#i kinda just wanted to post this so i just cel shaded lol
crystalpallette · 10 months
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it was really important to me that seabreeze arle was positioned so you could see the little shirt ties on her back (the fact that so many of arle's alts include some tie in to carbuncle in some way is so cute to me)
some more alts ft. arle this time! and this time they are all from quest, no fanfics to link LOL (though if anybody's got a rad fanmade arle throw her my way. darling)
ringo | arle | amitie | ally | rulue | maguro | lidelle | ?
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tinyetoile · 2 years
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Farore’s Favourite
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maddragon15 · 4 months
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Obscenely late hermitaday day #23 & 25! - Impulse & Tango
Was this meant to be a simple cel shaded drawing on the 30th? Yeah, yeah it was lmao but somehow the power of fire excels at overtaking the rendering capabilities.
But since it's late I'll use this as excuse to ramble below about well, the headcanons and the process down yonder. Also there's variations.
(Also just realized that the compression is high with this one, please click on it to see the details pretty pleasee)
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So! Let's talk about that haircut shall we? First off Tango's haircut is basically just me slapping my very neglected oc's haircut onto him lol. There's no function usage or any other lore about it, literally just I wanted to use that haircut more. But Miners and Crafters that's not all! The intensity of the flame actually has meaning believe it or not.
Since Tango in the headcanons is already a nether born blaze hybrid the redstone kinda didn't have an effect on him. This is because blazes produce glowstone which is a power source onto itself. He gets minor effects instead which is a mild (there's literally no other word) high, a intensified hair flame and a brighter eye night shine. Negative effects include mild joint & jaw pain, and a small localized headache behind the left eye.
I like to imagine that other blaze hybrids' hair flame aren't normally that intense, not white-hot heat but rather more red n orange hot similar to the flats. Mainly due to the fact that glowstone is not as powerful as redstone and it's also dependent on how strong a blaze is. Now imagine with me that blazes determine how strong each other are via the color they're emitting. Now remember the blaze boss Minecraft had a vote on to add or not to add? What if Tango is constantly mistaken as a high ranking blaze because of how intense his fire is and he doesn't get attacked a whole lot except for the few that want to challenge him. Meanwhile Tango is just highly infused with redstone like all the other redstoners and he doesn't know what's happening half time as seen by his terrified scream-laughs /hj
He's also semi modified with redstone for the pure purpose of comms just like the other redstoners minus mumbo. I also would've leaned into the steampunk aspect of this season but I figured I'd do a character sheet like etho for all of the redstoners and finalize the aspects on those.
Onto Impulse!
I like to imagine that Impulse was a regular human and over the course of redstone exposure he gained pointed ears and horns. For what reasons? I have no idea but redstone works in mysterious ways and mutates on whatever happens to be in their system. You may see that he has purple lines across his face but then red pupils, why is that? Well since he's cyperpunk themed this season he modified his redstone implants to be rgb. He can change everything else except his pupils because those are deeply affected by redstone and would require surgery to remove the build up of redstone. Will any of the redstoners ever actually get rid of it? No but you can beg all day.
You also might be wondering what's happening in their ears? Well those are the advanced comms that are actually used across all hermits except the ones who've opted out for glowstone variants. They kinda work like bluetooth except more hermit-magic way. I haven't had time to fully think of how it'd work down to the circuitry (that's my usual process for headcanons before I ship them out) but I'll post about it when I think of the full layout. Other design aspects on impulse are derived from his skin and the poster design by applestruda!
Process wise for this piece was kinda a rollercoaster heh. I had started this piece a while ago (can't remember the day on the dot) and then I got insanely busy during the last week of hermitaday. I had done sketch, refined sketch and flats in two days. Then events proceeded forth and we arrive on the 4th which I tried for an entire day to figure out how to render this piece. I then gave up and tried again the day after and pulled up references this round on Pinterest. Tango was surprisingly easy to paint with ref and went rather fast. I will admit the entire time I was rendering him I did say every minute or so "I love you man" because he was turning out so good. Halfway through I then realized I still had to render Impulse. That's when I pretty much ended that night because it was already 5 am working on Tango and demotivation was setting in fast. The next day I was able to continue with hesitancy on Impulse but I managed to keep on keeping on and in the early hours of today I finished up the piece. Where I'm now writing about it close to 2 pm in a restaurant. Man though it was kinda hard to make Impulse and Tango look like cohesive and as if they were painted together.
(Side note I applied for inprint and if I am to be accepted this will be available along side the three different eefs I've drawn and doc.)
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hinata-boke · 2 years
Would you ever post a speedpaint? I'm amazed by your art every. Single. Time. Like i almost can't believe its not machine printed! It's soooooo brilliant. How long have you been drawing? Are there other art styles you dabbled with or have you always drawn with the intention of the current clean lined manga style you post now? I saw in the tags of your other asks that you have been into furudate's style recently so I'm wondering how you have been influenced before that and the transition of your art styles. I have sooo many questions that I'll try to hold back so I don't absolutely badger overwhelm you but I'm extremely interested in hearing about your art journey! Your lines are so strong, clean and finite, it leaves the impression of bravery and courage. You seem to be very humble but I wanted to objectively say that you're an amazing artist! So many emotions can be conveyed through just looking at your art despite what the art itself is of. It's a very bold feeling, that kind of thing. There is sooooo much power behind your art that it gives the viewer energy and fills them with a quiet sort of awe. I hope you have an absolutely amazing day and thank you so much for sharing your art with us!!!! With much love 💞💞💞💞💞 -tabi
oh my god first of all thank you so much for this ask??? i smiled so much reading it!!!
that's an idea, i might try to do one someday! i know csp has a timelapse feature so maybe i'll start recording those and post em here and there for ones im proud of? (unfortunately i dont have them for ones i've already drawn 😢)
i started doing digital art pretty early on, like elementary/middle school? (started out just drawing stuff like my little pony and warrior cats fanart hbds)
ive spent most of my time messing around w fanart for anime and western cartoons, so i would say that other fanart/official art for those styles have been my primary influence! although my style has changed it's pretty much always been stuff with solid colors and cel shading.
i also focused on animation (without doing 'regular' art) for a period of time, inspired by a lot of japanese animators! (it's something that i'd love to return to after i feel a bit more 'solid' with regular art, so maybe you'll see some haikyuu animations at some point!! maybe??? no promises though)
the manga influence has been pretty recent, i'd say just the past year or so, because it's just been something i've been paying more attention to when reading manga. furudate's influence is even more recent because i've actually only started reading the manga around the time i started doing these! (i'm so glad i did) i've become more comfortable with doing a kind of 'clean sketch' style, with quick, loose, kinda angular lines. i like it because i don't have to focus on getting each line 'perfect', and working in just black and white means i can draw things a bit quicker (i think lol)
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salmonrainy · 3 years
✏ bratfeen first date comic process! 💕
ok !! this is kind of a new thing that i’m trying out, which is that i’m just gonna ramble about my process about certain pieces/comics/Whatevers that i draw! 
i’ll just be talking about my thoughts, drawing process, and also some struggles i had as i drew the whole thing. so if you’re interested in reading through all that and seeing some sketches/other bonus bits, keep on reading ! :-)c
(warning: v text heavy + veeery long post ahead! i get rambly LOL)
obligatory disclaimer: i’m a self-taught hobbyist artist so take everything i say with a grain of salt! i’m no pro and am not stating that i am one -- this is just my process. if you learn literally Anything from it, that’s super cool! :-Dc anyway, enjoy reading!
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OK !! god so this comic was SO fun to make, i had a great time planning things out, (mostly dialogue bubbles and where drawings will be cus i just love dialogue LOL) and also had a great time fussing about w 983749 overlays n whatnot (also becus feenie but shhh)
n e way since i really wanted this to come out good (+ just to get a general idea of how each page is going to be laid out) i made some thumbnails for each page! (shown below)
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they’re very small, barebones, and very silly, but by making it i knew what i was kinda going for + it gave me a general idea of the layout of dialogue bubbles and where drawings will be (ig that’d be considered the composition? i’m not sure LOL). i always love planning out where bubbles will be in relation to the drawings (because i’m pretty sure that, with comics, dialogue bubbles kind of guide the reader’s eye through the page) so this was fun for me! i tried to keep the flow of the bubbles in mind to make sure everything was readable throughout the entire process of making this comic. also, with making thumbnails, i try to be quick about it, since i can fuss with the nitty-gritty of each page later on.
(ouuh but also notice that i didn’t really have anything planned for the Feenie Reveal page (the bottom right rectangle). that’s cause i just really had no idea how i wanted to draw him in at the time i was making thumbnails. this actually ended up making things v troublesome for me later on T_T (but we’ll get to that later!))
i then started out making more refined sketches of what each page is going to be like (shown below this paragraph; im sorry the pics are so big/make the post so long, tumblr formatting is a$$ T_T). to do this i basically just sized up each thumbnail to the size of the canvas and made more detailed sketches of what each page is going to be. this is kind of an important step, since this is what i later based my final lines off of (but i also don’t really have a streamlined process for making comics yet so i do tend to go back and forth with sketching & lines LOL). i also wrote in some of the dialogue here, just to make sure that the dialogue makes sense (though i did change/add some things later on!)
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after that i just started going ham with drawing. as mentioned before, i don’t have a streamlined process with making comics so i still jump around between steps because my attention span is -7. i tried working on one page at a time, but again, -7 attention span, so i end up jumping between working on pages half the time LOL . . .
when i started putting down colours i struggled a bit since, initially, the colours i put down just didn’t seem right. i knew i wanted a dark background to represent it being like night time, but trying to make the colours of the lines, the characters, and other things work out was a wholeass mental workout. throughout struggling with the colours i always made sure to check the values of everything (chat bubbles, characters) to make sure everything makes a cohesive piece! i don’t have any pics for the colour process specifically, but i can show y’all the flats for the boys’ main fits:
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after i laid down all my flats i just went ham with shading. i did two multiply layers for each characters; one for like cel shading & another for a more soft shading look. i also just went ham with the background since i discovered the beauty that is the luminance brushes on procreate. i used the pulse brush a lot just to add more life & colour into the background of most of the panels, since most of them were just a plain dark colour at that time & that’s just boring LOL
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REAL QUICK b4 we continue !!! i wanna talk about my feenie struggle. god, idk whats up with this one but this feenie gave me SOOO much trouble 😭😭😭 maybe this is due to the lack of planning in the thumbnail stage, but i really have no clue T_T i usually have such a Good & Easy time drawing him T____T </3 (i think i just need to do more studies for the human body + face from diff angles. . . LOL . . .) 
but yeah ! for the final page i think i redrew him like 3-4 times total bc i couldn’t nail his pose + face down; i nailed miles in like the first or second go. i also had to like resize miles & feenie at some points bc they didn’t take up As Much Space in the panels as i’d like, since i didn’t want there to be an awkward thing of just Blank Space in the comic (if that makes sense). so that’s something i’m still trying to learn !
ok back to the main process LOL ⬇⬇⬇
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after all of that i just finished up the dialogue bubbles + text. also, real quick add-on: throughout the whole process i keep going back to make sure that the dialogue bubbles + character drawings r balanced out & has a nice flow! also also, with the text/dialogue i debated using my handwriting vs the text tool for dialogue. i wanted a more Organic feel so i wanted to use my handwriting, but then realized my handwriting is absolute sh!t so i just used the text tool LOL 
after adding in the text, i keep moving things around (bc, again, probs due to a lack of planning) and just fussed with everything until i like how things look. i added overlay layers, a lot of bokeh effect things, found a brush that did a heart bokeh thing (bless the person who created that btw holy sh1t), added a flat colour layer (i think i used a pink-ish colour) with the noise effect to add Texture etc etc. 
and then i was pretty much done ! :-Dc 
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if you’ve reached this far, holy shit, i genuinely thank you so much! i reaaally love rambling about m’process, so thanks for sticking around :-]c 💖💞 !!! if you haven’t read the comic (??? why r u reading this then LOL) / just maybe wanna check it out again after reading this, click here to go read it!
last thing before i go: support me on ko-fi! it’s absolutely not necessary, but if you like what i make and wanna send me a little tip, i’d appreciate it a ton. :-Dc 
thank you 4 reading + have a wonderful day ! 💖💕
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geekysweetie · 7 years
Idol Master Million Live Theater Days Japanese Rhythm Game Review
Title: Idol Master Million Live Theater Days
Genre: Rhythm Game with Visual Novel elements
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Release Date: June 28, 2017
Where to Get: See Below:
Itunes (Japan Only): https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/…
Google Play Store (May also be Japan Only – not Sure) https://play.google.com/…
How to Get: You can check out my review of Aikatsu Photo on Stage to learn how to get free Japanese Itune items by creating a free Japanese Itunes account. In Aikatsu Photo on Stage, I was unable to help android users locate the game as it does not run on Bluestacks (or any rooted devices). I do not know if the same holds true for Idolmaster Theater Days as well. If so Android users may need a VPN Tunneling Service, which I know nothing about. Sorry.
Also in the case of this game when registering for a new account, be sure you select Japan as your country. This cannot be changed later. You can leave “English” as the language, but this only affects emails Bandai will send to you, and does not affect the language actually in the game – which is sadly only available in Japanese. Later, if Bandai ever releases the game in North America and in English you will have to make a new Bandai account to play the English versions of the game. But we’ve never received a single IdolM@ster game, despite success of their Love Live series which is very similar, so I don’t think the chances of English localization are very high! 🙁
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 10:13am PDT
Overall: 66/80 83% B “Very Good Game for Girls”
Overview: 10/10 – I have a new obsession, as anyone who follows me on Instagram may have noticed this past weekend. Idol Master Million Live Theater Days may just be my new favorite mobile game of all time. It takes what I enjoy about Love Live, Aikatsu Photo on Stage, and Idol Master Cinderella Girls and smooshes them all together.
Graphics: 10/10 – The best part about Theater Days is that the girls are rendered in Live 2D just like Ensemble Stars, Dream Girlfriend, and countless other anime games. This technology allows for very lifelike anime renders. While 3D would feel stiff and 2D would feel flat, Live 2D finds a balance between these two. I can’t get enough of these Live 2D games!! In fact I wish to see the technology used even more, not just on mobile games, but PC and Console Games as well. I don’t know if this technology was used on Nekopara, but the result is VERY similar. The models look more clean than the cel shading technologies used in Catherine and School Days. Live 2D is the best thing to ever happen to anime games. More companies need to take notice.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 10:14am PDT
Not only do they look great, the girls appear on stage as full bodies, not just a tiny face in a circle like in Love Live School Idol Festival. Aikatsu Photo on Stage also has full bodied — but static — images (which kinda “bounced” up and down at times on the screen). But here, in Theater Days, thanks to Live 2D, the girls dance and sing on stage with unique dance routines choreographed for each song and each singer; and it’s just so incredibly cuuuute!!! I can’t stop playing, watching, and taking like a bazillion screen shots, seriously! Just check out my instagram account lol.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 10:01am PDT
Music 10/10 – Aikatsu Photo on Stage seemed lacking in the quality of the music compared to Love Live, but Idol Master Million Live Theater Days is at least as good, if not even better, in music when compared to Love Live. The songs are seriously addictive. I really like some of the earliest tracks like “Brand New Theater” and “Sentimental Venus”, but all of the songs I’ve heard have been good. I’ve played and watched the music videos (in game after beating the song at least once), over and over, all weekend. The music is so good, and the girls’ dancing is so well timed with the music. It feels so real, like you really are at a concert. The lights on the stage, the audience, the movement, the emotions, omg. It’s indescribable. There’s also excellent voice acting in the story scenes as well.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 6:49pm PDT
Gameplay 8/10 – And like Aikatsu Photo on Stage and Idol Master Cinderella Girls you can dressup your girls in different outfits. I haven’t figured out how to do this yet. I’ve won, what looks like white, wedding dress, looking rewards from several songs, but can’t figure out how to use them or equip them. But I do see that we can change the uniforms for each member of our party, I just don’t have anything showing up when I go to this menu to change their outfits, except the starting red/white/blue outfits they are given at the beginning of the game. Perhaps the white dresses are materials or tokens to draw new outfits or something else useful and related to outfits. I just know there are costume changes, and the costume changes will be represented on stage when playing or watching / listening to the songs.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 7:20am PDT
There are also visual novel like elements to the game. I can’t read Japanese, but luckily there is only 1 response / option to select. I’ve only found 2 instances where I’ve had to make a “choice”. The first time was when choosing which starter card I wanted. I picked the girl in the pink sweater with side pony tail. The other time that the game asked me to make a choice was shortly after that, when a new girl is introduced, she has very short hair, sometimes in short pigtails with red ribbons and a green dress. — I think the main girl I had drawn already was jealous of the new girl, I think based on their facial expressions / interactions. My “main girl” and 2 other “starter girls” were in another room talking about something/one when the “new girl” overheard them, and they apologized and got embarrassed. I was presented an option, probably something encouraging the girls to get along. Whatever I picked seemed to surprise the girls. Story went on for a bit, then they all sang together, after the performance, my “main girl” came to me and asked something of me. There were 2 options, and the one I picked seemed to make her happy / satisfy her a bit.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 7:22am PDT
There will be other chances to interact with your girls, any time you are logged in, you can move around different rooms, and find your girls randomly going about their day. Sometimes they will have an “!” or a “…” bubble above their heads, when tapping on a girl, you can listen to what they have to say, which usually doesn’t even require any feedback from you – and rewards you with XP and the rare/summoning currency.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 7:30am PDT
You rank up as a producer by completing these “quests” and of course by putting on live performances which is where the majority of the gameplay comes from. You assemble a team of 6 girls. They have different attributes such as Princess, Fairy, and Angel. The song attributes change every day. For example, yesterday the songs wanted Princess, and Today they want Fairy. On my first day of play they wanted “All” which I guess would require a balanced approach. You can have several different teams built and saved up and switch freely between them. It also seems you can have it build the teams for you by hitting the pink “recycle” looking icon, and then choosing the attribute you want. For example, Princess would autofill your highest scoring Princess cards into the team. This doesn’t mean that only Princess members would appear, because you might have a fairy or angel who has high Princess points too. This probably all sounds familiar if you’ve played other titles such as Love Live School Idol Festival.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 7:15am PDT
When playing the actual song, you can choose different difficulty settings. The easiest difficulty features just 2 “bubbles” to tap. The medium difficulty features 4 bubbles. and the highest difficulty I believe has 6 bubbles.
These bubble “holders” are located across the bottom of your screen. As the song goes on, rainbow white shiny “pearls” will fall down the screen towards one of the bubbles. Tap the bubble at just the right time to gain the most points and chain “perfect” time attacks for bonus points. Once again, very similar to Love Live.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 7:19am PDT
Unlike Love Live. there’s a few new game mechanics, a large floating butterfly “bubble” will appear to give huge bonus points when timed correctly. Other bubbles require sliding/gliding your finger to “follow” the bubble’s path, or tapping and holding, or tapping repeatedly to correctly receive points from that bubble.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 7:31am PDT
The other big draw to these games is the Waifu collecting aspect, and this game is no exception. You can draw cards using diamonds or pink coins. The diamonds have a higher chance to yield Super Rare or Super Super Rare girls to add to your team. The diamonds is the “paid” currency, but there are ways to earn it free in game.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 7:31am PDT
So this all sounds lovely, so why did I take 2 points off? There are no events yet – but keep in mind, the game just launched a few days ago in Japan. In Love Live, there’s almost constant events which allow you to play against or with other players to earn limited edition super rare cards. Nothing like that has happened yet in Theater Days. If they up the rate of events, then Gameplay would probably be a 10/10 too!
Also while playing, your stamina drains so you may find yourself having to wait, or pay, for it to refill. No different from Love Live or the other rhythm games. Those are the only downsides I’ve seen so far!
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 2, 2017 at 7:31am PDT
Story: 5/10 – There is a story, but until they release this game in English (which will probably never happen) I can’t say if it’s a good or bad story. Therefore, a medium score seems the most fair here, given that I’m reviewing this game for my readers, who are also, largely, English speaking gamers.
Characters: 5/10 – The characters are cute! I think I may have seen some from other Idol Master games. But since I’m missing out on their backstories, I still can’t enjoy the characters to their fullest, though I do have some favorites already just based on looks and voice actresses.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 6:27pm PDT
Replay Value: 8/10 – No Waifu, No Laifu! lol. The game needs some more events, and to continue to release new girls, new clothes, and new songs, as long as those things continue to happen, this is a game I will be playing and recommending for years to come. In my opinion, it’s the best rhythm game ever of all time! A Must Play Mobile Masterpiece, and a shame we will probably never see an English version of this game.
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 6:31pm PDT
Geeky: 5/5 – Mind Blowing Graphics. Best Graphics ever for a mobile game. So lifelike. It’s like anime has become a reality. Also excellent voice acting and music tracks.
Sweetie 5/5 – Adorable – collect and dressup cute anime girls and watch them sing and dance on screen.
Overall: 66/80 83% B “Very Good Game for Girls”
A post shared by jenilee (@xenokitten) on Jul 1, 2017 at 6:48pm PDT
One note: I think the songs may change slightly – or I’m imagining things? based on which characters you have in your team when performing the song. For example, the first song has a part, where I think, the girls are saying their names and throwing their hands in a circular high five like cheer shape. Obviously there’s more than 6 different girls that could be in your party, and I think they would have used vocals for different names here. — Also, I think… but could be REALLY wrong …. each girl’s voice actress has recorded each “part” of the song…. because… not only does “which girls” you have effect the sound of the song, but “where those girls are” also affects how the song sounds and who gets more time in the spot light and who sings which lines. — My time with the game is short thus far, and I could be imagining this entirely. That’s why I did not factor it into my review score above – however, if it is in fact true, it’s fascinating and makes me want to try all the combinations I can make for each song by choosing and arranging my girls in different ways.
Idol Master Million Live Theater Days Japanese Rhythm Game Review was originally published on GeekySweetie.com - Geeky & Kawaii Anime, Tech, Toys, & Game Reviews & News
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