#i know im being mean but she IS fictional so 🤷
fadewalking · 7 months
I dont understand the appeal of Shadowheart.
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May I request romanced Companions reactions to vampire sole biting their necks?
Excluding Nick for obvious reasons.... lol. Lemme know if you want me to a separate post where nick reacts to a vampire sole eating a blood bag in front of him? that's all I could think of and it really didn't fit this specific prompt... 🤷
With permission
"Well this is.... Different. Im not complaining though"
He'd be very shy the entire time. He didn't mind the sting. He just enjoyed having sole this close. Especially if it kept them healthy.... He'd do anything to keep the people he loved healthy and happy and this was no different. Not to mention the fact that Mac is touch starved and this was just an excuse to get physical attention from his lover....
"What the heck! Hey that's really not funny sole..... really hurt too."
He'd be especially still and quiet. He was really scared of them accidentally stabing their fangs into his neck... He would definitely lose some trust for his lover after and probably be pissed at then for a while too
With permission
"Glad I could help ya out. Don't forget to take a rad-away after though, mkay sunshine?
He's nothing if not an attentive lover. he'd give sole the world if they asked for it. He's glad he's able to help take care of them this way his only concern is the radiation in his blood.....
"Careful now... I bite back...."
He really doesn't mind.... as a matter of fact the unexpectedness of its got Hancock feeling some kinda way....sole probably just won a one way ticket to a "tour of the town" if you will..... ehem... 😳
With permission
"If I had to spill me blood for anyone... im glad it's you"
Shes a total sap once she's in a relationship with sole, and a vamp sole is no different. She'd do anything for them and what's a relationship without some literla blood, sweat and tears anyhow?
"Are you kiddin' me? Whats wrong with you, you fucking arsehole!!!"
There's nothing she hates more than feeling taken advantage of. Especially by the one person who's supposed to love her the most.
With permission
"I-um I'm glad you trust me enough for this..."
He much like Hancock also really liked it.... So long as you give him a heads up this is a great beginning to an... alternative training exercise 😳
"I can't belive that's how you chose to handle that. Does my approval mean nothing to you?"
Sole really struck a nerve and he's going to be mad for quite a while, it's best they give him space... he may come around... then again maybe not.
With permission
"Oh this is quite a fascinating sensation my love! Do you feel better now?"
She's absolutely all for helping take care of sole, as a matter of fact that's about all she feels she's 100% qualified to do.
"How rude! I can't believe you would do that."
Shes upset that sole didn't ask! she would have said yes, but they didn't even give the opportunity. did they not care about her opinion? I mean they did help her get this new body, but that didn't give them the right to do whatever they pleased!
With permission
"Betch can't guess my blood type!"
makes the whole thing a game and both him and sole giggling by the time it's done. Surprisingly didn't mind it at all and would totally let his lover do that again, like all the time.... (Totally not because he's jealous of sole being that close to anyone else....)
"Hey now I know I look tasty, but I'm not an all you can eat buffet...."
He'd freak out. Like bad. and though ge was trying to mask it with humor he was sure if sole could feel his pulse that it was going crazy. Probably would pass out once sole was done... not from blood loss, but from him forgetting to breathe through it. there's nothing ge fears more then being out of control. especially of his own body
With permission
"Well this is... happening.. I think 14 year old me's fan fiction just manifested..."
You're crazy if you think Piper wasn't one of those girls that was crazy about vampires in her teen years.... I mean come on now you know she'd secretly still think it was hot af...
"Oh...I.. Uh.. Sure help your self..."
She'd be to stunned to do anything in the moment, but after the fact she'd confront sole and tell them she didn't mind, but just to give her a heads up before so she doesn't freak out.
With permission
"Anything you need babe, just give me the word"
Though he really doesn't do a good job conveying everything hes feeling with words, he really doesn't mind them being a vampire! I mean beyond them only being able to take care of settlements at night there really wasn't a set back. And if they had kids some day they'd be able to take care of them forever. He just felt bad that they'd out life another spouse, but he'd be damned if he didn't make his time here with them count.
"Ow! What the hell Babe!"
He'd think it was rude, but he wouldn't be nearly as upset as some of the others on this list. He gets what being "I haven't eaten in days" hungry is like, but he still wishes they'dve at least warned him first.
With permission
"Happy I could be of service ma'am/sir"
There's nothing romantic/sweet about it to him. He likes to keep that at least professional/medicinal for his own sanity....
"I'm not sure this falls under my institute duties sir/ma'am...."
He doesn't mind, but still he was made to make others bleed not to bleed for others....
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dreadlockholiday · 3 years
only sort of related but im so tired of the trope of natasha being this All Knowing Being that like knows everyone and their business and can find out anything about anyone ever... like she said it herself "i only act like i know everything"
Yes!! That too! I don't really get where this trope originated but sometimes it gets pretty annoying :/ if she could read people's minds then it would make sense, but since she's only human she can't possibly know everything about someone just from half a second of eye contact. Pft, I don't know. I mean it's fiction and it's not real and blah blah, I know, it's just starting to get really boring sometimes. And it makes her presence in fics make me quite uncomfortable, which maybe is the point, most of the times. But this is just my personal opinion and preference, everyone can imagine it however they like 🤷
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