razaanspace · 2 years
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razaanspace · 5 years
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Our lives are just like the sand flowing from an hourglass.. except that there is no starting over! قُل لَّكُم مِّيعَادُ يَوْمٍ لَّا تَسْتَأْخِرُونَ عَنْهُ سَاعَةً وَلَا تَسْتَقْدِمُونَ   [Say : "The appointment to you is for a Day, which you cannot put back for an hour (or a moment) nor put forward] Quran [34:30]
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razaanspace · 5 years
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Here is it again Sunnah vs Bidaa
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razaanspace · 6 years
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🌟Boost their imagination and enrich their Arabic vocabulary by asking them to replace "the ball" and "the box" with different objects and make an infinity of fun questions/answers.
1⃣الْكُرَةُ بِجَانِبِ الصُّنْدُوقِ 1⃣The ball is "next to" the box 2⃣الْكُرَةُ فِي الصُّنْدُوقِ 2⃣The ball is "in" the box 3⃣الْكُرَةُ عَـلَى الصُّنْدُوقِ 3⃣The ball is "on" the box 4⃣الْكُرَةُ بَيْنَ الصُّنْدُوقَيْنِ 4⃣The ball is "between" the (two) boxes 5⃣الْكُرَةُ أَمَامَ الصُّنْدُوقِ 5⃣The ball is "in front of" the box 6⃣الْكُرَةُ حَوْلَ الصُّنْدُوقِ 6⃣The balls are "around" the box 7⃣الْكُرَةُ خَـلْـفَ الصُّنْدُوقِ 7⃣The ball is "behind" the box 8⃣الْكُرَةُ تَـحْـتَ الصُّنْدُوقِ 8⃣The ball is "under" the box
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razaanspace · 6 years
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🎨 Coloring by Arabic letters!
🌟 Help your child practice both: letter  ب recognition (in its different forms) & color naming skills with this fun FREE coloring page
Red =  ب Isolated form Yellow = بــ  beginning form Blue = ــبـ  middle form Green ــب ending form
📸 Send us a photo of your child's work to [email protected]
📑More pages soon insh'Allah
Download Printable PDF: 📥https://ia601501.us.archive.org/20/items/ColoringByArabicLetters/Coloring%20by%20Arabic%20letters.pdf
#Homeschooling #Resources
Razaan's benefits https://t.me/Razaan_Space
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razaanspace · 6 years
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🌟❓Arabic Quiz❓🌟
💯FREE online Madinah Book (1) Lesson 1 & 2 Quiz
🔄 Take it and share it with your friends!
More Quizzes soon Insh'Allah on @Razaan_Space
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razaanspace · 6 years
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🛡Duroos fi Sirah🛡 (Lessons in the Biography of the messenger of Allah  ﷺ)🔗A new unique-in-its-type series by Razaan, AND it's for both SISTERS & BROTHERS! 🔴 What is Duroos fi Sirah? 🔵 Duroos fi Sirah is a reading comprehension based on passages of the Biography of the messenger of Allah ﷺ.
🔴 What is the source of the reading passages? 🔵 This reading comprehension is based on the book "Garden of lights" written by Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri, which is a summary of his book "Sealed Nectar".
🔴 What Arabic language topics does the questions cover? 🔵 The questions of "Duroos fi  Sirah" reading comprehension series, are carefully made to not only test your understanding of the passage but also to help you understand it. It also includes grammar questions and essay, covering and enhancing the main skills needed to master the Arabic language.
🔴 How much of the book "Garden of lights" does this series covers? 🔵 Duroos fi Sirah aims to cover the COMPLETE BOOK, from the beginning to the end, in-sha'Allah.
➡️🔴 What makes this series  "unique-in-its-type"? 🔵 Combining learning Arabic with learning the biography of the Prophet ﷺ -in Arabic!- in one study project, this series smoothly fits in your busy schedule, to boost your knowledge in two of the most important topics simultaneously.
🔴 How can I get the worksheet documents of Duroos fi Sirah? 🔵 You can download first "episode" (answer keys included) from the link below, the next episodes will be available for download at an affordable price.
🔴 Can I get more free episodes? 🔵 Yes, you definitely can! here's how:
🌟Buy 3 worksheets and get the next 1 for free! 🌟Participate in the essay and summary competitions and win the next worksheet for free!
📑 Download Duroos fi Sirah (1) for FREE! (answer key included) 📥https://ia801504.us.archive.org/7/items/Razaanspace_dfs1/Lessons%20in%20the%20Sirah1%20.pdf 📥
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razaanspace · 7 years
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🔆 •❊•How to learn vocabulary •❊• 🔆
🔸Building vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language, the more vocabulary you have the more you can •understand• what you hear and read, and the more you can •express• yourself.
🌟 The Arabic language is the most rich in vocabulary, you might find that:
📔 ▪️ A concept/idea/meaning can be expressed in a hundred ways! (without​ exaggeration).
📔 ▪️ A same word can bear two total opposite meanings!
📔 ▪️ It can even contain dozens of various unrelated (at first glance) meanings!
🔅How then can we find ourselves into this huge amount of words and meanings? ➻ It just needs a plan
🔐 【 Fix your goal 】
🔸A medicine student in an Arabic university will not need the same vocabulary a law student would need.
🔸And a person who aims to understand Quran Sunnah and the speech of the scholars would go for a list of vocabulary different from that needed by someone who wants to learn everyday Arabic.
📔 ▪️ So decide what you want to learn Arabic for before picking up the vocabulary to learn.
🔸❢ I assume most of you want to learn Arabic as a worship and a way to better understand Islam, for that you need to focus on •vocabulary that is often found in Quran and sunnah and used by the scholars.•
🔐 【 Set up priorities 】
🍯 Do you really need to memorize the 50 arabic words that exist out there to say "honey" while you don't know even a single arabic word for "bee"?
🔸❢ Certainly not.. so learn what you will need •now• and need the •most•.
🔅○The most needed vocabulary is that you hear/read •often• and that you are likely •to want to use• to express yourself.
📝 There are a few techniques to memorize vocabulary, but in general you'll need a list of words with •✏️•The word •✏️•Its definition/meaning(s) •✏️•Its opposite (if found) •✏️•An example •✏️•Any special notes (i.,g: context in which it's generally used/words that go with it..)
📒 It would be even better if you could make a vocabulary notebook in which you refer to related words with colors (red for antonyms, blue for synonyms, green for related words) and with page number if possible.
🔸 If you do that I'm sure you'll end up with a nice number of colorful pages..
🔅 But do you really know as many words as those you filled your journal with?
🔸Chances are that the vocabulary you wrote is of two types, •active• and •inactive•.
🔕 Inactive vocabulary is the group of words you understand when you hear/read, but you •can't recall• them when you need, your mind just can't find them. They are one way words you can "take" but you can't "give".
🔔 Active vocabulary is the (probably much smaller) group of words you can understand when you come across and you can •use whenever• you need, you can "take" and "give" them easily, they are •"your real vocabulary"•.
🔅How is that?
🔸It's very logical, if you like to drink coffee but are not fond of tea, you are likely to remember where the coffee is in your kitchen, because you •use• it very often, however you might not remember when you stored the tea box because you rarely use it.
🛎➻ Same happens with words, they are stored inside your mind, words you •often use• come to you easily, and words you never (or almost never) use just refuse to, because they don't even know the way out, since they've never been to your tongue..
🔑 So now you know, the key of learning vocabulary is to •USE• it.
✴️ Next time in-sha'-Allah I will share with you few tips on how to USE vocabulary and upgrade it from "inactive" to "active".
Benefit-61- #Vocabulary #HowTo
Razaan's benefits & Translations t.me/Arabic_tajweed
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razaanspace · 8 years
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razaanspace · 8 years
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🌕اعْلَمْ أَنَّ مَبْنَى الْعُبُودِيَّةِ وَالْإِيمَانِ بِاللَّهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ  عَلَى التَّسْلِيمِ وَعَدَمِ الْأَسْئِلَةِ عَنْ تَفَاصِيلِ الْحِكْمَةِ فِي الْأَوَامِرِ وَالنَّوَاهِي وَالشَّرَائِعِ . 323 ابن أبي العز  /  شرح العقيدة الطحاوية
🌕Know that the uboodiyyah (submission) and the belief in Allah, his books and his messengers, is based upon submission and not asking about the details of the wisdom behind the commands, the prohibitions and the legislations. Ibn Abi-l-’Izz/ Sharh al Aqeeda at-tahawiyah [323]
                    🔸🔶Vocabulary 🔶🔸
🔸التَّسْلِيم 🔹Meaning: The submission 🔹Grammar: sing. masc. definite
🔸تفَاصِيلٌ 🔹Meaning: details 🔹Grammar: plural indefinite
🔸الْحِكْمَةُ 🔹Meaning: The wisdom 🔹Grammar: sing. fem. definite
🔸 الْأَوَامِرُ 🔹Meaning: The commands 🔹Grammar: plural definite 🔹Singular form (masc): أَمْرٌ
🔸 النَّوَاهِي 🔹Meaning: The prohibitions 🔹Grammar: plural definite 🔹Singular form (masc): نَهْيٌ
Benefit-58- #Vocabulary #Translation
Razaan's benefits & Translations https://telegram.me/Arabic_tajweed
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razaanspace · 8 years
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In the Arabic language means: a way or a path. and it is derived from the verb أَنْهَجَ meaning: to become clear.
🔹الْمَنْهَجُ / الْمِنْهَاجُ  👈🏼  The clear way/path
هَذَا الرَّجُلُ عَلَى الْمَنْهَجِ This man is upon the Manhaj (the clear path).
🔅Allah the Almighty says: لِكُلٍّ جَعَلْنَا مِنكُمْ شِرْ‌عَةً وَمِنْهَاجًا To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way [5:48] Hilali & Khan
🔅Imaam Nawawi has titled his explanation of Sahih Muslim: الْمِنْهَاجُ شَرْح صَحِيحِ مُسْلِم بْنِ الْحَجَّاجِ
The Minhaj, (the clear path) Explanation of Sahih Muslim ibn-l-Hajjaj
Benefit -1- #Vocabulary
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razaanspace · 8 years
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📢 New Arabic classes For sisters! 📢 🎀With Razaan 2⃣2 types of sessions One On One & Group Sessions 📝A varaity of levels and books Madina books, Ajroomiyah & more 📚Memorizing Mutoon Nawaqid al Islam & 40 Nawawi hadiths 👤Salafi native Arabic teachers 💵Affordable prices 🔓FREE spots available! 📍Learn more & Sign up https://goo.gl/UNLyCB
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razaanspace · 8 years
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Live English lecture for sisters ONLY 💠Rulings on Wudu & Ghusl💠 🔸With sister Zaynab El-Kateb🔸 ⏰Saturday July 30 2016 2pm KSA 🔹  7am EST 1pm Madrid 🔹 6am Mexico
🔊Translated into spanish
🔗 Link of the lecture (wiziq) will be shared on Razaan's channel https://goo.gl/H219SF later on Insha'Allah
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razaanspace · 8 years
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📢 Free! 🎀New Quran Classes For Sisters 📥 Sign up in 1⃣ one class here: https://goo.gl/CHIoOc 📍Kindly read the from's description attentively before signing up
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razaanspace · 8 years
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💠Razaan is now in Spanish! Please share with any spanish speaking sisters and/or brothers you know https://goo.gl/qy7GDU (telegram channel)
Baraka Allah fikum بارك الله فيكم
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razaanspace · 8 years
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Rulings on fasting 6 days of Shawwal
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razaanspace · 8 years
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