#i know kairi needs to get got for the plot but a little more resistance pleeease?
robotsafari · 6 months
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was playing more kh2 and got very disappointed by the fact they made olette just sit there and let kairi get kidnapped. at least let her try and help kairi escape in an awesome bike chase sequence.
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
What To Do - Riku & Mother!Reader
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Um, okay. So this is a little out of my norm so I apologize if it’s a little off. And I admit, I struggled with deciding on a definitive plot for this one. Ultimately, I did alter the nightmare so I’m sorry about that, but this is what I got and I hope you enjoy.  ~~~~~
               My son…Oh, where do I start with my son.
               Riku’s always been an adventurous kid; he and that little brunette, Sora, used to get into every kind of mess imaginable. There certainly was no fear of the unknown when it came to those two. None of that is to say they were bad kids; they just had a knack for keeping me on my toes.
               It didn’t escape me that my child had a smartass reputation or could be incredibly stubborn, but an effort was made on his part not to cause trouble at home. As my only child, I had a close bond with him and I did everything I could to make sure he was taken care of, but I’m sure the fact that his father wasn’t around played a big part in his awareness of me. Nevertheless, we were a happy little family of two getting by just fine on these little islands.
               A lot of that changed when he disappeared.
               One night Riku just ran out of the house during a terrible storm. For an entire year, all I could think about was how we’d gotten into an argument about his attitude—how I snapped at him—before he and his friends simply vanished. Coming to terms with the working theory that they’d been swept into the sea by a storm was impossible for me—but I didn’t have to. Out of the blue, a knock on the front door interrupted my chores and there he was, looking like a soggy mess on my front porch. More than his physical features, his personality had changed; he was more mature, softer, darker—more than those two years should have made him.
               No explanation was ever given for his disappearance and I cursed our honor system that told me to respect his privacy and to trust him. I nearly beat an answer out of him, though, when he announced he’d be going again, but this time he may not come back. The goodbye had more finality than any seventeen-year-old kid should ever give his mother. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even try to convince him to stay; it was plain to see that he needed to go, even if I hated it.
               So, suffice to say, when he came back another twelve months later, I may have cried—a lot. Riku finally came clean about everything. I didn’t want to believe him at first; I couldn’t imagine my little boy traveling to other worlds and fighting life-threatening forces. But Riku never lied to me; even when we were at odds, my son always told me the truth.
               For the moment, there’s no immediate plan for my son to go running off to far away worlds and I’m so relieved and happy to have him home again. It’s also nice to have someone else in the house again; however, it’s only been a few days and I’ve noticed far too many nights with the lights on.
               The creaking of a door pulls my senses back to the waking world. Fluttering eyes reveal darkness—it’s still deep in the middle of the night. Soft thumping alerts me to movement in the hallway. I wait for them to return, signaling Riku’s return to his room, but they never do.
               Motherly senses tingling, I drag myself out of bed and meander down the hall. Warm light from a table lamp struggles to make it past the living room entrance. Sitting on the sofa, drowning a bag of tea in a mug of water, is my son.
               Every muscle in his body tenses and the look in his eyes is almost wild—I can only imagine the terrors that have conditioned him to be this way. He looks ashamed once he realizes there’s no threat.
               “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I ask, sitting beside him.
               “Nothing serious,” he mumbles, clearly exhausted. “Just can’t sleep. Did I wake you?”
               I smile. “Maybe just a little.” His sigh is of defeat. “But don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m trained to wake up when my son isn’t sleeping like he should.” The answer doesn’t seem to give him any solace. “Do you want to talk about why you can’t sleep?”
               “Not really…”
               “Let me rephrase that; tell me why you can’t sleep.”
               “Really, it’s nothing.”
               “Look at me.” A gentle hand leads his gaze to me. “I am your mother. I may not like this whole warrior-of-light thing, but I’m not about to let you go on moping if I can help it”
               There’s a little of the old, defiant Riku. “I’m not moping.”
               “I’m only teasing you, sweetie,” I hum, pinching a cheek. “Now come on. You’re never gonna feel better until you tell your mom about it.”
               There’s some inner resistance—I know I’m not going to like it—but Riku relents.
               “I had a nightmare about Xehanort taking Kairi and Sora away.”
               The only word I don’t immediately process is “Xehanort,” but pressing for more information reveals that this is bigger than a child’s nightmare. These are things he withheld in his first retelling of his adventures: darkness, possession, and the man who took away his best friends.
               Riku was never really a cry-baby child, likely due to some ridiculous idea that he had to grow up fast because he had a single mother. Every scrape and bruise was braved with a tough-guy act, even if he had tears in his eyes. Hell, even a broken arm couldn’t get this boy to admit defeat. And yet some monster had done the impossible and made my son cry.
               That breaks my heart.
               “And I don’t know what to do. What if Sora doesn’t find her? What if he doesn’t come back?” With the expression of a lost child, scared and alone, he looks to me. “I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t come back.”
               It doesn’t take much effort to pull the boy into my arms. I can’t quite cradle him like I used to but, with all I have, I hold onto him while he cries—really cries. Fists clench behind my back and tremors ripple through him. For the first time in his life, Riku stifles sobs into my shoulder.
               It’s frustrating that this is all I can do. I inadvertently raised a fighter, but now his battles are out of my reach. Picking up the broken pieces and helping mend the pain are in no way insignificant jobs, but the fact that I can’t wipe away all this distress and fix it for him is killing me inside.
               Unmeasured time passes before Riku reaches that phase of all-cried-out. Sniffles and hiccups still come through but other than that, he breathes steadily.
               “What do I do now?” he whispers.
               I think on that a moment. “Didn’t you trust Sora to go find her in the first place?”
               “Then you’re just going to have to trust him. It’s okay to be scared and worry, but you can’t just send him off and then stop believing in him. Besides, this is Sora we’re talking about—you know, the kid who broke into our house in the middle of the night to confess he ate the cookies because he thought you would get in trouble for it.”
               Somehow, a chuckle manages breaks through. “I still can’t believe you let him spend the night after that.”
               I heave a sigh. “It’s hard to punish a kid for doing the right thing—though his mom was not thrilled about the late night call.” There’s a pause. “You might have to go get that goofball eventually, but for now, you trust him. He’ll bring Kairi back.”
               Silence reins again while Riku takes in my advice. Finally, he sits up and attempts to clear his eyes. There’s a conveniently placed box of tissues on the side table beside me.
               “Geeze, and here I thought I was the mature one of my friends,” he mutters, taking a handful.
               Brushing a stray tear from his face, I reply, “Don’t get me wrong: you were definitely the most sensible of the bunch. But being mature doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings. People can only take so much and you’ve had more than your fair share of hardships. The important thing is that, once you’re done, you dust yourself off, clean yourself up, and keep moving forward.” When those aqua eyes turn on me, I smile. “If anyone can do that, it’s you.”
               Riku returns the expression. “Only because I had a good example to follow.”
               That actually catches off guard, but my son interrupts my shock by pulling me into another hug.
               “Thanks mom. For everything.”
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What I love about your Muses and You
A positivity post by me (Lena) with some commentary by my muses
You do an incredible job with all kinds of characters, and I love that you do a good balance of good and evil, but you also know how to find that gray area. I think working in that gray shady area is a lot of fun and you really pull it off. You come up with some wild plot arcs and you always find a way to keep people guessing (personally am thrilled about the polyamorous relationship. Nice one!)
Louie: yeah Lou’s been a real cool dude. A R T man. I may not be skilled, but he was always fun to learn with. Someday I’ll learn more. Ashley: Belle like is literally saving my ass with this job. Seriously my favorite person at the moment.
man I’ve always loved writing with you. We always clicked well with that, and I’ve loved all the characters you brought into the rp. I was so so so excited to see that you were coming back and that you wanted to bring RIKU! I couldn’t believe it! I loved it when we wrote horse buddies back in the day, and I’ve loved every other opportunity we’ve had to do stuff. I’m so so glad you’re back to writing with us.
Sora: =DDD RIKuUUUUU. I missed him so muuuuch. Roxas: yo who the f is this Riku guy?
You have always been the backstory queen, and I tip my hat to you. You do the level of research that always blows my mind. I just do not have the time or the energy for it, but you have all these lists, giant ass family trees, you know the works. It’s really impressive, and one can see the dedication that you put into your characters.
Louie: so Elena’s like a sick Crown PrincesS? That’s dope! When you gonna take back the kingdom man? Queen it uuup!
Finn: Adella’s always been nice to me when I would visit Ariel. She’s really talented.
Wilbur: (imagine a happier time) mum’s great! She’s always there if I need her to be, and while she won’t buy me everything I bloody want, she knows what I really need.
honestly such a great person and great rper. I think the most memorable thing for me lately has been Ashley popping in occasionally when she thought I might be upset or bothered by something and checking in. Talking things out and venting together. She’s honestly such a great listening ear, I think we’re really lucky to have her in this rp. I may be slightly biased toward Ashlee T. and Ollie, but all her babes have nuance and I love them. Ashley: Ashlee!!! One of the only people in this world that matter!!! <3 We made it through some nightmares. Things look up from here babe. Wilbur: duuude Ollie I didn’t realize you were adopted too and it’s the coolest fact I got to know about you. It’s awesome to have someone to relate with.
I feel like we used to have a harder time connecting writing wise and things were awkward, and I’m so happy to say it doesn’t feel that way at all anymore. The things we’ve written have been so fun, and I feel like (correct me if I’m wrong), but I feel like bringing Chickaroo together allowed for us to start having more conversation and plotting and just. It opened doors in some way. I think it’s awesome because I love your writing and I love getting to connect with your babes more. As you know, Al has my heart now because he just does, and Barrel has also managed to steal my heart. But all of your babes are so great, and I’m glad that we’ve managed to connect better. I look forward to more time spent writing hilarious things like Dipper and Roxas at the bar, or Al teaching Arthur about the internet.
Louie: yo Al’s like the chillest boss I’ve ever had. He’s also the only boss I’ve ever had but still! Cool dude!
Roxas: Dipper’s a nice guy. I hope I can get to know him more.
Sora: Dipper is Mabel’s TWIN BROTHER =DDDD that’s SO cool!!!
Wilbur: duuude. Barrel is like the person I didn’t expect to ever care about in a billion years, but if anyone did anything to him...like...die.
I feel like we also used to not really vibe and were awkward with each other, and I’m super glad that’s changed because you’re literally so cool and you send such fun stuff and we just have a great time! I love Nyx, you know that I have an appreciation of Arista from afar, and Haley is just...great. All your babes are. I’m so happy we’ve finally made that writing connection because it’s been so fun to talk to you and get your perspective on things. Ahh it’s great. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future.
Ashley: Haley was like...almost cool. It’s a shame she’s such a goodie goodie two shoes.
Dot: Haley’s a good dragon? What the hell? She seems okay, but I’m still not sorry I shot her in the foot. She totally deserved it.
Clarion: Nyx has been my constant companion for some time now. I’m so grateful for her presence.
Bee my big bro, my wife, my partner in ridiculous here too. You’re such a great joy to write with, and I love the way you tell your stories. I’m still so impressed by your take with Hera, and how she is as a sorceress. That’s so damn cool! And of course you’ve got the lovely Marie who’s charming and vain and I love that about her. Marie is a gift, your writing’s a gift and I’m grateful you’re in the rp. Not to mention you and Chloe are our resident British experts and that’s great. Thank you for joining the rp and for bringing the perspective you bring. Look forward to more crazy storylines with you.
Louie: yo nerd! Just kidding, wassup Huey? You’re the best big bro a guy could have. Keep it real, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
Fflewddur: Marie! My beautiful wife! Love of my life! The world must envy me for having the most amazing wife in the entire world.
Sora: Kristoff! Best roomie ever !!! =DDDD hope you don’t mind if my best pal Riku stays with us. Thnx dude <3 <3 <3
I mean where do I begin. We’ve had such great stories and ridiculous teen hijinks and theatrics. It’s been such a good time. And of course, there are few people I’d be sure about doing a big plot like the one we’ve got going with Ashley and Roo, but we’ve managed it, and I think it’s been a really really fun story to tell. So thanks for taking that leap with me and letting us tell a ridiculous story together. It’s been awesome. Glad to have you in the rp.
Ashley: well, you’re an alright guy I guess Roo.
we’ve only really had a little bit of time to write together before with Dash, but it was super fun, and even just observing, I’ve loved seeing your characters on the dash and seeing where they’re at. Hatter’s awesome too. It’s great to have him around in the rp, and especially with such a different take than we’ve had in the past. Love the werewolf storyline, love to see it.
I feel like you’re a person after my own heart. Mitte often makes me think of my old Shego muse, and that just makes me happy because I just love the chaos that she brings. I love all of your babes of course, but that just makes her a bit more #1 in my heart. You’re also so chill to plot with and to come up with these crazy schemes. I mean remember how we sort of pitched Mitte turning on a bit of a whim and now here she is? It’s literally so good and you went with it and I just...ugh. I truly love it and seeing the growth. All your babes tell such awesome stories, and this just tells me I need to find a way to plot with you more when time/work allows. Keep up the good work. You’re kicking ass.
Anthony: what a brat. As long as this girl doesn’t cause me any more trouble though I suppose she’s tolerable. 
We haven’t been able to interact much writing wise, but I hope to change that someday soon/when time/work allows. Charlotte is honestly such a great character, and I think it’s awesome to see her and Tiana around, I think it’s the first time in a long time...if we’ve ever managed that before? I don’t know. It’s seriously so cool and I love reading your stuff together, and just Charlotte’s stuff in general. Keep cool and carry on writing a great babe. 
I wish I had things my muses could say but I don’t think I’ve had the chance to interact with Charlotte. Just Judy before ;-; Forgive me. I still think you’re swell.
Boy do I love that you swooped in with your kids. Phineas, Tiana and Aquata are such dynamic characters. It blows my mind, truly. I love them all. I love how ready you are to plot and to throw out great ideas. Phineas has the kind of chaos energy that I love (obviously, as Louie is my chaos energy). You’re so chill with me trolling your babes on twitter, and a joy to write with. Thank you for coming back as well. I’m glad we’ve gotten the chance to write together. <3
Louie: duuuude we gotta do something crazy again soon? Operation dumbass commence? Jk jk Operation Too Cool For School.
Wilbur: what is with that twitter lady tho? Too old to be arguing with teens on twitter don’t you think?
Ahhh i mean we’ve done so many fun things and continue to do. With so many connections and stuff it’s hard not to! I’m so glad you rejoined as I have and that we got to bring these characters into the rp that vibe (and/or fight each other). To each their own. Our kids have an energy what can you do? I think your characters are all awesome, and I love seeing them on the dash. I love writing with them. Two besties, no wait THREE now with Kairi, isn’t that just wild? I love that best friend energy our babes have. Support it, thanks for writing all kinds of good things with me. You’re a gem.
Finn: I love you Ariel. You’re the best of friends. I’m so lucky to know you =]
Ashley: Ashle B!!! Babe you are a rockstar. You’ve kind of been the glue of our friendship I think. I love you babe. Stay true to you and kick some ass in college!
Wilbur: (in happier times) DADDD!!! Best dad to ever dad, person that gets me cool things. Coolest of dads. You rock.
Sora: ????!!! KAIRI???!!???
Hannah Hannah Bo Bannah Fee Fi Fo Fannah HANNAH...I couldn’t resist. You’ve been so great to talk to and write with and honestly it’s been so great to love our babes together and talk about BTS together and talk kpop in general. I’m so so so glad that we’ve gotten to know each other more over these last few months and stuff. You’ve really been so great, and our plots and characters are such a good time. So glad you got my brother, and my best friend. It’s awesome to have and to write with you.
Louie: TAEEEEEEE. Bro. my dude. Sorry I make memes outta you all the time. But in my defense...your face is kinda funny. Love u dude =]
Sora: Mabel!!! My GIRLFRIEND =DDDD you’re great! I love spending time with you and looking at hot boys! Speaking of...I have a friend you might think is hot…
Finn: Tae! Thanks for being so nice to me and allowing me to open myself up and get to know you. I’m so lucky that Nemo introduced us. You’re a really great friend =]
JABYYYYYYYYYY. Man we always had muses that vibed and our writing just clicked and that always brought me joy. I’m so glad you came back, because your characters are great, the stories you tell are great, and I really really missed having you around. I know we’ve both been busy lately with our own work stuff, but I definitely want the chance to connect some muses again, because I love your babes and you and I’ve been so happy to see you. Let’s figure something out someday when my schedule stuff evens out a bit better.
you haven’t been in the rp long, but boy have you made an impact already. Lachlan is amazing!! Truly an icon and I’m so glad that you brought him in. And so glad that you’re here. We’re all lucky to have you. I really think you’re bringing in such a unique take and writing and it’s just awesome to see and to see Launchpad driving around, and driving people a little wild on twitter. It’s beautiful.
Louie: soooooo did you really nearly kill my bro?
We also don’t really have any interactions right now but that is a-okay because you are living a life doing the real life hero work. Truly I’m amazed by you, and I think we’re all lucky you’re around. I hope you take care of yourself and that you do get to enjoy that time to just write and love your characters. They’re all truly fantastic and I love seeing where you take them. Especially Georgette. I think her journey has absolutely captivated me.
man you are awesome to plot with. The pirate au was such a good time, just brainstorming some ridiculous ideas. And your ladies are so truly dynamic and powerful and I am so excited to see where you take them. I don’t think we really have had much interaction besides the au, but I look forward to a day where life is less stressful and we can do some more stuff. That’d be great. <3 Keep doing you, you’re killing it.
Man I love your characters so much. Greg is such an icon on the board and otherwise. And I love pushing your characters buttons almost as much as I love agreeing with them. They’re just such joys to have around. Lol well I’m sure Roscoe would argue about that and be all Roscoe, but I’m glad to have him around. It’s been great talking to you and having debates over milk being a capitalist scam. I am glad you’re in the rp, and I continue to look forward to seeing what new things you and your characters bring.
This go around of me rejoining the rp I feel like we’ve gotten a lot closer and that makes me really happy. =] It all started with a Jimin, how did it end up like this? It was only a...just kidding. I know exactly why. Nemo and your brilliant writing and his connecting with Louie drew me into this BTS zone and then before I knew it there was Finn and Lunch Squad and and and. The list really does go on because we’ve just come up with some really ridiculous and fun stories and it’s been great. Thank you for bringing Olaf and teaching me a lot more about aromanticism, for Atta and that sister bond that I am stoked about (reminds me we gotta do another thing for them that yes). I’m so glad we’ve connected more and that you are in the rp <3
Louie: Neeeeeeeeeeemo I have a crisis of boy things! CRISIS. WEE OO WEE OO chop chop and help me out. Also I’ve got cookies.
Finn: Nemo, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten in so short a time. You’re one of my very best friends. I love you lots.
Finn: Hyung, you’re so warm and kind. I’m so lucky I know you.
Dot: did you drink water today Atta? You better not be going anywhere crazy without ME.
You’ve just joined but I’m so stoked we’re already talking and talking about TORTALL of all things. Like WOW! I didn’t think anyone out there appreciated those books the way I did. It is so nice to be wrong, and to have a source to discuss my fave childhood books. It’s also exciting to have Eilonwy, and I’m excited to interact with her. <3 
I know life keeps you pretty busy, but you push through and you bring your babes and keep steady with all of that and I think that’s really admirable. You’ve got the older gentleman muse energy and I respect that. I think it’s great that you have your niche. I myself have the teens as we know. I’m sorry we haven’t had much chance to interact, but I hope to improve that in the future. Especially with Seamus. That’s my rich uncle. I wanna do something about that when life gets less hectic. Either way, you’ve got great babes and you’re doing a great job. Take care of yourself lovely.
Louie: soooooo gonna buy me a motorcycle Uncle Seamus?
man you’ve got a great bunch of characters and they’re all so different and dynamic and I love that. Ratigan is complex, and he was especially good fun in the pirate event I have to say. Truly loved the take we had on the ship and everything. He’s so great. I also love seeing Eric on the dash, and am excited to interact more with him cause I think he’s just groovy. They’re all groovy. I can’t think of any whimsical things to say but you’re doing awesome and your babes are great. Take care lovely.
I have not had a chance to interact with you or your Tod yet, but I look forward to the day where I can. Tod’s a great character, and it’s exciting to see that he’s come back. I know I saw him connecting with some of the other Swynlakers and I think that’s even better. Love a character with history, and Tod definitely has that. I hope you take care of yourself, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of Tod in the future.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 5 years
The Right Alpha pt. 2 (Drew/Reader/Roman A/B/O)
Summary: A/B/O action with Drew and Ro accompanied by real time plot lmao. No smut this time, but plenty of angst and fluff.
(A/N: I wanted to get this out for my birthday and for the 500 followers milestone last week but since I’m a lazy piece of shit who’s brain doesn’t work properly, I forgot lol. So here it is! Thanks once again for 500+ and let’s hope that I haven’t lost my marbles due to VKM’s crap by the next milestone. God bless @writinglionqueen and @writing-reigns for being my betas and my support system throughout this. Love y’all both! ^3^)
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Warnings: a lot of harassment/sexual harassment, brief flashbacks of the douchebag ex from the first part and Roman and Drew bc they should come with their own warning labels lmao
Word Count: 6728
Read part one here 
(Y/n): your name
“You sure you don’t need anything tonight?” Roman asked.
“Trust me, Ro, I’ll be fine,” you said, holding your phone to your ear as you walked towards the backstage door. Even though Ro was still scheduled to be at tonight’s show, he still had yet to show up to the arena. Duffel in hand, you shouldered the door open and were met with the bustling sounds of the production team and the stagehands prepping for that night’s SmackDown Live taping. 
You heard him chuckle in your ear. “If you say so, baby girl. Love you.”
“Love you too, Big Dog.”
Your heart felt light as you ended the call, sighing to yourself and holding the phone to your chest. You’ve been floating on air since Roman and Drew confronted you in that hallway after RAW a few months ago and with the implementation of the new, albeit incredibly stupid, “wild card rule”, you were able to spend more time with your Alphas. For the first time since jumping ship to the blue brand thanks to the new rule, you felt…
You were actually eager to come into work that day, mentally preparing for your tag match with Bayley against Alexa and Nikki Cross. Sporting one of the merch tees you stole from Ro and a pair of jean shorts, you tried to maneuver your way around everyone and make it to the women’s locker room in one piece. You tugged on it and bought the collar to your face, inhaling and smiling as the scent of your alpha washed over you.
You really have it bad, don’t you? you asked yourself, your thoughts taking over.
Yep, and I don’t mind one bit.
You didn’t notice the figure in front of you until you crashed into them nose-first, bashing your head against the back of theirs.
“Shit,” you said, pocketing your cell as you tried to speak with a mouth full of hair. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!”
“It’s ok, girl. I shouldn’t have been standing around like an idiot,” the voice replied, their body turning to face you.
The now-revealed Smackdown Women’s Champ ran a hand through her long hair and smiled at you, taking her other hand off of her suitcase’s handle briefly to give you one of her iconic hugs. When you first transferred from the Monday show, the Beta was the first person to show you any sort of kindness. So, the two of you became fast friends, looking out for each other both in and out of the ring. “So, how’s my fave tag team partner doing?”
“I’m doing well, actually,” you replied as you started off on you way again, her trailing closely behind you. “SmackDown’s a lot more chill than Raw is, to be honest.”
She let out another short laugh. “You’re not wrong here, (Y/n), but the wild card rule keeps shaking everything up around here.”
“Ugh, tell me about it. If I keep having to see the same people getting pushed when there’s quality talent just sitting back here, I’m gonna pull my hair out.”
“I know, right? I’d love to face some of the other girls here, like Kairi or Ember,” she added, unzipping her dark grey hoodie.
You raised your brow at her suggestions and noted, “I would actually pay to see those matches happen.”
“Well, at least it hasn’t been all that bad lately. You still get to see your mates every day thanks to the rule,” she sighed in content and looked at you. “I’m literally so jealous of you. Two mates! How do you guys even function?”
You started to ramble on about your relationship with the two Superstars as the two of you continued to walk down to the locker rooms, but you soon noticed Bayley glancing at you funny.
“What?” you asked her, brushing yourself off. “Is there something on me? Is there something on my face?”
“Nah, there isn’t. I was just hoping that you were gonna get into the more… juicy details,” she cheekily wondered, a sly grin plastered on her face.
“B-Bayley! I’m not gonna gossip about my sex life here! There are three topics you don’t talk about at work: politics, religion, and sex!”
“Aww, come on, live a little!” the beta whined. “Just this one little thing? For me?”
She already knew the answer the moment she looked back at your face, pouting in defeat. She made a move for her pocket and paused, feeling around in it when her eyes went wide.
“What’s wrong, Bayley?”
Groaning, she answered, “My hair ties. I think I left them with that stagehand I bumped into when I got here about an hour ago. Can you wait for me here and watch my bag while I try to find them? I promise I won’t be gone for long.”
“Of course,” you responded as she handed her small suitcase over to you. She shouted a “thank you” in your direction as she ran off and turned a corner.
You dropped your duffel on top of her suitcase and pulled your phone back out and leaned up against the wall behind you, scrolling through your old texts as you drowned out the hustle and bustle around you. You opened your group chat with Drew and Ro, giggling at how they both complained about working with Shane and his behavior.
Reading through the messages, you didn’t notice the shadow that had just loomed over your body. A hand slapped the wall next to your head, but you didn’t want to look up. You didn’t want to look up because you already knew who it was.
Speak of the fucking devil.
“Hello, (Y/n).”
You could already hear the sickly sweet adoration dripping from his voice, but you still didn’t look at him when you responded. “What the hell do you want, Shane?”
“Woah there, Omega. Is that any way to speak to your boss? I feel offended,” he said, his voice still filled with endless loads of fakeness. You could smell the cockiness rolling off him in waves, so much so that you had to hold your breath whenever he was around. The hand on the wall was slowly moving closer to your head and you could hear it, and you hoped to whoever’s above that someone would do something about it.
But no one ever did.
You could feel your hands starting to tremble as he leaned closer to your face. “I was just gonna ask where your two big, bad Alphas were, sweetheart. There’s no harm in that.”
The weight of his leer felt like a brick pressing against your forehead and you kept getting whiffs of want her and mine that you sure as hell didn’t need today. The Alpha above you moved a piece of hair away from your face and chuckled at your hesitance, already familiar with it.
“Y-You should already know where Drew is, you prick. And Ro’s here as well. He’s just not… here… right now.”
Your wolf was going absolutely batshit at the sight of him, and the thought of him touching you made it even more ravenous.
Hit him! Tear into his smug face! Kick him in the balls! Tell him off! Do something already!
You could feel your teeth start to grow sharper as he chuckled again, his free hand descending to your waist while the other made its way to the back of your head. You could feel his gaze lingering in your cleavage, and you felt more exposed than before.
Why can’t he just leave me alone, for fuck’s sake?
“Oh, he’s not here right now? What a shame. Truly,” he said teasingly. Shane’s hands gripped you tighter as he pulled you closer to him, forcing you to look up at him and drop your phone to the floor with a clatter. His eyes were malicious, but they held in them a caring look so fake and plastic that it made you sick.
Your entire body shuddered as you looked into his empty eyes. “Yeah, he’s not here now. So, w-what do you want from me, S-Shane?”
It was still shocking how no one passing by saw him do this to you. It still shocked you how no one interfered with him tormenting you like this.
“You know what I want, (Y/n). Just say yes and I’ll go.”
Resisting the urge to scoff, you uttered, “The fucking answer’s still no and you know why.”
“Aww, come on, live a little!” he whined, mocking Bayley’s earlier comment and making you cringe. “I could show you a really fun time.”
He managed to pull you even closer to his chest and he leaned down to your ear. “Just picture it: a night out celebrating with me and Drew after beating your pathetic, waste of space mate to a pulp once again. And as the night grows even later, we could get more… intimate, if you will.”
Don’t say anything, you told your wolf despite the immediate pushback from it. Shane’s breath was near potent and you actually felt the need to eject a wave of vomit onto his Jordans. Keep quiet and don’t make this any worse for me.
“Plus, seeing as those two idiots haven’t even claimed you yet, I can show that Scottish dud how it’s really done.”
Gripping your hair, he yanked your head back and bashed your head on the wall, ogling at your unmarked neck while you hissed in pain. With your arms stuck against his body, his head fell and he drew his nose over the skin. “You’d love being mine, Omega. I’d treat you right, unlike those absolute brutes you have for mates.”
Don’t do anything because if you do, then you’ll bite his nose off and we’ll be out of a job.
“What do you say, (Y/n)? You wanna take this for a test drive?”
His wedding band started to dig into your side through your shirt and you yelped, telling him, “You shouldn’t be doing this, Shane. You’re married, right? And you have pups?”
He roared with laughter at your comment, and all you wanted to do in that moment was curl into a ball and hide with your mates at your side. He responded with a large grin, saying, “And what about it, sweetheart? She doesn’t have to know now, does she?”
Moving up to your jaw from your neck, his lips brushed against your cheek as he added, “And besides, you like knowing that, don’t you?”
Before he could move closer to your own mouth, his own phone rang and you thanked every deity in existence that he released you and moved away to take the call.
“We’ll finish this conversation later, (Y/n). I’ll see you around.”
Holding the phone to his ear, he brushed off his chest with his free hand and casually walked away, you looking bewildered as he did so. You felt nauseous and dirty, feeling your now sharpened nails digging into the palms of your hands as you curled them into fists.
You hated this.
You’ve hated it since he started this little “game” of his a month ago, and you sure as hell hate it now. You hated how easily he could corner you and make you feel as vulnerable and weak as a small child. And you couldn’t even do anything about it because he was your fucking boss!
Your wolf howled in anger, letting out kill and must tell mates with every other breath. Everything around you continued as normal, but you knew that it was far from it. Your eyes burned with the feeling of unfallen tears and you could feel your breath grow faint when a familiar voice reared in the background. 
“Hey, (Y/n)! I’m back! Sorry I took so long, the stagehand wasn’t in the spot where I had found them originally and I had to go searching for them again but that took ages-”
Bayley stopped her mini rant and took a good look at you, your entire attitude seeming to deflate since she had left originally.
“Hey, are you okay?” the Beta asked you. “You look...sick. Like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”
Blinking the tears away, you forced a laugh out and moved your hands behind your back. “It’s fine. I’m just… just a little nervous about tonight. It’s my first time going against Alexa and I want my first match with her to go well.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be fi- oh my god, (Y/n)!)”
You quickly looked around, eyes wide with shock. “What? What happened? What is it?”
“Your hands!”
“My wha- oh.”
Drops of blood were currently dripping from your fists and onto the floor, making small puddles at your sides. You didn’t feel the bite of your nails digging into your skin, but you chuckled nervously and tried to hide them again. She grabbed your wrists in one hand and reached for her bag with the other.
“We have to get these cleaned and wrapped before out match tonight. Come on!” she told you, hoisting your bag onto her shoulder and dragging you by your wrist to the medical personnel with her free hand.
“Haha, take that, Bliss! You’re never getting your hands on this!” Bayley exclaimed at the blonde as the woman clutched her sides at the champ’s feet, you raising her arm above her head in victory. Moments later, Nikki slid into the ring as soon as you two slipped out of it.
Bayley gave you a hug as she started to make her way up the ramp with her title held high, Bliss and Cross limping back up a few minutes later. You, however, walked in the direction of the announce table where an empty chair and headset were waiting for you. You gave a brief greeting to Graves, Saxton and Philips before situating yourself next to the first man.
The last match of the night was a one-on-one bout between Ro and Shane and as always, Shane cockily walked out to the ring with Drew in tow to the sounds of boos from the crowd and his “best in the world” introduction. Drew grabbed two mics for him and Shane before they both climbed into the ring, looking like they absolutely owned the place. It would’ve made you smile if it weren’t for him being the lackey at the likes of Shane. 
Shane raised his to his mouth and was about to talk, but he was interrupted by the blaring sound of Roman’s theme. He came out with a smirk on his face and you could almost hear the thud of his boots as he stalked to the ring.
He threw you a wink when he made it to the ropes closest to you and you smiled, hearing the ref signal for the bell and seeing Shane immediately rush at him from behind. He threw his forearm into the back of Roman’s head and crippled him, making you gasp. Drew applauded at ringside and the two of you locked eyes.
You shuddered under his intense gaze and you quickly looked away just in time to see Shane stomping out Roman, your mate groaning as his heel connected with his chest. You glanced away from the match briefly to discuss other matters with your fellow commentators (minus Graves, of course) before turning back and seeing Shane glaring directly at you, the look in his eyes making feel nauseous as you wrap your arms around your torso.
He winked at you like Roman had, taking his time raking those eyes along your figure and Roman was quick to notice. The Samoan bared his teeth and growled as he began to let out his wolf and rose from the ring floor, charging at Shane and spearing his head into the ringpost he was closest to. As the grey-haired Alpha started to regain his senses again, he threw his chest back and howled with the rest of the Universe and speared Shane again. The match was over before you could even blink, and Roman quickly pinned the other Alpha to pick up the win.
Huh, Shane’s off his game tonight. Good, you thought as you heard the three-count and you stood to clap for your mate. Taking off your headset and thanking the three men at commentary, you made your way into the ring and took Roman’s arm to raise it.
You two quickly moved out of it and began walking up the ramp side by side, his arm thrown around your shoulders and your own wrapped around his waist. Glancing behind you, you saw the dirty look Shane threw you and you smiled internally at that, claiming it as a small victory over him.
He pulled you aside near some supply crates as you made it backstage, bringing you into his chest while you inhaled his familiar scent. It had momentarily calmed your nerves down, being there with him, but they were briskly replaced by a new feeling of dread when he moved your hands from around him and looked down at your bandaged hands.
“How’d this happen, Omega?” Roman asked, worry making his brows furrow. “Did you hurt yourself?”
He started to rub at where the skin of your palms would be as you answered him. “Yeah, I did. I was nervous my match and I didn’t notice my nails digging into my hands. Bayley bandaged me up well, so I should be fine.”
You and your own wolf felt bad for lying to him about them, but you didn’t need him going after Shane with a death wish in tow and getting fired because of it.
This is better, you assumed, seeing his eyes grow soft. It’s better for all of us.
“I’m just glad that you were able to pin Shane tonight,” You raised your hands to cup his face and he nuzzled himself into them, making you chuckle. “Lord knows he needs to be put in his place.”
Roman laughed as you said the last bit under your breath, squeezing your waist before lifting his hands to move yours from his face. “Speaking of Shane,” he questioned, looking down at you with concern in his warm brown eyes, “what was that wink all about during the match? Is there something you’re not telling me, baby girl?”
“What? No,” you scoffed, answering him quickly. “Shane’s just being his usual dickish self in order to get under your skin and make you mad. Nothing more.”
The quickness of your response made the Alpha quirk his brow for a second when he smelled hurt and shame wafting off of you but he brushed it off, agreeing with you. You rose onto your toes and planted a kiss to his cheek, saying, “Now, you wait for Drew here while I go and get our things ready, ok?”
You let go of him and began walking away, hearing him reply with a “yes ma’am” and pivoting on your heel to see him throw up a faux salute in your direction. His eyes lingered on you even as your figure grew smaller until you finally turned a corner.
Your heart wanted to fall out of your chest and flop around on the floor when he asked you about your hands, and even more so when he asked about Shane’s shitty excuse of a wink. But, you persisted, even though your wolf continued to berate you about the situation.
Lying will not make this better. Makes it worse for you and mates. You’ll see.
Since your tag match with Bayley against Bliss and Cross went over so well on SmackDown, you were told that you had to give a dual promo with the blonde Omega the next week on the red brand. 
You arrived to the arena dressed in a casual black tank with some skinny jeans, your sweater tied around your waist. Since the skin on your hands was starting to heal and you didn’t want to encounter Shane again, you decided to take the longer route to the locker room instead, using as many of the hallways as you could. He was always lingering somewhere on both shows and was always eager to find you, and you weren’t taking any chances.
A few minutes had passed since you’d seen anyone and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Turning down another empty hall, you felt a presence trailing behind you as you walked, but you paid it no mind. Then, a rough hand grasped your shoulder and spun you around.
“Thought you could run away from me, little Omega?”
How in the absolute hell?!
Your eyes went wide when he spun you around and pinned your arms to your sides. Shane moved in closer and you had the incredible urge to just raise your head and scratch his face up with your teeth.
“H-How did you find me?”
His laughter bounced off the concrete walls, making your bones vibrate. “I told you last week that we’d finish our conversation later. And to me, ‘later’ means ‘right fucking now’.”
He laughed again at your lack of words, your mouth slightly agape and hyperventilating. You were smart in that you didn’t ball your hands up as to not puncture the skin of your palms again, but you were damn near close to.
You could feel his hands sliding up your bare arms and situate themselves at the base of your neck, his thumbs drawing figures along your collarbone. All you could see was his smug grin, complete with eyes that were filled with absolutely zero remorse for what he was doing.
“Why do you do this to m-me, Shane? What did I do to you?”
This caught his attention. “You haven’t done anything yet, but you will.”
“Like I said numerous times before, you’ll need a real Alpha like myself to show you the ropes. You’ll need me to claim you and show you how to be a good-”
He talked to you as if you were an incompetent child, and his hold on you grew tighter with every word. You began to struggle and try to get yourself out and away from him, but to no avail.
This hurts.
“- obedient -”
“- little Omega for me, (Y/n).”
Struggling became useless as your breathing became quicker and quicker with each passing second and you shut your eyes tight, feeling them shift along with your teeth. His words were reminiscent of those from your ex-lover, and you couldn’t help but see blood red all over at the sound of them. 
All you could think of was how dirty your ex made you feel, putting you down constantly with his hurtful, disgusting actions and words, and he made you feel the exact same way that he had and you wanted him to. You had to physically hold yourself back from pouncing on him and dragging his face into the ground.
Get him now!
“Shane? Shane, where th’ fuck are ya? We’re on in thirty bloody minutes!”
Oh, thank the gods above.
Shane groaned and released you abruptly, causing you to stagger back. “Fucking hell, Drew.”
The large Scottish Alpha’s feet reverberated off the walls around you and he turned the corner closest to you two, looking around. He spotted you both and stomped over, clearly pissed off with Shane.
“What th’ hell, man?! Ya say you were gonna meet me here, an’ then you just rush out like a bat outta hell!”
Dressed in a simple white tee and jeans with a leather jacket on top, he curled his hands and growled, letting off more feral scents combined with his usual one. Through his frustration, he saw the glow of your shifting eyes and how much you were trembling, accompanied by the growing of your nails at your sides.
Eyes flickering between the two of you, he looked at the other Alpha and grimaced. “And what were ya doin’ all alone here with my mate, Shane? I thought I told ya she’s taken.”
The other man chuckled nervously as you cupped your neck, feeling the imprints from his fingers already beginning to bloom into small bruises.
“We weren’t doing anything, McIntyre. I just caught up with her and was just politely asking her a question about her new feud with Alexa. Isn’t that tight, (Y/n)?”
You nearly barfed at his piss poor attempt at being nice, but you decided to play along. “Yeah,” you murmured, willing your eyes to fade to their normal hue and your nails and teeth to shrink down. “We’re all good here.”
You feigned another laugh and quickly put your sweater on, zipping it up fully to keep your skin hidden. Drew looked as if he didn’t buy any of it but soon turned around, grabbing Shane by the collar and dragging him away.
“Woah, hey now, watch the shirt! This thing is worth more than your monthly salary!”
“Cut th’ shit,” the Scot grumbled, stomping away with him in tow. “We’re already running behind schedule and I don’t need t’ hear your daddy runnin’ his mouth at me again.”
And with that, the duo disappeared behind another wall, their voices fading into nothing while you stumbled back into the wall behind you, clutching your chest and feeling your heart race.
“Great,” you muttered, briskly walking in the opposite direction of them. “Hope the Glam Squad has enough concealer to cover these up.”
Your promo was one of the first segments of the night and you were finished with it relatively quickly, getting a fairly good reaction from the crowd when the other woman had come out to do her bit. You were glad everything went smoothly once you finished and when you finally got backstage, you started to make the journey back to get the remainder of your things and head back to the hotel.
You made it to the women’s locker room and shut the door, grabbing your sweater and bending down to stuff it into the bag you had Natalya bring for you. You got out your phone to text your mates and ask them when they were going to be finished when the door behind you creaked open, twin footfalls thudding on the floor. Their scent slowly filled the room surrounded you before you saw them and you relaxed your shoulders.
“Hey, are you guys finished for the night? I was gonna text you to see when you-”
You pivoted on your heel to face the two large Alphas with a grin on your face, Roman dressed in a long sleeved black tee and shorts and Drew in the outfit you saw him in earlier. They stared back at you intensely, Roman crossing his arms and Drew moving to go lock the door.
You shuddered under their intense glares, asking, “Is everything okay?”
Roman was the first one to speak, uncrossing his arms and walking over to you. He moved your bag and took your hand, sitting you down on the bench behind you as the Scot watched from the door.
“Me and Drew were talking earlier, and we feel like you’re hiding something from us, ‘mega.”
Oh, help me now.
“Me? Hiding something from you two?” you pondered, scoffing and chuckling anxiously. “Everything’s totally fine. Trust me.”
“And there it is again,” he shot back, “you’re doing that thing again. You’ve been acting skittish and dodging our questions for almost a month now. Why won’t you tell us what’s wrong?”
He was confused, and you could clearly see the hurt in his eyes when you looked into them. But you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them yet.
Do it.
“I mean, was it something that we said? Something we did?”
“N-No, of course not, Ro! You know you’d never do anything to hurt me! You both wouldn’t!”
You sighed and took your hands out of his, placing them on your head as your eyes fell to your lap. It took everything in you not to burst out into a fiery mix or rage and tears. “Look, I already told you guys before. It’s noth-”
A loud bang brought you back from your stupor and you yelped, jumping out of your skin and directing your attention to the door. Drew stood there with the side of his fist against the door, and there was a crack emulating from the impact.
“Enough of this, (Y/n). We’re your Alphas, your mates. You’re supposed t’ tell us when something’s up. Why’re ya hidin’ from us?” he whispered, his voice cracking near the end.
Drew didn’t really express his more sentimental emotions outright but when he did, it absolutely crushed you. You could see your mates hurting - feel them hurting - and they were slowly chipping away at your walls. The silence after he spoke was deafening and you knew that if a pin fell then, you would hear it.
Every second felt like a minute and every minute felt like an eternity until you opened your mouth again.
“I don’t want you both to think that I’m a bad Omega for not saying something sooner.”
Your soft voice prompted Drew to move away from the door and kneel down to your height, placing both of his hands on your thigh. “Leannan (sweetheart), nothing ya say right now will make us ever think that. You’re our mate, and ya should be able to tell us anything plaguin’ ya.”
“We love you, (Y/n), and we do care,” Roman added, moving his hand to cup your cheek. “You don’t have to tell us everything if it’s too much, but at least give us something.”
The fuse was lit.
With that permission, you didn’t notice how quickly your body shifted into attack mode and you hastily stood, knocking your bag over.
“It’s fucking Shane’s fucking fault!” you barked, baring your teeth and nails to no one. “He keeps on stalking me and harassing me and bothering me and saying how much fucking better he’d be as my mate!”
You moved from the bench and began to pace the room, huffing and blocking out all outside noises as you continued to rant. “That little rich shitbag thinks he can do all of this over and over again with no consequence, and he thinks that he can just grab me and toss me around like I’m some useless thing! It makes me feel sick and dirty and… argh!”
The two Alphas jumped when you kicked a nearby locker, putting a dent in the shape of your foot in it. “I want to claw his eyes and scratch his smug stupid face! I hate it when he says that he’s gonna ‘show me the ropes’ and fucking claim me as his own when he’s got a whole wife and pups!”
You paused to catch your breath but you couldn’t stop the tears that were burning your eyes from falling. Your back hit the wall and you slid to the floor, cradling your face in your hands.
“I just… what did I do to deserve any of this?”
Your mates rushed to your sides as you cried, Drew holding you to his chest as you let the tears flow. You could feel Drew's heart beat faster and faster and you could feel Roman's heavy breathing on your neck.
The Samoan stood up and looked at your wrecked form, growling. You could see his eyes dilated and flash gold for a second before he turned away from you and unlocked the door, almost ripping it from its hinges as he stormed out with murder on his mind.
“Shane! Where the fuck are you, you bastard?! I’m gonna tear you apart!”
Oh fuck, you though, untangling yourself from Drew and getting up as quickly as you could to follow him. You two scrambled outside to find the wild Alpha and spotted him barreling through anyone who dared to get in his way as he continued to shout.
“Everyone get the hell out of my way! Where’s Shane?! I’m gonna fucking kill him!”
You ran after him, shoving past poor stagehands and other Superstars to get to your angered mate. Reaching him, you took his wrist and spun him around, seeing his eyes blown out to a full gold. His chest heaved with every harsh breath, and you could see veins popping out of his neck from how hard he was clenching his teeth.
“You see? This is why I didn’t tell you in the first place! I didn’t want you to go on a murder-happy fucking rampage and lose your damn job!”
“She’s got a point,” Drew added, firmly grasping Ro’s other wrist. “You need to think!”
He was having none of it. “He hurt my mate, our mate, and that waste of space needs to pay! I’ll find him and rip out his eyes myself.”
It scared you how aggressive he was when he meant it, but you stood your ground. “You’re not the only one who wants to kill that bag of human scum, Roman, but we do have to be smart about this.”
“We can deal with him next week,” you sighed. “Just… just calm down, please.”
No! Now! Get him now!
Drew nodded, agreeing with you and helping you to pull the other man back in the opposite go get the rest of your things even though he continued to try and escape. You smiled to yourself, though, at the thought of the things you were going to do to Vince’s son in the near future.
For the next week, your two mates didn’t leave your side for a second, with Roman escorting you out to the ring for your match on SmackDown the next night and Drew acting as your personal bodyguard when the cameras weren’t rolling. They wouldn’t let anyone get near you, growling and baring their teeth at anyone who wasn’t a personal friend who dared to get in your personal space.
Monday came far too soon and the three of you arrived to the arena, game faces on as you waltzed in like your own little pack. They each had an arm around your waist with a hand in each of your back pockets, leering at everyone while you grinned.
Roman and Drew were already planned to have another in-ring bout prior to Extreme Rules, but they wanted to have you out for the main event as support. You already knew that Shane was going to be there, going ringside to cheer the Scotsman on and berate his opponent.
You all had your roles, you all had your positions. Now, it was just time to put it all into play.
As their match was the one to close out the night, you had to deal with hearing Shane’s long introduction when him and Drew went through the curtain. You watched them travel to the ring and you saw the Scottish Alpha’s hand twitch, eager to get his large hands on the man next to him.
Shane continued to rant before you and Roman cut him off, trekking down to the ring to meet him. He swiftly ducked under the ropes as Ro approached him but he smiled at you when he saw you, instantly making you sick to your stomach.
Gripping his elbow, you whispered, “You know what to do, right?”
“Of course I do, baby girl,” he replied, brushing you off. “I got this.”
He smirked at you, climbing up the steps and under the ropes. The bell rang and the match began with the two men locking into each other in the middle of the squared circle, Drew quickly getting Roman into a headlock and bringing him down to one knee.
He managed to shove the larger man off of him and into the ropes to throw his forearm into his clavicle and drop him down with a thud. Roman roared as a “Let’s go, Roman!” chant erupted from the crowds. You applauded him and Shane sneered, creeping closer to the ropes like a rat to freshly tossed food.
The match went on for several minutes, each filled with blows delivered and taken by both Superstars. Drew took a harsh Driveby from Ro on the edge of the ring and you were almost certain that he had been knocked out, had it been for the groan he made when he reached up to rub at his head.
It quickly turned to the Samoan being on the receiving end of most of the blows when Drew landed a nasty Glasgow Kiss to his skull, dropping him like a fly. He dragged the fallen wrestler to the middle of the ring, standing above him menacingly.
“Pin him! What are you doing, man? Just pin him already and get it over with!”
Shane’s loud voice could be heard above all else and you prayed that Roman would get up and walk it off like it was nothing. Instead, Drew chuckled and ducked out of the ring, walking around it to come face to face with the McMahon. As the older Alpha continued to go on and on, your mate threw the fastest right hook you’ve ever seen, making Shane plummet to the floor like a stone in water.
You looked around at the shocked faces of the commentators as well as various members of the WWE Universe, but you didn’t expect the roaring cheer that one move got.
He kneeled down to his level and proceeded to pumble the man further, driving fist after fist and hit after hit into him. You were full-on belly laughing at that point, noting how comical it was to see the once high and mighty Shane McMahon who had cornered you numerous times be put in a similar, vulnerable position.
It was beautiful.
Hearing the newfound commotion, Roman arose from his spot on the ring floor akin to the Undertaker and the crowd went wild once more. He got up and ran to the ropes behind him, bouncing back from them and diving over the set in front of him, Drew moving so he wouldn’t get hit.
Shane’s head struck the ramp below and began bleeding as his face and body grew battered and bruised. The two men towered above him and rained down blows and kicks galore, and you wished you had a phone with you to record the magic happening. They then hooked an arm under one of his and hoisted him up from the ground, looking at you gleefully. 
It was your time to shine, your chance to get your licks in.
“Go on, leannan!” Drew shouted, a wide, wicked smile plastered on his face. “Show this ugly bastard what’s for!”
Roman laughed alongside him. “Show ‘im your spitfire, Omega! Make him pay for what he did to you!”
Make him pay.
You roared, baring your sharpened teeth and charged at the silver-haired man, landing a solid dropkick to the middle of his chest. He fell with an “oof” and laid there like a limp ragdoll, but you weren’t going to let that deter you from having your own fun.
“If you ever-”
Another punch.
One more for good measure.
“-think about touching me or talking useless crap about my mates again, I will fucking. End. You!”
With every word let out, you let out led to another hit to his body, your feet flying everywhere they could reach. After a solid five minutes of you three tossing him around and beating him to a pulp, you landed a fine tuned pointed-toe kick to his crotch. He crumbled to the ground, clutching his body as you and your mates looked on victoriously.
You could barely hear yourself think over the commotion going on around you, but you didn’t care. You got your payback. You all did and if he tries some shit like that again, you’ll be bound to pay him back again by a ten-fold.
You raced up the ramp to meet your lovers at the head, raising their arms to signal your win against Shane’s bullshit. You felt a weight being lifted off of your chest and you felt relieved for the first time in over a month.
Karma really is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
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happyendingsong · 4 years
also !! what were your thots on mania if you watched it !! i love ur media analysis its Big Brain
LOL AW thank u joey
i was sooo excited for mania this year from like. a morbid fascination w trainwreck reality tv point of view. like ‘david is dead’ levels of calamity. a quarantined wrestlemania with half the card out sick is absolute peak age of spectacle and such an interesting nugget of 2020 pop culture, it’s so fucking good.
but they put on a really good fucking show especially all things considered?? the main thing i missed were the entrances and gear but obviously that couldn’t be helped. on one hand i feel bad for the debuting wrestlers who didn’t get the big mania crowd to welcome them out, but also i didn’t have to worry about fans starting boring chants during the women’s matches or anything so. LOL.
i absolutely adored when they tried experimenting with camera angles and lighting in ways that made use of the smaller, more intimate space. like sasha being drowned in shadow during bayley’s entrance IM STILL FUCKING THINKING ABOUT IT........ and that whole ending sequence with sasha tying bayley’s belt on, the fucking STORYTELLING i was holding my breath the whole time. the cinematography was used so so well and i think we would’ve lost some of that detail if it was on a bigger stage, ya know. i wish we got more moments like that throughout the shows and more experimenting with the form!
the big advantages that wwe has compared to aew or other televised products is budget and legacy. and oh my fucking god did the firefly funhouse match CAPITALISE on that. it was so fun seeing the form and concept and conceit of wrestling twisted and turned on its head like that. wwe are usually so resistant to any kind of change but i REALLY HOPE the great reception they got to this match will encourage them to experiment more in the future and play on their strengths. the boneyard match was fun but the firefly funhouse match....that shit was so professional oh my god.
i wish we got a little more playing with the space of the performance centre. the edge/randy match was alright (though i think ciampa/gargano got a better match exploring the pc) but it ran on long. im glad edge is okay anyway, would’ve KILLED to have beth on commentary 3
it’s so fucking funny that both the male champions checked the fuck out LMAO like if there isn’t a crowd/merch money then mr strowman and mr mcintyre can have the damn belts, thank you.
meanwhile the girls tunred it outtttt omg. i loved having 5 women’s matches on the card (will not be satisfied until it’s 100% because i believe in female supremacy but still), and they were JUICY. like 3 of them were 15-20 minutes long?? dope.
also i didnt predict ANY of the winners correctly LMAO,,,, i really wish shayna won but maybe they want a full crowd before becky drops the belt u_u (ugh there wouldve been a great story there about how becky needs the fans to have her back, without them she’s nothing, the fans cant stop shayna from breaking her fucking bones, etc etc etc...... ANYWAY) i’d love to see their feud continue and get juicier matches out of it anyway. and i really wish the kabuki warriors retained but maybe kairi wanted to head back to japan to quarantine with her partner. IT’S SO FUNNY THAT THEY HAD CHARLOTTE WIN.....LOL.......... im gagged and so excited to find out what happens next on nxt this wednesday on usa so i guess the booking worked! and i was hoping for a naomi or sasha win but this baysha plot is so fucking juicy and i can’t waitttt to see where it goes.
the mens’ tag matches were good! i SCREAMED at bianca’s debut!!!!! i’m a little bummed she never got the nxt belt but i really hope they’ll let her crush it on raw. on ring the belle they were saying that within one night the raw division went from totally forgettable to immediately exciting with bianca, nia, and that asuka/liv match and i REALLY hope the raw women can continue to shine now!!
yeah overall i really liked it! definitely a good call having it across two nights, i hope they keep that for the future. and ive only been watching since mania 34 so this is only my third full length mania watching live? but it was dope, wrestling is good actually
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coruscantide · 3 years
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One World, Three Eras
So. Scala ad Caelum, Daybreak Town and Radiant Garden. Many elements are tied between these three places, continuous connections stacking up, and while much of this was written beforehand, in light of the KHUX ending I’ve decided to expand on this more.
It’s long since confirmed that Daybreak Town and Scala ad Caelum are one and the same, but I have evidence to believe all three places are in fact the same location. That conclusion would certainly be something interesting since certain characters kept winding up back here again and again. As this is a very long post with several images attached and some spoilers in regards to KHUX, I’ll be placing the rest of this under a read more.
From here on out I’ll be referring to Daybreak Town as DT, Scala ad Caelum as Scala, and Radiant Garden as RG.
DT was at the center of the old world, one where ‘worlds’ didn’t exist yet and it was connected to all the other places by land. It was a bastion of light itself where unions gathered and collected Lux to defeat the Darkness. Post Keyblade War, the town converted into Scala, becoming known as a place centralized as a seat of power for Keyblade Wielders. Later on RG is referred to as the “ City of Light ” by Xehanort in BBS, much like how DT was considered.
We’re going to begin by drawing up parallels.
Exhibit A
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Exhibit B
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This is more than a passing resemblance. These are towns / cities built directly on a large body of water  ( in addition to it’s structure it’s confirmed beaches / coasts don’t exist in DT and to get to one in game you need to sail with your friends to nearby island )  with different city districts based around similar architecture, a large clock planted directly in the middle in some form or another, and a complex irrigation system consisting of canals and waterfalls to drain the water and make sure the town doesn't get flooded.
We’ll touch on the similar architecture first. Aside from all three’s love of fountains and huge clock mechanisms, the buildings in particular look to have extremely similar styles. I’m not an expert but they seem to be nearly one to one. The major difference is the roof colors, DT with purple and RG with red and purple ( except during KH2 where it’s predominately only red ). I also wanted to point out sections of RG’s and Scala’s roads seem close in design.
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Scala appeared more... i don’t know modern (?) in a sense compared to the other two, but progress on a design front was reset back to the DT-style when RG was created.
I wouldn’t be surprised by that as during a phase in Xehanort’s fight, you can see other parts of DT hidden in the foundation of Scala's buildings, the purple coloration painted over entirely. It may be a green and white color scheme now but the previous work is still there. It wouldn’t be to hard to believe it could be recreated.
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In DT and RG the irrigation systems are heavily reliant on machinery / piping to function  ( there was a whole plot beat around it with the moogle shop ), but after the DT was destroyed that system obviously can’t keep the town afloat. It likely sunk and capsized, leaving behind this:
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As we all should know by now during the fight with Xehanort in 3, Scala was revealed to have this structure underneath it, the ruins of Daybreak Town. More specifically the prominent shot of the clock tower.
The only other place we've ever seen this with is RG after it was reduced to little more than a twisted castle and called Hollow Bastion, depicting a second, darker crystalline-like structure hanging upside down underneath the main one:
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With the war shattering the world into many smaller ones, everything being ripped apart and becoming separated from each other, naturally all the surrounding land that once connected them to Scala has vanished. Nothing is left except a world of seemingly endless ocean and sky. This is where Ephemer comes in after surviving the destruction of both DTs.
Clearly there’s no other options for materials left. The wreckage was used to build on top of the ruined world alongside whatever limited resources were present. The artificial islands are designed with the new environment in mind, much smaller in scale compared to DT, spaced out to allow a wind powered structure instead of a machinery based on, and cables / gondolas for easy travel at minimal cost between islands.
One of these islands is likely what becomes Villain’s Vale in KH2.
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It’s unknown what the Vale exactly used to be. All we see now is a skeleton of what once was, little more than a husk. But the placement of it and it’s environment is telling.
The distance from the Vale to RG is roughly the length of distance from the main Scala island in 3 to the other unoccupied ones. See the change especially with water in between Scala and RG ? If you look back to the section of Hollow Bastion in Exhibit B ( Rising Falls ), you’ll notice the water actually rising out of a huge crack in the earth into the resevoir surrounding the castle. By KH2 all the surrounding water has been entirely dried up, leaving just this area, the sea bed, left behind.
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At some point Scala was destroyed.
It no longer seems to be around in present day KH. It doesn’t feel like another war happened since Xehanort probably would've mentioned something like that since he was around before it was wiped off the map. I’m left to think Darkness got it for a second time. DT and RG got obliterated through darkness so I think the same very well happened again. It could give some reasoning to Eraqus' extreme aversion to the darkness. Of course all this would also mean then that the same world was destroyed at least three times. We’ll have to see when more of Dark Road comes out.
After the destruction, perhaps many of the survivors left, migrating and going on to cultivate worlds like Twilight Town and the Land of Departure, places that carry a few passing resemblances to Scala, but the residents who stayed rebuilt like Ephemer once did for DT, salvaging what remained of Scala and converting it into RG. Thanks to the islands being too badly damaged beyond feasible repair, there were only enough resources to pool together and recreate a singular island. The discarded islands formed the new surrounding land mass, with the exception of places like Villain’s Vale.
During this time, Keyblades and their wielders have all but been phased out. Too much knowledge has been lost, most of it now regarded as myths, legends, stories to be told. Keyblade wielders do endure though, in the Land of Departure, with Yen Sid, maybe more. This could be when we start seeing FF characters pop up and live in RG, the world now mostly free of the Keyblade.
Note, if RG was rebuilt on the main island of what used to be DT, then it would be obvious that this machine in RG / Hollow Bastion and the one in KHUX are the exact same device. Ephemer could’ve rebuilt this for whatever reason during the creation of Scala, and from there we encounter it again in KH1 at the World Terminus after using RG / Hollow Bastion’s terminal to access this laboratory. We know Xehanort ends up using it as part of his plan to toss Kairi  ( after kidnapping and experimenting on her )  into the void of space until she reaches Destiny Islands. This would’ve been right around if not during the destruction of RG.
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From there, it’s history. Darkness starts destroying countless worlds. RG residents are scattered across the worlds or take refuge in Traverse Town, some forming a resistance. Sora, Riku, and Kairi go on their journey. The resistance reforms into the Restoration Committee post KH1 and RG is eventually restored for the most part by the events of Remind.
So with all this in mind, if they are all the same world ravaged over and over by darkness, this means Xehanort  ( not as terranort )  and Kairi both lived in this world. It would make sense why Kairi and Xehanort both recite the ‘ one sky, one destiny ’ phrase. It's a remnant from living in Scala / RG passed down over time ( a common phrase like ‘ may your heart be your guiding key ‘ maybe, it could have been attributed to the endless sky they found themselves under ) and could explain why Kairi can have this apparent association with Scala now due to Remind.
Adding in the player choosing to live as a new heart and becoming Xehanort, also could explain why Terranort ended up in RG of all places after he lost his memory in BBS, because it was really the place that used to be Scala / DT.
So here’s the rough timeline of events as it stands.
Era 1:  DT -> destroyed by darkness, restored by Ephemer -> Scala Era 2:  Scala -> destroyed ( by darkness? ), restored by someone -> RG Era 3:  RG -> destroyed by darkness ( Xehanort ), salvaged -> Hollow Bastion -> restored back into RG by Restoration Committee / inhabitants
I’d keep going, going into how Traverse Town could be an offshoot of Scala / RG created as a safe haven for it’s residents after the world was consumed by darkness again, but I think that’s another post for another time and I’ve already spent this long already on this one. Thank you for reading all of this if you made it this far !
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ashroseevans · 7 years
Kingdom Hearts Cinderella 4
I rolled my eyes at her. "Excuse me? Why this all of a sudden?"
"Because you wouldn't do it if I didn't dare you," Hatori said simply.
I sighed. "Well, do I get anything if I do ask him to dance? What's my motivation?"
"Well what do you want as motivation?" she asked.
"I want you to ask Roxas to dance."
She blinked a few times as if not believing what I had just said. It was almost comical seeing her face change as realization hit her. "WHAT?!"
"You heard me."
"But I don't even like him!"
I snorted. "Yes, you do. I know you do. I'm not blind. I see the way you look at him."
"No I don't! How could I after what he did to your dad?"
"Just because I hate him for what he did doesn't mean you have to," I told her. "Sides, you're my best friend. I want you to be happy, too."
"Really?" she asked, sounding hopeful.
I nodded simply.
"Okay," she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "You're right. I do kind of like him. A little."
"So are you going to do it, then?" I said and raised an eyebrow. "I won't ask Riku if you don't ask Roxas."
She nodded. "Yeah, okay. Fine. I'll do it."
I smirked. "Glad we could come to an agreement."
"Not quite yet. What will happen if we do it?" she asked.
"Well... if I ask Riku first, I get to choose where we go," I said. "After high school."
"And if I do it first, then... you have to do my homework until graduation," she said.
"Then you have to actually ask him, not him asking you."
"Fine," she said.
"Then we have a deal. Now, about those dresses. You said mine would be black?"
* * *
"I dare you to ask Riku to dance," Hatori challenged Andi.
Kairi had gotten home from Selphi's house early and figured she'd spy on Andi. She was always looking for new things to use against her. What she didn't realize was that her stupid little friend was over and that they were plotting to take Riku away. From HER! That was unacceptable. She needed to put a stop to that before they even got the chance to go through with their little plan.
She pealed herself quietly away from the wall and made her way down the stairs and to her room. Once she was half way there, she bolted from the hallway to her room. She closed the door and pulled out her phone, dialing Tifa's number. When she picked up, Kairi tried speaking.
"Mom..." she panted.
"Don't pant Kairi, it's unattractive," Tifa chided. "What is it? What do you want? I'm busy."
"Andi..." Kairi took a breath. "She's planning to go to the dance. And her little blond friend, Hat-something-or-other, dared her to steal my Riku away from me!"
Tifa was silent for a moment. "Oh no, no, no. This won't do."
"How are we going to stop her, mom?" Kairi whined.
"Don't whine at me either, young lady."
"I'm sorry," she muttered. "But what are we going to do?"
"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything."
* * *
"So what's this thing you need to tell Andi?" I asked Sora once we got back to the island.
He shook his head. "It was a letter I found next to Xaldin as he disappeared. He asked me not to open it and to only give it to his daughter. If she wanted to show anyone else then that would be her business."
I shrugged. "All right. No need to give me a whole speech," I said.
We crossed the bridge to the small island with the paopu fruit tree. Sora got up on it and sat down on the trunk while I leaned against it, looking at the mainland. It reminded me of years ago. Before everything that happened to Andi.
"So, you ever going to tell me who you have that crush on or am I going to have to guess?" Sora asked, stopping me mid-thought.
I laughed. "You're going to have to guess."
He sighed and looked up at the sky for a moment as he thought. "Hmmm... Selphi?"
I snorted. "Hell no. Leave one psycho and go out with another? Selphi and Kairi are best friends. I just got free of her. I'd rather not have to see her unless I absolutely have to."
"Okay, yeah, true. Delphi, then?"
"No. She's a sweet girl, but she's too involved in her music."
"Dude, I don't go after taken women. And Terra is one scary guy," I replied.
Sora sighed and fell silent, probably thinking of other girls. After a while, I caved.
"Do you really want to know?"
He nodded and looked at me eagerly. I sighed.
"It's Andi," I answered but didn't look at him.
"Please tell me you're joking," he said sounding almost horrified.
I glared at him. "What's the problem?" I asked, offended. "She's beautiful, smart, and strong. She knows her way around a sword fight. She's had to deal with all sorts of bullying and teasing and other shit because of what happened and who she is and she doesn't even complain. She just deals with it without a single word. She's stronger then you. And me."
"You sound like you're in love with her," he said blandly, staring at me evenly.
"So what if I am?"
"I just don't think you and her are a smart idea, Riku," Sora said.
"Well, why not?"
"Think about it, Riku. Her father was a Nobody, a dark being. He willingly went to the darkness, to Organization XIII," Sora tried to explain.
"Well, Andi, being Dilan's daughter, could have the same darkness buried deep inside her. Why do you think everyone is afraid of her? She could do this world like you did when you succumbed to the darkness. The two of you could bring out the worst in each other and destroy the worlds," he said, almost like h had put a lot of thought into it.
I frowned and looked at the sand. I hated it when Sora made sense. Maybe she did have darkness inside her. I didn't feel anything when I was around her. The only thing I felt when I was near her was the urge to protect her, hold her in my arms and tell her how I felt. But that could mean nothing. What if I was slowly corrupting her just by being near her and I couldn't notice any differences?
There was also the possibility that Sora was wrong about everything, too. Maybe she didn't have darkness in her head. Maybe we wouldn't bring out the worst in each other... I snorted. And maybe I was immune to such influences.
Still, I couldn't help my feelings for her. Even if Sora made sense.
"Maybe you're right..." I sighed.
"Besides, Riku, you know her reputation," Sora said.
That kind of irked me. I rolled my eyes, resisting the urge to smack him off the tree trunk. "Whatever, Sora."
We were silent for a moment, thinking. Or at least, I was. I mean, sure, everyone avoided Andi like it was their job. And yeah, everyone said she had a hard time controlling her temper, but she's not that much different than I was back then... the only one who would know the whole story would be her best friend, Hatori.
Wait a second, Hatori... I smirked.
"Hey, Sora, why don't you ask Hatori to dance with you tomorrow night?"
His eyes widened in absolute shock. "Lea's sister? Axel's little sister?"
I simply nodded.
"Wh-wha-huh-n-no-what? No!" he sputtered, his face turning a bright shade of crimson. "No-I-I no. I couldn't do that," he frowned. "She's Andi's best friend. She must hate me too for what I had to do."
I grinned He reacted just how I expected him to. "Then I won't give you a choice. I dare you to ask her and find out how she feels about you."
* * *
Hatori and I walked up to my room Friday after school. I didn't see Riku so I didn't get a chance to give him back his clothes. I had to wait to return it to him when Hatori was done with my hair. I still wished that she'd have let me do it before she cut my hair. But Hatori was the queen of ulterior motives.
I sighed as I sat on a stool in the bathroom, turned away from the mirror as Hatori stood over me with a pair of scissors. Earlier she basically just picked a spot on my hair and hacked it off. This left her to just evening it out and trying to make it look "pretty" instead of just sloppy.
"Are you almost done?" I asked.
"Yeah, hold your horses," Hatori said and snipped at my hair a few more times before she put the scissors down. "There, done."
I took a deep breath and looked at the floor first. My hair curled around itself and almost looked like a black puddle. If I wasn't too afraid of too many people seeing my hair before tonight or even Monday, I'd have gone to a salon and donated all my hair or something noble like that.
I let out a slow breath and turned to look at the mirror. I gasped and ran my hands through my hair. I didn't look too different, but different enough to make people look twice before they realized who I was. My head also felt so much lighter. Maybe some of my back and neck problems would go away.
"Do you like it?" Hatori asked.
"I do! Thank you so much," I said and hugged her.
"You're dress for tonight is on your bed. I'll come by and pick you up later," she said and practically pushes me out of the bathroom and started cleaning up my hair. "Go return Riku's cloths to him."
"I will!" I said and smiled, grabbing the folded, clean pile of clothes from my room.
I stood in front of Riku's house with my hand hovering over the doorbell. This was a terrible, awful, horrible idea. I was going to kill Hatori for this. She knew Riku was going to see my new haircut So much for anonymity. I sighed and dropped my hand. As I started to turn around, the door opened and a voice stopped me.
"And I? What are you doing here?"
I slowly turned my head and looked at Riku. "I didn't see you at school so I was going to bring your uniform to you."
I blushed a bit and played with the ends of my hair. "Embarrassed."
I looked to the side and heard Riku step close to me. I felt him reach out and run his fingers through my hair. When I looked at him, it was almost like he was in some kind of trance. His blue green eyes met mind.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I like your new haircut," he said.
I blushed and pushed his uniform into his chest. I just then noticed that he was halfway dressed in his outfit for the dance. His white shirt was unbuttoned and I got an eyeful of his chest. My face burned even more.
"Are you going to the dance tonight?" Riku asked as he took his cloths in his arms.
I blinked and looked to the side again. "I dunno. Maybe."
"If you do go, save me a dance?" he asked and raised an eyebrow at me. "I have something I want to give you."
"I um... okay. If I go," I said and turned around. "I gotta go. Bye."
I rushed off before he could say anything more.
When i got back home I quickly rushed up stairs to my room. I had less than two hours to get read now after that little visit to Riku's house. I felt my face head up again just thinking about how embarrassed I was. I closed the door behind me and started to get ready for the dance.
I sat down at my vanity and got to work on my hair and makeup first. I pulled back my hair into a tail before I put in the curlers. I then started carefully applying the makeup. I did my best with the eyeliner and mascara, but I hadn't actually done makeup on myself before. At least any mistakes would be hidden under my mask. After adding some red lipstick, I put the blue contacts that I bought in my eyes. I took a deep breath and turned away from the mirror to change into my dress.
It was a black dress that went down to my knees and had ruffles and many different layers. There were red hearts embroidered on the skirt layers. Just over the skirt there was a belt of hearts that went all the way around my waist and then went from my left side all the way up to my right shoulder, making the only strap of my dress. Once I was dressed, I took the curlers out of my hair and then put on my mask. It was a simple one, black and just covered my eyes. The ends tapered up to points where there were little red hearts.
I was scared to look in the mirror. It was a strange feeling, not wanting to see how I looked. I finally took another deep breath and turned around to look at my mirror. My eyes widened when I saw my reflection. I looked different enough to make anyone second guess who I was. Good. I slopped on a pair of red high heeled shoes and grabbed my phone, putting it in the bust of my dress. I really hoped Hatori remembered a bag for me. I didn't want to keep my phone there all night. Then I walked downstairs. Hatori would be pulling up any minute.
Unfortunately, the second I got to the bottom floor, Tina was standing there, waiting with her arms crossed.
"And where do you think you're going?" she said.
"The dance," I said simply and stared at her.
She laughed a bit "You are almost cute. I can't believe you ever entertained the idea that I would actually allow you to go!"
"You can't control me. I'm an adult. I can do what I Want."
"Not while you live under this roof you can't," Tina snarled and grabbed my arm. She started dragging me away.
"Let go!" I shouted and tried clawing at hand, trying in vain to get away. "Where are you taking me?!"
"Someplace you can't get out; she said and opened the door to the basement. She threw me down the stairs.
I landed on my side and my phone fell out of my dress, sliding under the dryer. I stood up and tried running up the stairs before Tina closed the door.
"I'll be back at midnight with Cloud. You had better still be here," she said and slammed the door, locking it.
I nearly ran into it. I started banging on the door and trying the lock. Even though I knew it was useless to try. I gave up after a while and I slumped my head against the door.
I was trapped.
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