#i left her on read lmao cause i don't wanna deal with it rn
elliesbelle 1 year
i love exes drama/tea ugh what is she doing 馃槨馃槨馃槨you deserve fun peopleeee
long story short, my ex and i are in a situationship where we're basically dating and we're incredibly in love with each other but it's long-distance cause we live on different continents and also i have a gf (they both know about each other dw), and my ex is kind of just tired of only being in a situationship and she wants more and she was just being a little too much about it last night
we've been having a whole devastating convo about it today and it's been breaking my heart lol!
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chxna-cheeseycake 1 year
MCD Post-apocalyptic AU Idea
Hi I'm actually posting on here lol but anyways I'm bored rn and feel like ranting about an MCD AU idea I have cuz I don't have anybody to talk about MCD stuff with 馃挃 Be prepared for this post to be a bit lengthy as when I have an idea I wanna talk about, I'll just keep going on and on and nothing will stop me! So feel free to skip this if you don't like reading long stuff lol. Anywho, you can read my silly little thoughts about my silly little AU under the cut!
Anyways, my AU idea I had basically takes place in a modern day MCD (no not like Mystreet just strictly having the MCD characters in a modern day era). And this world is normal at first but one day an apocalypse pretty much happened as somehow several different types of portals opened, releasing all sorts of deadly creatures that reeked havoc on the population. This apocalypse was also pretty much started by both Shad and Irene but that can be a separate post for later as I put far too much detail into that lmao. However, Irene and Shad lie to their respective followers/supporters that they had nothing to do with this tragedy and put the blame on the other for it happening.
I chose Dante to be the main character of this AU because goddammit my boy deserves more love and if no one else will do it then I sure will. Anyways, Dante was 2 years old when the apocalypse happened so the poor kid just grew up in such a harsh environment. He never knew what it was like to not have to hide from vicious creatures and constantly scavenge for food. He also never knew his dad as his father, Donny (not canon name btw just something I personally use) died early on in the apocalypse in an attempt to save his family. Meaning that Maria was left to take care of 14 year old Gene and 2 year old Dante by herself during a disastrous apocalypse. But luckily... there was someone out there that was willing to take the poor woman in and help her out.
And this where I'll get into Shad and Irene's whole deal because I mean they're pretty important here. The Divine Warriors still exist in this world and are also still kind of treated like religious figures. However, I should make it clear that all of them are actually immortal gods instead of just technically being humans that hold a relic or whatever canon stated cuz I lowkey kinda forget some of the details of that. I should also make it clear that Irene and Aphmau are NOT the same person here. I decided to make Aphmau the demigod daughter of Irene cuz I thought that would work better with the AU. Aaron is also the demigod son of Shad because of their familial relationship in canon MCD. The Ro'Meaves are still descendants of Esmund but just like in canon their familial relation is more distant compared to Aaron and Aphmau's. And as for Travis and Enki... well they're related too but I can get more into that later.
Regardless, Shad and Irene seem to be the only Divine Warriors that are still around as the others have miraculously vanished for some reason. So most people nowadays only really acknowledge and worship Shad and Irene. Because of that when the apocalypse broke out, Shad and Irene formed their own respective factions that were compromised of their devoted followers. But these two would also go out of their way to save people that hadn't joined either faction and basically encourage said people to join them. The people would do this too as they felt as though they should be grateful that one of the Divine Warriors saved their life. Shad had pretty much done this with Maria so her and her boys became part of his faction and also started to worship him.
So Dante grew up in an environment where he was taught that Shad was a great man and would be the one to save everyone from this apocalypse. He was also taught that Irene and her faction were the enemy, that Irene was the sole cause of their world being destroyed. And Dante also viewed Shad as a father figure due to the fact that his bio dad died when he was too young to even remember him. Shad even comforted Dante after Maria unfortunately died when Dante was 9. Dante had always admired Shad and that admiration only grew after Shad made Gene his right hand man and one of the generals of Shad's army. Dante truly looked up to both his big brother and his father figure. He wanted to be just as great as them.
But then the main story begins and Dante's life does a complete turnaround. In the main story, Dante is now 12 while Gene is 24 and their life is just how it was before. Nothing strange. Nothing unusual. Gene would go about his duties as general, you know like go over battle strategies with the other generals such as Aaron. And when he had the time, he would check up on his little bro who was hanging out with the other child faction members. Dante would just stay in the designated area for the children until Gene was off duty and then the two brothers would eat dinner together, possibly do something fun too before they had to go to bed. This was their normal life.
However, Shad's lair gets attacked suddenly by Irene's army and everything starts going to shit. The civilians of the faction are panicking and screaming as they thoroughly believe that Irene has come to kill them all (she isn't but they don't know that due to Shad's influence). Gene goes into a panic too as he worries about Dante's safety. So he goes to find his little brother, completely ignoring Aaron's calls for him to come back. Gene makes it to the child area and thankfully finds Dante safe and sound. He then takes Dante and tries to rush and find a way out of the lair. For awhile they aren't seen by any of Irene's soldiers but it doesn't stay that way forever. As they round a corner, they hear the voices of two unknown men which definitely puts them on edge.
Gene tells Dante to stay where he is while Gene goes to investigate what's up ahead. Dante listens to his big bro, albeit hesitantly and watches as Gene slowly makes his way toward the voices. The voices belong to none other than Garroth and Laurance who quickly notice Gene's presence. The three get into a shouting match until weapons are pulled out and a scuffle occurs. This goes on for a bit until Laurance ends up landing a lethal attack on Gene, getting him right in the heart. Gene falls to the ground and Dante, who was watching the entire time, rushes to his brother's side not even caring that he would be caught by Irene's men. Garroth and Laurance are in shock as they weren't expecting this to happen.
With tears pouring down his face, Dante tries to save his big bro by pressing down on Gene's wound. He's desperate to do anything, something as he can't lose Gene too. Gene is the only family he has left after all. But Gene knows there's nothing to be done, he knows he's going to die soon. So with shaking hands, Gene takes off the skull necklace he always wore and hands it to Dante, telling his little bro that he loves him and to be strong for him. Gene takes his last breath, Dante sobs and Laurance feels nausea because he just killed a young boy's older brother right in front of him. Unsure of what to do next, Garroth and Laurance follow Irene's orders of taking any civilians with them so they could be "much safer" at Irene's lair. So they grab Dante who kicks and screams as he doesn't want to be separated from his brother. He especially doesn't want to go with the men that killed his brother.
But being only 12 years old, Dante couldn't really fight back against Garroth and Laurance so he was ultimately taken back to Irene's lair. At the lair, Dante was incredibly stubborn and refused to talk to anyone, didn't want to eat any food that was given to him, didn't want anything to do with the people that he was taught were the enemy. Aphmau would try to get through to him but Dante just ended up yelling at Aphmau that she and her people were monsters that took everything from him. Aphmau silently walks away with Dante's words echoing in her mind. Dante didn't want to be there anymore, he just wanted to be with his brother again. He wanted his old life back. So one day he does something no one expects, he runs away from Irene's lair. The kid has no idea where he's supposed to go now but he just keeps running until he knows that he's far away from Irene's domain.
He's in an alleyway when he hears a strange noise. He turns around and sees some type of creature. A deadly one with a raging hunger in its eyes, eyes that are looking right at Dante. The boy tries slowly walking backwards but ends up tripping and falling on the ground. The creature takes this as its opportunity to strike or it would have but its head gets instantly chopped off in what feels like a split second. Once the adrenaline wore off, Dante realized that there was a man that stood in front of him, holding a large ax and breathing heavily. The man turns around, looking at Dante before walking closer to the boy and outstretching a hand for him to take. Dante did so a little hesitantly, thanked the man and asked him who he was.
The man introduces himself as Zane and begins to scold/ask Dante why the hell he was out there by himself without any sort of adult by his side. Dante hesitates for a second, tears up a little and explains that his older brother had just been killed so he was now left without any family and had no idea where to go or what to do now. Zane softens a little after hearing that and proceeds to offer Dante to come with him to his hideout with his other friends so he can at least have a proper bed to sleep on for the night. Dante at first questions if he's part of Shad or Irene's faction but Zane scoffs at that and says that he and his group aren't part of either faction. They are their own group that gets referred to as The Outcasts by Shad and Irene. Dante finds it odd as he's never heard of The Outcasts before but ultimately decides to go with Zane as he does have no idea where to go now.
When Dante gets to the hideout of The Outcasts, he meets these other friends that Zane was talking about. These people being Janus, Ivy, Lillian, Michi, Travis and Vylad. Dante isn't sure what to think of them at first, he kind of finds some of them to be scary. But soon enough, Dante would learn through them that you can't always judge someone's personality by how they look. He also learns that what he was taught may not be as true as he originally thought. Because then he finally learns how exactly the world became what it is and has to accept the fact that he was possibly lied to his entire life.
Anyways, I think I will end it there for now because I have so much I could keep going on and on about but I don't want to make this too long, you know? But because I care this AU very much I'll most definitely talk about this in the future.
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lgbtvegas 2 years
ignore this pls. just need a place to get my feelings out.
mental health tw, suicide tw, suicidal thoughts tw, self harm thoughts and tendencies tw
its sad that i dont even know what to type. im just going fucking insane. i haven't felt this crazy since I tried to kill myself when I was fucking 15. like i feel like a fucking nutjob right now and it won't stop. i have no one to talk to, even if my "friends" say they are there for me, I know they tired of my bs. the last time I tried talking to my friend she fucking left me on read cause shes so tired of my bullshit. i'm so fucking tired of my bullshit. i can never get out of my goddamn head. and everyone thinks im fucking okay cause I act like the fucking class clown at work and make everyone laugh. when I want to just kill myself atp. i havent self harmed myself since I was 15 either but some people disagree on this fact. I have a problem with digging holes in my skin and my therapist definitely thinks its that or an anxiety tick. I only get one day off of work a week and my therapist was all booked up for that day two weeks ago so I havent seen her. cause its like my responsibility to actually make an appointment but like me trying to help myself??? lmao. nice one. basically all this shit was triggered by my fucking hypochondriac tendencies. i had a uti like 2 weeks ago and I don't think the antibiotics they put me on got rid of it completely so I went back and got another urine test done which of course, like I expected came up positive but it also said I had ketones in my urine which of course, having access to a cellphone with a data plan, i immediately googled what that meant. now im like 1000000% positive I have diabetes, even though the doctor said its unlikely. I made an appointment to get my blood drawn to find out for sure but as I previously said, I only get one fucking day off and now I have to sit and wait till next fucking Thursday to find out if I have it or not. I don't know how I'm gonna make it that long. Im already going so fucking crazy I don't know what to do. the doctors office said they won't take blood without an office visit first (money hungry much??) so I can't just go in and ask to get my blood done. And I can't go to the hospital because I don't even know what I'd say to go there and have my blood drawn. nothing really makes me smile anymore. what am I gonna do if i do have it??? what am i gonna do if i don't???? i need answers to my fucking questions and no one will give me any. im fucking nauseous, im shaking, i just wanna sleep 24/7 so i don't have to fucking deal with this anymore. Since i was off today, I slept the whole day. I would wake up for a couple minutes, realize that I did not fucking want to be awake and I went back to sleep. Eventually I was waking up every like 30 minutes cause I wasn't tired but idc, i wanted to be asleep. and now I have to go to work at 4AM and be the happy cheerful person I'm supposed to be so that everyone has a good day. Since I'm the boss, I can't be fucking sad or depressed. I'm so sick and tired of being crazy. Like im fucking exhausted from all this shit. Everything, everyday is becoming so much and I don't know how to handle it anymore. I'm on the highest dose of my antidepressants and an extra anxiety med, and Im like still like this???? why is my brain a piece of shit????? why am I a piece of shit??? like i derive all my happiness from other things and those things end and idk what to do. like BTS going on hiatus???? lol kms. Stray Kids are in America rn and I can't afford to go cause life??? I'm teaching myself a bunch of different languages and It's literally so pointless cause I have no friends and no one to talk to so like who am I speaking to in Korean??? myself. One part of my brain speaks Korean or whatever language and I respond in English. Our conversations are truly riveting. I would put the eyeroll emoji here but its only in my recently used on my phone and I'm posting this on my laptop and I'm too fucking lazy to go and find it. KinnPorsche ends in like a week and a day???? fuck bro. The only thing I have is Doctor Who. That show is my rock. Anyway this is just dumb.
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