#i love being in an unfamiliar area on my own as a fem presenting person it is not at all anxiety inducing
ymiwritesstuff · 3 years
Tenderly Perfect
Well, here it is, a Zhongli fic as I promised. I swear this man is doing things to me I can’t lmao. Also I’m not THAT deep in the lore so apologies if some things are incorrect. Anyway hope you enjoy, just some simple fluff with not much plot hehe.
Genshin Impact
Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Summary: Zhongli insists on taking you outside the city for a moment of good food, company and hair brushing.
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Climbing to the highest point of Mt. Tianheng was the last thing you were expecting that day, though you should have expected as much. You have known him so long, of course he would be the one to suggest something like this. After hearing that you had never been on top of the impressive mountains just outside of the city, he was almost shocked and insisted on spending a day there, enjoying an all too lavish meal from Wanmin restaurant.
Zhongli held your hand throughout the trip, despite it not being entirely necessary, though he did save your face from hitting the ground a few times as the terrain proved to be rather unforgiving with its uneven areas and tiny pits. Being the perfect gentleman he was, he was more than happy to carry everything you brought with you on your little trip in his other hand while never letting go of yours. The action warmed your heart.
“We’ll reach our destination shortly.” He turned to you, a warm smile on his face. “The view up here is among the finest in all of Liyue.”
The way his deep voice spoke softly tingled your insides pleasantly, his hand gently holding yours as you ascended a set of stone stairs. You couldn’t help but mirror his smile, appreciating his efforts of showing you his favorite places in hopes that you would enjoy them as well. With him though, everything was enjoyable. Perhaps it was his divine presence that seemed to make every location that much better.
“I can’t wait.”
Despite learning of his true identity only recently, you had always had this underlying feeling that there was something peculiar about him. The way he spoke of Liyue’s traditions and history as if he had been present in those influential moments, was something you thought about a lot, yet it still surprised you when the truth was revealed.
Zhongli was somewhat uncertain of your reaction initially but was washed with relief when you expressed no hysterical shock or possible hostility. Since then, he has been enjoying his retirement with you with much jubilance.
You knew the journey had come to an end when Zhongli let go of your hand, allowing you to take in the breathtaking view on top of the mountain. Your (E/C) sparkled in awe as they looked around. The entirety of Liyue was visible, the whole city looking so incredibly tiny from so high up. The gentle breeze that hugged your form and swayed your hair was warm and welcoming, and you finally realized why the Lord of Geo wanted you to witness this with your own eyes.
“Zhongli this... This is…” You couldn’t find the right words because nothing would do the stunning view that bathed under the afternoon sun any justice. So you opted to just turn to him, immediately noticing his gentle smile that always made your heart swoon.
“I am glad you like the sight.”
You walked up to him and placed a kiss on his lips, being mindful of the bag he was carrying. After pulling away you glued your eyes on his resplendent golden ones, staring at him in admiration.
“It’s perfect.”
His other hand rested on your waist as you pressed your foreheads together, enjoying the feeling of having each other so close. At times like these, you couldn’t help but wonder what had you done to be blessed with someone like him. One would think that after becoming aware of his true identity as Rex Lapis, you would treat him as such. However, the person before you was Zhongli, just Zhongli, the man whom you had met while wandering aimlessly around Liyue, surrounded by unfamiliarity.
“Shall we begin?” you heard him ask, lightly lifting the bag that held the food you hadn’t even realized you had been craving. The quality of Wanmin restaurant didn’t disappoint, though you wondered if Zhongli had remembered to bring Mora with him when making his order. Though, knowing him, he most likely found another way to pay for the meals as he always did.
You helped him place a large blanket on the grass, allowing for a more comfortable experience, before placing the food that was still somehow warm on top of it, your eyes admiring the meals prepared by the famous restaurant. As you examined the sight before you, you noticed something and decided to open your mouth.
“No seafood?”
Your words were meant as a mere joke, as you were more than aware that the Geo Archon absolutely despised having anything from the sea on his plate. Still, to your surprise, he merely looked at you, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“Would you have preferred that? If you’d like it is in no way an issue for me to go back and-”
You cut him off with a giggle, finding his desire to make you happy above all else adorable.
“No, no. There’s no need. This is perfect.” You threw him a smile which he happily returned.
Once all the food had been laid out, you immediately went to dig in, enjoying the delicate flavors of the jade parcels and the juiciness of the meat rolls. With each bite you hummed in satisfaction, all the while enjoying the surrounding nature and the wonderful company.
In the midst of the dining and chatting with the gentleman responsible for this lovely picnic, the surrounding wind seemed to get stronger, as if the playful Anemo Archon himself was messing with it. You only noticed the change in the weather when the wind decided to latch itself onto your hair, causing it to fly everywhere before settling right on your face.
You heard Zhongli let out a chuckle of amusement as you moved your hair away from your eyes, looking at him with slight embarrassment in your gaze. With a soft sigh, you reached for your own bag and took out a hairbrush that you had fortunately taken with you.
“Didn’t think I’d need to use this here,” you laughed softly tracing the designs carved into the handle. It was an old brush but did its job wonderfully.
Just as you were about to start brushing your hair that had become full of knots in a matter of seconds, you felt Zhongli place his hand on top of the one that held the brush. You looked up at him questioningly. 
“May I?”
His voice was gentle as if he was asking with the utmost carefulness. You didn’t understand why though, you were more than happy to accept his offer.
“Of course.”
You gave him the hairbrush and turned your back to him, leaving your messy hair to be dealt with by the Geo Archon. Before he would start running the bristles through your locks, however, he had to inspect the brush closer. His golden eyes looked at the carvings, his mind traveling through Liyue’s long history.
“I recall a time when these handmade hairbrushes first arrived in Liyue. Traveling merchants would sell these at the harbor for a large sum of Mora,” he stated and you listened, always ready to hear his many stories and memories from a time unknown to you. “Only a few made their way to civilians’ hands, and fewer remain today.”
“Guess I’m pretty lucky then, huh?” A smile stretched his lips at your words.
“Indeed you are, my love.”
Zhongli ran his covered fingers over the carvings on the back of the brush reminiscing for a moment as he often did, especially now that he had abandoned his position as Morax. He removed his gloves and placed them beside him on the blanket before finally moving his attention to your (H/C) hair.
“Despite its age, this brush has stood the test of time rather beautifully.”
You felt the brush run through your locks, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling.
“You mean just like you?” You joked, which earned you a chuckle from the male as he occasionally ran his bare hand through your hair.
Zhongli loved your hair, how soft it felt between his fingers, how it often swayed in the wind, how perfectly it shone. It framed your face perfectly and only enhanced your appearance he was so fond of. It was as if it was touched by a divine being.
He took his time with brushing it, making sure to unravel every knot carefully as he did not want you to feel even the slightest bit of discomfort. Even if you did, though, you wouldn’t mind. The fact that he was willing to brush your hair for you in the first place was good enough and filled you with happiness in its purest form.
His golden eyes, filled with a fondness for your entire being watched as your hair regained its previous state, and even when there were no visible knots, he continued to run his hand through the strands, enjoying the softness that he had restored.
“Beautiful,” he whispered as you felt his hand move to your cheek. He turned you to face him, his touch so gentle one would think it impossible that they were used to make spears out of stone to slay an ancient god. His words, no matter how many times he said them, always made a shade of crimson dust your cheeks.
Zhongli reached for something in the bag that once held all the food items, retrieving a single Glaze Lily, fully in bloom. Your eyes glued themselves on it, staring at the stunning flora in awe.
“I picked this before our departure,” he said as if answering a question you hadn’t stated out loud. “My intention was to merely give this to you, but…”
With gentle movements, Zhongli placed the lily behind your ear, moving a tiny bit of your freshly brushed hair to the side. You watched him, drowning in his loving gaze.
“This just might be the most efficient way of doing so.”
He kept a hand on your cheek and you placed yours on top of it, wanting to enjoy the feeling of his bare hand on your skin. You smiled once more, his words sticking to you. He made you feel so happy, so appreciated, so loved. No words came out of your mouth as you slowly closed the gap between you.
Zhongli returned the kiss, keeping his hand on your cheek while the tips of his fingers grazed the tiniest part of your perfect (H/C) hair that he adored.
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Since long ago the seven kingdoms of Lentavia have worked together as one, sharing their resources and prospering because of it. Each kingdom has its own prince, each a beautiful man who rules fairly, caring for their people and distributing their resources amongst the kingdoms. The seven of them are much like brothers, having grown up together in their joint castles that sit in the middle of the island. They are free to rule as they please and do what they wish, as long as it is harmonious within the kingdoms. They must, however, follow one rule. At age 26 they must marry a person of their choosing in order to fully take the throne and become a king. The eldest prince, Seokjin, is 2 days from the date he must choose his betrothed and has yet to even suggest someone as an option.
♡ pairing: Kim Seokjin x fem!reader
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ? |
♡ series warnings: blood mention, injury mention, swearing, anxiety, death mention, depression
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: Mature
♡ word count: 2628
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter four: healing
After an hour of not so restful sleep, you got out of bed and went to the bathroom, splashing water on your face and taking a deep breath. You weren't exactly sure where Jin would be, and you didn't want to frighten him any more than you had already by leaving on your own, so you wandered the halls in search of a servant to help you. Eventually, you were able to find a kind maid who took you to Seokjins room, which was actually just a short walk from your own room. You thanked the maid and then knocked on the grand door, "Seokjin? It's Y/N, I'm ready to go out for herbs if that's alright?" You felt bad making him go with you but had a feeling he would insist even if you tried to tell him not to. After a few moments, Jin appeared and opened the door, "To the woods we go then! I assume you know where we are going?" He asked, making you smile. "I do, it isn't too far."
The two of you made your way through the castle, and then out into the gardens. From then on you led the way, the two of you walking in silence, just enjoying the sounds of the forest. When you reached the area you had been heading for, you stopped walking and began to collect various leaves you would need for the healing balm. "How do you remember which herbs you need?" Jin asked you as he watches you wander about. "Ah, well with this specifically, I've had to make it many, many times so it's basically muscle memory to me now." You chuckle but the implication of your words doesn't miss Jin.
Despite having met you such a short time ago, he feels protective of you and hates the life you've had to deal with. "It's impressive, you must be a very talented witch." He complimented, making you blush. No one had ever said that to you before. "I just do what I can, I don't do much high-level magic aside from when I was learning it. I prefer to just live life as organically as possible with some magic sprinkled in." Seokjin hummed, "That's interesting, I think if I could do magic I would use it for everything, though that may just be because I didn't grow up with it..." You laughed lightly, "It is tempting, and on days when I was sick at home, I'll admit I used more than usual to do things for me." Seokjin joined your laughter at that.
You folded the plants you'd collected into the handkerchief you'd brought along, and tied it up so nothing would fall out. "Alright, I've got what I need." You said, standing up and brushing some dirt off your dress. "I can carry it for you, you shouldn't use your hands too much." Seokjin said taking the bundle from you gently, which you allowed simply because you hoped it may ease any guilt he may have over you getting hurt. You followed a few steps behind him as the two of you walked back to the castle, "I hope you found something about that interesting, I really could have come alone..." You felt bad for Seokjin, as he had simply stood there while you collected what was necessary. "It was fun, I got to know some more about you which is nice. I think it's good to get to know the person you are to marry." He said turning and sending you a smile.
You had forgotten about that, the marriage. "It will need to be announced soon then? The marriage?" The prince nodded, "Tomorrow, I think. Really it should have been the same day I met you, but there were, circumstances as you know." You hummed in understanding. "Well, once I've made the healing balm, everything about me will look normal for tomorrow, but Seokjin, the villagers... They still know I'm a witch. It might end badly for you, what if they stop respecting you?" Seokjin stopped walking and turned to face you, making you nearly crash into him. "Y/N, I think the villagers who have issue with you being a witch need to realize that you deserve respect. I frankly don't care what they think if they are going to be prejudiced." Jin spoke with strong conviction, not a single waver in his voice. You smiled brightly, this had definitly been the right choice.
Once you were back at the castle, the two of you headed to the kitchen. You found a pot the right size and boiled some water, slowly adding the ingredients and muttering a spell as you did so. Waving your hand over it to stir, you closed your eyes and focused on the magic coursing through your veins. "And we are done." You said happily, opening your eyes to find the prince staring at you in amazement. "You're incredible, Y/N." You blushed at his comment, turning away and scooping the paste out of the pot and into a bowl. "It's simple magic really, I'm just lucky enough to have that power." Unwrapping the bandages around your hands you winced slightly, the wounds quite tender. You smoothed the mixture on your hands, sighing at the cooling feeling. Seokjin rewrapped your hands for you since yours were now covered in the healing balm. "Thanks, it already hurts less." You assure him, having noticed him giving you an intense look when you'd initially removed the bandaging.
"If you say so, shall we have some lunch then?" Jin suggested. You agreed and the two of you headed to the dining hall after Jin notified a servant that you'd be dining now. Since it was lunchtime anyway, you found the six other princes already seated at the table. "Y/N! I hear you were in a fire yesterday are you alright?" Taehyung asked, concern heavy in his voice. "Ah, yes! Me and Seokjin just went and got the plants for my healing balm so now that that's on, I'll be fine." You assured him, holding up your bandaged hands as proof. "It's a magic potion!" Jimin and Jungkook said excitedly, making you giggle. "Yes, magic."
Seokjin sat down and gestured for you to be seated beside him, which you did. The servants brought out various dishes and everyone got some of what they wanted. You listened to the seven men banter with each other, their relationship was so warm it made you feel happy just to see it. When everyone had their fill, Jin cleared his throat. "So, I will announce my engagement tomorrow, if that works for you all?" The six men gave their various answers of approval, and Seokjins lips pulled into a smile, "Alright! Fantastic." Jimin looked at you then at Jin, "Have you arranged for a dress for Y/N? She can't be presented to the public wearing commoners clothing, even as beautiful as she is." He said, sending you a wink.
Seokjin blanched, making everyone laugh. "I'll take that as a no then. Well lucky for you, I have a few dresses from when those princesses visited a few years back. They were meant to be gifts for them but, well they didn't deserve them so they are just in storage." Jimin said, a comforting smile on his plush lips. "Jimin have I told you how much I love you?" Seokjin said, looking very relieved, "I'll take her to my seamstress so that she can have a proper wardrobe made just for her, and try on the other dresses in one go!" Jim said excitedly as he stood up. Jin looked at you, seemingly checking if that was ok with you, so you gave him a slight nod and stood up to follow Jimin. He led you down a wing of the castle you were unfamiliar with, "This is my connection to the castle." Jimin explains as you walk, "It's very beautiful." His castle is similar to Seokjins, but holds a little more... elegance to it. There are many delicate light fixtures and pieces of art throughout it, giving it a different feel than Jins.
"Here we are! Jisoo, this is Seokjins betrothed, she will be trying on those dresses we have and then you can take her measurements for a wardrobe." Jimin said when you entered a room with a 9privacy curtain0, a huge mirror, and a small pedestal, as well as a few chairs and a table. The woman he was speaking to was gorgeous, long stark black hair, an angular nose, and sharp deep brown eyes, but a warm smile that rounded out her face. "Hello, it's my pleasure. My name is Jisoo and I am the seamstress and designer for the princes." Her voice was high, but melodic all the same. "It's nice to meet you as well, I'm Y/N, Seokjins fiancee. Thank you for doing this for me." Jisoo laughed and shook her head, "I finally get to make some beautiful dresses, and for an already beautiful woman at that. I should be the one thanking you." You tugged on a curl of your hair, embarrassed by her kind words.
"I will go fetch the dresses, I'll be back quickly." Jisoo excused herself, leaving you alone with Jimin once more. "So, Y/N, how are you liking the castle so far?" Jimin asked, sitting in one of the chairs. "It's certainly different from what I'm used to, though it's very beautiful." You answered, sitting in a chair at an angle from Jimin. "I hope that you will take care of Seokjin. I know this whole marriage thing is sudden and that you don't love him, but I hope that you will at least be a good friend to him." Jimin said, a serious expression on his face. You nod, "Seokjin deserves that at the very least. I want to be there for him if I can, no one has been this kind to me, outside of my late mother. He is a good man, that I know, and I won't take that for granted." Jimin broke out into a smile at your answer, "I'm glad to hear that Y/N, and please know that the other six of us are here for you as well." You returned his smile, then turned at the sound of the door opening once more with Jisoos return.
You stood up quickly to help Jisoo with the huge pile of clothing she had with her. "Oh goodness, thank you! I forgot how much more fabric dresses have, it sure makes it harder to transport them alone." She said, laying the dresses on the loveseat and gesturing for you to do the same with the ones you'd taken. "There are five dresses, each is a different colour and style so you can try them each on and decide which you like best, and then I will check if any alterations need to be made." Jisoo explained as she ushered you behind the privacy screen, one of the dresses hung over her arm. She threw in over the screen so that she could help you undress and then into the dress. You felt very exposed undressing in front of her, but this was her job after all.
The first dress was a lovely shade of pale blue, with a sheer flowing layer atop the skirt. Matching sheer fabric made up the sleeves that were puffy up to the wrist where they cinched in. The bodice was fairly simple, a v neckline that was still modest, with flowers embroidered across it . It was gorgeous, you'd never even seen a gown like this. Jisoo helped you shuffle into the various layers needed for the dress, then ushered you out and up onto the pedestal. You gave a spin and looked at your reflection in the mirror, "Very beautiful!" Jimin complimented as you surveyed the dress in full. You thanked him softly, then you were ushered back behind the curtain by Jisoo to try on another dress.
This time the dress was similar to the first, the same sheer fabric covering the skirt, in a peach colour this time. The sleeves were three-quarter length peach mesh, open and flowy. The neckline was rounded, while the entire bodice was covered in fabric flowers in yellow, white, pink, and green. A few yellow flowers were also sewn into the top layer of mesh, scattered about like they'd fallen from a tree . It felt a bit more uncomfortable, as pretty as it was. Your reflection obviously displayed this as Jisoo brought you back to the curtain barely a minute after you'd returned to the pedestal.
The third dress was a dark green. The top was a sweetheart neckline with straps that had a cut out in the middle covered with matching green mesh. Off the shoulder sleeves made of delicate short but flowing mesh accompanied the straps, while the same mesh was layered atop the light green skirt. Sweet bunches of pink embroidered flowers decorated the top quarter of the mesh on the skirt, while also lining the top along the cutout and neckline of the dress . The colour reminded you of the forest trees in the wintertime, while the flowers were like the first signs of spring. You spun around on the pedestal several times, admiring the different angles of the dress until Jisoo had you change once more.
Next was an off-shoulder dress in a sweet light pink, with slightly darker pink roses and whitish leaves and vines covering the bodice from top to bottom. The same roses were embroidered down the skirt along with a few vines. The colour was very pretty, it matched the idea of a princess you held in your mind . It felt more exposing than the other three dresses, though not really by much. You felt yourself covering your shoulders with your hands, or sweeping your hair to cover the exposed skin. It felt foreign despite the meager difference for the others. Jisoo tutted as she watched you fiddle with your hair and hands, then pushed you back to the privacy curtain to try the last dress.
The final one was soft yellow, with fancy white embroidery across the bodice and coming up from the bottom of the skirt. Golden leaves decorated the rest of the skirt where the embroidery was not so that the mesh looked full and elegant. The neckline was rounded but higher than the second dress and the sleeves went out to the edge of the shoulders before switching into a golden mesh that billowed out and then was brought back in above the elbow . The bodice was tight, slightly uncomfortable and you shuffled up onto the pedestal as best you could. It was holding back your movements and made you feel restricted, setting a frown upon your lips. "Not that one either than hmm..." Jisoo commented, bringing you behind the curtain again and helping you back into your original dress.
"Well, you looked amazing in each one Y/N, which do you think you'll choose?" Jimin asked when you came out. "Well, not the peach or yellow one, they didn't feel comfortable. The pink one I felt exposed in, so not that one either... I think I'll pick the green one, I felt like a true princess in it after all." You felt embarrassed to say so but it was the truth. "Perfect, that one already fits you exactly how it should! I'll set about getting jewelry to match, now Jimin, off you go so that I can do measurements." Jisoo shooed the prince away, as he promised to return in a half-hour to fetch you. "Now, let's get you undressed and measured." You gave Jisoo a smile and removed your dress once more.
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grizzlymusume · 7 years
Aquarium. Diana x Fem!Reader Imagine
Ok, what started as a simple drabble in my memo pad ended as a whole world document. I really have this fantasy to visit the local aquarium at night with my significant other so that was the spark to this fic. *coff*And-I’really-wish-to-find-my-own-Diana-IRL-*coff*.
Hope you enjoy it. *insert a heart blowing* 
And I apologize in advance if my English does not make sense, I am still learning. Love ya.
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"Meet D.PRINCE at Aquarium center Restaurant. 8.00pm. Reserve table. Casual business attire. Do not forget to bring Folder"
That was all the quick reminder on your phone. You were the new entry in the marketing department of this event planning company. "Event planning" for your surprise was more than just weddings. At the moment, the company was organizing a gallery exhibition for charity purposes and your boss assigned you to explain the terms of a borrowing to this antique dealer “D. PRINCE”.
Your company and the museum where the dealer worked were in good terms and borrowings like that were no unusual but still, you didn't want to mess it up.
You arrived earlier to the aquarium with plenty of time. You were not sure what level of business casual to wear so you played it safe: White dress with simple jewelry. Low heels - Very low heels. You were feeling not so confident to pull a 12 cm show on your feet. A big but elegant purse borrowed from your roommate with all the paperwork was the only thing you were carrying that night. The restaurant was on the top level of the building. The place at night was something different. Bright white areas did a beautiful contrast with low light ones, where the only illumination came from the LED lights in the tank, the fishes and the water projecting dancing shadows in the floor. The restaurant was quite empty.  One of its walls was facing to the tropical fish exhibition with some rays and sharks swirling around and the few patrons were deep into looking at them. You told the man in charge of the bookings your last name and he walked you to your table. You sat and waited. You were 15 minutes ahead. The warnings of your professors at college were deep craved on your skin. "25min ahead in the parking lot is better than 1 min. late in the conference room" You looked at your watch nervously. 5 min for the appointed time. You reviewed once more the key points to present: For how long the borrowing would be. The conditions of the transport to bring it to the gallery and to return it to the museum. The prices and the conditions of the payment. You were aware that the fresco needed some special attentions so you were also in charge to assure the dealer that those conditions were met. 10 minutes after the hour and nobody came to your table just the waiter to offer you some fresh water. You were anxious. Maybe you typed down the wrong address. Maybe you confused the dates. You took your agenda out and reviewed once more. This person, D Prince. Daniel? David? Deborah? You forgot to ask. You even texted your colleague in panic. She never replied. While your mind was in a train on panic your eyes turned to the rays, swirling around next to you. An unexpected whale shark passed by. Even if you were about to lose it, the scenery brought you a feeling of calm. You let out a deep sight. You heard suddenly hum on your side. A beautiful woman was standing next to you, dressed in a dark blue plump dress, with a clutch on her hand, smiling politely. Dark waves framed her face, sapphire blue eyes looking at yours. You stood up by reflex, mesmerized "Miss Prince?" "I am so sorry to be this late, are you Y/N?" "Yes, pleased to meet you" as you extended your hand. Her grip was strong but not to the point to hurt. She let go with what seemed a caress. Both of you sat one in front of the other. The waiter came by swiftly offering the chart of wine. Unsure if it would be ok to start drinking with a client you preferred to stick to the water until the deal was done. She, on the other hand, asked for some white wine, a name you did not recognize. As soon as the waiter was gone she laid her blue eyes on you once more. Your nerves were so evident and you felt your cheeks rising in color. Even so, you managed your best to appear calm and delivered the information you were sent to do. You took the folder and you both started the apparently casual meeting. Her easygoing manner to engage with you helped you to relax a bit and keep a steady confidence. The waiter interrupted you both with the bottle of wine and poured two glasses. You were a bit startled. "Oh, I am sorry Y/N I forgot to ask...Do you drink?" "Yes... not very often but I do..." you answered becoming nervous again. Your knowledge of wine was zero and you were not a good drinker when nervous. You saw the fine cup with sparkling liquid inside, it was very cold but smelled very nice. The lady in front of you smiled again. She explained what wine it was and offered a small toast to celebrate the loan. Your eyes shone brighter. That was it? You did it? You took a sip, happy for the outcome and deep inside, even grateful for being so lucky to be there, with such company. "This is very good Miss Prince" you added examining the bottle timidly "Please, call me Diana. Can I call you by your first name?” "Sure, Miss Diana" "Discard the miss" she stated never taking her eyes from you. Oh, God. Your heart took a twist, blood rising to your cheeks again.
After a moment, you started to put away your paperwork and wonder how to pay for such bottle. It would be rude to split the bill with a client. Maybe if you get the ticket the company would pay you back. Maybe your credit card would hold.
"Are you leaving already?" You were taken by surprise when she took your hand.   "Oh.. ehm.. I.." you were muttering. You did not know. Were you leaving? "Let me invite you to dinner. As apologize for being late" she asked stroking with her thumb your hand. Your blush deepened. How could you say no to such a beautiful woman? You could simply not. Smiling back you agreed to stay. Screw the price of all this, you would deal with that later. A stunning gorgeous woman was inviting you to stay for dinner in a wonderful place and she still was holding your hand. No many times in your life you would be able to share such a moment with this kind of beauty. You were not going to waste it because of a momentary shyness attack. You composed yourself and decided to stay and enjoy the rest of the evening. The waiter came by again at the request of Diana. She asked for the menu and letting go your hand only because she preferred to use both of them to examine it. You were not that seafood educated and half of the names there were unfamiliar to you. This was an aquarium and this place was visited by every kind of people: Where were the burgers and the fries? Thinking it twice though, it would be the top of the embarrassment to eat a fancy burger in such company. You were still deciding when you found that they were serving fried calamari. You were trained good enough to not make a mess of yourself while eating those. Diana spotted those too so she proposed to share a couple of more dishes. She ordered some other plates, like octopus and some grilled fish. You just nodded and smiled. You were getting hungry after all and she seemed to be more accustomed to seafood than you initially thought. While you were waiting for the food, Diana and you stepped outside the small talk and started having more deeps conversation about different topics and you were honestly enjoying it. From the last book you were reading the chat went to places you would like to visit and at the end, you got to know a few more things about the woman in front of you. Your gayness already had a terrible crush on her looks and now you were about to fall for her personality as well. When the food arrived you understood that this lady knew seafood better than anyone. Everything was delicious and you took mental note about the name of the dishes so you could order them in the future (if you ever step a restaurant like this again) When it was time to pay, she took the whole bill. You felt terrible because she was your guest (or sort of) so you manage to persuade her to let you pay for the dessert at least. She accepted happily while ordering ice cream. You were surprised to see her eyes sparkling when the sweet arrived. Could you have been able to fall harder? I don’t believe so.
 After dinner, you decided to stay in the aquarium a bit longer. There were bands playing live jazz music in some of the areas and one was just outside the restaurant. You both started walking across the empty hallway letting the notes flow as background music. Few people were enjoying the show while you and Diana stood, a bit under the darkness admiring the sharks pass by. The blue light from the pool made her eyes look more mystical.
 Then you noticed how close you both were standing. You blush intensified as you dropped your gaze elsewhere trying your best to hide it.
She strokes your hair softly, making you turn into her direction. The other hand was looking for yours to hold.
“Isn’t this beautiful?” she whispered, looking straight at your eyes. Your heartbeat rose and you felt your cheeks burn. The best you could do was to nod. Her lips curved into a smile, pearly whites peeking.
You smiled back, lowering your gaze to land in her chest. Fully blossom and tempting under the modest dress. You bite your lip unconsciously. She leaned a bit closer and whisper to your ear smoothly caressing one of your sides.
“May I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, while new shades of red plumped your cheeks. She was so close you could smell her scent and you breathe it like it was your only mean of survival.
You leaned closer where her mouth was, touching it lightly with your lips, to show your approval. She then took you in, kissing you, in full. She took her pace, before licking your bottom lip asking for permission once more. You gladly consented, throwing your free hand behind her neck.She tasted sweet and her mouth was hot. You melted into her embrace. 
The rays swirled around, dropping dancing shadows while you both kissed under the cold blue.
 You broke the kiss to breathe. You were intoxicated and you wanted more. With both arms across her neck, you dived into another round, feeling her embracing you harder. Following her lead, you both moved somewhere until you felt a wall on your back and her chest against you. She was way taller than you and even with your small hills you were a bit struggling to reach for her but you did not care. Her kisses were a reward worth to suffer for.
 You did not know and you did not care how long you were kissing. She was so good to you, changing the rhythm, biting, teasing. But you were in a public space and it was getting late.
 A bit of reason came to you when she broke the kiss, forehead to forehead, asking you officially another date. In a more private place. You accepted regaining some power on yourself and letting some air flow between your bodies. She kissed you on the cheek before taking your side and walking you out to drive you home. You hid your face in her occasionally but were more than happy to walk hugging her.
 This meeting ended way better than you expected.
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