#i literally replied to their email within 20 minutes of them sending it to confirm i wanted the spot
kittykatinabag · 2 years
Me waiting for my university to give me the voucher code for the off campus therapy they're partnered with so I can finally get mental healthcare for free for the first time in my life.
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How Restaurants Can Benefit from SMS
With a whopping 75 percent of all customers wanting to receive offers via SMS, it really doesn’t take a genius to know what you should be doing – sending your customers a text message of course. And with more and more restaurants popping up every day, it’s more important than ever to get your restaurant at the forefront of customers minds and your name on the tip of their tongues when they are looking for places to eat.
There are lots of different marketing channels that restaurants are using to promote and acquire new customers, from social media, which is great for sharing news, updates and new dishes. However unless the consumer is actually on the social media platform and following you, they won’t see it.
You can use email marketing, but with people getting hundreds of emails a day, they will either go straight to junk, into the promotion tabs that Gmail have, or will be just deleted without even opening it.
You can advertise on billboards, flyers, your own website and other websites, along with TV and radio. But what all these advertising places mean, is that the customer have to be physically doing something to find your advert, and some the prices on these mediums can be very high.
Using SMS marketing means you can send a text message straight to your customers pocket, and with SMS having an open rate of 98 percent, you can almost guarantee every message will get read - 90 percent of those messages are read within three minutes. Not many marketing channels can hold up to those kinds of stats.
There are numerous ways that restaurants can use SMS and below I have added some of the mains ways that you can use SMS for your restaurants. I have even given some example texts, in case you are unsure of how it would come across.
Send Text Messages that Include Special Offers
By sending a personalized SMS message with a great offer on, you can hit people on two fronts. One being the great offer, maybe a percentage off or 2 for 1, and the second being a personalized message. People love receiving offers, but when it is directly addressed to them it feels like the restaurant is talking to them on a personal level and that can make customers feel special and wanted.
The great thing about SMS is that you can send a bulk SMS campaign that does this, include the name and even a personalized offer as well. By sending an offer to customers and giving them a time frame to use the offer means you can get bums on seats and even if they can’t use your offer, you are still spreading brand awareness.
“Hi Mike, we are offering a huge discount this weekend - 20 percent off all orders of £30 or more. So why not bring the family and eat some delicious food and save on us”
Remind Customers of their Reservations
A great way of going above and beyond is sending a reminder text message to customers with their reservation details on. By sending a reminder message to customers the day of or the day before, not only makes the customer feel like you are rolling out the red carpet for them, but by giving the customer an opportunity to cancel the booking if they have forgotten or can’t make it anymore.
If a customer does not turn up it can cost restaurants money, as most restaurants will give a 10-15 minute leeway, meaning in this time they could have sat another customer down and served them in that time. The NHS have started sending appointment reminder by SMS and it is thought that they could save around £64 million pounds.
“Hi Jane, thank you for making a booking to eat with us tonight. Just to confirm your table is booked for 7.45pm. If for some reason you cannot make it, please call us on 0123 456 78 90.”
Use SMS for Competitions
Everyone loves a competition, even if it is to just win something small, people love free stuff and what better and easier way to enter a competition than texting. Getting customers to text a word to enter a competition not only means an interaction with your brand but will keep customers happy, and if you do enough competitions you will keep your customers waiting for the next one, again keeping them in touch with your brand.
The great thing about using SMS for competitions is you can advertise it literally anywhere, with just a simple word all the customer needs to do is, text into enter. You can advertise it on your website, in the restaurant, on table mats or coasters, mugs, glasses, basically anywhere you can think of advertising it - because it’s just a small bit of text.
“Text FOOD to 88802 to enter a competition to have a free meal on us”
Use an SMS Loyalty Program
As said above, customers love receiving offers, but receiving offers that are exclusive and not for open to the general public is even better. That is exactly what an SMS loyalty program can give customers, and with 90 percent of users who enroll in an SMS loyalty program feeling that they gained value from it, it really is another great tool to keep your customers happy.
“Thank you for entering our SMS loyalty program, your first of many exclusive offers is a free dessert, and the best thing is, you don’t even need to buy anything to get it, just pop in and show this text message to claim your free dessert on us”
Allow Customer to Text in to Make a Booking
Making it easy for customers to make a table reservation means you are more likely to get booking rather than people just turning up, which is great as you can see how busy you will be. Most restaurants let you call up and make a booking, some allow you to do it online but the next step is allowing someone to text in to make a booking.
Some people don’t like talking on the phone and for those that don’t have a website where people can book a table means they probably won’t book, but letting people text you to make a booking means you don’t have to employee anyone on the phone taking books and it can all be automated.
“Thank you for booking a table tonight, unfortunately we don’t have any tables available at 7.00pm but we do have a table at 6.45 p.m. Reply ‘Yes’ to book the table at 6.45 p.m.”
Use SMS Surveys to Gain Customer Feedback
As all restaurant owners know, improving the dining experience of customers is vital to a growing restaurant and can be the difference between a failed restaurant and a huge chain. Collecting feedback on the customer’s experience is the best way to do this, feedback cards for people to fill in are often longwinded and time consuming so customers would rather not fill them out.
A more advanced way of collecting feedback is by sending customers an SMS survey. This can be sent an hour or a day after they have ate, whichever you find best. This gives the consumer enough time to think about their meal whilst it is still fresh in their mind. With SMS surveys being all done through texts, with only a couple of questions it will on take a minute to collect some feedback.
“Thank you for eating with us yesterday, with your dining experience fresh in your mind, would you mind answer a couple of questions so we can improve our service to you. Reply ‘Yes’ to start the survey”
These are just a few ways that restaurants are already using SMS to ensure their customers are kept happy and keep coming back
Ref: https://www.modernrestaurantmanagement.com/how-restaurants-can-benefit-from-sms/
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bluebookweb · 7 years
How Restaurants Can Benefit from SMS
With a whopping 75 percent of all customers wanting to receive offers via SMS, it really doesn’t take a genius to know what you should be doing – sending your customers a text message of course. And with more and more restaurants popping up every day, it’s more important than ever to get your restaurant at the forefront of customers minds and your name on the tip of their tongues when they are looking for places to eat.
There are lots of different marketing channels that restaurants are using to promote and acquire new customers, from social media, which is great for sharing news, updates and new dishes. However unless the consumer is actually on the social media platform and following you, they won’t see it.
You can use email marketing, but with people getting hundreds of emails a day, they will either go straight to junk, into the promotion tabs that Gmail have, or will be just deleted without even opening it.
You can advertise on billboards, flyers, your own website and other websites, along with TV and radio. But what all these advertising places mean, is that the customer have to be physically doing something to find your advert, and some the prices on these mediums can be very high.
Using SMS marketing means you can send a text message straight to your customers pocket, and with SMS having an open rate of 98 percent, you can almost guarantee every message will get read – 90 percent of those messages are read within three minutes. Not many marketing channels can hold up to those kinds of stats.
There are numerous ways that restaurants can use SMS and below I have added some of the mains ways that you can use SMS for your restaurants. I have even given some example texts, in case you are unsure of how it would come across.
Send Text Messages that Include Special Offers
By sending a personalized SMS message with a great offer on, you can hit people on two fronts. One being the great offer, maybe a percentage off or 2 for 1, and the second being a personalized message. People love receiving offers, but when it is directly addressed to them it feels like the restaurant is talking to them on a personal level and that can make customers feel special and wanted.
The great thing about SMS is that you can send a bulk SMS campaign that does this, include the customers name and even a personalized offer as well. By sending an offer to customers and giving them a time frame to use the offer means you can get bums on seats and even if they can’t use your offer, you are still spreading brand awareness.
“Hi Mike, we are offering a huge discount this weekend – 20 percent off all orders of £30 or more. So why not bring the family and eat some delicious food and save on us”
Remind Customers of their Reservations
A great way of going above and beyond is sending a reminder text message to customers with their reservation details on. By sending a reminder message to customers the day of or the day before, not only makes the customer feel like you are rolling out the red carpet for them, but by giving the customer an opportunity to cancel the booking if they have forgotten or can’t make it anymore.
If a customer does not turn up it can cost restaurants money, as most restaurants will give a 10-15 minute leeway, meaning in this time they could have sat another customer down and served them in that time. The NHS have started sending appointment reminder by SMS and it is thought that they could save around £64 million pounds.
“Hi Jane, thank you for making a booking to eat with us tonight. Just to confirm your table is booked for 7.45pm. If for some reason you cannot make it, please call us on 0123 456 78 90.”
Use SMS for Competitions
Everyone loves a competition, even if it is to just win something small, people love free stuff and what better and easier way to enter a competition than texting. Getting customers to text a word to enter a competition not only means an interaction with your brand but will keep customers happy, and if you do enough competitions you will keep your customers waiting for the next one, again keeping them in touch with your brand.
The great thing about using SMS for competitions is you can advertise it literally anywhere, with just a simple word all the customer needs to do is, text into enter. You can advertise it on your website, in the restaurant, on table mats or coasters, mugs, glasses, basically anywhere you can think of advertising it – because it’s just a small bit of text.
“Text FOOD to 88802 to enter a competition to have a free meal on us”
Use an SMS Loyalty Program
As said above, customers love receiving offers, but receiving offers that are exclusive and not for open to the general public is even better. That is exactly what an SMS loyalty program can give customers, and with 90 percent of users who enroll in an SMS loyalty program feeling that they gained value from it, it really is another great tool to keep your customers happy.
“Thank you for entering our SMS loyalty program, your first of many exclusive offers is a free dessert, and the best thing is, you don’t even need to buy anything to get it, just pop in and show this text message to claim your free dessert on us”
Allow Customer to Text in to Make a Booking
Making it easy for customers to make a table reservation means you are more likely to get booking rather than people just turning up, which is great as you can see how busy you will be. Most restaurants let you call up and make a booking, some allow you to do it online but the next step is allowing someone to text in to make a booking.
Some people don’t like talking on the phone and for those that don’t have a website where people can book a table means they probably won’t book, but letting people text you to make a booking means you don’t have to employee anyone on the phone taking books and it can all be automated.
“Thank you for booking a table tonight, unfortunately we don’t have any tables available at 7.00pm but we do have a table at 6.45 p.m. Reply ‘Yes’ to book the table at 6.45 p.m.”
Use SMS Surveys to Gain Customer Feedback
As all restaurant owners know, improving the dining experience of customers is vital to a growing restaurant and can be the difference between a failed restaurant and a huge chain. Collecting feedback on the customer’s experience is the best way to do this, feedback cards for people to fill in are often longwinded and time consuming so customers would rather not fill them out.
A more advanced way of collecting feedback is by sending customers an SMS survey. This can be sent an hour or a day after they have ate, whichever you find best. This gives the consumer enough time to think about their meal whilst it is still fresh in their mind. With SMS surveys being all done through texts, with only a couple of questions it will on take a minute to collect some feedback.
“Thank you for eating with us yesterday, with your dining experience fresh in your mind, would you mind answer a couple of questions so we can improve our service to you. Reply ‘Yes’ to start the survey”
These are just a few ways that restaurants are already using SMS to ensure their customers are kept happy and keep coming back.
Working with Modern Restaurant Management we are giving you 250 free credits and a completely free SMS marketing account – sign up with Text Marketer and use the Promo Code MODERN and enjoy your free credits.
How Restaurants Can Benefit from SMS posted first on happyhourspecialsyum.blogspot.com
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realestate63141 · 8 years
HUFFPOST HILL - Civil Society Implodes, Paul Ryan Dabs
Like what you read below? Sign up for HUFFPOST HILL and get a cheeky dose of political news every evening!
Donald Trump lost the popular vote, scored a sub-par Electoral College tally and now over 50 percent of Americans disapprove of his performance ― so the revolution is going real swell. Jason Chaffetz threatened the head of the Office of Government Ethics ― we guess he has to do something with all the extra time he previously spent looking his children in the eye. And another political controversy has erupted over a painting, but it’s unclear whether Duncan Hunter will employ his world-renown art-yanking skills to resolve the conflict. This is HUFFPOST HILL for Friday, January 13th, 2017:
TRUMP HISTORICALLY UNPOPULAR - Yeah but wait until you see the crowd size at inauguration. Lydia Saad: “In Gallup polling conducted two weeks before Inauguration Day, President-elect Donald Trump continues to garner historically low approval for his transition performance, with 51% of Americans disapproving of how he is handling the presidential transition and 44% approving. Last month, the public was split on this question, with 48% approving and 48% disapproving. Trump’s 48% transition approval rating in December was already the lowest for any presidential transition Gallup has measured, starting with Bill Clinton’s in 1992-1993. Trump’s current rating only further separates him from his predecessors ― particularly Barack Obama, who earned 83% approval for his handling of the transition process in January 2009, up from 75% in mid-December 2008. Republicans’ rating of Trump’s transition has remained positive, with 87% approving in the Jan. 4-8 poll, similar to the 86% recorded last month. Very few Democrats approve, which has also been fairly steady, at 13% this month versus 17% in December. Meanwhile, his transition approval among independents has fallen from 46% to 33%.” [Gallup]
Oh wait, Trump doesn’t even have crowd sizes going for him: “President-elect Donald Trump has boasted (incorrectly) that there is nary a dress to be had in D.C. for inaugural balls, and that attendance at his swearing in will be ‘record-setting.’ However, bus permit applications for the weekend tell a different story. As of Friday, roughly 200 bus permits have been requested to park in Washington D.C.’s RFK stadium on Inauguration Day, a spokesperson for the District Department of Transportation confirmed to The Huffington Post. (A total of 393 have been granted within the entire district that day.) By contrast, nearly 1,200 tour bus permits that have been requested for the Women’s March on Washington the following day.” [HuffPost’s Catherine Pearson]
Errrbody gonna git druuuunk: “The D.C. government has announced 108 District restaurants, bars, and hotels will be able to sell alcohol until four a.m. from January 14-22.” [WJLA]
THE MORE THINGS CHANGE - S.V. Date: “Days after announcing that he would not be putting his business assets into a blind trust, President-elect Donald Trump is meeting with billionaire real estate developer Steven Roth who co-owns two of his buildings. Roth is to meet with Trump Friday afternoon, according to the schedule provided by spokesman Sean Spicer during a conference call with reporters Friday morning. Spicer did not immediately respond to a Huffington Post query regarding the nature of the meeting. CEO of Vornado Realty Trust, Roth has done business with Trump for decades. Vornado currently owns 70 percent to Trump’s 30 percent of two buildings: one in San Francisco and the other on Sixth Avenue in midtown Manhattan.” [HuffPost]
TRUMP ACCUSER COMING TO D.C. WITH A BIG SQUAD - Dana Liebelson: “When Cathy Heller, one of more than a dozen women who have accused President-elect Donald Trump of sexual harassment or assault, arrives in Washington next week to protest his inauguration, she won’t be alone. Heller plans to travel from New York City to D.C. with an Amtrak car full of supporters. The 63-year-old made news last fall when she came forward to allege that Trump tried to kiss her without her consent about 20 years ago, at a Mother’s Day brunch at his Mar-a-Lago estate. She has reserved an entire train car to bring people to the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21.” [HuffPost]
Like HuffPost Hill? Then order Eliot’s new book, The Beltway Bible: A Totally Serious A-Z Guide To Our No-Good, Corrupt, Incompetent, Terrible, Depressing, and Sometimes Hilarious Government
Does somebody keep forwarding you this newsletter? Get your own copy. It’s free! Sign up here. Send tips/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter - @HuffPostHill
THIS SHOULD TERRIFY REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS - Ariel Edwards-Levy: “Voters who elected Trump largely are inclined to take his side in such disputes against congressional Republicans and traditionally conservative pressure groups, according to a new poll.” [HuffPost]
INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING SEND DEMOCRATS INTO A RAGE - Akbar Shahid Ahmed: “Congressional Democrats raged against FBI Director James Comey on Friday after he and other intelligence agency chiefs provided legislators with a classified briefing on Russia’s involvement in last year’s presidential election. Interviewed by The Hill, Democrats said they were furious. ‘I’m extremely concerned,’ said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) said he had lost confidence in Comey, citing the last 15 minutes of the briefing as a tipping point but providing no details on what the FBI head or other intelligence officials said. ‘I’m disappointed, outraged — many of us are right now,’ Walz told The Hill. Comey upset both Democrats and Republicans by declining to comment on whether his agency is investigating reported ties between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, sources inside the briefing told the Guardian. Democrats want Comey to look into the allegations, which the intelligence community has not proved but has flagged as important enough to share with Trump and President Barack Obama.” [HuffPost]
CHAFFETZ THREATENS ETHICS OFFICE - Super-ethical thing to do. Nick Baumann and Paul Blumenthal: “Walter Shaub, the head of the OGE, is ‘blurring the line between public relations and official ethics guidance,’ Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, wrote in a sternly worded letter to Shaub Thursday. Chaffetz, the Republican who announced last year that he wouldn’t be able to look his daughter in the eye if he endorsed Trump and then went on to vote for Trump, demanded that Shaub show up for a private interview on Capitol Hill as soon as possible — or else face a subpoena forcing him to do so. ‘He’s coming in,’ Chaffetz told Politico. ‘This is not going to be an optional exercise.’ Chaffetz noted in the letter that his committee has the power to reauthorize the ethics office. What Chaffetz didn’t have to say is that his committee could also push to shutter the office entirely. Earlier this month, House Republicans tried to gut another ethics watchdog, the Office of Congressional Ethics, before backing down.” [HuffPost]
MICHAEL FLYNN POSSIBLY BREAKS LAW - It’s OK, though, because he saw a report on NewsNowFast.poo that Hillary Clinton once underwent reiki healing with Saddam Hussein ― truly she is the real criminal. Jonathan Landay, Warren Strobel, Susan Heavey and Emily Stephenson: “Michael Flynn, President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for national security adviser, held multiple phone conversations with Russia’s ambassador to Washington on the day the United States announced retaliation for Moscow’s interference in the U.S. presidential election, two people familiar with the issue said…. Whether Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak discussed those sanctions is unclear. An 18th-century U.S. law, the Logan Act, bars unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments that are in disputes with the United States.” [Reuters]
But because nothing matters anymore, neither does this. Republican voters have decided to believe Trump on Russia over literally every piece of available evidence, a new poll shows. [WaPo’s Aaron Blake]
GET READY FOR SCHRÖDINGER’S OBAMACARE REPLACEMENT - Republicans won’t be able to sleep tonight over the excitement of kicking millions of their insurance! Matt Fuller: “Without a single Democrat voting in support, the House narrowly advanced a budget blueprint on Friday intended to be the eventual vehicle for gutting Obamacare…. Most Republicans, though not everyone, agree they will need to replace Obamacare with something once it’s gone ― which is why Republicans are planning to delay the date of enactment on a repeal for a good long time.” [HuffPost]
Republican governors really don’t want Congress to take away all that Obamacare Medicaid money.
PEOPLE TAPPING HOT AIR TO LIGHT THEIR HOMES - The internet of things is terrifying, not as terrifying as Donald Trump, but terrifying. Jeremy Olshan: “IFTTT — which stands for ‘if this, then that’ — allows users who know nothing about coding to create cause-and-effect algorithms.... I asked IFTTT how many people have set up algorithms to track Trump. ‘We have just under 1,000 people using IFTTT to keep up with Donald Trump tweets,’ spokeswoman Anne Mercogliano replied. The most popular Trump algorithms automatically email his tweets to users, or post them in intracompany message boards like Slack, she said. Some IFTTT users have set their lights to blink whenever Trump tweets, Mercogliano said. Putting the president-elect’s social stream of consciousness to productive use, others link IFTTT to banking services like Qapital to have small sums of money move into their savings accounts every time Trump fires off a new tweet.” [MarketWatch]
Here’s a video of Ben Carson laughing maniacally.
JOHN LEWIS NOT MINCING WORDS ABOUT TRUMP - And he’s skipping the inauguration. Matt Ferner: “Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) does not consider the presidency of Donald Trump ‘legitimate,’ he said in an interview with NBC News that appeared Friday. ‘I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,’ Lewis told Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s ‘Meet The Press.’ ‘I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected and they have destroyed the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.’” [HuffPost]
Steve Harvey met with Trump for some reason Friday, and the president-elect immediately put him on the phone with Ben Carson, the other black guy he knows.
BIDEN DID TELL US OBAMA WAS ‘CLEAN’ - Paul Blumenthal: “Scandal has consumed the final four years of every two-term president in modern history ― George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon. Barack Obama’s administration is the exception. While there were some minor scandals and resignations during Obama’s eight years in office, wrongdoing never fully occupied his presidency. None of it even directly touched the White House. There were no grand juries investigating his aides. There were no impeachments. There were neither convictions of White House staffers, nor pardons to protect government officials…. President-elect Donald Trump, meanwhile, is set to enter office with unprecedented conflicts of interest related to his business empire, already setting the tone for a very different administration.” [HuffPost]
HERE’S A BIG HEAPING SLICE OF ‘OH’ -  Peter Hermann and Aaron C. Davis: “The U.S. Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and is an integral part of overseeing the inauguration said Friday he will be removed from command effective Jan. 20 at 12:01 p.m., just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president. Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz’s departure will come in the midst of the presidential ceremony — classified as a national special security event — and while thousands of his troops are deployed to help protect the nation’s capital during an inauguration he has spent months helping to plan. “The timing is extremely unusual,” Schwartz said in an interview Friday morning, confirming a memo announcing his ouster that was obtained by The Washington Post. During the inauguration, Schwartz would command not only the members of the D.C. Guard but also an additional 5,000 unarmed troops sent in from across the country to help. He also would oversee military air support protecting Washington during the inauguration.” [WaPo]
HOO BOY, THAT DOJ REPORT ON CHICAGO COPS - Kim Bellware and Ryan J. Reilly: “The Chicago Police Department regularly violates citizens’ civil rights, routinely fails to hold officers accountable for misconduct and poorly trained officers at all levels, according to a sweeping Justice Department probe of the nation’s second-largest police department…. The report comes after a bruising year for the Chicago police and a violent one for the city: More than 750 people were killed last year. Meanwhile, CPD solved fewer than one-third of all murders — less than half the national average. Allegations of abuse, torture and corruption have dogged the CPD for nearly a century.” [HuffPost]
HuffPost broke out the lowlights from the report, which you should read if you want to get upset.
BECAUSE YOU’VE READ THIS FAR - Here’s a dog helping other dogs.
SURE, WHY NOT, ANOTHER PAINTING CONTROVERSY - Philip Kennicott: “Last week, a little-known tradition of modern presidential inaugurations brought unwanted attention to the St. Louis Art Museum. Since Ronald Reagan’s second inauguration in 1985, an American painting has served as a backdrop during the inaugural luncheon, at which members of Congress play host to the newly installed president. When Donald Trump is made the 45th president of the United States on Jan. 20, George Caleb Bingham’s ‘The Verdict of the People’ will be the chosen painting, hanging on a partition wall behind the ceremonial head table in the Capitol’s Statuary Hall…. A Change.org petition, which criticizes ‘the use of the painting to suggest that Trump’s election was truly the “verdict of the people,” when in fact the majority of votes...were cast for Trump’s opponent’ has more than 3,000 signatures.” [WaPo]
- Because nothing is less obnoxious than homeless chic, here’s how to live in a storage unit.
- Bad teenage poetry come true: stars are being stolen out of the night sky.
- Why not: a bunny playing Jenga
@thisisjendoll: America II: Just when you thought the government had disgusted you as much as possible, they’ll DISGUST YOU EVEN MORE!
@MEPFuller: If your takeaway is “Wow, only 9 GOP defections, we were so right that this was never in trouble,” I can’t really help you.
@Mobute: i hope every “DEPLORABLE ____” account on here is actually a  sophisticated moscow-designed bot made by that “slugheads!” guy from goldeneye
Got something to add? Send tips/quotes/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to Eliot Nelson ([email protected])
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