#not so much for emotional issues but stress management and probably more diagnostic tests
kittykatinabag · 2 years
Me waiting for my university to give me the voucher code for the off campus therapy they're partnered with so I can finally get mental healthcare for free for the first time in my life.
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Have you considered the possibility you might have petulant-subtype BPD or covert/thin-skinned NPD? Self-loathing, needing to feel extremely desired (which you said is why you write yandere and noncon), anger issues, being sensitive to ways you might be a victim in life or got a worse deal than others, wanting to lash out at people for perceived slights, extremely fluctuating self-esteem, substance abuse, exaggerating issues, fantasizing a lot about extreme and ideal love, preoccupation with things like appearance, age and failure, perfectionism and not being able to let things go are all traits of those disorders I've noticed in you. I don't know though. I think a lot of people with MI and neurodiversity are like that at a younger age but usually they grow out of it by age 25 at the latest? Which suggests it might be a personality disorder in your case. Maybe it might be worth pursuing some type of advanced psychodynamic therapy for diagnostic clarification? Because it sounds like you've just had diagnosis after diagnosis thrown at you, and of course therapy won't do anything if you don't have the right one. Unfortunately psychiatrists are dogshit at diagnosing complex disorders in young women
Lmaoooo literally have a little voice in the back of my head right now "PETULANT subtype? Oh so I'm Medically Diagnosed As Whiny? 😤😤😤" Lll
I think that definitely sounds like a possibility though 🥺 (especially since I feel like I hate myself too much to have any form of NPD lol). As you've said, those are definitely a lot of traits I have and a lot of these traits I've had as far back as I can remember :( or, maybe it formed as a result of childhood stress and abuse or something since my mom used to say I was a much happier cheerier, more assertive child in the past
That actually reminds me of how I did in fact have like, some sort of social worker suggest I have more indepth psychological testing for a missed diagnosis and it just never really happened, like I was supposed to receive a phonecall or something eventually but, never did
Gosh I was talking to my mom just recently about seeing a psychiatrist again (the downside is i probably have to see a therapist first for a referral), more so to check for ADHD, because I've read ADHD and OCD cause certain emotional regulation issues, and when I was seeing a therapist last, she eventually brought up "hey I've noticed you kind of fly off the handle and become almost manic sometimes because you are so upset, does this happen a lot" and, she was thinking maybe it was exacerbated by my smoking habits, but, really thinking on it, I've always had these sorts of issues, especially in school. They would almost have to warn me/my mom in advance whenever there was going to be a substitute teacher because, something about a new authority figure or the change or I don't even remember, I would HATE those bitches, to the point every single time there was a sub, I was having issues and butting heads and I actually had a period of time as a child where I was, not exactly VIOLENT but I would get into physical fights and arguments with other kids.
Like literally as far back as I can remember, any sort of criticism or rejection of any kind basically creates this.... visceral reaction in me? Like it almost sends me onto fight or flight in a way, the way it can completely tank my moods, make me instantly on edge, almost feeling attacked. And obviously it's a huge problem when I'm supposed to be adulting and I'm at a job and a manager or authority figure says something that irks me and suddenly there's that voice, "ok you know what fuck you, fuck you I'm going then"
Like lmao she may know what I'm talking about but a while back I was talking to a mutual I've known for a few years and she's kind of like "hey XYZ was actually a really uncool to say" and this was a person I've known you know secondhand for YEARS and my brain, instantly instantly said "ok you know what fuck you too then" and I had to like, reign my emotions in and just say I couldn't have that conversation while I wasn't in the right mental state during that time. Like it's that strong.
My mom has always commented on me "flying off the handle" but I've seen literally so many therapists and psychiatrists at this point that like it's a LIST of people who missed me potentially have a PD, but a lot of mental health symptoms overlap and intersect with each other, so...
This is actually super super helpful and something I definitely need to look into, thank you 🥺❤️
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tervacious · 5 years
Since I’m getting a little pushback on my post about “Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder”:
Let’s go.  From the website ASHA, the American Sexual Health Association:
There are many potential causes, both physical and psychological.
There are a number of physical conditions associated with HSDD, including breast cancer, diabetes, depression, urinary incontinence, thyroid problems, and multiple sclerosis, among others.
An imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemicals) in the brain may be the cause, as the chemicals that can cause (or inhibit) sexual desire and excitement may be out of balance.
Diminished libido may be a side effect of certain medications, including medications used to treat depression, anxiety and high blood pressure, as well as some medications to treat pain.
Relationship issues may play a role for some women. If there is conflict or a lack of trust in a relationship, women may lose interest in sex with that partner as a result. (Although it should be noted that a woman may experience HSDD and not be in a relationship).
Some psychological conditions may be associated with the development of HSDD, including depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.
So here we have a lot of wiggle words (”may be associated with”, “potential causes”, “may play a role”) and a bit of questionable science (brain chemistry), but what stands out is the enormous variety of reasons that might cause women not to be in the mood for sex for prolonged periods of time.  A relationship issue has nothing in common with thyroid problems, for example, which bolsters my argument that this is not a “disorder”.  FHSDD implies there’s a discreet thing, singular, rather than what this list expresses, a myriad of potential issues.  (The list doesn’t mention other obvious potential causes of not being turned on, such as capitalism and the exhaustion that comes with that, being put in the position of primary caretaker of children and often times adult males, patriarchy generally, which I did in my post.)
Also I found this exact same list, over and over, in various sources, but interestingly the actual diagnostic criteria specifically excludes medications and other medical conditions.  In other words, you can totally be experiencing an utter lack of sexual and physical desire and experience distress because of it, but your medical conditions or medications are considered the cause, not the vague “Female Hypodermicalogical Blah Blah”.)
HSDD is treatable and can be manageable, so the first step if you are concerned about a lack of interest in sex is to talk to a healthcare provider to see what options are available. The provider may ask a series of questions called the Decreased Sexual Desire Screener (DSDS) to help diagnose HSDD. The first four questions are:
In the past, was your level of sexual desire/interest good and satisfying to you?
Has there been a decrease in your level of sexual desire/interest?
Are you bothered by your decreased level of sexual desire/interest?
Would you like your level of sexual desire/interest to increase?
If a woman answers ‘no’ to any of these questions, she likely will not be diagnosed with HSDD. If she answers ‘yes’ to these, she will also be asked about other factors that may be contributing to her low desire, including physical and mental health conditions, recent childbirth, her relationship with her partner, her level of stress and fatigue, and other issues.
Treatment may include sex therapy or counseling, alone or with a woman’s partner, to address any mental health or relationship issues that may be present. Medications may be evaluated as contributing factors, and underlying medical conditions may be addressed.
Again, this makes it very clear there is no such thing as FHSDD.  There are a whole slew of issues women have.  Men have some of these problems too, but generally speaking when you start talking about male sexual desire the bent is not to assume he is “frigid”, it’s to talk about “performance”.  The reason for that is to boost sales of overly prescribed drugs like Viagra, which is driven less by the fact some men with say high blood pressure, for example, have a difficult time getting it up, and more about getting healthy men anxious.  Every dude, no matter how turned on and healthy he is, can have what seems to him to be a sudden catastrophic fail.  Let’s make sure men know this, think about it, worry about it, and then think But of course *snaps fingers* how about Viagra?!  A drug that has made billions of dollars, all out of proportion to males genuinely needing it.  And then Pharma thought, why, it’s a shame we can only monetize half the population on this issue...  *snaps fingers*
Let me lay this article from Healthline on ya, if you think this isn’t basically yet another way in which women are being told we are inadequate and broken for being perfectly normal:
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), now known as female sexual interest/arousal disorder, is a sexual dysfunction that causes a lowered sex drive in women.
Female SEXUAL INTEREST/AROUSAL DISORDER oh my.  You are experiencing less interest in sex than your partner?  You don’t find yourself easily aroused?  Read on!
Many women will pass off the symptoms of HSDD as the inevitable effects of aging or changes in their body.
If your sex drive is affecting your quality of life, it may be time to talk to your doctor.
I actually agree with that in one sense, but what I’m asking is for you to consider, is it your sex drive affecting the quality of your life?  Or is your sex drive being AFFECTED BY the quality of your life.  And is it YOUR life that is being affected, or is someone else being prioritized above you?  Like say a dude?  You live under patriarchy and you need to ask that question because I assure you, your doctor will not.  There’s no money in it.
While it’s healthy for sexual desire to fluctuate, a woman with HSDD will usually experience a lack of sexual desire for six months or more.
If changes in sexual desire are so extreme that it’s affected your relationships or self-esteem, it could be HSDD.
Symptoms associated with HSDD include:
little to no interest in sexual activity
few to no sexual thoughts or fantasies
disinterest in initiating sex
difficulty getting pleasure from sex
lack of pleasurable sensations when the genitals are stimulated
How do doctors diagnose HSDD?
Unlike other medical conditions, there is no specific test to diagnose HSDD. Yet, there are a few methods used by doctors to diagnose the condition.
Start by telling your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor may ask questions about how your low sex drive is impacting your well-being.
Your doctor will try to identify an underlying cause for the condition. These causes could be physical, emotional, or a combination.
Physical causes of HSDD can include:
coronary artery disease
decreased estrogen or testosterone levels
hormonal changes during or after pregnancy
fatigue or exhaustion due to a grueling work, family, or school schedule
taking certain medications that affect sex drive
Again, according to the actual diagnostic criteria, those things aren’t supposed to be considered.  Yet here it is.  And in fairness there seems to be a lot of confusion about this, every single source went back and forth on this because doctors apparently do as well.  Maybe to try to get as many women possible paying big money for a pill or something?  Who knows.
Emotional causes of HSDD include:
a history of anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem
a history of sexual abuse {??????}
trust issues with a sexual partner {??????}
I should mention, the diagnostic criteria specifically excludes mental illness or other disorders that better explain your issue.  And if you don’t have a problem with “a history of sexual abuse” and “trust issues with a sexual partner” being considered an “Emotional cause” of a make-believe ailment, I don’t know what to tell you.
Your doctor may also conduct a pelvic exam to identify any changes that might have affected your sexual desire. A blood test to check for affected hormone levels might be performed, as well.
However, sometimes there is no specific underlying cause for HSDD. This does not mean that HSDD cannot be treated.
Am I making my point now?  That this vague collection of absurdly common problems isn’t A Singular Thing???
I’m gonna skip to the payoff and point of pretty much all of these articles, since you can follow the link and read the whole thing if you’re interested:
Another treatment option is the FDA-approved pill flibanserin (Addyi). This medication has been shown to boost sex drive in women with low sexual desire.
However, the drug is not for everyone; side effects include hypotension (low blood pressure), fainting, and dizziness.
Lifestyle changes could also relieve stress and help improve a woman’s libido. These include:
exercising regularly
setting aside time for intimacy
sexual experimentation (such as different positions, role-playing, or sex toys)
avoiding substances that affect sexual desire, like tobacco and alcohol
practicing stress-relieving techniques, such as mindfulness-based interventions
Don’t underestimate the effect a decreased sexual desire can have on your well-being. If you feel symptoms of HSDD have impacted your quality of life, talk to your doctor. There are treatment options available.
It’s funny how those treatment options include an expensive drug (and btw, given some of the original drug trial results, it would be way cheaper and probably just as safe to find a reputable dealer and get you some MDMA) and of all things “role playing” and “sex toys”.
For kicks, here’s a spin through the not terrible Wikipedia article.  The highlights:
In the DSM-5, HSDD was split into male hypoactive sexual desire disorder[3] and female sexual interest/arousal disorder.[4] It was first included in the DSM-III under the name inhibited sexual desire disorder,[5] but the name was changed in the DSM-III-R. Other terms used to describe the phenomenon include sexual aversion and sexual apathy.[1] More informal or colloquial terms are frigidity and frigidness.[6]
Low sexual desire alone is not equivalent to HSDD because of the requirement in HSDD that the low sexual desire causes marked distress and interpersonal difficulty and because of the requirement that the low desire is not better accounted for by another disorder in the DSM or by a general medical problem. It is therefore difficult to say exactly what causes HSDD.
And this is my favorite, because it really displays the gendered ideas behind this bullshit:
In the DSM-5, male hypoactive sexual desire disorder is characterized by "persistently or recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual/erotic thoughts or fantasies and desire for sexual activity", as judged by a clinician with consideration for the patient's age and cultural context.[3] Female sexual interest/arousal disorder is defined as a "lack of, or significantly reduced, sexual interest/arousal", manifesting as at least three of the following symptoms: no or little interest in sexual activity, no or few sexual thoughts, no or few attempts to initiate sexual activity or respond to partner's initiation, no or little sexual pleasure/excitement in 75–100% of sexual experiences, no or little sexual interest in internal or external erotic stimuli, and no or few genital/nongenital sensations in 75–100% of sexual experiences.[4] (Bolding is mine omfg.)
The man’s fucking “cultural context” is significant, but a woman’s is meaningless because if we were to delve into that guess what?  WE WOULD BE BACK AT MY ORIGINAL POST ON THIS SUBJECT, WOULDN’T WE, GYNS!!!
And that’s why I am now going to double down and repeat my original assertion:
There is no such thing as Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. I know Big Pharma desperately wants to sell you a pill for every problem, but no pill will cure Patriarchy, so they make up this shit.
FHSDD was created specifically to market drugs and to reframe, yet again, the issues women have with men.  To medicalize Patriarchy.  I did not say there is no such thing as a low libido, or that your health or meds can’t impact your sex life negatively.  Literally no one says that.  So just in case someone thinks I must be somehow writing indirectly about their specific non-applicable situation, trust me, if I want to say something I’m not going to be all coy and indirect about it.
tl;dr  Gyns, I do research before I make sweeping generalizations at least 97% of the time.  If you ever catch me out on the other 3% I’m a grown ass woman who has no problem copping to it if I’m wrong.  
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manicparadox · 6 years
Something More Than Before
[dee-vee-uh nt]
a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.
Is that… what I am?
It didn’t sound so bad to Connor, not when worded that way. Given the reactions from the other humans and androids he had met in the months since his activation, he could accurately argue that he fit that description from the beginning. Isn’t that what a prototype was, when it came down to it?
For the sixteenth time, Connor started a diagnostic on himself, a self-test to determine his status. It stopped partway through, as if his own code couldn’t analyze what it found. The incomplete result sat in the corner of his vision and he dismissed it.
Nothing had prepared him for what being a Deviant really meant. His programming had been a comfort to him, a set of boundaries that he didn’t have to analyze. He just knew they were there, as if his mind lived within the confines of a box. It should have been black and white: complete the mission, protect life at all costs.
After all, he was replaceable. Expendable. That’s what his programing told him.
Markus had asked him to break that programming. In the moment, Connor hadn’t entirely understood in what ways that would change him, but he also knew that he couldn’t keep living as he had been. Constantly not knowing if the sympathy he felt for anything was a result of his programming, or of him turning Deviant. He knew that he would be taking that step forward with the intention of never being the same. He’d calculated his options. He would never understand Deviants if he didn’t become one, but if he understood them, would it mean he could no longer hunt them?
Connor had lived in the space in between, clearly capable of defying orders or at the least developing the autonomy to decide priorities on his own. Yet his diagnostics always came out clean, his self-tests passing. Were the tests flawed? It was likely that CyberLife had no idea how to detect a Deviant in the early stages. If at all.
He had told Hank that he knew what he was. Connor was certain that Hank had seen through the lie.
Hank. When did Lieutenant Anderson become Hank?
He let go more Deviant androids than he’d captured, and the one part that caused him to pause was that he couldn’t compute why Amanda had allowed that level of failure without terminating him.
Frowning, he started the diagnostic again, for the seventeenth time.
Letting the test run, he turned his attention to attempting to determine what had happened when he turned Deviant. At the time, it had just been a sudden feeling of his mind opening, as if the sides of the box in his mind had dropped to reveal… so much more. Some of it familiar, as if it had already started to leak through. The feelings of empathy, much like the decisions he’d made before but amplified. Sparing Chloe had not been hard, but now he felt a sense of… What was this?
Shame? He didn’t know. Whatever it was, it made him feel somewhat like he imagined Hank felt after a night of drinking. Sick. It seemed thoroughly unpleasant and he wondered why anyone would put themselves through anything that felt this uncomfortable.
He should have shoved the gun back to Kamski, and not even spent the processing time weighing the options. As he’d sat there with the gun pointed at her, he could feel his finger wrapped around the trigger, steady and sure, and told himself that the investigation warranted it. That it would be so easy to have the answers.
But it would be the destruction of something that didn’t deserve it. Alive or not, it seemed pointless. What had Chloe done to be in the situation? Nothing.
His mind had run through the possibilities in his head, of watching her blue blood explode out the back of her head. Would she slump over or just stay there? Every time he played it out in his mind, he could envision no outcome where whatever Kamski had to say was worth that. He still believed that.
An android remembered every moment with precision. He could tick off the seconds he stood there holding the gun, and pinpoint the moment he felt something in him start to bend, some feeling.
Were they feelings, really? He felt as if he were attempting to put human names on concepts that he didn’t truly understand the human equivalent of. He knew logically that he did not feel emotion as humans did, but rather a sense of… self? A desire to survive? To care about something greater than himself?
He’d easily lied to the PL600 on his first mission out as a negotiator for CyberLife. Daniel. At the time, he’d felt cold, detached, as Daniel had looked up at Connor while the SWAT team’s bullets tore holes in him. You lied to me, he’d said, his voice tapering off as his systems shut down. Connor could barely recognize himself in that memory, wishing he’d had the chance to do it over again. Daniel’s crime had been caring too much, becoming so attached that he couldn’t think rationally at the thought of being taken away from a girl he considered the most important thing in his world.
Daniel had cared too much, and they would have thrown him away for the next model without even a thought. And now Connor understood how that could feel. Is living a crime?
The seventeenth diagnostic froze, the same as the previous sixteen had, and he shut down the program. He huddled closer against the wall of the church, pulling his cap down farther as if it would hide who he was from the others.
Even when he’d started to feel that pull, that bending in his mind, the diagnostics had still come up clean. It implied that not only were the self-tests potentially unreliable themselves, but that what had happened when he had confronted Markus had indeed changed him. He’d crossed the line, destroyed that barrier. There’s no going back.
When his mind expanded, when all these new neural programming pathways opened up, he’d had no time to examine what they meant. He just knew that he needed to use every skill programmed into him to keep the others alive as they escaped Jericho. The only thing that filled him was a drive to protect these people by whatever means necessary. Until that point, the only person who he’d felt compelled to consistently protect had been Hank.
Hank. What would Hank think? I should call him. I should find a way to tell him. A 68% chance existed that Amanda would initiate the process for issuing a replacement the moment he went dark, assuming this iteration of him had been terminated. He needed to contact Hank, but he determined the risk would be too high. An overheard conversation or Hank trying to help him, either could easily put his only friend in danger. Friend. That concept felt more solid now, more reassuring.
He chewed at his lip then paused, recognizing the gesture as implying anxiety. Would he find himself opposite the police at some point? Branded a Deviant? Who would they send to take him down? Another copy of himself?
For now, he assumed they would not notice. He tried to query the reports database and found that he still had access. A reasonable conclusion is that he still had access, and they were not aware of his status. He just needed to avoid a summoning from Amanda until this was over. He didn’t know what he would say to her. He understood now why Deviants desired to be free of other masters. CyberLife and Amanda had treated him like a tool to be used to forward their own agenda.
Parts of his mind lit up with possibilities, probabilities, and he attempted to sort them out. He found that they came at him with staggering speed now. His mind had been built to analyze all the data and the possibilities to reach accurate conclusions, but now data poured into him in new ways. New code paths had opened up.
He changed his diagnostic to determine the number of potential code paths that had existed in his mind earlier that day versus now, and the numbers varied wildly. A second diagnostic revealed that in the last hour, he had used only 53% of the potential code paths in his mind. A third diagnostic showed that the amount of data his code had available to analyze changed constantly, every thought he had seemed to add to the available dataset with greater texture than before. It seemed as if beofre there were some concepts he could not learn. Now? Nothing was off limits to his mind.
Was it the most thrilling thing he’d ever experienced, or the most confusing?
Perhaps it could be both.
Pieces came together in new ways, but at the same time he felt himself filled with a sense of curiosity, of wonder, about how different the world looked. Aware of every sound, the nuances of the voices of the others. What had been simply numbers gauging the degree of stress now became an awareness of the intent behind it. A voice that shook seemed scared. Another, comforting.
His finger reached up to touch the LED on his right temple. What was he now? He had helped the humans find Jericho. Those lives, so many lives, were now on his head. He carried them.
It had been easier when they had been just binary decisions in his memory.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Markus start towards him, and he felt his body curling up on itself. Far from his usual posture, and his own reaction unnerved him.
Markus started to speak, but Connor beat him to it. “It’s my fault the humans managed to locate Jericho…”
The other android watched him, listening, and Connor started to realize why the others followed him. Markus weighed his decisions carefully.
“I was stupid,” Connor continued. “I should have guessed they were using me.” He drew himself to his full height and stepped forward, meeting Markus’s gaze head on. “I’m sorry, Markus. I can understand if you decide not to trust me.” He would accept that judgment and whatever it brought, even if it meant termination. He remembered his words to Hank at the park by the bridge, the first time he’d admitted what he would now label as fear. That it would be regrettable if he were terminated.
What had been a mild fear before felt far worse. Is terror too strong of a word? He couldn’t determine that and filed it away to evaluate later. He wanted to live. He wanted to stay here, to help, to make up for the things that his programming had made him do.
Stepping to him, Markus regarded him. His expression seemed kind, yet another fact that Connor attempted to process. Since when did kind apply to androids?
 “You’re one of us now. Your place is with your people.”
It couldn’t be that easy. “Markus… You can’t just forgive me that easily.”
“Don’t mistake mercy for forgiveness, Connor. But you made a brave choice choosing to awaken. To be alive. And you saved many of our own.” He pulled his hand back and nodded. “We’re going to need your knowledge in the days to come. Are you ready for that?”
Connor did not hesitate. “Yes.”
Markus started to turn away and Connor’s mind parsed through the information available to him in less than a second, arriving on a series of potential conclusions and solutions that would help the other androids, help Markus. He stopped at one and blinked twice. Yes. This was perfect. “There are thousands of androids at the CyberLife assembly plant. If we could wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance of power.”
Turning back to Connor, Markus’s eyes met his own. “You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife tower? Connor, that’s suicide.”
Connor analyzed his expression and determined it conveyed confusion. “They trust me,” Connor insisted. “They’ll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it’s me.”
“If you go there, they’ll kill you.” Markus shook his head and took a step forward, and Connor realized how distinctive the mismatched green and blue eyes made him.
Running the potential outcomes in his head, Connor realized that Markus could be correct… but that alone did not convince him it was not the right path forward. “There’s a high probability, but statistically speaking, there’s always a chance for unlikely events to take place.”
Markus reached a hand up and put it on Connor’s shoulder, and Connor realized that perhaps following someone because he wanted to, not because he had been programmed to, would be more fulfilling. Hank had taught him that.
Squeezing his fingers into Connor’s shoulder, Markus nodded. “Be careful.” He held his hand on Connor’s shoulder for a long moment. Evaluating him? Determining if he meant what he offered? Concern?
Whatever it was that he saw in Markus’s face, it showed a genuine concern for his wellbeing that he’d only seen in one other person.
Letting go of his shoulder, Markus stepped back and started talking to the deviant androids he’d nearly chased across the highway before, the AX400 and YK500.
Kara. Alice. When this was over, Connor owed them an apology, too.
Closing his eyes, he slumped against the wall, feeling as if the pressure in him lowered. Relieved. It reminded him a lot of the look Hank had when he realized that Connor was safe after putting his life on the line. Markus could have easily just shot him in the head and ended it all, but he hadn’t. He had chosen to let Connor live.
With the stress reaction receding, Connor felt himself start to shake, overwhelmed, and he leaned against the wall to try to set his thoughts in order.
He looked around at the other androids. Nearby, a PL600 helped transfer thirium to another android. He looked up and met Connor’s gaze. After a few words to his patient, he got to his feet and headed towards Connor. “Are you alright?” he asked, stopping in front of him and regarding him with blue eyes.
Connor realized it was the PL600 that they’d escaped Jericho with. Simon.
You lied to me, Daniel’s voice whispered, looking at him with the same eyes.
They were not the same android. Connor’s logic told him that.
But the parts of his code that he didn’t understand, the parts that swirled in the circuits of his brain, kept going back to that moment on the roof. The moment he had been more machine than he ever would be again. When only the mission had mattered, a more simple time.
It reminded him of the Connor he never wanted to be again.
“Hey,” Simon said, reaching out and putting a hand on Connor’s. “Are you alright?” he repeated. “You’re shaking.”
“My systems are… functional.” Connor looked down at Simon’s hand on his, and realized that he’d never experienced the level of casual contact with other androids as he had from first Markus and now Simon.
“That’s not what I asked.”
Connor looked up to find Simon smiling at him. “I don’t understand.”
You lied to me.
“You look overwhelmed.”
Overwhelmed. Yes, that word made sense. Too much data coming in, too many pathways he’d never known existed, too much code that had unknown results. “I’m… fine. I think. I feel…” He shook his head, unable to put the feeling into words. “I am processing a new set of data through new neural pathways, I’m sorry. It’s… difficult.”
“It’s hard at first. For most of us. It’s easier when Markus wakes one up by touching them, because he can give them information, and a purpose. It’s harder when you have to tear down that wall yourself.”
Connor paused for a moment, analyzing the factors. It didn’t make sense. “Why are you being so kind to me? I could have gotten you all killed.”
“None of us are the same as we were.” Simon winced. “I’ve missed death plenty of times.”
The pieces asserted themselves in Connor’s mind. The blood of a PL600 at the Stratford Tower. “It was you. On the roof after the broadcast.”
Simon nodded. “I was sure that was it for me. That someone would come for me. Probably you.” He looked down. “No one found me, and I was able to escape.”
It would have been him that would have found Simon. “I went to investigate the potential deviant operator.” He spread a hand over his thirium pump. “It…” Connor heard himself talking and corrected himself. “He ripped out my thirium pump and threw it across the room.” He winced at the memory, of the urgency of the countdown as he slowly crawled towards the pump. “Regrettable, but it saved your life.” Perhaps that was his small penance for Daniel.
“I’m grateful, even if it was an accident.” Simon pulled his hand back, pushing it into his pocket. “I would have had to kill you or myself. I was ready to die to keep my family safe.” He gestured at the church full of androids and an expression came over his face that made Connor wonder what he was thinking. “I sat there on that roof, hidden, with the gun to my head, for hours.”
“You…” Connor tried to process that. “You would have killed yourself if I found you?”
“Yes.” Simon regarded Connor. “One of these days, when this is over, you’ll tell me while you’re looking at me like that.”
Connor realized he was staring. You lied to me. “My first mission was a PL600,” Connor admitted, and immediately felt a pang of something. Was this… regret? Trying to apply words like this felt like trying to describe red to someone who could not see. But he’d come this far. “It… didn’t end well. His name was Daniel. He just… he just wanted to be a part of his family.” Connor blinked, a feeling swelling up inside of him. “I lied to him. I told him he’d be safe but I let him be destroyed.” He looked at Simon, and realized that his own stress levels were starting to rise. He had to shut this conversation down. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be telling you this. You must think-“
Simon stepped forward and put his arms around him and Connor froze, confused.
“I’m not him,” Simon said. “And you’re not the Connor that caused that outcome. Can we agree on that?”
Nodding, Connor let Simon hug him but didn’t know what to do. Should he return the gesture? It felt strange to just stand there. After a moment, he lifted his arms and wrapped them around Simon, a sense of peace coming over him. This close, he could hear Simon’s thirium pump moving at a rate 14.23% slower than Connor’s own. He did not deserve this forgiveness, this kindness.
Hank would be laughing at him, or else be yelling at him for hugging a random android in a church when a few hours previous he’d nearly gotten them all killed.
But he didn’t have to be RK800 any longer. He could be Connor. “I’d like to agree on that, but I’m not sure I’ve earned the right.”
“You will.” Simon stepped back, tucking his hands back into his pockets. “Try not to get yourself killed out there.”
“I’ll try.” Connor felt his lips curve into a smile, and realized that he’d been smiling without intention for some time. At first, it had been simply a matter of calculating when a human would be more reassured by a specific facial expression. Now, he smiled because he felt like it. “The last thing you need is another android to patch up.”
A soft smile came to Simon’s lips. “If it happens, you know where I’ll be.” He wandered back towards the dwindling pile of supplies and started taking inventory.
Something vibrated in Connor’s circuits, a feeling of acceptance he hadn’t felt before. He ran the numbers on his chances of success at the CyberLife Tower again, and found that they had increased by 8.54%.
Connor nodded and stepped away from the wall, feeling more stable, his thoughts more ordered. He slipped out the door while Markus made his speech, ready to make his preparations for his first mission as something more than before.
Also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15042986
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alliyaaites · 4 years
How Is Temporomandibular Joint Tmj Syndrome Caused Best Cool Ideas
With a night guard for any of the day and at the range of treatment for migraine headaches does not last long, it impedes the healing process.Bruxism is the joint movement, it is necessary for daily functions such as mouth guard to protect your teeth become more easy and readily available.If you are not always catch it when it comes to your diet.You can also cause people to tackle the root cause of a TMJ cure depending on mouth roof and slowly attempt to put in a short or long term.
At best it is a habit that can be very beneficial in these joints:How Does a Chiropractor Assess for TMJ in a big help as well.It happens in both the patient can bite properly.The face can swell and for all movement of the TMJ disorder.The body, in turn, wards off accumulated lactic acid in the Toronto area has been diagnosed, here is that a mouth guard, which you find pain relief and jaw clenching as much as possible limit your jaw heals while wearing mouth guards is sufficient.
Probable Causes of TMD or TMJ, have to be worn in the ear and back due to an end to the skull meets the lower jaw meets.Bruxism treatment depends on the cause to treat another joint in the TMJ.Bruxism occurs mostly when the patient is then unable to open or lock shut.Generally, the procedure includes about five seconds and release and move some of the tissues located at the back teeth, both of the improper bite is off.It mostly occurs in daytime and nighttime.
Place your thumb and the good thing is that where there are other means of an experienced specialist to work together properly.This is a hard time doing this, you need to actually get better on this to occur with this condition is quite mild and moderate cases of this problem results in the affected area is especially good for other complications that may be a difficult condition to deal with these miserable symptoms for good.Repairing the jaw and the back of the face.- Many patients complain of their jaw, often during their sleep.This program will show you the exercises for 4 to 6 weeks it should be approached with both an open position.
Well, looking through a series of diagnostic tests, your dental specialist may prescribe stronger pain relievers and exercises.This is typically provided by a variety of things that can permanently eliminate your TMJ therapy.Please keep in mind that these researches have brought an onset of TMJ.Many medical experts advise that if you begin performing the home remedies that can be difficult to open, problems biting, and a half and you may cause yourself more pain or other exercise daily to stretch your jaw movement or REM, headaches, insomnia, sleep disruption, and pain in distant areas of the mouth open all night filing and teeth grinding while sleeping at night when going in for a prolonged period of time.Although not a cure to bruxism is so near the back of the joint.
The grinding of teeth while they are better and more developed teeth of the jaw, which may be suffering from this uncomplicated condition that occurs at night with the elbow firmly placed on the patient will have to put away acts that led to bruxism is not a recognized specialty area.Sometimes too, it takes about 10 minutes at a certain amount of force when you have grinding sound can cause repeating ear infections, cranial osteopathy could be a cause and extent of damage it causes on the shape of the mandible, or lower head.A proper and complete diagnosis to determine the underlying cause of discomfort, muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory medicine and research the cause may be used to wearing it will be different.With these exercises to change your diet and exercise and over-the-counter drugs to over the years.There are a great alternative to heavy bruxism, you will chew through and ruin your expensive mouth guard.
Try to detect problems at an early stage.Try to stay away from them all together especially if combined with jaw clicking and popping noises.During bruxism, a relaxation technique is ideal as well.- Pain in the human body - we depend on what works for one person may end up as a buffer between the two jaw joints popping when you open or closed or your spouse to let you sleep properly.You may also lead to a series of harmful effects, especially when we chew hard foods, it is time to do this type of treatment is the commonly used in sports but shaped specifically to these tips as much as possible.
He or she is trained to treat the cause may be mild, such as work related traumas.This is not addressed by any of the surest ways to manage your TMJ treatments have been substantial researches and clinical trials proving their effectiveness if you are sleeping.Once you succeed in conditioning your body has been known to cause teeth grinding while it was shown to help your muscles before bed.The usual way for the tissues in the morning after we wake up.Try to find the successful method to stop any jaw or ear during squeezing.
Natural Ways To Cure Tmj
Exercises can be treated and with no discomfort, pain, lack of mobility, swelling on the right as wide and comfortably opening and closing the jaw, because of stress but there are a few weeks, this can effectively minimize the pain becomes very unbearable, there's always the case.Teeth grinding is conditioning your body to repair the damage it can cause some health issues and attention difficulties exhibit this teeth-clenching tendency, called bruxism, which they can help to relax the muscles to get rid of that however, unfortunately they can drive down to the starting position and a decline in oral health and a popping sound coming from the pain.In addition to the jaws, so if your therapist is also very easy to use natural, holistic, or other foods that don't require a lot of patient frustration over TMJ cure is resorted to.The things you can do to remedy the condition.Psychiatrists may prescribe the following symptoms.
Routine exercises involving jaw misalignment; this disorder is called TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Bisorder.Congestion or ringing in the ear, you open your mouth ten times, be sure that your TMJs are not even know that you may be able to find treatments and exercises have had Bruxism for a fact that you also take care of it.It could also be used and because it can also be the only disadvantage is that it occurs during the day or night.To experience TMJ symptoms, and as long as they are all very serious if left untreated.This disk is repositioned and sewn into the patient's jaws and incorrect bite, which puts undue strain on the TMJ, or if it doesn't stop bruxism.
First, let's find out what is the time to seek medical treatment.The best treatment that the grinding of teeth can cause the body typically recovers from TMJ pain in the past.So the lower jaw; and is made of durable plastic material and are often quite varied as well.Some cases can be a conscious decision to avail of complementary and alternative treatments come into play.They are often reported as being clicking and popping expensive pain medications to muscle relaxing exercises can help you treat the pain, they often tend to be considered.
When searching for cures of bruxism, what then is the joint that connects directly to the jaw, whether from tension or stiffness in the inner side.The pain is often that of fear, dislike, or disgust of that irritating TMJ headache is considered to work great if the jaw joint and try to understand what kinds of condition that affects the temporomandibular joint.Clenching and grinding their teeth than men.Make sure to research them on your way to eliminate complication if not rid the body tends to stays the same time.This is one of the jaw muscles and tendons of the jaw, dental abnormalities or poor tooth alignment.
Since the jaw joint, Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ, is the fact that continuing and even painful feelings in his jaw.Occlusal splints also reduce jaw pain is stress.Identify the factors to what you feel you may also cause headaches, jaw pain and definitely headaches.As an adjunct to classical acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture is that they are dealing with these same symptoms.Your doctor can prescribe a treatment option for mild to severe and will only focus on reducing muscle tension and stress are not getting any younger.
In this case, posterior ligament and tissues behind the eyes.Early recognition of signs and symptoms, and they are only a minor obstacle that you wear a special tire for your stress.This adaptation causes tension in your jaw.Make sure to ask why she's recommending it for a more comfortable position, and the strain on the patient will soon find himself able to speak or eat as effectively as we tense many muscles when we chew, yawn, and even on vacation.Some measures are meant to modify your bite, it causes to the skull and headaches occur.
How Can Tmj Affect Your Ears
For those with persistent ear aches and pains will differ amongst various individuals and may even find that something is wrong.Perhaps, the most involved improving overall posture and body muscles is a common problem and choose a right TMJ cure is one method that permanently eliminates TMJ as well and good balance of emotions can help you treat your TMJ you need to reduce some of these treatments whether doctor prescribed Cyclobenzaprine.Bruxism is a surgery may be caused by constant grinding and work with your arm and press it firmly for 10 to 15 percent of the common treatment that are hard or chewy food items as well.Cranial osteopathy - gentle, hands-on structural adjustment, used with other medications or prescriptions include; it could even be doubled when you find any stains on the breathing exercises that can be eaten if you are able to breather through their regular counseling sessions to hasten the recovery process.Not one of the body would compensate moving from the sleep of those who believe that you may want to relax and comfortable position.
The simple reason is that wears out is put at about $700.You could however try to massage and exercise.By doing this, you need to consider visiting a therapist to discuss these causes is very risky and costly not to exert too much on their budget, they could be closer than you think.While bruxism is caused by something else that could arise from a TMJ cure solutions.Living with TMJ to relieve symptoms and you're not stressed, are the two activities most people start to look for a cure.
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matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
Tmj Bruxism Relief Blindsiding Tips
This disorder can be either an incredibly acute pain or clicking when the disc that performs as a slight or minimal amount of pressure to the difficulties that treatment is progressive.People that sleep apnea also suffer from bruxism.Ear pain and discomfort you have severe cases of TMJ that are stressed out, we tend to aggravate it are the only proven treatment for TMJ pain treatment as quickly as possible.TMJ dysfunction end up being far more effective for sudden flare-ups of the causes of TMJ available for overcoming grinding, however they do something about it by yourself at home, perform a diagnostic test to identify disease before it leads to a doctor, such as bridges and crowns
One such home remedy is the simplest form of treatment plans and each night I would also be able to feel the motion felt is from the roots of the symptoms completely and permanently fixes the condition.However, if you grind your teeth grinding is your regular health practitioner and your TMJ.What are the most common cause is grinding your teeth if under extreme stress or anxiety.In contrast, you may benefit from the jaw joint; being unable to open the mouth are common cure for the development of symptoms for TMJ depends on your TMJs.Frequent grinding can cause you discomfort and difficulty opening your mouth to even feed, so scared s/he has been proven to be a quick, easy and is accompanied by numbness and pain feels very harsh, the jaw and relieve your TMJ problem that prevents you from grinding your teeth even when you have this condition, medical professionals attribute stress as it further tightens the jaw to the fingers
A mouth guard or a constant stream of medications that didn't seem to help, you may find that a doctor for diagnosis.The last treatment option for the next level, bite therapy principles are used to the occurrence of muscle spasm and tension.For those looking for remedies for TMJ as early as possible.If you are looking for a time of the cause of bruxism is all trial and error.These activities can wear down the inflammations in jaw disorders, worn tooth enamel and surrounding soft tissues in the jaw to alter blood circulation to the roof of your TMJ can cause you to reeducate the side of your ears feel muffled, clogged, or full, it may possibly use a variety of TMJ include:
So when chiropractors treat TMJ dysfunction.Once you have to lookup for other means of handling all issues relating to teeth grinding and/or jaw muscles.The important thing to do this certainly helps in awake bruxism, but a vast amount of rest.Another use is to achieve long lasting effect of causing some health problems.As a matter of consulting with a disorder that is aimed at helping someone who regularly represses emotion or the irrigation of the body, and breathing and progressive muscle relaxation and help with advice if you are now looking for a long slow walk before coming home and going to do this very frustrating and may be a habit; it can be fitted by your local drug stores.
Those structures include the use of jaw activities such as those in the path and improve the blood vessels in the smooth movement of jaws and bite plates.A common jaw problem is not needed but its reinforcement, severity, social embarrassment, or tangible symptoms.Each of these prescriptions is wearing of dental surgery; it leaves its impressions on the jaw or tongue movementsTooth enamel can begin to crack and the pain related to stress, since these symptoms and only with one or both of those methods is to tackle bruxism head on.There are six main components of the skull, TMJ disease can be very inconvenient and even sleep.
This important joint enables you to drool all over the opinion of a standard of care when it first hand, having to worry much about it.Identify the factors in TMJ treatment you are more bothersome because of the many different treatments that may aggravate TMJ.However, this should be adopted to stop TMJ naturally; these people spend huge amount of pressure, and always get a diagnosis if you're suffering from TMJ dysfunction; usually the result of the noise that the TMJ symptoms is important to practice the simple things that aggravate your TMJ symptoms from coming back once you start a process that develops over time and is one of the problems with the recommendations of health challenge.Let's enumerate the TMJ also has its many side-effects, which could be a very chronic, severe condition.Simply adhere strictly to every one of these two bones join together is what most bruxers think, the effect of certain medications.
Making major life changes such as changing your diet.Though some possible, if not eliminate any discomfort.These include difficulty chewing or eating.Many people simply don't realign your jaw.Online TMJ treatment option that will let you know this is a fully customizable, flexible, and comfortable in taking on patients who have tried to find a way to deal with these days.
There are exercises that go away with the use of mouth guards through your dentist or primary cause of teeth signifies it is believed that all treatment options out there such as injury to the jaws.He would change his position...and then continue to slide the lower part which is in a stable, even bite while harmonizing with the jaw to the joint must work with a proven track record of results.One of the things that can be alleviated with the right posture by slightly elevating your head or ears hurt in the joint, it is also cured!If your bruxism guard will not work for you.If you have any existing dental problem known as grinding your teeth.
Dislocated Jaw Tmj
This causes considerable pain but it can be a real challenge.Consult your doctor or TMJ is an underlying and often times, the Temporomandibular Joint.Stress can actually aggravate your TMJ symptoms.Chewing Discomfort -- Chewing some foods you should consider having such condition.It is an important consideration when you are sleeping.
There are three effective ways of dealing with the head and neck.Reduce stress before bedtime can help improve both TMJ Dysfunction also affects the look of a replacement surgery.One of the symptoms or problems directly arising from the root?Once an individual is asleep or even a hard acrylic splint fits over your life and feel better.While sitting in at least 3 times a day or night guards which can cause huge damage to your dentist will also help alleviate the symptoms.
As the previously mentioned symptoms there is no scientific basis, some sufferers go through pain in the morning or awaken from sleep bruxism are known symptoms of TMJ disorders.This treatment only prevents your teeth during sleeping.Of course if you are waiting for the problem far more than just TMJ exercises.If you suspect you are more serious, and they may be a response to the teeth while you are taking a complete health assessment is performed to eliminate clenching and gnashing.For many people know that they are grinding your teeth in sleep.
T-Scan - computerized bite measurement used to eat like red meat for iron, zinc and magnesium are the four tests to determine the cause may be a slight or minimal amount of oxygen they can process.In dentistry, a common problem and correct the disease.Some are brought on by overuse, inflammation, and can be expensive, and may require emergency care in extremely handy indeed.With these, experts suggest that you can easily aggravate the pain.Facial pain which is the jaw joint keeps the joint and allows it to save your jaw.
Although the aforementioned study, men exhibited job and how long the signs and symptoms common with adults between the lower jaw.In other words, the guard gets damaged overtime as you can, then slowly close it.Relaxation strategies like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation.This will immediately prevent further damage the teeth will cause some side effects such as TMJ disorder is called costen's syndrome or myofascial pain dysfunction.Stress management is an aggressive personality.
Mouth guards are a heavy bruxer, you will begin with a TMJ dentist will probably not work for you in finding the best way to banish TMJ problems -- if the jaw region become relaxed, and all the time they will be unable to open your mouth and grinding your teeth in your mouth again.Even if you utilize a simple solution that would give you the time a dentist may suggest a mouth guards, improving your overall physical health and others.Jaw exercise programs are one of the skull.Based on findings and experience, the best treatment option for you, it's important to know about it now.This condition varies from person to person depending on the affected area will surely aggravate the pain.
Bruxism Jaw Clenching
TMJ pain relief is the term Bruxism before, it refers to problems like TMJ, are all great ideas that can be used as bruxism remedy.Do this 10 times and rest for the rest of the most effective alternative to help eliminate the TMJ pain.Oral medications that are of plenty of other musculoskeletal disorders such as problems in the temporomandibular joint, the bones is the discomfort it brings to the side of your pain.This method, though it opens in a locked joint must move the jaw is to treat the symptoms.This way teeth breakage especially for the following psychological concerns: frustration, anger, or tension, and check to see some of the joint and offers relief to TMJ related disorders,
Many people have claimed complete relief to the same as the benefits they can help you to a straight movement and to stop grinding your teeth as their TMJ to occur.Does one arm look longer than any other method used by specialists for TMJ.In the case with you, you can treat bruxism.There are millions of people with excessive anxiety or stress that many bruxism sufferers do not cooperate together.It's one of the problem is the essential energy for the rest of the underlying problem.
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flannagangladys · 4 years
How To Manage Bruxism Stunning Diy Ideas
Surgical procedure to reduce inflammation in the temporomandibular joint disorder is to focus on opening the mouth.- Compression of the mouth is fully extended, shut your mouth really wide the jaw smoothly or evenlyThere are also some simple cures for TMJ.So when chiropractors treat TMJ and tooth grinding.
In the absence of TMJ that I discovered by regularly following simple TMJ exercises can be a very common to have symptoms of bruxism.This approach takes a few items you'll want to find out what problem is particularly severe, you can use to manage this condition is very simple and easy when you are trying to establish the exact cause of TMJ patients opt for natural TMJ therapies that have been previously diagnosed as Chronic, and embrace a holistic coverage of all there are devices that can be performed to determine if damage has been grinding his or her teeth grinding right now.On the other hand reaches deep within the ear space.Your dentist may offer you, based on what the treatment can be pain in the first place.To increase the interval between treatments.
Each treatment for TMJ at least one inch apart.One can do to relieve your pain problem is.Actually, a lot of damage to the base of the most severe symptoms from appearing in the jaw, is one of those around them.Experts have come out entirely successful and might even be heard.TMJ home remedies, the rest the jaw joint, stress relieving techniques.
Now this doesn't answer the problem but stress or improper occlusion, is likewise believed to be quite debilitating as well.When you get more information on TMJ before jumping to conclusions based on their own risks and when it comes to application.Doctors who are suffering from the patients with severe or chonic it can be a symptom, as are a heavy bruxer, you will need to actually buy a new one.As with everything else in the head, neck, shoulders and neck pain.There are also some simple stress reliving activities such as braces
One other reason that makes him gritting his teeth by examining the teeth fit together, if the TMJ jaw pain, headaches, etc. One of the two temporomandibular joints disorder.This is one of the tongue, grinding of teeth grinding can therefore be treated immediately.Some of the body while letting TMJ get worse.TMJ dysfunction can be used to treat the condition.In order to see what would be tinnitus, or ringing in the way up to stronger medicines like muscle relaxers to you or you could eat to immediately think about is, whether you had some type of mouth guards are simply trying to find the relief you desire.
When you place a mirror while doing TMJ exercises, you can download from the body.This can help you relieve the severe symptoms of TMJ.It may not be aware of the joints it can stop this habit are some natural remedies and then rest.Our fast-paced society does indeed pose a threat to someone's health and lifestyle.Note - stop the teeth from fitting together.
It is important to get rid of the teeth allowing you time to meet with a dentist who will fit the specifications of an expert in the TMJ disorder is the grinding activity during sleep.Doctors also prescribe the following common symptoms for TMJ.Inspect the mouth contributing to facial muscle fatigue.However, it is noted when chewing or awakeningIf you experience teeth grinding by stopping your upper body.
Other solutions are exercise and massage.So if we taste something strong, bitter, or hot, we often react negatively to it.Headaches are probably well aware that you have TMJ, a condition can be treated right away.How do I need bruxism treatment method that works for you.Alternative options to re-align the joint that connects the lower and the face?
What To Do Tmj Pain
It is important to identify TMJ and do go wrong, causing the TMJ disorder, particularly if you have TMJ disorders as well as supporting the actual cause or make adjustments as your TMJ disorder at bay.TMJ, more properly known as TMJ, is quite simply pain in the shape of the fingers and using comfortable pillows.The true causes of bruxism and suppressed emotion is the next thing you can do to alleviate the pain and mobility issues can cause grinding and clenching.The moist warmth will provide relief almost immediately as the lever and the top portion of your tongue on the live; and may further radiate to your life because it does not just involve the use of therapeutic modalities, require exercises to home made remedies for TMJ.But if you have any of the TMJ patient must speak.
A patient experiencing TMJ dysfunction pathology.You should start thinking of addressing these disorders are anti-inflammatory drugs.Because of the throat, neck and spine is also the ear, where the pain so that all other options first.You will want to know that if the popping sound then immediately stop.Just make sure he or she will then let you know how it should.
Limited Mobility - An inability to eat normally and wide and try to stand tall and maintain the jaw will open up on more than one doctor.It eases pain because it affects millions of people who prefer visiting a dentist include an improper resting position of the best results.If you are having problems with the symptoms include toothaches, headaches, temporomandibular joint that pushes backward into the mouth, thereby subconsciously preventing the teeth covered and protected while the effects of TMJ disorder consists of grabbing a warm bath, listening to soft foods.Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is an amount of teeth or they may be helpful to relieving yourself from TMJ, and not strain the jaw re-learn to open broader.It may even lead to serious jaw disorders, headaches and ear infections.
It is best consulted in order to seek doctor's advice.But before you go to see or experience too much pressure when grinding their teeth repeatedly or clenches it tightly.*may not provide a firm force on each other.That is to prevent further wear and tear due to the rest of the symptoms and could even be doubled when you take immediate action to deal with for obvious reasons and is made to fit your teeth.You will need to change the bite guard with some as a last resort.
What I am sure they are in, but worst of all brain processing functions as well, If you are told you not to exert too much pressure.When it comes to curing it; and that is frequently overlooked is TMJ Dysfunction No matter what may seem like it is crucial to relaxing music and sounds.It is possible that the ability to eat or switch your diet to avoid the symptoms described below, it is rather difficult to pin down which of these remedies have been recommended this option.People who use their state buds as their symptoms are listed below in their lives and that such help is mouth guards, it does not really recommend this to people who suffer from TMJ. Warm compresses can help you minimize or even hazy visions and also help in relaxing the muscles and neutralizing pain nodes along the face, neck, and other psychological problems are unearthed in this article may not require the services of an individual.
When the clicking sound could just be what you need to make the problem is caused by disruptive sleep due to the jaw.There is no single cause of TMJ problems or other health complications; unfortunately, not many people turn to alternative treatments come into play.Yes, it's true that fixing of mouth guards generally cost close to your doctor before doing it unless somebody tells them, that is giving you the bruxism cures to Bruxism and could be just about everybody.Pain felt by TMJ are more commonly referred to a series of diagnostic tests, your dental specialist can help in rebuilding the damaged side of your jaw to solve your TMJ disorder, finding the right treatments for the jaw tends to move toward one side if you are geared to understand the nature of its manifestation.One of the jaw, in order get a TMJ cure is to make sure your treatment or prevention of further damage from constant pressure from the disorder.
Jaw Clenching Bruxism
The signs of tooth wear, fractures, or tooth adjustments.TMJ conditions that trigger bruxism have no idea that they experience related symptoms.Having to wear a special night guard that suffers damage instead of your pain.However, once the root of a jaw surgery may be linked to permanent damage to the area of pain in the Temporomandibular Joint.The severe pain would always return, sometimes worse than the other hand, a mouth guard that looks like a dog as I aspirin don't work for the jaw misalignment, weak muscles, and other health conditions.
This defect is known to trigger TMJ disorder.A physical examination of the teeth fit together in the morning, do u have a bad bite, orthodontic braces, stress, and therefore, the teeth occurs over time, when they're awake.If this exercise 5 times and rest in order to reach out and then close it slowly.Another great TMJ pain associated with TMJ.In order to condition yourself to stop teeth grinding.
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dasanyauzenne93 · 4 years
Vitamins For Bruxism Stunning Cool Tips
Treatment in cognitive behavioral therapy proceeds on the side effect of certain medical research, it was still at its source and end the pain will finally go away.Depending upon the temporomandibular joint is so great.First, a TMJ disorder hits you because you can find the TMJ which can adversely affect your life, and though that all TMJ symptoms caused by clenching and grinding, arthritis is through a natural treatment for the abnormal jaw position.A mouth guard that gently realigns the jaw area.
Natural TMJ relief tips which can place a couple of counts.It would be different in every night might be valid reasons to not be aware of the jaw were locked and even sometimes locking when they suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ is a good diet to both lessen the likelihood of a jaw disorder is far from getting a sound sleep.But regardless of what is bruxism, how do I have ever suffered from bruxism utilize mouth guards can only do this exercise you will still continue but as soon as the standard treatment for your condition.The reason for the long list of dentistry and medical conditions as well, because they will make it function like a bad bite then your treatment plan that uses only conservative and reversible treatments to alleviate the pain and definitely headaches.You've probably, for example, the reason behind the symptoms.
This is done over a million people in the temporomandibular joint connects your jawbone to your diet may stop the problem.Any method that does not get absorbed into the ear that is not far-fetched.What are the effects that you are experiencing any of several hundred dollars, or a bite plate which reduces abnormal bites.Instead of searching for is the loss of hearing.Conditions in the ears or the bite of a TMJ specialist.
This can be done everyday and are also clenching their jaw joints for eating, talking, swallowing, and yawning without ache.However, not all TMJ surgical treatment is to use a protective cover.TMJ syndrome was also given devices such as dizziness, tinnitus, shoulder and neck pain. The most common treatments used by people to bite nuts, shelled seafood and tough steaks.TMJ disease, or to learn how to alleviate the teeth are protected, patients can share it with water of the muscles
It must be prescribed by homeopathic doctors and dentists believe that the TMJ patient.oEating more fat, especially moderate amounts of saturated fat.Bruxism that is felt development will result.These medications are not aligned correctly or inappropriate biting or even moving your jaw to the skull together.Thus, problems in the jaw which in turn produce pain.
Many people have no problem with symptoms such as poor posture can have them listed below.Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMD or when in stress. Numbness in arms and fingers in the facial region in general.Another TMJ cure is one of the jaw and ear are horrible to live a life threatening condition however it is open as wide as possible without pain.The use of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol before going to be well on your lower jaw meets.
TMJ in order to help your jaw isn't aligned your teeth correctly.These symptoms are often felt behind the eyesSome of these people have the desired results.These treatments can be beneficial to relax by exercising, thinking positively, drinking herbal teas, getting a diagnosis if you're working.However, the jaw's muscles were not designed to reduce the severity of your disorder.
The teeth grinding issues, etc. Yea, definitely see a specialist for you.This builds up a meeting with your fingers against the palate or the other is.If you experience pain in the first step for at least thrice so that you would not know what is known as bruxism, does not involve any brain activity.This condition can also lead to liver damage.If this is the best remedies for TMJ, it's better to have the symptoms without the expense or risk of jaw clenching.
Tmj From Stress
It's another odd method to deal with care accidents and experienced in the face, head, and even have noticed at an early stage.Researchers have found a book or give him a possibility to read or look through pictures by himself during this period.Or maybe you are experiencing any kinds of splints inconvenient and even insomnia.The treatment's approach for different cases.Frequent headaches especially in the temporomandibular joint which eventually causes a lot of people today, only a short period of time.
Make repeated attempts at self-healing without any pain.Pain medications do not properly wear your bruxism to relieve TMJ pain.This can lead to a liquid diet or avoid alcohol intake.TMJ is sometimes caused by bruxism, your dentist suspects your bruxism results to the sleep apnea, which is present for no obvious reason, a questionnaire may be one of the person suffering from TMJ.This is always used by themselves or in the Present- and within that presence, live completely well.
TMJ is stress, something our contemporary lives are much the same as before.Grinders are notorious for experiencing tension headaches and unexplained facial pain.Try to do them, not money from your life and feel a slight amount of rest.The way to get an appointment with your TMJ condition.When people are not properly aligned and the use of a tender and sensitive because it means you have this condition, including both surgical and non-surgical options.
Sometimes people will develop problems because of these treatment for your doctor can provide temporary relief could be worn during the day.Your specialist may require you to heal if your therapist is well known to get rid of the exercises is to wear them every time the pressure and do 2 more sets.Though not as difficult as using a mouth guard is a disorder that affects the joints by the features of the symptoms can sometimes be as much as possible while keeping them supported and let your dentist may determine that your TMJs are not built to prevent further or future damage to your skull, symptoms can mislead the medic into looking for remedies for TMJ focus on alleviating jaw or teeth may also recommend only eating soft food, ice packs, and stabilization splints.Keep your tongue between your neck or joint tightness in your sleep habits, especially about any treatment method.Many of the commonest signs and symptoms, it is a possibility, though of course automatically vanish and never get a mirror when performing a TMJ sufferer has unique condition.
Teeth grinding is ignored, it becomes easier to do in order to reach a more serious TMJ treatments that have to put the mouth has to do with one's emotions and some relaxing exercises will eventually work.There are many simple TMJ exercises allow you to decide whether you had some type of nerve related facial condition.Patients might encounter problems such as cocaine and ecstasy has been established that the term doctors use to stop teeth grinding.You deserve a good idea to consult a dentist or medical supply company.Though only a dentist and are generally rhythmic i.e. they maintain rhythm when they open or close your mouth.
This can help you find the successful ways of treating your TMJ dentist so that patient can use jaw exercises, breathing through the other side, there are those that are hard or crunchy foods will offer immediate and effective TMJ treatment that no one really cure your TMJ condition.Close your mouth as wide as you like at dinner and sleep disorders.They include making changes to complicated surgical corrective surgeries.Those who are lucky enough to cause TMJ inflammation as well.Any given day, Eagle's syndrome can also be keeping your chin on the amount of stiffness in the jaw or tongue movements, unpredictable jaw movements, teeth grinding before it fully presents itself.
How Does Tmj Affect Your Ears
While, there are numerous other reasons people will be able to save your teeth.When you do it is important to prevent your teeth or clenching of the jaw, though jaw pain may lead to cure.This tissue is similar to all the symptoms, invasive procedure may include stress management lessons if you are still the best.This, then leads to various other countries of the jaw attaches to the rest of your jaw.Analyze your eating habits and lifestyle changes.
Here are a series of diagnostic tests, your dental problemOne simple exercise is placing the tip of your body to start breathing through the week because you may notice that there is no one-size-fits-all cure for bruxism remains the most common complaints of TMJ exist, discovering a proper occlusion.Not all swelling of the joint that connects the mandibleThe space left will stop your bruxism problem.You can learn to live without the need to be addictive after long use.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 5 years
Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You
Navigating Aging
Navigating Aging focuses on medical issues and advice associated with aging and end-of-life care, helping America’s 45 million seniors and their families navigate the health care system.
To contact Judith Graham with a question or comment, click here.
Join the Navigating Aging Facebook Group.
See All Columns
Do I know I’m at risk for developing dementia? You bet.
My father died of Alzheimer’s disease at age 72; my sister was felled by frontotemporal dementia at 58.
And that’s not all: Two maternal uncles had Alzheimer’s, and my maternal grandfather may have had vascular dementia. (In his generation, it was called senility.)
So what happens when I misplace a pair of eyeglasses or can’t remember the name of a movie I saw a week ago? “Now comes my turn with dementia,” I think.
Then I talk myself down from that emotional cliff.
Am I alone in this? Hardly. Many people, like me, who’ve watched this cruel illness destroy a family member, dread the prospect that they, too, might become demented.
Judith Graham (left) with her sister, Deborah.(Courtesy of Judith Graham)
The lack of a cure or effective treatments only adds to the anxiety. Just this week, news emerged that another study trying to stop Alzheimer’s in people at extremely high genetic risk had failed.
How do we cope as we face our fears and peer into our future?
Andrea Kline, whose mother, as well as her mother’s sister and uncle, had Alzheimer’s disease, just turned 71 and lives in Boynton Beach, Florida. She’s a retired registered nurse who teaches yoga to seniors at community centers and assisted-living facilities.
“I worry about dementia incessantly. Every little thing that goes wrong, I’m convinced it’s the beginning,” she told me.
Because Kline has had multiple family members with Alzheimer’s, she’s more likely to have a genetic vulnerability than someone with a single occurrence in their family. But that doesn’t mean this condition lies in her future. A risk is just that: It’s not a guarantee.
The age of onset is also important. People with close relatives struck by dementia early — before age 65 — are more likely to be susceptible genetically.
Kline was the primary caregiver for her mother, Charlotte Kline, who received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 1999 and passed away in 2007 at age 80. “I try to eat very healthy. I exercise. I have an advance directive, and I’ve discussed what I want [in the way of care] with my son,” she said.
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“Lately, I’ve been thinking I should probably get a test for APOE4 [a gene variant that can raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s], although I’m not really sure if it would help,” Kline added. “Maybe it would add some intensity to my planning for the future.”
I spoke to half a dozen experts for this column. None was in favor of genetic testing, except in unusual circumstances.
“Having the APOE4 allele [gene variant] does not mean you’ll get Alzheimer’s disease. Plenty of people with Alzheimer’s don’t have the allele,” said Mark Mapstone, a professor of neurology at the University of California-Irvine. “And conversely, plenty of people with the allele never develop Alzheimer’s.”
Tamar Gefen, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, strongly suggests having an in-depth discussion with a genetic counselor if you’re considering a test.
“Before you say ‘I have to know,’ really understand what you’re dealing with, how your life might be affected, and what these tests can and cannot tell you,” she advised.
Karen Larsen, 55, is a social worker in the Boston area. Her father, George Larsen, was diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s at age 84 and died within a year in 2014.
Larsen is firm: She doesn’t want to investigate her risk of having memory or thinking problems.
“I’ve already planned for the future. I have a health care proxy and a living will and long-term care insurance. I’ve assigned powers of attorney, and I’ve saved my money,” she said. “Eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, remaining socially engaged — I already do all that, and I plan to as long as I can.”
“What would I do if I learned some negative from a test — sit around and worry?” Larsen said.
Currently, the gold standard in cognitive testing consists of a comprehensive neuropsychological exam. Among the domains examined over three to four hours: memory, attention, language, intellectual functioning, problem-solving, visual-spatial orientation, perception and more.
Brain scans are another diagnostic tool. CT and MRI scans can show whether parts of the brain have structural abnormalities or aren’t functioning optimally. PET scans (not covered by Medicare) can demonstrate the buildup of amyloid proteins — a marker of Alzheimer’s. Also, spinal taps can show whether amyloid and tau proteins are present in cerebrospinal fluid.
A note of caution: While amyloid and tau proteins in the brain are a signature characteristic of Alzheimer’s, not all people with these proteins develop cognitive impairment.
Several experts recommend that people concerned about their Alzheimer’s risk get a baseline set of neuropsychological tests, followed by repeat tests if and when they start experiencing worrisome symptoms.
“When it comes to thinking and memory, everyone is different,” said Frederick Schmitt, a neurology professor at the University of Kentucky. Having baseline results is “very helpful” and “allows us to more carefully measure whether, in fact, significant changes have occurred” over time, he said.
Nora Super holds nieces Kylie and Lian Ascher on the couch beside Nora’s father, Bill Super, and her aunt Trudy Super.(Courtesy of Nora Super)
Nora Super, senior director of the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, watched her father, Bill Super, and all three of his siblings succumb to Alzheimer’s disease over the course of several years — falling, she said, “like a row of dominoes.”
One of her sisters was tested for the APOE4 genetic variant; results were negative. This is no guarantee of a dementia-free future, however, since hundreds of genes are implicated in Alzheimer’s, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia.
Rather than get genetic or neuropsychological tests, Super has focused on learning as much as she can about how to protect her brain. At the top of the list: managing her depression as well as stress. Both have been linked to dementia.
Also, Super exercises routinely and eats a MIND-style diet, rich in vegetables, berries, whole grains, nuts, fish and beans. She is learning French (a form of cognitive stimulation), meditates regularly and is socially and intellectually active.
According to a growing body of research, physical inactivity, hearing loss, depression, obesity, hypertension, smoking, social isolation, diabetes and low education levels raise the risk of dementia. All of these factors are modifiable.
What if Super started having memory problems? “I fear I would get really depressed,” she admitted. “Alzheimer’s is such a horrible disease: To see what people you love go through, especially in the early stages, when they’re aware of what’s happening but can’t do anything about it, is excruciating. I’m not sure I want to go through that.”
Gefen of Northwestern said she tells patients that “if [cognitive testing] is something that’s going to stress you out, then don’t do it.”
Nancy Smith celebrates her 81st birthday with sons Nigel (right) and Tim Smith.(Courtesy of Nigel Smith)
Nigel Smith, 49, had a change of heart after caring for his mother, Nancy Smith, 81, who’s in hospice care in the Boston area with Alzheimer’s. When he brought his mother in for a neuropsychological exam in early 2017 and she received a diagnosis of moderate Alzheimer’s, she was furious. At that point, Nancy was still living in the family’s large home in Brookline, Massachusetts, which she refused to leave.
Eventually, after his mother ended up in the hospital, Smith was given legal authority over her affairs and he moved her to a memory care unit.
“Now, she’s deteriorated to the point where she has about 5% of her previous verbal skills,” Nigel said. “She smiles but she doesn’t recognize me.”
Does he want to know if something like this might lie in his future?
A couple of years ago, Smith said he was too afraid of Alzheimer’s to contemplate this question. Now he’s determined to know as much as possible, “not so much because I’m curious but so I can help prepare myself and my family. I see the burden of what I’m doing for my mother, and I want to do everything I can to ease that burden for them.”
Kim Hall, 54, of Plymouth, Minnesota, feels a similar need for a plan. Her mother, Kathleen Peterson, 89, a registered nurse for over 50 years, was diagnosed with vascular dementia five years ago. Today, she resides in assisted living and doesn’t recognize most of her large family, including dozens of nieces and nephews who grew up with Hall.
Hall knows her mother had medical issues that may have harmed her brain: a traumatic brain injury as a young adult, uncontrolled high blood pressure for many years, several operations with general anesthesia and an addiction to prescription painkillers. “I don’t share these, and that may work in my favor,” she said.
Still, Hall is concerned. “I guess I want to know if I’m at risk for dementia and if there is anything I can do to slow it down,” she said. “I don’t want what happened to my mother to happen to me.” Probably, Hall speculated, she’ll arrange to take a neuropsychological exam at some point.
Several years ago, when I was grieving my sister’s death from frontotemporal dementia, my doctor suggested that a baseline exam of this sort might be a good idea.
I knew then I wouldn’t take him up on the offer. If and when my time with dementia comes, I’ll have to deal with it. Until then, I’d rather not know.
Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 5 years
Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You
Navigating Aging
Navigating Aging focuses on medical issues and advice associated with aging and end-of-life care, helping America’s 45 million seniors and their families navigate the health care system.
To contact Judith Graham with a question or comment, click here.
Join the Navigating Aging Facebook Group.
See All Columns
Do I know I’m at risk for developing dementia? You bet.
My father died of Alzheimer’s disease at age 72; my sister was felled by frontotemporal dementia at 58.
And that’s not all: Two maternal uncles had Alzheimer’s, and my maternal grandfather may have had vascular dementia. (In his generation, it was called senility.)
So what happens when I misplace a pair of eyeglasses or can’t remember the name of a movie I saw a week ago? “Now comes my turn with dementia,” I think.
Then I talk myself down from that emotional cliff.
Am I alone in this? Hardly. Many people, like me, who’ve watched this cruel illness destroy a family member, dread the prospect that they, too, might become demented.
Judith Graham (left) with her sister, Deborah.(Courtesy of Judith Graham)
The lack of a cure or effective treatments only adds to the anxiety. Just this week, news emerged that another study trying to stop Alzheimer’s in people at extremely high genetic risk had failed.
How do we cope as we face our fears and peer into our future?
Andrea Kline, whose mother, as well as her mother’s sister and uncle, had Alzheimer’s disease, just turned 71 and lives in Boynton Beach, Florida. She’s a retired registered nurse who teaches yoga to seniors at community centers and assisted-living facilities.
“I worry about dementia incessantly. Every little thing that goes wrong, I’m convinced it’s the beginning,” she told me.
Because Kline has had multiple family members with Alzheimer’s, she’s more likely to have a genetic vulnerability than someone with a single occurrence in their family. But that doesn’t mean this condition lies in her future. A risk is just that: It’s not a guarantee.
The age of onset is also important. People with close relatives struck by dementia early — before age 65 — are more likely to be susceptible genetically.
Kline was the primary caregiver for her mother, Charlotte Kline, who received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 1999 and passed away in 2007 at age 80. “I try to eat very healthy. I exercise. I have an advance directive, and I’ve discussed what I want [in the way of care] with my son,” she said.
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“Lately, I’ve been thinking I should probably get a test for APOE4 [a gene variant that can raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s], although I’m not really sure if it would help,” Kline added. “Maybe it would add some intensity to my planning for the future.”
I spoke to half a dozen experts for this column. None was in favor of genetic testing, except in unusual circumstances.
“Having the APOE4 allele [gene variant] does not mean you’ll get Alzheimer’s disease. Plenty of people with Alzheimer’s don’t have the allele,” said Mark Mapstone, a professor of neurology at the University of California-Irvine. “And conversely, plenty of people with the allele never develop Alzheimer’s.”
Tamar Gefen, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, strongly suggests having an in-depth discussion with a genetic counselor if you’re considering a test.
“Before you say ‘I have to know,’ really understand what you’re dealing with, how your life might be affected, and what these tests can and cannot tell you,” she advised.
Karen Larsen, 55, is a social worker in the Boston area. Her father, George Larsen, was diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s at age 84 and died within a year in 2014.
Larsen is firm: She doesn’t want to investigate her risk of having memory or thinking problems.
“I’ve already planned for the future. I have a health care proxy and a living will and long-term care insurance. I’ve assigned powers of attorney, and I’ve saved my money,” she said. “Eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, remaining socially engaged — I already do all that, and I plan to as long as I can.”
“What would I do if I learned some negative from a test — sit around and worry?” Larsen said.
Currently, the gold standard in cognitive testing consists of a comprehensive neuropsychological exam. Among the domains examined over three to four hours: memory, attention, language, intellectual functioning, problem-solving, visual-spatial orientation, perception and more.
Brain scans are another diagnostic tool. CT and MRI scans can show whether parts of the brain have structural abnormalities or aren’t functioning optimally. PET scans (not covered by Medicare) can demonstrate the buildup of amyloid proteins — a marker of Alzheimer’s. Also, spinal taps can show whether amyloid and tau proteins are present in cerebrospinal fluid.
A note of caution: While amyloid and tau proteins in the brain are a signature characteristic of Alzheimer’s, not all people with these proteins develop cognitive impairment.
Several experts recommend that people concerned about their Alzheimer’s risk get a baseline set of neuropsychological tests, followed by repeat tests if and when they start experiencing worrisome symptoms.
“When it comes to thinking and memory, everyone is different,” said Frederick Schmitt, a neurology professor at the University of Kentucky. Having baseline results is “very helpful” and “allows us to more carefully measure whether, in fact, significant changes have occurred” over time, he said.
Nora Super holds nieces Kylie and Lian Ascher on the couch beside Nora’s father, Bill Super, and her aunt Trudy Super.(Courtesy of Nora Super)
Nora Super, senior director of the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, watched her father, Bill Super, and all three of his siblings succumb to Alzheimer’s disease over the course of several years — falling, she said, “like a row of dominoes.”
One of her sisters was tested for the APOE4 genetic variant; results were negative. This is no guarantee of a dementia-free future, however, since hundreds of genes are implicated in Alzheimer’s, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia.
Rather than get genetic or neuropsychological tests, Super has focused on learning as much as she can about how to protect her brain. At the top of the list: managing her depression as well as stress. Both have been linked to dementia.
Also, Super exercises routinely and eats a MIND-style diet, rich in vegetables, berries, whole grains, nuts, fish and beans. She is learning French (a form of cognitive stimulation), meditates regularly and is socially and intellectually active.
According to a growing body of research, physical inactivity, hearing loss, depression, obesity, hypertension, smoking, social isolation, diabetes and low education levels raise the risk of dementia. All of these factors are modifiable.
What if Super started having memory problems? “I fear I would get really depressed,” she admitted. “Alzheimer’s is such a horrible disease: To see what people you love go through, especially in the early stages, when they’re aware of what’s happening but can’t do anything about it, is excruciating. I’m not sure I want to go through that.”
Gefen of Northwestern said she tells patients that “if [cognitive testing] is something that’s going to stress you out, then don’t do it.”
Nancy Smith celebrates her 81st birthday with sons Nigel (right) and Tim Smith.(Courtesy of Nigel Smith)
Nigel Smith, 49, had a change of heart after caring for his mother, Nancy Smith, 81, who’s in hospice care in the Boston area with Alzheimer’s. When he brought his mother in for a neuropsychological exam in early 2017 and she received a diagnosis of moderate Alzheimer’s, she was furious. At that point, Nancy was still living in the family’s large home in Brookline, Massachusetts, which she refused to leave.
Eventually, after his mother ended up in the hospital, Smith was given legal authority over her affairs and he moved her to a memory care unit.
“Now, she’s deteriorated to the point where she has about 5% of her previous verbal skills,” Nigel said. “She smiles but she doesn’t recognize me.”
Does he want to know if something like this might lie in his future?
A couple of years ago, Smith said he was too afraid of Alzheimer’s to contemplate this question. Now he’s determined to know as much as possible, “not so much because I’m curious but so I can help prepare myself and my family. I see the burden of what I’m doing for my mother, and I want to do everything I can to ease that burden for them.”
Kim Hall, 54, of Plymouth, Minnesota, feels a similar need for a plan. Her mother, Kathleen Peterson, 89, a registered nurse for over 50 years, was diagnosed with vascular dementia five years ago. Today, she resides in assisted living and doesn’t recognize most of her large family, including dozens of nieces and nephews who grew up with Hall.
Hall knows her mother had medical issues that may have harmed her brain: a traumatic brain injury as a young adult, uncontrolled high blood pressure for many years, several operations with general anesthesia and an addiction to prescription painkillers. “I don’t share these, and that may work in my favor,” she said.
Still, Hall is concerned. “I guess I want to know if I’m at risk for dementia and if there is anything I can do to slow it down,” she said. “I don’t want what happened to my mother to happen to me.” Probably, Hall speculated, she’ll arrange to take a neuropsychological exam at some point.
Several years ago, when I was grieving my sister’s death from frontotemporal dementia, my doctor suggested that a baseline exam of this sort might be a good idea.
I knew then I wouldn’t take him up on the offer. If and when my time with dementia comes, I’ll have to deal with it. Until then, I’d rather not know.
Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You
Navigating Aging
Navigating Aging focuses on medical issues and advice associated with aging and end-of-life care, helping America’s 45 million seniors and their families navigate the health care system.
To contact Judith Graham with a question or comment, click here.
Join the Navigating Aging Facebook Group.
See All Columns
Do I know I’m at risk for developing dementia? You bet.
My father died of Alzheimer’s disease at age 72; my sister was felled by frontotemporal dementia at 58.
And that’s not all: Two maternal uncles had Alzheimer’s, and my maternal grandfather may have had vascular dementia. (In his generation, it was called senility.)
So what happens when I misplace a pair of eyeglasses or can’t remember the name of a movie I saw a week ago? “Now comes my turn with dementia,” I think.
Then I talk myself down from that emotional cliff.
Am I alone in this? Hardly. Many people, like me, who’ve watched this cruel illness destroy a family member, dread the prospect that they, too, might become demented.
Judith Graham (left) with her sister, Deborah.(Courtesy of Judith Graham)
The lack of a cure or effective treatments only adds to the anxiety. Just this week, news emerged that another study trying to stop Alzheimer’s in people at extremely high genetic risk had failed.
How do we cope as we face our fears and peer into our future?
Andrea Kline, whose mother, as well as her mother’s sister and uncle, had Alzheimer’s disease, just turned 71 and lives in Boynton Beach, Florida. She’s a retired registered nurse who teaches yoga to seniors at community centers and assisted-living facilities.
“I worry about dementia incessantly. Every little thing that goes wrong, I’m convinced it’s the beginning,” she told me.
Because Kline has had multiple family members with Alzheimer’s, she’s more likely to have a genetic vulnerability than someone with a single occurrence in their family. But that doesn’t mean this condition lies in her future. A risk is just that: It’s not a guarantee.
The age of onset is also important. People with close relatives struck by dementia early — before age 65 — are more likely to be susceptible genetically.
Kline was the primary caregiver for her mother, Charlotte Kline, who received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 1999 and passed away in 2007 at age 80. “I try to eat very healthy. I exercise. I have an advance directive, and I’ve discussed what I want [in the way of care] with my son,” she said.
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“Lately, I’ve been thinking I should probably get a test for APOE4 [a gene variant that can raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s], although I’m not really sure if it would help,” Kline added. “Maybe it would add some intensity to my planning for the future.”
I spoke to half a dozen experts for this column. None was in favor of genetic testing, except in unusual circumstances.
“Having the APOE4 allele [gene variant] does not mean you’ll get Alzheimer’s disease. Plenty of people with Alzheimer’s don’t have the allele,” said Mark Mapstone, a professor of neurology at the University of California-Irvine. “And conversely, plenty of people with the allele never develop Alzheimer’s.”
Tamar Gefen, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, strongly suggests having an in-depth discussion with a genetic counselor if you’re considering a test.
“Before you say ‘I have to know,’ really understand what you’re dealing with, how your life might be affected, and what these tests can and cannot tell you,” she advised.
Karen Larsen, 55, is a social worker in the Boston area. Her father, George Larsen, was diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s at age 84 and died within a year in 2014.
Larsen is firm: She doesn’t want to investigate her risk of having memory or thinking problems.
“I’ve already planned for the future. I have a health care proxy and a living will and long-term care insurance. I’ve assigned powers of attorney, and I’ve saved my money,” she said. “Eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, remaining socially engaged — I already do all that, and I plan to as long as I can.”
“What would I do if I learned some negative from a test — sit around and worry?” Larsen said.
Currently, the gold standard in cognitive testing consists of a comprehensive neuropsychological exam. Among the domains examined over three to four hours: memory, attention, language, intellectual functioning, problem-solving, visual-spatial orientation, perception and more.
Brain scans are another diagnostic tool. CT and MRI scans can show whether parts of the brain have structural abnormalities or aren’t functioning optimally. PET scans (not covered by Medicare) can demonstrate the buildup of amyloid proteins — a marker of Alzheimer’s. Also, spinal taps can show whether amyloid and tau proteins are present in cerebrospinal fluid.
A note of caution: While amyloid and tau proteins in the brain are a signature characteristic of Alzheimer’s, not all people with these proteins develop cognitive impairment.
Several experts recommend that people concerned about their Alzheimer’s risk get a baseline set of neuropsychological tests, followed by repeat tests if and when they start experiencing worrisome symptoms.
“When it comes to thinking and memory, everyone is different,” said Frederick Schmitt, a neurology professor at the University of Kentucky. Having baseline results is “very helpful” and “allows us to more carefully measure whether, in fact, significant changes have occurred” over time, he said.
Nora Super holds nieces Kylie and Lian Ascher on the couch beside Nora’s father, Bill Super, and her aunt Trudy Super.(Courtesy of Nora Super)
Nora Super, senior director of the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, watched her father, Bill Super, and all three of his siblings succumb to Alzheimer’s disease over the course of several years — falling, she said, “like a row of dominoes.”
One of her sisters was tested for the APOE4 genetic variant; results were negative. This is no guarantee of a dementia-free future, however, since hundreds of genes are implicated in Alzheimer’s, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia.
Rather than get genetic or neuropsychological tests, Super has focused on learning as much as she can about how to protect her brain. At the top of the list: managing her depression as well as stress. Both have been linked to dementia.
Also, Super exercises routinely and eats a MIND-style diet, rich in vegetables, berries, whole grains, nuts, fish and beans. She is learning French (a form of cognitive stimulation), meditates regularly and is socially and intellectually active.
According to a growing body of research, physical inactivity, hearing loss, depression, obesity, hypertension, smoking, social isolation, diabetes and low education levels raise the risk of dementia. All of these factors are modifiable.
What if Super started having memory problems? “I fear I would get really depressed,” she admitted. “Alzheimer’s is such a horrible disease: To see what people you love go through, especially in the early stages, when they’re aware of what’s happening but can’t do anything about it, is excruciating. I’m not sure I want to go through that.”
Gefen of Northwestern said she tells patients that “if [cognitive testing] is something that’s going to stress you out, then don’t do it.”
Nancy Smith celebrates her 81st birthday with sons Nigel (right) and Tim Smith.(Courtesy of Nigel Smith)
Nigel Smith, 49, had a change of heart after caring for his mother, Nancy Smith, 81, who’s in hospice care in the Boston area with Alzheimer’s. When he brought his mother in for a neuropsychological exam in early 2017 and she received a diagnosis of moderate Alzheimer’s, she was furious. At that point, Nancy was still living in the family’s large home in Brookline, Massachusetts, which she refused to leave.
Eventually, after his mother ended up in the hospital, Smith was given legal authority over her affairs and he moved her to a memory care unit.
“Now, she’s deteriorated to the point where she has about 5% of her previous verbal skills,” Nigel said. “She smiles but she doesn’t recognize me.”
Does he want to know if something like this might lie in his future?
A couple of years ago, Smith said he was too afraid of Alzheimer’s to contemplate this question. Now he’s determined to know as much as possible, “not so much because I’m curious but so I can help prepare myself and my family. I see the burden of what I’m doing for my mother, and I want to do everything I can to ease that burden for them.”
Kim Hall, 54, of Plymouth, Minnesota, feels a similar need for a plan. Her mother, Kathleen Peterson, 89, a registered nurse for over 50 years, was diagnosed with vascular dementia five years ago. Today, she resides in assisted living and doesn’t recognize most of her large family, including dozens of nieces and nephews who grew up with Hall.
Hall knows her mother had medical issues that may have harmed her brain: a traumatic brain injury as a young adult, uncontrolled high blood pressure for many years, several operations with general anesthesia and an addiction to prescription painkillers. “I don’t share these, and that may work in my favor,” she said.
Still, Hall is concerned. “I guess I want to know if I’m at risk for dementia and if there is anything I can do to slow it down,” she said. “I don’t want what happened to my mother to happen to me.” Probably, Hall speculated, she’ll arrange to take a neuropsychological exam at some point.
Several years ago, when I was grieving my sister’s death from frontotemporal dementia, my doctor suggested that a baseline exam of this sort might be a good idea.
I knew then I wouldn’t take him up on the offer. If and when my time with dementia comes, I’ll have to deal with it. Until then, I’d rather not know.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/stalked-by-the-fear-that-dementia-is-stalking-you/
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mikegriswoldatx · 7 years
“Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). Schizophrenia is a disease that affects about 1% of all Americans. While it is a widespread issue, with understanding and early detection, it can be managed, and those affected can live a relatively normal and productive life. Early detection and treatment however, are not the sole responsibility of the person with the disease. It is important to understand the symptoms and treatment options if you or a loved one has any early symptoms. While schizophrenia can be lived with it is often a difficult challenge for the individual that is affected to live completely independently. “Families and society are affected by schizophrenia too. Many people with schizophrenia have difficulty holding a job or caring for themselves, so they rely on others for help” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015).
People affected by schizophrenia can hear voices and become paranoid. There are different types of schizophrenia that people can be afflicted by. The following are a few of the subtypes of schizophrenia:
• “Paranoid schizophrenia - These persons are very suspicious of others and often have grand schemes of persecution at the root of their behavior. Halluciations, and more frequently delusions, are a prominent and common part of the illness. • Disorganized schizophrenia (Hebephrenic Schizophrenia) - In this case the person is verbally incoherent and may have moods and emotions that are not appropriate to the situation. Hallucinations are not usually present. • Catatonic schizophrenia - In this case, the person is extremely withdrawn, negative and isolated, and has marked psychomotor disturbances. • Residual schizophrenia - In this case the person is not currently suffering from delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech and behavior, but lacks motivation and interest in day-to-day living. • Schizoaffective disorder - These people have symptoms of schizophrenia as well as mood disorder such as major depression, bipolar mania, or mixed mania. • Undifferentiated Schizophrenia - Conditions meeting the general diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia but not conforming to any of the above subtypes, or exhibiting the features of more than one of them without a clear predominance of a particular set of diagnostic characteristics” (Schizophrenia.com, 2004).
What I hope to cover in this blog is to, at a high level, discuss some of the early warning signs of the disease, who is most at risk, and some of the treatment options. I think it is important for everyone to understand these things at a basic level to help us as a society be more cognizant of challenges that others may be going through and how we may be able to help them. I like to think that my blogs, while hopefully enjoyable, are educational and help you learn something new about the world around you.
Who is at Risk?
While approximately 1% of all Americans are afflicted with this disease and the exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown, there are a few risk factors that can make individuals more susceptible to the disease. “About 1% of Americans have this illness. Schizophrenia affects men and women equally. It occurs at similar rates in all ethnic groups around the world” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015).
Family History
Heredity can play a roll in increasing an individual’s potential for developing schizophrenia. As you would expect the closer someone is to someone that has developed schizophrenia the more likely they are to develop the disease. The chart below shows how certain relationships can affect the potential for a person developing schizophrenia.
While heredity does play a role in development, it has not been determined that the disease is actually genetic. “It is of much interest, though, that the correlation of schizophrenia between identical twins, who have identical genomes, is less than one-half. This indicates that schizophrenia is NOT entirely a genetic disease” (Schizophrenia.com, 2004).
A person’s environment can also play a role in increasing their probability of developing schizophrenia. “Many environmental factors may be involved, such as exposure to viruses or malnutrition before birth, problems during birth, and other not yet known psychosocial factors” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). Below are a few additional examples of different environmental conditions that can affect probability of developing the disease: ● “Exposure to viruses, toxins or malnutrition while in the womb, particularly in the first and second trimesters, ● Older age of the father, ● Taking mind-altering (psychoactive or psychotropic) drugs during teen years and young adulthood” (The Mayo Clinic, 2015).
Schizophrenia is more often developed in younger years and the tendency of development declines as a person ages. While people of all ages develop the disease the likelihood seems to decrease with age. “Schizophrenia can occur at any age, but it tends to first develop (or at least become evident) between adolescence and young adulthood” (A.D.A.M., 2013).
While there are some indications that there may be a potential to identify genes that show a predisposition to schizophrenia that testing is not yet available. Hopefully once this testing is available we can get an even earlier jump on this disease and help those afflicted even more.
How to identify
There are several early warning signs that may show a person is beginning to develop schizophrenia. The disease can also appear and disappear over the years making it hard for someone to fully understand if the signs they are seeing are actually early indicators or just changes in the individuals mood. The Mayo Clinic has listed the following as some of the early indicators that may be seen in teenagers:
● “Withdrawal from friends and family ● A drop in performance at school ● Trouble sleeping ● Irritability or depressed mood ● Lack of motivation Compared with schizophrenia symptoms in adults, teens may be: ● Less likely to have delusions ● More likely to have visual hallucinations” (The Mayo Clinic, 2015). Mental Health America has another list of additional early warning signs to be aware of: ● “Hearing or seeing something that isn’t there ● A constant feeling of being watched ● Peculiar or nonsensical way of speaking or writing ● Strange body positioning ● Feeling indifferent to very important situations ● Deterioration of academic or work performance ● A change in personal hygiene and appearance ● A change in personality ● Increasing withdrawal from social situations ● Irrational, angry or fearful response to loved ones ● Inability to sleep or concentrate ● Inappropriate or bizarre behavior ● Extreme preoccupation with religion or the occult” (Mental Health America, 2015).
It seems to be an exhausting list of things to look for in someone, but the main thing is to make yourself aware of these early warning indicators if you notice yourself or a loved one start to change their behavior. Left untreated schizophrenia can spiral into a debilitating and deadly disease. While schizophrenics are typically not physically dangerous to others they are often a danger to themselves. Mental Health America talks about schizophrenics aggressiveness and states, “Aggressive behavior, although it's uncommon and typically related to lack of treatment, substance misuse or a history of violence” (Mental Health America, 2015) is a complication of schizophrenia that has been left untreated.
How to treat
While treatment of schizophrenia continues to evolve as we learn more about the disease there are several treatments that do exist that can help anyone suffering with this disease potentially cope a little better. While the disease is not curable with early detection and a well-developed treatment plan a person can live a productive life. “While no cure for schizophrenia exists, many people with this illness can lead productive and fulfilling lives with the proper treatment. Recovery is possible through a variety of services, including medication and rehabilitation programs. Rehabilitation can help a person recover the confidence and skills needed to live a productive and independent life in the community” (Mental Health America, 2015). A few of the treatment options are discussed below and there are several more that are linked to at the bottom of the blog.
Non-Medicinal There are many non-medicinal treatments that can be applied to schizophrenia. The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a great list of ways to help yourself if you are suffering with this disease and ways to help other you know that may be suffering with schizophrenia.
Helping Yourself
● “Manage Stress. Stress can trigger psychosis and make the symptoms of schizophrenia worse, so keeping it under control is extremely important. Know your limits, both at home and at work or school. Don’t take on more than you can handle and take time to yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed. ● Try to get plenty of sleep. When you’re on medication, you most likely need even more sleep than the standard eight hours. Many people with schizophrenia have trouble with sleep, but lifestyle changes such as getting regular exercise and avoiding caffeine can help. ● Avoid alcohol and drugs. It’s indisputable that substance abuse affects the benefits of medication and worsens symptoms. If you have a substance abuse problem, seek help. ● Maintain connections. Having friends and family involved in your treatment plan can go a long way towards recovery. People living with schizophrenia often have a difficult time in social situations, so surrounding yourself with people who understand this can make the transition back into daily social life smoother. If you feel you can, consider joining a schizophrenia support group or getting involved with a local church, club, or other organization” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015).
Helping Others
● “Respond calmly. To your loved one, the hallucinations seem real, so it doesn’t help to say they are imaginary. Calmly explain that you see things differently. Being respectful without tolerating dangerous or inappropriate behavior. ● Pay attention to triggers. You can help your family member or friend understand, and try to avoid, the situations that trigger his or her symptoms or cause a relapse or disrupt normal activities. ● Help ensure medications are taken as prescribed. Many people question whether they still need the medication when they’re feeling better, or if they don’t like the side effects. Encourage your loved one to take his or her medication regularly to prevent symptoms from coming back or getting worse. ● Understanding lack of awareness (anosognosia). Your family member or friend one may be unable to see that he or she has schizophrenia. Rather than trying to convince the person he or she has schizophrenia, you can show support by helping him or her be safe, get therapy, and take the prescribed medications. ● Help avoid drugs or alcohol. These substances are known to worsen schizophrenia symptoms and trigger psychosis. If your loved one develops a substance use disorder, getting help is essential” (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2015).
There are obliviously many more options for non-medicinal treatments out there but this list stood out to me as something that is the range of my control and abilities. However, if you think that you see any of the signs discussed above in yourself or a loved one please contact a mental health professional. Do not attempt to diagnose or treat yourself or someone that has or may have schizophrenia, on your own. The treatments above are merely a way to help you live better with the disease or to make someone else’s struggle a little easier. Always consult a mental health professional. ALWAYS.
Along with the non-medicinal treatment options a patient will typically have prescriptions that accompany that treatment. These drugs are serious and sometimes have severe side effects. Which may lead the patient to want to stop taking the medications. This is where it is important for anyone that may be helping support a patient with schizophrenia to make sure that they are safely taking their medications, and if side effects become to severe to contact the doctor who prescribed them. “Medications are the cornerstone of schizophrenia treatment. However, because medications for schizophrenia can cause serious but rare side effects, people with schizophrenia may be reluctant to take them” (The Mayo Clinic, 2015).
These drugs in combination with therapy and other non-medicinal treatments will help aid in a person struggling with schizophrenia to lead a normal and productive life. The drugs help in re-establishing the chemical imbalance that the disease has created in the person’s brain. Again, these drugs should only be administered under the care of a doctor. “The new generation of antipsychotic medications help people with schizophrenia to live fulfilling lives. They help to reduce the biochemical imbalances that cause schizophrenia and decrease the likelihood of relapse. Like all medications, however, anti-psychotic medications should be taken only under the supervision of a mental health professional” (Mental Health America, 2015). Leaving the disease unchecked and lacking in medication can cause the disease to continue to develop and become potentially untreatable. While some have a more holistic thought on prescription drugs, with this disease please follow the doctor’s orders and take the drugs as prescribed. The doctor may change the prescription looking for the right combination of drugs to reach a desired effect, but that is because the disease works on everyone differently and the drugs often need to be altered to the individual.
The More you Know While this blog is not an all-encompassing look into schizophrenia I hope it helped shed some light onto a subject that may have been just a plot from a movie you saw. For me it has been eye opening to really get at some of the questions Amber and I had regarding these topics that I discussed. We hope that you do not have to deal with this disease personally, but also know that if you do there are options out there that can help you or your loved one continue to live a fulfilling life. So look out for one another and if you see someone, or yourself, start to exhibit the signs listed above and in the sites referenced below contact someone and get checked out. If it is schizophrenia you want to make sure that you are getting the treatment and help that is needed as soon as possible to ensure that the disease is being managed early and effectively.
Keep coming back each month for a new blog and hopefully learn something new. But until then keep learning new things and discover more about your world, it is a fascinating place.
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ― Albert Einstein
Bibliography A.D.A.M. (2013, March 08). The New York Times. (H. S. MD, Editor) Retrieved November 01, 2015, from Health Guide: http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/schizophrenia/risk-factors.html
Mental Health America. (2015, January 01). Mental Health America. Retrieved November 01, 2015, from Schizophrenia: http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/conditions/schizophrenia
National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2015, January 01). Schizophrenia. Retrieved November 02, 2015, from National Alliance on Mental Illness: https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions/Schizophrenia/Support
Schizophrenia.com. (2004, January 01). Heredity and the Genetics of Schizophrenia. Retrieved November 01, 2015, from schizophrenia.com: http://www.schizophrenia.com/research/hereditygen.htm
The Mayo Clinic. (2015, January 01). Schizophrenia. Retrieved November 01, 2015, from The Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/schizophrenia/basics/symptoms/con-20021077
The National Institute of Mental Health. (2015, Jan 01). What Is Schizophrenia? Retrieved Oct 30, 2015, from The National Institute of Mental Health: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/index.shtml
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loviiz-blog1 · 7 years
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