#i legitmately had the same thought lol
postnuclearwar · 4 months
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mimbotomy · 2 months
Thank you @lazuliquetzal for the tag! 🩷
How many works do you have on AO3? 10! Which feels small because I have more than three times as many WIPs rattling around in my google docs rip
What’s your total AO3 word count? 561,190
What fandoms do you write for? AC Odyssey! Except I write so many crossovers so I have a couple other fandoms on my AO3 as well. I also have WIPs for AC Valhalla, House of the Dragon, and ATLA. Fun fact, I also have Odyssey crossovers planned for two of those fandoms, and I'll let you guess which two 😜
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Rebirth - My beloved, my baby, I swear I am still writing this My Miraculous Ladybug fic - I wrote this seven years ago and like to pretend it doesn't exist Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers - Unfortunately on indefinite hiatus, but I've gotten so many nice comments on it recently that I've been thinking a lot about it! The Children of Kephallonia - MY FAVORITE FIC OF MINE EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS I'M SO PROUD OF THIS ONE Not a Malákes Ravenclaw - Absolutely ridiculous I can't believe people actually like this (it's so fun to write tho 😂)
Do you respond to comments? I do my best but I'm not actually the best lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Of my published fics, The Lioness, but only if you read the first chapter and ignore my ramblings in the second chapter about how SPOILERS deaths would change canon.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? There is No Escape...! It technically has the same ending as my other Kassandra drags Phoibe out of the Underworld fic, but this fic has a planned sequel called the Electric Boogaloo, so I think it's obvious which one I had more fun writing 😂
Do you get hate on fics? One or two negative comments but for the most part people have been really nice to me! Which I appreciate, because I am a smol anxious bean who just wants friends 🥰
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have a few bordering on spicy scenes, but no real smut.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? BOY DO I HAVE CROSSOVERS I have so many crossovers, like too many crossovers, all putting the queen of my heart Kassandra the Eagle Bearer in another universe and making her the main character she is clearly supposed to be. My craziest one is probably my AC Odyssey x Harry Potter crossover, but I am now hesitant to call it crazy because it now seems to make sense to me??? So maybe I'm going crazy???
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope again!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once again, nope! But I honestly think co writing a fic would be so fun to try, at least once.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Kassidas. I always liked it but it has legitmately taken over my brain the last year. I blame @aeide's amazing Kassidas' fics
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers. It's on indefinite hiatus right now because while I have an outline and even a few scattered scenes written, actually writing it seems impossible right now. But I hold out hope that I will come back to it one day!
What are your writing strengths? Character relationships! (At least in my opinion lol)
What are your writing weaknesses? Does constantly going back and rewriting chapters because I slightly changed my idea and want to foreshadow things better count? If not, I could be better at setting the scene and not just imagining it in my head.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Definitely not opposed to doing so, albiet through google translate because I am truly terrible with languages, but I always try to keep it short and I include translations in the endnotes.
First fandom you wrote for? Miraculous Ladybug. I sometimes like to pretend that fic doesn't exist because I feel bad that I forgot what I had planned/never finished it.
Favorite fic you’ve written? THE CHILDREN OF KEPHALLONIA I feel like I really came into my own as a writer when I started plotting out this fic and I'm really happy with my worldbuilding, character relationships, misc narrative choices, and just how my writing style has improved from my first fics. If you want to read any of my fics, I recommend this one.
I vaguely remember doing this exact tag game at some point, but time is an illusion and I have no idea when this was! So if I tag you and you did this recently, do not feel any pressure to do it again!
Tagging @aeide, @uhhhyaenbyjade, @zephyrwolf5, @ithinkthiswasabadidea, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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shxxtteredfantasy · 4 years
Shxxteredfantasy’s 600 Follower Forever!
That’s right, I have officially hit the 600 follower mark and i feel the best way to celebrate is to say some things, i have never done a follower forever mind you, so bare with me. I have a few people to say some things about, and there might be quite a few so be warned: 
We’ve known each other for quite some time and go through streaks of interacting then not, but I’ve always enjoyed the shennanigans that we do interact on. Kind of funny that we live in the same state too, hope we can continue on as well! 
We haven’t talked too much but I do enjoy the stuff we’ve done with Byleth and Tifa, and hearing your headcanons with Byleth are very interesting. I hope we get to know each other better too, you seem like a cool nice person. 
I’d put more of your blogs but you have so many I don’t think I can list them all lol. We’ve been friends since the birth of this blog, even some time before. We don’t talk as much as we used to but I’ve had fun with the threads with Squall Velvet Tane and your other muses. I hope you’re doing well and I’m sorry I haven’t done too good with keeping in touch with you. 
While regrettably sometimes i can’t seem to get threads going with you i do enjoy the ship with yukari that we have. You seem like a nice and cool person as well and I hope I can get my crap together and try to do more threads without dropping them lol 
I enjoy a lot of threads we’ve done though lately I haven’t had the muse for Yukari I still like the ship with Onyx, it’s cute and sometimes sexy lol and you seem like a chill person. 
We don’t always interact but I also enjoy it when we do, having known each other for a while. You’re a nice person. I don’t really have much more to say than that, hope we can continue to do more stuff together in the future. 
Sup man, we’ve followed each other for a while and hung out in a few different servers and you’re a pleasure to write with, whether nsfw or not. We haven’t talked a lot but I consider you a good friend and I hope we can keep the good times rolling! 
Saved you for last just like you did  for me lol. What can I really say? I legitmately knew nothing about Black Rock Shooter when you followed me but your muses looked interesting. I was really glad that you found the courage to talk to me again after admitting that you thought you annoyed me. We grew closer as time went on and now we talk every day and have special moments. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about you. I hope the day comes soon where we meet. I love you so much!! 
At this point I’ll just be repeating myself with a lot of people so I will tag these people that I enjoy writing with but don’t have much to say: 
@redseakillers @electricea @cindyxaurum @nightmaretricks @tekunorojimiko @just-a-loving-succubus @magicazammm 
I probably forgot some people but there it is! Thank you all for following me, old or new. And I hope to continue growing!
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yukipri · 7 years
you like knb? I just went through your knb tag and you seem to have drawn/even cosplayed for it ! wow! what are your ships? will you be drawing for the movie that came out ?
MAN, like is a very mild word for how big my KnB phase was, and it’s definitely one of those fandoms I always go back to, and MAN was the movie a slap to the face of nostalgia and wonderful memories ;A;. I didn’t produce much content for it back in the day, I didn’t have much time to draw in general back then, but I wanted to try again now that my art’s changed a bit and:
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Something like that
Yep! I cosplayed a TON of characters from it. Originally I wanted to cosplay Kuroko or a member of GoM, but instead I ended up wanting to match my friends so I cosplayed Takao, Himuro, Momoi, Kagami, and Nijimura >.>;;;; I ended up much fonder of these characters as a result tho LOL
If you thought my Yuuri poly shipping was bad…look at it this way, I mainly ship Yuuri with 4-5 husbands, and why not throw in the rest occasionally, the more the merrier right? This is around the number I tend to ship many of my fandom protags with (which is still a lot oops).
But KUROKO. Kuroko to me is the ultimate harem queen. To me, he has, minimum, EIGHT husbands. GoM + Kagami + Takao + Himuro. But I also ship him with a ton of other charas on the side like Kasamatsu, Nijimura, Hanamiya, Haizaki, Mayuzumi, Imayoshi, Miyaji…man the list is endless. I LEGITMATELY SHIP KUROKO WITH EVERYONE. (and Nash! my mother screams in the background…)
I started out with a strong bias for AoKuro that still remains on occasion, but reading a massive amount of pixiv fics started leaning me heavily towards Takao. So yeah, if I had to pick one, TakaKuro is my fav now. I also really like HiGuro (Himuro x Kuroko). But really, and most sincerely, THE MORE THE MERRIER.
KnB is also awesome bc it has so many wonderful Kuroko-centric combinations. I’m more partial to shipping certain characters when they’re in a set, and man the pixiv names for these are so great :’D. Fav combos include Light Sandwich (Aomine x Kuroko x Kagami), Aibou-gumi/partner squad (Takao, Himuro, Kasamatsu, occasionally Mayuzumi -> Kuroko), Rival sandwich (Takao x Kuroko x Kise), Demon King Sandwich (Akashi x Kuroko x Himuro), Hawk ‘n Dragon Sandwich (Takao x Kuroko x Himuro), Black-Hearted Sandwich (Hanamiya x Kuroko x Imayoshi), Captain Sandwich (Nijimura x Kuroko x Akashi), Highlighter Sandwich (Akashi x Kuroko x Midorima), Returnee Sandwich (Kagami x Kuroko x Himuro), of course all their respective schools, the combinations are endless…*dreamy sigh*
(other than Kuroko-centric? I didn’t ship him with Seirin (other than Kagami) too much, tho I certainly don’t mind it, and I very lowkey shipped Kiyoshi + Riko + Hyuuga + Izuki as a poly 4some)
Will I be drawing for the new movie? Well it certainly brought all my feels tumbling back ^ ^; But at the same time I can’t really draw for more than one fandom at a time without getting distracted, and in general there is SO MUCH CONTENT I LOVE in KnB that going on Pixiv often satisfies me, unlike the frustration/craving for something that doesn’t exist I get with YOI ^ ^;; But at the same time, now that my art skills have improved a ton, I sorta want to draw one illustration that has all my fav Kuroko husbands just all crammed in…sighhhhh we’ll see ^ ^;;
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