#i literally love jolteons design it looks cool while still being simple
electricpurrs · 1 year
i have decided to now call jolteon my favorite eeveelution just to counter the bizarrely large portion of people who seem to think its the worst eeveelution. jolteon is COOL. its YELLOW. and SPIKY. do you not like spiky dog? do you not like cool bright yellow tailless spiky dog?
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tumblunni · 7 years
9, 10, and 11!!!
9:Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon?      
Man, seriously, I flip flop on this every few years! I liked Flareon the most as a kid because I kinda like eevee the best and flareon is just like the same design but even fluffier. But then when I grew up I started not JUST liking pokemon for being the most cute, but also appreciating like.. creativity of design. So I’ve gotta say flareon is the most lacking in that, plus it also sucks that the game creators gave it objectively the worst movepool out of all the eeveelutions...
So yeah, basically now I flip flop between jolteon and vaporeon! I like jolteon a lot cos of how its design has so much personality, and the cool idea of the spiky hedgehog fur on a catdog thingie, and how it can use the bug type move Pin Missile cos it can shoot its spines. Its like.. REQUIRED to have that move on its moveset if you own one! Thats such a creative thing!But then I also think Vaporeon is the second best at sheer cute factor, and i LOVE how well the design flows together as a fish-mammal hybrid. it doesnt look like a chimera, it looks like a believeable hypothetical of what one would really look like, if that’s the path evolution chose for us. And its cool how it still remains an adorable cat despite (probably) being hairless. Hairless cats are underappreciated! Tho its kinda debateable what it would feel like if you hugged it, I mean does it have scales or is it tough skin and a very thin layer of fuzz like on a seal or penguin? ALSO i really like the whole ‘fins as ears’ aesthetic for japanese mermaids, and how they decided to do a nonhumanoid mermaid monster, AND how it has that interesting thing mentioned in its pokedex that it can actually transform into water.Soooooo.. hmmm... Vaporeon is my fave at the moment, I guess.             
                                                                    10: Umbreon or Espeon?    
OH GOD THE OTHER HARD QUESTIONOkay I almost NEVER know what to say for this one! They’re my two favourite designs in the evo tree. I just love the colourschemes and the designs and again the fact that these ones seem to have more personality and stuff. And I loved how a duo of them were the starters in Collosseum! I LOVED THEM SO MUCH!!! It sucked that umbreon’s moveset was far worse in that game tho.And AAAAA I really like espeon’s head jewel and the super big ears and the weird double tail and the sort of mouthless aesthetic face, even if it does actually have a mouth that only appears when its needed. It reminds me of how hairless cats FEEL, yknow? Even if it does have hair! Its a very lanky and elegant kitty with a kind of alien appeal to it.BUT also dark type is my second fave next to ghost, and I love umbreon’s bioluminescance and its just such a simple yet perfect design?? I think its my fave of all the designs and I can’t even clearly say why! It feels so funny that vaporeon has so much complexity and effort put into it, so much detail, yet umbreon is literally just a housecat sized puma thing with circles drawn on, YET IT JUST WORKS!! And the big floofy lemon-shaped ears and tail!! And how stoic and cool it is!! and the BEST SHINY COLOUR!!!So aaaaaa I pick Umbreon! It manages to be my fave even despite having gameplay flaws like flareon, so thats gotta count for more!                              
                                                                    11:  Leafeon or Glaceon?         
Aaaaand another hard question in a different way. I actually really dislike all of the eeveelutions after gen 2, i dunno why but none of them hit it off for me. they all seem way less unique, I think. They dont have as much varying body shapes anymore, they all feel like an espeon with different accessories. They dont seem to go far enough in making them look like their actual element, they’re just a very simple base with like.. all they have is the colour. I mean sylveon’s ribbons are an interesting idea but they have nothing to do with fairies! and they just make it look overcomplicated while ALSO looking too simple. Somehow??or maybe its just cos the fandom had spent so many years making awesome fan designs for grass and ice eeveelutions, so they seem very low effort compared to that...Ehh.. I kinda liked Glaceon more as a kid cos Leafeon’s face looked a bit emotionless on its official art. But now I’ve gotta say.. at least leafeon has leafs on it. And that pale oniony colour instead of plain green is a tad creative, i guess? Also I like its shiny, i think its the most appealing of all the autumny grass type shinies. I think if that was its main colour then it would have at least been MILDLY creative and unexpected, yknow? Autumn pokemon. Thats more of an identity than just ‘espeon with leafs’.So yeah these two are my absolute least favourite, but leafeon just manages to win and take the second worst spot. Sorry glaceon! Sorry discount vaporeon of trash!And sylveon just kinda wins over leafeon for at least having one creative design trait, even if its cluttered and weird and doesnt fit its element.But like.. even as i’m saying which one I like most, i dont LIKE any of them, yknow? These are pokemon i constantly forget about. i feel guilty about that.
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