#i know empires season 2 ended 8 months ago but people still talk about 3rd life and that ended 3 years ago. i’m not obsessed trust me.
yusakiiiii · 4 months
The Crossover really was something. Here’s one of my favourite interactions. What’s yours?
Scott: I hate the gays!
*Joe Hills begins shooting Scott*
Scott: Joe I can say that! Joe I am gay!
Joe Hills: Okay, so not everybody has that context. My viewers don’t know that. I don’t know that.
Scott: I am very gay which is why I’ve said that Joe.
Joe Hills: That is a valuable bit of context to provide
Scott: I’m aggressively homosexual. I’m very aggressively homosexual Joe I thought everyone knew. It’s kinda my brand.
Joe Hills: There’s a lot of inter-audience cross pollination right now.
Scott: I did appreciate the aggressive nature you took right away though, that was a good ally.
Joe Hills: I do what I can.
Scott: I thought Joe when I said I’m gonna say the one slur I can you’d have picked up.
Oli: Did you say a slur?
Scott: No I didn’t. I said when Jimmy was copying me I was tempted to do it and then I said “I hate the gays” and then Joe decided to shoot me cos he didn’t realise I was gay. Even though I’m aggressively homosexual.
Joe Hills: I don’t have time to know every gay person!
If you want to watch this properly. Go to the 2:40:00 mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/live/2heYeEOTqrw?si=a1urB22nQZZPq_tk
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rookiek13 · 8 years
The Fan’s Guide to the Altean Language
UPDATED FOR SEASON 8 - First Update for season 8 (Includes very very rough timeline!)
Thank you all for your overwhelming support. We have reached the end of Voltron. I plan on transferring this to AO3 at some point. Let me know if there is ore data you would like to see for that. For a more indepth guide to season 3, check out @butteredonions post here! (This post is not being updated. Please do not contact them about errors!)
New Updates? Perhaps for the comics. No promises.
Questions? Comments? Want to chat? Let me know! Due to the popularity of this post, I may not see commentary in the tags, so hit up my askbox, the messenger, or the comment feature on the post.
With the increase of alien characters in season 3, we are getting away from this being purely the Altean language. Unfortunately, there’s no real way of knowing what is and isn’t considered “altean”, so I’m just going to continue to use “Altean Language” as the tag.
Units of time (Confirmed with Official Guidebook!)
Quintant = 1 day
Deca-Phoeb = 1 year
Phoeb = 1 month
Dobosh = minute
Varga = hour
Tick = a tad longer than a second
movement = week
@saiikavon has pointed out that in S2E8, the Blades of Marmora base would be closed for 2 quintants. When they mention that 10 Vargas have passed, Lance correctly estimates another 30 Vargas until the base is open again. From this it can be assumed that 2 Quintants = 40 Vargas or 1 Quintant = 20 Vargas.  
Olkarion, home of the Olkari (Voltron Coalition HQ) Destroyed in S8E4
Arus, home of the Arusians
Taujeer, home of the Taujeerians
Daibazaal, home of the Galra (destroyed)
Altea, home of the Alteans (destroyed)
Puig, home of the Puigian
Unnamed planet, home of the cubserions
Kythra, has desert tribes
Thayserix, inhabitants unknown
homeland unknown, Unilu
Reiphod - recently liberated by rebels
Unknown planet (destroyed) - Rebel memorial site
Naxzela - formerly a decommisioned Altean Terra-forming planet. Major Galra base. Part of the Rebulon Zone
Vantax-5 - Galra satellite relay orbiting it
Teq - Galra controlled. Had Zaiforge cannon nearby
Senfama - Jungle planet. Galra controlled. Had Zaiforge cannon
Entuk - Houses the ruins of an Altean outpost
Feyiv - one of the first planets conquered by the Galra. Considered tehir sacred land, has the Kral Zera
Unnamed planet - Lotor’s refuge for the surviving Alteans, hidden somewhere in the Quantum abyss
Homeland unknown, Yggiz - mentioned in an ad on the game show Garfle Warfle Snick
Sanook - attacked by Honerva’s robeasts
Vexilum - attacked by Honerva’s robeasts
Siiz - attacked by Honerva’s robeasts
K-V Exus - Kolivan talks about a blade mission there (s8e7)
Drazan - Remember the mole people? They live there. In the Zeta-three sector. Burr is their leader.
Ryker - Lahn’s base
Pinto Sentos - attacked by the galra. Desto is their representative (comics)
Grekagan - recently freed fro galra. Their representative Do-tarn is more focused on his tv show and his wealth assist with the coalition, but others from his planet will help. (comics)
Paglium quadrant
Va’kar quadrant
Signa 3 Quadrant - overrun by rebels
Quadrant Omega-Raylar-6
Karthan-sigma quadrant
Si-vim Quadrant- Hostage exchange occurs here
Valurian Quadrant, home of the Tando people
Cradessa quadrant - glass-winged wabblers live here
elysium Quadrant - original paladins fought a Sarrowspawn here (comics)
Ulippa system, contains ice worms
Thaldycon system
Fimm System
Thizonian system
System X-9-Y, Kerberos is in this system
Klii-Nyn system - Blade of Marmora base “Zailox station” is on a moon there. Xanthorium crystals are in the area
Grei-aye system - remains of Honerva’s robeast
Xritoo system - has 3 planets
Misc heavenly bodies
Unknown asteroid - Matt’s communication outpost. It’s coordinates are
Sector Zar-Niomofor
Nah-veer-5 (unstable star)
Moon of Tragoch, has galra sentry manufacturing base
Kraydah’s moon - Rebel base
Quantum Abyss - a region of space where dense neutron stars orbit even larger dark stars. The forces at play leave the area constantly changing, and even gravitation waves and space time are affected, sometimes causing visions of the past/future
Burgamel (unknown designation) - Alfor picked up rock droppings here (comics)
Dalterion Belt - home of Yalmors, the element Faunatonium, and the former green paladin Trigel
Baltuf Nebula - Voltron/Atlas rendezvous point
Zeta-three sector - Planet Drazan is there
Chintellinous nebula - thunderbirds live here (comics)
Zone Everall 71
Zones Rebulon 4-69 (Naxzela is in one of these zones)
Patrulian Zone - the space equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle and Davy Jone’s Locker. Oriande is in this zone.
Stick out like a choferiaks nose
blown straight to Wozblay
faster than an angry klanmüirl
Jump like a spritely clovenheifer
mad as a wet chüper
linked at the ears like a pack of yalmor
crack a squizzle on the balmera (I.E. break a leg)
puffed up like a Trufalian meringue
hold your gazurgas (I.E. hold your horses)
and I’m the phloban of Gargalaz (I.E. I’m the king of France)
what, in the name of King Groggery the infirm, is going on?
a day late and a fertonium short
from her to Vlexlar
hello bii-bohs and boh-biis
what the ruggle is that?
Wait a tick
I never thought I’d see the quiznacking quintant
I’m afraid someones been ruggling your wimble
a slizknots chance in groatsbade [of getting out of here] (comics)
Quite the sticky wicket [I find myself in]
I’m snarloft in the cranker (contextually, cranker = mind)
We’re out of our crankers
It’s right next to the wizblattle (used sarcastically)
count to Zingor
pop like a balvax
You Snarflaf! (Insult)
Bigger than a Hifflebuple’s plump (comics)
Weblum - a giant space worm that eats dead planets, re-purposing the material into “the building blocks of new solar systems”. They produce the scaultrite mineral, used for Altean Teludav lenses. They have at least 3 stomachs (Acxa was in the 3rd). There is a way to stop them from eating a planet by doing something to the Trilo-mutarth under its dorsal, but the transmission was garbled
Duflax - an Altean creature with a beak and webbed feet
Xznly Squiwl - An Altean creature with a white body and 4 limbs
Swathian Meerakeet - giant lizard-armadillo that is attracted to lights
Zarbloovian intestinal eel - one lives in Coran’s stomach
Gruuvwart - a galaxy-sized poisonous toad. It’s inner ear contains a small island of earwax that can make 1 wish come true. Once there, the only way out is to use the wish to escape “Kind of a wasted trip” - Coran (comics)
Mangaadnii - A large green alien with wings reminiscent of a flying squirrel. They breathe electricity and destroy worlds. Voltron is smaller than a baby Mangaadnii’s finger (comics)
Kotka - winged beasts with no legs. The davdabhau ride them (comics)
Yalmor - extremely aggressive space anteaters with thin, antenna like ears. They can sense the element faunatonium, and link at the ears when on a faunatonium wizplute (meaning of wizplute currently unknown) They live in the Dalterion Belt
Unnamed alien - a cross between a turtle and a skunk. Whatever it sprayed the paladins with shrank them to “honey I shrunk the kids” sizes. Lives in the Dalterion Belt
Snick - A giant, aggressive shellbug creature with tentacles and claws. The “snick” part of the show Garfle Warfle Snick. The same creature that attacked Clone!Shiro back in S3
Blovar Raptors - laser shooting space stingrays. Krolia used them in a training simulation
Flan-bil-diplor - puffy bug thing with antenna, 6 eyes, and a beak-thing. Allura’s childhood drawing of her Nan-Nan looked like one
unnamed creature - a space kracken
Balmera - petrified planet sized creatures. Balmerans live on them. Balmerans differ in looks depending on the Balmera. A grouping of Balmera is called a Colvundrum
Ranvieg’s Weapon - chimera like being designed to attack Galra. Can absorb energy from the Galra crystals. Fires lasers. Intelligent enough to use the computers, as well as possess a sentry to allow it to speak.
The entity - evil space spore. Lives in the rifts. Grants enormous powers. Unclear what else it does, as this plot point was not explored further.
Sarrowspawn - a creature larger than Voltron. One of the deadliest creatures in the universe (comics)
Thunderbirds - live in Chintellinous Nebula. Collect ore from Neutron star to build nests. Robotic birds with chains for tails (comics)
Quiznak - a swear word, similar in use to Fuck, crap, or hell (ie: “Oh quiznak” or “What the quiznak”)
Quintessence - a type of energy. Context from the world indicates that it is likely some form of Life/spirit energy [EDIT] It’s a real word! According to dictionary.com : noun1.the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.2.the most perfect embodiment of something.3.(in ancient and medieval philosophy) the fifth essence or element,ether, supposed to be the constituent matter of the heavenly bodies,the others being air, fire, earth, and water. Thanks @nickelpenn for the info!
Sloven-de-hoe - literally the altean word for “gone”
bogwaggle cape - a type of cape that Coran claims he trained to sing his theme song when he walked in a room
Skort pantaloons - a breathable trouser worn by the Tando people. Worn by the aliens who rescued Matt.
Guns of Gamara - a resistance group in the alternate reality.
Conscious-neezy mind enhancers - pills containing parasitic worms (never bargain with shady Unilu running illegal enhancement shops out of their wheelchairs)
The Fire of Purification - Sendak’s rebel group. Has claimed most of the empire’s deserters, though other factions still exist
Hinterbush - “I thought she had burnt too much hinter bush” Probably hallucinogenic (comics) 
Nomo virus - Thought to have been eradicated thousands of years ago until Coran discovered a sample in Alfor’s lab. (comics)
Nuuskob - an unknown thing. Commentary includes that the stains won’t come out (comics)
Glorblonthian checkers - a game. Has the Melmakian rule set. Space pirate Blofar hates the game
Moof Glider - a transportation unit for whatever Moof is. Is capable of jackknifing. Whatever Moof is, it is agreed upon to smell terrible
Megregian Fitzers - a sports team of some sort. There points are called havers, and the units for their playing periods are called Sprats
flizblaznator - the tv bi-boh-bi sold one belonging to one of the others
Psyferite - Hoverva’s robeasts are made of this
Flogarian technique - used in Yalmor calling.
Blagmore - score in yalmor calling contest. 3 is an extremely high score
Durgises - scores in yalmor calling contest. 1 blagmore and 2 durgises is a respectably high score
convuldrum - a converging of Balmera’s
Food (Thank you Hunk) 
Filet of Bandrillo, spiced with seasonings from the plains of Planet Mabo
Pilaf of long-grain forlongian brill from the fields of Antidoll
cider made from the petals of the Altean juniberry flower
blom fruit pie
Shoom fruit - used in pie (comics)
Fluuto beans - “...No more beans for Hunk” - Lance
Nunvill - a purple beverage that purportedly tastes like hotdog water and feet. Other commentary includes “the nectar of the gods”, “makes a wonderful hair tonic”, and “settles the stomach and brightens your smile” 
Sincline ships - Lotor’s trans-reality ships. A nod to Lotor’s original GoLion name
Zaiforge Cannons - Very powerful Galra cannons. Commandeered by the rebels and the Blades of Marmora
Hoktril - a device from the alternate reality that is embedded in the back of the subjects head, eliminating their “will”. Basically turns them into mind controlled puppets.
Klygarg - a computer used to record logs. Used by Vakala and his partner
Gendocam - unknown technology. Pidge and Hunk were arguing over how to optimize it.
Vlexagane - unknown technology. Pidge and Hunk were arguing over how to optimize it.
Cryopod, cryo replenishers, and sleep pods have all been used to describe the same unit
Galra History and Culture
Kral Zera - both the torch like monument and the name of the coronation ceremony
The Archivist - in one in charge of the Kral Zera ceremony
Feyiv, one of the first planets they conquered, is considered their sacred land
Zaipirium Siege - an even in Galra history. The underwater Galra base from this period is implied to be very old.
The first emperor of the Galra was named Brodar.
Vrepit sa - Literally “the killing thrust” Refers to a point in history when Daibazaal was home to many warring races and the “Galra” gathered their fiercest warriors and struck at their enemies with a phalanx formation.
Blood emperor - Dayak refers to Lotor with this. The term hasn’t been used since before the galra were a star-faring race
Dayak - Lotor’s governess. She taught him History, customs, battle philosophy, the art of war, etc. Breifly taught Hunk. Commentary from Zarkon implies that Dayak is a title, not a name.
Polen-Bol - “The enlightening pain”. Part of the galra philosophy that the body must be broken for enlightenment/learning.
Sendak’s Lt. Hepta was involved with Operation Kuron
Macidus - the druid who fought Keith in S1E10. After Lotor’s defeat, he was eliminating the Blades of Marmora agents. It is unclear if he is using an assumed name, and how much of the story he tells Voltron is true
Kaltor- A figure from Galra mythology who conquered worlds. Partly inspired Lotor’s name.
Agotian Trials - Part of Galra education. Lotor completed this before the age usually tested at
Yordam bering exus - part of an emergency protocol when the sentries are under distress. Is unclear if it is a universal call (like sos) or if each sentry has it’s own (Keith uses it as a name when he addresses the sentry)
Altean History and Culture
The color pink is used to honor fallen warriors
The land of Oriande is the origin of Altean alchemy, but widely believed to be a folktale. It is located in the Patrulian Zone
Compass stone - a tool used to get to the magical realm of Oriande
The Sages of Oriande - aslo known as the Life Givers. They were the 1st Altean’s to unlock the secrets of Oriande, leading to the creation of Altean Alchemy
The Mark of the Chosen - The glowing of the Altean facial markings. Some Alteans are more magical than others.
“The wise stand back from the fire, fools are burned on the pyre, the mystic becomes one with the flame, the embers and he are the same” - Poem by an Altean Alchemist describing the entry to Oriande
Altean’s can’t get brain freeze
The altean alphabet contains 22 letters. They are - Exus, Plexis, ceedus, flee, jaydus, nacto, pledum, ree, joodum, ruu, leeum, mai-ox, kay, jibely-way, afus, nofus, youkus-play, beefur, leefur, agus-play, flancko and blee.
The Altean colony doesn’t seem to use “Quiznack” as Romelle keeps mispronouncing it
Forlongian brill hat - an altean hat, presumably for courting. Allura thinks Lance would look ridiculous in one.
The Zyo-crystal springs and Cliffs by the Altean capital were said to be very beautiful 
Lotarious - ancient Altean believed to have established the foundation of Altean engineering. Partly inspired Lotor’s name.
Sprawl - a galra installation for harvesting cruiser materials (comics)
Earth history and culture (and technology)
Underground tunnel systems connect to some of the supply outposts. These are leftover from World War 3. Commentary includes that it’s “Older”, though it is unclear how many generations that means
AW-Cruiser - the garrison off-road cars
Mecha-Flex-exo fighters (MFEs) - Griffins teams use these. One of the prototypes was the MFE-Ares
IGF-Atlas - Sam’s mammoth ship built to defend agains the Galra invasion. Large enough to hold the lions and another unit of fighters. Eventually shape shifts into a Voltron-like being
Plaht City - a large city 30 minutes away from the Garrison
Orbit Axiom X - garrisons most advanced (and portable) flight simulator
Calypso - 1st ship to carry astronauts to the moons of Jupiter. It took 3 years. Reading about it made Shiro want to be a pilot
Hangar Alpha-Bravo - MFE pilots report here on the Atlas
Mr. Pollard teaches biology at the garrison
Random techno-babble
gluon field fluxuations - expands atomic distance
Synthian nitrate - Axca and Keith use this to make an explosion and escape
Flaxum assembly - MFE part. Griffin instructed a mechanic to tighten down the manifold on the left side because it felt loose
Plasma Alternator - Atlas part
Ventral Thoron injector port - Sendak’s ship part. Disengaging this will overload the Deuterium array, causing an explosion that damages the beam generator (and making it go offline)
Energy inverter - Atlas part. Something on the cannons
Molecular reflection arrays - Atlas part. Destabilized by a blast from Hoverva’s robeast
Dynotherms - a connection of some type
dichormate resonance chamber (atlas part)
Thera-magnetic oscillator (Atlas part)
Thorium - part of the Atlas’ cannons discharge. Sam wants to harness it to make a thorium ray
Monsters and Mana (Space DnD)
Wiebian swamps - ghosts can be fought there. The swamp goo is very sticky
Dakin - Coran’s evil wizard and primary villian, secretly also the bar wench
Carthian’s Lair - a tomb of horros filled with monsters, traps, and terrors 
Feldakor mountains - Carthian’s Lair resides in these
Klazgool - a many eyed purple tentacle blob carrying weapons. Either a race or a class
Lore master - the dungeon master
Coran’s group called themselves the Pirate Polychoral
Coranic Dragon - a dragon boss. A pun on Coran’s S1E1 joke about being a coranic ( coran + mechanic = coranic.)
The characters names were Block (Hunk), Meklavar (Pidge), Pike (Lance), Valayun (Allura), and Takashi Shirogane #1&2 and Gyro the twin brother (Shiro)
The master in Shiro’s tragic™ backstory is named D’Jahno
Aurita - the land they are playing in (I.E - the most powerful wizard in all of Aurita)
Items - Runestone of Lapham, Jewel of Jitan (pidge’s family heirloom), gloves of transmutation, Yalexian pearl (comic tie-in)
Paladin Trivia
The paladins left earth on a monday (S1E2)
The swords the blades of Mamora use are made of Luxite, which is rare. They are connected to the life force of their wielder
Coran accompanied his Grandfather while the castle of lions was being built, potentially putting his age in the 600s (not counting the 10k year cryo-sleep)
He/him pronouns are used for Pidge until S1E6, and She/her pronouns from S1E6 onwards
Coran’s full name is Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe
Haggar’s altean name is Honerva. Her official title is High Priestess
The mice are Platt (largest), Chulatt (blue fur/eyes), Plachu (Blue fur, red eyes), and Chuchule (pink fur)
The Holt family dog was originally named Gunther, later changed to Bae Bae (in honor of the studio’s late pet)
The dates on Matt’s tombstone are 0010-05-25 to 0014-04-28. This format may be the correct date format, as Pidge didn’t realize anything was off until she realized Matt’s b-day was wrong
Allura didn’t seem to know that Lotor was half Altean. Coupled with the memory scene with Haggar, it is implied that Lotor was born sometime after Haggar and Zarkon became corrupted.(confirmed S8) He is likely younger than Allura.
Krolia wanted to name Keith “Yorak”
Coran calls his grandfather “Pop-pop Wimbleton”
Hunk’s pappy is named Hershel. He also has a niece and a nephew. (comics) His Uncle is named Filo. It is unclear if “pappy” refers to his father or grandfather
Alfor took scrapings from the hall of consequences (according to Coran, nothing happened) (comics)
Shiro had an unnamed disease that effects the muscles. He used electro-stimulators to keep the muscles loose. It was getting worse, to the point that he would be unable to maintain peak condition for more than a few years. It is unclear if the disease was terminal, or merely debilitating, of if the clone body also shares the disease
Lance loves his Mee-maws cooking
The paladins named the space wolf Kosmo
Shiro’s prisoner number is 117-9875
Clone!Shiro’s subject ID is Y0XT39
Keith’s father was a fireman. He died when he ran back into a building against orders. “You couldn’t tell him anything” - Keith
Pidge’s prisoner number is 52249994880204 (comics)
Hunk - January 13th
Shiro - Febuary 29th (leap day)
Pidge - April 3rd
Lance - July 28th
Keith - October 23rd
Original Paladins
Black - Zarkon of Daibazaal
Yellow - Gyrga from Rygnirath
Green - Trigel of the Dalterion Belt
Blue - Blaytz from Nalquod
Red - Alfor of Altea
Lotor’s generals
Zethrid - big, with the fluffy ears
Narti - the blind lizard woman
Ezor - the bubbly, giggly one
Acxa - Weblum galra (spelling confirmed on official voltron page)
Kova - the space cat, assuming the one with Narti is the same as the one Haggar used to have
Ozar - The blue guy who talks with Pidge (presumed dead S8E11)
Te-osh (deceased) - rescued Matt
Olia - star fox
N-7 - Matt’s robot girlfriend
Galra squadrons 
Squadron Erto (hunting Lotor)
Fighter squadrons Djalg 14 & 15(hunting Lotor)
Jaxar fleet (Sendak’s invasion)
Battle command Rill (Sendak’s invasion)
Klytax V-3 - one of 15 ships sent by Lahn (and destroyed by Ranvieg’s weapon)
Commanders in the Galra Succession War
Davdabhau culture (comics)
are legendary hunters and shamans
practice cremation
size and strength are important attributes in mating
a husbands duty includes - preparing food, doing the dishes, and participating in warfare with their warrior wives
Polygamy does not appear to be frowned upon
“Let your soul fry free like the Kotka and carry you to the hunting brounds of your ancestors, kings of the Davdabhau. There, may you battle the iron tusks by day, and feast and fight all night” - eulogy for the late king
“You lived with honor as a king, you died in battle as a warrior. Now burn in glory like a star.” - Eulogy for the late king
Tegus day - an event in history where King Yeran was forced to eat his own foot as punishment for his lies. Also has a song - “Fight all day! Red with blood! Enemies lay in the mud! Feast all night! sing till dawn! Tegus day! Battle won!”
Gantomor - warden of the sacred hunting grounds. Said to be the first Davdabhau to discover the sacred grounds. Capable of transforming to better meet his foes (in single combat, one. Against multiple opponents, an army)
Bvada - a Kotka’s rider for life
Qarlaks - the equivalent of nerd in the davdabhau tongue
Garfle Warfle Snick (The game where anything you Garfle will be Warfled and vice versa)
Bob is the host and Norlox is the announcer
Warfler - a puzzle or game
It takes Quaz-cenbullion credits to win
Hoochas - the time unit. Blazzle is the quantity of time assigned. (Blazzle hoochas vs Final Hoochas)
The games were Pictation, Faces from the past (a goolian credits per name), Garflater (guess the word - worth vezcenbullion credits), and Bank channel (mini golf)
Failure in Garflater gets you cooked alive in the Warflator, a massive tank full of acid that will eventually eat through your skin (though not immediately. Lance was fine for a while)
Failure in Faces from the Past gets you launched into the lair of the Snick (the creature that attacked Clone!Shiro in S3)
Bi-boh-bi is on a “stick-com” called Bii-Boh me
Bob is supposedly a powerful, all knowing interdimensional being who judges the worthiness of great warriors. Legend says that if you meet Bob and live to tell the tale, you are destined for great things
Garrison Personel
James Griffin - leader of the MFE squadron. Was in Keith’s class before the garrison
Nadia Rizavi - the one with the ponytail
Lt. Ryan Kinkade - the quiet sniper.
Ina Leifsdottir - freckles. Talks like a human computer
Admiral Ellen Sonda - grandma prissypants
Timeline (Based off of Earth time. VERY ROUGH ESTIMATIONS)
Year 1 - Kerberos team is captured
Year 2 - Shiro returns. The Blue Lion leaves Earth
Year 3 - Sam returns to earth. The debriefing meeting is about a month from Sam’s arrival ( 1 week sedated and Iverson’s comment about “a month ago) By the end of the year, the prototype MFE’s are in production
Year 4 - Sam reaches the coalition. Approx. 6 months since the Lotor showdown. BOM and Coalition are under attack. The Holts reveal everything to Earth’s citizens
Year 4-5 - Sendak invades
Year 6 - Acxa saves the Paladins from Ezor and Zethrid (her comment about it being 3 years)
Misc people
Lt. Lahn - omega shield episode. Eventually promoted to warlord
Ven’tar - representative of the Planet Lotor ruled and Zarkon destroyed
Tavo - dreadlocked Altean
Luca - altean piloting the ship that attacked earth
Merla - Hoverva’s right hand woman
Fentress - Zethrid’s right hand pirate
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