#i legit got shaded in college when i used his music for a video in like freshman/sophomore year
lizardinkart · 5 months
You ever put together a freelance project and have to scour all the free royalty-free nonattribution music on like, YouTube and/or the wider interwebs? And then suddenly, you hear a song so familiar it must have come to you in a dream…
Babe wake up that’s not your girl: that’s fucking BenSound. RUN!!!
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
where the heaven are we? | j. jaehyun
plot: a trip back to jung jaehyun’s childhood home triggered his memory of you. a bottle of pills a friend gave years ago aided jaehyun in finding out what happened after he left - and if your fate was all his fault. 
word count: 8k
genre: romance (fluff, angst), time travel-ish! au
warnings: drug use/abuse, addiction, implied smut (not too detailed), messy af writing lol
not proofread so i apologize for any mistakes
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The house was cold and quiet. Surfaces were covered with a thin layer of dust as old memorabilias of Jaehyun’s parents remained as still as yesterday. After his father’s death, Jaehyun delayed selling the house as much as he could. But opportunities for money came and he found himself filling boxes. The movers were supposed to take all the boxes tomorrow. Jaehyun only has one room left to empty: his childhood bedroom.
Pictures of him and his college friends were plastered against the walls. The bed and pillows were rid of sheets as no one was using them anyway. Jaehyun decluttered before leaving home so there was not a lot of stuff to pack. A small shoe box sat inside the empty closet. The contents of the box triggered a wave of nostalgia all over him.
The box contained letters, photos, and small trinkets. It was as if someone put his college life into a small box. An orange, translucent cylinder caught Jaehyun’s eye. Beside the cylinder was a polaroid of you - smiling, full of life.
Jaehyun stared at his reflection. The image of the man he used to be was no longer found in the reflection staring back at him. Strands of grey found themselves in his hair. His youthful skin was starting to form wrinkles. There was a slight ache on the joints of his fingers. The sensation made him realized how old he actually is. He lived a long life. He went through the highs and the lows.
“Yes, son, I already recieved the email.” He spoke through the speaker of the phone.
“How was it, dad?” The young man asked.
“Good job, Jeno.” Jaehyun complimented. “I expect more of this work soon?”
“You got it.” Jeno replied.
“I’ll call you again tomorrow.”
“Okay. See you, dad.”
For a moment, he believed that he had done everything he needed to do in life. He had a loving wife and a smart son. The image of a perfect family hung above the staircase. That’s how life was for him; he was successful and adored. They say what matters most is what lies ahead. But Jaehyun couldn’t shrug off a memory of a girl from decades ago.
No portrait was big enough to overpower the small image of your smile. It reminded him of something that’s been unfixed for such a long time, he doesn’t know if there’s still a chance to resolve it.
Jaehyun felt weirdly tired. Perhaps it was the age talking but it was still weird since it was a Sunday and he did not have work. It was unusual for him to feel weary on a weekend. He yawned as he rest his body on the bed. His head spinned as if he was drunk. Before he could think of a thought, his eyes fluttered.
The scene was a regular day at university. Jaehyun crossed his eyebrows as he stared at his reflection in the campus restroom. His complexion was youthful - rose-colored flush spread across his cheeks. His hair was a soft shade of pink. The distant voice of Johnny Suh was heard behind a cubicle.
Where the fuck am I?
“Dude, I’m so fucking tired of taking care of your drunk asses at every party.” Johnny continued to complained. Jaehyun’s eyes widened at Johnny.
Johnny did not look like the Johnny he saw two days ago at the restuarant. The Johnny in front of him has black hair while the Johnny from two days ago had red.
“Do you even want to go to Taeyong’s party tonight?” Johnny asked. It took Jaehyun a few seconds to realize that he was being questioned. He muttered a small yes. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Didn’t sleep well last night.” Jaehyun made up the excuse. He has no idea why the hell is he reliving his college self. The thought both scared and intrigued him.
Jaehyun’s mind was still drifting as they walked across the building. His nerves tingled in his fingertips. It’s been years since he last walked the campus and yet it seemed like he was also here yesterday. His eyes lit up at the sight of his college friends, clumped up at a small bench near the field.
“I’m only going if Doyoung is going.” Johnny announced.
“I already told you, everyone is going.” Taeyong answered back.
“I better not be in charge of the fucking booze again.” Taeil complained.
“Haechan will forget half of the things I’ll tell him to buy.” Taeyong rebutted.
Jaehyun stayed quiet. It hasn’t sunk into him yet that he was indeed reliving the past. But why? Was it because of the box he discovered days ago?
This is so fucking weird.
It hasn’t occured to him yet why this is happening. He leaned back at the bench and stared at the clear sky. The chaotic chattering of his friends occupied his ears. He definitely felt young. The aging burden he’s been carrying lately was liften off his shoulders.
Jaehyun’s head started to be spin. He sat straight to stabilize the world around him. Running his hands across his hair, he attempted to speak to his chatting friends. None of them seemed to notice Jaehyun’s distress. It weirded him out that Sicheng was looking at him and talking as if Jaehyun was alright. Black dots appeared in his vision. He blinked rapidly as he glanced one more time among his friends who acted as if nothing was happening. He couldn’t explain the phenomenon. It was like he’s about to faint. Only a sound of static was heard as he closed his eyes - in an attempt to stop the world from turning.
After a few seconds, Jaehyun’s heard started to feel normal. Although, a different type of sound could be heard by his ears. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at his feet. He was standing now. The color of the room was a mix of purple and red. Loud music bounced through the four walls of the room, accompanied by the shouting of people. He was at a party.
Jaehyun looked all around him. He recognized the place immediately. This was Taeyong’s house. Jaehyun felt drunk. It wasn’t the nauseating type of drunk. He felt good; he felt as if he was invincible. He only felt this way while he’s drinking with his friends. He only felt this way when he was with someone he couldn’t put a name into. Jaehyun approached Yuta who was on the couch, rolling a blunt.
“It’s weird to see Jung Jaehyun without a girl under his arm on a party.” Yuta commented. The thick smoke of the blunt covered his smirking face.
“I’m just as confused as you.” He replied.
“Have you seen the freshmen?” Yuta asked. “Boy, Johnny did not lie when he said they were hot.”
“I haven’t yet.” Jaehyun took a sip of his beer. “It’s hard to determine who’s a freshie and who’s not.”
“Taeyong made the freshmen wear a yellow bracelet.”
“So we know who to fuck with and who to not.”
Soon enough, Yuta became occupied with a girl who sat beside him. Before standing up to go somewhere, Yuta handed a small cylindrical container to Jaehyun. “Ten said to give this to you. He said to only take it when necessary.”
The orange, cylinder. The one he saw inside the shoe box in his bedroom. He straightened his back with his heart pounding loudly in his chest. He still wasn’t sure why the hell he’s in this timeline of his life. He was hoping he could know the answers tonight.
“Oops.” A small body collided with his strong one. The impact shook Jaehyun out of his reverie. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Jaehyun replied. “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?”
The girl look at his eyes. Jaehyun felt a heat rush to his ears and cheeks. He was thankful that the lights were dim or else the girl would have noticed his red ears.
“I don’t think so.” The girl replied. “I’m a trasnferee.”
“Really? From where?”
“I took my first year in Yonsei.”
“That’s quiet far from here.” Jaehyun added. “Oh, by the way, I’m Jaehyun.”
“I’m Y/N.” The girl replied, shaking his hand.
A minute ago, Jaehyun had no idea why all of a sudden, he was reliving his college life. Now, he knows why.
A ringing in his head made Jaehyun press his palms against his temples. He shook his head. It was happening again. A nauseating feeling erupted in Jaehyun’s stomach. With a fleeting second, the earth beneath him felt normal. He was almost scared to open his eyes. He was scared of what lies before him. With a gulp, he opened them.
“Come on, Y/N, back me up!” Johnny yelled at the graphic video game in front of him.
“Ugh! There’s so many orcs on my way!” You screamed back.
“Johnny, you’re supposed to heal us too.” Jaehyun complained. Why the hell did he know what to say and what to do in a video game he hasn’t played in decades? “Not just you!”
“Attack, attack, attack!” Johnny commanded.
A series of keyboard clicking erupted through the living room of Johnny’s house.
“Yes!” You all exclaimed as “victory” presented on the screen of your laptops.
“Damn, I’m beat.” You announced, leaning back on the couch.
“I wish we could stay this way forever.” Jaehyun spoke. “Just carefree nerds battling orcs.”
“Who said we’re nerds?” Johnny faked an offending face.
“Yeah, we’re just some college kids who decided to reward their hardwork with these childish games.” You replied.
“I’m proud of you and Johnny for winning the national debate.” Jaehyun said with a huge grin on his face.
“I’m glad I met you guys.” You said wholeheartedly. The men beside you sent gagging sounds over your cheesy sentiment. You playfully punched their arms as you prepared yourselves for another night of video games.
Jaehyun wasn’t supposed to take it but he needed to see you again. It has been a week since he rediscovered the pills Ten gave him. He didn’t know if this could affect his health. He didn’t even know if Ten is still alive. He didn’t know if the pills were legit, if they were expired, or if it was some bad drugs that Ten disguised as magic pills. All he knew was there has always been a hole in his soul. All because of you. For the past years of his life, he wondered what would have happened if things didn’t turn out the way they did.
Memories of you suddenly flooded his mind. The image of your soft hair hitting his face as you frolic through the field together. The warmth of your arms as you hug him out of the blue. Most importantly, he remembered your loyalty. It all came back to him now.
He really shouldn’t have done it but he could only do so much now that one of Ten’s pills was already sitting in his stomach.
His head felt light. The world around him seemed to double as he tried to shake out of it. His fingers felt rigid but his legs were wobbly. Swaying left and right, Jaehyun could hardly make it back to his room. He expected to collapse on to the cold tiles of his bathroom floor but a soft mattress welcomed him instead.
Pill #1
This time, the scenario was happening inside one of the campus libraries.
Wow. So Ten’s pills really do work.
Jaehyun felt selfish. He felt bad that he was running away from his current life to see you again. What else was he supposed to do? He was given the opportunity to fix an unsolved bridge in his past. He’s not letting this time slide.
“I hate this subject so much.” You complained. The table that you and Jaehyun shared was trashed with different variations of papers and pens.
“Come on, what is it about?” Jaehyun asked.
“Something about quarks and photons.” You groaned and rest your head on your palms.
“It’s not that bad. Look,” Jaehyun said. He took a scratch paper and a pen. “It says here that photons aren’t considered as a matter because they don’t have mass. Quarks, however, have mass.”
“Therefore, photons aren’t made up of quarks.” You concluded.
“See? It’s not that bad.” Jaehyun teased.
You glared at his smug face. He chuckled and looked at his phone. There was a message from Jungwoo.
Jungwoo Kim [4:45 pm]: wow lover boy’s on the move
Jaehyun [4:46 pm]: Wtf?
Jungwoo Kim [4:48 pm]: I know about your little crush on Y/N
Jungwoo Kim [4:48 pm]: DO NOT WORRY. ur secret is safe with me ;)
He shook his head at his friend. Jaehyun leaned back at his chair. His eyes remained on your slouching figure. Your brows furrowed as you tried to slow an equation. Your hair swayed in the wind caused by the large fan on the ceiling. Jaehyun hated what happened between the two of you. He was worried, however, about how far each pill could take him. He only had 4 remaining pills left. It boggled his mind how the pills could determine how far in the past it could take Jaehyun.
“You hungry?” Jaehyun asked all of the sudden.
You were taken aback. But it would be a lie to say that you didn’t find Jaehyun attractive. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure that how beautiful he is.
“Yeah.” You replied. “Getting quiet tired of all these studying.”
You fixed all your scattered belongings on the table. The sun was still out despite the time being late into the afternoon.
“It’s a Friday.” You announced. “Don’t you have any plans you should be preparing for right now?”
“The guys are taking it easy this weekend.” Jaehyun answered. “There’s a lot of exams coming up.”
“Wow, for such party people, you sure are responsible.”
“Hey, it’s not easy being a business management major.” Jaehyun’s response made you laugh. “What made you take up physics?”
“I like the universe.” You replied. “More than that, I like how there’s still so much left to be answered. What causes things to function they way they do? What happens inside a black hole? Can you get out? When will the universe reach its unevitable end and what happens after that?”
Jaehyun watched you as you rant on and on about why you chose to study that. He saw the gleam in your eyes as the skies washed your face with its golden light.
“I hope I can live long enough to know the answers.”
The last few words of your sentence bounced back and forth. The golden skies whirled and Jaehyun waited for it to happen again. As if bracing for impact, he held his head between his hands and closed his eyes.
“A little birdie told me that you have a little crush on someone.” You were wearing a yellow sun dress.
The meadow behind you was filled with flowers matching the color of your dress. The skirt of it flowed through the wind as you held your head to keep your hat from flying.
“What? What crush?” Jaehyun stuttered.
“Come on, Jaehyun, who’s the lucky girl?” You looked at him with doe eyes.
“I’ll tell you once I ask her out.” Jaehyun replied.
“Ugh,” You groaned. “How about this: I tell you who my crush is and you tell me mine.”
“Deal.” Jaehyun wanted to slap himself for agreeing.
“I have a crush on Johnny.” You confessed.
Jaehyun felt a pang in his chest. You like Johnny. Of course, you would. Johnny is a sweet and smooth guy. He tried his best to hide his frown.
“Oh.” Jaehyun muttered. “Well, I like Mina.”
You smiled sweetly at him, clearly impressed with yourself that you got him to confess. You turned your back from him as you frolic in the field. Jaehyun could only watch your swaying figrue as you drift farther and farther away.
Jaehyun woke up in cold sweat. The shine was starting to shine through the windows. He groaned as he sat up in the bed. He glanced over the bedside table. There stood two photo frames - one of him and his wife and one of his son. The death of his wife was followed shortly by the death of his father. Jaehyun loved Adelaine. She was a woman of psychology - respected and adored by many. He lifts the frame and looked at their young and smiling faces. Jaehyun was happy. He lived a happy life, with a loving wife and a smart son. His smile soon fell as he remembered his dream last night.
“Tought night?” Kun slipped a cup of coffee on Jaehyun’s desk.
“Nah.” Jaehyun replied, getting the cup. “Just watched some movies until it was 3:00 pm.”
“Is this what living alone does to a man?”
“Shut it, Kun.” Jaehyun growled.
‘I’m just kidding.” Kun laughed. “Hey, you ready to meet the physicists this afternoon?”
Jaehyun could only swallow bitterly.
Your hopes and dreams lingered in Jaehyun’s mind. For the longest time, he believed that you, among many of his friends, were one of the reasons behind the darkest days of his life. He believed that the reason the universe made him rediscover the shoe box was to remind him of why he should think that way. Aside from your hopes, your laugh echoed through Jaehyun’s brain. All of a sudden, he felt guilty for having to experience the joys of life. He figured that if he became happy, you should be too.
Many reunions came along and he never found you in any of them. He would ask your mutual friends where you were - if you were still alive. They all answered the same thing: “I don’t know.” It was as if you never existed. A part of him wanted to believe that you were gone; probably to alleviate the guilt and pain. Besides, there’s no reason for you to ditch all reunions and disappear from the face of the earth. A bigger part of him believed that you just moved on with your life - whether still with vices and or without. He wanted to know what happened. He wished he gave his younger self a chance to turn and see you one last time.
He was definitely swallowing another pill tonight.
Pill #2
The pain felt fresh. In real time, it would have been 30 years since Jaehyun’s parents dropped the news about their divorce. Right now, the pain in Jaehyun’s chest was stinging. In real time, he would have forgotten the words his mother threw at his father. But right now, it still rings in his ears as if he just heard it an hour ago.
“I wish I could do something, bud.” Ten spoke silently beside him.
Jaehyun could only smile. The divorce was something Jaehyun carried with him throughout his whole life. He was afraid of failing at marriage, he was afraid of hurting his children.
“It’s okay, Ten.” Jaehyun replied.
“You know what,” Ten went to one of his drawers and pulled out a small, clear bag. “I’m not sure if you’re gonna agree, but I can assure you this takes away the pain.”
Jaehyun could only stare as Ten emptied a bag into the table. He took his school ID card to form the powder into a thin line. After rolling a piece of paper, he used it to connect the powder to his nostril. The scenario enticed Jaehyun. With the pain he was feeling right now, he wanted to feel something. Before he knows it, he was laying on his back with a burn in his left nostril.
Jaehyun’s mind felt hazy. It was as if he was seeing stars and flying amongst them. He no longer felt the ache of his parents’s divorce, he no longer remembers their arguing. It was as if the universe fell into place. He saw stars, he saw constellations, he saw galaxies. And most importantly, he saw you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A dazed Ten spoke beside him.
“Y/N.” Jaehyun replied.
He saw you beside him, under him, in front of him. He saw you laughing, smiling, frowning.
A female’s laughter entered the scene. Jaehyun’s vision blurred as the world began warping in front of him. Ten’s body was slowly disappearing from Jaehyun’s vision as he saw a wide, white light. The burn from the light caused Jaehyun to shut his eyes close. When everything felt stable again, he slowly opened them.
This was another scene. He remembers this time like the back of his hand. How he hated every memory of it for it was the start of your ruin. He looked over you as blood left his face.
You threw your head back, forcing the white powder to hit deeper in your system. You looked over a dazed but still beautiful Jaehyun. You laid down beside him.
“Did I do it right this time?” You asked him.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun answered.
You were only looking up at the beaten and growning ceiling. However, little specks of glitter appeared everywhere. The glimmer of the specks shined as they doubled in size and in quantity.
“Can you see that?” You inquired.
“What?” Jaehyun looked over at your amused side profile.
“The stars. I can see them.”
Jaehyun looked up once more at the ceiling. The brightest star was already shining beside him.
“I see it.” Jaehyun answered, still basking in your beauty.
Soon enough, you felt as if your body was floating. You felt as if you could touch the stars. You raised one hand up to touch one of the specks but it vanished at your touch.
“Where the heaven are we?” You spoke.
Jaehyun’s chest began to tighten. In the center of your made up universe emerged a black hole. Jaehyun leaned forward and let it take him.
“I don’t know.” You responded gingerly.
“Come on, Y/N.” Jaehyun insisted. “This would be last one for the week.”
It’s only Wednesday and yet you already wasted Jaehyun’s one week supply of drugs. Johnny shook his head besides him.
“Jae, maybe you should take a break for now.” Johnny suggested.
“But I need an extra boost to finish that history essay!” Jaehyun reasoned out.
His sentiment made you remember why you got an A+ on your essay about quantum mechanics. You remembered the feeling and suddenly, you were craving for it.
“This is the last one for the week, okay?” You said, igniting joy in Jaehyun.
Johnny looked over his friends. In a few years, he would beat himself for doing nothing. Right now, all he did was walk away.
Darkness was slowly introducing themselves in Jaehyun’s vision. It was a signal for another time wrap. Although his nerves went array, he still prayed that it would take him back to a time where you’re sober. The world stabilized itself but the image in front of Jaehyun punched him in the chest.
A bottle of vodka in one hand and a syringe in one. Your once plush cheeks was starting to hollow. The red tint of the lipstick your wore was struggling to hide the blue. You look miserable, but you felt happy. You looked over at Jaehyun - the beautiful man that is Jung Jaehyun.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Your voice was coarse and deep, but it still had the sweetness to it.
Jaehyun looked over your features again. He felt miserable but all he did was smile.
“I like you a lot.” Jaehyun confessed. He does. He adored everything about you. In 30 years, Jaehyun could only remember so much yet he remembers everything about you.
“I like you too.” Your response made Jaehyun rise from his seat. The feeling of your lips against his was something he yearned for decades. And he felt it now.
Sparks exploded between you and Jaehyun.
“What took you so long to do that?” You asked.
“Never had the chance.” He replied.
All he did was blink. All Jaehyun did was sigh and blink. All of a sudden, the scenario changed before him.
“I want more! I fucking want more!” You exclaimed.
The bags under your eyes were darker than it was just seconds ago. Your hair was also shorter, falling just below your collar bones.
“Why are you just standing there? I fucking want more!” You screamed, thrashing around in a chair.
“I can’t give you more until you finish your essay.” Jaehyun warned.
“Fuck that essay!”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened. Just months ago, you were so passionate about physics. You could do an essay or answer an equation in a snap. Now, you couldn’t do anything.
Your mouth felt dry and your throat was coarse. There was a insatiable thirst that water can’t seem to fix. You held your head with your palm as you stare into your lap. This wasn’t you. Just seconds ago, you felt infinite. Now, you just felt empty. You needed more but the rational part of your brain screamed no. You wanted to feel something, to feel alive. That’s why the next thing Jaehyun knew, you were kissing him with all your might.
The force of your lips againts his gave Jaehyun the signal to lead you to the bedroom. It was beyond Jaehyun’s morals to fuck you while you’re high but he couldn’t find any other way to silence you. The soft mattress was soon adorned with scattered clothing and two lovers. Each sensation of Jaehyun inside you drove you to a frenzy, it gave you a feeling of bliss that you never felt before. You loved the stars, you love the galaxies. Tonight, you didn’t have to be an astronaut to see the universe unfold before you.
“I want to live with you forever.” You whispered against Jaehyun’s lips.
Jaehyun clinked his glass with Johnny. The dark whiskey swirled inside the glass as Jaehyun started at his aged reflection.
“Hey, Jae?” Johnny called out to him.
“Do you still remember Y/N?”
Johnny’s question made Jaehyun’s heartbeat race. The memories of his time exploration last night was enough to answer Johnny’s question. But Jaehyun refused to tell Johnny all about it. The older man would probably just conclude it as an “aging hallucination.”
“Yeah, I do. Why?”
“I still wonder what happened to her.” Johnny answered. “It was as if she vanished from everyone’s memory.”
“Me too.”
“Did you regret it?”
“What?” Jaehyun looked at Johnny, confused.
“Did you regret getting her into drugs?” Johnny said. There was a hint of sterness in his tone.
“What kind of question is that, John?” Jaehyun retorted.
“I’m just wondering.” Johnny took a sip of his whiskey before continuing. “If she hadn’t started drugs, who knows where she would be right now.”
“Are you blaming me?” Fury was starting to ignite within Jaehyun.
“I’m not?” Johnny asked. “But based on your reaction, I have a feeling you do regret what you did to her.”
Perhaps Johnny was right. The reason why Jaehyun still chooses to reminisce his days with you was because he blamed himself for what happened to you. But that’s not something he will admit, not even to his best friend.
Pill #3
This time it was different. Instead of Jaehyun living as the past Jaehyun, he couldn’t do anything but watch as his old self seat in front of the university dean - as if he was a bystander in his old life. He tried to catch the attention of the old Jaehyun, but it was as if he wasn’t even there.
“Do you know that this could get you kick out from the university?” The dean spoke with anger laced in his voice. “When did you even start?”
“5 months ago.” Jaehyun replied with a small voice.
“Look, I’m only giving you another chance because your father is a benefactor of this university.” The dean leaned in, emphasizing every word he said. “If I caught you slipping one more time, it’s over for your stay in the university.”
All Jaehyun did was watch the dean with furious eyes. He wanted to scream but he knew that he wouldn’t get anything good out of it. The dean’s warning went through one ear and out the other. He huffed before leaving the office. Anger rushed through every vein in his body.
Outside the office, you fiddled with your thumbs. The Johnny was beside you who busied himself by kicking rocks off the pavement. Your licked your extremely chapped lips. No amount of lip balm could smooth them away. It was starting to worry you; the whole fiasco of your life falling apart worried you. You wanted to quit, but you didn’t want to leave Jaehyun alone.
“How did it go?” You asked once you saw Jaehyun come out from the office.
“They’re giving me one last chance.” He replied. He took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb on the back of it. “It’s gonna be fine.”
“Dude, this is getting worse.” Johnny said quietly. He was geniunely concerned for the welfare of his two friends.
“Johnny, if you have nothing else better to do than blame me,” Jaehyun cocked his head in bubbling anger. “Then just fucking go away.”
Johnny clenched his jaw at Jaehyun. He knew better than fighting with Jaehyun since it could lead to more trouble. He trudged his feet away from the two of you.
“He was only trying trying to help.” You said, carefully.
“So, you’re on his fucking side now?” It was you he was cocking his head at.
“No,” You defended. “Of course not. Look, let’s just go home.”
The walk back to his dorm was quiet. It wasn’t filled with deep talks and laughter as it used to. It was filled with anxiety and trembling fingers. The cold air of Jaehyun’s room greeted your frail body.
“Jaehyun,” You called out to him. “I don’t wanna do this anymore.”
“What?” he turned around to face you. “What do you mean? You don’t want to see me again?”
“No! I do want to see you again.” You replied. “It’s- We have to quit, Jaehyun.”
Tears were forming in your eyes as you whispered the last sentence. You fear that he wouldn’t understand. You wanted so bad to say that it was his pain that caused this.
“We’re hurting people, Jae.” You whispered. “We’re about to hurt ourselves.”
“You don’t understand, Y/N.” Jaehyun said. “You don’t understand anything.”
“Jaehyun, trust me, I’m trying to understand you.” Your voice was starting to shake. “But, this is ruining us.”
“No, we’re not quitting.” Jaehyun said firmly. “This isn’t ruining who we are. You said you felt happy. Did you lie?”
The response he got was your first sob. This was the first time you sobbed in front of Jaehyun. You were vigorously shaking your head, trying to get him on the same page as you.  
“I’m failing my classes, Jaehyun.” You held back a sob. “I’m losing who I am. I don’t know who the fuck I am anymore.”
“You’re still the Y/N I love.”
“You did this to me!” You exclaimed, your voice accompanied with your cries. “You did this to me, Jaehyun. I can’t do this anymore.”
“And now what? You’re gonna leave me?” Jaehyun’s eyes was starting to water themselves. “Okay. Go on. Leave me.”
“Why do you keep on doing this to me?” You were running out of energy to fight.
“Everytime I try to help you out of this, you just turn the game against me.”
“Why the hell is everyone portraying me as the bad guy here?” Jaehyun’s tone turned louder. “It’s not my fault my parents fucking divorced and it made me fucking messed up!”
“Jaehyun-” He cut you off.
“You will never understand anything, Y/N.”
“Why do you act as if you’re the only one with all the problems here?” You tried to match the angry tone of Jaehyun, even though it was scratching your throat. “Do you even remember that you were the one who get me into drugs?”
“It’s not my fucking fault you were too much of a coward to resist, Y/N.”
His sentence broke you. All of the patience and the temper you held for him - in understandin him - vanished in a snap. Tears were falling like thunderstorms on your cheeks. Slamming the door behind you, you walked far away from Jaehyun’s dorm.
Watching from a safe distance, the present Jaehyun remembered this scene all too well. The betrayal he felt in his heart. He wanted so bad to run and get in between you and the old him. He wanted so bad to tell you that he was willing to quit.
With present Jaehyun watching you from a far, he saw that you bumped into Johnny near the campus.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Johnny held your wrists. “What the fuck happened?”
All you did was cry on his chest. Johnny tightened his grip around you as he let the front of his shirt be soaked with your angry tears. Jaehyun watched - his admiration for his best friend only blossomed. Somehow, he wished that it was Johnny you fell in love with.
“Will things ever be okay for us?” You whispered.
“It will.” Johnny answered. “I promise you, it will.”
He was willing to do lose his happiness for you. All he could do, however, was wish it was what the old him was thinking.
Pill #4
Just like the last time, Jaehyun could only watch. He could only watch as you tossed and turn in your bed, sobbing your eyes from the pain. Jaehyun wished you were crying because of him, but he’s entirely certain you weren’t.
You wish you listened to Johnny. The amount of times he held you and Jaehyun from returning to drugs. You felt magical, that was your argument. All your life, you wanted to feel something.
You laid in your bed, it was the only thing you could do for now. Your spine felt like it could snap into two whenever you attemp to sit or stand up. There was a crawling feeling behind your face and you wanted so bad to peel your face and scratch it off.
“Make it stop, oh my god, make it stop!”
All you could do was cry. Your whole body was in pain, it was burning, aching, pounding all the same time. Your tongue swirled around your mouth to find something moist. You pressed your fingertips on your cheeks again as the crawling sensation was getting worse. You were restless but all you wanted was to sleep. The pounding in your head worsened each breath you take.
All you did was cry. And all Jaehyun could do was watch in pain. You screamed and screamed, hoping someone outside your door would hear you. Two girls came bursting through your room door as they scurried to call 911.
“Oh my god, Y/N, what happened?” A girl who Jaehyun remembered as Nayeon asked you in panic.
“Kill me! Oh god, kill me!” You pleaded, your voice scratching.
A boy came and carried your heaving body outside the door.
This was a scene Jaehyun never saw. It was as if the pills was nothing more than just a punishment for abandoning you. He cursed at himself for ever thinking that he could save you.
There was a stabbing pain through Jaehyun’s chest. The area where his forearm meets his wrist had a piercing sensation. The world was closing in on Jaehyun’s body. And he let it.
Jaehyun knew what happens next. 30 years ago, he was admitted to the hospital for overdosing on drugs. He knew that you were staying on the floor beneath his. Yet, he did nothing. He didn’t check up on you, he didn’t contact your parents to find out if you were even alive or responding. Jaehyun had many regrets in his life, but he could never find one regret that he resents more than that one.
“Hey,” Jaehyun slowly entered Johnny’s office.
“Hey.” Johnny responded. The argument from last night was still lingering between the two man.
“Look, Johnny, I’m sorry.” Jaehyun started. “It’s just that what happened during that time in college was really hard to me.”
“I know, Jaehyun.” Johnny said. “I’m sorry I even brough Y/N up.”
“I appreciate your concern for me, John.” Jaehyun reassured. “It’s not your fault I couldn’t own up to my mistakes.”
“I just miss her, you know?” Johnny stared at the whiskey in front of him. “I wish she was here celebrating accomplishments with us.”
“I miss her too, buddy.” Jaehyun whispered. “It hurts not knowing where she is or if she’s even alive right now.”
“I remember going to arcades and flower field with her.”
Jaehyun could only nod and smile at his best friend. What happened back in college was something sensitive even between close friends. Jaehyun only stayed friends with a few people from college.
“I feel like we need let the memory of Y/N go.” Jaehyun spoke again, breaking into a sincere smile. “I don’t know if we’ll ever see her again but all I could do right now is pray that she’s happy and well.”
“You really think we can’t see her again?” Johnny’s demeanor showed remorse.
“I don’t think she’ll want to see me again, anyway.” He replied.
Pill #5
The eerie sound of a machine beeping filled Jaehyun’s ears. The first thing he saw as he opened his eyes was the horizontal lines of light in the ceiling. He squinted before looking around the room. A doctor clad in a white coat was besides the hospital bed.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Jung?” The doctor asked, shifting his eyes from Jaehyun and back to his clipboard.
“Uhm, I’m thirsty.” Jaehyun spoke. “And a bit groggy.”
“I’ll run a few test first before I could speak on your condition.” The doctor said. “For now, I’ll have someone come up with water. Please rest now.”
Jaehyun nodded. He laid his head back into the pillow, squinting his eyes from the light. Before the doctor could leave, he turned around and said, “This is your last chance, Mr. Jung.”
Jaehyun remained stagnant over the doctor’s sentence. Last chance at living? He knew that. He knew that he overdose and if he did it again, it would cost him his life. The doctor’s last words remained in his mind. He wasn’t sure if he remembers that happening years ago.
“Hey, buddy.” Johnny entered the room slowly.
“Hey.” Jaehyun’s eye lit up at the sight of his friend.
“How are you?” The look on Johnny’s face wasn’t something Jaehyun expected. A blurred red rim around his eyeballs and his eyelids looked swollen.
“Have you been crying?”
“Of course I am! I just received a message that you overdosed! What the hell was I supposed to do?”
“I’m sorry for lashing out the last time.”
“It’s alright.” Johnny said. “I’d rather have you mad at me than you dead.”
“You’re the best, Johnny.” Jaehyun chuckled.
“Y/N is just under this floor.” Johnny said out of the blue. “Do you want to visit her?”
“No.” The answer was automatic - as if Jaehyun didn’t have to think before muttering an answer.
“I’m guessing things didn’t end well between the two of you?”
“It’s for the best.” Jaehyun revealed.
“Why the hell do you not want to visit her downstairs?”
I saw her suffer.
“I don’t know.” Jaehyun sighed. “I promise I’ll talk to her once I’m out of here.”
Jaehyun felt his eyelids became heavy. He laid back as the world spinned around him one last time.
Jaehyun was walking. A second ago, he remembered falling asleep in the hospital bed. The next thing he knew, he was with father, walking towards the exit of the hospital. As he walk through the hallways, he passed by the room you were assigned to. A doctor pushed her way into the door of the room. The gap made by her action gave Jaehyun a small glimpse of what was inside. Tubes and machines were attached your face. The brief glimpse failed to give Jaehyun a look if you were awake.
He turned away. Y/N wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me.
Each step he took reminded him of something you said.
“I like the universe.” Step.
“I like you too.” Step.
“I want to live with you forever.” Step.
“Make it stop!” Step.
“Where the heaven are we?” Step.
Jaehyun glanced back at the hospital gate. His breathing deep but steady. The cold, winter breeze pushed back against his rigid body as he stared into the clear doors of the hospital. It was a battle; his legs telling him to run through the gates but his mind didn’t cooperate. A rational part of his brain told him to go back but he did the opposite, pivoting towards the parking lot where his dad was headed.
Jaehyun’s heart tightened, his eyes threatening to let the tears go. Finally, he realized why the hell he was reliving the past. All his life he wanted to know what happened to you. Now, here he is - outside the same hospital he last heard you were in. He was a few steps away from the answers. A summer image of you with the brightest smile flashed before him. He wanted to go back. His vision was starting to go black. With rapid breaths, he turned around. The black dots where getting larger but he fough through it. He blinked and swing his head, hoping it could stop the world was falling in front of him.
As he was about to push the gates open, the world turned dark.
Jaehyun couldn’t believe it. He had one shot of finding out and yet he screwed it up. He let out a painful groan on his pillow. He scurried back to the bathroom and messily searched for the orange cylinder.
The chances were out.
“Fuck!” He gripped the roots of his hair in frustration.
Jaehyun leaned on the sink and took deep breathes. The pain was dormant for the longest time now, and then suddenly it erupted like hot lava. It burned all corners of his heart - even corners that belonged to Adelaine.
Jaehyun could only weep, as the aching hole in his heart stinged worse than before.
The river reflected the tall buildings of the city. A pink hue was starting to paint all over the wide skies. There is a great big world out there. He sighed as he reminisced his life. The laughter, the tears, the heartbreak - every single bit of what happened molded Jaehyun into the man that he is now. A man that new more than solving problems with bigger problems. It wasn’t easy cutting strings with stuff that made you feel limitless. But this is the real life - you are finite. No amount of liquor or grams of drugs could ever change that. There are definitely areas in Jaehyun’s life that he wished he could change. However, that would mean he never grew as a person. If Jaehyun could bring back one last thing before he returns to dust, it would be a chance to see you again. The age old question of where you are now was still unanswered. Some hoped you were alive, some decided to close that chapter of their lives completely. Jaehyun hovered the pen over the blank piece of paper.
Dear Y/N,
How are you? I hope life made you well. This is Jung Jaehyun. Do you remember the time you told me about why you decided to study physics? I hope you’re on your quest towards the answers to your questions. I am more than happy that the magnetic force of the earth helped me meet you. It’s not gonna be long until one of our bodies combust into nothing but stardust. And until then, I am eager to meet you again.
You met me at a happy point in my life. I was a promising student with a clear record. You were there during my peak and you were there when I collapsed. You know what? I don’t think I was happy I ever met you. If I didn’t know you, you wouldn’t have collapsed with me. Who knows where you would be if the addiction never happened. When you asked me if things were ever going to be okay for the both of us, I wish I never said yes. I wish I never promised you that things will get better because I am living in constant guilt that it only happened to me. Where are you now, Y/N?
I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to die before I turn 30. I joked about how I don’t have to worry about wrinkles because I really didn’t think I was gonna live beyond 25. But, the moment you told me you wanted to live with me forever - it made me think twice. You said you wanted to live with me forever - I don’t care if we’re lovers or friends - then, where are you now, Y/N?
Johnny, Taeyong, and Jungwoo misses you a lot. Why didn’t you come to the reunions? Did I hurt you that much? You should have come for them anyway. Johnny and Jungwoo still lives in the city. If you’d like, you can always visit them.
For all the things I’ve done, Y/N, I am so sorry. If I could turn back time once more, I would have done anything. In our next life, can you promise me that you’ll find me and tell me it’s alright? There’s still so much questions I cannot answer. My heart will always yearn for you.
What the hell happened to you? Where the heaven are you, Y/N?
Love, Jaehyun.
 a/n: was this too messy??? anyway, feedback is always appreciated.  if there are any plotholes or mistakes, pls let me know. i wrote this at the crack of dawn so. i hurt my wrist writing this fucking story lol i hope u liked it
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volleydorkscentral · 5 years
First of all: 
Tumblr media
Second, questions under the cut: 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? - Spotify! all the way. i hoarse my bf’s account so he can never listen but i don’t care it’s mine now it’s full of my music and my playlists and whenever i’m listening to it and it suddenly changes cause he tries to use it on his phone I call him, “are you using spotify?” “oh. i mean i can listen to something else?” “cool, thanks!” and i get my music back. :D
is your room messy or clean? - it’s somewhere in between. my actual ROOM (bed room, i assume) is pretty clean, except i never make the bed. but the house is .. a work in progress. it’s not dirty but it’s cluttered so my bf and I are having to work together to clear that and build shelves and stuff for more storage space.
what color are your eyes? - dark brown! (with little green flecks when I cry)
do you like your name? why? - Not really? i don’t hate it. My mom wanted to name me Savannah but they had her sign the certificate while she was still drugged from her c-section so it ended up as Crystal?? Idk. She named her dolls Crystal when she was a kid.
what is your relationship status? - dating for almost six years. 
how many times a week do you shower? uhhh idk. I don’t shower every day (unless i get gross). AT LEAST four times… but I don’t wash my hair every time cause that’s bad for my hair. I SHOWER WHEN I AM DIRTY.
favorite tv show? does Haikyuu!! count? that’s probably a given. HM. Well, we don’t have cable so I don’t watch a lot of NEW shows? …. OH. Duh. Fuckin me I’m a dumbass. Bob’s Burgers. I literally have it on ALL THE TIME. I don’t like silence so it’s ALWAYS on in the background if i’m not listening to music. I’ve seen every episode a zillion times. I can usually pinpoint every scene and the major lines/jokes.
shoe size? most brands it’s 5 1/2 
how tall are you? SHORTER THAN NISHINOYA BUT TALLER THAN YACHI. I’m like… 5ft-5’1 depending on how much my back hurts. (i used that earlier and someone said it was funny and i’m trash so i’ll repeat it here!)
sandals or sneakers? i wear Bobs LOL. (knock off toms) and i’ve got one pair of sneakers and sometimes I wear my ballet flats around even though my bf says they look dumb fuck u they’re comfy.
do you go to the gym? No. I used to, but where I live now it’d be like a 45 min drive. I don’t really LIKE gyms though? working out is boring to me. No matter how hard I try. I’d love to start dancing again for real.
describe your dream date - April 25th because it’s not too cold and not too hot. Okay but jk that’s a lie where I live it’s balls hot in april. Idk. I’d like to go hiking when it’s not very hot? Take my dog, let her run around. Take a picnic. Sit in a grassy field and talk about dumb shit cause we know each other’s dreams and hopes by now.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? UHM. fuck like…. $27? i know there’s a twenty and a handful of ones. And a handful of change.
what color socks are you wearing? - NONE. MY FEET ARE COLD. FOREVER COLD.
how many pillows do you sleep with? - pft like 6.
do you have a job? what do you do? - No; I quit after being over worked, under appreciated, cheated out of my paychecks a few times, and no job still due to lingering health issues.
how many friends do you have? answered this already!
whats the worst thing you have ever done? - UHM. Idk i haven’t murdered anyone. I don’t like this question cause if i really try to answer it i’ll spiral into a frustrated, furious depression and self-hatred so… NOPE.
whats your favorite candle scent? i’ve got this candle i got from etsy that’s like… Scottish Highlands? It’s grassy and kinda MAGICY.
3 favorite boy names - i don’t really have favorite names?
3 favorite girl names - answered already
favorite actor? god idk. i’m so bad with names and celebrities. uhm. I really like don’t have a favorite. I LIKE a bunch. Benedict Cumberbatch; Freddie Highmore… uhm. uh. Hugh Laurie? 
favorite actress? IDK OKAY?? I LIKE a bunch but i don’t favorite?? I really like Gwendoline Christie. Uhm. Anne Hathaway makes me laugh. MAGGIE SMITH. how could i forget!??!
who is your celebrity crush? I LEGIT don’t have one.
favorite movie? CLUE takes the top spot most days.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read a lot more. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
money or brains?  personality, bitch.
do you have a nickname? what is it? not *really* but people online used to call me Chrys. My bf calls me ‘sweetie’ sometimes but he also calls the dog that so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many times have you been to the hospital? - uhm. like the er? Once when I broke my arm. Doc in the box? Not since 2017.
top 10 favorite songs - PFT. Uhm. Jesus just let me die a little. Excluding all Disney; Not in any order:
No One - Biometrix
Danser - Lisandro Cuxi
A Single Moment of Sincerity (E) - Asking Alexandria (the band I was listening to when I designed my rockstar MC that I love so much)
The Annabel Trilogy (a series of 3 albums) - Alesana. Can’t pick a single song because they’re all a part of a huge story. Listen to them.
Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise - Dance Gavin Dance
Anticoagulant - Sianvar
Ohioisonfire - Of Mice & Men
Coincidance - Handsome Dancer (Watch the Video for the love of god. THANKS ASH FOR THIS GEM)
Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars
Still Here - Digital Daggers (i’ve been listening it to a lot for inspiration for a new AU so… yup. That’s gonna be fun and painful)
do you take any medications daily? - yup
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) - i got dry ass skin it sucks
what is your biggest fear? - uhm… physical fear? idk. Heights is a big one that I developed? I used to not care but a while ago I was walking on a bridge and I just… looked over and got FUCKING DIZZZY with nausea and fear that I was gonna fall and almost fainted. 
how many kids do you want? - HONESTLY… one or two.
whats your go to hair style? - tried to brush but gave up so just threw it in a claw clip
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) - moderate? one story, four bedrooms. big ass yard though for the dog
who is your role model? - I don’t really have one.
what was the last compliment you received? - answered already
what was the last text you sent? - actual TEXT message? ‘as long as there’s someone with her overnight she’ll be okay during the day cause of the dog door and stuff. just play with her before you go to work and maybe hide some treats around the house for her to hunt for’ - texting my friend that’s gonna house sit while we go on a family vacation soon.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? - UH idk the age? i know I saw my mom writing scavenger cards though. My fam has never had a lot of money so to make Christmas more interesting my mom/grandparents (we lived with them till I was in 3rd grade) would make these elaborate scavenger hunts for me and my cousins to do to find our presents around the house or out in the barn or, on one memorable occasion, at the bottom of our pool! Good memories. 
what is your dream car? - one that RUNS and has badass AC and speakers
opinion on smoking? - hate it. please don’t do it around me. my bf’s family alllllll smoke all the time and i get so sick when i have to go on vacation with them and be around it for a long time. 
do you go to college? - i DID. I went to Culinary school and majored in Baking & Pastry
what is your dream job? - Author or Dog Trainer
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? - rural as all hell. give me trees, cows, and horses. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Not usually? but usually the people i’m with do. 
do you have freckles? Not on my face (except one) but i’ve got more like… on my arms and just randomly all over but i dont think ‘freckles’ would be what anyone thinks of when they think of me
do you smile for pictures? - only if i’m forced to be in them
how many pictures do you have on your phone?  - HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well. Before I got my new phone it was over 10k. Now though its only about 2k. 
have you ever peed in the woods? - Only when I was camping. 
do you still watch cartoons? - ALL THE GODDAMN TIME
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? - neither. but i HATE WENDYS and can tolerate McD’s fries and they’ve got ballin’ sweet tea so I guess McD.
Favorite dipping sauce? this honey dijon creamy thing at my favorite French restaurant but idk what is is.
what do you wear to bed? - t-shirt 
have you ever won a spelling bee? - YUP. 2nd grade.  
what are your hobbies? - writing, crocheting, photography, reading, uh… i forget what else
can you draw? when i was doing it all the time i did ok? but i’m WAY TOO IMPATIENT now a days to do it. 
do you play an instrument? - no but i wish i did :(
what was the last concert you saw? - i’ve never been to a concert. crowds are icky
tea or coffee? - tea!
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? - already answered this
do you want to get married? - Yes pls
what is your crush’s first and last initial? - (bf, but I suppose i still have a crush on him? is love considered a crush?) J. Y. 
are you going to change your last name when you get married? god yes. my current last name is my shitbag of a sperm doner and i hate it. my mom kept it after they divorced only cause she thought her maiden name would be too hard for me to spell but i would give anything to have that name instead
what color looks best on you? - idk. i prefer black but i’ve been told green and certain shades of pink/yellow. 
do you miss anyone right now? - not until i thought about it, thanks
do you sleep with your door open or closed? open so my pupper can go in and out
do you believe in ghosts? not until i’m faced with darkness and creepy things 
what is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing their food loud. people not picking up after themselves. people interrupting me (but not in the excited, OMG way. that we can work though) but in the ‘i don’t care what you’re saying i’m going to talk now’ way
last person you called` - my bf to discuss plans for his brother’s bday
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies n’ cream!
regular oreos or golden oreos? DOUBLE STUFF OF EITHER
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? FUCK SPRINKLES
what shirt are you wearing? a shirt that has my dog’s face on it :D
what is your phone background? - the art that Ash drew of Bokuto from my fic Just a Taste!!
are you outgoing or shy? - i hate talking to strangers but with my friends i’m pretty fucking loud and chatty
do you like it when people play with your hair? only people i know
do you like your neighbors? nope. he’s an asshole who neglected his dog and i wanna skin him alive
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i do my best to remember to do it at night but i always do it when i shower
have you ever been high? yup. 
have you ever been drunk? yup
last thing you ate? BIRTHDAY CAKE
favorite lyrics right now - idk? i guess the first lyrics that came to mind, even though they’re not my favorite, just ones that i like and were stuck in my head for a while: “All of the handsome fiction / will melt away / and when the flame burns brighter / Evaporate” Evaporate - Dance Gavin Dance
day or night? both have their merits
dark, milk, or white chocolate? - all chocolate but i prefer white to just EAT. 
favorite month? uhm. uhh. November maybe? for NaNoWriMo. 
what is your zodiac sign - pftt.. i think i used to be a Gemini? i don’t believe in all that stuff 
who was the last person you cried in front of? - ….. my dog? but probably my mom and Grandmother when my GM basically said my bf didn’t love me and was a shit human being and i was a shit granddaughter for loving him. i was both upset and furious and i walked away from them. (my mom called and apologized, but i haven’t spoken to my GM since)
THERE ASH ARE YOU GODDAMN HAPPY. that took so long LOL (I hope the formatting came through I had to redo it on this tumblr page UGH)
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