#i know i post more of how much of a mess rangi is but kyoshi is equally messy they are so beautiful and dumb it's great 10/10 would recomme
sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
Kyoshi, when she first sees Yangchen: ?????!!! MOMMY????!!! Yangchen:
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 11 - zuko x fem!reader
Memories, where'd you go?
part 10 | masterlist | part 12
a/n: alternative name for this fic: y/n gets a crush on every pretty girl she meets. yue, katara, and now suki. she can't help it (and she questions why they're all connected to sokka in some way lmaoo)
anyways, this is kind of filler but it establishes some more with relationships and finallyyy gets us into ba sing se at the end. i know it's a lil annoying because there's a lot of episode-to-text writing, but i promise it'll get more freeform as it goes on
also i know that i just posted something yesterday but i have literally zero patience. like i cant hold chapters i have to post them as soon as i write them loll
wc: 5.3k
warning(s): some feels over zuko as per usual, but overall a pretty tame chapter
chapter title comes from memories by panic! at the disco!
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Zuko could barely sleep anymore.
He didn’t know when his life became so complicated, but he wasn’t a fan of it.
Back when it was just him, his crew, and the open sea — it was simple. He had a job, a straightforward mission. Find the Avatar, capture him, return home to the Fire Nation and regain his honor.
Now, the waters were more muddied than ever. Now on the run from the Fire Nation just like the boy he was chasing, all he really felt nowadays was anger.
Angry at the world for setting him on this path, angry at the Avatar for refusing to see what was necessary, his sister and her friends for turning against him, angry at the waterbender for making things so damn hard.
He didn’t want to hurt her. A part of him wished that she had never come back into his life, if it meant he wouldn’t have to constantly be fighting against her. He hated himself for the thought, but maybe it would have been easier for her to remain a memory of a lover than his active enemy.
Late at night, when he was reaching fruitlessly for sleep that would never come, he saw her face. The carefree energy from their childhood morphed into the shock and disappointment from both the North and their fight with Azula, and…
It made him wonder what in Agni had happened to them.
He didn’t know. The way he felt about her, it was different than anything he had experienced before. Zuko didn’t know what it was, but he understood that it was special. And now… it felt like he had just thrown it all away.
Zuko couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened with her in that town — what he had done to her.
He had burned her to try and get to the Avatar, and he hadn’t even allowed a glance back at the damage he had done. He had heard her cry out in pain, pain he had caused, and he didn’t even look back.
What had happened to them? What had happened to him?
He kept telling himself that the mission was the only thing that mattered. And it was, wasn’t it? Capture the Avatar, regain his honor, get his old life back and finally be enough for his father. He didn’t have time for friends, or for these feelings he had, or— or for anything but capturing the Avatar. Because the Avatar was the key to everything, to his honor, and that was all that mattered.
But now…
Now, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He didn’t know what was right, or what was wrong, or what path was the one he had to take.
Zuko just wished things could be like they used to be.
She didn’t really know when everything had become a mess again.
It all started out fine, like it usually did. Toph had become fully integrated into the group, any past squabbles put to rest in the name of a stronger friendship emerging between all five of them. Katara continued to work on Aang’s waterbending (oftentimes Y/N joining them in their sessions) while Toph slowly but steadily beat earthbending into him — literally.
They had all been working hard for so long that, by decree of Aang, it was ‘vacation time’. They would all get to pick out places they wanted to spend as a break, and after it was over they would get back to work.
Aang had chosen some sort of field with musical groundhogs, and Y/N had opted to revisit an Earth Kingdom village that she had passed through on her journey to the North. Sokka had complained the whole time about how they were ‘wasting valuable planning time’, but had finally conceded after the promise of ‘all the planning his heart could desire’ from Katara after their mini-vacations were over.
Y/N was actually feeling somewhat relaxed for once, but she had forgotten the golden rule — never let your guard down. Everytime she let her guard down, something bad happened without fail. So it shouldn’t have been any surprise with what happened in the desert.
Because after one trip to the Misty Palms Oasis and a journey into the desert with a professor to a long lost library, Appa had been taken by desert raiders.
It was… less than favourable. During their escape from the library, Professor Zei had insisted on staying behind, and now the five of them were stuck in the middle of the desert with no way out and zero guidance. Add some brewing tensions between Aang and Toph because of her being there when Appa was taken, and they had a recipe for a huge disaster.
And a disaster they had. Multiple disasters, actually.
There was only so much she and Katara could do to hold the group together, but by some miracle, they made it out of the desert with only one Avatar State mishap.
(And an incident with cactus juice, but… she didn’t really want to talk about that.)
....at least they had the information about the Eclipse. That was about the only thing keeping her together at the moment.
They had to get the information to the Earth King so they could formulate an attack with his warriors, but without Appa, they had to resort to more traditional methods of travel. Add in one passport problem, and that was how Y/N found herself braving the Serpent’s Pass alongside a refugee family with a baby on the way.
It was… intimidating, to say the least. Despite being surrounded by her element, Y/N didn’t feel any safer from the challenge that faced them. She took a deep breath, trying to tamp down on her fear the way her mother had taught her, as she followed the group, but her thoughts were soon interrupted.
“Hey.” She turned to see who the voice belonged to and was greeted by the girl that had teased Sokka early — Suki, if she remembered correctly. “I haven’t seen you around; are you with the Avatar or that family?”
“I’m with Aang,” Y/N explained. “I’m from the North, and they offered me a spot with them after they helped us defend our tribe against the Fire Nation. I’ve been with them ever since.” Suki nodded as they settled into a comfortable stride.
“That’s cool. Are you a waterbender?”
She gestured to her waterskin and smiled. “Yeah. I’ve been training with Aang and Katara ever since I left.” Y/N then turned her gaze back to Suki, raising an inquisitive brow. “Your makeup — what’s it for? I heard you talking about the Kyoshi Warriors back there; is that some kind of thing with Avatar Kyoshi?”
Suki grinned, her every expression heightened by the sharp reds and blacks above her eyes. “We’re a group of all-female warriors that use the teachings of Avatar Kyoshi and her partner Rangi to defend our home and the place she founded, Kyoshi Island. I’m the leader of our village section.”
“Wow,” she murmured, her eyes falling to the ground for a moment before finding their way back up to the warrior. “That’s really cool. You’re really cool.”
She laughed and shrugged. “Thanks. I’ve been training as a warrior for almost my whole life, so it just comes naturally. I like being able to protect people, and there’s no better way to pay back my home for all it’s done for me like protecting the whole village.”
“Wow,” she repeated with a small laugh of her own. “That’s really brave. I gotta say, I’m kinda jealous — I would love to see what would happen if Master Pakku met you all. Katara literally had to beat the sexism out of him in order to train to be a master.”
Suki chuckled. “Sounds like what I had to do with Sokka. Guess it’s a thing with Water Tribe guys, huh?”
At the mention of Sokka, she internally laughed. There had to be some kind of connection between the two of them, the way their interests kept aligning. “Sokka… he’s had it hard. I can’t blame him that much for any kind of attitude he had before he met you. Pakku, on the other hand? He had to have had something better to do than fight teenage girls.”
“You would think so, right?” Suki agreed. “And Sokka… I know. He’s got a heart of gold underneath all that, he just needed a little push to get it out.” As Y/N glanced over at the girl, noticing a slight pink tint under the white makeup, she gasped.
“La’s fins, are you two a thing?” she exclaimed with a grin.
Suki flushed even harder as she suddenly became very interested in the ocean around her, but she couldn’t help the smile on her lips. “No! I mean— yes— but… but—” she stopped to gather her thoughts before making eye contact again with a sheepish smile. “We’re not… really a thing, but… I do like him a lot. I didn’t really think I was going to see him again after they left the island, so this is really nice.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Y/N asked. “I can already tell that he cares about you — have you seen how careful he’s being with you?”
“Well—” Whatever kind of excuse Suki would’ve made up was interrupted by a rock falling out just under Than, one of the refugees they were with, saved in the nick of time with Toph’s earthbending.
“I’m okay!” he reassured, but no sooner had the words left his mouth before the Fire Nation ship in the distance started firing.
“They’ve spotted us!” Sokka yelled. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
Aang flicked his glider open and deflected the blast, and Katara grabbed Y/N’s hand as they all began to run. Another blast rocked the mountain, causing several boulders to fall just above Suki. Y/N didn’t even have time to shout out a warning before Sokka tackled her out of the way, but it was ultimately more of Toph’s quick earthbending that saved him.
“Suki, are you okay?” Sokka brushed dust and pebbles off of her uniform as he examined her, and once he was satisfied he grabbed her hand and helped her up. “You have to be more careful! Come on!”
As the two of them caught up to Y/N and Katara, she gave Suki a knowing look. The warrior only blushed once again and glanced away.
After hours of navigating the pass, they were only about halfway through. Sokka made the executive decision to set up camp for the night to give everyone time to rest, and then they would get up at the crack of dawn to finish their trip. It only took a few minutes for Y/N to get a fire going, and soon everyone had settled in with their sleeping bags. Sokka got up from his spot as Suki wandered closer to the edge, and Katara nudged Y/N with her shoulder.
“Hey. How are your hands doing?”
“They’re fine,” she answered with a small smile, flipping her hands over as proof. Where there were once red burn scars on her palms only tiny white marks remained — one benefit to healing via waterbending was that most injuries were able to fade away completely after enough sessions. Her burns weren’t very serious and she was able to heal them almost immediately, so both her and Katara were sure that the marks would be completely gone soon.
The mental scars wouldn’t fade as easily.
“That’s good. And you’re taking care of them, right? Like, you’re not beating up people while we’re not looking?”
Y/N grinned. “No. I think I’ll leave that to Toph.”
Katara chuckled and nodded, turning her hands over in a final examination before nodding. “Good,” she repeated. The silence between them, although comfortable, stretched out for a little too long before she spoke again, this time much quieter. “He did this to you.”
“I know,” she said. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this from me, or really at all, but… I’m worried about you. Zuko isn’t good for you. Every time we’ve run into him, he’s hurt you. And you deserve so much more than that.”
“You don’t understand,” she countered. “You don’t know Zuko like I do. You weren’t there when I was. I know you think I’m insane for still believing in him, but I— I can’t let go of him, Katara. I know the Zuko I love is still in there somewhere, and I have to try and find it. For me and for him.”
Katara’s eyes were full of nothing but sympathy as she sighed — it was obvious she didn’t believe her words, but in true fashion she was still trying her best to be supportive.
“Okay. I don’t understand it, but… I don’t think I can change your mind.” Y/N chuckled sadly and nodded, Katara’s piercing gaze meeting her own once more. “It’s just… Why are you playing with fire when you know you’re going to get burned?”
And for once, Y/N didn’t have an answer for her friend.
The night went by quickly, which Y/N was thankful for. It meant that the nightmares didn’t last as long.
After a quick headcount to make sure no one had fallen off the pass overnight and an even quicker gathering of their things, they set off to finish their journey.
It went just as well as she had expected — a giant serpent, the namesake of the pass, had attacked them while crossing through an underwater section. Thankfully, she was able to aid Katara and Aang in defeating it with waterbending with no casualties
But in the wake of one disaster there was always another, and before Y/N knew it a baby had been born. She was mostly there for moral support — Katara had it all handled, and Y/N didn’t expect anything less.
But finally, they had made it across the pass, and they were so close to Ba Sing Se that she could almost smell the city air. Sadly, though, that meant it was time for them to part ways — Aang to find Appa, and Suki back to her warriors. After some sad but hopeful goodbyes with Aang, it was time to bid farewell to Suki.
“Are you sure you can’t travel a little longer with us?” Y/N questioned, apparently not above pleading to try and get the girl to stay. “You’re— you’re amazing, and we’d really love to have you with us.”
“I can’t even imagine what travelling with the Avatar would be like,” she smiled, causing Y/N to get her hopes up for just a moment before they fell back down. “But I can’t stay. I have to get back to the Kyoshi Warriors.”
Y/N sighed, her gaze falling slightly downcast. “I get that. I just really wish you could stay. Or that I could meet your warriors. You seriously don’t know how cool you are, Suki.”
“Well, if you’re ever in town on Kyoshi Island, find us. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out and do you one better than just meeting them all,” she said with a grin. “I think it’d be pretty cool to have the first waterbending Kyoshi Warrior.”
Y/N was unable to prevent the heat rushing to her cheeks as she smiled shyly, once again averting eye contact. “That would be amazing. I’ll have to find my way back there after the war.”
Suki bumped shoulders with her, causing a startled laugh to spill from her lips. “We’d love to have you.”
“Wait, why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye to her?” Sokka questioned as he walked up to the two of them. Y/N winked at Suki and gestured at him with her head, walking off before Suki could protest to find Katara.
The conversation the two girls were sharing was an extremely thinly veiled excuse to eavesdrop on the lovebirds, and when they kissed Y/N actually had to hold back a scream.
Sokka deserved this. She knew how much he beat himself up over every little thing that went wrong, and it was about time he got to relax even for a moment. She only hoped that Suki would be in their corner of the world sooner rather than later.
What could she say? She was already fantasizing about life as a Kyoshi Warrior.
Although they had parted ways, they soon found themselves reunited with Aang to stop yet another Fire Nation threat.
“For the love of Kuruk,” Y/N murmured as she stared into the distance, her eyes wide at the sight of a large mechanical drill. “That was Ty Lee who just took down all those soldiers. And if she’s here, Mai and Azula are with her too. Guys, It’s one thing to stop this drill, it’s another thing to take those three down with it.”
“The question is, how do we do it?” Aang questioned.
“Why can nothing ever be easy?” Sokka lamented. His gaze remained trained on the drill for a moment before he realized theirs were on him. “Why are you all looking at me?”
“You’re the idea guy,” Aang said.
“Wait, so I’m the only one who can ever come up with a plan?” he protested. “That’s a lot of pressure!”
“And also the complaining guy,” Katara muttered, drawing a chuckle out from Y/N.
“Now that part I don’t mind,” Sokka admitted.
“Well, Sokka— you were a huge help in the North, and you figured out a way to defeat the Fire Nation during that eclipse at the library! Plus, there’s all that stuff that Katara told me you did before I joined.” She patted him on the back. “If anyone can figure out how to take that thing down, it’s you.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his ego only slightly bolstered. “...okay. I think I can do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” she said with a smile.
Unfortunately, that smile faded as a young guard came running up to the wall. “Excuse me, Avatar and friends — I’ve heard that you’ve dealt with that… that pink girl down there before.” They nodded and he continued. “It would do us a great deal of help if you could come down and look at our injured soldiers, then.”
Y/N and Katara nodded in unison and started to follow the guard, the remaining three trailing after them. They ended up inside the wall, in what looked like an infirmary of sorts with all the cots and soldiers lying around, and the two waterbenders exchanged looks.
“You know what to do?” Katara asked.
Y/N hummed in acknowledgment, and they both knelt down next to separate cots. “This definitely looks like Ty Lee’s work,” she murmured as she bent water up from the pot and molded it over the man’s arm.
“What’s wrong with him?” the general questioned. “He doesn’t look injured.”
“His chi is blocked,” Katara explained. “Who did this to you?”
“Two girls ambushed us,” the soldier said, moving his arm as he regained feeling. “One of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs and suddenly I couldn't earthbend anymore and I could barely move. Then she cartwheeled away.”
Katara sighed as she bent the water back into the pot. “You were right, Y/N. That was Ty Lee — she doesn’t look dangerous, but she knows the human body and its weak point. It’s like she takes you down from the inside.”
As if struck by lightning, Sokka lit up. “Oh, oh, oh! What you just said — that’s how we’re going to take down the drill; the same way Ty Lee took down all those earthbenders!”
“By hitting its pressure points!” Toph exclaimed with a grin.
The breakthrough brought a steely determination to Aang’s features as he looked out into the distance. “We’ll take it down from the inside.”
Like everything they did, it seemed so simple on paper. But now that she was actually inside the drill, it felt a lot more nerve wracking. Toph opted to stay outside where she could see and try to slow down the drill with the earth at her disposal, which left the four of them to somehow take it down from the inside.
Sokka led them through a hallway with a myriad of valves and pipes as he thought out loud. “I need a plan of this machine — some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find its weak points.”
“Where are we gonna get something like that?” Aang asked.
Sokka thought for a moment before he took his machete out and hacked a valve off a pipe. Y/N instinctively took a step back and shielded her face from the hot steam. “What are you doing?” she cried. “Someone’s gonna hear us!”
“That’s the point!” he exclaimed. “A machine this big needs engineers to run it, and when something breaks—”
“Someone will come down to fix it!” Katara finished with a smile at Aang, a sentiment the boy returned happily.
It was surprisingly easy to take down the engineer once he arrived — with a little bit of frozen mist on Katara’s end, they had the plans they needed. Sokka’s expertise combined with the blueprints got them to the beginning of the outer shell.
“Wow,” Sokka muttered. “It looks a lot thicker than it does in the plans. We’re gonna have to work pretty hard to cut through that.”
Katara crossed her arms. “What’s this ‘we’ stuff? The three of us are gonna have to do all the work.”
“Look, I’m the plan guy!” Sokka explained with a gesture to himself. “You three are the ‘cut up stuff with waterbending’ guys. Together, we’re Team Avatar!”
Katara and Aang looked wholly unamused while Y/N chuckled. “Team Avatar. I like it.”
“Thank you,” he smiled. “At least someone appreciates my genius.”
“Tui’s gills, why do you have to keep boosting his ego?” Katara complained. “Let’s just get this done before it gets worse.”
The three of them got in position — Katara and Aang on opposite sides so they could pass the stream of water between them, and Y/N making the point of the triangle to work on the other side on her own. They were hoping it would be more efficient being able to cut through both sides at the same time, but it was proving to be much more difficult than they had imagined — halfway through the three of them were already exhausted.
By some feat of strength they were able to completely cut through the brace, but their hard work didn’t pay off in quite the way they had imagined — when the beam only shifted a few inches she groaned.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” she breathed as she wiped sweat off of her forehead.
“At this rate,” Katara paused to inhale deeply, “we won’t do enough damage before the drill reaches the wall.”
“I don’t know how many more of those I have in me,” Aang said sadly.
A large creak suddenly rang throughout the large chamber, and they all looked up for the source.
“Did you hear that?” Sokka asked, already backing up to make an exit. “We took it down! We gotta get out of here, fast!”
Just as they reached the door on the other side, a crackle followed by the sound of a man’s voice dashed their hopes. “Congratulations, crew. The drill has made contact with the wall of Ba Sing Se. Start the countdown to victory!”
A collective silence hung in the air between them, the threat now even more imminent as their situation sunk in. Mai and Ty Lee had proven effective in taking down any Earth Kingdom threat posed at them, and despite Toph’s skill they knew she couldn’t take down something like this on their own.
They either had to figure out a way to destroy this drill, or the Fire Nation was going to make it into the city.
Sokka ran back over to the brace and pushed against it, putting all his strength into the feat but to no avail. “Come…. on! Move!”
Katara started pacing around in a small circle, crossing her arms again as she tried to think of something. “This is bad. This is really bad.”
“Sokka, that’s not going to work!” Y/N didn’t mean to snap, but the grinding of metal on metal combined with her nervousness got to her. She sighed and ran her hand over her face. “I— I’m sorry. But it’s still not going to work.”
He groaned as he leaned against the brace. “We’re putting everything we have into busting these things, but it’s taking too long!”
Suddenly, Aang jumped up from the ground with stars in his eyes. “Maybe we don’t need to cut all the way through! Toph — she’s been teaching me that you shouldn’t put a hundred percent of your energy in any one strike. Sokka, get in a fighting stance.”
Sokka complied and as Aang talked through his points, he demonstrated it on Sokka. “You've got to be quick and accurate. Hit a series of points and break your opponent's stance. And when he's reeling back, you deliver the final blow. His own weight becomes his downfall, literally.”
As Sokka fell over from the attack, Katara lit up. “So we just need to weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through—”
“—then I can go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow!” Aang finished.
Y/N helped Sokka up from the ground, his spirits not dampened at all. “Then boom! This whole thing goes down!”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Y/N asked, flexing her fingers to refresh them for all the bending she was going to have to do. “Aang, Katara and I can handle the braces. Focus on getting up to the top before anyone sees you.”
He nodded and they all met each other with determined eyes. “Everyone inside that wall, the whole world — they’re all counting on us.”
“Here, take this. You need this more than I do. ” Katara took her waterskin off and handed it to Aang. “Good luck. And be careful.”
Y/N noticed a slight blush on her cheeks and she had to hold back her smile. That was definitely something she was going to tease her friend about later — when they weren’t trying to stop the Fire Nation from breaking into Ba Sing Se.
“I will,” he assured. Aang slung the strap of the waterskin around his shoulder and took off, and Y/N and Katara got to work breaking through the rest of the braces.
With the knowledge that they only had to cut through half of each column and the revitalization that came from having a plan, their work went by much quicker. Just when they finished the final brace, it all went wrong.
“Good work, Team Avatar!” Sokka cheered. “Now we— Y/N, duck!”
She didn’t question Sokka as she immediately dropped to the ground, something she was immensely thankful for as a blast of blue fire seared past her. Her eyes snapped up to the source of the attack and narrowed in recognition.
“Of course they’re here,” she growled as she pulled herself back up. “We gotta go, now!”
Katara and Sokka nodded and they all started running. Bringing up the rear, Y/N was able to hear Azula’s words right before they split off into an intersection:
“Follow them! I’m going to find the Avatar.”
Sure enough, when she allowed a glance back, Mai and Ty Lee were closing in on them. She flicked open the cap of her waterskin and bent some out, managing to freeze it at just the right moment to block the incoming daggers from Mai. Still running, she melted it quickly and let it fall to the ground before freezing it again, creating some ice on the ground that would hopefully give them a few more seconds of leeway.
“That should give us some time!” she yelled as they turned a corner, finally turning her attention back to the path in front of them. “Any idea how we’re gonna get out of this thing?”
“Maybe!” Sokka yelled back, slowing to a stop as they came to a dead end, a large hatch the only thing at their disposal. He started tugging on the wheel in an attempt to open it, and when Y/N joined in they were able to wrench it open.
“Slurry pipeline?” Katara frowned as she read the sign on the wall and looked at Sokka. “What does that mean?”
“It’s rock and water mixed together,” he explained as they looked into the rushing liquid underneath the hatch. “It means it’s our way out!”
Katara nodded and climbed in, Sokka following close after. The sound of metal footsteps got closer and closer, and Y/N ducked inside just as Mai’s knives clanked against the hatch. Never before had she been so happy to be floating in a stream of slurry.
The rest of their mission went by surprisingly easy — at least, on their end. All it took was some waterbending — earthbending, when Toph joined them ��� and encouragement from Sokka (though unappreciated by Katara). Whatever magic Aang was working at the top of the drill had done its job, because soon enough the drill had collapsed in on itself.
And now, they had reunited on the top of the wall overlooking the sunset. After the chaos that had been their day, it was nice to just relax for even a moment. And there was no better way to do so than with her friends.
“I just want to say, good effort out there, Team Avatar!” Sokka exclaimed as he threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulder.
“Enough with the ‘Team Avatar’ stuff,” Katara said dryly. “No matter how many times you say it, it’s not going to catch on.”
“I like it, Sokka,” Y/N smiled. “I’ve liked it this whole time.”
“You always appreciate my genius, Y/N,” he mused. “That’s why I appreciate you.” She laughed and leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to list off names.
“How about… the Boomeraang squad! Eh? See, it’s good because it’s boomerang, and it has Aang in it—”
“Yeah Sokka,” Toph interrupted. “We got it.”
Aang grinned and scratched his head. “I kinda like that one.”
“The Aang Gang. Ooh, the Fearsome Fivesome!”
“You’re crazy,” Toph muttered as she walked away.
“Wait, Sokka—” Y/N pulled away from him and held up her pointer finger. “Aang Gang — what if we combine it, so it’s just the Gaang? But still with Aang’s name?”
And at that moment, Sokka looked more proud than ever. “Oh, you— you are a genius.”
“Oh, spirits,” Katara groaned. “Why do you insist on encouraging him?”
“You’re just jealous of our name-making abilities,” Sokka said haughtily.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “You two are completely ridiculous, you know that? Let’s just get into the city before the trains stop running.”
Y/N and Sokka winked at each other as they all started walking, unable to keep the smile off of her face. She always thought it was amazing — they went through insane things every day, but at the end of it all she was always able to smile because of them. And as her gaze drifted towards the city in the distance, she hoped it would hold true.
She had no idea what Ba Sing Se had in store for her.
shit is gonna happen next chapter so i hope you all are READY bc im not
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny @selfship-mishaps @i-belong-in-fandoms @ilistentotayswifttocope @i-make-questionable-choices @3leni
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yukippe · 4 years
hii mailee hcs?? 💕
mailee!! them 🥰
i think it takes them forever to get together because they stumble into all these near misses
ty lee has liked mai since she was little but mai had the biggest crush on zuko and well, no little girl is compeletley nice, so she might’ve been the one to suggest to azula that they tease mai about her crush out of four year old jealousy (this being back when mai and azula and ty lee were very little and their relationship was actually close to a real friendship)
ty lee is ridiculously jealous when mai and zuko finally get together but she tries to hide it because being happy like mai and zuko are is something that they don’t really get to have right now
then mai and zuko get back together after zuko breaks up with mai over letter and ty lee is much more 😐 she is still mai’s best friend but it’s much more difficult for her to see mai getting into a relationship with zuko when ty lee KNOWS she would take care of mai and be the best girlfriend ever
so she goes to the kyoshi warriors and she makes new friends and she goes on dates with girls and she still sends letters to mai and misses the girl she’s loved for most of her life
mai hears about one of ty lee’s girlfriends and it’s the biggest bonk of mai’s life because of course mai knew that girls could like girls (rangi being a legend at the fire nation academy for girls) but hearing that ty lee’s come out as a lesbian and is dating other girls? well that’s a lot more personal
because....if ty lee can like girls....could mai like girls?
the answer is yes 😌 but even while mai is slowly becoming accustomed to liking girls too (after a very eye opening conversation with sokka about bisexuality) she still hasn’t really realize she might like ty lee
she has however been feeling this really weird feeling every time she hears about ty lee going on a date with someone else that she doesn’t know how to describe
mai and zuko break up - again. when zuko tries to win her back - again - mai says no. because somehow, she knows that theres more out there
ty lee finds out that mai and zuko have apparently broken up for good so she takes leave from the kyoshi warriors and goes to visit mai to comfort her through this, it hurts to help the girl she loves get over someone else but mai is her best friend too and she’s always going to be there for her
i am not describing all of mai and ty lee’s time on ty lee’s leave but it basically goes mai realizing slowly that she might like ty lee and kissing ty lee before ty lee goes and ty lee leaves with both of them a mess of emotions
mai sends sokka (i converted myself into being a mai and sokka friendshp stan in this post) a letter asking for help and sokka is like what mai is asking for MY help?? and rushes over and mai tells sokka what happened and sokka is 😐 your in love with ty lee go after her and tell her that
mai: OH oh wow i am 🥺🥰 so she rushes after ty lee and meets her on the dock on kyoshi island and she confesses gently and ty lee confesses back and they hold hands and then suki, who has been keeping up with both sides of this story through ty lee and sokka’s letters, gives ty lee an extra day off
ty lee takes mai to her home and they get to know each other and mai asks ty lee out and gives her one of her knives and they are girlfriends. eventually mai moves in with ty lee and opens up a flower shop that is really a cover for the white jade/white lotus (which ever you prefer) and they’re happy :) 
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rivensil · 4 years
the era of rangshi (trok/tsok fic)
i just want people to join me on this long haul OTL it’s a post-lok rangshi fic where both kyoshi and rangi are incarnations of avatar korra. how does this work? beats me. and they have no clue either. they think it’s got something to do with harmonic convergence because kyoshi can only bend earth and air while rangi can only bend fire and water. two halves of one whole, like the dual sides of a coin or the dark and light faces of the moon. 
i have a very short prologue and one chapter up on ao3 and am currently working on the second, but here’s an excerpt from a future scene (which will explain the title of this fic):
The United Republic Council stared at one another then returned their attention to the two who stood before them: Kyoshi and Rangi. A quick sideways glance revealed that Rangi looked unperturbed, stoic and serious, and Kyoshi tried to morph her face into an imitation of that same expression.
Kyoshi had no idea how Rangi was acting so unfazed. All she wanted was to drop her shoulders and shrink back, away from the piercing eyes that sought answers she couldn’t provide. 
“You claim that both of you are the Avatar? How is that possible?” The Fire Nation councilman asked. He directed his question at Rangi, who took a step forward. 
“Permission to speak, sir.” The soft rasp of Rangi’s voice gave Kyoshi a strange sense of comfort. She was used to hearing Rangi’s sharp tones and shouts, but like this, Kyoshi felt like she had an ally beside her, someone who understood exactly what it meant to be a half-Avatar.
“Go ahead.”
“I believe that this is a result of Harmonic Convergence during the Era of Korra. Raava, the great spirit of light, was split from the Avatar, and this may have affected the cycle of reincarnation.” After completing her sentence, Rangi took a step back to return by Kyoshi’s side. The movement caused Rangi’s arm to brush Kyoshi’s and inexplicably, Kyoshi blushed.
“Cycle of reincarnation,” the Council began to mutter between themselves. “Avatar Korra and the mess she leaves us.”
“Better off without one.” Kyoshi could catch bits and pieces, phrases here and there that stood out and caused her to clench her jaw to keep from starting an argument in defense of Avatar Korra. 
“Long since been the end of the Era of Korra.”
“Era of the second Kyoshi?”
“No, it’s too much of a mouthful.”
“What about the Era of Rangi?”
“She’s from the Fire Nation,” The Earth Kingdom councilwoman snapped at the rest of the Council, who began to bristle and rise from their seats. Kyoshi’s eyes widened and she held up a hand to keep them from lunging at each other’s throats.
“E-excuse me,” Kyoshi said and silently cursed herself for stumbling over her words. She hadn’t even thought of anything clever to say; she just wanted to deescalate the mounting conflict.
Something touched Kyoshi lightly in the small of her back, and Rangi stepped forward once more. As she passed, Rangi tilted her head in Kyoshi’s direction and offered her a small smile, one that made her dark bronze eyes catch the light. 
Kyoshi’s fading blush returned in full force, but the focus of the five people on the Council were now weighing solely on Rangi, who stood calm and relaxed as if the intensity of the Council’s united gaze wasn’t as palpable as water pressure. 
“May I propose a suggestion?”
“Go ahead.” The Fire Nation councilman spoke in the others’ stead, and he slowly dropped down to his chair. The rest of the Council followed suit. 
“The Era of Kyoshi and Rangi or Rangi and Kyoshi would be too long,” Rangi began, clasping her hands behind her back. “But I believe the Era of Rangshi would suit the historians.”
Oh, Kyoshi thought. That makes it sound like we’re-
“We’re together,” Rangi continued, “and we, the Avatars, must uphold that front.” 
Kyoshi’s head spun with unbidden thoughts, implications that the single word “together” had on her unchecked emotions. Together with Rangi. Kyoshi’s heart fluttered. Together as Avatars and together as- 
Kyoshi didn’t know where she was going with that idea. She wasn’t certain that Rangi even liked her as a friend. She did say that it was a front. Kyoshi dragged her gaze away from the Council, who were nodding as they considered Rangi’s words, to look at Rangi’s back.
“Avatar Kyoshi.” The voice of the Earth Kingdom councilwoman pulled Kyoshi back to reality. “Do you have reservations on this name?”
Kyoshi knew that the councilwoman was asking about how the era’s name would feature Rangi’s more prominently than her’s despite how the cycle of elements dictated that this generation was an Earth Avatar, but truth be told, Kyoshi was glad for it. “No,” Kyoshi said without asking for permission to speak like Rangi had. “I support this name. I think it’s wise to use something different since the Era of Kyoshi already exists.”
The Fire Nation councilman beamed. “Then it’s settled! The Era of Rangshi, the first of its kind with a pair of Avatars.”
Kyoshi managed a smile as the rapid change in atmosphere gave her emotional whiplash, then Rangi slipped her hand into Kyoshi’s and Kyoshi stopped being able to think.
“We look forward to bearing Avatar Korra’s legacy and continuing her work in restoring balance to the world,” Rangi said as she dipped into a bow. She tugged on Kyoshi’s hand in a silent gesture for her to follow. 
Kyoshi mimicked Rangi but her movement was robotic in comparison. Onlookers would later explain it as nervousness, but Kyoshi was completely absorbed by the feeling of Rangi’s warm fingers laced through hers. They fit like they were meant to be there. 
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blue-rose-89 · 4 years
Avatar: The Shadow of Kyoshi spoilers (chapters 1-4)....
Much like the last book, I will be posting spoilers on chapters along with fun tidbits.
These posts will contain spoilers from the book. If you haven’t read the book then turn away. If you have or  you haven’t but don’t care for spoilers then continue on.
The Story so far.......
-We get a quick peak on what happened to Yun, the boy who was thought to be the Avatar, after he was taken by Father Glowworm. The only thing that we need to know at this point is that Glowworm spared Yun for an unknown plan and he needs they boy’s “help”......
Chapter 1
Two years have passed since the last novel, giving Kyoshi time to cement herself as the Avatar.
At some point Kyoshi’s travels have led her to the Loongkau, a very shady neighbourhood in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se when she hears rumours of a gang taking over the area. Her investigation leads her to to the gang known as Triad of the Golden Wing, lead by Uncle Mok (former second in command of what’s left of the Yellow Necks.). It doesn’t take long for her to beat them up and hand them over to the authorities. 
As Mok is getting arrested, Kyoshi quickly learns that the corruption in Ba Sing Se runs deep in not just in the Lower Ring by Mok like she assumed, but by someone in the Middle Ring who has been in contact with Mok for business. When she learns that the captain of the guard was  taking bribes and then using her as an excuse to clear out the criminals and the innocent people in Loogkau, Kyoshi immediately subdues the guards (using the rock hand technique that Jianzhu did to her.), forces them to confess who’s responsible for the order (A minister name Wo from the Middle Ring), and makes the captain promise to write a full confession on the minister. 
-Despite saving the neighbourhood her actions have made people fear her for the umpteenth time. Kyoshi has long been used to it.
Chapter 2
As Kyoshi recovers in an Avatar safehouse in the Middle Ring (from Jainzhu’s will), we learn what has happened during those two years.
Kyoshi been struggling between what kind of Avatar she wants to be. Looking back on her actions in the previous chapter, she wonders if she could’ve done things peacefully like Kelsang would’ve wanted to see in her instead being forceful like Jianzhu would want in an Avatar. 
She’s been actively avoiding the political scene in the Earth Kingdoms because she knows that the nobles would want to exploit her for personal gain or it’s something that she would deem trivial. She knows that she could make improve the nation by getting involved but she isn’t sure for the reasons stated above.
She’s been searching for Yun’s whereabouts since she saw him alive two years ago and has had zero luck on it. No one, from the Earth Sages to the Earth Kingdom’s elite, want nothing to do with Yun because his misidentification was an embarrassment on their part and would rather pretend that the whole mess never happened. At one point Kyoshi begged for Lu Beifong (who pretty much disowned Jianzhu as a financial backer) to help but he took the “neutral jing” approach (aka “side with the majority because it’s easier for me.”)
-Jinpa, the Air Nomad from the very last chapter of last the book, is now acting as a secretary for Kyoshi. Unlike most Air Nomads who detach themselves from worldly affairs, Jinpa loves getting involved in the political scene and has been insisting that Kyoshi should in order to improve her relationship with the Four Nations.
-The chapter ends with Kyoshi getting an invitation to the Fire Nation by Fire Lord Zoryu for her assistance in something that he’ll explain when she gets there. Kyoshi decides to go only because she wants to see how her girlfriend, Rangi, has been doing since they parted ways. Also there’s a festival.....
Chapter 3
-Kyoshi has Jinpa’s Skybison, YingYong for her source of traveling (Pengpeng retired and has babies).
-On their way to the Fire Nation, Kyoshi gets a vision of Avatar Kuruk, who has been trying to warn her about something.
-We learn that since the last book, Kyoshi has only been in contact with Kuruk once and that he asked her to help him with something. She has been trying to contact him to get more details along with her other past lives like Yangchen but has gotten no results.
Chapter 4
Short chapter. 
-Kyoshi arrives at the Royal Caldera City, the home of the Fire Lord and the highest nobles and reunites with Rangi, who has been waiting for her.
To be continued........
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