#i love finn so mcuh
atypical-insamniac · 2 years
oppositeshipping during the pandemic </3
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andorlorian · 4 years
objectively, i realize that the last jedi is actually a pretty good film. the themes + the cinematography are incredible, and overall an enjoyable movie. i don’t really consider myself a last jedi hater. however, everytime i consider how they used/annhilated luke’s character, i am filled with red-hot blinding rage. i haven’t seen it since i saw it in the theaters and i don’t think i will be simply because i don’t want the luke that lives in my head tainted by tlj luke.
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bwmp · 5 years
Sir please that’s my emotional support Slavic androgynous Bette Davis
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shelbygoodkind · 6 years
emily fields and santana lopez, powerful woc lesbians
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: alison, spencer, maya
friendship them with: hanna, toby
general opinions: hhhhhjjhhjhhjjhgsd what the fuck i miss her so mcuh she;s the love of my life
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: brittany, demi lovato i forget her characters name, quinn
friendship them with: finn :(, rachel, kurt, mercedes
send me characters
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strawbnie · 7 years
you remind me of finn the human and gansey (but also henry cheng) and schmidt from new girl and dustin henderson and merlin and also danielle d'barbarac
there is not a single word in this whole ask that didn’t make me violently Nut And Scream fifty thousand times, but really, the cherry on top - and what a FUCKING CHERRY - is the danielle one. HOW COULD U JUST GIVE ME THAT. how c ould u just sAY THAT. how COUDL U JUST HAND THAT OVER, holy FUCKING SHIT. jari i love you so much this is all TOO MCUH these are some of my favourite characters and honestly some i;’d never even THINK anyone would associate w me (like HENRY CHENG WHOFsOFDHHDFSHFDSHFDSHDHHO and schmidt) but my entire heart is Gleaming
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trashmouthsugden · 8 years
Just dropping in to say that you have a beautiful blog where even though I know you are a Robert stan, I can see from your tags that you clearly love Aaron too and love Robert's love for Aaron. As an Aaron stan who has read some stuff that has upset me recently, I want to thank you for seeing both sides. This storyline has been a bit triggery for me which sounds daft but yeah...Thank you and others like you. x
Oh gosh my beautiful nonnie! This message made me all emotional ❤❤❤ you have no idea how much this means to me or touched me, just THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending this to me you’re an angel 😘😘
First of all I just have to say that anything that triggers you is never daft sweetie. Anything that triggers you is valid no matter how big or small and you shouldn’t have to apologise for it bc it’s horrible being triggered. And I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve had stuff triggering you but I’m here if you need to talk bc you shouldn’t have to deal with it on your own ❤❤
I think a lot of people have the misconception that bc you’re a stan for one of the boys means that you don’t like the other one which is SO NOT true!! I might be a Robert stan but I absolutely LOVE and ADORE Aaron! He’s this little soft and fluffy angel that I just want to protect from anything that could hurt him bc he’s already been through so much shit that he just deserves to be SO SO happy now.
I’m here for Robron and that means ROBert + aaRON so I would never ever want one without the other! Like it makes me emotional just to think about how happy they make each other and how in love they are it’s such a beautiful thing! How messed up they both are and how they’ve felt so unloved and yet in each other they’ve found a home for their heart, someone who loves them unconditionally. I don’t just want Robert to be happy, I want Aaron to be happy too, the two of them together!
I think this fandom have a bit of a habit of always making it into a competition between the boys, about who’s fault it is and who has fucked up the most etc, which I personally don’t get bc I hate how people are almost ‘forced’ to pick sides and that is just wrong.
With the current SL no one is to blame and it’s unfair for people to say it’s either Aaron’s fault or Robert’s bc it’s neither. Bc like Aaron just said the other day, he KNOWS Robert isn’t cheating and that he can’t trust him bc Robert loves him. The rational side of him KNOWS that but it’s bc his head (and the people around him) are telling him differently that he acts the way he does. You can’t lash out or blame someone who has mental health issues like that people should make sure he got professional help instead, once and for all I might add!! That poor boy has been to hell and back but never gets any proper professional help! It’s disgusting!!
It was the same back when Aaron made those biphobic comments to Robert. It wasn’t him being malicious but it all stemmed from the same place of insecurity and abandonment issues that he’s struggling with now. Bc he’s worried that he would have to compete not only with men but women as well. Like it means there’s a bigger chance that he could lose Robert bc Robert is interested in both sexes. It’s not logical but you can’t tell your brain that not matter how many times you try or are told that you’re loved or enough. Not when Aaron has spent such a big portion of his life feeling like he wasn’t worth loving and he wasn’t enough. Aaron needs proper help to get through this and learn that it’s okay to be happy, to allow himself to just be happy and be loved.
And I know there will be people saying that Aaron has everything he’s always wanted so he should just be happy and stop worrying. But it’s not that easy. Yes Aaron has everything he’s always dreamed of - a fiancé, a sister, a family of his own, a home of his own, a succesful business - but that also means that probably for the first time in his life Aaron actually has something to lose and that’s fucking scary to someone who is insecure and has abandonment issues. Aaron’s never thought about the future before, he’s made that clear several times, but now he’s making plans and wanting to spend the rest of his life with this one man that’s made him happier and calmer than he’s ever been and yet there’s bound to be a voice in the back of Aaron’s mind that’s telling him it’s too good to be true. That it’ll get snatched away from him just like everything else good in his life always has been.
And there’s no doubt in my mind that if Robert knew how Aaron was truly feeling and how he needed professional help bc he’s struggling, then Robert would drop everything straight away and make sure that Aaron got the best possible help that money could buy. And he would be by Aaron’s side all of the way and support him just like he has all of last year bc Aaron is his life, his everything, and he would do anything to make him happy.
I know there are people out there as well that think Robert should just stop hanging out with Rebecca and that would solve the problem but it won’t. Aaron’s issues runs so much deeper and like he said, he knows he can trust Robert and he isn’t cheating, so if it wasn’t Rebecca then it would just be someone else. The same issues would come up if Robert became friends with Leyla or maybe Finn so it would only solve things short term.
It just breaks my heart seeing Aaron struggling like he is bc he deserves SO SO much to be happy but I really hope this current SL will eventually lead to Aaron coming clean to Robert and opening up to his husband-to-be how he’s struggling so he doesn’t have deal with it all on his own so Aaron can HOPEFULLY, FINALLY, get some professional help!
Sorry that became a really long answer sweetie and I hope it made at least a little bit of sense. But I just wanted to say that I LOVE Aaron SO much and I’m so sorry you had to read some stuff that upset you bc that shouldn’t be the case when you’re in a fandom. It should be your happy place. So I’m sending you lots and lots of love and thank you so so very mcuh for sending me this it truly meant so much to me ❤❤❤❤ xxx
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persephinae · 8 years
joemamainc replied to your post:tbh i would have a hard time writing fanfiction...
I feel this on a personal level
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