#i know everyone is redrawing this frame so uh
braisedhoney · 1 year
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to be so familiar with death, you must be a ghost.
(it wasn’t a matter of if i would draw a version of this guy, only when.)
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kakyogay · 2 years
sunny can see ghosts au thing (might edit later to add or remove ideas)
//cw mentions of suicide and sh because I think it applies here idk I'm bad with content warnings
Have some doodles and stuff from the haha funny sunny can see ghosts au because I kinda just left anyone who might have been curious about it with just a single peice of art and a tiny bit of context. I just got back into fnaf and have only been drawing it for the past few weeks so I don't have a lot of omori content to post.
so here are some quick drawings and ideas I have or have had for the au along with spoilers (as if I didn't already spoil it in the first thing I posted about it)
not really spoiler art
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(below: frames from an animatic that I really liked but gave up on. idk might redraw it one day)
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not really spoiler ideas
Heromari canon so true
sunny is a little more outgoing because trauma isn't as bad
sunny has come to terms with what happened (because mari accepted his apology) while basil bitch is still an anxious little fucker
aubrey is still a delinquent but she is living with kim because fuck you she deserves better
mari can play the piano (HAUNTED PIANO😱😱😱😱)
okay onto the spoiler/angsty stuff
spoilers and serious/angsty art
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spoilers and serious/angsty ideas
the only people who know about hero's true passing is sunny and kel because his parents are lowkey scummy and said he died in a car accident or something instead of suicide (kel doesn't know that sunny knows tho)
hero hates his parents for how they reacted to his death
basil maybe knows about hero's death but aubrey never saw his grave or heard about it so learning it was a huge suprise (might be changed later idk)
sunny has these weird dreams of this strange looking kel in situations that resemble things that could happen (all relating to suicide or sh). somewhat reminding him not to fall for the happy persona kel presents most of the time. (because angst)
hero spends some nights with mari playing ghost chess or playing piano because I don't think ghosts can sleep
extra more kel focused stuff (very emo and very uh projecting)
He doesn't want to bother others with his issues so he hasn't had anyone to really vent to (fluffy vent chapters????😳😳😳😳😳)(also my dumbass projecting)
the wrist bands he wears hides his sh (could be bruises, cuts, or whatever eccsesive scratching can cause depending on how edgy he gets overall. I don't want to make the guy too emo)
he is more prone to panic attacks especially when everyone starts getting angry at eachother (forshadowing????)
alright that's all I have for now Idk if I will every actually write this out or just make up scenes in my head and maybe draw them out so yeah have a beautiful day/afternoon/night idk whenever you read this and I'll maybe not forget about this.
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riisinaakka-draws · 3 years
part 2/6
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2nd part of my old Black Sails scraps and doodles from 2016–2021. Not in any particular order.
This time the drawings are short comics that were abandoned for a reason or another, mostly because I lost the interest or felt like there was too much to redraw compared to the satisfaction of finishing something else more interesting. There’s also some talk about rigid mindset and how overthinking can lead to stagnation.
Contains early silverflint moments, specks of dust, rackham's glasses are found, jealous-Billy spying, desk-Flint gets caught, "squint-squint", a quiet moment and its bird dilemma etc.
And please do not steal and repost elsewhere. But if you do get inspired, feel free to make your own interpretations!
Long-ish post under the cut!
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“What are you thinking about?”
“Specks of dust.”
The idea was to show how much they and their relationship had changed. This was around 2016 when the season 3 began and I was still re-learning to draw with a tablet. Another art from the same time period (and idea) is this art: The Dynamic Duet. 
And for some reason I was really stuck up thinking that I’d have to first do the sketch, then the clean line art, then planes underneath, then shadows etc. and I have always struggled with that kind of approach! Mainly because I hate doing clean line work, lol. And I was a fool for trying to start with a white canvas! It’s so much harder to find values and plan things, or at least in my opinion..
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“Rackham’s glasses are found”
To celebrate their new pirate alliance, they share the four lenses of Rackham’s sunglasses as they were also found at the time (because I wanted it to resurface and they could be made into jewellery you know...). This was right after the episode where Anne fights and hurts her hands (here wearing protecting mittens from Max even though she’s not trusted at the moment). Uh, this doesn’t spark joy interest me much and it’s quite stiff and would recuire a lot of redrawing faces, so - discarded!  
I somewhat like the idea still (them having something to share, although it’s on Jack’s detriment). I tried to find a stylished comical easier doodlier? way to draw them and draw clean lines etc, but it just wasn’t for me. Also here too, the background is blank and too bright. Later I started to think things as scenes and draw everything at the same time instead of adding the bg later or trying to show everything (and everyone) at the same time.
Here’s also Billy in the same story:
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He’s spying on them and since it’s so bright he’s wearing his diy “sunglasses” and being envious to the others. *cough* uhhh...Idk? Also people were shipping Ben Gunn (and cheese) with Billy, so that bled into this too... Charles’ spirit is riding the “big white bird” that was mentioned in Teach’ story and in this case it’s a pelican.
As you can see, I also wasn’t using the brushes that I use nowadays. A hard (or soft) round brushes with no change in opacity just aren’t for me. For example, in traditional art, I struggle with markers and copics, but really enjoy charcoals and watercolours. I prefer ragged edges, layering and thus blending things into each other (and leaving the viewer to fill in the gaps) instead of having stark or definite things. I also struggle with vector drawings, although I have decided to finally start learning to use them...somedayyyy.
Also, I wasn’t paying attention to anatomy, like, at all LMAO. I was just so happy to be able to put something on the canvas.
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This is one of my first ink drawings, but I cannot find the original anymore. Again, I like the idea, but not how things look art-wise. And I was so adamant, that I have to get everything right in the traditional drawing and not fix anything later on on photoshop because then it would be cheating. And thus, I was never able to move on or finish this properly the way I liked it (idiot).
BUT! It was a good practise to just draw and test things on paper and gain confidense on drawing things in overall (as I was still getting back into art). To get over the fear of blank paper you know, and try to find my style whatever it would start to form into.
Oh, yeah, Desk Flint.
Desk Flint was a thing for a while (still is, lol). Another drawing from that time is this Slingshot Pirate (2016). And Desk Flint keeps repeating in many later works too. The point is mainly “Flint sitting behind his desk and people interrupt him and I don’t have to draw him fully”
Well, anyway... moving on.
Here’s a plan that has been stuck for years. It’s name is “Squint-squint.” Left is the sketch (with another sketch underneath because the expressions were clearer in the old one). On the right is the continued piece with colour scheme but I cropped the eyes panel and faces out (it was so ugly for some reason) but if I ever continue/finish this, it will be redrawn there in the middle.)
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Left. “On that moment their eyes were literally open(ed).”
Right. “After squinting on the shore for days, they had actually forgotten how pretty the other idiot’s eyes were.”
I still like it, quite a lot, but my perfectionist ass only sees too much “boring” things to draw and get right, so it hasn’t been a priority for a long time and other works have kept me occupied and more interested in them.
“Quiet Moment.” 2018 (a wordless comic happening after the events of Charles Town)
I’m going to explain after these pictures, but see how big the difference is when you start to look at references and plan things together (the space, “camera” movement, background etc). I also started to colour with coarser brushes:
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I drew this around early 2018. A lot of improvement! Still quite a lot of negative space (empty white backgrounds), but it fits this work. A few things tell where we are (the ship’s cabin and the balcony). Changing distances and how things are cropped/framed make things more moving and focused (and less to draw, lol). Colours and brush strokes are softer, more layered and so on.
But guess why it’s still a wip!
I couldn’t decide what bird is flying over there.
Yeap! At first it was an albatross (doesn’t go to Bahamas?). Then a seagull (but which seagull? there’s so many subspecies! Is the ship at sea or at the harbour? what birds are there on the open water/ close to the shore?? oh noo...) So, yeah, wayyyy too much over-thinking.
At some point I ended up with white-tailed-tropic-bird which was a plus! because it sounds like the bosun’s whistle, but at that point I was so tangled and frustrated and still had so much to finish with this that I left it be. Also Flint’s face looks different in every frame so I would’ve had to change some parts, lol. And then I forgot it for a couple of years! And then I had learned to draw a bit differently and again saw too much things to do, so it’s quite hard to take on this again, especially when there are so many other interesting wips waiting...
But I still really like the feeling of it! And the colour scheme. So I might just limit the things I’m allowed to fix and then post it as it own someday. I mean, it’s 90% finished, but the last reach just feels like miles.
And that’s what usually happens with my wips. They reach a certain point and it suddenly becomes really hard to finish or get back into.
But every time I learn things and then use the information in another work! :D
Final note for this post (altough this has been said hundreds of times): use references and look how things go and try to see the structure and form beneath things. And think where it is happening and how the light and surroundings affects the characters and/or spaces. And maybe think what you’re trying to convey with the art, what idea? what emotions? what purpose? or like, what are you trying to learn with the piece? and so on...
Thanks for checking this out, I hope you had fun <3
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hollenka99 · 3 years
Hi! I saw your post about SAD-ist, and I kinda wanted to add to that. We shouldn't let animators be in SAD-ist's shadow, but we also shouldn't cut SAD-ist out completely. Like, I see some people who just leave her out of things, and talk behind her back, saying things like "We should live in a world where all animators get the same attention as SAD-ist". I remember back in the summer when everyone was trying so hard to get SAD noticed. We should be proud of her fame, not get jealous of it. (1/2)
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She certainly did and it's a shame that people are talking about her behind her back like that. I wasn't aware that was happening. But yeah, you're right the ccs are allowed to have preferences when it comes to fan creators in the fandom. They're human after all.
My main point was that some people seem to idolise SAD-ist and leave other artists on the sidelines as a result of that. I mean, after Dawn of the 16th came out, everyone and their mum seemed to be redrawing frames from it in their style. I have no problem with DTIYS content, don't get me wrong I think it's pretty cool to see how different people interpret the same image, but the oversaturation of it during the days following its upload got a bit much. I have never seen a DTIYS type thing of that scale before. I think it was around the same time as Doomsday and the Ghostbur resurrection attempts. I wanted to see art more from those events, not the same shot of Dream standing menacingly from the back or Tommy weilding a crossbow etc for the 50th time that week, you know? However, if doing SAD-ist redraws makes an artist happy, I'm certainly not going to stop anyone. Besides, if it actually bothered me as much as those last few sentences makes it sound like it did, I wouldn't have been reblogging the posts as often as I did.
In short, I love SAD-ist and she does deserve the love she gets. But I also love other artists in this fandom and they deserve as much love too. I wish mcyt fan artists stood on more equal footing so this wasn't a topic of discourse.
In fact, I think I'm going to make a separate post today where I shout out my favourite artists on Tumblr and YouTube. So uh... look out for that, I guess.
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philosworkbench · 3 years
Solopreneurs: What’s your fastest Shower,  Ship, Succeed story?
Maybe this term already exists. I have no idea. But here’s what I want to talk about: I had an idea for a new class while in the shower yesterday. I announced I was doing it today. It starts in two weeks. In six weeks, I’ll have a pretty clear picture of how successful it was. That seems like a turnaround that solopreneurs are uniquely positioned to create.
Backstory: My COVID vs. Career Crisis
Disclaimer: My family and I have been extremely lucky during COVID. No one has been sick and no one in my immediate family works in healthcare or has a job that requires going in-person work. So, I’m using the term “crisis” with a tremendous amount of privilege. Still, it decimated my industry and how I used to earn a living.
That all being said, when COVID hit, I lost four months of work in one week. It created a huge void in my life. My entire career was built on live: live training and facilitation using IMPROV. I curled up into a ball and started questioning everything I had done in my life. What did it mean? What was at the center of it. About 6 months and 100,000 words (written only to myself) later, and I had the conceptual model for the PLAY Polarities. It was exhilarating. I had an idea of value that I could share with the world. Something of mine that I could sell myself. Only one problem. I didn’t devise the product. Okay, cool. Here’s a model. Everybody has a model. No one pays for an idea. They pay for an application of an idea.
So, simultaneously as I began telling people at PLAYdates (then TDCocoa) about the idea, I began thinking about ways to productize the insights I had assembled. What’s the coaching package? What’s the training program? Etc. 
I think about monetization a lot. Between my cozy white male Gen X upbringing and my life in improv, I didn’t get a lot of good ideas about how to make money happen. As a kid I was told by parents and guidance counselors: “just get a general liberal arts degree and you can do anything.” I even once suggested to my stepdad that I might get a degree in public speaking (which turns out would have been hugely valuable as I spent a lot of time as a presentation skills coach). His reaction?
“Why would you get a degree in how to say something instead of getting a degree in what to say.”
Somehow he thought that was a bad idea but didn’t bat an eye as I selected my major in philosophy. PHILOSOPHY.
From there I went into improv where the general approach to everything is, “let’s just help each other out and everything will be fine.” That’s why the only financially successful improvisers are the ones you recognize on TV or the ones with good day jobs. “It’s a mug’s game.”
Don’t get me wrong: improvisation can help you immeasurably as an entrepreneur. I just didn’t know it and never applied it that way. So, consider it a “mod.” Improv doesn’t necessarily help “out of the box.”
So, I did what I always do and why I’ve devoted myself to facilitating transformational self-improvement -- I started reading books about it. How does one become an “entrepreneur?” How does one “monetize” their intellectual property into a service? How does one “productize” their services into clearly defined products?
That brings me to a nice hot shower.
SHOWER: Surprising Yourself with the Big Idea
I’ve been racking my brain about lightweight products to monetize the PLAY Polarities. I turns out that it’s not enough to say, “I do coaching, training, and consulting.” People don’t just start throwing money at you. You have to clearly identify problems and try solving them.
So you discovered a model that seems to organize individual, team, and organizational improvement priorities. Big deal! Who needs that? Do they know they need that? What are they going to do with that knowledge? How can it make or save them money? I.e. WHY SHOULD THEY PAY YOU?
I’ve been beating my head against the wall about this for weeks. And, without exception, each monetization strategy I come up with occurs to me in the shower. It just pops into my head.
“Eureka! I should do this!”
Disclaimer: My spouse and I are watching the TV show, Eureka, right now. That may be a factor.
So the idea for this new class hit me. I would lead a live, virtual class, reduce the rate in exchange for participants letting me record it and turn it into assets for an asynchronous eLearning. 
Okay, but if I’m going to do that, before everyone gets too busy returning to the “real world,” I should do it QUICKLY.
“Like April?” says my Shower Daemon.
“Yes! April!” I reply. And then immediately face anxiety. How do I do that?
SHIP: Lessons from Volunteer Carpentry and Seth Godin
Something else I had to learn on my journey to unexpected entrepreneurship? Execution. Yes, my new company is as an assassin.... ON THE DANCE FLOOR! (Jumps up and down, shakes hips, trips, falls, farts.)
I had to learn what Charan and Bossidy talk about in their book, unsurprisingly called Execution. So you have great ideas? Great. What will you do about them? You plan to sell? How will you sell? How many dials? How many LinkedIn messages? When? 
Execution is the lifeblood of business. It’s almost too simple to recognize it’s profundity. Yes, duh, to do something, you must, you know, do something. When I tell you that that simple truism has sabotaged most of my professional life, believe me. 
As the Apostle Paul says, “The good that I would do, I do not. The evil that I would not do, I do.”  
Or, in the Revised Matt Elwell version, “The work that I wish I would do, I procrastinate about. The desk that doesn’t need to be reorganized for the 80th time, I reorganize again. This is, in fact, the perfect day for it.”
As I said in a PLAYdate this afternoon:
Most people get to the starting line and GO! I get to the starting line and keep trying to redraw the perfect starting line. Job one for me is cultivating the habit of running imperfectly.
So, against every instinct, I announced my class on today’s PLAYdate using a slide I created while the participants were in their breakouts. 
There are two places. The first was Habitat For Humanity. I was no carpenter, but my home church had a long history with HFH and I loved the few mission days I spent with them. I learned a lot about handling wood and framing out a house. I learned how to “talk to the nail,” making small adjustments to how you struck the nail to encourage it not bend as you encountered resistance. As someone who was pretty much written off in gym class as an irredeemable fat nerd, this was something physical that I felt competent about.
However, because I felt competent, I started wanting everything I did to be perfect. To garner the compliments and validation that meant so much to me as I started. But no. that positive reinforcement started waning, and people instead started looking at me with their heads cocked to one side. I was taking too long.
That’s when I learned a saying I’ve tried to remind myself of my whole life:
“You ain’t building a piano!”
(This was said to me in deep southern New Jersey, so it was more like, “Yuh-aint-buildin’-uh-pian-urr!” And then someone threw a piece of scrapple at me. True story.)
That simple sentence reminds me that I have made a habit, perhaps a compulsion, of fretting over details most people won’t notice. I’ve often excused this by telling myself that I’m an artist and therefore, I’m not just filling orders.
If you’re prone to excusing your own poor time management in favor of artistry, consider this. Are you making a statement about your art with what you are doing, or making a statement about your fear with what you’re not yet doing? Are you really saying something with the detail you’re burning hours on to get “just right” or are you allowing yourself to avoid something that really does present the greater artistic challenge. 
As Stephen Covey observed, “avoid being ‘right in the thick’ of thin things.”
That’s my Habitat for Humanity story. My other influence, which is a much shorter story, is Seth Godin. You can still get his ShipIt Journal for free on his blog. And if you have something worth doing, I would suggest using his guide to help you do it. In Godin’s characteristic manner, he helped me realize how much of my failure to execute was motivated by fear. 
If you’re terrified of failing at something, your brain will make sure you don’t, by making sure you never really try. Basically, you brain exists to keep you alive. We’ve evolved to not do things that can endanger our aliveness by experiencing and avoiding pain. So, if you’re afraid of failing, you are experiencing a kind of pain. Brains hate that noise. QED: you never quite get around to it.
So when I’m not channeling the kindly old South Jersey carpenter who said, “you ain’t building a piano,” I channel Seth Godin who calmly informs me through his immaculate demeanor and trademark spectacles, “just get it shipped.”
Telling people about my class today was me “throwing my cap over the wall” to make sure I did what I said. I’m already scared thinking about it. But now it’s a fear of not getting it shipped, not of not getting it perfect. That’s the fear I want.
SUCCEED: Coming Soon? 
In improv we have a “rule of threes.” It’s integral to comedy:
Offer something
Add something else which, by its very following of 1, begins to create a possible connection/story
Add a third thing which, by association with the other two things, clarifies the connection and resolves it or launches us on a trajectory
Depending on that third offering, you either have a joke or a scene, but either way, you have a good chance a comedy.
Either way, the third thing is where we start seeing “the product.” The thing thing is the embodiment of “oh, I get it....” For example:
If Player A nods to Player B and says, “Cat” and Player B nods back and says “Dog.” Then a lot can happen.
Player A can say, in a business like manner. “Are any other animals joining us at this business meeting?” Immediately, a lot becomes clear. These people are playing animals. They’re doing some kind of animal business. Hilarious.
Player A can say, “Oh, I love dogs! Isn’t the vet here, great?” The two make small talk while their pets are getting treatment. Eventually, they fall in love. (Player A and Player B. Not the pets. Or Do ThEy!?)
Or, Player C can enter and offer a warm, “Hey, Dog!” to Player B and sit down next to them. Then, they can turn and nod in the direction of Player A with a curt, even cold, “Cat.”. Player B can respond happily, so grateful to be acknowledged. Player A can respond to the frosty greeting in a way that makes Player C visibly shiver: “Helloooooo, Mouse.”
No matter which of those scenes interests you, they would all interest someone. In an audience of 150, at least a few would walk out the door of the theater that night and say, “that one was my favorite. That group was so good. Let’s come back here soon!” 
Three beats makes a product. Three beats is something people will buy, buy again, and tell their friends to buy. Three beats is success.
As I embark on this journey of Shower-Ship-Succeed, I think about what I need to get to my third beat. And what occurs to me is a clear picture of what success looks like and a practical understanding of what I need to do in myself, in my actions, in my systems, and in my relationships to make that success happen. 
Some people might argue (and they might be right) that you shouldn’t get to ship without having a clear picture of success. And maybe they’re right. But don’t let that stop you from starting the creation or “shipping” process. In fact, I’m finding that all three of these states are iterative. You don’t so much go linearly from one to the other.
You have your “shower moment.” Hopefully, you listen to it and start to work on it. You start getting ready to “ship.” I call that whole process “shipping,” not just the putting-it-on-the-shelf-with-a-price-tag part. As you do that, I believe you get a vision for what this will be and who will like it and then you can start asking why they would pay for it, and that can start you on this cycle. 
That might be a question that sends you back to the shower for more.
What about YOUR Shower, Ship, Succeed story?
I started this post with a question and then all this stuff just flowed out. (Hooray, my gift of making first drafts five times longer than they have to be!)
Here’s what I want to know: Have you ever, as a solopreneur, or just a creator of anything, noticed a rapid procession from initial idea (Shower) to making something (Ship) to having a desired result (Succeed)? 
What was your fastest time?
What helped you get it done so fast?
What slowed it down?
What did you have to overcome -- in the project and in yourself -- to get it done?
Now that I’ve said all I could possibly say, I’d love to hear your stories!
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stillsolo · 7 years
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for the first in a while, I'm gonna ... try to take it easy, today.  
I actually have a lot to do but I really need to chill the fuck out for a second and take a breather.  my OCD's made my life remarkably difficult lately and I've begun to disassociate in order to cope.  I know disassociation plays a key role in obsessive-compulsive disorders; I know my OCD's fairly severe and it's been getting worse as I get older, but I'm not...usually this bad.  Even when under stress.
for example, a batch of 200 commissioned banner icons suddenly turns into 400+, and I'm still not done because I can't stop keep remaking them.  
oh, this one's coloring is off. but these frames are split second to each other ... can't have that, gotta redo 'em. 
 wait, the pixels are...'weird' looking in the corner, here.  rejected.
this one could've been cropped way better.  how could I expect them to use this?
why is this one in the 'final version' folder when the border around it overlapped a part of the icon?
I need to redo these 73 because the shadow is too dark and blocky beneath the icon.  it’s supposed to be a fade.  it’s what they ordered and you’re not giving them what they asked for. 
someone's paying you for this shit get it TOGETHER
yesterday, my OCD got triggered about 3 times?  I have a couple of forms.  I had a breakdown in front of my mother after she came home and asked me if I ate and I know I must've made some kinda stupid face that gave it away because seconds after she'd asked, I realized I didn't know what the hell ate other than the toast she'd watched me eat before she left for work at 9am.  It was 11pm when she asked.  
I also had mini-breakdown while talking to my customer and it was terribly embarrassing.  I got a nosebleed to top it all off too lmao  ( i'm so sorry if you're reading this, john omfg you've been the best to me and I'm sorry because I'm sure all you'd wanted was icons to rp sdfkjsd )
but I just. 
All of my friends think OCD is just me having high ass standards or just being 'know-it-all'.  I've been called that all my life.  In fact, I've been called that by friends I thought would never say anything like that about me because I thought we were friends
We live in this new age of 'awkward is cute'.   It's hip to be square, cool to be uncool, and sexy to be nerdy and quirky.  and there isn’t any better way to declare your individuality and weirdness than branding yourself 'so OCD' about something.  
I fucking loathe people who do this.
OCD isn't a quirk or a set of tendencies.  It's not fucking buzzf.eed list, not a little buzzf.eed quiz you can take and readily relate to the results; it's an incapacitating, isolating disease that makes you afraid of your own mind.
If my friends could see, just once, what it's like for me, when I'm caught in an obsessive-compulsive loop, maybe then they'd finally understand me when I say ''''it's bad''''.
Even Something as simple as drawing a line-art from a sketch turns into a complete and total nightmare.  8/10 times, I'll redraw the line-art like — hm, I don' dunno — about 7 fuckin' times in a row, then, delete all of it because IDK, it wasn't 'right'?  ( Who am i kidding; I do the same with sketches ヽ(・ω・)ノ  )
Oh, yeah, for sure.  Me and my ‘high fucking standards' did this.
NO.  No one in their right mind would do this.  They wouldn’t re-draw the same fucking drawing 7 times in a row and the same layer style over and over, not even changing things up to maybe get some progress.      Nobody.  Jfc.
And oh, god, that moment when you realize, it's been more than 8/9 hrs since you began and you haven't eaten or drank anything; you don't remember the last time you looked at your phone or what the hell happened to the time because last time you looked, it was 11am and now it’s 9:48pm.
Moreover, you made exactly zero progress on your project — because IDK — there’s no valid reason?  JUST COULDN'T STOP HA
I never thought I would talk about this, but uh, Y'all know how much I love han.  I want Han to be seen in the best light possible.  while SW has been one of the few things that have held a light in my life, he's helped me become a better person in more ways than I can articulate.  and no, I don't mean I suddenly started picking trash up off the highways.
I mean, by writing him in this amazing place filled with people I don’t have IRL who share my interests, I’ve met so many new people, friends, learned so many lessons, about characters and life and writing.  
When I began writing Han, here, I had just learned what present and past tense was in English.  I was winging my writing, trying really hard to understand.  English isn't my first language.  In Cantonese, my native language, there's no such thing as a past tense.  
By writing Han with you guys, I've taken huge steps in life, without even realizing it. 
So, everything I do for han, I want for it to be good.  
Not outstanding, and definitely not exemplary or nonpareil — just ... good. 
And icons — haha.  I love icons.  I love and hate making them.  similar to my writing, I work very hard on his icons.  ... but I need to learn where to draw the line.  
I once remade an icon 23 times before I was happy with it.  ( i had 23 versions left in my folder lmao ).  like these here?  10 versions of each, in the least. 
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( the last one is kinda an exception... I think.  I made that one well over 25 times, for sure.  but I think it's because I'm not accustomed to Blaine's coloring yet. ) 
Wow, this really turned into a long post.  I don't really care, though.  My OCD is something that has always been completely ignored IRL.  Shit, it's ignored by even my online friends.  I can't even game online without one of them thinking I must get off on establishing my superiority and overall knowledge of '???’ game.  Haha.
'Show me your build?' :D 'Er...nah. I think I'll pass.' 'Why?  What's the matter?' 'You'll pick it apart.'
It's never considered 'advice' when it's from me.  It's me as a know-it-all, as someone who looks down on others for not having up-to-par stats. 
I'm sorry I did the math for you so you wouldn't have to.  This is simply advice you're free to toss aside, but it's not like it matters.  Even if I reassured that—you're already too annoyed to listen for any longer.
So, I’ll also apologize for how I can recall faction modifiers, body part modifiers, critical hit and stealth modifiers, as well as debuffs; how a certain amount of damage of one type turns into inflicted damage to a target while considering type modifiers and armor, and knowing the damage formulas needed to calculate the number of hit points required to kill an armored or unarmored target, with or without a finisher multiplier figured in — because I want you to do the very best with your weapon of choice, even though I can name 5 different weapons that utterly outclass it by tenfold. 
In reality, I never had much of choice.  Information like that doesn't stop looping in my mind, even at night, when all I want is to sleep.
Sometimes ... I wish I could be that one character on a comedy show who has a quirky disorder or ''OCD'' and everyone seems to love him for it because he's funny when he does it or he's generally helpful 
More often than not, my OCD just ruins everything.  I don't feel like I belong anywhere.
I need to take a breather.
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