#i like to think he was an espionage/assassin type just like lady nagant bc the whole reason SHE was picked for it
hella1975 · 6 months
you are so right about hawks and shigaraki... I think about those two constantly. I just want to know if anyone found it kinda weird that Hawks first debuted with seemingly no connections, hero school, or even name and somehow got into the top ten as a teenager and had the funds to open his own agency??? like did no one find that suspicious??
gripping you by the shoulders THANK YOU. like why was it CELEBRATED that an eighteen year old was in the top 10 and running his own agency and going out to risk his life day in day out as a hero. that's a teenager. how is that even legal. and even if it is, it should at least be frowned upon or warrant SOMEONE to side eye it a bit, and on top of the fact like you said he's got NO ACCESSIBLE HISTORY not even a NAME like i firmly believe he was just locked up in the HPSC until he debuted bc they didn't want anyone knowing about the whole. you know. child trafficking so like. WHY DID NO ONE QUESTION THIS. WHY IS NOT A SINGLE PERSON CONCERNED
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