#i love bby clive
tripleflames · 1 year
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@outlaws-legacy asked: “Uncle…..uncle!!!!” An excited Clive runs up to Byron, his tiny little hands moving to embrace his middle once he collides against the man he adores. “I’m so glad you’re back!!! Can we play pretend again from one of your plays?!” The smile Byron receives is adorably toothless in one area. “Pl—-ease?”
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" My boy! " Immediately does a smile brighten up Byron's face as the excited voice of his nephew rings out across the courtyard to greet his arrival, followed by the very boy himself colliding with his stomach like a well-aimed child sized missile. After weeks of dealing with only merchant leaders and portswains, coming back here among familiar faces and surroundings ever feels like a breath of fresh air━ and indeed, after only a single moment of seeing Clive's now adorably toothless smile, 'tis as if the years sleuce off his back, the troubles and ails of the past few moons in Port Ilsolde summarily forgotten.
The hug is returned with enthusiasm, his laugh at Clive's sincere plea a joyous, amused thing. " And I am glad to see you and the Castle still in one piece. Your father's not gotten into too much trouble in my absence, has he? " The query is followed up with a conspirational wink, a broad hand settling on Clive's dark head of hair, ruffling the strands to messy curls. " Nor have you, I hope! " Not that it'd truly bother him if Clive had. Oh, how much the boy reminded him of himself, for as much as he resembled Elwin to a tee.
His hand gentles, giving those dark locks a tender carress, smile growing warmer still. " As for your question━, " He leans down, hoisting his nephew into his arms and onto his hip without much forewarning, grunting at the strain. By the Founder, Clive had grown━ heavier first and foremost. " Of course we can! In fact, anticipating this very event, I have brought some new plays we might garner a look at. Fear not, they are all further adventures of Gallant Ser Crandall of Camelot. "
But first, of course, there was business to be taken care of. Much as it pains him to admit, he's not come here on a mere whim. " Do you know where your father is, my boy? I wish to speak to him. Alas, I must get to all the annoying bits first ere we can get to the fun bits. But let us walk together, aye? You can tell me how your lessons are going. "
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rhystheceo · 10 months
Checking the characters' thoughts in the new state of the realm update and OH BOY
Elwin considered Jill the daughter he never had;
Anabella pretty much always hated Clive and Jill but truly loved Joshua;
Anabella mentions Olivier's noble lineage, but makes no mention of feelings towards her youngest son, which...
... might connect to Joshua's thoughts on Olivier, in which he asks himself if his mother loved his half-brother as she did him;
Joshua wishes for Jote to be free and wonders if she likes her new home (hideaway);
Joshua adores Jill;
Joshua will meet Ultima in the pit should he try to touch his brother;
Joshua considers Gav an old friend as soon as they meet and considers Charon to be a kind lady;
Jote thinks Jill has a kind heart;
Otto was the one to make Jote feel at ease in the Hideaway;
Jote only forgives Dion over the destruction of the Dominion because Joshua decided to;
Jote doesn't feel comfortable around dogs;
Jill calls Anabella a thief of happiness;
She also mentions that Elwin had always been kind to her;
Jill says Clive and Gav are close as brothers;
(On a lighter note) Ambrosia is confused over Joshua being a bird as well lmao
Ambrosia is glad Torgal grew up cos now she doesn't have to worry about stepping on him anymore;
She mentions bby!Jill thinks she's pretty and later thinks adult!Jill is very pretty herself;
Comments on Joshua returning 'bigger' than when she last saw him too lmao;
Torgal has no understanding of death, as he mentions Hanna was sent underground, and Cid fell asleep 😭
I have yet to read more but /YELLS
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la-sopa · 2 months
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Trever Flume
(Spoilers undercut)
Trever Flume was approximately 13(I think that was his age he may have been 15)
I think when he was 10, Mom died in the Clone Wars
at 13. Brother Tike dies in an explosion from the empire during a peaceful protest. His father, when the protesters were being held hostage went to go and negotiate their release, Died in the explosion
So now he is a street kid #Homeless I feel like that part of his character is HEAVILY overlooked. Gets semi-adopted by Roan Lands and Ferus Olin.
Fast forward a little. Roan fucking dies. Rip. Then he semi-loses Ferus because Ferus possesses emotions by running(Darra). So now Trever is alone with some random people.
Mega fast-forwarded all those random people he got to know, including Wil Asani from his home planet, Roan's BFF short king. All fucking die in an explosion (Just like his family) :P
then on top of all that, BAAM memory gets whipped off the last year (Lost like counting about 5 people one year)(stay with me). Ferus describes it as like killing Roan all over again. Gonna expand that to kill everyone! all over again.
Jude what the FART
I love Trever.
That is just the Last of the Jedi books
We find out "In 12 BBY, Trever, along with his adopted parents"Clive Flax and Astri Oddo, "was probably killed after one of the Imperial factories was blown up by the Imperials themselves."(Trever Flume) like! bro can't catch a break. his adopted parents dead. Stay with me
I'm really sad about Trever
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The ‘holy shit how is it the finale already???’ reaction dump:
ayyyyyye here we gooooooo!!!
I'm simultaneously excited for tonight but hella nervous of the potential cliffhanger they'll leave us with (get it, cause the rig goes down a cliff???)
(no im not)
can we stop talking about placentas in smoothies
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oh so the real cliff hanger is gonna be early, huh? on the bright side that means we know nothing terrible happens to bobby since we know he's all healthy like at the vow renewal
I'm no firefighter but even I know yall didn't properly anchor that rig. Clipboard Buck would NEVER
Man the 118 has a shitty record with fire trucks lmao
Bobby bby don't internalize it
Buddie BFFs back on my screen doing adorable husband things
Eddie laughing at his own fix-it joke, being all sassy and shit
S6 better be the rise of Sassy Diaz, I'm just saying
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MADNEY ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hell of a miscommunication there Chim holy god
Well, that was dramatic
I'm gonna be sick too, don't worry
Chim in the background wincing away omg I love him
But also, this gif is worth repeating since they once again are gonna make me barf
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Denny!!! He's so big!!!!
Uhm, so wait - not a henren renewal????
No complaints tho, cause Toni and Clive are fucking adorable and I love them
Someone give Karen a hug for me :(
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Maddie taking big steps for her future (starting over), we love to see it!
Buck, what was that face lmao
Ravi running interference, love it ♥
"Knowing they have your back" - Ravi ships Buddie is canon yall
JFC what was that????
Sorry, I'm still thinking about Ravi's words of wisdom and how they literally called back to Buck and Eddie's "You can have my back any day" and "Or you could have mine".
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(thats literally fox trying to gaslight me into thinking I'm not seeing the buddie moments)
This rescue is giving me too much anxiety yall
I need them to be ok
Buckley sibling moments, inject them into my veinssss ♥
Buck you are literally talking about you and Eddie, you realize that right? Like you both have been at rock bottom with each other and came out on the other side tOGeTheR
But also, Maddie listen to your brother because that accurately describes you and Chim
This couple is killing me (in a good way tho)
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I don't know that I've ever been this invested in a rescue couple but I do know that I love them and they must be protected at all costs
There's 15 minutes left for BT breakup and a wedding, how the fuck do they fit it in with the commercials ? ? I really think we needed another ep or two - the last couple have felt so packed and fast paced and they could have benefited from more time to wrap things up.
In my heart I want a Buddie "oh" moment during the vows but I know we wont get it, so fellow fic writers pls pls pls deliver k thanks bye
"I'm sorry you're still upset" is such a shitty non apology
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"Two days of traffic collisions and trash fires will take care of that" idk why that was so funny to me
Eddie looked so cute when Bobby opened that door ♥
I fucking love this scene so much, Eddie and Bobby needed this
"You saved my life, and my sons" brb sobbing and throwing up
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The 118 is such a tight knit family, they keep saving each other and half the time they don't even know they're saving each other
Toni aayyyyyye surprise vow renewal!!!!!!!!
Karen, don't worry I'll take the deviled eggs
Amicable ? Did not expect
Now to wait until September ahhhh
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heytheredeann · 4 years
Are you into motherland too? It's fandom is pretty small, but it's one of the most interesting shows out there. What do you think of it?
I am! I was looking for something short and mildly interesting to watch, I saw a cast of beautiful women and I was like “...yeah, okay” LOL.
I really enjoyed it! I have not been active in the fandom, aside from reblogging gifs (I am caught up in other stuff and I don’t have the emotional space for another fandom, if you know what I mean lol), but I might dive into it in the future, because there are so many good relationships and characters in this.
First of all, I love that we get a lot of different character types, a lot of them more often associated with men. Like, Adler? She’s a strong leader, who has and wants power, a politician and amazing strategist, cold and calculating, though they also gave her some emotional depth imo. The fact that she is also a mother figure, the mother of all witches, makes her even better for me, she’s all those Powerful Cold Leader things and ALSO a mother? Woah, okay.
Tally is the classic idealistic soldier wanting to Do Good, she’s probably my least favourite out of the main cast but I like what they did with her going forward, how they showed her coming to understand the realities of war. 
Abigail is so good, she’s so ambitious and striving for perfection because she wants approval (mostly from her mother), she’s an hardass and has a very privileged background and I love how that clashes with Raelle and how they grow closer and closer throughout the whole thing. The moment when she could have claimed her place in the academy because of that privilege but she chose to instead stay with her team? So good, A+++. 
And Raelle, my poor bby, she’s a character type that I’m weak for, so disillusioned and pretty self-destructive, just so convinced that she’s headed for destruction and that there is no way out, and then she meets Scylla and she starts making friends with Tally and eventually Abigail too and I love how defiant she is in general. Raelle is so tiny but she’s always getting in people’s faces, making her voice heard in spite of how hopeless she feels, she’s just so angry at the world, kicking and screaming all the way through this terrible and unjust system and I love her so much. 
I love the relationships, I love how in the Bellweather unit they all have such different takes on the system and war, how Tally is so idealistic and “pure” in her view of it, how disillusioned and hateful Raelle is, how Abigail sees the whole thing as an opportunity, as the system that they live and that they can thrive in, if they are good enough, and she knows that she’s good enough. It really created a wonderful dynamic between the three of them, the conflicts were so good.
Also, THE LOVE STORY. BETWEEN RAELLE AND SCYLLA. I’M NOT OKAY. That’s the ‘ops I’ve fallen for my target’ trope applied to a lesbian couple in a fantasy setting, I’m thriving. All the angst, the betrayal, Raelle being so desperate when she thinks Scylla is dead but she doesn’t yet know the truth, the scene where they bring Raelle to see her as a form of torture, the reveal, the betrayal all around, what was real? None of it, some of it? And when they saw each other again, Scylla telling her that she chose her, which she DID, I just. Nope, none of this is okay. 
I’d also like to mention the supporting cast, because YES. Anacostia is amazing and I love her so much, her and her love for the cadets, her soft spot for orphans, the way she questions Adler... yup. Also, I liked Tally’s friend, I don’t remember what her name was, she’s probably me if I were thrown into that kind of situation against my will LOL. I just thought that she was a realistic character to have around. Also, Clive and Agustìn, the two guys that Abigail had a thing with, loved what they did there, it was so precious and god no love triangle, bless this show. The moment when Abigail started walking away with Agustìn and Clive was left there like ‘aww man, no, I wanted her to pick me :c” and then she was like “C’mon!” and he excitedly followed asdfghjkl, precious, I died a little. Also, when they checked on her the second time they came to Fort Salem <3
Another supporting character that caught my attention was Libba, though I have... mixed feelings about her LOL. I find it very realistic that she’d have such a rivalry with Abigail, sometimes it was even entertaining to watch, but I feel like they turned things around a little too fast in the episode where she died. I mean, I would have liked a few more moments of ‘she is not that bad’ in the previous episodes, showing that her squabbles with Abigail did not hide real hatred, rather than showing a whole side of her only during that episode. As soon as she started being nice I was like “yup, she’s gonna die”. I don’t know, I just feel like in theory her relationship with Abigail could have been so good, that it left me a little disappointed in the actual show (though, I’ll admit, Libba wasn’t my main focus while watching so I might be forgetting some scenes, if I decide to rewatch I might feel differently).
That being said, Abigail’s reaction was devastating, ouch. 
So, uhm, this got long, but I just really loved the characters and relationships and it’s so good to see a fantasy show centered around women with so many different personalities and such good relationships, and I’m so into the worldbuilding too, in fact I wish that they had told us more about how Fort Salem was created and how the whole thing developed, I want to know all the things. 
I really hope we get a season 2, basically.
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v3joker · 6 years
being both a theorist and shitposter for Game of Dice is weird
‘cause on one hand i give insight on how Ion most likely has depression and PTSD and end up being kinda proven right in chapter 2 with, ya know, a bomb going off and killing Ion’s dad in front of him when he was 9 years old
then on the other hand i just say Ion will just shoot Dr. X for revenge and make a joke outta how Dr. X shouldn’t be designed like that for a villain villains need to stop being attractive so i can stop feeling empathy for them, i’m looking at you in particular CLIVE, i love you tho, Clive, pls redeem yourself my bby
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hellsbellschime · 7 years
Since you watch Izombie, what do you think of the main characters (Liv, Blaine, Clive, Ravi, Major, Peyton) ? Did you have a favorite Liv's personality ?
Love Liv, want to punch Blaine in the dick, love Clive, love Ravi, I’m okay with Major, and Peyton is my bby and I will crack Blaine’s skull if he screws with her, and I loved Lowell and Drake and will be salty about that for a while. And my favorite personality was probably the crotchety old man one.
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