#i literallt have called them out for being racist
angelpuns · 1 year
Keeping a mental tally of how many times my parents/family are blatantly racist/homophobic in my little brain head so I have a reminder of why it sucks here :)
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ly0nstea · 11 months
i don't think you know what racism is... first, irish isn't a race. second, white people can't face racism.
Pov youre the most american person to ever exist
Firstly, you can be racist against an ethnicity
Secondly, irish people werent even considered white until like the 60s please lesrn history paleness≠ whiteness, italians and iirc the polish went through the same process, irish people were literallt historicallt called 'white n-word's.
Thirdly, you can be racist against white people please broaden your horizons and leave america, irish people faced 800 years of racial discrimination, people put up signs like "no blacks no dogs no irish" infront of businesses, irish people werent allowed to own land or inherit based on their race, the Penal Laws were effextively the precursor to Jim Crow Laws before America even existed so dont come talking to me, telling me my genocided ancestors who were slaughtered for being irish couldnt face racism, because they were white (even though whiteness conceptually didnt fucking exist until the 16-1700s and irish people were being murdered for their nationality by the english since 1167) learn any piece of history im begging you.
Also a big fuck you to the travelling community (a registered ethnic minority in ireland) and like all of eastern europe who have and do face insane amounts of racism in western europe and across the globe so go fuck yourself you intolerant prick is fuath liom Meiriceánaigh
If you still dont believe me, here's historical racist caricatures of irish people used to turn the brits against the irish and dehumanise us so things like the potato genocide and shippung out population to Austrailia for petty crimes seemed justified.
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See in the second one irisb people are compared to monkeys, gee. Wonder why thats familiar.
The "drunken irish" is also a racist caricature that americans LOVE bringing up all the time, they also turned our named into racial slurs "Tadhg" and 'Paddy' are common irish names and the english turned them into slurs.
Please educate yourself before speaking please
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