#i kin jeremy so this was hurtful to write
chemmycherry · 2 years
Meant to be yours // Blueycapsules Jeremike (angst)
Inspired by Meant To Be Yours from The Heathers musical
TW//major character death
Jeremy was running from the boy whom he once thoughts was shy and lovely. That smile on his face did not resemble love but rather obsessiveness. He didn't know when this started but it was certainly recent. In the past week, Fritz kept him closer than before, dragging him everywhere and keeping him on a close look. This made Jeremy uncomfortable as he couldn't focus on his work nor hang out with Joan without Fritz being at a 5-meter distance and staring at him. He didn't know what snapped in him but it was taking a toll on him.
Jeremy told him on that day he wanted some space from Fritz because he has been acting weird. Rather than the sweet reaction he always got from him, Fritz's expression turned dark.
"If I am not with you, you will die. I don't want you to die, Jeremy," Fritz's mouth turned into a small grin. "I can't let you die like the others around me, I've lost too many people. You are too special to me, you are my everything."
"You are starting to scare me, Fritz," Jeremy was walking backward slowly as his boyfriend was taking slow steps towards him with his arms open.
Jeremy was shaking at this point, he was terrified. They were alone at the pizzeria as Phil left them in charge of closing and Joan was nowhere near to starting her shift yet. Jeremy felt hopeless.
"Jeremy, my dear, I just want to protect you. You will be with me all the time, so nothing can hurt you," Jeremy reached the part of the room he wanted the least. His back touched the wall and he felt cornered at that second. He was looking around. scanning the area, thinking of a way to escape. His boyfriend was turning into a psychopath and he was having none of it.
Soon enough Fritz was in front of him, his two hands resting on the wall and keeping Jeremy between his arms.
Mike felt this huge wave of protectiveness and obsessiveness over Jeremy. He felt ownership over him as if he was only his and nobody can ever touch him, otherwise, he would meet the same fate as Elizabeth. He felt like Jeremy was in constant danger because of the animatronics and the pizzeria itself.
"It's okay darling, I am here to be with you, forever."
With that motion, Mike pressed his lips against Jeremy's but it wasn't passionate. It was forceful and Jeremy didn't feel the love in it. Before this, all the kisses they had was cute and lovely, full of joy but this was nothing but aggressive. Jeremy was slapping and punching Mike's chest lightly, showing him how much he didn't want this.
"Let me go you animal!" Jeremy yelled as he finally broke free and pushed the brown-haired boy away from him. Mike was taken aback as he lost his balance a little. He looked back at Jeremy in disbelief and Jeremy took that as a sign and opportunity to run away from him.
"How DARE you Jeremy? Pushing the only person away who can protect you?! COME BACK HERE!"
Jeremy turned around and ran as fast as he could through the hallway. Turning left and right but it felt like Fritz was still just beside him, meanwhile, Mike was just walking and listening to where Jeremy was going. He had a plan in case things would go wrong and he knew Jeremy wouldn't be able to leave the place so easily. Mike had the keys to the front and back door. If only Jeremy knew about this.
For Jeremy, it felt like an eternity running around the place, pushing tables and chairs when he could. He then reached the staff room which he entered and quickly locked himself in.
"Jeremy...baby...love," Mike called for his lover who was scared for his life behind the locked doors. Fritz's voice was trying to sound nice and charming at first but then after he realized he lost track of Jeremy, he was fuming. "Jeremy dear, if you want to be safe and protected, you have to come out and be by my side, forever!"
Jeremy was shaking with fear in the dark room. He didn't dare to switch on the lights, fearing they could be seen from the outside. He covered his mouth with his hand, muffling his cries as his tears left his eyes.
Jeremy really had to silence his cries as he heard footsteps going by the door. He saw the shadows underneath and held onto his dear life Fritz wouldn't bang on the door. Jeremy was pushing his weight onto the door, in case Fritz would decide to break in. The tension in the air was strong, he was praying no creaks or sound behind the door would be heard or he wouldn't see the end of it. His body didn't even twitch.
"Jeremyyyyy," sang Fritz in a cute way, or at least he tried to, calling for his boyfriend. When the footsteps and noise got quieter, Jeremy took the chance and ran for it. He opened the door as quietly as he could, looked around then bashed it open and ran for the emergency exit. If only it was that easy.
As Jeremy was running towards the exit, he took a glimpse behind his back and smiled in relief as he didn't see Fritz nowhere near behind him. Then as he turned his head around, he bumped into a male figure. There was only one option who it could be, as only two of them were in the building.
Jeremy fell to the ground from the collision but the person stayed on their feet.
"Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy..." spoke Fritz as he looked down on his lover. "Why are you trying to get away from me? I'm only here to protect you."
"N-no! You want to make me yours as if I was an object! I have a life and you want to take everything joyful out of it!" Jeremy looked at Fritz with an upset expression. Yet this only made Mike have an evil grin on his face. Just like his father used to smile before he ended the lives of his victims.
"Oh my dear," Fritz squatted down to Jeremy's eye level. "Why are you playing so hard to get? Just grab my hand and we can be together, forever."
Mike held his hand out for Jeremy, but the blonde boy wasn't stupid enough to fall for his trick.
"Fuck that!" Jeremy slapped Fritz's hand away. "I'm not doing that! You have changed! This isn't the Fritz I fell in love with! He was nice and sweet, but you are scaring me! I don't want to be with you if you keep me away from everything," Jeremy felt the tears forming in his eyes. Fritz was taken aback as he thought he would have Jeremy wrapped around his fingers by now. Mike also felt tears forming in his eyes but this only made his grin grow wider. He could only chuckle at him.
"It's because Fritz isn't here anymore Jeremy," the blonde boy looked at his partner with confusing eyes.
"But Michael is."
Jeremy couldn't make out what he tried to say with this, but he knew one thing for sure.
The boy he liked and kissed with love was no longer in front of him. It was someone else, completely different. The more he looked at him, the more he resembled Dave a little. That terrified him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jeremy crawled back a little, trying to escape.
"I'm in love ,Jeremy, I'm in love with you Jeremy~" Michael gave Jeremy a smile that was rather creepy than lovely. "And I will do everything not lose you."
"You have just lost me with what you are doing. I can't do this if you are obsessive with me. This isn't you!" Jeremy was now crying. "I loved you Fritz, I really did but something changed in you. A-and that scares me. I don't like the new Fritz, so please."
"Leave me alone."
Jeremy stood up and ran to the security room. Mike stared at the ground after what Jeremy said. He thought about it and didn't know what to do. It felt like his consciousness came back. Something really did snap in him as he felt like Jeremy was in constant danger. Was he the danger? Was he going crazy? Was he taking after his father? He looked at his hands and they were shaking. Why were they shaking?
The sound of Jeremy's footsteps faded away slowly and it reminded him of when he let Liz run away from him after their argument. Then her death. The guilt started to build inside him and slowly eat him up.
"Jeremy is going to die. He is running to his death." was all Mike could hear in his head. He knew he had to go after him. He had to correct what he as done and said. Jeremy was right. Something changed and he didn't know what it was either, but it scared him. He knew he fucked up and wished he could turn back time but oh how many times Michael had wished that. But he still had a chance to fix this.
Mike stood up and took after Jeremy. He could hear his loud sniffles and followed the sounds. He saw his shadow take a turn to the security office. When Mike took the last corner he saw Jeremy sobbing, leaning next to the desk. Mike walked slowly to him, trying not to disturb him more than he did.
"Jeremy..." Mike spoke after he reached the open entrance.
Jeremy looked up and Mike saw his red, cried-out eyes. He was hugging his knees close to him.
"I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" Jeremy yelled. "Stop fucking following me!"
"But Jeremy-"
"No! I'm done!" Jeremy stood up and faced Michael. "I'm done with your crazy shit! You are obsessive and-and you need help! I don't know what has gotten into you but I don't like it!"
As Jeremy was shouting Mike heard a static noise in the background which Jeremy didn't seem to take notice of. This made Mike stressed, he had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen. He had felt like this before.
"No! Shut up! I have had enough! If this isn't the Fritz I know and love talking then I don't want to hear it!"
More static noise came from the ceiling. As if it was moving around. The gut feeling grew bigger in Mike and he wanted to walk toward Jeremy but something didn't let him. He tried to take slow steps but that only made the other boy take a step backward.
"Jeremy, listen-"
"No! I won't fucking listen! You listen! Until you change back I don't want to talk to you!"
Michael looked up at the ceiling and saw where the static noise came from.
"Jeremy, you hav-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY FRITZ!" Mike took a step back because of the yelling.
Mangle was moving like a snake and Jeremy didn't feel their presence. He continued yelling and crying. His bottled-up emotions were let out in the worst way possible.
Jeremy wanted to hug and punch Fritz at the same time. He loved him but his behavior just set something off in him. He missed the shy Fritz he had a crush on. He missed his hugs and small kisses, the jokes they had together and the walks they went on when they didn't have work. The way he held his hand and the look Fritz had when Jeremy was talking about something. Those shiny dots in his eyes were now gone and Jeremy didn't know what has happened.
He missed Fritz.
He couldn't do much more than cry his heart out as he put his head into his palm. He screamed and cried. He was broken and he needed Fritz.
Mike sensed the pain in his voice and he wanted to hug his partner so badly. He wanted to comfort him and tell him how much he loves him but it didn't seem like that could work.
"Jeremy-" Mike took a step forward.
"JUST FUCK OFF! I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME!" Jeremy looked up at Fritz.
The static noise stopped which made Mike even more worried. Did Mangle leave just like that? She has been very aggressive in the past weeks and this wasn't like him.
"Jeremy, listen-"
Silence filled the room.
"I'm sorry, but if you are going to keep being like this, I don't want you near me."
"Jeremy, ple-"
Then what Michael feared the most has become true. Jeremy's last unfinished words echoed through the room and his mind as blood splattered everywhere.
Mangle bit into Jeremy's head.
She took his frontal lobe out as they detached themselves from the body. Jeremy stood there, motionless, then his body fell onto the ground.
Mike couldn't move a muscle. His boyfriend was dead. His boyfriend was lying in the puddle of his own blood, lifelessly.
"J-Jeremy?" Mike spoke. His voice was shaking as he didn't want to believe his eyes. "Jeremy?!"
No answer.
The blood was trailing down on the checked pattern floor, reflecting the dark ceiling. The smell of blood and iron filled the room, but that failed to make Mike sick or nauseous at all. He was frozen in place when the realization finally hit him.
He finally ran to him and kneeled down to him. He turned his body towards him and was terrified of what he saw.
Almost half of his head was gone. Jeremy's right eye, skin, and skull were bitten out, and blood gushing out of the hole. Jeremy's last breath left his mouth long ago, all Michael could feel was his body's temperature getting lower and colder. Michael reflected on his actions.
His boyfriend was gone.
All because of him.
All because he wanted to protect him.
All because he was an Afton.
All because he took after William.
All because he loved him too much.
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tangled-cl0wn-core · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
 HI!! since you asked before sending it, I knew this was coming but my First Cool Guy Tumblr Ask is so neat,, anyway!!
This is my only IT-specific account, but I post almost everything I draw on my instagram, https://www.instagram.com/fabricsofteners/ (I don't know how people make links cool on tumblr aaa) I also have an AO3, https://archiveofourown.org/users/tangledheadphonecord , where I might post this one really long fic I’m working on (maybe not, as it’s super lame but God am I putting in work)? But mostly it’s just really old stuff atm, and no IT content right now - just some random drabbles from past hyperfixations tbh.
I used to be ‘fabricsofteners’ everywhere besides here - tangledheadphonecord is a username I used for my tumblr because I want a change from the fabricsofteners brand, as I've had it for quite a few years and have just grown kind of bored - just waiting a bit to change my instagram user. I also used to be ‘unbrandedmarkers’ like, three years ago on instagram? but, that era ended fast. I think I might have an old Tumblr under some variation of ‘fabric softener’ but honestly even if anything is up on it I’d probably be embarassed to look at it now.
I watched IT for the first time in 2019, I believe, but wasn’t really in the fandom until actually like, April of this year. I entered the fandom and developed a hyperfixation (sobs) by complete mistake - I read all the fics for michael mell/rich goranski on ao3, and was on a camping trip and wanted to read some Homosexual Fanfiction and literally remembered IT on a whim (rich-to-richie association) and read a bunch of Reddie fics, and it was all down (up?) hill from there.
Unshockingly, I’m sure, Reddie is my number one favourite IT ship. I’m also an enjoyer of Benverly, as well as Stanley/Patty - IT is like, the only fandom where I actually like the canon ships. I do also think Streddie/Stozier is really cute and Bill/Mike (unsure of the shipname?) is nice when I see it!! I think Reddis is cute because I am a total sucker for best-friends-to-lovers, as well asthe  ‘I tease everyone but mostly you’ and the ‘I’m so tired of you bullying me but if you ever stop I’ll cry’ and... just, the entire dynamic that they have. Stanley/Patty - there is no reasoning, I just want Stanley to be happy. Benverly - the way they were each other’s first Meaningful Interactions in so like?? agony, they’re so cute. They both deserve to be happy, and I’m so happy they find that happiness in each other. 
As for characters - Richie is absolutely my favourite. I (unfortunately /hj) kin and relate to him on so many levels it hurts. Having a character that feels that fear of their sexuality because of a horrible environment is painfully real. covering up struggles with humour and all that?? yeah, mood (also, crushing on your best friend-). What he means to me, in a sense, isn’t really canon - I read strictly fix-it fics, because I want to feel that hope that like fanon Richie, I don’t have to hide forever. I can be myself and be happy. Obviously I can’t much look to the movies or anything for that but hey - what’re Andy or Stephen gonna do, tell me to stop reading fics? 
I also really like Stanley!! I don’t,, have a reason. I just think he’s adorable and I love his dynamic with the other Losers a lot. Stanley breathed like, once, and instantly became a comfort character and not even I know why at this point, he just is. Eddie & Bev are up there, too - honestly, Bill is the only Loser I don’t have a strong attachment too. And honestly, he’s growing on me rapidly.
I mostly draw whatever my goblin hyperfixated brain can think of, as well as rebloging just about every post that I see and like (art, jokes, edits, fics, etc.) - I start and stop a lot of fics, maybe one day I’ll finish one but as of yet I have not... Sigh.
I honestly don’t think I do have anyone to tag for inspiration? I follow IT blogs but none I would go to for inspiration (no offense to any mutuals-) inspiration for me is mostly just seeing a pose and going ‘okay’ and suddenly I have a drawing - I have no clue what happens in between.
So, my current all-time favourite IT fic atm is https://archiveofourown.org/works/18213215/chapters/43087232, though I will say it’s a really heavy fic and to read with caution. Going away from Angst, any ‘famous Reddie’ AUs are amazing, but I constantly reread the entire https://archiveofourown.org/series/1560019 series. It’s cute and funny and I THRIVE for domestic Reddie content. 
Actually not Reddie, I throughly enjoyed https://archiveofourown.org/works/23201011 for giving me the Mike content the movies have robbed me of for too long, as well as https://archiveofourown.org/works/25262698 which is pure stanlon greatness and made my heart flutter for the boys more than once.
I don’t really have any IT fics up of my own creation, and honestly my reception in way of Tumblr notes is far better than I expected so honestly, I have none to link lol. As long as I get minimun interaction I will thrive.
I wish I could say I’ve been in anything like a zine or anything, but I have not! I’m relatively new to the fandom (and having a social media dedicated to one thing) so I wouldn’t even know where to begin to join or be qualified for one, y’know? I’ve done art weeks in the past and found them incredibly fun but haven’t seen any for IT - but if anyone does happen to know of any... Feel free to send them my way-
As for the last question - other than like, hyping up Chosen and Jeremy just as much as we do the other IT kids (which, honestly I’m not even sure if is still a problem - I’ve just seen posts about it and it’s made me wary), I’m not sure? I’ve honestly not encountered anything in the fandom I find awful and honestly, for a fandom about a movie that is... Well, IT, I’ve really just kind of enjoyed my time in the fandom thus far?
(I will say we need 200% more attention being drawn to 1990s adult Eddie Kaspbrak, who is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen - but I also feel that way about James Ransone, so I’m not mad.)
(Also, we should be calling out the 1990s IT more, I watched it recently and it’s so bad /lh)
Anyway!! I feel like this answer was incredibly long and I am so sorry!! But like, thank you so much for asking me anything at all fihabsfhbafb I thrive at any chance to talk about the dumb clown movie. (Also, i’m sorry I say ‘honestly’ so much-)
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ohffsanotheroc · 4 years
Angelina Snape Fun Facts
Just combining things I’ve posted into a note about Ange
Angelina is a Slytherpuff, because of her intense loyalty to her family and the cunning and ambition to go very far in life.
Angelina left her family for about 6 months. This is because she was gang raped by 3 men when she was out clubbing at Paddles in New York City. //It is an actual BDSM Club in New York City// They did not respect that she told them no originally nor did they respect her safeword. Their actions caused her to lose control of her abilities with Phobias and Emotional Fears, because she lost control of her abilities she ended up killing her 3 attackers as well as the whole city block which included everyone at the 7-Eleven, Swedish Institute College, TD Bank, and Bean & Bean Coffee to name a few places. She never wanted to kill someone no matter that she likes hurting people and breaking people to make them better people it just wasn't in her nature to become a killer. So to ease the pain of being raped, and committing murder she left her Mother and siblings without a note or something to let them know that she was alright because she could not figure out how to write anything that would not make her mother worry even more than she would with Angelina leaving. So she fled to her father and let him believe that she told her Mother where she was going.
Head Canon for her Awakening Powers:
Angelina has a few pieces of jewelry she will always wear.
Angelina will NOT fight in any senseless battles even in the name of her Mother or her family. She will do one of two things a) get the facts before she makes a stance or b) just watch it play out. The only time she will get into a fight without even trying to get facts or anything is if it's her brother Alexander or sister Amelia who's in trouble. Honestly they are apart of her weakness because she loves them so much but they’re also one of her greatest strengths because as triplets they have that bond to fall into and they love each other so much.
Angelina's the party girl out of her two siblings. She's the one you'll find out twerking in the club getting a little drunk and always looking like a slut. She's the one you can always call for a good time but at the same time she's the one who will be the first to punch someone out if they come at one of her siblings. Her other halves are her life, Alexander and Amelia, those are the ones that if you fuck with first she's the one to end your life. She's a wild party girl but at the same time fiercely loyal to her two siblings. She's an angry goddess. She's her father's daughter she brings fear to everyone. She's the Goddess of Phobias and Emotional Fear, not how your afraid of your emotions but she can cause that as well as making your emotions overrun you; and a minor Goddess of Spring Growth, her abilities from both parents gain power from the strength of her own emotions as well as Alexander and Amelia’s emotions.
Angelina’s full name is Angelina Jasmine Feather Rivers-Snape.
She’s 5 ft 6 and normally wears flats or 2-3 inch heels.
Age- Mentally 18-20, Physically 22, Actually been around since Ancient Rome
Her birthday is May 20, the same as Alexander Jeremy Feather and Amelia Jaylyn Feather
BFF’s Ray Baker and Alexander Jeremy Feather
She’s never been in love, but she has been in lust a lot.
Her longest relationship is 1 month.
Her hair color is blonde and her eyes are Blue/Grey
She’s never been addicted to substances or alcohol but she has been addicted to the power of being able to attract people like they’re flies and always able to have someone no matter what.
Pets: 2 Pomeranian puppies named Toy and Ciel
When Angelina was born she was a very happy child but with her happiness came great responsibility. As she was a triplet with Alexander and Amelia as a baby and that they were with their Mother all the time the small amounts of powers that they received from her were nurtured more and as such they were able to develop that enough as they grew older to be able to use it as an emergency source of energy. The triplets main abilities did not show themselves until they were 10 and had a tantrum about Mothers hesitation on getting them the specific dog they wanted, a great dane doberman mix, Maia had come home with a small puppy that would grow into a pittbull. The tantrum that the triplets threw accidentally killed the dog with the combined power of them holding hands and their main abilities coming in from their father Phobos the God of Fear. After that incident no more talk of getting a dog ever happened and the triplets went in to training to be able to learn how to control their abilities. As Angelina grew her powers developed into that of an Empath that if she doesn't block out everyone then she can feel their emotions, what they're afraid of with emotions, cause emotions, curse people to only feel certain emotions, if it had to do with emotion Angelina was able to manipulate it into happening. She also developed how to feel everyone's phobias, what they are deathly afraid of and how to use her abilities to do just that. Cause someone to die from being afraid. By the time she was 20 she was fully in control of her powers and released into the world so mentally she was still in the 'I'm powerful enough to do anything I want to do and partied as much as she was able to to get that human connection that she had missed during her 10 years of training.
1) a dog tag necklace that reads “I may be a twin but I am one of a kind. Love Alex” Alexander’s matching one reads “Although separate, we beat as one.- Love Angie”
2) a deathly hallows bracelet that is linked to Alexander’s and Amelia’s and heats up the opposites bracelet when one of them is feeling high emotions
3) a necklace in the shape of a bow, which transforms into her compound bow with a matching bracelet that is arrows on it that transforms into her quiver of arrows
4) a heart shaped pendant that hangs at the base of her neck enchanted to let her know when any of her blood kin is in danger; this means her family from Maia and Phobos no matter if they are younger or older than she is is she is blood related to them it lets her know. Aunt Dakra, daughter of Ares, Aunt Lakira, daughter of Ares and Hecate, and Alexander tend to get into the most danger.
Food: Italian
Song: Now You Know by Icon for Hire
Animal: White Tiger
Subject: History
Sport: Martial Arts
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