#i know that i over saturated this one
Suptober 2022, Day 10: Enchanted
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"Still love me?"
Oh Gabriel, I am ✨️ enchanted ✨️ by you
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softer-ua · 1 year
Izuku 🤝 Ochako
Thinking their creepy af, crazy af, blood thirsty blonde counterpart is the cutest things in the whole world
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stefisdoingthings · 4 months
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(i'll never know what it's like to love you)
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bishonenspit · 3 months
i think modern anime's aversion to saturated colours is what turns me off. everything is so pale it borders on pastel colour palettes all the time. even like when contextually it makes no sense for things to be so muted
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saturfied · 4 months
kudos to all kimchay writers!!! y'all are doing a great job🫡👏❤️
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bubzterr · 6 months
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normalise megamind ass thought processes and being a super-burglar because you need validation or whatever idk
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www-pinkhearse · 3 months
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I’m sorry
#recently have been doing a bit of a musical marathon cause I’ll never stop being a fucking theatre kid (womp womp)#and like#okay so there’s musicals I outright dislike (dear Evan Hansen) but something rotten is in this middle section thats like#you had a cool premise. why the fuck are you so over saturated I’m sex puns and musical references to the point I can’t take u seriously#like I’m supposed to be invested in the romance between Nigel and Portia(?) but everyone of their interactions is just#sex innuendo sex pun sex joke#then there’s nick whos so fuckinh annoying I’m sorry#I’m supposed to feel sympathetic for him meanwhile he’s just like ?? defending a musical about eggs??#and during all of this his brother is clearly spilling his heart out to him#and he just never fucking approved of his love for Portia#even Shakespeare who’s supposed to be the villain or smth is more fun#(and the only British one)#AND NOT JUST IN THE villains are more fun way#but also in the HES ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE#man has a rivarly but still doesn’t want his rival dead cmon that’s interesting#and I’m supposed to be on nicks side durinh all of this#like???? the guy who’s had one song about him being sexist. the one guy who’s being so incosideto this his brother. the guy who’s-#-less enjoyable then the ANTAGONIST#idkkk. idk maybe it’s supposed to be light hearted and I’m being weird cause my favourite musical is falsettos so y’know-#-it’s a character exploration based story#and I know realistically not all musicals want that. but idk it’s just#boring to me#to have a cool premise and fill it with so many jokes it’s like. how am I supposed to take the deeper moments seriously#anyways the songs are good. I hate Shakespeare fucks#and obviously hard to be the bard is great#thank you Christian borle . you just have a knack for playing queer (in this case coded) men don’t you
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ok im starting to worry about you guys. who is not allowing you twix access....
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ghostickle · 4 days
Fun fact ur ferritin should be 30-50
Mines 7 :)
#gonna fight every doctor that refused to do their job and called me dramatic#over 20 fuckin years of this of feeling like my body is slowly dying#that’s not the only thing that’s severely low either#like my iron is relatively normal but that’s all they ever tested#no one ever bothered looking further meanwhile my iron saturation is almost nonexistent#idk how u can have normal iron but no iron saturation but apparently that’s possible#we don’t know yet but we are betting I either have celiacs or graves#and I’m really hoping not celiacs cause my diet is already very limited if I have to cut out what little I can eat#I might as well just get a feeding tube I’d be starving if I have to cut out stuff for celiacs#we think my body can’t process proteins either don’t know the answer on that one yet#but I’m pretty confident that’s true#considering meat makes me painfully sick#ghost rambles#anyways over 20 years of being called dramatic and a hypochondriac and I was fucking right#genuinely I think there should be some kind of repercussion for doctors who refuse to test or listen to patients#it shouldn’t have taken this long to have some tests ran#and we don’t even know what it is yet just know that I have proof now I wasn’t lying#the amount of doctors that belittled me saying it’s anxiety or I want attention or that bullshit#I had a licensed professional ask if I’m sure it’s not just hunger#and yknow what yea I’m pissed at all the ‘professionals’ that let me live in so much pain and barely able to function#all because no one wanted to believe me
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moonstruckdraws · 4 months
Sage Redesign & Colors
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spent a good while coloring her don't question why I'm awake
Might as well do the spiel on her design now then later
So I regoogled bleeding fairy mushrooms, as you do, and saw that their helmets can come in flatter shapes than the normal bell shape. So I took that and flattened the heck out of her helmet to make it more sunhat shaped! It made her look more cottage core & that pairs well with her woodland fairy/dryad concept. Her root feet also look like boots lol.
I liked the other outfit I gave her, but I didn't want to do the mushroom patterns, mainly cuz it was tedious, but also because it felt unnecessary(?). And I removed them, but then I wasn't happy with her capelet & her original dress. So I changed them & now she looks sooo cute!
And I bit the bullet and gave her irises (albeit very faded ones lmao). I wanted to make Sage hard to read, due to her personality & her being a fungi yokai, contrasting to the average yokai & mutant. In fact I think that gardener guy in the first season finally was the only plant mutant, & I don't remember seeing any plant/fungi-based yokai. So I reason that they're quite uncommon.
I gave her no irises to make her harder to read, but with Luci kinda having the same thing (and I'm not going to lie here, but I do this a lot with random characters I make lol) I wanted to change it. Dark eyes didn't work with her eye shape & overall expression as I wanted it to, so I made them pale & huge so her irises barely move when looking around. They also have no highlights/reflection in them to make her seem more hallow as well. So if you stare at her, she'll have big, pale, & empty looking eyes, and it's perfect lol. Her eyes also barely dilate, but I like to think it's something people who manage to get close to her can notice.
alright enough rambling from me lol
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arundolyn · 2 years
Celica with Delilah's colors and Minerva with Bedman's colors?
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yknow i saw this ask on my phone and it cut off just before the "bedman's colors" part so maybe i jumped the gun somewhat and Made Assumptions so have updated bed colors too
if we're talking BEDMAN bedman then it'll have to be xrd shading bc i have no Actionable Bedman In Strive colors to go off of (which i couldve sword SO HARD i had done delilah colors for her... it was carl apparently LMAO)
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merry delilah announcement everyone
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panicbroadcast · 3 months
thought i would try out the dashboard "features" again. some are good like a dedicated dash for the tumblrs ive turned notifications on for. but the "for you" tab had me in shambles
the first fucking post is a blacklisted tag
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claps all round
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ijustdontlikepeople · 6 months
may I ask how you did this edit? it's a beautiful effect and I'd like to replicate it (only if you don't mind sharing, of course). tumblr.com/ijustdontlikepeople/739905108314324992
Hi anon! Thank you!! I’ve always been very fond of this guy and I am always happy to talk about making stuff!
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It’s been a little while so my memory of the process is a little blurry and unfortunately, I cleaned out my project storage last week so I can’t go back layer by layer anymore but here’s the best of my memory
So, it started when I saw this base image and Davo looked very “heavy is the head that wears the crown” and I loved it
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I brought it into PicsArt on my phone and cropped it so he was a bit more centered.
I went through the PicsArt stickers for an “orb” or “light burst” this is the one I used
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To place the orb behind Davo like I wanted I added in another layer of that original photo, and removed the background until I just had Davo’s head
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They should be layered original photo, burst, head, like above. Now you can see some spots in his hair and such that the orb light is not visible through so you go back through and erase bits of the Davo head layer. you don’t have to be too too particular about it bc the same photo of him is underneath.
If I remember right, the brightness of the orb wasn’t as high as I wanted so I doubled up on the same sticker
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I think I one was centered over his left eye and then the other a few inches above it, and the i placed them both back behind the head layer again
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Then added a sticker halo
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Then I moved over to lens flare
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I picked a light orangey one and placed one over his eye, lining it up with his Iris, then blending it with the light setting and duplicating the the layer and repeating for the other eye. I could have sworn that I gradually erased the edges so it faded into the rest of the photo but the software isn’t giving my an option to erase? So I’m not sure if that’s a change on their side or if I’m misremembering
From there, you apply and then go to FXs. (I may have tinkered with some color levels last time before this step but I don’t remember)
I’m not sure exactly which filters I used. I feel like there were two or three. I am about 80% sure I used these with roughly these specifics.
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His face is cut out of PLRD which is done first than VINYL
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So they didn’t turn out exactly the same but this about the gest. It’ll all be a little different depending on your starting photo. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk about what you’re making, my DMs and ask box are always open! I can give u my discord too if that’s easier! I hope this was a least a bit helpful!!
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greentrickster · 2 years
Listen, Hjördis van Zieks is a pastel vampire sword prosecutor lesbian dating a self-described witch named Eskatrina. That’s just Saturation canon. And I was fully prepared to let Hjördis have a classic hot goth girlfriend, because she deserves one, and that’s sort of how I pictured Eskatrina originally.
But then I realized, you know what would be even more fun?
A pallid black-haired woman who gives off powerful cryptid vibes, may or may not be actually human, kind of fades into the background when standing right in front of you and doesn’t blink often enough. She is one of the most creature-looking people you will ever meet, in a way that’s not beautiful but does inspire intense gender envy. She adores Hjördis and they’ve been together for twenty years. She may or may not own Hjördis’s soul. Hjördis is down with this.
...okay, that’s a lie, I didn’t realize anything, I went to include Eskatrina in a scene and she calmly sat me down, explained why I was wrong, and told me what she actually looks and acts like. Because of course I don’t have full control over my own OCs. Of course not. -_-* Like, I love her, love the new direction she’s taking, but still -_-*
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saturfied · 11 months
when i first saw this picture, all i could think of was - he's ready for garba and dandiya🥵😭
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[For clarification: Garba and Dandiya raas are both a type of Gujarati dance done, especially during the festival of Navratri, albeit most people also do it anytime, anywhere, it's very heart happy satisfying]
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prettyboysmlm · 11 months
don’t you love it when your friend shits on your whole dream career but when you say you don’t like an art program she’s using she fucking loses it
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