#i know your english teacher in 7th grade said you were a pleasure to have in class but that doesnt make you an omnipotent god of literature
Wandering Hands Part 1
Hellooo everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely day! SO this is Part 1 of Wandering Hands. 
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What it is: You and Harry become friends but you come with certain baggage that might make any other man run. 
Word count: 6.2k 
Warning: death and angst? (lmk if i forgot one!) 
Pls reblog if you like it :) Thanks in advance for the support! 
It was a long day after work and you had no one but yourself to worry about tonight. It was Friday, you were at Joe’s, the bar across your apartment. You’d come in regularly. Only about every other weekend. You were drinking your troubles away with a Manhattan. The bar wasn’t too full, it was only happy hour. You heard the bell ding behind you meaning someone walked in. Some man approached the bar as you finished your drink.
“Hello, can I get a glass of your most recommended wine?” You felt him look over at you, “and a refill on whatever she’s having” he paid Joe and sat a stool away from you.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to” you slid your glass away from you.
“No problem, I wanted to” you nodded and watched the tv. Joe served you your Manhattan and the man his wine. You knew it was a glass of his Château Cheval-Blanc because you had had it yourself once. 4 years ago.
“You know, I never understood baseball too much.”
You drank your drink and looked at him from the corner of your eye. Was he talking to you or Joe? You looked around you and you were the only one close enough to hear him and Joe was busy.
“It’s a good sport if you understand it” you shrugged.
“Care to explain it to me?” He moved to the stool next to you.
You swallowed your drink and looked at the screen. You had no interest in getting a good look at the man next to you anyway.
“The Red Sox and Yankees played in London a few years ago.”
“Wasn’t home.”
“Well Um. 9 innings, 3 strikes you’re out. Guy on the circle in the middle? That’s called a mound. His position is a pitcher- “
“Isn’t that what you guys pour juice out of?”
“Yeah we use the same word for a lot of things, don’t interrupt,” he smiled at you, “he’s a pitcher. He throws to the guy across him, the catcher. Catcher signals him what kind of ball to throw in between his legs. He does it based off the batter’s weakness. There’re 4 bases. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. When the batter hits it, he hopes no one in the outfield catches it or it gets out of park. If they catch it while it was in the air he’s out, if they catch it after it’s hit the ground he can run as fast as he can to whatever base is available. But like in order. Oh, also if someone in the outfield catches the ball, they’re gonna throw it to one of the basemen so they can tag the batter running. But if the batter touches the base before they’re tagged then they’re safe.”
He nodded along so you knew he was listening.
“Can I ask a question now?”
You nodded and sipped your drink.
“How do you know it’s a strike?”
“Oh, my bad. See the box on the screen? If it gets in there it’s a strike. Outside the box it’s a no ball but we usually just say ball.”
He nodded and gestured to your drink, “refill?”
“Oh no, I’m good. I need water” He ordered one for you and Joe gave you a knowing look and you just shook your head at him. You two were basically friends now. He’d gotten to know you over the past 4 years. You lived across the street for 5 but you came in 4 years ago. Joe came and gave you your water and you drank it slowly and watched the game. It was Yankees v. Red Sox. The Red Sox made a homer and you shook your head.
“Yankees fan?”
“Yep. We’re in New York. Kind of against the law to be anything else.”
He laughed and sipped his wine. He hadn’t drunken much, he gave you all his attention while you spoke. “My dad was a big Yankee fan. I’ve been one since the day I was born. My mom says she pushed me out and when the doctor put me in her arms the Yankees had won the game. We used to go to a game like every year when I was a kid.”
“Are they as fun as they seem?”
“Even better. During the commercials on tv, sometimes the outfield players play catch with the people on the side or they play a video of the players talking or play a game with the crowd”
“That’s pretty cool,” he put his hand in front of you, “I’m Harry by the way”. You looked at his hand and put yours in it and shook it.
“Y/n” you looked over at him. You finally took a good look at his face. He was gorgeous you couldn’t deny it. He had strong facial features. Short stubble and green eyes. They were bright. Different than your own dark eyes. He made eye contact with you for a few seconds before you turned back to the screen and drank your water.
“If you’re from England, are you here for business or pleasure?” It was New York, people came and went. Travelled. But in your small town about 30 minutes north from the city, no one really came through here unless they knew someone.
“I uh I’ve been here for about a year but I just moved to the area recently. Got a little tired of the city life, but didn’t want to be too far. I work as an editor at Simon & Schuster.”
“Wow. That’s a good job. Hell of a commute I assume?”
“About 1 hour every morning. It’s worth it. Sleep without the sound of horns or sirens”
He turned on his stool to face you and you faced him. Your knees were touching.
“So, what do you do?”
“Teach. I’m a teacher. 7th grade social studies. Actually, I taught the Boston Tea party today” you smirked at him and put one arm up on the bar and leaned against your hand and one hand on your knee. Some fingers accidentally touched his knee but your knees were touching. You couldn’t prevent it from happening
“Ahh” he moved a pointed finger at you. You laughed and so did he. He had dimples. Cute. “Such a petty thing if you ask me” he shrugged.
You laughed and shook your head.
“A lot of history is petty.”
“Do you like teaching?” He put himself in the same position as you, his fingers brushing yours too.
“I guess. I love my kids and filling their minds with knowledge but the standards and requirements are a pain in the ass”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard about that. Not too much freedom”
“Yeah. Like if I want to take them to a museum, I need to find a standard that validates that museum will teach them according to that standard”
“Wow. The museums here are basically free too right?”
He shakes his head and sips his drink.
“It’s been like an hour and you’re still drinking your wine”
“Well Ms. Judgey, it’s a good wine. I’m savoring it.”
“It is good. I’ve had it. And I’m not judgey. I was just saying it must be warm now.”
“Eh. It’s still chill. Thanks for caring though” he grinned at you.
You rolled your eyes and finished your water.
“When did you have it?”
“The wine”
“Oh, um four years ago”
“That’s precise”
“It was on an anniversary of something.”
“Wedding anniversary?” He laughed.
“Death anniversary actually.” His face stilled and he became pale.
“Shit I’m so sorry for laughing.”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know.”
“Shouldn’t have assumed.”
You saw him looking at you like he wanted to know who it was but would never dare to ask. You debated telling him. You turned back towards the screen, leaving his knees cold. He felt he had lost any chance he thought he had with you. He liked talking to you.
“Joe, jack and coke please”
He nodded and brought it to you. You chugged it down. Harry put his head in his hands. He had driven you to drink. Yikes.
“It was my husband. He died.”
He lifted his head from his hands and looked over at you. You were a widow. You looked so young. He felt bad you had to go through such pain.
“I’m sorry for your loss”
“Thanks. It was 5 years ago. I’m alright”
He nodded. Too scared to say the wrong thing.
“He was in the service. Died in Iraq.”
“Oh wow…” he was surprised you were opening up to him. Perhaps it was the liquid courage.
“Came with the territory, I guess. We were together for 10 years. Married for 5. Widowed for 5 now. If you’re trying to do the math we were high school sweethearts. Started at 15. Married at 20. He died at 25. Yes, I’m 30.” You drank your leftover water.
“Erm… Wow. Well you look good” he was nervous.
You laughed lightly and said thanks.
“Guess I scared you away now didn’t I?”
“No no! Not at all I just don’t want to fuck up and say the wrong thing.”
“Harry it’s been 5 years I’m good. I’m religious, I coped well”
“Oh okay.”
“Stop being nervous!” You laughed.
“I can’t help it!” He laughed lightly.
“I’ve got a big curveball for you,” you turned to face him and you put your hands on his shoulders as he faced you.
“I see what you did there. Curveball” he tilted his head toward the tv.
“Ooh yeah. I didn’t even notice. Well are you ready?”
“I think?”
“I have a son.”
It was what he thought. Didn’t know if he fully expected it though.
“Okay. Curveball caught? Strike? What’s the big deal?”
“Wait what? You’re not thrown off?” You were shocked. His face barely twitched or showed any surprised expression.  
“No?” He shrugged. “It’s a child. I guess I kind of expected maybe something after you said you were together for 10 years.” He finished his wine.
“Fair enough.”
“So, where is he? If you’re here”
“In-laws. They take him every other weekend. Or just from Friday till Saturday.”
“You get along with them?”
You shrugged. “I think they thought I wanted him to sign up for the force. I didn’t. Obviously. It’s a death sentence. I just wanted to support my boyfriend at the time,” He nodded as you spoke, “but they love Sam and are always there for him”
“Sam huh?”
“Samuel. He’s 7”
“Good age”
“Yeah. He’s a lil sarcastic but I blame myself. I could be that way so he’s only doing what he’s learned. But he’s really smart. He’s obsessed with rocks. Been that way since he could walk”
“That’s cute I won’t lie”
“Thanks” you laughed. You liked his company. He was easy to talk to. You had found it easy to open up. He didn’t seem creepy either. Like he just wanted to get in your pants.
“Well it’s been lovely boys, but I have a little boy I have to be up for in the morning. His grandma wants to have brunch”
You stood up and so did Harry.
“Wait let me walk you to your car.”
You lived across the street but he didn’t have to know that. Joe hid his smile when you said “okay”. Harry paid Joe for both of your tabs and walked out with you. It wasn’t too late, 6 pm. You walked to your car and his was coincidentally in front of yours.
“So um. It was nice meeting you. I enjoyed your company”
You fiddled with your keys and looked up at him.
“Yeah I did too.” you said.
“Would it be too forward if I asked for your number?” he was biting the inside of his cheek, you could tell.
Guys had hit on you before. But the wounds were too fresh and Sam was too young. He’s still young but he’s smart, and he knows some days you feel lonely. As much as you convinced him that he was the only man you needed he knew the truth. You liked his company and conversations. So, you said,
“I don’t think so,” you held your hand out for his phone and he placed it in your hand. You put your number in as “y/n 🥃🍷”. Ball was in his court now.
“Cute” you both laughed.
“I’ll text you” he said
“Mhm” yeah. Sure.
“Are you gonna get in your car?”
“Oh, it’s fine you don’t have to wait” please don’t make me get in my car. I live here.  
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t wait until you at least got in to your car?”
Okay you were a little impressed. Fair enough.
“Very true actually. Well bye, Harry”
“Nuh uh. It’s see you soon. I’m serious about texting you”
“Okay” you laughed and got in your car.
He got in his and you waited for him to pull out.
 Once he was past the traffic light you got out and went up to your apartment. You called Sam’s grandma the second you got in. He picked up with an ecstatic voice.
“Hi ma!”
“Hi baby, how are you? Everything okay?”
“Yeah! We’re bowling. I’ve gotten 2 strikes!”
“Oh wow. Look at you!”
“Grandpa says dad was good at bowling”
Your heart broke just a little. It bothered you a little when they spoke about him to Sam. You knew he was their son but they didn’t know how much Sam cried sometimes wishing he got to know his dad. You only spoke about him when Sam asked about him or mentioned him.
“Yeah he was actually. When we were younger, we went on a date and he won one round and I won the other. But we were too broke to buy another round so we left it a tie” you laughed at the memory. Just 15-year-old kids.
“You were broken?”
“No sorry hon, I mean we didn’t have enough money to pay for another round”
“Ohh okay.” You forgot sometimes Sam was only seven because he was so smart sometimes.
“Yeah. Well can you put your grandma on for me hon?”
“Yeah okay. I can stay over?”
“Yeah of course. As long as you want to and don’t feel forced to okay?” You knew sometimes he didn’t want to because of how much they spoke about his dad. On those weekends you faked he had a tummy ache.
“Yeah okay. Here’s grandma” he passed the phone to your in-law. You could never say ex. Your husband wasn’t an ex.
“Hello?” Her tone was already unwelcoming.
“Hey, just wanted to confirm we’re still on for 11?”
“Yeah. I haven’t cancelled.” Translation: did I tell you we weren’t going?
“Okay. Sounds great. See you there”
“Okay” she hung up.
“Yeah okay bye. Geez” you slammed your phone on the table and rubbed your temples. She was always so rude to you. When he died, she said it was your fault he left. She apologized for that but it was still something she said. You can’t take words back. You left your phone on the table and went to shower. You just wanted to take a warm shower, relax your muscles, wear some cozy pajamas, drink some tea, and watch friends until you fell asleep. Friends never did you wrong. So that’s what you did. You remember to set your alarm for tomorrow but you also remembered you left your phone on your kitchen table. With a groan because you found the position and you knew you wouldn’t find it again, you got up and got your phone. You saw you had a text from a random number. When you unlocked your phone, the message said
H: Hey, it’s Harry.
You felt bad for making him wait but whatever.
Y/n: hey
You got back into bed, not finding the position again and kept your phone next to you. Your phone lit up about a minute or two later.
H: what’s up? Did you get home safe?
Y/n: oh yeah. Thanks. You?
H: Yeah, I did thanks. So, what’s up?
Y/n: watching friends, you?
H: Same actually. Nick@nite?
Y/n: Yup 😂
H: I’m happy they play this. Especially since Netflix took friends off.
Y/n: Same. Friends is like my bedtime story now. I watch it every night
H: favorite character?
Y/n: I think it depends the season? Like I love Ross in season 9 and I love the rest. I couldn’t pick
H: I agree.
H: Would you want to FaceTime?
You thought about it. Did you want to?
H: We don’t have to if you don’t want to. (Sorry for the spam of messages btw)
You laughed at the last bit.
Y/n: we can FaceTime :)
“Harry would like FaceTime…” you slid your finger across the screen.
“Hey” he smiled into the camera.      
“You look cozy” he was wearing a brown robe thing w a hood from what you could see.
“Ooh I am,” he looked up at the tv, “why are birth control commercials so odd?”
They were playing a commercial for lo loestrin fe and the cartoon bought what was supposed to be lingerie and was showing her boyfriend you assume.
“I hated that pill. It was the worst one I’ve ever tried”
“Yeah it made me gain weight and tons of acne”
“It sucks that all that comes with just trying to prevent pregnancy”
“Yeah. You males have it so lucky”
“Well if they came out with a male one, I’d take it”
You laughed a little too loud.
“You think you’d be able to remember?”
“I’d just take it in the morning. Like a vitamin”
You noticed the way he pronounced vitamin. It was a little different. Cute different.
“I used to take mine at night, just before bed. It was easier that way for me”
He nodded at you and the show had come back. You think that maybe that whole conversation was TMI for your first FaceTime call. The episode The One in Barbados. You both laughed at Monica’s hair.
“Kind of didn’t like the whole Joey and Rachel plot line” He said while looking at the tv screen. It was like you guys were together in the same room and his company was nice on this lonely night.
“Yeah same. It was wack” he laughed at that.
“I think I love phoebe”
“Same, Regina Phalange”
“It’s actually princess consuela bananahammock.” He said with a straight face. You cracked up at his little joke and kept watching the tv.
 A few hours later and friends was over. You and Harry were basically playing 21 questions.
“any pets?” You asked.
“Nah, I work too long” you nodded.
“Favorite flower?”
“Sunflowers or tulips”
“Interesting choices”
“Thank you” you smiled. You were now in bed laying down against your pillow, “do you live in a house?”
“Yeah. Small but yeah”
“I used to, but a year after he died, I had to sell it. I like the small space better. It’s more homelike for just us 2”
He nodded and listened. “What time is lunch with your in law?”
You liked how he didn’t say ex in laws. It was a small thing but you noticed.
“Oh okay”
“Y/n, um. I’d like to take you out. On a proper date. But I know you’re probably really busy. So, um do you think you could let me know when you’re free? If you wanted to go out on a date with me that is”
“Yeah sure” you bit back your smile. You had never done this before. Well not after your husband. It would be your first date in 5 years. You just got a good feeling from Harry.
“Oh okay” he was a little shocked.
“If not this week, then the next. Maybe Friday”
“Yeah that’s good with me”
“Well uh, I’m gonna go to sleep Harry. It was nice meeting you today”
“Yeah it was for me too, meeting you. Goodnight. Sweet dreams”
“Yeah thank you. Goodnight” you smiled and hung up. You felt giddy and happy. You looked at your bedside table and it was a picture of you on your wedding day staring back at you. You knew he would want you to move on already. You smiled and contently fell asleep.
You woke up around 9:45 to give yourself enough time to get ready. It was nice being able to sleep in a bit. Sam was always up by 8. You remembered your conversation with Harry last night. You haven't had a conversation like that in years. You'd just recently decided that you'd be open for a relationship but you weren't on any dating apps or anything either. Going with the flow you guess. You got ready quickly and drove to the restaurant where you were meeting your boy and your in-laws. You stepped out your car and so did they. Sam looked around before running to you. You opened your arms for him and he hugged you tight.
"Ugh my baby I missed you so much last night!" you kissed his forehead.
"I missed you too ma," he kissed your cheek.
You picked him up and spun him around making you both giggle.
"y/n", your mother in law said.
"Lydia, how are you?" She held her purse in front of her as you put Sam down.
"I'm good, you?"
Your father in law approached you. He was quieter and more reserved. The loss of his son hit him hard. The two were close. He did watch out for you a bit more than Lydia. Lydia's priority was Sam, William's priorities were you and Sam.
"Hi William, how are you?"
He gave you a hug and you guys walked into the restaurant.
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Good, thank you."
You guys got settled into a booth and you already knew what you all wanted. This wasn’t the first time.
"Sam told me his science teacher is being hard on him," Lydia spoke without looking away from you. She was looking at your clothes and makeup. Seeing if it was up to her standards.
"Yes, he told me too. I already told him what to do."
"And what was that?" Here we go. Here's the thing. Lydia was your husband's mother. When he passed, she wanted to be her grandson's mother as well.
You held in a sigh before speaking. "I told him to work hard during school but if she specifically targets him repeatedly to let me know and I'll handle it."
She nodded and stayed quiet. Thank God.
"Mami, your phone vibrated," Also, your husband was Italian. You were Hispanic so you were trying to teach Sam some of his Hispanic side as his grandparents taught him mostly his Italian side. They more so taught him stuff about the culture and food, but none of the language. They swore they knew it but you've never heard them speak it.
"Thank you for letting me know mijo, but since we're all together I'll check it later." you kissed his head.
You and your husband had done a good job. He was a perfect mix from both of you. He had brown curly hair, like you. Hazel eyes like his dad. Dark eyelashes like you. A button nose like his dad that was covered in freckles like yours. Plump lips like the both of you. The food came and you all began eating.
"We wanted to talk to you about something." you felt Sam put his hand on your knee. Uh oh. He was preparing you for something he knew you may not like.
"Okay, what is it?"
William spoke up, "Well, winter break is coming up and we wanted to take Sam away for a week."
You almost choked on your food. A week? Them? With your son? Were they insane? Okay maybe you were being a little dramatic but what?!
"Um, where?" you tried to seem open about the idea.
"Blue mountain. We would go snow tubing and other things in the snow." Lydia said.
"For a week? Snow tubing for a week? That sounds more like a weekend thing to me." you ate your eggs.
"Well we would look in the town for other things to do obviously," Lydia snickered like you had sounded ridiculous. She better not start with an attitude you thought. She was asking you for a favor not the other way around. So instead of giving her a direct answer, you said "I'll think about it." You needed to talk to Sam if this was something he wanted to do or they wanted to do.
You guys had finished eating and you all eventually said goodbye. Sam wanted to come back home instead of staying Sunday. Sometimes he just wanted extra time with you.
You were driving home from unsuccessful shoe shopping when you heard Sam's little voice come from the backseat.
"Are you mad?"
"No, I'm not mad. Why would you say that?"
"Because grandma was kind of rude to you when you said it wasn't a week long thing." Every year he became more observant.
"Well I mean I didn't like that but I'm not mad. I don't let your grandmother ruin my mood."
"Do you wanna go?"
"I don’t know… I do but not for a week. That's too long away from you."
Your heart warmed a little and you nodded. "I'd feel that way too."
"Did dad like snow tubing?"
"I'm not sure bud, we never went"
"That doesn't mean you shouldn't go. I went when I was younger with my mom and sister, we made it a girl's trip. It was a lot of fun."
"Really? What if we went just us two?"
"Hm I don’t know bud; I think your grandparents might get sad. I think I can tell them it will only have to be for a weekend and then you and I could go another time. Just us two."
"Umm okay that sounds good. I agree."
"Good." you pulled in front of your building.
"What was dad's favorite season?"
"Fall. He hated the heat, but he hated being too cold. And he'd get the worst allergies in the spring and he had this weird pet peeve for sneezing. It was kind of funny seeing him get frustrated though. He would look like he wanted to rip his nose off." You held his hand as you walked inside. He giggled at what you said. When you both got inside to your apartment you both took off your shoes and sweaters. You had a picture of your husband on a small table by your entrance. Every time you walked in Sam would say "Hi dad!" to it. He asked if he could watch some Disney XD for a bit and you said it was fine. You were going to make some dinner. You checked your phone and saw Harry had texted you. You were a little shocked he kept up with talking to you.
H: Hey, good afternoon. I hope brunch went well :)
y/n: Hey it did, I guess.
H: You guess?
y/n: Eh they want something, felt like a setup?
H: Ah. I get what you mean. Sorry it happened.
y/n: It's alright. I got my boy back so I'm happy.
H: Good. I'd love to meet him someday to be honest. He sounds adorable.
You thought about his text. How would Sam react? He's always saying for you to get a friend but what would happen when you actually did? It made you nervous to think about. You felt your phone vibrate again.
H: Uh sorry if that was too forward.
y/n: No, its fine. It was sweet.
H: Okay good.
You jumped up slightly like you had been caught doing something bad.
"Who are you texting? You never text this much" he was grinning at you. He was happy?
"Um none ya beeswax"
"It is my beeswax when it's taking time away from you cooking my dinner," you gave him a warning look. Dang smart ass. Gets it from you. He mumbled a "Sorry" and sat up on the stool and leaned on your countertop.
"I made a friend that’s all okay?"
"A guy friend?" he smirked.
You turned to get a pot. "Mhm"
"What's his name?"
"I like that name."
"You would like any name if it meant I had a friend."
He giggled and nodded. "Does he know about me?"
"Of course he does. You think I could not talk about you?"
"Okay okay," he blushed slightly, "Is he nice?"
"Yeah he's pretty nice."
"Are you gonna go on a date?"
"Samuel! He's a friend!" you playfully yelled at him.
"Mom I'm not 5, I know you might want a little BOYfriend"
"Sam you are 7, and how do you even know what a boyfriend is." you were talking to him as you gathered all your ingredients.
"Grandma told me about boyfriends and girlfriends"
"Now what is she doing telling you about that?" you looked at him.
"Well we saw a couple at the bowling alley and they kissed and I said ew and she said it’s because they were boyfriend and girlfriend so she explained what that meant to me."
"Hm, okay." you trusted she gave him a good and appropriate definition.
"Do you have a picture of him?"
"We just met yesterday" you say as you open and close cabinets.
"Does he like baseball?"
"I actually had to explain the sport to him. He's not from here." you started cooking.
"Where's he from? Is he from where dad used to work?"
"No, way off. He's from a place called England."
"Where the Beatles are from!"
"Exactly," you smiled at him. He was a classic soul.
“That’s cool”
“Yeah his voice is different too”  
“I wanna meet him” he put his chin in his palm, “It’d be nice to be around another guy that isn’t grandpa.”
“He uh actually said he wants to meet you too but I think we should wait a bit. I think I should get to know him better before you meet him” You stir your pasta in the pot.
“Okay” he tapped your phone screen, “he texted you”
“Thanks, nosey” you took your phone and read his message. You had forgotten to respond.
Y/n: hey sorry was cooking dinner for the hungry boy and I
H: it’s alright. What’s on the menu?
Y/n: pasta. Penne ala vodka with some shrimp. Probably some garlic bread too. Lazy meal
H: lazy? sounds glorious.
You laughed as you texted.
“Oooh he’s making you laugh!” Sam giggled.
You covered your face and told him to go to his room to make sure he had done his homework. Tomorrow you were going to Chuck E Cheese so he wouldn’t have time to do it then.
Y/n: we’ll see how it tastes
H: do you like to cook?
Y/n: I do but I run out of things to cook so I get bored
H: yeah same. I like to experiment though.
You were feeling a little confident and flirtatious
Y/n: maybe you could show me sometime
H: yeah. That’d be fine with me 😊
You bit your lip unsure of what to say. It had been a while since you were back on the flirting scene. You felt your phone vibrate again.
H: are you vegetarian or anything? Gonna think of some ideas from now.
Y/n: I don’t follow any specific diet but I definitely don’t eat a lot of meat. More of a seafood person.
H: gotcha ;)
Y/n: ;)?
H: don’t like it?
Y/n: eh it’s alright 🤷🏻‍♀️
H: alright?
Y/n: mhmm
H: you’re teasing me, aren’t you?
Y/n: just a lil bit 🤏🏻
H: 😂😂
You finished up cooking dinner and called Sam. He came down quickly and mumbled a small yum.
Y/n: I’ll talk to you later. Gonna eat now.
H: okay 🥰
You served you and Sam plates and you both ate quietly as you watched some tv. You would say you were pretty lenient with Sam. He was very mature for his age and he respected you greatly. He barely gave you a hard time. You think he got that from his dad. His dad always wanted to please you any chance he got.
“Mami, can I sleep in your bed tonight?”
“How come, hon?”
“It’s comfier” you laughed at this because you would say the same thing to your parents when you were younger.
“Okay. But you know you can’t always sleep in Mami’s bed. You gotta sleep in your own some nights.”
“Yeah I know,” he smiled at you.
“Alright. Well can I trust you’ll bathe yourself good tonight? I don’t have to help you?”
“Yes ma, I’ll remember to wash myself good.”
“Okay, remember to get in between your toes and everything”
He nodded at you. You two finished your plates and you sent him off to shower. He kept the door open just in case he needed your help opening one of the bottles. You remembered the first bath you ever gave him. He was so much smaller compared to now and his dad kept complaining about how slippery he was. You were only 23 with a new job and new home but you were both so happy with your little boy. You cleaned up the kitchen and went up to bed where your little boy was already waiting. He had turned on the tv and was watching friends. You showered quickly before getting in bed with him. He cuddled up to your side and laid his head on your chest. You massaged your fingers into his damp curls until you heard him snore lightly. You fixed him onto your other pillow and fell asleep on yours.
The weekend had ended and you hadn’t heard from Harry. That was before you remembered you were the one who hadn’t answered. It was now Monday afternoon and you were picking up Sam from school. You worked at a middle school just a block away. Sam hopped into your car and told you about his day.
"Can I go to Justin's house tomorrow afterschool?"
"Is Justin's parents okay with this?"
"Yeah, we'll do our homework first too!"
"Alright, you better do it because when you get home I'm checking it all"
You guys walked into your apartment and Sam went up to shower. That was the routine after school. He showers while you make a snack, after that he comes down and eats while you shower, you grade papers while he does homework, and then if he's done you let him watch some Disney channel while you make dinner. This is exactly how your evening rolls out and you decide to text Harry.
y/n: hey sorry. Busy day yesterday. You wanted me to let you know when I was free and I'm free tomorrow after 3...
You stop typing, "Sam, until when are staying at Justin's?"
"Until like 6? He said his mom was gonna cook"
"Okay," you continue typing,
y/n: Hey sorry. Busy day yesterday. You wanted me to let you know when I was free and I'm free tomorrow after 3 until like 6. I know its late notice so no worries if you're not free too.
You finish cooking, eating, and cleaning and you still hadn't heard from Harry. He was probably mad at you now. You sighed aloud and thought well it was nice while it lasted. You went over Sam's homework with him and then made sure he brushed his teeth before bed. You tucked him in and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
"Goodnight my love," you pushed his hair back off his forehead.
"Goodnight mami, goodnight dad" he blows a kiss toward the picture of him and his dad on his bedside table.
You walked out his room leaving his door ajar and walked down to your room. You grab your book and climb into bed. It was the book from Jane the Virgin. You related to Jane in multiple ways. As you were becoming a part of the fictitious world of the character Josephine you felt your phone vibrate.
H: Banzai, 3:30pm, Be there or be square.
You smiled at his assertiveness. It was kind of cute.
H: If that's okay with you.
y/n: Yes, that's fine lol😂😂
He could never be too serious you thought.
H: watching friends?
y/n: actually reading.
H: what are you reading?
y/n: snow falling, it’s from a show and stuff.
H: look at the publishing company
You looked and sure enough it was Simon & Schuster. Wow.
y/n: Wow lol, I never noticed.
H: I've read it, it's pretty good. More of a girly book, I think.
Y/n: I can’t imagine you reading this tbh.
H: it was a hard manuscript to get through. Kept me on my toes.
You continued texting and before you knew it, it was 2 in the morning.
y/n: wow its 2am.
H: I know. Time flew. You're so easy to talk to.
y/n: I could say the same about you.
H: I'm excited for later
y/n: so am I, free food.
y/n: I'm joking!
H: sure you are.
y/n: I am, I'm excited too because I miss your company, its nice.
H: I don't have a company
y/n: Harry
H: okay okay, thank you. Get some rest, you've gotta be up early.
y/n: true, see you later! 😊
H: see you🥰
Part two is up now!
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
Meet Corey G. Lewis, The Dude Who’s Bringing Grunge Back
~By Jamie LaRose~
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Art by Ben House
With the new album sinking into our consciousness, 'Deathspiration' (2018) by The Misery Men invokes the necessity to dig a bit deeper into the creative processes behind its craft. I had the chance to follow-up with Corey G. Lewis, mastermind of the music, and take a glimpse at the band's evolution as portrayed by sound. Deathspiration was recorded and mixed by Steve Jones of Ancient Warlocks at Big Sound Productions in Seattle, and features Jones as drummer.
Deathspiration by The Misery Men
Deathspiration by The Misery Men
The intro track is reminiscent of reflections, leading into a blasting presence of a second track. This album seems to tell a diverse story, can you explain some of the inspiration behind Deathspiration?
Well the intro track is sort of an homage to Neil Young’s Dead Man soundtrack. I’m also really into Dylan Carlson and EARTH. Before I discovered Earth, I’d always described The Misery Men as, Western Doom Noir. That’s evolved into me describing it as Stone Drone. Nevertheless it’s reminiscent of the space between the notes, and the chaos that occurs. The song Sughrue is about C.W. Sughrue, a character from the book Last Good Kiss by the late great James Crumley, also an old friend. Sughrue is a Private Dick that goes off looking for missing woman. “Like a train” barreling down the highway, from Montana to Mexico.
Oh, most importantly, the inspiration behind Deathspiration is the evolution of me as a human. The cathartic shedding of skin. "Harnessing the Darkness" and riding the waves. Sometimes I feel we might be desperate to reach death, to know the truths, while we attempt to be inspired to live life, as we pass through all the adversity, and perspiring blood, sweat, and tears in these moments of our existence.
Deathspiration by The Misery Men
Do you have any secrets of sound to share? What types of techniques present The Misery Men persona?
My secret sound really is simplicity, and the ghost of Leo Fender haunting my amp. I run a 70’s Music Man 112 RP 65-watt amp with an EV bass speaker, through a 2x12 THD Cab, with a phaser pedal, and a Little Big Muff. A wall of fuzz, that is grizzly, meaty, and punchy. I don’t really try to be the tone guy, but I get more compliments about my tone than anything else.
Deathspiration by The Misery Men
"Night Creeps In" presents itself to me as the vertex of the Deathspiration story, it feels ritualistic and defining. Are there any rituals you perform while in the writing process?
This song in particular was written after a girl I was dating for only a week, told me she was going to kill herself. It was pretty heavy, and at the time she texted me, I was walking past Lone Fir Cemetery and wrote her, “sometimes the night creeps in, looking wretched weak and thin. Smiling with its meathook grin.” It was a very heavy experience. When I wrote this song about seven years ago, I was just really getting deep into Dax Riggs of Acid Bath. He’s definitely had a big impact on my music writing since moving to Portland.
Deathspiration by The Misery Men
Aside from the release of Deathspiration, are there any other exciting current happenings with The Misery Men?
We played at Dante’s not long ago with Chris Newman Deluxe Combo. Chris is quintessential to the Portland rock scene and to the whole Pacific Northwest in general. He is famous for his band Napalm Beach, who released their first album in 1981. Without Napalm Beach, The Wipers, and Dead Moon, well Seattle “Grunge” just wouldn’t sound the same. We might all still be playing Hair Metal!
Officially, Deathspiration has been out since last December, but this week it will launch on all digital platforms worldwide. This fall around September or October, expect a new two-part album to drop digitally, recorded by Witch Mountain and The Skull’s own Rob Wrong! It’ll feature 3-4 different local bass players and a couple local drummers, all guitars and vocals have been recorded, and bass/drums will be done by July/August. So far, we've got interest from bass players Billy Anderson (yes, the famous Sleep producer), Matt Howl (Mammoth Salmon), Wayne Boucher (Troll), and Jaden Mcginiss (Legendary Peavy owner, Doorman, Boudicca). All of this will be recorded in Rob’s basement, the same basement Elliott Smith practiced in.
I decided that my second album needed to be done sooner than later, after the 1st was seven years in the making. Deathspiration was recorded in Seattle with Ancient Warlocks drummer Steve Jones, I’m very happy with the way it turned out, it was analog with no filters, no frills, just my raw intensity. The second though I feel needs to be done here in Portland, it is after all according to Greg Sage, DoomTown. Unlike the first one, it’ll be all digital, but still raw and real, capturing my live performance sound. I’m also likely going to have a variety of drummers on the album playing different songs, perhaps even some legendary Portland drummers!
This week I begin practicing with a new drummer for two upcoming gigs. On Saturday, July 6th, we'll be playing with Chronoclops and Stereo Creeps from Seattle at Misdemeanor Meadows in Portland. It's a free show. Then on Friday, July 26th, The Misery Men will be rocking Gil's Speakeasy for a $5 show that includes The Sleer and Breath. I'm Working on gigs for August on through the Fall.
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Do you have any memories of childhood that are notably similar to your current state of mind? What type of things about your childhood self were spot-on about who you become? What was your favorite toy?
I knew I’d always wanted to be a Rock n’ Roller or an actor in films. Like pretty much as long as I could remember. I dressed up almost every Halloween as a Punk Rocker in the '80s. My first concert of grand scale was Poison and Warrant 1989, in Bozeman, Montana -- I was in 5th grade. That show changed my life. I also dug rocks in my grandparent’s backyard, but not for pleasure -- my grandfather took advantage of child labor! I’m a rocker through and through. I think I’ve followed my dreams pretty spot on.
Favorite toys were probably GI Joe’s, Star Wars, or my SEGA Genesis. I also built wood swords from fence posts and painted them with finger nail polish as a kid. Think I may have accidentally got high!
What was the moment when you could feel music has become a part of your life? How has writing music helped you, and those around you?
Well, ever since I could remember music was a part of my life. Listening to my mom’s old tapes and records as a kid really impacted me. I was always surrounded by music, my grandparents owned a Rock n’ Roll bar I’m the ‘60s, '70s, and '80s, called The Wrangler Bar in Livingston, MT. It’s featured in the film Rancho Deluxe about some wild young cattle rustlers, starring Jeff Bridges, and Sam Waterson. There’s a scene with Jimmy Buffett playing "Livingston Saturday Night" while Jeff and Sam play Pong. I’ve played that same machine as a kid! There was always a jukebox, I loved playing Jefferson Starship's "We Built This City," Joan Jett's "I Love Rock n’ Roll," Ozzy's "Bark at the Moon," Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" and "Hell Is For Children," and Billy Squire's "The Stroke"!
In 7th and 8th grades, I really was into The Doors, The Beatles, Hendrix, and I was in a English class for kids who couldn’t really focus on reading Lord Of The Rings. In this class our teacher would have us listen to our favorite music at home, then with the feelings we got, write our own poetry. I often listened to Hendrix, especially Axis: Bold As Love and Electric LadyLand, so there were plenty of references to fantasy in my early lyrics. This really helped me learn to become a lyricist, and take an interest in poetry. Most importantly, it gave me an outlet. Around the same time, I got heavy into Henry Rollins. When I saw the video for "Liar" with Hank all painted red, I thought, “I wanna be that guy!” I bought Get in The Van and it became my Bible. All the while I was into Nirvana, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden.
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Is there a way to describe when you feel most productive or most relaxed? How is your state of mind best explained while writing music?
I’m most productive when I feel inspired. Or when the Sun is out and I’m well rested. I like the Sun, except in extreme heat, then I wanna murder the Sun. I was born at night, so I’m a Moon child. I definitely get more inspired and productive writing at night. A few years ago when I was reworking an old song that turned out to be Harness The Darkness, I took a wee bit of LSD or mushrooms -- I’m more of a microdose kind of guy -- found myself going down some deep wormholes to connect a lot of dots that would go on to make up the six verses of the song, that I eventually dropped into four, because it was the most exhausting song to play! I’m a Beatnik kid. I got into the Beat style of writing early on. So, letting the stream of consciousness come flowing out seems to work well for me. I can keep a pretty decent rhyme or off rhyme too.
What is the most peculiar thing that anyone has ever said to you?
Hmmmm. Can you keep a secret? From experience, always tell them no, because sometimes people will lay some heavy shit on you, and maybe you didn’t want to be that person to carry their burden. I’m not a Priest, or a therapist, sometimes it’s fine to listen to friends, but there’s some things you can’t unhear or unsee!
Do you have a message for the universe?
I call it the "Megaverse," as coined by quantum physicist Leonard Susskind -- but my message is to be real, be compassionate, be loving, be forgiving, be understanding, be courageous, be ever evolving, and in the words of E.T.: “Beeeeee Gooooooddd.”
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The Great Misery Men Giveaway!
Don't miss your chance to add the gritty album Deathspiration to your library! Grab one of the Bandcamp codes below (first come, first served) and redeem it right here.
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irisbleufic · 6 years
i want advice on how to keep smut in character. after reading your dghda stuff and being blown away at how exactly like themselves they sound in your sex scenes, i mean more than in any other ones i've read, i peeked at one or two of your good omens ones and gotham because i know those fandoms and jeeeeeeeesus you do it everywhere? these are all really hard voices to nail and you nail them under the hardest circumstances of all every single time! i can't figure out what you're doing!
Hi, anon!  First of all, I’m pleased that you feel my renderings of these particular characters’ voices in these particular fandoms are a match with their voices in canon.  I started playing with written-dialogue mimicry when I was fairly young; a lot of my free-write journal entries for English class during junior high were my constructions of “missing scenes” from novels we were reading (Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper is the first one I messed with, and I remember getting some fairly astonished comments from my 7th grade English teacher; my first forays into fanfiction came only a few months later).
Now, writing character voices in intimate scenarios, especially when no such thing exists in canon, can definitely be tricky.  Even at this point, having been actively writing for over half my life, I still feel the strain from time to time.  I haven’t been asked this particular writing question before, so articulating my thought process might be less smooth than I like.
The first component, maybe not helpful, is that I hear most things without too much difficulty when I set up the parameters in my head.  Like, okay, here’s the broad-strokes arc of physical choreography and what they’re doing with and to each other, and…out of the blue, in keeping with the gestures I’m observing, here is what they sound like.  It’s like laying an audio track after I’ve thought my way through their actions, for lack of a better simile, although that isn’t entirely accurate.  When I say I hear things in my head dialogue-wise, it’s not that my mind’s reproducing sound. It’s reproducing syntax under highly specific circumstances, and how to represent that orthographically.
The second component, maybe more helpful, is that I think about circumstances in canon where the character’s vocal mannerisms/syntax are being influenced by some kind of emotional (usually high-stress) element that might, arguably, produce an effect similar to the kind of strain other, more pleasurable activities would.  I use this approach when I’m doing my first-pass editing.  It helps to check how my initially-estimated dialogue compares to visual clips or written scenes from canon where the characters are reacting vocally with high emotion, or running at the mouth because they’re stressed, or anything along those lines.  It’s probably very common for fan-writers to pay attention to situations where characters are in pain, because sometimes the line between a pain-reaction and a pleasure-reaction is an exceedingly fine one as far as how it sounds in the voice and looks on the face.  It varies wildly from character to character whether in visual or written media, of course, but these are just rough guidelines.  Some characters’ pain-reactions are useless, and you should tilt more toward ecstatic and/or shocked reactions.
If your characters are talkers during sex, think about how they react to frequent interruptions in normal conversations, but make it less controlled.  Anything their partner does to them that makes them really feel something is usually going to function like an interruption.  If you have experience with a similar encounter, think about how you and/or your partner react to that kind of thing, and then translate it into your speaker’s mindset.
Taking my character-preferences into account, there’s a factor in play here that might just be a specific proficiency I’ve developed, which is: I’m almost always writing characters who are neurodiverse and/or disabled (whether explicitly so or coded as such in canon).  This invariably affects everything from sensory perception to nonverbal reactions to what they say under the circumstances.  It affects what they do and how they do it (or refrain from doing it, or modify their plans in the moment), and it affects emotional arcs and progressions (or even preference for repetition) across multiple encounters.  In my estimation, the characters I work with are not easily shoved into romance-novel templates, or even into some of the stock templates circulating in fandom, when it comes to sexual encounters.
This is by no means an exhaustive list.  I’m sure that these are approaches that many, if not most, experienced writers will have thought to use.  I’m already aware that a lot of my autistic-hyperfocus-driven approaches to writing are not applicable or useful to everyone.  My brain does some things with words, specifically in mimicry/replication contexts, that I can’t even really break down for you.  Playing with imitation in writing is how I taught myself to be partway-passing some of the time in daily communication designed by a neurotypical world.  The way my mind works is inextricable from the way I write.
slowwetmechanism said: I’m really disappointed the asker didn’t say “you nail them while they’re getting nailed.”
…wow.  I just, thank you for that.  This is the kind of tone-lowering I’m here for!
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abybweisse · 6 years
Do you think that preteens and teenagers should really be reading Black Butler? I have seen posts saying how they shouldn't be, because of the themes that it deals with and they can't fully understand them a lot of the time. Not to mention how is IS rated TV-MA and the manga is 17+. But most fans continue to be younger, some as young as 11!
I think Yen Press just says “young adult”, and Hachette Book Group specifies 16. 16 is probably a good age to start at, considering the mature content of the series. The average person under that might really have trouble grasping some things or be too disturbed by them. However… many people older than that have the same issues, honestly.
And there are people under 16 who have the reading comprehension skills to understand it very well and the emotional wherewithal to handle the themes and gruesome details. I was already in my late thirties when I got into this series, but I was once one of those young people who read way above my age and didn’t really have a problem with content. Not any serious problems, anyway.
Not only did I pleasure-read “Brave New World” when I was 12 (in 7th grade), but I chose to use it for papers sometimes, even though I knew it would be required reading in 12th grade. 😆 By the time I *had* to write a thesis on it in my AP English class, I didn’t need to do anything but choose my topic within it, look up some pointers, and get my wording right. Got a 98/100 on that… and that’s from a teacher who only gives you 100/100 if your paper gets published somewhere. And she was not joking about that…. She made a copy of that paper for her own collection; I actually still have the original with the red ink marks.
Back in 7th grade I got so bored with my English class that I was kind of acting up, so they placed me in honors. My honors teacher probably wished they hadn’t… because when it came time to do one of our book reports, I wrote mine on “Being There”. It has a somewhat graphic description of a (clothing on) sex act between two men, and one of the men has severely limited mental capacity, so it wouldn’t be considered consensual — he didn’t understand what the other man was even trying to do. Anyway, she didn’t know beforehand what book I’d selected, and when I turned it in she probably didn’t look right away. When the papers were returned, mine hadn’t been graded. Instead, it had a note saying she wouldn’t grade it unless she got a signed note from my father saying it was okay. That woman figured there’s no way my *father* would let his precious 12/13yr old *daughter* read such “smut” if he knew about it. Little did she know…. Next day I returned with that signed letter. My father handed her her own damn ass for trying to limit what I’m allowed to read. He’d been a literature enthusiast and poet for most his life and a poetry critic for many years, and he’d also always hated the school system. Like… in general. Pffft. I… think I might still have that paper, too? Not sure.
Anyway, there’s a point to this; it isn’t just me bragging about myself. I promise.
Just because some group of people decided that you should be at least a certain age to read something doesn’t mean you actually have to be. The minimum age they come up with is a good guide… for the average reader. Of course, those groups are generally also worried about “young, impressionable minds being fouled by exposure” to _____ (fill in the blank). That’s probably why my 7th grade honors English teacher didn’t approve of my book choice. I, for one, think it should be on an individual basis whether someone actually follows that guide.
That said, I *do* (from time to time) come across readers in this fandom that maybe shouldn’t have picked up the series at the age they did… or even at all. Some can handle the mature content but have trouble fully understanding what they are reading, even if it’s in their native language. Others comprehend it just fine (or well enough) but are traumatized by the content. And there are those who simply don’t get it, eventually find it disturbing beyond measure, and typically end up leaving the fandom.
**So, it’s ultimately not really a matter of age but a matter of the individual’s reading comprehension and their ability to handle mature content.**
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