#hyacinths for sorrow and mourning
citrusdownn · 4 months
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whispers of freedom and love spoken to flowers
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badlandsbandit · 8 days
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I can’t resist art trends
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glasswingowl · 6 months
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Bury all my skeletons and let 'em stay dead Exorcise the demons makin' homes in my head And wash away my dirt and wash away this hurt And lay me down to rest
i'm pretty sure these are accurate, not that it really matters but i like doing it anyway
Black rose- mourning loss, rebirth, courage Purple Hyacinth- sorrow, regret, love Sunflowers- happiness, loyalty, also a reference to this Yellow Tulip- positivity and joy, also death and mourning in some cultures Purple anemone- connecting with inner self, healing Purple Carnation- friends/loved ones black pansy- mischief, courage and strength
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stormhearty · 7 months
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Pairings: Former Azriel x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Triggers: nightmares, mentions of blood, death, depression
Summary: It has been several years since your death and your tenth death anniversary is coming up once more. It had, and always will be, a difficult time for the Inner Circle — the regret and remorse evident in the River House. Even though it had been a decade, the evidence of the loss of your light still echoed heavily throughout Pyrthian. Here are how the Inner Circle copes and mourns during the death anniversary.
Note: From this request! Thank you for sending this request and for loving Pushed to the Edge! I do hope this is a bit of extra angst for the ending. It's mostly in Azriel and a bit of Rhysand's POV. We all know that Feyre mourns often the reader's death (since she goes to Day Court during the burial), so I thought it would be good just to mostly focus on Azriel's and a bit of Rhysand's. Also, the meanings of the flowers I placed in the description for Helion’s ceremony for the reader’s death:
Calla - beauty Cattail - peace White Heather - protection Purple Hyacinths - sorrow Ivy - affection White Poppies - Consolation, eternal sleep Tea and dark crimson roses - Mourning and I’ll always remember Sweetpea & Cyclamen - Goodbye, departure Amaryllis - Pride Pink Carnations - I’ll never forget you Iris - Your friendship means so much to me
I hope you all enjoy!
<Pushed to the Edge> Masterlist
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His hands shook as they dripped in blood, warm and sticky. Hazel hues followed the trail of blood to a familiar body.
A cry of grief escaped his lips as he crawled over to your body, Truth-Teller piercing through your chest. Your body was unmoving from its prone position. Azriel gently cradled your body in his arms, tears blurring his vision as he looked at your features — one that was etched with so much pain that his heart ached at the sight of it.
“I’m so sorry, my love… I… I’m sorry that I abandoned you, I’m sorry for my infidelity towards you… I’m sorry that I killed you. I’m just… so sorry…” He was sorry for many things. There were too many things he could apologize for but none of them he could whisper to you to bring you back to him. He would have to pay for his transgressions for the rest of his immortal life — the Gods would never give him another chance with her; the Gods would never gift him with another mate as amazing as her.
He was about to press another kiss against your forehead only to watch shadows, his shadows, rise from the ground and slowly start to wrap around your body.
Azriel growled at them, “Leave us alone, leave her with me.. that's all I ask. Don't you fucking dare take her…!”
They didn't listen to him as tendrils of darkness fully wrapped your body before taking your body in whips of shadow. He tried to grab your body before it disappeared but failed.
Azriel woke up with a start, chest heaving as he painted, his hand stretched out as if to grab something — your body — from the shadows. His body wracked with a strong shiver, before he slumped against the headboard, a groan escaping his chest as he ran his hand over his face.
Another nightmare.
Every night, for the last decade, he would dream of you — in all different scenarios — ones he would have you in his arms, in bed, sweet and gentle moments; others ( and most of the time ) it was your death, feeling the echo of the mating bond resonate in his chest, watching your body die in his arms, or even watching himself stab you through your heart.
Ever since that fateful day, he has not gotten a decent night’s sleep. Dark circles stained underneath his hazel eyes and those hazel eyes, that used to shine for you, have dullened. Very little things had made him brighten up nowadays — probably the only thing was the birth of his nephew, Nyx. And Nyx has been the only thing that has kept him surviving all these years — along with living with the guilt and pain of your death.
Azriel let out a muffled sob, pressing a hand against his lips as he allowed the nightmare to pass wracks of shivers through his body. Hazel hues shifting from his sweat-stained bed to the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the glow of the full moon beaming down into his room.
He knew he wasn't going to get another wink of sleep tonight. Slipping out of bed, bare feet pressing against the cool wooden floors, he slipped on a simple black tee and sweatpants before stepping out of his room, and down the spiral staircase to the massive garden of the River House.
Azriel usually avoided the gardens, knowing that Elain would be there tending to them.
Their relationship was non-existent at this point. After your death, he cut off all contact and interactions with her, feeling disgusted with himself with even just the sight of her.
For the first couple of months, Elain tried to rebuild her relationship with the Inner Circle; however, after her lies were exposed, it had been a tough road. Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel had ignored her, to the point that Rhysand had ordered Elain to live in the old Townhouse to give comfort to the rest of the family. She would only come to the River House when Feyre would ask her to help tend the gardens. Otherwise, even the Archeron sisters had little contact with the middle sister.
Azriel’s feet led him to a familiar part of the gardens, the only place he would go to that would calm the echo of the empty mating bond in his chest.
After your burial, Feyre sent the image of the statue that Helion had created in your making to the Inner Circle. And in honor of you, Rhysand made one as well — a statue of you, but in Night Court fashion — the opposite of your image in Day Court. Wearing a dark blue dress, one covered with stars, with a moon circlet on your head.
Azriel basked in the statue’s liking to you, seeing the moon’s light radiate behind the statue like a halo made him smile — just a tiny bit. He shifted, sitting down on the bench that was in front of the statue. He leaned forward, pressing his elbows onto his thighs.
“…Hi my love…” he whispered as he looked up at the statue, “Another nightmare… brings me to you.”
A sigh escaped his lips as he felt tears prick the edge of his eyes, and he blinked to fight them away. He has fought so many tears every night, that Azriel felt like his whole body had dried up with how many tears he had shed since your death. He knows he shouldn’t complain, that his grief was evidence that he deserved all the things he had done to you. We all will continue to live with our betrayal. Live and regret, as Rhysand and Cassian told him that day.
Staring back up at the statue, his eyes glanced up at the twinkling stars above Valeris and muttered the singular wish, a wish he had wished for every year, “I hope that at Starfall I will see your light twinkling in the skies above, where you will streak across that beautiful night sky, finding your peace…”
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After sitting in front of that statue for several hours, he decided to fly up to the House of Wind to the training balcony and train there. He forgone his black shirt and focused on his training, using every ounce of pain and grieving to train. He stayed up there, time passing quickly until he felt the claws of his brother scrape down his mental shields. Azriel sighed and looked up at the bright blue sky, not even noticing how the day had become midday, the hot sun beating down against his sweaty skin.
“…Azriel…” a light, airy voice called his name.
He let out an animalistic growl before he grabbed his shirt from the chair he had flung it onto, slipping it on his form before spreading his wings to fly. He heard the quickened steps, seeing Elain in his peripherals, the middle Archeron’s sister’s eyes begging at him to look at her.
“…Stay away from me, Elain… I swear to the Gods, if you try to look for me again, I’ll have my High Lord and High Lady dump you on the borders of the human realm to leave you to their discretion…”
Elain frowned at him, stepping into his view, “You cannot put all the blame on me. I have tried to win you and my family’s graces back… I don’t know what I can do to get on your good graces again…”
Azriel glared at the Made-Fae, “… No, I cannot put all the blame on you, I blame mostly myself on falling for you. I never realized why I had after being mated to (Y/N) for nearly fifty years… I could have had my forever with her… And yet, my blind infatuation with you cost us that. I don’t want to do anything with you, as my way to repent… my way to live and regret for the rest of my immortal life without her…”
With one last glare, and without letting the Made-Fae say anything else, Azriel shot off into the mid-day sky, waving through the cool air of Valeris and back to the River House. He landed on the balcony and entered, walking into the large dining room where his family was situated. He noticed the solemn air that coated the room as he sat down in his usual spot, next to Mor and across from Cassian. Hazel eyes wandered the table and noticed the absence of his High Lady.
Rhysand noticed the look from his Spymaster and answered the unasked question, “Feyre went to Day Court this morning…”
That was all it took for realization to hit Azriel — it was your tenth death anniversary this week. A shaky sigh escaped his lips as he leaned back against his chair — ten years without your light. No wonder he felt horrible that day, no wonder why his nightmares seemed to be worse than ever before.
It was as if his subconscious knew.
Azriel knew that after this breakfast, he would be able to crawl back into bed and cry there — he didn’t have to do anything for the rest of that week. He would be able to wallow in his depression in the comfort of his room.
Rhysand, after the first year of your death, had declared that week a period of silence — a mourning period that allowed Valeris and most of Night Court to grieve over your death. To repent and live. It was a week where he didn’t send anyone on missions, and stores throughout Valeris were closed over the week.
The Inner Circle ate in silence, the clattering of silverware was the only thing that echoed in the grand space. No one said a word, though Azriel could feel the shifting gazes towards his way. His fingers gripped the silverware in his hands, feeling the metal bend in his strength. A frown tugged on his features, suddenly losing his appetite. He placed the utensils down, the evidence of his slight anger on the bent pieces of metal, before standing up.
He could see Mor, in his peripheral shift slightly. Azriel huffed slightly, unaware of the looming energy he was radiating until he felt a tap against his mental shields. Hazel eyes looked over to his High Lord who had given him a raised brow.
“Reign in your anger, brother… We are just worried, as usual,” Rhysand had whispered into his head.
They know how hard it has been for him over the past decade. The Inner Circle had been present through every nightmare, every depressive episode, every self-loathing that Azriel had gone through — and is still going through to this day. All of them had tried to help him lessen the burden of regret; however, they knew that the Spymaster would never let anyone shoulder his pain — not when he was the cause of it.
Azriel felt his tears line his reddened eyes, “…I know, and I thank you for that, brother… May I just grieve on my own… May I be excused?”
Hazel and violet eyes stared at each other for a moment before Rhysand nodded his head, “I will tap on your shields again when Feyre is at the ceremony…”
His head nodded before the Spymaster stalked out of the dining room, feeling all eyes on him. He climbed up those spiral staircases again before entering his bedroom with a slam of his door. A shiver wracked through his body, eyes shutting close as he tried to prevent another breakdown. He shuffled his feet, towards the bed and lay there.
He will never be okay — no matter how many decades, how many centuries have passed, he will always feel that emptiness of the bond in his chest. He would never feel you tug on that golden string that connected the two of you, nor he won’t hear your laugh whenever Cassian or Mor would tell you a joke. He won’t feel your fingers trace along his scars or place ointment on his hands whenever they were cramped and strained after a mission.
There were days — which were the worse of them — when he would hallucinate you were still alive. In that very bedroom, he would feel, smell, and see your very figure walking through that room. He could see your light, he could hear your voice… but whenever he would reach out to try to hold you, touch you, you would be gone in a whisp of light.
Azriel hated those days. He would find himself in a heap on the ground, crying. His brothers or even Mor would find him in that state at the end of the day and would plead for him to go to bed and rest. And with their help, he would lay in that large bed, bigger than his wings would span out to, to just stare at the expanses of that ceiling. Rest would never come to him easily anymore, not without a tonic from Madja or if Rhysand would slip into his mind and coax him to sleep.
He would continue to live on as an empty shell — one that would continue life without feeling your light.
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Rhysand let out a shaky breath after Azriel had left the dining room, a hand running through his dark locks as he slumped against his chair.
It had been difficult, the last decade was like walking on broken glass around Azriel. The High Lord knew that his brother was suffering, but Rhysand also knew it was the consequences of his actions — of all of their actions against (Y/N). All of them, especially himself and Azriel, would continue to suffer for it.
Rhysand was thankful to the Mother that Feyre had been there throughout the past decade to help shoulder the pain, to shoulder the regret. And he had tried to do the same with Azriel; however, the former Shadowsinger wouldn’t let anyone touch him, wouldn’t let anyone help him through his emotions. And he watched as Azriel broke himself apart because of his pain. The High Lord watched every single day, every year, for the past decade, his brother becoming a shell. Even when he had sent Azriel on missions, the Fae would come back, finishing his assignment quickly and swiftly, though Rhysand could see blood and bruises that contrasted against leather.
Every time, every single time, Azriel had returned from those missions, Rhysand had seen the increased amount of wounds against immortal skin. And when confronted, Azriel had whispered in truth, “It’s the only time I feel pain… To feel the echo of the pain against my skin… Any other time, I can’t feel anything…”
That had broken the High Lord.
He had banned, much to his dismay and Azriel’s anger, the former Spymaster to go on said missions. He had changed Azriel’s title, and became an emissary, along with Mor to the Continent. Azriel hated him — and probably still hated him to this day. But it was the only way to keep his brother from hurting himself, from being hurt, and to keep his family together — as much as possible.
The High Lord stood up from his chair, giving a small smile to his family as he left the dining room and walked his way to his office, allowing the silence to seep into his body. Rhysand busied himself with work, the only thing that would occupy his time and mind during the week of mourning. If he didn’t, he would, like his brother, be stuck in his mind — in his nightmares — of failing you as your High Lord.
He felt a tap of his mental shields, his mate scraping and sending down a wave of love towards his end.
"Are you okay?” Feyre asked him and Rhysand leaned against his chair and allowed his mate to send visions of her time at Day Court.
“I think so… Just, trying to keep myself occupied you know. How is it at Day? How is Helion?”
“He’s probably the same as you and Azriel.. all of us, mourning. But he’s keeping up appearances, he is ensuring this year’s ceremony will be grand. It is her tenth year being gone from this world…”
Rhysand wouldn’t hold it against Helion if this ceremony would be a grand, beautiful one to celebrate your life… to mourn for your death. You had, after all, deserved it. You had risked your life, your light, to protect all of Prythian… you had to be celebrated one way or another.
He watched the vision of the grand Day Court halls, lined with Calla, Cattail, White Heather, Purple Hyacinths, Ivy, White Poppies, and Tea and dark crimson roses — all flowers that echoed the sentiments of all of Prythian. It was a gorgeous sight, one that Rhysand wished to see in person. Tears pricked his eyes as he wiped them away with a finger, as he felt another wave of support from his mate.
"Be safe, darling Feyre… If you need me to take Nyx, do just call me… I can take him from your hands…"
A small laugh echoed, and in his head he could see the image of Nyx standing next to his mother, looking up at the golden statue of you.
"I think he deserves to know who she is, Rhys… He will be fine…"
With one last tug on that bond, Rhysand closed the connection between the two of them.
A book, he had thought, a book would be good to immortalize your story. With ink and paper, he started to write… determined to ensure your story would be known for centuries to come.
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A tap against his shields started Azriel from his stupor. He straightened in the armchair he had occupied in his bedroom, eyes darting to the window to see what time of day it was. He hadn’t slept for the past few days, his nightmares plaguing him even while awake. He would mindlessly walk around that room, keeping himself occupied to keep the nightmares at bay. He didn’t sleep, he hadn’t showered — he wallowed in his sadness.
And so when that scrape of darkness against his mind startled him out of his sadness, he lowered it slightly to allow his High Lord to send him the vision that his High Lady was sending him.
Tears pricked at the edge of his eyes as he saw that magnificent statue of you at your grave.
Oh, how he wished and begged for the Mother to allow him, even for a brief moment, to bask in that golden statue — to feel Day Court’s sun mimic the warmth that you had always radiated.
He watched from that armchair the ceremony, hearing Helion speak so fondly of you. Azriel could hear the High Lord’s voice crack and break at every mention of your name. He could see the pain in his features as he talked about how it had been ten years since your death. He watched as Helion looked at that statue with so much fondness — a father, mourning the loss of his child.
The ceremony lasted a couple of hours, allowing people to walk up to the statue to place all types of flowers on top of that gravesite. He watched as the familiar hands of his High lady held up a bouquet — a mixture of Sweetpea, Amaryllis, Pink Carnations, Cyclamen, and Iris — to the statue before placing it down on the grave as well.
He heard her whisper words of fondness, love, and regret before stepping away and back to her spot in the crowd.
The last thing he heard, was from his nephew, who whispered to his mother, “I wish to have known her… She is well loved, even after she has died…”
That had choked not only Azriel up, but he could feel the pain in Feyre’s voice as she looked down at the boy who was merely ten years into his immortal life.
“…I wish you could have known her as well, Nyx… She was a light in everyone’s life. She had made your uncle’s life the best it had been when she was still with us. We wish we could have done so much better to her…”
Azriel watched as Feyre caressed the black locks of his nephew before the vision passed. And all Azriel could do was cry — cry his love, his sorrow, his regret.
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irlplasticlamb · 2 years
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all i ever wanted was the world. (lily — loss and mourning, lisianthus — charisma, hyacinth — sorrow)
prints available here
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flowers-of-april · 6 months
april showers bring may flowers: prompt list
I wanted to make a flower-based April writing prompt challenge, so I did. Flower meanings are sourced from this book on flower meanings
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PROMPT LIST 1: Daisy: Innocence 2: Lilac: First Love/Reminiscence 3: Violet: Modesty 4: Anemone: Forsaken Love 5: Oleander: Caution 6: Honeysuckle: Devotion 7: Poppy: Eternal Sleep 8: Laurel: Glory/Victory/Success 9: Orchid: Elegance/Beauty 10: Petunia: Anger/Resentment 11: Iris: Valour 12: Heather: Luck/Protection 13: Fern: Magic/Secrecy 14: Oak: Bravery 15: Tulip: Love Declaration 16: Magnolia: Dignity 17: Pansy: You Occupy My Thoughts 18: Lavender: Distrust 19: Mistletoe: Surmounting Difficulties 20: Queen Anne's Lace: Sanctuary 21: Protea: Transformation 22: Myrtle: Love 23: Hyacinth: Please Forgive Me 24: Nettle: Cruelty 25: Hemlock: Death 26: Dandelion: Divination/Fortune-Telling 27: Mint: Consolation 28: Jasmine: Amiability/Cheerfulness 29: Rue: Regret 30: Lily of the Valley: Return of Happiness
ALTERNATIVE PROMPTS Bouquet 1: Apology Hyacinth: Forgiveness Bluebell: Humility Peony: Bashfulness Olive Branch: Asking for Peace Bouquet 2: Courting Blush Roses: Blossoming Romance Cornflower: Hope in Love Sweet William: Gallantry Honeysuckle: Devoted Affection Bouquet 3: Marriage Roses: True Love Ivy: Fidelity Myrtle: Hope/Love Dahlia: Commitment/Eternal Love Bouquet 4: Bitter Ends Datura: Deceitful Charms Tansy: Hostility Thistle: Misanthropy Wormwood: Bitterness Bouquet 5: Regret & Sorrow Asphodel: Regrets to the Grave Azalea: Fragility Snowdrop: Consolation/Hope Rue: Regret Willow: Mourning
The only 'rule' is to please have fun. You may tag "flowersofapril2024," if you'd like, and I'll reblog anything I see. If you feel like filling these prompts on AO3 then "Flowers of April" or "Flowers of April 2024" would be a suitable tag. You may also submit to the FlowersofApril2024 collection on AO3
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drdt summer fun day 3: flowers!
DRDT But It’s Flower Meanings!
- Butterfly Weed - ‘Leave me,’ ‘You’ve been warned.’
- Marigolds are seen as a sign of death and misfortune by many cultures
- Anemones - mean forsaken and also a sign of fragility
- Bells of Ireland - Good Luck
- Blackthorn - Hope against adversity, Good Fortune, Difficulty
- Catchfly (white) - Betrayed
- Celandine - Deceptive hopes
- Mock oranges - mean deceit
- Cyclamens - meaning resignation or goodbye
- Angelicas - meaning inspiration
- Daisies - Innocence, Loyalty, Love
- Arborvitae - Everlasting friendship
- Aloysia - Forgiveness
- Asters (pink) - Innocence, Love, Affection.
- Violets (purple) - Love between two women
- Freesia - Innocence, Trust
- Hydrangea (Purple) - A desire to deeply understand someone
- Adder’s Tongue - Deceit
- Hyacinths - Rashness
- Weeping Willow - Mourning
- Purple Hyacinths - 'I am sorry, please forgive me,' sorrow.
- Rue - Regret, Sorrow, Repentance
- Coltsfoot - ‘Justice shall be done.’
- Roses - Love
- Asters (pink) - Innocence, Love, Affection.
- Pink Roses - Perfect happiness, 'please believe me'
- Evening Primrose - Silent Love
- Walnut - Intellect
- Scabius - Unfortunate attachment
- White Chrysanthemums - Used as a funeral flower or to lay on graves, also meaning 'truth'
- Adonis’ Flower - Painful remembrance
- Buttercups - Memories of childhood
- Petunias - Resentment, Anger
- Barberry - Sourness of temper
- Basil - Hate
- Lilies (orange) - Hatred, Disdain, Contempt
- Foxglove - Insecurity
- Roses (yellow) - Cowardice
- White Roses (Dried) - Death is preferable to loss of virtue
- Purple Hyacinths - 'I am sorry, please forgive me,' sorrow.
- Orchids - Love, Beauty, Refinement, 'Beautiful Lady'
- Wood Sorrel - Maternal Tenderness
- Daylilies - Chinese emblem for 'mother'
- Cinquefoils - Maternal Affection
- Crocuses - Cheerfulness
- Coreopsis - Always cheerful
- Tulips (yellow) - Hopeless love
- Xeranthemum - Cheerfulness under adversity
- Tulips (orange) - Understanding
- Monkshoods - Beware, a deadly foe is here
- Roses (black) - Death, Obsession, Mystery
- Tuberose - Dangerous pleasures
- Jonquils - 'Love me,' desire for affection to be returned
- Callas - Beauty
- Narcissus - Self-love, Egotism
- Sweet Sultan - Felicity
- Gladioli - 'Give me a break
- Petunias - Resentment
- Roses (yellow) - intense emotion
- Acanthus - Art
- Forget-Me-Nots - Memories
- Moonwort - Forgetfulness
- Adder’s Tongue - Deceit
- Borage - Bluntness
- Petunias - Resentment
- Hellebores - Anxiety, 'tranquilise my anxiety'
- Zinnias (Mixed) - Thinking/In memory of an absent friend
- Laurestine - ‘i die if neglected’
- Arborvitae - Everlasting friendship
- Irises - 'Your friendship means so much to me’
if you wanna add any, feel free to ask! :D
…i spent so long on this thing aaa
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thehotshit789 · 10 days
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tumb, im gonna be real, twt is doing me so dirty rn and im really proud of this guy so... here's martin blackwood based off of that one mannequin photo nft
flowers i used in the bouquet
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^ yarrow (the achilles flower, everyone he used it on he saved, but it could not help him when he needed it the most. you cannot heal the dead, after all.)
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^ anemone (forsaken, forgotten love and affection)
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^ rue (such a small, dainty flower. golden. deceptively delicate. but it is full of bitterness, the staunch, heavy, metallic kind. bitterness and regret. it isn't rue for nothing, after all.)
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^ zinnia (the colorful nature of endurance, the resilience in everlasting love.)
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^ purple hyacinth (regret. sorrow. a lover sticken by one's own hand, i wronged you, i never wanted to, but at the end of the day, the spinning disc, the bullet, the hand holding the knife was mine.)
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^ red carnation (aphrodite's tears as she mourned adonis. to weep is to bleed, sometimes, blooming red. spreading, red.)
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^ aloe (resilience. persistence. after everything, you don't let go of him. when he goes into the noise, your soul follows. stubborn thing are you, to keep enduring anyway. you love him. you love him. you love him.)
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^ wilted snapdragon (all wilted flowers are united in their meaning. oblivion. but this one leaves a shell behind, a skeletal remnant. what color did it blossom before? blue? pink, perhaps? whatever it was, it's gone now.)
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h2llish · 2 months
assigning obey me characters plants to get out of my writing slump. we start with the brothers.
lucifer -> lucifer my love. i assign him two plants. first is the forget-me-nots, which symbolize remembrance and love (familial). he loved his sister and his brother deeply, so much he went to war, and then swore loyalty to diavolo so she could be reborn. he also couldn't live without his brothers and asked them to come with him when leaving celestial. the other is the purple hyacinth, which means sorrow and mourning. lucifer held his sister as she died, he was the one to watch he die and then be reborn. he had to say goodbye. he mourned and felt immense sorrow, including when he had to lock away his little brother to protect him.
mammon -> for mammon i assign him bluebells, meaning constancy. while he is the sin of greed, he followed lucifer because he was loyal to him. when micharl handed him off, it was lucifer who seen him as his brother. bluebells symbolize constancy, and i believe this is most fitting for mammon regardless of what the fandom or others think of him. he is incredibly loyal.
leviathan -> for leviathan, i assign him grief. it means a lot of things, one of them being jealousy. however, despite his sin, this isn't why i assigned him marigolds, because they also mean grief. grief comes in many forms, leviathan grieves a lot, from the death of his sister to the life he no longer has, and the new life he has as a shut in. he grieves.
satan -> for satan i assign him the butterfly weed which symbolizes independence. satan is made from the wrath of lucifer, he wants to be separate from that. to not be known for his creation and his sin, so he has thrown himself into books and studying.
asmodeus -> asmo <3. i assign him rosemary, for remembrance, he remembers many things from his life in the celestial realm, and lilith, and while he remains positive, it is obvious he does grieve. i also assign him morning glory, for its meaning of love and affection (familial/platonic). he started painting his brothers nails because he wanted them to feel like their old selves again. he cares for his brothers a lot and does his best to remain a positive individual.
beelzebub -> i assign him (and his twin) forget-me-nots as well, but mostly for its meaning of "i will never forget you". they were closest to lilith and they mourned deeply. there is a belief with forget-me-nots that if you plant them on the grave of a loved one they will bloom as long as you are alive, so i think it's fitting for them. i also assign him willow for its meaning of grief. grief comes in many forms, and for beel he latched onto his twin brother, who he deeply cares for and relies heavily on.
belphegor -> i hate him but alas, as stated above i assign him and beel forget-me-nots. i also assign him the black dahlia, which means hate, betrayal and death. he hated lucifer for locking him away and felt betrayed, he didn't think that lucifer was locking him away to protect, but rather because he was more loyal to diavolo than belphegor and his brothers. and death, because, well, lilith.
okay um. yeah. if there's any mistakes then sorry.
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The first time that it happened, it was when he was frantically called to return to hq from his mission in France when he learned that dazai have finally left.
Figure that dazai would somehow manage to be troublesome even without being near him, it led him to have to search through the toxic waste that dazai called a home after defeating the numerous trap and having to pass through the bottles of beer and whisky and the cans of canned crab.
It was in an unassuming place in the shipping container that chuuya found a bunch of flowers : Aloe ( grief), butterfly weed ( let me go), Sweet pea ( goodbye, thank you for a lovely time), purple hyacinth (please forgive me, sorrow) , dark crimson rose ( mourning) and Pink carnation ( i'll never forget you) with a single sunflower seed.
And chuuya was loyal he swore his loyalty to the port mafia and It's members, it was his home and family and he intend to follow this vow till his death but chuuya was one of the few that could claim to know dazai and one things is sure bringing dazai back to the mafia against his wish will only end in the mutually assured destruction of him and the mafia, at least that what he told the boss when he asked him what he found.
He didn't tell anyone not even the boss, hirotsu-san and ane-san that his others reasoning was that he knew that bringing him back will be a betrayal to his partner and that he understand the message, while he make his search the mimic conflict stood out for him and while he mourned all their loss and deeply regreted the fact that he couldn't be here, his name lingered on the name of oda sakunosuke.
Dazai couldn't shut up about him and he would never admit him even under the threat of torture but a part of him have feel jealous of his closeness to dazai.
He and dazai others buddy we're gone and while he can't say that he fully understood all that he's thinking and he was really glad for that, those flower let him know that dazai was alive and let him have an idea of why he was gone, he could only hope that he would find what he search for no matter what it was but if dazai won't go after the mafia in retaliation, chuuya would do nothing.
So he went to do an exchange of favors with prof glasses to cover dazai trace, he saw Verlaine and ane-san more often while he wasn't with hirotsu-san or the boss and Elise, he took over akutagawa training, went training with the black lizards, drink with kajii, tachihara and hirotsu, go on mission, proved his loyalty to the mafia and drunk the bottle of petrus that he got from dazai in celebration of his departure and he said nothing about all the flower that he received in the three year that he didn't see that bandage wasting device.
He never told dazai what he learned with kouyou but he somehow learned that he know the language of flower, it's why in all those random place he found an Hydrangea ( gratitude for being understood) in his desk a few days after that he found the bunch of flower, then he found many more flower, in his apartment, in the port mafia lobby, even in his mission or when he went shopping or his vacation.
Yarrow (Everlasting love) , Zinnia ( lasting affection), white rose (a fresh start), blue Salvia (I think of you) as well as red Salvia (Forever mine), Heliotrope ( devotion), Fern ( fascination , secret bond of love) , gardenia (you're lovely),white camellia ( you're adorable), Daffodil ( You’re the only one, The sun shines when I’m with you), red carnation (my heart ache for you), Forget-Me-Not ( do not forget me) , Gloxinia ( love at first sight) and primrose ( can't live without you) we're amongst the flowers that he received, it went to the point that they're was a rumors that he have an admirator secret.
It was even worse on his birthdays when he would never fail to receive flowers and Anonymous gift with a card and a prank that both infuriated him and brought a smile to his face.
And it didn't even stop when he saw him again not after their reunion the first flower that he received when he came back home after having seen dazai in the dungeon was a red camellia ( love, passion and desire) " you set my heart on fire), then after their mission he received a pink camellia ( heartfelt longing for someone)" longing for you" and white roses ( heavenly, i'm worthy of you) " i'm thinking of you".
And this day on june 19th the day dazai was born , he decided that this time he will be the one to surprise him , it was easy to send an anonymous tip on a day that dazai was away on a mission with his birthday, it was also easy to send a subordunate to have the agency go on a mission to suribashi city where the subordinate dispersed a bunch of peach blossom after all he remember that when he was drunk and he asked dazai what was his favorite flower, it was this flower who mean i am your captive and your charm are unequalled that was his answer. And send others subordonate to brink dazai to an izakaya in funabashi where they put homemade amanattō,pan,natto,dango, soba, Tsukemono, tempura ,sashimi,kasutera, unagi , miso soup,tofu as well as a fruit salad with banana .
He then had others subordonate bring him to bar lupin where he paid the owner to store a curry that he bought in Osaka and to give dazai a signed manuscript of the first edition of the complete guide to suicide with never seen before annotations and another manuscript of the draft of Oda sakunosuke book that he found in an antique shop thanks to a strange calico cat as well as have him drink whisky on ice with prof glasses.
Then he have made this wild goose chase one by one with the member of the agency and even send the akutagawa siblings and hirotsu it was then easy to have him eat chazuke with his mentee but also have him enjoy many others food like Nikujaga, sukiyaki,yakitori, taiyaki,seafood hot pot and Tamago Kake Gohan.
Then he went to buy a new console and game that dazai couldn't stop talking about, as well as an expensive bottle of alcohol and booked a restaurant to a seafood restaurant renowned for his crab dishes, flower in hand he saw a smiling dazai that just left his birthday party at the agency.
But of all things what make dazai eyes sparkles was when he finally agree to wear the damned maid dress, dazai while putting a sunflower in his hair had a bright and real smile on his face that made his heart skip a beat let him know how much he apprecied his birthday and it made him happy that he can make dazai enjoy a day that he loathes so much.
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six-white-venus · 9 months
sometimes i wonder if death is all i can write about.
every poem i recite seems mournful, like i'm preparing for a funeral that i'm somehow sure will happen. it follows me, the death. its stench. the sorrow. it follows me and i'm so sick and tired of it. somedays i even think of stopping writing altogether, because what's the point? every word i put down on paper will be pitch black anyway and it will scream and weep of the same old tragedies that will make everyone's ears bleed time and time again.
but then i remember.
i remember writing about soft smiles and booming laughter. i remember writing about tears being wiped away by patient fingers, i remember writing the words, "i love you, i love you, i love you," like a hymn, a prayer, like a holy scripture. i remember writing about you. you, with your garden of water hyacinths, tiger lilies, and grins that are a little too sharp to make a person feel comfortable (just like mine). you with your poems that feel like a beating piece of your heart, with your messy hair, boundless excitement, and fingers painted with the rainbow. i remember us: sitting cross-legged in places we shouldn't be sitting in, talking about everything and nothing and feeling at home with each other ("you're my family"). i remember writing about adoration, love and friendship. i remember, then: death is not all i write about.
my writing is not about death or sorrow at all, actually. my writing is a sweet caress of words singing,
"hey, can you hear me?
i just wanted to say:
i love you. i love you, i love you,
i love you and my dear,
you make loving so painless."
i write about love time and time again, i write about you, i write about us. huh. maybe in a way, i do write about death. with us, love lives and laughs and when we're apart, dies, only to rise up from the ashes brighter than the goddamn sun when you see me the next day and we both grin.
i write and it says, "hey, can you hear me?"
and you do, every time.
and you say, "i love you."
I want to yell at the top of my lungs, "i love you i love you i love you so fuckin much i adore you"
but instead, i smile and hold you close. Instead, i write my silly little letters and hope they ring a million times louder than my voice ever could.
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 2 months
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Welcome to the Murder Husband and Murder Family language of flowers fanfic collection, Words Are Not The Only Way, REBOOT.
This collection will be posted on AO3 and feature stories with the theme of the language flowers.
Rules and list of flowers below cut!
Click the LINK to enjoy the works of the participants!
The rules are simple: Claim a flower from the list posted below, and write a story featuring the flower and its meaning. It can be a Will/Hannibal, Will & Hannibal, Will & Abigail, Hannibal & Abigail, or Will & Hannibal & Abigail.
What is NOT allowed is Abigail paired with Will or Hannibal, or smut. Sexual content is allowed, so long as it is non-graphic, cut to black, or implied. No Explicit fics are allowed, unless it's for canon-typical violence.
AUs are allowed, including omega verse and mpreg.
Original child characters may be mentioned, so long as they are not the main focus of the story.
Past pairings are allowed. Will/Molly and Will/Margot and Hannibal/Bedelia and Hannibal/Alana are allowed as well in various capacities, but otherwise, Murder Husbands. No thruples or anything, please. No crossovers or anything within the HEU. Keep it Hannibal.
Stories may be any length you wish.
Post at any time. The collection will remain open for you.
Flowers are claimed on a first come, first served basis. Please put your claim in the notes below. I will make a list of who has claimed which and attach it. If more people would like to participate, I will add more flowers. Many flowers have many different meanings, so you may pick one meaning among the others, or choose to incorporate them all. That is up to you.
Rosemary- Remembrance- Claimed by @tina-mairin-goldstein
Zinnia- I mourn your absence, friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness, lasting affection
Snowdrop- Hope
Lilac- First emotions of love, happiness, tranquility
Hyacinth- Forgiveness and sorrow (purple), desire (general)
Eglantine Rose- Pleasure and pain
Butterfly Weed- Let me go
Cyclamen- Resignation, diffidence, goodbye
Lavender- Distrust, serenity
Marigold- Grief, jealousy- Claimed by @bliss-is-in-blood
Peony- Bashfulness, happy life, shame
Salvia- I think of you (blue), forever mine (red)
Bittersweet- Truth
Hellebore- Anxiety
White Rosebud- Girlhood
Petunia- Anger, resentment, your presence soothes me
Amaryllis- Pride
Forsythia- Anticipation- Claimed by @k1ngl30n
Lady's Mantle- Comfort, I am here for you
Willow- Sorrow
Honeysuckle- True happiness, good fortune, sweetness toward one another
The flowers themselves can appear in many different forms, too! In the garden, bouquets, out in the wild, spotted at the florist, made into a tea, in a drawing, as a scent; anything you like! If it's in tea or food, make sure it isn't poisonous, unless your goal is death or sickness. Have fun!
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da-bees · 5 months
Undertale AU Characters as Flowers
So i got hyperfixated on flowers meanings and it has taken over my life so here is my favorite little guys as flowers
Flower meanings are based on the flower and then its color, so like red roses mean something different than yellow roses, but both relate to love. Also differnt cultures have different meanings for flowers. This was a nightmare to reasearch, lots of conflicting info.
(Note that some flowers seemingly have confilcting meanings, this is cause often their meanings can be affected by what other flowers are around them, like in a bouquet and shit. Also i will not accepting criticism :) )
Anyways lets go!
Ink - Marigolds
So marigolds represent joy, excitement, creativity and Energy, while also being associated with grief, despair, and mourning. This fits Ink very well, he a very bright person while having one of the fucking sadesst backstory like ever. Also they are assocatied with protection and I think that fun with his protecter of the multiverse thing.
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Blue - Bluebells & Blue Dahlias
Bluebells represent resilience, strength, overcoming adversity, growth, along with humility, constancy, gratitude, and kindness. This feels kinda self explaintory cause Blue is a very power dude and a very kind person, so bluebells are perfect for him
I picked blue dahlias mainly for their symbolism of standing out from the crowd, though its other meanings also apply, change, strength, fresh start, inner strength, positive change, and commitment. Cause like out of the whole mutiverse of Sans and even other swaps Blue managed to fight along side some of the most power people and holds up against people like Nightmare and Error. He is truly unquie to the other swaps and i wanted this flower to represent that. Can you tell i really like Blue. (Also ignore that true blue dahlias dont exist, truly wild that one can find flower meanings for a flower that doesn't exist, there are blueish green dahlias :P )
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Dream - Yellow Chysanthemums & Purple Hyacinths
Yellow chysanthemums represent happiness, joy, celebration, the sun. light, friendship, and optism, along with neglected love, sorrow, rebirth, and protector. This fits really well with Dream cause on the surface he is a sweet cheerful guy, literally the embodiment of postitivity but he also feels a lot of grief and guilt for what happen to his brother. Which is further emphasized by the purple hyacinths, wich repesent sorrow, regret, and a desire foe forgiveness. Also by complete accident his flowers are yellow and purple, like how he and nightmare were when they were kids.
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Nightmare - Astrantia, Black Dahlias, & Black Roses
So the astrantias reprsent passive, cause like they represent strength, innocence, courage, magic, and protection, along with assocaitions with stars and the night sky. It represents all he couls have been if not for what happened. very sad
Now for the black dahlias and roses. Black dahlias represent betrayal, saddness, change, beauty, power, and negative emotions. Black roses represent death, despair, hatred, revenge, mourning, loss, rebirth, tragedy, regret, elegance, and mystery. these represent who is becomes after his corruption and the "death" of passive, he's angry and hurting and he lashes out at those around him. He feels betrayed both by the villagers and by Dream, but he is also mourning who he was and his brother. Also he's hot and powerful so like.
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Anyways ill do the rest later cause its like 2:30 and im tired.
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looking very closely at the website neighborhood and here's some little things i noticed (plus some overthinking & flower symbolism):
~ the only butterflies on the "map" are the ones outside of Frank's house, and the single one outside of Eddie's.
~~ i think the flowers outside of Eddie's are either hyacinths or lavender. given that the flowers are different colors, they're probably hyacinths. which is a Fascinating choice to me, because hyacinths can symbolize regret, devotion (especially beyond death), love, forgiveness, and jealousy - depending on the flower color. Eddie has light blue, dark blue, and purple. The butterfly is landing on the purple one (sorrow, mourning, forgiveness, regret, devoted love).
~~ its also Fascinating because the myth behinds hyacinths is about the greek god Apollo and his (male) human lover, Hyacinthus. they were playing discus (metal frisbee). Apollo threw the discus too hard, and it bounced back and hit Hyacinthus, killing him. devastated, Apollo grew the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus' spilled blood. SO THE FACT THAT EDDIE, GAY PUPPET EDDIE, HAS HYACINTH FLOWERS OUTSIDE THE POST OFFICE IS UM. INCH RESTING!
~~ (also also in the myth, Apollo wanted to rescind his immortality to join Hyacinthus in his death. and in an alternate version of the myth, Hyacinthus was technically murdered, because Zephyrus was jealous that Apollo preferred a mortal over him & purposefully blew the discus off course to strike Hyacinthus. things to think about. yes, in this whole myth metaphor im viewing Eddie as Hyacinthus and Frank as Apollo. do with this what you will)
~ All of the trees in the neighborhood are in the same general style, except for the tree outside of Sally's home, which is a pine tree. i wonder why!
~ the only buildings with second floors are Barnaby's, Frank's, Sally's, and Poppy's homes. rip the "wally falls down the stairs" memes
~ there's a teeny tiny Home in the post office display window
~ Julie's house has quite a lot of heart symbolism. like, a weird amount. an amount to the point where i now have an entire theory around what her role and arc might be. i Will talk about it with minimal prompting.
~ one of the swingset balloons has a happy face balloon with its eyes closed, which stands out to me (and fuels my julie theory)
~ the only neighbors who don't have flowers outside of their buildings are Sally, Julie (disregarding decoration), and Howdy.
~ Poppy has daffodils, which symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, resilience, and hope. however, they have a negative side of selfishness.
~ Barnaby has red, yellow, and blue tulips. red means undying love, admiration, and truth. yellow means "there's sunshine in your smile", joy, happiness, friendship - But it can also mean unrequited love or jealousy. Blue means individuality, trust, and good luck
~~ note that there's a dead/trampled white tulip. white tulips symbolize sorrow, "my condolences", apology, honor, purity, faith.
~ Frank has sunflowers, daisies, and some others, but those i think are more generic, unspecific flowers for added decoration. i couldn't find a "red flower on vine" that fits the general look of the ones on his house. now, sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, longevity, happiness (also, might i add that these flowers are from another greek myth about apollo, this one where Apollo turns a jealous nymph into a sunflower for snitching on his mortal lover, which got her (the lover) killed. inch resting indeed.)
~~ also blue daisies, which i am assuming are the blue flowers outside his house, symbolize freedom, trust, loyalty, confidence, and honesty. lots of positivity surrounding Frank's house!
~ Wally has daisies. these symbolize innocence, purity, new beginnings, hope, and affection. it can also symbolize the ability to keep a secret. a fun fact i found interesting is the word daisy comes from an old english word meaning "day's eye."
~~ do i believe these flower choices were purposeful? maybe. probably. it does seem strange that there are specific, distinct flowers drawn in equally specific parts of the "map", while a couple of generic "cartoon" style flowers are sprinkled throughout
~ three green apples are growing on the tree next to Howdy's Place
~ it stands out to me that the bodega window above the fruit stands is completely blacked out. no window shine or nothing
~ Sally's "yard" is weirdly barren. everyone else's buildings (excluding Home) has several things decorating the surrounding area. all she has is a spotlight and a tree.
~ Barnaby's house having paint all over it (and a paintbrush & can next to it) is just cute to me. it makes me think that he wanted to paint like his lil' buddy Wally and just went ham with it. or it was a team effort between them<3
~ it took me a while to notice the tiny "Eddie's" painted above Post Office. it gives the vibe (to me) of him tacking on the "Eddie's" to make the office feel more like his. maybe he saw the sign "Howdy's Place" and decided to paint his name on his building to make himself feel more established and at home
~ there's something on / part of Frank's roof. i don't know what it is. if anyone has an idea please tell me its driving me insane. at first i thought it was a chimney but theres two? making an additional symmetrical structure? idk!!
~ there are only three buildings with straight up rainbows. Eddie's post office (hanging from the roof and in the window), Sally's house (the entire front), and Frank's house (butterfly on the door wreath. i almost didn't catch it, it's a sneaky one!)
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gotstabbedbyapen · 7 months
Hyacinthus Iceberg Meme EXPLAIN (P2)
Part 1 ✿ Part 2 ✿ Part 3 ✿ Part 4 ✿ Part 5
It's time for me to answer your questions about this Hyacinthus iceberg meme. There is a lot to tackle, so I'll divide it into 5 parts for the sake of my sanity.
Quick disclaimer: I am NOT an expert in Greek mythology, just a fan of Hyacinthus who wants to learn about him and anyone related to him. Most of the things I'm about to discuss are just theories and speculations of a passerby on the Internet, so do not take them as valid facts!
Apollo x Hyacinthus x Cyparissus
This OT3 has one painting made by Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov, but it's enough to convince me they are canon.
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What's interesting about Hyacinthus and Cyparissus is that they are also pursued by Zephyrus, and the flower/tree they transform into after death represents mourning and sorrow.
"A young Lakonian [Hyakinthos] shook Zephyros; but he died, and the amorous Wind found young Cyparissus a consolation for Amyklaian Hyakinthos." - Nonnus, Dionysiaca
"[Apollo to Cyparissus] And the God, groaning with sorrow, said, 'You shall be mourned sincerely by me, surely as you mourn for others, and forever you shall stand in grief, where others grieve.'" - Ovid, "Metamorphoses"
Apollo x Hyacinthus x Boreas
I used to talk about this OT3 before. It's interesting because, unlike Zephyrus, Boreas seems fine with Hyacinthus dating Apollo and even dated Apollo before.
There aren't any paintings or ancient literature written explicitly about their relationship. It's more of an "if you think about it" thought.
(I won't discuss Apollo & Boreas because we will get off track, but there is a post about them for anyone interested!)
Hyacinthus' death symbolizes the vegetation wilted under the summer heat
Since Hyacinthus is assumed to be a pre-Hellenic nature god, and Apollo is the god of sunlight, we can piece together that Hyacinthus dying by Apollo is the metaphor of the plants dying under the scorching sun. This is why I said in Part 1 that Zephyrus killing Hyacinthus is a later version, and I'll say his present will ruin the myth. Having Zephyrus (the wind) as the "real" culprit will erase the original symbolism of the sun killing the plants.
(Sorry for hating you all this time, Zeph. You are in the clear now.)
Back to the main point.
Georg Friedrich Schömann seems to coin this theory in his book "Griechische Alterthümer" (1855), or he's only popularizing an existing theory. At least, that is the reference I get from the two of the sources I read.
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(Hellenica World, "Hyacinthia")
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(Michael Pettersson, "Cults of Apollo at Sparta: The Hyakinthia, the Gymnopaidai, and the Karneia")
Pettersson's essay also mentions G. F. Unger, another author who supports the theory.
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Or we can take a step further and say this myth is about one god usurping another. As I said, Hyacinthus is a god worshipped in Amyclae long before the arrival of Apollo, so it's not a stretch to say his death at Apollo's hands also metaphorizes his cult getting replaced by Apollo's cult. It's the same as Apollo killing and replacing the Python as the patron of Delphi.
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(Damian Pierzak, "The Case of Apollo and Hyacinth in the 'Second Tetralogy' Attributed to Antiphon")
However, there is one thing that I haven't understood.
In the myths, once Apollo killed the Python, he took over the Delphin temple for good. But in the case of Hyacinthus, Apollo is said to mourn Hyacinthus greatly and later revive him from death. He even shared the Hyacinthia festival and Amyclean shrine with Hyacinthus, with his statue built on top of Hyacinthus' tomb)
Is there a historical event that made the people worship both gods together instead of replacing one with another? Or are Apollo and Hyacinthus' joint worship an eventual thing? We'll never know for sure.
Hyacinthus is resurrected + Hyacinthus represents the death and rebirth cycle of nature
Hyacinthus' resurrection is like the hidden ending most people are unaware of, but it's a thing. No, we are not making it up because there are legit records and studies about it.
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(Pausanias, "Description of Greece")
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(Nonnus, "Dionysiaca")
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(Angeliki Petropoulou, "Hyakinthos and Apollo of Amyklai: Identities and Cults A Reconsideration of the Written Evidence")
From here, we can assume that Hyacinthus' death and resurrection is the allegory for the cycle of plant life and death, like how Persephone descending to and ascending from the Underworld is the allegory for season change.
However, I only draw this conclusion from mythology blogs. Few ancient poets and professional scholars seem to talk about this theme of Hyacinthus.
As of now, I've only got these two sources that slightly discuss it:
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(Ovid, "Metamorphoses")
Ovid's version is debatable because Hyacinthus still remains dead in his story. We can argue that Hyacinthus still "lives on" in the form of the flower, but it won't align with Hyacinthus' resurrection in the myths.
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(Damian Pierzak, "The Case of Apollo and Hyacinth in the 'Second Tetralogy' Attributed to Antiphon")
Again, Mr. Pierzak cites Ovid's retelling when he mentions the "Hyacinthus is connected to nature's rebirth" theory.
I'm still looking for more accounts (both from ancient Greek and scholarly research) where Hyacinthus is fully revived and symbolizes the plants' cycle. If anyone has anything, please let me know! I would love to read more!
The Hyacinthia festival
The Hyacinthia festival is confirmed not only in mythology but also in history.
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(Michael Pettersson, "Cults of Apollo at Sparta: The Hyakinthia, the Gymnopaidai, and the Karneia")
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(Pausanias, "Description of Greece")
Until now, people are still studying about this ancient festival.
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(Angeliki Petropoulou, "Hyakinthos and Apollo of Amyklai: Identities and Cults A Reconsideration of the Written Evidence")
I will talk about the Hyacinthia's rituals, practices, history, etc., but then we'll be here until next summer. So, I recommend everyone check out this post made by a Paganist for a deeper study.
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althea-and-alcestris · 2 months
Things I associate with Alce and Baul as a pair
Beautiful Creature - MIIA Mockingbird - Eminem Monsters - Katie Sky Two Birds - Regina Spektor Secret Garden - EmpathP Diamonds - Rihanna Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens Army Dreamers - Kate Bush As It Was - Harry Styles See You Again - Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth Hello - Adele Umbrella - Ember Island If We Have Each Other - Alec Benjamin Somewhere Only We Know - Keane 7 Years - Lukas Graham In The Name Of Love - Bebe Rexha, Martin Garrix My Family - Addams Family Alone - Alan Walker Whenever, Wherever - Shakira The Nights - Avicii Sing Me To Sleep - Alan Walker Stand By You - Rachel Platten Halo - Beyoncé Birds - Imagine Dragons Don't You Worry Child - Madilyn Bailey Beautiful Boy - John Lennon Just Hold On - Steve Aoki, Louis Tomlinson My Love All Mine - Mitski Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne Gone Gone Gone - Phillip Phillips Az Én Apám - Pápai Joci Baby Mine - Betty Noyes
Forget-me-nots - Represents the immortal love we have for those who go before us
Hyacinth - Symbol of Sorrow and also celebration of life. As we mourn a loss, the hyancinth reminds us to take in all the blessings our loved ones would surely want us to see.
Hydrangeas - Symbolizes forgiveness, regret, deep sorrow, family
Delphinium - Indicates strong bonds of love
Lilacs - Symbolizes the loss of great love
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