#i love fancam perspectives like this!
accio-victuuri · 8 months
wang yibo @ sdc 6 final battle // source: 洛洛山河0805x1005
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jennyandvastraflint · 7 months
Xena Reactions S3Ep3
We start with a dude dramatically running away from war... EW. ARES. He just keeps getting uglier
Damn strong armour. Is the armour possessing the guy?
Cheerful start really
Damn they wanna hurt some guy. Was that Gabby
Gosh Xena and Gabrielle are so gorgeous
Is she gathering criminals for a mission XD
"I am no lady" either way gender.
Xena introducing them
"Just men?" 😂 Gabrielle asking the good questions
Going up against Ares... Blergh. Ares can go choke on his own ego.
Oof, village laid waste
The armour looks so stupid honestly...
Love how Xena's SWORD broke but not Gabrielle's staff 😂
Oh fuck the pretty one was hit
Oh. METAL! Not medal... Yes that makes more sense (auditory processing issues hu)
Blacksmithing fancam
Hate that pretentious guy
"Wow, nice ceps!" He is GAY. He is so down to suck Ares's dick...
BOOMERANG (Sokka is foaming at the mouth in jealousy)
"Cos I'm gonna kill her" no you won't. Shut up and suck Ares's dick you war simp
Gabrielle commanding them as she should.
Boo for them ignoring her.
"Murderers guarding murderers"
"Were they murderers before they met you?" OUCH
"Am I really who I am, or am I what you made me?"
They're playing their funny guessing game again
Jesus can these murderers CHILL
Gabrielle looking, then going NOOOPE
Please these idiots are still standing there
Ahaha they're guarding each other cos none trusts the other to not kill them
"But what are you here for?"
"You know what men are like" lesbian
Ahaha he just fell asleep
"But you're going to buy them"
Yuck, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with that guy either
"I think I've never been part of a true disaster before" "Cynic"
URGH the sexist prick can go die in a ditch
Ew what kinda straight sex shit is this
"Men are so easy" shdhshd
Gosh he's annoying.. Why r all the men in this annoying
And he grabbed Xena...
"That's gotta be uncomfortable" 😂
"Is this a private get together or can anyone join in?" Oh she knooows
She's happy they're working together
AHAHA She sensed Ares
Why is Ares' beard so fucking UGLYYYY. Like it literally got worse
Ares you snitch. Why are you telling her. Bro as if THAT isn't also interfering?? 😂
Uhhhh... Whomst?
Damn they throw bombs
Gabrielle ur so amazing
Xena I love you sm
Damn. She's defyyying gravity
Mmmmm, dudebro sexist is sus af
Urgh... They tricked her...
YUCK. DISGUSTING. I hope she gets to murder him
I love Gabby
Yeah true but y'know, a bit too many men for my liking, and a whole bunch of others stand around doing nothing about it
They really just want money, hu
Is he gonna free them
Ayoooo double double crossing
Ahsdhsh she used the Doctor strategy. Get captured cos breaking out the cell is easier than breaking into the whole thing
EW. ASSAULT. DISGUSTING. Someone give her a wife
"Hey that's not how a princess fights" gosh get some perspective, man
"Amazon Princess" YOU TELL HIM
Something something the old Xena showing for a moment
"Why does everyone wanna kill me?" Honestly it's very understandable
"I'm not leaving!" "Like she said"
Ares is like lmao bye have fun dying, loser
All the steaaaam, brilliant. Gotta be pretty hot in there
YEESH That gotta hurt
"Look after Xena, okay?" awwwww
"I'd sooner fall for a toad" valid
"You're Gabrielle" AAAAAH ❤️
"Question is who would I be without you?"
Ahaha them bickering
Ok so as a whole the episode was very, very meh. I liked the Xena/Gabrielle moments tho
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sl-ut · 8 months
Cishet men worship Joel as if he would like them.. as if girldad Joel would give yall the time of day. reminder that he was a total girldad before he met ellie too like that man loved Sarah and worshipped the ground ellie walked on and also in the game he was able 2 be friends with Tess without it becoming anything sexual or romantic do you think he'd be happy with the way these cretins talk about WOMEN??, & they have the nerve 2 hate on abby and ellie as characters but worship Joel and Tommy (I've seen them make so many fancams for Tommy like? I enjoy tommy, but that's so random like?)
say it again!!!! where would joel be without tess? dead. where would he be without ellie? still in that qz selling drugs and seeing no purpose in life. what about sarah???? she literally made him who he is!!! joel would be nothing like how we see him without the women in his life like he so fr rn males. like people hate on abby, sure i can see the perspective where she’s brutally murdered the loveable main character, but isn’t that the same goddamn thing joel did to her??? like yeah tommy’s cool and all but isn’t he in like maybe 30 minutes of the game total??? let’s all pull up our big boy pants and think about this critically and with some sort of emotional intelligence pls
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iznsfw · 1 year
I was honestly surprised that you are a big fan of Taeyeon and Irene. I think you've always been interested in them since they have been on your 'idols that you write' list for a long time. Though you never mentioned them on your blog until recently.
From my perspective, it's like seeing you flipping a switch. I saw your posts which made me realize, "Oh IZ is DOWN BAD for both of them".
When did you start following/stanning Taeyeon and Irene?
What was the breaking point that pushed you to write Taeyeon and subsequently Irene? (Photos, performances, songs, fancams, etc.)
Yes, I'm a super big fan of them, I'm a bigger fan of them than using "XD" (rooted from my cringe Facebook days back in 2011), which says a lot.
You're right about me being at least interested in them back them. They're both insanely pretty and so happen to be mommy bunny leaders, too, which is probably what drew me to them. And look at them being my top two and three now! (Gaeul, I'm sorry please dont be bad to me tonight)
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I heard her song "Fine" and adored how pretty her voice and face are. She's one of the best vocalists in the industry and no, i won't fight you about it we all know it's true
I watched a few of her videos and she's so blunt and straight to the point that it made me have fantasies of her being a dom.
(So basically my whole writer deal ahhaha)
She's a switch for sure but she's on the dommy side and could be a little harsh, which is why I wrote Feels Like Heaven, Feels Like Hell. It didn't get as many notes than I expected but I loved writing it, so it doesn't sting much.
As for her character in the Dulce Periculum universe, I wrote it after seeing her in *those* glasses and seeing a random video on my timeline of a compilation of Eunbi saying "mom" and her talking about being shy to talk to Taeyeon at the salon. My thoughts ran wild and there it is lol.
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I found out about Irene after that iconic video of her having a sixth sense and saving a picture frame for dropping. I thought that was really cool.
I fell in love took a liking to Irene after watching this video:
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At one point she was the prettiest woman in the world to me. Still is. I love how she's quiet but really funny if she chooses to be, and has a caring soul.
Also, she doesn't take anybody's shit and I aspire to be like that.
I wrote her because mommy makes my brain go brr. That's it. I love Bae Joohyun, so that means everyone should love her, too.
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
made by the one and only deepa. thank you for tagging me! i'm not really sure how the format of this tag game works haha but i'll do my best. ):) @fiercynn
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
heyo! i'm atria (pronounced ey-tri-ya), 21, and a college senior struggling studying creative writing in the philippines. i use she/her pronouns and i'm very much sapphic thank you.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
december 14, 2021, when i decided to binge what my twitter mutuals have been hyping about on my tl for weeks.
i had been on a hiatus prior to that, having just been suffering from julie and the phantoms brainrot, that it surprised me that my old fandom mutuals were moving on collectively to another show. so many tweets analyzing and raving about the show caught my attention because i'm all about those, those are my cup of tea, especially the night of episode 5 airing. i watched a clip of the rooftop scene and i wanted to know why they were crying and why one of them walked away, so i had it on my watchlist. i was still busy with schoolwork though so i didn't get to actually start watching until two weeks later, four days after episode 7 aired (hence 12/14/21) at 10 PM with my sheets pulled up. it was me and my phone against the world.
yes i made it worse because that week was my finals—but to my defense, to my defense, i had already finished half of it and was close in finishing the other half of my exams.
joined the fandom like not even an hour later after i binged 1-7 because i came on twitter and was met with a warm welcome.
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa. i have my fair share of liking rare pairs (clary and izzy from shadowhunters tv, riley and farkle from girl meets world, quinn and rachel from glee) but for shows like these, nah. haha the main pairs really do it for me.
favorite character(s)
pat - mans was so relatable. sexually fluid, thought he had a crush on his different-gendered friend but turned out to be in love with someone who is of the same gender who was right in front of him the whole time. became closer to different-gendered friend after confessing to them i'm totally not projecting haha what do you man
ink - ah, ink nolastname my beloved. introduced as a red herring but ended up having her own sapphic love story?? no other girl in a bl could ever.
junior - i thought he'd just be a one-episode side character but him serving the story in multiple ways got to me. he felt like patpran's child which is so cute, but also a representation of the freedom patpran's own kid selves could have had.
favorite episode(s)
3 - falls under the romcom formula of pat just following pran around like a dumb oblivious puppy and while we the audience are attuned to pran's perspective, once you rewatch episode 3, you realize how much pat has not been lying about how he feels for both pran and ink and that his behavior says it all.
5 - do you even need to ask. i'm pat-biased so him speedrunning his sexuality was so funny and so devastating at the same time.
10 - some people have said that i'm a masochist for this one. but in all seriousness when i first watched it (which was via iWant and not YouTube, so i had no interruptions of 4 parts and got to watch all four parts immediately and earlier than everyone else because if you didn't know back when it was airing, the premiering of the parts would have an interval of around 5-15 minutes each) it felt so long and advanced the plot the most. it had all: inkpa getting together, patpran being adorable annoying bfs, and learning about their generational trauma. yikes! i loved the angst of it all.
favorite scene(s)
*cracks knuckles* oh boy, do i have a series of textposts for you. i made commentary post thingies for them detailing the reason why! it was so fun to do.
designing bus stop 2.0
fight in the dorm's ground floor
pran singing the unfinished version of "our song"
inkpa in the darkroom
ming putting the letters in the siridechawat mailbox
one thing you would change about the show if you could
just one??? i mean haha sure...
the whole plot of wai getting mad at pran and how they resolved it. like come on man, the best friend hates when one lies to the other trope is so lame and overused. it's not just pat getting shot, it was the whole thing of the archi gang being unfairly mad without bothering to learn about why he lied. if they didn't feel like side characters then who are just there to put external conflict and less like actual friends who got hurt from the secret, they certainly acted most like it in episode 9.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
i made a fanfic recommendation thread and i have a couple of bbs edits saved in all of tiktok, instagram, and twitter, but if i had to really narrow it down, that'd be tough. hmm.
gif - i search @pranpats' pat breaking silently post every few months to make myself cry whenever i need a good one. my baby boy my baby boy i love him so much. i tuck him in bed and give him nong nao. btw the sharpening of this gif made pat's tears so much clearer and i want to hurl myself off of a balcony thanks.
fic - from the tide by fruti2flutie is a popular fanfic but it deserves the hype. i was blown away by its character dynamics and style of writing that i wrote an original story inspired from its worldbuilding/power system for my fiction workshop class. the river can't go back by unsungyellowraincoat is poetic heaven.
art - last one to propose loses by cubedmango + rooftop wedding by @thatgothsamurai = my our skyy actually.
animatic - Ur SOUL Ur BodY by RENii•EXE has so many shots that made me question my entire existence, namely pran pressing pat's hand into the bedsheets (0:41). it's so good. 10/10.
animation - I am not your ocean anymore by @architectxengineer is incredible. watching this broke my heart in the best possible way. the visual of how pran and pat stumble into their room in episode 11 is such a cute scene to fill the gap of.
edit - mae's safety net is a personal favorite because it was first uploaded on my birthday, i could never get tired of it as i kept watching it for months on end, and then there was that time it was archived on mae's instagram but she was kind enough to unarchive it for me (alongside her other incredible bbs edits!) huhu ily. and then another objectively well-made one is 7 things by mic that is deservedly popular on twitter, not to mention the very intentional use of colors from all of pran's markers/color pencils! HOW. COOL. IS. THAT.
text - In Fair Verona by @shortpplfedup is an analysis/commentary scenepost series that i fell in love with and tuned into as the episodes aired. it details the main romeo and juliet allegory as well as points out its differences. it's so so pretty and insightful and a delight to read. read all of it, guys. please.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
visual edit - among all my photo edits, my untranslatable words one almost made it here but i gotta hand it to my bad idea storyboard. if i could only draw, i would have animated the shit out of this tbh.
video edit - all the stars kind of flopped in reception which was a bummer considering no one knows i spent an embarrassingly long time working on it (...9 hours) but now you do haha.
fanfic - the rest are drabbles anyway so i don't even think this can count as a favorite if it's only one lmao but it's my Teen Wolf AU anamnesis (28k, 4 chapters, fin). really enjoyed the season 6 binge for educational purposes :DD and writing pranink, pranpa, patink, and the jindapat siblings was one of the best parts. my true ot4.
other - i wrote something about patpran that was not prose. it's post velum (which is latin for behind the curtain, the name of the novel) and it's poetry about each episode of bad buddy + our skyy. oh and my patpran as percabeth series that i mostly only did for like,, two people.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
a taylor swift song feels like cheating because every ship can be associated to a taylor swift song but still. daylight is perfect. i once believed love would be burning red? pre-relationship patpran. the rivalry is so fiery that they thought they wouldn't have the space to be soft. but it's golden. established relationship patpran. they are the healthiest teenaged boyfriends ever. their relationship endures for years and glows.
watch this edit, see what i mean.
idk anything else you want us to know?
i don't really agree with thinking bad buddy is the perfect show and that it had the perfect ending. i still understand the direction and the decision to go with those and other more questionable choices, but i like recognizing the show's flaws. tons and tons of it. from the technicalities of production to the actual writing. especially knowing the show's behind the scenes and what happened from the mock trailer's official announcement and the gp's initial (horrible) reception, to this show finally airing and its first four episodes being in the trenches when it comes to ratings (haha the bbs nugu era), to the ending of episode 5 breaking the internet to the point of being recognized in the following gmmtv 2022 presscon, then to the steep rise to the peak.
...especially knowing those made me love the show more inside out. tldr; i'm a "bad buddy is a very flawed show and i love it" type of person.
tagging bbs tumblr mutuals who might be interested in playing but no pressure though! @dravbn @lurkingteapot @seoperior @pransobrave @rhvmaresh @patpranism @zetteceniza
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puppy-phum · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
(created by @fiercynn)
thank you for tagging me vi @disasterbabygirlnick and sorry i'm so late!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
vish, 25, demi/bi, from finland. lately been thinking about going by she/they instead of she/her. maybe even more they/she if i can put it that way.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i started watching the series and joined the fandom after ep 7 had aired. it all begun on my christmas break at my parents’ place where binged all the available episodes in a couple of days. my christmas was spent thinking about the rooftop kiss and how that absolutely ruined me. BB was never on my radar bc the title didn’t really intrigue me (i have bad experiences with BLs with silly titles) and i wasn’t really thinking about watching a series with ohm again, but i am so happy that tumblr dragged me in. changed my life and my perspective on BLs. and now i’m way too deep in this shit hehe
favorite ship(s)
patpran and waikorn. i adore inkpha too but mainly as a GL couple that has made me feel comfortable and seen. they never stuck with me as much. patpran are my comfort and waikorn give me extreme brainworms.
favorite character(s)
my two architecture losers aka pran and wai. pran is me, i am him. he gets it, to put it simply. wai, then again, is very my brand of blorbo, my bastard son, my horrible wet rat boy, my hissy kitten. the maker of chaos and absolutely horrible with feelings. i could fix him, i could make him worse, and i’d enjoy every moment of it.
favorite episode(s)
ep 11 for the overall bittersweet feeling. the whole episode just feels like the calm before a storm. it’s their sweet goodbye to each other despite nothing ever truly ending between them. also ep 5 for the ending part but also for pat’s journey to self-discovery.
favorite scene(s) 
from ep 5 the whole ending part: the three-way fight, the rooftop kiss, and even pran going through it at the beginning of ep 6. ep 11 shirt scene and pat thanking pran, pat in music store discovering himself, wai protecting hurt pran in the rugby game (the brainworms are real with this one), ep 12 reveal where pran comes to pat's door, hotpot double date, bar scene at the end. oh, and absolutely the fiasco that is wai trying to flirt with pha in the park while ink is there. that one's golden.
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i agree on the wai apology with you vi. it should happen as a nod towards the fact that his behavior was not ok. even if things got sorted out for patpran and even if in their world wai’s actions didn’t have as dire consequences as they could have in the real world (where homophobia is very real), the viewers should get shown that he acknowledges his wrongdoings and that patpran deserve a proper apology from someone like him. ALSO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET WAIKORN BE TOGETHER P’AOF AM UNDER YOUR BED
what are some of your favorite fanworks made by other people
tried to gather some type of list and probably missed so many but at least these:
[x] bad buddy rewatch episode edits by @baifengxis ♥ [x] all this type of random bb gifs (the coloring in all of them is stunning!) [x] this patpran in ep 11 edit [x] patpran + rooftop edit + many other edits bc the style is just stunning, all by @pranink ♥ [x] patpran spiderman au [x] gifted buddy set for my bday both by the amazing @dimpledpran ♥ love you! [x] this lovely just friend? -edit by @/coldties ♥ [x] patpranmusic series by @bevioletskies ♥ [x] this inkpha edit by @akingyouniverse ♥ [x] pran as favourite character [x] favorite patpran moments both made by @nanons who always nails the colors ♥ [x] this super cool just friend? mv edit by @prany ♥ [x] how to get the girl guide by @weiwuxian ♥ [x] this celestial patpran set [x] favorite episode: episode 7 set made with pure magic by @raypakorn ♥ [x] favorite scene: main six at the bar by @dramaism ♥ [x] architecture gang by @mantrisanu ♥ [x] the most amazing bb photobooth art by @/thatgothsamurai ♥ [x] this stunning yet heartbreaking patpran set by @guntapon ♥ [x] inkpha + taylor swift's mastermind [x] best dynamic: person a + person b [x] patpran + distance [x] patpran and the fleeting happiness in ep 11 [x] bb study in film noir [x] bb/patpran ft. the old guard all by my forever inspiration and muse @oswlld ♥ i miss you!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
oh yes i managed to make a ton of edits for this show (and still sometimes do), so here are a couple of personal favorites:
[x] patpran + the desire for reassurance [x] patpran + sea of strangers [x] patpran + i had you (what if it all was just a dream) [x] this patpran soulmates edit [x] patpran as sun & moon [x] patpran's love through the season (my peak imo) [x] patpran + signposts (another peak but for different style) [x] my otp: patpran [x] fighter pran [x] the real five love languages [x] pran's life anthem: i won't say (i'm in love)
i've spent so much time and effort making all of my edits for bb and i don't regret any of it. i've had so much fun and met so many amazing ppl through them ♥ thank you!
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
i didn’t have a much of a playlist for BB outside of the songs in the show but maybe: if god had a boat by anyma, are you with me by nilu, and my oasis by sam smith. (i was very focused on not me during this period when it comes to music, so i associate most songs with that instead.)
idk anything else you want us to know?
i think the next edit I need to make for bb is a wai text post meme bc for some reason i haven't made one yet??? so see you there!!
tagging: idk who has done this already bc i'm so late but @dimpledpran @mantrisanu @oswlld @nanons @machikeita @milkpansa @icouldhyperfixatehim @thanawins @seanwhites @i-got-the-feels @patspran @nongnaos ♥
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starburstfloat · 1 year
still wrapping my head around the last 48 hours it's been a surreal experience! To think that a week ago I debated cancelling my trip because i was so anxious thinking about how large crowds make me panic and I didn't think I could handle this. Wow I am so glad I pushed through and went ahead with it because once I arrived at the venue the crowd wasn't at all an anxiety factor. Filipino moa are so incredibly kind enthusiastic and fun! I can't find enough nice words to say about everyone I met last night, be it waiting in line, taking photos for each other, exchanging freebies and photocards, navigating the venue together, and of course enjoying the concert together. Yeonjun was absolutely loving the crowd and he kept mentioning that they were the best among the entire tour and judging from fancams and having attended the Seoul concert myself I can definitely agree LOL no one can compete with filo moa!
I ended up sitting next to two middle aged women who were yeonjun stans and they were like "people think it's weird cause we're older than them but they (txt) remind me of my nephews and they feel like sons to me" and it made me want to say thank you someone gets it!!!! Fangirl love is much more than the reductionist love people assume fangirls have for boy bands. love and admiration come in so many forms and it's beautiful.
My favorite moments were the interactive moments they had with the crowd in between stages. They had a moment where they had the crowd copy what they were doing and saying, and soobin made moa shout "SOOBIN! You're a HOT GUY!" and it made all the members laugh. Kai had us say "Kai you're the best skrrrrrt" and everyone burst out laughing when the crowd did the skrrt part, like beomgyu genuinely lost it ahahahaha
Taehyun wasn't in the best condition unfortunately. it wasn't anything noticeable from an audience perspective but things started looking a bit off when he ran backstage twice during the ments of the other members. At first we thought he was just getting his in ear fixed, but when he disappeared a second time we were wondering what was up. He also looked pretty tired, and mentioned at the end of the concert that he felt a bit regretful because he wasn't feeling too great. However based on his vocals and dance I couldn't tell anything was off at all, like he has such a powerful voice and stage presence and it sucks knowing he didn't feel great :(
Kai and Beomgyu stole the show for me! I am absolutely bias wrecked by the birthday boy. He can belt some notes like damn. How do they do that?? Especially during blue hour and cysm when they're jumping so much for the chorus.
Can I just say I think soobin and I have a spiritual introvert connection cause seeing him being his usual awkward self on stage, shy from all the cheering and attention, and just generally being a bit of a dork, I felt this primal need to hug the guy and say SAME BESTIE
That kind of sums up the night - I felt like I was watching a group of friends who I met in college get up on stage and do some amazing shit but then chat with the crowd like they were on a stand up comedy skit. I think that's what I love so much about txt: they feel like your average silly dudes (dare I say a group of gay guys who you feel safe around or will that trigger the hetero fans lol) who then turn around after being all playful and unserious and pull off an incredibly professional and stellar show!
People can say what they want about parasocial relationships, but having this kind of connection with an artist is truly special and unforgettable. I've never experienced a concert like this where there was such a strong feedback loop of the fans giving the artist love and energy and them equally delivering it right back to us. It was a neverending cycle the whole night. The venue was so full of love, and I don't think I've laughed and smiled as much as I did yesterday in literal months. My heart feels so at ease.
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Jijinjung: Claws Out
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When the story is hidden in the negative
Sunshine is also going MIA... maybe we could fight poison (tears) with poison (more tears) 🫠
Therefore here's a look back at 6 years ago.
Foreword (main content below the cut): wobbled back and forth on whether to post this or not but as you can see, I've landed on 'Y'.
I reason that with the cloak of Jinkook, I've already repelled like 92-97% of the fandom so my corner on the outlier won't cause any waves & there's isn't any true knowledge of the actual cause AND this is an incident from their distant past. A month ago I was determined to do a long written form version of that Jinkook jealous tiff from back in November 2017, this one:
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Because I loved the analysis by With Jinkook/Kookjin from YT on it 💗
However, when replaying the fancam countless times to capture my silly lil screenshots and gifs, I found a different angle of the story that is much more plausible to me and unfortunately, not quite Jinkook-centered. It's a bit more like Jk got caught up in the middle of it.
The two leads are Jin and Jimin (again). So... this factored into my hesitation to post(Jinkook is still present but it's bittersweet).
⚠️ Contrary to the last petty argument pointed out between Jin and Jimin, this one implies a more serious fight. Please read at your own discretion. ⚠️
Please also remember that this is solely an outside perspective of the whole ordeal.
Due to there being no audible dialogue from the fancams and my inability to read lips and transcribe romanized Hangul, the content of the quarrel is still very much a mystery. Therefore, this analysis is highly interpretive.
I'm only going off the physical actions, looks, and reactionary effects visible from the fancams.
After this one, things will be back on track~ Got no more Jinmin cards hidden up my sleeve.
Alright, story time🌙
It's 1 November 2017, and BTS had just returned to work after a short break over the last week of October.
Spirits in the team should be high because the members had spent their vacation relaxing or traveling; where especially of note was Jimin and Jungkook that went to Tokyo together (Oct 28-30). The Jikook trip was a pretty big deal because at that time no two members have ever travelled alone to another country before.
Their first schedule was performing for the Pyeongchang Olympics G-100 Concert, and Bangtan had gathered onstage for the ending ensemble song rehearsal.
BTS were waiting on standby like the rest of the singers, and 2seok had a cute lil interaction at the very start of the video. Jin gestured for Hobi to stand on his right and when moving over, both reached around each other for some playful butt pats.
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Take note of Hobi's surprise at Jin returning the playfulness, it seemed like Jin was acting a bit out of sorts in his eyes.
Almost instantly, a slick Jungkook slid into frame after and made sure to get close enough to Jin for his jacket to brush against his arm.
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I won't derail into giving examples of Jk making his presence known to Jin whenever someone is threatening his spot. There will be no end to this post. But veteran Jinkookers, I know you have a montage of sulky Jk in your minds ready to go 🙌
And if you're unsure if Jk's subtle bump against Jin had anything to do with 2seok, don't fret for Jk will follow up.
Soon, all the singers were directed to move forward on the stage.
While trudging up, Jin turned around to tell Jk about something he pointed at and ushered him up to the very front (probably because he was going to be in the ensemble).
It's clear there weren't any signs of tension between Jinkook yet:
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Notice that Jimin was also selected to sing for the ensemble but Jin didn't seem to care or acknowledge this, for he passed up Jimin in his line of sight when turning to Jk.
Soon they eventually ended up standing in these haphazard positions, with Jk in the front by himself, and Jin shoulder to Jimin:
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Jin's disdain for Jimin is subtle still because he hadn't shown any obvious signs of hostility yet.
But we could glean some unpleasantry by when Jimin turned towards him and he remained staring ahead, not responding in the slightest. Jimin then turned back to the front without doing or saying anything else.
The tension had began brewing, but was still minimal.
Next up, is when the conflict starts to crystallize. And we have secretary Min Suga to thank for making it apparent. For a couple of significant things happened at the same time.
Firstly in the new positions they were at, Jk was in the very front so none of the members were in his field of vision. Now let's watch him do a ballet turn as he tried to nonchalantly check on 2seok behind him:
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Peg how Hobi looked back at Jk like he felt Jk's eyes on him. And peg Jimin, who was just an instrument in Jk's play of nonchalance. He didn't bother responding to Jk although he said something.
Additionally, look at how Jk took advantage of the momentum to take a step backwards - to be closer to Jin - but simultaneously also leaned in to Jimin. Yeeahh.. wasn't the best move.
The second significant event was the eternal roommates' whisper conversation while Jk was doing his lil twirl. Yoongi leaned in behind Jin, said something to him and then with a whip of their heads, both looked intensely over at Jimin.
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This was the first obvious sign of discord.
Now from the angle of the fancam, I'm not sure if Jimin could see Jin turning to look at him but almost like a response, Jimin leaned away and moved to the left, pulling Jk along.
Looked like he was using Jk as a buffer between him and Jin 😂
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Then next... came The Glare.
(BTW I know I'm picking apart everything to shreds lol I'll provide a summary at the end for anyone who doesn't want these hyper-analyzed break downs)
Within a span of 3 seconds, a flurry of events set in motion one of Jin's fiercest expressions to date. Being Jin biased, I focus on him a lot and I can say this for sure, it's different from when he smolders on stage or blinks hangrily. On a good day, he's a pro idol and knows how to control his expressions in public, but this day he let out an emotion I rarely see him show.
The chain of actions went down like this: Yoongi first said something to Joon, then Joon leaned forward to whisper to Jk. Jk turned to his right to hear Joon better and when this was happening, Jin was gesturing at something and turned to his left as if reporting to Yoongi, but then you find out his real motive was so that he could catch Jk's gaze and give him this incredibly intense warning:
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I will wither like a daisy sprayed with pure bleach if he looked at me like that.
Jin-san is big mad.
The Glare could be a little confusing as to why suddenly Jin was mad at Jk but a connection can be made. There was already something going on between Jinmin and when Jk didn't draw a clear line from Jimin, he incurred Jin's wrath as well. Leaning closer to Jimin? Walking towards Jimin? Hmph.
There's another layer to this: that Jk was also involved in whatever angered Jin. He had gotten a pass at first but when he didn't make a stand for Jin or show any remorse (roughly speaking), Jin decided to retract his leniency. I'm only adding this layer based off Jin's behavior since the beginning of the video - being extra touchy with Hobi and later on with Tae and B.A.P Youngjae. Just remember that he's in the middle of a quarrel so you can't take his 'cheeriness' to be what it is. Dare I say Jin was being chummy with others to elicit Jk's unhappiness? It does look that way.
Ultimately, The Glare is thanks to Jinkook's special relationship, giving us an honest display of emotions from Jin. You rarely ever see him losing his cool in public but when it comes to Jk, Jin won't hesitate to show what he feels.
*Side note: There's more to dive into on how Jk isn't very attuned to others' feelings so Jin has to make it extra clear when he wants him to know.
A glimpse of this trait can be seen here lol because when Jin glared that hard at Jk, Jk still didn't get it at first 😂
Right after Jin shot laser eyes at him, Jk was just freed from RM's whispering, so you'd think he would check on Jin or would be affected by the glare... nah, he turned around to start singing playfully with Yoongi:
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Look at Suga humoring Jk 😂
Jk probably did get a hint that Jin was mad because after a beat, he turned to stare unabashedly at Jin as if observing him. Jin soon started to playfully sing at Yoongi and only paused for a fraction of a section for his gaze to land on Jk - and only then did Jk turn away...still looking dazed but he got it this time 😂
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I'll save the deep dive into Jk's headspace for another time.
And hence why the difference to how Jin displayed his anger against Jimin and against Jk. Jimin cares and will be highly reactive to others' emotions, but for Jk, you gotta spell it out for him. And when he does get it (and does care) he's gonna be extra, extra affected. Simply because less gets past his walls and his lil internal soldiers are less experienced with warfare. Therefore for Jimin, he plainly got ignored whilst Jk got a big dose of laser eyes.
Then let's switch focus briefly to the two rappers in the back - Yoongi and Namjoon.
Here's Yoongi and Joon's behaviors during the brewing tension:
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And here's RM glaring at Jimin for 3 seconds:
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These looks... Their reactions to the Jijinjung conflict was what really made me believe the Jikook trip by itself wasn't the cause of the tension. tbh I also don't see Jin getting so riled up two days later after Jikook arrived back in S.Korea. If anything, it felt like something that just happened before the fancam where Jimin did something to offend Jin, possibly involving Jk. I'm a Jnkkr so that might sound like I'm suggesting those two made out behind Jin's back or something but NOOO!! Not in that direction. Pls don't go there, delulu is welcome here but it has to have some moral limits. Honestly, I've got no idea...if you think you do, pls dm me ✨ I need some enlightenment.
(Can you guys believe we're only 1 minute into the fancam? LOL🕺🏻 Don't worry, the most important actions already occurred. I'll be fast forwarding through the remaining 3 minutes.)
Previously, I called him Secretary Min Suga because he seemed to have a grasp on the whole situation from start to finish and played advisor to various members.
Sin's second whisper conversation started up when:
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Look at how Yoongi gestured for Jin to come closer so he may rest a whole elbow comfortably on the length of his shoulder. And Jk was listening.
In fact, after Jin heard something and went 'EH?' in an irritated manner, Yoongi continued talking and then Jk reacted to the convo by looking down and leaning away sulkily:
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It's quite clear that Sin weren't chatting about dinner or the weather; it had something to do with Jk. Subsequently for the remainder of the video, Yoongi's little glances at Jk and Jimin also gave most of the content away. It also looked like Jin's final answer mouthed to Yoongi's questions was 'I don't/didn't know' ...hm.
At this point Jinkook who were standing pretty close together at first now had this ocean wide of a gap between them.
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Later on, Secretary Min also whispered with Leader Kim and Jk saw this and wanted to hear the contents. Yoongi rejected Jk with a shake of his head and a kind smile.
🥲 Jk and Jimin were being shut out by the rest.
Meanwhile Jin, the one who's slighted, didn't seem to want to show too much negativity so he was doing his best talking and singing along with Hobi and Tae on the sidelines. Those two might not look like they were aware but they were, they're just choosing to stay above it.
As mentioned earlier, Jin got chummy with Tae. When Tae started mimicking the solo singer belting out a high note, Jin played along.
Tae had placed his hands around Hobi and Jin's shoulders, then moved to only Jin... just in time to catch Jungkook watching from the corner of his eyes:
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Poor Tae... gotta say Jk's glare was much more effective than Jin's at making the other party shrink.
...Refer to the video for how distinct the mood was between the two groups: Jimin and Jk~ singing stiffly during their lines and those not in the song~ having fun lip-syncing. It's also noticeably how Jimin hadn't spoken or interacted with anyone except Jk.
My heart ached when Jk spotted Jin having fun during his second verse, and Jk tried to catch Jin's smile but failed.
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How dare you ignore Jk. I'm sorry. But like how dare you Jin.
It must have been especially uncomfortable for Jk when he saw Jin throwing himself onto B.A.P. Youngjae, as they were dismissed from the stage:
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His eyes never left Jin when walking off
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Jk's unhappy gaze trained onto a specific direction
Hobi had also seen Jin and Youngjae, and seemed to be semi-reassuring (?) Jk by gently ushering him away.
The tension that built during the span of the rehearsal fancam did not go away in the remaining parts of the day. In fact, I'd say it culminated at an all-time high during the ending performance of the ensemble song that night.
Before getting to their official performance at night, there's another fancam where they were by themselves.
Their group rehearsal for DNA and Fire:
For the most part I couldn't see anything off but some instances did give away the individual member's mental state.
Example, during DNA, Jin and Tae were relaxed enough to be playing around with each other
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Much like they were before during the ensemble song fancam.
Then between the two songs, BTS practiced a short segue into the second song and it's not common to see Jk with his head down while Jin was talking and then fully turning his body to block him out... (starts at around 4:07...I've hit the pic limit lol)
Jk also seemed tired and out of it during Fire:
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'Tis why I say when he's affected, he's really affected.
I don't think a point-by-point break down is necessary for the ending stage Butterfly of the night. The tension was evident and consistent.. and made me super uncomfortable to rewatch once I was aware of the atmosphere and the split down the middle of the group.
There's also another angle from a different fancam, where you could see Jimin and Jk at the front row by themselves while the others stayed back.
Cameras and eyes were trained onto them so everyone was doing their best to smile and sway to the music. But these genuine kids... they can't ever hide their emotions entirely which for this case is heartbreaking to watch.
The two singing (🐥🐰) were standing there with their hands clasped together, the trio (🐻🐹🐿️) on the right seemed to be pretty cheerful while two remaining (🐱🐨) at the back weren't as stiff but also not quite relaxed. The whole group dynamic was off that night.
And Jk especially couldn't hide how bothered he was... like when he spotted Jin 'having the time of his life' (probably not tho), he who was also softly lip-syncing a moment ago, stopped short:
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Another angle + extended reaction after:
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Later on when the fireworks started startling everyone on stage, Jimin and Jk reacted in that 'tense but still wants to give some reactions' sort of way (like me at a birthday karaoke bar) while everyone behind them were literally running away.
Yeah...it was not a great day for the whole team overall.
Dear reader, if you've come this far and still aren't convinced that Jinmin were locked in a standoff during the entire day of Nov 1, as always BTS will clear the air themselves. (The Jinkook side of things was louder and I'm sure you could follow my train of thoughts better 😉)
The outro to this whole debacle can be found in the AskAnythingChat interview released half a year later in April 2018. WOOPDIDA!!!🧚🏽‍♀️ Yee, it's connected to November 1, 2017. Who knew that meme of a video had traces of drama gun powder eh😏
Because the interview happened only a mere 2 weeks after that day:
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One of the many times I'm thankful for their hair colors that found me the filming date.
I believe those who had watched the interview already know the parts I'm about to mention. (3:37 & 5:12)
Even if you've never seen the whole thing you've definitely seen I LOVE HAMBURGER AND SPRITE✨
The basic structure was MC Jin reading the questions in English and the rest answering the questions to the best of their ability.
The question that gave the baby chick a chance to finally strike back against his Jin hyung on camera was this:
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I could almost see the wheels turning in Jimin's head as he got ready to strike LOL
"Maybe you." Jimin said in a serious tone, pointing at Jin.
And everyone seemed a little confused because the atmosphere was still goofy a second ago. Then the Kim brothers all chorused in response ("What-What-Mo?"), to which Jimin simply repeated what he said in Korean, and everyone suddenly got the reference. When everyone's reactions were in unison, that's when you know they're thinking of that same, specific instance.
MC Jin had to continue the interview so he went, "Ahh~ EE, what kind?" Well now that you've brought it up...say it.
At the counterattack, Jimin got flustered and said, "Eohh... sorry." Eh, never mind I can't say.
Which prompted the whole team to start giggling. Yes.. he couldn't say what exactly and apologized quickly. (Also, I found it cute that Tae leaned forward when Jimin was hesitating, like he was warning his chingu with his eyes, 'Are you really going to say it?' and then laughed when Jimin just went "sorry.")
And the speed at how RM moved it along ("OK." That's enough) and Jin following with "Ok, ok, next question!" Jimin was also suddenly co-hosting, "Ok! Let's go, next question!" Teamwork✨ y'all.
Overall, from the tittering laughter and amused reactions, it's clear that they had all gotten over the argument and were no longer harboring residual unhappiness.
However, it was a pretty big quarrel after all and maybe the baby chick just wanted to get the last word in.
As one jab wasn't enough for his unserious Jin hyung, there came a second 😂
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Double whammy. I think Jimin was satisfied with this final blow because Jin played along 😆 This was probably the last time we got a glimpse into this disagreement. I'd say it ultimately ended on a good note because the whole team was feeling good about cracking jokes, and neither of the two leads seemed to have taken anything to heart.
Conclusion time.
So an 'incident' had occurred on or before November 1 between Jin and Jimin, where Jimin seemed to have been the provoker. Jin was quietly freezing Jimin out, when out stepped Jk, not grasping the situation and only concerned about all the skinship his Jin hyung was getting. It's likely the conflict also had something to do with Jk because Jin seemed to be holding it in at first, but finally exploded at him on stage with a warning glare. Jk soon got the message and was adversely affected for the rest of the day as well.
The tension spread quickly throughout the team and while some were able to excuse themselves from the drama, some were stuck in the middle of it. The tension did not dissipate all day and was especially strong at the end of the night. How the quarrel was broken up is unknown, but likely was not dragged on because of BTS' policy: talk it out before the day ends. So although we didn't get to see the resolution, there probably was one once they were all alone.
About 2 weeks later, the guys were in America for their promos and attending the AMAs. During one casual interview, Jimin found an opportunity to 'strike back' at his Jin hyung for freezing him out on that cold November day. Jin took it in stride and everyone could finally relax about the whole ordeal.
Regarding the content of the fight:
It couldn't be something as simple as Jin being jealous over the Jikook trip. I say this because of how quickly and surely Yoongi and Namjoon sided with Jin. Their reactions seem to indicate that Jimin was the party at fault. Simply jealousy couldn't have incurred such a strong response from these two cool-headed cats.
Another aspect solely regarding Jimin - he's generally a very caring and considerate person, so whatever he did probably wasn't something he felt like was deliberately wrong. It's possibly a clash of values or an accident of some sort. Unfortunately Jin did take offense to the cause, and subsequently, everyone except Jk seemed to take Jin's side. Later on his jabs at Jin in the AAC interview also showed that he still felt defensive or maybe wronged over the whole ordeal. I don't know what was at the core of their fight but for some reason, I think I'm siding with Jimin again for this one. Just based off how everything looked, I didn't like the way the boys froze him out. (Jimin, did you maybe destroy Jin's pink hoodie? What other heinous crime could it be)
Lastly, I have this small piece to add onto the validity of the existence of the Jinmin squabble...
At the Macau stop of their Wings tour on Nov 4, Jimin had to sit out on choreography due to muscle pain in his neck and shoulders. As someone who has frequently experienced stress before in the same manner, I believe the conflict might have had something to do with Jimin's health issues.
More footage on Jimin and BTS during that period can be found in their documentary series Burn the Stage and various fancams. As Jimin was in a vulnerable state, I won't be showing anything here, feel free to look them up.
But do watch this if you need a wholesome reason to cry because you will over how everyone took turns cheering Jimin up during Spring Day:
He's too hard on himself I feel. It seemed like everyone had already let go but he was still dwelling on it alone. Look at how all the members were joking around him 🙆 That's why this team is a team y'all. They never leave anyone behind if they're down.
Personal note: I think I get how Jimin felt because I've also had instances where I acted carelessly and caused someone to be upset, and this in turn stressed me out and I couldn't stop thinking about the situation even after days have passed.
BTW I really appreciate you who took the time out to read this post 💛 I tend to overthink a lot when writing about more 'negative' stuff so I start to get woooordy LOL I probably can't change how my brain works in the short term but perhaps after posting more, I'll get the hang of cutting to the chase 😁
Anyways, I'm glad I was able to tell this story years later as a fan because I'm that secure in their friendship and bond. There are ups and downs in any great friendships, and I'm here for all of theirs.
So that's my interpretation of the Jijinjung tussle. 🌙
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voidselfshipp · 3 months
Inspired by the amazing,talented,brillant @tex-treasures heres my take on how certain fandoms would take to my s/is. (And im going to divide it by fandoms too)
Heres a few things for those who arent familiar with the source:
>Mayhem is Strife's Horse
>Dust is Death's pet crow
>Candela Obscura is a Table top Roleplaying game (TTRPG), Hence why the last point of that fandom blurrs the fourth wall
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>People would make compilations of all the Shenanigans my s/I got up with the horsemen. And also dissecting their dynamics. I can see videos titled
"Jerico getting on Deaths nerves for an hour straight"
"Death being an absolute softie for Jerico (and being in denial About it)"
"Dust favoring Jerico over Death for a game Straight"
"All scenes where Death is deathly afraid of the Crowfather"
"The Crowfather and Death being In-Laws for 20 mins straight"
"Death's past with Jerico (all scenes)"
"Compilation of all "CrowSkull" scenes (from start to finish)"
"Bitterness Vs Kindness,Why Jerico Is a perfect partner for Death"
"The oldest sibling parallels between Jerico and Death"
"Death being a sassy,flirty bastard (and Jerico suffering because of it)"
Ppl editing us to Hoziers "From Eden", Emily Raine's "Damn! The grip reaper is cute!" And Blue Oyster Cult's "Dont fear the reaper"
"Strife being a menace towards Jerico"
"Strife being an absolute flirt and Jerico being completely done with it"
"How Jerico managed to make Strife feel seen, A video essay"
"Why Strife confessed his past to Jerico (And how Kindness can go a long way)"
"Mayhem loving Jerico more than Strife, a compilation"
"All scenes of Jerico carrying the braincell in their relationshipp with Strife"
People editing strife and I to Hozier's "Work Song"
"Fury and Jerico being shapphic legends for a game straight"
"Fury being an absolute fool in love (All scenes,including DLC)"
"Darksiders 3,Fury's past with Jerico,relationshipp progession"
"Female rage parallels, Lashing Out VS Internalizing, why Fury and Jerico compliment eachother so well"
All myriad of edits with Paris Palomas song with me and fury.
People making fancams of Fury and I to Hozier's song "cherry wine"
"Jerico saving Fury from danger because she cant Keep her mouth shut"
"How jerico taught Fury how to manage her anger (and how women should support eachother)"
"War being a clueless idiot over Jerico (All flashbacks)"
"War getting flustered (Jerico "the keeper of sectets" Crowford Introduction scene in darksiders 1)"
"Jerico using War as a matress,a walking Seat,and a heater"
"War gets Antsy because Jerico is taking too much time scanning for danger"
"War being an absolute cuddle bug (and being in denial)"
"War dealing with Jericos ADHD shenanigans"
"New perspectives (How Jerico managed to make War Open up)"
"War and Jerico being an Autistic/ADHD power couple"
People editing us to any and all songs related to Fire.
"The horsemen and Jerico being absolute idiots for four games straight"
"Nobody has the braincell (and especially not the horsemen)"
"The Four being protective of Jerico"
"Why The Four horsemen are so protective of Jerico (A compilation of all flashbacks)"
"War and Strife almost kill an Angel for misgendering Jerico (and Death and Fury about to do the same)"
Edits of me and the horsemen to Hozier's "too sweet" and "Francesca", Mitski's "First love/Late spring","My love mine all mine", "come into the water" and "I bet on losing dogs"
Video essays on my father/faughter relationshipp with the crowfather,why my genderfluidity is so important to my s/i.
Compilations of all the scenes with the crowfather from flashbacks to things like "Jerico being a wild child (and the crowfather being exhasperated over it)", "Jerico and the crowfather being child and father for 4 games straight" "the crowfather being a Soccer dad for half an hour"
"Cooper being a fool in love for 8 episodes straight"
"The ghoul/Cooper Howard expericing Jericos ADHD (and how inclusion can be made even in the apocalypse)"
"Cooper getting protective over Jerico"
"Why the past lives themes in Jerico's and Cooper's relationshipp work (And how to show love whilist also being held accountable)"
Edits of Cooper and I to old timey songs and country songs.
"Lucy and Jerico being besties for a season Straight"
"Sorority and friendshipp,Why Lucy and Jerico work so well and how they Keep eachother alive in the apocalypse"
"Lucy and Jerico being a comedic duo"
"Naivite and Trauma (Why Lucy Maclean and Jerico Castro compliment eachother so well)"
"How to show cultural differences (Lucy embodying the American Dream and Jerico embodying the reality of living in a third world country)
"Lucy is horrified of the wasteland (And jerico being nonchalant about it)"
Candela Obscura (circle of the crimson mirror)
"Edgar having a crush on jerico(and being a mumbling moron about it)"
"Edgar cant flirt for the life of him (he tries though)"
"Jerico and Edgar being a loving couple"
"jerico being a flirt (and Edgar Dying because of it)"
"Strange Medicine (EdgarxJerico) all moments"
"How misticism can co-exist with science (And why Jerico and Edgar work so well together)"
"All the times Jerico called Edgar "doctor" just to fluster him"
"Grimoria being a loving,nosy sister and gossiping with jerico about their relationshipp with Edgar"
"Malcom and Leo playing matchmaker (and failing miserably)"
"The one time Jerico called Edgar by his full name (And Edgar fearing for his life)"
"The power of the chancla scene ( perfect example of how the "Yes And" method can make for hilarious scenes)"
Thank you for Reading!!!!
>only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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jongintricacies · 6 years
#i know ‘dancer reacts!’ channels for kpop aint shit bc they all keep calling exo a clean group#they are absolutely not lmao like each individual might be clean yes but they arent uniform and perfectly synced!#it’s not a bad thing at all!! synchrony has just never ever been one of exo’s priority (as opposed to infinite for example)#idk why i even bother checking out these videos lmao everyone is so boring and superficial with their ‘analyses’#it’s also kind of impossible to critically analyze kpop dance at just face value bc you have to think of who actually choreographed#and also the overall comeback/single concept#like those are all factors contributing to the effectiveness and quality of the dance.#maybe it’s just a cool dance and that’s as deep as it gets - that’s fine!!!!!!!!!#but i still feel like it does a disservice to fans who want a deeper look into kpop from a dancer’s perspective#to just disregard groups’ history and abilities and concepts in their reactions#like i would have LOVED for cbx to be praised more for blooming day. I personally was v pleasantly surprised and impressed!#bc cbx is not a dance group - theyre a vocal subunit#and yet their execution is amazing and whoever looped in alexander chung to create for them deserves a raise#bc his choreographic voice added a new energy to what might have otherwise been a p standard ‘cool guy dance’#FURTHERMORE WHY DONT ALL DANCER REACTIONS USE PRACTICE VIDS OR WIDE ANGLE FANCAMS. WHAT R U REACTING TO??#anyways im just picky lol#*
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supertunanana · 3 years
I’ve debated writing this for a while, because who wants to read my inane thoughts on the matter? What are my opinions really worth in the grand scheme of things? I’m not so self important to think this will be of any value. But, I’m an extroverted thinker, so this might help my brain finally shut up, and that’s worth something to me. 
The hypocrisy surrounding Jikook. 
Are they a couple? Maybe. I legitimately don’t know. I don’t default into thinking they’re straight. I don’t default into thinking they’re gay. Every member is a blob, sexually, until they define themselves one way or another. Because honestly, I don’t care. That’s between them and their potential paramours. There’s nothing wrong with either option, heck there’s nothing wrong with both or none. Live a life, man... good luck! 
And I have no problems with shipping, to the extent it is done in a sane way and fans do not impose their ships onto the actual people. What I mean is, if you think Tae and JK look good together and you want to read stories or draw art of them as a couple and you want to explore their dynamic, you do you. However, it crosses a line when fans get mad when real people or real situations do not adhere to their fantasy. When they contradict footage and quotes and the feelings of those involved because it doesn’t fit into their little shipping box, that’s when it’s a problem. Be realistic. Have distinct lines between fantasy and reality, between what you might like and what is actually happening. 
It is this reason, that I think shipping generally innocuous and indicative of the shipper more than the celebrity, that I also don’t think the celebrities in question need to be defended against shipping. Because  if it is distinctly fantasy, then unless they express an opinion on the matter, most celebrities don’t really seem to know about it or care. It’s harmless. That defense, those hackles raised, again say more about the fans than the celebrities. When Xiao Zhan’s (XZ) fans got pissed off that some fanfic writer was portraying him as trans, XZ never weighed in on it. It wasn’t until those fans, in DEFENSE of their idol reported the writer and those of their ilk to the censors in China and got AO3 blocked on Chinese internet, that’s when XZ stepped in. And not to thank his fans for defending him, but to apologize to all the innocent Chinese fanfic writers who lost their work and their sanctuary because a handful of his fans had gotten the site banned. Again, the problem here was fans imposing their own beliefs on the celebrity, in this case thinking he would be upset by this and thus needed to be defended. They ended up causing more harm than good.
So the crux of this, what’s been kicking about in my brain, was the need for the fandom to “defend” JK from “shippers” the day after “hickey gate” and why these things only ever seem to focus on Jikook moments.
First off, “hickey gate” stemmed from footage that was a full, editorial choice to be shared on the part of Hybe and BTS. It was behind the scenes, closed set, pandemic lockdown footage edited together and released as official content, not some concert fancam or paparazzo on the street catching a private moment. They chose to leave in both Jimin and Jungkook on TWO occasions addressing the bruise/bite/hickey on JK’s neck, with the source being attributed to Jimin both times. Thus, people discussing this after the fact is a natural biproduct of it being shared. Is it even “shipping” when we are given the footage and the explanation? Is it not just a strange fact? This isn’t someone superimposing a fantasy onto them. This is the boys flat out saying Jimin bit JK and left a mark on his neck. I get debate over whether it was a bite or a hickey might lend itself more to “shipping”, with the latter being more shippy, but seriously, just looking at it would make anyone to question whether the BRUISE was more a hickey than a bite mark. What it says about the nature of their relationship is a whole other animal, but the fact is, it happened. And people are going to have THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about this. And that’s obviously something Hybe/BTS were ok with to share it in the first place (seriously, we would have never known, we DIDN’T even have a whiff of this until they put the whole thing on the DVD, so they were obviously OK with this leading to speculation, because how can a member saying they BIT another on the neck not?). All the content we are given of the boys snuggling, biting, ear sucking, tenderly addressing each other, etc.. is mostly a choice. And that choice will lead to questions and debates, and they’re obviously ok with it. It’s not wrong for people to be like, “huh” when they do questionable things and choose to give us said content about the questionable things. 
But, there always seems to be this backlash when it’s Jikook. We have to “defend” JK, a fully grown man, who brought up the bite himself on camera from people talking about the bite as he himself said it was given to him. No backlash to people saying Jimin claimed doing it to cover up JK’s secret girlfriend (uhhh, when homosexuality is a no-go in SK, that seems a weird choice, but sure, ok.... like just cut it from the footage and slap some make up on like they do during the concert, since none of us noticed it then, and move on if you want to cover it up). But that’s allowed supposition despite having NO EVIDENCE to support it. And what we are TOLD actually happened is not ok and “shipping”?!? 
Worse, when days later some innocuous “TAE AND JK WERE STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER OMG! THEY’RE IN LOVE” trends, where is the “save JK from shipping” rhetoric? That is CLEARLY shipping. I’m not saying Jikook shippers don’t do this, too, they do. And I laugh and shake my head at every little thing being dissected and offered as “proof”, but there always seems to be this backlash when it’s Jikook. ESPECIALLY when it’s undeniably... different. Neck biting. Ear sucking. “with JK at 4 a.m.” when they found out Dynamite got number one. Golden Closet Tokyo. These things are facts. Again, they’re... weird facts that do lead me to raise an eyebrow a lot, but they are facts and they were shared by the members as facts. I don’t think it’s necessarily shipping to think weird facts are weird and may lead to conclusions that don’t adhere to the THEY ARE ALL INHERENTLY STRAIGHT manifesto so many fans seem to have (and I think “straight until proven otherwise” is a shitty perspective anyone could have in any walk of life and again speaks to inherent or unconscious heteronormative perceptions in society - hurray -_-). 
But even the dumb shippy stuff that ALL other combos have, is always an ISSUE when done by Jikook. Their bond or interactions are downplayed by major accounts. They’re an outlier. Some shippers even try to make it out like they hate each other (whaaa? HOW?!?!).  Any odd interaction that really is just odd is deemed “shipping” and cast off into the no-no void, where it’s WRONG if you side-eye it. And I know WHY. I know it’s because they ARE different and they do do stuff people just don’t want to look too closely at because it makes them uncomfortable, so it’s easier to just deem it all “other” and “crazy supposition” and get rid of it. But it’s frustrating when it’s legit and it’s stuff they’re choosing to show and give us. It’s frustrating to be told you’re not allowed to go “huh, weird” because now you’re just a crazy shipper. 
And again, I’m NOT saying Jimin and JK are in a relationship, because again, IDK, but I’m also not saying they're NOT either. I’m going to keep side eyeing the fuck out of some of the stuff they do and just enjoy that they are 100% each other’s person in the interim. And if that makes me a crazy shipper, then I guess that’s what I am. 
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cunttom · 2 years
>finish doing my little thing of f is for fumn it's really just drawing practice and animation and figuring out edd goulds style blah blah blah but what ever
>THE TORDEDD ANIMATIC it has been hard due to drawing perspective in my vision of it but. God
>more redraws
>Someday I could make a comic that would be so fun ehe. Or somethinf
>art of matt killing people
>collect more posts for queue (currently at over 400 poasts)
>every possible fancam and character combination imaginable
>maybe i should actually like analyze the late classic style and work w it since I love it so much. If I love it so much why don't I marry it
>Post Neighbors Fanart
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tokyokookmin · 3 years
I really loved your explanation regarding vmin it was retable. kanmom51 anon, Im using a little of your ask for @tokyokookmin to explain and narrate a lil about JIMIN shes a JM biased too so I felt that it would be appropriate to ask her.
"Because it’s no secret that JM doesn’t get any praise from the company, the choreographer, and all."
"When it comes to the members it’s a different topic. They hype Jimin up. We have J-Hope constantly praising JM. Jk completely in awe with JM dance. Jin thanking him for helping him rehearse."
"So for me Bighit for some reason doesn’t do anything for JM, no credit in his work, no acknowledgement, nothing."
I felt that every single word that this anon has said is pure truth and this remark deserves much more attention. We all know what's currently going on with JM, the situation is really bad and its getting worse, toxic solo stans are bashing him and they are comparing him to other members from every perspective + even the hate that he's getting bcuz of him "annoying jk" in that memories 2020.
I need you to explain on how a wonderful person JM is. Your impact makes a huge difference on people mindset. tysm keshhh.
Hey there anon!, I deeply understand your emotions. The hate that JM is going through is really bad and I have personally reported those accounts on twt etc. I even took a few snapshots of a tiktok video comment section... I will surely share them some day or another. Well then lets get started! I can't compare J-HOPE TO JM because they are my biases and both of them captivated my eyes, I just can't resist their flawless moves and they make a great dance unit... it would be incomplete without one of them + JK lol.
Most armies would say that JK is the golden maknae or he's the best overall in the team, well y'all took JM for granted, he's capable of doing so many things as well. But before that we need to talk about his dancing skills, I have made one blog about the 3J. Here's the link if you would like to know about their achievements/viral moments https://tokyokookmin.tumblr.com/post/654670945252933632/a-guide-to-the-dance-line..... this blog was mostly just me collecting info's lmao-.
1. DANCE ☝️
Well I found this incredible video from tiktok and I thought that this video would be perfect to describe his contemporary skills. Utmost respect to the creator for creating such a masterpiece!
Jimin Van Fleet Award!
Do we really need to talk about this? We all knew what impact he had given to audience with his remarkable traditional korean fan dance.He is extremely talented, after all he trained in contemporary.
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“I received many really big awards today. I sincerely appreciate it, and it was a day when I thought I would like to share it with you with better music and stage in the future. Thank you all for your support. #JIMIN# We have been unclear” #JiminWorldwideLoved 📷📷📷📷
"As emphasized by the ballet dancer, being lifted is not easy, just like in the case of Jimin in the said stage. A strong core, glutes, and chest are vital for the one being lifted." https://youtu.be/3RW91KT3bXw - another review from a japanese dancer.
He is extremely versatile and he can master any sort of genre.He excels in dancing,his moves and fluidity of his body is astonishing they way he moves every tissue in his body to perfectly to complete the cheoreo is just mind blowing, he is truly the embodiment of dancing! Believe me or not, you should pay more attention on his facial expressions... he keeps it graceful. His fingers and angle are on point.
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From MAMA 2016 Lie meets Boy meets evil to MMA 2020 black swan 🦢..I wonder what's coming up next.
2. Loving member
Jimin is the member that I connect emotionally to, he's a sentimental person but he just doesn't show it you just have to pay attention on his behaviour and actions. He consoles many of the members and he provides comfort for them. The picture I attached below sets a great example.
1. BTS MAMA 2018... It was a tough year for them. They were close to disbanding, and the members were emotionally drained. My heart sank when I saw hobi breaking down in front of the crowd, you can find tons of fancams but you should take a close look at Jimin. He handled the situation very well and I love the way he gives his subtle touch of love towards the other members.
2. Taehyung grandma death announcement
I don't think that I need to explain the about the situation. Taehyung was really sad and felt guilty as he couldn't mention his grandma name. He broke down and Jimin immediately noticed him and ran towards him and just gave him little pat/huggie.
3. The Final
Even by looking at the picture you can see the comfort. You know that GCF-TOKYO song “there for you’ which implies that Jk means he will be there for jimin but "you gotta be there for me too” which means jimin gotta be there for him too. So yeah, JM just know jungkook well and he comforts Jk pretty well.It was so cute and i wished i was a part of the audience, i would have had a panic attack looking at them being so cute,fluff,intimate ON STAGE . Too bad it’s impossible now .
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3.He's a badass [ athletic/ physical ]
Jimin has often talked about his experience in kendo,japanese fencing,Geomdo (검도, 劍道) “Way of the Sword” & hapkido. HAPKIDO: electid korean martial arts .It is a form of self-defense that employs joint locks, grappling, throwing techniques, kicks, punches, and other striking attacks.
https://youtu.be/oUcHghZQxiw - a video you may refer to.
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.4.Academic excellence
After Namjoon Jimin has the most remarkable academic achievements in bts. He was one of the top students in junior high and was THE top student in Busan arts high school from ALL the departments. Fun fact Jimin IQ is 128! He was valedictorian too.
"When he was in junior high, he was one of the top students so Jimin's dad thought of enrolling him in a foreign language school. When he decided to go to an arts school, his teachers tried to stop him and were disappointed. He was accepted as the top of his class and attended Busan High School of Arts. He was doing really good. Then he switched to K-pop dancing and decided to be a trainee in Seoul. Teachers also tried to stop him and were disappointed. Park Jimin's life is really something.
36. Our Jimin didn't spend a lot of time preparing for the arts school. He was dancing popping when he decided to go to the arts school. He then learned modern dancing for a little over a year and was accepted at Busan High School of Arts as the top of his class even though he was a dance majorπ TT TT Every member in this group could've been successful at anything. That group is our pride, BTS.
60. Wow! If there's only one dance class, it's really incredible~ It's hard to get a top student from dance department. And it was achieved by a male student and it's Park Jimin TTTT
67. That's what I know too.. I was looking into Busan Arts School before and one class for dance is probably correct. It was mostly music and art classes that I remember. So from Busan Arts School, one out of ten classes and a male student from dance department getting accepted as the top of the class...the percentage is just incredible. I know that the dance class has about 40 students? And male students could be 25:15 or 30:10. Jimin broke through this and became the top.
Namjoon and Jimin really made a huge gamble. They could've went the easier way. Truthfully, if they went their way, they both would have succeeded. But becoming an idol and not knowing what their future will be and BTS not being successful from the beginning must have been really hard for them. But now I'm glad they're successful and they can realize they've made the right choice."
cr @artimitatesjimin
I really respect and idolize him. His personality is unique and its different.He's been through alot. Being kicked from BTS for 8+ times, the members ranking his looks as the last and being called fat and ugly, that's really disturbing. He starved and went on diets just to please the audience and to have a jawline. He works his ass of and he really deserves more. He's obviously cutie,sexy,lovely,sweet guy! He prioritize his career, family and fans before anything. He has absolute heavenly vocals (+crazyyy high notes) and he is the definition of stage presence. PARK JIMIN IS THE STANDARD. Solo toxic fans are definitely going to attack on me but this is the reality.Jimin deserves more and he's such a sweet person. He performs with his whole heart and expresses it wonderfully,he goes all out and each performance comes out from his soul. He loves to perform. I MEAN FOR THE LOOKS, JIMIN IS THE FIRST FOR JUNGKOOK~.
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He once even wasn't able to attend THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW due to his sore muscles.
He went through alot and he deserves the #1 in brand reputation, who doesn't admire his determination?
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Each member is unique in their own way. I want no hate or malice on my platform ~
Bits and pieces I collected anon! love ya ~ stay safe.
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remythologise · 3 years
Hello! I found your blog via you amazingly summarizing all that's going on with the spn drama. Due to my schedules, rl stuff, some of the arcs that didn't vibe with me, my availability to find a place to watch...the rollercoaster I was used to with this fandom was more me binging it in a weekend to going months to over a year without watching it. I still haven't watched the last season(but with a fandom this big it's pretty impossible not be spoiled so I more or less know what happened) BUT oh great one I ask of thee for more information if you have it...other than being busy and whatnot, I'm not really one to keep up with the actors as well. So could you also maybe do a summary of all the stans? I'im seeing terms I haven't seen before. Who is Kelios(sp?)? Hellions?? probably messed it up but like...I guess what are the name of each legion? Who do they have alliance towards? What was their desires? Que paso?!?!?!?
Hi there! 'Some of the arcs that didn't vibe with me' me emotionally quitting Supernatural in Season 7 after they killed Castiel 😂 Anyway I totally get it, I went through the same culture shock mid-last year when I got back into SPN and tried to find where fandom was at! There's really a LOT of lore and content after 15 years though so I'll just do the broad brushstrokes based on my impressions and personal stereotypes PLEASE remember this is oversimplifying groups and individuals to tendencies and I'm very biased! Also important that there are sub-factions within sub-factions - again, I'm simplifying here!
I've also linked to the 'Super-wiki' in terms of some definitions because the Super-wiki has pages for them where the Fandom-wiki does not. Great introduction actually - only in the Supernatural fandom. There are two Supernatural wikis. One, through curation and twitter activity, supports BiBro/Wincest factions and does not support Destiel users. One is more neutral or Destiel-friendly (I don't know that the Fandom wiki has a personality/social media presence per se). You cannot make this up. There is a factional war... within use of fandom wikis.
Destiel faction
People who primarily ship Dean/Cas, love Castiel and (often, although not always) Jack, and the 'found family' of Supernatural as well as the brothers, and like the post s3 seasons too. Hated 15.19 and 15.20 for killing Dean and ignoring the other characters/narrative arc of the show. Nicknamed 'Destihellers' by the Wincest faction as a derogatory term, 'reclaimed' and shortened as 'Hellers', a nickname they use affectionately to describe each other. See more info on nicknames here.
Sometimes also ship ‘Cockles’ (the ship between Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles) although generally speaking they're more respectful of the wives of the actors than J2 shippers, who are notoriously responsible for... a vast series of insane-fan misdemeanours. Historically most were also good at keeping RPF to themselves and not harassing celebrities with it directly, although recently, particularly with younger twitter fans, that has not been the case.
The ‘Desticule’ or ‘Destiel tumblr’ - general grouping of Destiel-shipping tumblr users around 20-30 years old, usually LGBT+, most who came back to the show post-15.18 after leaving it for various reasons including getting sick of the queerbaiting. Funniest bitches alive etc. and responsible for the best text posts you’ve ever seen. Can also start stupid discourse and in-group drama when they’re bored.
'POLOL' - People of Lots of Letters, a discord group (of tumblr and twitter users) that ran on the assumption Andrew Dabb was playing a hugely intricate game of 3D chess to do with gnostic symbolism among other things, and would make Destiel canon. Have since had their own factional sub-wars and fallen apart a bit. Some of their meta was and is good and interesting! Some of it was wildly off the mark. Now generally insist that Dabb/the writers were all pushing for Destiel canon and the network is entirely to blame.
Twitter fans (TikTok edition) - younger fans around 18 and younger who (FOR REASONS BEYOND ME) started watching the show around 2018-2020. Definition of 'stans'. Tend to be very loud and aggressive on twitter when Events Happen, which like. I do get, because they've grown up in a completely different media environment and this kind of Dinosaur Politicking around LGBT+ issues is beyond them. Fancam central. Anyway stream #CASTIEL for clear skin!
Twitter fans (AO3 edition) - older fans around 30+ who kept going with the show but either don't have a large tumblr presence or just prefer twitter. A lot of fic writers, GISH-ers, and BNFs in this group. Some of them are very cool and reasonable in their opinions, some of them act like the younger stans. Some of them too accepting of what happened wrt 15.19-20 in my opinion, because, in contrast to the younger twitter stans, they grew up expecting Destiel to NEVER be canon or respected. 'Can't believe we got this far' etc.
Multiship faction
Multishippers or shippers of things not as large as the two main behemoths . Sub-factions based on shipping, e.g. Megstiel and Sastiel. I don't think these groups are very large though, and seem to have very little influence in the Discourse.
Wincest faction
LARGE overlap with the 'BiBro' faction and their opinions, which I'll get to. Ship Sam and Dean romantically. Often pretend to be BiBros on places like twitter and reddit in order for outside groups to take their opinions more seriously. 'Wincesties' etc. are derogatory nicknames given by the Destiel faction.
Multiship fans - ship Sam and Dean but respect Castiel/the 'found family'. Politically overlap with the faction of multishippers, I think. I don't have a lot of insight on this group of people honestly, but I know they exist.
Bronlies - the typical BiBro and 'Wincest' shippers most people think of, twitter user 'Kelios' is one of the would-be ringleaders of this faction - typically tend to be older white midwestern women. Historically have been pretty nasty on twitter (leading to Robert Berens, writer who made Destiel canon, occasionally subtweeting Kelios). Also tend to ship 'J2' - and take it very seriously as a legitimate thing that is really real. This is called 'tinhatting'.
BiBro faction
People who think the show should JUST be about the brothers, love Supernatural s1-3 and everything after it should have been just like Supernatural s1-3. Hate Castiel, Jack, and the 'found family'. Largely loved 15.20. Go to literally any comments section on any Supernatural article and You Will Find Them complaining about how the show should just be about the Brothers. Tend to be older, straighter, and more conservative/Republican (and male) fans. (I am aware that the definition of 'BiBro' used to refer to people who just liked the brothers but there's no definitional difference now in the discourse.) The Wincest and BiBro faction are generally much more wealthy than the Destiel faction (they being younger and more diverse/queer/left-leaning in general) and would be the biggest revenue generators at conventions etc.
Reddit bros - literally anyone who visits r/supernatural. Well, that's not fair - there are people who post reasonable opinions on there, but it's pretty rare and they get downvoted a lot. Like to talk about 'toxic Destiel fans' 'ruining the show' and how Dean is a straight man who is straight and could never possibly be gay. Might even think the confession was platonic despite all evidence to the contrary. I'm Not Homophobic I Have Gay Friends, But No Gays on MY Show!
Old Guard - group of older fans who overlap strongly with the Wincest faction, but might not necessarily ship Wincest.
GA faction
'General Audience' - These are the group of audience members that aren't 'online' so to speak; most watch the show on TV as a Casual Viewing Experience (are therefore also sometimes referred to as 'casuals'. Mostly their opinions tend towards BiBros, but they have a vast range of baffling views thanks to being Not Online and usually Not caring about Supernatural that much or thinking that deeply about it.
People who simply watch Supernatural on TV and then don't think about it very much after that.
I said they weren't 'online' but that's not entirely true; I'd probably classify people on Supernatural Facebook Groups as GA, along with friends of friends who post statuses about how 15.20 was a neat finale that wrapped up the series.
Supernatural is famously the show that appeals to both Republicans and Democrats, literally All Orientations, so there's a WIDE range of factions. However, most warring online boils down to Destiel vs. Wincest/BiBro - the war that started in Season 4 and has simply never ended. In terms of the 'actors' and their stans, in general, Wincest/BiBro fans love Jared, like Jensen, and dislike Misha. Destiel fans love Misha, like Jensen, and dislike Jared. Of course as with everything, there are variations and this is just a generalisation. But that's the summary of it, from my perspective!
This didn't even get into Sam girls, Dean girls and Cas girls. God. Anyway.
Hope that answered your question, anon!
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okay so i’ve been going crazy these past few days. all about cockles/jensmish and obsessively watching their panels or reading the transcripts BECAUSE. THEY ARE LOUD. LIKE. i saw some fancams on twt and i thought people were just exaggerating but noooooooooo!!!???? so, getting to the point. you said that how do we know that jensen is performing masculinity? because jared isn’t and THAT IS A BIG BRAIN MOMENT. ON POINT. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. a particular moment from gag reel that jumps out (which you’ve talked about) when jensen goes ‘cas, you are my baby daddy’ and misha goes, ‘i know i love you too’ and jensen goes, ‘i didn’t say i love you’ and misha goes, ‘i know you wanted to’ and jensen says, ‘i love you’ WHAT THE FUCK! that was NOT a joke. yes, people took it as a joke and had a good laugh BUT I HAVE WATCHED IT TOO MANY TIMES AND IT LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT A PERFORMANCE. THAT WAS JENSEN. THAT WAS MISHA. jensen has a had trouble with the pda and being all touch feely (the breakup theory) and he gradually grew into it, accepted it and misha was right there all along, never pushed it. it was like a deancas au but tbh, 99% of destiel is because of cockles and we all know it. i just. jensen has latched onto dean as an emotional support because he tunes with it. understands it. projects on to it. yeah, i just had to say it and get it off my chest. (and what about those poetry pages on instagram? alma? what is your opinion?) btw, you have a lovely blog and your analysis are right on target.
so there is a LOT i’m going to address here(how dare you bring up [gunshot] i HAVE to talk about it now) so again!!!! under a cut it goes but i hope you appreciate my rambles anon it seems like you do :,)
1. jared vs. jensen and performing masculinity. hell yeah man. jared and jensen are both just ‘guys from texas’ but they are still so vastly different. today i actually had a revelation that i’m pretty sure has to do with me being bi. and it’s that i have a group of straight friends(that i love dearly but they care too much about hockey and pitbull imo could not be me) and i have a group of queer friends(who are also batshit[affectionate]). and it’s like whichever group i hang out with a different side of me emerges? they’re both me, it’s just that certain aspects of who i am as a person only surface depending on who i am around. however, i will say i feel like i watch what i say around my straight friends more. i see that very clearly in jensen as well. around jared during panels and on set, he’s definitely putting on an air of machismo and engages in typical guy talk. i do think an element of it is performative, because he wants validation from jared that they’re still just two dudes from texas taking on the world together despite his sexual identity. does that make any sense??? i hope so. but when he’s with misha he is an entirely different person and his sense of humour becomes wildly different. the machismo fades away, he’s way less caught up in what people think about him, lets his guard down, etc. to go back to my original point which is how j2 are different in that regard....jared does not do this. he is a constant. he does not flip a switch between ‘performing masculinity’ and ‘not’ because he isn’t performing any part of who he is. he just IS. so yeah these two are similar in many regards but there’s somewhat of a dissonance between them when it comes to how they perform masculinity because one of them is putting on a show and the other is merely being.
2. that crypt scene blooper(here just in case you need to see it again. do it. as a treat.) when i tell you i have easily seen this over thirty times??? since it first came out??? i mean it. it is such an overlooked(r*mantic) moment and it means so much more than people think it does. i’ve talked about the context behind it, and i think that’s why this blooper was so meaningful, so i’ll mention it again. jensen and misha had a LOT of trouble with this scene. the reason is that jensen couldn’t wrap his head around why dean would be saying these things, if i remember correctly, and both of them sat down and scoured over how they should play it for a while before filming(teamwork ;) teammates *ahem*). [to be honest we all know why jensen had a hard time with that scene and it is because it is blatantly romantic. rip to him but i would simply give in to it at that point but oh well] so anyway, their heads were scattered going into shooting, which is NEVER a good headspace to be in for a scene, ESPECIALLY not a pivotal one. but they had each other to help them through said weird energy on set that couldn’t possibly have invoked the best feelings, especially considering jensen STILL doesn’t think he played that correctly(but he praised misha on his performance :,) ). and with that context every single part of that video hits haRD 
-’stop pulling my face towards your crotch’ i think this is objectively hilarious because it really really looks like jensen is pulling HIMSELF towards misha’s crotch. again, you’re fooling no one, jensen. misha’s wheezing laugh and the way he wraps himself around jensen is also,,,sweet??? like i don’t know how else to describe how i see it but this moment really reads as jensen, in his weird ‘constructing elaborate rituals’ way is asking for security through a physical touch from misha and he happily obliges and gives jensen what he needs. because i mean...watch it again. jensen ‘fights back’, but not really at all, actually. pretty wimpy counterattack. he literally lets himself be smothered by misha, and i would literally describe what they end up doing as cuddling. 
-’i need you, cas. you’re my baby daddy’ i love having an actor’s perspective on things bc i think i can explain what’s going on here. jensen just delivered what was(in his own mind) a rotten take of the lines he’s most scared of delivering. so the scene was already messed up. therefore; ensuing fuckery is warranted to help him feel better. but there’s also for sure more than meets the eye for what he says here because of misha’s reaction after??? like he seemed genuinely touched. first of all, he’s saying ‘you’re my baby daddy’ as half-jensen, but not necessarily dean either(because he didn’t say the previous lines as true to his character...you get it), to misha, not cas. i think i’ve made this point before, but every single innuendo in the gag reels is to misha specifically, never once cas. therefore; logical conclusion: ‘you’re my baby daddy’ was for misha and it meant something deeper than we think because of what follows it
-this part. jensen’s giddy ass smile after he sees misha crack and then misha says ‘yeah, i know’ (can i just say his voice when he says this is so intimate???? like am i intruding guys??? sorry i’ll let myself out) also he is smiling SO BIG
- ‘i know’ ‘why are you laughing?’ ‘no i know i love you too’ this analysis is already so long but i still want to get into what THAT whole exchange means. ‘why are you laughing?’ to me sounds like jensen’s pretending to be affronted by misha laughing at something that is serious. and it’s serious because he quite literally meant ‘i love you’. he did. misha knows it. misha’s really REALLY good at cutting the bs and just getting to what people are actually trying to say. he has an innate sharpness to his sense of humour. so yes, misha is being 100% accurate when he says ‘i know, but you wanted to say it.’ misha isn’t lying here. jensen did want and mean to say ‘i love you’. and then he actually does say it(in a jokey way but not really). 
- so yeah. it is actually so romantic??? like in a weird way jensen was professing his love for misha here?????? and that’s why this clip will NEVER. ever. get old. 
3. jensen having trouble with pda and projecting onto dean: we can all call ourselves dean coded cas girls but NO one deserves that title more than jensen ackles himself. he is dean winchester but marginally less repressed because he actually did admit he was in love with his best friend and let himself be happy, and pretty early on too. one year and two months as opposed to twelve years. so. happy deancas au is correct. and yes about the pda thing: one day i want to write my own post about both of their body language when it comes to each other, but all i can tell is jensen, even in the early days, couldn’t help himself from flirting with misha, but if misha ever crossed a line, jensen would not be happy. clearly he’s come around, however. what i find sweet is that misha always follows jensen’s lead when it comes to how much affection they’re allowed to show each other onstage. it touches my soul
4. destiel is cockles fault. yeah. and the thing is everyone knows it, too. even non-cockles shippers will explain early destiel as entirely dependant on jensen and misha’s wild chemistry. and that chemistry is easily explained by the fact that misha and jensen are literally just wildly horny bisexuals who were crazily attracted to one another and were falling in love on screen before our very eyes. and when you have THAT insider info(which sounds cray doesn’t it!!!! the destiel actors are in love irl??? huh???) everything really does click into place. why destiel got SO popular when the show and actors never ever intended for it to happen.(i know some people think misha was playing cas as gay the whole time for shits and giggles, and i won’t deny that[especially considering he found out early on that destiel was why he was staying on the show], but i don’t think he really wanted it to amount to anything, nor did he care??? i mean he has the real thing with jensen, for one, so their characters aren’t really as important. for two, he loves joking about destiel because it’s a cultural phenomenon and it’s fascinating, and i’m sure he did ship it because he’s unhinged, but i don’t think it was vastly important to him either way.) destiel got popular because everyone was and is unintentionally reading into the real deal. i could pull up countless gifs that people have used as destiel proof that is actually just jensen and misha being messy. mainly jensen. if i’m being honest.  the symbiotic relationship between destiel and cockles is why i’ve stayed onboard the destielcule and shellerscape for three solid months now; because it is utterly fascinating to witness and kind of super beautiful, too. 
5. alma(and others). so. i do NOT want to really REALLY get into this in its entirety here and now so i will just give you my opinion on if i think alma is misha or not. also; i don’t want to mention the other poetry accounts here bc i feel like that’s a bigger breach in privacy, but a lot of people do know about alma now. way too many, actually. this is why we can’t have nice things. anyway-to answer your question-there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that yes, misha is running that alma poetry account. i am 100% certain. some people think it’s actually three people and they’re all connected to misha in some way but that is so needlessly complicated. as it goes in psychology; the easiest explanation is probably the right one. it’s just one person running that account, and it is misha collins. i don’t know why it’s so hard to believe KNOWN POET misha collins(who is known to spend most of his free time writing poetry anyway) would have created a secret poetry account to write about his intense secret relationship under an alias and also get legitimate feedback since no one used to know it was him. oh and the handwriting is identical??? you are blind if you do not see that i am sorry. and a million other things prove it’s misha too but yeah all you need to know is yes. it’s him. it would take a literal livestream from a random woman on that account to convince me otherwise. and honestly not even that because a random woman could technically still log in if misha asked her too. so. it would take a hell of a lot to convince me otherwise, clearly. that said DO NOTTTTTTTTTTTT GO ONTO THAT ACCOUNT WITH A SUPERNATURAL RELATED USERNAME AND COMMENT THINGS THAT ARE COCKLES RELATED. ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT’S OKAY. sorry i got heated but god please just don’t be dumb so many people have already gone way too far 
6. thank you for your lovely compliment on my analyses!!! i love doing them but i don’t know if people actually like reading them so i really appreciate it
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rainbowsky · 3 years
Hi Rainbowsky!
I stumbled onto your blog after watching The Untamed recently.. I really love reading your theories/insightful posts about BJYX. Based on my observations (after watching loads of fancams/bts/interviews), it is evident that YZ & Yibo has this undeniable chemistry that they don’t have with other co-stars/co-workers from other movie/series/shows that they are on.
What kind of personality do you think XZ and YB has & how do you think their career paths would progress in the next few years?
Also, how are you sure that YB is gay? YB seems like a multi faceted person..well almost like a chameleon while XZ seems to have kept his playful side away after the scandal happened.
Hi Anon, thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!
I think GG and DD are both very authentic, kind, no-BS people who care a lot about the people around them. While they are focused on their careers and work really hard, they don’t seem to let fame turn them into caricatures. They’re both the sort of people that manage to ‘keep it real’, and I respect them a lot for that.
In terms of their careers... it’s really hard to predict what will happen, but barring any unforeseen change in the course of things I think ‘the sky’s the limit’ for both of them! Their fame continues to grow, and that gives them access to higher profile roles and projects. That will in turn feed their starpower more. It seems from my perspective that they’ll continue to grow in popularity. They are dedicated and hard-working. I just hope that continues to pay off for them.
I’m not ‘sure’ that DD is gay, I just haven’t seen any evidence otherwise. You can read my thoughts on that here.
I agree, GG has managed to pull himself out of the scandal quite well. His successes continue to pile up.
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