#i know it's not that deep but both attempts at posting a starter call flopped n my starter call on another blog flopped so im not feeling
pfreadsandwrites · 4 years
Okay okay i just read your tags on that sasuke and hinata post and you said you think they'd be compatible and i think that's a v new take cause mostly people just believe that sasuke barely knows hinata exists? and that's kinda what i thought too tbh i mean ig hinata CAN be good for sasuke but will sasuke be good for hinata? I'm v curious so i wanna know your thoughts 👀
I guess it is a new take though I’ve definitely spoken to others who kinda agree with me about this over the years, but you’re right, it is basically a crack ship cuz yeah, they have never interacted ever. And i don’t even like Hinata and I’m always flip-flopping on Sasuke. In short i don’t hate him at all and I think he’s a super interesting and complex character, but I’m happy to dunk on him for the memes lol cuz god does he have his moments but I wouldn’t say he’s a character I love, but please, he is such a traumatised person, traumatised as a very young child to boot, and this is really glossed over by a lot of people. 
But please be patient with me whilst I attempt to sort this out because I don’t often verbalise my thoughts about Naruto when it’s not about Kakashi so apologies if this is not very coherent... I also wanna point out that i am not a shipper and I approach ship dynamics on how well they work/how much it makes sense in the context of the show which is why i hardly ship anything. Also I wanna point out that I’m not necessarily thinking about the Sasuke through most of Shippuden as i write this, i’m sort of taking that aside and thinking about his potential and who he was at the beginning, and who he becomes at the end. 
Will put it under a read more cuz wow! I don’t make sense but I sure don’t know how to shut up either!
Okay, so the thing about Sasuke that isn’t really touched upon by the fandom is exactly how driven by his emotions he is. He is such an intensely emotional person, despite being a relatively introverted and quiet person, and he’s obviously manipulated by it at various points throughout the series - he’s really not controlled or stoic, like, at all. 
Comparatively, though Hinata is shy and introverted, she’s actually pretty good at keeping her emotions in check. Yes she gets nervous. She doesn’t wallow in her emotions or let them dictate her behaviour, and it’s actually her that brings Naruto back down to Earth when he’s freaking out that one time during the war arc. So they balance each other out in that sense. 
I like their imagined dynamic for a few surface level reasons. In an AU where the massacre didn’t happen, or even before it happened, Sasuke and Hinata have a lot in common. They both come from these prestigious closed off clans, they both feel like they’re not measuring up, they have these overbearing and closed-off fathers. If they got to know each other they just would have related to each other very well I feel. Also, Hinata’s supposed to be quite empathetic and like... Sasuke definitely needs this. There’s a real lack from anyone in this series, Naruto included, that is actually trying to see where Sasuke is coming from that isn’t a) trying to use that to get him to do what they want b) trying to control him because they think they know what’s best for him, even if they’re acting for his sake.
I don’t see Hinata being that way with him? You could argue Sasuke needs someone more outwardly ‘tougher’ and no nonsense but I definitely think Hinata is extremely determined in her quiet way, especially when she cares about someone, but for some reason I think she’s one of the characters that I can see genuinely empathising with him and learning to see who he actually is. I don’t think she’d be passive, but she’s definitely the quiet understanding type and it’s hard because we don’t see her care about anyone other than Naruto, I do thjnk she’d be capable of calling him out when he needs it. I guess i think that in part is because she’s one of the few girls that doesn’t just thirst after him from the beginning. 
But to answer the second part, would Sasuke be good for Hinata... Honestly, I can see it? For starters, not only does Hinata have issues with anxiety, but so does Sasuke. You sort of see that in the beginning with Sasuke. He’s the one that’s freaking out when they first meet Zabuza to the point that he wants to kill himself to end his anxiety and Kakashi has to snap him out of it. He’s the one that freaks out in the forest of death during the chunin exams and just wants to hand the scroll over and end it all. He’s not really like this in the same way in shippuden, but my god if Hinata couldn’t relate to this. Also, I wanna remind everyone how he is with Juugo. He’s the one that calms him down, the one that Juugo feels safe around. I know he’s doing it with a purpose in mind, but I think he’d have patience and empathy for Hinata’s fears the way he would for him. Obviously this would take place years later once Sasuke’s resolved some of his issues. I guess more than anything i see them having chemistry, and a quite, peaceful relationship that has the potential to be healthier than SasuSaku, and even, SasuNaru. (SasuNaru works only because Naruto is SO damn resilient, and because of how deep their bond is and how much they canonically complete each other, not because it’s healthy, or at least it wouldn’t be at first)
It’s genuinely harder to talk about why Sasuke would be good for Hinata because there really isn’t that much to her character, but I basically think Hinata would do well with someone that understands her as well, and Sasuke I think is pretty damn capable of that. I think the fact that they show no interest in each other whatsoever means that they both would have to develop as people in their own right, which Hinata definitely needs, Sasuke’s aloofness would probably do her good, and idk, I just think it has the capability of blossoming into something strong. Largely because for it to work they would have to become their own people, and then they would realise just how much they have in common and I just think their personalities complement each other. Sakura’s tough with everyone else but far too passive on him, but she really can’t understand him at all, nor he her, and i just think SasuHina have more potential in that way. 
(i answered this very badly and i have some more thoughts that i’m having trouble expressing but i hope this helps)
(also to everyone who sent in requests i am working on them i promise!!!)
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aldreaoakley · 8 years
Kissed by the Baddest Trainer! [KBTBB Pokemon!AU]
(Based off a lot of @maidofstars’ and @catchthespade’s posts. Just a warning, I will be jumping back and forth in time. I'll denote that when it happens.)
___ sits on a bench at PokéCenter taking a deep breath. She is glad that Nurse Joy can get Minccino back into shape after dealing with that Magicarp seller. The man was trying to sell the poor thing that ___ orders her old friend to tackle the seller before using a Poké Ball to catch the flopping Magicarp in midair. The poor Pokémon is also in the PokéCenter for care from the suffering under the Magicarp seller. ___ keeps giving the little light above the door occasional glances but it hasn't turned off since she assured Minccino everything will be alright after she gets taken care of. Then a soft ding sounds and ___ springs to her feet the same time the door slides open. "Your Pokémon are all healed," Nurse Joy smiles at ___ while her. Nurse Joy's Chansey appears behind her pushing a cart with Magicarp's Poké Ball and Minccino riding it. "Hey~" ___ laughs as Minccino launches at her with a tackle hug. "For a wild Pokémon your Minccino is most certainly a lively one, even injured," Nurse Joy smiles. "I had to use a Soothe Bell to calm her." "Huh?! My Minccino is a she," ___ cries out. Nurse Joy nods. "I'd thought she was a male due to how she fought back from wanting care and wanting to be with you but the behaviors didn't match up," Nurse Joy explains. "It's not uncommon for trainers and their Pokémon to be the same gender. It's something that isn't noticed until during battle." "May I call Professor Foster," ___ wonders as Mincino settles herself on a shoulder. With a nod and some directions from Nurse Joy, ___ moves to the phone while remembering what happened when she first met him. ~Two Weeks Ago~ "Um... Professor Foster," ___ calls out and looking around. "I came here for my starter Pokémon." A loud cry of pain accompanying a couple of Pokémon shouts. ___ tilts her head as a tired and rumple coat man gets pushed out of a door. He turns to look at her and she realizes who it is as a Marowak runs out after him. "Professor Foster," ___ exclaims. "Yes? What are you here for," the professor sighs as he gets up with Marowak assisting him. "I'm going to start my journey as a Pokémon trainer and I'd like a starter Pokémon," she requests. Despite how the professor stumbles towards her, she notices that he's studying her in a funny manner. "Hm... that won't be necessary," Professor Foster muses while looking at her shoulder. ___ moves her head to see where his eyes are when she sees her old friend. Minccino. Then she did a double take. Minccino normally is at home or occasionally joins her on shopping trips, making many people think that it is her Pokémon. "Mincci," it smiles at her. "How'd you get here," ___ whispers in shock. "Is this Minccino your's," Luke asks. "It's a wild one yet so familiar with you... But you don't have a Poké Ball for it..." "Uh... this one is actually more of a close friend if anything," ___ admits. "My parents nor I don't ever use Poké Balls for them because they don't mean us any harm." She watches Professor Foster before he suddenly reaches for Minccino and attempts to remove it. "min-CCI," the little Pokémon protests with a scratch attack. She wasn't expecting that but then she didn't know attached her friend is to her. "I'm sorry Professor Foster," ___ apologizes. "No need to worry," Professor Foster chuckles. "I'm only gauging its reaction if it can easily be separated from you. That isn't the case here. So I have an offer." ___ listens as Professor Foster explains it. His offer is where he'll provide her with five Poké Balls at a time to catch other Pokémon with Minccino as her starter. ___ agrees with a smile and giggles as Minccino's fluffy tail tickles her neck. "And before you go, take this as well," Professor Foster adds in while holding out a Pokédex. "This will help you if you see any Pokémon you don't know." ___ nods as she tucks the device into her backpack. "Also... this," Professor Foster sighs while holding something out to her. "What is this," ___ wonders as Minccino wonders down her arm enough to sniff it. "A Pokémon egg. Take good care of it," he replies. "If you take excellent care of it, you'll have a wonderful Pokémon as a teammate." ~Present~ "Hello," croaks Professor Foster. "I'm sorry," ___ apologizes to the man even though he's on the other side of a screen. "Did I wake you?" "No... just got a cough *cough cough* but I'll be alright after Chansey uses Healing Bell and Audino with Healing Echo," he coughs. "How *cough* How can I help you today?" "Chansey," she hears one of his Pokémon scold him. "Uh... I can call back later," ___ suggests. "No *cough*. It's okay," Professor Foster assures her. "Okay.... um... how can I know what attacks my Pokémon can use," ___ asks after a short pause. ___ listens as he explains how to use the Pokédex for that function and if she'd seen any fossils. ___ tells him she hasn't but promises to send him any if she does. ~*~ Eisuke sighs as he opens a secret door in his room. He looks in and gets a happy tackle and kisses from Ninetails. He hugs the Pokémon back before showing him a new squeak toy. Ninetails' tails wag while crouching and Eisuke chuckles at the scene. It was almost like when they first met while he was in England. ~Nineteen Years Ago~ Eisuke is sitting by himself in the school's courtyard frowning. He can't bring out his Meowth without him being taken away by the dorm prefect as punishment. It is a rule not to use personal Pokémon to attack or battle the wild Pokémon on the school grounds for entertainment. So all Eisuke can do is fiddle with a cheap toy from a store in his hands. "Vul?" He jerk his head up at the sound. He wasn't sure if he heard right. He know Vulpix are common in Japan because of their nature but in England... "Vul?" "Woah," he yells and tumbles off in a manner not fitting as the heir of the Ichinomiya Corporation. "Vulpix?" Eisuke looks up from his sprawled position on the ground to see that there is a Vulpix looking back at him. Eisuke cannot help but feel confusion. Normally all Pokémon, save his Meowth, are scared of him. The rest of his own team were personally hand-picked by him with a servant catching them for him. He still has a painful memory of almost being struck by a Combee's Psybeam attack. "Vul?" "I guess you aren't scared of me," Eisuke sighs as he uprights himself. "Now go away!" The Vulpix didn't. It stares at the toy he was fiddling with earlier. Eisuke notices it and holds it up. The Vulpix's tails wag as it crouches. Eisuke throws it and the little fox-like Pokémon chases it. Eisuke was about to walk off when the Vulpix tackles him while holding the toy in its mouth. ~Present~ Eisuke laughs as the Ninetails brings the toy back to him. "Good boy," he cheers and takes the toy off the ground. "Again?" Ninetails crouches and Eisuke throws it again. It last for about an hour before Eisuke had to reluctantly leave his secret friend. "I'll be back before it's time to sleep," he promises. Ninetails nuzzles him then pads off to eat his meal that a servant brought in. As Eisuke steps out, he had to wonder when he'll be able to bring Ninetails out of hiding. Persian is his main Pokémon no matter what but in terms of friends, Ninetails was his confidant when Soryu or Luke wasn't there to talk when he was still a Vulpix. ~*~ Soryu walks down the road to Luke's lab. He wonders how long has it been since he'd seen him. He remembers that Luke had left the boarding school where they went with Eisuke as boys after a situation and hadn't heard from him until that day. "That was really something," Soryu mutters while tapping his Poké Balls with a gentle finger. "Eisuke nor I would expect to run into you that way Luke-senpai." It was a regular secret meeting between himself and Eisuke about the Pokémon hunters and poachers until Eisuke hit a bit of a planner's block. ~Eleven Years Ago~ Soryu frowns at the map in front of him. Team KōriRyu had to change tactics upon hearing about Pokémon poachers and hunters. He finds Eisuke and the two pool their resources in making the best effort in stopping them. Both men aren't amoral but they do have values and standards they hold themselves up to. To them, Pokémon are like people. They have every right to be able to choose of their own free will, but not everyone has that same view. Neither of them are happy with it. "Damn it," he hears Eisuke cuss and looks up at him from the map. His childhood friend faces a huge planning board buried by papers and writings. But the one that he can tell Eisuke is looking at is giving him frustration. He is looking at something that had several messy scrawls on it that belong to only researchers and scientists at Ichinomiya Corporation. "Why can't they agree on something that can easily work," Eisuke mutters with a frowning tone. "Those damned people..." "There has to be something that can easily offset them. Knock their aim off," Soryu mused as he looks back down at the map. The map shows the locations in the news, through rumors and from observers of various types where they saw or heard poachers. Not a pretty sight, especially when your team is bent on creating a new pseudo-legendary Pokémon to help with creating a better world. Which is what Soryu has to wonder because he frowns upon what his father and grandfather struggle with on using wild Pokémon as test subjects as capturing or forcing a legendary Pokémon into listening to a human can only mean your funeral. That was something that Soryu isn't planning on. And lately he's been working on a more humane way of doing it with a lot of crash and burns piling upon failures upon failures. He sees Eisuke tapping something on his Pokétch and he hears a door open. "About time Luke... and why is your Chansey pushing you in here," he sees Eisuke scowl in the dire- "Luke-senpai," he yelps and turns to see that Luke is indeed being pushed in by his Chansey with a worried Marowak behind them. ~Present~ "I can't believe that Eisuke finally settled on a bola net for humans," Soryu grumbles. "Better than that stun gun idea... Good Lord... that would be a real pain for carrying..." He knocks the door and it opens to show Luke's Audino and Jigglypuff. He watches as Audino alerts Luke of his arrival while Jigglypuff opens the door wider to let him in. While he is grateful for Eisuke letting him eat his green peas, Soryu has to admit that he still has to sometimes duck under some doorways to get in. Thankfully Luke's doorway is tall enough. He sits himself down as Chansey pushes a tea trolley in with Luke behind her. "Soryu," Luke greets. "Luke-senpai," he nods back. The two men talk about the Pokémon that Soryu's been recently recovering from poachers and how to take care of them, all while not touching the subject of Pokémon breeding. ~*~ Shuichi puts another notebook away before calling Hikaru. He found something of interest that would help Dodrio bond better with him. As the phone rings, he looks at his hobby. Being a connoisseur means you know your Pokémon but Shuichi has been doing this since he was little when he can't think on his schoolwork. Breeding Pokémon isn't easy work and neither is predicting their hatching. He does have to wonder how the Togepi egg he handed to Professor Foster is doing. That one was not doing well in terms of health that he had to find him and ask for help. He understands that the professor wasn't a breeder but his PokéCenter/lab/home is the only one that can provide the tools better than a typical PokéCenter. Little does he know about who the egg is with now. ~*~ ___ carefully wraps the egg in a blanket before going to sleep at the PokéCenter before the next city on her list. Minccino sniffs it again that ___ giggles. She and Minccino hardly see Pokémon eggs so this is an exciting thing for her. She's glad that Nurse Joy told her that she only has a few more weeks until it hatches. She can't wait to see what it is.
Author's Note: I realize that this is gonna be super long if I piled everyone together. I don't know how many parts "Meetings of Fate" will have but I'll let the titles change to let everyone know when I reach it. I'll be mixing the anime and game together. If anyone has seen the conversations between @maidofstars and @catchthespade, their posts have more content from the games than the anime. I've not played any of the games but watched a certain amount of the anime. I'll be clashing and mixing both in a way that will work. I'm going to refer to catchthespade's pick of Shuichi being an Ace Trainer as an example. @maidofstars explained what one is but I found the concept of connoisseur more applicable due to not only how perceptive he is but also his mix of kindness and sternness. If anyone were to notice, I made him have he side hobby of breeding Pokémon as my only reference to the posts. That's only because I can only glean so much from them.
I also used some of a conversation between me and @maidofstars regarding the Vulpix.
and please pardon that i mix my british english with my american english... i am an american (currently not that proud of) but i do know a lot of british words.
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dreamled-archive · 7 years
HMM NVM im not in the mood !! i give up !
#ミ☆┋ ɢᴇᴛ ᴏɴ ᴜᴘ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ʟᴀɴᴇ (out.)#negative tw#i know it's not that deep but both attempts at posting a starter call flopped n my starter call on another blog flopped so im not feeling#Great About Myself Or My Blogs Haha#i'd like other ppl's starter calls instead more often but i feel like ppl arent interested in my blogs so it's like?? im afraid to like shit#in case ppl find it annoying it's a vicious cycle#i just hate feeling shit about my ocs but u kno what !!!!!#most of my attempts to start shit? Flops#stuff's..........okayish on kael but my other blogs? Nah !!#i kno ppl dont find my blogs interesting idk i guess thats the curse of not following trends / ditching my ocs to make blogs that follow#trends instead every 2 months#the curse is ppl getting bored of u super quick I Guess#i kno it seems like i'm being overdramatic but ?? how many memes did i reblog over the last week only to get 100% ignored#idk man nobody actually gives a GENUINE fuck about mio as a character#ppl dont give a fuck abt my characters in general & i constantly feel like im wasting my own time#except i love writing these characters so i keep at it but it's???????? draining ??? bc i dont feel like ppl care#this should be way more fun than it is hahaha !!!!#oh well at least im bringing back a canon muse so ppl'll be interested in SOMETHING i do !!!#im Rubbish lmao why do i let myself feel like this#maybe i should just avoid posting starter calls bc i always just starting feel awful when they flop
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