#i know it's an american platform and it's normal for english language features to work better but
hedgehog-moss · 2 years
The “Readers also enjoyed” feature on Goodreads (which GR says was created 10 years ago to “use people’s reviews, ratings and other data to make great personalised recommendations”) is still so bad when it comes to non-anglo books, it’s kind of funny at this point. I don’t understand how it continues being so useless when there are lots of people logging and rating books in other languages on this platform every day? It’s not breathtakingly accurate for anglo books either but the “See similar books” link will suggest at least some books that are somewhat similar in some way, whereas for non-anglo books after all this time it’s still like “I see you enjoyed this short French nonfiction book about literary salons in 18th-century Paris—I’m sure you’ll love this modern epic novel written in Romanian about a man who cheats on his wife with a ghost, since you're into the Foreign Books genre.”
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superlinguo · 4 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with a Developer Advocate
I often talk about how Linguist Twitter is a great place to hang out. Twitter can be a big, confusing, noisy platform, but I’ve enjoyed building a little world full of linguists, and one of those excellent people is Rachael Tatman. It has been great to follow Rachael as she completed her PhD, got a job in data visualisation with Kaggle, and then moved on to chatbot maker Rasa. Rachael is not only a great linguist, but a thoughtful linguistics communicator. Her blog Making Noise and Hearing Things has a wonderful back catalogue covering data science, professionalism and emoji. You too can follow Rachael on Twitter (@rctatman).
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What did you study at university?
My BA is in Linguistics and English Literature (I double majored) from William and Mary (in Virginia, USA) and then I went to the University of Washington for grad school. I got my PhD in linguistics in 2017, and my dissertation was "Modeling the Perceptual Learning of Novel Dialect Features". Over the course of my PhD in particular I moved more and more into natural language processing, although I was still pretty much calling myself a computational linguist.
What is your job?
I'm a senior developer advocate for a company called Rasa. We make an open source framework for building chatbots/virtual assistants and free software for improving your assistant over time. (If you're a business using the free software and want additional fancy features, we also have a paid enterprise version.) Developer advocates are basically peer-to-peer technical educators. Our job is to help make it as easy as possible for developers to use whatever product it is that we support. So my day to day involves a lot of developer education–things like writing blog posts, giving talks and making videos–as well as providing technical support and product feedback. Because I have a research background and Rasa has a research team I'll sometimes help out with research projects as well.
How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
It helps me every day! One great example is that it's given me a good idea of the typological diversity of languages in the world. Since Rasa is a language-agnostic platform (we want to be able to support as many languages as possible) knowing what sort of differences there are between languages is very helpful. My linguistics training also taught me how to communicate complex topics succinctly and accurately which is a huge part of developer relations and related fields, like technical writing.
Do you have any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Be really kind to yourself, especially when you're on the job market. There's a large emotional regulation component to searching for jobs that I don't think gets talked about enough. Find something that helps you disconnect from thinking about work or looking for work and commit to doing it often. That could be something as simple as following along with yoga videos in your room or setting up a weekly time to play video games with your friends or just taking a walk outside every day, maybe with your children if you have them. Building a brain break into my routine and keeping it stable really, really helped me both in graduate school and when I was on the job market.
Also: your goals and identity will change over time. You may think of yourself as an academic now but won't in 5 years. That's ok. It's normal. And it's also normal for those shifts to come with a grieving process, especially if you weren't expecting them. Give yourself grace, and time, to feel your feelings. And know that you can have a rich, happy fulfilling life that looks nothing like what you're planning for yourself right now.
Any other thoughts or comments?
The great thing about studying and having a fascination for language is that it's everywhere. Your linguistic training will give you a set of lenses you can look through for the rest of your life, and that's a thing to celebrate and cherish in its own right.
Related interviews:
Interview with a Product Manager
Interview with a Senior Content Project Manager at Transparent Language
Interview with a Linguistic Project Manager at a Language Tech Company
Recent interviews:
Interview with an ESL teacher, coach and podcaster
Interview with a Juris Doctor (Master of Laws) student
Interview with the Director of Education and Professional Practice at the American Anthropological Association
Interview with a Research Coordinator, Speech Pathologist
Interview with a Dance Instructor and Stay-at-Home Mom
Check out the full Linguist Jobs Interview List and the Linguist Jobs tag for even more interviews  
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out-of-jams · 5 years
Airplane Mode || Track 05: Moving On | jhs
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Summary: Inspired by Love at First Touch by bagelswrites.
In a world where a bruise marks the first touch of your soulmate, time is the only thing that matters. The marks take hours to appear, sometimes even days if you're really unlucky. Once First Touch is initiated, both parties only have a few weeks to find the other. From then on, the body begins to reject any form of sustenance other than the touch of the other. If one fails to find their soulmate in time, they starve to death. 
So what happens when your soulmate is a world famous idol?
And you're just one fan in a sea of many who can't even speak the same language?
Pairing: Hoseok x Fem Character
Word Count: 4.7k
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Idol!au. Smut. Soulmate!au. Explicit language.
Warnings: Language. 
Words written like this are spoken in Korean. 
              Previous | Next | | Track List | Masterlist |
Eunjae glared at the screen displaying boarding times like it was responsible for all of her life problems. Though in this instance, it kind of was.
With water dripping down her hand from the sweating plastic cup filled with coffee she held, Eunjae took a deep breath to stop herself from getting arrested by security for assaulting airport property. She’d already gotten lost multiple times in the obnoxiously large airport. And then once she finally found her gate to check in, the staff working at the desk politely informed her that the flight to Seoul was completely full. Therefore she would need to check her carry-on suitcase in with the rest of her bags because there wouldn't "be enough room in the overhead compartment."
Eunjae had been so tired up to that point, from the emotional farewell with her best friend to the long lines and early hours of the morning. She’d never been an early riser. In fact, the only way to even get her out of bed before eleven was if you bribed her with caffeine. And seeing as how her flight was supposed to leave at 6:54 am, she’d been wandering around half-awake like a zombie. After Eunjae'd gotten turned around in the airport for the third time, she finally caved and bought a ridiculously expensive iced coffee. Even though the side effects of First Touch turned the normally delicious drink into trash.
Taking another sip out of her rapidly draining cup, Eunjae tried not to grimace at the taste. If she was being completely honest, it tasted like she licked the walls of a dirty alleyway. But caffeine was caffeine and she would at least try to drink it while she could still stomach food. With a sigh, Eunjae slipped her vibrating phone out of the back pocket of her pants to read over the latest text from Hoseok. She’d sent a message off to him once she passed through security check to let him know that she would be on her way soon.
Well, she would have been.
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Green straw pressed between her lips, Eunjae’s freshly manicured fingers flew across the keyboard. She wasn’t one to get her nails done routinely, since it would just get ruined when she worked on a new clothing piece. But Miles had forced her into getting a mani-pedi with him. Something about not letting her meet Bangtan with busted nails or whatever, but he’d volunteered to pay so she’d acquiesced.
A ding alerted her to a new text and she sent off a reply as she reluctantly trudged her way back to her gate.
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Eunjae’s stupid flight had gotten delayed by almost six hours because of some storm raging in the middle of the ocean. She didn’t know if she was more angry at the fact that she now had so much time to fill, or that she could have still been asleep.
What the hell am I supposed to do for that long? She thought angrily as she slipped her phone back in her pocket. Hiding her glare behind the protective lenses of her sunglasses, she grumbled to herself.
Six hours and almost a season of Parks and Rec later, the call for her flight to start boarding came over the loudspeaker. WIth a final glance at the blank notification screen of her phone, Eunjae gathered her red mini backpack and boarded the plane. Hoseok had yet to respond to her last message, so she just assumed that he was super busy with his schedule for the day.
Settling into her roomy seat on the giant plane, Eunjae silently thanked Big Hit for getting her a first class ticket on a non-stop flight. Her seat was separated from the one next to her by a wall that rose over the top of her head. There was a small table right underneath the movie screen in front of her and she dropped her backpack on it before reclining in her chair.
As the flight attendant at the front of the plane began to read off safety instructions, Eunjae leaned her head back against the headrest and hoped that she’d at least be able to get some sleep.
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With dark red nails tapping impatiently on the countertop of the help desk, Eunjae watched through tired eyes as the staff member manning it clicked away at her computer. The rest of the baggage claim was completely devoid of people and the notes of some slow song playing over the loudspeaker echoed hauntingly.
Eyes hooded with exhaustion, Eunjae spared a quick glance out one of the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the wall in baggage claim. It was too dark to see anything properly so her hunched over reflection greeted her through the glass. With a sigh, she ran a hand through her hair and straightened the hem of her cut-off black hoodie. The material fell right underneath her bellybutton and the top of her black joggers prevented any chance of seeing skin. Eunjae toed the tile floor with the tip of her white, platform Puma sneakers and sighed.
The bad luck of the day (days?) was apparently never ending. After falling into a weird, fever like sleep on the plane where she woke up confusedly every hour, Eunjae was greeted after landing in Incheon International Airport by the news of the airline losing her bags. It was almost three in the morning and she couldn’t even call Sejin to let him know the issue since her American phone didn’t operate in South Korea. The man was probably wondering where the hell she was.
“Ah,” the voice of the female staff member drew Eunjae’s attention. The middle aged woman looked up from her computer with an apologetic smile. “Your bags are currently in Beijing.”
Eunjae could only respond with a slow blink as her tired brain tried to process the information. She’d been lucky that the woman at the counter could speak English. She didn’t even want to imagine how the conversation would go with a round of charades.
“Beijing?” She parroted back stupidly. Her voice was still a little groggy from her attempt at sleep.
“Yes.” The woman bobbed her head, her brunette hair brushing her shoulders with the motion. “We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience."
Eunjae just nodded slowly. “When can they get here?”
“In about three days or so. If you write down the address of where you’re staying, we could have them send your belongings straight to you.”
Eunjae filled out the slip of paper robotically, pen jotting down her new address quickly. Luckily she’d memorized it from the amount of times she’d had to write it down on boxes to ship out. None of those boxes, unfortunately, carried any of her clothes. Eunjae hadn’t sent any out until two days ago. The rest of her clothing was in the bags lost somewhere in Beijing.
She silently cursed her past self for being so stupid. But she’d needed clothes to wear back at home, damnit!
The rest of the interaction passed by in a blur and Eunjae walked out of baggage claim with only her mini backpack and a copy of the form she filled out. Luckily, the signs in the airport were labeled in both Engilsh and Korean, so she had no trouble finding her way out.
As she went through the empty queue at immigration and rode the escalator down to the main floor and entrance, Eunjae gently slapped her cheeks to wake herself up. She’d been on the receiving end of one too many stares on the journey and couldn’t wait for the bruises to heal. Stepping off at the ground floor, Eunjae immediately spotted Sejin pacing back and forth near the escalators. His hands were stuffed deep in the pockets of his thick brown coat and a white face mask was pulled down to his chin. Eunjae shifted her backpack higher on her shoulder and cleared her throat.
“Hey.” She didn’t need to raise her voice since the airport was empty anyway.
Sejin’s head snapped up from where he’d been staring intently at his shoes, and a look of relief twisted his features. Stepping closer, his tense shoulders relaxed. “You’re here. I was starting to worry.”
“Yeah, sorry about the wait.” A large yawn interrupted Eunjae mid sentence and she covered her mouth with a sweater paw. “They lost my bags.”
“Ah.” Sejin frowned. “How long until they ship them to you?”
Eunjae waved the flimsy paper in her hands, the edges fluttering with the movement. “Three days. So please excuse my homeless-chic appearance until then. What I’m wearing is all I have.”
Sejin shook his head and gestured for her to follow him to the door. “We’d initially planned for you to meet Bang PD-nim and the rest of the members tomorrow morning--well now this morning. But we can arrange for someone to take you shopping first.”
The automatic doors swished open and Eunjae frowned at the cold wind that bit across her cheeks. Hands shoving into the pouch of her hoodie, she looked around the empty passenger pick-up area. The bright lights from inside the airport’s floor-to-ceiling windows gave them plenty of light to see by as she followed the man down the wide pathway.
“I don’t really have a lot of money to spend on clothes.” Eunjae’s words puffed a white cloud into the winter air. Unfortunately for her, it was just as cold in Korea as it was in New York. She could already feel her cheeks starting to freeze.
Sejin sent her a weird look as they crossed the empty street towards an even more deserted part of the pick-up zone. Eunjae could just barely make out a parked van through the darkness. “You wouldn’t be paying.”
Eunjae snorted in amusement through her slowly reddening nose and joked, “less than an hour here and you’re already planning a robbery on some poor clothing store. Shaking my head, Sejin. You’re a bad influence.”
The lack of sleep was beginning to get to her.
Rolling his eyes in good humor, Sejin gave a fake, put-upon sigh. “You’re going to fit in with the boys great.”
She simply raised an eyebrow at him and watched as he slid a keyring out of the pocket of his jeans. The van was close and Eunjae picked up her pace a little at the thought of gaining solace from the freezing wind. Her short legs had to work almost double time to keep up with tall Sejin.
“Like I said before,” he began, clicking a button on the keyring to unlock the vehicle; its lights flashed twice. “Big Hit will cover all of your expenses while you're here. That includes anything and everything you might need.”
Eunjae grimaced. She really didn’t like the thought of being dependant on someone for so long. Even if that someone was a millionaire like Bang PD. “I don’t want to just be given things without working for it. That doesn't sit right with me.”
The tall man paused in his steps, causing her to stop as well. Staring down at her seriously, he held the keys in his hand tighter. “You’ve just moved out here to a completely different country; you’ve given up a lot and we recognize that. So let us at least try and make up for it.”
All Eunjae could do was blink at his statement. Sejin patted her shoulder twice and stepped off again leaving Eunjae with no choice but to follow in silence. They were at the van now and she stepped up next to Sejin as he slid the backdoor open for her. Why he didn’t want her to sit in the passenger seat, she had no idea. But the question answered itself as soon she slid inside and the door closed behind her.
Leaning against the opposite door of the row’s seats sat Jung Hoseok. The hood of his chalk grey coat was pulled up over his dark, wavy hair and a small gold chain hid beneath his neckline. With the silver zipper pulled halfway down his chest, the soft cotton of his charcoal covered shirt stretched across his chest. Hoseok had on his own pair of black joggers and Eunjae silently wondered if always accidently matching clothes was a soulmate thing, or if they just had the same taste in fashion.
The second the door closed, Hoseok pulled down the black face mask covering the bottom half of his face and gave her a smile so big that the tiny dimples on his cherub cheeks popped into existence. His dark eyes turned into adorable half moons as he spread his arms wide open with flapping hands. “You’re here!”
Eunjae just about died on the spot. From the scent of his masculine cologne in the air, to the sudden warmth of escaping the biting wind, to his cute accented voice. Her tired brain was beginning to short circuit from all of the input.
Returning his smile with one of her own, she responded, “I’m here.”
As she slid the backpack from her shoulders, Hoseok tilted his head to the side in confusion and sent a glance back towards the still empty trunk of the van. Turning back to her, he waved a hand at the backpack between her feet.
“No more?” His brows pinched together in bewilderment.
The driver side door opened then, and Sejin slipped inside and started the van quickly, likely wanting to warm up just as much as she did. The car rumbled to life and the vents perched on the ceiling of the vehicle flooded the space with lukewarm air.
Shaking her head at Hoseok’s question, Eunjae answered him as the automatic door lights shut off and plunged them all in darkness. A soft glow from the center console at the front cast his face in shadow as Sejin finally pulled away from the curb. “My bags are somewhere in Beijing right now.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened comically as he seemed to grasp the gist of what she was saying. He leaned closer and Eunjae had to almost physically stop herself from reaching out to touch him. Soulmate or not, they were still strangers and Eunjae wasn’t comfortable enough with him to invade his personal space. So no matter how much his body called out to hers, how much the blood in her veins sang out for him, she shoved the feeling of longing deep into the recesses of her mind.
“What? Why?”
Eunjae had never been so grateful for her ability to retain information that she crammed into her brain last minute as she easily translated Hoseok’s Korean. Miles had been giving her random pop quizzes at all times of the day to try and help. Even though he had no idea what he was saying and ended up pronouncing half of the words wrong anyway. Scrunching her nose in thought, Eunjae pulled up the virtual dictionary floating through her exhausted brain. She didn’t know a lot of Korean vocabulary and the rules of sentence structure confused the hell out of her. So she wasn’t confident in how coherent her response was.
“They lost them.”
Eunjae wasn’t sure if Hoseok’s reaction was because of what she said or the fact that she’d spoken it in his language. Heart shaped lips spreading into another smile, his long fingers came up to frame either side of his face. “Your Korean is good!”
“Ah, I don’t know a lot.” A pout formed unconsciously on her face as she shrugged non-committedly.
“Still.” Hoseok beamed. One of his hands moved as if he were going to touch her before he seemingly thought better of it and dropped it on the seat between them.
A few beats of silence overtook the car that hovered over the soft music playing from the speakers. It wasn’t quite awkward, but it wasn’t comfortable either. It was the kind of silence that reared its head when two people didn’t know what else to say. Maybe it was because they were both tired, or perhaps it stemmed from the fact that they barely spoke each other’s language. But the invisible barrier between them appeared more solid without the ability to communicate via texted emoji.
“We still have a long drive ahead of us.” Sejin finally broke through the quiet from up front. “If the two of you want to get some rest, now would probably be a good time. Today’s schedule starts early.”
He repeated his suggestion in Korean so that Hoseok could understand and Eunjae felt her fatigued body scream out at the thought of another early morning. She instantly felt guilty, however, as she glanced over at Hoseok. Even in the lack of light she could see how worn out he was, even though he was trying his best to scrape up whatever energy he could find for her. The fact that he’d even chose to come pick her up when he could have been sleeping spoke about what kind of person he was.
Whatever exhaustion she was feeling after a day and a half didn’t even hold a candle to the years that he’d felt the same way. With a frown pulling at her lips, Eunjae slowly reached out to gently pat the hand lying on the seat between them. She tried to ignore the instantaneous reaction as the electrifying energy buzzing between their skin warmed her veins. Hoseok’s hand twitched under hers and Eunjae had to stop herself from curling her small fingers around his longer ones. It wasn’t in a romantic sense. Her body was just reacting to whatever science it was that drew soulmates together, so not all of her reactions were completely in her control.
Hoseok’s tired eyes peered at her through the dark as he sent her a grateful smile. He flipped the palm of his hand over to softly squeeze hers and Eunjae was almost surprised when the static the gesture sent through her wasn’t visible in the air between them.
“You too.”
As the van drove down the virtually empty highway, a strip of light from the streetlamps lining the road flashed through the tinted windows of the van. Hoseok’s eyes were already closed, his long eyelashes brushing against the apples of his cheeks. How he’d managed to fall asleep so fast, Eunjae didn’t know. But what she did know, was that his hand was still holding onto hers in the warmth of the voiceless, dark car.
The sound of a car door shutting forced Eunjae’s eyes open. It was either that, or the sudden rush of cold air brushing against her skin. When her eyes had fallen shut in the first place, she wasn’t sure. But as the overhead car lights flickered off, they drifted closed again. The comfortable heat pressing against her side threatened to drag her back into unconsciousness.
And it would have if the door to the backseat of the van hadn’t slid open. Eunjae groaned as the cold coaxed goosebumps from her covered flesh. The soft material her face was pressed into shifted as if sensing her annoyance. Stuck somewhere between the land of dreams and that of the conscious, Eunjae wasn’t sure if the warm breath that brushed the top of her head was real or not.
A light chuckle breached through the darkness of her closed eyelids. “Wake up you two. We’re here.”
The lights on the ceiling of the van were getting harder and harder to ignore. Slowly, the weight that she’d barely processed over her shoulders shifted as her pillow mumbled incoherently. The deep, sleep filled voice set off familiar bells in her head, and Eunjae peeled her eyes open with the speed of a sloth. It always took her at least twenty minutes after waking to fully fall into consciousness.
Her eyes blinked leisurely as her brain tried to process what was going on. The first thing she noticed was that she was confusedly on the other side of the car than the one she’d been sitting on. The next was that she’d somehow grown four legs, two of which were larger than hers. It could have taken her two minutes or two hours for her brain to process it, she wasn’t sure.
However, it wasn’t until she lifted her head from where it’d been comfortably pressed into Hoseok’s side that she finally came to the realization. Sometime, somehow, over the course of the drive her body had acted on its own accord and snuggled itself into his side. He had one arm thrown across her shoulders while his other hand sleepily rubbed through the wavy hair under his hood. Hoseok’s eyes were half lidded as his lips parted in a wide yawn. Both of their bodies, it seemed, had answered the other’s call while they were unconscious.
It be ‘ya own body. Eunjae thought half drunkenly, resisting the urge to ignore everything and go back to sleep. Turning her head to the side, she saw the light washed figure of Sejin standing at the open van door.
“You guys going to stay in there all night? Or are you going to come out?”
While she couldn’t make out his expression, Sejin sounded very amused. Eunjae knew enough Korean to be able to get the gist of what he’d said, or at least she hoped she did.
“Mmm. Yeah.” Hoseok grumbled, lifting the arm from around her shoulders to rub at his face. If he was at all phased by how he woke up, he didn’t show it. His voice was deeper than normal, vocal cords still coated with sleep.
Eunjae was still barely processing what was going on around her, but she was awake enough to slide across the seats and scoop up her bag. Sejin moved out of the way as she swung her legs out the door, pausing a moment to blink rapidly from the bright lights overhead. It appeared like they were in some underground parking garage. The frigid air pulled a small whimper from her throat as she hopped out. The garage wasn’t super huge and it looked like Sejin had pulled the van around to park in a darkened corner. By the way it was just pulled to the side and not in a parking space, Eunjae figured that this wasn’t his final destination.
At the sound of Hoseok’s shoes hitting the concrete behind her, Eunjae shuffled out of the way so that he wouldn’t fall over her as he got out. As he stretched his arms above his head, she quickly averted her eyes as the hem of both his coat and shirt raised to reveal a strip of golden skin.
God, what K-drama is this? Eunjae just barely resisted rolling her eyes at the universe. I think we’ve hit just about every cliche by now.
“I’ll show you to your apartment.” Sejin spoke, his voice echoing off the walls of the empty garage. Eunjae looked up at him and narrowed her eyes at the bags under his. The man looked completely and utterly drained. Like he was two blinks away from falling asleep standing up.
“Just tell me the code and how to get there, I’ll find it.” Stuffing her hands into her hoodie pouch, she rocked back and forth on her feet in an attempt at warming up. The winter air was slowly starting to shock her body into becoming more and more awake. “You look like you need some sleep too.”
Chuckling, Sejin ran a hand down his face. “I’m not going to have you wandering the halls. It won’t take long.”
Eunjae refused to back down, however. With a head jerk at a yawning Hoseok, who looked like he wasn’t even trying to follow the conversation, she asked, “does Hobi know the way?”
At the sound of his name, Hoseok turned from where he was closing the van door and shuffled over to them. Hunched against the cold, his hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his now fully zipped coat.
“Yes.” Sejin admitted.
“And the door code?”
The taller man let out a deep sigh, his warm breath puffing into the air. “Yes.”
With a smile of victory brightening her sleepy face, Eunjae rocked back onto her heels with a nod. “Cool. Then he can show me, right? And you can go home and sleep?”
Sejin’s narrowed eyes lacked heat as he finally relinquished. “You’re stubborn. But fine.”
The man reluctantly translated for Hoseok, who’s lips twitched as he sent Eunjae what looked to be a thankful glance. His response went completely through one of Eunjae’s ears and out the other, his deep voice causing her tired eyes to fall shut momentarily. She was always a sucker for the groggy voices of men who were still half asleep and the sound made her yearn for her bed.
“Someone will come grab you in the morning to take you shopping for some clothes.” The statement was directed at Eunjae and she nodded in acknowledgement of Sejin’s words. With one last glance back at the pair, the taller man made his way back to the van and slipped inside.
The brush of Hoseok’s fingers against the middle of her back brought her attention back to him. With a nod towards the elevators in the middle of the garage, he let his hand drop. “This way.”
The ride up to the eighth floor passed in silence. It was more comfortable than the one in the car and it seemed that whatever skinship they shared in the van chipped away a little at the invisible barrier between them. It was still standing strong, but Eunjae didn’t feel quite as awkward as before. Maybe it was because she was half conscious, or perhaps it was because she’d been snuggled up to his side less than ten minutes ago. Whatever it was, she wasn’t going to complain.
With a quiet ding the elevator doors slid open and Eunjae followed Hoseok as he walked straight down the hallway. The beige colored walls and carpeted floor passed them by and at the end of the hall was a T-shaped intersection. Hoseok peeled left, but slowed down as he pointed a thumb in the opposite direction.
“Bangtan’s that way.” Eunjae turned as she glanced at where he was pointing with a hum. He stopped a few feet down in front of a white door with the numbers 821 embedded in a small plaque above it. Hand fluttering at the door, Hoseok spoke again.
“This is you.” With a glance down at her, Hobi made sure that she was watching as he slid up the code panel and slowly typed in a five digit code. The light above the numbers flashed green and a gently beep sounded as he twisted down the handle. He pointed from the panel to her, and back and tilted his head with a small smile. “You understand?”
“Yeah.” If she was going to be on the receiving end of his eye smile every time she spoke Korean, then she was going to find herself fluent, and soon.
Hoseok stood in the doorway with his back propping the door open. He didn’t enter, seemingly not wanting to invade her space. As she brushed past him to step through the threshold, the soft call of her name caused her to turn back towards him mid-step.
“Call if you..,” He trailed off, lips pursed as he searched for the correct words. The hood had fallen off his head sometime from getting out of the car until now and Hoseok reached up a hand to run through his wavy locks.
“I will.” Eunjae smiled at him reassuringly and he sent her back a grateful smile. “Thank you, Hobi.”
Beaming at her once again, Hoseok reached out and gently ruffled the top of her head, unintentionally sending tingles running a path down her spine. “You’re welcome! See you tomorrow, okay? Goodnight.”
"Goodnight." Her voice followed him softly as the door closed behind him, taking both the scent of him and his warmth. Eunjae pressed her forehead against the cool wall closest to her. The apartment behind her was still shrouded in shadow as she sighed into the paint. Tomorrow she was going to meet both Bang PD-nim and the rest of the members of Bangtan.
“No biggie.” Her voice muttered sarcastically into the dark, silent apartment. “No biggie at all.”
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Back to the Travel Grind
Day 1, September 15 – Sofia, Bulgaria (8 hours in the city)
Dear reader, I’ve outlined 5 things that you must know before skipping to the juicy travel part:
I was asked to be a Texas Exes Tour Host for the “Grand Danube Cruise” with the Flying Longhorns and AHI (Group Travel Group established in 1962).
There were 28 Flying Longhorns (not including myself and guest). I was tasked with hanging out with them and making sure that they had a great time on their trip.
The official trip was from September 18 – October 3.
Travelers arrived in Sofia on September 19 and stayed at the Hotel Balkan. We then boarded the river cruise ship on September 21. After disembarkation, the group and tour directors stayed in a beautiful Art Deco style hotel named the Imperial Hotel in Prague for 3 days and 3 nights.
The trip started in Sofia, Bulgaria. We took a cruise ship from Vidin, Bulgaria and traversed the Danube River through 6 other countries: Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and Germany. After Germany, we were shuttled to Prague. In total, the Flying Longhorns trip took us through 8 countries!
For those who want to know how the Flying Longhorns trips work, I get 1 day to catch up on sleep. I returned to the office to get readjusted to the real world starting October 5.
I did not research much on Bulgaria before arrival. During the first two weeks of September, the Texas Exes Chapters & Networks team was very busy with our annual chapter and network leadership conference! We had about 100 volunteer leaders for our different chapters and networks converge on the Alumni Center for a day of learning, conversation, and fun!
My guest on the trip was Tyler Draker, professional boyfriend and photographer.
Tyler and I made the decision to arrive in Sofia 4 days before the travelers to go explore Istanbul for 3 days.
Months before the trip, I discovered that there is an overnight express train from Sofia to Istanbul. The website said it would take about 10 hours to get to Istanbul. There wasn’t much information from what I could find… maybe the key words I used weren’t the most helpful. Regardless, I found YouTube Vlogs of people taking the train and giving a very quick tour of the small sleeper cabin on the overnight express. Travelers made sure to emphasize that there would be no food served on the train. I also read blogs and used the Girls Who Travel Facebook Group to determine that the overnight train stops in Halkali Station (a suburb) and then there’s a shuttle bus that takes passengers to the central station, free of charge.
We touched down in Sofia, Bulgaria about 1:30 pm on Saturday. The first hour and a half was spent getting our bags, changing into things that didn’t smell like other people’s (ok… admittedly ours too…) pungent body odor, orienting ourselves to the metro and how to get to the central train station, and discerning how many Bulgarian Lev equal the American Dollar. For those interested, on September 15, it was 1.68 Lev to 1 Dollar. Five days later, we learned from our local tour guide, Boris (aka Bobby), that Bulgaria has until 2024 to switch to the Euro. As of now, Bobby says the country will most likely transition around 2021. When Bulgaria entered the European Union in 2004, they agreed that the country would transition to the Euro within 20 years.
Now back to the story: our first mission was to get to the Central Train Station to buy our tickets to Istanbul. There was no online purchase portal which is pretty normal. We took the metro at the airport to the train station. Here’s Sofia’s metro map. (Please note that Bulgarians use the Syrillic alphabet, but forturnately English is right below it! And with the August and September I had, I didn’t have too much time to take a Bulgarian language course). 
We arrived at the train station about 30 minutes after leaving the airport. The first thing I noticed was that the station is big. There are 3 above ground and 2 underground levels. According to Wikipedia, an average 10,910 people pass through the station daily, as well as an average 166 trains (84 arriving and 82 departing). The station has 30 ticket offices and 5 electronic timetable displays. This Wikipedia article details more about the station.
When we arrived at the station, the first thing that captured my attention was the large statue that spanned the length of the 5 stories. It looked like something that was built during the Cold War. I tried to find as much information on the statue after the trip on the internet, and didn’t find much. So I’ll discuss what I felt - similar to a tall, gothic cathedral, it made you feel small. Was it built during the Cold War? Not sure.
Tyler and I dropped our bags at storage on the basement floor of the train station. There was a very kind woman working behind the counter. She held our bags for 4 hours for 2 lev each. Behind the counter, we saw her daughter and then her daughter’s daughter who wore a t-shirt and fairy wings. We then walked 2 kilometers (about 1.2 miles) where we crossed the Lion’s Bridge and proceeded to a 2 story market to get some dinner. 
We ate a smorgasbord in the plaza square across the street from the market. We dined on a flank of fish, cucumber and tomato salad, and some heavily sautéed and soggy root veggies. At the edge of the plaza, we saw the Regional History Museum (check this 360 View of it!) and an active mosque named Banya Bashi that was built in the 16th Century during the Ottoman Empire. People walked around the square while enjoying the mid-September cool air.  We walked around the area aimlessly, knowing we had to be back at the train station at 8:15 pm to buy the 2 person sleeper car to Istanbul.
We putzed around the train station between 8:15 and 9:13 pm. Around 9:05 pm, Tyler said that he was surprised that the express train was not at the platform. So he walked back about 200 yards to the departure monitors to look over the schedule again. Turns out... we had gone to the wrong platform. Stub 4 is not the same as Platform 4. About 9:09, I saw him walking back very quickly. I knew to grab my 70 liter backpack and get ready to walk quickly. With heavy bags in tow, we ran down a flight of stairs and then up a flight to the right platform and hopped on the train around 9:13.
Once we got our bearings on the train, we were pleasantly surprised. There were nice Turkish cabin attendants (all men) who brought us clean sheets, juice boxes, two packs of crackers, and some soap. The sleeper room had two single beds (one that was behind the couch and one that you pulled from the ceiling), sink, fridge, and a big window. The most defining feature was the track toilet. I can’t say that I have had this experience before, but let’s just say that I got a good, little quad workout. ;-)
The old train started firing up and moving down the tracks promptly at 9:16 pm. I knew that we would go through a passport check at the Bulgarian/Turkish border so I didn’t sleep too soundly between then and 2 am because I wanted to make sure I was coherent enough for the check. Around 2 am, Bulgarian border agents came onto the train to conduct their passport check. They took our passports, and then we waited about 30 minutes on the train. They then came back to our cabins to return the passports. Phase 2 of the border crossing was a passport check/face check in Kapikule, Turkey. This time, all passengers got off of the train to walk into a customs office about 2:45 am. 
Per the suggestion of the Bulgarian Ticket Representative, we bought a one way ticket to Istanbul because buying a one way from Istanbul is slightly cheaper than buying a round trip from Sofia. The Turkish border agent reviewed our tickets, asked Tyler and me to take off our glasses, and then asked Tyler if he was going to stay in Istanbul (for an indeterminate amount of time). Tyler said “Yes.” The agent repeated himself. Tyler did too. That’s when I started to piece together that the agent was asking if Tyler was going to stay past the 90 day tourist period. I then said “No.” And then explained to Tyler that he was asking if we were going to be there for more than a month and a half. Talk about lost in translation. The entire border crossing took about 1.5 hours
We arrived at Halkali Train Station around 8 am and took a shuttle with two Turkish young men and all of the Turkish train attendants (the other shuttle was full) and arrived in the center of Istanbul an hour later. It was fun to listen to the Turkish chatter rather than listen to the silence of the tourists on the other, larger bus. 
Don’t hold me to it, but I think I would take the overnight express again. A one way train ride to Istanbul cost approximately $40. We got a place to sleep, some tasty crackers, and a really nice view. 8.5/10 would do it again. 
We departed from Austin Bergstrom International Airport at 10:50 am on Friday morning. After traveling a total of 39 hours, we arrived at Istanbul’s Central Train Station at 9:15 on Sunday morning. 
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First She Was Separated From Her Family, Now She’s Separated From School
A refugee child, once separated from her mother at the border by Trump, now struggles with online school.
Every weekday morning, a 12-year-old refugee named Génnezys logs into her seventh grade online classroom. She sits at a tiny table in a corner of her cluttered living room. Before logging in, she tapes her phone to a chair and dials my number on FaceTime. Once we’re connected, I peer into the screen of a laptop lent to her by her public middle school. For hours, I observe coronavirus pandemic-era education for Génnezys and about 20 other children of multiple races, nationalities, and economic circumstances. What I see is both heroic and tragic.
Génnezys is one of the thousands of immigrant children who were torn from their parents in 2018 by the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” family separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border. I wrote about the desperate efforts of Cruz, her incarcerated mother, to find her 10-year-old daughter. They were reunited after about six weeks. Cruz later borrowed $6,000 from a friend for a coyote to smuggle her three-year-old daughter into the U.S. The child was detained for a few days then released to Cruz.
I asked Génnezys to invent a pseudonym to protect her family from U.S. government reprisal, and she came up with a fanciful one based on the Spanish pronunciation — HEH-neh-sees — of the first book in the Old Testament.
Today the family resides in a small Southern city. Cruz works as a janitor, earning a bit less than $10 an hour. They live in a small apartment with one bedroom, which Cruz and the girls share with her boyfriend. He is also an immigrant, and he pays half the rent. He’s employed in construction, and he leaves for work very early in the morning. Cruz goes to work after taking her four-year-old daughter, whom I’ll call Bety, by bus to a daycare center. With school strictly online now because of Covid-19, Génnezys stays in the apartment all by herself from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., often supervising an 8-year-old girl who has her own school computer with headphones. This child’s Latina immigrant mother works, too, so Génnezys acts as babysitter. Before online school started in September, she worried intensely that being without an adult in the home would be lonely and scary. I live hundreds of miles away, so I volunteered to sit with her via FaceTime. She says that she feels much better when I’m with her.
During the first two days of remote school, the teachers, all young or middle-aged white women, cycled though a dither of confusion and kind but mostly fruitless efforts to actually see and hear their students. One problem was that the online platforms were glitchy. The class links often crashed, leaving the students, including Génnezys, with blank screens. But by week’s end, the kinks were worked out — yet the students remained silent phantoms.
“Know that I see you. I hear you. I’m with you,” one young teacher intoned to the kids right after introducing herself. They had names like Hassan, Rasheeda, Yennifer, and Travis. “Black Lives Matter,” the teacher added. She was met by silence from her new students, and she could not see their reactions either. She asked them to turn on their mics and cameras, but getting them to comply was harder than pulling their teeth. “What did you do all summer? How did you deal with Covid? Talk about your family!”
A boy with an Arabic name turned on his mic just long enough to say that he had a baby sister. Indeed, the loud wailing of an infant could be heard. The teacher skipped a beat, then the boy’s mic went dead. No other students turned on their microphones. Not even Génnezys, who had earlier proved she was not shy. When the teacher mispronounced her name on the first day of school, Génnezys politely but firmly corrected her. She is a brilliant girl who knew no English whatsoever two years ago yet speaks it almost perfectly now, and who scrolls through the internet on her own initiative for details about the accident that crippled Frida Kahlo.
Though she has defended her name and sometimes has been the only student to answer her teachers’ questions about math, Génnezys remains strenuously silent about most of the details of her life. The family all got sick in late May, with many days of fever, coughing, muscle aches, nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea, as well as loss of appetite, taste, and smell. They recovered, but Cruz is suffering now from hair loss — a condition just recently recognized as a complication of Covid-19.
When Cruz got sick, she was employed in housekeeping at an upscale chain hotel. She said she fell ill after being ordered to enter and clean a room occupied by a woman who was coughing. She was not given PPE for the job.
Cruz estimates that in her building complex of a few dozen apartments, about 20 other people came down with Covid-19. “No one died, but some were carried off to hospitals in ambulances,” she said, adding that all were immigrants from Latin America.
Latinos comprise fewer than one in five residents in the county. But they make up about half of the people in Cruz’s census tract, while just across a main thoroughfare almost everyone is white and owns a house.  In Cruz’s tract, many of the Latinos live in cramped little rental apartments.
During the outbreak and their own illnesses, Cruz and her children were never tested for Covid-19. Nor did she contact me, though she instructed her preteen daughter to call me for help if she took a turn for the worse. The family just stuck it out, but Cruz was fired by the hotel because of her sickness and missed work. She got the janitorial job just as soon as she felt better. She couldn’t self-quarantine: She had rent to pay, kids to feed. None of this is something Génnezys wants to talk about in online seventh grade.
She doesn’t turn on her camera either.
It’s hard to know exactly why the students as a group refuse to show themselves to their teachers or to each other. Middle school is the empire of peer pressure — pressure not to stand out, even in normal times, when rows of children are looking at and breathing with each other, along with a teacher in a real room. But the kids’ reluctance now seems at least partly due to how dispirited and disconnected their virtual classrooms feel. Génnesyz’s teachers practically stand on their heads coaxing interactions with the students, but the teachers’ energy seems TV-ish, abstract.
The kids are alone. They have no books. The only class that resembles normal school is math. As in times past, the teacher writes figures on a board and explains what they mean. The other classes are a mishmash of hyperactive YouTube science videos with men who speak too fast, and a woman with a white coat and test tubes performing experiments — work the students normally would be absorbed with in a classroom lab, but which they can only stare at now from afar, wall-eyed. An art class features hip-hop music, whose teaching intention is muddled, and digital choose-and-drag stickers and emojis. Strange, sci-fi cartoon people in Génnezys’s American History class purport to recount the high points of the antebellum human bondage, the Civil War, and the Black Codes. After that lesson, I asked Génnezys if she understood what a slave was. She still didn’t know — though she did remember the cartoon guy saying that a man named Frederick Douglass had been forcibly separated from his mother. She knew what that meant, from firsthand experience, but didn’t mention it in class. With me, she minimized her experience. She’d learned that Frederick Douglass was an infant when he was taken. “But, um, I was 10 when it happened,” she said. “I was a big kid, not a little kid.”
One teacher conducted a lesson about why students should participate in small- group, online “breakout” chat rooms. “Because they help us get to know each other?” said Génnezys, daring to speak.
“Very good! Thank you for that, Génnezys!” chimed the teacher, saying all the syllables correctly. Then she warned the students that they must use “appropriate language” in the chat rooms, and that their language was being watched.
This teacher also held a “correct answer” contest, with her pupils silently checking T’s and F’s on their screens. “True or false: If you fight at a school bus stop, you will be punished as severely as if you’d fought a school. True! Right, Brian! Brian gets a point! He’s pulling ahead of Corinne! Next question. True or false: If you touch the private body part of someone else at school, whether on purpose or by accident, you will be punished the same, either way. Yay, Corinne! She’s back in play!”
But there are no school bus stops now. There are no “someone else”s at school.
Génnezys has another reason not to turn on her camera: She is ashamed of her clothes. She fits a girl’s 14 now, but her wardrobe dates from a year ago, when she was size 10 and 12. Her shirts are too tight for her rapidly developing body. In the morning she puts on her mother’s dresses. They are several sizes too large.
Read Our Complete CoverageThe War on Immigrants
Cruz can’t afford to take her daughter shopping. She just lost another week of work, and wages, due to Covid-19. Two co-workers at her janitorial job tested positive and one is in the hospital. Because Cruz worked closely with both infected women, she was quarantined for 14 days. She had no proof that she had already contracted Covid-19. She had to stay home, along with Bety, who ran around the apartment laughing, yelling, and rifling Génnezys’s little desk while her sister tried to pay attention to online class.
An employee from the county health department came by to deliver some onions and pieces of fruit. Cruz finally got a negative test result but still had to finish the quarantine. Génnezys did not tell her teachers what was happening.
Génnezys also avoids the camera because of what Cruz calls “her obsession.” On the second day of school, a teacher asked, “What is your favorite thing to do?” Amid the mass silence, Génnezys activated her mic and bravely answered: “Play with slime,” she said.
“Slime?” said the teacher, nonplussed.
“Yeah. Slime.”
“Ah. OK. Yeah. Slime. Well, that sounds relaxing!”
“Yeah. It is.”
“Slime” is a faddish kid product that’s been around since the 1970s. Back then, it was valued by boys for its gross-out appeal. Now it’s prettier, smells nice, and is all the rage among preteen and teen girls. Many make it from a home recipe involving glue, borax, food coloring, and plastic beads from craft stores like Michael’s.
Génnezys was already into slime by age 10, back in Central America. Cruz’s partner there, an extremely violent man who was neither of the girls’ fathers, was terrorizing and assaulting Cruz and the children, threatening them with death. The girls witnessed the violence. Cruz made plans to hide Bety with her sister and flee to the U.S. with Génnezys. Meanwhile, Génnezys discovered slime. “In my country,” she remembered, “it was called moco,” which is Spanish for snot. She pushed it, pulled it, rolled and wrapped it, over and over and over. It calmed her, Cruz remembers.
After a grueling trip north, including a stay in a filthy, crowded stash house, things got worse at the border when the Trump administration took Génnezys from Cruz and shipped her 2,000 miles away to a child detention center. There, she was warehoused with mostly older Central American girls who’d come to the U.S. by themselves, pregnant or already with babies.
After spending six weeks with these young women, according to Cruz, 10-year-old Génnezys was using racy language and discussing sex. After she was reunited with her mother, she experienced night terrors and walked in her sleep for three months. She had three sessions with a psychologist. Then, said Cruz, “She entered a new phase of her life: adolescence,” and “she hardly talked about what happened.” Even so, Cruz added, “Two weeks ago, after Génnezys had an eye exam that showed a problem with one of her eyes, she mentioned to me that an older girl in the detention center hit her hard in that eye with a ball. That was two years ago. She’d never told me till now. Sometimes I worry about what’s in her head.”
Outside of her head is slime: jars and jars of it in all colors and textures, from shiny and glistening to rough and frothy. “I love YouTube slime videos,” Génnezys told me. The site has a plethora of young girls extolling their slime collections, as well productions with sexy women’s voices doing ASMR routines, and images of long, manicured fingernails digging languorously into the goo.
“I worry about it,” said Cruz. “It’s such a waste of money. But she would rather have slime, even, than clothes that fit her.”
If Génnezys were to activate her camera for her classmates and teachers, they might see her furiously and endlessly twisting, pulling, and punching her strange doughs as she fidgets at the computer and tries hard to do her schoolwork. A few months ago, Wired magazine interviewed a neuroscientist and psychologist who suggested that people might be gravitating toward slime during the Covid-19 crisis to simulate the feeling of touching actual people.
As a Central American refugee child, Génnezys has been traumatized by murderous violence, forced family separation, poverty, and plague. More and more, however, nonrefugee children in America are joining her in the grief and fear of being apart and alone. How many of these kids are scrunched over their own computers, secretly toying with slime?
“I don’t know,” Génnezys said when I asked her that question. “Maybe I’m the only one. Before the virus, I didn’t play with it in school because school was good. Now, I don’t think I could do school if I didn’t have slime. Without it I’d be dying.
“Dying of what?”
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marider-blog · 5 years
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Simple Considering
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Information Analytics
Resource: good details aggregate
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How are they carrying out this?
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Keep to the back links in this article for more information on numerous MOOC classes. MOOCs are also obtainable as a result of various educational platforms, together with Coursera, Udemy, and edX. But MOOCs might be accessed instantly by Each and every College, and are available by making use of the subsequent Google research limiting syntax entered into your google look for bar:
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Happy MOOCing!
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theliqht · 5 years
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How are they executing this?
These are accessing MOOCs, or Enormous Open On the internet Courses. Even though platforms happen to be offered from elite colleges like MIT and Stanford for virtually ten years, open-source courses continue to improve in amount and popularity. Now, even some local people colleges like Wake Complex School,located outside the house Raleigh, NC, provides MOOCs to a global viewers. This expanding availability indicates There is certainly now an unbelievable range of courses available to any individual having an Connection to the internet, no matter area.
Subjects MOOCs go over can vary from contemporary robotics and astronomy to Roman architecture and the American Novel Since 1945. MIT, such as, has courses centered close to Arithmetic, Engineering, Electrical power and Science, in addition to a surprising range of classes concentrating on the Humanities and Great Arts. The College of Michigan presents courses starting from "Storytelling for Social Adjust" to Python, data analytics, and device Mastering. You can also acquire Management lessons from HEC Paris by means of MOOC, rated by The Economist as possessing the 2nd strongest enterprise university alumni community in the world.
Some MOOCs are meant to be taken for understanding received, but numerous packages also provide a certification of completion by means of web pages like Coursera.org. Certificates of completion--which are unique from system credits--usually Price around $fifty. Economical help is offered for many who qualify.
Reasons to think about a MOOC
There are numerous explanation why a MOOC course might be good for you beyond time management, Even though most MOOCs let learners to work at their particular rate, which implies they easily match into most schedules, Regardless how busy. Other pros incorporate:
An opportunity to try out a major before having to pay for faculty programs. Any person hoping to decide on a occupation route, for The very first time or thanks to a midlife change of route, understands the stress of pondering "What if I am Improper about my alternative? Simply how much revenue am I going to spend just before I comprehend this is not for me?" MOOCs are a terrific way to 'dip your toes' in, so to talk, prior to the headache of managing common higher education programs and common college or university expenditures. You could Check out as a lot of classes while you have time for until finally something truly sparks your fascination.
Consider programs not obtainable regionally. There are pretty much A large number of MOOC courses obtainable on the web. Even if you live in Boston (where Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Boston School and Boston University are all Found) or Another similar university-dense area, you could most likely uncover a category or two through MOOC offerings not accessible to you domestically.
Master (or relearn) a language free of charge. Don't just can you take a foreign language class totally free via MOOCs, but thanks to classes taught at foreign universities, You may as well teach your ear by listening to indigenous speakers. Take a system taught during the language you need to find out and stick to together using English subtitles. The second strategy is a terrific way to fundamentally double your Discovering, but only is effective if you have already got at the very least an intermediate grasp of your language.
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If learning One more language just isn't superior on your own to-do list, probably it should be: In 2017, New American Financial system documented employer desire for bilingual workers much more than doubled since 2010. This demand proceeds to improve. Greatest languages to study? Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
Build up your resume with wanted expertise. Perhaps there's a far better career at work you recognize you can do, but your manager doesn't Consider you happen to be competent for it as you deficiency particular capabilities. MOOCs are a great way to turn out to be proficient in areas like HTML coding, Search engine optimization analytics, or regardless of what skill you need to develop into the proper human being for that position.
Follow the backlinks in this post To find out more on many MOOC programs. MOOCs can also be readily available by way of a variety of educational platforms, such as Coursera, Udemy, and edX. But MOOCs can be accessed instantly via each College, and can be found by using the following Google research limiting syntax entered into your google look for bar:
web page:edu MOOC subject
By way of example, if I enter web-site:edu MOOC robotics, I get about 7,000 success, like this Introduction to Robotics Specialization from Penn Engineering. By utilizing this syntax, you can normally bypass the clearinghouses and find what exactly You are looking for on university web sites, even classes the clearinghouses may not supply.
Content MOOCing!
"Millennials," "Generation Y," "The Peter Pan Era" - they go by many names and were being born roughly involving 1980 and 2000.These are the generation that grew up with smartphones, rear-facing cameras, World-wide-web etcetera. They had been at a tender and susceptible age when Harry Potter very first took his flying lessons on his magical broom, whenever they witnessed The nice tumble of the dual Towers of Environment Trade Centre in Ny city on 9/11. The millennials grew up during the era of cellular phones, electronic cameras, email, text-messaging, mp3 gamers, handheld online video game gadgets, WhatsApp, Facebook/Instagram, YouTube Films, web browsing and what not.
A person these kinds of millennial who knocked my socks off was this youthful Lady named Anushka, a teen in her early twenties. Her white t-shirt with "MILLENNIAL" in large, black, Daring letters just caught our brief consideration and we could not stop considering her Exclusive Talent Presentation, listed here at Nirmiti Academy. The Do it yourself (Do It You) Craft was her unique expertise. She represented a young encounter of the millennials. In addition, it absolutely was her presentation that spoke far more of her to be a millennial. She was a true go-getter when it came to existing her unique talent in a unique way. We could see her beaming with pride and contentment to showcase her special expertise to Other individuals. She was so excited that she was conversing a mile a moment. She had a lot of to mention about this and she could go on and on and hold us glued to her presentation. The millennials like Anushka and plenty of Other people are inspired to work on factors which fascination them. Simultaneously, I could also see her becoming struggling to smile and current herself Fortunately. Absent are definitely the moments for the millennials the place they experience present and luxuriate in their surroundings. They may be the generation who feel the constant will need for Digital interest which sales opportunities them to overshare their lives and moments on social websites or go inward in deep conscience to search out them selves. This leaves them unconnected with the Bodily world all-around them.
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Millennials can be a very praised and self-confident era. They are really a extremely optimistic technology. They've a larger need to own lifetime encounters rather than to accumulate product prosperity, Although they do like to acquire things that can help them to delight in Individuals ordeals. Millennials are probably the most educated generation. As the selling price tag of education and learning has become so significant and continuing to climb on a yearly basis, Millennials became extremely savvy with regards to their instructional selections. As opposed to previous generations who saw instruction as a ritual and an expenditure inside their future, millennials look at training being an expenditure, Except it's going to empower them to be able to be a far better particular person. They anticipate education and learning to assist them get ready for The brand new opportunities and challenges of this age, rather than assisting them by giving actuality-dependent facts/understanding. The millennials wish to be challenged by thinking of the longer term and how they might lead to creating a much better Modern society and natural environment. They do not experience the need to develop into "textbook clever / book worms".
They are aware that points is usually conveniently discovered on the net by their own personal unbiased action. They're the technology that features and prosper on understanding at finger "simply click". In the globe of open entry to awareness, it will make little sense to rely upon the classroom like a forum with the transfer of knowledge.
Instead, The scholars Substantially prefer to learn from the tales and ordeals of Some others. These shared stories and experiences enable them to augment their very own knowledge by learning from your results and issues of Other folks. This can help them steer clear of earning the exact same blunders as their influencers. Hence, they like to speculate extra in their time and money on these plans which assistance them to build many tactics that they might include into their ideas and final decision-producing process, thus building a new talent established.
We are unable to dismiss The reality that millennials can also be a era of uncertainties and fluctuations. They can be the era who likes to keep switching their devices. They grew up with know-how wherever all the things was at their fingertips. It results in being disheartening for them to not get what they need when they want it. Almost all of the items are handed to them with a silver spoon. This would make them truly feel entitled to get what they want with no Placing in much effort.
While They may be the foremost workforce of the businesses currently, they do not believe in lifelong employment. Lifelong dedication can be a fairy tale for the millennials. They normally soar from on position to another as they are constantly in quest of some thing new and much better. These substantial anticipations turn out to be their downfall and would make them less economically secure than their mothers and fathers.
Millennials are listed here to remain! They are really young, brilliant and energetic and they ARE the longer term. They are excellent belongings which the world should harness and use. They can be the era that is certainly revolutionizing the earth. They're the budding leaders of tomorrow. They adopt technological know-how and stimulus in the identical breadth. This technology can also be a collaborative and social generation that includes a center on comprehending and setting up their expertise by numerous forms of medium to find out the responses. It really is for that educator like us to deliver an arena for engagement and discovery and also become a written content skilled and mentor. It really is for Studying System vendors like Nirmiti Academy to offer an explorative and experiential knowledge and produce out their legitimate potential in life and at work. It is this transformational journey that we at Nirmiti Academy look forward to daily to learn, unlearn and relearn with these youthful and magical generation - the Millennials!
0 notes
prosteticanimals · 5 years
The 12 Best fireinsidemusic.com Accounts to Follow on Twitter
A single this kind of millennial who knocked my socks off was this youthful Woman named Anushka, a teenager in her early twenties. Her white t-shirt with "MILLENNIAL" in large, black, Daring letters just caught our speedy attention and we could not quit pondering her Special Talent Presentation, right here at Nirmiti Academy. The Do it yourself (Do It Yourself) Craft was her distinctive expertise. She represented a young encounter in the millennials. What's more, it had been her presentation that spoke much more of her to be a millennial. She was a real go-getter when it came to present her exclusive expertise in a novel way. We could see her beaming with satisfaction and joy to showcase her special expertise to Some others. She was so fired up that she was conversing a mile a moment. She had so much to state about it and she or he could go on and on and hold us glued to her presentation. The millennials like Anushka and several Some others are determined to work on issues which fascination them. Concurrently, I could also see her currently being unable to smile and existing herself happily. Long gone tend to be the moments with the millennials the place they sense current and luxuriate in their environment. They are the generation who experience the constant want for Digital focus which qualified prospects them to overshare their lives and moments on social websites or go inward in deep conscience to seek out by themselves. This leaves them unconnected Together with the physical world close to them.
Millennials really are a very praised and self-assured generation. These are a extremely optimistic era. They have got a larger need to have to get daily life encounters instead of to accumulate content wealth, Though they are doing like to obtain things which should help them to take pleasure in those encounters. Millennials are essentially the most educated generation. Because the value tag of schooling is now so high and continuing to climb on a yearly basis, Millennials have grown to be quite savvy about their instructional possibilities. As opposed to past generations who noticed schooling for a ritual and an expense of their long run, millennials look at education and learning being an expense, Except if it is going to empower them in an effort to be a greater particular person. They assume instruction that can help them get ready for the new opportunities and problems of this age, instead of aiding them by offering actuality-primarily based data/knowledge. The millennials wish to be challenged by contemplating the future And exactly how they're able to contribute to developing a much better society and setting. They do not truly feel the necessity to turn out to be "textbook good / book worms".
They realize that specifics could be easily found on line as a result of their own impartial motion. They are the era that offers and prosper on awareness at finger "click on". In a planet of open access to awareness, it can make very little feeling to depend upon the classroom for a Discussion board for your transfer of information.
As a substitute, The scholars much prefer to discover within the stories and ordeals of Other folks. These shared tales and ordeals aid them to augment their particular knowledge by Studying from your good results and faults of Other folks. This aids them steer clear of making a similar faults as their influencers. Hence, they like to speculate additional in their money and time on this sort of applications which support them to produce several techniques that they may incorporate into their feelings and determination-building approach, therefore creating a new ability established.
We are unable to ignore The truth that millennials may also be a generation of uncertainties and fluctuations. They're the technology who likes to help keep switching their gizmos. They grew up with technological innovation the place every thing was at their fingertips. It gets frustrating for them not to get what they want every time they want it. Most of the items are already handed to them with a silver spoon. This can make them come to feel entitled to acquire what they want with out Placing in much exertion.
Nevertheless They can be the most important workforce of the businesses today, they do not have confidence in lifelong employment. Lifelong dedication is really a fairy tale for the millennials. They often jump from on task to another simply because they are generally in quest of one thing new and greater. These higher anticipations turn into their downfall and makes them a lot less economically stable than their dad and mom.
Millennials are in this article to stay! They are younger, dazzling and energetic and they're the FUTURE. They are perfect assets which the globe need to harness and use. These are the generation that may be revolutionizing the entire world. These are the budding leaders of tomorrow. They adopt technologies and stimulus in the exact same breadth. This generation can also be a collaborative and social generation that features a give attention to comprehension and creating their expertise via various kinds of medium to find out the answers. It's for your educator like us to offer an arena for engagement and discovery along with be a information skilled and mentor. It's for Finding out platform companies like Nirmiti Academy to give an explorative and experiential expertise and produce out their real possible in life and at get the job done. It Is that this transformational journey that we at Nirmiti Academy anticipate every day to learn, unlearn and relearn with these youthful and magical technology - the Millennials!
If the above mentioned title confuses you, you could be lacking out on a number of the very best prospects the online provides. In the meantime, other people are increasing their Professions, getting ready for new life as business people, or are Mastering new capabilities or increasing their awareness foundation, normally at little or no Price tag.
How are they accomplishing this?
They're accessing MOOCs, or Massive Open On line Courses. Whilst platforms have been out there from elite colleges like MIT and Stanford for just about ten years, open up-resource classes go on to improve in amount and recognition. Now, even some local community colleges like Wake Specialized College,Positioned outside the house Raleigh, NC, provides MOOCs to a global viewers. This escalating availability implies There exists now an incredible variety of classes available to anyone using an internet connection, in spite of spot.
Matters MOOCs deal with can differ from modern day robotics and astronomy to Roman architecture as well as American Novel Considering that 1945. MIT, for instance, has classes centered all-around Arithmetic, Engineering, Strength and Science, in addition to a shocking range of courses specializing in the Humanities and High-quality Arts. The University of Michigan provides classes ranging from "Storytelling for Social Improve" to Python, information analytics, and equipment Finding out. You can also acquire Management classes from HEC Paris by means of MOOC, rated via the Economist as having the 2nd most powerful company college alumni community on the globe.
Some MOOCs are created to be taken for awareness gained, but many applications also present you with a certification of completion by websites like Coursera.org. Certificates of completion--that happen to be diverse from program credits--usually Charge all-around $50. Money assist is available for people who qualify.
Factors to look at a MOOC
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There are numerous main reasons why a MOOC class may very well be best for your needs outside of time administration, Despite the fact that most MOOCs allow college students to work at their particular rate, which implies they conveniently healthy into most schedules, Irrespective of how chaotic. Other pros include things like:
A chance to try out A serious ahead of paying out for college courses. Any individual making an attempt to come to a decision on the vocation route, for The very first time or on account of a midlife alter of way, is aware of the frustration of thinking "What if I am Improper about my option? How much revenue am I likely to invest just before I notice this is not for me?" MOOCs are a great way to 'dip your toes' in, so to talk, prior to the headache of managing traditional school programs and standard higher education charges. You can try out as several courses as you have enough time for until finally one thing definitely sparks your desire.
Just take classes not out there regionally. There are actually basically A huge number of MOOC courses obtainable on-line. Even if you live in Boston (in which Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Boston College and Boston University are all located) or some other similar university-dense location, you are able to likely locate a class or two via MOOC offerings not available to you locally.
Master (or relearn) a language at no cost. Not merely can you're taking a overseas language course for free by way of MOOCs, but owing to lessons taught at international universities, You may also coach your ear by listening to indigenous speakers. Take a system taught during the language you should discover and observe along employing English subtitles. The next system is a terrific way to in essence double your Finding out, but only operates if you have already got at the very least an intermediate grasp in the language.
If Mastering An additional language isn't really higher on the to-do listing, possibly it should be: In 2017, New American Economy claimed employer demand for bilingual staff a lot more than doubled since 2010. This demand continues to mature. Best languages to check? Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
Develop up your resume with essential techniques. Perhaps there is a superior job at operate you know you can do, but your boss doesn't Believe you are qualified for it since you absence selected techniques. MOOCs are a great way to come to be proficient in regions like HTML coding, Search engine marketing analytics, or what ever talent you might want to turn out to be the appropriate human being to the work.
Keep to the hyperlinks on this page for more information on lots of MOOC courses. MOOCs are offered by way of a range of instructional platforms, which includes Coursera, Udemy, and edX. But MOOCs is usually accessed right as a result of Each individual College, and can be found through the use of the next Google lookup limiting syntax entered into your google research bar:
web-site:edu MOOC subject matter
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For example, if I enter internet site:edu MOOC robotics, I get about 7,000 success, like this Introduction to Robotics Specialization from Penn Engineering. By using this syntax, you may typically bypass the clearinghouses and find just what exactly You are looking for on university websites, even classes the clearinghouses might not present.
Pleased MOOCing!
0 notes
10 No-Fuss Ways to Figuring Out Your best keyboard for learning piano
How are they carrying out this?
They may be accessing MOOCs, or Substantial Open up On the net Courses. Although platforms are offered from elite colleges like MIT and Stanford for nearly ten years, open-supply lessons carry on to grow in number and popularity. Now, even some local community colleges like Wake Complex College or university,Positioned outdoors Raleigh, NC, presents MOOCs to a worldwide viewers. This expanding availability means There is certainly now an unbelievable variety of courses available to anybody with the Connection to the internet, despite place.
Topics MOOCs address can differ from modern day robotics and astronomy to Roman architecture as well as American Novel Considering the fact that 1945. MIT, for example, has courses centered all around Arithmetic, Engineering, Vitality and Science, as well as a shocking variety of classes specializing in the Humanities and High-quality Arts. The College of Michigan features classes ranging from "Storytelling for Social Change" to Python, details analytics, and machine Understanding. You can even take Management classes from HEC Paris by way of MOOC, rated with the Economist as getting the 2nd most powerful business faculty alumni community on the earth.
Some MOOCs are intended to be taken for expertise attained, but numerous packages also give a certification of completion via web sites like Coursera.org. Certificates of completion--which happen to be diverse from training course credits--normally Charge all-around $50. Financial aid is obtainable for those who qualify.
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Good reasons to take into consideration a MOOC
There are lots of explanation why a MOOC class may very well be good for you past time management, Despite the fact that most MOOCs permit learners to work at their own tempo, which suggests they effortlessly healthy into most schedules, Regardless of how fast paced. Other positive aspects involve:
An opportunity to Check out A serious right before paying for faculty courses. Everyone seeking to make your mind up on the occupation route, for The 1st time or because of a midlife modify of direction, is aware the annoyance of wanting to know "Imagine if I am Mistaken about my decision? Just how much cash am I heading to invest right before I recognize this is not for me?" MOOCs are a terrific way to 'dip your toes' in, so to talk, ahead of the headache of coping with common college courses and common college or university prices. It is possible to Check out as several programs while you have time for right up until something certainly sparks your fascination.
Just take classes not offered locally. You can find literally Many MOOC courses out there on the web. Even though you are now living in Boston (the place Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Boston College or university and Boston College are all Found) or some other related university-dense place, you may in all probability come across a category or two through MOOC offerings not available to you locally.
Study (or relearn) a language for free. Not simply can you're taking a foreign language system at no cost by means of MOOCs, but owing to lessons taught at international universities, It's also possible to teach your ear by Hearing native speakers. Take a program taught from the language you want to find out and observe alongside utilizing English subtitles. The second system is a terrific way to effectively double your Discovering, but only functions if you have already got at least an intermediate grasp from the language.
If Discovering A different language is just not significant on your own to-do list, probably it ought to be: In 2017, New American Overall economy reported employer demand for bilingual workers much more than doubled considering that 2010. This demand continues to improve. Very best languages to review? Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
Develop up your resume with necessary techniques. Possibly there's a superior career at operate you understand you are able to do, but your boss isn't going to think you happen to be certified for it as you absence selected abilities. MOOCs are a terrific way to turn out to be proficient in spots like HTML coding, SEO analytics, or whatsoever talent you must come to be the right individual to the position.
Follow the one-way links in this post For more info on lots of MOOC courses. MOOCs can also be out there as a result of several different academic platforms, such as Coursera, Udemy, and edX. But MOOCs may be accessed straight by way of Each individual College, and are available through the use of the next Google search restricting syntax entered into your google research bar:
website:edu MOOC topic
For instance, if I enter site:edu MOOC robotics, I get about seven,000 final results, together with this Introduction to Robotics Specialization from Penn Engineering. By making use of this syntax, you are able to normally bypass the clearinghouses and come across precisely what You are looking for on College internet sites, even courses the clearinghouses may well not offer.
Joyful MOOCing!
Using the progression of innovation, it's got gotten essential to persistently study, unlearn, and relearn to extinguish the thirst of grave problem. In contrast to customary time, the exercise of bookkeepers isn't constrained to keeping up thick registers. With robotization, the thought of handbook bookkeeping has grown to be an outsider expression and now, an infinite piece of bookkeeping operate might be addressed bookkeeping programming, by way of example, QuickBooks programming.
In this particular blog, we will discuss a part of the numerous specialised capability and abilities to turn into a specialist Accountant now and continually:
Simple Considering
Source: magnapubs.com
At The purpose whenever we mention the bookkeeping contacting, we must always think of elementary talents, as an example, possessing the critical info on the bookkeeping contacting. In any scenario, presently the situation has actually been improved and men and women are alluding applicants having the ability to burrow additional to have a gander in any respect viewpoints in the numbers and the knowledge just as recognizing patterns and examples to know the Tale within. Be that as it might, this skill can't be grown medium-term. This is a form of fragile aptitudes that one can study about a timespan, by means of proficiently searching for details With all the work. Rather than executing things which ring a bell, endeavor to think of inventive and out of the container arrangements. Examine, assess, and Feel when you knowledge a problem to concoct essentially the most achievable and progressive arrangements.
Get Specialized Abilities
Resource: Area.me
As indicated by Entrepreneur.com, cloud bookkeeping are going to be launched in above ninety% corporations. Mechanization has gotten inalienably elementary to support inside the business. With innovation, for example, the cloud, it is now quite simple to appreciate the unpredictable facts and also to get to them from anyplace in the world with barely any snaps. The cloud happens to be The newest sample to the bookkeeping business enterprise.
With cloud facilitating it has grown to be Significantly easier with the companies to operate cooperatively with no trading off the security component. Also, working with the cloud give nonstop accessibility of the knowledge from any remote corner of the planet. Accordingly, the interest for a bookkeeper getting specialized qualities would be the excellent choice about the team.
Information on Governing administration Guidelines
Source: Financial Specific
Because of differed new and reconsidered tips, the job of bookkeepers has Furthermore modified. In the year 2020, realizing the stray items of such progressions can get principal for bookkeepers. As indicated by specialists inside the bookkeeping enterprise, new government guidelines and compliances will likely be regularly actualized to progress straightforwardness in small business. In this way It will likely be A great deal more simple for that bookkeepers to possess the information on new and current federal government regulations and recommendations. Thus, it is suggested to makeover your recent mastery time permitting, and to enhance a significant most well-liked position around Many others.
Relational Competencies
Resource: Jarvee
You ought to have the choice to liaise with diverse divisions, traders and The shoppers. For this, bookkeepers are envisioned to obtain sound relational abilities, for instance, client the executives, arrangement aptitudes, compassion, and so on.
Presently, the exercise with the bookkeepers aren't limited to the calculating, it includes customary gatherings with gurus, shoppers, and associates to go well with their Tastes. On this fashion, getting every one of those talents will include things like from the get the job done efficiency and accomplishment of a bookkeeper. Such as, it is prescribed not to employ inside abbreviations or specialized language even though responding to inquiries of The shoppers. Having good relational aptitudes will construct reliable connections and to hold customers and to attract in new shoppers. This is often an important aptitude to have.
Information Analytics
Resource: outstanding info aggregate
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Smarts are classified as the individuals who can fathom the data, even so far more astute are the ones who might make it getting used. To research the knowledge and to consider a plausible arrangement, it is vital to the bookkeepers to learn the intricate specifics of the knowledge. Getting Each one of such aptitudes could make you mindful in the present desire with the purchasers and shoppers. Greedy the innovation and embellishment of our arrangement of talents as per the necessity of enough time will almost certainly assistance.
0 notes
charllieeldridge · 4 years
Teacher Feature: Living in The USA and Teaching ESL Online
In this interview, we’re chatting with Nicola, an American teacher living in the USA while teaching English online and travelling around her home country!
Nicola has taught English from her laptop while on an east coast USA road trip from Florida to North Carolina, camping in the north Georgia mountains (while using a wifi hot spot), and while on a trip to Nashville.
In the (hopefully near) future, she’s planning to do a Florida Keys road trip while teaching.
Learn about what it’s like to be an online English teacher, what a day in the life of a teacher looks like, how much the salary is, what qualifications are needed to get hired, and the pros and cons of the job and lifestyle.
Here we go!
1. Thanks for allowing us to interview you! Please tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Nicola and I’m an online English teacher from Atlanta, Georgia. I’ve been teaching online since 2017 and in that time I’ve become totally fascinated with all things related to online education. 
Nicola teaching online from her virtual classroom
Because I love the sweatpants-wearing freedom of teaching online, I now create helpful guides and classroom resources for aspiring virtual teachers. I also write about digital nomad life on my travel blog, https://ift.tt/2WiJQWC;
When I’m not teaching or blogging, you can find me befriending lizards in the park, wandering through obscure little museums, or whipping up a batch of my famous guacamole. 
2. What made you decide to become a teacher? Did you have any prior experience?
Before I started teaching online, I worked as a science teacher in a small town back home. My students were amazing and I loved teaching. Plus, getting to make fizzy explosions with Alka-seltzer and vinegar all day was pretty cool. 
I’d always loved exploring new places and I knew that long-term, I wanted travel to be a big part of my life. So I started researching ways to combine my two passions: teaching and travelling. 
Of course, I stumbled upon post after post (some of them on this very blog, now that I think about it!) about how to start teaching abroad.
After reading what felt like 15,000 blog articles about teaching abroad, I decided it would be the perfect fit for me.
I enrolled in an online Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) course with International TEFL Academy while I was still teaching full-time and finishing up my graduate degree in teaching. 
It was a lot of work, but I learned so much in my course. And, that’s really saying something because at that point I already had years of classroom experience!
While I felt pretty confident about lesson planning and classroom management, I enjoyed learning more about how to create lessons specifically designed for TEFL students. 
The TEFL program required that I complete 20 hours of hands-on ESL teaching experience so I found an adult English as a Second Language (ESL) class in my community.
I reached out to the instructor and he agreed to let me observe some lessons and even do some practice teaching. 
Teaching online while on a road trip
In that class, I met a woman who wanted more one-on-one practice. We agreed to meet at the local library once a week for tutoring and quickly became great friends. We even met a few times after I finished my 20 hours of student-teaching, just for fun!
Because I was balancing taking the TEFL course with my normal job, it took me about four months to complete everything and earn my certification.
When the time came for me to start applying for teaching jobs, I had several years of in-person teaching experience as well as my TEFL certification. I also had a graduate degree in education. 
My background qualified me for a lot of teaching positions, but most online teaching jobs don’t require the level of experience that I had.
A TEFL certificate, degree, or experience working with children in some capacity is often sufficient. And actually, there are some online teaching companies that will hire you even if you don’t have a university degree. 
3. How did you find an online English teaching job?
At the beginning, I planned to teach English in a classroom abroad. I didn’t even know online teaching was a thing until I discovered it by chance! 
The school year ended and I knew I wanted to start teaching abroad in the fall, which gave me a few months to figure out my next steps.
Luckily, the International TEFL Academy was very helpful and warmly responded to my (seemingly) thousands of questions.  
As I “researched” places I might want to go by binge-watching episodes of House Hunters International, a friend casually suggested that I try teaching online as a summer side hustle. 
I had never heard of teaching online before and I was skeptical at first. It sounded way too good to be true! I spent several days reading everything I could find about online teaching to make sure it was legitimate before finally taking the plunge. 
At that point, teaching online wasn’t as popular as it is now. There wasn’t nearly as much information out there about online teaching and I didn’t realize that it could be a long-term job. 
I just figured it would be a fun way to get more TEFL teaching experience under my belt and pad my travel savings account for my big move abroad. 
I applied to VIPKID, decorated a tri board with felt shapes to be my classroom background, and started teaching a few weeks later. 
Nicola teaching online with VIPKID
But it didn’t take me long to realize that online teaching was my bread and butter. I absolutely loved working from my computer and the fact that I could roll out of bed, brush my teeth, and be at work 5 minutes later.
The fact that I didn’t have to do any of my own lesson planning meant I could focus on my favorite part of the gig — teaching my students. After the summer ended, I decided to keep teaching online as my main job, and the rest is history. 
Even though I didn’t end up following the path I thought I would, I’m so happy I found an opportunity to work as a teacher with plenty of time to travel. 
4. Did you need to have any qualifications to get a job teaching with VIPKID?
To teach for VIPKID, you’ll need to be a native English speaker from the USA or Canada, excluding California. You’ll also need a bachelor’s degree in any subject and at least two years of experience working with children in some capacity. 
VIPKID does not require formal teaching experience. Having it is a plus, but you can count things like tutoring, mentoring, babysitting, homeschooling, and camp counseling as experience working with children. 
VIPKID is unique because, at this time, they don’t require a TEFL certificate. Having one will save you time during the hiring process, but it’s not a firm requirement.
If you don’t have one, you will just have to complete additional TEFL training modules during the onboarding process. 
However, the vast majority of online teaching platforms do require a TEFL certification so it’s worth looking into getting one, especially if you’ve never taught before. 
I’m a native English speaker from the USA, with a bachelor’s degree, experience working with children, and a TEFL certificate, so I checked all the boxes with VIPKID and was able to secure a job. Click here to learn more about my experience working with VIPKID.
5. What does a day in the life of an online English teacher working from the USA look like?
I live in the east coast time zone and the majority of my students live in China, so my mornings start pretty early! I usually get up around 5:45 am and start teaching at 6:30 am. 
I have back-to-back half-hour classes until 9:00 am Eastern time, which is when the VIPKID platform closes classroom hours for the night. I work that schedule every morning Monday – Friday. 
Even though the early mornings are an adjustment, I love taking care of work at the beginning of the day so I have the rest of the day to pursue other interests. 
Sometimes, I’ll also work Friday or Saturday nights. These nights correspond with Saturday and Sunday morning in China, so there’s a higher demand for classes because students aren’t in school. 
Teaching in the morning means getting your work done early and having the rest of the day free!
If I do a night shift, I’ll start at 8:30 pm east coast time on Friday or Saturday. I’ll usually do 6 classes back to back, ending at 11:30 pm. If I’m feeling really energized or want to make extra money, I’ll sometimes go even later. 
The most classes I’ve been able to do in one sitting is 12 (6 hours) but that was pretty exhausting. If you choose to do late nights on Friday and Saturday, make sure to keep the following morning free so you can sleep in!
6. How much does an online English teacher with VIPKID earn per month/per class?
Pay with VIPKID can vary depending on your credentials, amount of classes taught, and time with the company, but in general most teachers make between $7-$9 per 25-minute class with the opportunity for bonuses.
These bonuses include a slight increase to class pay depending on the length of time you’ve been teaching with VIPKID and how many classes you’ve taught in a particular month. 
Classes are 25-minutes long so you can teach 2 classes per hour.
Remember that you don’t have to teach two classes per hour when you are first starting. Some newer teachers prefer to do just one class per hour and take a longer break between classes until it starts to come more naturally. 
Nicola travelling around Vietnam
I’ve created the example scenario below to explore how much an online teacher could work with VIPKID when they are newly hired. Your exact situation will vary based on personal factors, but this will help you get a baseline of what you can expect to earn. 
For a teacher who is first starting out, it’s common to get a starting pay rate of $7.50 per class. According to the new VIPKID pay system, they would receive an additional $0.80 per class for their first 20 classes, then an additional $1.20 per class for classes 21 – 40, and so on.
To keep it simple, let’s say this new teacher earns on average $8.50 per class ($7.50 base rate plus the additional incentive amount) or $17 per hour. 
If that teacher were to work 15 hours per week (3 hours per day, 5 days per week, for example), they would earn $255 per week or $1020 per month. 
If that teacher were to work 25 hours per week (let’s say 4 hours in the morning Monday through Friday, then an extra five hours on Friday nights), they would make $425 per week or $1700 per month. 
Keep in mind that the longer you teach on the platform, the higher your base rate and bonus amount can go. Many teachers who have been with VIPKID for a while and teach frequently earn over $20/hour. 
Of course, teachers are free to work more or less than this if they want.
Some months, I’ll take entire weeks off at a time. Other months, I’ll do overnight teaching sessions on the weekends to earn some extra money. The flexibility is an awesome part of online teacher life!
7. What are the pros and cons of teaching online while living in the USA?  
The time zone difference is the biggest pro and the biggest con of teaching online while living in the states. 
On the negative side, USA-based teachers who are working with students in China will likely have abnormal teaching hours. Teachers must get up very early or work late at night to accommodate their students’ schedules on the other side of the world. 
If getting up early isn’t your cup of tea, it will be hard to make significant income as an online teacher living in the USA while teaching kids in China. 
That being said, there are other companies out there that don’t cater to the Chinese market. If you were teaching for a non-region specific company, the hours wouldn’t be so extreme. 
Funny enough, the time difference is also one of the biggest pros.
Now that I’ve gotten used to it, I really like getting the bulk of my work finished early in the day. It has given me time to pursue new hobbies and interests that I wouldn’t have time for otherwise.
Even though I go to bed at embarrassingly early times, I really like having most of the daytime hours free. 
Additionally, if you’re planning to teach online on top of your normal job, you can easily do so without having to change your regular schedule. You can schedule classes before work or on the weekends to add an extra income source without changing your usual work routine. 
8. Any final advice for an aspiring English teacher? 
There is a lot to love about online teaching. It’s fun to connect with students around the world, the pay is competitive, you don’t have to commute, and you can work from home or anywhere with good WiFi.
One of the best parts about being an online English teacher is flexibility. With this job, your schedule and workload can really look however you want.
Most platforms do not have set schedules and they do not require that you teach a minimum number of hours. This is great news for aspiring online teachers who maybe aren’t ready to make the jump. 
Because you usually aren’t locked into a set schedule, there’s no harm in applying and trying out online teaching with the platform of your choice.
Sign up, teach a few lessons, and see what you think! I bet you’ll love it, but if you don’t, all you have to do is stop scheduling classes. It’s low risk and you could end up with a new remote job that you love!
Nicola in Nashville — combining work and travel
Whether you’re looking for a work-from-home-job, a fun new side hustle, or a job that will give you more location independence, teaching online might be a great place to start. For me, online teaching was a great way to combine my two passions: education and travel. 
To learn more about teaching, have a look at our detailed articles:
10 Best Online English Teaching Companies
Teaching English Online Without a Degree – Top 10 Companies That Will Hire You
7 Best Online TEFL Courses for English Teachers
Note: The lead image in this article is courtesy of Shutterstock. Learn more here.
The post Teacher Feature: Living in The USA and Teaching ESL Online appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Teacher Feature: Living in The USA and Teaching ESL Online published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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maylocnuocplasma · 4 years
Guyanese Mail Acquire Brides
Meeting a pretty Guyana woman is exactly what a man needs if this individual wants to have an best wife and raise amazing children at the same time. Gossip experience it that all Guyanese women are in a great mood that can’t be wrecked by anything.
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Guyanese females are a tiny fraction of incredible Latin special gems which manage to have become the great among one men. The looks of Guyanese brides are very diverse. Guyana may be refered as a link between The southern area of and Latin America and Europe, consequently people coming from all around the world arrive to this nation and develop families with locals. Most of the Guyanese singles own Latin beginnings, which makes these people very similar to Latino girls, which can be extremely popular too. The diverse genome of Guyanese young girls makes them not merely beautiful but healthy as well.
Guyanese submit order wives are very gifted housewives and mothers. Having grown up in big loved ones, they tend to get started building their particular in their early 20s. Nonetheless don’t think their particular choice with regards to husband is normally immature. On the contrary, Guyanese ladies believe that marital relationship is a life changing decision that needs to be taken incredibly seriously and responsibly. When these kinds of ladies locate their excellent husbands, they will allocate their lives to their household, making them a good option for their people.
In the modern world, a lot of the girls started to be quite capricious. They want to have all and quickly. Due to this routine, Western women prefer to not ever spend an individual moment on the thing, which can be unworthy or perhaps broken. Besides, building a relationship and currently in a marriage needs much tolerance. That is why incredibly hot Guyanese birdes-to-be are excellent for the successful lifestyle together.
Many Guyanese women have exquisite feminine curves in all the proper places”. They will like dressing up to underline their features, but fully grasp no to overstress. You should never go to a Guyanese gal wearing disclosing or dazzling clothes unless of course she’s going to the party. Precisely the same rule goes with makeup: females wear little to no makeup daily but help to make extra effort pertaining to special events.
Guyana is accomplish typical Southern American talk about. It is a big mixture of international locations, languages, and traditions. It seems to be a type of the former British Empire: you can meet people with Indio, Chinese, Euro, and Photography equipment origins. The greatest nation currently in Guyana is named Creoles. bestlatinwomen.com/guyanese-brides/ Such a significant diversity includes given entry into the world to the unforeseen appearance and character popular features of the local women. So , it is hard enough to single out the typical features of a Guyanese woman.
It is vital how the night out was going on, yet also more importantly how it ended. Don’t let your bride go home by itself. Drive the Guyanese daughter home and talk about your night out, say how great it was superb and ask about your bride’s impression. If you get along really well, question your Guyanese girl for the next date. Before going residence with your woman good night and kiss her in a cheek if you feel deal with it is appropriate. Work depending on the scenario, your cardiovascular system will always lead you correctly.
However , when Guyanese bride finds their self the future husband she was trying to find her entire life, sho would not change him over other people. Guyanese girls feel that cheating is definitely an action which includes completely low morals and is also shameful, consequently looking at additional guys or going out with them is not an option used by Guyanese women would consider.
For men who would like a wife that will usually be there for them always. The women of Guyana are merely the right choice. They will always be there to render support to you. The optimistic design enables them to get the silver liner no matter how ominous the situation might be. Fortunately they are very prepared to join you in your outing as they as well love opportunity. They are always on the look-out for fun, if its mingling or pleasurable activities. These women have to be their rousing pills. You are going to always locate them on the go, never lazing around on the lounger or maybe the bed. Therefore you should also end up being an energetic, extroverted person to handle a Guyanese wife.
Internet dating The Amazing And Sexy Guyanese Brides
Guyanese women certainly are a fraction of exotic Latin beauties which in turn seem to have become the rave among sole men. Words barrier certainly is the thing I’ll never handle…. I erroneously shared this idea for a long time. But then I discovered AsiaMe with high-quality translation services, and my life evolved a lot. I spoke numerous girls right now there, but one stole my own heart. Kaya made my existence lighter and more meaningful. Now she’s actively studying English, certainly nothing will hinder our understanding.
The unique characteristic of these laborious ladies is they are trained from youth how to take care of husbands, increase children, and, at the same time, always remember about their parents, friends, and siblings. Marriage and the birth of children can be their natural duty and primary purpose anytime. Therefore , Guyanese women seek to find a dependable husband and share all the complications and pleasures with him.
These fabulous ladies love wholeheartedly making it not possible for them to betray your love. Once you win their very own heart, they may have no eye for any additional man even if he is the wealthiest man in the world. As they like you totally and remain faithful, they will expect a similar a person.
Now, to how to get touching these rare beauties! A large number of would acknowledge that the most effective of conference an enticing Latin loveliness are via online sites which offer excellent dating services. So far, here are my major recommendations for Guyanese women going out with. These online dating sites platforms give a variety of products that make sure you find the soul mate.
Beginning a search with regards to the perfect Guyanese women on the web through mail order wedding brides sites is straightforward and yet thus tasking. That is because the majority of Western males don’t know what to expect with fabulous Guyanese ladies who are of a culture starkly different from what they know. These types of worries can culminate in the guys becoming a smaller amount confident, that you simply should know, females never get charming. To douse each one of your worries, here is a set of things you will discover instrumental in your journey of Guyanese females dating.
Attractive women using this Southern American country become amazing girlfriends or wives. Guyanese wives or girlfriends take all of the responsibilities with regards to housekeeping. They know how hard their partners have to job to provide intended for the family members, so to get house clean is not just a big deal in return for that. Most Guyanese girls have a job, however they would never choose a career that doesn’t allow them to take good care of the family unit. Expect your Guyanese better half to do the cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing. She could also gladly help children do their homework and generate a lot of effort to boost them when worthy people.
Meeting a pretty Guyana woman is what a man requires if he wants to provide an ideal partner and raise beautiful children together. These types of brides will be, without any doubt, one of the best choices, because they will always unfold love and bring an atmosphere of positive frame of mind and contentment.
The main feature of Guyanese women is certainly their threshold and respect. It is all-natural when a wide variety of peoples go on the small territory. Guyanese folks are religious too. No matter what religious beliefs a Guyanese woman is, she will follow the practices and rules.
Guyanese Wedding Traditions
In case you are one of those males who admire the beauty of Latin women, you should definitely pay some attention to Guyanese girls exactly who are becoming increasingly more popular among ALL OF US men. An online site must be protect to use this for a long time. Find out if it has got antivirus security software safety. HTTPS protocols will be a significant advantage. As well, a site should not send you spam information. It must inform you about secure online interaction and protect you from the fraudulence. In addition , you should check how a support section of the assistance works. It should give instant answers and problem alternatives, preferably on the internet chat.
When it was previously mentioned, Guyanese women grow up in patriarchal families, exactly where man has got all the electrical power. Even though the modern views of Guyanese girls are not that conservative ever again, wanting a household and kids is a thing for the majority of Guyanese true romance. For a girl from Guyana, the family needs to consist of in least twins.
In general, whenever we take Creoles into mind, local ladies are very. They have dark skin and healthy, lanky figures. A lot of hard work, along with exotic climate, make them appearance healthy. Guyanese women have delicate face features, not popular for the other people of color.
Guyana used to become under Indian control to the 18th. Because of this, it became the only English-speaking country in Southern America. The English language level of Guyanese brides is absolutely amazing because they speak it as their indigenous language. This nation is very international, so a lot of women also speak a second or maybe third terminology.
Traditionally, a man is the leading company of a family. He might require many home duties. He must work hard to provide a big relatives. A Guyana female must love and comply with her spouse. It might seem to be that the To the south American self-control affects living inside Guyanese families. It’s not valid. It is actually curious enough, but Guyanese people are very courteous and relaxed. You can hardly face a public disagreement.
Every Guyana woman is faithful with her religion and generally prefers to look for a man of the same faith. Not necessarily even a couple of personal preferences, but the opinion on the family, which is very important on her behalf. Whenever her family group does not approve of the relationships, consequently solving this challenge will be very difficult.
You do or say nice stuff. You happen to be constantly looking to compliment a girlfriend. You are going to always be answered with the same reciprocity and attention because Guyanese brides will be the weaker sexual, they are romantic, give all their romance and want to receive it from you. They would like to love their very own spouses is to do everything for your.
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Ton of lifelike voices in many languages
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Absolutely Revolutionary Neural Technology
I’m about to show you amazing and absolutely revolutionary neural technology which not only delivers massive improvements in speech quality but it increases naturalness and expressiveness which are the two key factors in creating lifelike speech that is getting closer than ever to human voices.
Not only that…
The Style That Makes All The Difference
While quality is very important, what about style?
Human ear can tell the difference between a newscast, a sportscast, a narraction, and so on.
Human spokespersons adopt the right style of speech for the right context, which is critical to getting their message across.
Two Quick Questions
Have you ever seen a newscast video on a major media website which consisted of just slowly moving images and voice over text?
Have you ever seen a youtube video with a massive number of views which had just a youtuber’s voice over with images animated just with pan and zoom
If you answer yes to any of those questions you already know how powerful such videos are.
CNN, Foxnews, BBC, Mashable, and countless popular websites, blogs, and youtube stars drive massive number of views and traffic from those super simple videos.
What makes all the difference is voice over and the fact that they can produce significant number of those videos.
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Top media can afford that, and youtube stars use their own voice.
If you are a native speaker of the language you make video in, you can voice over videos by yourself, but it would take a ton of time you could use for more productive things.
If you do not speak the language you want to make a video in, or you want your video to be produced in multiple languages to maximize views and traffic, you are out of luck with expensive spokespersons.
How YOU Can Drive Views & Traffic
Today, I’m going to share with you new software called NewscasterVocalizer, which we’ve been working on for the good part of the year.
NewscasterVocalizer is a new, first of its kind, groundbreaking app, which allows you to generate fully featured newscaster, neural network, and traditional voice-overs.
NewscasterVocalizer is able to generate realistic sounding human-like newscaster, plus it includes all new neural voices, just recently released by Amazon Polly Newscaster service.
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NewscasterVocalizer is the very first app released to the market which is taking full advantage of that amazing technology.
And now, for the very first time ever, you can have not only the world’s most natural neural voice over, generated automatically with unheard before realism, but also there are newscaster style voices, which finally open ability to make newscaster videos to everybody.
On top of all that, you get a large number of alexa like quality voic
USA Today & Other Top Media Do It
The generated voices are so natural that it is really hard to say if the voice belongs to a human voice-over artist or it was generated by NewscasterVocalizer.
Amazon is already working directly with USA Today and Canada’s The Globe and Mail, among a number of other companies, to help them voice their texts with that new revolutionary technology.
Thanks to Amazon Polly Newscaster, their readers don’t have to read but can hear the news and other information.
All that is good for top media websites, but until now you could not get access to that groundbreaking tech.
That is changing today.
You Are No Longer Left Behind The Media Giants
You are no longer left behind the media giants or youtube stars with a massive number of views.
Also, while Newscaster Vocalizer makes amazing newscaster voice overs with unheard before realistic and engaging sound, it does not stop there.
It also delivers the entire set of brand new voices available through just released new revolutionary Amazon neural text-to-speech engine.
At the time when this video is created, there are no any videos apps which allow you to get direct access to voices generated using Amazon Polly Newscaster and their new text-to-speech engine.
Export Your Voice-Overs To Use In Any Videos App
Newscaster Vocalizer is an open export voice-over platform, which allows you to export your voice-overs to use in any videos app.
It can automatically store your created voice-overs into your dropbox, google drive, and amazon S3, plus you can also download a voice-over directly to your computer.
Newscaster Vocalizer provides a wide selection of natural-sounding male and female voices.
Newscaster Vocalizer’s natural pronunciation of texts enables you to deliver high-quality voice output, perfect for sales letters, explainer videos, video ads, affiliate video reviews and any other videos.
Here’s how easy NewscasterVocalizer is to use:
Select a language and voice you want to use
Paste your text
Click the create button
That’s it – those 3 steps will have you creating your next amazing voice-over in seconds.
Commercial License Is Included!
With the included commercial license, you can not only create voice-overs for yourself, but you can use them in videos you create for your clients, and even sell voice-overs directly, and keep 100% of the profits!
Imagine taking just seconds to create those voice-overs for your potential clients, or becoming a freelancer, and start selling them on popular sites like Fiverr, or Freelancer.com.
Listen To Just A Few Samples Of English Language Voices You Get Access To
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Sandra (neural)
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Ben (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Elsa (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Ken (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Karen (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Tara (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Mark (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Mike (newscaster)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Sue (neural)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Janine (newscaster)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Sonya (neural)
That means you don’t have to install it, you don’t have to download it, and as you just saw, all you’ve got to do is select a language and voice, paste the text, click a button and it’s done.
Now I’m sure you’re wondering how great those voices sound, so let’s jump right in and hear some of them.
You Will Get Access To All Below Voices
Stop Paying For Voice-Overs
As you just heard, those voices sound very natural, to the point that it is hard to say that they were not recorded by human voice over artists.
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You can use voice-overs for yourself, in videos you create for your clients, and even sell voice-overs directly, and keep 100% of the profits!
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Comments from before official release
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Comments from before official release
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I have to install NewscasterVocalizer on my computer?
A: No, NewscasterVocalizer is cloud software so you do not need to install anything on your computer.
Q:How much do updates cost?
A:All NewscasterVocalizer 1.x updates are FREE for the duration of the license. 🙂
Q:Is ordering completely risk free?
A:Of course. At any point in the next 14 days, you decide NewscasterVocalizer is not right for you, simply send us your receipt and we’ll promptly send you a refund. You will however, lose access to your NewscasterVocalizer account.
Q:How many voice-over can I create with NewscasterVocalizer?
A:With NewscasterVocalizer you can unlimited number of voice overs.
Q:Do you include step by step instructions?
A:Yes, we provide detailed step by step tutorial.
Q:What Languages & Dialects Are Supported
A:English (US), Chinese, Mandarin, Danish, Dutch, English (Australian), English (British), English (Indian), English (Welsh), French, French (Canadian), German, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Mexican), Swedish, Turkish, Welsh
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In at least five state and national races across the country, the Republican Party is dealing with an uncomfortable problem. Their party’s candidates are either a card-carrying Nazi, a Holocaust denier, a proud white supremacist, or all of the above.
In North Carolina, for example, GOP officials are stuck with Russell Walker, a white supremacist running for the state House of Representatives. According to his personal website (littered with the n-word), he believes that “the jews are NOT semitic they are satanic as they all descend from Satan.”
Republicans in the state have regrets. “This is a very Democratic district, one that we failed to keep our eye on,” Dallas Woodhouse, executive chair of the North Carolina GOP, told me in an email. “However, we can’t stop him from running.”
In Illinois, meanwhile, the Republican Party shrugged off Arthur Jones, a primary candidate who boasted of his membership in the American Nazi Party. But Jones won, and now party officials, including ones who called Jones “morally reprehensible” and “a complete nutcase,” are scrambling to launch a write-in campaign. Jones’s campaign website features a section called “Holocaust?” in which he argues that the “idea that six million Jews, were killed by the National Socialist government of Germany, in World War II, is the biggest, blackest lie in history.”
In Virginia, the chair of the state GOP resigned earlier this month, reportedly because of alt-right leaning, pro-Confederate candidate Corey Stewart’s win in the Republican primary. But even Stewart had to disavow Wisconsin’s Paul Nehlen, who is running to replace Speaker Paul Ryan. Nehlen’s too racist for Twitter and even for Gab, the preferred social media platform of the alt-right. Meanwhile, a California Republican running for Congress has been making appearances on neo-Nazi podcasts and argues on his campaign website that “diversity” is a Jewish plot. (The California GOP has disavowed him.)
Racial animus helped fuel the rise of Donald Trump. Since the end of the civil rights movement and under Republican strategist Lee Atwater’s “Southern strategy” that used racism as an unstated cudgel against Democrats, the Republican Party itself has played a welcoming host to racial tensions and fears. Simultaneously, it has depicted itself, as conservative columnist Jeff Jacoby put it in 2012, as “the party of color-blind equality and “a party that doesn’t think with its skin.”
But in a year when the left is energized in opposition to Trump, particularly by his policies toward minority groups and immigrants, and as the GOP tries to hang on to their majorities in Congress and state houses around the country, state party officials say they do not need racist fringe candidates running for office. None of these candidates is expected to win in the general election this fall, but they are going to give liberals on the hunt for examples of simmering neo-Nazi and neo-Confederate rhetoric at least five places to point.
Arthur Jones, an independent insurance salesperson known as “Art,” regrets voting for Donald Trump. But he’s got a different reason than most who’ve thought twice about their vote. In a speech in April 2017, Jones said:
The Jewish lobby has Donald Trump locked up. I don’t think the man realizes how naive he appears to the rest of the world. He’s nothing but a puppet in their hands. And we were foolish enough to send this naive, Jew-loving fool into the White House. I’m embarrassed that I voted for him. I’m sorry I voted for him. If I could take the vote back, I would in a minute.
Art is a card-carrying Nazi. Jones reportedly once led the American Nazi Party, and he was a member of a later version of the ANP, the National Socialist White People’s Party.
His website says he’s “concerned about the future of our country,” which, for a normal politician, might sound like a generic call for more spending on their generic priorities. But it takes on a very different connotation when you click over to the section called “Holocaust?,” a page that features a variety of conspiracy theories and racist ideas shared by the Holocaust-denier world.
Arthur Jones openly denies the Holocaust. artjonesforcongress.com
Arthur Jones perpetuates racist conspiracy theories about Jewish people.
Jones also brags about protesting against Elie Wiesel, who wrote one of the most renowned memoirs of surviving the Holocaust, Night. (To be clear: This is not an oppo-research photo. It is posted proudly on Jones’s own site.)
From Arthur Jones’s campaign website.
Jones’s ideas aren’t resonating widely with suburban Chicago voters. He is expected to lose. In 2016, the district went to the Democratic incumbent Dan Lipinski, who won 100 percent of the vote because no Republican bothered to run against him. Jones only got on the ballot because, as the Atlantic detailed earlier this year, he went door to door gathering signatures (and not mentioning his views on race or Jewish people). By December, he was the only Republican to file to run.
State Assembly member David McSweeney, a Republican, spoke with me about what Jones’s run could mean for his party. “The guy is a complete jerk and a nutcase,” he said, adding, “it’s politically harmful to have a jerk and a nutcase like this associated with the party.”
McSweeney is mad at Republicans in Illinois for failing to take Jones seriously at every turn: They said nothing as he gathered signatures to run, they didn’t challenge the signatures when he submitted them, and they didn’t try to run an alternative write-in candidate in the primary. Then, just two weeks ago, they missed an important filing deadline to get a third-party candidate on the ballot.
Sen. Ted Cruz heard the news about the missed deadline and said voters should support a write-in candidate or support the Democrat. “This bigoted fool should receive ZERO votes.”
This is horrific. An avowed Nazi running for Congress. To the good people of Illinois, you have two reasonable choices: write in another candidate, or vote for the Democrat. This bigoted fool should receive ZERO votes. https://t.co/9WYlvCMKaF
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 29, 2018
The GOP has since scrambled into action. McSweeney is pleased that it appears the Illinois GOP will finally work to support a write-in candidate to challenge Jones. But the damage, some in the party argue, has been done.
“Morally reprehensible, that is the most important part,” Mcsweeney told me. “It’s just a disaster. This guy is a complete jackass, a complete nutcase, and doesn’t represent anything from the party that we’re all part of. It’s just absolutely necessary to make sure the people know that this guy is a fraud, a nutcase, a loser, and should be shunned, and hopefully gets zero votes except for his own pitiful vote.”
(When Jones was told by Politico there would be no third-party challenger from the GOP on his race, he said, “I snookered them. … I played by the rules, what can I say?”)
About 800 miles southeast of Chicago, Russell Walker, a retired chemical engineer, is running to represent District 48 in the North Carolina state House of Representatives. On his website he explains that he believes white people are superior and that there is “no such thing as equality.”
The latest and the most demonized expression in the English language, surpassing hate and racist is –”White Supremacy”. Well someone or group has to be supreme and that group is the whites of the world. As explained in detail in another section of this website, there is no such thing as equality. Someone or something has to be superior and someone or something has to be inferior. That is just such a simple fact that it needs no explanation.
He has picketed a local newspaper while holding a sign stating, “GOD IS A RACIST.” He refers to Barack Obama as “genetically inferior” and says “woman are [sic] the weaker sex.” He refers to white women who have interracial relationships as “race traitors.” And according to his appearance this week on the neo-Nazi Stormfront Action podcast, he’s advising Arthur Jones, saying: “Jones is for real. He has strong ideas about Nazism.”
Walker gained some national notoriety in 2017 when, during a television interview following a lawsuit he filed to keep the Confederate flag in South Carolina courtrooms was dismissed, he referred to Martin Luther King Jr. using a racial slur.
The North Carolina Republican Party has repeatedly disavowed Walker’s campaign, as has the Hoke County Republican Party. (Hoke is one of the counties included within Walker’s district.)
In a June 26 post on a county party website, SaveHoke.com, Hal Nunn, county party chair, stated: “The Hoke County Republican Party agrees with NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes comments on the Republican candidate for NC House 48 race and adds that this person’s actions and comments, past/present, are completely disturbing, and we will not support a candidate with such racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic and anti-military views.”
Mark Schenck, chair of the Scotland County Republican Party (also included within Walker’s district), went further, blasting Walker in an email sent to a North Carolina journalist: “Russell Walker does not represent Republican Values. Republicans are said to be the Party of Lincoln, Walker hates Lincoln.”
Walker responded by threatening both Schenck and Nunn. He and Schenck had a confrontation on June 25. A day later, after Nunn posted on SaveHoke.com that the Hoke County GOP wouldn’t be supporting Walker, Walker wrote Nunn an email “telling, not politely asking” him that the post must be taken down.
Walker also left a voicemail for Nunn (you can listen to it here), threatening to force foreclosure on Nunn’s home and cars (“I’ll put liens on your house, every goddamn car I can find and everything else”). He also said, “You don’t know where Jews come from.”
On July 2, Walker was sent a “no trespassing” notice by the North Carolina GOP, which stated in part: “The North Carolina Republican Party did not make this decision lightly; however, due to your recent behavior and threatening messages we feel it to be necessary. The Party has determined that your presence at the events and on Party offices or property impair the functioning of the Party.”
Walker — and Jones, Corey Stewart, a neo-Nazi running for office as a Republican in California, and others — are a problem for Republicans and the GOP at large.
The party has responded largely by either condemning and attempting to disavow far-right candidates while arguing that somewhere, a Democrat is doing something even more dastardly (praising anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, for example). Or they maintain complete radio silence about candidates who claim the party’s mantle despite openly embracing the worst of the alt-right.
As Democrats try to hold onto a polling lead in advance of this fall’s midterm elections, they have and will tie racist and far-right leaning Republican candidates to other Republicans running for office or already serving, forcing Republicans to either disavow them or risk appearing soft on anti-Semitic racism.
Racist rhetoric, after all, doesn’t typically serve Republicans well electorally. In Virginia’s 2017 governor’s race, for example, Republican Ed Gillespie rode hard on NFL protests and keeping Confederate statues in place — and lost, as Democratic and independent voters were motivated to turn out in part by Gillespie’s strategy.
Not to mention that racism is inherently anathema to minority votes. A critical rise in black turnout in Alabama’s Senate special election helped push Democrat Doug Jones over controversial Republican Roy Moore. One activist told the Atlantic that black voters were responding to “the resurgence of this white conservative overtly racist rhetoric.” Bad Republican candidates also depress Republican voting. In that Alabama election, thousands of voters — including many who supported Donald Trump in 2016 — simply didn’t show up.
More important, candidates like Walker and Jones threaten to further inculcate the idea that the Republican Party is inherently susceptible to candidates who espouse racist and anti-Semitic ideas. The Republican Party is, after all, both the party of Lincoln, and the party of Richard Nixon and Lee Atwater’s Southern strategy aimed at getting racists on board without, in Atwater’s own words, “saying, ‘nigger, nigger, nigger.’” And it’s also the party of the nation’s most prominent birther, who rode to the White House on a wave of what researchers in December 2017 called “racial resentment.”
In the wake of Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” comments after Charlottesville, and with his outward support of Corey Stewart and silence on other extremist candidates, and with what feels like more and more Republican candidates with connections to racist and anti-Semitic ideas and figures emerging by the day, that idea isn’t likely to go away.
Original Source -> Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.
via The Conservative Brief
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prosteticanimals · 5 years
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