: what part is that?
Chuuya: *holds up a gear* "This tiny one is the collar--it shifts which gear the transmission uses to control how fast the bike goes."
sonia: ah. *she nods*
Chuuya: "The shifts have been seizing up, so I thought I'd see whether something was stuck in here or whether to replace the gear." *stands up* "You like bikes?"
sonia: i've never rode one. i saw a bike that looked different from this in a picture book.
Chuuya: "Oh? So, a bike without a motor?"
sonia: *she nods* it was also a lot thinner than this one.
Chuuya: "...Oh." *sits with her* "...You want to learn how to ride a bike?"
sonia: i guess so. if it can help me feel like a normal child, i'm willing to try.
Chuuya: "..." *pats her shoulder* "I'll ask Hans to find one."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: *smiles* "It'll take some work, but I know you can get the hang of it."
*A nun is standing in a garden, tapping her foot impatiently*
Nun: "..."
iris: ah yes, sister....*looks at the paper*
Nun: "Petra. Do you know how long I have been waiting?"
iris: so sorry miss petra, but i'm here now. ^^;
Petra: *pulls out a pocket watch* "11 minutes and 34 seconds."
iris: i see. [[OK, i'll work on some of their designs when i can]]
sister: .....
Petra: *looks at the other sister* "..."
iris: oh, hello.
sister: ??
iris: ??
sister: >.<; *signing* <i cant hear you.>
Petra: *sighs* <Sorry. Some people here can be so inconsiderate.>
sister: <it's ok. she didnt know.>
Petra: <I'm Petra.>
sister: <my name's Rita.>
Petra: *signing while talking* "A pleasure to meet you, Rita." *looks at Iris, still with a serious face*
iris: um.. it's a pleasure to meet you too. i'm iris.
rita: o^o~?
Petra: <She said 'It's a pleasure to meet you too. I'm Iris.'>
rita: *smile*
lana: im home!
Poe: "Welcome back!" *he has his sleeves rolled up, setting down plates*
lana: how was everything?
Poe: "..." ^^; "Happy to be home. There was a minor mishap at the Culinary Club."
lana: what happened?
Poe: "Students didn't check the pilot light."
lana: oh jeez.
Poe: "They're young--they make mistakes. And Jacqueline was there to contain the fire..."
{Jacqueline: *soaking in flames* -~- "This gives me indigestion..."}
lana: ^^;
Poe: "I assure you, though, the stove is already off--the food is piping hot and ready!"
Kid: "Welcome back."
stocking: how was work today? *kisses both cheeks*
Kid: ^\\\^ "Things are falling into place. I'll be doing some mission control from here."
stocking: and the tombstone mission?
Kid: "Finalizing the itinerary for next week to head out. I think it'll do us good--Patty as well."
stocking: yeah.
Kid: "..." *hug* "I'll be thinking about you."
stocking: i'll be thinking about you too. *hugs back*
Kid: ^\\\^ *strokes her back*
Asher: *opens their window, steps onto the fire escape, looks up*
-it's rather quiet-
Asher: "Hmm..." *looks down at the street...looks like people walking*
Child: *holding their mother's hand*
Mother: "We're almost home, sweetie..."
Asher: "..." *sighs*
delinquent: evenin, miss.
Mother: "!!!" *looks away, squeezing her child's hand and tries to walk around*
delinquent: mind doing me a favor and handing over your cash?
child: who is that, mommy?
Mother: *tries to smile to her child* "It's okay, sweetie. It's going to be okay..." *looks scared, as she reaches into her pocket, removing her wallet--*
delinquent: *holds up a gun* hurry it up, i dont have all fucking day!
Mother: *seizes up* "P-Please...Don't--"
*It sounds like panting behind the Delinquent*
delinquent: ?? *turns* eh-
*CRACK* *Something that looks like a stick smashes into the Delinquent's face*
delinquent: GRK-
Mother: "?!!!" *brings her child close to her, as she sees someone with a stick in their hand...No...Their stick is the hand*
Asher: *doubled over, their hand transformed into the tonfa, panting* "Damn...I'm out of shape..."
Mother: O_O; *holding her child*
child: thank you!
Asher: "Um...I didn't do anything..." *hands the mother the wallet* "Do you have a phone? I don't..."
delinquent: X_X
Asher: *removes the magazine*
Mother: *dialing* "Yes...Hello? Someone tried to mug me--"
operator: where is your location, ma'am?
Mother: "Yes, hello--I was mugged!"
operator: where is your location, we'll send the police now.
Mother: "4th and Grissom."
operator: can you give a description of your attacker?
Mother: "Holding a gun, about, I don't know, 5 and a half feet?"
operator: alright, can you give us a rundown of the crime?
Mother: "They pulled a gun on me in front of my child! That's the rundown!"
operator: ma'am, please calm down, the police are-
child: the nice person helped us!
Asher: "I didn't do anything..."
Mother: *exhales* "Sorry...The thief is unconscious. But he had a gun. Please, come arrest him."
operator: alright ma'am, the police are on their way
naomi: i see you're growing your hair longer again, kyouka. *smile*
Kyoka: *nods* "I wanted to see what else I could do with it. I was getting bored."
naomi: i see.
sylvia: i-it looks really nice, m-miss kyouka...
Kyoka: "...Thank you." ^\\\^ "I just have to figure it out..."
Anya: -_-; "Why am I getting detention for a cooking mishap?"
Meme: ._.; "Why did _all_ of us get detention?"
Sid: "You aren't under detention, you five."
mio: then why are we here?
Sid: "You've been accepted for a mission, and the ones in charge want to speak with you."
tsugumi: *SQUEEE*..... *ahem*
Sid: ^^; "Glad you're enthused." *he turns to the door* "Okay, come on in."
kirara: good evening, girls.
esther: ^^
tsugumi: miss zukimura, miss mortes, hello.
Meme: "???" *sees someone coming in* "!!! Enrique!!!"
enrique: gao! ^o^
mio: f-fuzzy....
Anya: >\\\\\> "...It is...intriguing."
Tezca: *walks in* "Hello, students! Ready for a lifetime of experience in one mission?!"
ao: *talking in japanese* <so what does the mission entail, miss zukimura?>
kirara: <we will be going to salem to investigate a rogue witch case>
tsugumi: oh?
Tezca: QnQ ("No one notices me!")
mio: hey teach.
Tezca: TuT "Hey."
Meme: <When do we go?>
kirara: we will be heading out sometime during the week.
Anya: "What should we bring? Which fashion choices? How many pieces of furniture?"
esther: *she hands them a list of what they will need*
Meme: "Ooooo...Okay, that's do-able."
Walter: "Okay, that about does it for this outfit. What you think?"
hans: it looks wonderful.
Walter: ^\\\u\\\^ "D'aw, thanks! I think this will be the best con ever!"
Asher: *trying to sneak back into the apartment*
cassidy: where were you just now?
Asher: "...Out?"
cassidy: oh? out where?
Asher: "..." *sighs* "I saw someone getting robbed..."
cassidy: *sigh* asher...
Asher: "Oh, come on--what would you have me do?"
cassidy....*sigh* just be more careful.
Asher: "..." *nods*
sonia: *writing in her dream journal*
Chuuya: *heating breakfast, yawning* "How would you like your pancakes?"
sonia: with syrup please.
Chuuya: "Sure...How is writing?"
sonia: coming along.
-her drawing seems to be of her in the woods following a rabbit?-
Chuuya: "??? A rabbit?"
sonia: *she nods* i think it wanted me to follow it. and it lead me to a large door.
Chuuya: "Like Wonderland?"
sonia: *she nods* i think so.
Chuuya: "Hmm...Maybe something new..."
sonia: maybe.
Chuuya: "...Anything you up for today? Maybe bike practice?"
sonia: did you manage to find one?
Chuuya: "Kajii said he was re-building one."
sonia: ah.
Motojiro: *cough* *cough* "No! I said green wire and red wire!"
sonia: ._.;
Chuuya: "...Maybe we'll buy new."
Zeke: *sets out a Red Bull on his desk*
Asher: *dragging their feet up the classroom steps, looking exhausted*
Saria: *sitting up straight, notebook open, pen in hand, looking to the front of the room*
hibiki: *yaaaawn* mornin'
hollinger: *yawns*
izumi: morning.
Asher: *sits--and head already on the desk*
Zeke: "How's everyone doing today?"
hibiki: tired.
axel: zzzz
Asher: *not moving*
Zeke: "Aw, sorry. That's why I brought this." *taps the can* "Want one?"
hibiki: im good.
izumi: asher? are you ok?
Asher: *groans* "Long night..."
izumi: sleep well?
Asher: "..." *shakes their head 'no'*
izumi: ...
Asher: "...I...had to do something last night. Got in late."
izumi: ah.
Zeke: "Maybe just say you need to go to the infirmary and sleep it off, buddy!"
Asher: -______-#
izumi: ...
Saria: "How are you, Hollinger?"
hollinger: fine, i got to class early today.
Saria: "Do you usually?"
hollinger: i figured i'd try getting to class earlier to avoid being publicly humiliated.
Saria: "...Oh. Was it that bad t-today?"
hollinger: i'd rather not jinx it...
Saria: "..." *nod nod* .\\\.
Yafeu: *running into the room* "Shit shit shit! I'm not late, right?!"
Anya: "--and it's debated whether such activities in Salem were really witchcraft or just hallucinations brought about by plants the Europeans did not know were poisonous--"
Meme: ^^;;; "She's still talking..."
mio: she's really into this. ._.;
Meme: "If it keeps her busy ahead of this mission...How do you feel about it?"
mio: not sure.
Meme: "..." *nods* "Nervous..."
mio:... *pats her hand*
Meme: "Thank you..."
Hemingway: *looking over maps* "So, how's young Em doing?"
oscar: oh! i have the pictures right here!
-emily does look quite pretty in the photos, if a bit embarrassed-
Hemingway: "??? Why the photos?"
oscar: there's always time to make memories~ ^^
emily: ^^;;
Hemingway: "It's a good look for you. Do you like it?"
emily: i suppose so. (oscar even gave me some of the make-up he used.)
Steinbeck: *walks in* "Ernest, did you find our next route--?" *looks up*
emily: !!! ._.;
Steinbeck: "..." *frozen*
emily: ./////. um...
Steinbeck: "...You look lovely, Emily." *screaming inside*
emily: um....t-thank you. *emily.exe has stopped responding*
Hemingway: "...It's like looking at an old daguerreotype...only less blurry but still pretty frozen in a moment."
Dumas: "..." *angry eye twitching* "...You placed an ad for us in the newspaper?"
Cervantes: " 'Odd jobs are our specialty!'"
marquis: OwO
Cervantes: " 'Escorts'? Oh, someone will accompany me to my car if I'm scared to go out at night?"
Dumas: "YOU DON'T HAVE A CAR--grr! That's not the point!"
marquis: *giggle*
Cervantes: "Look, we need work, we can't be picky, and I'm sure there are people in town who need three healthy men to fill a need in their lives!"
Dumas: *has stopped working*
marquis: U///w///U
Cervantes: "In fact, we have an appointment about a job today! So put on a smile and your best attire--we're getting hired!"
Kid: *checking his itinerary* "Should allow enough time for visiting historical sites..."
lord death: i see.
Kid: "And to investigate. What should I look for?"
lord death: there have been reports of abnormal happenings in the area.
Kid: "Including disappearances of people in the area?"
lord death: *he nods*
Kid: *sighs* "I'll contact any DWMA representative there when we arrive."
lord death: alright.
Kid: *packing* "Just about ready..."
stocking: hey, kiddo?
Kid: "Hmm?" *looks up*
stocking: *hug* be safe.
Kid: "..." Q_____Q *hug* "I will. Please, you too..."
stocking: mmm....can i ask one little favor?
Kid: "Of course."
stocking: *whispers* spank me hard.
Kid: "...What, now?" *his hand grips her bottom*
stocking: *smirk* a little something to hold me over~<3
Kid: *smirks back* "Very well. Only because you asked nicely..." *pulls back his hand--and spanks*
stocking: ah~ u////u
Kid: *rubs where he spanked*
stocking: oh, you're so naughty~
Kid: "Symmetrically..." *spanks her other cheek*
stocking: ah~
Kid: "That's better~" *kisses where her jaw meets her neck*
-meanwhile, in Tombstone, a young woman tosses down a badge onto someone's desk...She's glaring-
man: hmm? what's this about?
Woman: "Another officer, lost. No body. Just this stinkin' badge!"
man: hmm... this is troubling. the DWMA said they'd send someone to investigate.
Woman: "..." *Excalibur Face* "The DWMA..."
man: is that a problem?
Woman: >_>;;; "It's not that pervy North American Death Scythe, is it?"
man: no, it's not.
Woman: "Thank God!" -_-#
man: ._.;
Woman: "Last time he was here, I was just a kid--and sis already warned me if he came here again to be prepared." *pulls out mace...like, a literal ball-and-chain mace*
Zeke: *closes his notebook* "...Yo, bro, wake up." *nudge*
axel: woah, wa- wazzap?!
Zeke: "It's time for lunch, man." *waves notebook* "Got your notes."
axel: oh, sweet.
Zeke: "So, 'za for lunch?"
axel: hell yeah!
hibiki: ^^;
Zeke: "Hell, yeah! Hibiki, 'za, right?"
hibiki: sounds good.
hollinger: *sweatdrop*
Saria: "...It'll be okay."
hollinger: t-thanks, i guess.
Pan: *looking at the horizon*
shinra: looks like woodlands ahead.
Pan: "Okay. Someone should look ahead to make sure we aren't walking into anything..."
shinra: on it. *jumps out*
-in the distance, a female figure watches-
woman: hmm...
Fox: *nuzzles against her leg*
woman: *pet pet* keep an eye on them. they've piqued my curiosity now.
Fox: *affirmative yelp*
woman: (it's not too often we get humans in these parts. i wonder...could they be here for _that_?)
*It looks like the rest have stayed at the forest's edge*
Chuuya: "Okay, so we have two wheels and some training wheels on the side to keep the bike upright for now."
sonia: *nods*
Chuuya: "You'll need your helmet." *demonstrates the closed clasp* "And we'll fit it on your head with these velcro pads if it's too big for you."
sonia: ok, papa.
Motojiro: "Then we'll add the jet engines--"
Chuuya: *shakes his head 'no'* O_O;;;
sonia: ._.;
Motojiro: *shrugs* "We'll save it for step 2. I'm still working with the crash test dummy on that."
Chuuya: "..." *nudges Sonia to the bike*
sonia: *she gets on*
Chuuya: *holding the bike* "Okay, how's the seat's height? Can you reach the pedals?"
sonia: i think so.
Chuuya: "Now, I'm going to walk with you a bit. Just feel how your legs move with the pedals as I push you forward..." *moves forward with her*
sonia: *pedaling*
Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes, just like that...How does it feel?"
sonia: it's bumpy.
Chuuya: *nods* "With speed, usually the bumps are less noticeable...I'll hold on as long as you tell me to."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: *keeps walking with her* "Do you feel balanced?"
sonia: *she nods*
Chuuya: "Good. When the training wheels are off, you'll get balance by keeping up enough speed not to fall over."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: "...You can try ringing the bell..."
-ring ring-
Chuuya: ^w^
Patty: "I'm leaving enough room in my luggage for souvenirs. Do we have one big enough for a small calf?"
liz: ._.;
Yumi: "How about just a stuffed plushie of a cow? Something for the kids."
Patty: "That works as well!" *slams the luggage shut*
Saria: "So, what does everyone do after school?"
hibiki: i actually have a part time job at the movie theater.
Zeke: "You get free popcorn?"
hibiki: sometimes.
preston: ah usually have some acquaintances come ovah foa sum DnD.
Yafeu: "YOU PLAY D&D?!"
axel: oh sweet! our brother is a DM!
Zeke: ^w^ *nod nod*
hibiki: ah. i do listen to this DnD podcast online, it's really good.
Saria: ^^;
hollinger: i usually have music lessons.
Saria: "The cello, yes?"
hollinger: yes.
Saria: "I'm sure learning music is helpful--it takes a lot of work." *smiles*
hollinger: t-thank you.
Relan: *signing* <Hello! Visiting us again?>
rita: <yes>
Petra: *standing behind in the doorway* -_-;
Relan: *talking while signing* "Did you have an appointment with the commander?"
rita: *she nods*
Vulcan: *walking by without his shirt on* "Yo, Relan--we got work-out in 5."
rita: ??
Vulcan: "..."
Petra: *adjusts glasses, shiny look* "I thought the Eighth would have a stricter dress code. How inappropriate."
iris: ^^;
Vulcan: .\\\\.; *covers his hands over his chest* "S-Sorry, Sister!"
rita: *signing* <does this happen often?>
Relan: "... ... ..."
*Relan has multiple flashbacks to numerous embarrassing circumstances*
Relan: ^^; <Not often.> ("I'M GOING TO HELL!")
iris: ._.; … ^-^; w-why dont we take a tour?
Petra: *signing still* "Yes, I have been waiting..."
iris: please follow me.
Arthur: *looking at berries on bushes*
nozomi: *looking at her nature guide book*
Arthur: "Okay, these are small, red, and a little squishy..."
nozomi: hmm…
Viktor: "I know a way to test this! Tamaki, which would you pick: the red or the green ones?"
tamaki: why are you asking me?
Viktor: "Because whatever you pick, we should eat the opposite."
Arthur: "..." *pushes Nozomi behind him* "For your own safety."
tamaki: -_-;
Viktor: OwO "So?"
tamaki: how does that help us?
Viktor: "Well, you have bad luck, so whatever you pick must be wrong--"
tamaki: *GLARING*
shinra: dude. run.
Viktor: *moving as fast as his long gangly legs can take him* QWQ;;;
fang-hua: hey, lets try to stick together, everyone!
Pan: *blowing his whistle* >.<
Viktor: "Mustn't die, mustn't die, mustn't--" *trip--down a small hill* *rolls*
shinra: woah! *flies down* you ok? ah-...woah, hey everyone, look at this!
Viktor: *sits up, coughs up grass--and a snail*
Snail: >.<;
tamaki: what is it?
Viktor: *looks up*
*There's a campsite...*
shinra: i think there was people here...
Ogun: *looking at the remains* "How long ago?"
tamaki: hmm... hello? anyone here?
-no answer-
Ogun: "..." *looks into the tent* "Let's see if someone is in here..."
shinra: *knocks on the tent* hello?
Arthur: *shoves his flaming Excalibur into the tent*
Ogun: O_O;
fang-hua: D8
shinra: dude!
Arthur: "Either they were hiding and we needed them to come out, no one was in there, or they were dead anyway. It was only logical."
shinra: and stabbing the tent with a plasma sword is apparently a better option than OPENING THE ZIPPER?!
Arthur: "Element of surprise. What if they had a weapon, like a sword? Or a plasma sword? Or a griffin?"
shinra: ...... *opens the tent*
nozomi: *examines the area*
Viktor: *looks up* "Hey, what's that falling--"
tamaki: AUUUGH!!!
Viktor: ._.;
Arthur: *aims his sword* "We're under attack!"
*A potato chip bag falls on Arthur's face*
Arthur: "..."
Takeru: "..." *picks up the bag* "Ooooo--sour cream flavor!"
shinra: *looking around*
*it looks like a ripped bag fell onto Tamaki, covering her like a blanket*
*More empty food containers fall with it...It looks like they were ripped, chewed, and clawed*
tamaki: =~=
Ogun: "So, campers come here, something rips up their food...You think a beast got them?"
nozomi: it's possible. *looking for anything to indicate it*
Viktor: "I don't see blood yet..." *looks at a tree...looks like a drag mark* "Wait, here?"
juria: *follows it*
*The drag line seems to lead to a cave*
shinra: ....
Ogun: "Okay, most things going into caves tend to be bad news."
shinra: .....i'm going in.
Viktor: "What?! But you don't know--"
Ogun: "Well, okay then."
Viktor: "Huh?!"
Ogun: *follows*
shinra: someone could be hurt in there!
Arthur: "..." *follows*
tamaki:...*sigh* always playing the hero. *follows*
Pan: *stays outside, keeping watch*
Arthur: "Anyone have a flashlight?"
-everyone just stares at him-
juria: for fuckin'...*fire gauntlet*
Arthur: "Ah, thank you." *continues*
higuchi: how was the ride?
sonia: fine. i skinned my knee a bit.
*She has a lemon-decorated bandage on her knee*
Gin: "Oh, you poor dear...What did your dad think?"
sonia: well...
{sonia: o-ow.... *tearing up slightly from the pain*}
{Chuuya: "OH NO! SONIA! MY BABY!!!" *shaking Motojiro* "CALL YOSANO!"}
{Motojiro: *getting shaken, starts speaking Russian* <HELL NO! THAT DOCTOR WILL KILL ME AGAIN!>}
{sonia: ... *sweatdrop*}
higuchi: ._.;
Gin: "...Um...Your father was just worried."
sonia: i know...
Gin: *sigh* "At least you are trying the bike. Will you ride it again tomorrow?"
sonia: i think so.
Gin: *nods* "You should. Your father wants you to learn..."
sonia: did you ever learn to ride a bike, aunt gin?
Gin: "I'm afraid not."
higuchi: well, you're never too old to learn.
Gin: "..." .______.;;;;
-and so-
Gin: Q___Q *trying to stay upright...even with training wheels*
hirotsu: you're doing great!
naoya: you got this!
Gin: *tiny 'wah'*
Tachihara: *chortling* "You're getting this, right?"
Walter: "Yep!" ^w^ "A precious keepsake memory!" *filming on his phone*
Tachihara: *giggling*
naoya: what do you think, akuta?
Akutagawa: Q-Q "...Proud."
hirotsu: TTuTT same.
Akutagawa: T_T
Gin: "Wow, wow!" *falls over* "DAMN IT!"
Akutagawa: "..."
*Akutagawa picks up the bike, flinging it*
-distant crash as birds fly away from where the bike landed-
Akutagawa: "Never hurt my sister."
hirotsu: ._.
naoya: ._.
higuchi: ._.
Gin: "...Um, Ryu? It's not the bike's fault? Also, Sonia was still using it."
Akutagawa: "......I'll get it." *walks*
sonia: *facepalm*
Tachihara: "HA HA HA! Play the part where she falls again!"
Tachihara: OuO; *he has a kunai in his bottom*
lydia:....<did you hear that just now?>
Gogol: *knitting* "Hmm?" <Like what?>
lydia: <someone screaming?>
Gogol: <Well, there's usually screaming here. Ivan and Zoey probably are fighting over who gets to bathe Fyodor's feet today.>
lydia: -_-; <it sounded more distant.>
yana: <probably nothing.>
Gogol: <Maybe a fight...>
lydia: <in any case, it's none of our concern.>
Spirit: "How was school?"
izumi: good. i have a soul perception check test this weekend.
Spirit: "Oh? You're looking into that too, huh?"
izumi: i guess so.
Spirit: "It is a challenge...Even the best meisters still have to work at it."
izumi: *nods*
Spirit: "Well, I'm glad you're trying out. It's good to see what's available..."
izumi: yeah.
Spirit: "Anywhere you want to stop after school?"
Asher: *walking by*
izumi: can you drop asher and i off at meowkies?
Asher: "???!"
Spirit: "Oh, sure!"
Asher: "...What the hell is a 'Meowkies'?"
izumi: it's a place with pizza and games. it's really cool. *smiles* oh! dad, this is asher.
Spirit: "Hey, Asher!" *extends his hand*
Asher: "..." *shakes his hand* "Hello, sir."
izumi: *smiles*
Asher: "Um...I don't have mon--"
izumi: it's alright, i'll help pay for it.
Spirit: *already opening the car door* "I'm in a great mood! Pizza and tokens on me."
Asher: "..." >_>;;;
Spirit: *opens the car door* "Hop in!"
izumi: it's ok asher.
Asher: *grunts* "Let me call home..." *flips open their phone*
cassidy: *answers* hello?
Asher: "Hey, it's me. A friend and her dad are taking me to some arcade. Is...that okay?"
cassidy: ok, be safe, alright? have fun and remember to thank them.
Asher: *nods* "I will. I'll be home in a few hours. Bye..."
Spirit: "Buckle up..." *buckles himself in*
Patty: "Will you miss us while we're on our trip?"
julie: *hug*
jack: yes, and we know you'll be back soon. *head pat*
Patty: ^w^
Wes: *hugs Liz* "Be safe."
liz: we will.
Kid: *nods to Kirika*
kirika: *thumbs up*
Kid: "Thank you..." *takes her other hand, moves it to give another thumbs up*
kirika: *rolls eyes* classic kid.
Kid: "The classic is usually the best."
kirika: *rolls eyes again* whatever you say, brother dear.
Kid: *smiles at Stocking*
stocking: *kiss* be safe
Kid: *nods* "I'll come home."
Ogun: *tracing a hand along the cave wall*
LK: shinra: see anything?
juria: *checking the floor*
Ogun: *shakes his head no*
Arthur: *sniffing the walls like a bloodhound*
tamaki: *perks ears, listening*
Arthur: "...Something definitely marked its territory here."
tamaki: oh?
Arthur: "I'd say...Wolf? Fox? Coyote?"
tamaki: hmm...
Ogun: *turns around to look where they came*
Arthur: *looks* "Oh..." *holds his sword*
-it seems to be a room-
Ogun: "..." *approaches*
???: i havent killed those campers.
Ogun: "!!!"
shinra: ?!
Arthur: *hardens his grip*
-a woman with fox like features is in the corner of the room-
tamaki: who are-
Ogun: *defensive stance* "How do you know about that?"
woman: for your information, they became infernals.
Arthur: "That's some 'passive voice.' Who made them into Infernals?"
woman: how am i to know?
Ogun: "...She's got you there."
Arthur: -_-;
woman: and even if i did, what would i get from it?
Ogun: "We've met enough sickos who get off on this kind of thing..."
woman: if that's the case, a few less humans mucking things up isnt too awful.
Arthur: "!!!"
shinra: so then you're the one who talked to those kids in yao-ming?
woman: oh? so you figured out about that?
Arthur: "If fewer humans would be good, why didn't you hurt them?"
woman: true, they are humans, but they were young, easy to manipulate. the others were hoping for food from the mountains for a change.
shinra: others?
Ogun: "And you sat by while something attacked them..."
woman: hmmm~? *yaaawn*
Ogun: "..." *marches up to her*
woman: oh?
Ogun: "You want to act all bored..." *sneers* "That just makes me fired up."
woman: so you want to fight, is that it?
Ogun: "No, just knock some sense into you..."
tamaki: just who are you anyway?
woman: you may call me 'Kii-Tan'.
Arthur: " 'Keaton'?"
kii-tan: perhaps.
Arthur: "??? We were passing through. Where are these Infernals now?"
kii-tan: out in the deserts, most likely.
Arthur: "...Maybe they have a clue as to the Tear in Space..."
kii-tan: oh? what might that be?
Arthur: "Somewhere that may have something to do with these Infernals being created."
kii-tan: is that so?
Ogun: "We notice you're asking a lot of questions and not exactly giving us answers. What are you?"
kii-tan: my kind goes by many names, kitsune, kumiho, fox spirit.
shinra: are you good or evil?
kii-tan: i usually go about doing as i please, so i guess i consider myself, 'chaotic neutral'.
Arthur: "And this is where you live?"
kii-tan: occasionally i stay here.
tamaki: i take you're familiar with the badlands?
kii-tan: i've seen many things in my lifetime. and i'll tell you, the further west you go, the more dangerous things will become.
shinra: why must ancient mythical beings be so dang cryptic? -_-;
Arthur: "Are there dragons?"
shinra: -_-;
kii-tan: the dragons of this region prefer more mountainous terrains.
Arthur: "... ... ..." *shaking violently*
tamaki: down boy, down.
Arthur: =_= "I wanna see dragons..."
Ogun: "You say 'dangerous.' What is out there?"
kii-tan: infernals, infernal beasts, sand worms.
shinra: ._. wat?
Ogun: "...Like 'Dune'?"
kii-tan: yeah, there's dunes out there.
Ogun: "I meant the--...Nevermind."
Asher: *looking around* "...It's cutesy."
izumi: the pizza's really good and the games are fun.
Asher: "Hmm...Is it that frozen stuff?" *they're staring at the batting cages*
izumi: oh, those are the batting cages.
Asher: "Yeah, I can see that..." *walks over, looks at the bats and helmets*
izumi: want to try it?
Asher: "...Sure." *unzips their hoodie--they have a shirt on underneath*
izumi: the gorillaz, nice.
Asher: "..." *scratches their cheek* "This is dumb...Your dad isn't related to Damon, is he?"
izumi: i dont think so, but-....
Asher: "...'But'?"
izumi: ......*wipes her eyes* l-let's start up the game, shall we?
Asher: "..." *sighs* *mutters* "Like I said, 'Dumb'..." *puts on a helmet*
Demongo: *looks a little bigger* =w= *satisfied sigh as he pats his belly*
tsukasa: well, you're about the size of a toddler now, so good for you.
Demongo: ^w^ "I'm a growing boy..."
tsukasa: i got you this. *holds up a baby carrier*
tsukuyo: ^^;
Demongo: ._.; "...That just feels demeaning."
tsukasa: =3= only trying to help.
Kid: *sitting on the bus, looking at a brochure*
liz: *checking her phone*
Wes: [how's the trip?]
liz: [doing good so far]
Wes: [it'll be a long trip. hope see interesting sights along the way]
liz: [k. will be bringing back souvenirs 2]
Wes: [yay : D ]
Patty: *counting something outside* "--147, 148..."
Liz: ???
Patty: "Counting cactuseses."
Kid: "Cacti."
Patty: "Cactises?"
Kid: "...Nevermind."
Magaki: *sits in a circle* "Thank you for the invitation." *opens a book* "So, you look into the occult?"
rowena: yes.
alice: we also....talk about...mysteries....
Magaki: "??? About?"
annabelle: various things! unexplained disappearances, cryptids and the like!
Magaki: "...Ah..." *looks in the book, points* "Like this one?" *it looks to be a shaggy species*
annabelle: ooh! yes!
Magaki: "I see...What is the difference between a Yeti, a Sasquatch, and a Bigfoot?"
rowena: it usually depends on the region that it's spotted in.
Magaki: "I see...Have you ever seen one around here?"
Asher: *sets down the baseball bat...looks like almost every ball landed into the center of the goal, with a long reel of tickets out of the dispenser* "Hmm...Looks like a lot of tickets."
izumi: ._. wow.
Asher: "I...think it's from practicing with my weapon form." *transforms their arm into the tonfa, swings slightly*
izumi: i guess so.
Asher: "...What should we get with the tickets?"
izumi: hmm. *examines the prize corner*
Asher: *looking in the glass case below--frisbee, whistle, sunglasses* *rolls their eyes* *looks up--* "Stuffed animals, action figures, video games..."
izumi: oh wow.
Asher: "Well, you treated me. What do you want?"
izumi: are you sure?
Asher: "It's only fair. I don't see something I'd want."
izumi: hmm...
Asher: "Do you like video games? Or stuffed animals? Or...What the hell is that?"
*It looks like a figurine of an albino penguin with a cane and a top hat*
izumi: i think we should ignore it, whatever it is.
Asher: *nods* "Sounds about right. What do you like in hobbies?"
izumi: i like making paper dolls. *smiles*
Asher: "Huh...Maybe that art book?"
izumi: ok then.
Asher: *hands the tickets to her, starts putting back on their hoodie* "Cool...What kind of dolls have you made?"
izumi: usually dress up dolls from some of my favorite cartoons.
Asher: "What do you watch?"
izumi: i've always been a fan of more kiddy shows, like anima-rangers.
Asher: "Is that the one with the giant robots?"
izumi: it's a kind of power rangers kinda show but with talking animals. i've always liked usa-momo.
Asher: "So, a rabbit character?"
izumi: yeah. she may be the youngest, but she's always brave. i always did admire that about her. *sad smile*
Asher: "..." *rubs the back of their own neck* "Not a bad quality..."
izumi: yeah... i want to be brave too.
Asher: "..." *nods* "So, you enrolled in the DWMA..."
izumi: *she nods*
Asher: "...I get why weapons go. Being a meister is what confuses me."
izumi: i'm still learning that myself.
Asher: "...I don't know how weapons get used to meisters. Not like I asked for this..."
izumi: ....*pap pap*
Asher: "..." ._.; "Thanks?"
sonia: *sitting out in the garden, looking out into the woods*
*seems quiet*
kouyou: waiting for something?
sonia: waiting for uncle ryuu to get back.
*Sounds like something rattling along the forest path*
sonia: *looks up*
Akutagawa: *walking the bike up the path*
sonia: welcome back, uncle ryuu.
Akutagawa: *nods* "I have returned it. Damage looks to be minimal."
sonia: thank you......are you hungry?
Akutagawa: "..." *nods*
sonia: *hug*
Akutagawa: .\\\.;
kouyou: ^^
Akutagawa: "...That should be easy enough..."
Dr. John: "And how are we feeling, Felisia?"
felisia: nauseous.
Dr. John: "Aw, I'm sorry. Let's see what we can do about that after the ultrasound..." *applies the jelly onto Felisia's belly*
felisia: *shiver*
Dr. John: ^^; "Sorry--it's kind of chilly...Okay..." *applies the sensor, as an image appears on the monitor of inside the womb*
-the baby is coming along well-
Dr. John: "Looks healthy--slightly below average size for this stage, but within the normal range."
felisia: i see...*faint smile*
Dr. John: "If all is on schedule, you should give birth in the next week."
felisia: really?
Dr. John: "Your due date is April 30."
felisia: wow...
Dr. John: "Are you okay?"
felisia: just...surprised is all.
Dr. John: "It's a lot for many expecting parents to take in." *smiles*
Ogun: "That was a whole lot of nothing..."
shinra: yeah. what a load of filler.
Arthur: "But we learned what is in the West so we can anticipate the threats we will encounter. And I will get to adopt a pet dragon."
tamaki: *sweatdrop*
Viktor: "Um...Did you all forget to wear your gas masks? You're talking crazy..."
tamaki: dont ask.
Takeru: ._.;;; "So, what happened to the campers?"
shinra: they became infernals.
Takeru: "Oh...We best be careful..." Q_Q
Spirit: "How was it, kids?"
izumi: lots of fun, thanks dad.
Asher: "..." *nods* "Thank you, sir."
Spirit: ^^ "You're welcome. You're very polite, Asher."
Asher: "..." -\\\-;
izumi: ^^
Spirit: "What prize did you win?" *driving towards Asher's apartment*
izumi: a pencil set.
Spirit: "Neat! What did you play?"
izumi: asher's really good at the batting cages.
Spirit: "Oh? You played little league?"
Asher: *grimaces*
Spirit: "??? Oh, here we are, right?" *pulls over*
cassidy: *waves*
Asher: "Yeah. I'll get out here..." *already unbuckling*
izumi: ...
Spirit: "As soon as I can open the door..." *rolls down the window* "Hello! Are you Asher's sister?"
cassidy: yes, it's nice to meet you, sir.
Spirit: "Same! I'm Spirit, Izumi's dad."
Asher: =_____=;;;
cassidy: ah.
Asher: "Yeah, great. I'm leaving." *unbuckles, opens the door*
izumi:...have a good night, asher.
Asher: "..." *nods* "You too. Thank you, Mr. Albarn."
Anya: =w= "This should be fun..."
kirara: *checking map*
Tezca: "We'll have to look for clues. And you'll need disguises. I recommend the two-person horsie suit."
Kid: "There it is!" >w<
liz: *looks out the window*
*Their bus is passing a graveyard*
liz: *shiver* c-cold...
Patty: "Look at those abandoned buildings! 'Okie-Dokie Coral'?"
liz: ^^; well, the hotel should be up ahead.
Kid: "We'll be staying at the Clayton."
liz: ooh, cool.
Kid: "It's said to be haunted."
liz: o_o im ok. i can do this. QuQ;;
Patty: "Yes, you can!" ^w^
Gin: -3-;
higuchi: the waffles didnt turn out too awful....*chuckles to herself*
Akutagawa: -____-;;; "We're all trying our best..."
naoya: points for effort.
Tachihara: *eating happily* ^w^ "Quite good. Charred flavor!"
Asher: *sitting in their room, thumbing through their flip phone*
cassidy: so how was it? *checking the locks*
Asher: "...It was fun. Awkward."
cassidy: *listening*
Asher: *shrugs* "Izumi seems nice. I just...think I screwed up saying things."
cassidy: like what?
Asher: "She saw my Gorillaz shirt and cried."
cassidy: not a fan? ^^;
Asher: "I think it was more than that. She teared up when I asked whether her dad was related to the band's creator."
cassidy: hmm.
Asher: *shrugs* "I don't get people. Typical."
cassidy: well, we dont know her full situation, either.
Asher: "...My fault for prying."
cassidy: ...well, try to get some rest for now.
Asher: *closes phone* " 'Kay." *pulls up blanket* "You got work?"
cassidy: yeah. remember to lock up.
Asher: *nods* "I will..."
*The Clayton Hotel has an abandoned store front filled with mannequins...Creepy, eyeless mannequins...*
liz: Q_Q *didnt sleep a wink*
Patty: *whistling happily*
Kid: *already in the goofiest cowboy outfit ever made* ^w^
liz: TT~TT where to first?
Kid: "I was told to check with law enforcement..." *looks for the sheriff's office*
liz: *checks map*
Patty: "??? Um, guys? There's some woman across the street glaring at us."
liz: *glances*
Woman: ಠ╭╮ಠ
liz: um......hi?
Woman: "WAIT RIGHT THERE!" *marches across the street, stands in front of Liz, and glares* O╭╮O
Patty: "...How does she do that "╭╮" thing with her mouth?"
liz: um.... ._.;
liz: yes, but no need to be rude. -__-;
liz: h-hey! D8<
Kid: "But...we were already going there?"
Patty: >3> "Which we were going to--"
Woman: *shoves a gun into Patty's nose*
Patty: ._.;;; "...Sis? She's crazier than me? This is new."
???: santiago, take it easy!
Santiago: -~-# *mutter grumble* "Hell..." *puts the gun down*
officer 2: i'm sorry about that, she's just really strung up recently. ^^;
Kid: -_-; "In any case, we're with the DWMA. We were told to investigate supernatural concerns in this city, as well as disappearances."
liz: *nods*
officer 2: santiago. chill.
Kid: *ignoring Santiago* "Can you take us to one of the crime scenes?"
officer 2: sure thing.
Kid: *follows* "...I'm sorry for saying this, but I'm glad to be here. I've always wanted to see Tombstone."
officer 2: well, there's plenty to see, despite the ghost town reputation. ^^; i actually have a sister in death city.
Kid: "Really?"
officer 2: yeah. she's a doctor.
Kid: "Oh, that's accomplished." *smiles*
officer 2: ^^
Santiago: *glaring at Liz*
liz: *gives her a 'what did i do?' look*
Santiago: "I'm watching you, you DWMA flunkies...I know what that Albarn creep is all about!"
liz: well, we arent all like him. (and he's changed a lot in the years...mostly)
Santiago: "Tell that to my sister!"
Patty: "...Oh, shit, Spirit got her pregnant?"
liz: patti!
Santiago: "NO! He was just really flirty, pervy, and insistent until Sis punched him in the balls and tossed him through the Bird Cage Brothel's window!" *she points--and there's a Spirit-shaped outline out the window of the Bird Cage Brothel*
liz: ._.;
officer 2: they really need to get that fixed.
Patty: "So your sis worked at a brothel?"
Santiago: "Wh-What?! No! Bartender! The place was converted!"
Patty: "I've heard that one before..."
Santiago: *gun shoved back in Patty's face* ( #`皿´ )
liz: *sweatdrop* please excuse her. ^^;;;;
officer 2: ^^; ah, we're here.
officer 3: oh, officer santiago, officer john, good to see you.
Patty: ._.;;;
Kid: "...It looks different seeing you getting threatened with the gun this time--"
Patty: "OH, HUSH!"
Kid: ^^; "Hello, Death the Kid." *offers his hands to Officer 3.
officer john: hey lenny, is the sheriff around?
*There's someone asleep at their desk*
officer john: mr cain? sir? the DWMA is here.
Sheriff Cain lifts his head--and the print from the magazine is now on his face*
Sheriff: =_= "H-Huh? Who's that?"
officer john: ^^; t-the DWMA is here sir.
liz: *examining the office*
-the nameplate on the desk reads 'Sheriff Winslow Cain'. there is also a photo of him in casual wear holding up a fish with two young children-
Sheriff: *yawns* "Huh? The Diet Weight Management Agency? Tell them I'm already on a diet..."
officer john: sir. it's not that group. it's the DWMA? from death city? the people we contacted?
Sheriff: "...OH! Them!" *looks* "...HOLY FISHSTICKS! You're Lord Death's baby boy! I recognize that crazy hair anywhere!"
Kid: TwT; *nod nod* "Yes...Death the Kid..."
Saria: "Good morning!"
saria's dad: happy weekend!
saria's father: ^^
saria's dad: got any plans today, bugbear?
Saria: "Not sure yet...I have a little homework, was thinking of stopping by the stationery store...Yourselves?"
saria's father: got work today as usual.
saria's dad: i'm gonna be on a grocery run later, need me to pick anything up for ya?
Saria: "D'aw...Hmm...We could use some more milk...Maybe something for dessert?" *shiny eyes*
saria's dad: i'll see what i can get~ ^^
saria's father: also, we need more melba toast.
saria's dad: with hummus?
saria's father: as if i'd have it any other way.
saria's dad: you goof. *kiss on the forehead*
Saria: ^^ "Well, I'll get going..." *grabs a donut* "Have fun!"
saria's dad: remember to keep your phone on!
Saria: *waves it* "It is!" *the locked screen shows the family at a carnival*
Sid: "Welcome to this early morning Soul Perception preliminary test. I'm happy to see a few students interested in learning about this skill, as well as their capacity for it."
izumi: *gulp*
hibiki: ...
*There seem to be a few other students seated in the room*
izumi: *examines the others*
*Looks to be a tall and burly student writing notes already, another adjusting their collar and wearing a confident smile, another looking grim and serious--and dressed like a ninja*
girl with blinding bangs: *she has a bag of flour in her mouth*
Sid: *lighting candles*
Burly Notetaker: "???" *writing something down, muttering* "Flour...to assist...with perception...Interesting."
loop braids girl: are these those agitating candles or not? also are they cinnamon or something else?
Sid: "No. The DWMA develops different candles that affect mood. These enhance any innate Soul Perception abilities, augmenting them 100 times to confirm whether you have any potential."
Collar Student: "Yeah, duh."
hibiki: *nods*
Sid: "It may be overwhelming for some of you, but it is necessary to separate those who got it, and those who likely don't."
hibiki: what kind of symtoms do we expect from this? like, headaches?
Sid: "Well, symptoms vary. Some feel headaches. Others feel a kind of tingling in the stomach, or like their skin has a static cling."
izumi: ...
Sid: "The first step is to see whether you can sense a strong soul--so I brought in someone with a really big one. You can come in now..."
*The door opens*
izumi: *glances*
*Mifune walks in*
Mifune: "..."
hibiki: hey.
Mifune: *nods* "Hello. I am Mifune."
Sid: "He has a soul the equivalent of that of 1000 people."
Mifune: "...I don't brag."
*Looks like someone followed Mifune in*
angela: *peeeeek*
izumi: oh, hello.
loop braids girl: EEEEEK! SO CUTE!!! >u<
Mifune: "And this is Angela...Um, her soul won't interfere, will it?"
Sid: "No, it shouldn't. In fact, sensing hers may help some of them..." *lights the last candle* "Okay...Take a few deep breaths everyone..."
-they do so-
hibiki: *holds her head a bit*
Collar Student: "..." *staring at Mifune* "??? Um..."
Sid: "??? Hibiki?"
Burly Notetaker: *eyes widen lightly*
hibiki: i-i'm ok, just a small headache.
Sid: "Let's move to the next step. Do you notice anything about Mifune? You may see an aura."
hibiki: yeah...i see a strong aura.
blinding bangs girl: i see it too.
izumi:.... .u.; (i dont see anything...)
Collar Student: "M-Me too!" ^^;
Burly Notetaker: *adjusts glasses*
Sid: "Okay, what color is Mifune's aura?"
hibiki: blueish-green?
Collar Student: "Yeah! But more green!"
Sid: "..." *stares at Collar Student* "And what color is Angela's? Just you."
Collar Student: OwO; "...Polka dots?"
Sid: -_-# "Get out."
Collar Student: -3- "Okay, fine! I can't see souls! Like it's really that impressive..."
izumi:...i dont see anything...
Sid: "Ah...Well, we have to move onto the next part of today's lesson, so, if you don't see the souls, I have to excuse you for today."
izumi: *sigh* understood, sir. *exits*
izumi:....*sigh* (oh well, i cant let this get me down. maybe a walk will help.)
*The campus is pretty empty on a Saturday...Looks like the lights are on in one room*
izumi: ?? *goes over*
*Through the window, Stein can be seen inside, holding a scalpel*
Stein: "Let's do this carefully..."
izumi: *peeeek* ._.;
Stein: *he's slicing into...a Capri Sun packet?*
izumi: um...sir?
Stein: *SLICE--and the Capri Sun spills on his desk* -_-;;; "...What?"
izumi: ^^; y-you could just use the straw, sir...
Stein: "These weak plastic things?" *holds one up* "By the time you stab into the tough epidermal of the packet, you've spilled the drink out."
*the drink is spilling down his desk*
izumi: .-.; need some towels?
Stein: "...Sure. Why are you here? This is a weekend."
izumi: i was here for the soul perception test... *sits at one of the desks*
Stein: "Oh? You're on break?"
izumi: turns out i dont have soul perception...*sigh*
Stein: "...Oh. Well, not everyone does." *wiping off the table*
izumi: i know. im a bit bummed, but not much i can do about it.
Stein: "No, there isn't." *rings out the towel in the trash bin* "Not every meister has it. Look at Black Star. Or Kilik."
izumi: hmm yeah. i havent really talked to the much.
Stein: "Probably busy since graduating and taking missions...Do you know why they don't have soul perception but still managed to graduate?"
izumi: they were good in lessons?
Stein: "Not really. Both of them were more 'intuitive learners,' so instruction was focused on having them practice in the field--and get into a lot of fistfights in the hallways."
*In the hall, there are pivots in the wall*
izumi: ._.; i....see....
Stein: "What they had were strong souls to push beyond their limits, a spiritual strength to shatter even the strongest attack. That is one way some people overcome the lack of soul perception."
izumi: hmm....
Stein: "...Well, you're only in NOT, so you can't over-think it."
izumi: y-yeah, i know that. ^^;;
Stein: "Of course, I would always take a more up-close look at what is wrong with you..." *twirling the straw*
izumi: im good, thanks. ^^;;;
Stein: "It wouldn't take long. Just lie down--"
*footsteps are heard running down the hall--then the door breaks down, smashing Stein*
izumi: O-O;
Spirit: *huffing and puffing, glaring*
Stein: *collapsed* "...Hello, Spirit."
izumi: hey dad.
Spirit: *smiles* "Hello, Izumi. Did Stein do anything?"
izumi: i'm fine, we were just having a chat. ^^;
Spirit: "That's good. How's the test?"
izumi: didnt pass.
Spirit: "Oh...I'm sorry."
izumi: i'll survive.
Spirit: *smiles* "Good enough attitude. And you have other options."
izumi: i know, but i still want to become a meister. no use quitting now!
Spirit: "That's the spirit! ...So to speak." ^^;
Spirit: ^^;;;; "Hey, I'm trying here...Need a ride home?"
izumi: sure.
Kid: "And that's all you've found?"
officer john: so far, yes.
Santiago: "All I found was a badge. Not even a corpse."
liz: *examines badge*
*Looks to be of an officer...No blood on it, but it does look like it was sharpened...*
liz: looks a bit sharper around here.
Santiago: "Likely manufacturer's error."
liz: i dunno....seems something else caused this...
Santiago: -_-# "Then enlighten us, Mrs. Thompson-Evans."
liz: gladly!....hmm.... hmmmmm.... -_-;;;; hmmmmm -~-;;;;;;;;
Kid: "...Wait...What's that?" *points* "Don't you see it?"
liz: ??
Kid: "It's a spiritual energy, right along the sharpened part."
officer john: oh?
Patty: "We don't all have your eyes, Kid, unless you want to pluck them out for us--"
Kid: -_-# "Trust me on this one. This is not some random manufacturing error--this is supernatural, so we have to find the cause. What magic is here?"
officer john: well, there is a witch that lives in an old abandoned town a few miles out, but she just keeps to herself most of the time.
Kid: "Hmm...Not quite this kind of power, but worth a visit...Directions, please?"
officer john: *writing it down*
Patty: "Anything else we should check out? Maybe those eyeless mannequins know something--"
Santiago: "...Weirdos."
Sid: "Okay, that's all for today. Take this afternoon to read this packet, and see me after school Monday to start your additional training."
Mifune: "Angela, are you ready to say goodbye?"
angela: see ya'll later, maybe.
hibiki: *wave* nice meeting ya.
Mifune: *nods*
Ninja: "...Zzzz..."
Burly: "???" *adjusts glasses*
Teacher: "Excellent work, Lukas. I will see you next weekend. Keep up your practice on the fifth measure."
hollinger: thank you. *exits*
Saria: *leaving a stationery shop* "Thanks! See you next time!" *waves at the shopkeeper*
hollinger: ah! saria. i wasnt expecting you.
Saria: "OH, Hollinger!" ^\\\^ "Yes, well, it's the weekend, so I had some errands..." *already instinctively pulling up her sweater collar over her mouth--she has on a dinosaur sweater today*
hollinger: i was heading back to the dorms after cello practice.
Saria: "How did it go?" *walking with him*
hollinger: it went well.
Saria: "That's good...I bet you put in a lot of work on it." *smiles*
hollinger: yeah....i want to make them proud.
Saria: "??? Your family?"
Saria: "...Oh...Sorry."
hollinger: it's fine.
Saria: "..." *clears her throat* "H-How is the dorm?"
hollinger: it's alright. save for the accidents. -_-;;
Saria: .\\\\.; "Even there?"
hollinger: =~=;
Saria: "..." *pat pat*
hollinger: t-thanks.
Saria: ^^; "Say, do you like sweets?"
hollinger: .///. .... 7///7 i do like cakes.
Saria: "Me too! I know a great cupcake shop..."
Axel: "Bro! Look who I found!"
Asher: -_____-;
Yafeu: -''-;
Zeke: "Oh, hi! How's it going?"
axel: pretty sweet, eh?? eh?
Yafeu: *grunts*
Asher: "..." *yawns*
axel: we got moooooviiiies~
Yafeu: "WHAT GENRE?!"
axel: take your pick, hambones.
Asher: "...What did you just call me?"
axel: SHWEET!
Motojiro: "See? She's learning like a pro!"
Chuuya: TwT
sonia: *has on helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and shoulder pads*
Chuuya: "You're doing great, Sonia!"
sonia: papa, how do i slow down?
Chuuya: OwO; "Um--swing the pedals backwards!"
sonia: *approaching a hill* ._. oh no.
Chuuya: D :
sonia: *does so*
*The bike just stops at the edge*
Chuuya: *sighs* "Oh, thank goodness--"
Kafka: *riding a two-seater* "HIT THE BRAKES!"
Walter: "Wait--what brakes?"
sonia: ._.; *flees the bike*
*Kafka and Walter dive down the hill*
Chuuya: ._.;
*Somehow an explosion forms down the hill*
Chuuya: "...Kajii, please call Yosano--"
Motojiro: *already running away into the woods*
Kid: *riding a horse* ^w^ "I never imagined I would get to ride a horse on my way to interview a witch--so exciting!"
liz: *trying to hold steady*
Patty: *clapping coconut shells*
liz:...better not ask.
Kid: "Indeed!" ^w^ "Horse riding, horse riding!"
Santiago: -_-#
liz: ^^;
Santiago: "Are you all demented, or did Death City make you this way?"
liz: he's just excited is all.
Santiago: "Well, don't. This witch isn't someone to be 'excited' around."
liz: any idea what she's like?
Santiago: "Looney tunes. One of those hippie-dippy types."
liz: ok.
Kid: *spots brick work* "Odd...She made a path?"
liz: seems like it.
*There's a wire fence up ahead...but looks like something ripped through it*
liz: ...
*It sounds like footsteps--quickly approaching*
liz: ?!
horse: !!!! *neighs*
???: "Wow, Marlee, wow!"
liz: ???
*It looks like a kangaroo*
liz: what the hell?!
???: "Marlee! How do you keep getting out of your pen?!"
Marlee: O_O
liz: ._.; um....
*A woman is approaching, with a dog-ear hoodie on*
liz: may we help you?
Woman: "Nah, nothing to do with you--just my baby being difficult again..." *strokes Marlee's snout*
Marlee: =_= *groaning noise*
liz: ...*looks at the others*
Santiago: "Hello, Inui..."
*The witch looks up...Her skin is tanned, her eyes wide but knowing*
Inui: "Santiago. To what do I owe the dis-pleasure?"
Santiago: -_-#####
liz: ._.;;;
Patty: "That's a weird looking doggie, ma'am!"
liz: -_-; it's a kangaroo, patti.
Inui: ^^; "This ain't no doggie, child! It's a wallaby!"
Patty: "...Well, I'll be."
Inui: "..."
Patty: "..."
Patty + Inui: *loud laughter*
Marlee: O_O;
Santiago: -_____-#########
liz: *glances at kid*
Kid: *ahem* "We are with the DWMA, and we--"
Inui: "The Diet Weight Management Association? I already said I don't want any!"
Kid: "The Death Weapon Meister Academy!"
Inui: "Oh...I don't want that, neither."
liz: oh, we're not here to hurt you, ma'am. we just have some questions.
Inui: "That's what they all say..." *crosses arms* "Then again, you're here with Santiago, and she hasn't shot at me yet."
liz: ._.; ......i take it there's some bad blood between you two? ^^;;;;
Inui: "If you don't have bad blood with Santiago, you don't have any blood in ya..."
liz: *stiffles a laugh*
Inui: "...Well, not if you're going to ask me like that."
liz: would you please invite us in? ^^;;;
Inui: "Of course, dear~ Marlee, help Santiago in."
Santiago: "I know how to enter a hou--"
Marlee: *gets on their tail--and kicks Santiago down the dirt road*
liz: ._. (i mean, she deserve that for being rude, but jeez...)
Patty: "So, Miss Inui, you're from Austria?"
Inui: "Australia. And it's Ms. Inui, thanks."
liz: ah.
Mephisto: *holds felisia*
felisia: i'm so excited and nervous at the same time.
stocking: *pats her back*
Mephisto: "It'll be okay..."
stocking: and if you want, kid and i will visit often and help you out.
Mephisto: "That would help..."
felisia: i would like that.....i wasnt the best mother for you, stocking, and im not sure if i'll know what to do...
stocking: it's ok mom. we're here for you.
Mephisto: QWQ
felisia: *hugs* ^u^ *wipes her eyes* thank you.
Mephisto: *group hug*
Kunikida: "This is silly..." *walking with Aya out the door*
aya: come on, it'll be fun!
Kunikida: "Hmph..." *looks back* "You all best behave!"
kenji: we will!
atsushi: *adjusts his hood*
sylvia: wow....
Kyoka: *puts on sunglasses*
atsushi: there's lots of people here.
*Look to be sunbathers, volleyball players, ice cream stands...*
ranpo: lets get some shaved ice!
Kunikida: -_-; "Well, we did budget for some treats..."
aya: woohoo!
Kyoka: "Which flavor, Sylvia?"
sylvia: i-i dont know...
Kyoka: "Well, there are multiple options. Any fruit you like?"
sylvia: well, m-mr walter sometimes gave me oranges...
Kyoka: "Orange will be good--it is sweet but a little sour."
sylvia: ok.
Kyoka: "Pardon me--we are ready to order..."
clerk: ok then, what would you like? ^^
Kyoka: "One orange, one grape."
clerk: coming right up. ^^
Kunikida: *setting up the umbrella*
ranpo: you kids ever been to the beach before?
atsushi: i think the lake beach from the fishing trip counts?
Kyoka: "..."
sylvia: *shakes head*
Kunikida: "A few times, which is why you should follow the rules--"
*A volleyball slams into Kunikida's head, knocking him face-first into the sand*
atsushi: are you alright?! D8
Kunikida: *groans* *lifts his head up* "WHO DID THAT?!"
girl: touya! be more careful.
Touya: "Ah, it's fine! See, he's breathing?"
girl: excuse me, are you alright? *nudges kunikida*
Kunikida: -_-; "I'm fine...That was quite rude."
girl: im sorry about that. touya, apologize to the nice man.
Touya: "Sorry 'nice man.'" *smiles*
atsushi: ^^;
Kunikida: "Hmph...Apology accepted..."
santiago: ....got any coffee left?
Inui: "Of course..." *passes out cups of coffee...it looks warm--except for Santiago's*
santiago: -_-#
liz: ._.;
Kid: *ahem* "I think you know why we're here, so please don't play dumb."
Inui: "??? Is it about not getting tags for Marlee? She has all her shots."
Patty: *petting Marlee* ^^
liz: we came to ask you about this. *shows her the badge*
Inui: "??? Whose badge is that?"
liz: we dont know, but they're missing. *looks at kid*
Kid: "There is magic on this badge. What do you know?"
Inui: "??? Honestly, nothing? This isn't my magic. I do ground stuff--and this here is trans-dimensional, ripping apart skin, bone, and anything organic or maybe even inorganic down to the itty bitty pieces."
santiago: ...
Inui: "So, you believe me? Or you going to take me in for questioning?"
liz: do you know anyone who has access to this sort of magic?
Inui: *shakes her head* "Most of them are long dead. Mostly those witches with acidic properties. But this is different--like someone experimented on it."
liz: ??
Kid: "...And if someone had their hands on such a witch?"
Inui: "Now, now--isn't that your job? Your kind kill to eat them witch souls."
liz: we only hunt rogues on the list. unless you happen to be a rogue, we have no reason to harm you.
Inui: *small smile* "I figured. After all, I've dealt with weapons before...and I think I held up a'ight..." *smirks at Santiago*
santiago: *glare* hmph. *looks away*
Inui: "D'aw, touched a nerve again..."
santiago: *stands up* i'm going outside for a smoke. *exits*
liz: ....well jeez...
Inui: "Don't litter my porch with your darn ashes!"
liz: ....so.....
Inui: "??? What, Santiago isn't helpful on your case, you had to see me?"
liz: we're checking all our bases.
Inui: "So, how's that ghost dog of yours?"
liz: how do you-
Inui: "Dingo witch, got an affinity for our canine friends, even the dearly departed..."
liz: i see.......so, what's the deal with you and officer santiago?
Inui: "...I mean, like I said, I've dealt with weapons..."
liz: so then she's...?
Inui: "Yep. Like her sister--except little Santiago never was as good..."
liz: ...
Inui: "You see how rude she can be..." *evil smirk* "Someone had to teach those two a lesson..."
liz: ....what did you do?
Inui: *smiles, thumbs at a newspaper clipping on the wall...showing an embarrassing image of the two sisters with a headline*
liz: ._.
Kid: "...That's not symmetrical at all..."
Patty: "Wow...Granny Inui is hardcore!"
Kid: "...Liz, I'm going to speak with Inui at greater length, and Patty is busy with...Marlee. So, could you talk with Santiago, see about the next lead?"
liz: *ok* *steps out*
Santiago: *dragging on her cigarette*
liz: ...i almost forgot how bad they smelled...
Santiago: "Please, like you never smoked these..."
liz: i used to.
Santiago: "...I only do this when pissed off."
liz: ....so you're a weapon too, huh?
Santiago: "Tch...Yep."
liz: ah...
Santiago: "What form are you?"
liz: patti and i are both pistols.
Santiago: "Goddamn..."
liz: you?
Santiago: "...A cannon."
liz: wow.
Santiago: *derisive chuckle* "Lot of power, but need help with aim..."
liz: i could imagine.
Santiago: "...Does that bitch still have that newspaper clipping on her wall?"
liz: i am so sorry for you.
Santiago: "I don't need your sympathy."
liz: ... 7.7
Burly Meister: *flipping through his book at the bus bench*
Collar Student: *grumbling*
hibiki: *checking her phone* huh. seems death city in the morning did an interview with some artist girl in kamihama.
Burly Meister: *stops reading* "Which kind of artist?"
hibiki: a girl named Alina Gray.
Collar Student: "I bet I'm a better artist..."
hibiki: mmhmm.
Burly Meister: "...So...That was some soul studies lesson." ^^; "Really surprising the different kinds of souls, huh?"
hibiki: yeah. i didnt know that different types of people have different soul wavelengths. like dokeshi, ability users, quirk humans...
Collar Student: "You forgot monsters, witches, and other creatures.'
Burly Meister: OwO;
hibiki: *nod nod*
Collar Student: "...So...You got a weapon partner, Hibiki?"
hibiki: axel and zeke callahan.
Collar Student: "...Oh...I mean, if you like that kind of thing...I heard they were...you know..."
hibiki: kunais?
Collar Student: "Yeah! Kunais are the worst. I mean, once you throw one, where does it go? How do you retrieve? If you want a really good weapon, you need one with commitment--one who'll come back to you every time."
hibiki: *raises a brow*
loop braid girl: and you are?
Collar Student: O_o;; "..." *suddenly suave* "A weapon that always comes back~"
Burly Meister: "Which would be...?"
Collar Student: "Um...Oh! Let's play a guessing game! And whoever gets it will be my meister!" *proud*
hibiki: *walks off, whistling*
Collar Student: D : < "HEY! GET BACK HERE AND GUESS!!!"
hibiki: im good, thanks.
Collar Student: *whispering angrish*
Zeke: "We should do this again! With a sleep over!"
axel: hell yeah!
Asher: =_= "Sleep would be great right now..." *yawn*
Tezca: "--then they would put stones on top of the accused until they confessed or died."
tsugumi: ._.
mio: .___.
Anya: "Shocking. How else were people executed?"
Meme: *shivers*
ao: ...
mio: D8>
Tezca: "Dunked into freezing water!"
Yosano: "There's that smile...Have you thought of names?"
leo: i have been thinking of a few names, but i want to know if the baby will be a boy or girl first.
Yosano: "If a girl?"
leo: motovya had suggested the name, 'Mitsuyo'
Yosano: "Oh, that's pretty..."
leo: i thought so too. *smiles*
Yosano: "And if not a girl?"
leo: if it is a boy, i want to give him a russian name, perhaps nikolai?
Yosano: "Smart."
leo: ^^
Yosano: "How is digestion?"
leo: alright for the most part. i had pickles with hummus the other day.
Yosano: "...Is that any good?"
Kyoka: *walking in the water* "See? It's not too bad."
sylvia: .... *dips her toe in the water* >~<
Kyoka: "I know, it's a little weird..."
sylvia: c-cold...
Kyoka: "If you walk around, it'll feel warmer..."
sylvia: o-o-ok...
Kyoka: *smiles, walks with her along the beach* "They have seashells...We can collect some."
sylvia: o-o-ok.... .///.
Kunikida: *sitting under the umbrella with a book* "Atsushi! Make sure Aya doesn't go out too far! And both of you put on sunscreen!"
atsushi: understood!
aya: *splashing water* hehe! ^^
kenji: *carrying a crab* ^^
Kunikida: "??? What did you find, Kenji?"
kenji: dinner!
Kunikida: ._.;
ranpo: ._.
Crab: Q_Q
Kyoka: "Oh, big wave..."
sylvia: O-O eep! *runs*
Kyoka: *follows*
Kunikida: "!!! Aya!"
aya: !! *runs*
atsushi: *picks her up and runs for it*
*The wave is moving faster and faster--*
atsushi: !!!! *tiger leg jump*
aya: woah!!
*The wave just missing Atsushi--Kyoka and Sylvia got far enough back*
atsushi: >~<
aya: ._.;; *phew*
sylvia: Q~Q *hides behind kyouka*
Kyoka: "It's okay...We're safe and not too wet...What could have caused that?"
ranpo: probably nature.
Kunikida: "After all, tides are controlled by the Moon..."
Kyoka: "..." *glances at Atsushi*
Kunikida: *looks at Atsushi*
atsushi: really?
Kunikida: *nods* "It's gravity."
atsushi: huh. i didnt know that.
Kyoka: "So, that grinning, giggling Moon is what makes the waves change, turns Atsushi into a tiger, and just looks really creepy..."
sylvia: ._.
Akitaru: *giving a tour* "And here's the kitchen--the Captain is an excellent cook--"
Petra: *signing while speaking* "I will need gluten-free meals."
rita: *nod nod*
Akitaru: "I don't think that'll be a problem. Let's see--there's also the baths and the spare bedrooms. How much will you be bringing over?"
Petra: *signing Akitaru for Rita*
rita: <at the very least, a spare set of clothes and some personal items>
Petra: "Rita says 'At the very least, a spare set of clothes and some personal items.' Same for me--as well as my library and Grandmother's clock."
maki: ah.
Akitaru: "We can have Maki drive over to pick them up. Right, Maki?"
maki: sure thing.
Petra: *looks at the garage* "Is that vehicle safe?"
maki: yep, the matchbox is very reliable.
Petra: "It looks like it has limited storage space...and slow. And likely not safe for the environment."
maki: *sweatdrop*
Vulcan: *suddenly behind Petra* "That's where you're wrong!"
maki: woah!
Petra: *death glare*
Vulcan: OwO;;; "Um...I mean, Sister. I made the Matchbox hybrid--good battery! I engineered the, er, engine and worked with Doc developing the battery..."
karin: hello. *waves with her wrench in hand*
Petra: *signing, while staring coldly* "Hello. What exactly are you a doctor of?"
karin: robotics and engines. mechwork mostly.
Petra: "?!" *slight shiver* "Like...clockwork?"
karin: a few times when i was younger.
Petra: "..." *hand clasp* "Show me."
karin: if you'll follow me, i'll show you the mech i built.
Petra: *follows*
Akitaru: .w.;
karin: ta-dah!
Petra: *stares in awe* *speechless* "..."
karin: this baby's powered by my own hands. *releases a few flame bursts from her hands* there's holds in the handles leading to the engine, which powers the mech.
Vulcan: "The Sister is oddly quiet. I think you have a fan, Doc--"
Petra: *still signing--but death glare again* -\\\\\-#
rita: ^^;
tensei: *typing*
Iida: *moving boxes* "Working hard?"
tensei: yeah. just sending instructions to HQ.
Iida: "Office work? Or something more?"
tensei: just office work mostly.
Iida: "..." *nods* "They are good heroes..."
tensei: they are. *smiles* i have high hopes for them.
Iida: "They had a good teacher--someone to give them direction."
tensei: ^^
miura: ...
Motojiro: "Okay, how's that?"
miura: much better. thank you.
ayako: we've now added greek, korean, and esperanto to your language banks.
miura: *in esperanto* <thank you.>
ayako: ^^
Motojiro: <You're welcome! And if you ever want me to add the strobe light, just say so!>
miura: *sweatdrop* right. well, i'll be off now. *exits*........ *walks to mori's room*
*It's quiet...*
miura:.... *knocks* sir? may i come in?
Mori: "...Miura? ...Yes."
miura: *enters and locks the door* how are you feeling?
Mori: "..." *shrugs* "Thinking..."
miura: about anything in particular? *sits in one chair*
Mori: "...I want to see her."
miura: elise?
Mori: *nods* "..."
miura: i'm sure you will someday.
Mori: "...Could I see her now?"
miura: you can try.
Mori: "A hologram..."
miura: ??
Mori: "Do you have a projector in you?"
miura: yes. *adjusts glasses* looking up a recording now.
-she plays a holographic recording of elise, coloring-
elise?: *humming and swinging her legs as she draws*
Mori: *small choke*
elise?: ^u^
Mori: *reaches out a hand*
-it passes through-
Mori: *cries*
miura:.... *pats his back*
Mori: *covers his face*
miura: sir...
Mori: "She's gone...It's all gone..."
Mori: "Is...this punishment...?"
miura: ....*pats his back*
{ougai sr: you musnt forget your duty. to honor the family legacy...}
{Rintarou: Q_Q "S-Sir..."}
{ougai sr: *pats his head and smiles* the next generation must be secured, no matter what.}
Mori: "The next generation..."
Mori: *sobs*
miura: *pats his back*
Mori: *whimpers*
Marlee: *hopping along the road, sniffing around*
liz: smell anything?
Marlee: *starts scratching*
liz: hey inui! i think marlee found something!
Inui: "Marelee has one of the best schnozes out there, so not surprised..." *walks over, rests a hand along the ground* "Hmm..."
Santiago: *grumbles*
liz: so you can use your ground magic to like, check on it or something?
Inui: "Kinda like sonar, only ground..."
Santiago: *eyeroll* "Super useful."
*The ground under Santiago's feet fall through, knocking her down*
Santiago: "UMPH!"
liz: can you sense anything?
Inui: *small smirk* "Just a tremor."
liz: -_-;
Kid: *walking along the path* "..." *looks up*
Cactus with Eyeballs: O_____O *GROANS*
Kid: "?!!!" *blinks*
*The cactus is normal*
Kid: "..." *scratches his arm*
liz: ?? kid? are you ok?
Kid: "...The heat is getting to me...Water?"
liz: *hands him the water bottle*
Kid: "Th-Thanks--" *sips--and coughs it up* "AAAH!"
liz: !!!! kid?! are you alright?!
Kid: "Bl-Blood! It tasted like blood!"
liz: ??? *sniffs it* it smells fine...
*A loud boom is heard--there is now a cannon shooting around the field*
Patty: "HEY! CUT IT OUT!"
liz: ?!?!?
Santiago: *in cannon form, blasting around* "GET BACK HERE, YOU BITCH!"
Inui: *dodging* "Crikey! She's gone nutso!"
liz: grrr.... EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
Kid: "..." *feeling his chin* "This is...No...Not again!" *slams down his foot*
Patty: O_O;
Santiago: O-O; *cannon nozzle droops*
Inui: ._.;;;
Kid: "..." *sighs* "Liz...It's h-happening again..."
liz: ._. um....kid?
Kid: "It's mad--"
liz: WOAH!
liz: ugh...ow....is everyone still alive?
Marlee: *trying to leap--but falls into the hole* "GRRRRRRAH!"
Santiago: "Ugh...What is on top of me?"
liz: kid? patti? inui?
Inui: *head buried in the dirt* "Ow..."
Patty: *clinging to a stalagmite* "...Can we ride it again?!"
*It looks like Kid fell further down...*
liz: oh shi- KID!! hold on! we'll be right there!
-looks to be an old mine tunnel-
Kid: *opens his eye* "Ugh...Ow..." *looks down where he lies...and there's a familiar marking drawn onto the floor* "!!!"
liz: *looks around for a way down*
Inui: "Hmm..." *taps the ground--forming a stairway*
liz: thanks. *heads down* kid? are you ok-... !!!!
Kid: *he's staring in horror at the floor* "No..."
-three red eyes...-
liz: shit....
Santiago: "??? The hell is that?"
liz: the mark of the kishin, and the kishin cult.
Santiago: "?!!"
Inui: "...Jeez."
Patty: *grabs Liz's hand*
liz: it's going to be ok, patti.
Kid: *pulling his knees up to his chest, just staring at the symbol*
liz: *helps kid up*
Kid: "..." *looks into the shadows* "Who is here..."
liz: *glances*
*There seems to be a path forward...*
liz: santiago, can i borrow your lighter?
Santiago: *hands it over*
liz: *lights it* it'll have to do for now. *nods to the others to move forwards*
Kid: *follows*
???: *watching*
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