#i kno this also means i rlly need to reach out to friends bc i kno they would help. and would much rather me alive but just. i feel like
irresponsiblereader · 8 months
i know i need to get help if i ever want to get better but i just dont know if i want to get better anymore
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jul-bilant · 5 years
prince seungcheol
he was always the buzz around the whole kingdom *i mean y wouldnt he?? have you sEEN the guy????*
he’s always going around town, supervising incase any dumbass decided to sell drugs around the block or smth
(he once caught one and he didnt kno seungcheol was the prince and offered him marijuana and got arrested bc of tht and bc seungcheol got offended lmao)
and whenever he passes by, theres always gonna be some thirstyass girls staring at him like
or like
*runs up to him* “cAN I BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND??”
and tbh seungcheol just deadass rejects her but like,,, politely bc pRINCE MANNERS
and thats why he has two bodyguards with him at all times outside the palace now
anyways;;; prince seungcheol’s rlly rlly rLLY polite and well-mannered
he’s also a smart boi like
8 yr old seungcheol can solve 10th grade algebra, write a whole 10+ paged essay abt cytology and find the cure for cancer
kidding lol *nOT*
but srsly, this boi is smarter than yo algebra teachers like bi h
and he’s also sort of leader-like, so people already know he’ll be a great king one day
but he also has a kind heart and cares for everyone he loves and the whole kingdom
a 5 yr old girl once tripped over a rock infront of him and he took her to a bench, bought a bandage and aided her scraped knee ;-;
you can tell im soft for seungcheol hhhh
anyways, he’s been stressing out for a while because his coronation as king is nearing and it’s in a few months since his father died a year ago
and he needs to find a suitable partner
thats where you come in
you’re a maid in the palace
the maids have a thing where they check on seungcheol every two or three hours to see if he’s hungry, needs smth, or anything like tht
and this time, you were assigned to check on him
tbh you’ve never been assigned because it’s always the head maid that checks on him or that one maid thats always been the head maid’s fave
but not today
it was 10 pm and you went to see if seungcheol needed anything so you go to his study room
but before you knock, you hear something from inside his study room
it sounds like crying
and you know for a fact that thats seungcheol’s voice thats crying
you were at a loss of what to do, so it took you a while to do anything, but you decided to go down and tell the chefs that he was hungry just so you could bring him his favourite food to cheer him up
when you went back to the study room, you knocked
but he didn’t answer
it was quiet now, no more sobbing
so you opened the door
and saw seungcheol with his head down on the desk
you quietly wheeled the food towards his study table and put the tray on the other desk near the couch
you carefully approached seungcheol out of curiosity
his cheeks were stained with dried tears, but other than that, he still looked as handsome as ever
you grew concerned and took of the blankets from the bigass closet near the prince’s room and draped it over him
i mean, you were already there so why not lol
the next morning, seungcheol awoke to the smell food and a blanket around him
he grew confused but shrugged it off, he expected one of the maids to do these things
but he smiled knowing someone cares
meanwhile, the head maid came up to you and told you that you’ll be the maid who’ll regularly check up on seungcheol from now on since she was, quote-on-quote, “busy”, and her favourite maid had to retire for god knows what
you didn’t know why but you felt a sense of happiness and anxiety at the same time
so in the afternoon, you go to check on seungcheol as he’s in the study room, sorting out papers
when you enter the room after knocking, seungcheol kinda stares at you
not in the bad, offending way, nah m8
but like
‘holy shit this woman looks better than a grilled cheese sandwich’
which roughly translates to “prince seungcheol is making googly-eyes at maid y/n” ty v much
and he blushed a bit but hid it well when you approached him
“good afternoon, prince seungcheol.. i am maid y/n, i’ll be the new maid who’ll check on you from time to time from now on..” you inform him
he smiles
s m i l  e s
“thank you for informing me, miss y/n,” he replied
“may i ask you a small favor?”
you were like
‘w8 boi whut-’
but you just replied with an “ok”
“please tell the maid who draped a blanket over me and brought me food last night 'thank you’, and tell her it’s from me.” he smiled
you contemplated on telling him whether or not it was you,
which would be odd for other people, since they would of cOURSE take the chance and say that they did
but you had a sense of not taking credibility in most cases bc you like being humble and shiet so you nod and telling him you’ll inform her
“thank you, it means a lot to me..” seungcheol smiles
a few months after, you hear his royal adviser, which no one rlly likes tbh (tht includes seungcheol), scolding him because he has yet to find a partner
so you go check on him in his bedroom after knocking, and he let you in
you two had, undoubtedly, grown close
which is weird bc he doesnt really make friends w/ workers in the palace, much less be best friends with them
but thats what happened
he basically tells you everything from his dreams, to when his father passed, to how his cat scratched the curtain of the theatre room and etc.
so naturally, you started liking him
but of course, why’d the prince like a maid like you????
yall were just best friends
(like any other ff pfft)
you sat down on his bed, a concerned look on your face as he was on the verge of tears
“whats wrong?” you asked, even if you already knew what dampened his mood
“Mr. Song is pressuring me into getting married again, but this time he told me other things..”
you watch as a tear or two falls from his eyes
its really painful to watch him cry
“its okay… you dont have to tell me if you dont want to..” you reassured seungcheol but he just shakes his head
“no.. i think you deserve to know”
and he told you about how his adviser called him a worthless prince for not being able to even court a girl, telling him that if he was this indecisive, the kingdom would fall, and other hurtful things like that
at this point, he was crying the whole waterfall somewhere in the deep woods near the kingdom
“cheol.. i’m sorry you had to endure that…”
without thinking, you gently pulled him into your arms, pulling him into a warm hug
both of you were surprised, but didn’t waver away from the hug
for a second you thought 'omf why the fu c  k did i do that’
but you just shook the thought away, telling yourself that your best friend is in emotional pain and you did that for moral support
(which wasnt the only reason but you wanted to deny the others hhh)
but seungcheol on the other hand was lo si  n g his shit
on the inside, of course
he’s like 'omg omg omg she’s hugging me mOM-’
but thats where it dawned on him
he likes you
the next day, you knocked on the door of his study room
but it was silent, just like that one night when he cried himself to sleep
so you opened the door,
but he wasnt there
you panicked a little, thinking about where on palace grounds he couldve gone to
so you checked his bedroom, the kitchen, the theatre room, the throne room, the royal gardens, everywhere
but aside from finding his cat scratching the theatre room curtains, they were all empty
you asked the head maid where he was and she answered you with a shocked expression before replying
“you mean to tell me you didn’t know he was in the neighboring kingdom, meeting up with his arranged fiancee?”
arranged or not, it still hurt to know that he was with the woman who he was going to marry
and that was not you
the head maid gave you the day off, since seungcheol wasnt here for the day
you dressed casually, a white, plain, sleeveless dress that goes to your knees, instead of the regular, convervative, longsleeved maid uniform you were obliged to wear when you had work
you took a walk around the palace grounds, eventaully stopping when you reach the rooftop balcony
the moon was already making an appearance, the night ready to take over the sky
you stay there for the time being, finding the night sky, stars and a few blobs of clouds enticing to the human eye
moments later, you find yourself holding back tears
you let out a few stray tears drip down your cheeks as you sniff, not bothering to wipe them away
you were surprised when a blanket was wrapped around you, and a familiar pair of arms pulling into a hug
“its cold, you shouldn’t be out here at this ti- ….why are you crying?” you heard him voice out the last part in a soft whisper, contrasting his normal tone of speech like how he talked a few moments ago
“n-nothing… its dumb..” you tell him, dismissively
but he wasnt having it
“come on, i’ll listen to you.. tell me whats bothering you to the point where you’re crying..” seungcheol wiped a few of your tears away
“i’ll be fine, cheol.. and.. aren’t you supposed to be in the neighboring kingdom until tomorrow?..” you asked
“yes.. but there was no reason to stay if i rejected the marriage.”
w h a  t
“you- what?!” you turned to him, dumbfounded
he chuckled
“yeah, i rejected the marriage. i have my eyes on another girl..” he confessed, not breaking the eye contact you both shared
“…quite literally..” he grinned
“she was there for me through everything, comforted me at the toughest of times, and brought me food and a blanket when i fell asleep at my study room..”
so he knew
you blushed, knowing exactly what he meant
he approached you slowly, and once he had you in his field of reach, he cupped your face and pulled you closer to him
“would you…” he paused
“…marry me?”
you smiled a gentle, assuring smile
“..of course.”
and in a fit of smiles and small laughs, seungcheol kissed you
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