#i love how round mikey is
risestarkiss · 9 months
✨The Fashionista✨
Rise Ramblings #234
While watching “The Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle,” I noticed something.
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I found it interesting that Raph, Mikey, and Leo were content with Raph’s outfit choice until Donnie stated that he wasn’t “in love with it, ya’ know.”
Suddenly, Raph declares “I’m a disaster!” Albeit ridiculously endearing, it was a little strange to see his sudden shift from moderately content to absolute dissatisfaction. Huh…
Then, the disaster twins decide to help him out.
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Take a note of their outfit choices.
Raph tries on all of these fits and more.
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Donnie’s first choice is a mild “no.” Leo’s choice is a hard “NO.” (Not surprising, lol.) But then, the overwhelming consensus lands on Raph’s fourth outfit, which ended up being Donatello’s other pick for his brother.
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So, in summary, Raph tried on his personal choice for an outfit, of which they rejected. Then, ultimately, Donatello picked out an outfit for his brother, and that pick ended up being perfect. Hmm…
Then I noticed something else. In this episode, we never get a Donnie “curtain reveal” moment, to our disdain. I mean, Raph, Leo, and Mikey got to try on several different outfits in order to get their brothers' opinions before landing on that “perfect outfit, you know the one.” All of his brothers got to shine. Why not DonTron?
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Then it hit me.
The try-ons were to get their brothers' opinions and approval. And, for his brothers' choices, he was a major contributor in assisting them in pulling their looks together.
What if, bear with me, Donnie didn’t need the "curtain scene" because he was so confident in his fashion sense that he didn’t need to ask his brothers for help to pick out a great look.
…or they figured out how to break Hypno’s spell before he could get a “curtain reveal.” BUT STILL-
Look at his outfit choices in this episode. Some of his wardrobe changes were off-screen, but all of them were fire.
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(I added the baseball cap pic because it makes me happy. I wish we'd seen more of that fit.)
To me, he makes some really smart choices for himself, pushing the envelope of what is expected and taking chances: an open collar with no tie for a “black tie” event, a beanie and spiked wristbands for their “gansta look,” no socks with loafers (a viral fashion trend that actually began in Africa) with old man slacks in his reclined pose. *muah* Chef’s kiss!
But Don’s fashion sense doesn’t just shine in this episode.
In “Reparin’ the Baron” the boys go to Draxum’s apartment. Leo and Donnie show up in some extra nice “Sunday Dinner” twin drip.
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The gold is in the details. Everything Leo is wearing, Donnie rocks its compliment: for Leo’s round collar, Donnie’s is angled, for Leo’s blue shirt, Donnie’s is white, For Leo’s light slacks, Donnie’s are dark. Blah blah blah. It’s so good!
Look at the winter fit in Snow Day.
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Again, Donnie is Leo’s perfect compliment. As a pair? Fire.
Donnie has “the eye.” I can go on and on with examples, but I’ve said all of that to say this…
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In the future, we see that Donatello’s technology had major pull in the resistance. He had drone ships patrolling the skies. He built and designed Leo’s arm, Casey’s chainsaw-hockey stick, and Casey's mask. The list goes on…
But, when Donatello from the past see’s Casey’s clothing from the future, he says this:
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We know about the “Genius Built” brand. We’ve seen that logo on all of his tech up to this point. But, here he didn’t just say “Genius Built.” He said, “Genius Built Apparel.”
“Apparel” is not a tech brand. “Apparel” is a fashion brand. Of course, tech is incorporated into the clothing, but still.
This means that past Donatello secured this trademark with plans of creating a fashion brand, comparable to the likes of Gucci, Ralph Lauren, or any other modern clothing brand, as a subsidiary of “Genius Built,” the tech company.
And why not? The evidence has been in front of us this entire time. He has a sharp eye for style, fashion, and trends. It is easily canon that he can sew. Splinter sewed their ninja garbs in “Insane in the Mama Train,” and there is a sewing machine in the house.
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They already learned Ninjutsu through basically osmosis, so learning to sew is not too far-fetched.
And here it is, right in front of us, Casey’s entire ensemble, from mask, to weapons, to clothing, was made by Donatello in the middle of the apocalypse under the brand name “Genius Built Apparel.”
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And that was just in the bad future. Resources were limited, they didn’t have access to much of anything in that broken world as they were survivors of a devastating Krang invasion. Yet, he created all of this.
However, now that they’ve changed the future, his future as a fashion designer is limitless. Think of what Donatello could produce with unlimited resources, unlimited technology, and unlimited creative freedom.
Tech genius. Clothing designer. Fashionista. Future Genius Built Apparel Owner and CEO. I’m sorry, but I have to call it...
Donatello Hamato of the present, of the bad future, and of the good future is a fashion icon, the likes of which the world has never seen. ○○○○
Update: I've decided to make this concept into a mini-comic series!
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heck-theo · 3 months
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Okokokokok- ignore how rough and messy some of these redraws/sketches are - but it's apparently also dinosaur month?? (WHY did no one ever tell me it's Jurassic June? I love dinosaurs) And like. What if Rise but dinosaurs?!
I don't often post such loose sketches but I wanted to show these off cause I really like some of this.
Design choices and dino species + the reasons I picked them bellow (looking for potential Donnie dino suggestions):
Clothes: Without the shell they really need clothes. They'd all have pretty much the same pants to keep some unity, except maybe Mikey (I decided they should all have the same pants after I finished the Mikey sketches, not sure if I'll keep the shorts or change to pants). Accessories are a mix of pre and post finale.
Raph - I think would keep it simple and practical but would also wear nice jackets and stuff when in casual situations. I need to work on giving him an alternative outfit and tweak his accessories a bit.
Donnie - An oversized pull-over hoodie cause we already know he loves that shit. We see him wearing it all the time. Easy enough. He wears a comfortable singlet underneath so the straps of his battle sail don't rub. Nice soft fabric, tight fit so it doesn't move around, tucks it into his pants, etc. When he wears the battle sail he won't overheat so he can wear hoodies basically all year round.
Leo - He's in one of those shirts with obnoxiously large arm holes and make it cropped cause 1. I think he would 2. I want it to be different from Raph and Donnie's singlets. He usually wears the shoulder strap off his shoulder but pulls it up when he needs to. He has some of the black bandages over his mid drift atm but I might just make his pants super high waisted in the final version. He'd probably wear a bomber jacket (also cropped?) over the top for cool weather, but doesn't like to hide his feathers.
Mikey - I think he'd mostly wear hand me downs when he's younger. He definitely goes through a stage of rebelling and wanting to pick his own and would find a middle ground of appreciating sharing some of his brother's clothes and modifying them, as long as he has the choice of his own available. Not sure if that would be before or after this design. At the moment he's got Raph's old shorts (from a loooong time ago), Leo's old shirt, and Donnie's old zip up hoodie. He does have his own accessories though, including pins instead of stickers.
Dinosaurs: I kept them all as non-avian dinosaurs, AKA not including animals that are colloquially considered dinos but aren't (like pterosaurs). I wanted to keep an even split of herbivore vs carnivore just so one wasn't the odd one out. I wanted to keep most of their body structure, colours and distinguishing features the same as canon. Obviously I added tails cause, yeah, of course haha. I did want them to be recognisable as different species of dino using distinct characteristics that their species is known for. I did ignore a lot of differences though, like size and bipedal vs quadruped (although the quadrupeds might be more likely to go to all fours, especially when fighting or afraid). Leo and Donnie are carnivores so have sharper teeth and claws.
Raph - Some kind of Ceratopsian (likely Triceratops or something very similar) and he was the first idea I had for this and I'm really happy with it. I think it just suits him. Trike Raph just came to me in an unprecedented moment of genius. His spikey frill replicates his spikey shell. His sturdiness, protectiveness and willingness to kick ass when needed, all scream trike to me.
Donnie - Spinosaurus but looking for other species recommendations. More details below: So I wanted to figure out a way for him to have tech with a similar function to his battle shell (in the sense that it's something that helped him in day to day life) and so I went with spino cause one possible theory about a function of spinosaurus' sail is temperature regulation. So his battle sail has heating/cooling systems as well as other tech. A spino's sail was probably not fragile but the battle sail would also help protect it from being targeted during fights or crushed during extreme impacts. It was also thought to be used for display, and what's more of a display than a battle sail? The only problem I have with this is that it's lacking part of what makes Donnie's battle shell so great, which is that it is essentially a prosthetic. Not quite the same as how prosthetics are used in people of course, just in the sense that it is replicating the functionality of a body part that he doesn't have (I can't think of a better word). Well he does have a shell but it doesn't function in the same way that his brothers shells do, which leaves him with less defense than they have, hence a big reason for the battle shell (I hope I explained this well, it was hard to try and word properly). I can't think of a good way to do this with dinos. I was thinking of a carno or something with tiny arms, then Donnie could have tech enhanced arms but I'm pretty much ignoring body structure in the others so it would be weird to have just Donnie be affected by a difference in limb structure/functionality. I was thinking prosthetic tail but every non avian dinosaur had a pretty substantial tail. Except therizinosaurus but even they hade pretty obvious tails. I'm open to suggestions for this one if anyone has ideas. It does have to be an extinct non-avian dinosaur (anything not in Avialae), preferably carnivore but if someone suggests a really good herbivore or omnivore then I can try and swap Mikey for a carnivore. I want there to be an even split. I also wanted to give him something different on his face, like his brothers, and that could only be a little spino crest and it crowds the top of his head but I can't put it anywhere else...
Leo - A type of Dromaeosaur. I was tossing up between this and a dilophosaur where his red stripes were part of the dilo's crest, cause I wasn't sure about giving him feathers. But dilo Leo was so plain compared to the rest and the crests were hard to get looking right so I went back to raptor Leo. I can definitely imagine him literally and metaphorically preening his feathers too. You can't really see it but he does also have that big raptor claw. Raptors were smart, tactical and worked in packs so I think that suits him. I wasn't specifically referencing how some artists draw Leo's stripes coming off his face (I was just trying to replicate his stripes somehow, even though it doesn't make a huge amount of sense) but I realised afterwards that it kinda looks like that and might have been subconsciously inspired by it.
Mikey - Is an Ankylosaur. I'm pretty happy with the species but I need to work out the design of his armour plating so that it looks interesting, cool and protective but isn't too chunky, too pointy or super lumpy looking. I went with an anky cause Mikey is often hiding in his shell and he can't do the same here but he could curl up in a defensive ball. Plus I could imagine him using his tail club in his razzmatazz fighting style. A little like his kusari-fundo or nunchacku/nunchucks (not sure on proper wording).
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kokonoiis · 3 months
gentle lover── pt. 02 ❝ his favorite place to kiss you ❞
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Ⅰ. tokyo revengers ft. r. ken, s. manjiro, b. keisuke, h. kazutora, m. takashi, s. haruchiyo Ⅱ. blurbs Ⅲ. tw. slight angst in sanzu's, and also slight mention of obsession in sanzu's. Ⅳ. a/n. second round lets fucking goooooo !! writing another round of guys because i know everyone deserves to be softly loved by their faves
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── ryuguji ken. forehead taking care of people comes naturally to ken, everyone already knew that long before it was ever said out loud. he likes knowing that you've eaten three square meals a day, and that you were going to sleep on time and waking up early enough that you had time to lounge around before you really had to do anything. he liked to cook for you and take care of you, often doing your hair in any way that you were feeling that day, knowing intimate things about you without you ever needing to speak up and tell him. he just knew you, heart and soul. the surprising tenderness of a man like him especially shows when he's getting ready to leave for work that day, his fingers finding their way to your chin to tilt your head up as he kissed your forehead, lingering for a moment longer than truly necessary before pulling away. he'd let you worry over his appearance, straightening his collar and smoothing over his outfit. he'd tell you not to miss him too much as he goes out, and that he'll be home before you know it. he'll be thinking of your kiss throughout the entire day.
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── sano manjiro. shoulder as much as mikey pretends he's strong as tough, he loves being in your arms. he loves being near you, able to touch your skin, feeling your warmth against his body. it's what brings him peace at night, and what calms him down when he needs a moment just to be human. he loves knowing you're safe, right there in his arms, and he's safe in yours. he doesn't have to worry about much, doesn't have to put on a brave front. he can just simply be mikey, a much softer person than people liked to give him credit for. and that softness is present when he snuggles into your body to press little kisses all along your shoulder, feeling the softness of your skin underneath his lips. sometimes he would stop kissing and just rest his forehead against your shoulder, breathing softly and just taking in the tranquility of the situation. you made him feel safe, and cared for, with your arms around his frame, holding him close to you like you never wanted to let him go. mikey could stay in your embrace forever, just like this for as long as you'd let him be.
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── baji keisuke. lips keisuke is not a man who just waits for what he wants, he takes it whenever he feels the need. and that includes kissing you. he doesn't play around, not when he wants your lips on his, although he's always being told that he shouldn't be quite so... much with it. the way keisuke is much like his personality - fiery, strong, passionate. he kisses you like he's never going to be able to kiss you again and he doesn't want to regret his final kiss. even in front of others, he kisses you with the same passion, proudly proclaiming his love in front of anyone around. he doesn't shy away from the thought of people knowing you're his, and he's yours in turn. you mean so much to him that he couldn't possibly deny you of any type of kisses you wanted, but he loves the feeling of your lips on his, kissing him back even if he took you off guard with his kiss. you'll be able to feel him smile into this kiss as his hand finds your chin to steady you, keeping you there for a moment longer as he enjoyed himself. and when he does pull away, he pecks you one more time on your lips, just for good measure.
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── hanemiya kazutora. jawline no matter how many times kazutora tries to tell you otherwise, he's impulsive. all the time, he does things without thinking much about it, whether its silly little blunders to accidentally creating a bigger problem that the two of you are going to have to tackle together, and that includes how he loves on you, too. he kisses you without having a direct goal in mind, he just wants to cover you in as many kisses as you'll let him before the two of you have to get on with life. he loves kissing your face, letting you know that you're loved everywhere, always mumbling something under his breath about how attractive he really found you with his hands in your hair. he'll kiss your jawline right underneath your ear, cuz he's able to feel the muscles in your face as you smile and giggle about his cute little ministrations. from there, he can choose where to kiss you depending on his mood. he could kiss lower down your neck until he gets to the crest of your neck, or he could kiss higher up until he reached your lips, it really just depends, but he always starts right there, and had no intention of changing that.
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── mitsuya takashi. nose mitsuya really doesn't mean too, but sometimes he finds himself babying you just a little bit. he does enjoy taking care of people, but he also knows that people need to be independent and walk on their own sometimes, too. while he's more than willing to help you out with anything that you could possibly need of him, sometimes he realizes that he could treat you as if you weren't able to do it yourself. of course, he catches himself from doing this any time it starts, and his way of apologizing is always the same. a sincere sorry, saying that he knows you're more than capable of doing this on your own, but he's always there to help you if you need it, and then he presses his nose against yours in a little symbol of his affection for you, before moving away and giving the tip of your nose a little kiss, his hands holding both sides of your face in a loving embrace. it never fails to make you scrunch your nose and giggle a little bit, which is exactly what he was looking for. he loves making you happy, loves knowing that you trust him so much to have him by your side, and he'd kiss you as many times as you'd let him.
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── sanzu haruchiyo. wrist knowing that you were alive and okay was everything to sanzu. he needed to know every day that the heart inside of your chest still beat. it wasn't incredibly obsessive, it was just him worrying. he worried that someday he might lose you, or that something bad might happen, even when life was good and calm. always being on alert, several times throughout the day, he would take your hand lovingly, turn it over, and gently press a kiss against your wrist. it was just a cute habit of his to you, but to him, he loved that he could still feel your pulse steadily beating, and especially when it starts to race a little bit for him. there, he would trail up his kisses from your pulse to your arm, depending on whether or not you had the time, until he got to your shoulder, and then your neck, until his lips rested against yours, and his body heat had invaded yours, holding you as close as possible with his fingers now laced in yours. kissing you like this meant the world to him. it let him know that you were safe and healthy in his arms, and that you were still as in love with him as he was with you. and to him, that was everything.
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──kokonoiis 2024
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armxnh · 10 months
if that ain't love then i don't know what love is
synopsis: he says i love you for the first time.
characters: shuji hanma, keisuke baji, manjiro 'mikey' sano
genre: fluff
warnings: none (i think...?)
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shuji hanma
shuji hanma loved everything about you.
the way you looked, the color of your eyes, your hair- how you do your hair, the little dance you made before eating your favourite food, the smile you had when he bought you flowers just because he felt like it, your kindness- he just loved all of you.
but one thing he loved more than anything about you... was the way you looked when you were mad at him.
there was just something about the way your pretty face would turn into a scowled, your brows frowning and lets not forget the intimidating look you were sending him.
you looked like an angry kitten.
"you can't just climb up my window every time you get in trouble hanma-"
"shuji" he corrected you with a smile on his face as he ate the snack you gave him a couple of minutes earlier.
"-shuji! my experience in treating injuries has its limits" you were walking around your room rambling about how careless he was being, completely unaware of the fact that he was enjoying this, "you can't show up every night- what if my neighbours saw you- worse what if my parents saw you!"
"they won't see me-"
"maybe i should start locking my windows-"
"don't lie to yourself, princess... you won't lock me out-"
"you're right-! god you are so frustrating!" you groaned rubbing your temples, "but i am serious about walking in my room half dead- never do that again. i may want to lock you out but it doesn't mean that i want you dead- you're a person of nice company and i don't want you to die-"
shuji stayed quiet as you kept lecturing him on how careless he was... he let his eyes drifted from your face to your body... and most specifically what you were wearing.
you wore one of his shirt with your christmas pyjama pants- even if there was 7 months left before christmas- but the last time he questioned your choice in clothes he received the flowers he had bought you on the head so he kept his opinion to himself.
out of sudden, hanma stood up from your desk chair, walking up to you with a cocky smile on his face. "shuji? what are you-"
he grabbed the back of your neck, smashing his lips into yours. you stumbled back but quickly melted into the kiss, your lips moving in sync like they had done many times before, with his 'sin' hand secured behind your head while his 'punishment' hand was on your hip.
"god- i love you so much." he muttered when he pulled away before moving your face towards his again so he could press his lips into yours in a chaste kiss.
your face was warm and your lips swollen when you finally looked in the lovestruck eyes of your boyfriend.
i love you so much
"i love y-"
"i didn't say it because i wanted you to say it back, princes..." shuji placed his hands on your cheeks pressing one last kiss on your forehead, "i just needed you to know that i love you."
you looked up to your boyfriend with heart in your eyes, completely forgetting why you were arguing about. you softly smile at him before tilting your head up to press a kiss on his jaw.
"i love you too, idiot"
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keisuke baji
keisuke never felt more stressed out in his life.
he just couldn't mess this up.
he had run every possible scenarios in his head- he was ready-
"hey, kei'! i was looking everywhere for you-"
never mind- aboard mission aboard mission!
"h-hey, (y/n)!" his voice cracked, "y-you were?"
you smiled wrapping your arms around his arm, pressing a kiss on his red cheek, "yeah, i thought we could eat lunch together, is that alright?"
as you walked down the empty hall, you realized that your boyfriend was being fidgety, looking round, not really paying attention to what you were saying, "is everything alright, keisuke?"
your question made the delinquent stop walking, he was clutching a bag with his right hand, hesitating to look at you in the eyes, "(y/n)... i-.."
"are you breaking up with me?"
his eyes snapped to meet yours, his free hand immediately grabbing your hand, "no! never! i swear- it's just that... i have- i need.."
"i'm playing with you... don't worry" you laughed at his expression, "how about you tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours?"
pretty... she thinks i'm pretty...
keisuke hurriedly grabbed what was in the bag, pulling out a heart shape box of chocolate with a hand made card. he gave both of the gifts to you, immediately looking away once you realized what he had given you.
"is it our anniversary?!" you panicked, "i'm such a bad girlfriend- i forgot our own anniversary- oh god!"
"what no!" baji explained, "i just thought that you might like it so... just read the letter already."
you opened the letter your boyfriend freezing when you realized what he had gifted you, "y-you wrote me a love letter?"
keisuke rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat, "yeah... chifuyu helped me with the words and stuff so sorry if there's some mistakes or- why are you crying?!"
you threw yourself in his arms, "i have the best boyfriend in the world- thank you so much, keisuke!"
the said man automatically wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him, inhaling your scent, "i- i love you a lot, (y/n)"
"i love you too, kei'"
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manjiro 'mikey' sano
it was one of those rare days where manjiro woke up of a nap before you. he tilted his head to the side trying to ignore the warm light streaming through the window in your room.
he blinked his eyes a couple of times, adjusting to the light, slowly registering that something was wrong.
that's when he realized that your back was facing him. he wasn't cuddled in your arms like how he remembered you two falling asleep.
he frowned, his eyes glaring daggers in the back of your sleeping self. he had never glared at you before- he never needed to. you were his light in the dark world he lived in.
but how could you do this to him? mikey tried to remember what he did wrong... did he kicked you in his sleep? did he accidentally bit you like he did that one time? (the time where he dreamt he was in a pool full of dorayaki).
a good 30 minutes later, you started to drift back to life, not yet aware of the state your boyfriend was in. you turned around, expecting to see a peacefully sleeping mikey, only to find him narrowing his eyes at you.
you were now fully awake, a smile spreading on your face at your boyfriend's morning self... even if he tried to look serious while looking at you, his morning hair betrayed him, "good morning-"
"are you mad at me?" what a good way to start the day...
you frowned at his words, "no, why? did you do something you shouldn't have?" then you remembered a nightmare he talked to you about not long ago, "did you have that dream where i ate all of your snacks? because i didn't-"
"what no-!" manjiro frowned with a pained expression on his face, "don't you like me anymore? is that why you turned your back on me?"
you suppress a chuckle that threatened to come out, "aw i'm sorry, 'jiro... i must've turned in my sleep... i won't do it again, i promise!"
he suddenly put both of. his hands on either side of your face, bringing you closer to him, "i love you a lot, alright? i need your face to be the first thing i see when i wake up- so don't turn away from me again- ever."
i love you a lot
those words kept repeating themselves in your head like a mantra.
"(y/n)? are you still with me?" manjiro asked you, bringing his face even closer to yours so that your nose were touching.
"you love me?" your face slowly growing hotter and hotter after every passing seconds.
"um? of course i do- didn't i made it clear when i shared food with you last week?"
you tilted your head to the side pressing your lips against his, making him hummed in content. "i love you, manjiro..." you mumbled when you pulled away for air.
"of course you do!"
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bigwishes · 10 months
Muscle BULL
(at time of writing muscle bull won the vote so I hope you enjoy)
Mikey took one last picture in front of the gym mirror, showing off every bulging muscle of his tight and toned frame. He typed his wish into the ask box "I wish for a change (but I wanna keep my muscle)" and looked into the mirror waiting for his changes to begin.
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As soon as he pressed send Mikey felt his body begin to pulse and swell. He heard the sound of his skin stretching as his muscles swelled up underneath. Mikey grabbed his pec feeling it bulge and swell bigger, the pulses of growth matching his heart beat.
"ah, fuck yeaahhhh" Mikey moaned flexing in the mirror.
The growth began to slow down, Mikey put on some cloths feeling them tight over his massive body, unable to stop flexing to himself and laughing at how muscle bigger he had grown. He left the locker room to test his new massive body in the gym.
After an hour in the gym Mikey realised he had lifted a barbell maybe once. He was too busy staring at his massive frame in the gym mirror. Other guys around him looked puny, he looked almost over grown but he loved the size.
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Mikey took a deep breath flexing again but feeling something strange in his pelvis. A butterfly like sensation stirring in his groin, Mikey looked down and moaned watching as the fabric around his dick expanded and stretched out. His eyes widened and he bit his bottom lip watching it expand and grow bigger. Mikey got up and left the gym, in such a rush he forgot his bag, he got in his car feeling another surge of growth. Driving home as fast as he legally could Mikey anxiously rubbed his groin feeling a surge of pleasure as he touched it. He wanted to lift up his waist band but was even more desperate to enjoy himself as soon as he saw what was under it.
Mikey pulled up in his driveway getting out of his car, feeling what felt like his balls now so big they rubbed against his thighs. Suddenly another pulse of growth washed over his groin.
"AWWWW FUCCKKKKKKK" Mikey moaned out falling back to lean on the side of his car.
Mikey tried to run to his door but it was more of a waddle feeling the squeeze in-between his legs, Mikey shut his door and leant against it, staring up at the ceiling he moaned feeling one last massive surge. **RIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP**
Mikey heard his gym shorts tear apart and felt his underwear snap. Mikey let out a excited laugh looking down at his new package but it wasn't his dick that he saw. Mikey's face quickly soured as he saw a massive pink udder sagging in place of where his dick would be.
"w..w...w-WHAT THE FUCK" Mikey started to panic, grabbing onto one of his new four dick.
Another sudden pulse hit him and Mikey watched as his new sagging udder swelled up even more he felt it become tight, and then painfully tight, completely full.
Mikey slid down against his door until he was sitting on the floor. He placed both his hands around the massive round udder. All four of his dicks began to leak pre.
"oh god...what the fuck do I do with this thing"
Mikey started jerking one of his dicks, his head fell back slamming against the door as he felt the best pleasure he's felt in his entire life. It was barely 30 second before he came and his dick squirted cum over his chest and wall. Mikey couldn't help but move onto the next one, feeling the intense pleasure, and again and then again. By the time he finished one another was rock solid. Mikey stood up wiping the cum off his massive body, moaning at his full cock udder than still felt like it was gonna burst.
Mikey walked to his bedroom and saw his huge body in the mirror, he flexed and posed his new huge muscles, he was the biggest man he's ever seen. His body took up most of his mirror and his giant hand struggled to hold his phone. His eyes wondered down his enormous frame.
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Mikey let out a deep sigh dropping his phone on the ground. He stared at the massive cock udder that was now the size of a beach ball. He wrapped both his hands around his, jiggling it up and down hearing sloshing from inside. The four dicks instantly became hard from the slightest touch. Mikey have it a slight squeeze watching as all four dicks squirted cum onto his mirror.
"Oh god, I look like a fucking cow..."
hope you ladz can enjoy this one, its been a while and I'm trying to get back into the swing of it all.
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magxnoria · 2 years
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men In ✰ Eight Months In
Cast Line Up Ran, Rindou, Haruchiyo, Mikey, Kakucho, Hajime and Current Shuji
Rated TV-MA
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary ✰ How The Men Treat You when You're Eight Month Pregnant with Their Baby, Baby Daddies treating you Like Royalty!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty 
Ran Haitani
✰ Ran proudly Admit How Weak He is for you now with your belly all round with his Baby
✰ Seeing you waddle around got him Feeling things he never felt before, His face lighting up whenever he sees you just Glowing 
✰ Will drop everything to attend to your needs even Partying is a thing of the past, Ran is in his Dad Era
✰ Ran is struggling to keep his hands to himself.  Your Belly is like a magnet to him and Your Hormones aren't helping, Got Him and His dick working overtime trying to keep you Satiated 
✰ Rindou and Sanzu's ears are about to fall off because all Ran do is talk about how much he stays buried in your pussy
✰ “Can't stay Long Guys, The love of my life needs my dick expediently” Ran says while pouring himself something to drink, “ Always Talking about your personal life, We’re not fucking Twitter” Sanzu Groans while Rindou tries his best to ignore this conversation. “ You're Just Jealous your family not Growing and Your babe not Glowing” Ran Grins while Sanzu just sighs as Rindou lays his head on the table
✰ Ran will Keep Bragging about you after all you giving him the best present he could ever receive
✰ “ You're so wonderful you know that” Ran whisper in your ear as he embrace you from behind
Ran Softly Thrust into you from behind while his fingers softly pinched your nipples, “ So fucking Beautiful and absolutely breathtaking” Ran Groaned while handing you an extra pillow to place under your belly for support
“ Ran, How good you make me feel” You whined as Ran rolled his hips making his dick hit that spot deep in you that always makes you a shivering mess, Your body was filled with ecstasy as Ran kept fucking you tenderly 
Ran's dick felt like heaven to your needy pussy as he constantly gave you long strokes that made you lean deep into the pillows that were under you, “Pussy always so Good and tight, Feels so fucking Good” Ran groaned while you clenched around him making him shudder
He laid kisses to the back of your neck while you whined under him so prettily, “ Your Moans sound like music to my ears” Ran Singsong while he fucked into you deep. “So Close Ran, So Close” You moaned as your pussy throbbed around him
“Come on Beautiful, Cum for me” Ran groaned while he kept fucking into your clenching pussy, Your body obeyed Ran’s words as you had an orgasm so strong that it made your body shake. Ran gave you two strong thrusts before he cumming deep inside you with a groan before resting while still inside you, “You were amazing baby like usual” Ran said while his hands roamed your body
Rindou Haitani
✰ Rindou could never be prouder of you, How beautiful you look so full with his baby
✰ Brings you whatever you want on a silver platter, He  would do anything to put a smile on your face
✰ Is very observant of your expressions.  he knows when you need Food, a massage, or some dick to ease the throbbing of your pussy
✰ Drops everything to get you whatever your hearts desire. Doesn't matter if he was at work, they know you come first
✰ Rindou is a Homebound king, He doesn't even go to the club anymore because he doesn't want to be far from you
✰ Your pregnancy got Rindou in a daze, His high off the thought of you being pregnant with His Baby and How he will soon be a father
✰ “ I want to keep you pregnant and bred” Rindou groans as he rubs your full belly
Rindou Laid on his back while you straddled him, his dick deep in your pussy as his left hand played with your clit. “You feel Good Baby?? You okay?” Rindou asked while he gave your pussy soft but deep thrusts, “Feel Good Rinnie, so good” You mewled back as you rocked your hips for more friction
“Ahh, I needed this so bad” You moaned as you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of Rindou’s dick in your cunt. Rindou could only smile up at you as he propped himself on his arms so he could suck on your right nipple making you coo as he pushed his dick in and out of your pussy
The way Rindou was fucking you plus the way your hormones were making you feel had it That every touch, Every stroke, and every twirl of his tongue was amplified making your pussy throb as you bit back your screams of Pleasure
“Rinnie. Oh, Baby, I’m So close” You moaned while Rindou proceed to work his thigh muscles to fuck up into you, “Cum for me baby” Rindou groaned as your walls contracted around his dick. Your body spasmed as your climax hit you hard, you had put your hands on Rindou's chest for support. Rindou followed you as your pussy milked his dick so well his hips jolting as he released inside of you
“Fuck. Felt damn right Heavenly” Rindou Gasp as he rubbed your chin, “Now let me run you a bath and get you cleaned up,  yeah?” Rindou said before kissing your lips 
Haruchiyo Sanzu
✰ You being Pregnant have done something to Haruchiyo, He stays By your side and He's sober Now 
✰ The Thought of you carrying a new life got him going crazy, Haruchiyo can barely contain himself 
✰ Your Wish is his Command, Whatever you want Haruchiyo will happily give it to you even if it means waking out of his sleep to fuck you softly while you whine in his ear
✰ You and Your Swollen pussy got him fully subservient, If it wasn't for his work he’ll be home with you all the time 
✰ He takes your moodiness in stride, he just loves everything about you having his kid.
✰ “I'm Hooked on you being knocked up with my kid, Fuck. Let's have a house full of kids” Haruchiyo Grins while kissing your belly
Haruchiyo's fingers rubbed patterns on your clit as he fucked into you with care, “Fuck. How does that feel baby? Telling by how your eyes rolling back it feels good” Haruchiyo groaned while your pussy squeezed him in response. “Feel so Good Haru” You mewled back while Haruchiyo continued working your pussy
His dick massaging your walls while your pussy pulsed around him making him shudder, “Ah Fuck. You grip my dick so fucking good babe” Haruchiyo groaned before bringing his head down to suck on your perky right nipple
Haruchiyo actions were driving you wild as he stimulated you so good that you felt like you were touching heaven, Your pussy felt absolutely wonderful being spread open by Haruchiyo dick as his tip kissed your G-spot with every stroke
“Haru, Fuck. I’m cumming” You moaned as Haruchiyo fucked you toward ecstasy. Your body jolted against the mattress as he continued to give you deep strokes, his thrusts only becoming erratic when he began cumming inside you. “Fuck. you always drain me so good” Haruchiyo Groaned before pushing his hips into yours one final time, “Now what do you want to eat?”
Manjiro Sano
✰ Manjiro is in Heaven. You are finally all his, this baby solidifies that.
✰ All of Bonten is at your beck and call, snap your fingers and they will bring whatever you want 
✰ Even Manjiro is even more homebound Now, He can't keep his arms from being wrapped around your round belly
✰ He is obsessed with you being pregnant, Your change of Hormones excites him and He takes everything you toss at him with a smile on his face
✰ The fact that you are more dick hungry makes his dick so achily hard. He fucks you with such love and cares that you're wondering where the old Manjiro went
✰ He would never put The baby and you in Jeopardy, You two are the most highly valued people in his life right now. You Give Manjiro a reason to live.
✰ “I love you two so much” Manjiro softly says while his head gently rests on your belly
Manjiro languidly rocked his hips into yours pushing his dick deep into you make you whine, “Jiro Please rub my clit” You pleaded making Manjiro chuckle. “ How can I forget to pay attention to your pretty clit huh?” Manjiro grinned before sucking his thumb and using it to apply pressure to your clit making you moan
His free hand stayed on your belly as he concentrated on making you feel good, Manjiro's hips softly snapping as he fucked you just right making your toes curl. “  You are gorgeous, you know that right?” Manjiro groaned as your pussy tugged on his dick, “ Like an Angel” He whispered making your eyes lock with his
Your eyes stayed locked while Manjiro kept fucking you, his thrusts not letting up even as your cunt began clenching down on his dick hard or when you bought your left hand to his face. “ Jiro, you're beautiful too” You moaned making Manjiro's face heat up as he brought all his attention back to fucking you
You could feel that familiar sensation of your orgasm nearing as Manjiro worked your pussy like an expert, “Jiro, I'm cumming” You moaned as Manjiro fucked you into your bliss. Manjiro Hips spasmed as his own orgasm hit him so hard that his body shook, he was only able to give you one more shaky thrust before resting on his elbows. “ I love you so much” Manjiro whispered to you before kissing your lips 
✰ Kakucho has been a dream though your pregnancy, He's always there with what you need before you say you need it 
✰ He is elated to be a father and he can't stop talking about how beautiful you look with a round belly 
✰ He hates seeing you in distress  with your hormones, he will do anything to elevate the pains of your pregnancy 
✰ If you need good food? He's cooking. If your pussy needs his dick? He's ready to make tender love to you
✰ Kakucho is so gentle and soft with you, not like he could ever hurt you but every move he now makes is calculated and with the most care
✰ Kakucho always falls asleep with his hand on your belly, He needs to keep you safe even in his sleep 
✰n“I can't wait to meet Our Little One” Kakucho says while he caresses your belly
Kakucho's dick was in you as You two Spooned, his left hand resting on your belly while his right hand you close to him. His hips rocked into yours as he fucked you softly making you coo with every motion of his thighs 
“Kaku, You got me feeling like I’m in heaven” You moaned as Kakucho Lips kissed your left shoulder, “An Angel should feel Heavenly” Kakucho whispered in your ear while he pushed his dick deep in your cunt making your legs tremble
“ I love making you feel good” Kakucho Groaned as your pussy held him tight. You moved your hips trying to get Kakucho ever so deeper in your pussy, your eyes rolling back as his tip rubbed that spongy spot in you just right. “Kaku, Just like that don't stop” You moaned while Kakucho did exactly as you said 
Your pussy pulsating as your orgasm came out of nowhere, your body shaking Against Kakucho as he stroked you through your climax. Kakucho gave you two more solid thrusts before his hips began jolting as he started cumming in you, filling your pussy with cum. “Feels so beautiful. You are beautiful” Kakucho groaned while he gave you one more thrust before sliding out of you making you whimper
“Now Let me cook you something to eat” Kakucho said before kissing your lips
Hajime Kokonoi
✰ Hajime Spoils you 1,000,000,000 Times more since the moment you told him you are pregnant
✰ He works from home now, he can't pull himself from you and the baby
Whatever you want you already got it, This child will be the most spoiled baby around 
✰ Hajime can tell what you want by the tone of your voice, He knows if you need a good massage or  some TLC or to get dicked down
✰ Hajime doesn't want you lifting a finger, He hires maids to clean the house while he tends to your needs
✰ Literally feels like he's in the best dream he ever had, the Mere thought of fatherhood got him blissed out 
✰ He wakes up in the middle of the night to watch you sleep while his thoughts are consumed by how the two of you will be parents in a month
✰ “ You and this baby are priceless to me” Hajime whispers while kissing your stretch marks 
Hajime's dick was buried in you while he tenderly Massaged your shoulders, “Please Koko, Fuck me” You moaned making Hajime Move his hips making you Mewl out his name. “ That Feel Better Love?” Hajime asked before he began kissing your neck softly 
Hajime's Hands roamed your body as he fucked into your creamy cunt so good that you felt yourself losing control. your fingernails scratching his back making him close his eyes as he ground his hips against yours trying to reach the deepest parts of you, His hips pushing his dick deep as he rolled them making you whimper
“Koko. Right There Right there” You moaned out while he brought his lips down to your breasts to suck on them making you press yourself against him, Hajime savored all of you as he sucked on your left nipple making you writhe against the mattress
“Koko, Please don't stop. Gonna cum” You moaned while he kept sucking and fucking you so that your nerves felt like they were aflame, The fire only burning brighter as you began cumming around Hajimes dick. Your pussy squeezing Hajime inches so hard that he couldn't hold back himself from spilling his seed in your creamy pussy. 
“Got my mind hazy” Hajime Softy groaned before kissing your lips and rubbing your belly, “ Now let me get back to massaging you” Hajime whispered as his hands worked your shoulders 
Shuji Hanma  
✰ Shuji is still shocked about you being pregnant, it's like he's in a hazy dream, and he's living for it 
✰ Whenever you wake him up and he sees your belly so full with his baby he just can't help but admire you
✰ “Fuck. You're so gorgeous baby” Shuji said while his hand rub your belly
Shuji is so soft with you and delicate, You have never seen this side of him before. He literally says yes to whatever you ask him
✰ Your Hormones got him on his toes and he loves it, Hes a fiend for waking up in the middle of the night to bring you snacks and to give you that good dick
✰ Shuji always keeps a hand on your belly, Loves to feel the baby kick his hand and the way he always smiles up at you is priceless 
✰ Hate to admit it but he's addicted to you being pregnant with his baby, He has a growing Need to keep you constantly filled with his baby
✰ “ You know you look so beautiful Pregnant, wouldn't mind us having a couple more babies after this one” Shuji Says while massaging your shoulders 
Shuji had you on the edge of the bed while he worked your pussy with his dick so good that tears pricked into your eyes.  “Shu, A little deeper please” You moaned making Shuji laugh, “Deeper? Okay babe I’m Going to Give you what you want” Shuji Grinned before angling his hips to fuck you deep just like you asked
“Just like that” You cooed as Shuji fucked into you so good that you couldn't help but cry from pleasure as Shuji's dick rubbed your G-spot. Shuji brought his thumb to your swollen clit building on the mountain of bliss you already were on 
“Fuck. Do I love making you feel so good that all you can do is cry” Shuji Groaned while he rolled his hips as you writhed under him, His free hand massaging your right breast making you moan his name out. “ I can feel that pussy Pulsing for me, I know you're close baby. Let me have it, I can take it” Shuji Groaned while he kept stimulating you the way you like it
Right on cue, you began cumming on his dick as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, Shuji's hips still snapping into yours with precision even as his dick painted your walls with his cum. “ Fuck. Babe, You got me wrapped around your finger, you know that right?” Shuji Groaned while rocking his hips before giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips.
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit 
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bvnnichu · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mikey x f! reader
𝐜𝐰: inexperienced reader, unprotected sex, petnames, breeding kink, slight hair pulling, riding, fingering and oral mentioned, pussydrunk! Mikey, degradation, doggy style, spanking, mentions of pregnancy, overstimulation, multiple rounds. ( lmk if anything slipped my eyes! )
𝐚/𝐧: wrote this at 3 am, don't judge 😢
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"mm.. my precious baby, 's gonna be okay"
Mikey mumbles while caressing your cheek, staring at you with his hooded eyes. He has the softest and most reassuring smile on his face, almost as if he isn't Japan's most wanted criminal. How could he not? You're his precious baby, his everything.
He's caressing your hips, urging you to push yourself down into his cock. Your face is buried into his shoulders, too scared to move. Suddenly you feel something prodding against your entrance, making you let out a gasp. You look at your boyfriend with teary eyes, and he just stares back with a lazy grin plastered on his face.
"'m sorry love, couldn't help myself.."
He starts caressing his shaft, swirling circles on your slippery cunt. He'd made you orgasm before this with his mouth and slender fingers, so you were well prepared. He grabs onto the back of your head, tilting his head and pulling you in for a kiss. His tongue entered your mouth, swirling it against yours, exploring all over your mouth.
While you were distracted, he slipped an inch of his cock in, eyebrows furrowing from the feeling. Your gasp turned into a muffled moan in the kiss, nails digging into his shoulders. His grip behind your head tightened, tangling his hand into your hair and giving it a light tug. He couldn't help but thrust his hips up just a bit, but it had you biting his bottom lip and jumping at the pleasure.
You pulled away from the kiss, tears swelling in your eyes. "m-manjiro... it hurts!"
You were pouting, and he caressed your cheek. He stopped all movement, staring at you with loving eyes.
"'s gonna be alright darling, the pain will go away soon"
He caressed your cheek, wiping off a tear that was about to escape. You buried your face into his neck, sniffling 'cause of the pain. He caressed your back, leaving kisses on your bare shoulder.
"gonna put it in now, babe"
With that he pushed slowly pushed in inch by inch, muttering curses as he felt your warm pussy envelope his slender cock. His head was thrown back, eyes shut in pure pleasure, burying himself all the way in.
"fuck princess.. so fuckin' tight f' me hm?" He groaned in a raspy voice, watching you tremble from the unfamiliar feeling inside your tummy. You were too far gone to answer him, the feeling of his cock inside your gummy walls making you feel dizzy.
"m-manjiro.. mmph.. need more of you inside me.."
He bucked his hips in response, biting his lips at your words.
"fuck baby.. how 'bout you help y'self hmm?" You blink at him a few times, flabbergasted. Then you can feel a blush slowly creeping its way to your cheeks.
"what?! b-but I don't know how..."
"c'mon baby, y'have to work for good things don't ya know? chop chop, get to work now"
You whine in protest but you still have to feel your release so you oblige. You start grinding down on him, mouth agape at how fucking amazing that feels. He hisses, nails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs to suppress his loud moans. He helps you go up and down, occasionally bucking his hips up to give you a lil boost.
After riding him for a while, your legs get tired and you start slowing down. But Mikey doesn't seem too happy 'bout that. He grips your hips tightly, slamming you back down onto his cock so hard that it feels like he just rocked your world.
"d-don't fuckin' stop.. mmf.. keep going babe"
"I c-can't mikey! 's to much"
You sob into his shoulder, making his eyes shift from demanding to soft. He starts caressing your back, giving a reassuring kiss on your cheek.
"wan' me to take over mm? I'll make you feel good angel, I promise.. make you feel so good you'll be begging f'more"
You nod, lifting your head up to look at him. His hair is disheveled, sweat making his dark strands stick to his forehead. He gives you a peck on the lips then pushes you off of him.
"go on all fours f'me babe"
You oblige without much complaint, arching your back a little for better access. He gives your ass a spank before lining his dick up with your entrance.
"ready or not.. 'm going in"
With that he pushed all the way in, grunting at your gushing wet pussy clenching his dick for the nth time that night. You whimpered, not being able to keep yourself up for too long, your legs almost gave up on you. He grabbed your hips before you could melt into a puddle on the bed, starting at a steady pace.
"mm.. fuck, so good f'me baby..." he moaned out, gripping your hips so tight it might end up bruised.
"fuckkkk.. m-mikey 's so good" your eyes were rolling to the back of your skull with each thrust, your words coming out slurred from your face being mushed into the pillow.
"oh yeah? does my dumb fucking slut like bein' a pillow princess?" he said in a mocking voice, and you could hear the grin in his voice.
"'m boutta cum! mmph.. m-mikey" you slurred out, drool spilling from the corner of your mouth.
He started speeding up his thrusts, chasing both of your releases. You were moaning uncontrollably loud, gripping onto the bedsheets so hard your knuckles turned white. You were slurring random shit that Mikey could barely comprehend, your pussy being the only thing in his mind right now.
"'m cummin' inside babe.. gonna breed my fucking children into you" he growled, face buried into your neck while he was pounding you into heaven.
You couldn't even think straight, too fuckin' dumb on his cock to comprehend the consequences. You felt his cock up in your cervix, pushing you all the way over the edge. He came when he felt you gushing around your cock, but he had no sign of stopping.
"m-mikey 's too much! too much! fuck— s' too sensitive!" you sobbed into the pillow, only making him thrust even harder. Yeah, he definitely wasn't stopping anytime soon.
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riseoftheangstywriter · 3 months
How do u think the turtles would react if s/o got the turtles their favorite franchise(Jupiter Jim or Lou jitsu) merch after they attempted to buy it(but they were broke)?
Love this idea! I plan on writing a little scenario for each of the rise turts but part 1 will just be Mikey and Donnie(part 2 coming soon), enjoy!!
You're guided through the lair by the heavenly aroma that could only be the result of Mikeys' incredible baking. It was truly a delight to see whatever he was whipping up when you managed to stop by at just the right time.
You practically float into the kitchen, the box turtle in the middle of pulling a tray out of the oven.
"Something sweet?" You hum, watching as his surprise melts into joy at the sight of you, smile matching his grin. You've mistaken it for the sun more than once.
"More like someone sweet." He removes his oven mitts and meets you halfway in a tight hug. "I made brownies y/n!" The syllables of your name slip fondly from his tongue, his enthusiasm enveloping you with warmth.
His head fits right in the crook of your neck, his usual resting spot in an embrace such as this. He smells like chocolate. Feels like home.
"I have something for you." Unable to contain your secret any longer, you pull away, presenting him with a bag, orange tissue paper loosely sticking out.
His eyes light up, fingers dancing in anticipation at whatever this thing might be. "Really?!"
All you can do is nod, holding your breath as he takes it from you, tearing through the packaging with that contagious unconfined energy you adored.
You know the exact moment he sees what it is, his jaw dropping in time with your gleeful giggle. Your hand covers your face, unable to hold back the joyful sounds escaping your throat.
"Is this the limited edition Jupiter Jim cookbook? Which has all the food and beverages from the films and comics?!"
You nod, knowing he had been dying to get it whenever it had come out. Being such a niche piece of merchandise, it sold out almost immediately. Not to mention it wasn't exactly in his price range.
He was a good sport about not being able to add it to his growing collection, but seeing his crestfallen expression for even a second was all it took for you to decide you would stop at nothing to get it for him.
Now that you've gotten it, Mikey could-
"Woah!" Your feet leave the ground as you are lifted in the air, being twirled around multiple times. A reminder of his incredible strength despite his size.
"Ohmigosh y/n! This is incredible! You're incredible!" One hand cradles your face, his other arm wrapped around your waist, holding you up. "I love it!" He repeats multiple times, kissing your cheeks over and over. "I love you!"
"I-I love you too!" You manage to stutter out between the onslaught of pecks, dizzy and lovesick.
Planted back to reality, Mikey shakes your shoulders. "Do you have plans tomorrow? If not, I'm making a three course- no, a five course meal! I have to go shopping, I need to call April!"
"You have all the time in the world." You reply reassuringly, still endeared by his eagerness.
"I know, I know. It's just I've been wanting this for like forever!" He calms, now seeming to finally process what you've done. "...You remembered?"
How could you not? You're already far into that stage of wanting to know every little thing about him, and what you have learned was already committed to memory forever. You knew he was no mind reader; you just wanted to express yourself to him like he did to you. It mattered, really. Deeply.
"Of course." Simple and sweet words were enough for him to understand. He leans into you, your hand pressed against his plastron, tracing the sticker on its' surface.
"You're the best." He swears to you, like a promise he plans to never break.
What ensues next is a playful back and forth, ending in more laughter. Sunshine finds its' way in, even in the underground tunnels of New York.
He leaves you with the brownies, rounding up his family with an extra spring in his step. You take a bite of a corner piece; relishing in its sweetness, it being cooked to perfection as usual. Although it was nothing compared to Mikey's affection.
Not even close.
Like clockwork, you arrive to Donnie's lab. A weekly cycle, but the farthest thing from a chore. A highlight seems like a more fitting description.
The doors open for you with a hiss, inviting to you while perhaps ominous to a stranger. His space, and now, in a way, yours too by association.
He's working. Focused. Diligent as ever. He's rarely been irked by your interruptions when they do occur, but out of respect you keep your distance. Besides, you didn't mind observing from afar. Or admiring.
He greets you, like always. The creaking of a nearby chair is indication of your "sitting down and vegging out on your phone after a long day time", so he doesn't shift his attention to you just yet. Wanting to complete his current task first.
You aren't on your phone, however. Instead, you wait patiently. Wanting to get his reaction whenever he sees... it.
It takes around fifteen minutes before you hear a satisfied sigh and a readjust of his googles. Then a pause, an empty space where his first words to you should be.
"..y/n?" He turns in his chair, eyes narrowed and an immaculate eyebrow quirked.
"Yes?" You mirror his questioning expression, feigning ignorance. An attempt to be cute, hoping to add to your charm that got him to fall for you, somehow.
"What did you put on my desk?" A harmless, even logical question; but you have a terrible poker face and are horrible at hiding when you're excited about something.
You focus on the subject of conversation. A gray box, with more height than width. Decorating it is a purple satin ribbon.
You look between it and him. "Oh that? I don't know. Maybe you should open it and see."
For a moment you're sure he'll question it, but to your delight he obliges to your initial request. Your stomach churns; that means he trusts you. That was great, amazing even. Yet..
Going by his side, you watch as he puts the package in his lap, slowly tugging on the fabric of the ribbon, letting it loosen so he can pull it away with ease.
His hands linger over the lid, a silent ask for permission in his subtle glance upwards.
"Well?" You say, sweaty palms concealed behind your back.
A huff in response, and the lid is popped off.
It's quiet for about a minute, Donnie peering inside the box, hands still firmly on its' sides. The suspense is gnawing at you, screaming internally for any reaction at all. Please.
Then he lifts it out, holding it carefully in his skilled fingers. The holy grail itself. An Atomic Lass figurine. Not just any figurine. It's Atomic Lass in her outfit from Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation IV, which just so happens to be his favorite film in the franchise. Not to mention this item was so hard to find, not even the soft shell himself could get it in his possession.
Biting your tongue so hard it might bleed, you try to piece together his thoughts by a thorough study of his expression. You knew how particular he was about his well-kept merchandise collection. You polished it yourself, only pleased once it shined like the titanium bust of his head. Desperate to impress him; even now, after all this time. Dreading what would happen if you managed to fail. Had you failed already?
He sets down the figure, staring at it. Then an exhale, as he squares his shoulders, facing you.
"How much do I owe you?"
What? "What? Nothing." That was the last thing you had expected him to say. Your gesture had no price tag, but feeling the need to elaborate just to bring the point home, you add. "Zero dollars."
His eyes are cast downwards, but it's unmistakable. He's thinking. Now you see. He's calculating how much it might have cost you. How many hours you worked at your job in order to pay for it. Classic Donnie overthink. You wouldn't allow that.
With purpose, you bend down to eye level, pressing a gentle kiss on the area between his pinched brows. "It's a gift, Donnie." Fingers meet his chin as you lift his head up. "You don't owe me anything."
It seems to have pained him, how easily you assured him no favor was needed, or even wanted by you. "No. No- you cannot possibly expect me to just take this," his fingers grasp your wrist, hand almost shaking. "This is too much."
His sweetness, yet hypocrisy is extremely adorable. "It is most certainly not. There's plenty of times we've been in this exact situation, just the other way around, and you know what you said every time I tried to repay you?"
Not really asking for an answer, you continue, "You say it's fine, and that your purpose of doing things for me is never to get something in return," you trace his jaw, feeling it clench. "It's the same thing for me."
Using his own principles against him was a killing blow, seeing his conflicting emotions settle into resignation, yet the apprehension was there. "I have no doubt it was difficult for you to find such rare..." He trails off, eyeing the statue and all its' details. "It's magnificent."
His breathless praise fuels your ego, just a bit. "I'm really really glad you think so." You kiss his cheek, pulling yourself out of his loosening grip.
With a surprised gasp he brings you right back in, kissing you with a sudden ferocity that makes your head spin and skin shimmer, a bubbling warmth threatening to boil over. The position you're in is a little awkward, but with Donnie's lips on yours like this you found no reason to complain.
"Please," Almost like a plea, his eyes rake over your contented smile, breath hitching. "Let- Let me do something for you. Anything."
The constant need Donnie had to help you stoked the embers in your heart even more. Falling impossibly further for him just when you think there couldn't possibly be anything else to love, to admire.
Your nose meets his snout with a meaningful nuzzle, and you caress a wrinkle on his forehead with a thumb. "Anything? Well... a movie right now sounds nice. If I may throw out a suggestion here, what are your opinions on Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation IV?"
Once he realizes the direction you were taking with his proposition, he scoffs, the familiar sound furthering your fond amusement. "Is that a serious request, y/n?"
"To be honest," you cup his cheek, seeing how youthful he looks like this. Wide eyes and shining pupils. "Just this is plenty, but if you actually feel like you have to repay me, which you don't... then yes, I'm serious."
He sighs into your touch, clearly wanting to argue your "request". That push and pull between you both was always fun to indulge in; but in this case, he accepts. "Very well, even though I do not consider that sufficient in the slightest." He could grumble all he wants, he knew you had succeeded.
Movie night commences shortly after, and you listen as he brainstorms how exactly he'll display his figurine, insistent just setting it alongside the others wasn't enough. Soaking up every word, you cuddle closer. You should surprise Donnie more often. You could get used to this.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Alpha Draken x Omega Male Reader x Alpha Mikey
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Sunlight leaked into the bedroom where two Alpha's were laying. One on each sides the middle empty. The Alpha on the right reached towards the middle and quickly sat up when he realized it was empty. He quickly woke up the Alpha on the left. "Ken-chin wake up!" Draken groaned and turned over. "5 more minutes Mikey." "But (Name)-chin isn't in bed!"
That woke him up. Draken quickly sat up and looked at the middle of the bed. Empty. He put his hand down. Cold. "When did he wake up?! He's 8 months pregnant how did he leave the bed without us knowing!?" Both Alpha's quickly left the bed hurriedly put on shirts and pants and were rancing out of the bedroom door. Half-way through the hallway they could smell delicious food.
'Kitchen' they thought. When they finally arrived to he kitchen they saw their beautiful (hair colored) omega making breakfast. Four bento's made. Their twin boys sitting at the breakfast table. "(Name)-chin?" (Name) turned to his alphas and smiled brightly. 'Angel' both Alpha's thought. "Morning Alpha's! Did you sleep well?" Mikey nodded kissed (Name) softly and sat at the table quietly talking to the twins.
Draken shook his head and smirk softly. "How did you leave the bed without waking us up?" (Name) looked at him confused. "But I woke up Jiro hungry for (food) and he told me to make it myself and when I realized the time I figured, Hey I could make it for breakfast!" The smile the Omega's face could melt any cold heart.
Draken froze repeating what (Name) said in his head before he glared at Mikey. "You told our 8 month pregnant Omega to get. No. MAKE. The food he's craving!?" Mikey froze and a look of horror flashed across his face. "I thought I dreamed that" Miey spoke quietly. (Name) giggled and put breakfast on the table and kissed the twins heads.
"My handsome boys! Ready for school? Momma has to finish making your bento's then he'll join your for breakfast!" That's when the younger twin spoke up. "A-Actually momma I don't want a bento today." The heart break on (Name)'s face spoke many things. Draken and Mikey froze. They knew how important food was to him.
That's how they met. The boys skipped class one day in middle school. They were running around beating up bad delinquents. When Mikey got hungry but there wasn't any restaurants nearby and Draken was broke. That's when they met a sweet Omega who was home schooled. He shared with them his bento and the rest was history. They fell for his kindness and delicious food.
"B-But Momma put so much love in it baby..." (Name) looked like he was gonna cry and with how crazy his hormones were he actually might. Draken quickly changed topics and moved the Omega back into the kitchen talking about dinner, while Mikey stared at the twins. They had both his and Drakens features. Both Alpha's loved (Name)'s cooking so something had to be wrong.
"Who did what?" Mikey's question made the twin freeze. (A! Kid Name) looked at his younger brother with a worried expression. His brother was an omega and sometimes got picked on at school. He wasn't always there to save him and that scared him. (O! Kid Name) looked up and whined. He didn't like being in trouble. "A-An Alpha keeps taking my bento..." The air froze as Draken who had been standing in the door way spoke with a calm voice. "What?"
After explaining what's been happening Mikey and Draken were ready to round up Toman and go on a hunt. Luckily (Name) calmed his Alpha's down. "Why don't we talk to the Alpha and his parents? Maybe we can settle this." Mikey and Draken shared a look and nodded. 'If we want him to disappear, so does his family.' As if he knew what they were thinking (Name) sent the two a hard look.
Later that week both sets of parents were in the principals office. All 3 kids with both parents the teacher and the principal. Mikey and Draken were staring down the young Alpha. This is the kid terrorizing their baby. His parents didn't look different considering they just learned that their son is picking on a Omega. "Son! How dare you?! We raised you better then this!" His parents were giving him a lecture that would last generations.
(O! Kid Name) looked to be in tears. He didn't mean to get the boy in trouble. That's when the other kid spoke and froze everyone. "It's because I like him!" Mikey and Draken felt their hearts stop and their blood turn cold. (Name) smiled brightly and bent down the best he could. Considering he could pop at any moment. "Aww my baby already has an admire! Well why don't I make more so you two could share?"
That snapped the two Alpha's out of their minds. Share? They remembered how they met and fell in love and paled. "NO!" Everyone jumped at the two Alpha's yelling! (Name) looked confused. "Why not?" The two grabbed the twins and held them close. "Their too young!" Mikey wailed. Draken nodded face serious. "Not my little baby!"
(Name) shook his head. A fond smile on his face. That smile left when he felt water hit the floor. "Speaking of baby." He spoke gaining everyone's attention. "My water just broke." It was like hell froze over and chaos began.
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manjiroscum · 1 year
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WARNINGS: f!reader, explicit sex, mature language, threesome, a bit of slut shaming, bonten just being bonten, doggystyle, full nelson, protected sex (use of pills), creampie, just a lot of filth :p, sanzu's a bit of an asshole, strip game, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
NOTE: hi! here is the third fic for the collection :) took a lot of time bc uni and life got too hectic huhu anyway, i hope you enjoy it! (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)♪
SYNOPSIS: Another slow day at work meant more shenanigans to occur. Haruchiyo Sanzu was adamant to cause trouble and to have you bent over the desk for everyone to see.
WC: 1k
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The chances of being shot in the head by Bonten’s notorious pink-haired assailant had a much lower probability of happening than the wine bottle never landing on you. The whole ordeal wouldn't have been daunting if it were a normal truth-or-dare game. But of course, the rest of Bonten’s higher-ups were bored out of their minds and suggested a little twist in the game. It was either you picked truth or dare and did them… Or avoid it and strip. Lips in a grim line, you ignored the drunken hollers by the Haitani brothers as you unbuttoned your blouse. There was no way in hell you would admit that you slept with Takeomi in Mikey’s office due to a bet you made with Rindou.
No way in hell.
Curse these bastards for inviting you, their ever-lovely secretary, to this stupid game when you could've gone home early since Mikey wasn't around. When the big cat wasn't around to intimidate, every rotten mouse was up to play. And play, they did. Sanzu was even more adamant about making you answer the most difficult questions because it was fun to torment you especially now that you were only clad in your stockings, pencil skirt, underwear, and bra.
“Seriously, this game must be rigged!” You sat back down, brows furrowed and unaware of the lingering gazes on your supple breasts covered by a lace bra. “Most of you guys haven't even stripped much. Why am I getting the craziest dares and questions, huh?”
This was definitely to teach you a lesson not to get ahead with yourself thinking you can best these men in a game. As much as you knew their dirty secrets within the organization, they too, knew yours. What made them annoyingly frustrating to deal with was how they utilized it to bring you to your knees.
“Alright then,” Rindou rubbed his hands as if he has foreseen the future when the bottle pointed at you and him. Fighting back the urge to slap yourself for joining this stupid game, you listened as he gave you the options. “Truth or dare, princess. What do you choose?”
To use your answers against you was what Sanzu Haruchiyo and Haitani Rindou were begrudgingly good at. This tactic had you stripping your pencil skirt when you refused to answer the question Rindou gave you and the dare option was as equally brazen. Perhaps after a few more rounds, you were sure you would exit the building all nude. However, just as you were about to spill your woes, the pink-haired man got up and instantly pulled you from your seat without breaking a sweat. The next thing you know, you were bent over Mikey’s desk. Eyes wide, you blinked twice.
“W-what the—”
“Why won’t you answer the simple question, sweetheart? We’re not gonna kill ‘ya if your pussy decides it likes me better than Ran.”
“Sanzu, you dick, I heard that!”
The scars on either side of his lips stretched as he grinned down at your vulnerable form, his hard-on pressed against your ass that was too difficult to ignore. Wishing for it to go away would be stupid to do as well.
“I mean, aren’t you curious boys? A simple question as to who she wants to kill, marry or fuck isn’t something that’ll cause us to slit each other's throats. A slut like her should be shared by us.” Pulling back, Sanzu stepped aside for everyone to see your ass still clad in your panties. But not for long as he hooked his finger and pulled down the lacy thong, tongue tucked between his lips as he did so.
Such an obedient thing you were, spouting for him to stop yet doing nothing to make him halt in his actions. A few of the men swallowed hard at the sight of your bare ass and damp pussy lips, aching to fill your holes.
“Gonna ask you one last time, sweetheart. Be a dear and answer Rin’s question. He thought long and hard about it, you see.” Ignoring the huff the younger Haitani made, Sanzu smirked. “Fuck, marry, kill? Unless of course, you’re such a big slut that you want to fuck us all?”
The safest answer you took was what led you to be on all fours, Ran’s cock in your mouth and Sanzu thrusting his from behind. Rindou’s thick fingers were busy toying with your nipples as Kakucho rubbed himself to the sinful scene in front of him. Milky semen coated your back, belonging to the brothers and Kakucho after being coaxed by Sanzu to see who has the thickest load that will definitely knock you up. You ignored their silly banter, trusting the pill you religiously took. The air conditioner in Mikey’s office was either broken or was blowing cold air quite poorly due to how hot your flesh felt against their cool skin. The sound of flesh smacking against flesh echoed around, driving you all insane. Your eyes rolled back at Sanzu’s long cock hitting that favorite spot of yours.
They continued to switch positions, adamant for everyone to have at least a turn inside your cum-filled pussy. You felt your lower stomach bloat up at how much semen was inside. The game and wine bottle were forgotten, replaced with a much more engaging game where nobody loses. This was what you’ve always wanted, a secret you’ve kept to yourself. And now that it was happening, perhaps the teasing at the strip game earlier was worth going through.
“Too bad Takeomi and Mikey are missing out on this cunt.”
“Nah, the old man would probably complain about his back and Mikey’s not interested whenever we’re around.”
“Hey, Kaku, she’s blacking out. Wake her up.”
Kakucho hoisting you up and doing the standing full nelson position wasn’t something you anticipated. Everyone was amazed at how much of their cum spilled out when he thrust his thick cock inside your weeping pussy, your teeth gritted at the tight fit. He has always been the biggest of them, rendering you a bit dizzy as he pistoned his hips. Not minding your fucked up state, Sanzu bent down to be on eye level with you, a grin on his pretty face.
“What do you say after we grant your wish, sweetheart?”
“T-thank, a-ah, hu…♡”
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taglist: @imkumichan @pyrsqrd @ploylulla @wakaslut @ranilingus @tobidabio @zuuki @leavemealonebutinpink @kamisoria @wakasa-wifey @keijisprettygirl @marism-tr @stffychn @manjirousagi @tokyometronetwork
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
Doing Too Much. | House Call
logline; Appliances can reach their breaking point, when you push them too far. Same goes for people.
[!!!] series history, this is the sixth; First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
[New Thing!!] Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin' added to.
portion; 4.8k
possible allergies; eatin' meat, besides that, we're pretty good actually. did somebody say calm before the storm....?
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader (no pronouns, but girl is said a couple times, i believe.)
After this chapter, I'm entering my era of couch hopping as I move to a new city n start a new job. I'm really excited for the chapter after this one, so hopefully I actually get time to write it-- But that's just my lil warning if you're left rereading for like two weeks </3 But I'll def be stalking my activity/inbox so please do yap to me
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Monday morning. The next morning after everything. Well, closer to noon than morning, at this point. You’re supposed to have, what, a work ethic this week? After the most insane weekend of your life? No. You’re lazing around and doing fuck all. No matter who calls. Well… Not completely no matter, but like, most people.
When you check your phone, you’ve gotten a text at 6:43 A.M. Unknown number. Ah. Carmen. You put him in as Carmy, and put his nickname as ‘Mister New York’. Listen, old nicknames Mikey ingrained in your brain die hard.
It’s a simple text, deeply un-romantic.
‘Connections Puzzle #342’
Then, four lines of four perfect categories. Flawless. Purple first, even. The hardest category. And then,
Stupid. Incredibly stupid, to be enamoured, by this. You reply,
‘Good morning!’
‘Connections Puzzle #342’
And then a failed jumble of coloured squares, you get one out of four categories. What the fuck is 'dogleg' and since when has it meant taking a sharp turn? You follow that up with,
‘Fuck you.’
Aside from Carmen, you’ve actually gotten texts from a couple people. Your boss at Eden’s asking if you’re alright. What the fuck did Cicero say? Oh well. You tell him you’ve ‘been better, been worse. Will be okay by next week.’ Perfectly vague, and you still get wired your cheque and tip out. Alright, maybe Uncle J does deserve your free labour.
Speaking of, the next text on your itinerary is from Uncle J, just info for the winter nuptials of Vinnie and Mira. Oh yeah. Three-hundred guests, you remember that part. You also remember him saying it’d be an ‘easy gig’… He did not mention you’d be the only bartender. This is going to be a nightmare. Oh well. You text back that despite it being an open bar you get to put out a tip jar. He just reacts to it, ‘haha’. That sounds like a yes to you.
And then, adorably, a selfie from Syd, wearing the collar and pins you’ve gifted her, under a green sweater. Cutie. You hype her up accordingly.
Besides some texting though, Monday is relatively unbusy. No calls. No emergencies. No businesses knocking down your door for your services. You’re thankful for a break, letting the inertia set in, finally being able to relax after fix after fix after—
Tuesday comes, you get sent another perfect round of New York Time’s Connections around half past six in the morning, along with a good morning text. And again, you fuck it up. You send him your Wordle results this time, as an act of rebellion. You then ask,
‘How’s reworking the menu going?’
‘Hard to say’
‘Ask me tomorrow’
God he’s an awful texter. Horrifically dry. You know you’re down bad beyond a belief when you find that endearing. You spend Tuesday drowning and pruning your plants after depriving them for so long.
Plus working on your art piece for Carmy. You’re pulling out old film photos, a canvas, and a load of bleach—It’s like high school art class all over again— Surprise surprise, the handyman who loves to up-cycle is a mixed media artist. Who could’ve guessed?
While trimming a photo, an exterior of The Beef, a picture frame on your wall falls down behind you, you tut, turning your head to it, chastising the air. “Mikey! It’s a copy, relax! I’ve still got the original print…”
There’s every chance you’re insane— No, you’re definitely insane. But you’re allowed to be, your best friend died, you’re allowed to talk to the air as if he’s still around. Sometimes the timing of doors swinging open for you and things falling down are just too uncanny to not be a ghost.
Wednesday arrives, and again, just after 6:40, Connections results. And the Wordle, this time; plus a ‘Good Morning’. It looks like this is simply just your thing, now. Every morning, the second both of you get up, you send each other puzzles and wish a good morning. You don’t mind that. It’s nice to have a ‘thing’, with someone. With Carmen.
Part way through the day, around two o’clock, you get another text. Two, actually. From Carmen, in quick succession.
‘Are you busy?’
‘Don’t worry if you’re busy. Can call Fak’
You’re quick to reply, frankly deeply offended.
‘Are you fucking firing me????’
‘I’m gonna get ready. Text me details’
While getting dressed, you watch three dots bubble, bubble, bubble… He’s taking forever, just don’t look at it, you’ll get anxious for no reason. No jumpsuit today, you’ve got to switch it up every now and again. Navy cargo pants with the perfect number of pockets and zippers, and an orange Chicago’s Kindest shirt, tucked in. Hm. Looking in the mirror, hickey is still there. Lighter, but there. Foundation? No. You’ll sweat it off and that’ll just bring up more questions. If Syd asks you’ll just tell her you fell down the stairs… On your neck. She's not the type to confront anything remotely sexual anyways.
Speaking of Syd, before Carmen can text you back, she calls you, which is fair— Don’t leave a Carmen to communicate. You stick your phone in the crux of your neck and answer while you pack your utility belt. This feels nearly nostalgic. “What’s fucked?”
Carmen is in the background; you can hear the tail end of a sentence, grumbling. “—Don’t call—”
“My life.” She responds without missing a beat. “And also, Carmy’s stove and oven.”
“Oh.” You squint. “What the fuck happened?”
“Overuse? I actually don’t fucking know, it just stopped working. We plugged it in and out— He even reset his apartment’s breakers. I dunno what’s wrong with it. It’s probably got something to do with him putting his fuckin’ jeans in there.”
“…He what?”
You can hear him in the background, again, clearer this time, grimacing, “What are you doing to me?”
Syd does not mind him at all, continuing, “I know! He’s fucking weird!”
“He’s extremely weird.” You like him a lot. “I’ll be over soon, were you guys like, mid-cooking?”
“Christ, alright… I think I have a dual burner hot plate laying around somewhere, you want me to bring it—”
They both speak clearly this time, together, “Please.”
You’ve got a pile of things to give to them anyways, and maybe you miss Carmy’s face. Just a little.
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Instead of just buzzing you in, Carmy comes down for you. When he sees you through the door window, carrying a cardboard box, he almost breaks into a full run. He’s somehow opening the door, grabbing the box from your hands, and chastising you all at the same time. “You should’ve left it in the car, I would’ve—”
You step in through the entryway and kiss his cheek, cutting him short. You can’t help yourself, it’s the first time you’ve seen him since and you feel like a giddy teen. The teenage girl in your head is no longer just in your head, she’s fully manning the station. “You’re very sweet. But it’s also not heavy.”
When he continues to be frozen, the regret starts to mount, “Is—Sorry, is that okay to do—?”
“It’s very okay to do.” He manages to reply, with haste. Nodding to himself. “It’s good.” He nods again, then marches off, expecting you to follow to the elevator. You do.
“What floor?”
“Eighth.” He sniffs; you press the button. He stands next to you, looking you up and down. He astutely observes. “Orange.”
“Yeah.” You smirk, looking back at him, “Turns out, businesses can have two colours in their designs.”
What’s a little roasting of fellow small businesses between two not just friends?
“Oh yeah?” Coy, smirking. Oh no. You’ve gotta get the teen off the controls. He tilts his vision to stare at your jacket. Ah. You opted to wear your Carhartt instead of his jean jacket.
“Didn’t wanna give Syd more questions.” She already guessed you’re a sugar baby, you don’t want to wrap Carmen in on that too. Especially since ideally in a month or two he’ll be your boss. Hm. The Bear is going to need an HR.
He hums, nodding. “We’re not telling Syd?”
“What’s there to tell?” You grin, crossing your arms. “You suddenly have free time, Bear?”
He takes a beat, thinking, then just takes a deep frustrated yet amused exhale. “I’m gonna fuckin’…” He can’t think of a threat. “…Get you.”
You snort, “You’re gonna get me?”
“Fuck you—!” “You’re gonna fuckin’ get me, Bear?”
“I—” He tries to hold a straight face, it doesn’t work. “Yeah, I am.”
“Can’t wait.” You nod, grinning, turning back to the doors. “You told me to ask how menu’s going tomorrow.”
“I did.”
“It’s tomorrow.” The door dings, opening on the eighth floor; you step out together. He switches his grip to hold the box in one arm. Alright Biceps, we don’t need to brag here...
“It’s… We’re getting there.” He grimaces. “Syd’s recipes are always… Almost perfect.”
“Ah.” You nod, you know your friend well enough to know where this is going. “And she fucks up one thing hard?”
“And when you tell her it’s okay and give her a hand she just feels worse?”
He nods. A touch surprised you’re right on the dot so quickly. “Everything ends up perfect, but I think she’s finding the edits…”
“Demoralizing.” You walk down the hall together, he nods. “I know what she needs, I’ll find an in.”
“You always do.” He hums, you walk just a touch ahead of him, unknowingly walking past his door. He pulls you back by the back of your jacket, making you stumble back into him. This seems to be this villain’s intention; as when you turn around, he’s quick to grab your chin and kiss you.
“It’s very good.” He emphasizes, again, before opening his door and acting like everything’s totally normal and fine. Since when did he turn the tables and make you the desperate one? Son of a bitch.
Ah. Actually, subtract any attraction you had in this moment— He lives like this? Books on the floor, by the window. Jeans on the dinner table, because they were in the oven. The kitchen actually looks alright— You’re almost certain that’s purely for utilitarian purposes while they’re working on the menu. This motherfucker better have a bed frame or him asking you to sleep over would be downright offensive. God, he’s wonderful. God, you’re an idiot.
You find Syd at the table, moping, head in hands. Carmen sets the box down, sitting beside her. You pat the top of her head. She silently moves one of her hands to go over yours. You nod. The silent exchange of girls who know.
She nods, grumbling. “Yeah.”
Carmen has no fucking idea what’s happening and he’s never been more intrigued by a near wordless social interaction in his entire life. What? You’re not even making eye-contact. What the fuck is happening?
You fish through the box with your free hand, grabbing a pot. You place it in front of Syd. “Look.”
She peeks through her fingers. A tiny but flourishing nursery pot of basil sits before her. You speak. “You’re gonna hyper-fixate on this basil I’m gifting you, and then you’re gonna crack back into it with the dual burner until I’m done fixing the oven.”
She nods, putting her hands in her lap, “Yes, Chef.”
You pull out a second nursery pot, setting it down for Carmen. “For you.”
“What for?”
“Basil grows like a motherfucker and it’s getting unhinged. I need to start pawning off to people that’ll make good use of it. A-K-A, chefs.” You look at Syd, pointedly, “Talented chefs.”
You hand off the heating pad— Wrapped in brown paper with a card tied to it, to Carmen. “For Nat.” You add, when he looks confused, “Can’t imagine I’ll see her sooner than you will.”
He looks even more confused, when you hand him a spray bottle full of reddish water. It’s one of the good spray bottles, too. Continuous. Carmen wouldn’t know the difference, but you do. “Rosemary. —Water, that is.”
He squints; you clarify, gesturing to your own hair. “You mentioned, losing hair, so— Thought I’d make some, with the trimmings of rosemary I had. Got ginger and cloves in it, too.”
Why have you trapped him in hell? You’ve remembered such a specific off hand from days ago and acted on it? And he can’t express the grandiose level of affection he feels right now? Are you serious? You’re the devil. You’re absolutely the devil. He just coughs out a ‘thanks’.  
“And, the pièce de résistance,” You pull out the old ass, boxed up double burner countertop stove. “A stovetop that ideally fuckin’ works. It was my single claim to fame in my college dormitory.”
Carmen’s already opening the box. Sydney smirks, curiosity peaked. “Was that legal?”
“You a fuckin’ RA?” You grin, poking her forehead. “It was not. And that’s exactly why everyone loved me— Didn’t serve them fuckin’ hot pockets.”
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The configurations of Carmen’s apartment would be great for literally any occasion besides the current one. The kitchen is narrow, and so, when you pull out the stove to check the back, there’s an estimated no fucking room left for Carm and Syd, so they sit at the dinner table with your stove top. You’d think they’d look like they’re doing a cute hot pot. No. They look like two conflicted and confused twelve-year-olds working on a science project.
So do you, honestly. Wiring is definitely more your speed than plumbing, but if you’re being honest, this is the first oven you’ve worked on without your dad, and you’re having a hard time remembering everything. There’s a lot of embarrassed Googling on your phone, when you're sure they’re not looking. They can’t know you’re even slightly incompetent!
You’re pretty sure it’s just a couple damaged wires, fried from overwork— Easy fix, if you had wire. You don’t. Slightly harder fix. But soldering is your bitch really, you’re in your bag. You look stupid, wearing chunky goggles and a respirator, but you’re in your bag, baby! What’s that one saying? Skills make you hot? That’s not a saying.
But it is true. When Carmen’s able to peer into the kitchen, quickly looking over his shoulder when Syd takes a moment to write a measurement or direction down, you look stunning.  Respirator and all. You just look correct there, in the kitchen. His kitchen. So stunning he feels guilty. Do you find it annoying? Constantly fixing errors behind him? Probably. You say it’s not a lot of work, but that can’t be true.
“How’s The Bear, ‘sides menu rework?” You ask, raising your voice in the kitchen.
“S’good.” Carmen. “I’m in hell.” Syd. Not hard to tell which statue is lying, here.
Syd stutters on, “Nat’s takin’ care of baby Michaela— Which is very good and—and cool, actually.”
“But we’re back to handling the business side entirely ourselves, for like— The next month. Maybe two? Fuck, are we doing the wedding without her?” Sydney almost burns her sauce, Carmen’s quick to move it off the burner.
He mutters, “Don’t even start to think about it. It’s gonna be fine. We’re gonna figure it out.”
“Oh yeah, wedding— Have you gotten your menu yet?” You call from the kitchen, muffled by your respirator.
“Oh my god!” Sydney exclaims, and Carmen is wincing. She can’t tell you things are going wrong; doesn’t she know that? You’ll fix it, if things are wrong. You always fix it. Fix him. You’re gonna put him in your phone as Carmy Bad News. If you haven’t already. Start a support group with Tif.
Syd continues, “They’re so fucking particular and somehow also vague—Like, ‘we want salmon and chicken’ for main course— What kind of preparation? ‘Surprise us!’ Okay, how about roasted chicken—? ‘Mmmm, no, not that’. I’ve been told ‘non quello’ at least ten times in the last four days.”
No, you’re witty. Bad News Bear. Fuck, that’s definitely his name in your phone, isn’t it?
“Fuckin’ nightmare. Y’know, I’m the only fucking bartender? For like three hundred guests? Thank God they’re not asking for a custom cocktail or anything, I’d lose my shit.”
Sydney laughs, and she steps back into her flow easily, reducing the sauce without burning it, now. She looks more serene than she has in days. What? How are you doing that? What are you doing? Are you casting a spell?
“Can you even fucking imagine what their couples’ cocktail would be?”
You groan from the kitchen, laughing in return, “Not you too, Syd! Must you make me work!?”
“C’mon maestro, make a cocktail!”
“Bleh. Uh… They give long island iced tea energy, but it’s a wedding so— Like a boozier negroni?”
“That sounds fucking disgusting.”
“I didn’t say it’d be good, I said it’d be their couples’ cocktail.” You’re both giggling, like school girls. It’s like you said— You become teens, together.
Despite the fact that Syd is making an incredibly complex dish, and you’re fixing an oven—His oven— Ridiculing the other impossible tasks set out for the both of you… Despite all of that, you’re laughing.
Carmen is, what, nearly thirty? A restaurant owner, with a full crew, who attends Al-Anon, and is only now truly registering the power of an unsolvable burden being shared. Not fixed, shared. Talking. Laughing. God, this all comes so easy to you, doesn’t it?
You finish soldering, test each burner, and the oven— All working, thank God. You quietly cheer in the kitchen, removing your respirator and goggles. “We’re good here! Fixed!”
“C’mere!” Syd calls out to you, and so you do. Eagerly. She hands you a fork. Unprompted, she does the thing. You’d missed the OG, really.
“Beef Oxtail, pressed in a Foie Gras casing, seared. Basted in a King Oyster mushroom sauce. Pureed greens on the side.”
“I never know what the fuck you’re saying.”
She pushes the side of your face with the palm of her hand. “Put it in your mouth and chew.”
You want to make some sort of kink joke, but you respect the already struggling man in the room and take a bite. Hm. Hm. You put a finger over your mouth, swallowing. “...Now it might just be my unrefined palate.”
“That’s why we have you try it.” Carmen pipes in. Syd nods, following. “It’s important to know the baseline.”
“…It’s got like,” You hand the fork to Syd so she can try it, while you think. “A bit of a bitter aftertaste? Which might be the… goal?”
Syd spits it out the second it touches her mouth, she shouts your name, your actual name— A rarity. She’s so terrified that she forgets the Walk-In bit she’s been in on all week. “I just fuckin’ poisoned you— Oh my god?! Are you good? That was— Fuck! You swallowed that?!”
She grabs your face like a concerned mother, also maybe to check if you have superpowers, you’re not sure. All you know is there’s a golden opportunity to make another sex joke and you have to hold back. Life is so unfair.
Carmen takes a quick taste, also spitting it out. “I’ve got it, Chef, don’t sweat.” Immediately looking to the drafted recipe card to see where they went wrong.
Syd almost squeezes your cheeks like a stress ball but thinks better of it, letting go, groaning, beyond frustrated at this point. “You shouldn’t have to fix it— I should fuckin’ have it, at this point.”
Carmen's trying to ignore how much he relates to the sentiment. He's not the focus, right now.
“We make mistakes, Chef—” “Syd.” You snap your fingers, pointing to her, interrupting Carmen. “Can you help me grab something, from my car? It’s kinda big.”
Carmen’s quick to chime in, already going to untie his apron, “I can—”
“No!” You look at him pointedly, trying to communicate through look alone. He kind of gets it? “It’s… Girl stuff.”
Syd squints. “You need me to help you carry a big girl thing?”
“…Are you fuckin’ helping or are you gonna poke holes?”
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“What are you actually dragging me out for?”
“Technically I do actually need your help grabbing something, it’s just not a girl thing. And it's also not from my car.”
You walk out of Carmen’s building with his keys, and gesture out to every apartment buildings treasure trove— The spot everyone throws their furniture when they move out and don’t know what else to do with it.
“Bookshelf!” There is actually one pristine looking bookshelf, a cheap one, definitely just something from IKEA. But it’s better than the fucking floor. “I spotted it on my way in, we’re gonna bring it up for Carm.”
She groans, hating the concept of manual labour, but still walks with you and grabs one end anyways. “Why didn’t you make Carmen carry his own bookshelf?”
“Because you need a fuckin’ pep-talk.” You pick the other end of the bookshelf up. It’s thankfully not that heavy. You walk backwards so you can keep facing Syd.
“…I don’t—” “Yes the fuck you do.”
She kisses her teeth, you frown. “What’s up, Adamu?”
“It’s just fucking annoying— I keep, I keep fucking it up. I keep—Keep—”
“Doing too much.”
She gives you a look, ‘are you serious?’, type look. You continue. “You’re doing too much. You’re not cooking like you.”
“I can cook like Michelin—”
“I never said you couldn’t. Watch your step.” You interrupt, walking over a bump in the sidewalk. “You can do star level shit, Syd. But that’s a grade, not a type.”
She kind of reels, at that. You continue, “You cook great complex dishes, you always have, I’ve tried them. But now, you’re all caught up trying to prove some shit, to Carmen, to—to— Who gives stars? The tires guy?”
She laughs, almost dropping the bookshelf. “Yeah, I’m trying to impress the tires guy.”
“Fuck you.” You snort, stepping up the stairs. “What I’m trying to say is, you should make what you want to eat, not what you think you should eat.”
She nods, you stop on top of the stairs, both taking a second to breathe. “…Thanks.”
You nod back, hands on your knees for a second before standing back up, opening the lobby door. “I’ll always be your cheerleader, Syd.”
“More like coach.”
“Can you let me have one hot girl career, please?”
When you get back up to Carmen’s, he’s already grimacing. You and Syd are split apart by the bookshelf standing between you in the hall. “Fuck is this?”
“It was free and I’ll clean it!” You press your hands together pleading. “C’mon, you can even put your jeans in it!”
“Jeans on a bookshelf?”
You turn to Syd. “Better than the oven.”
“I think he’s doing that to dry them.”
“I think it’s ‘cause he doesn’t own a dresser.”
“It’s both.” Carmen clicks his tongue, single-handedly picking up the bookshelf and carrying inside. Alright, does he need to show off this much? Whatever. It’s definitely not making you feel any type of way at all.
You squint, watching him walk further in his apartment, and then to Syd. You speak at the same time. “He stays doing too much.”
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As promised, you wipe down the bookshelf, making sure it’s free of grime and roadside pests. Syd and Carmy work together in the kitchen, with a now functioning oven. You load the shelf up with the books on the floor— Thankfully they’re piled into categories already, so you don’t have to bother him about that.
You’re tempted to clean his living room, but that would probably be rude, right? Don’t want him to take it as you saying he’s a slob. But they are taking a while… Alright, you’ll just throw out trash. You won’t fold blankets or pick up dishes or anything. Just trash! No big! He can’t be mad at you for that.
You pile together the garbage, then sneakily throw it out in the kitchen trash can as fast as you can, before he looks. He’ll think he’s just sleep cleaning, or something. “How’s it goin’ in here?’
Carmen pipes up, eyes focused on the dish as Syd plates it. “Good.” Syd holds the plate in one hand, and silently corrals you with the other to sit at the table. You do. She sets it down the plate before you, handing you a fork and knife.
You look up at her expectantly. She shakes her head. “Eat first, this time.”
She looks serious, so you nod, cutting into the dish. It’s different from the last one. Instead of oxtail, it’s pastry. Or at least, a puff pastry exterior. You’re pretty sure it’s Pillsbury, you remember Carmen buying that, the other day, on your excursion.
Inside it, you believe is the beef oxtail, there’s other things, too. Some sort of sauce, some greens— Oh well, no time to bask in the cross section because Syd looks like she’s about to explode. You take a bite. You nod, chewing.
Syd starts, “Searing the duck caused the bitter taste— So instead of- Of searing the outside, I coated it in the mushroom sauce, the greens— Not pureed, this time, for texture. Your basil, too. There’s a crumble of feta, for a subtle tang. And then wrapped it all together in puff pastry, and baked. It’s sort of like, a varied take on a beef welling—”
“You made a fucking gourmet hot pocket?” You swallow, wheezing. The second you say this, Sydney’s focused face beams, laughing, like she’s just pulled off the most perfect prank of all time.
Carmen was so intrigued and focused on Sydney’s explanation, that you watering it down to hot pocket and being right makes his entire system reboot. He cannot stop smiling, aghast. He's been helping Syd make a hot pocket for the past hour?
“I told you to make what you want and—” wheeze “—you make a fucking hot pocket?!” You double down, laughing with her, she’s trying to defend herself but she can’t stop wheezing in tandem.
“I— I can’t fuckin’ stand you!” You snort, covering your face with your arm. “I hate your ass, oh my God, Syd.”
“Did—” snort “What did you think?” She recovers, slowly but surely.
You shake your head, handing her the fork. “It’s sick, Syd, obviously, it’s fucking perfect… Chef.” You tack on at the end, almost forgetting. “I’m not gonna be able to have an actual hot pocket, ever again. You’ve ruined my life.”
She takes a bite for herself, nodding. She does a small cheer, pumping her fist. “Let’s fucking go.” She points her fork at you— Purely on muscle memory, and you both instantly remember the days of her testing out recipes and you pairing them on first taste. She’d point her fork to you like a microphone. It was a fun game between two nerds.
It’s a reflex response for you, even now. “Barolo. Savory, dry, red. A young one, though. Light body. Could also do an Amarone, if you’re not buried in money.”
She hands the fork off to Carmy to try it, then writes the pairings down, mumbling, amusement still in her voice. “How the fuck do you do that?”
“I honestly don’t know. I think I have some wires crossed.”
“Fire, Chef.” Carmen swallows his bite. “We cannot call it a hot pocket on the menu.”
“Then what’s the point!?”
Leaving Carmen’s place is objectively the most awkward experience— But also the funniest. You offer to wait for Syd and drive her home— You’ll need a second to pack anyways while they make their business plans.
When you do offer, of course, Carmen stutters short, almost asking you again to sleep over or at the very least stay late, but saves it, realizing himself.
Syd accepts the ride offer. You pack up and wait for her to be done. When she is, Carmen offers to carry your things down with you both, in which Syd accuses him of thinking you’re both weaklings— He does not have a defense case for this, he has to let you go. You can tell he wants to kiss you at the door, and you do too. Sadly, you’re equally down bad, but he can’t know that…
You say your goodbyes, Syd helps you load your tools and hotplate in the trunk of your car. Your phone vibrates. Text from Mister New York.
‘Look up I’m on the balcony. 8 floors.’
You look up, sure as shit, he’s out there, cigarette in mouth. Unlit. He waves, you wave back. He texts again, in rapid succession.
‘Thank you’
‘For helping Syd’
‘And the oven and the hot plate and the bookshelf (not necessary)’
‘nbd + I think it’s v necessary’ Does Carmen understand acronyms? You’re risking it, here.
‘and cleaning my trash’ Sonofabitch.
‘ah fuck. I don’t think you’re messy!!! I just wanted to help!!!’
‘I know. You’re you. Be safe.’
Oh goddammit, stupid dry texter, saying something so gah. You jump as Syd taps the roof of your car behind you, getting your attention. Watching from a far distance, Carmen laughs, though you don’t notice it.
“Are we going?”
“Yes! Sorry!” You hurriedly pocket your phone, waving one last time as you get in your car. Syd sits beside you in shotgun, her pot of basil sat safely in her lap. You drive off.
You’re half way down the road, when Syd pipes up again. “So y’all are fucking, correct?”
You almost brake check the guy behind you.
 “How do you fuckin’ do that!?”
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the opening is dedicated to my dear friend and i who have sent our wordle results to each other everyday for the past like year and a half.
Things of note, one - people usually skip the shit up top-- I made a spotify playlist! Listen if you like, I'm not your dad.
Two, I know this is a self insert right, i know what I set myself up for-- Do you know the hell i am in as a syd x carmy girl writing scenes with both of them and it NOT being them? What have I done, to myself? The only coping mechanism I have is imagining in this universe Syd is a lesbian. And that is helping.
The hot pocket recipe-- Who fucking knows, if that would taste good? I think it would? In theory? I fucked with a dish from Daniel NYC, to make it into a bit. Would it work? ....Beef wellingtons do, I can't see why this can't???? Idk man.
Rosemary water w cloves and ginger does fucking work btw. I am part of the so stressed out i lost my hair brigade. Also basil does grow like a motherfucker.
We're seein' a little bit of that tenseness that comes with being in an 'almost relationship' both of them feel like they've got something they can fuck up now. Poor birds. They'll be okay. Probably.
I'm really excited for the next chapter, I don't wanna give shit away, but it's gonna be,,,,,, different. I haven't seen anyone try this kinda formatting on tumblr before, and I'm excited to see what you think. Between my moving and how complex the choreography of it is gonna be, it's gonna be a much longer minute between this chapter and the next, I fear. But listen, you already knew your ass was gettin' spoiled with a chapter every two days. Hehe.
As always, please come yap to me in the replies/inbox/dms/reblogs. I love to hear thoughts!! It sustains me, baby!!
Next Part
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baby-tini · 3 months
How many rounds do you think each Mikey can go...
Toman\OG Timeline- 2-3 rounds. He has pretty good stamina but he is very busy all the time, so when he does see you, it's usually a quickie... or multiple if he has time too spare. He will occasionally make love to you though.
Manila- 4-5 rounds, sometimes 6. Now, I know people will say that's not very plausible BUT, hear me out. We all know this man has inhumane stamina and strength, plus, he doesn't do or need too do much in this timeline. He doesn't run a gang or have a job, so he has a lot of time to kill and he gets bored. So when you're home, he's immediately on you. Fucking into you, round after round until you physically can't take it anymore.
Kanto- 2 rounds. This Mikey is also a very busy one, plus I don't see him as being very sexually active in this timeline. So sex with this version of Mikey isn't very common but when you do have sex with him, it's rough and fast. He also has way too much to do and too many people too keep in line.
Bonten- 1 maybe 2 rounds. Now, I love Bonten Mikey but lets be realistic. He's always busy, he doesn't take care of himself, I highly doubt he eats a lot and the stuff he does eat isn't very nutritional. But I can see Bonten Mikey using sex too take his mind off of things OR he doesn't care for sex at all and will only do it when you want it. If he does do it too take his mind off things, he will sometimes go longer then 1-2 rounds.
Street Racer- 2-4 rounds. This Mikey can be a horn-dog, not as much as Manila Mikey but he's still tryna fuck all the time. He's not as busy as Toman\OG, Kanto or Bonten but he does still have stuff too do. Thankfully he doesn't constantly race, so he is with you more then the others. the sex is a nice mixture of rough quickies and slow passionate sex. He, imo, is the only Mikey that does aftercare and he's so sweet during and after.
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xfgpng · 1 year
them reacting to you texting —: “come put it deep in my stomach”
— : [NSFW] : name calling, rough sex,spanking,squirting, fingering, creampie, pussy slapping, overstimulation+ very unrealistic cervix fucking
|| eren, jean, sanzu, ran, suna&iwaizumi
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EREN — •
he was one hand wrapped around your throat while the other hand is firmly gripping your hip. it’s bordering on painful but you can’t even think straight let alone speak.
“what, suddenly you can’t speak baby?”
he chuckles darkly, fucking you harder into the mattress. you’re moaning just the way he likes it and it’s only been 2 rounds, he was determined to teach you a lesson about trying to rile him up.
you were always doing something to get under his skin so he’d gladly give you exactly what you were asking for. he slapped your ass hard before pushing your face into your pillows. you feel the head of his dick brushing against your cervix with each hard thrust.
“be a good fucking slut and take this dick”
JEAN — •
he’s not surprised when he sees your name pop up on his screen. he’s already preparing to come see you right after work but when he reads what you’ve said, he bites back a groan.
he’s not too happy with having to drive 20 minutes to your place with his dick straining in his work slacks. he doesn’t even bother taking it off, unbuckling his belt so he’s able to grab his dick out.
“on your knees baby, please”
he’s just so horny and he needs to be inside you. there’s not much else going on in his head after that text. he’s determined to fuck you until you’re crying. he’s got all night.
“i can’t hear you slut, what was that?
“too much” you cry out, legs shaking from your previous orgasm
“yeah” he scoffs, “you were all talk but you can’t even take my fucking fingers”
“how can you handle my dick hm?”
he doesn’t like when you tease him. it’s hard to get anything done and mikey gets on his ass when he’s not focused so when he has to finish another hour before he can see you, he’s pissed and he plans to take it out on your body the entire night.
he slaps your pussy when you try to close your legs.
“open wide baby, take this dick like you asked for it”
RAN — •
he forces you to bounce on his cock. he has a tight grip on your hips and his other hand is between your legs, circling your clit.
it’s almost too much and he’s so deep that you feel him in your throat but ran doesn’t care. he loves to see you struggle to take all of him.
but you’re a big girl and you can handle it.
“too much baby?”
when you nod he simply chuckles, biting his lip to stifle a groan.
“that’s okay because my girl can take it”
SUNA — •
“rin!” you scream, squirting all over his abs but he doesn’t mind. in fact, it just makes him harder, dick moving impossibly faster inside you. it feels so good and he just can’t stop even if he tries to.
he knows you can handle it. you would’ve told him if it was too much but you were the one who asked for this and he was more than happy to oblige, ever the doting boyfriend.
“shit baby, stop squeezing so fucking hard”
he won’t stop until you’re making a mess all over him again. he loves to see you fall apart for him.
he’s not stopping until you pass out. he’s got a lot of pent up energy even after a long day. he’s a physical trainer for a reason so he’ll work you out as long as he wants to.
he’s also willing to fuck you both into overstimulation, filling you so much that it starts to leak out even with him still deep inside you.
he loves the feeling of his cum dripping out of you and it’s really your own fault. you can’t just text him dirty things without expecting consequences.
he’s definitely deep in your stomach and you’ll feel him for days.
“such a good girl” he moans, never one to shy away from letting you know just how good your pussy feels.
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
[ cw: scars / permanent injuries / chronic pain / ]
Leo’s shell gets some permanent cracks in it due to the Krang, and as a result his shell’s pattern is all messed up.
He makes a fuss about it in a lightheartedly vain way, but it’s clear that it bothers him, more than just the chronic pain that comes with it.
The one who breaks about the cracks isn’t Leo in the end, it’s Mikey.
It’s a night where Leo can’t sleep, insomnia and the remnants of a fit pulsing through his shell keeping him awake. When making the rounds to check up on everything, he sees Mikey, crouched over some old crayon drawings, drawings that were only salvaged by some miracle.
Mikey always loved matching with his “cool blue bro” growing up. Their shell designs were something they had in common, different from the spines/spikes that their other brothers had. It felt good to share that with Leo.
To Mikey, seeing that pattern tarnished felt a little too much like their home getting destroyed. Worse, even. The two of them are complementary colors, it hits harder when things disrupt that.
And Mikey admits this to Leo, on this day where emotion kept mounting up in him until he couldn’t help but break a little. It feels selfish to say, but it’s the truth. It’s a visual that’ll constantly haunt Mikey, knowing what the cracks represent, knowing how they lost something that was just theirs to share.
Drawing Mikey to him, a hand on Mikey’s intact shell pattern, Leo admits that that’s what kills him the most too. He can deal with the pain, he can deal with the appearance, but he can’t deal with no longer seeing himself in the crayon drawings they managed to salvage from their past. Drawings that highlight their shell patterns, because Mikey always had a lot of fun drawing those.
He always loved what they decided they represented.
“Like links of a chain!” Little Mikey had called them as he scribbled them down in oranges and blues.
“Of course it’s like chains!” Little Leo nodded, having never noticed that before, “It, like, shows how we’re- how we’re always connected!”
Little Mikey had gasped at that, stars in his eyes as he babbled endlessly about how that meant they’re the chains holding the family together, right?
“Raphie and Donnie don’t have chains on their shells, so we gotta step up to keep everyone together!” Little Mikey said as he drew big circles around his drawings of their family, overlapping circles of orange and blue around everyone.
“Yeah! And if anyone gets lost, we’ll bring them back!” Little Leo boasted with a laugh, “No one has to be alone, we’ll make sure of it!”
“We’ll make sure of it!” Little Mikey echoed with a happy giggle.
‘You sure made sure of it, Mikey.’ Leo thinks, continuing to run his hand comfortingly down Mikey’s shell.
Then a thought hits him.
“Well, we got something better than just shell patterns in common now!” Leo starts, waiting until Mikey looks up to continue, “We got portals, little brother!” He grins, “And y’know, I think you’ve done a great job keeping us all together, Miguel. Sorry you had to pick up my slack.”
Mikey looks two steps away from sobbing at that, but his smile is wide, “You just got lost, of course I had to bring you back.” He leans back, out of Leo’s hold, and looks his big brother in the eyes, “That’s what we said- Raphie and Donnie don’t have portals…”
“-So we gotta step up-“ Leo continues.
“-To keep everyone together!” The finish simultaneously, laughing a little at the juvenile words.
A wry smile crosses Leo’s face, “Again, sorry I’ve been dropping the ball there. Feels like I did a lot of the opposite instead.”
He yelps as Mikey swiftly smacks him on the head.
“Nuh uh uh, none of that!” Mikey puffs out his chest, “I’ll have no slander toward my fellow portal pal!”
“Alright, alright…”
It’s not a fix to anything, more of a new way of looking at a change. Bringing that change into their lives as something familiar.
The cracks in Leo’s shell remain, and the cracks in Mikey’s hands scar over, but their family stays together all the same.
They gotta make sure of it, after all!
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charlottecutepie · 8 months
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ nsfw alphabet (Michael Afton x fem!reader)
tags: p in v, oral sex (m and f receiving), lingerie kink, praise kink, Michael is my bf
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Michael art by terphy._.ry
A — Aftercare
Michael's breathing heavily, lying on top of you, trying to realise that everything that just happened wasn't his dream.
His cock is still inside you, and he can lazily move his hips, because poor guy can't stop his arousal, which continues to grow with every second. When that happens, you always tease him by biting his lower lip and whispering, "don't tell me you want a second round?" what makes him blush. But a smile still appears on his face. Yes, he does, but sometimes he's too shy to ask.
Michael also becomes very talkative after sex, asks if everything is okay, if you liked it, sometimes this guy worries too much about your state, but you don't mind. He also likes to shower you with kisses, cooing words of tenderness. He climbs on top of you like a little kitten and nuzzles your neck.
B — Body part
Not gonna lie, Michael likes your breasts. At least he didn't lie. You noticed his fascinated glances at your cleavage from the very beginning, and whenever you said, "Mikey, my face is up here," he just rolled his eyes and looked the other way, trying to change the subject of the dialogue. Yes, he was embarrassed.
Michael loves you whole, don't doubt it. But your breasts are too beautiful for him not to touch them.
C — Cum
If your breasts are so beautiful, then why not cum on them? Michael feels himself damn pervert, but as soon as he found out that you like it, his happiness knew no bounds. Before he always used to ask for permission: "Baby, can I? can I?"
It didn't seem right for Michael to cum inside your mouth while you were giving him head. Despite how hot it was to see your lips covered with his seed Afton felt it was wrong, too dirty, too pervert. But, fortunately for him, his girlfriend is just as perverted as he is.
D — Dirty secret
Afton himself thought that he had no secrets from you, but it turned out opposite.
Michael probably won't tell you, but he would like to try female domination. He doesn't like rough sex, but if you sit on him, put his hands behind his head and start moving slowly on his cock, he won't last five minutes. And if you tell him to not cum? Michael will lose his head.
Besides your dominance, Michael, as mentioned earlier, loves your breasts. And more than once he imagined putting his cock right between them. He thinks he's a complete pervert, imagining it, even thinking about it, but the image of you like that never gets out of his head. Maybe one day he will talk about it, but not in the near future. He's just ashamed.
He's not sure if this can be called a dirty secret, but he likes petting. When he fingers you, his thumb rubbing your clit and you wrap your palm around his twitching cock as you both moan into each other's mouths.
E — Experience
He had no experience (although he said opposite to his friends). Except for the adult magazines that Michael secretly kept under his pillow. But when his father found out about it… History is silent about what happened next.
F — Favourite position
Michael can change positions very often during sex. And there are two reasons for this: 1. He is very horny and wants to try everything. 2. He wants to see your body from all possible angles. He especially likes it when you're on top, so he can watch your breasts bounce.
Michael also likes it when you lie on your back with your legs wrapped around his waist while he hangs over you and fucks you into the bed. In this pose, he can see your face better, so he understands that you feel good.
Michael loves doggy style, fucking you from behind while his fingers dig into your hips and butt. If he's too lost in the moment, he can pull you by the hair.
G — Goofy
Although he sometimes tries to be serious during sex, he doesn't really succeed. It doesn't matter which one of you makes a stupid joke, Michael's face breaks into a smile.
Adult Michael, however, treats sex differently. He sees it as a way to finally rest and relax, to focus on something better than work. He's really thinking about becoming a family with you, but he needs time. He needs to think about it a lot. Despite wanting to have children, he doesn't think he can be a good father to them. He doesn't know what a "good father" is.
H — Hair
Michael had read a lot of adult magazines, and everywhere the articles screamed about shaving the intimate area, especially for girls. However, he hasn't become a victim of marketing, he respects you and understands your choice.
Michael takes care of himself, he shaves, but without fanaticism.
I — Intimacy
You are his first serious relationship, Michael is trying hard. He just doesn't know exactly what to do, he's nervous. Besides, he doesn't have much money to take you out or give you gifts. Despite his silly jokes, the way he behaves with his bully friends, when he's alone with you, he's… calm. You affect him like chamomile tea, Michael becomes quiet and peaceful.
One day you saw him under your window, Afton was holding a telescope.
“Hey, Y/n!” he cheerfully waved at you. “Let's go stargazing! There's the milky Way!”
Michael is trying to make you feel like a princess from fairy tales. And sometimes he succeeds. Although buying you milkshakes and pizza from his father's pizzeria with his father's money is not the best idea, but Michael doesn't care. If only you were happy.
Michael loves spending time outdoors with you, especially in the summer. He runs away from the pizzeria while William is not looking, and runs to the big tree that is your meeting place.
Hugs and kisses on the cheek gives him life. And if there is a river nearby, swimming and playing in the water are provided. Then you ride bicycles, and then you go home to one of Michael's friends. He has a whole collection of vinyl records. When Afton found out that you love music as much as he does, did he feel that he had found… "his copy, but in a female way"? You just giggled at the comparison. And then Michael started teaching you how to play the guitar.
Moments like these will forever remain in his memory.
An adult Michael is just as charming a person as he used to be. He works and earns money, now he can finally buy you something, already with his hard-earned money. One day, he enters house with a box of chocolates. The man's face was tired, and his fingers were tapping nervously on the package. Soaked clothes from the rain completed the picture.
"Hello, honey, this is for you." his tone was calm, you walked up to him, looking at what he was holding. And while he was handing you a gift, he gently kissed you on the forehead. "Today is 5 years of our relationship."
J — Jack off
During the period when his hormones were crazy, Michael did it, especially when the only place where he could see naked women were these damn magazines. However, until William haven't found out.
But now he has something better than these magazines. His beautiful and lovely girlfriend, whom he adores and loves very much. So, yes, Michael is still masturbating, just now imagining you.
K — Kinks
Lace kink: Michael just loves the way you look in your lingerie, blue is his favorite. But in all the colors you look like an angel, Michael doesn't even want to undress you. He can't find the words to describe your beauty. Afton feels envious of himself dating a girl like you.
Praise kink: Michael never forgets to say how pretty you are. He always compliments you, your body, naked or clothed. In return, he also likes to receive praise, even if not in sex, he just goes crazy when you say simple "well done". Perhaps because no one ever praised him, and his father was always cold to him.
He gets shy, but he really likes it when you call him a good boy.
Body-worshipping: Michael can kiss every inch for hours and tell you why he likes this or that part of your body. Once, when he was half drunk, "my goddess" came out of his mouth, which made you laugh rather than blush. The next morning, Michael decided not to talk about it, but you were always teasing him with it.
When he makes love to you in a missionary, he always mentions what a beautiful waist you have.
If you have sex in any other pose, Michael will always find any part of your body that can be praised.
Michael gently kisses your collarbones and goes down to your breasts, takes your nipple in his mouth, covering it with his saliva. He sucks it and pulls it slightly, causing you to sigh. While his palm gently squeezes your other breast.
Edging: He never told you about it, though it wasn't necessary. As your fingers circled over his tip to bring him closer to cherished climax, Michael let out a strangled sob. You took it as a sign that he wanted to cum, but the sudden "No, wait, wait…" caught you off guard. You stopped your movements, giving your boyfriend a worried look, thinking that you had hurt him.
But Michael had a deep blush on his face, his lips, already swollen from your kisses, were slightly open, and his breathing was erratic.
"Please… Wait, I don't want to cum yet." your lips stretched into a smile, yes, you understood what he wanted.
L — Location
You tried to do it at his place once. And you both regretted it. No matter how quiet and careful you were, Mr. Afton always knocked on the door as if he knew.
Just as Michael leaves a kiss on your neck, pulling up your t-shirt, there's a knock on the door.
"Michael? I need you to help me refuel the car." William's voice is heard outside Michael's room. Michael clicks his tongue.
Just at the moment when Michael starts to unzip his jeans, thinking that he has already helped his father with everything he could and no one will disturb.
"Michael, help me to carry parts for Freddy."
It was even funny. Well, at least William was knocking.
This left Michael with unpleasant memories, and he promised himself never to have sex in his house.
But that didn't stop him from fucking you in the bathroom of his father's pizzeria.
M — Motivation
When you show that you want him, when you take the initiative.
When you're the first one who starts touching and kissing. When you sit on his lap and start running your hands over his body. He especially likes neck kisses. Michael had never felt so loved.
When you kiss him passionately, pulling him closer by his t-shirt. And then you pull away, quietly whispering into his lips: "my parents arent home right now." This prompts him to say, "aeriously? why are you telling me this only now?" before he kisses you again.
Michael loves it when you put on lipstick, especially if it's dark red, it looks really good on you. And what turns him on is when you kiss his neck, leaving lipstick stains on his skin. Or, when you two hug and cuddle, it all ends with you showering kisses all over his face: cheeks, chin, eyelids, lips. After that, the Afton's face looks completely smeared with lipstick.
One time he got angry when one of his friends commented that you have a nice ass. Michael couldn't believe his ears at first, glaring at Simon. "Wait, what did you say again?" After the conflict, Afton got a bruise under eye, which got you many questions.
But before you could ask them, Michael's hands pinned you to the wall.
N — No
It's pretty obvious, but Michael would never hurt you. No matter what your kinks and fetishes are, whether you like being treated roughly in sex, Michael is unlikely to behave like this. He has made enough mistakes, and he would never want to repeat the same ones with people he loves.
He won't degrade you even if you ask. This guy likes to tell you how beautiful you are, how tight you are, how good your pussy feels, but he will never insult you.
Michael doesn't like all these BDSM and other strange fetishes either.
An adult Michael wouldn't want to take you with him on his night guard shift, no matter how much you ask him to. It's still dangerous.
O — Oral
He's always up for it, you don't even need to ask.
Michael likes to give you pleasure, and as long as his girlfriend is happy, so is he. He loves it when you guide him by holding his hair. When you moan his name and squirm while he holds your hips so you won't pull away. The idea of asking you to sit on his face has been wandering in his head for a long time, but he is too shy to say so. Therefore, he hints with jokes.
Afton loves it when you make him feel good. He usually becomes very noisy, making moans, even sobs. He tries to control himself, but he still pushes his hips into your mouth, which sometimes makes you cough. Michael likes to put your hair in a ponytail and watch you, but then he doesn't last long. You're too beautiful in his eyes.
P — Pace
Michael wasn't experienced the first time, and neither were you. But you always told him whether you liked the way he moved or not, which helped him find the perfect pace.
Although, when you moan "Harder, Mike" in his ear, he still gets confused.
Michael is afraid of hurting you, so he always asks if he can move faster.
His pace is slow at first when he enters. He seems to be drowning in you. When his cock is inside, Michael can't help but moan plaintively. He likes the way your wet pussy squeeze him. Then Michael starts moving, sensually and slowly at first, hitting all your sweet and sensitive spots. After that, you both start moving in unison, faster. Your hips lift in response to his thrusts, asking for more and his pace accelerates.
Q — Quickie
Michael is a big fan of foreplay. Before slipping into you, he always prepares you, takes time to stretch you, and what can you say — he just loves kissing and cuddling. So, he doesn't really like quickies, but he will never refuse if you ask.
Especially whenever you're wearing a skirt, Michael will tease you by touching your inner thighs. But then, when his teasing gets to the point where you feel your panties are soaked and the outline of his erect cock is visible through his shorts, jokes come to an end. And you two need to find a place where you can fuck, quickly.
R — Risk
Michael hated doing the chores his father assigned him at the pizzeria. Put this away, do that, bring those papers. Michael protested to William by pinning you against the wall of the pizzeria and kissing you possessively. This, in the eyes of Michael, is a real risk. It's a pity that William didn't care and Michael still got a scolding.
The adult Michael stopped liking risk. He's risking enough at his damn job so all he wants at home is some peace. Especially in the morning, on his day off, there is nothing better for him than to wake up in the warmth next to you, rays of the sun breaking through the curtains. There is nothing better than realizing that today he will not go to this cursed place, but will be at home with his beloved.
He turns around and sees you sleeping on your side, your back facing him. Afton hugs you from behind, pulls you to him, hearing how calmly your heart is beating. But then, when you wake up, stretch sleepily and accidentally press against his groin, Michael takes it as a sign. He begins to cover your neck with weightless kisses, murmuring "good morning, baby," hugging you to him like a little puppy trying to keep warm.
His fingers caress your curves, slowly and lazily moving down your stomach. You keep answering his questions and telling him your dream. Michael smiles and nuzzles your neck, snuggling closer. He dreams morning would always be like this.
"Michael," you call his name, feeling something hard pressing against your butt. "Did you even listen to me?"
S — Stamina
Michael usually lasts 13 minutes, sometimes less. Just because your pussy feels too good. But after a short break, he asks for a second round, which you happily agree to.
T — Toys
Even though he says he doesn't need them, you know he's lying.
Michael is just like that, he can deny it all he wants, but as soon as you pressed the vibrator against his cock, it immediately twitched, reacted to the vibration. Michael was gasping for air, his brows drawn together pitifully. You continued to torture him with toy, running it all over the base, especially paying attention to his tip, which was already leaking with pre-cum. Afton's hand grabbed your wrist, squeezing, as if telling you to stop. You continued to please him.
Yes, Michael hated to accept it, but he liked it, and not just liked, he wanted to repeat it.
However, he later took revenge on you with the same toy.
U — Unfair
Yes, sometimes he teases you on purpose to hear more of your moans and pleas. It's like honey to his ears to hear another "Please, Mikey!" from your mouth. Sometimes he can rub his cock against your wet folds, teasing not only you, but also himself. He likes the fact that you're already needy, even though he hasn't entered yet.
Afton also can't take his eyes off you when you put on a skirt or a short dress. The summer in Utah is always so hot that you usually dress to a minimum, but it's good for Michael. You know that he likes your outfits, maybe even too much, when he puts his hand under your skirt.
V — Volume
He's loud, you're loud.
Michael can't help but moan when you have sex, although you're not complaining. His voice is very attractive, especially when he moans your name. But his tone can change, it depends on his mood, even pose. At times his voice sounds high, a little whiny, he almost whimpers.
Adult Michael is more calm, usually from him coming deep sighs and quiet, low groans.
W — Wildcard
You were walking through the school corridors talking to your friend. She's been asking a lot of questions about Michael since you announced your relationship to her. You kept walking as soon as you caught the voices talking loudly outside the classroom door. You noticed a very familiar voice with a british accent. Of course, that voice belonged to none other than Michael Afton.
"God, why do you have such crooked hands?!" a familiar voice shouted.
"No, dude, it looks ridiculous." the other replied. "She won't even eat it, it looks disgusting."
"That's because you ruined everything!" Michael's voice rang out again.
You exchanged glances with your friend, both smiled. Curiosity grew with every second, although Michael had argued with his friends many times before, but this dialogue interested you too much. What were they doing?
You open the door and enter the classroom, guys' argument stops immediately. Now their heads are turned in your direction. A funny, but contentedly cute picture appears to your eyes. The school desk around which Michael and his friends are standing, everyone stained with cream, especially Michael, his nose and fingers in it. And the reason is the cake, which looks incredibly delicious because of the abundance of cream.
"Well, cool." one of guys says, folding his arms over his chest. "Is that your girl, Afton?"
"My girlfriend, Frederick." Michael corrects him, giving his friend an annoyed look.
The longer you stay in one place, the more guys' eyes are on you. Michael takes a step closer to you, looking guilty.
"It was supposed to be a surprise…" he mutters, sighing.
"He wanted to sing you a rock song!" Simon laughs behind Afton's back. You notice that your boyfriend's cheeks are slightly pink. How sweet. "And throw a cake in your face!"
"Damn it, Simon! I didn't want to throw a cake in her face!" Michael snapped.
"What? You should thank me, I'm actually making excuses for us!"
"Yeah, our cake doesn't look like a gift. It's more suitable to throw it in someone's face." Frederick enters into the dialogue.
"Guys, I know who's face it'll be!" Marcus exclaims with malicious joy. As soon as he manages to pronounce the first letter of Michael's younger brother's name, you cough loudly and subdue him with a look. "I mean, really? Are you saying that I sacrificed my life in vain, distracting Michael's dad while he was stealing mix for cake?"
"Michael," you come closer to him, smiling. "Don't worry, I really liked the surprise. Cake looks very appetizing." you cheer him up by looking into his eyes. Michael can't help but smile.
"Really? Cake looks terrible…" Mike purses his lips.
"Well, sorry, I'm not a baker." Frederick's voice is heard again.
Your gaze falls on the guitar, which lies near the school desk. Michael's friends didn't lie about the fact that he wanted to give you a little concert.
"So what song did you want to sing for me?" you caress Michael's cheek. And then notice small sparks of joy appear in his blue eyes.
X — X-ray
15-16 cm.
Y — Yearning
When you first started having sex, Michael realized that he got crazy about you. After he had been inside you and realized what it felt like, he wanted more and more. His hormones were just bubbling, and every time he could, he tried to hint at sex.
So every time you kiss, Michael always asks if you want to go further. No matter how horny he is, he also respects you and doesn't want to pressure you, much less force you.
Z — Zzz…
It's rare that you can sleep after making love, because you usually do it when you can. For example, when William isn't around, this is during the day.
Although one friday night, when Michael was at your place under excuse that he was staying with a friend, it happened. You finally did it in your bed when your parents weren't home. And after sex, Michael… couldn't shut up. Oh, he had so much to say, so much to share!
Adult Michael began to appreciate the word "sleep". After sex, he falls down next to you and looks at the ceiling, talking to you about absolutely everything. However, one day he asked such a… strange question. "Do you think a robot can put on human skin and walk around as if nothing happened? It would be fun."
And then, after a few minutes, he turns on his side to face you and begins to doze off. "Michael, no. Mike, don't sleep! We still need to take a shower!"
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oozedninjas · 9 months
hi i have come for your soul i adore your content...,,
might i request a little blurb about the 07 guys stamina ? like how many rounds they can go , for how long, when they could go again, etc.. thatstuff
sincerely the cockwarm req person i luv you very much <3 have a greatday - 🐛
Hi babe, nice to see you around again!
2007 NSFW(ish?) / 18+ / boys are mid to late twenties /
Good habits, such as getting enough sleep, exercising, and proper rest, are crucial pillars to build powerful stamina. Leonardo accomplishes all three in his regular training sessions (which also include meditation).
Taking the latter into account, his stamina is probably the highest among all his brothers. I think he might be able to go from three to five times in one session, maybe two in a row, and after some rest, the other ones. It also depends on his mood or the situation he's in.
Pent-up stress gets relieved like this, for instance, and you could swear he can go all night. But on nights when he feels more romantic, maybe one or two are enough.
It also depends on his partner. I can't think of any version of Leo who wouldn't care if you're hurting. So, if you can only go one time, one time it is.
As beefy as he looks and with a jawline reminiscent of a sex god, I believe two is his limit, maybe three if I'm being generous.
Excessive exercise without proper rest might cause him to get tired more easily after a couple of rounds.
However, he lasts long.
I think he has a pretty good level of resistance, so if you're going for positions that require a bit of extra effort, he's your man of choice.
I think that with the proper rest between one session and the next, he can climax about three times.
Yet, what's more important for Don is that his partner has a good time, and he tends to focus a lot on their needs.
Do you like it when he lasts longer? He can do that!
Do you prefer to have him cuming on you for starters? Perfect!
His stamina is pretty consistent despite his lack of sleep.
Not tremendously high, but enough to have satisfactory sessions.
He gets really anxious, though. So, if you include some reassurance in aftercare, he'd be super grateful!
I think he comes second to Leo.
Even if not intentionally, Mikey has a pretty good balance between exercising and proper rest.
He loves to have a good time with his partner, so it would last as long as the moment or mood requires, and you can bet he'd have the energy!
Also, I think that your satisfaction is very important to him, so he won't stop until you've come.
I think Mikey can do multiple rounds but ends up absolutely wasted and with a silly smile on his face haha
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