#i love destiny’s artwork so much XD
ganondoodle · 1 year
Hylia was referred to as "The Goddess of Wisdom" in one of your posts (the Hades-inspired artwork) so it got me wondering: does Nayru not exist in your AU? Are the three Golden Goddesses absent, or do you have something in mind for them?
(your Hylia is super pretty btw, I love that her hair is like water <3)
oh jesus that is OLD xD
no the Hades stuff was just a little one-off thing back when it was new; it means nothing for my actual zelda fanworks!
so no, Hylia does not replace Nayru; in the main stoyline of destiny (comic) the gods only briefly show up fully at the end and mostly only manifest parts of themselves bc in my story they cannot physically directly do much in those physical worlds aside from manipulate peoples dreams and in the small area of the one ancient spring (a seperate spring from the three usual ones that is dedicated to all three of the gods- demise destroying the one of his home created the gateway to hylias world btw) which is the reason they created deities like Hylia, a creature not a full god but not a mortal either, not what i would call a half-god tho; a Deity to do as the gods say, to act as a mere exentension of them in a world they cannot fully control ... bc what does a god hate more than not being able to control their creation .. :^)
if i ever get to the point of finishing destiny, depending on how i feel about it then and how well it was received, i could imagine adding an alternative ending where everyone lives and they work together to rid the gods influence from the world (the first ending is supposed to play into the rest of loz, the other one would mess up EVERYTHING but i cannot deny i have stuff for that planned as well ;__;)
basically the gods are the main looming threat, they are, essentially, the villain, their motives ... might be dissappointing but as they are gods they dont really have to make that much sense ..? i dont want to go into it too much unless it doesnt bother people to already know, i just hope it will feel right when the story gets to that point xO
i havent gotten to designing the gods fully yet as, again, they show up rather late so its gonna change anyway, this is an old concept of Nayru
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here in the background are they again with a more recent design (this sketch is for a .... another dream game based on the alternative good ending for destiny where here you fight as demise against the gods in their realm.. i know its a bit convoluted all but my brain likes to brrrrrrrr when thinking about loz and games so theres lots of ideas and concepts that have no chance of ever becoming real)
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also thank you!!
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abevyofbirbs · 6 years
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(*boops out a li’l gift for the awesome @birdhcuse * :3c Your OCs are amazing and I love learning about them! They are all so deeply thought-out, unique, well-designed, etc... Honestly, I could gush about how wonderful they and you are for a while. lol X3 I adore all of our interactions and chats, and just wanted to let you know that you are an incredible person, writer and artist! :D *finger guns* I hope that you have a great day, friendo!)
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blissfulnightrain · 4 years
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KH OC Week Day 2 - Bonds of the Heart
(Header artwork by @crezzstar​)
I really wanted to create some artwork involving even more characters Amaya meets along her journey, but due to a time crunch I haven’t been able to T_T But I figured I could at least go over the three most important people to Amaya from the start (and share some commissions/some of my own artwork ads;fsdk)!
Amaya has a unique bond growing up with the other members of the Destiny Squad. Click below the cut to find out more about her relationship with her younger brother Sora and her best friends Riku and Kairi!
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(Artwork by @wingbladeweaver1357​)
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(Artwork by me ajsdfj;sd it’s a year old please don’t judge;;;;)
A little over a year apart, Amaya and Sora are a very close brother and sister pair. Amaya’s more reserved, overly-cautious nature can sometimes bring up a rift between these two, especially when Sora expresses much enthusiasm over building a raft, which Amaya stands staunchly against. Still, she ultimately wants the best for him and wants to keep him safe, so for his and their friends’ sake, she does help out with some of the prep work and planning. 
Their family is very tight-knit and includes their mother, a nurse and excellent cook, their father, a fisherman, and their rambunction little sister Haru, who could use a lesson or two on boundaries xD They have a healthy dynamic at home, which makes it all the more heartbreaking when the Islands eventually disappear....
Without getting two spoilery, after the Islands disappear, their family is never the same. Sora and Amaya spend the majority of KH1 desperately trying to find each other, though they find themselves separated once more by the end of it and weave in and out of each other’s journeys from there on out. They both go through major transformations throughout their journeys and remain close throughout, but some changes do take their toll...
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(Artwork by me - As Sora and Amaya both get ready for bed, the sight of a certain mark on Sora’s chest catches her eye)
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(Artwork by @wistaria-92​)
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(Artwork by @n3k0c0​)
As the girls of the squad, Kairi and Amaya have a fun bond of sisterhood. Amaya finds Kairi extremely easy to talk to, especially when stressed (which happens...quite often, to say the least). Though Kairi is younger and more carefree, Amaya always finds herself taking her advice into consideration when going through with things. The two also love watching crime shows and dramas, and going shopping together!
When the Islands disappear, it’s Kairi that Amaya worries the most about, her heart hurting at the thought of her best friend having to lose a home world again. While they are briefly reunited by the end of KH1, circumstances drive them apart once more. They spend quite a bit of time apart over the next year, with Kairi in Destiny Islands and Amaya in Hollow Bastion, but they don’t grow apart. In fact, Hollow Bastion serves as an avenue to uncover some previously unknown details about her friend’s past...
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(Quick sketch from last year’s oc week from me!)
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(Artwork by me)
Complicated is probably the best word to describe Riku and Amaya’s relationship. Despite Amaya being Sora’s sister, being the same age she’s actually known Riku the longest. One could describe them as best frenemies at the start of the story - Amaya finds Riku’s cocky attitude irritating, and Riku has very little patience for Amaya’s constant naggy attitude towards many of his endeavors (including the infamous raft). Still, the two do acknowledge and respect one another’s intelligence, often still choosing to work together on school projects and the like.
Things change drastically when the Islands are destroyed. They are separated at first, but when they finally reunite, Amaya witnesses his slow spiral down the slipper slope of darkness. Riku’s actions and Amaya’s attitudes toward them affects their relationship greatly, to the point where they are completely alienated from one another. It is after Riku disappears into the realm of darkness that both parties are able to reflect on their actions. The year leading up to KH2 is a turning point in their relationship, where they must work together and learn to understand each other to play their respective parts in keeping Sora safe. 
When they rekindle their friendship, it’s stronger than ever, and though they must focus on the tasks ahead of them, it eventually becomes impossible for them to ignore the fact that their relationship has become something more...
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(Artwork by me)
asdklfs I am so so sorry for that behemoth of a post but if you read that whole thing here is a sticker *sticks on you*
@khoc-week​ has been wonderful so far! Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far <3 <3 <3
And as always, if you’re interested in reading Amaya’s fic, it is linked here:
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phoebeusproduction · 4 years
Do you have any favorite authors, fanfic or otherwise? I’ve read your These Days We Celebrate series thus far, and the themes (especially about dealing with grief) and deep, warm (^u^) characterization have really stuck with me for the past few weeks. I really!! love and relate to your writer’s style. So, t h a n k you. (Also, can I PM you on ao3??)
Ah! Well first off thank you for the compliments! I’m glad you enjoyed the series so, it was such a joy to write. ^-^ As to your question! …Huh. I certainly have favorite writers fanfics or otherwise, but it’d be a different focus list if I was trying to name ones that are similar to me in writing style or the grief/warmth aspects. If you want Puzzleshipping I have an old rec list I started a while back for that purpose, but it hasn’t been updated. I actually read fanfics fairly rarely these days, the time I could usually goes towards writing myself. I do know InkFlavored and PrincipalCellist are doing some lovely things though, if you want things I’ve seen more recently.
(There’s also an adult content specific list if that’s your jam.)
As to beyond that– as I said, I don’t read fanfiction too much in general of late, but if you want non-ygo things? And I’m Your Lionheart (The Hobbit) and Beast (InuYasha) have joined It’s Only Forever on my short list of ‘I know it’ll never be finished, but it’s too good’ stories. Incorporated (CardCaptor Sakura) was once on that list, but it was blessedly finished after a long delay. Blind (Naruto) was one of those rare fics where the story and writer made me like a ship I was neutral about at best, and Saints and Saviors (House M.D.)? I can barely remember the details now, but ten years ago I loved that story so much I spent a ream of paper printing it out. And I am a sucker for a) British royal history, and b) well told what-ifs, and ReganX’s stories on The Tudors show have outright inspired the one (1) ‘original’ story idea I might one day write. Assuming I get Gambling With Destiny done.
Beyond that, though, I honestly pull the majority of my favorite stories/writing inspiration style or otherwise from non-novel media. Video games have been a huge influence with Persona 4 & 5 doing amazing things with drama and character depth and how to do slice-of-life right, while DanganRonpa (esp. 2 & V3) and the When They Cry series are both exactly my cup of tea with horror, story arcing, and punch-you-in-the-gut characters who remain complicated and you’re not supposed to excuse them, but you are supposed to care for them. If you want a great ‘story’ I strongly suggest either series. (And When They Cry Higurashi & Umineko are visual novels with great ‘just watch’ versions out there if you just want a story no game play.)
Also there’s all of the fandom artwork that directly inspires me, but I’d be listing 100+ names if I tried to link all of the truly great ones. xD
But yes, hopefully that answered your question properly! If not, I’m completely open to PMing! However, I don’t believe it’s possible on ao3? Unless that’s a feature I never noticed? If not, I’m cool with PMing on tumblr or contacts on my twitter account. I’m always open for a fandom chat.
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wildmomodoesart · 7 years
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Another New Year’s drawing. New experiences, struggles and hopes for the future. Full story under the cute.
What a freakin' year, huh? I feel like every year has it's moments where it's going by too slow, and then out of no where just speeds up to hyper seed and bam, we're already here. I feel like this year has been especially tough, not just on me but the whole world. Every day is like a roller coaster, and going to check the news I feel myself more and more stressed, but I keep fighting through it, keeping active in the political scene and staying informed. It's just been an exhausting year in that sense. But I've always had friends and things to keep me balanced, so I don’t feel like the whole world is collapsing.
This past year, I got a job at Michael's. Started out working the trucks with a very different schedule than what I'm used to. 3/5 am? It was tough never seeing anyone, but a good experience non-the-less. But then that passed and I became a Customer Experience Manager (part time). Yay my first real manager position without any help from anyone! But of course that came with some complications. And while I can still easily do the job, I don't want to. But honestly, despite all my complaining and worrying about being demoted for nothing that was my fault, once I got to moved to Framing (Full Time! Huzzah!), I feel 1000% better. I get to see artwork and photos all day, help people find the right fit, assemble something that looks AWESOME. I feel like I'm finally putting that hard earned degree to use.
At the very beginning of the year, I took a very long road trip to Yellowstone with my dad. I miss him everyday, but that vacation was a good one. Even if we didn't actually get to go INTO Yellowstone, it was still an experience I would never want to let go of. The Casino's weren't my thing, and that's his demon to deal with, the driving, the scenery, the snow, Ah, it was all just the best thing in the world. Getting to stay right next to where a Wolf and Grizzly discovery area was? That was amazing. Waking up and going to bed when the wolves are howling! Still sends shivers down my spine. And there was so much SNOW. Like, up to my waist, snow! I've never seen anything like that. I took my camera and got amazing pictures of the bears, wolves and even the ravens. I can't wait to go back one day!
This year, I opened up an Etsy store and sell little plaques of Destiny Guardians. While I don't play the game (Motion sickness OP), I appreciate the gamers that come to me and buy my items. They're always so nice, and always say they love their pieces. But this Christmas season, the thing that kept flying outta my inventory were my little soot sprite. I love them, they're cute and fun to make and I appreciate everyone who bought them. I want to branch out and make Kodamas and nerdy terrariums next. So we shall see how that turns out this up coming year.
I started painting again. After 4 years of it at UTSA I was sick of it, but I finally started and painted my Wolf Lady I've been wanting to paint for a very long time. She came out wonderfully, now I just gotta find a spot to put her. I have other plans and projects I want to paint, but that'll happen within the next year probably.
This year, I had surgery that put my whole working out plans on hold. It all started real early in the year, I had started running, and was getting really good at it. But I never wanted to buy good running shoes, they're so expensive. So combining that with my birth control side effects, not running properly (ALWAYS STRETCH AND WARM UP PEOPLE), I developed a bone spur on the top of my foot. I could walk and bike (my only saving grace) but running was getting stressful. I'd step down a certain way and suddenly I'd feel a hot pain go up my leg. So I got it checked out and got the surgery I needed. Now I'm recovering and planning my new work out regimen...and planning on buying those expensive, (but totally worth it), shoes.
I completed my Wonder Woman costume, and I love it. I want to keep working out and building muscle to be an even more epic Diana in the future.
I also got my first really good and expensive lens, and will continue to build my camera lens collection. Maybe even one day move onto a bigger better camera? Who knows.
I live at home, but it's now dubbed, "Casa de Momo". My mom got her own house and I live here. It's a good house and I've slowly started making it my own.
It Snowed! I still can't believe that San Antonio got a really nice snow fall. Thick snow. Not as much as I saw at the beginning of the year, but still! Super impressive. But also slightly scary. Yay climate change. (Not really, Dx)
Mary- Another year and some big changes! I'm so happy that you're officially a roommate! Brothers and now we're under the same roof. Now let's kick next years ass and become beef cakes! Kidding, but really, I'm really glad and excited. And Abel living here too. Even if he sheds an obscene amount xD
Chris- This year has been just as awesome as the last. Thank you for being apart of my life. I'm glad you're getting into cosplay with me. Your Batman is awesome and I can't wait to get you to do a more spandex cartoon Bats. ;)
Sara- I really appreciate our coffee dates and love hanging out with you. Thank you for everything you've done for me this year. Hopefully this next year is even better!
Cats- I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with my babies this half end of the year. Guero the Gorilla is just too much for them. But Dinah is the only brave soul who will put up with him. Peatree is turning 15 soon! Giz hates the dogs and Gordo is slowly warming up to them.
Guero the Gorilla- My uncle's dog. He drives me crazy and reminds me why I'm not ready to have a child yet. But...he is the sweetest child you would ever meet. Once he's done zoomin' back and forth, he's the biggest cuddle bug and can barely ever leave my side.
To anyone still reading this, thank you for being here for me. It's been a hectic year, I haven't gotten to hang out with anyone as much as I had wanted, but now I hope that'll change. Work is calming down and I hope to not be such a hermit. Though I do still love my hermit ways, I hope I can work on stronger bonds with those I do care about.
Here's to a New Year, (hopefully better than the last) with bigger and better things for everyone.
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Post-apocalypse military AU. Midsummer.
At first Happy Birthday to my dear Feli!! <3 Since we decided to headcanon Yuuri with a suitable bd, then... Have this! XD
Way to remains of St.Petersburg was rather difficult but not impossible anyway. Yuuri asked his General for this trip much earlier. 2 months before. As a birthday gift. The condition was to let Yuuri kidnap him for 24 hours. Phones of them both were turned off. The only connection left was special line with Shere Khan. Everyone and everything else could wait...
At the very first time here Yuuri was amused. This place still looked gorgeous and pretensions. But was mostly ruined and conquered by greens. Out of destiny's weird sarcasm, ruined were living areas. Where entire buildings were exploded down to bury dead bodies with it. It was one of the first places where epidemics attacked. Houses were burned out of fear. Because at the beginning noone knew how it spreads. And then it became clear there's no special way, it's just a kind of genetic program that activated now but was created by evolution itself. But to this moment survivors had neither time no resources to take care of corpses any other way. For now the only remains of gorgeous city were some cultural districts. Abandoned as well but at the very least not ruined completely. Artworks that were possible to replace were took out of here. And now were kept as treasures of Safe Zone. And Piter looked like an aged, heavily drinking but still proud nobleman, who meets his misery with flawless but useless honor. Yuuri loved this place. He loved it's bitterness, ruins and lack of hope. And for no reason felt at home here - in his abandoned shrine of Yuki no Kami-sama. Ruined like this it belonged only to him...
Preparations were made beforehand. And all he needed now laid in his backpack. Last important parts of a plan... Most of all Private Katsuki worried the weather can mess his plans up with typical for this place rain. But lucky he was - last days happened to be sunny and warm. With that soft and sad warmth that can exist only here - in the land of White nights.
He didn't really know what exactly it was before - place he had chosen for his purpose. A kind of theater maybe?.. But he didn't need much. Remain of stage was enough.
- Wake up, Vitenka, we're here. - boy leaned to perfect lips of his commander and fiancé. He always enjoyed how it sounded - the tender pronounce of Snow King's name. Travel took time and they drove replacing each other. Although now with the empty (and rather ruined) road it was faster to get here. Especially on their military van. Tight embrace locked on Yuuri's neck: - Then... What do U want me to do? - U're my gift. I want U to let me spoil U... - boy's whisper touched porcelain neck. But next second he teasingly pecked Victor's lips and sneaked out of his hands with almost mischievous grin: - Wait a bit here, ok?
Yuuri returned rather fast. Opened the door from Victor's side and lent him a hand: - Time to go, Your Snow Majesty. And he gladly noticed now, when they were one on one, his King hid neither smile, nor blush.
Insides of building were partly covered with grass and bushes. Weirdly fresh and healthy as if in luxury garden. But it became like this almost everywhere. And it always bothered Snow King. He still remembered how abandoned places must look. But for no reason others seemed like never notice it. Right in front of them was a stage. Biggest part of the roof as well as higher floors was ruined in old street battles. And now Sun left columns of golden light sneaking through it's remains. To be honest the entire view was beautiful. But one thing was obviously brought from outside - pole. It was placed on the stage, fixed into ceiling binders or better to say it's remains... (When Beka finished to fix it here, he thrown a drop of salt with some weird herbs on it (as a protection his witchcraft demanded in doubtful situation) and confusingly muttered: "If binders won't endure, at least U'll die together and happy..." As he confessed to Shere Khan later, the dreamy grin on Yuuri's face after this reference made him worry even more...) In a couple of meters from the pole stayed a chair. With a silk scarf on it. - Accept your Throne, my Yuki no Kami-sama... - Yuuri's breath touched the back of Victor's neck. Tying up his hands with said scarf boy leaned to Snow Kings shoulder: - We won't do it, if U don't want... But his answer was sure and even impatient: - Yuuri, continue! Whatever U do, I WANT it. Fast kiss covered his lips: - As U order, Your Snow Majesty.
Boy stepped to the other side of stage and turned on the music on his phone. It wasn't loud even with that portable columns but echo of this place added strange, mythical atmosphere.
He slowly stood up with first sounds. He had right enough time to get to the pole before the first beat... Yuuri knew since childhood that weird (and useless in the life he was dreaming about) gift - to synchronize with sound completely. It was that rare case when body seemed not to follow music but be an actual source of it. Never before Yuuri thought he'd be so happy to have this ability. For all his previous life he'd prefer to exchange it on Shere Khan's battle speed or Snow King's absolute control on literally everything.
One step. Two. Three.
He didn't hear it anymore. He only felt. Ocean just KNOWS how to move... Sound wasn't a sound anymore. It was a continuation of him. Of his skin, of his heartbeat, of his breath. Every wave moved with only one aim - to lean to knees of his Kami and General. Victor is the Moon that makes the entire water of the Earth to shake back and force. He's the Polar Star that stays stable in sparkling abyss and always leads through madness of waves. Boy's fingers reached pole. What pole? Wasn't it a mast of drowned ship? Wave lazily studied it and occasionally swirled into a vortex. Black Abyss met Northern Sky. Storm began.
Silk of the scarf held hands tight but not to the point of no escape. Yuuri did so on purpose, although Snow King already told him, he can do it with all force. And maybe it'd be better - to ease the temptation to break free... Because boy definitely tried his self-control. In sweetest way of course but still tried. Black fabric of a t-shirt left milky-white skin and dropped on the floor. Arched back. Head tossed to the side. Lean muscles under silky skin. Sun rays playing into dark locks. How could the darkest abyss be this tempting?.. Getting rid of footwear, belt, pants... What??? Yuuri, U had laces under your casual uniform?!
[Listen up, boy, if I die here from nosebleed, it'll be your fault!!]
Flow got closer. Yuuri's hands reached Snow King's lips. But before Victor touched them, slid over his neck, chest, legs. Boy looked at his Kami-sama from beneath and in black abyss played mischievous honey sparkles. Lean body stretched on the floor. White foam of the Ocean... It followed sound and leaned to Snow King's feet. And moved back. Boy slowly got up, turns to Victor and soundlessly whispered a phrase. It couldn't be heard but General Snow King knew it full well - "Look only at me..."
[C'mon, Yuuri, I physically can't take my eyes off of U. And what's more important - don't want to...]
Body of water swirled over the mast again. Tides flight over it, not really caring about gravitation. What is gravitation when call of the Moon and Polar Star is so close? Boy jumped to the floor and returned to his Northern Star. Victor was blushing and breathing hard. Remains of his self-control was spent on not to break free right now. Boy got closer, almost lips to lips but sneaked away from Snow King's desperate attempts to kiss him: - U don't think it's all I have for U, Kami-sama? Moaning Victor tossed over the chair, eager to reach for his little devil. Boy bended to his hips, took out his battle knife and lick the blade staring into icy-blue eyes... Sharp steel hooked the collar of black t-shirt. Cotton surrendered easily being separated in two. Exposed porcelain skin showed thin red trace. - My bad, General... - Yuuri's voice was even more dubious now. He lick small red drops from the scratch, set on Victor's laps and copied the same trace on his own chest. But a bit deeper. To let some blood droll from the cut: - That's my punishment for being incautious... Gasping for air Victor leaned to the cut with lips. Taste of Yuuri's blood. Warmth of his naked body. His weight on laps. Mesmerizing. They already did such things before. To feel belonging to each other inside out. In flesh and blood. Snow King's teeth dug into milky-white skin forcing out some more drops of blood and leaving a dark mark around the cut. Yuuri screamed, pressing his head to the chest, for a second forgetting about the game: - More! Victoru! More! And through black laces it was obvious he meant it... But he recovered from the moment of weakness fast. Stood up from Victor and got on his knees to undo the belt. After some efforts pants and boots were taken off of his Snow King. (Honestly Yuuri would be happy to cut pants too. But he had only additional t-shirt.) The only clothes of his Yuki no Kami for now were remains of t-shirt and silky scarf tying his wrists up. Boy bit own lip.
[Self-control, Lance Sergeant Katsuki, self-control! U can't ruin the game like this!]
He stepped away again despite of Victor's protesting moan. But music still lasted and game wasn't not over yet. Boy took the bottle of wine from the backpack near. No time to spend on opening it. He simply fetched away the bung. With broken neck it was impossible to drink right from the bottle. But there was no need to... He slowly walked around Victor, bent to his ear, whispered: "Hurry up, Your Snow Majesty" and stuck the knife into the chair right above the silky bond. It'll be easy to cut it even blindly. Boy returned to the poll, suggestively turning back to smile to his beautiful, crazy from anticipation Kami-sama. He was struggling for serious now. It will take not more than a second or two... Yuuri leant with his back to the poll, pouring vine on his chest. Cut burned a bit. And now, under insane gaze of Northern sky it turned on even more. He left a cut with the broken bottle neck on own collar bone, still letting the vine droll. Closed eyes for a second and felt how hot tongue walked from his abdomen to cuts, gathering alcohol and shadows of blood. Blade touched Yuuri's underwear. (How was he able to take the knife out of wood of a chair this fast and blindly?) Black lace fell on the floor. - U're still too fast and soundless for me, sir... - whispered boy to his kneeled commander. Blade caressed Yuuri's hip. Not with a cut, but still leaving a pink trace. Moaning boy poured more vine on the knife. Victor licked it, intentionally cutting his lip a bit and leaned to cut in boys chest again. Now mixing their blood together and swallowing both. - I don't know about fast but I can't be soundless anymore... - icy-blue eyes were almost insane. Boy nodded. He was not much better. But... Yuuri reversed their positions, pressing his General with his back to the poll and kneeled down in front of him. Victor was hard. Obviously on his limit. Boy leaned to him almost violently, without a warning doing a deep throat of all his length. And heard the best reply ever - surprised, almost perplexed scream. Of course it couldn't last long... Hot liquid filled Yuuri's mouth after some fast, forceful moves. Victor almost fell on him, breathing hard. Still unable to speak but desperate to kiss his boy. Yuuri returnes the kiss and poured the rest of vine on Snow Kings body. Now he had a bit more time to enjoy this perfect skin until his own need won't become unbearable. But for now the taste of vine and blood drooling from Victor's cut lip made the boy loose control completely...
Ability to breath and stand returned to Snow King when Yuuri was already unable to hold back. - Vitenka... Do me. - boy's voice cracked from overwhelming feelings. He nodded to the backpack - There. Take the lube there. Snow King nodded pecking Yuuri's lips. Splinters of Northern sky were still insane. He stepped to the backpack (legs were still weak) leaving his boy to sit on the floor. But when he turned back, this little demon was already waiting for him... Yuuri bended supporting himself on the pole and spreading his legs.
[What are U doing, Yuuri?! Do U want your General to come from just looking at U?..]
When porcelain hand laid on boy's hip he shivered: - Victoru... Do me! Faster! - Faster? - Hot tongue traced milky-white skin of waist. - U tormented me enough today, little sweet demon. Count it as a payback... Even if Snow King tried to follow unspoken rules and speak mischievously he anyway sounded soft. And loving. Always. Cold fingers slid between boy's buttocks. Caressing. Teasing. Yuuri moved to meet these fingers. He didn't hesitate to scream. Honestly he never hesitated when it was about making love with his Yuki no Kami-sama. Snow King's tongue traveled from backbone to tight muscle ring, moving back and force, making it wet. Fingers already cold from lube slid inside. With a free arm Victor embraced Yuuri's hip, leaning to his leg, not letting him fall because of weak knees. - Victoru! Do me! Now! - Boy's desperate scream sounded almost like order. - Don't make me cum from only this! I want U! I want U now! Of course even if Snow King wasn't already hard again, he'd immediately become... Shy and quiet in daily life Yuuri always turned into frank and loud passionate demon in such cases. And telling the truth Snow King was exited to be the reason of this change...
- I love U...Yuuri... - he moved in slowly holding boy's hips in a tight grip. It will definitely leave marks but it's fine... He fastened the pace trying to follow Yuuri's moves to make pleasure sharper. - I love U, my boy... I love U so much... Я люблю тебя, малыш. Солнышко. Так тебя люблю.../ I love U, baby. My sunshine. Love U so much. Of course it couldn't last long too... Boy's hoarse scream, his tightness squeezing Victor, whitish liquid filling the palm - Snow King didn't hear own scream. Just collapsed on the floor with Yuuri in his arms. Too good. Good almost to pain. - I love U too. - boy's eyes were closed. He breathed it out spreading on Victor with happy insane smile. Nothing really mattered for now: neither dusty floor instead of a bed, nor sticky from vine (and a bit of blood) skin.
When Victor woke up black abyss stared at him on the distance of a kiss. With a small, happy smile laying a head on crossed hands on Victor's chest. - I love U... - Snow King repeated it stroking boy's cheek. But there was one more thing he wanted to ask: - But Yuuri... It's your birthday. It's me who must spoil U today and make your wishes come true and... Boy laughed. Happily and even mischievously: - U know, Snezhnblj Korol, my ultimate wish is to see U exited and happy with me. And - Warm fingers slid porcelain thigh - U don't think we finished here, right? Snow King pulled him into a hungry kiss again: - I HOPE we didn't...
When they returned, of course both looked like shit. Black shadows under eyes from lack of sleep. Cuts, bites, bruises, spot of clotted blood on Victor's lip. Traces of ropes on wrists of them both... General Feltsman who incautiously run into just returned Snow King and his Private Guard, gasped for air holding his heart: - W-w-what???!!!! What happened to U two??? Did U got into a trap? Were U tortured. - We just had a day-off... - sloppily protested Victor. But it didn't help at all. Old Officer jumped being already in panic: - U WERE CAUGHT INTO A TRAP IN SAFE ZONE IN YOUR DAY-OFF????!!!! Heavy bonk on the nap of a head interrupted his hysteric. Suppressing smile with an inhuman effort Lilichka grabbed Yakov's collar and dragged him out of the room: - I'll explain U later. One on one, old shit.
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white-queen-lacus · 8 years
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I was tagged by @abybweisse <3 Thank you, dear! :) Nicknames: well... some people call me Anna, short form of my name, my parents “Dedé”, my sisters “Pi”. Who knows how my cat Jack would call me... XD
Last Thing I Googled: “Crow boy” by Taro Yashima: drawings. I need to take some ispiration for my thesis project... *I have to create a book*
Last TV Show I Watched: I still have to watch the newest episode of The Originals, so... the last tv show: LA PORTA ROSSA (the Red Door), a series I’ve been in love with since its beginning. 
What I’m Wearing Right Now: white hooded shirt with Disney characters, black leggins, warm socks. <3 Ah, and a bracelet with a dolphin! XD
When I created This Blog: December 2015. <3
The Kind of Stuff I Post: mangas/tv series related (mostly Kuroshitsuji/The Originals) as well as personal opinions, artwork, quotes and Kushiel’s Legacy related stuff (how sad that this fandom is pretty dead ç__ç). Why I Chose My URL: Lacus is Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed/Destiny and it is the nickname I also use on web. White Queen is the nickname Dullindal gave her in Destiny because she was the White Queen on his chessboard, so: white-queen-lacus. <3 Do I get Asks Regularly: Nope. Usually I got them when I post something interesting (mostly about The Originals). Lucky Number: nope. I am the queen of bad luck. Cats or Dogs: Cats all my life!! Cats are life!! Team Sebastian and cats!! Hogwarts House: never been so much into HP, so I don’t know! XD Maybe Ravenclaw. Favorite Singers: considering the amount of songs in my Ipod... Kalafina, I think. But the most important thing for me is the song. :) Favorite Characters: mh... well, this is a long thing. Kushiel’s Legacy: Imriel and Sidonie de la Courcel, Joscelin Verreuil, Phédre no Delaunay, Maslin de Lombelon. Psycho Pass: Kougami Shinya, Tsunemori Akane, Ginoza Nobubu XD, Masapapi, Karanomori Shion and my guilty thought: Crudelio de Mon aka Tougane Sakuya XD. Kuroshitsuji: Ciel, Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, Frances and Lizzie Midford, sometimes Sebastian. XD The Originals: the whole Mikaelson family! :Q____ The Vampire Diaries: Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes are my favourite three characters! <3 Vampire Knight: Kuran family (from Juuri and Haruka up to Kaname, Yuuki and Ai), Yori-chan. Code Geass: Kururugi Suzaku, Euphemia and Cornelia li Britannia, Hyuga Akito, Leila Malcal, the W-0 except Pierre XD, Eliza. <3
Number of Followers: more or less 80. Ten Random Facts About Me. 1) I am a very anxious person (I’ve been suffering from panic attacks for months... ç_ç) 2) I have a degree in Modern Literature. If everything goes according to the keikaku, I should graduate for the second time in Primary Education in October. 3) I would kill for sweets. 4) I think I am unable to love somebody. The fact that my previous and only relationship with a boy made me p*ssed off still let me think about my ability to love someone. 5) ... that also means that I am not so good at understanding people. 6) ... anyway my hidden dream is to have children... two at least. I’ve always chosen their names! <3 7) In case of difficult: I am a control freak. XD 8) I love writing my original stories. My first “official” work took 4/5 years of time to be completed but I am proud of the result.  9) I tend to imagine most of the scenes from the stories I write. Currently, I often think of my second work (which is still in stand-by because of university): a scene of truth revealing! è_é 10) I finished my last teacher-training just yesterday! <3 Five Things You’ll Find in My Bag: wallet, safety little bag (with medicines), a bottle of water, lots of cleenexes (is this the plural? o_o), my phone, my Ipod... well, they are six... basically whenever I need something there is no way I can find it in time! XD Five Things You’ll Find In my Bedroom: beds? XD A wallboard with personal photos (mine and my sisters’), tv, some peluches and I don’t know what else in particular. Five Things I Want To Do In Life: could I steal your thoughts, @abybweisse? Because it is the same for me! :) The only difference is that I don’t have any debts, for now (you know, I think that Italy is the most vexed country in the world), so... I would like to earn looots of money. Five Things I’m Currently into Right Now: my thesis. ç_ç This is the only thing at the moment. Five Things on my To-Do List: I don’t have five things: by now I’d just like to be more active outside my “personal world”. I really spend too much time at home... ç_ç Aaah, yes, also, eating a cheesecake with my best friend in Bari (the town where I study) and I should do some footing... XD Five Things People Might Not Know About Me, or Five More Random Facts About Me: 1) I use to chit-chat with my cat. 2) If I am not satisfied with my works I destroy them (ask my sister about the cover of Crow Boy I made few hours ago... XD). 3) People often say that I am well educated, sweet, caring, sometimes they said “you are the perfect girl”... let me say that my real name is Yukino Miyazawa... XDDD 4) I am fond of musicals. 5) Even though I am not so good at singing, I really like to do it! XD Again, thank you for having tagged me!! :D I tag: @thelittlestofthewolves @thetragicking and the lovely @2rsask ! <3
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