#i love flower language sm so im explaining a bit of it here since i changed my mind on coloring the flowers
citrusdownn · 4 months
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whispers of freedom and love spoken to flowers
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babykpopsweets · 7 years
NCT reaction to you finding out that they only started dating you because of a bet
not requested 
this is part 3
gender neutral but sorry for any slip-ups though!
part 1
Part 2
Jaehyun- hands sweaty and heart pounding. Jaehyun knew deep in his heart it was time to tell you about THE bet. Yet the words couldn’t seem to come out of his mouth. He had a frog in his throat every time he tried to confront you about it. Not telling you about this bet was his first biggest mistake. Jaehyun was about to do his second biggest mistake.
You dragged your feet as you entered your apartment. Once you close the door and locked it behind you, you went straight to your bedroom. You almost cried when you saw your bed, it was a beautiful sight to see. You ran to your bed a plopped down on it. 
“Time to put my phone to charge! It has been one heck of a day..” You whispered to yourself.
When you put your phone charger in, your phone lit up and you saw that you had 1 missed call and 5 unread messages from Jaehyun.
“Oh no! Did something happen??? I should call him,,” 
You swiped the notification for the missed call, put your passcode in, and brought the phone to your ear as it dialed Jaehyun’s number.  It went straight to voicemail and that left you confused. 
‘Why didn’t Jaehyun pick up? Is he mad at me? duh hell, I do?’  You thought to yourself because Jaehyun isn’t that person to not pick up when you call.
But there’s a first for everything, you guessed. You then almost immediately went to the texts he had sent. When you opened up your messages, your jaw dropped at the essay he just sent you. 5 paragraphs of him explaining everything and how bad he felt for it. Every word you read felt like a punch in the heart. Tears streaming down your face as you go into an extremely sad stage. You already had such a stressful day and it couldn’t get worse until now. This is the worst ending to your stressful day. All you wanted was a relaxing night but instead, you get a big slap and punch in the heart. 
You wanted to leave him on ‘read’ because you didn’t feel like talking or making contact with him. But then you thought about it.
‘I don’t want him showing up at my door at 2 am with flowers and my favorite love song saying how much he loves me and how bad he feels.’ 
You took your own advice and gave him a quick reply. The text simply said that you needed alone time and for him to let you have that alone time by leaving you ALONE. Once you pressed send you power off your phone and lay back in your bed again. Letting all your emotions go.
Jaehyun hated himself so much right now. Not only did he lie to you the whole relationship but also because he told you in the worst way possible, through text messages.....
He could never forgive himself for doing this to you, never.
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Winwin- The guilt was eating him alive. Every time he held your hand, kissed you on the lips/cheeks, or even hugged you he felt unworthy. He knew exactly what he did and how it could affect you and the relationship. He promised himself that he wouldn’t fall in love with you. Yet his heart can never listen and obey to his mind. 
The simplest touch from you to him made his heart skip 100 beats. You made him feel loved and special. It would affect him a lot if he lost you especially if he was the reason why. But all the guilt was building up and it was reaching his breaking point. Knowing he hurt you... Knowing he used you... Knowing he had done everything wrong... He couldn’t keep his feelings bottled up any longer. 
His head told him not to tell you and keep his mouth shut. His heart disagreed and told him to tell the truth to the person he loved most. Winwin had trouble picking a side for a while until he thought with logic and went with his heart. Winwin calls you up and asks for you to meet him outside the dorms because it’s an emergency.
~5-10 minutes later~
“Hey, winwin!!!!” You yelled at him from a distance and running towards him.
Whilst he kept a straight face the whole time. When you finally got to the point where you were standing face to face, you put a hand his cheek. Winwin felt immediate guilt, wanting to back down from this. Fortunately, he didn’t back out of telling you the truth so he took your hand off his face.  
“well then... whats wrong baby you seem a bit mean today...” You questioned almost in a whisper as fear started taking over your body.
“I’m going to start this off first with I’m so sorry for using you. I really do understand what I have done wrong and why you may not want to stay with me. But it’s best you hear it from me oppose to hearing it from another. I used you for a bet and I never had interest in you beforehand. I’m sorry I’ve kept this from you. I just want you to know if you do turn around and walk away from me that I really do love you and that will never change. I was stupid, immature, and I regret it with all my life.  If I could take it all back, believe me, I would take it all back...” Winwin said it all in one shot while looking you straight in your eyes. 
It all was happening a bit too fast. You could only manage to nod while you were processing everything in your head still. After a moment of silence, Winwin got worried if you were ok or not. Before he could touch you, you backed away and finally said something to him.
“ please don’t touch me. I-I-I got t go..” You couldn’t believe what just happened.
 One second your heart was pounding with love the next it was pounding with hurt and madness. You didn’t want to cry in front of him. You didn’t want to show him you are in a vulnerable state. Although he already knew. You collected your emotions and turned around away from him, walking off. Once you were a safe distance away from him you shed a few tears. Nothing was going to be the same ever again all thanks to a stupid little bet that Winwin did.
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“As my best friend would like for you to always know the truth especially when I am involved in the truth...” Haechan Told you while taking a seat next to you.
“Wow, what is this? Haechan really cares for me! I am flabbergasted.” You replied sarcastically. 
“I’m being serious dipsh-”
“language! Geez, Haechan you kiss your family with that mouth..”
“nugget! but seriously I have a big secret to tell you.”
“ok, So then tell me!”
“Mak only started dating you because of a stupid bet... The worst part is im the one who made him do it. I’m sorry Y/N. I should’ve been a better best friend to you..” 
“YEAH RIGHT! LOL nice one Haechan I almost believed you for a second there”
“Y/N I swear I'm being serious to you right now!”
“oh... well then Haechan. I thought I was your best friend and you treated me like an object in a stupid bet.”
“Well in my defense, Mark had his part in this too! You know your boyfriend!”
“But so did you, didn’t you?”
“I know you love doing dares and giving them to other people but this is just too far!”
As your eyes started watering up you grabbed all your stuff and walked away from Haechan. But he wasn’t the only one you need to have a talk with. While you were making your way towards SM building your vision became blurry with tears and your head piled with Haechan’s awful words. The thing that hurts most was not only your boyfriend but your best friend too was lying to you the whole time. Then you bumped into someone since you weren’t paying any attention to where you were walking. The person started to curse at you when you made them drop their phone while you head was down. When you lifted your head up and the stranger saw the amount of tears that were on your cheeks and in your eyes they tried to apologize. You just whispered your own apology and ran away.
When you were in the SM building you realized you had no clue where Mark was. Was he even here currently? With his busy schedules, you don’t know where he is anymore half the time unless he is with you or he tells you. Fortunately, he was in the practice room all by himself. Once your eyes lock on him, more tears are forming but you don’t let them come down. You swallow your tears so you can talk to Mark about it. You called out his named and Mark snaps to your direction.
“Babe! Why are you here?” Mark exclaimed while walking towards you for a hug.
which you rejected it.
“I’m an object to you huh?!” You questioned him wanting to get straight to the point.
“W-w-what do you mean??”
“Haechan told me! About how he and you made a bet and I was the center of it. I thought you really liked me when you approached me! The first time some has approached me to go on a date and it turns out to be one big act?!”
“Y/N I'm so so-”
“sorry??? Well, maybe you should’ve told me sooner! Sorry can’t fix anything right now.”
“Y/n please!”
Mark pleaded with tears starting to stream down his face. He reached to grab your waist and pulled you into a hug. You just felt even more hurt know, so you removed his hands from your waist and walked out of there. While Mark just dropped to the floor and started to full on cry.
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-admin Jamz
this took forever and now I must go to sleep I’ve been working so hard on this that I lost sleep..>.< sorry it’s crappy like all of my writing XoX
bye bye goodnight love you guys <3 <3 <3
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