#plus her name is cringy
fadewalking · 7 months
I dont understand the appeal of Shadowheart.
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therealcocoshady · 1 month
I also had an idea kind of similar to the arranged marriage plot maybe someone sets them up on a blind date… he keeps saying no but the person playing Cupid is very persistent and he ends up feeling obligated to go (idk, just a thought)
Oh, I actually had an thought about something similar to this, a while ago - please don’t mind me, I literally wrote this thing in less than 30 minutes and didn’t proofread. I just wrote it so that you’d get the idea.
After years of frustration with women and trust issues, Marshall has made peace with the fact that he’s going to end up alone. Even his friends have stopped trying to set him up on dates. Sure, they’d like to see him thrive in a relationship, and they can see how lonely he is, sometimes, but they also know he’s complicated. So they leave him alone on the topic. So he dedicates to his work and his role as a father.
And ironically enough, his girls are the only people that could get him to go out of his comfort zone. One of them is still in college, studying psychology. She has to do an assignment for one of her classes and she is searching for volunteers for an experiment on dating and relationships. The design is pretty simple : people sign up, fill some forms and answer questions. Then, an algorithm pairs them up for maximum compatibility and they have to go on a date, during which they will have to answer the famous 36 questions designed to make them fall in love. His daughter is a bit behind on work and she has to find one more volunteer. She doesn’t even believe in this whole thing, she just wants to pass the class. So she begs Marshall, who refuses at first. Because A) he doesn’t date and B) even if he did, he wouldn’t take part in an experiment, much less one involving his daughter in his romantic life. But she’s really desperate and she assures him that the whole thing is anonymous and clinical. « Please, Dad, it’ll take twenty minutes of your time. And who knows if they’ll even pair you with anyone for the date. I just need to pass the class and graduate. You’re the one who always insisted on me getting higher education ! ». Of course, he caves in. Because he did sacrifice a lot for his babies to go to college, and he’ll be damned if his daughter fails the class because of him. Plus, the people in charge of the experiment will probably see his answers and figure he’s a lost cause. Even science wouldn’t find a good match for him, right ?
Except that it does. Weeks later, he receives an email, informing him that he’s been selected for the second step of the experiment and that they’ve found him a match with 95% compatibility. At first, he figures he won’t go. With his luck, they paired him with another fifty-something man who’s just as lonely. No way this could be a woman. Not with the stoic and sarcastic answers he typed in the form. The email doesn’t even specify who they paired him with. They just ask if he’d be available for a date in two weeks time. Basically, it’s having coffee with the other person, answering the 36 questions unrecorded and then filling another form to describe the experience and say if yes or no they feel attracted to the other person and would consider actually dating them. He figures that, even though it’s anonymous, his daughter’s team wouldn’t have the data if he bails and he’ll be damned if his precious daughter doesn’t get her degree because of him. Of course he’ll bite the bullet and go on that stupid coffee date. Even if he’s paired with a 53 year-old name George.
But as it turns out, his date is not 53 year-old George. It’s you. You and your charming smile. You who agreed to take part in the whole thing because your little sister, his daughter’s teammate, begged you at the last minute. God, these college students need to learn how to do things in time and not to involve their family in their cringy psych classes experiment. You don’t even want to do this whole thing but when a charming man shows up, you can’t help but smile and introduce yourself, extending a polite handshake to greet him. He doesn’t seem too at ease in that little café, which you find odd because it’s actually quite lovely. Also, you swear you’ve seen him somewhere, but it’s Detroit and he’s a brown-haired, bearded, middle-aged man in jeans and a hoodie. Pretty generic. You’re not exactly surprised to have been paired up with someone older than you. You’ve always been told you’re an old soul, so of course « science » (or whatever software they used to compile data) would figure out that your perfect match is almost twenty years older. Anyway, you’re not really here for a date. You’re here for your sister to finally graduate. And you’re not one to refuse free Chai latte.
So the two of you exchange a few pleasantries, introduce yourselves and get to these 36 questions. You tell each other who you could have dinner with if you could choose anyone in the world, whether or not you have a secret hunch about how you will die… as it turns out, the thing is cleverly designed. The questions are increasingly personal and both of you end up sharing personal details, things you most definitely wouldn’t think of sharing with a stranger you were more or less randomly paired up with. By the time you reach the last question, you are looking into each other’s eyes, giving your undivided attention, leaning in. When you arrived, you were strangers but by the end of the date, you feel like you really know each other. More than some people you’ve known your whole life. And by the time it ends, you’ve had the time to notice how charming the wrinkles around eyes are, and you don’t find it too unsettling that he blinks a bit faster than most people you know. As for him, he hasn’t failed to notice that little birthmark near your eye, and the way your mouth twitches when you’re trying to think of the adequate word to answer one of the questions. You don’t know each other’s favorite color or the name of your first pet, but both know when the other last cried in front of someone else and by themselves and why. 36 questions and a cup of coffee later, and you’re not really strangers. You actually had a pleasant time. Too bad you reached the end of the questionnaire and it’s time to go. Too bad he doesn’t offer to take your number and call you. Too bad you’re too demure to ask for his. You wouldn’t have minded actually going out with him. Maybe even discuss that movie he mentioned in passing and thinks you’d like.
The two of you share a hug goodbye and agree that it was fun. You wish him well for his daughter’s wedding he told you he’s busy planning and he wishes you luck for that job interview you said you were nervous about. When you go home and it’s time to answer that final set of questions, saying how you feel about the experiment, you actually give the whole thing a solid 8/10. And when you’re asked if you’d actually date the person you met for coffee, you tick « yes » faster than you’ve ticked any box. You do the same when it asks you if you’d consent to the other person being given your contact info.
Weeks later, Marshall is ecstatic when his daughter tells him she got a good grade for that psych class and that she’ll be graduating with honors. He’s proud as can be. She thanks him profusely for helping her. « I know it’s a stupid thing. But hey, there are a few people who reported they had a good time. Who knows ? Maybe I helped someone find love. ». She has absolutely no idea that he is one of the people who asked for the other person’s contact info as soon as they were given the possibility. She doesn’t know he’s been on four more dates with you. People have been so used to him being single that it didn’t even cross his daughter’s mind. Not even when he mentioned he missed the last Lions’ game, which never happens. But she definitely gets a hunch when he attends her graduation ceremony and sees him smile to that beautiful lady who’s attending her graduation ceremony and came to greet him. « Oh, that’s my sister speaking with your dad ! », her friend says. « I convinced her to do the experiment and she told me she met someone charming. Can you believe it ?! ».
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Curious about the direction the HP fandom has gone
Okay, so as an old HP fan from way back when the books were first coming out, and then getting hit with the nostalgia and decided to return after years and years of not interacting with the fandom at all, the changes are truly mindboggling and I'd love to get to the bottom of some things.
Like, the disappearance of Blaise Zabini. Blaise was a fan favorite way back when we only knew his name but now I barely hear a whisper of his name. Now, the obvious answer is racism, which I think is the #1 reason why Blaise-pairings have dropped of significantly. Back then we all thought Blaise was a hot Italian girl, and then we found out he's a black man and suddenly people stop writing about him? Hm, yeah, seems the obvious answer (especially considering the popularity of other characters who are just a name on a page *cough*regulusblack*cough*).
Or the rise in Snape-hate. Like, Snape used to be the fan favorite. Everyone loved Snape. The meaner he was, the more we liked him. Being mean to children was a plus, not a negative lol. And this was back when we all thought he was a pureblood who came from a wealthy family like the Malfoys. Now by the time the 7th book came out I had pretty much moved on and so I didn't really see the fallout of readers discovering his actual background, so I don't know if his drop in popularity is classism and learning that he isn't a palette-swapped Lucius Malfoy or not, but honestly I would figure his impoverished background would be a plus in these times. Like Snape is obviously one of JKR's least favorite characters, and considering how she-who-must-not-be-named has destroyed her reputation with her increasing radicalization you'd figure the poor, abused, author-hating character would become more beloved instead of the rich, white, heteronormative bullies who barely even show up in the books. Like with our increasing knowledge of social injustice, I just don't understand why the fandom would want to latch onto the Marauders? And I just can't believe Snape's handful of snippets with Lily is the cause of his downfall (like what's there is barely enough to fill up a few pages, and there are certainly more toxic relationships in the series that are still beloved), or the fact that he was a Death Eater or that he inadvertently caused the deaths of the Potters (we already knew that in GoF and HPB respectively and he was still beloved, and this was when we assumed he didn't give a shit about the Potters or if they died when he went snitching). Draco is still popular. DRACO who doesn't give two shits about slinging around the word "mudblood," as opposed to Snape who actually changed for the better.
Am I just too old to understand? Is this like 90s fashion coming back in style (no, I won't do it again, I don't care if it's cringy I'm sticking with my millennial styles, I did the platforms and the slip dresses and the cargo pants in high school and I'm not putting myself through that again lol you gen z's can pry my comfortable mom jeans from my cold, dead fingers, I don't care if it makes me look old, that's the point, I AM old). Like, in addition to 90s fashion, has the 90s obsession with luxury athletic fashion like Lacoste come back in style? All those fashion ads of rich white people on yachts with popped collar polos? Are people starting to obsess over the Marauders because nouveau riche conspicuous consumption is coming back in style? It can't all just be young kids who have only read AtYD and have never actually opened one of the books, can it?
There also seems to be a trend of treating characters as if they're real people. I mean, we've always done it (Snape Wives, I'm looking at you), but now it almost feels as if the crimes characters commit are treated as if they're real crimes and that liking them is somehow a moral failing on the reader's fault. If you were to say "I don't like Snape, his douchy actions anger me, I'd rather skip all the parts he shows up in" I'd say, cool, I get that. That's normal. But "Snape is an abuser, a racist, and an incel and if you like him you're probably those things too" is fucking weird. Like, Harry and Hermione are not real children. Snape is not a real person. The things that happen in this book have as much influence on the real world as me imagining ninjas breaking into my workplace on a slow day. And that "media does not exist in a vacuum" pisses me off because it's blatantly misused. The pieces of media that have had serious consequences? Jaws, The Birth of a Nation. One resulted in the culling of sharks, the other helped restart the KKK. Do you know what those two pieces of media have in common? They're not about fucking wizards and magic schools. They instead paint a target on real groups. After twenty years nobody has ever tried to hurt a marginalized group of people because of a harry potter book (except for JKR herself).
Anyway, these are just some random thoughts, feel free to chime in with your own.
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cutiepielounge · 9 months
Relationship with a “Class of ‘09” student consists of…
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Let’s be honest, she wouldn’t really give you much thought even during the relationship.
You’d be ordered to do all her tasks constantly.
Occasional kisses are a thing
Affection in public is practically forbidden.
In private some acts of affection are allowed (but she would just roll her eyes if you want to cuddle or do anything similar to whatever sappy couples do)
She doesn’t treat you much differently from everyone else.
Every time you piss her off she removes a letter from your name in her contacts, once all the letters are gone you’re blocked.
Expect a lot of cringy nicknames…
Lots of affection both in public and private
Isn’t afraid to talk about her relationship with others.
LOTS of cheek kisses
In the beginning of the relationship she’s very shy.
With time she’s a lot more open with you and her desires.
Why would you even date him…?!
He’s incredibly loud and shows you off at any given moment.
You always have to keep an eye on him, it’s a nightmare really.
He’d constantly be trying something with you.
Really basic nicknames.
Definitely set your name on his phone as “my bitch 😍”
Constantly having to scold him for his misogynistic views. (Buddy does not listen to you and calls you a whore every time you do.)
He would legit be attached to your hip, never leaves you alone.
Forced to watch anime with him.
You basically know all of his secrets.
He’s really touchy but awkward about it.
Literally doodles you on whatever worksheet he’s assigned.
There are lots of drawings of you with hearts around them.
Keeps pathetically trying to be your “shining armor”.
He willingly does all your schoolwork without complaint.
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This was my first time ever writing so uh, sorry if it’s dog-shit like ong … plus English isn’t my first language!
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azamitetsuya · 7 months
Hey all! So here's a small introduction before I get into the post. My name is Azami Tetsuya! I'm a author on Wattpad and this is my first official chapter posted on here. So now for the warnings.
So without further ado~ I present! The first chapter of Stay! Y! Tokyo Revengers various x fem short reader!!
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(This banner is by the lovely cafekitsune so please check them out thank you~ ❤️)
Y/N L/N was a normal girl, living a normal life. She had a job, friends and plenty of responsibilities like any other person. She was currently sitting in front of her computer with a black butler throw blanket on her shoulders, naruto themed booty shorts and a fairytale sports bra that didn't cover as much as needed. She was watching her new favorite anime, Tokyo Revengers!
"Gah!! How can Mikey go from cute to smexy in the blink of an eye?!" She said when said male's face came on her screen. He was one of her favorite and most relatable characters. As the episode ended, Y/N looked at the time on her laptop, only to see it was nearly 4 in the morning and she had work later on.
"Crap...... Well there goes my health...." She mumbled as she closed her laptop. She made her way to the mini fridge in her room and took a monster from it. She turned while opening the can only to find her laptop open. "What the-" A sudden blinding light came from the device, interrupting her sentence. "GAH!! MY EYES!" She yelled dropping the monster on the ground. The light grew brighter and brighter until...... It just stopped.
Once it was completely gone, Y/N opened her eyes, only to see she wasn't in her room but in a parking lot. 'When the hell did I get here?' She thought, surveying her surroundings. She looked down to the ground and saw her monster spilled. “AYO MY MONSTER!!!!” She screamed, not noticing the blonde male looking at her confused.
"Um..... Miss?" A familiar voice said out of nowhere. Y/N flinched as her eyes widened hearing the voice.
'That voice........ It couldn't be...... could it?' Y/N thought as she slowly turned around, coming face to face with the protagonist of her all time favorite anime...... Takemichi Hanagaki. Y/N was at a loss for words, while Takemichi was a blushing idiot. The piss blonde male took in Y/N's appearance.
(H/L) (H/C) hair that was (Hair style for relaxing). Her eyes were a beautiful shade of (E/C), almost looking like the night sky with how her eyes shine. He lowered his gaze and found she wasn't wearing much. The shorts she was wearing looked more like underwear and the bra left little to the imagination. The poor boy blushed profusely and looked away as his blush reached all the way to his ears.
'Woah! What the hell?! Why do I feel my pants getting tighter?! I don't even know this girl's name! Plus I've seen Hina in her underwear and was able to control myself!' Takemichi thought as he stood there awkwardly. He glanced at the beautiful girl and saw she was still staring at him. 'Shit! She's still looking at me! What do I do?! What do I do?!' Takemichi thought, panicking. He couldn't understand why he was acting like this.
The way she looked at him made him feel something....... like he wanted her all to himself. As for Y/N, she stood in front of the man in awe. 'Holy fuckin shit! TAKEMICHI HANAGAKI?!?!?! I can't believe this! He looks animated too, which means he's not 3D! WHICH MEANS I'M REALLY IN TOKYO REVENGERS!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!' Y/N thought while internally freaking out. 'Wait....... I wonder when in the anime I am........'
"U-Um...... Miss? You do realize what you're wearing right?" Takemichi said, causing Y/N to snap out of her trance-like state. She looked down, only to see she was still in her skimpy PJ's. Y/N's eyes widened and tried to cover up when she felt something wrap around her smaller figure. She looked up and saw that Takemichi put his uniform jacket over her shoulders.
'She's so small and cute........ I have to help her.' Takemichi thought as a small amount of blush crept on his face. He loved how she looked in his cloths. Like she was made to wear his stuff.
"U-Um.... Can you tell me where I am... Um?" 'I have to Play dumb for right now until I figure out if this is him from the future.' She thought, nervously. Takemichi was all too excited to give her his name.
"T-Takemichi. Hanagaki Takemichi. And your in Shibuya Japan. What about your name?" He asked, scratching the side of his cheek. 'This feels weird. I'm already going crazy over some girl while I have a pretty girlfriend....'
"Y/N. L/N Y/N. N/N is just fine though." She said as a soft smile spread on her lips. Hina was really lucky in her eyes, having a guy like Takemichi.
'Woah~ Nicknames with a hot chick? Awesome!' Takemichi thought as a small blush spread on his cheeks. Though he was confused as to why no memory of meeting this girl came to mind, Takemichi had an overwhelming need to protect her.
"It's nice to meet you Hanagaki-"
"Takemichi....... Please." He said cutting off her greeting. Y/N nodded with a smile that made Takemichi's heart skip a beat. "S-So um do you live around here?" He asked, awkwardly trying not to look at her out of fear he'll stutter more. Y/N hesitated trying to come up with a plan.
"U-Um....... I-I um...." She stuttered, making the blond in front of her blink in confusion. Finally thinking of something, she thought to kill two birds with one stone. "Hm! I live near Hanma-kun's house. Do....... you know him?" 'If he doesn't then it's before the fight on August third so I'll at least have a time frame to work with.' She watched as the taller male racked his brain.
"No...... I-Is he a...... friend?" He asked, worried he'll lose her already. 'What am I thinking? Why am I getting protective of her already?'
"No. I've seen him here and there. Haven't talked to him much." She lied. Takemichi nodded, hiding his relieved face and sigh he let out. "Well....... I have to go now....." Y/N said and tried to leave but a strong grip wrapped around her wrist.
"Wait!!........" Takemichi yelled, which made the (H/C)ette's eyes widen. "I-I mean um..... How about I walk you home?" He asked, trying to save their conversation. He wanted to know where she lived, but he also didn't want her to leave. ‘Her hand is so soft~’ He cooed in his head. Y/N let out a sigh and looked down in slight disappointment.
"I don't live here....... I'm not exactly..... from here...." She said, making the blue eyed male confused. "Sorry.... But I have to confirm one more thing before I can tell you." Takemichi was needless to say nervous about what she was about to say. Shuffling in his stance the poor man stood awkwardly, waiting for the young beauty to finish her statement. "Do you..... know about time travel?"
Takemichi went stiff. How did she know about that? Was she a time traveler too? Questions rang through Takemichi's head as he tried coming up with a suitable answer.
"I know everything..." She said, making the blond male flinch. Y/N looked in his eyes with soft sincere (E/C) ones as if knowing the pain he's been through, which in a way she had. "I know about Mikey. I know about Naoto, Hina...... I even know about Kisaki and your special ability." She continued while walking up to him. Takemichi stood there shocked and dumbfounded, his thoughts running wild with questions.
"You see," She continued, stopping right in front of him. "I'm..... not from here. I'm from a world where your life is a manga and anime series....." Y/N finished explaining everything as the poor man stood there quietly, trying to process everything he's been told. There was no reason not to believe her. She knew everything….. From his power to the way he “died” in the future. This was all insane to him. Letting out a sigh she finally finished her explanation. "So yeah....... But hey! You saved your girl..... and got ptsd...." She muttered the last part while grinning nervously.
Takemichi was in pure and utter shock. He knew there was something up with her but he wasn't expecting this..... "So..... You don't live next to that Hanma guy?" He asked, making the young girl shake her head. He nodded slowly as a response, still trying to process everything.
"Takemichi...." Y/N spoke up again. Takemichi looked up and saw she was even closer, a determined grin plastered across her face. "If you let me stay with you, I'll help save Hina." Takemichi blushed slightly as he thought for a minute.
'S-She wants to stay with me?......AWE HELL YEAH!!!' He thought before nodding with a determined look. "Alright. It's a deal then." Takemichi took her by the hand and started walking to his apartment. Tho she was a bit scared to see his apartment, Y/N needed a place to stay. It wasn't an option, unless she wanted to live under a bridge like the gremlin she is.
“S-So…..” Takemichi started, “I…. Saved Hina?” He asked. If he was being honest with himself…… he didn't really care anymore… Can't exactly say that out loud but…. ‘Wait…. What if Hina tries to take her away from me? No… no that won't happen…. Right?’ He thought but snapped out of it when a sudden loud clap rang through his ears.
“Are you even listening to me Michi?” Y/N said with a worried look. Takemichi flinched but nodded, not really listening. Y/N deadpanned. ‘He wasn't listening at all…..’ With a sigh, she decided to start over. “Yeah. You saved Hina…… you actually saved her twice….. Technically three times but…. She wasn't the only one that needed to be saved.” She confessed to him, making him look at her.
“Huh? What do you mean?” He asked, concerned and confused. Y/N just shook her head, letting him know she'll tell him later and he nodded.
Takemichi closed the door to his apartment and took his shoes off following the (H/C)ette to the living room. “Wow Michi. I'm surprised it's so clean.” She said, bluntly. Takemichi sweatdropped.
“Was it not in the anime?” Y/N shook her head at his question. This made Takemichi cringe slightly. The thought of having a dirty apartment made his skin crawl. “A-Anyway… this is a one bedroom apartment so…. I can take the couch if ya want-”
“No way! This is your home! I'm the freeloader staying here. I'll take the couch.” She said as she continued to snoop. Takemichi sighed but smiled.
“We can always….. share?” He said, leaning against the wall next to her. Y/N side-eyed the blonde next to her.
“Right…… and what would Hinata think?” She said making Takemichi flinch slightly.
“R-Right….” He said with a sweatdrop. “Still. I wouldn't feel right leaving you on the couch or the floor. That's not my style.” Y/N smiled at this and nodded.
“Hai. We can share then.” She said causing the blonde to perk up. A grin spread across his face as his eyes shined.
“I promise I won't be weird! You won't regret it!” He said, knowing full well it was a lie. Something about this girl in his kitchen, that just dropped in his life out of nowhere, it made him feel things. Way different from how he felt about Hinata Tachibana. Maybe it was the fact they shared a similar ability. Or he could finally talk to someone about his but whatever it was, this girl had him wrapped around her pretty little finger. He watched Y/N move gracefully through the kitchen as if she was made for his home and his home alone.
‘Shes so pretty in the kitchen. I wonder…..’ A sudden image of Y/N pregnant made it's way to his mind. He shook his head, getting rid of the nasty thoughts he was having. ‘What the hell is wrong with me?! I just met her!’
“Ne ne. Can you pass me the Milk?” Y/N said getting his attention. Takemichi nodded and grabbed the milk from the fridge.
“W-What are you making?” He asked peering over her shoulder.
“Alfredo pasta with homemade sauce. I'm sure your used to more Japanese cuisine so I thought to give you something else.” She said shocking the blue eyed male.
“Sugoi. You know how to cook that?” Y/N nodded while she stirred.
“I know how to cook all kinds of stuff. I had a restaurant/bakery back in my world so……” She trailed off while puckering her lips.
After dinner, Y/N got changed in one of Takemichi’s shirts and a pair of his boxers for underwear. It was comforting knowing (thinking) he won't do anything. She and Takemichi laid in bed and just stared at the ceiling.
“So….. I save everyone…..” Takemichi said still trying to process everything. Y/N hummed in confirmation. “And….. who's everyone?” This made the girl sit up in shock.
“E-Eh?! What do you mean?! Have you not met Mikey and Draken yet!?”
“Mikey and who? It's Mikey and Tetta Kisaki I need to meet…” This changed everything for Y/N. She was starting off in the second episode. She sighed and laid back down, a headache forming in her temple.
“Ugh…. Nevermind. I'll tell you in the morning….” She said and with that, the two went to bed. Takemichi holding her tight in his arms and snuggling into her neck.
Hey!! Hope you liked this first chapter! This is your lovely author Azami Tetsuya signing off!! *Bows* Bai Bai!!!~
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
@simsim54 you've just inspired me
OK, Twilight fans, first off for the people who are homophobes, haters, and racists please leave and ignore this post if you don't like it.
Secondly, fans. Like all of you, i love twilight, but I feel like Stephanie Meyer had very poor execution on the story. Bella and Edward LITERALLY had little to no chemistry, and they cringy af, and everything felt rushed, especially if you looked at the timeline of events that was happening from twilight to Breaking dawn.
But one of my old posts got me thinking.
What if Stephanie had made Jacob female, and she was Jacqueline black (I know Jacob's fem name is Julie, but I feel like Jacqueline suits them better)
What if Stephanie Meyer, instead of making a girl with little to no personality and giving awkward introverts a bad name. She made this Bad@$$ Indigenous she-wolf mechanic shape-shifter who was loyal to her tribe, proud of her culture and freaking tough as nails but the most motherly person you'll ever meet and alpha female materials, then paired this woman to our awkward introverted gentleman vampire artist who could read her thoughts and they started out as enemies and then it became a slow burn to lovers.
I personally feel like if this story was written write then this would've made a waaaaayyyyyy better movie and way less cringe.
I will be first to say that sterek ate the child of the sheriff of a small town falling in love with a supernatural hottie. But Bella and Edward were cringe and very funny, and I couldn't take their love story seriously for more than two seconds. Sterek did it better, and even the fanfics ate.
But Edward Cullen, who is a vampire and a part of the Cullen clan, fell in love with Jacqueline Black. Daughter of Billy Black and great-granddaughter of Ephraim Black. A descendant of an alpha and a chief! Who also has issues with her older sisters. She is also part of Quileute tribe.
And their children being hybrids will also be interesting.
I'm serious when I say that this story has potential, and if done correctly, it would have me reading on repeat.
Jacqueline and Edward hate each other at first sight because of who they are, then Jacky imprints on him, tries to hide it, but then sparks a relationship between her and Edward (with Seth's help of course), some of the cullens being extremely supportive of their relationship (apart from Rosalie who took some getting used to but slowly accepting Jacky), Jacqueline's pack finding out and the pack drama happens, Jacky's sisters making an appearance
Plus, the beautiful Romance between these two with the forbidden love. Plus, we can add in a cameo of Bella here and there. But Charlie would definitely be involved, and his relationship with Sue should be slow and not SUE LITERALLY GOING AFTER CHARLIE WHEN HER HUSBAND'S BODY IS NOT EVEN COLD YET!!!!
Seriously dudes, this has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!
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heliswife · 20 days
jake x a reader who hates him and avoids him because he reminds them of someone they hate but when they are forced to hang out they realize that they actually have a lot of chemistry…..,,. take ur time btw no rush
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TBIS IS A FIRE IDEA ACTUALLY!!! TY POOKIE!!! those following for pjsk fics sorry but the brainrot is taking over <3 plus writing for other fandoms is a nice break from pjsk :3 this is a non-idol au thing ig 🤭
@onthat611beat hope you like it ♡
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Your ex-friend used to have a massive crush on Jake. She would rant about him all the time, saying stuff such as "we were meant to be!" or "he looked at me, he wants me bad!"
You were sick of it, and by the time you cut contact with her, you didn't want to hear anything about Jake again. You avoided him in the halls and in your classes, memories of that friend coming back whenever you looked at him.
"Y/N! There's this guy I'm sort of interested in, and he wants to have a study group with us and some of his friends!" Your best friend and roommate grinned.
"Who is it?" You asked her, secretly praying it wasn't going to be a repeat of what happened with your ex-friend.
"His name is Riki, look!" Your friend showed you a picture of the guy she liked. He didn't seem bad. And your friend seemed normal enough about him.
"Yeah, he's cute. Sure, I'll go to the study group with you."
The next day, when you walked in the café you guys decided to meet up in, you saw Riki, your bestie, and...
"Y/n, this is Jaeyun. He's in the grade above you, right?"
"Mhm, nice to meet you, y/n. You can call me Jake." He flashed a warm smile at you. It made your stomach churn with how nice he was to you.
Memories of your ex-friend and her toxicity flooded your brain, yet you pulled yourself together and held your hand out. "Nice to meet you, Jake!"
His hand was warm. You were sort of understanding why your ex-friend liked Jake now.
The study group went surprisingly smoothly, with you exchanging numbers with the two boys and leaving with a stomach full of sweets.
You explained to your bestie the situation between you and your ex-friend, how she was in love with Jake and how she was a huge asshole towards you.
"Is that why you looked shocked when you saw him?" She asked.
You nodded. "Was it that obvious? God, I really hope I didn't give him a bad impression of me..."
"Don't worry, y/n, it wasn't that obvious." Your friend said before being interrupted by the ding of your phone. An unknown number.
hey y/n this is jake from the study group i just remembered i had your number lol
"It's Jake. Whenever I think of him, I think of my ex-friend and then I start feeling sick. Should I answer?" Your finger hovered above the message icon.
"Yes, duh? Forget about that shitty girl, that's in the past. It's time to move on and forget about her, y/n."
"Hm.. You're right. I'll respond. I know it's been half a year, but it's hard to get over it." Your fingers rapidly typed and backspace until you found a response you would send to him.
hi jake!! dw abt it, im glad you texted me
"I literally can't do this bestie, what if he hates me? Fuck, that message sounded so cringy." The worst case scenarios flashed in your eyes.
"He doesn't. Read the message he just sent, I don't think anyone who hates you would send that."
do you wanna go get lunch with me tomorrow? i wanna talk to you more, you seem chill 😄 also your friend likes riki right? she makes it obvious
"I DO?" Your best friend gasped. When you agreed, your friend threw her head back, landing on one of the soft pillows of your bed. "It's fine, I'll deal with it later. Back to you, y/n~"
"Oh lord."
"You should go with Jake! He's asking you out on a date!"
"He is?" You reread the message. "Oh shit, he is."
"Y/n l/n, you are a total loser. Your life is so boring, like, you've never been in a relationship? You should go. It'll make your life interesting."
"Geez, you're such a nice friend." You rolled your eyes.
yeah ofc!! where & when?
is noon at the pizza place near the cafe alright with you?
mhm, see u there :)
You turned your phone off and let your brain process what was happening.
The only knowledge you've had of Jake prior to this was from your ex-friend, and she looked at him with rose-colored glasses. You were going on a date with the very person your ex-friend was head over heels for.
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Fast-forward to the next day, you put on an outfit you deemed worthy for an outing and exited the house. You hoped your bestie wouldn't blow up the house.
Once you arrived at the pizza place, you spotted Jake waiting outside, scrolling on his phone.
"Jake!" You called, and his head perked up, smiling wide as he waved to you, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!"
"Y/n! Don't worry about it, I just got here anyways, let's go in and order, 'kay?" It wasn't even a sort of anymore. You were definitely understanding why your ex-friend was obsessed with Jake.
Your eyes couldn't leave Jake as he ordered a pizza and drinks for you both, and you didn't even process the question he asked you until he pointed out your lack of response.
"Sorry, I just feel... I don't know, out of it? Could be nerves," You awkwardly laughed.
Jake only cocked his head his face painted with a confused expression before giving you a small grin. "I get it, nerves do that to me too. So, um, what do you like to do?"
"I- I like writing?"
"That's cool, do you think you could ever show me one of your stories?" When he noticed your eyes widening, he laughed, "I'm kidding, you don't have to show me if you don't want to."
The pizza came, and you two chatted about anything you could think of. You talked about your friends antics and he talked about his. He even showed you a picture of his cute dog.
"Y/n, if you don't want to answer this, it's fine, but why did you ignore me before you were forced to see me at the café. Did I do anything wrong?"
Shit. Now you were forced to talk about your past with your ex-friend. "I had a friend who used to like you. You were all she would talk about, and it was getting annoying. She was an asshole too. After we stopped being friends, I didn't want to be reminded of her, and you happened to be one of the things that reminded me of her. I feel bad about ignoring you, since you're a great guy."
"Oh, it was *****, yeah? I remember her." Hearing her name made you feel lightheaded. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If it makes you better, I never liked her much."
"Yup, you want to head back to my dorm? I could show you my lego collection?"
"Sure," You giggled, getting up out of your seat in the booth, Jake following suit. You felt a sense of relief knowing that Jake didn't like your ex-friend.
As you two were walking back, gray clouds started to gather. A few rain droplets fell on your face before the downpour began. You and Jake looked at each other before Jake took your hand and started running to his dorm, dragging you along.
Once you guys made it, you were both soaking wet and panting. "I wasn't expecting it to rain, sorry.."
"It's okay. I really enjoyed your company..."
Silence filled the room. Jake's hand was still holding yours. "Y/n... may I..?"
"Please, Jaeyun."
His lips pressed onto yours, and even if it was for a second, it felt like time stopped. It was just you and him in this little world.
"Tomorrow, I'll take you on a real date, when it isn't raining. We could go wherever, just tell me," Jake told you when the kiss ended.
"Let's hope it isn't raining tomorrow, promise we'll go wherever?"
"I pinky promise, dear." He held out his pinky, and you intertwined it with yours.
This was the start of a new chapter, a chapter without her, and you had someone, who although gave you bad memories from the previous chapter, would be by your side.
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zot3-flopped · 29 days
“Unless something goes very wrong, she IS going to have marriage and kids with Travis. I don't know why so many people are expecting them to break up. He's very status oriented and thinks of her as a huge prize.”
Thank you! I find them as annoying as everybody else does but they’re perfect for each other.
For Taylor, she finally gets to live out the power couple fantasy she’s always wanted. Travis (and his leeching family) has no problem with her fame. Plus, unlike her exes, he’s willing to take part in her over-the-top PDA (like that cringy performance in London). And, most importantly, he (very likely) wants to marry her and have kids with her which is something she’s been desperate for (so desperate that she was ready to marry Matty Healy of all people).
For Travis, this relationship has shot him into a different stratosphere and he knows it. His relationship with Taylor has made him one of the few American Football to be known outside of football fans. He‘s not going to be playing football for much longer and he’s actively using Taylor’s clout to kickstart his post-football career. And as dumb as he is, even he’s smart enough to know that being Mr. Taylor Swift and being tied to her forever through kids will always keep his name in the headlines.
At the end of the day, they’re both attention seekers who benefit from their relationship with each other. There’s no chance of them breaking up anytime soon unless something drastic happens.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING: park jongseong x fem!reader
SUMMARY: it was quite cheesy that you fell in love with your best friend’s brother. what could you do to prevent it? jay was someone who you knew was out of reach but you couldn’t help but crush on.
WARNINGS: cursing. maybe slight angst (?). other than that, there isn’t much.
WORD COUNT: 3.6K words
taglist[perm]: @ja4hyvn @ahnneyong @milklix @kar0ki @sugarsunoo
a/n: this is a repost of a previous work I did that I loved! well repost from my old account that got deleted but yeah! I have also re-edited it so it’s better to read. I found the previous one a little cringy but idk if its cringy🙃 hope you enjoy it though!
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A typical morning spent in your bed. perhaps, a little breakfast in bed because your parents were worried about your bruised eyes. Now, you must be wondering how you obtained this bruised eye?
[last week] It was any normal day at school and any normal day included physical education, or PE for short form. You didn’t particularly enjoy sports, you would rather be cooped up in your room for hours just watching some Netflix or Disney+, but of course, you couldn’t just escape from it since it was a required subject in high school.
“One point for us!” jake yells. Meet jake, the school’s soccer captain and one of the school’s heartthrobs. Right next to him was sunghoon and jay. Sunghoon was the second heartthrob of your school and he played basketball and badminton (on occasions). Finally there was jay, the third heartthrob and also a family friend.
Both of your families were close and you two have played around as kids before. Well i say kids but the only thing both of your parents did was let you play in the crib together and that’s about it. Growing up, the both of you never got to really talk to each other. Both were too shy to do so and plus...you liked to play alone. guess that’s where wanting to stay-in started from. Since then a natural distance came between both you and jay.
“Oh come on, are you really cheating jake?” Mia, your best friend, says.
“And what are you gonna do about it park mia?” jake yells. your dear best friend was also jay’s twin sister. the girl huffs.
“yah, park jongseong! would you care to smack the back of jake’s head?” and so jay does, he smacks the slightly younger boy. jake groans. Whatever Mia wanted, jay would comply because well...he wanted to be the great brother. Mia slings her arm around you.
“Don’t worry (name), jake isn’t going to bother us anymore.” she proudly says.
“WATCH OUT!” you turned around and a dodgeball comes flying onto your face. Your glasses flew across the room and you fell the ground, blacked out. Well at least Mia was right, jake didn’t bother you. rather a ball flew across and hit you.
[current time] Wasn’t a great thing honestly. Your mom popped her head at the door to check up on you. she brings in a plate of fruits for you.
“Here, eat this (name).” you sighed.
“Mom, it’s just a black eye. You’re acting as if i got hit by a car.”
“But sweetie, you’re injured.” she says.
“Mom, i’m fine.”
“Your glasses are broken too, we should get you a new pair.” she points over at your glasses that had shattered on impact.
“can i buy some contact lenses?”
2 years passed by, it was finally the last year of high school. Your class gathered in the classroom to surprise your form teacher, a small gesture to say ‘hey you survived teaching us for 4-5 years of your life. Hope you live well and we will see each other when we do’.
You were in your graduation gown, putting up the balloons. You felt the table shake but you knew you were great at balancing, well you thought before you fell into jay’s arms. Your eyes widened. You quickly got off jay and apologised. Mia smirks, she pulls you away from her twin brother.
“I saw what happened~so you and jay huh.”
you shoved her shoulder, “i don’t like your brother like that. besides, we are strictly just family friends.”
“oh shush, did you know our parents have this bet that you and jay would start dating?” she excitedly says.
“Whatever Mia. I have to go and grab the cake from the front gate, text me when Mr.Smith arrives alright?” Mia nods. While you went out though, Mia walks over to jay.
“Go with (name) now.”
“Go and get the girl you’ve been crushing on since we were kids.”
“I don’t have a crush on her.” mia rolls her eyes.
“yeah sure. It’s like saying i don’t have a crush on jake.” mia deadpans.
“You have a crush on jake?” jay tilts his head.
“huh? what? I didn’t hear you.” jay rolls his eyes.
“I will tell mom on you.”
“We aren’t five anymore jay. Just go with (name) and be confident. I’m sure she likes you too!”
“Fine.” jay goes over to where you were. You thanked the person who delivered the cake and went back. Jay walks over to you.
“why are you here?” you say. Jay shrugs and then silence follows after. both you and jay went back to the classroom. where they graduation party really started.
That was the last time you saw the boy before college happened. It had been 3 years since you’ve last seen jay or even Mia. She went to a different department and so you couldn’t always meet up with her since she was extremely busy. It was just about towards the ending of exam season and so plenty of people started planning for parties.
You spot a familiar figure waving for you and so you walked over.
“It’s been too long (name)!” Mia gives you a tight squeeze.
“You’ve changed.” you say. your best friend looked so much more mature. she had made a decision to study business and so she dressed way more sophisticated.
“And so has jay.” she winks. You rolled your eyes.
“Are you seriously still trying to get me and jay together?”
“Has it worked?”
“No, we haven’t seen each other since the last party we held for our high school teacher.”
“What? But jay has to be in your class. You’re both in fashion right?”
“Fashion? I took arts, mia. I told you i had a passion for arts.” she facepalms and groans.
“Is that why jay cut me off. Urgh i’m an idiot.”
you tilt your head, “You haven’t talked to jay in 2 years?”
“Yeah, besides he has his friend group. Oh did you hear? They started a band together.”
“You mean those 3 heartthrobs of Decelis High?”
“Yeah, along with 3 freshmans and a senior.”
“That’s great. What about you and jake?” Mia shows you her ring. Your eyes widened, “He proposed in these 2-3 years we haven’t talked? Why didn’t you even tell me when you two started dating.”
“No, silly. It’s a promise ring. We’ve been dating for 2 years now. Best 2 years ever by the way.”
“Kinda hurt you didn’t tell your best friend about this.” you huffed and folded your arms.
“I’m sorry!” she goes to hug you.
“You had time with your boyfriend but not me. It hurt when you just cut all contacts with me you know.” you pout.
“Sorry (name).” she whines. You giggled. “I’ll buy you tteokbokki. how about that?”
“With cheese?” you say.
“With cheese.”
The both of you made it to a familiar tteokbokki stand, one that you went to everyday after school. You noticed a pretty familiar face. Mia tilts her head and looks over to where you were staring.
“He said he’d be having band practice.” Mia stares at jake. She pulls you over to where the 6 boys were. Then lets go of you before grabbing jake by the ear. “sim jaeyun, didn’t you say you were having band practice?” mia glares at jake.
“ah ah, i’m sorry, babe forgive me. sunghoon suggested to eat at our usual tteokbokki place so we decided to come here but cross my heart, we practiced before coming here.” jake says.
“(name)?” sunghoon says.
“hyung, who is she?”
“Oh umm, that is (name). (name), this is sunoo, jungwon, ni-ki and heeseung. Our bandmates.”
“Hi.” you waved.
“Where is jay by the way?” Mia asks.
“Bathroom.” Mia nods.
“Well, we shouldn’t disturb all of you. Me and Mia will just go shopping.” you grabbed her arm and quickly left the tteokbokki place. It fell silent between you and her as you walked around the shops.
“Why did you leave? You could’ve seen jay.”
“It’s been a while since we’ve caught up with each other. Come on, let’s go shopping.” you say. Mia could sense you didn’t want to talk about jay so she nods.
It was around 7.30pm when you finished walking around with mia. you decided to get back to your dorm, however as you were arriving, you saw someone familiar. he was walking a girl home. it was jay. He shyly converses with the girl and bid her goodbye. You mustered up the courage and quickly walked past them. The girl walks in first and you silently prayed that jay wouldn’t notice it was you.
“(name).” well...your hope was now crushed. You slowly turned to face jay.
“Jay. a little surprised to see you here.” you gave him the most sincere fake smile you could, “Why are you here?”
“Oh..just sending a close friend of mine to the dorms since it was quite late.”
“Oh. that’s nice of you. She must be a really great friend.” jay blushes slightly.
“a-ah no. We just talk a little.” it hurts to see jay so flustered by a girl. the younger you would’ve cried. You giggled.
“Someone has a crush on her. Well i’ll get going, see you.” you quickly left before jay could say anything. You were heartbroken. You went back to your dorm. Seems like your roommate just arrived too.
“where did you go?” you asked her. She was in a daze, clearly happy something happened to her.
“The fashion heartthrob walked me home today.” she says. You froze, was that girl your roommate?
“Which heartthrob? Our school has a bunch.” you nonchalantly say as you placed your shoes onto the shelves. it was true, your department and practically the whole school had a bunch of heartthrobs.
“jay. God, he’s so good looking. You think he likes me? He was so flustered while talking to me.” she says. You remembered asking him just now. He did look flustered and kinda happy when talking to her.
“Yeah maybe.” your roommate jumps in happiness.
“eekkk, i’m so happy!! I should get some beauty rest to see him tomorrow!”
“Yeah you should.” you say. Your roommate runs to her room and shuts the door. Your phone vibrates. A text from Mia, she asked if you wanted to call so you replied to her with a simple okay. you picked up the call.
“Hey, got to your dorms safely?” mia asks. you shut your bedroom door and placed your purse down on the table.
“Great but why do you sound so defeated?”
you sighed, “Do you think jay still likes me?”
“Of course. Even if it has been years. Jay will still look for you. Why?” you fiddled with your little songwriting book you’ve kept since you were 15. the pages were almost filled with inspirations and lyrics.
“i saw him walking a girl home and that girl is my roommate.”
“what? Oh he will get it.” mia says. you could imagine her holding up her fist.
“No, don’t. He will know i told you because i was the only one that knows about it.” you cracked open the book and began writing some lyrics for fun.
“Are you doubting yourself?” mia asks. you paused. did you doubt yourself? absolutely. jay was someone who was out of reach.
“I mean...he can date whoever he wants. I have no control over him. it’s not like i’m his girlfriend.” you quickly continue to scribble.
“(name), listen to me.”
“Go ahead.”
“We will dress up and meet the band tomorrow.” you dropped the pen.
“We have to and besides jay blocked me from everything. i just wanna have a word with him.”
“Whoops sorry, i have to go. Jake is calling me.” mia ends the call. You breathed in. you had to prepare to meet him again tomorrow.
The next day, mia tells you to get ready by 1pm and so you do. You put on a simple short black dress and threw over a leather jacket. to finalise the look, you wore a necklace. maybe this was a little extra but hey who said you couldn’t dress up.
“My god, what special occasion are you going to?” mia says upon seeing you walk out of the door. you rolled your eyes.
“is it wrong to dress up?” you say. Mia smiles.
“oh no, it isn’t wrong but jay would sooo drool over this. maybe if jay didn’t like you, you could go for someone else. like me perhaps.” mia winks. you laughed and smacked her arm.
both you and mia arrived at where the band frequently practices. The school provided a studio for them and they were elated. Their band played at school related shows and once at a prom. They were pretty known in the school. which surprised you since you’ve never seen them before. i mean, you never really go to school events anyways.
“baby!” jake runs up to mia. They hugged, you smiled at them. they were adorable. way different to how they were back then but you knew along the way that mia just liked jake.
“Okay the younger boys and heeseung have met (name) but yeah. She’s here today.” mia says. you waved.
“Your aura seems different today. Do you have a date later on or something?” sunghoon says as he nudges you. You giggled.
“very funny hoon, unfortunately, i am not going out for one.”
“maybe i could take you out to one later on then.” he smirks. you playfully rolled your eyes at sunghoon’s words.
“shut up.”
“then who did you dress up for noona?” sunoo says.
“yeah, for who?” sunghoon smirks, “is it possibly me?”
“In your dreams. I dressed up for myself.” your eyes met with jay’s, he was definitely checking you out and so you shyly looked away.
“hey (name), i just remembered when you showed me a music piece that you wrote in high school.” jake says. You blushed.
“jake, what do you mean? i never showed you anything.” the boys were interested.
“You’re lying. Mia knows about it too.” she nods agreeing with her boyfriend.
“Don’t tell me you still have it.” you say. jake smirks. He pulls out a book, it was your old lyric book that you had for fun since you had a lot of fun writing it. you swore you lost it so why does jake have it?
“Shall we try singing it, miss singer?” jake says.
“what? I can’t sing, jake.” he turns over to mia.
“Don’t hide that beautiful voice of yours, (name).” she comes up to you and whispers, “besides, don’t you want to impress jay so he wouldn’t be swayed by your roommate?” you breathed in. you really haven’t sang in a while and you didn’t want to do it. however, with everyone’s eyes on you…you couldn’t let them down.
“Fine.” you say. jake claps his hands. He grabs his guitar and starts the chords for the chorus since you only wrote for the chorus and then gave up. it was honestly impressive that you came up with guitar chords to go with the chorus you wrote.
You took a deep breath. you were a little nervous but you closed your eyes and pretended no one was there. it was as if you were singing in your bedroom alone.
Be in love, we know
Heart to heart, you feel it too, right?
Hey love, hey love, please wait for a while
We can be together
Say bye-bye to boring days
Feel our energy
Hey love, hey love, baby just stay in love, love
You stopped right there and when you opened your eyes, you instantly met with jay staring at you. You shyly looked away.
“Wahhh noona, that was great. You should’ve join music production or something.” sunoo says.
“I’m not that great. I just made these lyrics up because i had a crus-” you covered your mouth. great you just revealed the one thing you didn’t want the boys to know about.
“You had a crush? Why didn’t we know about this?” sunghoon says. You looked down at your hands.
“Because it’s not important. It’s just a crush. It wasn’t like i dated him or something.”
“Exactly but crushes are equally important as a boyfriend. So miss (name), are you going to spill the tea or not?” sunghoon says. You looked over at jay, he seemed like he wasn’t upset or anything.
“i-i’m not telling!” you say.
“then if she won’t say it...I WILL! IT’S-” you covered jake’s mouth.
“hehe, well i guess it’s a mystery. Well i have to go now, bye!” you grabbed your bag and left. Mia gives jake one look before running off to find you. Jake grabs his phone when he notices it’s ringing, he answers it and places it in speaker mode.
“(name)! Where are you going?”
“hiding in my room! I can’t believe i blurted that out loud in front of jay!”
“Oh come on, (name). It’s not bad.” you stopped and looked at mia.
“Not bad? that song was literally crafted for him because my teen heart loved him so much. If he found out then i’m fucked. I was stupid. he already has a crush on someone else now. what’s the use?” you confessed. Jake looks up at jay, a blush dusting the older boy’s cheeks.
Mia shows her phone and places it in speaker mode.
“Jay, you heard that? Also unblock me, you idiot.” mia says.
“u-umm can you pass the phone to (name).” jay says. your eyes widened. oh hell nah, he heard everything you just said. mia and her devious plans.
“Mia…” you glared at her.
“Talk to him.” she says handing you her phone after turning off the speaker mode. Jay found a place to quietly talk to you, preferably away from the other boys.
“Hey. jay says.
“Let’s just get to the point. That song was for me?”
“Yes.” your heart was beating 10 times faster.
“So you liked me.”
“Would it be bad if i still like you up till now and i’ve been waiting for you?” you say.
“Meet me outside your dorm at 6pm.” jay says.
“Uh, sure.”
“I’ll tell mia to send my phone number after i unblock her.” you snort.
“Can’t believe you blocked her because she thought i took fashion.”
“Trust me, i was really mad when i couldn’t find you anywhere in the fashion department.”
“Well see you later.” you say.
“See you.” the call ends. You hand mia her phone back.
“Oh he just unblocked me and he asked me to send you his number...wait what happened during the call.”
“Not telling you.” you stick your tongue out.
Later at 6pm, you came downstairs in a hoodie and sweatpants because honestly, it was too comfy. Jay was waiting for you and you sneaked up on him and scared him. He flinches.
“Oh my god, it was just you.” you smiled.
“So why did you want to meet me here?” you asked.
“Well, i wanted to invite you to a party.”
“A party? Couldn’t you have texted me.”
“Umm...i’m inviting you as my date.” your eyes widened, “you don’t have to accept it. umm, if you don’t want to come to the party-”
“I’ll come.” you flashed him a smile. He shyly smiles. Before you left to get back to your dorm, you gave jay a peck on the cheek and then ran off quickly. Jay holds the side where you kissed him at, a wide grin forming. Jay texts you the details of the party.
Friday comes in, the day of the party. Jay comes to pick you up. You opened the door and there stood jay. He snuck up to the dorm apartment place just to meet you at the door. You were wearing a similar black dress that hugged your body even more perfectly than the previous one. Jay smiles.
“You look great.”
“Thank you, you too.” jay drives you over to the party. It was a huge party, almost every popular clique was here and they all were in their own fun world. Dancing, drinking alcohol and probably making out. Jay drags you to where his friends were.
“Oh hey, you two came together.” sunghoon says. Mia eyes you up and down.
“Isn’t that the dress i bought for you only specifically when you and jay are dati-WAIT (name)....” you shyly look over to jay and he wraps his arms around your waist protectively.
“Me and (name) are dating.” mia gasps.
“You didn’t ask me.” you whisper to jay.
“Well both you and i know, we have mutual feelings for each other so you’re my girlfriend now.” you hide your face at the crook of jay’s neck. he runs his hands down your back to pat you.
“AYYYYY (name), can’t believe you and jay are finally together.” jake says. Jay could hear you whine softly. He chuckles.
“Alright, she’s shy. Let’s not tease her.” jay says.
“Don’t makeout in front of us alright.” mia says.
“You and jake should take your own advice.” heeseung says. Jake blushes.
It was still summer holiday so both you and jay went back home to visit your parents and well…
“I always knew you two would get together. A match made in heaven.” your mom says.
“mom~” you whined.
“jongseong-ah, where is your sister?”
“At jake’s house.”
“Oh my, are they dating? I knew something would spark between them, they used to hate each other and now look at them. Mia didn’t even tell me about both of them.” Jay’s mom says. Your mom settles the both of you down on the couch.
“so…(name), jay. When are the both of you planning to get married?” your mom asks.
“MOM!” jay on the other hand was blushing hard.
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literali1110 · 5 months
Rookie 6x07 Thoughts
A few general thoughts:
This entire Bailey Nolan baby storyline is so cringy, also why is Celina talking to Nolan about this?
I don't love podcam eps, I feel as though you don't always get as much emotion from the characters. Plus all of these eps seem the same - missing person, helicopter, personal conversation over the radios...
"your sister" - why can't they name her??
Celina: I do not like the way she (and Nolan) talked about Lucy this episode. I didn't care for Celina before but this made me really not like her, it seems like she's just using Lucy for a place to live. I feel like Lucy should just live alone at this point.
The last scene with Lucy and Tamara was super sweet! Is this the last of Tamara though?
Tim/Lucy/Chenford Thoughts:
I can't believe they finally gave us a betting pool only to make it into a breakup pool - talking about cheating, secret kid - it seriously feels like they read everything we write and then use it to laugh at us
I liked how Lucy was dealing with things this episode for the most part: I liked that she walked away from Tim and that she gave him a piece of her mind at the end of the episode. And realized she can't help him if he doesn't want it/let her.
I enjoyed the ride along with Grey, I liked that he checked in about detective exam too
Loved her little "I should decide what I deserve" monologue, I hope she gets to say it all to Tim eventually
Blair was blunt with Tim but ultimately I think she got through to him, he was trying to cover it up but he seemed emotional. I just wish he was going through this process with a non-potential villain.
Didn't love that he still insists he was her boss not her friend, maybe this is also to protect her?
The hallway conversation: I feel like Tim was acting even worse here to Lucy in comparison to the breakup - first, trying to pretend everything is normal, and then doubling down on the breakup and saying he can't be what she needs (rude!). Good for her for responding how she did.
I think it highlighted even more how much work Tim needs to do on himself before we can even think about them moving forward. And in addition - he's going to need to make it up to Lucy. I think he was still so wrapped up in himself this episode he hasn't totally realized how much he her hurt her too. The conversation probably helped him realize he needed more help.
I'm interested in seeing where things go, I could see him apologizing to Lucy in the finale and telling her he's in therapy, as a first step - but her still not taking him back (I would like that).
I liked that he went to get help at the end. When I watched it, the idea of it being a suggestive shot did not cross my mind at all - and I don't think that was what they were going for unless it was meant to be ominous because of the office camera? If something happens between them I would NOT be ok with it!
I do wonder what he meant about it being an emergency - it seemed to allude to her comment earlier about self-harm/suicide but I'm not sure that was what they meant??
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pommpuriinn · 11 months
꯳⃘꤫ ⠀ ∩ ⑅ ∩ ˚₊ ͡ ︶. FANSIGNS
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synopsis: fansigns are the number one place where you could actually talk and try to connect with the people that have been supporting you, so let’s see some moments during the freefall promotions.
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⇢ joohyung always tries her best to make eye contact with all her fansites and pose the way they want her to unless they’re being a little rude and demanding then she won’t pose the way they are demanding her to
⇢ adding on to the eye contact many moas that attend and get to joohyung have said that she gets them flustered with the way she looks at them, so they immediately stumble on what they were planning on saying to her
⇢ “why are you looking away *insert moa’s name*-ie?” joohyung tilts her head to the side, trying to look into their eyes with a cheeky smile on her lips
⇢ the same moa that asked yeonjun to stand up also asked joohyung to see if joohyung was really that tall, which no doubt joohyung was pretty tall
⇢ “wow unnie!” the room erupted in screams much like how yeonjun got when it was his turn
⇢ joohyung really doesn’t expect gifts being given to her during these events, but when moas bring gifts for her she really thankful and always constantly thanks moas
⇢ “really?! For me?” joohyung pointed at herself looking at moa and down at the pompompurin plushie. “Yes! You deserve it. Plus I know how much you love Sanrio and plushies.” The moa handed it over to joohyung
⇢ handbands was such a huge thing to gift to idols and joohyung loves it always making sure to pose to the person that gifted it to her
⇢ moas would even get couple handbands or plushies to gift to joohyung and beomgyu to show their support for the cute couple and they even wish them well in their journey, which warms the two’s hearts
⇢ speaking of the couple of course fans love to roleplay boyfriend and girlfriend scenarios with the members, so beomgyu and joohyung don’t always sit together in these events and when a fan does pop up with this scenario they don’t really feel weird or cringe, plus it’s not like they really believe in what they’re saying in this roleplay scenario
⇢ but when they do sit next to each other for example in one fansign a fan got to beomgyu who was before joohyung and she said “beomgyu why are all these people doing here on our date?” beomgyu’s eyes widen before trying to hide his surprise with a chuckled
⇢ on the other hand joohyung just finished with the moa in front of her and was sitting there waiting for the fan that is with beomgyu to switch, but she heard the comment and just gave beomgyu a side eye
⇢ yes they do talk about it after the events because is it weird and a bit cringy especially when joohyung gets a male fan and they try doing it with her, but she doesn’t entertain it (beomgyu does stare them down shamelessly)
⇢ some wholesome moments during the fansigns is when moas genuinely thank joohyung for everything she has done for them and to not listen to nonsense people say about her because no matter what she will always have moas by her side supporting her for forever and ever
⇢ even seeing foreign moas come all this way just to say ‘ I love you and everything you do’ plus more honesty brings tears to joohyung’s eyes, and many video capture those moments where after having the time with moa she turns around and wipe the upcoming tears
⇢ after everyone getting their turns talking to the members it was time for the members to just talk and pose for pictures with their gifts that moas have gotten them
⇢ joohyung likes to show off her Sanrio plushie collection including custom made one, so she builds her little army on the floor and sits behind it of course the members love messing with her and misplacing her plushies
⇢ “ya! I’ll beat you up punk.” joohyung threatened kai who was getting a little too close to her army making everyone laugh at their encounter
⇢ another time when they had motorcycles helmets and pretend to take them off to give moas a show, meanwhile joohyung actually had on her’s which had cat ear on top and she wasn’t paying attention because she was setting up her army of plushies again, the members playfully scolded her
⇢ a very viral moment is when beomgyu and joohyung took turns giving each other little pigtails
⇢ joohyung loves teasing moas especially when it comes to taehyun muscles, one time taehyun had a sleeveless shirt on and joohyung made her way over to taehyun and started hugging his arm, “I bet you wish you were me right now, huh?” moas whined making joohyung evilly laugh at them
⇢ moas aren’t the only victims of joohyung’s evil teasing, soobin and yeonjun were both sitting on either side of joohyung during the actual signing part of the event and this moa who traveled from the american and only spoke english was talking to joohyung about gaming
⇢ “I want to ask who do you think is the worst at gaming?” they asked, making joohyung think a bit. “I think them two.” she pointed at both soobin and yeonjun
⇢ “what? No, no he’s worst!” soobin quickly tried defending himself with his cute english skills making the two girls laugh. “Ok since you’re cute I’ll say yeonjun is bad.”
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toomanyopinionss · 1 year
I want to talk about
Surviving Summer
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hey y’all, it’s been a minute since i’ve done one of these. let’s get into it…😏
So i genuinely like this show. Just finished watching the second season, in fact.
I feel like it’s the good amount of cheesy and adorable and mind numbing without being too formulaic and basic like some of these Netflix originals tend to be. Now it can be annoying and cringy sometimes, don’t get me wrong. But it’s got some pretty good actors and actresses with enough heartfelt moments and playful scenes to make one feel content. She’s not a top ten, but she never tries to be, you know??
As for the show itself? Surviving Summer is the perfect name for it, because Summer the character? a HOT mess. I cannot stress this enough, the frontal lobes on that one are not fully formed. It’s especially apparent in season 1. Even so, i love her 🥰. I cant help it ok? She has the confidence that i dreamed of having in high school, and now tbh.
I won’t go to deep into every character, but let me just say this: they will ALL annoy you at some point. It’s so obvious that they’re teenagers, cuz they childish. But they all care about each other most of the time, and surfing. It’s a great summer watch! go for it, don’t be shy
7.5/10. Surface level fun with shenanigans galore and annoying teenagers.
Y’all the second season was gooood. I liked it better than the first tbh. Summer, like i said before was much more serious and focused, but it didn’t change her personality at all, which i loved.
I liked how they got more into Bodhi’s conflicts with surfing and the racism in the industry on her end. If anything, i wish they had time to do even more with it. Because everything else they did with her character this season was just bleh. A half hearted conflict between poppy blown WAY out of proportion and a half assed queer relationship that was cute but barely touched on because hottake Netflix hates their wlws and their black main characters 🤭(oop who said that)
Poppy and marlon were cuteeeee. sidenote, who else forgot that bodhi and marlon had a thing, cuz i sho did 👀. they have such good chemistry and it just warmed my heart. SPEAKING of good chemistry…
✨“summer have you seen yourself?”
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summer and baxter are the only mf choice, im SORRY.
immediately side eyeing anyone who says that summer and ari should be together, because i’m not sure you and i watch the same show. another steaming take, but I never bought into summer and ari. they are too sibling for me. i was taken ABACK when they kissed in season one. I genuinely did not see it coming. they play off each other nicely, but in a romantic way? NOPE, i don’t buy it.
but from the first scene with baxter and summer, i knew. it was intense. the casual touches, the instant bind they formed, the way bax looks at her 🤭…
you cannot compete where you don’t compare, Ari is not the one 🤷🏾‍♀️
anyone else? hmmm…
oh, y’all join me in a big FVCK you to Elo and Wren. they both suck actual ass and i hate them both.
it’s the way that they treat everyone like shit equally. even their own brother? like what the fvck is wrong with them?
like especially wren. being jealous and overly competitive is one thing. but they way she handled the bodhi situation, plus the way she outed her old teammate? literally bordering on racist and homophobic like wtffff. maybe a lil psychotic too, cuz why is she literally a threat to summer’s life? don’t take it out on her cuz your boyfriend is an indecisive disaster. at least they didn’t give wren a redemption, i would have been so pissed off like fvck her.
ok this is getting long. tldr, Season 2 was entertaining and fun. poppy and marlon were cute, summer was awesome, ari does not need a girlfriend, justice for baxter, and wren and elo will not be seeing the pearly gates.
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
Allegedly, there is a rumour that Sydeny is going to be cast as Felicia Black cat in SM4. Because this is just a rumour, I can say that on a business level, this is a good choice. She is a list actor, so Tom doesn't have to do the heavy lifting promoting a project with C-list actors, no shade. Two, she can act, so there's no issue with that, though I would worry with chemistry cause the only person I think she has good chemistry is with Jacob lol.
My biggest issue is fans using this comparison wars with Z and her MJ. Also, I hope the presstour isn't cringy like anyone but you. Glen might've sacrificed his partner for clout, but Tom is not gonna do that. Let's hope she stays respectful, lol. Some fans need to understand that Sydney can't help the fanbase she has. It's helping her professionally, and with no shade, Tom may benefit from having her clout. This has been written before, but I genuinely believe he needs a fanbase outside of his relationship and to be more blunt, outside of SM. Those fans are fickle. If not SM4, she would be a good love interest in the winner.
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I'm sorry, but there is just so much nonsense in this ask that I just have to call it out rofl 🤣
Allegedly, there is a rumour that Sydeny is going to be cast as Felicia Black cat in SM4. Because this is just a rumour, I can say that on a business level, this is a good choice. She is a list actor, so Tom doesn't have to do the heavy lifting promoting a project with C-list actors, no shade.
I'm sorry, but I had to stop ✋🏾 reading right there, because I guffawed so loudly while reading the sentence in red, that I nearly choked on the food I was eating! 😅🤣
Sydney Sweeney an "A-list Actress"? Since when lol? 😅 She's only had ONE hit lead film. If you were to mention her name to random people down the street, most would not know who the heck Sydney Sweeney is. She might have the possibility of turning into an A-list actress one day, but right now, I would not count her as A-list.
She's won no major awards, she's not a household name, even if her picture were shown on a screen, would most people even recognize her?? Rofl 🤣 😂 I think not. If you mentioned "Tom Holland" on the other hand, MOST people would know who you're referring to, or, at the very least, they would recognize his face, even if they can't remember his name.
Secondly, what "C-list" actors do you think Tom has repeatedly had to promote films with? 🥴 Zendaya, Amanda Seyfried, Robert Downey Jr, Robert Pattinson, Emmy Rossum, Mark Wahlberg, Benedict Cumberbatch, Naomi Watts, etc. are nowhere near "C-list" celebrities. 🥴
My biggest issue is fans using this comparison wars with Z and her MJ.
I don't like that either.
My biggest issue with these Sydney Sweeney/Black Cat rumors though are that these seem to be coming from FANS wanting to cast her in this role, and nothing concrete!
Look, Sony/Marvel/Disney have given us so LITTLE info on this next Spiderman movie. They haven't even announced who the new villains will be.
So, for fans to be running this Sydney Sweeney Black Cat rumor into the ground, as if it has been announced that her character will even be in the new SM4 film in the first place is just very very premature as far as I'm concerned 😟
Also, I hope the presstour isn't cringy like anyone but you. Glen might've sacrificed his partner for clout, but Tom is not gonna do that. Let's hope she stays respectful, lol.
Tom would never 😤 Especially not with Zendaya on that tour rofl! Rofl 🤣
Some fans need to understand that Sydney can't help the fanbase she has. It's helping her professionally, and with no shade, Tom may benefit from having her clout.
I'm sorry, but WHAT?? 🥴🥴
Tom has waaaay more "clout" than little Miss Sydney Anon lol. 😏 If anyone needs clout, it's HER... not him.
Plus, Tom has been acting since he was a kid. If anything, she could learn a thing or two from Tom.
This has been written before, but I genuinely believe he needs a fanbase outside of his relationship and to be more blunt, outside of SM. Those fans are fickle. If not SM4, she would be a good love interest in the winner
While I do agree with you about Tom needing fans outside of "Tomdaya" and outside of the Spidey franchise, at the same time, I think he's been getting new fans and appreciators of his work due to "Uncharted", TCR, and the R&J play. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I think what Tom needs is to star in a great ensemble film with a great cast, that's catered to more men and more adults.
I think he would do well doing a film written by a great writing team, filmed by a great director, where he's part of a great ensemble cast, so he doesn't have to be the lead and have the entire film on his shoulders. I think critics would love him in smthg like that. Just a little break from being lead. Sometimes, it's good to switch it up a little bit. Like he did with TDATT. 😊
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Dominik Mysterio x Y/N
This one is not very good but eh ill post it anyway. Ill make a better one, idk when tho.
Female reader
Y/n = your name
N/n = Nick name
Y/N and Dominik used to be best friends, they told each other everything, but once everything went south the Mysterio Family Y/n couldn't bring herself to forgive to him.
As she was walking around backstage, she bumped into the person she's been trying to avoid.
Dominik Mysterio.
Former Bestfriends
Y/N and Dominik used to be best friends, they told each other everything, but once everything went south the Mysterio Family Y/n couldn't bring herself to forgive to him. Not when he hurt his family like that.
When Y/n and Dom were friends she wasn't a pro wrestler but she supported him throughout his whole career, she was training with Rey Mysterio to beome a wrestler one day and she was so so grateful.
In 2023 Y/n got signed with the WWE. She couldn't be happier. she thanked Rey everyday for his help, without him she wouldn't be here.
She was quite nervous though. What if she ran into Dom backstage? Would he ignore her? Would he remember her? All these thoughts were running through her head as she was walking around backstage, They hurt.
As she was overthinking she didn't realise she walked into somebody- or a couple people actually.
"OMG IM SO SOR-" She tried apolagize before she realized who it was she bumped into.
She looked up and see the the person she'd been trying to avoid.
Dominik Mysterio.
"its alright.. wait Yn is it really you..?" He said in shock staring her up and down
"Yup! Nice to see you again. Bye" She tried to leave before one of the people beside him grabbed her arm
"Who the hell are you?!" The person who she knows is Rhea Ripley asks her.
She was scary, She truly terrified Y/n, She was really pretty though.
Dominiks eyes widened when he saw what was happening
"Mami calm down, Balor, Priest can you guys takes her to the locker room or something?" He pleaded
Mami. The name was just as cringy to hear it in person than it was on tv. She must admit though, Hearing it come from Dom's mouth made her blush, shes always had a crush on him, she never dare to tell him though, She'll take it to her grave unless he makes the first move, She doubts he will though, Seeing him all happy with Rhea... She'd never have a chance with guy like him. They aren't even friends anymore.
"Y/n come here" He motioned for her to follow him and he took her to an abanded locker room
They both sat down on the ground and just stared at one another waiting for someone to break the silence.
Dominik chose to.
"Look im sorry" He whispered
"You should apolagize to your dad" She whispered not looking him in the eye
"I know i should, but thats not why i was apolagizing. Look im so sorry for practically abandoning you and bringing you into all of these messes, I just miss you, I miss you so much n/n"
She teared up at his confession
"I-i miss you too Dom" Both of the superstars smiled at each other
"I can't believe you got signed. It about he time, congrats" He congratulated her
"Thanks" She giggled before continuing
"You look good by the way" She complimented him
His cheeks turned a rosy pink at her compliment.
"Thank you, so do you Y/n"
Y/n looked down, avoiding his gaze while picking at her shirt before she told him what was running through mind.
"I-i dont think we can be friends again" y/n mumbled
"What... Why not" Dominik asked sadly while shaking his head
"You're with the judgement day. They're your friends Dom, plus Rhea wont like me hanging out with you, I think its just better if we avoid one another, im sorry." She smiled at him numbly
"NO.. I was friends with you first, it has always been you n/n i dont need them, its all just Vince and triple H's plan. I need you" He rushed out standing up
Y/n stood up with him and grabbed him hands, looking him in the eye.
"It'll be alr-" She started before she got cut off
Dominik kissed her.
Y/n froze in shock before she kissed him back and grabbed his neck lightly to deepen the kiss while he put his hands on her waist..
She felt him smile against her lips.
"You don't know how long i've wanted to do that'' He mutters while looking dazed.
"Well i see why they call you dirty dom" she mocked him while smirking
"Shut up" he blushed
"I've loved you for so long"
"I love you too, Remember all i need is you, Its always been you"
~cross-posted on Wattpad & ao3 ~
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livewireprojects · 2 months
Old Sonic sketches(Plus extras)
Found some old sketches I had on DA & wanted to show them. Some sketches have the date I scanned them in the corner of the image because the date changes if I edit them & I had to edit them cause they're all bmp files along with needing editing to be darkened. It's there to show how old they are & cause I found it interesting, if the image doesn't have the date I'll list mention a date that's mentioned in the DA post or something related. Not all the images are in order of date.
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The image on the left was posted November 8, 2012 while the one on the right is from August 27, 2013
These were some wedding sketches I drew with the one on the right being a pic I made for a teacher I had in high school.(Graduated 2014) The pic on the left was a Sonadow & Silvaze wedding with Tails catching Sonic's bouquet while Cosmo(who was revived at some point) giggles.(tfw When you might end up marrying next thanks to a moment at your older brother's wedding & your girlfriend knows too)
Shadow & Sonic's rings(on the wrist) was inspired by a comic by Segamew on DA were Shadow used one of his inhibitor rings to propose to Sonic.(Fun fact at the time I didn't know what his rings did past the fact Shadow wore them, I only learned about the reason recently) I use a different idea for mobian wedding items now.
I find it semi funny(semi cause it looks cringy) that when I posted this to DA I was like "I'm using Shadonic instead of Sonadow so fuck you" to be honest this came from past Naruto shipping were ship names go by who is tops. I've gotten over it by now but if I'm not using ship names I still put the top first.
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This was drawn in 2015
The top images are Monoko from Yume Nikki & Sonic as nightmarens from the NiGHTS series. I might redraw/redesign these one day but dunno. The little mini doodles between them are an old design for my self-insert Sonicsona & Monoko next to me. I don't know the context for them.
At the bottom is Reala(nightmaren this time instead of my OC Reala the hedgehog), Jackle & my nightmaren OC Halldis dressed up. Next to them is Pinkie Pie semi Rayman style.(By that I mean floaty limbs)
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The one on the left is cropped cause you don't really need to see my old Raymesis/Dark Rayman(Who is turned over a new leaf, also thought they were the same person back then) x Rayman stuff. Funny enough two images were edited into this from the cropped side cause they're semi related.
Left image:(Added in mini pics at the bottom of list)
Left to right, top of page to bottom of page
Rayman Sonic that I didn't put much effort in past hair & outfit
Rayman as a seedrian, this was made before learning that male seedrian look very different from the girls. He's a plum plant from the Rayman series.
Normal Rayman waving
Rayman!Sonic sitting down
An attempt to draw mini Rayman & Rayman!Sonic flying using their hair. Rayman obviously with helicoptor bangs, Sonic flapping like he's a bat/bird.
Right image:
Left to right, top page then middle page then bottom page
Older Rayman with kids
Rayman!Shadow & Rayman!Sonic, these are their old designs with Shadow's being inspired by Kanda from D.Grayman's hair & mitarashiarts's past design for gijinka Shadow. I guess I gave him Raymesis style eyes given how I drew them.
Rayman!Sonic in a Rayman version of Sonic after being blinded by Eggman(context my version of Sonic at some point in the future was blinded by Eggman)
Rayman!Sonic wandering around & hiding that he's Sonic & injured
A scene of old design Shadow finding Sonic after he was heavily injured & almost drowned in Rayman style
Random doodle of Sonic in a random art style
An old prototype design idea for revived Cosmo, two versions of her as a plant based deer. I ended up going with a plant based chipmunk in the end.(With help from a friend when I mentioned some suggestions)
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I don't fully remember the context behind the pic on the left I just know it was a scrapped idea. I think the idea was Silver visiting the past as a kid & helping Sonic after the reboot or after the reboot in Sonic 06 he was born in the past & made friends with Sonic.(The middle pic is meant to be them before the re-boot) I'm guessing this was before the paper towel comic I made.
The right image is meant to be Sonic walking with his siblings as they unknowingly pass by the spirit of Tikal with a bunch of Chao(plus Sonadow chao) & Chip. Sonic notices him & Chip waves to his future friend. From what I understand the idea is Chip some how got a chance to see Sonic in the past after the events of Sonic Unleashed.(Likely way on DA I named this "Meeting again before I knew you") No idea how Sonic can see them without his glasses on since Underground Sonic is blind without them. According to DA this image didn't need much fixing up.
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Here's a pic I drew on one of my folders for school(2011 was my first year of high school)
I had to grayscale this because the folder is yellow & it'd look stupid
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Left to right
-Sonic as a young child with his adopted dad after they decided to go frog hunting for the first time
-The idea behind this was Sonic returning to where he grew up before going to live with Uncle Chuck after helping his siblings & mom rebuild the kingdom after defeating Robotnik. I think the idea was that Sonic still met/took in Tails at some point cause there was an idea of Tails bringing Amy, Shadow & the others to meet his older brother.
Version 1 was meant to be Sonic having become more like he use to be before the trauma of losing his adopted parents & losing his confidence thanks to bullying(for being different) & the stress of the war. He's happily being Sonic in the woods he was raised in. Version 2 is just Sonic as I depicted him at the end of Sonic Underground were he has gained confidence but is still slightly timid & very sweet.(No idea why it says "Southern bell-ish" I'm guessing this was the only description I could think of)
-Sonic dressed in his adopted mom's outfit
-Sonic before losing his adopted parents & being taken in by his uncle. Sonic was a happy & energetic, he loves exploring the woods & learning to play music. He's a kid that hasn't fully learned that the world is full of things to fear despite knowing the dangers of going too close to areas everyone knows is Robotnik's territory.(I guess think of Robin from the game The Path were she didn't realize it's dangerous to fall out of a shopping cart nor jump on a werewolf)
The poor kid is in for many horrors when he made the poor choice of hunting for frogs near one of Robotnik's bases.
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Posted to DA May 28, 2014
Classic Rayman as a puffball, Sonic as a puffball & anime Kirby as whatever Rayman is
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Posted to DA June 24, 2019
Why I can't draw Sonic's eyes like they're meant to look
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Adding another pic last minute, this is an old sketch dump of Sonic & his siblings from my old Sonic stuff that went on to lead to my Lost Prince AU
Left to right
The sight Uncle Chuck saw when he got home. Thanks to having enough of the bullying while struggling to deal with losing his adopted parents Sonic chopped his hair/quills off to look more normal.
Sonia fixing Sonic's hair while Manic finds it funny she used a bowl to cut Sonic's hair
Sonic meeting his siblings for the first time as they hide somewhere after managing to run into each other. Moments later they're told what they're meant to be doing.
Sonic amazed, I think this was inspired by Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi some how
Old design modern Sonic holding plushies I use to give him when he was a kid, lion & lamb plushies, I don't remember the context I think this was when he was living with his dad
Sonic laying on the ground with the plush dolls
Another old design modern Sonic
The triplets managing to sleep in a proper bed after some traveling
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deva-arts · 3 months
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FINE! FINE!!! So everyone had some name tryouts at first, and everyone has different themes behind their name! I think about this an embarrassing amount.
Sera is pretty on the nose with hers. Vincent had a lot of ancient Roman name themes. Nathaniel? tons of Latin. Sonia has a more American name, and Amon has both ancient and modern Egyptian names to his- er... name.
The name 'Seraphina' was my first choice. You can give her several nicknames! But I felt like it was super cringy- I still cringe here and there when I say that my MC has such a mouthful of a name! However, she quickly grew into it; it was the only name that fit her.
Other runners up were: Daya, Jena, Lark, Pheobe, Raven, Tori, Diane, Robyn, Vanessa, Karla, and Corrine. You can tell I wanted a specific vibe here. Her last name used to be Guerrero!
Herrera is a Hispanic surname. It literally means iron forge, but sounds so cute. And her middle name, Nephele, means cloud in Greek. You can tell she is my oldest oc goddamn four years now
Vincent has always been Vincent AFAIK, but his lab name had changed quite a bit, to the point that I decided to leave him nameless in the lab. A name implies an identity after all. I still sometimes wonder if I'll stick to the name, since the way he canonically gets it is kind of weak narrative-wise.
His beta lab names included: Livius, Lucius, Odysseus, Aetius, Nero, and Dante. Kind of teetering on cringe, even though I liked Dante... Oh well. It's for the best. My subconscious would've played the nastiest trick had I not found out:
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Now, Vincentius remains with his first and only name, its latin root, Vincere, means to conquer and prevail. He's the winner! He won! why is no one clapping...?
We move on! Nathaniel!! Ahaha I liked brainstorming Nate a lot...But his name was pretty straightforward. I just picked something off the top of my head and it stuck! kind of how it happens in Canon, lol. As Nathaniel grew his personality and character profile past "Hi! I exist to be your boyfriend!" Things quickly took form for our dear Wilson. I chose Wilson as a surname because of our og here:
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...I just think he's neat. The tattoo on his shoulder was going to be Inter Umbra, but I soon found that Noctis Umbra fit far better. Darkness in a night filled world. Toxie Noxie. Plus these names make a poem!
Nathaniel Wilson: God has given a son of will,
Noctis Umbra: A shadow in the night.
Sonia’s names were pretty straightforward. I wanted something playful and energetic! but also quite American. She's a carefree ginger with her heart on her shoulder... Even though it's doubtful this is her real name past just being a stage name. It might be something stupid. Like Marjorie.
Oof. Let's stick with Sonia. I wasn't thinking about any name meanings here, but it is kind of funnily ironic that her name means wisdom! ahah!
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Amon wasn't going to be Arab at first; I was leaning more towards Egyptian mythology rather than modern, Islamic Egypt. I found it a lot funner to meld Momo more in that direction. even though he is raised a lot more multiculturally and areligious past his teen years in canon. (He was working in the mafia since he was fourteen. He has become the definition of Haram.)
So, instead of making a character based off of Amon Ra, or Ammit, the crocodilian deity in ancient Egyptian mythology, Momo kind of evolved past just his character abilities! In canon, Amon uses this name as a nickname/street alias. Adra finds it cool! so she call him that too.. His real, birth name is Arham Hassan Ahmed. Not that he will use it much in the story.
Some literal Google search translations to his name- Arham, coming from the arabic word "rahma", which means merciful or compassionate. Hassan, meaning handsome. And Ahmed, from "al-hamd" meaning praiseworthy. Or so I have read!
Lastly, Eric. My mom came up with it, and my brother immediately went "gasp- RICKY." and it stuck. My brother also came up with Schraf as a surname. It doesn't mean anything, but it's cool innit? (This is also how he named Karl Strohl.)
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