#diana imagine
violent138 · 1 month
Dick spent so much time climbing, hanging off things, or solving problems upside down that it became a joke with the Titans that Robins think better like that. Fast forward a couple of years and Jason threatens to shoot the next person who flips him upside down when he's scheming (Artemis gets Bizarro to do it). Tim nearly kicks Kon in the face for flipping him over. Kara does it when Stephanie's being annoying, but mercifully by the time Damian's there, no one does it to him. Still, occasionally one of the Bats will be upside down because they got caught like that or fell through a vent and have a Eureka moment and everyone will feel vindicated and it starts up all over again.
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onmyyan · 11 days
I think logically the only plausible person to go to, to get you away from the batfamily, would be a supe. Not just any supe either, a yandere unified batfamily is a force to be reckoned with, they're a team in every sense of the word, after the same goals, so you need Wonder Woman.
Diana is literally a beast when it comes to combat plus she has an all woman island she can whisk you away to at literally any moment, if she decides you're worth protecting which spoiler alert she does, you have nothing to worry about now.
Except a yandere Amazonian
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msfantasy-comics · 9 months
The Little Three
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Platonic!Damian Wayne x WonderGirl!Reader x Platonic!Jon Kent
Summary: A short story on “really want to see just a cute little platonic relationship with a reader who’s wonder woman’s daughter with damian wayne and jon kent. like a mini trinity goofing around while bruce, clark and diana are like “oh hell 😐”
A/n: Inspired by this post
Masterlist - Tip Jar
“Obviously Jon will be the best leader.” Y/n declares, finger outright pointing towards the half kryptonian. Damian’s snorts at such a blasphemous proclamation.
“That is ridiculous, I am obviously the best suited to be a leader. If you two went on a mission by yourselves you would not even develop a sound strategy. Jon would come up with a half-baked plan which will quickly crumble, while you would just go to the location and wreck havoc until you win.” Damian accuses, a signature bat frown now adorning his features.
Y/n just rolls her eyes with a groan. “It’s part of my strategy to overwhelm the enemy… it always works.” Which only grates on Damian’s nerves.
“You are only proving my point further. It is reckless and stupid. You cannot be successful by being a brute.” A high pitched gasp escapes, Y/n’s hands now slamming down onto the table.
“Shut up Damian! Just because you don’t like my battle strategy, doesn’t mean you’re better.” Smirking he crosses his arms over his chest, feet now kicked up on top of the hologram table.
“I am better than you, because I am smarter, stronger and better trained than you.” Jon slouches further back into his seat, nervousness creeping up his spin at the familiar dispute.
“Guys… let’s just calm down -“
“Oh shut up you annoying little rat! How about a game of capture the flag to prove who should be the teams leader. Whoever captures the flag wins!” Y/n asserts, fist outstretched waiting for Jon and Damian to fist bump in agreement.
“You are on Little Wonder.” Damian stretches his fist out, bumping the young wonders knuckles with his own. Y/n only clenches her jaw in irritation.
“Don’t call me that, Shorty!”
“Not all of us are born with Amazonian genetics freak!” Y/n and Damian are just about pressing noses, now playing an unspoken game of chicken.
Jon continues to stand behind them pinching the bridge of his nose. The soft ticks and beeps sounding off from the technology around them. The Justice watchtower now shifting and readjusting before settling back to a set position. “Guys… I’m not encouraging this I’m out.” Jon crosses his arms, launching himself backwards into the leather seat again, he turns his attention back to the holographic table, checking for his Dad’s location and only hoping that the pin is moving back towards the tower. Y/n and Damian only meet eyes with a knowing smirk.
“Jon’s the flag?” Y/n asks only getting a small nod from Damian.
“On your mark.” Damian says which only makes Jon’s eye bulge.
“Guys - stop! I said I didn’t want to be part of your games!” The two devils only smile as if not hearing his refusal.
“Get set.” Y/n says, the two now shifting their weight to the balls of their heels. Jon growls twisting and taking off in a quick dash.
“Go!” Damian and Y/n both shout taking off at inhuman speeds, eager to catch their human(?) flag.
Damian pulls out his bat gun, launching a wire and hook into the long wall in an attempt to quick zip line towards Jon only for Y/n to grab the wire and snap it with her bare hands.
“Leave me alone!” Jon shouts, the sonic sound of his shout vibrating the objects around him.
“You’re mine!” Y/n springs out, grabbing the corner of Jon’s jacket only for Jon to step away launching Y/n head first into the large computers and screens with a loud crack. The screens glass sprays across the floor, the Amazonian only jumps up and bounds towards Jon without a second to spare.
“Launch emergency Kryptonite!” Damian shouts into his suit mic now throwing lethal batarangs and recalling the projectiles. Jon only evading the objects by mere millimeters.
The projectiles where only continuously puncturing the steel walls and solid objects around. Sparks fly as Damian hits an electric reserve.
The red emergency lights now blaring a warning.
But the three pay no mind to the danger alarm, Y/n and Damian too absorbed in capturing their objective. Jon too distracted to not getting injured.
“Code Red, Watchtower is under attack.” An AI Voice announces into the earpieces of the Justice team. “Permission to counter attack the enemy by any means necessary?”
“The kids!” Superman exclaims, Batman redirecting the route of the Batship.
“Permission denied.” Batman grumbles into his mic. Worry now coating the features of Clark.
“What foe could be attacking the tower right now?” Diana voices, hoping that the answer will relieve some distress. Batman only grumbles a reply.
“Probably the kids.”
Arriving to the tower the big three stand at the teleport entry, eyeing the mass damage that has occurred on the tower in the short moments they were gone. All of the screens are cracked and ruin, the holographic projector now laying on the floor in a broke heap. Sparks flying away from live wires.
“I caught him first!” Damian shouts, yanking Jon towards him.
“What are you stupid?! I caught him first!” Y/n shouts yanking Jon into her grasp. Jumping up she locks her legs around his torso, arms wrapping firmly around Jon’s neck in a lock. “You can claim him if you wretch my dead body off of him.”
“Fine.” Damian says coldly, taking a step back and launching himself onto the two making them tumble over with a loud thud. Yelps and grasps coming from the three now strewn a-crossed the floor. Jon now trapped between his two friends, thrashing limbs.
“What is going on here?” Diana yells making Y/n instantly release her grip and scrambling to get up only to slam into the floor as Damian’s grip is still wrapped around her ankle. The three slowly look up at their parents faces who are angry to say the least. “How could you let this happen.”
Y/n kicks her foot at Damian, before finally standing up, Y/n slouches under the angry gaze of her mother. “We couldn’t decide on a leader so we made it a competition of capture the flag… Jon’s the flag.” Diana’s eye twitched at the absurdity of your words. The watch tower was destroyed because their super kids decided to settle an argument with ‘Capture the Flag.’
“And added inflicted millions of dollars in damages in the process. You’re all in big trouble.” Clark reprimands, his usual friendly demeanour now replaced with stern anger.
“But Dad! I didn’t even want to be part of this stupid game!” Jon whines which only makes Y/n and Damian shoot Jon a silent deathly look.
“A good leader would’ve prevented a dispute in their team.” Clark reprimands Jon which only makes him bow his head in shame.
“You’re all clearly not ready for a serious role in the hero’s league if you plan of settling disputes with childish games and inflicting mass damage in the process - Clark, Diana and I will re-evaluate your readiness. Until then, the Little Three team is banned from missions.”
“What?! This is so unfair!” Y/n exclaims in exasperation. The hero’s team banned before they even got started. They hadn’t even picked a leader for crying out loud.
“What is unfair is that Jon, Damian and yourself have destroyed perfectly good resources all for a game.” Clark reprimands. “Jon your grounded, you will be staying home for the rest of the summer completing all farm chores including mine.” Jon groans at his punishment.
It was Bruce’s turn to supply Damian a punishment. “No vigilante work until you move stocks to cover the cost of your handiwork.” Damian stands stick straight, accepting his punishment without resistance.
“Yes father.”
Diana leans over, her brows knitting together in irritation. “Listen here missy!” Before Diana could utter another word, Y/n’s hands reach out to her mothers face, pressing her fingers into her mothers pinched brows, as if making Diana not frown would resolve her anger. Y/n begins to jut her lip out and stare up at her mother with big shining eyes.
“I’m sorry Mama, please don’t be mad.” Her soft and delicate voice pulling at Diana’s heartstrings.
“…it’s okay baby…” Diana folds instantly to her adorable daughter. “Just don’t do it again.” She coos giving her precious girl a big kiss on the cheek. Y/n only looks at her fellow mates with the cheekiest of grins.
The two boys stare in disbelief as Y/n escape parental punishment, especially as she is the instigator of the incident. Jon decides to take the plunge. “Dad-“
“Don’t even try it son.”
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
Headcanons for being the Justice League’s computer intelligence
Justice League x reader
a/n: THANKS BABE. this is such an old request i am so freaking sorry
prompt: anonymous: “Hello! I would like to request a Justice League (DC Extended Universe) + Reader who is sort of their 'Person in the Chair' - helping behind the scenes to keep their weapons/powers/skillset in tact, but is not afraid to fight back if necessary? I would like these to be a set of headcanons, please? Thank you and Happy Writing! P.S. You're writing is incredible!”
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you and alfred got along well
“glad i’m not the only one doing the grunt work anymore” -alfred
“and i was under the impression you loved this job” -you, sarcastically
you could frequently be found switching between important sites that actually helped during missions and reddit
“alfred hang on i want your opinion on this: ‘am i the asshole for trying on my bosses suit? i (25m) work with some pretty famous people and my boss (45m) has a really cool suit. it’s a little stiff but i think i like it. anyways, there’s a matching hat (if you will) and it smells AWFUL, so i sprayed it with febreeze but it only made it worse—’” -you
“hang on. this cant be…” -alfred
“HOW DID YOU FIND MY REDDIT ACCOUNT?!” -barry, over comms
“your name is scarletspeedster, and we’ve been trying to wash that febreeze smell from the cowl for weeks.” -you
“my god, barry. next time, just use an old suit” -alfred
“really?!” -barry
“no” -you and alfred
you do a lot of gadget/weapon design with JL members
“it’s acceptable” -bruce
“wow, thanks” -you
“it’s…it’s good work. i mean it” -bruce
diana sits with you and tells you stories, sometimes theyre very informational
“so if you ever do end up fighting, you’re going to want to craft a very nice sword for yourself. i know you’re good at that, you’ll do just fine” -diana
barry nerds out with you sometimes
he gets real excited when he sees you designing stuff on the computer
and tries to be helpful
“wind resistance might be a problem with this design, you should go sleeker” -barry
“hey, barry? if you don’t let me do my job im gonna design a tool specifically to shut you up” -you
“harsh!” -barry
“sorry, maybe a little too far. but let me work” -you
arthur wanted cooler clothes
“can i get you some material from atlantis so you can make me a nicer suit?” -arthur
“only if you bring me extra so i can have fun with it” -you
“not a problem for the king, its a deal” -arthur
clark didn’t really need/want much
but he was a great help when testing new weapons and suits
“can you just…laser vision that target right ahead. new suit material” -you
“yeah, stand back” -clark
it held for a good 20 seconds
“better than i thought” -you
you were their eyes in the sky on missions
directions, lookout, enemies, obstacles, detours, you name it
and yeah, maybe victor could also do a great deal of this stuff, but you got to do it behind the scenes and you actually got paid pretty well for it
but occasionally you did ask him for tech support
“victor, the batcomputer froze” -you
“i know, i did that on purpose” -vic
“can you unfreeze it so i can see what’s going on?” -you
“what’s the password?” -vic
*sigh* “ilovevicstone123” -you
diana let you spar with her sometimes
which honestly scared you every time bc you know she could kill you if she wanted to (but you knew she would never)
(but she could)
you’d never be apart of the justice league, which was very okay with you because you loved being behind the scenes and not being shot at
and so long and you had tea with alfred while the rest of them were kicking ass, you’d manage
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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kimberly-spirits13 · 9 months
Growing Up in the Justice League HC
Purely self indulgence cause I've been on this and idk why so bear with me here
I can just easily romanticize growing up in the Justice League too easily and it would be a problem
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you're brought in at as a baby to be trained by Diana
Apollo brings you to her and tells her that you are an ancient being that regenerates as a new person when you die and this is the form that you have taken. As you get older, you will remember the skills and memories of your past lives but you will have to be raised with someone who can handle you
Diana just loves babies so she had no problem with that
I'd say the league has been established for some time during this point and everyone knows each other's identities in the core group
You grew up in Paris and New York being raised as a mama's child
Bruce is the closest you get to a dad and he does his best
all the Barbies and Legos and whatever toys you'd want as a child
They know that you've been trained as an assassin, wizard, queen, knight, sorceress, scientist, all of these other things that can be traumatic so they just want you to have a great, decent childhood
when you start remember things they begin training you to be a hero
It's like PE and recess all in one since they're really just trying to figure out what you can do
Clark treats you like a fragile piece of glass up until you're a teen cause teenagers confuse him and he just cannot not see you as an innocent beep boppin child sometimes
Barry keeps up with the culture and knows all the songs from your favorite childhood movies and tv shows that you grew up watching on the massive computer in the watch tower when you were up there
will dance to any Barbie song since he knows them all by heart
Hal makes fun of you two but secretly enjoys the movies and is very emotionally invested in Princess and the Pauper and Diamond Castle
Diana and Bruce make sure that you have a great education and training
They are the mature parents of the group and want to make sure you're a functioning member of society
you've got a bag full of grandparents in the Kents, Allans, Princes, Alfred and they all love you to death
Alfred teaches you to make the best tea and gardening, Ma Kent teaches you to quilt and make bread, Pa Kent teaches you how to drive a tractor and farm, Hippolyta teaches you about the Greek gods and ancient cultures and how to ride horses, the Allans would have loads of board games to play and love having you over
Once Young Justice or Teen Titans comes around you don't join since you're officially a Justice League member and get along better with the adults since you were raised by them
That doesn't mean that you don't like or hang out with the kids, it's just that you have better inside jokes with Hal and Barry
When Superboy comes around and the League disappears, you were the only one not taken by the portal since you were helping out some civilians
You knew that Clark wasn't dead and you knew the League was somewhere
What kept you afloat was humor and Kon attached to that since he just needed someone that wasn't insane in his life
you probably won't develop romantic feelings for each other but it's more of a camaraderie since you were both raised in a really unorthodox way
when the league finally comes back, you say it's the happiest day of your life and rant to them that you were the only one who knew they weren't gone but no one understood it
Hal and Barry are known for having a thing for chicken tenders and make sure to instill an addiction in you for chicken tenders
Arthur (Aquaman) really really really likes them too but he doesn't realize it until he comes to the League
Clark would be the one to take you out for ice cream randomly or if you're having a bad day
the mother hen therapist type
You're America's favorite Justice Leaguer and often go viral for in uniform interactions with the League
Dancing with Flash at a Presidential ceremony because the music is too beep boopin good and you can't help but bop around a little bit
Media also loves you as a civilian and it's been suspected that you are the love child between Diana and Bruce since I mean- that would make the most sense
it's a running joke in the league
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #127
Clockwork knew it was getting dangerous for Danny in his dimension. His parents were getting dangerously close to finding out his secret and unfortunately this timeline they were leaning towards not accepting him. He decided to step in before things got out of hand and sends Danny to another dimension. He sends Danny to live with his granddaughter, Diana, and gives her a cryptic message.
Diana is unsure about the teen that was dropped off seemingly randomly by her grandfather. It takes her quite a while to decipher as she had to return home to decipher the last part of it. When she’s done she’s slightly horrified to find the kid that’s been staying with her for months is a baby ancient. Specifically the ancient of space. She vows to protect him at all costs.
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frozenrogue89 · 1 year
I Don't Want to be Great, I Wanna be Me.
So we all know the classic ‘JL meets Phantom through summoning’ prompt, and we usually get Danny “High King, Savior of Worlds, Eldritch, Cryptid, Ancient, No Shits Given, Chaos Gremlin” Fenton making an appearance, cool and confident, running circles around the JL. But what if, this High King they summoned, just… wasn’t.
The Justice League was prepared for anything, with the latest BBG threatening the world they had to take drastic measures. The JL Dark managed to scrounge up the summoning spell they… “liberated” from a cult group a couple months back. At first the JL was against the thought of summoning another highly powerful unknown, but with extensive research, Constantine and various others vouching for this so-called “King Phantom'' , and no option left, well, their hands were tied. Said to be the vanquisher of the previous Tyrant of the throne, Savior of the Infinite Realms, thousands of years old, infinitely powerful, infinitely old, and some smaller rumors claimed, infinitely kind. Phantom is said to be extremely protective of humans (something they were banking on),  loyal to its subjects, and said to rarely get angry (yeah right). A terrifying creature, tall and confident in its destructive power.
So yes, the League was prepared. They gathered as many members as they could spare for this meeting, everyone ready for a fight, but praying for none. The Big Three stepped forward while the rest hung back. Constantine and the Dark members start chanting, beginning the ritual.
The chanting ends. The silence hangs. Bodies still. 
Then, a flash from the hieroglyphs on the ground and an explosion of wind with no origin, a blinding light originating from the summoning circle grows in strength, letting out a vibrating hum that causes Superman to cover his ears and wince. The hum starts shaking the ground and the light condenses into itself, revealing the silhouette of an object. 
The wind stops. The light is gone, the vibration a memory. Everything is as it is before, with one exception.
Wonder Woman, wasting no time, straightens, “High King Phantom, Ruler of the infinite Realms, We are the Justice league, We ask your help in vanquishing The BBG, it threatens the lives of all those who live…” Her eyes widened as what stood before her.
This… this didn’t look like a High King, Vanquisher of Pariah Dark. This little thing did not give any indication of confidence, power, or age… it looked… young. The only thing terrifying about this creature is the size of bags under his eyes. Drowning in soft clothes, hunched over, looking utterly defeated, Nothing like they expected. Diana would almost mistake it if for a human child if not for the glowing eyes, fangs, and slight aura it gave off. But this, this was no King… Is- are those tears in its eyes?!
Danny has not been having a good day. Or week. Or month, or- anything really. It seems like dying was only the beginning of his problems. No, scratch that, this all started with his parents’ damn obsession with ghosts. Danny swore they were part ghost too with their utter infatuation with all things Ecto. If only they hadn’t tried to access the ghost zone, if only Vlad hadn’t been involved to become Danny’s biggest nightmare, if only his parents gave up their research once they had kids, if only he didn’t walk in that stupid portal to impress his friends. 
If only he had stayed dead.
If only he didn’t gain powers, then he wouldn’t be stuck in this mess. 
Danny scowled to himself and let himself flop onto his bed. He’s been spending the last couple weeks cycling through this whole rogue gallery, TWICE! Plus fighting a handful of random ghosts who thought they could take on the ‘Ghost King’ (Pariah’s evil reign and thousand year slumber didn’t help either with all the paperwork that’s left for Danny.) Running from the GIW, his parents, and Val as usual, (Ghost Scum, 
Dealing with ‘Mayor’ Vlad’s Evil Plan of the Week -Danny’s powers were still on the fritz after that encounter, painful, was a word for it- Not to mention school, between Dash being Dash, forgetting his science homework, missing a test because of Skulker, Lancer and his threats of, “Black Beauty Fenton! If your grades keep dropping you’ll spend the rest of the year in detention! With ME!” and now his teachers (and Jazz) are talking to him about college? He’s still a sophomore, give him a break! It isn’t Danny’s fault the whole universe is apparently out to get him.
The real cherry on top of this whole thing was the recent ‘summonings’. No thanks to the Fruit Loop and his meddling, with Jack Fenton unknowingly helping him, again. A nice little instruction booklet called, “How to Summon the Ghost King, Made Easy!” got out onto the internet and the world, free for any psycho to speed dial Danny away from his life. At various points in the last month Danny has been forcibly -and if he was honest, painfully- ripped from anything he’s been doing and dumped smack dab into the center of various cults’ plans, usually they wanted power, money, or world domination. His saving grace was the process of summoning forced him to transform or no identity reveals, thank The Ancients. 
Sam and Tucker have been a godsend in getting the Booklet wiped from the internet, Danny would be lost without them. He would’ve fallen apart the first week into his powers if not for them. Who knew watching your friend half dying created lasting relationships? They really kept him going and he trusts them with his life, really he does.
But Danny would never tell them about some of the things he’s seen getting summoned, he couldn’t do that to them. The various groups of psychos seemed to think Danny was more likely to listen to them if they offered sacrifices.. human sacrifices. Some nights he couldn’t stop smelling blood and incense, couldn’t get those images out of his mind. He hated himself for keeping track, and hated himself for not wanting to. 15. 15 people, so far just because some handful of lunatics wanted some money or something equally stupid like that. Danny was 15, that’s one whole human being, for every year he was alive, one of them was even younger th- she was just- Danny couldn’t- she was- so small…
Pulling his blankets over his head, Danny took measured breaths against the tightness in his throat. It’s Not fair. It’s not. He didn’t ask for this. He didn’t want to be King of the undead, he’s just a kid himself isn’t he? It was just an accident turning on the portal. He didn’t mean to. Why is he stuck fixing everything? Can't he just be a normal kid? Go to school, get good grades, become an astronaut? He’s so completely out of his depth, who is he kidding, it’s just a matter of time before he screws up again and someone gets hurt, or worse. He's trying, though, he is. He tries so hard to be good, to do good. To not turn into Dan.
‘Stop it, Danny. Now’s not the time for bad thoughts.’ This is the first time Danny’s had a chance to sleep in two days, his parents are out and left the home defenses are down, Jazz is studying at the library, Sam and Tucker are playing Doom while keeping an eye on ecto readings around town. He has maybe 4 blissful hours to spend in dream land. He sighed and sunk into his pillow trying to blank out his thoughts before he could spiral again.
A tightening in the chest, and eyes snap open, ‘NO! NO! Please not now!’ is all Danny manages to think before the unfortunately familiar sensation of space displacement takes hold. His transformation is forced on him as he feels himself fall apart and get put back together simultaneously.
‘Just a couple hours rest, is tHAT SO MUCH TO ASK!!??’ The anger leaves before it can fully form due to the pure exhaustion that washed over his ectofied bones and straight to his core. It feels strained, like glass under pressure, not knowing if the slightest change will shatter him. He slowly gets his bearings and- oh, this almost seems worse than a regular cult summoning. At least there’s not a dead body. 
It’s the Justice League, and Wonder Woman is talking to him. And Danny, Danny can’t. He can’t. He doesn’t know if they want to trap him, kill him, experiment… if the GIW got their claws into the JL… Danny can’t anymore, He can practically feel his core splintering into jagged gut- wrecking pieces. He just wants to rest, to feel safe, for just a little while. Why can’t he?
Throat burning and eyes watering, Danny realizes he can do something, just one thing. It’s the only thing left that he can do. Something he hasn’t done for a long time, ever since dying.
Danny starts crying.
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taurasiluvr · 3 months
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requests = open
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assorted !
➜ size kink with my favorites (nsfw) including . . . paige bueckers, diana taurasi, emily engstler & caitlin clark
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phoenix mercury !
diana taurasi
➜ enemies with benefits (nsfw)
↳ part two
➜ putting you in your place (nsfw)
➜ nsfw blurb
➜ riding diana's thigh blurb (nsfw)
➜ dacryphilia blurb (nsfw)
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las vegas aces !
kelsey plum
➜ kelsey being an ass girly
kate martin
➜ kate martin loves short girls (fluffy blurb)
➜ small tits, no problem (slight nsfw)
↳ more size kink
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indiana fever !
caitlin clark
➜ gif/clip blurb (suggestive)
➜ picture blurb (nsfw)
➜ riding her strap blurb (nsfw)
➜ scissoring blurb (nsfw)
➜ strap-on blurb (nsfw)
➜ good luck head (nsfw)
↳ more good luck head
➜ jealous cc (nsfw)
➜ phone sex (nsfw)
↳ part two
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seattle storm !
nika muhl
sue bird
➜ birthday sex blurb
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la sparks !
cameron brink
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uconn !
paige bueckers
➜ baby it ain't really cheating if he don't see (nsfw)
↳ prequel (part two), part three
➜ high sex with pb (nsfw)
➜ you told me your new man don't make you nut, that's a damn shame (nsfw)
➜ size kink / dacryphilia blurb (nsfw)
↳ more size kink
➜ possessive/protective reader fic (nsfw)
➜ strap on blurb (nsfw)
➜ phone sex (nsfw)
➜ lip tattoo (nsfw)
azzi fudd
[more to be added]
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fc barcelona !
marc guiu
hector fort
joao felix
pablo gavi
pedro (pedri) gonzalez
barça femení !
alexia putellas
lucy bronze
[more to be added]
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real madrid !
jude bellingham
➜ nobody gets me like you (nsfw with plot)
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cyanbeetle · 1 year
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They mean so much to me
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pbnbucks · 28 days
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word count : 510
warnings : smut, alcohol consumption, cussing
summary : diana comes home drunk and horny
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you were laying back in your bed as your wife Diana was out partying with her team celebrating the win for the teams WNBA championship.
as brittney texted you saying they where going to drop Diana off, as she was the one person who drank before 7 pm as it was only 9 pm as the knock on the door grows louder with the whining of Diana fills the outside of your house.
you open the door as Diana throws herself on to you as shes being held up by brittney’s long arm as you give her a tight lipped thank you as you close the door as you feel wet kisses being placed on you neck with a bunch of mumbles “so pretty mama” she coos playing with your waistband trying to maneuver your pants off but you push her hands away making her whine
“Diana im not going to fuck you your drunk” you force the words to leave your mouth but your bodys begging for her touch “yea yea save the speach for later” she retorts with a grin as you raise an eyebrow as she throws your panties leaving your lower body bare as the cold air hits your slick
“open your legs, i wanna see you” she whines now that shes laying on top of you on the love seat. “so beautiful” she coos as her head dips in between your legs parting them farther from each other as her tongue attacks your clit at an instance leaving you a moaning mess as her tongue slides up and down your sensitive clit.
her tongue teasingly slips in and out of your hole as she licks up your slick folds. “oh shit” you cry out as her hands fly to your breast grasping them in her hands as her head digs deeper into your cunt. your hips grind against her tongue as her smile grows from ear to ear.
“wanna ruin you so bad” diana growls out bringing her middle and ring finger up to your cunt sliding in and out of you. her skilled hands knowing every curve of your body, her tongue flipping against your clit as small cry’s come from mouth while diana’s need for you growing with each small thrust with her skilled fingers.
“so fucking hot” she coos splurging her tongue in every crevice of your folds as wet noises fall from your drenched clit. “Diana- so fucking good” you choked out as dianas fingers begin to bend in your stomach slamming in to your g spot.
the familiar knot builds up in your stomach threatening your release making your vision blur as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“deep breaths baby” Diana muttered as your cum spills on to her lips licking every last bit of your liquids she can get, coming up placing a sweet and soft kiss on your lips tasting yourself on her tongue. “did such a good job” Diana says placing her lips back on your swollen ones moaning in to the kiss.
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ellabsbunny · 1 month
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૮꒰🍥🍮🦴🐾꒱ა - Spread
⊹₊ ⋆ ౨ৎ Summary - Diana lost the most important game of the season and had to take her anger out on something!
⊹₊ ⋆ ౨ৎ Warnings - afab reader!, roughness, strap on(r receiving), use of mama (r using it) degrading, slight face slap
⊹₊ ⋆ ౨ৎ Authors note - Thank you all so much for 100 followers already!! This was written at 3am so work with me please!! Please send me in some request i write for so many of the wnba players just ask!!😭 Also my mommy issues in this go brrr
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“i want you upstairs on the bed, naked by the time i’m up their.” Diana says sternly as she opens the door to your guy’s shared home. Tonight was one of the most important games to Diana and sadly they lost, but it wasn’t really all that sad for YOU per say. You know how rough Diana can get after losing a game, your cunt ached just thinking about it. But anyway, you nod silently as you walk up the stairs quickly, pulling your shirt off as you walk into the bedroom.
Your sitting in the middle of the shared bed with your knees to your chest, you hear Diana start to get closer and closer to the bedroom and you feel your hands get a little clammy and can’t help but get those butterflies in the pit of your stomach. She walks in slowly looking at you like some small little prey she’s about to attack, she walks up to your grabbing your cheeks squishing them together making your lips pucker up “so compliant baby” she mumbled softly kissing your lips and letting go of your face.
“Hands and knees.” Diana says through a growl, softly slapping your cheek making you comply vastly. You get on your hands and knees looking back at Diana as she unbuckled her belt, dropping her pants to the ground and grabbing the oh so well known strap she has used on you almost every other night. “you gonna be good mama” Diana ask softly as she buckled the harness around her hips, you nod as you look up at her with big eyes.
Diana smirks and gets behind you running her middle and ring finger through your folds, bumping your clit and teasing you. You let out a soft whimper as you push back onto her “please..” letting out a pathetic plea as you wiggle your back side towards her, Diana grabs your left hip with one hand and her other hand slapping the side of your ass cheek “stop being pathetic you little slut, be good and maybe i’ll give you what you want.” Diana growls in your ear. You whimper as she pushes in, bottoming out in one thrust.
She starts pumping the plastic cock in and out of your gummy walls “oh y-yeah fuck, you like that you little slut” Diana mumbled as she leans over your back wrapping a large hand around your throat. “f-fuck mama please” you whine out as your wrap your hand around Diana’s wrist that is wrapped around your throat, “it’s okay i got you baby” Diana grumbles out as she pull you up against her body,thrusting into you at a vast paste. You tighten around her strap as you dig your nails into her hand, looking up at her threw wet eyelashes “P-please need t’cum” You moan out as lewd noises fill the room, Diana chuckles and starts pumping in and out of faster “cum.” Diana growls out into your ear, biting on your neck.
You go limp against her body, she keeps pounding into you “mama no more” you whine softly trying to pull away. “hold on baby i’m almost their” Diana says as she continues to snap her hips into your abused cunt, the way the back of the strap rubs against her clit keeps pulling her closer and closer to the edge. “f-fuck!” Diana yells out as she still her thrust, slowly letting you fall down onto the bed and her falling next to you.
Diana unbuckled the harness throwing it to the side, pulling you into her arms “you okay sweet girl” Diana questions softly as she pushes some of the stuck on hair on your face behind your ear. You nod and muzzle into her neck “more than okay…” Diana chuckles and rubs your back “even though you didn’t win you still did amazing..” you mumble softly, rubbing your hand up and down her arm. “thanks baby, i love you..so much” Diana whisper against your hair and kissing the top of your head, she cleans you both up and cuddles you to sleep making sure your okay the entire time.
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rawrroarart · 22 days
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seeing if I can still draw
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tanuki-pyon · 15 days
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What up LWA fandom :) I got something here I've been working on for almost 4 years now, started like kind of a silly thing I wanted to make for aesthetics and ended up being my biggest project so far. I wanted to share them here, but I'll be uploading them without a watermark on my patreon soon too.
This is kind of a love letter from me to the show and the people I've shared this interest with. LWA has helped me to grow so much as an artist and a person since back in 2020, when I first joined discord and met a lot of wonderful people who welcomed me as a fellow fan and a friend :)
Idk what else to say, I know the fandom is currently not as active as it was a couple of years ago, but I'm happy I got to finish these, at least for myself and the people still going around who love these characters as much as I do.
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 1
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader)Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 3631 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
(21 years old)
'All right, team,' Y/N Prince addressed her small group of young heroes. 'Good work today. Now go hit the showers and enjoy a nice quiet night in. You've earned it.'
'So crash!' Bart cried with an energetic jump. If anyone were to guess how the team's week had been solely based on Bart's energy, they would've said it had been cruisy. Not that Y/N had led a covert task force over the past week into Bialya to take down meta-human trafficking outposts.
Y/N watched with pride as Bart and Jaime bantered on their way out, followed by Stephanie and Cassie chatting excitedly about something, all the while Tim and Cassie held hands quietly. It had surprised the team a little how, out of the blue, the two of them were dating. But if Wally's death had taught them all anything, it was that time was too precious to waste in their line of work. They'd been together ever since.
Two years, Y/N mentally noted, and suddenly the adrenaline she'd been running on for the past week died as the last of the team exited the entrance chamber of the Watchtower. Exhaustion weighed down on her spent body, but an extra weight now sat in heart. Has it really been that long already?
So much had changed in that time. Like how the Young Justice began working out of the Watchtower alongside the Justice League, having both the Hall of Justice and Mount Justice destroyed by the Reach and the Light respectively. M'gann and Connor were back together, having finally gotten over their differences and accepted their mistakes. Also, Kaldur had been offered a position in the Justice League following the retirement of his king, and so Kaldur took his place as the new Aquaman in the Justice League. M'gann was promoted to new team leader, with Connor and Y/N assisting her as senior members of the team.
Some things had remained the same, however. Like the team's energy and slight dysfunction that always made Y/N feel at home. They weren't perfect, but what family ever is?
Dick was still gone. So was Artemis. She'd, understandably, retired as Green Arrow's protégé immediately after Wally's death, assuming her undercover identity Tigress instead and going off on her own. Neither had stayed in touch with anyone on the team.
You're my best friend. Always have been, always will be...
'Yeah right,' Y/N mumbled bitterly as she made her way to the conference room. No doubt that'd be where M'gann and Connor were waiting for her to debrief the mission.
Upon entering the room with the long table, she was immediately embraced by M'gann. 'Welcome back,' she said, squeezing Y/N tighter. 'We're so glad you're okay.'
Y/N smiled softly as she embraced M'gann in return. 'You ever doubted me?'
'No,' Connor answered, 'but you can never be too cautious right?'
Y/N let go of M'gann to hug Connor as well. Since getting back together, Connor wasn't as emotionally suppressed as he'd initially been. It was nice seeing him this way, more happy and free. The same effect had happened to M'gann, who (only around the team and the Justice League) revealed her white martian self proudly instead of pretending to be something she wasn't.
'You're right,' Y/N said as she released him, then the three of them took a seat to discuss the mission.
The debrief didn't take long, there wasn't much to report on as all out-posts had been hit successfully, putting Queen Bee's meta-human trafficking at least a little behind.
'It's not much, but it's the best we could do with the little information we got,' Y/N admitted. 'I dislike Queen Bee and her minions as much as the next person, but I've got to give it to her, she knows how to keep things under wraps.'
M'gann reached across from where she sat and closed her hand over Y/N's. 'Y/N, the mission was a success,' M'gann insisted. 'And what's most important is that you brought everyone home. Alive.'
Y/N heard the underlying fear in her words, the memory she was thinking of as she spoke them. Y/N twisted her hand over to clasp M'gann's in return. 'I know,' she said softly. 'But I just... we haven't so much as put a dent into the underbelly of meta-human trafficking in the two years it's been running. Somedays... Somedays I just feel so useless.'
'I know, Y/N,' Connor reassured. 'But we've just got to trust that our hard work will pay off eventually. I know it doesn't seem like much now, but every mission counts. Don't be so hard on yourself.'
Y/N withdrew her hand at the comment, hastily standing up. 'Don't be hard on myself? My mother is Wonder Woman, is the Champion of Themyscira, a World War II hero, and had already saved the world once by my age now. My father was a fighter pilot in the Iran-Iraq war and died fighting for his country,' she said angrily. 'And what am I doing? Hiding under the protection of darkness, taking out small outposts that will just be rebuilt elsewhere just as quickly? How can I not be hard on myself?'
At M'gann's taken aback expression, Y/N felt slightly guilty for raising her voice. But they just didn't understand. All her life, she'd been training and fighting for her supposed "destiny". Surely this wasn't it.
'I'm sorry,' Y/N said, forcing herself to calm down. 'I just...'
'You don't have to a apologise,' M'gann interrupted, standing and walking over to Y/N to clasp their hands together. 'After all we've done together, I understand that what we do now doesn't seem like enough. But I can tell you were made for more.'
Y/N offered her a grateful smile and M'gann let their hands drop. 'I should go. Mother and I have patrol in Washington DC tonight.'
'Already?' M'gann asked, face dropping with disappointment. 'But you just got back. Surely she knows that.'
'Unfortunately, even in the country's capital, crime never sleeps. I'm just grateful it's nothing like Gotham,' Y/N said.
'I agree,' Connor said. 'Visited there once with-' He paused for a moment, eyes growing wary as he looked between Y/N and M'gann. But Y/N already knew what he was going to say and gave him a slight nod to continue anyway. 'With Dick. We did patrol once there together. To put it simply, they're all nutcases there.'
Y/N managed an amused half-smile. 'You're not wrong there,' she said, then made her way to the door. Before she reached the doorknob, M'gann called out.
'Maybe when you're free next, you can join us for dinner at home,' she offered, her eyes hopeful as she waited Y/N's answer.
'Yeah,' she eventually answered though it wasn't as enthusiastic as she should've been. 'Yeah, that'd be nice. I'll talk to you guys soon. Don't stay up here too late.'
It had to be close to 7pm in Washington DC at least, so there weren't many people still left in the Watchtower. Just those from the League and her team that were rostered for overnight supervision. Y/N made sure to greet each person she walked by on the way to the Zeta-tubes. But just as she was about to dial in her code to leave, a resounding voice made her pause.
'Wonderess,' Kaldur called. 'Not even a hello before you head off for another mission?'
Y/N smirked as she turned back around to face the new hero of Atlantis. 'I'm sorry, Aquaman,' she said in an exaggerated tone. 'Not all of us can sit around having team parties with our Justice League buddies.'
To anyone else, it would've been taken as an insult. But Kaldur saw her humour and smiled. 'Oh is that what this is about? You know the League do more than just chit chat.'
Y/N shook her head. 'I don't know. The mess you guys left behind in the conference room before I left tells another story.'
As Kaldur approached Y/N, the sarcastic banter dropped as they both embraced each other. Kaldur had grown into a fit, muscular man, and now stood a good head taller than Y/N. His uniform was more or less the same as it had always been, except now both his arms were covered from shoulder-to-finger in gold armour. He certainly was no longer just a young lad, but the man his predecessor saw he could become.
'It is good to see you, Y/N,' Kaldur said softly as he pulled away.
'And you, old friend,' Y/N replied, a genuine smile splitting her lips.
'I heard you went into Bialyan territory,' Kaldur continued. 'I am glad to see you and the rest of the team are unharmed.'
'Well, the team are no longer just children' Y/N said, 'but it was a simple enough mission too. Nothing too dangerous.'
Kaldur's brows furrowed together as he looked over Y/N. 'I sense you are not happy with something. Wasn't the mission successful as I have heard?'
Y/N let out a soft sigh. 'It's not that I'm not happy with the mission's success. Of course I'm happy we all got home okay. I just...' She didn't really feel like explaining herself again, but Kaldur nodded in understanding.
'You feel stuck,' he finished, to which Y/N nodded in confirmation. Kaldur turned so he could look to the giant windows of the Watchtower's entrance chamber. They framed Earth in a way that made it seem both ginormous and insignificant at the same time. 'The League is in a similar position, I am afraid to admit. Some days there is progress. Other days, it feels like I wait so much I am afraid I will freeze in one spot.'
'How do you combat that?' Y/N asked.
Kaldur turned back to Y/N, his face softened with a small smile. 'I train.'
'That's it?' Y/N asked, not quite believing her friend.
He shrugged his shoulders. 'Amongst other things, yes. I train, I go home, I see my family, I laugh with my friends. I do all these things to remind myself why I am here. Why I do what I do. It sounds to me like you need to remind yourself why you are here.'
'Because of the team,' she said without hesitation. He hadn't asked a question, but she felt she needed to justify herself. 'Because I can't just desert them, not when they're working so hard.'
'And yet you feel you are not doing enough,' Kaldur countered, his teal eyes gazing hard at her. 'Why?'
Y/N opened her mouth to answer but no answer came.
'Y/N,' Kaldur continued. 'Why do you feel the need to stay when you don't want to be there?'
'I do want to stay-'
'Don't lie to me, Y/N,' Kaldur interrupted.
Y/N swallowed thickly as she looked from Kaldur, to the conference room door where M'gann and Connor still were, and back to Kaldur. Seeing no escape from his fierce questioning, she caved.
'It's not that I don't want to stay,' she admitted quietly. 'I love the kids, I love the team. I'm just... so tired, Kaldur. Of doing the same thing week in and week out and getting nowhere. But if I leave, I don't want the team to think I'm abandoning them. Not like-'
Y/N bit her lip at the thought of him. No, she wouldn't leave. She just wouldn't.
Kaldur pressed his lips into a firm line. 'Dick needed to reforge his own path. He was grieving in his own way.'
'Well I was grieving, too,' Y/N countered, a sudden surge of anger flaring up inside her. How dare Kaldur defend Dick. 'And I had to get on with my life because the team needed me. We needed him, Kaldur. I needed him, and he just left.'
Y/N bowed her head to collect her thoughts and calm down. That's two friends she had yelled at for no reason. Before she could apologise though, Kaldur placed a hand on her shoulder, and she raised her head to find him looking directly into her eyes.
'I cannot say I am not also disappointed in our friend,' Kaldur admitted sadly. 'I did not expect him to become so closed off for so long. But you've helped rebuild this team from the grief and pain it experienced when Wally died. I think you've earned the right to decide where you go from here, Y/N, without feeling guilty or selfish if your wish is not to stay with the team. In my opinion, you were made for more than this.'
'That's funny,' Y/N said in a flat voice. 'You're the second person today to tell me that.'
'Maybe because it is true,' Kaldur said sincerely. 'You know you still have a place in the Justice League whenever you'd like to join us. I would be honoured and happy to fight alongside a warrior such as yourself again. It would be like old times.'
Y/N offered a grateful smile as she patted Kaldur's hand that still rested on her shoulder. 'Thanks Kaldur, but I'm not ready for that just yet. Besides, you don't need two Amazonians running the show. And let's be real, we would so be in charge of you boys.'
The two shared quiet laughter as Kaldur's hand retuned to his side. 'Very well, then. So what will your decision be, Wonderess?'
Y/N looked to the Earth and space beyond it once more. Her heart and head were tearing her in two. She truly loved being a part of the team, but something inside her agreed with M'gann and Kaldur. Surely she was meant for more. But what exactly that was, she had to go find out.
'I think you're right, Kaldur,' she finally said, turning back to face her friend. 'I think I need to remind myself why I am here in the first place. And that comes from knowing who I am to begin with.'
Kaldur's face pinched in slight confusion. 'I'm sorry, but I do not follow.'
Y/N didn't answer straight away. Instead, she turned to dial in her code to exit the Watchtower. 'B-00: Wonderess,' the computer announced as the Zeta-tube activated.
She then finally turned back to Kaldur. 'I need to know where I've been to then know where I will go,' she said. 'I need to go back to where it all started.'
'And where's that?' Kaldur asked.
'With my mother,' she answered, then spared him one last sweet smile. 'Tell M'gann and Connor and the team I'm sorry.'
Kaldur looked as if he wanted to say something, ask more questions. But Kaldur was always more insightful than the rest of their group. He didn't always need an explanation. He just somehow knew, and so Y/N was grateful when he accepted her words with a simple nod of his head.
'Be safe, dear friend,' he said in farewell. 'May destiny be kind to you, wherever it leads you.'
Y/N nodded her appreciation and entered the Zeta-tube. It was always a weird sensation travelling by Zeta-tube, like a million light pricks into every part of the body. Thankfully the trip was quick to the Zeta tube depot in Washington DC, with Y/N walking out of an abandoned janitor's closest in the post office down the road from her apartment.
She smiled and waved down to civilians as she flew over the busy streets, but she flew as fast as she could to the meeting point.
Her mother casually sat atop the Washington Monument as Y/N approached, floating just in front of her. 'I was starting to worry you had gotten caught in Bialya,' Diana joked as she stood to greet her daughter. 'Welcome home, my daughter.'
'Good to see you, Mother,' Y/N said, and the two briefly embraced.
'Now that you're here,' Diana said, prepping to take off for the usual patrol, 'why don't we get going.'
'Actually, Mother, there is something I wanted to talk to you about first,' Y/N interrupted.
Diana raised an eyebrow. 'Really? And what would that be?'
Y/N took a deep breath in before she spoke the words. But when she did, she had never been more sure. 'I want you to take me back to your home. To Themyscira.'
Since she was a little girl, Y/N had heard hundreds of stories from her mother about the homeland of the Amazons. How beautiful it was with its architecture, its nature, and the women who ruled the island. She'd always dreamed of someday going there, but her mother said it was impossible to find it.
Except she failed to mention that despite leaving the island and forgetting where it was located, Diana had been gifted a compass that would always lead her back home, but only if she used it. It would not work without Amazonian hands.
So after all the storytelling and all the dreaming, nothing came close to actually witnessing Themyscira in the flesh.
Y/N stood speechless on the beach, looking up at the steps that led up to the first level of the city that seemed to climb higher and higher towards the sky. It was something out of the Ancient Greek text books Diana used to make Y/N read as a child, but even more fantastical and wondrous.
It wasn't just the visuals, though. Since the Invisible Jet broke through the barrier that hid Themyscira, Y/N had felt a pull of sorts towards the island. Now that she stood on its soil, she felt a warm energy wash over her, strengthen her, pull her into its embrace as if to say, Welcome home at last.
An entourage of women in red leather slitted skirts, plated tops, and armour while holding spears followed behind a woman dressed in white and purple robes. Ebony hair billowed out behind her golden leaf crown, the grey strands in between looking more silver as they caught the midday sun.
Y/N knew immediately who she was. Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Her grandmother.
As Hippolyta approached Y/N and Diana, she opened her arms to take her daughter's face into her hands. 'Diana,' she said, bringing her lips to her daughter's forehead in a simple kiss. 'Welcome home.'
'Thank you, Mother,' Diana said, and Y/N could tell by her mother's smile that she was joyous to be home. 'I'm sorry it took me so long.'
'Do not worry about that, child,' Hippolyta reassured. 'You are here now.'
She then looked over to Y/N, and for some reason Y/N straightened up, flattened out her Wonderess uniform, made sure her hair was tucked behind her headband. Y/N was briefly taken back to the time she (consciously) remembered meeting her grandparents on her father's side. All dressed up so as to make a good impression.
Y/N held her breath as Hippolyta walked slowly over to her, grey eyes scanning every inch of Y/N's figure in silence. When she'd done a cursory glance, she then stepped closer and took Y/N's face into her hands. Y/N was unable to look away from Hippolyta as the older woman caressed and poked and prodded at her features.
At last, Hippolyta stopped and her hands dropped to Y/N's shoulders. A kind, joyous smile graced the older woman's features. 'You have my daughter's eyes,' she said quietly, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. 'So kind and forthright. What is your name child?'
'Y/N Prince,' Y/N managed to get out once she caught her breath. 'Daughter of Steve Trevor...' Her gaze flickered to her mother, and the two shared a smile. '...and Diana Prince, Princess of Themyscira.'
Y/N looked back to see Hippolyta tearing up as realisation finally hit her. 'I have a granddaughter,' she said as she finally embraced Y/N completely, to which Y/N reciprocated and the entourage of Amazonians cheered and smashed their shields with their spears in celebration.
Hippolyta let go of Y/N to clasp one of her hands as she went to grab her daughter's hand. She then turned the three of them to face the crowd. 'My daughter and your champion, and my granddaughter have come home!'
More cheers erupted.
'Let us prepare a feast in their honour,' Hippolyta continued, and when the crowd began to disperse, she turned to Diana and Y/N to speak more quietly. 'I am sure you have both come here for a reason, and not just to say hello.'
'You are correct, Mother,' Diana said. 'It seems as though I have neglected our origins as Amazonians for too long and can no longer teach Y/N our ways.'
'I wish to learn who I am,' Y/N added. 'I wish to know where I come from, so that I may know where I must go next.'
'And how long do you believe that will take?' Hippolyta asked.
'As long as it takes,' Y/N answered, more certain than ever before. 'I don't care what I must do, Your Majesty. I will follow your guidance, as my mother once did.'
Hippolyta considered Y/N for a moment, then spared Diana an impressed smirk. 'Well, you taught her one thing, Diana.'
'What's that mother?' Diana asked.
'Your steadfast stubbornness.' Hippolyta looked back to Y/N. 'Very well, granddaughter. You will train among the other warriors. I just hope you know it won't be as easy as you might think.'
'Trust me,' Y/N replied, 'I'm hoping it isn't.'
Hippolyta's smile widened and her eyes sparkled with excitement. 'That attitude is already a good start. Come, we will talk of this later. First, let us celebrate this homecoming.'
That night Y/N ate and drank and danced among women like her, some older, some younger, some taller, some stronger. And she had never felt more at home, more recognised and celebrated. She'd had her doubts if she had made the right decision, but now she had no doubt.
She was where she belonged.
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
"How about a kiss for old time's sake?" with Diana Taurasi please?
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see you again || diana taurasi x reader ||
your time at uconn was often forgotten. it had been your ticket into the wnba, but it was your break from being a benchwarmer that solidified you as a household name level player. you went straight from uconn to san antonio. that was the only team you had ever played for, and when they made the switch to vegas, you followed.
the end of your career was coming, and you could feel it. the aches were getting to be overwhelming, but you had given it your all. you had sacrificed a lot to play basketball, and the announcement hadn't really shocked anybody who knew you. you had broken off the bench under the tutelage of becky hammon, and now you were retiring with her as your coach.
"i come back from winning a gold medal, and all i fucking hear about is that you're quitting." diana sounded bitter, and understandably so. aside from games, the two of you rarely spoke with each other. there was no interaction, nothing reminiscent of how you had been in college together. "fucking rookie."
"i'm nowhere close to being a rookie anymore di," you sighed. diana refused to look at you, but you couldn't take your eyes off of her. "i'm sorry for announcing when i did, but it would have come out eventually. i didn't mean to steal your thunder, it was supposed to be a quiet release."
"yeah, like the end of the wnba's ultimate underdog story could ever be quiet or subtle. you were the last one, who the hell am i gonna shoot shit with during games now?" diana asked. you knew that it was more than trash talk that she'd miss. the two of you never recovered from your breakup, not fully. the two of you still kept different friend groups with very little overlap because of how things had ended.
"the new girls are good, and besides, you should start looking to coaching at your old age," you teased. it wasn't completely a joke, not like it had been whenever you had first burst onto the wbna scene. diana had been your favorite senior during your first season at uconn as a freshman, so she had a few years under her belt when you were wallked on.
"shut the hell up. i heard your knees the whole game, sounded like a damn rusty door hinge." diana shoved you playfully. both of you laughed a little at her comment, easing the tension a bit. "i gotta get out of here now. how about a kiss for old time's sake?"
"find me when you're not mad at me anymore, okay?" you grabbed onto diana's jaw and pulled her in for a kiss. it wasn't quite the same as what you remembered, but there would always be an addictive familiarity when it came to diana for you.
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shebsart · 1 month
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another fun part about hmc is he could combine clothes from whatever time period and it could pass as weird wizard fashion
him being from modern times and liking to change his appearance is such a gift to me as a fanartist i have so much fun drawing his clothes and different hair colors and styles
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