#i know it's a different game already but i'm still in his chokehold haha
ayselluna · 5 months
Doing selfies with Astarion as your boyfriend
So I made Astarion in Sims4 and had him be my boyfriend with my character on Sims and I can't get over with how cute the selfies we made are!
Just look at this adorable vamp!
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I imagine him always into taking pictures and even making me take his "Instagrammable photo" for some posts. Like who wouldn't want to see his gorgeous face right?
And of course as his girlfriend, I'll always be proud and happy with all the pictures we took. FRAMED FOR LATEEEER haha
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He's probably okay with some wacky pictures too coz like he'll still look fucking handsome! Look at him showing off his fangs!
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I wish I made him have more of those laugh lines tbh, but he's up for another upgrade soon! I just didn't had the mod yet at this time. haha
I also upgraded his house btw. He needs his space lol. Guess we'll be moving in together soon! XD
forgive me for my delulu era haha
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 9 months
For TOH ask game, how about 1, 7 and 9? :)
Hi!! Thank you sm for the ask!! I'm gonna switch the numbers up a bit because I've answered a few you've listed but still wanna answer more.
(Here is the ask game for those who want to see it)
I have already answered questions: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 16, 19, 20
1.) What episode got you invested in the show? Why?
I already answered this one here so I'll exchange this with 3.
3.) Favorite episode? Why? Ramble as much as you'd like.
My favorite episode most definitely for nostaligic and sentimental reasons would be Enchanting Grom Fright, and I KNOW like there are a TON of other episodes but I cannot deny the fact that EGF really does hold a special place in my heart for being (as I answered in question 1.) the reason I even got into TOH in the first place back in 2020. The entire course of this hyperfixation is BECAUSE of that episode. I love it sm because it literally was the spark of the fandom's outrage over shipping Lumity. Everyone was racing to draw and commit every art medium to fandom space. Ao3 was such a different place back then too for TOH fanfic. I think after EGF came out a lot of things really came to be TOH. Of course then we had WIng It Like Witches (which that's an entire discussion in itself!!) that made us all freak out even more about Lumity. I don't know haha. EGF really holds a special place in my heart that I love more than s2. WHICH- Don't even get me wrong. I absolutely love LOVE LOVE s2. We got the Lumity kiss and all that fun cannon stuff- It's just that nothing to me compares to the absolute sheer ferality I had over them because of that episode. TOH really had a chokehold on me because of that.
7.) Has the show ever made you cry? What scene(s)?
I already answered this one too here :( (its so funny yall asked like almost the same thing whoops.)
I'll do 6 because 4 is super obvious lol.
6.) A character you didn't expect to love? What made you start liking them?
Honestly, I'm gonna give a hot take here but Willow. In the beginning back during s1 I didn't feel like she was all that cool. (I didn't HATE her- I just didn't see the appeal of her) Of course Understanding Willow definitely had an impact but it wasn't until s2 when we really got to see into her more that I started to really think she wasn't half bad. Like s1 was mostly not as plot driven so it kinda felt that she was mid. Was indifferent but I'm so glad the show changed my mind about her because she truly was one of the best characters.
9.) If the show had a full three seasons, whats something you genuinely think would happen? Not a wishful thinking, what do you think is something that would've happened?
Well Beach Episode got hinted at so obviously I would be down for that, but I think most importantly seeing more interactions between the hexsquad. I would've wanted to see a picnic lumity cemetery date obviously, and maybe even the hexsquad going to a convention together. I just would want more shenanigans with them all.
Also more Raeda?? Like I would be down for that. And Steve!! And Lilith!! Lilith and Hooty moments.
I think we would've gotten more clarification on the whole curse and the inner lore of it, because I know KNOW theres more to it there. More lore with Hooty and what even that worm was too. I just know there would've been more lore if we had more time.
Thanks sm for the ask!! Hope you didn't mind I switched them a bit so this wasn't so short.
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mellowwillowy · 2 years
Guests Event 1
(God I'll spend this whole month being an auntie)
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- Ivy - Psyche
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"Are you alright?"
The same voice, rings inside her head.
"Don't be scared, I'm not here to hurt you"
A beautiful long, snow-like hair. Her voice as gentle as the cold breeze that won't stop harrasing her limp body.
"... you are not from Elpasa"
What's that?
"Doesn't matter, I'll still take you in"
To where? With a long white coat and the scents of antiseptic...
"Be my guest until you recover, dove"
A doctor, and even worse, a scientist. She's made up her mind. She'll kill her. She'll kill her and she'll die, resigned from the board using her Guest Authorities.
'Pardon... the intrusion then'
- Vee - Ophelia
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"Checkmate, I won"
The woman looks at the girl in front of her. For a young girl around her age, her skill in playing checkers is praiseworthy.
"I've traveled across boards for a long time. It's only natural for me to understand the nature of a game board"
Well yes, and no. She's not just a pawn. She's a piece. And she's her Guest. Besides, a game of checkers is different from a gameboard, at least in this Guest's term.
"I may not be as good as that pet cat Marionette or my 'Sister' but the proof that I still survive in my own board and your board is enough to prove my competency"
Guest Authorities. An endless protection. But that's not the only thing that help her survive in this foreign board. With the woman protecting her and a proper Neutral Observer alarming every moves, it's almost laughable if she's still harmed in any way.
"That Neutral Observer did a great job pulling me out from my own madness. Had she not been there to drag me out, I would have to resign from this board already"
The Neutral Observer may belong from the girl's board but they have been adjusted to the woman's board alas ensuring her every route safe from any unsavory incidents.
"Well, either I live alongside with you or I'll play as an actress, that's my role as a Guest here"
A competent actress, although sometimes consumed by her own pride.
But it's nothing surprising, almost all the pieces are just like her. Vellanie, Marionette, and Iris would be the perfect example for everyone to witness.
'But isn't Iris simply a Neutral Observer?'
The girl smiles at her as she plays with the pawns,
"How about we move on to the Clockworker Theatre, Ophelia?"
- Iris - Leon
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"You.... bastard..."
The girl growls as she coughs out blood. She has crossed the line and with how the Neutral Observer had her in a chokehold with the invisible string, it's disgraceful.
'Ah? You should have realized that I'm here to destroy your gameboard instead of the other way, idiiiiotttt'
She's taking her chances. She won't let the person in front of her resign just like that. With a leap and her strings in her hand, she snaps her finger.
- × - ??????
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The blood trickles down to her chin. Ah, she didn't realize the Guest has taken off the Guest Authorities.
Weird, she died and yet the Marionette didn't die. Is she even a part of her? No, .... who is... Marionette? Her head throbs, rivers of unknown knowledges of fragments swim inside her.
Xiu Li. Whose name is it? Is it hers, or is it that crane's? That immoral fox.
Nevertheless, the only information she's allowed to know is only limited to that Huli Jing. Marionette is not her. So who is she?
- Yuzure - Battler
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"Yahoo~! Royal straight flush, haha!"
The man slammed his card on the bed, revealing his hand to the girl. The girl pouts as she threw her cards away.
"Oya, look at my adorable guest, she's pouting!"
'Go away! I hate you!'
The man laughs at the girl's reaction and tackles her down.
Anyone could mistake her for Vellanie, anyone.
"My precious Guest, let's play more alright, this time, I'll be the one playing, I'll be the actor"
The man nods and kisses her forehead. Pitiful woman who violated the rule of a gameboard. Pitiful woman who killed the white tiger. Pitiful woman who destroyed the fox and tiger relationship. Pitiful woman who was created out of________
- X -
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"Oh jeez, I'm just tryna live"
The Olympians and Mystics giggle at her, their precious sweet flower.
'Alright, alright, let's play instead of living shall we?'
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