#i love 4th sonata it's second only to 5th for me
swanconcerto · 1 year
this is soooooo lovely with their powers
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
The lesson here is that even if you start your dnd session at 8, you'll still end up stopping at 12. That's just- thats just a fact man. (I wonder what their classes and alignments are in dnd...)
And also, fam I don't even play the violin and MY self-esteem was CRUSHED. Fuck, there was a 7 year old there winning the fUCKING MENUHIN COMPETITION. AND WHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING?! DISAPPOINTING MY ASIAN PARENTS. (All the four instruments in my house feel like they're glaring at me or something)
But fuck, i still gotta make five paragraphs for each (embodiment of ling ling) child. Lets get our confidence and self-esteem fucking WRECKED shall we?
So, Wieniawski Etude Caprice no.5. Fam, even with one deaf ear (dont worry about it ill probably be fine... probably) i can still hear how fucking clean and crisp it is. Brett and Eddy are me in the first seconds of this recording, but with less understanding. I can only imagine how fucking cRUNCHY it would sound if i fucking tried that eUGH. Eddy might be closer with his answer, but Brett got hit closer in the heart. And i know that even though this kid wasnt playing on like, a full size violin, i cOULDNT FUCKING TELL MAN. (Probably because i cant hear shit through my right ear) thats- tHATS HOW PRODIGY THIS KID WAS WTF
Okay, round 2. Ernst Last Rose of Summer. Dude, the second i heard the first few notes, my mind IMMEDIATELY went "did they find a better recording of Vengerov?" Because dUDE. DUUUUUUUDE. They would be proud of this actual literal fetus. I know i would be. Oh gOD, i can only imagine the hand cramps and the crunchiness and the skidding AHSJSBWKDYSNDJAK I am Brett. My reaction is Brett. I only knew the concepts of playing an instrument when I was 12 and this literal kid just- okay, ill go dig my grave nowwwwww. FUCK even Brett and Eddy were making their asian parents proud, wHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING. Ugh, its fine, i have a slight talent in writing and acting and the arts, its fine, i dont have to play an instrument its FIIIIIIIINE.
Paganini Caprice no.13. Seven years old. FUCKING SEVEN YEARS OLD. I HAVENT EVEN LISTENED TO ALL THE PAG CAPRICES AND IF YOU PLAYED THIS TO ME WITHOUT TELLING ME IT WAS A SEVEN YEAR OLD, I WOULD PROBABLY THINK THAT IT WAS A REALLY GOOD STUDIO RECORDING OR SOMETHING WHAT THE HELL. (if you cant tell by the all caps, i am currently loosing my mind. AND what little self-esteem i still have in me) I agree with Eddy. That accompanist is me. The page turner is me. Brett and Eddy staring at these children and their recordings is ME.
4th recording, Ysaye Sonata no.3 Ballade. Dude, when I saw the title and heard the music, my brain immediately went like "hilary, is that you?" Then they showed the kid and I was like "...this motherfucker doesnt even LOOK LIKE A KID." He looks fucking 20 and i- I-...Brett's lofi is just echoing through my brain right now.
5th and final recording, Hubay Carmen Fantasy. I can tell with their lack of commentary that their self-esteems have truly been decimated. Honestly, same. I just wanted to vibe to the music, man. This kid made these notes sing and I could just close my eyes and cry from the beauty of it. I just- kudos to you man. Kudos to these kids, they're all wonderful and great and we all look up to them as gods. Sigh. I want a sandwich after that kid fucking serenaded me with the music.
And finally, Bretts punishment. Sight reading the last piece, aka Hubay's Carmen Fantasy. For a first time sight reading, this is pretty good. I could probably point out all the mistakes and stuff he did wrong, (intonation problems, tempo, wHATEVER) i dont think i need to. Because our self-esteem has just evaporated. Like, pOOF. I'm just gonna enjoy and take solace in the fact that he tried.
Also, editor-san's little end card animation is just- it affected my heart in a good way. If ling ling potion heals your heart and Olaf heals your violin, then editor-san heals your heart. WE LOVE YOU EDITOR-SANNNNNNNN
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