#i like the hc that most of her clothes were hand-me-downs except for those gloves which she saved up for !!
swordmaid · 2 years
pre origins ina <3
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
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Aww, I give major points to anyone that actually reads my tags because it’s a whole lot of word vomit and brainworms. THIS IS MY FINAL OFFERING TO CHILDE SO BUDDY  👏 COME 👏 HOME 👏 This will probably be my last fic this week since I’m going to be busy with term tests and 1.1. Can you tell how slow I am with these asks?
I need to stop tagging so much because tumblr keeps making me repost...
This isn’t necessarily a part 2 from my other Childe fic [ “Enemies” to “Lovers” ] but you can go ahead and read it that way. Not sure if this counts for tags but it doesn’t hurt. To be honest, I was planning for this to be the direct part 2 but then his character story dropped and I got slapped in the face with inspiration.
 [taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret​ @diaxfeliz​ @wintergreen-aix​ @dandelily​ @thegayrubberducky​ @lovelykittycatmeow​ @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @hanniejji​  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​
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Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
Your relationship with Tartaglia is unorthodox to say the least. Usually, the average length of an engagement is 13 to 18 months but you didn’t need a calendar to tell you it’s been far longer than that. You probably spent more time with your fiancé’s sister than with the man himself but that was okay with you. Tonia was a really sweet girl and you knew what you were getting into when you accepted and returned his feelings when you two first started going out.
Before he became a Harbinger you were friend’s with him and Tonia. Almost everyone in Snezhnaya was part of the Fatui, working in factories, or a devote follower of Tsaritsa. So it was a breath of fresh air to meet two people that didn’t align themselves to that mindset or become a slave to work. You slowly became closer to the two siblings until the day a stuttering and pink Tartaglia confessed his feelings to you. You think back on that moment fondly since that was probably the first and last time you’ve seen him act in such a shy manner.
The day he proposed to you was the night right before he became a Harbinger. It wasn’t anything grand and you were pretty sure he hadn’t even told Tonia he was planning on proposing that very night. He said that he was waiting for the right moment and somehow felt the right moment was when you were in-between consciousness. When you couldn’t even give him a proper answer since he popped the question right as you fell asleep, but for all intensive purposes, that was probably on purpose. You had to chase him down in freezing cold weather, coat not even properly tied, as you yelled he was a piece of shit and that if he never came back you would hunt him down and kill him yourself.
He just grinned innocently and waved back to you as the ship departed. When asked by a curious merchant who wasn’t native to Snezhnaya asked if he had some...family issues he simply waved it off and said you were his beloved fiancé. The merchant was left very confused on Snezhnaya’s customs and traditions on marriage.
You both made an agreement that only he would write to you. He said that it was because trying to get in contact with him would be impossible, considering how often he moves, plus the different names he goes under. But in actuality, it’s because he want’s to keep the people closest to him as private as possible. The Fatui know of his sister already and most likely know of your existence but as long as he remains a Harbinger they can’t do anything. He won’t let them. But the Fatui have many enemies and while he hates denying your existence, if it’s to make sure you live a peaceful life with his sister, he’ll continue to pretend he’s never heard of your name before.
While he writes to his sister that he’s taking care of trivial matters when he’s on his assignment, he writes a bit more honestly and detailed in his hidden letters to you. You make sure to keep them in a box hidden away from Tonia so she never discovers them but you have an inkling she knows what her brother is up to. She watches the way your face pinches, that your fingers clutch the paper a little tighter, and how you seem to tap the page two times in sequence.
Despite the raging winter storms that swirl around Snezhnaya, you are always warm. He thinks you’re secretly a pyro vision user waiting for the right moment to make good on your word and burn him alive. Whenever his travel’s run late into the night and he arrives home tired and cold, he seeks Tonia’s room to make sure she’s sleeping peacefully. Then to you to do the same. Sometimes when you’re lucky and you wake up early, you’re greeted to Tartaglia clinging onto you refusing to move because you’re warm. Even going through daily routine’s he always has an arm around you or some part of his body against yours. You feel that his habits is rubbing off on his sister because slow morning’s like these see’s you as the human heater. With Tonia hugging you from the front, arms wrapped around your waist, while Tartaglia support’s from behind, arms around the both of you. Your hands laced with his as you both act as a shield for little Tonia.  
Tartaglia’s hands are always numb. He could be in Natlan where it never snows or facing the harsh winters of Snezhnaya, they are always numb. As if the skin of his fingertips were scalded off. Touching anything gives him an uncomfortable sensation so he wears gloves all the time except for two occasions. When he need’s to replace his gloves with a new pair or to lace your hand into his. He can vaguely feel the heat from your hand, see that you don’t have the same callouses that he has from wielding weapons, and can feel the same tingling sensation that would usually have him wrenching his bare hand away if it had been anything or anyone else, besides his sister of course. Instead he holds on as if you’re his last lifeline in the middle of the ocean, commits to memory the feeling of your hand in his, and the pins and needles that prick his fingertips fade away.
He grows restless when life is ordinary and boring so he’s always off fighting or doing something completely dangerous. He was the same before he became a Harbinger which leads to some fights between the two of you. You both handle fight’s pretty badly due to the upbringing of Snezhnaya and it makes Tonia sad when she sees her family argue. So instead you convey your inner worries through taps. One is for annoyance. Two is for worry. Three is for anger.  Likewise, Tartaglia has his own system.
On one rare occasion, Zhongli managed to catch the sight of a flicker of light on Tartaglia’s clothing. It confuses him since aren’t ring’s meant to be worn on the hand? The only response he get’s from Childe when he asks why is a vague answer filled with mirth. He say’s that he’s holding onto it for someone. Zhongli doesn’t quite understand since wouldn’t it be better to keep the ring in a box if it were meant for someone else? Childe wears a ring on his pinky already but it might be a Snezhnaya tradition to wear one ring on the hand, while the other is close to the heart.
He keeps his cheerful attitude on even when it feels as if the world is crushing him. That might be why he names himself Childe. But when it’s just the two of you he takes the mask off, the armor slips off, and let’s himself relax. Time’s like this he just wants to hold you and as he puts it, recharge.
For all his confident nature in fighting he knows that a committed relationship with him is hard. That if you ever want to walk away and find someone new he won’t stop you, but that you never contact him or his family. He won’t open his heart for another person for a long while or ever. He would still give you your ring and whatever you choose to do with it is up to you.
Tartaglia’s goals won’t change. He still has his family to take care of and even if you decide to leave, that doesn’t change the fact he still sees you as apart of his family.
You don’t mind if his goal takes him away from Snezhnaya for years and years. Or if the letter’s he writes become fewer and fewer.  As long as he comes home you don’t mind waiting.
It’s the middle of the night and he’s still awake. He just returned from his last assignment and Tsaritsa is already sending him across Teyvat for “business” related reasons. He just finished checking up on Tonia to see her sleeping soundly. She’s growing up really fast, he smiles slightly at the thought. She can already sleep on her own. He gently opens the door to your room, well really it’s both of yours but he hasn’t been doing a lot of sleeping there, and cringes slightly at the creek the doors give.
He takes a small minute to lean on the doorway and relaxes. He won’t have enough time to bask in your presence if he’s too make it on time. The winter storm continues outside, as if Tsaritsa herself is yelling at him to start moving. He doesn’t think there’s ever been an instance when they’ve been silent.
“I care about three things in this world. My sister, you, and my home,” Tartalia says softly as he walks over and kneels down beside your laying form, resting his hand beside yours as he places a soft kiss on temple. “When those three things are safe I can rest.”
You tap him two times. Your hand has laced around his in a loose grip to which he tightens. You both sit in silence as he wait’s for the pins and needles to stop spreading across his arm before speaking again.
“I know I already proposed but let’s elope somewhere. My next assignment is taking me to Liyue. I heard it’s quite a beautiful place. I’m thinking a spring wedding perhaps?”
One more tap but he’s learned to take your annoyance as you jesting or being flustered.
“Promise me you’ll be safe,” you ask.
“I can try but I can’t guarantee everyone else will be,” he laughs.  
You tap him three times. If you weren’t half asleep you would have probably thrown your pillow at him. He gives one last chuckle as his finger’s rubs patterns into your hand.
“I promise,” he swears.
He hears you hum happily as you begin to relax back into slumber. Slowly letting the feeling of his heartbeat lull you to sleep until your grip loosens around his wrist. Even as the winter winds howl outside you can sleep so peacefully. Unlike him where in the back of his mind are restless thoughts. Tsaritsa is asking something huge of him, another test of his loyalty and strength. He silently stands up as to not wake you again, gives you one last squeeze of the hand, one last fond look, before he leaves. Closing the door as quietly as he can, he steels himself to go back out into the cold.
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can u do a hc of daphne x simon type of relationship with bucky pls? bucky being the duke and reader being the season's most eligible debutante 😌
YES. this is a million times yes question. i changed a few things not to be completely like bridgerton but yes sign mE up i am tempted to make this a full blown series
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y/n is only daughter and the youngest child of her family. her father passed away in the war and she’s being presented by her brothers and her mother.
i can see her being quite nervous, having not seen anyone else in the family go through the debutante process and wanting everything to be impecable so nothing goes wrong
she’s definitely up the night before going through everything she’s going to wear before being presented to the queen, trying on different hairstyles and family jewels to ensure she looks beautiful enough the queen will bestow on her the smallest of compliments
any compliment would ensure she was fit enough for marriage. she was a woman and as such she could not inherit any of her parents’ estate which meant she had to marry well if she wanted to survive after her mother died. it wasn’t that her brothers wouldn’t take care of her, it was that she wanted her own path, away from her family name and brothers
“Y/N! YOU MUST MAKE HASTE OR THE HORSES MIGHT JUST RUN AWAY” one of her brothers yelled out from the bottom of the stairs as the maids were finishing her hair “milady, your hair looks impecable.” “are you sure?” “yes milady”
even with the queen deeming her flawless and there being talks of her becoming the season’s incomparable, the first ball was what would decide everything except her brothers kept shutting down every single man that approached her
“he’s no good, y/n. we can’t taint the family name with them” “it’s just a dance” “no”
y/n ends up meeting the duke while she’s running away from a potential suitor and her brothers. she ends up going against him, spilling whatever drink he was holding onto the expensive fabrics of his clothes “oh my ... i am so sorry” “sure they’ll try everything” “i beg your pardon?” “i don’t think you’re that sorry, milady” “excuse me, i did not mean to bump into you”
“barnes, i did not expect to see you here out of all places” “you know each other” she looked between the unkind stranger and her brother “we went to university together” “i see. i would expect someone so highly educated to not be judgemental” “... barnes, this is my sister, y/n. y/n this is james barnes, duke of hastings ” “your sister?” “brother, your grace, i must return to my affairs”
as she turned her back to the two men, he cocked an eyebrow at how she had manoeuvred the conversation. still she was a debutante and he did not want to hear about it. “stay away from my sister” “i’m only here because i was forced to” “still” “believe me, i do not wish to court your sister”
much to their brothers pickiness, she ended up having no one showing up the next day other than her previous suitor, nigel. he was much older than her, too old and he gave her the creeps whenever he spoke. 
y/n had told herself the next ball would be much better but she found herself being ignored by every eligible men and even overhearing how conceited she was. once those words registered, she rushed over to the garden, gloved hand pressed firmly against her mouth as she tried to reassure herself
“milady y/n” “not now, nigel” “i’ve been holding back my request for quite some while now and i demand to be heard” “not now, nigel” “you are the most beautiful woman of this season and to be fair no other man has made their claim on you” “their claim on me?! i’m not to be claimed by anyone” “milady if you’d do me the favour of being my wife” “no. i would rather leave this season alone than with you” “you think yourself better than me?” “i think it’s best you left”
he took a few steps towards her, grabbing her arms “you should be thanking me, i’m your last hope. no one wants you” “what are you doing” “you’ll see soon enough”
bucky rushed in once he heard those words, expecting to knock some sense into the man but as he walked into her view, she had already knocked him to the ground. “your grace, i ... i had no intention of” “of knocking him out?” “oh my god, he’s unconcious.” “i must say, milady, it seems to have been a massive success” “what? what are you doing out here, anyway?” “avoid certain ... people” “people? with all due respect your grace, you avoid everyone” “i’m avoiding certain mothers” “oh my, i’m only a few steps away from the ball and i’m alone with two men” “you’re alone with one man and one gimp” “i will be compromised and then no one will want me” “doesn’t seem you have much competition, milady” “i’ve noticed, your grace and despite your constant wit and the fact you’re a man and thus can remain single for the rest of your life, i have to wed and so far i only have one choice” “you can’t be considering to marry him.” “i have no alternative” “i was quite surprised not to see a line of suitors all the way to london for you” “i do not need your humour, your grace” “it’s sincerity” “well unlike you who seems to be prize to be claimed, i have to go” “perhaps we can do something about your situation, milady” “i do not have the time” “milady, if you were to be courted my me, everyone would stop bothering me and other men would surely look your way” “you’re suggesting you court me as a device to get mamas away from you?” “it’ll surely get your plenty of attention and other suitors. men tend to like competition” “it might just work”
the morning immediately after that evening, everyone is rushing into her family home with all sort of gifts from flowers to chocolates. the stakes are particularly raised when a prince comes into town
“i believe that’s your target” “your grace, i cannot believe you view me as that shallow” “i cannot believe you still refer to me as your grace” “bucky sounds too informal” “well we’re friends aren’t we?” “friends ... yes, yes we are.”
“what do you think his first move will be?” “completing the party” “mhm, milady, i don’t know, i think he might compliment your dress” “this dress?” “it’s a pretty dress.” “you think so?” “i think so”
y/n looked at him as he laughed at the pompous prince complementing every single woman who approached him. she’d memorise his smile by now, from the crinkles in his eye to his teeth-y smile. 
“milady” the prince smiled like a fool at y/n. bucky’s hand slide from her waist and he slowly turned to her “must i share your attention with every wide-eyed dandy in england, milady?” “i’m sorry, i just had to come compliment your dress, miss y/n. it’s beautiful”
she let out a small laugh, hiding her mouth with her hand as her eyes wandered to bucky “I’m so sorry, your highness. felt ticklish” “i hope you save a dance for me” “of course”
“this is entirely your fault, your grace” “i thought you had self control” “i looked like a fool” “at least he liked your dress” 
she gave the prince his much wanted dance and bucky couldn’t stop staring at them, a burning, hateful stare. he hated how he held her or the little laughs she was letting out “milady, i would like your permission to openly court you” “your highness, i ... i need to speak with my family first” “of course”
she found herself running out into the gardens “Y/N, what’s wrong” “nothing’s wrong” “then why are you running away” “i am not. I AM GOING TO BE A PRINCESS” “i hear you loud and clear” “then i suggest you leave before i get compromised” “don’t marry him” “excuse me” “you heard me. you don’t wanna marry him.” “yes i do your grace. i do and im going to be a princess, the best princess” “can you be the best duchess instead?” “pardon me?” “marry me, y/n.”
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b-rainlet · 5 years
Here it comes, the post that about two people have been waiting for:
Watching tua I saw a lot of parallels between Vanya and Luther, so much that I decided to make a little post about it (based on my knowledge after watching the show one time)
So let's look at them, shall we?
One of the first things I noticed is their clothing.
I saw a lot of people joking on how Vanya dresses like a gay (which I def support) but looking closer to her clothes, you can see that she mostly wears stuff that’s ill-fitting on her, baggy jeans and too big shirts. Plus, compared to for example Allison or Klaus she wears muted colours, nothing flashy or memorable (the only thing that stuck in my head was the suit and even that was -at first - a normal suit, nothing extra-ordinary. Someone else may have worn a dress, or even some jewellery with the suit, little things that catch the eye).
I think we can all agree that she doesn’t wanna attract any attention, she tries her best to hide herself, be it by blending into her surroundings by avoiding too colourful clothing or by actively hiding her form under too big clothes.
Luther tries more or less the same, although you can argue about how succesfull that is.
Luther is even more obvious about hiding his body, never taking of his coat and even wearing gloves to conceal his hands. He can’t really wear anything that’s big on him because he already is incredibly big (and probably has clothing made extra for him, made to fit) but I bet if he had the chance, he’d also wear baggy things to hide himself.
At the same time, his stuff also isn’t all too flashy (and as far as I remember, he always wears the same stuff? He doesn’t seem to have a big wardrobe).
In both Vanya and Luther’s case, their clothing style stems from low self-esteem. And they both have low self-esteem because of their father.
So while Vanya probably had to live with very low self-esteem since she was a child, due to being reduced to being ‘ordinary’ - and that being treated like it’s a bad thing - and Luther’s problems with his body most likely only started when he was transformed, both of those incidents were engineered and executed by their father.
(But you could argue that Luther seemed to have a very tense relationship with food even before that, binge-eating or not eating at all and feeling guilty about eatogn too much, so maybe he had body issues way before his transformation. But I’m not sure whether the show really intends to explore that, so I stuck to post-monkey body Luther).
(Also also Luther canonically hates his body enough to self-harm (the scars on his chest) and in an interview it was stated that he thought about suicide because of it, both of which are things Vanya can probably relate to but aren’t addressed in the show, so I’m leaving them out on her part).
The only other person I could see having similar problems with his body is Five (Allison and Klaus both seem to be comfortable and Diego calls his body a temple, so it’s save to say they are content how they are body-wise). Ben is dead so I don’t know whether you can say he even has a body. But Five - although surely not happy that his time traveling plans didn’t turn out as planned - seems to be more annoyed at people treating him like a child and not at himself for looking like that (Also his hair is really fly, I keep getting jealous of it)
Speaking of low self-esteem, did you notice something?
Looking back on the show I realized something: Luther and Vanya are both alone.
If you think about it, there aren’t a lot of people outside of their family any of them interact with. But the others do have people they know and they are close to that aren’t family.
Diego has Eudora and even though they don’t have a relationship anymore, they continue to be close to each other and Diego obviously trusts her a whole lot.
Allison had Patrick and Claire. Those two aren’t as prominent as Patch but nevertheless Allison shows that she loves her daughter a lot and at one point in life, seemed to have loved Patrick enough to marry him and have a child with him (there’s also the fact that they seem to have divorced because of Allison using her powers on Claire and not because they had problems as a couple).
Klaus....is a bit trickier. He doesn’t have anyone in the present timeline he seems to be really close to whose not one of his siblings, but he does seem to know a lot of people. He seemed to have a good relationship with the people in rehab, the paramedics seem to either already know him or took a liking to him real fast (I usually don’t high five my paramedics) and he seems to interact with loads of people and he’s had at least one boyfriend in the past (the guy who’s good at cooking).
Then there’s also Dave, who Klaus seems to have loved deeply, actively trying to get sober to summon him. Interesting how every non-familial relationship is immediately romantic
Five and Ben are a bit out of the loop but since one of them died and the other was alone for several years, they are definitely special cases.
And even then, Five had Delores to project a personality onto and have a relationship with to mimick the human interactions he sure as hell craved and he also spent some time working for the commission and it seems like he was well-liked there for his effiency (and the Handler seems to have a weird, creepy crush on him).
And what about Luther and Vanya? Well, Luther never left home and never had any contact with anyone except his father, Pogo and Grace (and even then, Reginald seemed to spend as little time as possible with his kids when it wasn’t about training and he seemed to have stopped training Luther at that point, Pogo is somehow only ever present to be a dick under the guise of mystery and I don’t remember any flashback with him really genuinely interacting with the kids or Luther and Grace may have been a good mom but she doesn’t really count as a human, does she now?)
(And from what you can see, she also doesn’t seem to interact with the kids a lot once they’re adults and mostly sticks to making food for them. Also Diego is obv her fave askalja)
And well, after the mission gone wrong Luther is supposed to spend the rest of his life on the moon, so there’s not a lot of possibility for him to socialize.
Vanya on the other hand has the best chances of starting a new and normal life with loads of friends since she was never required to dedicate her life to the academy like the others had to.
But what do we see of her before Leonard comes into the picture?
She lives alone, no mention of prior partners, no friends, the people who work with her in the orchestra don’t even know her name.....
(Granted, she does have a relationship with someone outside of her family during the first season but I don’t actually count that as a genuine relationship since Leonard only uses her).
The others also have all those added relationships established from the beginning, while Vanya has no one in the beginning and Luther continues to be completely dependant on his family concerning human interaction.
Which brings me to my next point: They both don’t have a real relationship with their family
The one who seems to get along best with everyone is Klaus. He has a good relationship with Diego, they have a lot of scenes together, he and Allison seem to get along, being the only two who actually hug each other and of course him and Ben are really close due to circumstances.
Diego has - as already mentioned - Klaus and also he’s close to Grace (something the others aren’t, even though they all are obviously very fond of her).
But Luther and Vanya are both kind of on the sidelines.
Vanya because she always was and her father encouraged that by not letting her train with her siblings (which I still think is stupid because she could’ve learned combat?? Both Klaus and Allison don’t have powers that grant them a lot of fighting skills and they were still trained how to to take out enemies, so why not Vanya, honestly). He didn’t let her get a tattoo, didn’t let her be on family portraits, her room was moved from being closer to her siblings to being up in the attic as far as I know, basically she was taught she isn’t part of this family.
And that shows in how little she really interacts with her siblings and how in all of those interactions she gets put down, mostly by Diego.
Then there’s Luther, who was part of the academy, who was granted all the things that Vanya couldn’t do and still he doesn’t have a better relationship with his family.
He was obviously closer to his father than his siblings and there’s a wedge between them based on the way his father favoured him over the others (good example is his relationship with Diego).
I personally also think that taking on the role of leader made him distance himself more from the others? Like, you obviously have a different relationship with your co-workers than your boss and I could see the others being cautious around him because what if he snitches on them? Also they obviously didn’t share his views on how good their Dad is and that obviously further divided them, although all of that is more of a hc since we don’t get a lot of general Luther flashbacks about him as a kid.
Notice how in all those scenarios Vanya is the one who deliberately chooses to push herself further away from everyone else whereas Luther doesn’t seem to have a choice about it. Even with their family, Luther doesn’t seem to get out of his role as the leader and genuinely tries to be there for his family even though it only makes matters worse whereas Vanya chooses to write her book (something that really breaks her relationship with Diego) even though she must’ve known about the consequences.
You can argue that Five and Vanya seems to have had a good relationship as kids but looking at the show Five really seems to not ‘belong’ anywhere, spending some time with Vanya, then Klaus, then Allison and Diego, then Luther and then he’s on his own again for some time....
He’s a bit like that one kid in school that doesn’t have a fixed freindgroup and just changes every other week, which makes sense considering that he spent a lot of time apart from his family (even longer than they spent without him) and he’s changed a lot due to that and probably needs to properly reconnect with the others first.
But who did I forget? Oh yeah, Allison.
See, I didn’t mention because Allison she’s another factor where Luther and Vanya parallel each other.
Allison is the only Hargreeves who seems to try and reach out for the two of them on several occasions.
We already see that both their relationships with Diego are tense but we also see that they both seem to click best with Allison.
Allison tries her best to include Vanya in the family again, telling her she belongs there and trying to be supportive when Vanya tells her she met someone (and later on going on a whole detective tangent because Leonard seems shady, that’s peak older sibling).
With Luther, there’s the romance subplot of course but even without that, Allison tries to comfort him about his body and the fact that everything he did was for naught (something none of the others by the way do when the chandelier drops on him. They all see his body, but only Allison tries to talk to him about it as far as I remember. Diego makes fun of it).
Seriously, Allison tries very hard to reach out to those two especially.
(And in the end, both of them end up pushing her out. Vanya by lashing out and hurting her and Luther by not listening to her repeatedly and locking up Vanya).
Both of them are also the most emotionally vulnerable.
Vanya is manipulated by Leonard easily because she desperate for love and approval, even though Leonard screamed ‘shady guy’ from a mile away, let’s be real.
And Luther was blinded so badly by his Dad’s teaching that even when he nearly died, he didn’t leave him and even when his father was dead, he kept acting exactly how Reginald would’ve wanted him to.
All the others don’t seem as perceptive, with Allison seeing through Leonard’s bullshit right away and Diego clearly stating what a monster their Father actually was (and even though all of them are affected by their childhood trauma, they all seem to realize that there was something traumatic happening at all, Luther never really got that far only after he found the unopened sample he had sent his Dad).
So basically, Luther’s and Vanya’s arcs have a lot of similarities that are probably 100% deliberate and they seem to go through a lot of the same stuff even though their original placement within the story (Number One versus Number Seven) seems to frame them as opposites.
And they are opposites, just thinking about how exactly they were isolated from their family shows that. But at the same time even though both their stories are happening on opposite sides, they always end up paralleling each other.
I like to say ‘Two sides of the same coin’
This is basically a long rambly post of me saying that I really think those two could help each other a lot and have an arc about growing closer together, especially considering something  @deweysdenouement has said:
Luther’s whole arc goes from believing your Father was just and always made the right decisions and being convinced that your life had a very specific purpose to learning that everything you thought was basically a lie and that you just wasted your time doing something completely useless because your Father couldn’t stand the sight of you (also your Father was abusive and what you suffered through was, in fact, abuse, and not justified in any way).
And Vanya goes from I am only ordinary and I will never be special in any way and therefore everyone is right to just brush over me and my feelings to I actually am the most powerful out of all of my siblings and I have a right to speak my mind.
(Basically from One to Zero and from Zero to One in one Season).
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moiraineswife · 7 years
Autistic!Kaz Headcanons
Just bc I can. You should all read @barrelrat‘s initial post about this that initially got me thinking this way/that inspired a few of the following. But basically I couldn’t sleep last night so here we are. 
-Kaz longing for the quiet, peaceful familiarity of the farm when he first comes to Ketterdam. The city is too big, too loud, too bright, too crowded, too much. Everything overwhelms him for the first few weeks, and he clings to Jordie as the only stable, familiar anchor that he has. 
-He picks up magic/sleight of hand quickly/easily because in addition to being a special interest, the constant, repetitive movements he practiced over and over again necessary to let him master the skills are stims. He does this a lot unconsciously. One of his favourites is manipulating small stacks of coins in his hands, or shuffling packs of cards. 
-One of the things that makes him so successful with magic, with conning, with life tbh is his Need to know why. (this is canon, and I love it, so it’s not really a hc but see if I care) His plans are so detailed, so meticulous, and generally go so well because of how thoroughly he understands each and every detail of them. It’s not enough to know that, for instance, Wylan’s timed bombs will go off when he says they will, Kaz needs to understand the mechanics behind them. This helps him spot weaknesses, flaws, and patterns, and is one of the things that makes him so successful. 
-Kaz being touch averse before Jordie’s death. Only now there are images and grief attached to the aversion. That makes it worse but also, in a twisted kind of way, better. Because at least now there’s a Reason behind it, and he can understand it. 
-Kaz plans everything. From breaking into the Ice Court, to basic, every day to-do lists. He can do it all mentally, and keep track of everything that way, but he likes writing it all down. IT’s a way of taking control and it’s grounding/calming. Probably has an old blackboard/some chalk in his office at The Slat. It’s stimmy and it means he can doodle elaborate lists and plans all over it. 
-Most of his stims are small things that he can hide. The streets worked out the notable ones from him a long time ago. He strokes the head of his cane, tracing all of the deep lines and groves in it, lingering on patches that are especially smooth. He flexes his hands - the feeling of the leather gloves curling around them is especially Good. Is also prone to leg dancing and finger tapping (especially to music. He picks out the beats of any nearby music and taps along to the them) But they’re all things that he can be discreet about. He used to hum, but when he was abandoned on the streets it was too much of a giveaway and he trained himself to stop. 
-Kaz saying he has a headache when he becomes overloaded because he doesn’t know how else to explain that he needs to leave this place now. 
-First signs of him heading towards a meltdown is always irritability. He becomes v easily frustrated, snaps sharply if interrupted, becomes frantic if he can’t easily find something, and is agitated and irritated by even small sounds in his vicinity. Will murder you for being too Loud when he’s like this because he just can’t deal with it. 
-Never has meltdowns in front of other people. He instinctively suppresses them in public/on a job. This typically causes a massive shutdown afterwards. he locks himself in his room, turns off all the light, and buries himself in his bed where it’s dark and quiet. He refuses to see anyone during that time, and everyone knows not to bother him/to let him recover in peace. 
-Has shutdowns more frequently than meltdowns. Becomes nonverbal during them, very withdrawn and unresponsive - typically the only communication anyone gets out of him then is nods/shakes of the head. 
-Bad trauma days make his sensory issues much, much worse. Some days he can’t leave his room because the very feel of the air on his skin is too much. He won’t even let Inej see him on those days, he needs to be alone to be able to meltdown/stim and process everything the way he needs to. 
-Occassionally becomes utterly Consumed by short but very very intense special interests. Once developed one in baking, it only lasted about a week but it was Intense. He was covered in flour for days and was constantly trying new things, and tweaking old recipes to make them completely perfect. Only Kaz could turn cake-making into a form of science. He experimented with different methods of mixing, different amounts of flour, the order he added the ingredients in etc etc etc. The Dregs were baffled but delighted. Nina swears she has never eaten better waffles in her entire life. 
-His cane becomes a comfort object, he gets really angsty if he doesn’t have it close at hand at all times. His gloves are comfort objects too, even if he manages to stop wearing them all the time, he always keeps them on him. Inej brings him back a small, smooth, polished stone she found on her travels - it becomes a comfort object, too. He always has it in his pocket. 
-Can recreate maps/building plans he’s studied incredibly accurately....But he has no sense of direction. Frequently gets lost in The Slat. Only manages to navigate the city bc he’s carefully memorised maps/routes/landmarks. 
-APD has him threatening to gag Jesper at least twice a week because ‘I can’t process two different speakers/conversations at once, Jesper shut up.’ 
-Loves listening to Wylan play flute. Will legit sit and listen to him quietly for hours. Wylan starts noticing when Kaz is getting overloaded and, if he’s able, will discreetly play for a little while to help ground him. 
-One time Inej changed her perfume an he became so irritated and bothered and  he couldn’t understand why which was almost more frustrating. Eventually she realised what was wrong. 
-Hates clothes with high/tight collars, they feel like they’re strangling him. 
-I’m not entirely sure if this is possible Heartrender wise, or rather, if it was possible pre-parem but, like, humour me okay? He asks Nina to use her abilities to lessen the quality of his hearing/eyesight/touch, just slightly, and only for short periods of time, but it really helps when he’s becoming overloaded. 
-Will cut you if you fuck with his routine/his plans in any way. (Always has v precise, detailed plans and no, we can’t go there first, because if we go there first then x, y, z will happen, and we won’t be able to do that, and the world will end no just everybody do as I say I have worked this shit out) 
-Absently stroking Inej’s hair = The Best Stim. 
-The pickiest of picky eaters. 
-Kaz ‘I don’t like new things’ Brekker. Nina despairs over him bc he orders exactly the same thing every single time they go out for anything to eat. 
-One time a restaurant took his item off their menu and Kaz Twitched uncomfortably until the owner told him they kept a few of the necessary ingredients on-hand for him so he could still have it. All of Ketterdam relaxed and a shrine was later built to this good woman’s sense. 
-Had to carefully teach himself to read each individual person’s tone/expressions/body language etc for each job. He constantly studies people and improves his understanding of them - it’s like watching for tells in a fight/card game, but with everything. Keeps very detailed, very extensive notes. Doesn’t realise that not everyone has to do this until Nina spots his notes on her and is just like ??? Kaz ??? is this necessary ????? 
-Dsypraxia!Kaz - performs incredible precise, delicate, deft lock-picking one minute. Bangs into the corner of a desk the next bc it was moved an inch to the right of its usual spot. 
-One day, Mathias decides to be ‘helpful’ and sets about fixing up The Slat. Kaz walks in and freezes. ‘No.’ ‘But the floorboards were creaking here so-’ ‘No.’ ‘The roof leaked a little, I thought-’ ‘No.’ ‘The carpets were-’ ‘No.’ ‘The paintwork could use a little freshening u-’ ‘No.’ Kaz threatens to drown him in the fresh tin of paint he has open and ready next to him and methodically undoes all of Mathias’ fixes until the Slat is creaking, whistling, leaking, and tripping people up as it should. 
-One time Nina got bored and decided to rearrange the furniture ‘for a change’. This did not go down well. 
-Gunshots are sensory hell tbh. 
-Views literally everything in terms of business arrangements bc it’s the only way he’s learned to really make sense of social interactions?? People are loyal to him bc he knows their secrets, and bc he’s the most beneficial to their interests than any other gang leader in Ketterdam. People will do favours for him bc he’s done things for them in the past/would do in the future. ‘I will make you waffles today, and you will promise to help me with my sensory shit at a later date when I need you to. The deal is the deal.’ ‘Uh...Kaz...We’re friends?????’ Kaz: *this does not compute* *Nina sighs and just nods and yes, yes, u strange boy, just prepare me my waffles* 
-He slowly starts to understand things on a more personal/intimate/informal level when he’s with Inej and they start getting closer. But he still, at the end of the day, rationalises/makes sense of everything via a structure that’s simple, and logical to him, and that’s by viewing it as a job. Inej is patient with him, and pretty understanding...As long as he never gets to the point of, like, ‘I have kissed you three times today, this equates to a ten minute leg massage, I would like to cash this in now, please.’ (He never does. (Except once when he was teasing her about it and she just like ffs, kaz, u had me for a minute there.)) 
-Has a ‘mutually beneficial relationship’ with a stray cat he insists he hasn’t adopted. He feeds it and gives it somewhere warm to sleep. In return it is an A++++ stim toy. V soft and it’s a great, warm presssure stim when it curls up in his lap which is obviously the only reason he lets it do this. But he has not adopted it, this is strictly a business arrangement- I can see you rolling your eyes at me, Nina. (Its name is ‘Demjin.’) 
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hurlinhunk-blog · 8 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED. Idk like everyone in a round-about way TAGGING.  Everyones already been tagged </3
FULL  NAME :  Tsuyoshi Akamu Garrett NICKNAME :  Hunk AGE :  20 BIRTHDAY :   January 13th ETHNIC  GROUP :  Samoan NATIONALITY :   Samoan-American LANGUAGE / S : Samoan, English as a second language, survival Japanese. SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Demiromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   Single HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Tuamasaga, Samoa.  CURRENT  HOME :   Castle of Lions PROFESSION :  Yellow Paladin, Mechanic
HAIR: Deep brown that can be mistaken for black, reaches his mid-neck.  EYES :  Brown FACE :  Square jawed with a large button nose and thick eyebrows.  LIPS :   Usually dry and chapped from worrying between his teeth when nervous, or just a lack of general mindfulness when he’s focusing on fixing something up in the castle.  COMPLEXION :  Dark skin dusted with freckles that are too hard to notice unless you know they’re there, or you’re paying very close attention to his skin.  BLEMISHES :   SCARS : Lots of small nicks on his fingers where his hand has slipped, or he’s put too much strength behind pushing something that won’t budge in machinery so his hand has jolted forward and scrapped against something sharp. A few burn blotchy burn scars from trial and error cooking when he was younger.  TATTOOS :  N/A ... yet HEIGHT :   6′1″ WEIGHT :   305 lbs (listen I know nothing about pounds man if this is too low like hmu??) BUILD :  Large, Hunk both has a large frame and is made up of a lot of muscle. He has a thick layer of fat on his stomach that hides any mention of abs.  FEATURES :  ... The ability to bench press the entire team?? ALLERGIES :  bullshit USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : Parted down the middle with an orange fabric strip tied around his head to keep the hair out of his eyes. Hair generally finger combed when wet and left to dry. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Quietly quizzical, is really listening attentively and filing things away. USUAL  CLOTHING :  Yellow long sleeve shirt, khaki puffer vest that’s too small to do up, fingerless gloves, beige pants with double fanny packs, tall white boots with a black stripe up the front, orange straps over the top of the shoe part, orange fabric strip.
FEAR / S :   Flying. Not being able to save everyone, dying before the galaxy is free from (evil) Galra control/Earth falling under their control. Any thought of anyone close to him losing their lives, hypmotism, being manipulated, hurting his friends. ASPIRATION / S :   To learn as much as he can about other cultures (their mannerisms, customs, food - can he incoporate anything?), to become the best mechanic he possibly can, free planets living in fear/spread peace throughout the galaxy.  POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Honest | Reliable | Loyal NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Skittish | Bitter | Childish |  MBTI :   The Entertainer (ESFP, -t) ZODIAC :   Capricorn  TEMPEREMENT :   Sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S :   Thinker ANIMALS :   Elephant VICE  HABIT / S :  Absentmindedly chewing lips, usually when concentrating on something else.  FAITH : None GHOSTS ? :  Nope, nada, uh-uh, not even thinking about that, do you want him to sleep AFTERLIFE ? :  Unsure, if there was does that mean all races would be there? REINCARNATION ? :   Unsure, same as above. If reincarnation was real, would that mean he could reincarnate into an alien? ALIENS ? :   He has alien friends, he definitely believes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  Pro Defenders of the Universe EDUCATION  LEVEL :    Close to graduating from Galaxy Garrison.
FATHER :    Unknown. MOTHER :  Both his mothers are the world to him. His birth mother has a job in business and was constantly flying from Samoa to America to complete business transactions. That’s where she met Hunk’s other mother, a Japanese-American personal trainer. She moved to Samoa because his birth mother had a more stable career, and his birth mother agreed to carry when they decided on having a child. They’re both outgoing and assertive, encouraging their kids to follow their aspirations.  SIBLINGS :  Hunk and his sister look nothing alike, and that’s because their birth mothers were different. They may not be related by blood, but they were a family. Hunk would often do her hair for her before school and make her lunch as their mothers would have to leave home early to go to work. Hunk learned how to drive as soon as he was able so he could drive her to school without worrying about her on the bus. She’s smart and plays rugby, will turn Hunk into their moms if he’s sneaking out unless he bribes her, and she knows it.  EXTENDED  FAMILY :  He doesn’t know much about his extended family.  NAME  MEANING / S :   Tsuyoshi; ‘strong’, Akamu; ‘red earth’, Garrett; ‘brave’ ‘strong’ ‘hardy’ ‘spear’ HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a.
BOOK :  Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro MOVIE :   The Breakfast Club, Star Trek (any-- except we don’t talk about the first two reboot movies. Ever.) 5  SONGS : Divine Intervention by Divine Styler & DJ Shadow, Brass Monkey by Beastie Boys, Vitamin C by CAN, Mama Said Knock You Out by LL Cool J, Shoop by Salt-N-Pepa DEITY :   None HOLIDAY :   New Years MONTH :   January SEASON :   Summer PLACE : Anywhere he can work/has those he cares for. For example, they’re all narrowed to; Earth, the castle, a certain Balmera.  WEATHER :  Humid SOUND :  Rain pounding against the roof. SCENT / S :   Freshly baked goods, metal, rain when it hits the pavement, old books TASTE / S :  Anything that has flavor, especially strong ones, like wasabi. FEEL / S :  Warmth, body heat from hugs, muscle burn during work outs, soft skin, textures like sandpaper ANIMAL / S :  Dogs NUMBER :  4, has no particular reason COLORS :   Bright warm colours. Sunset colours - sunburnt orange, warm yellows. 
TALENTS : Anything involving strength, cooking, understanding alien technology, has an eidetic memory, diplomatic, has an ability to intuitively sense motives.  BAD  AT : Telling jokes at inappropriate times, controlling anxiety, bad at expressing things that annoy him unless it contiously happens to the point of activating passive-aggressive Hunk, in which there is no reasoning with him until the situation is resolved. Registering personal space boundaries.  TURN  ONS :   Marking (hickeys, scratches), light caresses, massages, slow burn, rough treatment/restrained movement, talking (e.g. dirty talk, sweet nothings) TURN  OFFS :   Humiliation HOBBIES : Cooking, tinkering, socialising, planning projects, cleaning (upkeep cleaning, if something... has happened to make it go out of control he’s the first to nope out). QUOTES :   “Galra Keith is much funnier than human Keith.” “OoOoh Lance, my hearts a twitter~!” “I’m on reserve power, my lions pretty much dead in the water.” [self satisfied smirk]
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :  It’d probably just be called Hunk. Because it’s his nickname and it’d be about him. Possibly like a slice of life, following this little Samoan boy through his life journey to get where he is, in which he would be the main character to maximise emotions and the treatment he deserves side eyes Voltron writers. Could potentially be non-sci-fi and follow him through college in his goal to become an engineer for NASA? Either way, give me a lead that isn’t a straight white middle aged guy. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :  Instrumental indie that can lead up to instrumental upbeat, chuck some piano in one song, then throw in some hearty drums and bass.  Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :  I generally like playing sweet characters with sarcasm that might otherwise be seen as a background character. That, or the most annoying little shits that everybody loves to hate and kept around for the drama. Honestly, I don’t minorly like something, I generally fall hard and fast, which is what happened with Voltron. I didn’t know who I wanted to write - it was a toss up between Lance, Pidge, Hunk and I even considered Shay (because I love and cherish her). So when Hunk was open here?? Basically made up my mind for me and I’m so glad I went with him because I adore him. Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   His deadpan snark/using humour as a coping mechanism.  Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   how the writers treat him as a fat joke half the time :’) Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   Puns. Deadpan snark. Loves good food. Anxious, gives good hugs. That’s about it, he’s too smart for me. Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :  Probably uncomfortable ? like I don’t think our personalities would mix lmao Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :  *shows the cast of Voltron* these ones. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :  Reading hcs, listening to upbeat shit mixes or chill classic rock, rewatching episodes he’s a bigger part of, shit talking about muses, coming up with hcs, reading through other Hunk blogs (not to write like them, everyone writes him differently and still gives off the Hunk vibe its so good) looking at fanart. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :  sobs is it over it’s been seventy years
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