#i kid you not i cried in the mid of the movie😭
naavispider · 1 year
I love that previous ask!!! 😍😍
first thing that popped into my head was Quaritch putting his jacket around spider as soon as they got into the ship. since quaritch would be like totally evil, what do you think would happen to the metkayina villages? Just an absolute bloodbath where spider can’t do anything but watch. I imagine him running in trying to stop the fight. But Quaritch grabs him before he can do anything. Poor boy 😭😭
(previous ask) - Instead of opening the door to redemption, Quaritch turns even more evil at the realisation that Spider is his son. He believes that he is justified and righteous in his pursuit of Jake Sully, doing it all to build a better life for his child.
Okay so, headcanons! Plz ignore how the tense jumps all OVER the place in this 💀
when Spider is abducted into the ship, Quaritch straight away dumps him on a bench in the cargo hold, but Spider scampers to get away, still half out of it from his fall
"Relax tough guy, I ain't gonna hurt you."
Spider is shivering and cold from the wet mud that still covers his body, so Quaritch pulls his jacket out and offers it to the kid
Spider considers it for a moment, before, "Go screw yourself."
Quaritch is disappointed but when he notices Spider 's face bleeding, he still comes over to remove the mask
Spider hisses but allows it when he realises what's going on
Quaritch demands he's taken straight to the med bay when they return to Bridgehead, dabbing the bleeding with a sleeve of his jacket
This is the perfect opportunity for Quaritch to try and express his honest feelings. He reassures Spider that he's safe and that he's not going to hurt him. He wants to tell him how fiercely he's gonna fight for Spider, but that's too much too soon, so he doesn't
Spider is obstinate throughout this little speech, but Quaritch doesn't let it get to him
the rest of the movie scenes happen pretty much the same as canon. Quaritch is still trying to somewhat hide how passionate he's become about the war. He knows he'll lose Spider if he lets it show too much. So he puts up a good front.
One night around the fire: "What are you gonna do when Jake Sully is dead?" Spider asks mutinously
Quaritch is surprised at the boldness of the question, but glad that Spider seems accepting that the squad will be successful
"Keep fighting this war," Quaritch replies. "It's not gonna end. We'll always need a security force on Pandora."
"So you're just gonna keep killing Na'vi for the rest of your life?" Spider scoffs. "Got it."
Quaritch is a little perturbed by Spider's reaction - when put plainly like that it makes him feel that maybe he'd made some sort of mistake
He shakes it off though, remembering that even if Spider didn't want it, it didn't matter. It was Quaritch's job to provide for him.
When they get to the village raids, Quaritch brings Spider along like in the movie
He gets spider to translate, but when Spider refuses to give the Ta'unui Quaritch's ultimatum, Quaritch simply speaks it into a translation tablet, and the message is understood clearly.
Spider goes beserk, snatching the tablet and throwing it into the ocean before lunging for Wainfleet's rifle (still pointed at the Tsahik)
Wainfleet pushes Spider off easily before Quaritch snatches the kid up. He tosses him to Prager but Spider is still pleading at the Na'vi, since he now knows that debating with the recom squad is pointless.
"If you know where Toruk Makto is, tell them! They'll kill you! They'll kill everyone!"
"We don't know!" cried the Olo'eyktan.
"Please, tell them-" the Tsahik's cries were cut off mid sentence by a close range shot. Her head was now lifeless - an empty skull.
Spider screamed. Quaritch turned his attention to the Olo'eyktan. But he'd ruined his chance at getting information from this clan. The leader was beyond reasoning as his wife lay dead on the sand beside him, murdered in front of the whole clan.
"Where is Toruk Makto?" Quaritch asked in a calm voice.
"Shoot me," the Olo'eyktan replied. It wasn't worth carrying on without her.
Quaritch gestured to Spider to translate. Spider sobbed.
Zdog had recorded the Olo'eyktan's words anyway, and when Spider refused to speak, she played the translation back over the tablet.
Quaritch and the squad are disappointed at the lack of information - it's clear no one in this village knows anything
Quaritch rolls his eyes before shooting the Olo'eyktan as well, granting him his wish.
Spider breaks free of Prager's hold through sheer will power and runs. He's never run faster in his life. He makes it only a short distance before someone from the recom squad grabs him again.
His hands are bound but he keeps screaming at them, until eventually Ja can get something out of the medkit that will put Spider out
Spider wakes up back on the ship, locked in a guest room. Quaritch leaves him there for the rest of the day and into the next one, sending Fike or Ja or Zdog to deliver meals.
Quaritch is in a tough situation because now he's pushed spider too far. Spider hates him. But he knows the duties of a father. It was to protect, not to be liked. So he remains righteous, concealing from Ardmore how their relationship has broken down.
He can't send Spider back to bridgehead in this psychological state because he knows Spider will be tortured again. In Ardmore's eyes the kid is a prisoner of war after all
So he's kept in limbo for a few days while Quaritch figures out what to do with him
eventually he goes in to talk to spider
Spider nearly claws his eyes out when he enters, but Quaritch is prepared for this
Once he's put cuffs back on Spider and Spider is finally sitting without attacking him, he begins trying to explain
"Kid. I know you hate me. But you're stuck with me. I send you back? Your brain will be melted by this time next week."
"Then let me go," Spider suggests
Quaritch sighs sadly. "I can't do that either. That's no life for you, son. I'd rather have you here against your will, but safe, than out there living like an animal. Like it or not I'm your dad. You may not realise it, but everything I've done since getting you back has been for you. It will always be for you."
"You're insane."
"I don't think so."
"Where does this leave us then? Me locked up like a prisoner for the rest of my life?"
"That's up to you. It don't have to be this way, kid. You're mad right now, but if you can learn to get over that, then I can give you so much."
Eventually, Quaritch talks Spider round to seeing that he really doesn't have much of a choice. If he's gonna act like a prisoner, he'll be treated like one. If he can be cool, then life could improve.
Quaritch finally lets Spider out of the room. He doesn't let Spider out onto deck at first, keeping him well within the confines of the airlocks. ("So you can throw yourself overboard? I don't think so!")
But finally he relents after a few days of monitoring Spider's mood and the boy spends most of his time roaming around the outside of the ship, alone
a few weeks pass and we get to the battle of the three brothers rocks.
when Quaritch sees Sully's kids in the water, he makes sure spider is properly detained downstairs in the belly of the ship
Spider isn't able to crash the sea dragon but Lo'ak and Neteyam are still able to come back for him
they finally find spider and manage to escape, no one gets shot! they race back to reunite with their parents. But wait! Quaritch has Kiri and Tuk tied up on the middle deck!
This time, when Quaritch contacts Jake over the communicator, it goes a little differently
"Can you hear me Corporal? I think you can. I have your girls. I need one simple thing from you in order for you to get them back. Bring me Spider. The two of you, alone. I get the kid, you get your girls. Nice and simple."
Jake looks at spider, who's busy celebrating his escape with Lo'ak and Neteyam. Spider catches him staring
The family turns, realises something is wrong. Jake has to make a decision. "Quaritch has Kiri and Tuk," he whispers.
Neytiri gasps, clasping Jake's arm for support. "We ride!" She cries. "Call your tsurak".
Jake pulls her away from the kids. He tells her in a hushed voice what Quaritch has demanded. He doesn't mention the part where he's sure he'll be made to surrender first as well.
Neytiri considers it as best she can in her panicked state. She nods, silently confirming what they know they must do.
Jake gets Spider to show him the way to the middle deck, hating himself for tricking the boy. He doesn't tell Spider to hang back. He brings him with him all the way to meet the snarling Quaritch, knife to Kiri's throat.
"Don't move! Not a step!" Quaritch throws a pair of orange cuffs over to them. "Spider, come behind me and cuff yourself to the rail."
Spider is dumfounded. He can't think.
"Do it! Now!" Quaritch presses the knife closer to Kiri's throat.
Jake reaches forward and picks up the cuffs, holding them out to Spider with a pleading expression on his sorrow filled face.
Obviously Spider takes them - Quaritch is about to kill Kiri. He would do it. Spider knows he would. He's seen the thirst for blood that runs in his father's genes.
"Come here, Spider."
"Please," Spider tries.
"Spider, don't!" Kiri yells, but winces when the knife presses closer.
"Fine! I'll come! Just don't hurt her, please!"
Spider edges his way closer, and when he's all the way behind Quaritch, he pauses before incapacitating himself.
"Do it!" Quaritch shouts.
Of course, Spider does.
Jake speaks. "Let her go now, Quaritch. She's done nothing to you."
Quaritch was shaking his head. "You didn't really think it would be that easy did you? Now it's your turn." He threw another set of cuffs at Jake.
"No!" Kiri and Spider yelled in unison. "Don't do it dad!" Kiri wailed. "Just kill him!"
"You son of a..." Jake starts, but is silenced by another sharp press of the knife to Kiri's throat.
At that moment, the noise of ululating signals the arrival of a troop of Metkayina warriors, regrouped from the main attack, accompanied by Neytiri in the sky. An arrow soars through the space next to Quaritch's head, and the man panics, making the decision to ditch his insurance and make a break for it with Spider.
The recom squad emerge in perfect timing and a second battle begins. It looks like the Metkayina are winning, and Neteyam arrives to once more rescue Spider, cutting his binds to the rail. Spider and Neteyam regroup with Kiri, who is huddled under a fallen piece of scaffolding. Neteyam pulls them away from the battle and into the water, where Lo'ak is waiting on an ilu
They speed away, leaving their parents in the midst of battle but thankful enough for now, that they all made it out alive.
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iamchriswife · 2 months
Tumblr media
thanks for tagging me @sturniolossss + @newsourceofnonsense
are you named after anyone?
no im not ☹️☹️
when was the last time you cried?
yesterday around mid day 🤭
do you have kids?
no i wish im too young 😫😭
whats sports do you play/have played
gymnastics when i was younger and i do netball sometimes now
do you use sarcasm?
yes a lil too much
what is the first thing you notice about people?
if they’re a weirdo or not idk why i can just tell
what is your eye colour?
brown, my nana says its like chocolate brown 😭
scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies, happy endings annoy me like let everyone suffer pls
any talents?
i can kinda draw 🤟 i’m trying to learn how to juggle
where were you born?
ENGLAND 🇬🇧🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☕️☕️☕️ (save me)
what are your hobbies?
tumblr, drawing, listening to music, sending my bff 100000 tiktoks, crying cus i don’t have matt sturniolo, trying to decide if im a chris or matt girl, shifting ✨✨
do you have any pets?
yes 2cats and a dog!! i want a chowchow tho :((
how tall are you?
think im about 5’5 or 5’6 :(( i wanna be tiny bro
favourite subject at school?
assembly cus everything else sucks
dream job?
actress or rapper or youtuber
no pressure to do!!
@christopherstrniolo @pettydollie @sturniolopepsi @liz-stxrn @chrissturniolosbaby-mama @mattssluttywaist
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15 questions | 15 people
Thank you for the tags @theearlgreymage @johnwgrey @ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @yellobb @artsyunderstudy
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not technically. My mom’s friend was named Jessica and I think she just liked the name. She swears that, besides the actress Jessica Tandy and her friend, she didn’t know any other Jessicas in the mid 1980s. Yet Jessica was in the top 5 female names from 1977-1997. You tell me if you believe her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Several times this week, thanks to @moodandmist and @cutestkilla’s beautiful song “I Remember Love” which makes me cry every time I listen to it 😭😭😭
3. Do you have kids?
2 boys, who are 7 and 4 years old.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
When the mood calls for it.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes/smile or something that tells me how they are feeling.
6. Whats your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy ending?
I like watching things with a compelling story. If it’s got that, then either is fine.
8. Any special talents?
I can do accents sometimes. Not quite good enough for fic readings, unless I had rehearsed before hand, and who has the time for that? I wish I did though!
9. Where were you born?
California, and I’ve never left :)
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, playing table top games, going for walks/hikes. Sometimes I garden but mostly I plant things and forget about them until the next time I notice my yard is out of hand and it takes me several weekends to get it back under control. Lol
11. Do you have any pets?
Not currently. I grew up with pets (dogs, cat, fish, mice) and had my own dog as an adult who died recently. I’ve since become allergic to furry friends and also young kids are enough work. If I come to your house, I’ll pop an allergy pill and love on your buddies :)
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played sports as a kid but none lasted into my teen years. In college my friends and I played weekly games of Wallyball (volleyball in a racket ball court) and I was quite good at that!
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject at school?
Theater, history, math.
15. Dream job?
I would love to own a bookstore/cafe. My husband would love to own a record store/music venue. We are not risk taking/entrepreneur types so it’ll never happen, but it’s fun to dream!
Tagging @fatalfangirl @moodandmist @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @aristocratic-otter @ileadacharmedlife @skeedelvee @onepintobean @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @captain-aralias @palimpsessed @prettylightsbigcity @foolofabookwyrm-activated @angelsfalling16 @whogaveyoupermission
Apologies if I tagged you and you’ve already done this
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undrthelights · 11 months
15 questions & 15 mutuals
thank you for the tag @cannolighost 😙 <3
Were you named after anyone?
not that i know of, i think my parents just chose my name (my full name) because of the meaning
When was the last time you cried?
probably last week tbh
Do you have kids?
no and i don’t want any
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
yes…. so much irl that most times i have to clarify when i’m not being sarcastic
What's the first thing you notice about people?
probably the way they interact with others, i use that to kinda gauge if i want to associate with someone (that sounds weird i’m just protective of myself😭)
What's your eye color?
dark brown :)
Scary movies or happy endings?
i like both!! is that possible???
Any special talents?
i’ve been told by friends and coworkers that i’m very good at doing different accents 😎
Where were you born?
eastern pennsylvania (yes i have to specify eastern because people will think i’m from the mid west but i’m from the east coast gdi!!!!)
What are your hobbies?
reading, thrift shopping (does that count lol), ummm trying new coffee places?? idk i’m pretty boring
Have any pets?
i have 2 cats
What sports do you play/have you played?
not sure if this counts but i used to be a dancer, i’m not a competitive person so i never got into sports
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
i always liked science and history, i also took ceramics classes throughout highschool and I miss that so much :/
Dream job?
i don’t know if I have one, i honestly don’t really want to work so…. i went to school for interior design so i guess that was my dream job but college kinda crushed me so… now I just want a job where i’m not part of a miserable capitalist cycle ! 🙃 ANYWAY
np tagging: @pedrospartner @shatteredbaby @pascalxjoel @isitmeulookin4 @mandobi @javiscigarette @scrambledslut @canseethebrushstrokes @latenitewolves @pr0ximamidnight @dinsdjrn @swiftispunk @joelsversion @tieronecrush @northernwindd <333 (i know almost everyone was tagged already so pls forgive me 😭)
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