#the bite happened i can finally publish it
chemmycherry · 2 years
Meant to be yours // Blueycapsules Jeremike (angst)
Inspired by Meant To Be Yours from The Heathers musical
TW//major character death
Jeremy was running from the boy whom he once thoughts was shy and lovely. That smile on his face did not resemble love but rather obsessiveness. He didn't know when this started but it was certainly recent. In the past week, Fritz kept him closer than before, dragging him everywhere and keeping him on a close look. This made Jeremy uncomfortable as he couldn't focus on his work nor hang out with Joan without Fritz being at a 5-meter distance and staring at him. He didn't know what snapped in him but it was taking a toll on him.
Jeremy told him on that day he wanted some space from Fritz because he has been acting weird. Rather than the sweet reaction he always got from him, Fritz's expression turned dark.
"If I am not with you, you will die. I don't want you to die, Jeremy," Fritz's mouth turned into a small grin. "I can't let you die like the others around me, I've lost too many people. You are too special to me, you are my everything."
"You are starting to scare me, Fritz," Jeremy was walking backward slowly as his boyfriend was taking slow steps towards him with his arms open.
Jeremy was shaking at this point, he was terrified. They were alone at the pizzeria as Phil left them in charge of closing and Joan was nowhere near to starting her shift yet. Jeremy felt hopeless.
"Jeremy, my dear, I just want to protect you. You will be with me all the time, so nothing can hurt you," Jeremy reached the part of the room he wanted the least. His back touched the wall and he felt cornered at that second. He was looking around. scanning the area, thinking of a way to escape. His boyfriend was turning into a psychopath and he was having none of it.
Soon enough Fritz was in front of him, his two hands resting on the wall and keeping Jeremy between his arms.
Mike felt this huge wave of protectiveness and obsessiveness over Jeremy. He felt ownership over him as if he was only his and nobody can ever touch him, otherwise, he would meet the same fate as Elizabeth. He felt like Jeremy was in constant danger because of the animatronics and the pizzeria itself.
"It's okay darling, I am here to be with you, forever."
With that motion, Mike pressed his lips against Jeremy's but it wasn't passionate. It was forceful and Jeremy didn't feel the love in it. Before this, all the kisses they had was cute and lovely, full of joy but this was nothing but aggressive. Jeremy was slapping and punching Mike's chest lightly, showing him how much he didn't want this.
"Let me go you animal!" Jeremy yelled as he finally broke free and pushed the brown-haired boy away from him. Mike was taken aback as he lost his balance a little. He looked back at Jeremy in disbelief and Jeremy took that as a sign and opportunity to run away from him.
"How DARE you Jeremy? Pushing the only person away who can protect you?! COME BACK HERE!"
Jeremy turned around and ran as fast as he could through the hallway. Turning left and right but it felt like Fritz was still just beside him, meanwhile, Mike was just walking and listening to where Jeremy was going. He had a plan in case things would go wrong and he knew Jeremy wouldn't be able to leave the place so easily. Mike had the keys to the front and back door. If only Jeremy knew about this.
For Jeremy, it felt like an eternity running around the place, pushing tables and chairs when he could. He then reached the staff room which he entered and quickly locked himself in.
"Jeremy...baby...love," Mike called for his lover who was scared for his life behind the locked doors. Fritz's voice was trying to sound nice and charming at first but then after he realized he lost track of Jeremy, he was fuming. "Jeremy dear, if you want to be safe and protected, you have to come out and be by my side, forever!"
Jeremy was shaking with fear in the dark room. He didn't dare to switch on the lights, fearing they could be seen from the outside. He covered his mouth with his hand, muffling his cries as his tears left his eyes.
Jeremy really had to silence his cries as he heard footsteps going by the door. He saw the shadows underneath and held onto his dear life Fritz wouldn't bang on the door. Jeremy was pushing his weight onto the door, in case Fritz would decide to break in. The tension in the air was strong, he was praying no creaks or sound behind the door would be heard or he wouldn't see the end of it. His body didn't even twitch.
"Jeremyyyyy," sang Fritz in a cute way, or at least he tried to, calling for his boyfriend. When the footsteps and noise got quieter, Jeremy took the chance and ran for it. He opened the door as quietly as he could, looked around then bashed it open and ran for the emergency exit. If only it was that easy.
As Jeremy was running towards the exit, he took a glimpse behind his back and smiled in relief as he didn't see Fritz nowhere near behind him. Then as he turned his head around, he bumped into a male figure. There was only one option who it could be, as only two of them were in the building.
Jeremy fell to the ground from the collision but the person stayed on their feet.
"Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy..." spoke Fritz as he looked down on his lover. "Why are you trying to get away from me? I'm only here to protect you."
"N-no! You want to make me yours as if I was an object! I have a life and you want to take everything joyful out of it!" Jeremy looked at Fritz with an upset expression. Yet this only made Mike have an evil grin on his face. Just like his father used to smile before he ended the lives of his victims.
"Oh my dear," Fritz squatted down to Jeremy's eye level. "Why are you playing so hard to get? Just grab my hand and we can be together, forever."
Mike held his hand out for Jeremy, but the blonde boy wasn't stupid enough to fall for his trick.
"Fuck that!" Jeremy slapped Fritz's hand away. "I'm not doing that! You have changed! This isn't the Fritz I fell in love with! He was nice and sweet, but you are scaring me! I don't want to be with you if you keep me away from everything," Jeremy felt the tears forming in his eyes. Fritz was taken aback as he thought he would have Jeremy wrapped around his fingers by now. Mike also felt tears forming in his eyes but this only made his grin grow wider. He could only chuckle at him.
"It's because Fritz isn't here anymore Jeremy," the blonde boy looked at his partner with confusing eyes.
"But Michael is."
Jeremy couldn't make out what he tried to say with this, but he knew one thing for sure.
The boy he liked and kissed with love was no longer in front of him. It was someone else, completely different. The more he looked at him, the more he resembled Dave a little. That terrified him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jeremy crawled back a little, trying to escape.
"I'm in love ,Jeremy, I'm in love with you Jeremy~" Michael gave Jeremy a smile that was rather creepy than lovely. "And I will do everything not lose you."
"You have just lost me with what you are doing. I can't do this if you are obsessive with me. This isn't you!" Jeremy was now crying. "I loved you Fritz, I really did but something changed in you. A-and that scares me. I don't like the new Fritz, so please."
"Leave me alone."
Jeremy stood up and ran to the security room. Mike stared at the ground after what Jeremy said. He thought about it and didn't know what to do. It felt like his consciousness came back. Something really did snap in him as he felt like Jeremy was in constant danger. Was he the danger? Was he going crazy? Was he taking after his father? He looked at his hands and they were shaking. Why were they shaking?
The sound of Jeremy's footsteps faded away slowly and it reminded him of when he let Liz run away from him after their argument. Then her death. The guilt started to build inside him and slowly eat him up.
"Jeremy is going to die. He is running to his death." was all Mike could hear in his head. He knew he had to go after him. He had to correct what he as done and said. Jeremy was right. Something changed and he didn't know what it was either, but it scared him. He knew he fucked up and wished he could turn back time but oh how many times Michael had wished that. But he still had a chance to fix this.
Mike stood up and took after Jeremy. He could hear his loud sniffles and followed the sounds. He saw his shadow take a turn to the security office. When Mike took the last corner he saw Jeremy sobbing, leaning next to the desk. Mike walked slowly to him, trying not to disturb him more than he did.
"Jeremy..." Mike spoke after he reached the open entrance.
Jeremy looked up and Mike saw his red, cried-out eyes. He was hugging his knees close to him.
"I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" Jeremy yelled. "Stop fucking following me!"
"But Jeremy-"
"No! I'm done!" Jeremy stood up and faced Michael. "I'm done with your crazy shit! You are obsessive and-and you need help! I don't know what has gotten into you but I don't like it!"
As Jeremy was shouting Mike heard a static noise in the background which Jeremy didn't seem to take notice of. This made Mike stressed, he had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen. He had felt like this before.
"No! Shut up! I have had enough! If this isn't the Fritz I know and love talking then I don't want to hear it!"
More static noise came from the ceiling. As if it was moving around. The gut feeling grew bigger in Mike and he wanted to walk toward Jeremy but something didn't let him. He tried to take slow steps but that only made the other boy take a step backward.
"Jeremy, listen-"
"No! I won't fucking listen! You listen! Until you change back I don't want to talk to you!"
Michael looked up at the ceiling and saw where the static noise came from.
"Jeremy, you hav-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY FRITZ!" Mike took a step back because of the yelling.
Mangle was moving like a snake and Jeremy didn't feel their presence. He continued yelling and crying. His bottled-up emotions were let out in the worst way possible.
Jeremy wanted to hug and punch Fritz at the same time. He loved him but his behavior just set something off in him. He missed the shy Fritz he had a crush on. He missed his hugs and small kisses, the jokes they had together and the walks they went on when they didn't have work. The way he held his hand and the look Fritz had when Jeremy was talking about something. Those shiny dots in his eyes were now gone and Jeremy didn't know what has happened.
He missed Fritz.
He couldn't do much more than cry his heart out as he put his head into his palm. He screamed and cried. He was broken and he needed Fritz.
Mike sensed the pain in his voice and he wanted to hug his partner so badly. He wanted to comfort him and tell him how much he loves him but it didn't seem like that could work.
"Jeremy-" Mike took a step forward.
"JUST FUCK OFF! I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME!" Jeremy looked up at Fritz.
The static noise stopped which made Mike even more worried. Did Mangle leave just like that? She has been very aggressive in the past weeks and this wasn't like him.
"Jeremy, listen-"
Silence filled the room.
"I'm sorry, but if you are going to keep being like this, I don't want you near me."
"Jeremy, ple-"
Then what Michael feared the most has become true. Jeremy's last unfinished words echoed through the room and his mind as blood splattered everywhere.
Mangle bit into Jeremy's head.
She took his frontal lobe out as they detached themselves from the body. Jeremy stood there, motionless, then his body fell onto the ground.
Mike couldn't move a muscle. His boyfriend was dead. His boyfriend was lying in the puddle of his own blood, lifelessly.
"J-Jeremy?" Mike spoke. His voice was shaking as he didn't want to believe his eyes. "Jeremy?!"
No answer.
The blood was trailing down on the checked pattern floor, reflecting the dark ceiling. The smell of blood and iron filled the room, but that failed to make Mike sick or nauseous at all. He was frozen in place when the realization finally hit him.
He finally ran to him and kneeled down to him. He turned his body towards him and was terrified of what he saw.
Almost half of his head was gone. Jeremy's right eye, skin, and skull were bitten out, and blood gushing out of the hole. Jeremy's last breath left his mouth long ago, all Michael could feel was his body's temperature getting lower and colder. Michael reflected on his actions.
His boyfriend was gone.
All because of him.
All because he wanted to protect him.
All because he was an Afton.
All because he took after William.
All because he loved him too much.
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girasollake · 1 year
Would you be able to write for Theodore Nott with the trope fake dating and the prompt 50?
Thank youu <3
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✧ theodore nott x fem!reader x fake dating x "my love language is bullying people." "you bully me. a lot." "..."✧
( this request is a part of my writing event, here is the link to the masterlist of the fics i'll be publishing from said event:) )
❁ i hope this turned out well, happy reading:)
Pacing around your dorm and chewing on your thumb, you tried to figure out how to get out of the situation you got yourself into. You didn’t mean to answer the question with his name, it just happened. It’s like you weren’t even thinking and your mind made that quick decision for you.
For the last month your ex boyfriend had been harrasing you to get back together. You dumped him after catching him in the act with a girl from a year below yours. You felt anger, sadness and loath, not because of the relationship he decided to end, but because it hurt to see someone you started to trust - pick someone over you.
Over the time he was stalking you and trying various ways to get back, you had found yourself being more and more drawn towards your best friend’s mate.
“ ‘We’re done Patrick! I don’t know what I have to say for it to get through your fucking skull.’ You hissed at your ex.
‘We’re not done.’ He took a step closer. ‘Do you really think someone else will want you besides me?’ A chuckle escaped his lips.
You stood there frozen, the insult burning itself into your mind.
‘My boyfriend.’ You finally replied after a moment of silence.
‘You don’t have one, love.’ He placed his finger under your chin and made you look up at him. ‘But you can have me again.’
‘No.’ You spat and took a step back. ‘I am seeing someone else.’
That’s the moment where you should have stopped talking.
‘Oh, really?’ He cocked his brow, a mocking expression on his face. ‘Who?’
Don’t say it.
Don’t say it.
‘Theo Nott.’ “
You sat down on your bed, the finger slightly covered in your blood from the biting. You had only two options, either admit to your ex that you lied to him and still get harrassed by him, or ask Nott out.
You rubbed your temples slowly, sighed and decided to go to the library to clear your mind, hoping that Patrick won’t be able to talk to Theo until tomorrow.
At this time of the day there was barely anyone inside the library. You were slowly walking between the shelfes, looking at each book and reading the title. After a few minutes of strolling you reached the Romance Novels section, very few books there, but it lured you in. Especially one of them, which you have read a long time ago.
‘Of course.’ You chuckled, holding the book in your hands and tracing the cover with your fingers.
The story was about a woman who was a spy and had to make a deal with a member of an organisation they were infiltrating. She promised to get him the safety he needed to escape his boss and he promised her to give her all the information she needed. They started fake dating.
You should’ve thought of this idea earlier, but you were too stressed to even sit in one spot, let alone think of this good of a plan. You put the book back in it’s place and rushed out of the library. While you were running through the halls, you spotted a familiar figure talking with her friends.
‘Hi, can I borrow Pansy for a moment? Thanks!’
You snatched her by the arm and led her to an empty classroom.
‘This better be an emergency.’ She playfully rolled her eyes.
‘Long story short - Patrick thinks I’m dating Theo and I have to prove him that I am.’
She looked at you dumbfounded and then a loud laugh escaped her lips.
‘Is this a joke?’ She asked, laughter still present in her voice.
It slowly faded as she realised how stoic and serious was the expression on your face.
‘Shut up!’ She exclaimed. ‘Merlin, what have you done?’
She put her palm on her forehead and exhaled all the air she had.
‘You know Theo does NOT date.’
‘I know! I don’t even know why I said his name! It just… It just came out, okay?’ You sighed and closed your eyes while throwing your head back. “But I do have an idea…’ you mumbled and slowly opened your eyes to look at Pansy.
‘Good Lord.. I don’t know if I even want to hear it.’ She sighed. ‘Go on.’ She showed a motion with her hand to tell you to proceed.
‘Fake dating.’
She bursted out in laughter.
‘What?’ She finally managed to get out. ‘How on earth do you want to persuade him into that?’
‘I’ll just… I’ll offer him something if he says no.’
‘Like what?’
‘I don’t know yet, whatever he says he’d like.’
‘So like, you’d give him a b-‘
‘Bloody hell Pans!’ You whisper-yelled. ‘I’ll do anything that does not involve sexual exchange.’
‘Alright, just askin’’ She raised her hands in defence.
‘Where can I find him?’
It was Saturday, so you couldn’t catch him in class. Pansy looked at her watch and made a thinking face.
‘Ummm… If I’m correct…’ She sighed. ‘They should finish their quidditch practice in a few minutes.’
You jumped up and gave her a quick hug before running out.
‘Thanks P, you’re the best!’ You shouted just before disappearing behind the door.
‘Course I am.’ She whispered and smirked to herself.
She looked around the room where she was now alone and shook her head.
‘Fingers crossed’ She muttered and headed outside.
You on the other hand, had reached the quidditch pitch in the right moment. Standing outside the boys locker room, you couldn’t help but listen to their faint voices. Unfortunately it was too quiet for you to make out any words. The door swung open unexpectedly and your head shot up to meet Draco’s eyes.
‘Can I talk to Nott?’ You asked and lifted up your chin higher.
Draco looked you up and down and then turned his head towards the boys.
‘Nott, come and say hi to one of your girls.’ He said and everyone started snickering at Theo.
‘Shut up, Malfoy.’ He glared at him and then your eyes met his.
He came over to you and you almost forgot about why you came here because, well, he was shirtless and his bottom was wrapped in a towel, leaving very little to your imagination. You gulped and quickly straightened up to not get caught checking him out.
‘I really need your help with something. Can we talk after you…’ You motioned towards his outfit, or better - the lack of it.
He cleared his throat and nodded, ‘Wait for me on the pitch?’
‘Sure.’ You gave him a soft smile and headed outside.
Thankfully there was a few benches on the sides of the pitch, they were there during practice, but hidden when there was a match. You sat down and buried your face in your hands.
‘What the fuck am I doing?’ You mumbled.
You started playing with your rings and thinking about what to say when you felt him sit down next to you.
‘So, what do you need?’ He asked while lighting up his cigarette.
‘Just don’t laugh at me, ‘kay?’ You said while closing your eyes.
He furrowed his brows in confusion, ‘Okay?’ He replied.
‘I need you to be my fake boyfriend.’ You quickly stated.
He looked at you dumbfounded and then proceeded to laugh.
‘You said you wouldn’t laugh, you bastard!’ You exclaimed and playfully hit his arm.
‘ ‘M sorry’ He met your eyes. ‘That punch hurt’ he held the place where you hit him.
‘Good.’ You replied. ‘So, will you help me or not?’
‘Why? Is it to make your ex jealous?’ He exhaled the smoke. ‘Never liked him, if I’m bein’ honest.’
‘Actually, the opposite.’ You took the cigarrete from him, took a drag and then placed it between his lips again. ‘He cheated on me and now he keeps stalking me to get back together. I’m so sick of him and I just don’t know what to do.. I just want him to fuck off.’ You looked at Theo for a response.
‘Wait, really?’ You asked excitedly.
‘Yeah, fuck that guy.’ He finished his cigarette and threw it on the ground. ‘We need some rules though.’
‘Alright.’ You paused to think about some. ‘How about we often hold hands, you kiss me on the cheek sometimes for the effect, and we can sometimes hang out in each others rooms, so no one would get suspicious. Of course we’d like study or some shit, but..’ You started rambling. ‘You get the idea.’ You added quietly.
‘You forgot about the most important one.’ He stated. ‘Don’t fall in love with me.’
‘Yeah, I think that’ll be easy considering your stupid face.’ You chuckled, but inside of you something twisted.
Don’t fall in love with me? Does he mean that, he knows he would never love you? Maybe that’s why he agreed? Cause he knows he won’t fall for you?
Am I this unlovable?
The next morning you were slowly making your way to the Great Hall for breakfast. On the outside you looked calm, but the inside was burning. With questions you couldn’t answer, with plans for what to do, with your hopes for finding someone good to love you back, with your growing attraction to Theo. You knew it was a bad idea, you knew you had a crush on him, but you’d rather hide that somewhere deep than admit it to yourself. You knew you were going to fall for him doing this, but if that’s what it takes for Patrick to leave you alone - then so be it. You can take the pain of Theo not reciprocating your feelings.
‘Hello, love.’ The voice from your nightmares spoke up next to you.
‘Fuck off, Patrick.’ You replied without even looking at the boy.
‘Oh, come on, can you finally stop playing this game and-‘
‘She told you to fuck off.’ You heard Theo’s voice on your other side and then his hand grabbed your waist to pull you closer.
Patrick’s face in that moment was going to be in your memory forever, he was so shocked, so defeated, so small. He looked between the two of you and scoffed.
‘We’ll see about that.’ He mumbled and walked away.
‘Thank you’ You looked up at Theo.
‘For what? I think that’s what boyfriend’s are supposed to do’ He winked at you and intertwined your hands.
‘You read a book or something to prepare for that role? Didn’t think of you as an academic type.’ You snickered.
‘I beg you pardon?’ He chuckled. ‘Am I that stupid to you?’
You waved your head from side to side and smirked at him.
‘Mm, yeah.’ You whispered to which he shook his head with a smile.
‘Come on, darlin’, we’re gon’ be late for breakfast.’
For the next month you and Theo had gotten closer than you anticipated, but he was still too far for your liking. You wanted him closer, you wanted this to be a real relationship, but he wouldn’t want that.
“Theo does NOT date.”
Pansy’s words echoed in your ears every time you caught yourself staring at his messy hair. Or thinking about the way his fingers caressed the pages of a book, or the way his beauty spots were perfectly placed on his face, or the way he always knew what to say to you, or the way he cheerfully reacted to your insults and playful smacks on his arms.
‘When do you want to end this?’ He asked one night when you were studying for potions in his dorm.
The question caught you off guard and the air got stuck in your throat for a second.
‘I actually didn’t think about that part yet.’ You admitted, not taking your eyes off of your notes. ‘There is only a month of school left until holidays, so maybe until then? I’ll have those months for myself without Patrick bothering me and next year we’ll make up some excuse why it didn’t work out between us. Sounds good?’ The lack of emotion in your voice was weird for him.
‘Yeah.’ He whispered, his eyes lingering on your form. ‘Sounds good.’
He didn’t want to admit to himself that he started falling for you either. That’s why he asked about this, he didn’t think he could hold himself back much longer. Hold his feelings back.
‘Earth to Nott!!’ You smacked his arm with your notebook. ‘Do the bloody homework or I’ll feed you to my cat.’
‘Yes ma’am.’
There were moments where you thought he might feel the same. Like when he held your hand tighter than usual, when Patrick was passing by. Or when he kissed your forehead to calm you down when you were stressed before classes. Or the subtle smirks and glances between the two of you, when you weren’t next to each other. At first you thought no one would believe in your ‘relationship’, but surprisingly everyone didn’t have a clue it was fake. Were you both this good at pretending or did they just think you look nice together?
‘Probably the first one.’ You thought.
Soon there was only a week of school left and you didn’t want to think about what the end brings. You felt sadness, but you couldn’t show him that, you knew he didn’t feel the same. This was just temporary, he did what you asked for and now you owe him a favor. So now you had to let him go.
You met up near the Black Lake the day before going home. You were playing with your rings again and he was smoking a cigarette, just like in the beggining.
‘We’re still going to be friends?’ You asked.
‘If that’s what you want, darlin’ ‘ He replied, but deep inside he wanted to say no, to protect himself from whatever it was he felt towards you, it was too strong now.
‘Hmm.. No, not really.’ You muttered and then added, ‘I can’t stand looking at your hideous face much longer, but other than that, you’re fine to be around.’
He chuckled at your response.
‘Why are you always like this?’
‘What do you mean?’ You raised one of your eyebrows.
‘You know exactly what I mean.’
You chuckled to yourself, ‘My love language is bullying people.’
He processed your answer carefully and saw the way you stiffened. You didn’t realise you said that out loud.
‘Well…’ He took a deep breath. ‘You bully me. A lot.’
You didn’t want to meet his eyes so you shrugged and turned away, ‘Yeah, I guess I do.’ You whispered.
You heard Theo toss the cigarette on the ground and press his shoe on top of it. But what he did next, even Professor Trelawney couldn’t predict.
He turned you around and pressed his lips into yours, the taste of smoke and blueberry gum made its way into your mouth. His hands were holding your face on both sides, he didn’t want to take them off, scared you’d disappear if he did.
‘I thought you don’t date.’ You whispered with a smirk when you broke the kiss and pressed your foreheads together.
‘I don’t.’ He smiled. ‘I’m already taken.’
He pressed his lips to yours again and you felt like this moment could last forever.
‘By the way, you broke the rule.’ He mumbled.
‘Fuck your rule and fuck you, Nott.’ You replied making him smile to himself.
© girasollake 2023
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starletdawn · 8 months
palces out of paragraphs
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You sit on your bed eyes glued to your notes and your a sheet of paper. You had a 6 page essay coming up and it was worth 70% of your grade. You suddenly hear a knock. you jump from your bed. “Coming!” you say loudly expecting your parents back from their date night. As you open the door weirdly enough no one is there. You hear the knock again you turn around, and see your boyfriend Jason Dean waiting for you like a little puppy outside your bedroom window. For some reason he was obsessed with climbing your window this was honestly normal behavior for him. You quickly open the window and before you can say anything he goes into your room. He immediately wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a soft kiss. “What are you doing here baby?” I say as I pull away softly. “Well, I’ve barely seen you today at school. Where have you been my love?” he responds “I’ve been working on my essay I want a really good grade,” I say softly. “Well, now that you’re done with your essay what should we do? I mean I saw your parents leave the house earlier and I was thinking we could…” He smirks now putting his hands on your hips. “There are still some things I still have to review for my test.” You sigh as you bite your lip nervously “And I don't want any distractions.” “C’mon let me stay darling” He pouts leaning in to your cheek giving it a gentle kiss. “Okay, but promise to not distract me.”Promise!” He says you go back to studying. He plays with my hair and fidgets with your cat plushie. “I don’t understand why you try so hard once we get married I’ll spoil you with everything you want.You won’t have to work for a day.” He remarked although you rolled eyes your heart flutter at the thought of you being more than just a highschool fling. “On second thought I would love a smart-ass as my lover” JD teases. After a few minutes you started getting frustrated and tired. Your hands starts hurting and you can barely keep your eyes open the worst part was that you weren’t even close to done. “You should take a break sweetheart” Jason says looking into your tired eyes “No, I can’t” I groan. “You’ll be able to get more done if you’re energized. “C’mon just take a short break and then you can go back to working.” ”Fine” You finally give in. You lay your head on his chest He caress your hair and cheek. “You’re so gorgeous my dear I could stare at you forever and never get tired. You’re honestly the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” His words, his tender touch on my skin, His beautiful eyes all caused my body to relax and before I knew it I was in a deep slumber.
The cold breeze hits your arms goosebumps on your skin. You slowly open your eyes to complete darkness. You look over to your clock it’s 2:00am and Jason is no longer here. “He must’ve left” you thought to yourself. You quickly realized that you forgot to finish your essay you panic searching inside you backpack you find the essay and you suddenly realize It’s all done. All 6 pages filled with information you found a sticky note plastered to it. It read “I used all your notes and resources I tried my best to follow the prompt and use correct grammar I hope you like it my dear. Sincerely, JD” After reading through it. I was honestly surprised I knew Jason was smart (when it benefited him) but oh shit the essay was perfect. Despite his usual bad handwriting he wrote the essay in neat writing and honestly it looked like he put a lot effort into the paper for such short time. You put your essay back into the paper thinking about how lucky you were to have such a precious boyfriend.
This my first writing I’ve published so please be nice but feedback is welcome!!💗💗
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chessholic · 6 months
The One With
Joey's Food
Joey Tribbiani
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Summary: JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD... However it seems that rule might not apply when it comes to you.
Author's Note: Someone asked me to publish my Joey fanfics, so this one is for you. <3
ps. I made that iconic Joey's Meatball Sub, it really made me feel alive again.
New comfort food unlocked
You were so tired, and hungry.
Oh dear, you could eat a horse right now. Or maybe not if that meant eating the entire horse.
Finally you got yourself inside being greeted with everyone else except Joey.
Where was he? You could really just snuggle against your friend to forget all your worries. Joey felt like home, he felt safe.
Except Chandler would disagree with you, strongly, not that you could blame him after that robbery thingy.
"It's a zombie! Everybody, run!", Chandler shouted while jumping behind Ross and pushing him towards you.
"Hey!", Ross squeaked realising that Chandler, his best friend since the beginning of time, was sacrificing him to this supposed 'zombie'.
"Hahaha", you laughed a dry sarcastic laugh while getting your jacket off.
"What happened to you?", Rachel asked noticing your disheveled look.
"Your eye bags-", Rachel was saying before you gave her a stern look that did shut her up.
Monica also gave Rachel an are-you-serious look before helping you sit down at the kitchen tables chair
"Work huh?", Monica asked already knowing what was behind your current state.
Before you started to explain Joey made a grand appearance with his iconic sandwich. It makes your stomach growl and mouth water.
Joey sat at the table next to you, he gave you a tender look before getting ready to destroy his food, with the intention of not leaving even crumbs behind.
"So. I got to work a few hours early because my boss asked me to and as we know my boss, I couldn't refuse-", you started taking a deep breath.
"I had my mom's cooking for lunch, but there was so much going on I didn't have time to eat. And when I finally did- that ass had eaten it! My food! It was supposed to be the only good thing today, and it was taken away from me", you rambled trying not to break down completely.
"Oh, this reminds me of that 'MY SANDWICH' thing", Chandler said looking at Ross who just looked back at him shooting daggers out of his eyes.
"Oh, this gets much worse. I confronted that- idiot and it got a bit heated. Long story short, I got fired", you ended your story leaving out the details of wandering around the city crying your eyes out.
"Let's celebrate!", Phoebe cheered from the couch making everyone turn to look at her.
"Yeah, you hated that job! More than I hated serving coffee!", Rachel said trying to comfort you.
"I didn't hate the job, but the people", you muttered burying your face into your hands.
"That's my girl!", Chandler cheered giving you a quick pat on the back before hurrying towards the armchair.
Your stomach made a loud noise and you felt truly awful.
"Do you have anything to eat Monica? I don't have anything at home", you asked carefully your voice cracking slightly.
"I need to go quickly to the store-", Monica started hurrying to gather her stuff.
"Here, you can have my meatball sub"
The time seemed to slow down.
Phoebe stopped chewing her hair.
Rachel had her hand covering her mouth that was hanging open.
Monica dropped her purse to the floor.
Chandler almost fell off the armchair.
Ross had a look on his face that would be expected if someone would prove to him that dinosaurs had never existed.
You lifted your head to see Joey smiling and offering his food, to you, you.
Joey had a small amount of the sauce on his face.
"I already took a couple of bites if that's okay", he said looking a bit sheepish.
"Really?", you asked voice slightly shaky, knowing that nobody else dared to move or speak.
Joey nodded and you reached towards him. But to everyone's surprise you didn't take the sandwich.
However you got up and put your arms around his neck. Burying your face to his neck you mumbled so many thank you's that nobody could say exactly how many there was.
Maybe ten? Hundred? Hundreds? Who knows.
Then you gave a kiss to his cheek before pulling away and snatching the sandwich from him.
Eagerly you started eating it and you moaned slightly at the most delicious thing you had ever eaten.
"JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!", everyone suddenly shouted after they switched glances between each other.
Joey tried to look like he had no idea what they were talking about, his face was oddly red and he was feeling warm and fuzzy.
Joey loved seeing you happy, he could sacrifice one meatball sub for your happiness.
But only one.
When Joey looked at you eating happily his favourite Meatball Sub he couldn't even see anything else than you. He didn't even care about his friends who were still shocked and wanted answers.
Joey would give you every meatball sub for the rest of his life if it meant seeing you so utterly happy.
But he wanted a bite, at least.
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salchica · 25 days
tender love is blind
In which Eddie dies, Steve lives, and the two of them finally get their happily ever after. -- For the Steddie ABO Valentine's Day Exchange!
Published: 02/08/2024 | Words: 5,462 | Rating: Mature | Link: x
Eddie doesn’t believe in the afterlife, not really. 
Years ago when the paramedics wheeled his mom’s body away, Eddie had sat at the window in their shitty little apartment building and stared up at the night sky. He didn’t even know what he was looking for-- a sign maybe, like a shooting star. Something to let him know that the heroin was worth it and Josie Munson was in a better place. 
There wasn’t anything, of course. Eddie’s Dad had stumbled into the apartment high off his ass, like the solution to his wife’s overdose was to follow in her footsteps. He shoved Eddie into a car and somehow got him to Hawkins in one piece. In hindsight maybe that was the sign, his mama’s way of doing him one last solid from the beyond. Wayne is the best thing that’s ever happened to Eddie, and if the grizzled Beta could be believed Eddie was the best thing to ever happen to him, too. He thanks a god he only sorta believes in that Wayne is safe in Normal Hawkins, that none of this shit will ever touch him. Eddie tries to smile, but then he remembers that he’s dying. 
“Please, Eddie--”  That’s Steve, fuck. He hadn’t wanted Stevie to see him like this. He tries to talk, but instead of ‘I love you’, iron and copper flood his throat. 
Eddie regrets a lot, but right now not mating Steve is the biggest one. Eddie had wanted to wait-- until he’d graduated, until he'd saved enough money, until until until. He regrets not taking his chance at happiness when he could. Steve had wanted Eddie’s bite, had made that abundantly clear every heat and rut they’d spent together over the last year. It had been Eddie that got hung up on wanting to give his Omega the best start at their life together… and now he’ll never get the chance. 
“He’s gone, Steve, we gotta go--” That’s Nancy, probably. She seems like the type to compartmentalize. 
“Eds, you can’t leave me, please baby get up. It’s your year, remember? You gotta just get up for me, just sit up--” Steve is spiraling. Normally Eddie would distract him, would have already pulled Steve into a hug and probably scented him a little. Make them both smell like clove-honey, cinnamon-vanilla. 
“Wakeupwakeupwakeup,” There’s pressure on his chest, but it keeps sliding off because from what Eddie remembers he doesn’t really have much of a chest anymore. He feels a mouth on his, realizes that Stevie is giving him CPR. “Nancy you gotta do something!” That’s Buckley. Killing Vecna must have gone well then, if all three of them are here and alive.  
“Shit,” Nancy says. And then she growls, “Steve, let’s go.”  All Alpha, a tone Eddie’s only used on Steve to snap him out of a panic attack. Usually Steve is thankful, but this time he makes a sound Eddie’s never heard before; a high, keening wail that breaks what’s left of Eddie’s heart. He hears a scuffle, like Steve is being dragged away. The wail doesn’t stop. 
Eddie really  hopes there’s an afterlife, if only so he can see Stevie again. He imagines them meeting in Heaven; Steve will be like 98 with crow’s feet and gray hair that’s full but maybe a little shorter and he’s been happy and they can dance and kiss, even though Eddie is frozen at 21. It’s a nice dream. Eddie really wishes he could smile. 
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Robin holds Steve, after everything. 
She’s the only thing keeping him together when his body threatens to shake apart, and now that Steve is almost officially out of secrets he feels numb. The entire Party witnessed him trying to claw his way back into the Upside Down, screaming for Eddie to come back. They’d known he was an Omega-- it was hard to hide, after Starcourt and the Russian drugs-- but they hadn’t know about SteveandEddie. 
Eddie had thought it was funny, to keep them a secret. Dustin kept pestering them about meeting each other, and the kid was insufferable on a good day.  They’d wanted a big reveal; something to give the kid a heart attack when they finally told everyone they’d been dating for a year. Besides Robin and Uncle Wayne, no one had known, and now everyone’s found out in the worst way possible. In hindsight, Max probably knew the whole time. She’s a smart kid, and if the whole Vecna thing is any proof, really good at keeping secrets. 
Over the next few days the Party curls up in the pack nest in the Harrington living room, everyone filtering in and out in shifts so Steve and Robin are  never alone. Robin only gets up to make food and use the restroom; she pumps out a constant stream of calm and steady pheromones even though Steve can tell that she’s grieving, too. Steve hasn’t taken off his scent patches since before Vecna. They make his neck and wrists itch, and he knows wearing them this long isn’t healthy but there’s so much he’s not ready to face. 
Everyone talks to him, even though he can’t bring himself to respond. Max has a broken leg, but she’s fine. Dustin has a sprained ankle, but he’s fine too, at least physically. Hopper was never dead, just held captive by Russians. Eleven has her powers back. Erica and Lucas are rattled, Mike and Will are being awkward, and Jonathan has a new friend named Argyle. Nancy is busy as always, running around helping with the town’s relief efforts. 
They all pepper Robin with questions whenever they think Steve is out of earshot. 
“He smells like my aunt after my uncle died,” Mike asks. “He smells like a widow. Were they--  I mean I don’t see a bite mark, but… were they mated?” 
“No,” Robin says. “Eddie wanted to wait until graduation.” 
“Oh. ‘86 was going to be his year.” Mike makes a punched out noise, like it just dawns on him. 
That night, Steve burrows into Robin’s side. Her scent is lavender and lemon, soothing yet sharp. Steve knows he’s not going to like what she has to say when she starts smelling nervous. “Babe, look at me for a second,” She says. She pats his hair until Steve looks up. “Dustin said he saw Wayne putting up posters at the school, looking for Eddie. Looking for the both of you, actually. Someone has to tell him.” 
Steve closes his eyes against a wave of despair. It threatens to crush him, to pull him under until he can’t tell up from down. “I can’t, Robbie,” Steve says. He’s never been more at war with himself; his Omega feels far away, only mildly distressed even though Steve has never felt further from peace. “I can’t stand there and tell him I couldn’t bring Eddie home.” 
“I know for a fact Uncle Wayne would never blame you,” Robin tries. Steve doesn't answer, just wraps an arm around his stomach. Robin sighs. 
“I’ll ask Joyce, or Nancy.” Robin says finally. 
He nods. He shuts his eyes. He quietly wishes to float away and never come back. 
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Steve has only been to two funerals in his life. One when he was eleven;  his Grandpa Otis passed away, and the Harringtons had thrown a memorial fit for a small-town king. The coffin was shiny, the food was catered, and the choir was hand-picked from among local unpresented pups. The ceremony was gorgeous, and at the end of it people came out of the woodwork to shake hands with Steve’s parents and tell them how much of a pillar of the community Grandpa Otis was. Little Steve had fixated on the flowers-- even though he was an alpha, Grandpa Otis always loved roses, and had had a huge plot for them in his backyard. He’d said they reminded him of Steve’s grandma, a society Omega that always smelled like roses and rainwater. Otis had taught Steve how to weed and pluck and prune his rose bushes, but at his funeral, there were only hydrangeas and gardenias.
“Where are the roses?” Steve’d asked his mom. 
Vivian Harrington rolled her eyes, “Roses are so… common.” She sniffs at the word, her perfect face wrinkling in disgust. “Don’t you want everyone to know how much we loved Grandpa Otis?” 
Even then, Little Steve had known to read between the lines, that what his mother was really saying was Don’t you want everyone to see how much money we have? He’d bitten his tongue, but later when his parents were away on another business trip Steve snuck into the cemetery with a handful of roses and spent the night curled up by Grandpa Otis’ headstone. 
The second funeral Steve had gone to was for Dustin’s cat, Mews. It was actually more like a candlelight vigil, and Mrs. Henderson had bawled, clutching at a guilty Dustin who’d  given a very heartfelt speech. It was all very moving if not a little uncomfortable, but Steve can’t imagine that Mews actually gave a fuck that in lieu of a body they’d buried a can of his favorite food. 
Both instances cemented one thing in Steve’s mind; funerals, they’re for the living. 
So when Wayne tracks Steve down two weeks after Vecna and asks if Steve will come with him down to the church to plan Eddie’s service, Steve can’t help but think of the way Wayne welcomed him into his home with open arms; the grizzled Beta rarely asked for anything, but gave Eddie and Steve everything in return. Of course Steve says yes. 
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Wayne’s truck squeals as they pull into the church parking lot. His fingers grip the steering wheel, the white of his knuckles the only thing giving away his nerves. Like Steve, Wayne is wearing a scent patch-- Steve can’t pick out any of Wayne’s emotions, only catching  hints of tobacco and orange. 
Hawkins only has one church still standing, and it’s unfortunately been run by the Carver family for the last 70 years. Pastor and Mrs. Carver had gone on the morning news and invited all of Hawkins to use their church to say goodbye to their loved ones that died in the “earthquakes”. They were the picture of the perfect alpha omega couple, eyes red-rimmed and mouths spouting bullshit like ‘it’s what Jason would have wanted’. As if their kid hadn't died during a manhunt for an innocent person. Steve knows this whole thing is useless, but he respects Wayne for trying anyway. 
He thinks that if Eddie were here he probably would have insisted on the church, actually,  if only to scandalize the ‘fine upstanding hypocrites of Hawkins, Indiana’. Steve lets himself imagine it-- instead of hymns, they’d shake the walls with Metallica. The Party would all wear their Hellfire shirts, and Steve would wear the cropped prototype Eddie had made for him, even though it was cut right under Steve’s nipples and entirely inappropriate. Eddie had always loved Steve in that shirt and would always cut it incrementally shorter, and Steve would pretend not to notice. Maybe his ghost would appreciate the show. 
Wayne doesn’t move to get out of the car. The silence weighs down on Steve, this heavy thing that isn’t even being offset by the mellow croon of Dolly Parton on the radio. Wayne turns towards Steve, his mustache twitching oddly above his lip. 
“Steve--” Wayne starts. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve blurts out. “If I hadn’t… after Starcourt, if Eddie hadn’t found me, and then with Vecna it was Eddie’s first time with the Upside Down and if I hadn’t left Eddie and Dustin alone--” Steve hasn’t been able to stop crying in two weeks, and this time isn’t any different. It’s like he gets three seconds of peace before the fact that Eddie is gone slams into his chest and sets him off again.
Steve fists his hands in his sweater, rubbing harshly at the fat tears rolling down his face. His stomach somersaults but he holds back the nausea, not looking Wayne in the eyes. 
“Harrington,” Wayne says again. He clears his throat when Steve flinches at the use of his last name-- “Steve, please, can you look at me, son?” 
“You don’t have to say anything, Wayne, I know it’s my fault--” 
“Steve, I don’t blame you,” Wayne says. 
“You should,” Steve scoffs. 
It’s true; he’d had a bad feeling about their plan but he’d let everyone go through with it anyway. A not-small part of Steve was convinced that if Eddie had never met him, the Upside Down would have never come into the Munson family's lives. It’s like the Upside Down was a disease; once you’re a part of it, anything and everyone you get close gets infected. 
“You should hate me,” Steve says. 
“I don’t,” Wayne says. “I can’t.” 
Even though Wayne isn’t a man of many words, the Beta has always been kind to Steve. He’s never given Steve  a shovel talk, not even when he caught Eddie  sneaking Steve out of the Munson trailer more than once in the early hours of the morning. And when they were officially introduced around a dinner of pizza and Coke,  he’d welcomed Steve into their family with open arms even though he’d had no reason to trust a Harrington. Even when he seemed confused that Steve seemed to be sticking around.
“You should hate me,” Steve says again. 
With a frustrated growl, Wayne lifts his scent patch. The truck is a three-seater, so it doesn’t take long for his scent to flood the carriage with the expected citrus-tobacco-grief.  But underneath that… love-protectiveness-affection. Steve’s nose twitches, heart stuttering. 
“You made my boy the happiest I’ve ever seen him. The way Dustin Henderson tells it, Eddie went out a hero. Protecting one of those pups you care about so much.”   
“Yeah, yes,” Steve is quick to agree. “He was a hero.” 
Wayne nods and takes a deep breath. 
“Eddie is… Eddie was  used to people leaving,” Wayne says. “His mama, his daddy-- that boy was accustomed to giving people his heart and then watching as they stomped all over it. I knew as soon as I saw you two together that you weren’t like that.” He sniffs and clears his throat. 
“I knew that boy like the back of my hand, and I don’t know if I would have been able to put him back together, if he had lost you. I know you weren’t mated, but you’re still family.” 
Steve realizes, then, that Wayne probably understood. Mike was right-- Steve, when he lets himself take off his scent patches, smells like he’s been widowed. Eddie wasn’t Wayne’s kid, and he wasn’t Steve’s mate, but he still held those places in both of their hearts. 
“Thank you,” Steve chokes out. 
Wayne gives Steve a pat on the shoulder, rubbing his wrist against Steve’s arms before sticking his scent patch back into place. “You might be family, but I’ll thump you if you ever make me talk that much again,” Wayne laughs wetly. “Now let’s go.” 
In the Upside Down, Eddie Munson  opens his eyes. 
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The line for the church moves agonizingly slowly because people keep jostling in front of them once they recognize Wayne. People shove past with barely concealed snarls, and Steve’s glad his scent patches are on; the scent of distress-anger-omega would have probably made the situation worse. 
As it was Steve already had to breathe through his mouth so he wouldn’t be able to smell the shock-disgust-confusion radiating off of the people of Hawkins as they wondered at Wayne’s audacity. Even though the government big-wigs had swooped in and cleared Eddie’s name, it wasn’t enough when people had already decided that Eddie had invited evil into Hawkins by simply existing. 
“Won’t be long now,” Wayne says.
Two hours pass. Wayne keeps his eyes forward, his scent never wavering beyond his stoic citrus. All the different scents layering over each other give Steve a headache. It bursts into existence from behind his eyes, and Steve isn’t sure if it’s a result of repeated head trauma or… well, something else.  
After that everything is blurry. 
Steve knows they get to the front of the line, remembers Pastor Carver baring his fangs and yanking the ‘Funeral Request Form’ out of Wayne’s hands. He remembers laughing, humorless; for all that Jason Carver Sr. preached about religion putting him ‘above his base instincts’, he was halfway feral at the very sight of Wayne Munson. 
Steve remembers Wayne tilting his head, submitting, and  snatches of a conversation-- 
 “I figured you know what it’s like, losing a son,” Wayne had said. “I’d like to bury mine, please. Near his mama, if that’s alright with you.” 
He remembers Carver Sr.’s fangs extending, eyes shifting into a bloody, Alpha red— 
“My son,” Pastor Carver spat, “was not a murderer.” 
“Neither was mine,” Wayne growls.
Steve remembers letting out a whine as a sharp pain shot through his stomach, accompanying the one in his head,  Wayne turning, looking at him with concern-- “Steve, are you okay?” 
And then, nothing. 
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Eddie can’t tell if he’s in Hell or the Upside Down. 
He also hasn’t decided if he’s dead or not, but that seems like a secondary concern, honestly. He kind of hopes he’s in Hell, because at least then there’s bound to be other Damned souls hanging around if he looks hard enough. But if it’s the Upside Down that means that his friends left him. And if they left him, that means they didn’t think he needed a way out in the first place. 
Of course, there’s the possibility Hell only looks like the Upside Down because that’s where Eddie beefed it… he doesn’t know. Everything’s all jumbled together, and to be fair maybe-dying hasn’t left him a lot of time to parse through the maybe-Afterlife logically. 
Fact: He’d woken up surrounded by dead demobats. Their bodies were all twisted and broken, like they’d fallen mid-flight instead of landing. Point for the Upside Down. 
Fact: Eddie’s room in Wayne’s trailer is still stuck in 1983. It’s almost hard to notice-- Eddie has always been in the habit of adding more things to his room, layering posters on top of each other. Stevie used to joke that if Eddie added any more layers, he’d be boxing himself in.  The biggest difference, though, is the absence of Steve’s nest. It makes his Alpha panic, actually;  his instincts are screaming for him to find his Omega and make sure Stevie’s safe. 
Fact: He’s hungry. He feels like Tantalus, hunger fogging his mind until he can’t even fucking think. His fangs are longer than they’ve ever been, even for an Alpha, and combined everything is pointing to something Eddie doesn’t even want to think about. 
So he’s decided that he’s probably haunting a parallel dimension. Maybe. It’s still unclear. 
He’s doomed to live out his afterlife in a parallel dimension because he saved a fucking freshman. Not that he regrets it-- Dustin was Eddie’s favorite, and Steve’s favorite even though Steve claimed not to have any-- but Eddie can’t help but relive the moment he died over and over again. He can’t help thinking that instead of cutting the rope and trapping Dustin in the Rightside Up, he could’ve jumped down with him. Instead of standing on top of his trailer and playing Master of Puppets, he could’ve hooked his radio up to his amp and fucking blasted it. 
Luckily he has time, an eternity even, to really think about all the ways he’s fucked up. 
At some point, Eddie adopts a demobat. It’s rare to find one that’s alive -- all the ones that used him as his last meal were 100% dead, thankfully -- but this one’s a baby. He’s calling it Dustin II, because it’s annoying in a cute way, using its feet to bop along and walk behind Eddie instead of flying.  As the only other thing Eddie’s seen alive, he’s kind of attached to the little guy. 
“Never let society tell you that drug dealing isn’t good,” Eddie says. Dustin II flaps his ears, and Eddie takes that as a nod. “Nothing can be that bad, especially not when it introduces you to the love of your life,” Eddie says. 
“Stevie called me one day, just like super out of it. He said he got roofied by Russians. I thought he was kidding, but now I know he was most definitely not--” 
Eddie’s in Melvad’s, trying to find food he won’t throw up. He’s gone through cans of beans, cans of vegetables, bags of chips… nothing sates his hunger, and even though Eddie thinks it might help, he avoids the meat section entirely. It’s probably all spoiled anyway. He ignores the fact that it still sounds delicious.  
“He calls me over to get some strong painkillers, and asks me to stay with him in case he freaks out. Of course I do it-- King Steve calling me? I’ve been half in love with the guy ever since he was a fucking freshman, of course went over immediately. I show up with drugs, he actually does freak out. I talk him down, and as the kids say, the rest is history.” 
Eddie picks up an apple. It’s more than rotted, it’s practically mummified. He considers it, weighing it in his hand. His stomach revolts-- this won’t do him any good. Eddie shakes his head and throws it away. 
Dustin II chitters. “I know, man,” Eddie nods. “Finding out King Steve was actually Stevie, that he’s a good guy who takes care of a gaggle of kids and likes fucking ABBA-- it rocked my fucking world. Falling in love with him probably goes against the natural order, but I dare you to find anyone that wouldn’t love that man.”  
Somewhere an aisle over, there’s a crash. Eddie flinches and ducks into a crouch. He was stupid to think that Dustin II was the only thing to survive in the Upside Down-- what if it’s a Demogorgon or a Demo-something else… Eddie’s too hungry, he’s too tired, he can’t do this… 
He creeps up the aisle, peeking around the corner. He jumps out with a yell, claws and fangs hyperextended-- 
--There, in front of Dustin II, is a thick, reddish membrane.  Dustin II chitters again. If Eddie didn’t know any better, the thing would look fucking smug. “Holy shit.” 
The first thing Steve sees when he wakes up is Robin’s worried face. It immediately shifts to relief, and she goes to punch his arm before she hesitates, her hand spasming before she rubs his shoulder instead. She holds a glass of water up to his lips and he sucks it down, greedily. “What happened?” Steve says. 
“You passed out at the church, dingus. Apparently Wayne had to actually catch you before you got another concussion.” 
“Steve… They called the ambulance. The EMTs took off your scent patches.” 
“Yeah,” Robin says. She brushes her wrists over Steve’s neck, his sides, filling his nose with lavender. “Everyone’s waiting downstairs.” 
Steve Harrington is officially out of secrets. 
The thing is, Steve never planned on saying anything. When the pregnancy test came back positive, Steve had immediately gotten into his car and driven out of Hawkins. Not even twenty minutes later he’d had to pull over and throw up his lunch. 
His Omega wasn’t happy-- he could feel his instincts rebelling against his very human, very urgent need to get the fuck out of Hawkins, Indiana. Steve had looked down the highway, eyes roving over the Welcome to Hawkins sign. It mocked him in happy yellow letters, like Hawkins wasn’t a hellmouth that’s already taken everything from him. He’d leaned back against the cool metal of his car, letting the soft rumble of the idling engine sooth his sour stomach. Eddie’s battle jacket was warm around his shoulders, and Steve had stuck his nose in it letting Eddie’s clove-honey scent soothe and calm him down the rest of the way. His hands had passed over his stomach as he got back into the front seat. 
He makes a U-Turn and drives back the way he came. 
Steve walks downstairs.
As one, all eyes turn to him. Everyone’s there-- all the kids, Hopper, Joyce, Murray. Even Wayne. Steve turns to him, first. He doesn’t care if everyone hears, he needs to make Wayne understand. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve says. “I wanted to tell you, but I figured you’d eventually want to leave Hawkins and I can’t be the reason you’re stuck here. This whole place, no matter how much they hated Eddie and the way Eddie hated them… He’s just, he’s all over Hawkins, and I can’t leave him when he’s here or in some version of here, and I know you don’t owe me anything because we weren’t bonded, not really, and we’d just talked about it--” 
“You’re carrying my grandpup,” Wane interrupts. His eyes are misty. 
“Yeah,” Steve says weakly. Wayne crosses the room and pulls Steve into a hug, passing his wrists all over Steve in a way more intimate scenting than they’d had in the parking lot of the church. This time it’s more than a light touch; it’s borderline parental, in a way Steve’s parents never were. 
He sees the happiness in Wayne’s eyes, his joy at having a piece of Eddie that isn’t locked behind the gate to a hell dimension. Wayne has said a million times over that he sees Steve as his own kid, but this is the first time Steve actively lets himself feel it. Wayne finally lets Steve go but hovers at his side as he turns and faces the rest of the kids. 
“So yeah,” Steve smiles sadly. “I’m having a baby.” The room erupts into cheers. 
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Eddie Munson laughs as he bursts into the Rightside Up, taking huge gulps of fresh air. “YES! ‘86, baby, what did I say! It’s my fucking year!!!” At his side, Dustin II screeches, feeding off Eddie’s energy. 
Fact: Eddie Munson is a vampire. 
It’s the only explanation, really-- he survived for weeks in the Upside Down without food, raw meat is the only thing that sounds even remotely edible, and his fangs are so long they probably belong in a record book somewhere. His first instinct is to find Steve, to claim him right then, to make up for all the time he wasted. He lets himself imagines it: 
It’s the afterglow of Steve’s heat and they’re sweaty and practically glued together-- 
Steve looks at him, his face breaking into a smile that makes Eddie’s favorite moles scrunch together, practically touching, and Eddie will lick his lips, he’d be nervous, probably-- 
It’d be evening, hopefully sunset, so the sun can outline Steve in a halo of yellow light. He’ll look angelic and fucked-out. His blush’ll spread down his chest and over the sharp planes of his stomach, and Eddie will take his hand in his jaw and he’ll nuzzle at Steve’s throat, popping out his fangs--  
Sticky blood runs down his fingers, and he’s trying to prop Steve up and Steve’s eyes go from trusting to horrified and it’s too late and he can’t move and nothing he’s pressing his fingers to Steve’s neck but the blood won’t stop but instead of being horrified… His knot expands, pushing at Steve’s belly from the inside and he’s killing him and he wants to stop and he can’t, and he wants to save Steve but he can’t, and then. And Steve is lifeless,  a broken, bloody thing, contorted and dead in their nest.
Eddie shakes himself out of it. That can’t happen, that won’t happen. His laughs peter off into sobs… 
He doesn’t think he  can ever see Steve again. 
Steve’s Omega wakes him up that night. 
He shimmies out of Robin’s hold, steps over the pups and out of the backdoor of his house before he’s even fully shaken off the haze of sleep. He walks into the first behind his house, following the scent of clove and honey. Steve thinks it’s his mind playing tricks on him. It’s Eddie’s scent but something more piggybacking on it, something that smells like blood, an undercurrent of iron.  
He feels stupid, but-- “Eddie?” The trees in front of him rustle. 
Steve whips around, tiny fangs bared and hand hovering protectively over his stomach.“Stop,” The shadow growls. Steve can feel a whine in the back of his throat. His Alpha is ordering him away, doesn’t Eddie want him anymore? Logic is gone, there’s just sadness. 
“Eddie, is that you?”  Steve’s shaking, he’s unraveling, he’s coming apart why can’t his Alpha see that. “Eds, talk to me please.”
“Don’t come any closer,” He says, but his voice cracks on the command. Steve has fallen asleep to that voice too many times to not recognize it.  For the first time since Vecna his Omega and his heart are on the same page. Steve feels despair, but more than that he’s angry.  
The shadow moves further into the forest. Historically it’s the Alpha that chases an Omega, but Steve’s nose isn’t lying to him, his heart isn’t lying to him. He holds his hand over his stomach, the barely-there swell comforting him. He’s about to do something so fucking stupid-- 
Steve runs. 
The shadow is impossibly fast, almost teleporting through the trees, but Steve is determined. He ignores that he’s barefoot, even though the ache in his feet is already catching up to him. Maybe-Eddie might be fast, but Steve grew up in these woods, mapping them every summer since he was old enough to walk. Steve sniffs-- smells iron and blood, clove and honey-- there. 
He launches himself at the shadow, and they tumble to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Steve’s legs wrap around Eddie’s waist, pinning him to the ground in between his knees. It’s Eddie, but… the first thing Steve notices is that Eddie’s fingers are different, long and skinny and pitch black at the tips. Steve thinks it’s a trick of the light until they move to cover Eddie’s face. 
“Alpha, how are you here?” Steve says. 
“Surprise,” Eddie says. He moves his hands, finally, and Steve tries to catalog every change in his face. He’s skinnier, gaunt almost, the circles under his eyes making them look impossibly wide and dark. Steve brings his hands up to Eddie’s face, cradling it. They’re both crying. Salty tears drip down Steve’s nose and onto Eddie. “Why did you run from me?” 
“Stevie, you saw me die,” Eddie says. “You saw me die, and then I came back wrong.” Eddie’s shaking. Steve holds him tighter. “Nothing about you could ever be wrong, Eds,” Steve says. 
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure I’m a vampire now.” 
That gives Steve’s pause. But… it’s Eddie, impossibly kind, impossibly wonderful Eddie. The guy who takes spiders out in his palms even when it would be easier to kill them. Again, Steve and his Omega are on the same page. 
“Okay, so you’re a vampire. There is a literal child with superpowers in my nest as we speak,” Steve says. “I know you, Eddie. You’d never hurt me, and you’d die before hurting our baby.” 
A beat. Steve is just so happy now, and it bubbles out of him as he laughs at Eddie’s dumbstruck expression. “Wait, huh,” Eddie says. “Come again?”  
“You, Eddie Munson, would never hurt me or our baby,” Steve giggles. “I was thinking Winnie, if it’s a girl, and maybe Otis for a boy. What do you think?” 
“We’re having a baby?” Steve is right; even through all the changes, Eddie is Eddie. His hands flutter over Steve’s stomach, eyes searching Steve’s in the dim moonlight. Steve nods, grabbing Eddie’s hands and placing them over his belly. There’s nothing to feel, not yet, but  Eddie’s eyes are wide with wonder anyway. 
“You’re gonna be a daddy,” Steve says. Between one blink and the next, Eddie growls and pulls Steve down on top of him. They come together in a crash of teeth and tongues. Steve whines, a small thing in his chest that gets louder as Eddie’s attention shifts to Steve’s neck and chest, sucking and biting everywhere but where Steve wants him. 
Later, Eleven will go through Eddie’s mind and confirm what Steve already knew, that Eddie is still himself even if he needs a little blood once and a while. 
Later, they’ll welcome their baby girl, a sweet little thing with Eddie’s curls and Steve’s moles. They’ll give Wayne his ‘worlds best grandpa’ mug and he’ll get tears all over all of them. 
But right now, under the moonlight, they have all the time in the world. 
Notes: Dividers by @strangergraphics
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peachhcs · 6 months
good thing it was a rainy day
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
summary: part to 2 to rainy day at the lake house where some pent up sexual tension escalates between samy and will after being forced to stay away from one another due to everyone's obnoxious teasing
2k words
warnings: 18+, SMUT, this is literally like all smut, sub!will, sub!reader, switch, oral (m receiving), p in v (protected!!), riding, making out, hair pulling, slight praising, hickeys, consensual!, getting caught at the end
soooo here’s part 2!!! this is very explicit so read at your own risk! (warning u now before u hit read more lmao) publishing things like this genuinely scares me bc i know people can write so much better smut and i've never published smut before 🫣 but hope y’all like it?? idk i’m not the best at writing sex but like yeah! (p.s. pic 1 and pic 3 are from tumblr) (p.s.s. working on my requests rn too!!)
au masterlist | part 1
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will's hands glided across samy's back as they deepened their kiss. the boy desperately tried ignoring what was going on down in his pants because if he focused too hard on it, he'd for sure cum before anything really happened. the brunette wasn't making it easy either. she bit and tugged on will's bottom lip like her life depended on it and the little tugs at the root of his curls had him losing it fast. samy's little comment from a few minutes ago had will trying to keep his sounds in—one, because he didn't want to get caught and two, he was trying to prove he wasn't the loud one.
although every time samy grinded her core against his own or kissed particularly hard, will struggled strangling his little whimpers and groans. she definitely wasn't making his easy for him.
the girl's hand started wandering lower again. she moved slowly and calculated like she was intentionally teasing the boy beneath her. will was desperate for her touch and her slow pace was killing him.
"s-samy, please," will's blue eyes met her own where a smirk replaced the gentle smile.
"desperate, huh?" she mused, finally reaching will's waistband again.
"mhm, god—" he couldn't stop the whimper this time. she was so close, yet so far still.
samy grinned. she reveled in those sounds her boyfriend made. he was so tough on the outside, so knowing this was how he got for her was a treat. she finally decided to have some mercy and allowed her hand to make contact with will's bulge. he immediately jerked his hips into her touch, biting his lip so hard he started tasting blood.
"this okay?" samy wondered, always double checking.
"yes, yeah. it's perfect," will breathily got out. she smiled, pushing his curls away from his somewhat sweaty forehead.
for it being so rainy and cool outside, the temperature inside of samy's room was hot.
she palmed will through his shorts for a few more moments before slowly pushing them down. his cock came free in one go, making will hiss at the sudden air against it. samy's eyes widened even though she's seen him multiple times before. each time was always as good as the first—always so red and throbbing for a release.
"so, so pretty, will," samy praised as she carefully took him in her hand. she used his pre as lube, slowly running her hand up and down his length in soft strokes.
"mm, yeah. feels so good," will muttered, head falling back onto the pillow in relief.
the brunette leaned down to leave gentle kisses to will's tip. the small feeling of her mouth on him had will's hips stuttering, trying to keep them under control.
"shit, hughes."
samy pumped him for a bit longer before deciding she was ready to attach her lips to him. his pre was enough lube and by the way he twitched in her hand, she knew he was already close. her pretty lips took him in one go resulting in the most guttural moan from her boyfriend. will's hands gripped onto the sheets, struggling to keep his hips still.
"fuck," he cursed a little too loudly. her lips were like heaven and the feeling was something will tried engraving into his mind forever.
"so good for me, will," samy hummed, meeting his gaze. the boy nearly lost it seeing her like that with his dick in her mouth. he took a mental snapshot, wanting that memory until he died—messy hair, glossed over eyes, hickeys on every inch of her skin—he was so, so fucked.
she picked up her pace, bobbing her head a little faster than before. her hands splayed across will's hips as purchase and leverage to help with the speed.
"i'm close already," will moaned, feeling that coil in his stomach about to snap.
"cum for me, will. it's okay," samy urged and her words were enough to send him over the edge and see stars.
his hips bucked up on their own as he released right into samy's mouth. "oh fuck. shit," he got out.
his chest heaved in deep pants in attempt to get his breathing back under control while samy just grinned. "d-did you swallow all of it?" the boy wondered, dragging his hand back up her thigh.
the brunette stuck her tongue out to show that there was nothing left. will groaned and that sight was enough to keep his dick hard. his other hand tugged samy back down to his mouth, kissing her particularly hard being no where near finished with her yet.
"god, you're so pretty," the boy muttered against her lips earning a small blush across samy's cheeks.
his hands tugged at her waistband as an indication that he wanted her shorts off. samy kicked them down her legs being left in her swimsuit bottoms that left little to the imagination. will's hand wandered across the exposed skin and took handfuls of her ass. he moaned at the feeling of her flesh in his hands while samy kissed him deeper.
the hockey player flipped them over so he now had the upper hand. a smirk lined his lips while he let his hand wander further down to her own waistband again. samy read the look in his eye, a smile crossing her lips as she tugged her boyfriend down for more kisses.
will took that opportunity to push her swimsuit aside and slowly slide one of his fingers into her warm walls. his action had a loud moan escaping samy's lips which brought a grin to his lips.
"fuck, will," samy's eyes closed, nails digging into his arms.
"this okay?" the boy breathed against her neck.
"mhm, more than okay," the brunette's own whimpers started escaping her lips as will's finger picked up speed before deciding to add a second one. he smirked to himself—who was the loud one now?
will found a good pace while peppering more light hickeys across his girlfriend's chest. they were for sure never going to hear the end of it from anyone after this. the sounds she made had the boy going crazy—all of it going straight to his now throbbing cock. every time samy's mouth opened will twitched, desperately searching for his second orgasm.
"need you so bad, pretty girl," he breathed into her ear earning another delicious moan in response.
"me too. need you inside me, will," samy's voice broke. she really couldn't look more gorgeous to will. her tear stained cheeks and kiss swollen lips made the boy go completely numb.
he slowly pulled his fingers out while samy dug through her nightstand for a condom. will's gaze fixated on her as she tore the wrapper open with her teeth and carefully rolled it on him. his hips jerked at her touch, a low chuckle escaping his lips between the breathy pants.
he grabbed ahold of samy's face, both of them falling back onto the bed again as he devoured her lips once more. in the next second, samy straddled will's hips.
"i'm so in love with you," will mumbled between kisses.
"so, so in love with you. so handsome," the girl replied.
she began lining will up with her entrance. as soon as the tip was in, each of them let out probably the loudest moans ever that would definitely let everyone else in the house know what they were up to. will's grasp on her hips became bruising while sang tugged harshly on his curls.
the further down samy went, the harder it was for will to keep his hips still. he used whatever self-control he had left to stay still as he bottomed out. the two were so desperate for one another they nearly came immediately.
"oh my god— fuck," a broken moan escaped will's lips as his eyes squeezed shut.
"you can move," samy urged. her walls stretched themselves out around the hockey player's thick cock—the feeling making her head spin.
"fuck, i can't. not yet. gonna fucking cum if i move," will panted, desperately trying to think of unsexy things so he wouldn't blow his load in the first five seconds.
after another few seconds, will found it in himself to start moving. he slowly bucked his hips up, hands digging into samy's flesh that would for sure leave marks. the brunette met his thrusts with a roll of her hips. the two began finding a good pace and samy's grinding turned into bouncing.
"yeah, fuck. so good for me will," the girl's head tipped back exposing all of the hickeys under her jaw and down her throat.
will felt his cock throb at the sight knowing he left all of those and they'd be impossible to hide.
"so fucking hot. shit hughes," the blonde moaned out. his hands went back to her ass—her bouncing turning his brain to mush.
it didn't take long for the bouncing to become too much for the hockey player. that feeling in his stomach returned and samy knew will was closed with how his cock twitched inside of her. she used her hands pressed against his chest as leverage to bounce faster and making sure her cleavage was on full display to try and get will to his orgasm.
"close will?" the girl wondered.
"mhm, so close—fuck—gonna make me cum," the boy got out in broken pants, eyes clued to her chest on full display for him.
samy smirked, working herself faster and ignoring the burn in her thighs form all the work she was doing. the sounds will let out was enough to push her to her own orgasm. she moaned out as she clenched around his length, riding out her high.
"cum for me will," she urged. her words and orgasm was enough to push the boy to his second orgasm.
he spilled into the condom with a string of curse words and samy's name leaving his lips while he held her down against him, riding out his own high.
"god, fuck. came so fucking hard," will panted once he regained some of his breath.
samy grinned, pushing his curls away from his sweaty forehead, both of their skins were glowing with moisture as the room filled with sex.
"did so good for me," the girl praised which had will's cheeks flushing.
"i love you so much," he mumbled and samy leaned down to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
suddenly, there was a rough knock on the door that had both of them tensing. the two exchanged a glance, waiting for someone to say something on the other side.
"just so you know, eth and i heard all of that. you guys are disgusting. you're so glad you don't have a room next to mom and dad," luke's voice came through while they could hear ethan's little snickers.
"fuck off," samy called back to her brother while will's cheeks turned a deep crimson. he'd never be able to look luke in the eyes for the rest of the summer.
"i gotta appreciate it though. will's got hella game," ethan spoke now and they could hear luke slap his friend on the arm for that comment.
"next time y'all need to get off take a drive somewhere," luke said before him and ethan walked away.
will's eyes were glued to samy as she dragged him through the kitchen. they had smiles on their faces and the same look in their eyes while the girl searched for her car keys in the mess of everyone else's.
the boy's lips were already nipped at her neck as they stumbled their way to the garage. her hickeys from a few weeks ago hadn't even faded yet, but will was determined to add more.
as the two made it through the kitchen, they caught luke's gaze where he sat at the table eating some throw together peanut butter and jelly sandwich, his eyes widened when he saw samy's car keys, the look in their eyes, and will's slight bulge down in his shorts already.
"you fucking whores!" the middle hughes yelled, dropping his sandwich in disgust.
suddenly, he wasn't hungry anymore nor will he be anytime soon.
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ohcorny · 6 months
hey corny. so i always see people recommending to outline their story before starting it, but could you talk a little bit more about what that means? what is an outline and how do you structure one? how long are the ones you write, depending on the project? do you focus on plot beats or feelings? how specific do you get? can u recommend any readings for learning more?
up front i don't have any resources for this, only experience. and outlines feel like one of those things where it's like... there are a million ways to do it and the way that works for me might not work for you. i have a friend who writes out all his ideas on index cards and that, for me, is insane. but he's also a better writer than me so who can say what is right or wrong.
anyway an outline is essentially a sketch but for a story. you go through the whole thing, start to finish, and figure out what goes where and what happens when. the idea is that this is the stage where you work out all the big picture stuff and make sure it all fits together, now, and not after you've drawn twenty pages and suddenly go "wait shit that doesn't work" and have to do it over. it is much easier to delete and rewrite a paragraph than to redraw several pages.
doing anything more, ie including dialogue or feelings, depends entirely on how useful that information is to you at that point in the process and whether the purpose of the outline is for your own guidance, or so somebody else can tell what you're trying to achieve.
this got really long with multiple examples
here is an excerpt from the original outline i used to pitch Hunger's Bite to publishers. this one had to be polished to a professional standard, because somebody else was going to read it and decide whether they wanted to give me thousands of dollars to tell this story. (also several of the details are no longer accurate. for instance it now takes place 9 years earlier lmao)
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this paragraph represents the first eight pages of the book. the final book is 264 pages long, and the outline was 12 pages of paragraphs as dense as this one.
it establishes where we are, who's there, and what they're doing. i describe their conversation, but i don't commit to the dialogue. i will occasionally include snippets of literal dialogue, but usually only if it's Important Dialogue, or i just don't want to forget a good idea i had while outlining. it's not expected at this step.
an outline written as part of a pitch to a publisher should tell the whole story, with all the important details, and leave nothing ambiguous. they need to know the tone, shape, and the arcs. no secrets! all the spoilers. outlines for yourself should do this too, but outlines for others need to be as clear about your vision as possible. again, an outline like this exists for the purpose of getting you paid thousands of dollars. you should write it like that.
in comparison, here's an excerpt from the outline i wrote for revisions to my WIP prose novel, so i could show it to my agent (who already read the draft) to be like "do these changes sound good?" i'm not selling it to anyone yet, just making a guide so i can have a conversation about it. so it doesn't need to be neat, it just needs to be functional and clear. the first chapter was entirely new stuff. the second bit was just writing down what was already in the chapter that existed.
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i have historically been very bad at outlining things when i don't think i "need" to, and only wrote this one after having written like 60k words of the book without any overall plan. i gave what i had to my agent for feedback and then sat down and figured out how i could apply it. it's made the whole revisions process significantly less daunting. now i have a checklist for things i need to do! this one was a paragraph or two for each chapter, with the ones that needed a lot of rewriting given a bit more detail.
lastly, here's a bit of the outline for the first roger crenshaw book. i was the only person who had to see this, and since the story was planned to be very short i didn't have to worry about a whole lot. as long as i knew what was supposed to go where, it would work. honestly it's not a whole lot different from the previous example.
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this one was like five paragraphs and it did the job, and this story was like 15k words. you only need as much or as little as will actually help you on the page.
basically if you take nothing else from this, it's that there are multiple ways to write an outline, that it does not need to be perfect if you're doing it for yourself, and that it only needs what you think is important (unless it is for other people. then it should have everything). and also it's a good idea to do it earlier in the project than after you've written 60k words or drawn--jesus christ i got up to 12 chapters in never satisfied? it's amazing i didn't quit sooner
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lovingrosewho · 1 year
Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything but I recently began watching Criminal Minds again and fell in love with Aaron Hotchner all over again as well, so I just had to write this, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it :) This is my first Criminal Minds (published) fanfic, and the first Hotch x Reader I’ve written ever! (also the first nsfw)
ONE SHOT (but who knows, it may even have a part 2 on a future maybe not-so-near but not-so-far-away either)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Cis!fem!reader
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3467
Summary: reader has been accused of murdering her older, rich ex-fiancé (of course I took my inspo for this piece of fanfiction from Brooke Whyndam, of the movie “Legally blonde”, also, the line “then show them a picture of his dick” is from that movie).
Warnings: NSFW content (innuendo, sex, curse words, age gap - reader is in her mid twenties, Hotch is in his early/mid forties)
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“I didn’t do it!” you scream one last time slamming your fist on the table, on the edge of tears.
It had passed around 8 hours already with you in custody, accused of the murder of your ex-fiancé, a (quite older) man, CEO of a big company in town, and as if that wasn’t enough, the best friend of the sheriff.
SSA Aaron Hotchner rubs his face, tired, after observing Prentiss and Morgan’s attempts to get you to confess. It’s almost 3am.
“Sheriff, with all due respect, I think she’s telling the truth” he tells him with a soft voice after a deep sigh.
“And with all due respect, you profiled that the suspect would be a female in her mid twenties, who we’d have to get the information out of her”.
“And we also profiled she’d be seeking for attention and validation which we don’t see it happening do we?” Aaron retorts rolling his eyes discreetly.
The sheriff gives SSA Aaron Hotchner one last glance before grabbing the doorknob of the interrogation room and storming in, Hotch follows close behind, seeing how the sheriff turns off the videocamera recording what happens inside the interrogation room, knowing no good can come from asking the same questions over and over again when everybody is also tired and fed up with trying to get a false confession out of you, which, from your behavior, Hotch knows it’s impossible.
“That’s it!” the sheriff yells “You killed my best friend! Either you confess or I’ll let you rot in here the rest of the 72 hours we can have you legally detained!”
“For the last time, I. Didn’t. Do it!” you yell back.
The BAU team exchanges glances between each other.
“What judge is going to believe you huh? You were engaged to a successful man in his mid fifties! And then he goes and marries someone even younger than you!”
“That was over two years ago!” you talk back.
“You had motive and opportunity, no judge nor jury is going to understand any other reason for you to be with him that is not for the money”.
“Then show them a picture of his dick! That might clear a few things up” you finally bark at him. The sheriff looks at you in astonishment. Morgan disguises a snicker as a cough, Prentiss bites down her lower lip to suppress a laugh, and Hotchner… Hotchner just stands impassive at you.
The sheriff leaves the room enraged, and everyone else follows, not before giving you an apologetic look. Hotchner is the last one to stay. You see the slightest doubt on his eyes and the subtle twist his lips make. You know he’s thinking about letting you go, but he then lowers his stare and gets out of the room, just like everybody else.
You sigh, drained out of energy after all the interrogations. This can’t be happening to you.
You knew since the moment you met John, that just his pure acquaintance could ruin your life. He had many enemies, and even more groupies who belonged to social circles that if you hadn’t met him, you would have never even imagined they existed, but what you had never imagined either, was that after all the heartbreak, loss and pain of what you thought in that moment to be the love of your life, you’d be reliving all those feelings, cause of some stupid cop negligence.
You lay your head slowly on the table, feeling the coldness of the metal surface on your cheek, and close your eyes for just a couple of minutes. You can’t sleep, not until this nightmare is all over, but at least, you get to have a few moments of peace and quiet before some other agent enters the room and begins yet another interrogation, demanding new information. Information you don’t have.
Outside the gray room, where you can’t hear nor see anything, the BAU team argues with the sheriff about your freedom.
“We’ve gotten out of her everything we’re going to get, I’m telling you, she didn’t do it” Morgan tries to reason with him.
“An unsub who planned a homicide this calculated would be equally calculated both on his answers and his behavior, this girl was in shock when we started showing her the case photos and couldn’t get a single cohesive phrase out. You can’t pin this murder on her” Emily backs up Morgan.
The sheriff looks at both of them, puffs a sigh and places his hands on his hips before discussing.
“Look, I get it, you profilers or whatever think you’re better than all of us, but this is still my county, and while I can have her in custody, I will. Who knows? She might even give up a confession or at least some new information. Goodnight gentlemen. And lady” he starts to walk to the exit without giving any of them any chance to convince him “I suggest you too get some rest. It’s been a long day and there’s one even longer ahead of us. Lock up when you get out”.
With that last statement, the sheriff ends the discussion and exits the precinct. Morgan and Prentiss move their heads in disagreement, proceeding to look back at Hotch, who is frowning at the door the sheriff just left through.
“What now?” both the BAU members look at the unit chief.
“Sheriff is right in one thing: you should get some rest. I’ll stay here with (Y/N), keep her company and see if there’s something we missed” he declares “Call Reid, Rossi and JJ, head back to the hotel, I’ll catch up with you in a few hours”.
“Hotch she’s not our unsub” Morgan defends you again “I mean we could, let her go right?”
“I’m afraid not. If we step ahead of the local officers, we might make things worse by getting ourselves kicked out of the investigation. It’ll be of more use the sooner we find something, anything, that might help (Y/N) clear her name and get her out of here” Hotch answers, he’s looking at Morgan but directs his orders to both of them, he knows his team too well to not know for a fact that Emily is the one who’s more inclined to let you go. They both nod silently.
“All right” Emily surrenders, not just because she’s too tired to continue arguing, but because she also knows that perhaps getting back to the hotel and going over some of the facts and scenes with Reid or JJ, might be more useful “Do you want me to stay with you? I mean the precinct is completely empty. You’ll be here all by yourself”.
“It’s okay. You and Morgan. Hotel. Rest. We’ll gather first thing in the morning and go through everything we have so far” he assures and doesn’t wait for a reply, beginning to walk back to the interrogation room, hearing the exit door of the precinct close behind him and the key turning.
When he enters again, he finds you on the same position you were trying to rest, your cheek against the now warm table, your hair falling on it and covering parts of your face.
“I’m not asleep” you mutter softly “I just needed to clear my head, breath and relax for a bit”.
Hotch lets out an almost imperceptible sigh, but everything is so quiet, that you get to hear it.
“(Y/N) I know you didn’t do it” he pronounces just as softly as you.
“Really?” you frown and shift your position, sitting back on the chair, looking at him “Then… can I go?”
He presses his lips into a straight line, and lets out a firm, but still tender “no”. A single tear escapes your right eye and you wipe it off quickly, not quite giving in to the emotions just yet. Hotch notices and comes to stand right next to you, laying on the edge of the table.
“If I’d let you go, the local authorities would not let us continue the investigation and they’d pin that murder on you. Trust me, the best we can do right now is wait a few hours until everyone has cooled down and come back with fresh eyes” he guarantees you, his features relaxing as he tells you this “Everything’s gonna be fine”.
“Everything’s gonna be fine” you repeat his words slowly, then look up at him. Damn it. He’s handsome. It’s no secret to anyone you have a thing for older men, but did that trait really have to emerge right now? You can’t help but to laugh out loud at the thought, it’s absurd to you that you could be thinking of that when you’re being accused of murder.
“What’s so funny?” he asks confused, and distances himself ever so slightly from you, without leaving his place on the table.
“Nothing, just…” you start, in an attempt to explain yourself and don’t end up looking crazy “God, if I had met you under any other circumstances, I’d probably be all over you right now”.
SSA Aaron Hotchner does not move, nor his face changes towards you, but you can see the most subtle blush on his cheeks, and his fists tightening. His lips finally crack up a light smile, finding the situation absurd as well, he quickly remembers the videocamera is off.
“You do realize you could be facing murder charges, right?” he asks playfully, kinda mocking you, keeping the volume of his voice down.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry” you apologize “It’s just so late, I’m tired, and well, you’re smoking hot” you confess with an apologetic, but also mischievous, look. Hotch finally lets out a laugh. Get a hold of yourself, Hotchner, he thinks to himself, takes a deep breath and goes back to his serious stare.
“(Y/N), I understand it’s been a long day in which you’ve been under a lot of pressure, but for me to keep up this game would be not only unprofessional, but also unethical. Your mind is probably just making up this crush for you to pass the time and distract yourself from what is happening. You’ll get over me” he explains sweetly.
“I wish I could get under you instead…” your witty retort catches him off guard, he swallows hard and starts coughing. He’s not used to women flirting with him anymore, not for a long time, let alone women almost half his age.
“I’ll see you in a few hours” he says standing up and reaching towards the door, not really uncomfortable by your approaches, but more by his increasing boner.
“No, okay I’m sorry, please stay with me” you beg him, standing up as well “I was just joking. Well, not really, but just… please keep me company, stay?”
He turns back at you not realizing how close you are, less than a couple steps behind him and he almost crashes into you, but he prevents the two of you from tripping by stabilizing himself grabbing your hips, but his hands can’t get to let go afterwards. You breath heavily, feeling the arousal and heat from the proximity suffocating you.
“Please fuck me” you half ask, half beg, admitting to yourself that what you need right now is precisely what agent Hotchner said: relieving some stress and distraction.
SSA Aaron Hotchner can’t help himself.
Ugh, fuck it, he thinks. It’s the sheriff’s fault for turning off the videocamera in an attempt to scare you and try and trick you into making a confession.
Without any further notice, he grabs your ass and the highest part of the back of your thighs to lift you. Your legs instinctively wrap around his back and your arms around his neck, not breaking eye contact as you let him carry you to the table. He places you on the table with tenderness, caressing your back as he does so. You bring your dominant hand to grab his tie and pull him in for a long, wet, controlled kiss, running your other hand along his arm and chest, ending the trace on his cheek, allowing your thumb to move back and forth on his skin.
Quite to be honest, Aaron doesn’t know how well he’ll be able to perform. It’s been a while since he’s last had sex, and his mind is always either on his job, or his family. He’ll probably won’t last more than a few minutes. But he can try and make it up to you.
He begins to deviate his trace of wet kisses from your mouth, to you jaw, your neck, and slowly your chest, discovering little by little the skin under your clothes, while his hands drop by the side of your waist, hips and legs, exploring you under the midi skirt you’re wearing. His right hand finds the slit between your legs, covered by your panties, and starts caressing it through the fabric. He listens to you moan and brings his other hand to cover your mouth with endearment, letting you know you’ve got to keep quiet.
He moves your panties to the side and traces one finger along your slick, inserting it inside of you. You have to suppress an even louder moan. He moves that one finger up and down, hitting your G spot, inserting another finger when you’re ready.
“Please” you beg once again. Aaron chuckles, grabbing you and getting you closer to the edge of the table, proceeding to get down on his knees and sucking all your juices without any type of heads up. You can’t but let out a loud moan. He looks up at you, and even though his eyes demand silence, you can tell there’s the slightest grin on his lips, before he continues sucking and licking your folds and clit. Your back drops to the table, unable to keep yourself steady so you can watch him. You’re trembling with desire and lust “Agent Hotchner, please” you beg once again. Hearing you call him ‘agent Hotchner’ does something to him. He stands up, wiping a little bit of your juices off his mouth and kissing you afterwards, his hands resting on either side of you on the table, one of them coming to grab each of your nipples one at a time.
“How much do you want this?” he asks softly.
“I need you” you answer “Please, fill me”.
His eyes meet yours and he nods slowly. His mouth comes to encircle one of your nipples as he pulls down your underwear and hides it in his suit pocket, and undoes his belt and trousers, without taking any clothes off. You come up from your laying position to support yourself with your elbows on the table, not wanting to miss how the special agent from the FBI takes his cock out to give it to you.
When he’s got it out and ready for you, he pumps it up and down a couple of times before lifting entirely your skirt and positioning himself in your entrance. He enters slowly, letting you take him all in, allowing you to accustom to his size, and for the love of him, he feels like he could explode any second. He breathes deeply and clears his mind, his ego not letting him end up looking like a teenager having his first time.
“Let me ride you” you ask after a few slow thrusts, needing more of him. He looks at you and nods.
God, what is he doing? At least you’re innocent. Are you? Right? You’ve gotta be. The profile doesn’t fit. But they’ve been wrong before haven’t they?
You exchange positions so he’s laying on the table, you get on top of him and guide his cock back into you again. You part your lips in a moan when you come down on him and begin moving your hips, his hands moving alongside them. You lower yourself without stopping so you can kiss him, rubbing your whole torso on his, your sweat making your skin slip on his skin. He grabs your breasts so he can bring them to his mouth, nibbling them.
Meanwhile, you’re wondering if this might just be another trick for you to let your guard down. But what could you say that might incriminate you? You know you’re innocent. What if he’s not even a real agent?
You’re so close that you can’t give yourself permission to sink into those thoughts, instead, you start riding Hotch faster and stronger, your clit rubbing against his pelvis as you do so.
“Aaron, Aaron…” you moan lowly. You don’t know if it’s okay that you’re on a first name basis already, but it just seems weird to you if you call him ‘Hotch’ like his colleagues.
It seems like he’s perfectly fine with it, as he digs his fingertips on your hips, encouraging you to keep going, feeling how your walls tense around him as your orgasm hits you.
You moan uncontrollably as you come, not being able to keep those in, digging your nails in Aaron’s shoulder suit sleeves. Afterwards, you lay slowly on his chest, until you start feeling like he’s pulling himself out.
“Wait” you gather and pull yourself up again, with him still inside of you “What are you doing? Don’t you wanna finish too?”
He looks at you in disbelief.
“Well I thought you may wanna rest or…” he begins explaining. You laugh and look fondly at him, lowering yourself again to murmur “don’t stop” in his ear.
Of course, he remembers. Twenties.
That’s everything he needs to start thrusting into you with everything he’s got left.
“(Y/N) I’m not-“ he tries to phrase “I’m not going to last longer, I’m- is it okay if I…?”
“Come inside me” you order “It’s okay, don’t worry, I’m on contraceptives”.
He decides to believe you, for his sake, and fastens his pace until it becomes sloppy, spilling inside of you just like you asked for, his cum filling you and showing between your folds as he brings himself out.
“Oh my god” he breathes out as he brings you down to his chest, securing his arms around your back, bringing you even closer to him “I’ll put you in handcuffs myself if it turns out you’re not innocent”.
You chuckle, tracing circles on his chest through the fabric of his shirt.
“I am. But still, you can put me in handcuffs any time you want”. He laughs alongside you, still feeling a bit like a teenager. A teenager who just did something very very wrong and that nobody should find out about. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds before his cellphone starts ringing, he answers almost immediately.
“Hotchner” he says calmly “Yes I’m still here. No, everything’s fine, she’s… behaved. Prints don’t match? Well of course they don’t, was García able to tell whose are they then? Right. Well, tell her to keep digging. I’ll see you in a bit”.
After he hangs up he turns to you with a playful look.
“You never touched the gun that was in your purse, did you?” you shake your head.
“Guns and, weapons of any type really, give me the creeps, I just left it there thinking it was someone’s idea of pranking me or something”.
“Well that may have just made your case. You’re free to go. Whoever was trying to frame you did a lousy job not guessing you weren’t going to grab the gun” he tells you arching his brows at you. You stare perplexed at him.
“You’re serious? Oh my god Aaron! Thank you!” you exclaim kissing him.
“Yes, and we should get dressed and get out of here before anything else happens” he affirms gently, helping you stand up so you both can fix your clothes.
“Well, agent Hotchner, it’s been a pleasure. Truly” you tell him when the two of you are walking out of the interrogation room towards the exit.
“Pleasure is all mine, (Y/N)” he says, winking an eye at you “I’d like you to know… I don’t usually do this. I don’t…”
“Aaron” you interrupt sweetly, one of your hands coming to grab his forearm to stop him “I know. I can tell. It’s okay. I know that if I hadn’t initiated it or followed up you would have never even considered it, I get it… but now, can we please do it again?”
He chuckles.
“You know where we’re staying and the number of my hotel room, sweetheart. And I also recall reading on some case file that you’re from Virginia and were just visiting your home town?”
You smile widely at him as you nod, pulling him in from his tie for one last kiss. Or who knows, it might not even be the last one.
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lucyandalexiafan · 8 months
Blow off steam | Alexia Putellas x reader | part 3
summary: Alexia finally fucks reader
warnings: dom!Alexia, sub!reader, pussy spanking, using of collar and leash, degradation, praise, use of pet names / slut, dirty talk, orgasm denial.
words: 3 k
Do not copy, translate or claim my works and fics as your own; if I find out I will report them and block you. Instead, write to me, my directs are always open, and ask me if you can publish your work/fic inspired by one of mine. However, you can reblog them!
She's so hot in this way, with messy hair, red cheeks, and parted lips.
Her index finger grabs some of her arousal that is on my chin and brings it to my lips. I immediately surround it with them.
I lick it.
I suck in every drop of what she brings to my mouth.
I move my arms in an attempt to free myself.
She smiles sadisticly.
"You were so good baby - she pauses, licking her lip - my perfect good girl" 
I moan loudly trying to arch my body. 
My belly hurts for the contractions.
"I beg you," I gasp. 
She raises her hand, fingers together, not far from my cheek.
I close my eyes when I realize she might want to hit my face.
I turn my head to the other side.
After a few moments, nothing happens.
"I beg you what, amor?" the sardonic tone.
"Can I come? Reina, I beg you" 
"You want to cum immediately, don't you? You're so needy." 
She makes fun of me.
I nod.
"Yes Reina, I beg you - I gasp as I find a minimum of pleasure in rubbing my thighs together - I will be a good girl... your good little girl" 
She sneers.
"Oh, no, baby... To be my good baby you have to give me at least more two orgasms, better three" 
I open my eyes wide.
What does it mean? 
Two more orgasms denied? 
I can't do it.
"No, please... I beg you, Reina... I implore you" 
Her eyes sparkle with sadism looking to my despair, my need, for an orgasm.  
I swallow the saliva.
"G-green Reina" 
She smiles as she bends down to kiss me.
Her lips against mine in a passionate kiss.
She grins on my lips when I try to move my arms another time.
She caresses my cheek when she pulls away, a sweet gesture.
"My perfect baby," she sighs, looking at me with a sweet smile. 
I blush and look away in embarrassment.
How can she look at me like this? 
A woman like her to be like that with me.
"You're so embarrassed baby - she chuckles - I just rode your face, I punished you, I stopped you from cumming... and you're still embarrassed. You're so innocent." 
I close my eyes. 
The contractions are getting stronger and stronger.
I tighten the headboard of the bed.
"You're so innocent as a submissive, little girl... the most innocent I've ever had" 
The nail of her forefinger brushes against my face.
It reaches the neck, where it applies more pressure.
I arch my neck back.
How is such a simple thing so exciting? 
I gasp as she wraps her hand around my neck.
She squeezes it.
I gasp spasmodically with excitement.  
"My innocent, masochistic, little girl," she adds.
I clench my thighs in response.
"I beg you, Reina"  
I look at her.
She sadistically grins. 
She gets up from my chest and crawls back. 
Her face near my breasts.
She bites a nipple.
I scream in surprise and pain.
"Green R-Re-" I can't finish that bites it back.
She licks it.
She bites one breast, then the other.
I moan uncontrollably.
The pleasure increases more and more.
It intoxicates me.
It overwhelms me.
"Could my little girl cum only thanks to the nipple stimulation?" 
I nod my head, almost choking on my saliva.
Pleasure to the stars.
"So hypersensitive," she bites my nipple again, "so desperate." 
I move my arms.
She's moaning on my body.
Then, she plays with the other nipple, running it through her fingers.
I arch my back.
"I beg you, Reina"  
I gasp through the moans.
I messily swallow my saliva.
I wrap my legs around her body.
The excitement continues to soar, to rise, to intoxicating me.
"My baby is cumming" she teases me until she pulls away.
I move my arms several times.
I wrap my legs around her torso, as to try to hold her back, to not let her go away, to give me more pleasure. 
"You're so desperate" 
She loves teasing me, edging me.
I'm so submissive. 
So slave to her will.
So dependent on her care.
I start begging her, to implore her. 
"Green" I scream "Green Reina... I beg you" 
She Sneers.
"Can I turn you, baby?" 
I nod as I answer her.
She shifts my body and then grabs my side and spins me around.
My hands tightened even tighter by the tie. 
I groan in surprise.
She asks me for the safeword and I answer as before.
She rests a knee between my legs, directly against my pussy. 
I whine in a hurry of surprise.
And then she starts rubbing me. 
"Hump on it baby - she gasps as she spanks me - Rub yourself like a good slut, like the good slut I know you are" 
I gasp at the verbal degradation.
"Like the good slut you were before".
I start rubbing myself when she pushes her knee against my pussy again, applying more pressure, and I slide against her hips.
My back arched downwards, breasts against the sheet, arms outstretched.
She seems to like it, to like my position.
A hand hitting my butt repeatedly.
I'm discomposed, certainly not sensual, but I move trying to reach the orgasm rubbing against her soaked thigh.
"In-insult me, Reina," I groan, clutching the sheet through my fingers, "I beg you." 
She leans over me.
The knee that puts the most pressure. 
She takes the leash of the collar, pulling it towards her.
My arms stretched out, my thighs in contact with her thighs, my ass pressed against her hips making me moan for the pain.
"Do you want me to degrade you, baby? - I nod furiously forcing on the grip of the collar - Does degradation excite you, mh?" 
I nod as the pleasure builds and she pulls the leash harder when I'm not talking her back.
I choke with my saliva.
The pleasure from the grip is becoming painful.
She moves her knee against my cunt, rubbing it against me. 
I scream for pleasure.
"My slut is so submissive. You like to be humiliated, don't you? You like that your Reina humiliates you, you like the feeling of giving power to someone else who exploits it against you, don't you?" 
I nod furiously in gasp.
Her knee does not miss a beat of the pace and I'm moving discomposedly against it.
"I-I'm y-your... your sl-slut" I gasp as I'm about to cum.
I beg her to aloud me cum.  
I warn her that the pleasure is about to invade me. 
"My slut? - she pretends to think about it, her higher voice to imitate me, teasing me - Oh yes, you're my slut" 
Her lips touch my ear.
She moans in my ear. 
"My submissive slut who just wants to be dominated and degraded" 
She licks my neck and then bites it, the teeth that hit my skin. 
I continue to beg her, to implore her to make me cum.
And then, as it began, it rises, leaving me on the edge of orgasm, torn apart by the grip of pleasure, of the contractions, of the seizures from need.
I call her several times with no answer other than her giggling.
"G-re-n" I sigh, in the throes of spasms.
"Can you stand another denial, little girl?" she asks sitting near my face, on the bed.
I nod against the mattress.
The tears for the missed pleasure that wet the sheet.
I close my thighs by squeezing them several times one against the other. 
The body is crossed by sobs.
Her hand rests on my hair caressing it.
"My beautiful, perfect, little slut"  
I nod against the mattress. 
"Y-yo-ur... o-only yo-ur R-ina" 
"You're so good baby that it seems almost impossible to me" 
I moan at the way that she alternates compliments with insults.
This is more than I could have hoped for before.
Her finger brushes against my back and up to my ass, I contract it by holding it up. 
"Your skin is so red," she chuckles, "now it is more," she adds, hitting my skin again.
I push myself towards the headboard trying to escape from the slaps.
My body contracted constantly with sobs.
"Please... please" 
The hand strikes again my ass. 
"I'd like to fuck you, little girl" 
I open my eyes wide.
"But you should turn around" 
I nod panting as I turn on my back, groaning in pain when the red skin of my ass touches the sheets.
"Uh, look at you, baby... With tears and red cheeks, but you're so soaked... Does humiliation have this effect on you, my little slut?" 
I nod and arch my back as I'm seeking pleasure against the mattress.
"You're so intellectual baby - pause as I look at her - My baby hides a huge slutty side" 
I moan as I move my arms again, all this mental thing is eating up my body.
"I can smell you from here" she adds.
The blush makes its way to my cheeks while I gasp when she starts playing with my breasts again. 
"Look at you, baby... a mess of excitement, full of my marks, tied to my bed - hits a breast - You're so slutty that I didn't even think of you like that in my dreams" 
"Stop, please," I gasp and try to catch my breath "Please, can I come, Reina? I beg you" 
She grins as he sits in front of me.
"As long as you don't say the safeword, I'll keep going, baby," she pauses as if waiting for me to say it, "Maybe my slut doesn't want anything more than that? To be humiliated as long as she can bear it?"  
She slaps my pussy when I don't respond.
I spread my legs wide in response.
She does it again.
I scream.  
"YES... humiliate me Reina - I swallow the saliva and realize that she stopped my legs - I'm your slut to humiliate, Reina"
She grins as she lays back between my legs and places her hands along my upper thighs.
"What do you want me to do to you, little girl?" 
I arch my torso towards her, pressing my feet, pelvis and shoulder blades against the mattress, while my arousal slides inexorably out of my body.
"Fu-uck m-e R-Reina" 
I scream when she hits my pussy again.
"I don't think that's the right way to ask" she says, then hits me again.
I beg her to constantly, interrupted by moans, by sobs. 
She touches me slowly and lightly my pussy. 
I scream when the tip of her finger brushes my entrance.
I pull my arms harder than ever, almost hurting.
I'll have some marks or bruises tomorrow.
She sneers.  
"Look at you... You're so soaked I don't even have to lubricate you - her fingers brushing against my clit - I could fuck you with all my fingers and I wouldn't have any trouble" 
"P-please" I whisper.
A finger, her index finger I think, goes into me.
I moan arching against it and she slides it into me to her knuckle.
"Beg me to move my finger" 
How much more does she want to torture me? 
"I... I b-eg... b-eg... f-fuck me - I gasp as I feel her move slightly - I-I'll be yo-ur go-d slut" 
I look at her.
Her eyes were entirely covered by sadism, by a sinister light I'd never seen before. She's completely abandoned to the sadism, the physical and mental sadism. 
She begins to move it inexorably, slowly.
The other hand is in contact with my inner thighs caressing them.
I scream when she adds another one.
From time to time she compliments me.  
She tells me I'm her good girl.
She tells me I'm her perfect girl.  
My cheeks burn inevitably. 
She adds a third and I feel so open, so full. 
"You're always so tight little girl" 
I moan with pleasure and pain.
The slow pace is killing me and she's using it both to get me used to it and to increase my agony.
I scream when she raises it.
"My good little girl is taken three fingers - she bends down to kiss my pubis - So good... so warm" 
I implore her.
I scream when my orgasm is about to come.
I advise her of it hoping that this will aloud me to cum. 
"So needy that it took so little... I feel the contractions... I feel your orgasm coming and - taking her fingers off the moment I was about to cum - going away" 
I scream for lack, for the need.
She lies on top of me, kissing my lips. 
My cheeks are full of tears.
The kiss is slow and my legs are clinging to her body.
Her thighs are in contact with mine as if she is on all fours on top of me.
"You were perfect baby - another kiss - My perfect girl" 
I gasp for pain.  
"So good... the best slut" 
I nod my head, almost choking on my saliva.
She cleans my cheeks of my tears.
"You kept crying because of the denial... you are a desperately needy little slut, nothing else"   
Her voice turns me on too much. 
The sarcasm, the insult, that goes to my head. 
She kisses my lips several times.
"My little girl loves humiliation - I nod against her lips - Isn't it, my little slut?" 
"YES, Y-ES REINA" I shout as if she could quiet the pangs that are killing me.
She smiles sadisticly. 
Her palm ending up against my pubis, the fingers against the clit.
"Then I'd say fuck you, baby" 
I bite my lips while I observe her, looking from her eyes to her red cheeks, to her disheveled hair, to her clenched jaw. 
How can she be so beautiful after all this sex?
I can bet that I'm definitely not so beautiful, so attractive, as her at the moment. 
Moving my gaze to his shoulder, a small smile appears on my face while I feel a certain shyness thinking about the woman I have between my legs. 
The perfect, gorgeous, sensual woman.  
"I... I-" I hesitate.
She raises an eyebrow. 
"The... your p-pleasure" I whisper in a trance, worried about not satisfying her, not letting her cum.  
"So submissive and innocent - she grins - My personal slut who cares..." 
Personal slut.
I nod twitching my thighs. 
Her fingers move against me. 
"How submissive are you baby? Thinking about my pleasure when I denied you all these times... You're the most submissive slut" 
I tilt my head back. 
I nod.
Her lips meeting my neck.
She sucks it.
How many signs will I have tomorrow? 
The fingers move fast until they end up, again, inside me.
The pace is fast.  
"I'm going to-" I moan  
She smiles on my neck, she scratches my neck with her teeth.
"You know what would go to my head? - she asks, her lips in contact with my ear giving me shivers - That you would give up on this orgasm too" 
Her eyes widened.
Is she sincere? 
I bite my lip. 
Her fingers tapping against me. 
The palm rubbing the clit.
The pleasure that spreads around my body.
Can I hold out any longer? 
To other contractions. 
To other pangs.
Will she give me pleasure then? 
Will I have my orgasm? 
I can feel it coming.
I feel it invading me. 
I nod because of my need to please her, to make her happy, to make her proud, to do all the things that she asks me.
"Would you give up that for me?" 
I nod neurotically.
"Say it, slut" 
"I gi-give up... aaaaaaaa - I scream for contractions - orga-orgasm" 
She smiles on my skin.
"The best slut in the world," she tells me.  
Her hand stops.
The fingers in me still. 
"What slut are you? Mh? - the fingers that are surrounded by the violent contractions - To make me proud, you gave up this too... I feel the contractions..." 
She grins, sucking on a portion of the skin of my shoulder. 
She blows on the mark.
"So slutty... my personal marked slut - she takes a break during which she licks my neck - The contractions are so strong... They hurt, don't they?" 
I nod again.
I moan loudly, desperately. 
"You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you? - I nod - How many orgasms would you give up?" 
My mind is a mess.
"My slut ready to do anything for me... to satisfy me"  
I scream begging her.
I beg her.
She stands up and she touches me on my stomach. 
"Turn around and bend over for me slut, you do it so well" 
I do as she asks and when she hits my thighs I open them, spreading my legs wide.
I feel a pressure on my neck and it's her that is pulling the leash of the collar to her.
The same position as before, my back arched against her front, my head lay on her shoulder.
Her fingers find their way back into me, she pushes them all in, until the knuckles.
I move on them disjointedly looking for more pleasure.
The collar is putting pressure on my neck, blocking my breath.
I beg her to come and she grins on my ear before nodding, permitting me. "Come for me, perfect girl... Scream for me" 
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redlittlefoxari · 9 months
Astarion Epilogue An Adventure in Making Life: Chapter Ten: Little White Dress
Relationship: Astarion X Tav
Warnings: NSFW 18+, smut, blood, violence, sex, blood drinking, pregnancy.
Summary: All hell breaks lose as Tav and Astarion share with the rest of the party that you are expecting.
~~~~This Chapter contains Smut~~~~
Master List
People who wished to be tagged: @ofmyth-andmagicart @lunaredgrave @littlekidsteve @omnia--mea-mecum-porto @ayselluna @myreadingmanga123 @kismet-of-the-divine @nicalysm @justlilpeaches21
If you want to be tagged in future updates, send me a message.
Twelve weeks pregnant
“I knew it! I knew something was up with the two of you!” Shadowheart was practically out of her seat as she spoke. “I just didn’t know it was his. I thought the two of you just got a segregate or something.” 
“We're going to be an aunt and Uncle Wyll, isn’t it amazing!” Karlach released the hold she had on herself and let her excitement spring free. Shaking Wyll like he was a rag doll. 
“Yes, that is amazing, Karlach dear, but could you stop shaking me? I fear I’m going to be sick.” At his words, Karlach stopped shaking him, and he placed one hand on the table and one on his stomach to try and stop the room from spinning. 
“That…That’s amazing, you two.” Gale looked positively shocked. “I just have a few questions, if you don’t mind.” The others nodded in unison. 
After what seemed like hours of being questioned by your friends, the food was finally served. Gale had spared no expense for the meal, crafting each dish so that everyone had what they wanted and what they would enjoy the most. You sliced into a relatively rare steak and watched as the red blood covered your plate, causing you to salivate. Your pregnancy cravings had two settings, sweet and bloody; there was no in-between. 
When you took a rather large bite, Gale started to ask more questions. He was always searching for knowledge, and the topic of vampire children was something that was yet to be covered majorly. It felt like he was entirely too interested and asking far too many questions so he could publish a book on the topic and be credited as the one who found out how it was done. 
“Tell me again, how exactly did you manage this astounding feat?” Gale had a large glass of red wine beside him and began slicing into his own dinner that you had no doubt paired nicely with his steak. 
“When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they…” Astarion spoke for you while your mouth was full of meat and blood. 
“Asatrion, I know how sex works. What I want to know is how her fey blood allowed your seed to impregnate her.” Gale looked at Astarion, not too pleased to be getting a talking to about the birds and the bees. 
“We don’t know, maybe since he’s also technically still a high elf, my ovaries allowed it.”  You said after you swallowed your mouth full of steak. “What we do know is I’m pregnant, it's his, and I’m a walking miracle.” 
“I can see why you kept this a secret. There’s no telling what would happen if people found out what you were carrying.”Glae took a small bite of his food. 
“What do you mean?” You placed your knife and fork on your plate. 
“I only mean that vampires aren’t people's cup of tea usually. And there's a reason why there is not a lot of knowledge about half vampire half humanoid children….” Gale hesitated, not wanting to go on.
“And why is that?” Astarion stared at Gale, a challenge in them. 
“They’re hailed as being unholy abominations and killed…” Gale looked down at his plate, not wanting to meet yours or Astarion’s eyes. 
“We won’t let that happen! Aunty K and Uncle Wyll will not let that happen.” Karlach slammed her fist on the table. 
“No, we will not.” Wyll echoed his wife's sentiment. “We will just have to keep the fact that they are Half-vampires a secret. How is it that people normally find out the parentage?” 
“Other vampires, usually it’s almost as if they can smell it.” They all looked at Astarion. 
“We can. There’s a particular odor that goes with the undead. I hide mine because I can’t stand the smell.” Astarion looked at you, noting the color that had drained from your face. “We can do the same for our child, dear.” 
You reached for Astarion’s hand under the table, and he did the same. This opened up a whole new fear. Maybe if you moved out of the city, that would lessen your chances of being discovered. Though, as far as you knew, the last vampire to grace the city was Cazador, and since then, it had just been Astarion these last fifty years. He never mentioned smelling another vampire. 
“There hasn’t been another vampire in Baldur’s gate since Cazador… right?” You looked at Astarion. 
“No, I don’t know why usually there is always a vampire lord in a large city. Maybe they are afraid after what happened to the last one.” You saw his eyes glaze over, going a thousand realms away, and squeezed slightly. He returned the squeeze, gently glancing at you sideways and sending you a small smile. 
“What about the rest of the population?” Shadowheart spoke up. “Are they going to be a threat?”
“Astarion walks around, and normal people can’t tell he’s a vampire… Well, unless they look at his teeth.” Gale said as he tilted his head.
Astarion flashed him his best shit-eating grin.”It took you all days before you realized, and it was only because this one woke up and caught me.” He gestured towards you.
“Then we should be fine. They probably won’t have long fangs like Astarion, and we’ll teach them not to go around biting people unless they deserve it.” You picked up your glass of blood and blueberry juice and took a long swallow. The blood and juice mixture coating your tongue and filled your belly.
“I should have known you weren’t drinking wine this whole time.” Shadowheart picked up her own glass. “I can smell the blood from here.” 
“Yeah, all the signs were there, but at the time, none of you knew Astarion had it in him to knock me up.” You smiled at Astarion as he glared at you. 
“I was always more than capable. I just didn’t know I could, and if I did, I would have been trying a lot harder to do so all these years.”  He pulled your hand to his lips and kissed the ring that he had placed on your finger earlier that day. 
You felt your face grow hot as you thought about all the ways he would prove that to be true. Every night, a different position, and every night, you would scream his name in ecstasy. Astarion could sense your arousal and mouthed one word in response. Later. 
“You two are disgusting.” Shadowheart took a long drink of her wine.
“And you’re just jealous you don’t have someone to make love to.” Astarion’s eyes didn’t break from yours. “This child will be loved and protected. I can promise you that no one will harm them or you for as long as I still draw breath.”
“Fuck.” You cursed as his decoration of love and devotion to you and your child only stoked the fire growing in you more.
The others looked away, looking as if they wanted to be anywhere but where they were now. 
“If the two of you are going to…. I gave you a private room for a reason… Please use it.” Gale pushed his plate away. 
“Oh, we’ve already broken in the room, Gale.” Astarion stood up slowly. “One thing you can write about if you are going to publish a book about vampire humanoid babies is that the hormones the mate gives off are simply irresistible.” 
“Don’t call me your mate; that's creepy and weird.” You stood along with him. “We’re not animals.” 
“No but we Certainly act like we are in heat.” 
Astarion extended his hand to you, and taking it, he led you towards the stairs. You twisted your fingers in with his, creating a weave that even Mystra couldn’t untangle. The hormones racing through you felt as if someone had placed a lust curse on you. Every inch of you buzzed with the need to have Astarion touch you, taste you and have him fill you. 
“See you all in the morning. Don’t wait up.” Astarion said as he moved up the stairs towards your room. 
You and Astarion made your way toward the room that neither one of you would be leaving the rest of the night. Reaching the stairs, you slowly made your accent, the wetness between your legs growing slicker as you thought about everything you wanted him to do to you. Astarion looked at you sidelong, and you saw that he was doing the same. You peered down to see his length straining against his pants. 
“Don’t you wish you could not wear pants to Astarion?” You turned your focus back to traversing the stairs, your legs growing weak from your thoughts. 
“I’m not sure the others would have liked me coming down for dinner in nothing but what the gods gave me.” He said as you made it to the top of the stairs just down the hall from your room. 
“Probably not.” You turned the corner, now entirely out of sight from the others. “But maybe n…”
You were cut off as Astarion pinned you against the wall, his body flush against yours. his erection pushing into you. You moaned as his lips collided with yours, and his tongue entered your mouth. doing a full sweep of the area before pulling out and biting your lower lip. He let go and looked at you hungrily.
“Gods, you smell delicious, my love.” His teeth moved down to your neck but paused just short of taking a bite. “And you tasted divine earlier.”
You could feel his fangs on your neck just above your skin, primed and ready to sink in if only you asked. You turned your head to the side to give him a better angle. He still hesitated. His hot breath came out in short bursts on your neck, and you could sense his animalistic need to feed. 
“Is it because you bit me earlier? Is that why you won’t bite me now.” You pulled back, no longer feeling his teeth or breath on your neck. Placing your hand on the side of his face, you forced him to look at you. His eyes were dilated. “What if I feed from you first?” 
“That would work.” He turned his neck towards you, giving you the left side of his neck. The one you bit a few weeks prior. 
“Not out here.” You grabbed his hand once again and led him to your room, shutting the door behind you and locking it. 
Astarion stood in the middle of the room, looking at you in anticipation. You stared back at him, not knowing what to do. The last time, it was rough and full of need. This time, you wanted it to be a little different. 
You pulled off your dress, exposing your body to him, not breaking eye contact, but for the split moment, the gown went over your eyes. Astarion drank you in, looking up and down as he took in your naked form. He moved to touch you, and you put your hand up. 
“You too, Astarion. Get naked.”
Astarion gave you a cheeky smile as he pulled off his doublet, then his shirt, boots, and then his pants, making sure that they would be last. His length sprang free, and you felt yourself grow even hotter as you drank in his form. He did an added spin for good measure, letting you see all of him. 
“If our child has half of both our good looks, then they’re going to have an easy life.”Astarion’s fingers shook as he spoke. He longed to touch you but waited for you all the same. 
“Sit down on the bed, Astarion.” He did as you asked. 
You walked over and sat on his lap, your button sitting between his legs so that both your legs were hanging over his right leg. You kissed just under his left jawline, and you felt his length stiffen more as it sat against your leg. You trailed light kisses down to his neck just by his jugular, paying extra attention to that area. 
“Are you teasing me, or have you lost your nerve to bite me?” Astarion sounded out of breath. 
“Patients Astarion.” You placed your teeth on his skin like had done to you earlier when he was fighting his instincts to bite you. “Good things come to those who wait.”
At that, you sunk your teeth in, breaking the skin and feeling his hot blood enter your mouth. He flung his head back and moaned as your tongue probed and sucked the holes you made in his skin. You sucked until you couldn’t taste his blood anymore on your tongue, pulling away from his skin with a pop.
Astarion moved his head to look at you. This was only the second time you had bitten him, and from the look on his face, it would not be the last. He grabbed and twisted you so that you now laid on the bed with your legs between his and them hanging slightly off the bed. He placed a hard, needy kiss against your lips and slid his tongue into your mouth once more. 
“The taste of me on your tongue is something I want to taste every day, my love.” He broke the kiss. “And it’s time I returned the favor. 
He moved to your neck, wasting no time as he sunk his fangs into your skin. You gasped, Since being pregnant, this is one thing that you missed the most. The feeling of his fangs in you as he sucked blood from your veins was simply erotic, and you could see why there were so many erotic novels about vampires. 
You reached your hand down to find his hard length, taking it in your hand and pumping it slowly. Astarion moaned into your neck as he sucked more of your blood out and into him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and used your hand to place him at your entrance. Arching your hips slightly, he slid into you, and Astarion gasped, pulling away from your neck. 
“Don’t stop.” You said as you angled your neck to give him a better angle. “Feed and Fuck Astarion.”
“Gods, I love you.” 
Astarion’s fangs sunk back into your neck and, as he did, started a slow, lazy thrust of his hips in and out of you. The feeling of his fangs in you, taking your blood, and the feeling of his length taking his pleasure sent you close to the edge. You moaned his name as his slow, lazy thrusts turned into harder, needier thrusts. 
He pulled his fangs from your neck, not waiting to drink too much, just taking as much as you took from him. Astarion hooked his hands under your knees, allowing you to rest them as he thrusted into you harder. Pulling almost entirely out before slamming back into you. You moved your hand to your now swollen and sensitive clit, rubbing circles and allowing your climax to grow faster. 
You looked at the holes you made in his neck and thought about the hole in yours that would match the thought pushing you over the edge of your climax. As you moaned, his name Astarion soon followed after the mix of you tightening around him and his name on your lips being too much for him to contain himself. You felt him fill you fully as he still thrusted his length inside you, milking his own orgasm to completion. 
“We should definitely get into the practice of trying to make children,” Astarion said as he leaned down to kiss you. “I have never seen you so aroused.” 
He placed a hard kiss on your lips. “I agree; how many do you want? three ? four?Though it took us fifty years to conceive this one.”
This child was a miracle in itself; truth be told, you weren’t sure Astarion and yourself could handle more than one child. Let alone this one. 
“True.“ He was grinning ear to ear. “But we can sure try.”
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Caught Red Handed
Pairings: Reader x Chris Evans, Reader x Miles Teller
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, yeah this whole thing is just pure smut and sex sex sex so you have been warned
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with two of your very attractive teachers for a while now, and so far you haven’t been caught
Two of my favorite men in one writing, what could be better?? Hearts, reblogs, and comments are very much welcomed and appreciated please and thank you!! If you wish to be added to a tag list let me know and I’ll be more than happy to add you! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
✨Please do not copy and paste my work or steal my work or publish my work as your own or I will have you reported✨
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"Off to see your lover?" Turning around to your friend smirking at you. "Or should I ask which lover?"
"Maybe I'm going to see both." You wiggled your eyebrows making her laugh. Shuffling through your best lingerie deciding which one to wear.
"I can't believe you are actually sleeping with two professors." She shook her head. "It's a matter of time before you get caught."
"I'm not going to get caught Y/F/N." Rolling your eyes as you finalized your look.
"What happens if you do though?" She asked making you stop for a minute. "You will get expelled and two amazing teachers get fired, and possible sent to jail."
"That's not going to happen I promise you." You reassured her, but she still didn't look convinced.
She sat there on the bed watching as you adjusted your outfit so make yourself look more seductive. You knew she secretly judged you for what you were doing, but at the same time you knew that she envied you.
Nobody else on campus knew about this affair, and you planned to keep it that way. You never meant for it to go on this long, but you just couldn't help it.
Crazier thing is neither teacher knew about the other. They thought they were the only one, and the last thing you wanted was for them to find out about the other.
"Whatever happened to that one boy you were talking to?" She asked you once again. "He was really nice and quite good looking."
"Yeah he was, but he wasn't exactly on my level." That was true though he wasn't up to speed with your sex drive. If anything it would probably scare him off.
"Oh come on he was perfect for you." She tried convincing you once again.
"He was good for a one night stand and that's it." Looking over your makeup in the mirror. "I need someone that can handle me."
"And fucking two teachers is the answer to that?" You knew she wasn't asking a question, but was rather being a smart ass.
"Please can we not do this right now I don't want it to ruin my mood." Groaning as you put on your shoes.
"Don't wait up for me." Mumbling as you shut the door behind you without looking at her.
Walking down to your car as you tightened the coat around you. Hearing your phone buzz multiple times indicating someone was texting you. Pulling it out with a grin on your face.
From Chris: God I can't wait to feel between those legs.
From Chris: I hope your dripping for me.
From Chris: Baby you got my cock so hard and you aren't even here yet.
From Chris: I'm gonna fuck that pussy so hard sweetheart
Laughing to yourself at how worked up he already was for you. You were in for a long night ahead of you.
"Chris." Choking out a moan as your back arched off the bed.
The smirk on his face grew even larger hearing you moaning his name. If anything it encouraged him to keep pounding into you harder.
"Can feel you squeezin my cock sweetheart." He chuckled as he watched your face contort in pleasure. "Such a tight little pussy for me."
Feeling your orgasm building up again as you turned your head to the side, and gripped the sheets beneath you. Biting onto the pillow trying to muffle your screaming.
"Say my name again baby." He whispered into your ear as he sharply thrusted inside of you making you squeal.
"Oh god Chris." Your toes curling against the bed as he tightened his grip on your hips. "Chris."
"Fuck that's it sweetheart let everyone know whose fucking you so good." His thrusting was slowing down, but just as powerful. "Such a good girl."
“Stuffed full of my cock.” He’s never felt more powerful and strong than he did right now.
Rotating his hips at a certain angle had your legs trembling. Leaning forward so he could attach his lips to yours. His mouth swallowing all your moans his movements never once missing beat.
"Your pussy so sweet it won't let me go." His stated matter of factly as his fingers reached down to rub your clit.
"God the sounds you make for me sweetheart." His eyes trained down to where his cock was disappearing. Your juices coating his cock making him groan at the sight.
Closing your eyes for a brief moment as the pleasure was taking over your body. Feeling a hand grip your chin making you open your eyes to see those sparkling blue eyes staring you down.
"Look at me when you cum around my cock." He growled as the veins in his neck popped out.
Leaning on his forearms so his hands were on either side of your face. It was such an intimate moment, but you found yourself entranced with his eyes. Like he was holding onto you and didn't want to let you go.
"Oh fuck right there." You screamed as he hit your sweet spot. The pleasure boiling to the top you felt you might explode. "Harder Chris."
Opening your legs even further so he could thrust deeper. The muscles straining to the point it was painful, but feeling his condition inside you motivated you to keep them open.
"Such a cock hungry slut for me." Groaning against the skin of your neck before his lips moved downward towards your breasts.
Sucking on the nipples turning them raw and hard. One of your hands reaching out to grip his hair as your senses were overwhelmed. Feeling him smile against your flesh as to how he was making you feel.
"Can feel how fucking close you are sweetheart." His words making your legs shake. "Pussy always begging for me."
The moans were just spilling from your lips you didn't care who heard you. Your body twitching and moving all around unable to control yourself anymore. The warmth was spreading through out your whole body.
"Cum for me baby." His voice straining as he was trying to control himself as well. "Cum around my cock."
"Be a good girl and squeeze that pussy for me." He encouraged with his filthy words. Feeling that burning in the pit of your stomach as you were on the edge.
His movements stopped as his cock remained still inside of you as your pussy clenched hard around him. Both of your groaning as you looked each other in the eye.
“We’re getting better at this.” He joked making you laugh.
“Told you practice would make perfect.” Giving him a sly wink a huge grin appearing on his face.
“I’m gonna have to wash these sheets cause of you.” Taking note of the wet spots underneath you.
“That’s your fault asshole.” Smacking his shoulder playfully at his comment.
“Yes I guess you’re right,” leaning his head towards your ear his lips brushing against your lobe, “I got that pussy gushing.”
Burying his head in the crook of your exposed neck giving you comforting kisses. Rolling over so he's on his back as well. The room is silent and you decide to get up, and start getting dressed.
"Are you spending the night?" Chris finally spoke. Before you could respond your phone vibrated.
Reaching over to grab it to see who it's from slightly smiling when you see the familiar name, and the timing couldn't have been anymore perfect.
From Miles: I miss your wet pussy
From Miles: When are you coming over slut?
To Miles: Soon! Keep your cock in your pants
From Miles: That's asking a lot sweetheart considering you didn't ask me to do that the other night.
"Who is that?" Chris asked making you put your phone away.
"Uh it was just my roommate." Turning around to look at him. "Just wants to know if I can help her with her essay."
"I mean I am a teacher maybe I can help." He chuckled as he got out of bed, and stood right in front of you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"As much as I would love to accept that offer I just can't." Pushing yourself away from him so you could get finished getting dressed.
"Why?" His voice sounded disappointed but also angry at the same time. "Got another date?"
"No of course not." You chuckled nervously. "I just told you my roommate needs me."
"If you don't want to spend the night with me just say it." His tone changing making your stomach churn.
"That's not it at all." You became defensive not liking being put on the spot light like that. "Besides this isn't anything serious."
"Yeah your right you're just some girl I'm fucking." His words a punch to your gut. Not believing he actually just said that to you.
First he wants you to spend the night with him, and then he turns around and says your just some girl he's fucking. Maybe he was just trying to hurt you, but still it was completely uncalled for.
"Right yeah of course go help your roommate." His warms hands left your body now leaving you feeling cold.
A part of you felt horrible for sleeping with two teachers, and keeping it a secret. At the same time thought you loved having the attention of two handsome men.
Chris was absolutely everything you wanted in a man. He was not afraid to give you what you wanted and more. Plus he had this sweet side to him that made your heart swoon.
The sex with him was incredible, and it was never vanilla. A lot of the times he would put your needs before his. If you wanted your pussy eaten out all day he damn sure would do it. Chris was every woman's dream man, and you didn't think you deserved him at times.
Miles though was a bad boy that every girl dreamed of having. He was rough and edgy and didn't want all that sweet sentimental shit. He was the type he wanted his cock sucked whenever he wanted it, and he would shove you out the door whenever he was done.
At first it turned you off but you couldn't stay away from him. He literally treated you like his own personal slutty slave. Although at times he did have his sweet moments.
"Leave the door unlocked I've got someone else coming over." His voice was harsh and empty towards you. As he walked away not even bothering to say goodbye.
Feeling your throat swelling up as you stood there in bewilderment. Out of the two of them you were starting to grow feelings for Chris. You were pushing him away and you hated doing that. Trying to keep the tears from falling you quickly walked out the door, and drove over to Sebastian's home.
"Ride my cock you dirty little slut." His hands gripped your hips harshly they would definitely leave bruises.
"God your such a greedy little bitch for me." His hand came down hard on your ass that stung. "So eager to please me."
Moving your hips up and down as you tried to keep up with him, but he wasn't slowing down. Your thighs were starting to become sore, but it would be a waste of breath to tell him that.
Besides you didn't think you would still be horny after Chris, but you were. It was almost like Chris's words field the fire inside of you and you just became horny out of spite.
"Oh god fuck." You squealed as his cock was hitting your sweet spot over and over again. Your nails scraping down his chest leaving scratches. "Oh yes oh my god."
"Your tight pussy is squeezing my cock so hard." He groaned as he looked down to where you two were connected.
"Jesus just look at how soaked you are for me." Growling as he looked back to your face. "I want to hear you scream my name."
His hand slapped your ass multiple times sure to leave a hand print. It stung like hell but fuck did it feel good. That was one thing about Miles he loved to spank you so hard tears came to your eyes. You loved it just as much since the pleasure cancelled the pain.
"If only everybody knew what a cock hungry slut you are for me." He groaned as he watched you bounced up and down on his cock, your breasts moving up and down.
"Fucking your teacher like this." He always loved throwing that fact in your face. "Might have to fuck you in my classroom next."
"You're just a filthy little whore." He thrusted sharply into you with each single word. "All mine to fuck whenever I want."
"Go on for me slut let everyone know who is fucking the shit out of you." His hand reached up to grip your throat so he was choking you. The sensation was bringing you even more pleasure as you felt your cheeks heating up.
Both of your hands wrapped around his to keep it there. You could feel yourself climbing over the edge and it was a matter of minutes before you were to your orgasm.
"I own this pussy." His voice deep as he looked straight into your eyes. "This is my pussy to fuck."
"Such a greedy slut for my cock." Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head.
"I'm gonna cum." You wailed as you felt the urge to go hitting you right in the stomach. "Shit shit shit."
"Soak my cock baby." He commanded you as one of his hands crept downwards to rub your clit harshly. "I can feel that pussy squeezing me."
"Oh my god." You screamed as your entire body shook and your orgasm smacked you in the face. Tears forming in your eyes with the intensity.
"Fuck me that's it." Miles groaned as his cock twitched inside of you. "So fucking good."
His hand lightly tapping your ass making you giggle. Whenever his playful side made an appearance you couldn't help but get all giddy and warm inside.
Both of you sweating and breathing heavily as you sat on top of him. No words were said as he moved making you get off of him. His cock slipping from your body making you hiss.
The room was quiet as you awkwardly sat there with his and your cum dripping from your pussy. Wondering if you should just leave or make small talk.
"I'll be on my way then." You mumbled as you hopped off the bed, and started to put on your clothes. Putting your clothes on when a voice called out.
"Wait." Turning around towards Miles surprised he was talking to you. Usually once you two were done he would say a word or two, but he never asked you to stay. It was a silent agreement you two had.
A look of hope written across your face that he would ask you to stay or something. Maybe things were looking up with Miles. Your heart was pounding as you stood there waiting for his next words.
"Get my smokes for me." Your jaw almost dropped to the floor. That's all that asshole wanted was for you to get his smokes. In disbelief you grabbed his smokes and tossed them to him.
What in the actual fuck was going on today? First with Chris and now with Miles. Getting the best kind of sex you could ever imagine only to be treated like absolute dog shit the next. Today wasn’t your day, and all that excitement you felt with them was starting to disappear.
Miles, you weren't really surprised he was treating you like this, but he had you thinking for a split second he wanted to talk or that he would start treating you differently. Silently hoping Miles would show you his sweet and romantic side for once.
He started to play on his phone without even glancing your way. You were so uncomfortable you honestly couldn't even just walk out the door, but that's exactly what you did.
Slamming the door behind you hoping he got the message. Pulling your phone out of your purse dialing the one number you probably shouldn't be calling. Right now you were feeling a little bit upset, and thought if you apologized to him you’d feel better.
Standing in front of his house as you looked down at the ground in shame. Praying he would answer, but not being surprised if he didn't. He probably didn't want to speak with you right now.
Hearing the call go through all of a sudden you heard ringing around you. Looking at your phone wondering why it sounded like the call was coming from right in front of you.
Slowly raising your head to see what was going on you saw Chris standing in front of his car with his phone in his hand while it was still ringing. A stoic look on his face while you stood there in shock. Your entire body went cold, and your face felt numb.
"Fuck." Quietly whispering to yourself when you realized the situation you were now in.
He had this dark and dangerous look in his eye you were almost scared of him. Unable to speak as you just stood there and stared at him. Watching his jaw clench, and the hand by his side clenching into a fist. He was trying so hard to restrain himself right now. He wanted to bend you over his car, and spank you so hard you begged him to stop.
"I think you have some explaining to do sweetheart." You heard Miles voice behind you making you jump as a shiver ran up your spine.
“You’ve been a very naughty girl.” Chris tsked as he slowly approached you. Miles wrapping his arms around your waist feeling his erection pressing into your back side. “Fucking two men. Two teachers at that.”
“What should we do with her?” Miles said to Chris as he nibbled on your ear biting down making you whimper.
“I’d say she needs to be punished.” Chris smirking as Miles smacked your backside a gasp escaping your lips. “Until we feel she’s learned her lesson.
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kasagia · 1 year
The last time
Pairing: William "Billy" Russo x fem! reader Summary: You're done being the less important one. The one who always had to conform to the big asshole and playboy Mr. Billy Goddamn Russo. And this time you really promised yourself that it's over... but is it? Wairning(s): Billy is toxic, but he loves the reader; the reader loves Billy, but everyone is fucked up; fight; swearing; blood; the reader is a doctor; the reader and Billy argue, but both cannot live without each other; violence; weapon; Inspired by: Taylor Swift - The Last Time (Feat. Gary Lightbody) Nonsense from me: I'm so happy I was able to write this in this week. I hope you like it. 💙🖤 P.S. The next oneshot will be with Darkling (Would've, Could've, Should've), but I don't know when I'll be able to write it. 😅 Word count: 6,5k Taglist: @aoi-targaryen
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Find myself at your door Just like all those times before I'm not sure how I got there All roads, they lead me here
When you opened the door, you didn't expect that instead of finding the pizza delivery guy, you would find Billy Russo... or rather, what was left of him.
The hood over his head and his slightly lowered head were unable to hide the scars on his face. You notice that over time they have become... less visible... at least not as angry red as they were in the media after they published the fugitive's photo.
Yeah. You saw the news. (And talked to Maria.) You know what happened.
Maybe you didn't want to deal with a man who had broken your heart many times over the years, but you couldn't just pretend he didn't exist.
His face, his name, even that stupid nickname, Jigsaw, were everywhere. In the newspapers, on TV, on the internet, in your old photo albums and even in your fucking dreams. And now he was standing in front of you. The shell that remains of a one and only Billy Russo.
"May I... may I come in?" he whispered, staring at you uncertainly. You promised yourself that you would slam the door on that scarred face when he came to you... but in your toughts he was more... arrogant... just like he used to be.
"I... I'm not sure." the words come out of you as you look at him, trying to recover from the shock. You thought seeing him in person wouldn't do anything to you. How stupid you were...
"Please... I just want to talk to you. Give me five minutes and then you can sand me back to hell."
You bite your lip. You saw on the news that the Punisher and Jigsaw had teamed up... if Frank could forgive him enough to work with him and let him near Maria and the kids, you could give him that five damn minutes, before you try to kick his ass.
"Only five minutes, Russo." you say as you let him in.
Closing the door behind him, you wonder how far you've fallen by letting him back into your home… but from the way he looks around your place hesitantly, avoiding looking at you, you wonder who's really lost their dignity here.
I imagine you are home In your room, all alone And you open your eyes into mine And everything feels better
"You... you look beautiful." he says as he finally looks at you for the first time since your… rather tumultuous breakup.
"You wanted to talk." you say, crossing your arms as you lean against the dresser and stare intently at the man sitting on your couch.
"I… wanted to come to you after… all this shit. I… I could have lost my fucking memories somehow, but I think you've embedded yourself in my brain more than anything else. I went to your apartment, but you moved away." he admits, avoiding your heavy gaze to stare at the coffee table. You see a sad smile on his face as he stares at the pile of books and papers that were almost always present in any available space in your apartment. Some things don't change.
"I did." you say, closing some of your patient files from him so he can't analyse where exactly you work after you quit your job at Anvil as their private doctor. You collect papers and put them on your desk, turning your back to him. "Some people would get the hint. Did Frank throw out what was left of your brain by smashing your head against a mirror?"
You know it's a low move on your part, but you can't resist making him suffer. And by the way you suddenly feel his warm body behind you, you know that turning your back on your former marine and murderous ex wasn't such a smart idea. You swallow and turn around, crossing your arms to stare defiantly at him.
He is angry. You see it in his eyes. For some strange reason, instead of throwing you against the wall, he decides to close his eyes and take a few calming breaths.
And the part of you that still cares about him reminds you that he never laid a finger on you. Screaming, shouting, verbal threats were options. However, he never lost his temper enough to actually try to hurt you... but maybe you should stop testing your luck after all?
"Well... I... I think he finally put something into my empty head." you shift your puzzled gaze to him. You thought Frankie and Billy would go back to fighting like vicious dogs, trying to kill each other. Apparently, things have changed more than you originally expected.
"And here I thought that no one would be able to get through your thick skull."
"I'm going to therapy." he blurts out. You frown. Well, this wasn't at all what you expected when you saw Billy again. "To… sort it all out." he says, not breaking eye contact with you.
"Well… good for you. But I assume you didn't come here just to brag about it."
Billy shakes his head and takes a step towards you, watching your reaction. You tense up, but then relax as your body subconsciously takes in the scent of his perfume, which after all reminds you of (ironically) safety.
"No. I don't. I... I'm here to ask you if..."
"Stop it. Whatever you are about to ask me, my answer is no. I don't want to have anything to do with you." you interrupt him before he makes any suggestions for you to consider. "Not after what you did to me, to Frankie, to Castles. I'm glad you're on the mend, but I don't want to know you, Russo."
"Y/N, please..." he sighs pleadingly and reaches up to cup your cheek. You grab his hand before you can feel his fingers on you in a tender gesture that so often melted your heart for him.
"DON'T... just leave. Do one damn thing for someone else's sake and just leave. Let me be as I was." you say, glaring at him and internally cursing yourself for the tremble in your voice.
Somehow you win this battle of hurt glances because the next thing you hear in the room after his heavy breathing is the door slamming as he leaves. You are left alone. You're shaking with the emotions that are flowing through you now. You put your hand to your mouth and cried quietly.
Billy fucking Russo always had to come and mess up your life like a damn master.
And right before your eyes I'm breaking, no past No reasons why Just you and me
You come back from your shift at the hospital to find Frankie sitting outside your apartment door.
"One more such trip to the past, and I swear I will take a dog from the shelter and threaten you with it. What do you want, Frank?" you ask, crossing your arms and glaring at the Punisher.
"Nice to see you too, Doc. Have you finally learned how to sew people up, or are you still torturing them?" he asks with a mischievous smile, standing up and walking over to you.
"It was only once in Afghanistan, and in my defence, you were squirming like a dog in a nettle. Besides, it's not my fault you fell on knives because you stumbled like an idiot after the action was over."
The man laughs and pulls you into a hug. "It's been too long. Too bad you fucking ran away from Russo all the way here, I hate coming back to this town. By the way, Maria and kids missed you too."
"I spoke to them just yesterday on Skype. Besides, somehow this distance doesn't stop you from harassing me. And not only you. Billy was here two weeks ago." you say, leading him into your apartment. You give him a stern look as he walk inside. He rolls his eyes at me but bends down and takes off his shoes before walking further in.
"I thought so. He's been looking like shit for two weeks. I'm sure he now consists of 70 percent alcohol. Lisa wondered if his corpse on the couch was starting to decompose enough for Maria to let her perform an autopsy on him." you smile at the mention of your goddaughter. That's your little girl.
"If you tell me you're here to stand up for him, I'll kick you out of my apartment. The idea of letting him be part of your family again after all this shit he has done is sick. You're a fucked-up man, Frankie."
"Y/N, it's not what it looks like."
"Frank damn it, he almost helped kill your family! If I hadn't let Maria talk me into going with you that damn morning to the Central Park and forgave him after seeing those fucking eyes of a broken puppy, he probably wouldn't have lifted a finger to save Maria, kids and you!"
"I thought so too, so I shattered up his face, and we did a lot of shitty, sick things to each other, but believe me, it's not that simple. This fucking mess around us... is partly his fault, but not in the way we first assumed. He's still my brother… he's still our Bill."
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. You were fed up with it all. All this drama that's going on around Russo. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't have been better if they'd never called you in to stitch up that damn Marine and you'd never met him...
"I don't care, Frank. He hurt you. For money. He can go and keep selling himself like a whore." you say bitterly and walk past the man standing in the middle of your living room. You go to the bar and pour yourself a glass of something stronger.
"You can't be serious."
"I fucking am, Castle." you reply dispassionately, drinking the alcohol in a gulp. You pour yourself another glass and sit on the couch, watching the conflicted man in front of you.
"Come on. It's you and Billy. You always came back to each other. After every shit, big fight and breakup. Like a damn Ross and Rachel."
"For the last time I'm telling you, stop fucking watching Friends with Lisa and Maria, it's our show. Besides, this isn't damn Friends or any soap opera, Frankie. Billy fucked up. Ultimately. Nothing will change that, so just fuck off or accept it. God! You're taking our breakup worse than that cold bastard." you laugh bitterly and finish your glass. You set it down on the coffee table with a bang and run a hand through your hair. No. You won't get drunk again because of that damn asshole.
"Bullshit. He's a mess… I've never seen him like this."
"Do I look like I care?" you ask him, raising an eyebrow defiantly.
"You fucking liar, you couldn't stop loving him overnights."
You don't answer right away. He was right. You couldn't stop loving someone who was so deeply embedded in your soul, who saw all of you and became a part of your heart so easily... but loving Billy hurt you more than staying away from him. And for once in your life, you just want to feel at peace and be somewhat happy. Even without Bill by your side.
"If you want something, you better fucking say it or get the hell out." you say, not looking at him as your attention is drawn to your hands instead of the man standing in front of you.
He sighs, tightening his grip on the chair. You see his white knuckles, and for a moment, you think he's going to break the back of the chair. He sighs suddenly and relaxes his muscles, staring at you with a less angry look.
"I need your help."
This is the last time I'm asking you this Put my name at the top of your list This is the last time I'm asking you why You break my heart in the blink of an eye (Eye, eye)
You imagined your reunion with everyone a little worse. Maria and the kids were in a safe house outside the city, but it was nice to meet the rest of your old friends (in the case of the murder of the last of Rawllins' men, but hey, people talk about different things, right?) And it was really nice... until Billy returned to the apartment.
As soon as his dark-brown irises met yours, an unpleasant, awkward silence fell in the living room. You felt not only his gaze but also the curious gazes of the others as they glanced between the two of you.
"What the hell is she doing here?" he asks, shooting an angry, betrayed look at Frankie.
"Don't worry. I'll be gone as soon as I make sure the Castles are out of any danger. I don't really feel like seeing your face too." you say, giving him a defiant look. You turn your head away from him and towards Micro as quickly as you can.
Billy had dark circles under his eyes, a paler face than usual, and obvious signs of sleep deprivation. You'd care if he was more than just a piece of trash who betrayed people close to him. Yet you still cared.
However, the man does not give up easily. He walks over to you, stands in front of you, and takes your chin in his hand to make you look at him. If you didn't know better, you'd think you saw pain in that son of a bitch's eyes.
"You don't have to look at me from the hiding place where we put Maria and the kids, so get your pretty ass out of here and don't cause us any more troubles than we already have."
"How dare you talk about them after what you did?!" you growl at him in anger, pushing his hand away and standing up to face him. "All the trouble we're having is because you're a selling-out motherfucker who betrayed the only people in this world who fucking cared about you!"
Billy clenches his fists and takes a step towards you, leaning towards you. You both breathe quickly, shooting each other hostile glances, waiting to see who will break away and attack first. The tension in the room is so great that you can almost feel sparks flying between you. Frank quickly steps between the two of you, gives Billy a stern look and turns to face you.
"Save the lovers' quarrel and make-up sex for later, okay? Billy, Y/N is coming with us. Y/N, you're not trying to kill Billy until we do what we have to do, and it's best not to argue with him at all. Same with you, Bill. Can you do it, or are you resentful young brats who will be at each other's throats after a breakup?" he says, looking between you two. You huff, crossing your arms and staring at Castle.
"And since when did you become such a responsible asshole, Frankie?" you ask mockingly, raising an eyebrow in question.
"Since we've been planning a glorious murder at those, who tried to kill my family." you sigh and nod. He is right. Killing these bastards is your priority. You can't let your feelings for that asshole who still manages to get under your skin somehow complicate your already difficult mission.
"Fine. Just keep him away from me." you growl in anger and walk past Billy, elbowing him as you go to get ready for your 'mission' with the boys.
And if you looked over your shoulder, you would see a dark brown irises staring longingly at your retreat towards the armoury silhouette.
You find yourself at my door And just like all those times before You wear your best apology But I was there to watch you leave And all the times I let you in Just for you to go again Disappear when you come back Everything is better
A ring at your door at 2 a.m. should make you suspicious.
You should pretend to sleep and finish studying for the last exam that separates you from your desired diploma. You promised yourself that after completing your specialisation, you would leave the army and move to a state hospital. You were fed up with gunshots all around you. For now, you were well on your way to shedding your soldier's uniform and permanently donning a doctor's coat.
You were one exam away from your dreams... and one Billy goddamn Russo who was standing outside your door.
Before you could close it in his face, the man stuck his shoe between the door and the frame. You curse under your breath and open them again to meet this hot damn asshole on your doorstep.
"You shouldn't open the door at this hour without checking who's behind it." he starts, resting his hand on the door as if to make sure you won't shut it in his face again. Only now do you notice his bag slung over his shoulder. He must have come here straight from the airport as soon as he landed.
"A lesson for the future. What do you want?" you ask dryly, crossing your arms. He looks at you tiredly and sighs. The hand that isn't holding the door is combing through his hair. Dog tags hang from his neck as he bows his head slightly before looking back into your eyes.
"Please... I just want to talk." he pleads, wearing his best apologetic, kicked puppy look.
"We have nothing to talk about. Can you let go of my door now? I have an important exam tomorrow; I need to get some sleep." he smiles slightly. Reluctantly, you feel your chest warm up at that damn cute smile.
"Knowing you, honey, you probably weren't even going to go to sleep, just keep revising the material."
"What are you doing here? There were no more sheets of paper in Afghanistan? The poor postman used to come here with a bag full of letters from you. I felt bad sending them back just because of him."
"So… you haven't read any?" he asks, swallowing and staring at you with those damn eyes you would kill for someday.
"Why? I broke up with you before I left the unit. I was just your sexy doctor, right? Or maybe I'm distorting your words? I'm almost sure that's what you called me while bragging to your colleagues in the unit that you fucked the coldest and most unapproachable bitch from the base."
"These same colleagues saw me rage and fall apart as I was getting my letters back from you. I was the one of us, who was there to watch you leave." he responds to your accusations, and the pain in his eyes almost convinces you to throw yourself into his arms. But luckily, you remember the nights you spent crying because of the asshole in front of you.
"And I was the one who overheard that everything between us was some kind of fucking adventure for the time being until you get to another woman." you growl angrily, trying to slam the door on him, but his hand on it prevents you from doing so. He pushes himself inside your apartment and pins you to the wall, closing the door behind him with a loud bang. Loud enough to have your neighbours hear that.
"It's not true… what was between us… it was the only real thing I ever had in my damn life." he says with a shaky voice and you see tears forming in his eyes. "Neither of us expected what was between us to turn into something more than a few-month fling, but here I am, flitting around without you like a moth searching for the fucking light after spending years in the darkness, which was my life without you. I care about you. More than anything. More than I want to admit, more than I would like. That damn much that I would travel halfway around the world for you, I will grovel at your feet just to be fucking close to you."
You let your tears flow freely as you listened to his confession. You know what the man in front of you has been through—what demons of his past pursued him at every turn. And maybe it's his words; maybe it's those damn, tearful eyes that allowed you to see his vulnerability, hidden for so many years; or maybe you just can't live without him either...
Anyway, you grab his dog tags and pull him towards you for a passionate, tearful kiss as both of you realise one terryfing truth... You need each other.
"This is the last time, Russo." you whisper against his lips as he guides you towards your bedroom, stripping you of your clothes.
And right before your eyes I'm aching, run fast Nowhere to hide Just you and me
"What the fuck are you thinking you are doing?" you ask him angrily as he drags you by your elbow away from the shooting.
Things have gone a bit south. Frank didn't anticipate how much support the group we were supposed to kill would get, and now they cut off your group, and now you were forced to work with Billy to get out of here and kill the people you had to. A very mad Billy Russo in his stupid mask.
"I'm saving your ass. Stay here. I'll take care of the rest." he says, letting go of your elbow as he looks around the room.
"There's no fucking option. You won't play my hero, Russo." you say, and reload your gun.
"You won't distract me. You're staying here. End of discussion." he walks up to you and tries to grab the gun out of your hand. You struggle with him and use the grip he taught you to push him away. After a while, you aim your gun at him. You see a hint of fear in his eyes. You shoot, killing the guy standing in the doorway behind him.
"I'm not you. I don't kill my people." you growl at him in anger and move past him to drag the dead man inside and close the door. Billy is grateful for his mask... at least you can't see his shocked, pained expression.
He pulls up a chair and starts rummaging through the flap of the ventilation duct. During this time, you take the gun and bullets from the corpse.
"I would never kill the Castles." he says, not looking at you as he continues to open the vent. "They are my family... just like you."
"You haven't been my family for a long time." you snort at his seemingly tender words. You shiver when he suddenly jumps from the chair and pins you to the wall. Even from behind his mask, you can see how hurt and furious he is.
He holds your arms tightly, almost in a bruising embrace, as he whispers from under his mask so quietly that you can barely hear his words and his voice shaking with emotion.
"Everything... I've ever done... I've done for you. For us."
"There are no us, Russo." You growl in anger and push his arms off of you. You go to the air vent, but he grabs you by the waist and pulls you towards him. You fight him, even going so far as to rip off his mask, but he still holds you in a tight hug, staring into your eyes.
"I fucking love you; do you understand?! With my entire pathetic existence. I know that now you only see me as a monster and that my face is disgusting, but I can't... I can't lose you. Not you. I can endure everything—insults, your hatred... just... please... please don't leave me." he whispers desperately, cupping your cheek in one hand and resting his forehead against yours. You close your eyes, feeling tears welling up in them. You can't count how many times you cried because of that bastard in front of you.
"You think I care about your scars? I don't give a damn about them. What's keeping me away from you is your ugly inside, Russo. You don't care about anyone suffering as long as you profit from it. I'm disgusted by your personality and by the fact that you were willing to sell out your best friend's family and all the people who cared about you for goddamn money and fame. And I hate you, because somehow, even after all you've done, I still care about your damn ass."
His thumb strokes your cheek tenderly as you let him kiss the tears off your face as you almost fell apart in his hands, which you've missed for so long.
“Y/N, my heart, I swear I would never, ever hurt them. You have to believe me. I wouldn't risk what we have… I wouldn't risk losing you after having no one to care about for my whole messed-up life.”
And you're inclined to believe him. You are willing to forget everything and just accept him back. But then you hear a faint beeping sound. You both freeze, staring at each other.
Billy works fast. Too fast for you. He pushes you into the vent and closes the hatch behind you before you can do anything. After a moment, a quiet explosion echoes from the room below you, masking your frantic scream of his name.
This is the last time I'm asking you this Put my name at the top of your list This is the last time I'm asking you why You break my heart in the blink of an eye (Eye, eye)
Billy was not a good man. He knew it. He had no reason. Life never spoiled him, and everything he worked for he had to tear out with his nails. He had no reason to be good. But what he was about to allow now would seal who he was forever. There would be no turning back. And he knew it the moment he joined Castles in the Central Park.
He actually had nothing to lose. Y/N left him, and it would only be a matter of time before Frank would turn on him. He would be alone again. At least he would have guaranteed his future... however empty it might be. But he always believed that it was better to be depressed in an expensive sports car than anywhere else.
At least that's what he thought until he saw Y/N again, for the first time since their next big (this time final, which he deeply believed) breakup. And God, she was beautiful. More beautiful than ever.
She was wearing that little black floral dress that he loved, and she was joking about something with little Lisa as she dragged her through Central Park and the stands. Little Castle led her towards him.
Quiet: "Don't fuck it up, Uncle Bill." came from Frank Jr.'s mouth, before the kid disappeared, likely going to his father, who was probably already watching him. A young boy had to stop using such words. Maria would have his and Frank's heads for it.
Billy's eyes met yours. He gulped, watching as you walked up to him, and Lisa disappeared, probably going to the hideout where her parents were, watching him and Y/N. He clears his throat as you stand in front of him and gives you one of his practiced smirks... though he doubts he's acting as confident as he should be.
"Hi." he says quietly, staring at your face. His stupid heart beats like crazy as he completely forgot everything that wasn't you.
"Hi." you reply, playing with one of the rings on your finger—a nervous habit that he has despised since he felt the need to put HIS ring on you that you can play with and twirl on your finger when you feel insecure. "It was a long time."
"Indeed." he agrees and puts his hands in his pockets, trying to appear nonchalant. "You look beautiful, how are you?" he asks, as if he didn't have people positioned around you, to keep you safe and out of his troubles... the daily update about your life was the only thing that kept him from losing his mind after... losing you.
"All right. I got this job at the hospital." he knows. He himself made a transfer to the account of the hospital's head so that he would employ you there. Still, a smile appears on his face at the excitement in your eyes.
"I told you it was only a matter of time. You are the best surgeon in the USA."
"Well, I doubt Frank would agree with that." you laugh, and he can't help but join you. Frank was your test subject. A very grumpy test subject. Billy could never complain about being a little too strict or stitching it up too quickly at your beginnings. You were just perfect in his eyes.
"Don't listen to him, he is just a brat." he says, nudging your shoulder gently with his. And suddenly, you both stare at each other. You both linger on the other's lips for a moment longer.
"I missed you, Bill." you admit and his heart starts beating wildly.
He swallowed. No. He can't drag you into his shit. You would be better off without him... but as you stood in front of him, looking at him with those beautiful eyes of yours that he would do anything for, he knew he had lost. And much sooner than he realised it.
He pulls you into his embrace. And when you wrap your arms around him, when you snuggle into his chest, and he inhales your scent, burying his nose in your hair, he knows he's home. He knows that he wants to feel this way forever and that life without you simply makes no sense to him anymore. And if he were anyone else, if he hadn't gone through all this shit in his life, he would have cried right there.
Instead, he pulls you closer to his chest, almost digging his fingers into your back, and whispers softly, his eyes closed tightly:
"This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore." he kisses your head, sealing his promise. He will burn the world for you. And nothing will stop him.
And as you sit next to him on the bench, across from the Castles, who are teasing you about how you two can't live without each other, he just smiles and texts his people to call off the action. Unbeknownst to you all, he declares war on Rollins, writing to him: "No one hurts my family. That's the end of the deal."
This is the last time you tell me I've got it wrong This is the last time I say it's been you all along This is the last time I let you in my door This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore Oh-ho, oh-ho, oh-ho, oh-ho Oh-ho, oh-ho, oh-ho, oh-ho
You've been holding his hand since you returned to the Castles' house after his doctors examined him and patched him up. They didn't let you get to him. Something about an emotional attachment would cloud your judgement as a doctor. Stupid bullshit, but there was nothing you could do against Frank's strong grip as he held you in the hallway until you were allowed to carry him home. You're sure Castle had scratches from your nails when you tried to get away to go to Billy.
You shiver when Frank suddenly enters the room and hands you cup of tea. You take it from him without a word with one hand, and with the other, you still hold Billy, waiting for him to wake up. Frank snorts and sits down in the chair next to you, watching you closely.
"He'll get through this. Fortunately, he didn't set himself on fire, he just crashed into the opposite wall." you shiver, ignoring his words as you sip your tea. "Although I doubt he'll have any luck next time if you dump him again. Who knows what he'll do next time just for you to hold his hand."
"What the hell are you talking about?" you ask angrily, shifting your outraged gaze to him. He just shrugs.
"Do you think he let me give him those scars just like that? This is some form of his twisted compensation or punishment. The fact that he was hoping you would magically come get him and patch him up only encouraged him more to stay still as I smashed his face."
"You're fucked up. Both of you. No normal people would come back to being friends after something like that."
"We're all fucked up. Me, because I still see him as a brother. He, because he still wants to be part of my family. And you, who love him despite everything, but leave him at every possible opportunity." you turn your gaze away from him to Billy. He is right. And that hurts the most.
"Every time I promise myself it will be the last time. That I will never go back to him. That this is the last time he breaks my heart without even blinking. One last time I let him back into my life, but I… I just can't, Frankie… I can't leave him, no matter how much he destroys me."
"He thinks he's not worthy of you. That you deserve better." you huff bitterly, shaking your head, trying to fight away the tears.
"There is nothing for me apart from him." you whisper, staring blankly at your linked hands with Billy's. "Not after everything I've been through with him."
"Then stick with it. It's better to be fucked up together." you are laughing. It's not that simple, it never was… or maybe it was you who didn't want to make it such a simple thing.
"You should go to Maria and the kids." you say, wanting to get rid of him. You don't know what you feel. All you know is that you won't leave this room until those dark brown irises look back at you again.
"Will you stay with him?" he asks, and from the heavy atmosphere in the room, you feel like this question means more. He asks if you will stay forever. You lift your hand and gently run through Billy's short hair, observing what happened to him after the two of you were apart... and in fact, you weren't holding up any better than he was.
"Yes... yes I will." you whisper, never taking your eyes off his face. And you feel like something heavy has fallen off your chest. Months of crying, anxiety and apathy passed with the snap of a finger.
"I want to be godfather to your first. And for him to have Frankie as his second name if it's a boy."
"Fuck you, Castle." you say and throw a spare pillow at him. The man laughs as he leaves. He closes the door behind him and you look at the unconscious Billy.
"This is the last time, Russo. I mean that. Don't fuck it up." you whisper and kiss your joined hands.
This is the last time I'm asking you this Put my name at the top of your list This is the last time I'm asking you why You break my heart in the blink of an eye This is the last time I'm asking you this (This is the last time I'm asking you this) Put my name at the top of your list (Put my name at the top of your list) This is the last time I'm asking you why (This is the last time I'm asking you why) You break my heart in the blink of an eye (You break my heart) This is the last time I'm asking you, last time I'm asking you Last time I'm asking you this This is the last time I'm asking you, last time I'm asking you Last time I'm asking you this
The gentle brushing of your hair is the first thing you feel when you wake up. Another is his tight grip on your hands, as if he's afraid you're just a product of his head high on painkillers. You raise your head slowly. His hand slips from your hair and rests hesitantly on your cheek.
"Hello." he whispers, staring at you. And for a moment, you just stay like that, each drinking in the sight of the other.
And your heart breaks when you see him waiting for the moment when you start screaming at him, when you take away the closeness he missed so much.
So against your better judgement and what you should do, you lean in and kiss him sweetly, cupping his cheek in your hand. You caress one of his worst scars with the pad of your thumb as he responds to your kiss. His hands stay stiffly in place as he's afraid to move, lest he disturb this moment between you, to feel your lips as long as possible.
You pull away from him and rest your forehead against his. You close your eyes, catching your breath. You feel his burning, confused gaze on you, but you don't move. You don't say anything. You just sit there, enjoying his touch and his closeness, not thinking about the conversation you need to have.
"I missed… I missed this." he whispers shakily. You feel him burning with the desire to taste your lips one more time, but he maintains some semblance of control and settles for just moving the hand that isn't cupping your cheek to your waist.
"Me too."
"I know I screwed up. But… I will never… never again…" you kiss him again, interrupting him. You brush away the tears that fall down his cheek with your thumbs and gently brush your nose against his as you end your kiss.
"Shhh... I know." you whisper, straddling him, needing to feel him as close to you as possible after everything that happened. You were both shattered, but maybe you could put each other back together?
"Are you sure?" he asks, swallowing. You nod and bury your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. He strokes your back slowly, drawing patterns with his fingertips under your blouse. You shiver at the feeling of his touch on your skin.
"This is the last time, Russo. Either we succeed or... it's over. And I mean it. There will be no great quarrels and returns, no appearances on the doorstep of the other at midnight. We'll either be honest with each other... and make it work... or we won't be together at all. You understand? We're at the top of each other's lists, or not at all. I don't want anything less, any toxic love, any blaming each other, and all that bullshit. We take each other and try to do something with us, or we end it."
He nods and pulls you closer to him, digging his fingers into your back, anchoring you to his chest.
"Deal. I hope you know, you just stuck with me forever, because I'm not leaving you." you lift yourself gently from his chest to look at him. Your eyes water as your eyes meet and for the first time in a long time, you allow yourself to fully express your feelings to him.
"Just... don't make me ask you this again... don't hurt me. Please."
Billy pulls you into a tender kiss, showing you all the love and devotion he has for you. Trying with your actions to ensure that this time will be different, that you will never suffer because of him again, that you will never run away from each other again, that you will never watch the other one leave again.
"I'm nothing without you. Trust me. I tried to live without you and look how it ended." he jokes, and in any other situation you wouldn't find it funny, but now, fueled by the high of being with him again, you giggle stupidly into his neck. Billy smiles fondly and strokes your hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Break my heart again, and it will end worse for you. I have connections in the mortuary, Russo." he huffs, undeterred, and pulls you closer.
"Please. As if you didn't fly across two states just to stitch my face together because you didn't believe in the competence of the doctors at the hospital." you blush as you realizes that he knew about your moment of weakness after you found out what happened to him after his fight with Frank.
"How did you know?"
"I'd know your stitches anywhere." he says with a shrug and pulls you in for a kiss.
Maybe this really was the last time after all… and this time you will stitch the scattered pieces of both of you together for good.
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dinums · 7 months
Secrets and Broken Hearts
Chapter 3
Thomas Shelby x (Writer) Reader
Ms. Bennett is a peculiar woman whose motives are always unclear, though, of course, she alone has grace this knowledge upon herself and none of anyone she knows. What happens when an inspector and his spy come to town? Shall she make due and quench her curiosity or finally learn to back down? Who knows, maybe at the end, she'll compromise. A conflicted woman will always be a surprise. You can trust that. It's Ms. Bennett afterall
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Ms. Bennet's P.O.V.
"This is pointless as it is stupid." I mumbled to myself. Tossing and turning on my shared bed with William. If a national treasure really did get stolen, what treasure would it be?
Minerals? Gold? Jewellery? Some ornaments from the royal family? Placing my arm to cover my face, I groaned in frustration. Surely, these factors I laid out won't be considered. After all, all these can easily be replaced or would have no effect to be a threat to this very constitution. Treasure.
"What's a treasure besides Gold that once in the hands of others you would crumble..." I thought deeply, a world run by men surely limited me to a few other factors.
"My guess is, it's either illegal documents, ledger, guns, some proof blackmailing Churchill himself." Talking to myself aloud, I rolled on my stomach. My face buried in the pillows as I screamed internally.
"Thomas Shelby and Freddie Thorne, one of them might know a thing or two." As if hit with adrenaline, something clicked in my brain, I sat up and thought more clearly.
"Freddie either did or did not know what the national treasure is, nor who stole it. If he knew, he wouldn't have said those words to Thomas... but if he did, was it to catch Thomas with a bluff? What does bluffing get him? Anyway, he knew even if Thomas knew something, he wouldn't tell Freddie... meaning that rules out the second probability"
My thoughts turned to Thomas earlier, I decided that he would be the one I would use as lead.
"How in the world am I to get close to a mobster?" Without realising it, I started to bite my lip while my nails made their way to claw on my thigh. Once I tasted blood, I stopped and lied back down.
The Shelby's were people I was acquainted with, much like half the people in Small Heath. Jon Shelby and I were classmates. He and his brothers would cause mischief here and there before. I then remembered the time they would encourage cigarettes and alcohol to the students in school. That made me laugh, I remember Jon giving me a handful, which caused Arthur to smack him in the head, saying , "Oi! Yer only supposed to give em one of each! Then, after the second time, you rip their money off! It's what Tommy said!" Turns out it was a money laundering little scheme which got me a bit close to the two Shelby brothers. After that, they treated me nicely, Thomas, on the other hand... well, he was just there. Nothing more, nothing less. At least I can speak a bit freely than others would.
"Maybe I can use this closeness with Jon and Arthur to get close to Thomas..."
Looking up at the ceiling, I blinked a few times. If only I knew no bounds, then maybe, maybe I wouldn't want to stick my nose up in other peoples business.
"Morris Dawn"
My penname, a reminder of my other life. I had to write about something soon. If I were to investigate and yet not publish this, what good does it make? I'm risking my life and earning nothing. Must I be damned to be a curious writer by heart? I cursed myself under my breath.
Looking over my side, I see that night has already come. William isn't home yet.
"Make up your mind. You're wasting time." I groaned, talking to myself once more. Standing up, I walked towards the vanity, formulating every plan for every possible outcome already.
By the time William came home, I lay in bed, asleep. Brain fried. Odds and probabilities everywhere.
"Oh, love..." William chuckled, undressing himself down to only his trousers before making his way to bed and underneath the covers.
When I woke up, I was alone in bed. A note to my right that read:
"I had to go to the shop early today, made breakfast for you. Just the way you like it"
I smiled at the note before making my way to freshen up and get ready for the day. Later that morning, I went and ran errands. Going to my usual go-to bakery, i smiled at the familiar woman handling the register.
"Oh, Ms. Bennett! What a lovely surprise"
"Hello, Mrs. Fer. How are you?"
I asked, as then she answered me. We go about our conversation as I picked out some bread and pastries from the older woman.
"Oh? By the way, Ms. Bennett"
"Mhm? What is it? Anything wrong? Maybe I can help, " I said kindly, the bag of food around my arm.
"I heard there's an inspector in town. He came last night... Best be careful, Ms. Bennett. My husband told me to stay quiet about this, but I just worry for you. Thought I ought to let you know that you're like the daughter we never had after all..."
My heart swelled with love for the older woman, reaching out to squeeze her hand to comfort her, I decided to ask more for purposes, of course.
"But Mrs. Fer, what about the inspector? Surely he wouldn't harm innocent people here, right?" The older woman only shook her head and sighed.
"My dear, you're far too nice for this town. Why not move away to somewhere safer with your lover? Get married, have a peaceful life -"
"And leave you behind? I'd rather not Mrs. Fer, I've come to love the people in this town enough to stay." I interrupted her, which made her frown deepen. I only shook my head and gave a soft smile. It was the truth, after all.
"The inspector called for a meeting, all the policemen and some new lackeys. Told my husband and the others that he would be cleaning this town up. Dear, a man like that -" She stopped herself and cupped both of my cheeks before continuing, "a man like that will stop at nothing, so it's best to keep safe, aye?"
I nodded as she released her hands from my face. Bidding goodbye, I walked out of the bakery with my freshly baked goods and onto my next errand. Mrs. Fer, an old lady married to a policeman sure does have its perks, added points that she's quite fond of me as I with her.
Though I did feel guilty using these people, masking and hiding beyond a facade of a sweet young lady. I stopped in my tracks before shaking my head, trying to get physically rid of these thoughts.
"Remember, if what you're doing is for their good... a little harm here and there wouldn't hurt, besides... it isn't like they know any of it"
The day went by smoothly, and I finally had something to work with. From the bakery I found out of the inspector, from the butcher I heard some men talking about what they knew of the said inspector whilst the women talked about someone trying to find the identity of the mysterious Author, Morris Dawn which in turn made me gulped, I had to be careful. lastly, from William's shop, I found out how there had been people, mostly wives gone missing. Feeling lucky, I put the things I bought inside the flat, there had been new things to investigate, so many things to know, getting a few breads I bought before putting them inside a basket. I decided to go to the Garisson, to at least visit Harry, I forgot that I hadn't had the chance to pay for my drink last time, hence the bread.
Walking down the familiar path down Watery Lane, I think of the words to say when suddenly, someone harshly bumped into me. My focus on the bread as I tried to save them, but alas, only one was left safe.
"There goes my luck then... shouldn't have spoken too soon..."
"You're luck, eh?" A familiar gruff voice said, whipping my head from the bread on the ground towards the person. My eyes locked into those blue crystallike eyes of him.
"Yes, my luck. Mr. Shelby. This was for Harry, I ought to give him an apology for not being able to pay for my drink-" realising I was giving out too much of my thoughts to a man who wo t even care, I shut my mouth, blinking a few times, what am I doing.
After an awkward silence, I stepped out of his way, noticing the alchohol bottle he was holding, knowing better than to ask him to pay for the soiled bread. Going inside the pub without another word, I walked to the bar. To my surprise, a young, beautiful, blonde woman came into view, working at the bar, pouring drinks instead of Harry.
"Oh- hello, you are -?" I asked kindly, though it was overshadowed by my surprise and confusion.
"Grace, Grace Burgees. I'm the new Barmaid," She explained, an Irish accent to her. I nodded and smiled.
"Do you know where Harry is? I ought to give him some bread..."
Just in time, Harry came I to view, to my relief. I explained to him why i only had one loaf of bread rather than more. Nonetheless, he accepted it with gratitude. When I gave him money for the drink, though, that was the time he refused. I shook my head and accepted defeat, still talking to Harry as Grace was on the side.
"I'm really sorry to give you a half-hearted apology, Harry. If only I'd look in the way Mr. Shelby -" I was cut off by Harry reassuring me once more that it was fine. After a bit, Grace looked at me, I gave her my name, which she responded with a smile. We talked for a bit, she told me which town she lived in back in Ireland, how life was like there while I told her how I lived my life here in Birmingham, saying words enough to satisfy her curiosity but not enough to give anything away.
"I better get going then. Next time I visit, I'll bring you some bread too!" I said, smiling at her before leaving the bar. She smiled and waved me goodbye.
A woman from the same town as the inspector, someone who came to Small Heath the same time the inspector did. It didn't take much to put two and two together, though that just means they'd do the job for me, correct?
"Maybe I don't have to investigate anything after all..."
Putting this 'treasure' to the side, I went to go look for any leads, common things between these missing wives. If I moved too slowly, either this incompetent policemen would forget about this or have more people killed than needed.
Putting myself with the burden of such heroic secrecy, I walked down Watery Lane. Knocking on the door of one of the husbands of a missing wife.
"Ms. Bennett?" The man asked, surprise he knew who I was.
"Oh- you know who I am?" The man only gave what little smile he could before explaining himself.
"There aren't many people helping around for the good besides that, Pastor." He said, shaking his head.
After a bit of small talk he led me inside, I told him that I wanted to help babysit for their son whilst the coppers try and find his wife since it was well known how he wasn't doing well takinh care of the little critter, that was a mere alibi of course. Though it felt nice to help, my motives were clear to me as the night sky. I am no saint, a mere sham. A lie and a lie I will always become. If a false Saint will be able to keep everyone I could help safe, I'd gladly be one.
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a-certain-romance · 2 years
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You’re the one I’m addicted to
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Characters/Ships: Yae Miko x fem!reader
Synopsis: Had you known wearing her clothes would speed up your relationship, you would’ve worn them sooner.
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, some breast play, rough sex, scissoring, gagging (use of fingers)
A/N: Anon you’re so sweet <3
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Despite being in Inazuma, rain is a rare sight in the city.
An evening with udon noodles and light chatter, now interrupted by the light pitter-pattering droplets outside. Miko had invited you over for dinner at her place earlier in the day. Had you known it was going to rain you would’ve at least brought a jacket.
“Maybe it’ll let up in a bit”. The sound of lightning cracks in the distance and you wince. The food and company had been lost in time, and now it is to too late and too wet to venture outside. As you contemplate your options, Miko offers you to stay the night.
“You’re without an umbrella. And without anything to shield you from the downpour, there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll catch a cold before the next dawn can come to greet you”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be imposing…”
“Nonsense, I don’t mind the company. Especially if it’s you~”
She leads you we bedroom and makes quick work of finding a suitable pair of pajamas. “Here, put these on while I get changed in the bathroom. We can retire to the bed right after if you wish”
“Your clothes? And shouldn’t I take the couch?”. She waves a hand, “You’ve been wearing those clothes all day, I’m not about to let you dirty up my sheets. And what kind of host would I be if I made my guest sleep on a couch when we have a perfectly soft bed right here?”
She hands you the clothes and places a hand on your shoulder, “And for the record, I think sleeping with you would be an interesting experience”. You shiver and try not to think of any other implications.
Nothing she gave to you fit how it should. The shirt was too big & the bottoms were too short. You think about the sleeping arrangement and your heart skips a beat. Miko was always a close friend but, secretly, you’ve always wanted more with her. More of her time, more of her touch, but you never really considered her to return your feelings.
“It’s really coming down now” Miko remarks from the other room, her voice becoming clearer as she opens the door. “I mean seriously, it rarely rains in the city. I can’t remember the last time…” her words die out which prompts you to turn to face her. She stands frozen by the door with a brush stilled in her hair. Her eyes dart around your body as if she doesn’t know what part of you to look at. Huh, maybe there is a chance.
“My, my,” you mock, “is Yae Miko, guji of the Narukami Shrine and chief editor of the Yae Publishing House, having lewd thoughts?
Her jaw clenches. “You weaken my resolve. I might hurt you”
“What if I want you to be rough?”
A fain growl escape her lips. “Such a pity to waste so much time. Had I known better, I would’ve said something sooner”
“Why don’t we make up for lost time?”
Not a moment later she pins you to the bed, hands snaking around your body as she pulls you close for a searing kiss. She peppers your face in kisses and remnants of her lipstick, moving from your cheek to your jawline, finally stopping at your pulse point and sucking. “Y’know…I’ve wanted you for so long. And now I finally get to have you”
She fumbles around with your shirt as if she’s debating to keep it on you or to take it off. She huffs in annoyance, and pushes it far enough to where it’s above your breasts. To Miko’s surprise you’re not wearing anything under it, “You’re not wearing a bra? How naughty, were you planning for this to happen? Awaiting my reaction? If you wanted me this badly, all you had to do was ask”. She wastes no time in burying herself in your chest. Pinching and biting at you, all to hear the cute little sounds you make. She moves herself down further and takes off your bottoms and your panties.
She lift up your leg and you blush, moaning out as presses her pussy to yours. She cocks an eyebrow, “What? This was your doing, being so tantalizing in my clothes. I want to ruin you, if you’ll let me”
You nod your head. Yae Miko is unrelenting; the second you give her the green light she’s bouncing against you at inhuman speed. The friction leaves you breathless, panting hot breath into the air. She’ll change her pace so that it’s fast one minute but slow and deep the next. A certain roll of her hips has you arching your back, furthering the stimulation on your clit.
On an extra loud moan, she sticks 3 fingers into your mouth. “There’s still neighbors after all” she’ll say as she shoves them in further.
“Come for me, I need to see you fall apart”. Your arch into her and spasm into the mattress. She takes her fingers out and pins your hands above you, already settling into a new position.
“I should wear your clothes more often if this is the reaction I get from it”
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
Buzzfeed:The 10 Times Harry Styles and Y/n Y/l/n Made Us Believe in Love
A/n: I have been working in this for some time, I was pretty much inspired by my Jack Harlow piece, someone send a ask about doing one for Harry, and it’s just fluff💗 all the pictures are just illustrative, there is no face-claim, nothing, it’s just o ‘illustrate’ the article (?)
The 10 Times Harry Styles and Y/n Y/l/n Made Us Believe in Love
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10. They Have Known Each Other for Years Before They (Finally) Started to Date
When it comes to famous couple we hardly ever know how they met, but not with this hot couple. It was Stevie Nicks who first spilled the beans:superstar Harry Styles and nepotism babe Y/n Y/l/n met back in May 2015 at the backstage of a Fleetwood Mac concert in London, while attending with mutual friends and Mr.Styles took her out for a bite afterwards. According to rumours Styles and Miss Y/n were seen out and about around London during the month of May and she was photographed in a One Direct concert in Wales, and then Harry reportedly dated a string of Victoria Secret models and Camilla Rowe… 
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Asked about it in a interview with Vanity Fair, Y/l/n said:”I was very young back then, just seventeen, still a little green and naive in this whole ‘love game’, we liked each other very much, but at that time we would have just… crashed and burned. Feelings were hurt, but it’s safe to say we’ve kept special places for each other in our hearts, and when we met again at Shangri-La we just fitted together…” 
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A Bonus: While promoting her new movie with Julia Roberts, Y/n Y/l/n was asked by James Corden about the rumor that her famous mom ‘just loves to public  embarrasses her’, to which Y/n gave us a funny story: ‘So, as a teen I just loved Harry Styles, you know: the hair, the eyes, the dimples… I was like: we are soulmates, we are destined for each other. I had a framed poster of him in my bedroom. So… we are traveling from London to LA, my mom had just finished a movie, we are at the airport, and a few foot away, handsome as ever is Harry Styles, and his whole boyband… my mom recognized him from my posters and basically all my gadgets background, and she goes: excuse me… hi, Harry, my name is Y/m/n Y/l/n, my daughter just loves you… and she wouldn’t stop… let’s just say I spent a long time hiding in the ladies restroom’ Y/l/n added: ‘Harry actually finds the story funny and always tells all of our friends’.
There it goes: Y/n Y/l/n is jus like every other teenage with a Harry Styles crush.
9. They Rekindled Their Romance at the 2019 Met Gala
Harry co-chaired the event. Y/n made her solo debut—this is her third year attending the gala, but the first time without either her famous parents—, she attended as a guest of Gucci, dressed in a green-glittered-feathered gown custom designed for her by Alessandro Michele. The twenty four years old singer and the twenty years old actress were pictured in he pink carpet and, I mean, just the way they looked at each other screams volumes. 
We may not know what happened inside the gala, but we can have a idea by the after party picture, and let’s just say:you can manage to see a photo of either of them where the other isn’t by their side or the background.
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Dating rumors started after pictures were published of Harry and Y/n leaving the after-after party in the same car with Styles gentlemanly carrying Y/l/n red gown’s train. 
The same month ‘sources close to the couple’ reported that Harry and Y/n actually met months in advance to the gala ‘Y/n was working with Mark Ronson at Shangri-La in Malibu, her and H stared as friends, just going out and spending time together, things changed in Italy in early 2019 when they decided to go together for fittings with Alessandro’.
When questioned about the young couple went with the standard: We’re just friends.
8. Their Romance is Packed With PDA
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Though they keep their ‘Just Friends’ answers, the couple haven’t shied away from some good old Public Displays of Affection. And this says something when we’re talking about Harry Styles.
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And they’re cutie. 
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7. We Got a Glimpse of Their Romance in August 2019 When Photos of Y/n Got Shared in The Internet
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O-kay, it’s totally not okay for someone close to you—someone you clearly trust— to leak private pictures of your private instagram to the world. Y/n private IG account went from 167 followers o 165 after pictures the actress posted on her profile were printed and leaked.
That being said… We can’t deny Y/n and Harry are a cute and romantic couple:
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I mean: she even uses his picture as a book-marker, this is pure fluff
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6. Fans Noted This Little Detail in Paps Photos 
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The couple has a matching tattoo, and we’re dying. Nothing screams ‘Love’ like a matching tattoo.
5. That Lego Bouquet
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Y/n was there for her man during SNL, as Harry was both host and musical guest. And she got him a bouquet… of Legos. 
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Sources said ‘Y/n has been here with Styles all week, Harry, surprisingly is a very shy guy, so she was  always keeping him calm and relaxed, helping him with his anxiety, and just being a helping hand, they keep  in their own bubble but are very approachable’.
4. December Was a Emotional Month For Harry and Y/n ‘s Fans
Little Women was released and our girl slayed as Jo March in Greta Gerwig’s adaptation. During promotion Y/l/n was paired with Pugh and Chalamet, and those tree were the trio of BFF’s we needed. Y/l/n and Chalamet chemistry—this is their second movie together— generated a few rumors of troubles in paradise.
But it was all just rumors, as Y/n was photographed at Styles one-night-only show at The Forum in Los Angeles, 
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She was once again by his side in London. 
The bomb that broke millions of hearts came in 28 December.
In a joined statement was released by Styles and Y/l/n teams… After Academy Award winner filmmaker and producer, Y/f/n Y/l/n, communicated to the world in his official website that his wife and him ‘are happy to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter to Mr. Harry E. Styles’ all very formal like Y/f/n usually is.
The couple got married in 18 December at Hampstead Town Hall in London, both their families were in attendance. The couple asked for respect of their privacy, and announced that they would continue to live bi-continental.
3. Harry Styles Music Videos and… Surprises.
We hoped, but we weren’t sure, that we would see Y/n in Styles Music Videos, I mean, isn’t a rule somewhere that if you got a gorgeous, Academy nominated actress for a WIFE, you must put her in your MV’s? No?
Harry didn’t disappoint us. The singer and his wife frolicking by the beach, feeding each other fruits is a state of mind.
It also marks the debut of Y/n in Styles public feed.
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Styles was praised by models in his video for asking for consent to touch them while filming, it was also said that the couple is very much in love and still in their honeymoon phase, just enjoying being together with one saying ‘when they looked at each other, you sometimes felt like you’re invading a private moment, Harry wouldn’t stop gushing over Y/n and how she inspired his more soft romanic songs’ and ‘they are just so nice to everyone’.
The surprise came months later during the release of ‘Golden’. The song is said to be about Y/l/n, with fans nothing that the actress and our favorite nepo babe has ‘you’re so golden’ tattooed in her ribs since 2017. 
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The video was filmed in the Amalfi Coast, with Styles running and driving around, Y/l/n doesn’t show up until the end, looking very gorgeous in white… and sporting a small baby bump. Yep, the couple probably had the best pregnancy announcement of 2020.
2. Harry Styles Being a Supportive Husband
2021 was a great year for Y/n Y/l/n, and no one can deny. 
The actress  welcomed her first child in early February. She went on to own a Golden Globe and a Emmy for her Netflix Miniseries. 
The couple had their red carpet debut while attending the Grammys, with Styles proudly showing off his wife, the actress got candid while admitting that it was her first time going out without the baby, and though the child was with ‘grannie Anne’ the new mom still felt anxious.
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In a interview with Kelly Clarkson while talking about parenthood Y/n said ‘It’s a crazy rollercoaster, they grow so fast! We decided, for now, not to have a nanny,  we just want to enjoy all those little moments that we can, so it is being kinda of nuts, but we have a great team and a very supportive family. Harry is great, he aced the nappy game and night feeding, he’s a amazing daddy, we often joked that H had amazing fun uncle potential, but he’s positively surprising us all, he just goes beyond, the  best parenthood partner a girl could ask for.  Definitely  my favorite dilf.’
1.Harry’s House.
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Months before the ‘Adore You’ crooner announced his new album, Styles shared a candid picture of himself, his wife Y/n and their babygirl Delilah, with the caption: Home. 
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In early  April the lyrics of ‘As It Was’ confounded fans a little, until four months later the couple announced the birth of their second daughter, Talulah, and their relocation to England in a more permanent scale. The couple not only has been living in London since mid 2021, they also acquired two homes in Styles motherland. Styles in a interview with Apple Music, said about his move: ‘A lot has change in my life the last few years, my home are now three amazing girls, my gorgeous wife and our two baby-daughters, but England is my comfortable place, initially we moved because I was going to film a movie, Y/l was still pregnant with Talulah, one night I come home after shooting and my wife goes: what do you think about moving here for real? And she goes on: I just spent an afternoon at a public park with Lilah without men with cameras following us around. It was a no brainer decision, we’re very happy, Lulah was born in London, my mum and sister are always around, I’ve never been happier’. 
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lakeofflowerss · 1 month
you dirty boys | explicit
English is not my first language so I apologise in advance for my mistakes.
Oh dear Remus, let Sirius take away your bad mood.
"You can't be mad about that, Remus."
Sirius couldn't disguise the sneer in that sentence. He liked to play with that although he had to admit that if the situation were reversed he would look for a way to rip the other's head off but since that wasn't the case, he would enjoy teasing.
Way down we go by Kaleo was the song filling the car at the moment. Remus was driving, they had to be at Regulus' house in less than half an hour for his birthday celebration and because they had been on the verge of desecrating the new couch in his house, they were running late.
"I'll get mad all I want, who are you to tell me I can't?" he didn't look at him, he was still intent on the road.
"Don't act crazy." He put his hand on the driver's thigh and squeezed it. "If we stayed we were going to be running awful late and Reggie would cut both of our balls off."
"Well but at least we would have put them to good use one last time."
Sirius let out a laugh and pulled his hand from where it was to cover his face. Remus, on the other hand, was looking about as bad as he could look. He really was frustrated, he hated to be left wanting anything and more so when the full moon was so close.
"Change that face, Rem" Sirius turned and stared at him. "What can I do to make your discomfort go away?”
"Nothing, that's it now. You'll just have to put up with me in this dog mood."
"That was so funny, Moony" her mocking voice came back "You can't be like that on the birthday, everyone's going to ask what happened to you and you're going to make Regulus feel bad. It's not a good thing."
Remus didn't respond and Sirius' mind started working as fast as possible to find a way to change the situation. They couldn't stop at some gas station because they were too tight for time. He examined the driver closely, he couldn't deny how much it turned him on when his boyfriend was angry. The gestures, the tense jaw, the hands gripping the steering wheel, it was driving him crazy.
He couldn't help biting his lip as she gazed down his body. He wanted to rip off his black shirt. His mouth watered at the thought. He smiled. Remus was angry and still on the stick as well. Apparently someone else was fantasizing. The spotlight finally went on.
"Remus!" he almost shouted offended at not getting an answer earlier.
"What?" he replied gruffly which only increased Sirius' excitement.
"Will you let me do something to take the edge off your bad mood?"
"I don't think you can but yes."
"You have to keep concentrating and paying attention to the road."
"Do I have to do the same thing I'm doing now? I don't see how that can change my mood."
If he wanted to say anything else he didn't manage it in the face of surprise. Sirius' hand slid down his thigh again but this time it didn't stay still and moved closer to his erection making him startle. Remus turned to see him and found him smiling looking straight ahead. His fingers were still running over the top of his pants exerting pressure.
The steering wheel was being the axis of concentration to hold him to reality and not get completely caught up in the cloud of pleasure that was enveloping him. The other's hand went up to the hem of his jeans, patiently unbuckled the waistband and then pulled down the zipper. Sirius slipped his hand in and now only the boxer shorts he had given him separated his hand from Remus' full erection.
I don't know if I can publish the complete work here so I leave the direct link to ao3. Sorry if it is very mediocre
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