#michael afton takes after his father
chemmycherry · 2 years
Meant to be yours // Blueycapsules Jeremike (angst)
Inspired by Meant To Be Yours from The Heathers musical
TW//major character death
Jeremy was running from the boy whom he once thoughts was shy and lovely. That smile on his face did not resemble love but rather obsessiveness. He didn't know when this started but it was certainly recent. In the past week, Fritz kept him closer than before, dragging him everywhere and keeping him on a close look. This made Jeremy uncomfortable as he couldn't focus on his work nor hang out with Joan without Fritz being at a 5-meter distance and staring at him. He didn't know what snapped in him but it was taking a toll on him.
Jeremy told him on that day he wanted some space from Fritz because he has been acting weird. Rather than the sweet reaction he always got from him, Fritz's expression turned dark.
"If I am not with you, you will die. I don't want you to die, Jeremy," Fritz's mouth turned into a small grin. "I can't let you die like the others around me, I've lost too many people. You are too special to me, you are my everything."
"You are starting to scare me, Fritz," Jeremy was walking backward slowly as his boyfriend was taking slow steps towards him with his arms open.
Jeremy was shaking at this point, he was terrified. They were alone at the pizzeria as Phil left them in charge of closing and Joan was nowhere near to starting her shift yet. Jeremy felt hopeless.
"Jeremy, my dear, I just want to protect you. You will be with me all the time, so nothing can hurt you," Jeremy reached the part of the room he wanted the least. His back touched the wall and he felt cornered at that second. He was looking around. scanning the area, thinking of a way to escape. His boyfriend was turning into a psychopath and he was having none of it.
Soon enough Fritz was in front of him, his two hands resting on the wall and keeping Jeremy between his arms.
Mike felt this huge wave of protectiveness and obsessiveness over Jeremy. He felt ownership over him as if he was only his and nobody can ever touch him, otherwise, he would meet the same fate as Elizabeth. He felt like Jeremy was in constant danger because of the animatronics and the pizzeria itself.
"It's okay darling, I am here to be with you, forever."
With that motion, Mike pressed his lips against Jeremy's but it wasn't passionate. It was forceful and Jeremy didn't feel the love in it. Before this, all the kisses they had was cute and lovely, full of joy but this was nothing but aggressive. Jeremy was slapping and punching Mike's chest lightly, showing him how much he didn't want this.
"Let me go you animal!" Jeremy yelled as he finally broke free and pushed the brown-haired boy away from him. Mike was taken aback as he lost his balance a little. He looked back at Jeremy in disbelief and Jeremy took that as a sign and opportunity to run away from him.
"How DARE you Jeremy? Pushing the only person away who can protect you?! COME BACK HERE!"
Jeremy turned around and ran as fast as he could through the hallway. Turning left and right but it felt like Fritz was still just beside him, meanwhile, Mike was just walking and listening to where Jeremy was going. He had a plan in case things would go wrong and he knew Jeremy wouldn't be able to leave the place so easily. Mike had the keys to the front and back door. If only Jeremy knew about this.
For Jeremy, it felt like an eternity running around the place, pushing tables and chairs when he could. He then reached the staff room which he entered and quickly locked himself in.
"Jeremy...baby...love," Mike called for his lover who was scared for his life behind the locked doors. Fritz's voice was trying to sound nice and charming at first but then after he realized he lost track of Jeremy, he was fuming. "Jeremy dear, if you want to be safe and protected, you have to come out and be by my side, forever!"
Jeremy was shaking with fear in the dark room. He didn't dare to switch on the lights, fearing they could be seen from the outside. He covered his mouth with his hand, muffling his cries as his tears left his eyes.
Jeremy really had to silence his cries as he heard footsteps going by the door. He saw the shadows underneath and held onto his dear life Fritz wouldn't bang on the door. Jeremy was pushing his weight onto the door, in case Fritz would decide to break in. The tension in the air was strong, he was praying no creaks or sound behind the door would be heard or he wouldn't see the end of it. His body didn't even twitch.
"Jeremyyyyy," sang Fritz in a cute way, or at least he tried to, calling for his boyfriend. When the footsteps and noise got quieter, Jeremy took the chance and ran for it. He opened the door as quietly as he could, looked around then bashed it open and ran for the emergency exit. If only it was that easy.
As Jeremy was running towards the exit, he took a glimpse behind his back and smiled in relief as he didn't see Fritz nowhere near behind him. Then as he turned his head around, he bumped into a male figure. There was only one option who it could be, as only two of them were in the building.
Jeremy fell to the ground from the collision but the person stayed on their feet.
"Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy..." spoke Fritz as he looked down on his lover. "Why are you trying to get away from me? I'm only here to protect you."
"N-no! You want to make me yours as if I was an object! I have a life and you want to take everything joyful out of it!" Jeremy looked at Fritz with an upset expression. Yet this only made Mike have an evil grin on his face. Just like his father used to smile before he ended the lives of his victims.
"Oh my dear," Fritz squatted down to Jeremy's eye level. "Why are you playing so hard to get? Just grab my hand and we can be together, forever."
Mike held his hand out for Jeremy, but the blonde boy wasn't stupid enough to fall for his trick.
"Fuck that!" Jeremy slapped Fritz's hand away. "I'm not doing that! You have changed! This isn't the Fritz I fell in love with! He was nice and sweet, but you are scaring me! I don't want to be with you if you keep me away from everything," Jeremy felt the tears forming in his eyes. Fritz was taken aback as he thought he would have Jeremy wrapped around his fingers by now. Mike also felt tears forming in his eyes but this only made his grin grow wider. He could only chuckle at him.
"It's because Fritz isn't here anymore Jeremy," the blonde boy looked at his partner with confusing eyes.
"But Michael is."
Jeremy couldn't make out what he tried to say with this, but he knew one thing for sure.
The boy he liked and kissed with love was no longer in front of him. It was someone else, completely different. The more he looked at him, the more he resembled Dave a little. That terrified him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jeremy crawled back a little, trying to escape.
"I'm in love ,Jeremy, I'm in love with you Jeremy~" Michael gave Jeremy a smile that was rather creepy than lovely. "And I will do everything not lose you."
"You have just lost me with what you are doing. I can't do this if you are obsessive with me. This isn't you!" Jeremy was now crying. "I loved you Fritz, I really did but something changed in you. A-and that scares me. I don't like the new Fritz, so please."
"Leave me alone."
Jeremy stood up and ran to the security room. Mike stared at the ground after what Jeremy said. He thought about it and didn't know what to do. It felt like his consciousness came back. Something really did snap in him as he felt like Jeremy was in constant danger. Was he the danger? Was he going crazy? Was he taking after his father? He looked at his hands and they were shaking. Why were they shaking?
The sound of Jeremy's footsteps faded away slowly and it reminded him of when he let Liz run away from him after their argument. Then her death. The guilt started to build inside him and slowly eat him up.
"Jeremy is going to die. He is running to his death." was all Mike could hear in his head. He knew he had to go after him. He had to correct what he as done and said. Jeremy was right. Something changed and he didn't know what it was either, but it scared him. He knew he fucked up and wished he could turn back time but oh how many times Michael had wished that. But he still had a chance to fix this.
Mike stood up and took after Jeremy. He could hear his loud sniffles and followed the sounds. He saw his shadow take a turn to the security office. When Mike took the last corner he saw Jeremy sobbing, leaning next to the desk. Mike walked slowly to him, trying not to disturb him more than he did.
"Jeremy..." Mike spoke after he reached the open entrance.
Jeremy looked up and Mike saw his red, cried-out eyes. He was hugging his knees close to him.
"I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" Jeremy yelled. "Stop fucking following me!"
"But Jeremy-"
"No! I'm done!" Jeremy stood up and faced Michael. "I'm done with your crazy shit! You are obsessive and-and you need help! I don't know what has gotten into you but I don't like it!"
As Jeremy was shouting Mike heard a static noise in the background which Jeremy didn't seem to take notice of. This made Mike stressed, he had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen. He had felt like this before.
"No! Shut up! I have had enough! If this isn't the Fritz I know and love talking then I don't want to hear it!"
More static noise came from the ceiling. As if it was moving around. The gut feeling grew bigger in Mike and he wanted to walk toward Jeremy but something didn't let him. He tried to take slow steps but that only made the other boy take a step backward.
"Jeremy, listen-"
"No! I won't fucking listen! You listen! Until you change back I don't want to talk to you!"
Michael looked up at the ceiling and saw where the static noise came from.
"Jeremy, you hav-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY FRITZ!" Mike took a step back because of the yelling.
Mangle was moving like a snake and Jeremy didn't feel their presence. He continued yelling and crying. His bottled-up emotions were let out in the worst way possible.
Jeremy wanted to hug and punch Fritz at the same time. He loved him but his behavior just set something off in him. He missed the shy Fritz he had a crush on. He missed his hugs and small kisses, the jokes they had together and the walks they went on when they didn't have work. The way he held his hand and the look Fritz had when Jeremy was talking about something. Those shiny dots in his eyes were now gone and Jeremy didn't know what has happened.
He missed Fritz.
He couldn't do much more than cry his heart out as he put his head into his palm. He screamed and cried. He was broken and he needed Fritz.
Mike sensed the pain in his voice and he wanted to hug his partner so badly. He wanted to comfort him and tell him how much he loves him but it didn't seem like that could work.
"Jeremy-" Mike took a step forward.
"JUST FUCK OFF! I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME!" Jeremy looked up at Fritz.
The static noise stopped which made Mike even more worried. Did Mangle leave just like that? She has been very aggressive in the past weeks and this wasn't like him.
"Jeremy, listen-"
Silence filled the room.
"I'm sorry, but if you are going to keep being like this, I don't want you near me."
"Jeremy, ple-"
Then what Michael feared the most has become true. Jeremy's last unfinished words echoed through the room and his mind as blood splattered everywhere.
Mangle bit into Jeremy's head.
She took his frontal lobe out as they detached themselves from the body. Jeremy stood there, motionless, then his body fell onto the ground.
Mike couldn't move a muscle. His boyfriend was dead. His boyfriend was lying in the puddle of his own blood, lifelessly.
"J-Jeremy?" Mike spoke. His voice was shaking as he didn't want to believe his eyes. "Jeremy?!"
No answer.
The blood was trailing down on the checked pattern floor, reflecting the dark ceiling. The smell of blood and iron filled the room, but that failed to make Mike sick or nauseous at all. He was frozen in place when the realization finally hit him.
He finally ran to him and kneeled down to him. He turned his body towards him and was terrified of what he saw.
Almost half of his head was gone. Jeremy's right eye, skin, and skull were bitten out, and blood gushing out of the hole. Jeremy's last breath left his mouth long ago, all Michael could feel was his body's temperature getting lower and colder. Michael reflected on his actions.
His boyfriend was gone.
All because of him.
All because he wanted to protect him.
All because he was an Afton.
All because he took after William.
All because he loved him too much.
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vivid-wisp · 2 years
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My very rough idea of what I think the Afton family looked like and their ages.
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north-noire · 6 months
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My Michael Afton throughout the years! ft. his own little doodles. I'll try to be brief about the timeline and how my Michael was without saying too much since it'll be explored in the Hidden Hands AU fic's chapters anyway so I won't say all the details. Feel free to read if you guys like! I have a lot to say about him.
1983 (FNAF 4) - Michael was 12 or 13-ish when the Bite happened. Very reckless yet adventurous kid. Didn't really hate Evan (William, as much as he had a soft spot for Evan, still loved Michael all the same), just had really bad friends and influence (his friends were mostly bullies) - and didn't really like that he's being told to parent a little brother he had no idea how to take care of. It didn't help that Evan tended to be a tattle-tail sometimes about the trouble he was getting into. Michael also, deep down, got scared of what the bullies would do to him if he dared stand up for his brother or spoke out against them, so he ends up going along with what they did for his own sake. After the Bite, Michael was still deeply guilty about what he did to Evan, and it haunts him every night, knowing he had no good excuse but irresponsibility for what he did to his brother, because after all, it wasn't like William wasn't giving him enough attention. Michael just knew that he deserved anything unfortunate coming to him, but is genuinely surprised that his father kept telling him he loved him all the same. From this point on, he becomes easily troubled, tends to stay close to his dad. Makes sure he follows the rules and doesn't do trouble. Just wants to do a complete personality shift, and is deeply ashamed of who he was before. 1985 (Charlie's death, Fredbear's Family Diner shuts down) - Michael was 15 here. Over the years, he slowly isolated himself from most of the people in his life since he gets worried about his past scars coming back to haunt him. Mostly a recluse and reserved. He's not handling things well after Charlie's death and a family divorce - not to mention the non-existent social life he had. Just prefers to be left alone, but he's nice if you get to know him. Doesn't really have a good relationship with Elizabeth, but is actually pretty close with William. Feels extremely guilty and hates himself/blames himself for Charlie's death. He gets paranoid easily, as he thinks whoever took Charlie is now after him, but his father tells him to not worry too much about it. 1987 (FNAF 2) - (17) Slowly having a good relationship with Elizabeth. Starts to get into stuff like the supernatural and becomes superstitious to a degree over the years. In public, he's mostly polite and nice, but his actual personality shows through whenever he's with his father or Elizabeth - he's sarcastic, and has quite a dark sense of humor, can be a bit of a rebel, he's just more subtle about it. A bit of an over-thinker - he gets lost in his imagination/head easily. Has a (surprisingly) good relationship with his dad, as he's not really afraid to be himself around him - sometimes gifts him funny things or something he knows his dad would love/would use (he gifts William a rabbit's foot - for good luck, he says). He also helped William build the Fun-Times with blueprints and other technicalities (He's not really aware of the questionable features they had, unfortunately). He couldn't really come with his father and Elizabeth on Circus Baby's Pizza World opening due to things he had to catch up with his home-schooling, he had been skipping classes to work on the Fun-Times, but he really wanted to graduate highschool with a bang, so he's giving everything his all, here. Then Elizabeth suddenly goes missing all of a sudden, and, well... I would say more, but my fic sort of takes a canon-divergence route around FNAF 2/SL-FNAF 1 so that would spoil half of the stuff I've been working/writing about! Reference-sheet wise, I just wanted to show how he progresses from a rebellious, happy and adventurous kid into a more reclused, anxious and soft-spoken adult. Sorry for the long post! I've just been wanting to talk about him for some time now. There's a looot more that I've left out but yeah that's because there will be more in the fic!
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charlottecutepie · 7 months
ᡣ𐭩 His least favourite colour (Michael Afton x fem!reader)
Summary: Teenage Michael has a messy mullet that he cut himself and a piercing on his lower lip that he did the hell knows where. But he's dressed like a rock star: a black leather jacket and ripped jeans, a million chains, only a guitar is missing, and you already know what his birthday present will be.
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, romantic elements, Michael is flirty and weird, 1980s, abusive William, daddy issues, mentions of death, psychology, little bit of fluff, traumatized Michael, Michael has a mullet
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Michael is the first kid in the Afton family. Michael grew up surrounded by the love of his mother, but never of his father. Since he was born, William has shown no affection for him. And little boy never understood why, if he seemed to have everything William wanted. After all, he was very interested in mechanics and robotics, he always begged his father to show him how he creates these wonders of technology. But William, being a disgusting father, never did this, refused to do it. When Elizabeth was born, Michael was initially happy that he had a sister. The young man always took care of her and played with her until he noticed that his father behaved way differently with her than with him.
And it caused him heartache. He watched them and didn't understand why he didn't deserve the same. And his mother, as it seemed to him, cared about the little girl more than about him. That's what offended Michael the most: he felt as if his mother had replaced him with Elizabeth, all the toys were bought just for her, all her whims were fulfilled in one second, she was never even punished. Is that even fair?
That's when his youthful maximalism manifested itself. Michael started running away from home and skipping classes. And he knew perfectly well that William didn't like it, and he was doing it to spite him, trying to get revenge for horrible treatment.
But it only made it worse for Michael, because he was always caught and punished, or worse, his most beloved game console was taken away. William began to apply more and more punishments to him, taking away pocket money or grounding him for the whole weekend. But most of all, Michael never understood his mother: why did she let all this happen? Why did she always turn a blind eye to what her husband was doing?
“Does your father know that you smoke?” you ask, giving him a light. Michael puts his hands in his pockets and shakes his head. You're both not dating, but you're pretty close to it. You met at some rock concert where some random guy was trying to molest you, and Michael punched him right in the face, breaking his nose. It was in front of everyone's eyes, and after that, Michael was finally noticed by a group of "cool" teenagers. You didn't like them because they were nothing more than bullies, but Michael never listened to you.
“Does your mom know who you're so pretty for?”
“You fool.” you smile and roll your eyes. Michael may be a fool, but he always manages to embarrass you with his stupid flirts.
Teenage Michael has a messy mullet that he cut himself and a piercing on his lower lip that he did the hell knows where. But he's dressed like a rock star: a black leather jacket and ripped jeans, a million chains, only a guitar is missing, and you already know what his birthday present will be.
Michael got used to Elizabeth because you putted into his head that it wasn't her fault, and she's just a kid like himself. It's the fault of his parents, who don't know how to give equal love to both, the fault of his idiotic dad, who thinks he can raise his son by beating him. Michael agreed with you, and the two of you never talked about it again.
“Did you get into a fight again?” you're like a mom to him and at the same time already a girlfriend. “What kind of kindergarten is this?”
“It wasn't me, they started it.” Michael's kindergarten will probably never leave him. “What? I'm telling the truth!”
He's sitting in your kitchen eating hot soup like he's been starving for ages. You know that's not true, but his diet is really terrible, all those snacks and sodas, why is it so hard to eat normal food? And Michael told you why. Because his father went so far as not to allow his son to have lunch or breakfast with family. William only allowed his wife and Elizabeth to sit at the same table with him, but as soon as he sees Michael, he points to the door, like, "get the hell out of here." And when Michael later comes to the kitchen to eat, William pours all the remaining food into the toilet in front of him.
Michael's eyes are so wide and huge after the news that his mother is pregnant with another, third child. He doesn't know how to react, in panic he runs to your house and tells you about it. You didn't understand much yourself, but you tried to assure him that maybe this third child would be a turning point. Maybe after he's born, William will change. But you don't believe yourself.
How sad that you were wrong. Evan gets more attention than even Elizabeth, but however she doesn't mind. Unlike Michael, she runs around the baby all day, trying to entertain him. Evan likes his sister's company, but when Michael arrives, something clicks in the little boy's head, and he becomes quiet, not talkative, as if Michael scares him. But in fact, Evan is more afraid of his brother and William's argues than Michael himself. And when these turn into fights, Evan becomes hysterical and runs to hide in the closet of his room. William is well aware that Michael started showing his fangs a long time ago, but when he says something to him in an aggressive tone or slams the door too loudly, the man can't help himself.
“Michael, don't you dare bully Evan.” you're mad at your boyfriend because he came to you with his proud face again as he made his little brother cry again. “God, how many times have I explained to you, this is a kid. You're only ruining his psyche!”
Michael just clenches his teeth and his fists. He's as angry as you are, of course he knew you wouldn't pat him on the head for it, but why are you protecting this pathetic boy?
Michael hates his father, he is angry that he cannot respond to his reproaches and provocations like a "real man", so he takes out all his aggression on Evan. Michael is a coward.
Michael cries, punches the walls and swears at himself. He couldn't forgive his father for killing his sister, but what Michael never thought about was that it would happen to Evan, too. With fucking Evan. Who could have even known that Fredbear’s jaw would shut?! Michael couldn't move as he watched the little child's head being torn apart. He heard that hideous, ugly sound of a skull splitting, which still haunts him in nightmares.
In his nightmares, he runs to save Evan, to pull him out of the animatronic's grip, but he can't do anything. He fails because his father holds his hand tightly enough that Michael feels a phantom touch when he wakes up. William holds his wrist and laughs, preventing him from saving his brother, while Evan dies for the hundredth time. This is repeated every night.
Michael is no longer a rock star. Michael is depressed and needs psychological help.
Michael cut off his idiotic mullet and threw out all his leather jackets with ripped jeans, took off his piercings. But at least now Michael has the guitar you gave him for his birthday. That one is now lying dusty in the corner of his room, where Michael never goes. He just stopped showing up at his father's house, yes, not at his house, but at his father's house. Because this was never Michael's house.
Michael still smiles only at you and tries to make stupid flirts, but they don't bother you anymore. Instead, they are disturbing, worrying you.
Michael has lost everyone except you.
“When I die, I'm sure you'll be my devil in hell. Know why? Because you're hella hot, baby.“ Michael makes a sound like laughter.
You're trying to put on your face something like a smile.
Michael is so young, and he's already joking about death. But Michael wouldn't joke about death if he wasn't already dead.
Michael died in 1983. He died after his sister and brother.
“You're going to marry me, right? When we get out of here and move to another state.” There's uncertainty in his voice.
“Of course.” you don't believe him, of course not. “I love you very much.” you hold him close to you, stroke his hair and try your best to hope that everything will be fine.
Michael loves to kiss you, hug you, cuddle, rub his nose against yours, lying in your bed. Michael's body is still warm, that means he's still alive. Michael still has a headache, he can still bleed, he can still catch a cold, he still has an appetite. Michael is still alive, and that's all that matters to you.
Michael prefers not to tell where his mother disappeared, he just says that she divorced William immediately after Elizabeth's death. Yes, she divorced William and left her own son with this monster, Michael still thinks it's impossible. He's just scared to think differently, he's afraid, so he makes it up to make it easier.
“You're going to love me even if I’ll smell like a piece of shit, right?“ Michael is weird. He asks you about it almost every day, even though he never smells bad.
“Michael, my love,” you know you have to be kind to him, no matter what idiotic questions he asks. You really love him very much, but sometimes these questions take you by surprise. “even if you turn into a living walking corpse, I’ll still love you.”
Michael chuckles, his nightmares telling otherwise.
Michael has grown up, now he works as a night guard. He hates his job, but he can't tell you why he's working there. He just makes excuses by saying that he gets paid a lot of money.
It's Michael's stupid habit of keeping everything inside. You know that's not the reason, you know there's something wrong with your boyfriend, but as soon as he comes home early in the morning, exhausted, you don't dare ask him anything.
Michael hates purple colour.
Sometimes you feel like you're distancing from each other because he disappears all night at work and then sleeps at home all day. But you still love him very much and hope that one day you will both get married. But Michael begs you, in case of a wedding, not to wear a purple dress. Any colour, but not purple.
You're starting to worry about Michael's physical health. Michael refuses to eat and kiss. Michael wears more oversized clothes, even though it's damn hot outside. Michael says he's going to sleep in the other room on the couch. One night you try to check if Michael is really asleep.
No, he's not.
Michael hides his face from you and doesn't go out much. Michael doesn't shower, he doesn't even wash his hands.
All of this scares you, you don't understand what happened to your boyfriend. These sudden changes happened too quickly. You try to talk to him, but Michael's voice sounds strange. He doesn't even turn his head when he talks to you.
The smell in the house is becoming more and more terrible, almost unbearable. You've already thrown out all the garbage, done the general cleaning, even poisoned non-existent insects.
You can't take it anymore, so you're trying to clear it up. When Michael comes home, you're already standing in the hallway waiting for him. Your boyfriend is surprised, he hides his face in a mask and tries to sneak into another room.
“Darling, stop avoiding me, please!” you try approach him, hug him. Michael pulls away. You notice that the smell comes from him, not from the house. “What's been going on with you lately?”
Michael is tired of living like this, avoiding you. He wants to feel your touch again, wants to kiss you, wants to go back to bed with you, wants to cook with you, wants to dream with you about your future wedding. Which will never happen.
“Promise me you won't run away.” his voice is scary, sounds like a robotic one. You nod. And that's when Michael finally takes off these damn clothes, takes off his… wig, sunglasses and mask. He opens his soul to you again, if he still has it, of course.
You don't really know how to comment on what's in front of you. It's Michael, but at the same time it's not him. It's a skeleton covered in skin. He has no teeth, there’s terrifying white pupils burn in his empty eye sockets.
“I can't believe it's you... what... what even happened?” you're surprised you can say anything at all after such a shock.
He's not answering. His dead white pupils pierce into yours, alive ones. Michael does hates purple and how cruelly life has treated him, painting his skin this cadaverous color.
“I smell like a piece of shit, right?” Michael tries to smile, even though he doesn't have to try. His jaw was permanently frozen in a deadly grin. “Y/n… You remember what you told me, right?”
You nod. “Even if you turn into a living walking corpse, I’ll still love you.” you remember and dont give up your words.
“I still love you, Michael.” as sad as it may sound, but it’s truth, you really love Michael and you can't imagine life without him. “I… I promise I will never leave you.”
Michael sighs with relief. You finally want to hug him, but he pulls away again and waves his hand as a sign that he smells like a corpse. You don't care, you've been through too much in the last few days, and now you just want to feel his body next to you again, even if it's fucking smelly and cold. You pull him closer and try not to breathe. You get a shock from yourself because you're hugging a literally dead person. But there is only one thing…
Michael didn’t die right now, he died back in 1983.
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springnote · 2 years
You Catch Them Masturbating
includes: William Afton, Henry Emily, Phone Guy, Michael Afton, and Vanny/Vanessa
warnings: nsfw minors dni, gn reader (unspecified private parts), oral (male and female receiving), voyeurism (I think?)
William Afton:
• It was impossible to not be intimidated by him, especially when he was so attractive. So having him as a boss was more than enough to make you a flustered mess.
• You did your best to be respectful, always calling him “sir” and giving a smile before you had to look away from nerves, he seemed to appreciate all your work and obedience, and you never bothered him, until today.
•You just wanted to tell him that everyone left and you were about to go home too, but you got something more when you knocked on the door, a muffled groan sounding from the office before he answered you.
• “Come in~” he had practically purred as you opened the door, your jaw falling open at the sight before you. He was lounging on his couch, his cock out of his slacks as he looked at you with glazed eyes. “You look so surprised, well I’m happy to show you how much you excite me, bunny~”
• He shameless fisted his cock, keeping firm eye contact with every stroke as he licked his lips. “Of course you may leave if you wish, but that’s not what you want, is it, love? You want to ngh help don’t you?”
• “Yes sir.” You nearly whispered, closing the door behind you as he let out a growl at your words. “There you go- fuck again. Come here, show me how good you can be~”
Henry Emily:
• You didn’t see Henry as much as William, despite them being co-owners of the restaurant, but you still developed a bond with him. You took your niece and nephew by often, and one day you spotted Henry at a corner table looking absolutely miserable, and you couldn’t stop yourself from checking on him.
• Being a grieving and single father was tough on him, but the way you would bring him coffee and listen to him whenever you came by made him feel something he hadn’t felt in years. Of course he wouldn’t say anything though, but he couldn’t deny his feelings.
• Perhaps William was being his wingman when he told you that Henry wandered off during the big convention at the hotel, which eventually led you to the back meeting room, where Henry stood leaning against the table, pants and underwear around his knees as he stroked his cock, your name falling from his lips like a prayer.
• When he noticed you he sounded so ashamed and defeated as he closed his eyes, saying he was sorry he ruined the friendship you gave him. “You deserve so much better, you should go. I’m sorry.”
• When you didn’t leave, he looked at you with dark eyes, an intense and wanting look on his face as you stepped closer. “I want to help.” You said, making him throb as he groaned.
• “Let me take care of you after this,” he rasped as he watched intently as you got to your knees. “Shit you’re so good…I need you.”
Phone Guy:
• Somehow you survived your job as a night guard, and ended up thanking Phone Guy every morning after for his help. You were so grateful, it made him feel appreciated, so he asked to keep in touch.
• You would visit him at lunch some days, sharing greasy pizza and telling him about your new job whenever he wasn’t rambling about the pizzeria. Sadly you didn’t see him as often when he had to re-record instructions for the new guard.
• One day you decided to surprise him with some lunch, but once you saw his office was empty you felt the urge to snoop. You quickly spotted the phone he recorded all his messages on, and pressed the button, hoping to hear him being goofy again.
• Instead you heard an obscenely loud moan of your name. “Fuuuck fuck right there, o-oh you’re so good I can’t I- please do that again, (y/n) please-” You froze as the recording played on, his babbling and moans making your face hot.
• “H-Hello?” Of course he came back right then, looking just as flustered as he started sputtering out apologies. “That was an accident I didn’t know it was recording I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-”
• “Would you like some help..?” as soon as you said that, he relaxed, a brief while leaving his mouth. “Please…”
Michael Afton:
• Ever since Michael started his new job, he was on edge a lot more often, and as his best friend, you offered to stay at his house in case he needed anything.
• You made yourself at home in the guest room, reading late into the night til you heard noise from the living room. Part of you wondered if it was one of those robots he mentioned, but you knew it was probably his soap opera.
• “Psst~ can you turn it down, Mikey?” You whispered when you stuck your head into the living room, ready to quip about his show when you saw him laying on the couch, one hand rubbing the tip of his cock while the other tweaked a nipple.
• “Fuck! Um I’m sorry (y/n)!” He gasped and covered his crotch with a pillow, his face heating up with embarrassment. “Sorry…”
• You don’t know why but you suddenly asked. “Were you thinking about me?” There was an awkwardly long pause, but then he breathed out a “yes…” with a heavy sigh, seeming more embarrassed. “I can help.” You added, watching his eyes widen as he seemed to melt at your words.
• “C’mere, lemme feel you.” He cooed, patting his muscular thigh invitingly. “Catch me first.” You giggled, playfully scampering off when he jumped off the couch. “Oh it’s on now!”
• Despite her grumbling about it, the Pizzaplex hired you as another night guard to help Vanessa out, seeing as she was always tired and grumpy, and she wouldn’t say it, but she did like you.
• She frequently sent you to go clean bathrooms or take inventory, and you couldn’t tell why she didn’t want you in the security room or following her, so you decided to sneak up on her one evening and pop in the security office.
• You’d barely thrown the door open before she slammed you against the wall, a hand on your throat as she glared. “Wh- (y/n) the hell are you doing? You’re supposed to be on clean up duty!” “I finished early and-” you didn’t get much else out before you noticed she was in her underwear, a wet patch on her panties.
• “Nobody is supposed to get in here…” she mumbled as she backed away, her cheeks flushed as she put her other hand behind her back. “May I help?” You asked hesitantly, watching a sly smirk form on her face.
• “Well since you finished early on your job, and interrupted me…” she hummed as she went to sit in her desk chair, tossing her panties to the side as she beckoned you forward. You sank to your knees in between her legs, staring at her already glistening pussy.
• “I think you deserve a reward~” she chuckled again before pushing your face closer, her thighs keeping you in place as she leaned back to watch you.
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orionlain · 2 years
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𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩! 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐩, 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫. 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 note: i love you michael i rlly do but i gotta put ur dad first and reader is of age
𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝. 𝐍𝐨, 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞
It was sickening how much William couldn’t stop having eyes on you.
You were his son's best friend, Michael, a total opposite of him. He believed that you were too cheerful, too kind, too good for a boy like him. He believed that you were being rotted away by his disgusting influence, knowing how much Michael can be seen within the school alleys smoking away and giving side eyes to people.
He believed that one day you will realize how much of a pain he was, how much of a deluded sack of dissatisfaction he could be at times. He needs you to realize how much Michael’s pitiful Jean jackets and edgy outfits were horrendous compared to your beautiful, sweet, modest outfits that (hug your breasts tightly) compliment your face.
Tonight you were sleeping over in the Afton’s house, after you visited a couple times to help with your best friend's homework. It's been a long time since a guest arrived at the place after the mother died, and you were quite the breath of fresh air that helped to brighten the room filled with glum. You filled the space that she had made, and Michael appreciated the company that was now present again.
A Friday night as well, both of you just came right after school. Even with him hanging out with his friends, you still had close contact with him while you were hanging out with your classmates. To be fair, he did mention many times how much you mean to him, even if you were totally different from each other. He always takes pride in how you were his first friend he made when moving here, how you greeted him with no hesitation even with his stoic expression. How you simply treat him like a being when others are giving whispers across the hallways. You were always there, saying hello and teaching him how to do certain topics in literature, smiling at him and comforting him even with his most gravest mistakes. You were always there.
And now you’re here in front of the lawn of the Aftons, treating it as a second home at this point. You open the door after getting your luggage of clothes and toiletries, and greet the house. First one to respond back was his brother. With how close you were with Michael, you treat him as a sibling in law, and you always had an issue with Michael treating him so harshly.
“Hello.” He mumbled, tightly holding his golden teddy bear.
“Hi Evan! Where’s your brother, little guy?” You spoke with enthusiasm, you were clearly a mood-brighter, which was shown right now with Evans frown turning into a smile as you ruffle his hair.
“He will be coming late. He got in trouble with a teacher.”
“Ah- Mr. Afton. I’m so sorry- I didn’t know you weren’t working today.” Stumbling with your words as you spoke, you were quite taken aback. If you were being honest, you had never really talked to Michael's father that much. Even with how polite and nice he treated you, your throat always tightened due to the anxiety he gave you. Not to mention, Michael was always talking about him, how much he despised his father and the constant fights they had together. It gave a poor light onto the older man, but you digress, he was a kind man you thought, and also a very hard working one. Many times he came into the house, with his back limping from the work he had done, Michael insists that he isn’t that great and yet you had always felt sympathetic towards him. And he was quite attractive, but you dislike thinking about that due to being so close to your friend.
“It’s fine darling.” That pet name again. He uses it a lot as a name for you, it stirred many emotions. Happiness, disgust, pride, pleasure? You couldn’t tell, but you were too much of a pushover to ever ask him why he uses it, or to stop calling you that.
“How’s school?” He’s chatty today. Unusual, he had never really asked you questions but you still answered happily knowing out of character it is. “Oh, it’s good! Actually, I’m gonna help Michael a little with his English assignment tonight before we do anything fun with Evan. But otherwise, it’s been nice!”
“He really doesn’t deserve you. You treat him very well even though he is difficult.” William always insists that you’re not a perfect fit for Michael. You were too lovely, and to be helping out his terrible, troublemaker son, worries him a little. You need to find someone more, (you need him instead) you need someone who is able to keep up with school, who doesn’t drown himself in junk food and stolen cigarettes, who wasn’t such a lazy older brother that never cared for his siblings.
“Michael doesn’t realize how much of a favor you’re doing him, how much of a sweetheart you are.” He punctuated his pet name at the end of his sentence with his accent. This surprising praise caught you off guard, and you had no idea how to respond with it. Evan looked at you, noticing your blush rising on to your cheeks as you tried to take your jacket off to soak in with his response. You don’t really take compliments that well, especially when it comes from guys.
“Um, thank you Mr. Afton.” Was that a glint in his eyes?
“Mhm, no worries love. Speaking of the devil, I believe that’s Michael walking up.” As he says that, you look to your back and there was Michael. Seemingly in a grumpy mood after his teacher held him up.
“Sorry I’m late.” He said to you, not directing to his father at all. “I swear that teacher always has her panties in a twist, so annoying.”
“What did you even do?” You asked, laughing as you were playing around with Evans bear. “It was not even that bad. Forget about it at this point, not my problem!” He smiled it off, but his father who was in the kitchen, who looked at him, was not amused.
“Alright then, let’s work on that assignment you've been begging me to help you with.” You responded, signaling him to come upstairs with you as you held your copy of Frankenstein at the side of your hip.
“Mr. Afton, don’t worry about food! I’ll cook dinner for all of you guys once I’m done with this.” As you were on the stairs you had to announce it to the crowd. You felt guilty for taking a lot of snacks from the fridge, so in return you wanted to do something for the house. Maybe you can lift a burden off Mr. Afton. And from the way he was staring at you, tells you that he enjoys that idea of you helping around the house. Though, it’s a little frightening, there’s not a single light in his eyes and he looks to you as if there’s something more that will happen soon.
“Really? What is it!” Elizabeth popped out of nowhere, which presumed she was on the couch the whole time as you came in. Probably too invested in the cartoons she was watching on the television.
“Well hello missy!” You greet her, now knowing she was here as well.
“Let’s see, I found this recipe, with mini pizzas and all of that. As well with fettuccine pasta on the side if you’re not really into that.”
“Sounds good.” Michael responded. “Yeah, but you have to wash the dishes. I can’t trust you to cook with me after last time.” “What? I’m telling you that it was a slip up.” You both nudged and teased at each other. Michael really wasn’t the best at cooking, which can be traced back to Williams cooking skills. With that, the kids seem pleased that you were going to make the meal. Many times you bring snacks and desserts you made back to your place, and they always enjoy it. The sparkle in Elizabeth’s eyes could tell you how excited she was to eat the dinner you’re going to prepare, and Evans' smile represented his thanks to you. William though, just nodded with a little smile. Well, at least you know he trusted you with his kitchen enough to make a meal for the family.
“Alright, I’ll be coming down at 4 to cook, I just need to help your loser brother over here.” You giggled. The kids responded with chuckles, and Michael sighed at your nudge to him. But he seemed happy, which was nice. You really hope for your friend to genuinely smile at times because it looks the best on him. And you grabbed your best friend's hand, and continued to go upstairs, promising the family members that you’d come back to help out.
William had a plan to also help you out with your preparation. As a surprise for the family, but more so, for you.
After a session of you studying with Michael, you finally put your brain to rest. He was now taking a nap on his messy bed filled with clothes he didn’t put in the laundry basket, and left the copious amounts of markers and snacks on his table unclean. He was tired from school and your chattering of what to do in his segment of essays and writings, but he still was grateful for your help and effort.
Although, you could feel he was tense. For what reason? You couldn’t tell, but with his little blurbs about his father, you could say that was his worry.
“My father is not always what he seems to be.”
He told you after you said that he was a polite man. There was always something bubbling underneath your best friend's thoughts, is there something that you don’t know? His legs trembling and his fingers fiddling with his pencil anxiously, every time you brought him up. His brows that would furrow and his immediate smile turning into disgust when you mention if there was anything wrong. With all of that, you were concerned, and even more so, he wouldn’t tell why he was held back by his teacher. There was something so off with him today, as if he was scared for you. Scared for what to be exact?
But you left him to rest. You didn’t want to wake him up and interview his weird behavior throughout the first hours of the sleepover. You did also promise as well to cook something up for his siblings, and well, his father as well. So you left him on the bed, and put a blanket on top of him, even with his fully clothed ripped jeans and jacket that he hadn’t changed from, you could tell it would be better for him if he had a comforter.
You stepped out of the room and went down the stairs. The kids were gone?
“They’re playing outside with the neighbors.”
There he goes again, frightening you out of nowhere with his voice. You thought he wouldn’t be in the living room, rather down that suspicious basement he always works in. You never seem to be bothered by his lack of presence and working down there, but there was always this lingering feeling of unpleasant death every time you pass by his work area.
“Oh! Hi Mr. Afton” You greeted him. You wish for Michaels siblings to be in the living room at least, because you don’t know how to strike conversations up with this man alone. But you digress, you step out of the place close to the windows and come to the kitchen where he resided within its seats. He seemed to be writing some papers on the kitchen table. You had shopping bags near the couch filled with ingredients you brought from home, and continued to place them onto the tabletops. You had the cheeses, pasta, sauces and spices, the only thing you were missing was flour, you forgot to pass by your house and get a small container of it before going here. Maybe you were gonna scratch the idea of mini pizzas, you didn’t want to bug Mr. Afton that much.
“Forgot something?” Can he read your mind, or did he notice your staring at the ingredients that lasted for long seconds? He probably noticed your face of concern, and your hands going in a frenzy as you harshly tug into your shopping bags. “Ah. It’s flour, I forgot about it.”
“You can use the flour. It’s in the upper cover boards.” “Oh! Thank you.” You were pleasantly surprised, you didn’t assume the family was interested in baking, let alone cooking it all. You walked towards the coverboards and opened it up, but due to its height, you had to tip-toe a little. Although, the bag of flour was all the way in the back, making you have to rummage around the space as you desperately try to heighten yourself up. Your hand gripping onto the tabletop could start feeling the strong pressure as you try further and further back yourself into it.
“Let me help” What?
In a flash of a second, his body was behind you. You could feel yourself cowering from how his frame encapsulated to yours. His shoulders and chest were pressed against your back, as he leaned into getting the ingredient. You could feel your breath tightening up, your face flushing from the close contact. And his scent, the musky cologne was plaguing into your nose, and all you could think about was him. He had gone so close, you could feel his legs within yours, your bottom pressing against his crotch, and being positioned in such a lewd manner that it could be compared to one of those movies. You were so confused, and yet, disgustingly attracted to it.
“Alright, there you go love.” He finally let you go from his entrapment. You were still catching your breath after holding for a good minute or so. “Th-thanks.” was all you could muster, not even questioning why he did such an inappropriate thing to you.
From that, you carried on to cooking, even with the bizarre incident you just had with your best friend's father. He as well, casually came back to the dinner table and continued with his work. You tried to ignore your urges to ask why he did that to you, or tried to not look at him at all. You wouldn’t want your face to blush again, reminiscing about what just happened. But as you were grating the cheeses, facing the behind, you swear that he was staring at you. With that same glint, that same strange look in his eyes. You really hoped Elizabeth and Evan would come back home soon and Michael to wake up, because you felt your body becoming small and fragile like a bunny to this older man. You could just feel his touch creeping into you, even if he was far away writing on the table.
“It smells good.” He complimented. It was really smelling good, with the combination of the pizza rising in the oven and the fettuccine sauce simmering in the pan, you could tell this would be a hit for all of the family.
“Tell me.” He’s standing up again.
This time, he positioned himself beside you. He wasn’t all up in your behind, and you couldn’t tell you were grateful or a little dissapointed.
“What did you put in it?” He questioned. “Oh, uh, I started with butter and then added parmesan gradually. I put in heavy cream at the end to make it thicker, and of course, add spices to it.” You explained, you never really had to give details with your cooking, it just came to mind to you. After all those retro recipe books your mom stored in the cabinets, it now gave you the chance to help cook for your family and friends. But you wish you didn’t for tonight, mainly because of the strange things you couldn’t tell if they weren’t actual advances from this man
“I must say darling. You would be a great girlfriend for Michael.”
“Oh?” You commented with your eyes furrowing out of confusion.
“Don’t tell him, I told you this.” He motioned with his hands to signal for it to be a secret. His body was now fully facing towards you, and his silver eyes stared into your face. His brunet locks droop down as he chuckles a bit, before he reveals what he was going to say. “Michael has a crush on you.”
“Wait- really?” You audibly yelped. To be honest, you had a feeling this was going to happen, but you thought it was just delusional. Even though he was a friend, you do sometimes admire him and adore him a bit. He has always given you such a gentle look whenever you talk, and you could tell that he smiles genuinely everytime you help him out. Now it was just revealed suddenly to you, when you thought it you’ll only find out what he truly thinks years later.
“Oh love, it's embarrassing how much he talks about you around the house. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he worships you.” He laughs, and he puts his hands on your shoulder. Crying out in hilarity as you stood in shock. Though, it was suddenly cut short, with the bell ringing. Telling that the siblings are finally back from playing outside.
As you both dust off, and him telling you to keep the secret, you prepare the plates and the utensils onto the dinner table while he opens the door for the kids. You slowly took the two mini pizzas onto the serving plates, and sided it with the plaster filled with long strained pasta. When you were finally done, you went upstairs and called out for Michael to join in dinner. Trying to ignore that you know his true feelings about you from his father, and brush off those weird flirtatious actions from earlier, you both come to the dinner table. Smiling as much as you can.
It was a hit, the two kids fully finished their meals and scarfed up till there were no crumbs on the plates. Michael enjoyed the meal to the point where he took two servings of the pasta, while his father just nodded in agreement. You chatted away and made jokes with your friend, pushing away those earlier moments that were strange.
When you all had finished, just as you said earlier, made MIchael wash the dishes. As he was doing that, you were playing board games with the two siblings, while WIlliam finally left the area to go downstairs. You weren’t going to see him for the rest of the night, and you were glad but also curious if there will be more.
Otherwise, the whole evening was filled with laughter. You and your arguments with Michael had made both of the kids chuckle. You had popcorn and chocolate pretzels spread out on the side as well with large amounts of coke on top of the table. Your favorite slasher film was playing onto the screen, watching Krueger dismantle victims as you try to shoo away Evan and cover Elizabeth's eyes as you were watching. You were having so much fun, you forgot about the secret at that point. And if you did, you came to the conclusion that it's probably much better to address it to him later on.
It was then 12, and both of the kids were passed out. You and Michael carried them back to their rooms as you made fun of the students and teachers in your school. Talking and bringing up funny things that happened during the week while you were both left alone. Though, Michael was pretty zoned out, and you told him to go to sleep. He tried to resist, but he gave up and finally put out the mattresses in his bedroom. Making him drop out down to the floor as you were given his bed. As you were laying down on the bed, you saw Michael turn to you and gently smiled.
“Thanks for being with me.” He quietly whispered. With that, he turned his back toward you and quickly fell asleep. You could feel your throat choked up, feeling guilty of thinking about his father in such ways, when he was there. You wish you could tell how much Michael means to you, but he was already deep in his sleep. Sighing with shame, you accepted that you’ll confront another time. Now, you just lay there on your back in response, staring at the celing while you ponder. Slowly, while your eyes blanking into darkness.
You woke up, it was late midnight.
Your throat was parched, aching for a drink of water. While you tried to rummage around in the bedroom, there wasn’t a single glass or bottle filled with liquid. You had to go downstairs then, you didn’t mind though, knowing that everyone in the house is asleep. You then silently creaked out of the bedroom while Micheal slept peacefully, hoping to not wake him up. Going down to the stairs slowly, to not disturb any of the family members.
As you looked around, the light was still on. Michael might have left it on before you went up.
“Darling, why are you awake?” Oh no.
“Mr. Afton- I didn’t know you were still up, I’m so sorry!” You apologized, looking at the man who sat resting on the chairs. He was drinking, shots of whiskey surrounding him and a cigarette peeking through his fingers, which left bits onto the floor. His purple shirt was unbuttoned, messy, and with his other running down his gray streaked hair, contrasting from the clean and tidy look it was hours ago. You stood in surprise, you thought at least he would still be in the basement or sleeping up in his bedroom. But you were instead greeted with the older man in a hazy mess.
“Come here a sec, would you?” You listened to him, you went out of the living area to his spot. He sat on the bar stool, just staring at you as you came closer and closer to him. You don’t know why you obeyed his order, was it just out of instinct or some sick curiosity?
As you stand in front of him, you both look at each other in silence. He finally got off from the stool, and now you had to face the man who towers over you so much by height. He really did make you feel little, and with his glowing eyes, it made you feel so much more tiny than him. You tried to break eye contact with him multiple times, trying to look at the nearest potted plant or salt shaker to get away from his piercing glare, but he continues to check you down and up. Suddenly, he pulled your body closer to his by grabbing your wrist, and you were face to face with his chest. You had to move your neck to at least have a good look at him.
“I said you would be a great girlfriend. But I think you would be a very, very, good wife as well.” Oh fuck.
He cups your cheeks, forcing your lips to pucker up to him. He was taunting you, grinning how much he enjoys seeing you in such a position. “You’re adorable.” He laughed, and with no warning, he pushed his leg underneath your crotch. He took advantage of how much bigger he was compared to you, and he was pleased every second of it.
“S’ Mr. Afton?” You slurred your words as he grips harder on your face. There was heat rising upon your body, and you didn’t know how to deal with it. You tried to escape his hold, but all it did was make you shift on his thigh, rubbing your clothed slit. Accidentally giving a little whimper, even when you try as much as you can to get away.
“I always love it when you call me that.” He grins. “I wonder what it sounds like when you’re begging me.” His other hand slowly rises up onto your shirt, pressing onto your chests, fondling little by little. “Mr- Mr. Afton!” He laughs even more, happy with how you try to cover your face away from embarrassment looking to the other side. You were fidgeting so much, unbeknownst that you were sliding up and down on his legs while he was playing with you. You tried to close your eyes while you were creating a little wet spot on his pants.
“Darling, darling, you’re being so needy. I don’t think my son would like to see me having you whimper like a sheep.” He snickered. Tears started to bile up onto your eyelids, either from stimulation or from the amount of guilt you had felt. But that was soon cut off when he stopped holding your face up and went down to your crotch. It was all so sudden, eliciting a little moan out of your mouth.
“Mmhm- Mr. Afton please I don’t-“
“Shh, shush. I know, I know.” He shut you up by covering your lips. At this point you were sobbing out of how much it was, even if it was a simple flickering back and forth.
“You know how many times I had to restrain myself every time you visit? How many times you come into my home with those cute outfits you wore. How many times you look at me with that horrific doe eyes of yours.” He sighed, continuing to put his vigorous assault on you.
“Ha, if it wasn’t for my son. I would’ve fuck you for days love,”
“But I don’t care anymore. It seems like I lost the ability to resist myself. Now, be a good girl for me, yeah?” He shoved his hand down into your shorts, and quickly put your panties to the side. Slowly playing around your pussy and teasing around your clit. You were bucking into his hands at this point, and he noticed your desperation for something to fill you inside. It was disgusting how good it all felt, you felt so dirty and unclean, but he grins all the while doing so, pleased to see you in such a mess. His fingers had you in such a state, you didn’t realize he uncovered your mouth to answer a question.
“Tell me doll, have you had anything inside your cunt?” He plunged his fingers into you with short notice. You shrieked with the foreign feeling, violating your virgin insides. You blabber in an incoherent mumble, showing how this is all new to you in an embarrassing matter. “Answer my question.” He slapped your clit, and you yelled even more loudly, forgetting that it was midnight and his children were sleeping.
“No! I-I’m a virgin!” He chuckled at your cute answer. He was amused to know that he’ll be the first to ruin you, not some stupid boy in your high school, or his brat of a son, it was him, a man years your senior. You were a possession now, his to keep and use. His to dismantle and ravage from each part in your little body. With that, he made his pace faster and faster, giving you the urge to cum. You sob in response to the newfound attention, and addition to that was his large hands grabbing a fist full of your tits. Your body was being abused, and yet you can’t help but to feel so turned on, so full and so desperate for him to do more and more.
“Are you close sweetheart?” You pay no attention to his question, too busy babbling over his movement. He let go of your breasts and forcibly grabbed your face instead, demanding you to look at him and his eyes. “I said whore, are you close?” He asked for a second time in a more degrading manner, and somehow that made you even more wetter.
“Yes! Yes! Yes, Mr. Afton.” Poor you, you were so needy and terrified that he’ll stop you from cumming, that it made you answer in such a desperate shameful way. He hummed to your pathetic response, and made the pace even more rougher. Then, William quickly took your shorts off and finally left you bare in the cold kitchen, only leaving you in your ribbon bra.
“Doll, you wanna come for me?” You nodded vigorously to his question. God, you were so hungry for a release. At this point, you knew that there won’t be any other guy out there that can make you feel so fucking good. Your thighs were shaking and closing in and out, as you came near to your finish. More, more, more!
“Bloody christ, can you keep your legs open? You’re shaking like a bitch.” He remarked in his husky accent. You open your thighs, and with that, he finally gives you the extra push to your release by circling on your clit. As much as it made you cry out in hiccups from the stimulation, you were so pleased to finally, finally finish.
You came undone. Your legs were at a limit that made you drop down on the floor. Although, William held you up, forcing you to stand tall even more.
“That was barely anything sweetheart. Yet you’re shaking like a bunny. How cute.”
“But I’m not finished. It’s my turn.” Oh god.
He flipped you over, forcing you to go onto the kitchen bar, where he sat earlier. You were spread out like a meal, with your cute bra tied with a ribbon, he probably would’ve guessed you planned such a thing for him. You look at him helpless, wondering what's next as he stares at you like a fruit waiting to be open and devoured. He massages your thighs and pats your face in an adoring manner. You tried to look at the side, hoping that you wouldn't stare into his icy cold eyes. But he slapped your face, making you shriek with a loud whimper and causing you to face directly at him.
“It's so pitiful really. Imagine what your friends would think, what would Michael think? Hm? But you don’t care, don’t you love.” He unzips his slacks, finally giving space for his erection to breathe out. Ever since you came to the house, he had an animalistic urges within his desires. Wanted to put his hands all over you. Wanted to fuck you senseless until all you can utter is Mr. Afton. Wanted to ruin you and your cute little young innocence you had. Wanted to destroy you.
“And to think, I’ll be your first. You’re so desperate, you would fuck a man like me, old enough to be your father.” He laughs. “But I don’t mind, darling. I always wanted to ruin you. As much as you wanted me.” He knows. He knew it all along. He knew it from your slight stare at him, your cute curiosity hoping if he could answer your question. He knew it from the way you would glance at his features, his hands, his arms and his lips. He knew it from the way you said his name in such a nervous honey touched tone. It was all so adorable to him.
Playing around with your bare pussy, he slides his dick up and down. Preparing you. “Can you really be able to take it baby?” He chuckles. To be honest, you don’t know. It was big, the kind that you would see in the magazines. You were a bit shocked, pondering if you actually can take it.
“Oh don’t worry. We’ll see.” He puts it in.
Oh god, oh god.
It was so tight, even William grunted after feeling the way it pulsed around you. It was way too much, and you gripped onto the table, to have sort of stability. You tried to resist your moans to be audibly voiced out of your mouth, but the pressure in your belly stopped you from doing that. Even as slow as he puts it in, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. But you felt so full, so complete. He thinks you were made for him, made to be his little girl, taking his cock out and in.
“My god, darling. You’re being so, so good for me.” His praises that he sung always gave you joy. It was so sweet, it rolled off his tongue so smoothly as well, and hearing how much you were doing for him, made you giggle.
“Good, good slut. My fucking whore.” He degrades you, but you also love it as well. It didn’t matter, all the words that came out of his mouth felt like hot liquid on you. And the way he was thrusting in while also massaging your clit, you couldn’t help to not care. He keeps talking to you, degrading you how much of a slut you were, but from the constant stimulation, all you hear was ringing. Though you were coming so close again, so close to spasming from his dick assaulting you.
“Mm, you’re getting tighter darling. Are you cumming?”
“Ha- yes! Yes I am, Mr. Afton please, please let me!” He awed at your begging. He knew his name would sound good when you pleaded and screamed for him. With that, he circled his fingers even more, he thrusted and penetrated your pussy even more, he abused your body more, more and more. God, you were so full, so ruined.
“Mhm!” You yelped. You spasm around his shaft inside you. Your toes curled and you twitched your head side by side. It felt so good. But, he was still going. He was still thrusting you. He was still fondling your skins, still ramming you. “W-wait. No-no!”
“Shut the fuck up.” He flipped you over once more. This time you laid on your stomach, and your ass was in full view in front of him. As much as you begged him to stop, as much as you grasp onto his unbuttoned dress shirt, hoping him to notice your distress, he ignored it all. And continued to just pound you, now from behind. Your bottom suddenly was faced with a slap, reddening your skin. You mumbled and blabbled, you didn’t even know if you wanted him to stop or continue.
He took your body, making you get up from the table and lean closer into his chest. He was grabbing your tits and stomach. Giving in more of a harsher angle to thrust into. You moaned all
the while louder. His face was in a condescending grin, loving how much that he did this to you
“My slut. You know that? I hope you fucking do. I hope when you see my bastard of a son, you think about the time I ruined you. The time that my touch made you scream. The time that you were begging me.” He pulled onto your hair. It burned your scalp but it added so much more to the pain and pleasure that you were given too. There was so much happening, to the constant slapping beneath your thighs, to you grabbing onto his thighs, to him having his voice breathe so near to your body. The sweat between you two was becoming more prominent, and you could feel your eyes rolling up to the ceiling.
“Ha- Mr. Afton. Mhhm- please! Please!”
“God you’re pathetic, I could hear you coming soon again. Ah, ah Mr. Afton!” He mocked your noises, he found your little cute gasp and moans so endearing to his ears. He taunted you by calling you names in a more whinier manner, laughing at how much power he has over you. “Fucking whore, you’re my whore right?” He asked. You, once again, couldn’t hear what he had said. Because of this, he stopped immediately. Making you cry and shriek from the sudden stop.
“I said, you’re my whore. Right?” He repeated once more, holding your hair and feeling his hand going up to your throat, tightly squeezing it.
“Yes! I-I’m yours.”
He put his hand even harsher around your neck. “Say it.” He thrusted powerfully into you. Ramming you at full speed now.
“Say it.” Harder and harder, you could feel your thighs failing on you with the constant movement. You were having to grip the table even more, leading you to having your nails scratch the surface hoping for some grip. You bailed out, and finally yelped.
“Yours! I’m yours! Im fucking yours Mr. Afton! Please-mhm- don’t- don’t stop!” You begged desperately. Now you lost it. Forget about all those guys in your highschool, forget about what dignity you had still inside of you, you just wanted his cock. You just wanted to be filled up in ways that finally had completed you.
“That’s it baby, that’s it. Beg me. Beg me with that stupid cockdrunk mouth of yours.” This guy had completely ruined you. Now you were pleading with tears, moaning his name as if that was the only word you knew. Now all you could think in your foggy fucked brain about him, your best friends father. He gutted you out, to the point where he started to groan as well, feeling how much your pussy was convulsing within him. You were so close. So close.
“Awh! Mr. Afton, Im- gonna cum!”
“Oh darling, go ahead. Go ahead, my slutty little wife.”
That was it. You then orgasm and spasm around him, causing him to also spill out as well. Your legs tremble and your hands pitifully grab on his body. You were now finished, filled with liquid seeping out of you. As your brain was hazy and foggy from the vigorous ramming, he grabbed your face another time. Taking a good look at your submissive and meek state.
“You’re my little wife, yeah?” You didn’t know you could answer that.
And you passed out onto the counter, your head dizzy and gone from what just happened. As much William had robbed you of your virginity, there's so much more he has to do with you. The man needed you to be his instead, he needed you to be far more than a girlfriend of a boy, either from some classmate you had, or Michaels, he needed you to be his wife instead. It was intoxicating how much more William needed you.
He thinks how much better it would be if you were branded by an Afton. And it wouldn’t be your best friend at all.
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jokeringcutio · 10 months
Reader x William Afton - Best Friend's dad (Explicit, SMUT)
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Below you'll find a FNAF Ficlet, Rated Explicit for Sexual Content, Dub-con elements, unprotected!, fingering, creampie, forced creampie/breeding kink, older man x younger woman, loss of virginity, Best friend's dad x reader, William Afton is not a nice man, dark romance, Penis in v smut, (f) reader. Summary: After working on a project with your classmate (who is also your best friend and secret crush) Michael Afton, you forget your phone and head back to his house to retrieve it. Michael's dad has plans for you.
~ Best Friend's Dad ~
The floorboards creaked under your feet as you tiptoed over to Michael, leaning over his shoulder to watch what he was scribbling. He was seated on his bed, both of you in his bedroom, as you tried to work on a group project.
“It’s looking good,” you said, a bright smile on your lips. “Better with the colors added.”
Michael smiled up at you, a spark in his eyes while his arm brushed against yours, making goosebumps prickle your skin. “Well, it was your idea. And since we need to hold a presentation on this, I suppose aesthetic is just as important," he rolled his eyes, voice jocular, but you knew that he at least had taken your suggestions to heart.
You were there to work on a college assignment with him, but the atmosphere felt charged with something else - tension, desire, and silent communication. You tried to focus on the task at hand, but your body betrayed you, responding to every gentle brush of Michael's arm against yours.
"Hey, do you think we should add this quote here?" Michael asked, his voice low and soothing as he leaned closer to you, his breath tickling your ear. His fingers brushed against yours, causing your heart to race with anticipation. You blushed, shyly glancing up into his intense gaze, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
Though you had been friends for years, it was only recently that you began to feel attracted to him. But you wanted to take things slow; you didn't want to risk ruining the friendship if things didn't work out.
"Uh, yeah, sure," you stuttered, attempting to regain control over your body and thoughts. It wasn't easy, especially with Michael sitting so close to you.
"Come on, don't be so nervous," Michael teased, noticing your discomfort. "It's just me, after all." He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief, making your stomach flutter with excitement. You knew he was right, but you couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the situation.
"Sorry," you mumbled, ducking your head down to avoid his probing gaze. "I guess I'm just...overthinking things." You focused on the assignment, trying to keep your mind off the electric energy that seemed to flow between you and Michael.
"Nothing wrong with thinking," he said, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. Your eyes traveled to where he had held you, as if the touch still lingered. Your skin burned where he had touched you, your pulse quickening. Then you looked back up at him, trying to read his expression. Did he feel the same way you did? Was he testing the waters, or just being friendly?
The sound of the front door opening echoed through the house, and you frowned at Michael, who seemed just as surprised as you were. The two of you shared a look before he shrugged it off and returned to the assignment.
"Didn't expect Dad to be home this early," he murmured, his pen scratching against the paper.
"Michael, is that you?" A deep voice called from downstairs, and your breath hitched.
William Afton, Michael's father, had an imposing presence that made you feel uneasy in his company. As he appeared in the doorway of Michael's bedroom, you couldn't help but compare him to his son. He was taller, his hair peppered with grey strands, and his beard gave him a distinguished air. The aviator glasses perched on his nose gave him somewhat of a stern appearance, and you wondered how Michael would look if he wore glasses. Pretty similar, you mused.
But beneath the similarities, there was something darker lurking in his eyes – something that sent shivers down your spine.
"Ah, I see you have some… company," William sneered, his gaze traveling over your body like a predator sizing up its prey. He greeted you by your name, “It’s been a while since I last saw you,” he said.
“Hi Mr. Afton,” you stammered, cheeks red as you felt uncomfortable being addressed by Michael’s father directly. You were happy that he usually wasn’t around much, being too caught up at work in the restaurant. The way he looked at you was making you feel uneasy.
While his eyes remained fixed on you, his words were clearly directed at his son again while he loomed in the doorway, hands pressed against the doorpost on either side. "Well, Michael, I didn't know you had your girlfriend over.”
"Dad, she's not my girlfriend,” Michael replied, a bit too fast for your liking, and you cast him a curious glance to see how he shifted uncomfortably next to you.
“She's my classmate. We're working on a project together," Michael snapped, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment. You could tell he was annoyed by his father's insinuation, but you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than that.
"Right, well, don't let me interrupt your… studies," William drawled, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he retreated down the hallway. "I'll be in my workroom if you need anything."
As soon as he was out of sight, you exhaled the breath you'd been holding, feeling the weight of his stare lift from your shoulders. You didn't like the way he looked at you, as though you were nothing more than an object for his amusement. It made your skin crawl.
"Sorry about that," Michael muttered, his eyes downcast. "My dad can be a bit…intense."
"It's okay," you reassured him, attempting a weak smile. "Let's just focus on the assignment."
You tried to push the encounter from your mind, but the tension in the room was palpable, even after William had disappeared down the hallway. Michael clenched his fists, his jaw tight with frustration. "I swear, he's such an asshole," he muttered under his breath.
"Hey, it's okay," you tried to console him, laying a gentle hand on his arm. "Let's just get this assignment done and forget about it."
He let out a deep breath and nodded, forcing a smile. "You're right. Grumping about it won’t help us score an A."
“A plus,” you joked, happy to see him smile again.
The two of you scribbled down notes and discussed theories until you both carried honest smiles again. Silly jokes slipped through, weird suggestions for the project were made, and in the end, the two of you were laughing on the bed.
You couldn't help but feel Michael's eyes on you every now and then. It wasn't unwelcome, but it stirred a strange mix of warmth and unease within you. You really liked him. But did you like him enough?
"All right, I think we've got everything we need," Michael announced as he closed his textbook. He glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. "Damn, I need to head to soccer training."
"Already?" you asked, surprised by how quickly time had slipped away.
"Unfortunately,” he moped, standing up from the bed and putting his book aside. “But hey, thanks for your help today."
He stretched his arms before offering a hand to help you up from the bed. "I'll walk you out."
You smiled as you collected your bag, putting your own textbook and pencils inside before zipping it and flinging it over your shoulder. Michael waited patiently before walking ahead of you, through the clean hallway and toward the front door. He only halted once to grab his soccer bag.
As you reached the door, Michael hesitated. "Listen, I'm really sorry for the rush. I completely forgot the time and you know…"
"It's all right, Michael," you reassured him, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry about it. We finished what we had to do. We can play one of your games later," you said, knowing how you usually loved to spend your time together playing games on his game consoles or by watching silly videos online. You still tried to convince him to start a channel of his own. His impressions were the best.
Michael closed the door behind you before he offered a small smile and pulled you into a hug. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you in for a hug.
The scent of his cologne filled your senses, making your heart race. You hesitated for a moment before returning the embrace.
"Take care of yourself, okay?" he whispered in your ear. “I’ll see you tomorrow at college.”
With that, you both pulled away and said your goodbyes.
The cold air nipped at your skin and you huddled your coat closer around you. As you walked away from the Afton house, you reached into your bag to grab your phone, seeking a distraction, only to find that it wasn't there.
"Shit," you muttered to yourself, stopping in your tracks. Panic set in as you realized you had left it behind at Michael's place - and it had crucial notes for college on it.
The haunting memory of Mr. Afton’s gaze lingered in your mind, making you shudder involuntarily. You had to go back there, you realized. And without Michael, it meant you would have to face his father again.
But it seemed you had no choice. You turned back towards the Afton house, your heart pounding in your chest. The thought of facing Mr. Afton again sent chills down your spine, but you knew you couldn't afford to leave your phone behind.
You hesitated at the front door of the Afton house, your hand hovering over the doorbell. Your heart raced in your chest, the pounding a constant reminder of what you were about to face.
"Come on, it's just a phone," you whispered to yourself, trying to muster up the courage to ring the bell. Finally, you pressed it, the chime echoing through the seemingly empty house.
Not much later, the door creaked open, revealing a displeased William Afton. His eyes narrowed as he looked down at you, an irritated sigh escaping his lips. "Back already? What do you want?"
"Um, I-I left my phone inside," you stammered, glancing nervously into the dimly lit hallway behind him. "I need it for college."
"Fine," he snapped, stepping aside to allow you entry. "Make it quick."
You stepped into the house, your pulse quickening with each step you took toward Michael's room. The door was slightly ajar, and you pushed it open, relieved to spot your phone between the covers of Michael's bed. Bending over, you reached for it.
And then you froze as you felt a presence behind you, too close for comfort. Something hard and hot was suddenly pressed against you. Mr. Afton’s hands found your hips, steadying you as if you were about to fall.
"Wh-what are you doing?" you managed to choke out, your voice barely audible.
"Isn't it obvious?" he replied nonchalantly, smirking down at you. Panic coursed through your veins, your breaths coming in shallow gasps.
William Afton’s hands started to unapologetically roam your body, his fingers tracing the outline of your trembling form. Each touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the attraction you felt toward him. He leaned in close, his warm breath tickling your ear as he whispered, "I've wanted you for so long, watching you with Michael every time you came over. How I wished it was me touching you instead."
"Michael never touched me,” you whispered, uncertain why those words came out. Why did you feel like you had to defend your relationship with Michael in front of his dad? “We are just friends," you insisted, your voice shaking.
"Really?" William sounded genuinely surprised. “Does he know this?”
You blinked, uncertain of what Mr. Afton meant.
An annoyed groan came from behind you as one of William’s hands roughly kneaded one of your breasts through your shirt. You yelped, arching your back and accidentally pushing your hips right against his crotch. His erection pushed back, making you freeze in his hands once more.
“I suppose what I am trying to ask,” Mr. Afton rasped, his breath tickling the skin of your neck and voice hoarser than you ever heard it before, "is if you ever slept with my son?”
You trembled slightly in his hands, mind reeling. So many memories of being in the Afton household emerged, but they were all friendly. Never like that.
“Not even a blowjob?” He whispered, voice dripping with sin.
A shuddered breath escaped your lips as you shook your head determinedly. “Like I said, Mr. Afton, we are just friends.”
A low hum escaped the older man, his fingers tickled down your skin thoughtfully. “Hard to believe a pretty girl like you never got laid." Something changed about his tune then, as his words turned into a rasped whisper, "I suppose what I want to know is...”
Here he hesitated, brushing his lips past the shell of your ear while his arms kept you trapped against his body, “Are you a virgin?"
The question shocked you to your core, and you stammered, "Mr. Afton! That's... inappropriate."
"Is it now?" he teased, his fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your panties, making contact with your sensitive clit. The feeling surprised you, your body instantly responding to his touch. You gasped as he began rubbing slow circles around it, igniting a fire within you that you'd never experienced before.
"You're wet," he stated, his voice low and dangerous. "You must want this, don't you?"
"Please," you begged, unsure whether you were asking for him to stop or continue. Your mind raced with conflicting thoughts and desires, your body betraying you as it craved more of his touch.
"Such a good girl," he murmured, inserting a finger inside you, making you whimper. The haunting tone of his voice seemed to wrap around you like a vice, tightening its grip on your very soul.
"Mr. Afton," you moaned, unable to resist the urge to push back against his hand, seeking more of that intoxicating pleasure he offered.
“Oh-ho, Mr. Afton,” William said while his fingers continued their sinful dance, sliding in and out of your cunt with sopping wet sounds that sounded so sinful, you felt like you were losing your mind. Especially when he started flicking his thumb roughly past your clit.
“I like that,” his words came out as a growl while he nipped his teeth at your ear. “Makes me feel in charge.”
Without a warning, Afton’s fingers slipped deeper inside your sopping wet cunt, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the lewd sounds that echoed throughout the room. Your thoughts raced, unable to comprehend that it was your best friend's father who was currently fingering you so expertly.
"God, you're so tight and wet," he growled, his voice sending shivers down your spine. Your walls clamped down on his fingers despite their punishing pace. It felt so, so good. "You must really enjoy this, huh?"
His words were like a knife, cutting through any remaining self-control you had left. You bit your lip, trying to focus on anything other than the pleasure that threatened to consume you. But it was impossible – every stroke of his fingers, every teasing touch against your sensitive clit, only drew you deeper into the dark abyss of desire.
"Please..." you whimpered, the word barely audible as it escaped your lips. You didn't even know what you were begging for anymore – relief? Mercy? More?
"You're such a good girl," he whispered in your ear, his breath hot and heavy against your skin. "So eager to please... Just imagine if Michael could see you now."
The thought mortified you, but it also sent a perverse thrill through your body. The idea of being discovered in such a vulnerable state only served to heighten your arousal.
"Look at me," William demanded, grabbing your chin and forcing you to meet his icy gaze. His eyes bore into yours, daring you to look away as he continued to finger you mercilessly.
"Come for me," he ordered, his voice dripping with authority. It took every ounce of willpower you possessed not to obey him instantly, but in the end, your body betrayed you.
With a cry, you climaxed on his fingers, the waves of pleasure crashing over you like a relentless tidal wave. As you trembled in his arms, he smirked down at you, clearly enjoying the sight of your complete and utter submission.
"Such a good girl," he repeated, slowly retracting his hand from between your legs. You felt a pang of loss as his fingers left your body, but that feeling was quickly replaced by shame as he held them up for you to see.
"Look," he commanded, making sure you watched as he brought his wet digits up to his face. His lips parted, agonizingly slowly, and then his tongue darted out between them, the tip twirling around his fingertips.
He made sure that you watched him as he licked each finger clean, the wet trace of your arousal glistened before his tongue lapped it up. His cold blue eyes were fixed upon you, their pupils blown as he savored the taste of you. A low hum escaped him as he finished the last of your juices. "Tastes sweet."
Then his blue eyes settled back on you, dark and gaze heavy.
His words made something snap inside of you. What the fuck were you doing? You’ve let your best friend’s father finger you?
He had made it look all too easy, and if there was something you were not, it was an easy lay. You had saved yourself for someone special. For Mr. Right. You hadn’t decided who it was yet, but Michael was high on your list. Not his creepy father who he seemed to hate passionately.
Your eyes darted down, away from William’s glistening fingers and to the tent he sported in his pants. The shape of his cock was perfectly outlined beneath the fabric, looking large and heavy.
He wasn’t done yet.
You had to get away.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you tried to push past William and make a dash to Michael’s door, desperate to escape. But he was quicker. Large hands wrapped around your upper arms. You instantly struggled and kicked at him. But he was too strong, easily tossing you back onto Michael's bed like a ragdoll. The air was knocked from your lungs as you landed, gasping for breath.
"Imagine how dirty it would be," William whispered, crawling on top of you. The sound of rustling fabric reached your ears as he undid his fly and pulled out his hard and glistening cock, palming it. "If I took your virginity right here on my son's bed."
Your cheeks burned with shame at his words, but a traitorous part of you couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the thought.
"Please don't," you whimpered, even as your core throbbed with a mixture of fear and desire. But your pleas only seemed to amuse him. He smirked, easily parting your legs with his strong hands.
"Come on, work with me," he ordered, his voice dripping with authority. His hands pushed against your legs, making it clear what he wanted you to do.
Reluctantly, you spread your legs wider, not fighting when he started to pull your pants down, making it easier for him to slip your panties off. You knew it was wrong, but the heat pooling between your thighs refused to be denied.
With a predatory grin, William came to stand between your spread legs, wrapping his hand around his cock, sliding his palm up and down, smearing pre-cum from the tip all over his shaft until it glistened.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the sight– it was as if you were under his spell. Your heart raced, torn between terror and anticipation.
His eyes flitted down to your exposed core and he tutted.
“My, my, such a pretty little pussy,” and you felt your cheeks flush at his comment. "All mine."
The low rasp of his voice sent sparks of arousal deep inside.  
"Look at me," he commanded, positioning himself at your entrance. You no longer saw his cock, only felt it as it pressed hot and wet against your entrance.
You locked eyes with him, unable to look away. Slowly, his lips curled into a grin. And then, without warning, he thrust inside you, bottoming out, claiming your virginity in one swift, brutal motion.
The pain was sharp and intense, but it was soon replaced by an overwhelming wave of pleasure as William started to pump into you. First gently, then a bit faster.
Your world narrowed down to the sensation of his hard length filling you completely. You knew it was wrong – so very wrong – but you were powerless to resist the pleasure he was giving you. You parted your lips in silent gasps while your hands sought his arms for leverage.
William's thrusts grew more rhythmic, his hips grinding against yours with a hunger that both terrified and excited you. He leaned down, close enough for you to feel his breath on your ear as he whispered, "You like this, don't you? You like being fucked on my son's bed."
Your cheeks burned with shame, but you couldn't deny the pleasure that consumed you. It was intoxicating, the way William seemed to know exactly how to touch you, how to make your body sing.
"Answer me," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. His hand snaked around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make you gasp. "Do you like this?."
"I... I do," you admitted, the words spilling from your lips before you could stop them. You felt the stutter of his hips, how he stilled, then looked up to see him frown down at you.
"Do you?"
You frowned as well now, the haze of your building orgasm already slowly fading. It was as if William saw what was happening, for he pushed his cock deep inside, nudging the entrance to your womb painfully with the head, staking dominance.
"Tell me you are mine," the words came out with an animalstic growl that indicated he wouldn't take pleasure with anything less than your compliance. You hesitated, breath caught in your throat, then complied, placing your hands gently upon his clad chest. The checkered blouse crumpled beneath your fingers.
"I'm yours," another raised eyebrow and deep nudge of his cockhead against your cervix, and you flinched.
"Whose?" he asked you sternly, reminding you of a schoolteacher with the way his dark eyes penetrated you from over his glasses.
"Yours, Mr. Afton," you gasped, instantly feeling his hips move again. A low, satisfied growl escaped the depth of his chest. You felt it, felt the rumble beneath your hands.
"Atta girl," you heard the breathless words from his lips. "Call me Mr. Afton more, sweetheart. Show who is in charge."
"Y-yes, Mr. Afton," the words came out as gasps, unable to utter them fully with the way William was moving inside you.
A wicked grin spread across William's face, his hand slid past your forehead and gently down your cheek, almost lovingly. And then he rewarded your honesty with a particularly hard thrust that sent shivers down your spine.
"Good girl," he purred, his fingers digging into your skin as he picked up the pace. You could feel the heat building within you, an insistent pressure that begged for release.
“You can come again, can’t you?” It wasn't really a question, more like a demand. “I want to feel you come on my cock."
His command echoed in your mind as his movements grew rougher, more desperate. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin, your moans intertwining with his grunts and groans.
William Afton was larger than you, bulkier, and incredibly strong. His hand slipped back to your throat, tightening a little, just enough to make you gasp for air. The action made your walls clench down his cock even harder. The way he overpowered you, the way his cock hit that sweet spot deep inside, had you mewling with pleasure. Sweat slicked your bodies, making it easier for him to slide in and out of you.
"Fuck, you're so tight," William growled, his voice strained with pleasure as your pussy pulsed around him.
"Please," you whimpered, teetering on the edge of ecstasy. "Please, I need to..."
"Then come for me," he ordered, his grip on your throat tightening, literally taking your breath away. "Show me how much you want this."
As if on cue, your world shattered into a million pieces, your body convulsing with pleasure. Never had you experienced such an intense orgasm, and it left you breathless, oversensitive, and desperate for more.
You threw your head back in ecstasy, feeling his fingers slip from your neck. Your pussy pulsed wildly around his cock. William's laughter filled your ears, malicious and victorious.
"Feel that?" he asked, his voice rough with lust. "That's how much you belong to me. And now,” he said in between gasps, his hips pushing harshly against yours. You felt how your walls fluttered around his cock as it kept battering your cervix with fervor.
A low grunt escaped the depth of his chest, “I’m going to come,” he panted. Another gasp and deep thrust of his hips that had you shoved up the bed, pussy still pulsing wildly around his cock, “inside you,” he promised, each word punctuated with a fresh thrust. "Deep inside of you."
You were faintly aware of murmuring something incoherently, to which Michael’s dad replied with a murmur of his own, “Inside, love. Put my baby there. See how Michael's gonna like a baby brother or sister from the girl he loves." The thought both thrilled and scared you, and you shook your head no - not yet, too young, not ready - but William growled above you, uncaring about your wish. "Gonna fill you up good."
The thought sent another wave of desire through you, and you found yourself clenching around him, desperate for more. With a roar, William drove himself deep inside you one final time.
Warm liquid flushed into your pulsing core, his hot cum flooding your insides so much that some of it started to drip down his cock, as he, too, reached his peak.
For a moment, the room was consumed by the sound of your mutual pants and gasps, the aftermath of your frenzied coupling.
You felt the hot rush of his release deep inside your tummy and realized what had been done. How you had just allowed Michael’s father to rut into you like an animal in heat.
The room smelled heavily of sex, the scent mingling with the musky aroma of Michael's bedroom. Shame started to creep upon you as you floated back to earth, the afterglow of your orgasm fading.
Slowly, William climbed off you, his cock sliding out of your abused cunt, leaving you feeling strangely empty. You felt a wet trail on the inside of your legs, a mixture of slick and cum.
"Stay here," he commanded, his tone sharp and cold as he strode over to the window, flinging it open, allowing the cool evening air to filter into the room. The breeze stirred the curtains, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
As William returned to the bed, he casually reached for a napkin that was tucked under Michael's pillow. You followed his movements with your eyes, feeling them grow wide as they came to rest on his softening cock. It glistened in the light of Michael’s bedroom lamp. Covered in juices.
And blood.
You watched how Michael’s dad meticulously used the napkin to wipe the remnants of your virgin blood from his cock. Without a word, he then folded the soiled napkin and slipped it into the breast pocket of his blouse, patting the pocket, as if it were a trophy.
The sight made you shudder.
His gaze fell upon the blood and cum-stained sheets, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Well, I suppose Michael's bed has seen better days," he mused. "We shouldn't let his mom see this." Then his eyes locked onto yours.
"But you, my dear... You've been such a good girl, letting me be your first." His words sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of shame and excitement coursing through your veins.
"Please don't tell anyone," you pleaded as you tried to push yourself up on your elbows, your voice trembling with vulnerability. You knew that if word ever got out about what had happened, your life would never be the same again.
"Of course not," William said, his smile taking on a predatory edge. "As long as you’ll be my good girl,” he came to kneel on the bed, a knee at either side of you, cupping your cheeks in his hands and forcing your eyes to meet his.
His thumb slipped in between your lips, pressing down on your tongue, making it impossible for you to speak. You tried to swallow around the digit, mouth suddenly dry as he spoke slowly, as if he were talking to a small child and wanted to make sure the child understood.
“Just remember who you belong to."
The implications of his words hung heavy in the air between you, and despite the lingering thrill of your climax, a cold dread filled your stomach.
Then his thumb was gone from your lips and Mr. Afton had turned away from the bed. You gazed up at him confusedly, watching the movements of his arms as he seemed to zip his pants and straighten his blouse.
He then turned around, pushing his index finger against the front of his aviator glasses. His expression was stern, lips pressed into a thin line, voice betraying no emotion.
"Make yourself presentable, and go home," he commanded coldly. "You wouldn't want to fall behind on your homework, would you?" His tone was callous, as if nothing had just transpired between the two of you.
Confused and still trembling, you pushed yourself off the bed.
Mr. Afton leaned in the doorway of Michael’s room, arms crossed in front of his chest, a bored expression on his face as he watched you get dressed. You tried to straighten your clothes and fix your hair, arms trembling.
"Go home," he told you once you were fully clothed, his voice devoid of any warmth or affection. "Don’t forget your phone.”
You nodded numbly, unable to speak, swung your bag over your shoulder and picked up your phone. Carefully, you stepped toward him, only to watch him step aside so you could pass him without so much as brushing past him.
A little voice piped up inside your head, telling you that it had always tried to warn you of this. Mr. Afton’s coldness had returned in full. His searing hot gaze had been replaced by one you could not read. Distant and cold.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you stumbled through the hall, each step a painful reminder of the heavy fucking you had just endured. The reality of what had happened began to sink in, and you couldn't help but wonder what would become of you now that you'd given yourself so completely to this dangerous man. The promise of having to be his good girl - of now belonging to this man - lingered in the back of your mind. Why had you made them?
William followed closely behind, his presence looming over you like a dark shadow. As you reached out to open the door, thinking this was it and you would leave without another word being said, his hand shot up and pushed against the wood before you could turn the handle.
"Look at me," he demanded, forcing you to look up and meet his eyes. His gaze bore into you, making you feel even more powerless.
"From now on, I expect you to milk my cock whenever I desire." Chills ran down your spine at his words, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal stirring within you.
He lifted a finger to your lips, brushing the fingertip past your sensitive skin and silencing any protests you might have had. "This is our little secret, understood?"
The threat was in there, clear as day. You had to keep quiet about this.
Not that you could tell anyone. Not with how famous and influential of a man Mr. Afton was. And you? Who were you? Just a silly college girl.
You nodded, unable to speak.
William gave you a sinister smile before gallantly opening the door for you. “Atta girl,” you heard him say as he watched you intently while you stepped outside. “Come visit again soon," a command. You heard his low voice, a raw hunger underneath, "Michael loves it when you're here.”
And so does he, you thought, because being here meant he could get his hands on you again. It was clear by the way he carefully phrased things. He was abusing Michael as an excuse to lure you back in.
Your name fell from Mr. Afton's lips like dripping honey, a dark promise hidden within them, obviously coated with desire. He wanted to see you again. Do this again. And you realized with a start that you would be back... for Michael. But could you dodge his father? Prevent this from happening again? Did you even want to?
Clutching your phone tightly in your hand, you wondered what kind of twisted nightmare you had just become entangled in.
“Good evening, Mr. Afton,” you whispered, then turned your back to him and slowly started your walk home. Aware of the secret you now carried. Bound to your best friend’s father.
Perhaps forever.
AN: I am open for prompts. ~~ Masterlist - Request Box -  Support me on Ko-Fi ~~
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mxngldmxdnsss · 11 months
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promiscuous - michael afton
like father like son
notes: forgot I had this in the vault el oh el
pairing - michael x reader
cw! virginity taking, impregnation, pregnancy kink, douchebag michael, panty stealing, alcohol usage
sexual content ahead : proceed with caution!
Michael who’s liked you since high-school. Forever wanting to take you out all over town, show you off to everyone, but never finding it in him to ask you out. Running into you a couple of months after graduation, finally able to talk to you.
Michael who is eager to get to know you, quickly becoming one of your most closest and trusted friends. Visiting on the weekends, having the privilege of laying on your bed as you make plans about what you two will do that week. He doesn’t even pay attention, half listening, half staring at your ass, you trust him enough to lounge around in your panties.
Michael who’s at first dirty thoughts become fantasies, he finds himself fucking into his fist, cum drenching his comforter. Wanting to ravage you, destroy your innocence. Biting his cheek when other boys whistle at you, but his anger doesn’t last long, you lean into him, wanting to disappear. He takes this chance, draping an arm over your shoulders, and suddenly all the cat calling and harassment you faced, is gone, only hearing soft murmurs, oblivious to the fact that people think you’re dating one of the biggest scumbags in the neighborhood.
Michael who steals yours panties, fighting back a sick chuckle when you tell him about how your panties seem to be disappearing all the time. Offering to give you money for more, insisting he take you to spoil yourself with some nice ones. You finally accept, wondering why all of the workers seem to avoid the two of you, but Michael steals away your attention.
Making you try on set after set, you don’t mind, in fact, you’re elated that your best friend is so insistent that you see what you like, or rather what he likes. Gasping at the price when he buys you five sets of lingerie, begging him to let you make it up to him. And he lets you.
Michael who wraps his arm around you at the movie theaters, your treat after he bought you lingerie the other day. Catching a glimpse of you wearing his favorite set he picked out for you, cock hardening at the thought of ripping it off of you when you two got home.
You two get back late, full on popcorn and soda. Giggling all the way to your room as Michael trails after, eyes trained on you as you dumbly undress in front of him as soon as you get to your hamper.
Michael who comes up behind you, hooking a finger in your bra strap, pulling it back and letting it go, hearing you yelp as it hits your skin with a snap. You turn around, scowling, about to protest, when Michael traps you against the wall, you’re frozen, unresponsive until he pressed his lips to yours.
Michael who finds himself tangled up with you, clothes strewn across the room as he bullies his cock into your pussy. Not caring if you’re struggling to adjust, beginning to pound into you, ripping moans from your throat. Watching as your breasts jiggle, grabbing at the fat of your ass as you pull him closer.
Michael who wakes up with you that morning, cute moment completely shattered when he finds himself screwing you from behind. Slapping your ass and forcing your hips back onto his, cumming into for the nth time. Remembering too late that neither of you used protection but only finding himself fucking into your pussy even harder at the thought of knocking you up.
Michael who when you come to him, a crying, bubbling mess, not sure of what to do, he knows before you tell him. Finding himself fucking you over every single surface in the house, table creaking with every thrust, your moans spurring Michael on.
Michael who gets eloped with you, not caring if everyone tells you two you’re too young, you’re already knocked up, what’s the harm in getting married in secret? He fucks you every other day, unable to get enough of you, holding your wrists against the walls as he pistons his hips up into you. It gets more intense as months go by, an obvious result of your pregnant belly.
Michael who still sometimes a douchebag, coming home late from work after meeting up with buddies and drinking. Accidentally raising his voice at you when you yell at him, demanding to know where he was. Knowing he fucked up when you leave, tears dripping down your cheeks. He doesn’t bother going after you, knowing you’ll be back sometime soon. But sometime soon turns into next morning, when he’s sober enough, Michael gets into his car, absolutely fucking livid. He finds you at a diner, sitting across from a man, your friend of course, but he thinks otherwise.
He finds himself breaking your friend’s nose, slugging him one last time before ushering you to the car, nearly speeding home. Not knowing whether to be hurt or angry when you scurry back into the house, locking yourself in your room and crying all evening. When it’s dinner you come out, uncomfortably sitting at the table, eyes puffy and cheeks flushed. You ignore Michael for the first half of the night, before finding yourself creaming all over his cock as he whispers in your ear, letting you ride him as he tells you how much he loves you.
Michael who still tries keeping his routine, getting up and fixing his mullet, finding himself calling in late to work frequently when he goes to big you goodbye with a kiss, but is pulled back into bed by a sex crazed you, your hormones making you more horny than him. Not that he’s complaining. Coming home to you to do the same thing as this morning, sucking and licking at your pussy as you cry out against the bed.
Michael who holds your baby after you give birth, labor quick but painful. Rocking the infant side to side, glancing up at you every ten minutes. Excited to take you both home, glad his boss lets him take a couple of days off, helping you around the house, perfect husband showing off his skill. Even wearing an apron when he makes you two food.
Michael who's actually the sweetest and doesn't know how to express it but only for you.
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metamatronic · 10 months
Could you talk a little about your MCI from your Fnaf au?
This isn’t exactly what you asked, but here’s my timeline! It’s altered a bit over the years and characters have changed roles, but this is my little AU:
1983: Evan “Jack” Afton is bitten while Henry murders Charlie behind the pizzeria. Charlie mistakes her killer for William. Fredbear’s Family Diner closes and the springlock suits are moved to Freddy’s. Jack continues to haunt Michael and creates night terrors for him.
1984: Circus Baby’s Rental opens and Elizabeth “goes missing.” William, after losing his second kid, becomes consumed with finding Elizabeth and fails to notice Henry reprogramming the animatronics. Funtime animatronics steadily kidnap/kill kids from 1984~86.
1985: Official first Missing Children’s Incident™. Henry lures five kids (Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and Cass) and stuffs their bodies in the suits. William is suspected but never convicted, Freddy’s is shut down.
Early 1986: William, suspecting foul play and feeling guilty, goes to the now closed Freddy’s location to search for clues. Charlie and Co, believing their killer to be William, scare him into the suit and he is springlocked. Using William as a scapegoat, Henry has the walls sealed up so that William can “remain at large” should the case be reopened. Becoming more paranoid that he will be found out, he hunts down Michael’s friends from the bite of ‘83 and hides their bodies in the not-yet-released toy animatronics.
1987: After the disappearance of his father, Michael finds William’s frantic theories over Elizabeth’s whereabouts and decides to go look for her. Scoopage occurs.
After discovering the truth of the incidents, the not-yet-rotting Michael takes a job at the new Freddy Fazbear’s under the guise of Jeremy Fitzgerald. (The dayshift guard, also named Jeremy, gets bit by Mangle) Michael comes back later as “Fritz Smith” and sneaks Charlie out with him.
~1988: Ennard (without Baby) sneaks into Michael’s apartment and asks to stay. Michael begrudgingly lets Ennard live in his closet.
~1991: Circus Baby finds Michael’s apartment and demands to stay. Michael and Ennard begrudgingly let her.
1993: Mike takes a job at the reopened Freddy’s. Finds out that his uncle (Phone Guy) died there not too long before him. Mike continues working there for a while until he gets fired for “tampering with the animatronics” and the place gets shut down. He sneaks Phone Guy’s ghost out with him and hides him in his apartment.
2017: Michael takes a job at Fazbear Fright under the name Eggs and “meets” Springtrap. Neither recognize each other and form a friendship. This culminates in the two of them burning the place down and Michael sneaking William back to his apartment, where Phone Guy reveals both of their identities to each other.
2019: Michael, in an attempt to lure Henry and kill him, franchises a Freddy’s location and steadily sneaks his animatronic family members in. It’s the most successful Freddy establishment and becomes incredibly popular. When Henry tries to burn the place down, the Afton family captures him and forces him to burn in the restaurant with them. Despite everything, everyone but Henry survives. Henry’s soul escapes into the computer.
2020: Realizing they now have to live “normal lives” in the aftermath of the fire, Michael and William retrofit illusion discs so the whole family can pose as living people.
2023: After developing into a malicious computer virus, Henry/Glitchtrap poses as a Fazbear Entertainment email address and commissions a VR studio to make the FNAF series. On top of using this to possess the beta testers, he uses this to spin the narrative that William was the murderer and that he was the hero that stopped him. Michael joins the VR team as “Iggy Wilson” in order to stop Henry.
I don’t really have anything for Security Breach. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shin-thalia · 11 months
I have MANY THOUGHTS about Mike's family and here they are
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Okay so I've been thinking and there is NO WAY Mike Schmidt isn't related to Afton.
When we see the actual William Afton reveal, the picture Vanessa shows of her as a kid features the little orange plane.
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This SAME PLANE is the one Garett has in all of Mike's flashbacks, on the day he got taken. When Afton himself shows up, he says "first I killed your brother, now I kill you." Which confirms that yes, he was the one who took Garett on that fateful day.
How would Afton have known to be there? He likely didn't take Garett on instinct because it happened so fast, plus Garett didn't seem scared in the car so he must have known Will to some extent. Plus, it's in a NATIONAL PARK. Was he just waiting there??? Or was it revenge?
I think that Mike's mother remarried from the Aftons, and ended up with Mr Schmidt, who she must have married semi-recently if Garett didn't seem scared about Afton's presence. She possibly could have had an affair that Mike was simply unaware of, or he just never knew his real father, that being William Afton.
Going back to the plane- Vanessa had it, as did Garett. Sure, I'm not saying that there's only one of those planes in existence, but this is FNAF we're talking about.
Either Afton took the plane from Garett after killing him and gave it to Vanessa, or Garett and Mike's side of the family got to keep it when Mrs Schmidt separated from Afton.
This also ties to when 'Steve Raglan' was shocked into silence and leaned in to examine Mike's face after reading the name Schmidt. Either he recognized the surname of one kid he killed over a decade ago, or he recognized the family name of the man his ex-wife married. William Afton recognized his son, and his son simply doesn't remember him.
"They say everything you learn in life, down to the last detail, is stored inside your brain. All you have to do is remember."
This EXACT QUOTE from Mike seems a little too on-the-nose when taken into this context.
Now, when we look at it all, we have Mike Schmidt and Vanessa... who are really Michael Afton and Vanessa Afton.
Vanessa is conveniently in a coma at the end of the movie too, so she can't immediately clear up this information until the sequel. The SAVETHEM-style letters read out in the credits also say "COMEFINDME", which directly references the "now.. I'm going to come find you." Line from Michael Afton at the end of Sister Location, in reference to Springtrap. His father. William Afton.
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morwap · 2 years
micheal afton x fem!reader
sfw wishing it was halloween so this could be halloween themed but oh well,
nav • m.a m.list • series master list
swearing, a kiss, in the same timeline as my other fic, evan and elizabeth are very much alive, readers in a band, micheal has a nose piercing, micheal afton with a mullet, b/n = brothers name, sneaking into the pizzeria. drinking, stealing, playboy magazine, random names
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───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧───────
Michaels's fingers drummed on the steering wheel, the music flowing from the speakers quietly but loud enough that he could enjoy it. the lights from the convenience store lit up his facial features as he waited on his friends. the summer heat was giving him a reminder of how hot it would be in his father's pizzaria, just the thought or mention of it made him groan and this constant reminder was not helping him in the slightest.
Michaels's eyes drifted around his truck, locking his eyes on the cd of your own music you had given him when you both were walking home from the two nice ladies' diner. lips turning up slowly into a soft smile, tempted to put it and listen but knowing his friends would be back any minute and he washed the thought out of his head, he could listen after dropping them off later.
laugher broke out into the summer air causing Michael to look up, watching his friends walk out with smiles. sighed as he could already pinpoint almost everything they had stolen—honestly shocked that no one called them out for it because they were awful at hiding it, you could practically see a bottle of alcohol in the front of Steven’s pants.
“Mikey I got your favorite” Jeremy snickered as he got into the small back seat, Steven got in after with the same smirk that Jeremy had. Michael shook his head but smiled as he started to pull out. Michael had gotten in trouble last time for coming home drunk by his mom, he could barely remember anything from that except the “you’re 18 and live under my roof and you will not be coming home drunk” lecture and he really didn't want to hear it again.
“Oh! I got you this, thought it looked like your girl” steven said, smacking the gum in his mouth as he pulled the dirty magazine from where he tucked it in the waistband of his pants and handed it to Michael.
“Shut the fuck up, she’s not my girl” Michael scoffed, glancing at the magazine, yes it did look like you but it was not you. steven mumbled a jokey “whatever” while Jeremy threw his hands up with a shrug when michael looked back at him. Michael tossed the magazine to the floor on the passenger side, but it took every ounce of self-control he had to not keep glancing at it.
“Mikey- man- we should drink at Freddy's,” Steven said, he looked back at Jeremy and the boy nodded, Michael sighed and let his head roll back onto the headrest.
“You know my dad would kill me if he found out,” Michael said, stopping at a red light.
“Cmon mike, we’re going away for college after this summer, let’s have fun and I know there's no alarm, just mega fuckin’ locks,” Steven said, taking the alcohol out of his pants and passing them back to Jeremy.
“Mira’s at the mall with y/n and kim, let’s invite them” Jeremy suggested, sitting the alcohol in the seat next to him carefully. Michael thought it over in his head, it wasn’t a bad idea but if William found out he would probably rip the piercing right out of his nose, if it didn’t he would have a great time and he knew of a way to get in without a key but this could be the last time to do this till his dad hired the security guard that he was talking about at dinner.
“Okay, okay” Michael gave in, putting his blinker on.
“maybe Kim will have weed” steven mentioned, lifting his brows.
“Probably not, her mom caught her with it right after graduation. I’ve heard her moms checking everything when she gets home and saying she won’t stop till she moves out” Jeremy sighed.
mira was digging through her bag as you sat on the concrete. a bubble gum sucker in your mouth, kim sat next to you and counted the money that was in her wallet.
“wow kim you really cut down on your shopping addiction” you joked and nudged her arm. kim laughed softly.
“saving up to move out” kim said, zipping up her wallet and tossing it into her small bag.
“no college?” you asked, tossing the lollipop stick onto the ground.
“don’t think it’s for me if I'm being honest, I like it here and the only college I would want to go to is out of state,” she confessed. you nodded as if you understood, but you didn’t, you wanted out of this shitty small town in the most shitty state. you wanted to get far far away and sometimes you hoped some magical person would come sweep you off your feet and save you.
“you look at any apartments?” you asked, you looked behind you at mira and she was still looking for something then you looked at kim.
“yeah, a few, there's this really cute one i looked at but it's a bit pricey” she answered with a shrug.
it was getting dark, you all came to the mall after the rush hour, not wanting to wait in lines and since it was summer everyone was there, it was the only thing to do in a town in the middle of nowhere and this was the only thing for everyone to enjoy.
music blared and you could see the signature red truck coming your way. Michael Afton and his friends, you knew Ben wasn’t with them since he was at your grandma's house three hours away helping your other aunt to move in and take care of her.
mira walked over to you and kim after finally finding her keys and wallet, she laughed as they pulled up.
it was weird how you all were connected, you all gravitated towards each other without even knowing people you all were close to had some type of connection with the other, until you all finally made the connections, jeremy was dating mira’s step brother and kim was in a relationship with michaels cousin macy while ben was on and off with steven’s sister.
michael rolled down his window and jeremy popped his head out from between the seats.
mira rolled her eyes playfully. “knew I shouldn't have told you where we were going” she laughed.
“what’s wrong with wanting to see my best friends in the world?” Jeremy acted offended. “we’re here to give you something fun to do in the town of hurricane, i think you should be begging to come with us” he added.
you laughed and looked up at mira.
“why not” you said, getting up of the concrete then helping kim up.
“meet us at freddys” steven yelled as michael started to roll his window up, mira shouted an okay before hitting the unlock button on her keys.
“that freaky animatronic place?” kim asked as you three started walking to miras car.
“maybe it will be spooky” you said, moving your fingers and making ghost sounds before getting into the car. kim laughed and rolled her eyes.
driving there didn’t take too long, the mall was a bit away from it since they wanted to put it somewhere that made it accessible for most of the town. it was fully dark out and street lights were already on.
mira parked where michael's truck was, a little ways from the pizzeria.
“about time you guys showed up” steven said as you three walked to them.
“don’t they have cameras here” you asked, the breeze gave you a chill.
“My dad took the old ones out since they kept messing up and ordered new ones so we’re good with cameras,” Michael said, easing your nerves.
“okay then why’d we have to park in the mud, its caked on my shoes, '' Kim complained.
“because my dad drives by here on his way home from my uncles” michael huffed, and walked to a spot where he could pull off the vent cover with ease.
“wait we have to crawl through that?” mira asked in disgust, jeremy rolled his eyes. “there's probably bugs in there” she added.
“is a little bug gonna stop you from a date with mr.vodka and ms.beer?” jeremy asked in a baby voice, taking out the alcohol out from the bag that sat on the ground beside him.
thankfully michael had the rest of the cups he bought for jeremy's birthday party in march in his truck, and they had stolen some pineapple juice earlier.
“well i didn’t know alcohol was involved” Mira said and got closer to the vent.
“of course alcohol was involved, we said something fun to do, not that a miracle would happen” Michael said with a breathy laugh. mira laughed and mumbled something about him being right.
“alright, this leads to parts and service and nothing blocks this duct so we should be able to get in and out easily, plus it’s not very long and it’s pretty big so no one has to worry about claustrophobia” Michael informed everyone.
you all stood in silence and looked around at each other. Michael huffed, “okay i’ll go first” he said before getting on his knees and crawled into the vent.
Michael made it inside and turned on the light before yelling for the next person.
Michael yelled out again to bring the alcohol so the last person didn’t have to worry about it.
“y/n do it with me” Mira begged, her hands clasped together.
“okay” you said, dragging out the ‘ay’ as you grabbed the bag and slid it into the vent then go in after.
you pushed the bag as you crawled, mira knew you were safe to go in with since she knew jeremy or kim would joke and say something about a bug and freak her out.
Michael helped you up then took the alcohol, you helped mira and she brushed off her clothes.
“see no bugs” Michael said with a sly smile.
“yeah see mira, Michael was the only bug you had to worry about” you quipped and shrugged your shoulders.
Michael booed you as he left the room.
soon you all gathered in a private party room so no one would see the lights, you all took your pick on what alcohol you wanted.
“y/n come take a shot with me” steven said loudly.
you were two shots in and took three tiny sips of mira’s vodka and pineapple drink, you guys worked with what you had and you all were lucky Michael was able to get some sodas from the vending machine.
steven poured the shots and opened a coke for a chaser. He handed it to you and started to count. your face scrunched as you swallowed and he took a sip of the coke then handed it to you.
“that was foul” you groaned and shook your head. steven nodded then took another sip from the coke.
you migrated back to mira, she was on her first beer after he vodka drink, you noted that kim took minimal sips of the one beer she had carried around the entire time, you also decided to only sip on a beer and you were barely buzzed.
you didn’t know how you and Michael had gotten away from everyone else but you did.
“not drinking much today mikey?” you asked, leaning on a wall next to where he was standing. you knew Michael liked to drink, you even saw him shitfaced at stevens little get together in october. you remembered how you two bickered even when he was drunk.
“someones gotta drive you know” he said, you nodded and took another sip.
“kims also holding back drinking for the same reason then?” you asked, you looked at him, his blue eyes returned the gaze.
“yeah we talked about it while i got the soda” he confirmed.
you smiled before leaning off the wall and starting to walk down the hall.
Michael followed you, “where you going rockstar?” he asked and tilted his head.
you smiled, “giving myself a tour since the heir of this pizzeria won’t” you said and shrugged, tilting your head like his.
Michael laughed, you didn't know if it was because he knew his dad would rather die than let this whole franchise be ran by someone who is not him personally or that you wanted a tour of the place.
“if you wanted to see animatronics that can sing and play instruments better than you, you should’ve just said that” Michael responded, he crossed his arms and walked to you.
you rolled your eyes, “that’s exactly why i invited you to that diner, since you’re always around great entertainment i thought you would enjoy my mediocre singing” you laughed and took a drink.
“yes i just love terrible singing and when sage knocked over those couples drinks with their guitar,” Michael said and nodded his head. you giggled and nodded.
“that was pretty funny tho” you admitted and smacked his shoulder lightly.
you walked into the pirates cove section, Michael turned on the light since there was no window in there. you moved the curtain even though it said ‘out of order’.
Michael leaned against the wall, you inhaled sharply as the fox animatronic stared back at you, your eyes wide, the stance the animatronic was in was terrifying, it looked like it could run straight out of the curtain or like it was waiting for someone to open the curtain and be right in their face.
“holy shit” you mumbled and took a step back and bumped into Michael.
“that's foxy” he said, his hand coming to your shoulder.
“no, that is freaky as fuck” you responded, looking at it made you get goosebumps.
Michael moved from behind you and closed the curtain. “Here I'll show you the old ones” he said and grabbed your hand and turned the light off before leading you out of the room.
you could hear jeremy and mira laughing and singing while kim tried to get jeremy off of the table.
he took you to the storage room, the room was filled with labeled boxes, he guided you past the shelves.
“my dad doesn’t want to retire them but uncle henry said that they need to be more ahead of their times for business plus he doesn’t think they’re safe” he said.
you stood there looking at the old bunny suit, the old yellowing suit with a bowtie, the texture looked almost like real fur and you reached your hand out to touch it.
Michael reached his hand out to stop yours.
“i wouldn’t touch it” he said, bringing your hand back but not letting go. you looked at him, he was so close to you and you honestly don't think he’s ever been this close to you during the entire frenemies relationship you have. Michael’s cologne engulfed you and it was weirdly comforting.
you furrowed your brows and he could tell you were silently asking why.
“it has springlocks in it and its probably been ready to pop since its been a while, they made it so someone could wear it or it be an animatronic on its own, they had a problem with it and moisture. i don’t want you to get hurt” michael informed you and only one sentence stood out. his hand still holding yours.
your eyes went from his to his lips then back up, was it bad that you wanted to kiss him? did he look at you like this all the time?
maybe this was what mira and kim was talking about when they would bring up yours and michaels relationship, the soft bickering and stubbornness from both parties was what you two liked to put out, it made things fun and when asked about there being more the “no michael’s a fucking dick” and “she’s a bitch” was the common response, even when you both knew that was not the case.
you sat your drink on the shelf behind you and Michael got closer, you don’t know what made you so confident, you closed the small gap and connected your lips to his.
Michaels hand moved to your waist and pushed you back softly against the shelf, he didn’t push you away which was relieving and instead welcomed it with open arms like he had been waiting, and maybe he was waiting.
your hand moved to his neck and welcomed that the kiss was getting rougher.
you were about to move your fingers into his hair, the hair he took so much pride in and messed with all the time, the same stupid mullet you gave him so much shit for and said how bad it looked when in reality it just made him look good.
a loud sound, like something heavy running made you two jump away from each other but still keep your hands on each other.
“did you hear that?” you asked and tried to look around. your heart was beating fast.
“yeah” Michael breathed out, his heart beating just as fast as yours. He pulled away from you but took ahold of your hand, you quickly grabbed your drink as you were being pulled by him.
you both looked around, you didn’t know what to look for but michael knew. he could see from the corner of his eye he could see that chica had moved and now stood in a dark corner.
“did you guys hear that?” kim asked, which made you both jump again. you both pulled your hands away from each other.
you smiled at her, “told you it would be spooky” you giggled and she rolled her eyes.
“its getting really late, we should get ready to leave.” Michael said, walking towards the private party room.
you and Michael cleaned up the room while kim got mira, jeremy and steven collected and ready to leave.
kim went out first then mira, jeremy and steven and you followed behind to make sure they got through safely. Michael did a mental check of everything before crawling out himself.
you carried the bag that had empty cups, bottles and cans and some full ones.
“im just gonna take them to mira’s house” kim said, mira gave her the keys earlier.
“i’ll take y/n” Michael yawned and ran his hands through his hair which just made it fluffier.
“i think this is the only time you two have gotten along” kim laughed, you rolled your eyes and Michael mumbled “shut up”
once you helped get mira and steven in the car kim was saying her goodbyes.
“call me when you get home” you said as you hopped into Michael's truck and put the bag in the back.
“i will, get home safe” kim said and backed out.
a few minutes into the drive you spotted the cd you gave him. you leaned over and grabbed it.
“my singing is shit but you keep my cd in your truck?” you asked with a sly smirk, you watched Michael smile and shake his head.
“there's a reason it was on the floor” he quipped and leaned back in his seat.
“oh yeah, on the floor next to your playboy” you said and held up the magazine, Michael inhaled sharply and snatched the magazine from you and tossed it into the back.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about,” Michael responded and looked over at you.
you laughed and smacked his shoulder. “you can admit that you love my band, i won't tell anyone” you said.
Michael pulled into his driveway, his fathers car not there which did make him worry.
“there’s nothing to admit” he sighed, turning off the ignition.
“sure” you said, dragging it out as you undid your seatbelt.
you and michael got closer, you leaned against the center console and just when you were about to close the gap, you leaned back, smirked and shook your head.
“punishment for saying my singing is shit” you said and got out of the truck.
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404-mind-not-found · 5 months
I MADE A SYNOPSIS AND A SONG LIST FOR THE HYPOTHETICAL FNAF MUSICAL (Well, the first draft, I'll probably change some minor story stuff later) Edit 20/04/2024: Read the second draft instead! Act I is really similar to the actual lore of FNAF up to the MCI, but Act II is when things diverge.
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(Actual synopsis text under cut, had the song list too but it wouldn't let me post with it, I'll try again later)
Synopsis ACT I William and Henry meet and create Fredbear's, and later Freddy Fazbear's, and both of their families are introduced (The Spark). Then, it shows the current year of 1983. While William wanted to expand further, Henry was content. Dealing with already existing jealousy plus this new anger, he murders Charlotte to keep him in line (Mine, Forever). Everybody except for Henry moves on from Charlotte's murder, and William continues as normal until his youngest son's birthday (The Birthday). The day seemed to be good for everyone involved. However, due to a prank by Michael and his friends, his head is crushed by Fredbear and he later dies. Charlotte, who was now possessing the Puppet animatronic made to protect her, gives him life inside the Fredbear animatronic. Fredbear's closes because of this, and William scolds Michael harshly (The Bite). Following this, William and Henry have much more frequent arguments, so does the former and his wife, until she disappears. William spends more of his time at Freddy Fazbear's, where he feels the atmosphere has changed. He then investigates the Puppet, finally understanding that her soul was inside the animatronic. Meanwhile, Michael and Elizabeth become closer together as William spends less and less time at home (Agony). William spends the next year and a half studying, finally creating a plan to recreate the events of Charlotte's murder. With this in mind, he decides to go and take the lives of four more children, Elizabeth overhearing the entire thing (Follow Me) ACT II Everybody in town hears about the murders by morning, and Clay starts investigating the situation. He suspects William as the murderer (Eye of the Hurricane). Freddy's closes down. At the Afton house, Elizabeth tells Michael everything that she overheard and the two of them look into all of William's stuff while he was away. Their suspicions are found to be correct (Daddy's Show). They then flee once he returns home. William goes to the room and unveils his hidden experiment: a rabbit animatronic for himself to become. He then decides he needs more Remnant, but knows he can't collect any while Clay suspects him. A few days pass and Jen visits Henry and convinces him to leave Freddy's behind for his sake (Until The End). However, after she leaves, Henry finds a letter telling him to go there. At the restaurant, William plans to murder him and frame it as a suicide done out of guilt to clear his name (Follow Me (Reprise)). Michael steals William's car and goes to Fredbear's with Elizabeth, wanting to find more answers there. They discover Fredbear possessed by their brother, and realise they need to find his father. Henry meets William, who tells him everything then attacks him. Before he can give him the finishing blow, however, his kids appear to stop him. William talks to them, but Michael sees through his ruse (You Can't.). Clay reveals himself, telling Elizabeth and Michael go outside, where they find Fredbear. Elizabeth brings him to the other animatronics, where they move on (Happiest Day). William fights Clay, and Henry stands. He takes Clay's gun and shoots William's leg, allowing Clay to arrest him before becoming weak (Mine, Forever (Reprise)). He, Mike and Elizabeth say their goodbyes. Later, the town closes the case and moves on from the tragedies. After Henry heals, Freddy Fazbear's is remade into a new space for children with the help of Elizabeth and Michael. William's place is gone through and the rabbit suit is demolished to make the sign. (Save Them).
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Can you do Mike afton with your prompts 57, 53, and 10? Also can it be romantic?
Sure! I'll see what I can do :) Been a bit since I've done this AU. This is a new take on it.
@okchijt helped me with this so this is mostly their take while I filled in the plot they gave me. Requester wanted FLS AU.
Yandere! FLS! Michael Afton Concept
What is the FLS AU?
Yandere! FLS AU! Michael Afton Prompts 57, 53, and 10
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up?"
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Breaking and entering, Manipulation, Kidnapping implied, Forced relationship implied.
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The phone rings on and on as you type away at your keyboard. On screen is an email soon to be sent to your boss, Henry. You were nearly at a breakthrough on an important case.
Incriminating evidence filled the email. Many documents and notes were attached all about two people behind a long list of murders. The case of The Aftons was very important to your employer.
Your job was to play detective. You were meant to work for them at their Pizzeria, collect evidence, then leave. That was it... that was the job.
Then one of them, the son, got attached.
You had a feeling he caught on to you. Even now as you type away and prepare to send Henry your evidence your phone rings. You knew it was him, the voice mails were endless.
You hadn't bothered to listen to them. Instead you focused on your email by putting on the final touches. Then your mouse drifted to the send button...
Only for the power to cut.
You go silent, eyes blown wide and looking at the computer in shock. There wasn't any storms. Did you flip something by accident?
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up? Are you ignoring me?"
The voice echoes from close by and you feel the hair on your skin shoot up. You spin your chair around and search the darkness for answers. Unfortunately... your questions are answered.
Michael stands in the doorway of the room. His posture is confident and he stares at you like you're his newest prey. You can only stare as he blocks your exit.
"Don't you know how much I've done for you?" Michael sighs. "I've been protecting you from my father as I already know your plans. I could've just killed you... but now I like you too much for that."
The man in front of you does a fake pout while leaning in the doorway. The fact he knew everything made your heart drop to your stomach. He's more clever than you thought.
"I've already sacrificed so much by allowing these games to play out. However, this still means I have to prevent you from exposing the family business, y'know?" Michael sighs, playing with your emotions to satiate the sadism within him.
"You're a monster for doing all of this!" You yell at the man. You can see Michael feign shock and surprise before chuckling.
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!" Michael accuses in a playful manner before turning serious. "I could've just killed you, but I'm nice enough to protect you and let you live!"
You quickly stand up to keep distance as Michael walks forward. Despite the situation you manage to keep yourself calm. It's in the line of work, after all. Yet you still find yourself shaking when he gets close to you.
"I've been so patient with you. I think things should go my way for once, shouldn't they?" Michael hums towards you. You try to run around him but he catches you with ease. It's funny to him... did you not think he was an experienced killer?
You feel your chest hit the desk hard as your arms are held behind your back. The resulting impact causes the computer to crash onto the ground, the email and evidence now long destroyed. Panic sets in as struggle and fight against the killer behind you.
Said killer only appears excited by your fate.
"I think it's time you rest, dear. Isn't it getting late?" Michael coos, raising the knife in his hand. You suddenly feel a blunt object smack into your head before your vision darkens.
"You're stuck with me, like it or not." Michael whispers with a giggle before your vision fails you.
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kurain-genealogy · 1 year
i said i was gonna post about it and i am. i don't think william afton hates his kids. i don't think william afton is a mad scientist that kidnapped and put children in hallucinogenic gas chambers. whatever the fuck dittophobia said about afton doing all that, plus not stopping/furthering the bullying between michael and cc, is just dumb & wrong. william wanting his kids to fight, even die, is comically evil in the "bad writing" way. him being characterized as someone who experiments on children (including his own with no regard for their lives) in order to achieve immortality or whatever his supposed motivation is, is just really... nothing? as a character there is nothing to make him feel real. in an attempt to flesh out this character, they made him into a cartoon villain with "evil" being his only defining trait. whatever, i could talk for so long about how dumb i think all the dittophobia stuff is but i think most ppl on tumblr are on the same page regarding that.
to me, william afton is best characterized as someone who, at the Very Least, Doesn't Want His Own Children To Die. he can be a shitty father all around, or he can be a genuine loving father who is also a serial killer, as long as he Cares if they Die? most of what makes william afton an interesting villain, and where a lot of people interpret his motivation comes from, is how despite all his best efforts, he cannot prevent the death or downfall of his own family. he is in a tragedy of his own making, a self-imposed hell crafted by his hubris and violence. if you take this away, why should i care what happens to him? william afton was scariest when he was just purple guy and we knew nothing. william afton is most interesting when we have all these relationships and dynamics where we can seriously study and speculate the circumstances behind/around his actions, when he has something to lose (and will lose). william afton is most stale when more things are added to his story without purpose, filling in gaps that were better unfilled or we didn't even know were there – anything after UCN, basically. bro isn't scary anymore because he's either peepaw afton who's brought back despite his story being over, or he's cartoon network's newest over-the-top villian that you can't take seriously.
okay anyway. ANYWAY. william doesn't hate his kids. even if he's a shitty father, i think he still loves his kids. why else would he try and scare his kids away from the robots if he didn't want them to die? why would he design circus baby after his daughter if he didn't care for her, adore her, even? if you believe the theory that he talked to cc through the fredbear plush (idr if that's actually canon), why would he be trying to protect/comfort him?
i don't think he's a perfect, or even a good father, by any means. if you interpret him to be on the better side, that's great and fine. i'd love to hear how other people interpret/characterize afton if you wanna share! continuing on for this post, i'm going to lay out how i personally see william afton.
to me, he is someone who is very concerned and preoccupied with his image and how others view him & his family. even if he's super shitty and awful towards his kids, he at least cares that they all look good as a family unit, that they're well behaved, that he can send family portrait holiday cards to all his business partners and investors.
he strikes me very much as the typical authoritarian parent of the 80s. harsher on his sons because "men don't cry," wants his kids to say "yes, sir," and "no, sir," believes in "tough love," often says "my house, my rules," he has the final say in everything, maybe thinks hitting them from time to time is a normal, necessary punishment. not all entirely malicious, but thinks he's doing what's best, what's right, acting like a parent and father Should act, perhaps how he himself was raised. unfortunately, a very common parental mindset (even outside of serial killers). maybe he was a little scarier sometimes though, a little more unhinged or violently angry. who's to say.
but he's still just a guy who could exist in real life. he still eats dinner with his family every night, hangs his kids' drawings on the fridge, had to turn the car around because they wouldn't stop fighting in the backseat, attended awkward parent-teacher conferences, everything. he was once a new father who happily came home with his first newborn, lost countless nights of sleep over the course of two more, loves them because they're his.
meticulously and senselessly killed children, then came home and tucked his own into bed and kissed them goodnight.
he can be abusive and still love his kids. he can be a murderer and still care for his own kids' lives. maybe the loss of his own kids is what triggered his actions, or maybe it was something else. i'm fine with not knowing because we don't need to know everything, and it's more interesting when we don't.
Something Is Seriously Wrong With This Guy And We Don't Know What or Why. when acquaintances find out he's a suspected murderer, it should be shocking and upsetting. he's such a great man and father, he wouldn't murder those kids! when michael discovers his father's crimes, he should be in denial. sure, he could be scary sometimes, but he wouldn't kill anyone... right? there's a great cognitive dissonance between who he appears to be and who he actually is.
whether william descended into grief-induced madness and obsession, or was just always some kind of freak, or both, i don't think he saw his own family as disposable. even if he didn't truly love them, he at least needed to keep up his own facade as a friendly family man. personally i like to see him as someone who was a shitty father but still loved his kids, because people like that exist, and it makes him a much more interesting, realistic, and nuanced character than if he just didn't care about them At All.
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lakesouperior · 11 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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nightmare-foundation · 4 months
ok enlighten me what is your glitchtrap michael theory . i’ve NEVER seen anyone else say this im so curious, i gotta hear the reasoning
Okay sorry this took a while to answer, I needed to put together my thoughts on this
Basically where I started with the 'Michael is Glitchtrap' theory is basically like. Process of elimination kinda?
I noticed that Glitchtrap didn't fit either William OR the Mimic. Glitchtrap is, well, not robotic from my perspective. He's sentimental for one (putting together the staffbots to look like the Aftons, the SL living room, Vanessa and Gregory directly referencing and paralleling Elizabeth and CC, etc), and doesn't really act like an ai program built to mimic things, unlike the Mimic seen in Ruin.
On top of that, Glitchtrap holds back. He has explicit rules; you have to find him, put his tapes together, and consent to merging with him (this is important). If this was William, he wouldn't bother putting together all these rules. Not only that, but Vanessa, Gregory, and Cassie are all still alive. And Glitchtraps appearance too- he's a costume, not a springlock suit. William always explicitly associated himself with spring Bonnie. Not the character, but the actual springlock suit itself.
Also, Glitchtrap knows things neither William nor the mimic WOULD know. The biggest clue is the Exotic Butters- how would William, and thus the Mimic, know about something only Michael would know?? And it goes deeper.
The color theory doesn't match up, either. William went from yellow (Midnight Motorist) -> purple (fnaf 2 and 3 minigames) -> yellow (springtrap). It's pretty clear that after William dies, he's associated with YELLOW now. His story is also over too, this was established with UCN.
Michael is sort of the opposite. The first time we see him, if you don't count fnaf 4, he's wearing purple. The next time in ffps, he's wearing yellow and blue. The natural next step is that he'd be associated with purple again. There's a LOT going on with the color theory too (yellow can mean both royalty and sickness, purple can Also be royalty and corruption, etc), in a way that connects to their stories.
Glitchtrap is purple; or, at least, his true form seen in PQ is. He's depicted as a costume deliberately; the yellow throws you off, it's not the truth. But take it off and you get a big black and purple blob. Not only that, it's a COSTUME. Michael has always, always been associated with masks, which are a part of costumes. William is associated with springlock animatronics, not costumes, even if they double as one, which says a lot to his own character.
Not only THAT, but everything since Help Wanted 1 and even the AR game has been referencing Sister Location, fnaf 4, and FFPS. Michael is the certain protagonist of ALL of these games, both directly confirmed or hinted at (yes fnaf 4 is Michael's nightmares after he actually got tortured by William post CC death, you'll have to tear this out of my cold dead hands). Michael is also repeatedly referenced in Security Breach, with the constant references to butters in sticky notes, again, only something he would know.
Also, of the main cast, Foxy is the only one that's missing. Foxy is VERY important to Michael and his character, and the different iterations of Foxy, especially Funtime Foxy and Ringmaster Foxy, are especially important. Yes I do think that each of the Funtimes represent the Aftons, and FT Foxy represents Michael. So we can gleam that Michael, similarly to his father, is a performer. He's the leader; the captain, the ringmaster, the older brother. This is hammered in with his monologue and the Security Logbook. This fits in exactly with Glitchtrap. He's theatrical, he performs, he pretends.
As for HOW Michael would've become Glitchtrap, I believe the circuit boards FazEnt got were from the computer in the ffps office. William is trapped in UCN, the Mimic was still trapped behind the wall in Ruin, and I don't think the mimic1 program existed at the time (not to mention Glitchtraps behavior doesn't fit mimic1).
Michael easily could've possessed those circuit boards on accident. You might be asking- well, Michael was dead, all of his Remnant would've burned up. And, honestly, I don't think he actually DID die at the end of SL.
Baby explicitly says "You won't die". The Scooper also injects Remnant into you, which is known to keep you alive and heal you. As for the rotting, that can easily be explained away as Michael literally being one giant walking infected wound. The scooper tore him apart stomach to throat, and Ennard went inside, tearing him apart internally. When wounds are bad enough, they rot, especially when they're left to fester and get infected. Besides, it would've been impossible to possess his own corpse. Remnant is best conducted by metal, not rotting flesh. And I doubt Ennard would've left enough of itself behind for Michael to actually control his own body.
So, Michael was likely actually alive and fully healed by FFPS. Thus, when he burned to death, he would've ended up possessing the nearest electronic things- the circuit boards in the computer. Whether or not he actually wanted to die (I don't think he did) matters; he possessed it anyways.
As for why he's now the main antagonist of the new games- well, I don't think he's evil. I think he's being affected by Agony.
Since the blob is one massive ball of leftover Agony from the rest of the animatronics, I think it's possible Glitchtrap has his own Agony too, especially if it's true that Remnant turns into Agony when burned up like I think it does. It'd explain why he's all black and goopy, since I believe Agony is described as a black, tar-like substance.
Some of Glitchtraps appearance would also be explained by Michael being him, such as the tears that are on the suit and his true form. Usually, lost souls are what have those tear tracks, like the dead kids. William has never been depicted with those same marks, EVER.
A lot of the above also explains why I don't think Glitchtrap is evil. I don't think Michael is fully sane, and Glitchtrap has a duality theme going on (purple and green are opposites on the digital spectrum). Plus, as I said, he actively holds back. He's cruel yes, and he's killed a fuck ton of people, but he sets rules and let's Vanessa, Gregory, Cassie, and for a time, Cassies dad, all live.
Also, he's a WAY more successful killer than William. He's smart, and while I wouldn't call William an idiot, he's not exactly good at hiding things. He's arrogant, believes he'll never die ("I always come back!"), he's theatrical to his own detriment, etc. Even in SL it was extremely obvious he was already being questioned, and was nearly caught and jailed. He died to CHILD GHOSTS. And Vanessa and Glitchtrap have never been suspected, not ONCE.
People really like to act like Michael is stupid, but he's FAR from it. He knew what was happening in SL, and pieced things together Really Fucking Quickly (in less than a WEEK). He also likely suspected Williams crimes beforehand, and if he hadn't in fnaf 1, he definitely figured it out in SL. He also very likely created fnaf 3; the building matches ffps's confusing labyrinth layout, clearly set up to burn down, the collection of Fazbear stuff, the audio lures, and the "to you, from working architect" in the security logbook. And then he helped Henry with the FFPS location, and possibly built the Rockstar animatronics (I say this bc it's a mix of Williams and Henry's styles of animatronics; the hard outer casing, extra abilities i.e. Freddy's coin thing, but they're cute, like Henry's, BUT the Michael thing is that they're.. well, Rockstars. I also think Michael made the plans for the Glamrocks but FazEnt stole them for these reasons lmao). Michael is far, FAR from an idiot, and all of these show he's actually REALLY fucking smart, likely smart enough that William felt threatened by him (part of why he was likely sent to the SL bunker). Glitchtrap is also clearly Very Intelligent.
Another part is that Glitchtrap doesn't hurt children. In one of the SB endings, on the newspaper it says 'missing locals', not missing children. Gregory and Cassie were never directly harmed by him either. Cassie was completely safe in the mall pre-Ruin, and Gregory seemed fine too, if possessed by Glitchtrap. It's never stated that CHILDREN are hurt, only the staff.
Also Glitchtrap is,, very sentimental. Neither William nor the Mimic would be sentimental about the Aftons, but Michael WOULD. He cares deeply about his family if SL is any indication, and would explain his favoritism towards Gregory, the CC lookalike.
Glitchtrap being Michael would ALSO explain why Cassies dad (aka bonniebro) was spared, long enough for the spirits in the staffbots to get JEALOUS. After all, what exactly makes him so special? He's Michael's old friend. Neither William nor the Mimic would care.
Also springtrap is consistently depicted as terrifying and beastly. Especially in hw2, where the place burns down and Springtrap hunts you down. William would've shown himself as the pinnacle of his inventions, not a nightmarish monster.
Oh, and another note, but almost every time William is in the game, whether in the background or not, Golden Freddy aka Cassidy is always there. Fnaf 1, 2, and 3 ('shadow freddy') follow this formula, but she's not there in fnaf 4, or SL, though I imagine she's not there in FFPS because William is already trapped, and for good this time.
The same goes for Michael and the Puppet/Charlie. Charlie is in fnaf 1 (implied in fnaf 2), fnaf 2 (the party Jeremy got bit at was for Michael), fnaf 3, fnaf 4, and FFPS. The exception is SL, but I believe it's because William is dead by then.
Notice how Cassidy doesn't show up past fnaf 3, but Charlie keeps showing up as the plushies. There's near constant references to her in every. Single. Steel Wool game. It's hard to NOT see it it's so often. So it's very likely Michael is still around, and only hammers in that he's likely Glitchtrap.
Also, writing-wise, it makes sense for him to become the new antagonist since FNAF was soft-rebooted. Typically the old protagonist is still important in soft reboots, whether that's as an important historical figure or the next games/series/movies antagonist, or a driving point for the next protagonist (think Peter Parker and Tony Stark). It also fits thematically, since it'd be a really weird spin around for the new villain to be an AI (doesn't fit fnafs formula) and having William be the villain Again would just be lazy writing.
Collapses. Okay I probably missed some things BUT. That's my main points. There's WAY more that goes into a much bigger theory (like PQ is Obviously Vanessa being freed from Glitchtrap, fnafs timeline, the ghost kids are back and are wanting to free Michael, the SW games are based on I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, etc), but that's mostly what I have for Glitchtrap Michael.
Feel free to look up everything I'm talking about, I haven't bothered to put anything up but I have all of my facts straight. I've considered pretty much every other option in order to TRY to disprove my own theory, but every single new game and book only keeps proving me right unfortunately LMAO.
I've had this theory since like... before Ruin. I've had So much time to get everything straight. I'm sad no one else sees what I see lol.
Have fun with this :3
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