#i love plants everywhere
ryuusea · 5 months
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💐 / sherliam, flower language
when married to a guy whose mind palace only stores flowers with poison/medicinal value
I recently got a book, “Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to Victorian Language of Flowers” and it was fun applying it here! I imagine Liam knows Sherly doesn’t really bother to remember flower language, so incorporates Sherly’s knowledge of poisons/medicinal herbs for the fun of it!
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chuuchi-chuu · 11 months
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arrietty-rune · 1 year
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Happy Tree Friends but cottagecore 🌿🍃🌺
Also check my art here i do cute stuff sometimes !! ♥
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godbirdart · 10 months
bathtime for some of my cats! i'm very happy that despite having this particular bean for well over a decade they've barely, if at all, yellowed ;w;
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weirdcat1213 · 6 months
what i love about requiem of the rose king is how it makes the reader doubt about every character when it comes to richard. you are able to feel richard's hesitation with everyone. like him, you are not sure whos gonna accept him and who wont. even anne, whom we all love cuz shes adorable and nice and doing her damn best to have some agency in medieval times, is not free from the "they may be an asshole to richard list." the reader can trust characters with a lot of things except richard's body. and thats exactly what richard feels. its always a 50/50 and richard knows this.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 3 months
A couple months ago (at least I think it was, but time is weird for me), I purchased an African Violet. This is a plant that's been in my life since early childhood. I had one until my husband killed it during one of our moves; he put it in full sun on a hot day. These plants burn. Just an hour in direct sun is enough to do serious damage. I was at our new place, directing where things go, and six hours later he arrived with a completely cooked plant. No, I was no okay, and more than ten years later I'm still very fucking upset. He's well aware of this.
Which is why he didn't argue when I said I'm getting an African Violet. They were $6 and poorly cared for at the local gardening place. On the container, it says "keep out of direct sunlight" and "water from the bottom." They had them in barely filtered light and were water from above. Yes, I fucking corrected them. The guy threw a fit and called the gardening manager over, who asked if I wanted to work there and sent the other guy to put the plants in a different area.
They had no self-water pots, nor African Violet food. Those are the kind African Violets need. So I've had mine in its original container until today. It started showing signs of dying a week ago, and was getting way too large for the container it came in. I'm using general potting soil because that always worked fine for my previous plant. I had to repot that thing four times! African Violet food will need to be acquired soon-ish.
My husband came home with a self-watering pot today. He went to four different places to find one! A couple days ago I was have a Very Bad Day, and seeing my plant rapidly failing was what set the dam of tears flowing. It was Bad. He was my hero today, didn't even tell me he was getting a pot. The plant has since been re-potted. I soaked the soil before adding the plant and dry soil, something my mom taught me (she has around half a dozen African Violets). If it does well, I'll see about acquiring more in the future. I have a spot on my PC desk set aside for an African Violet. The one I have is on my cutting table, the corner nearest the window.
I now have six pothos plants (all cuttings from the same one), one spider plant that may soon become two, and an African Violet. Next week, I may be filling some containers with soil and wildflower seeds from the front yard. There's too many weeds and general crap in the front yard for anything but more weeds and general crap to grow, so we're more or less destroying it, then adding layers of organic matter (six inches or more of fallen leaves and other similar stuff), and leaving it alone for a year or two while I add more containers. I intend to acquire tires of various sizes, a bathtub, and some other similar items, to decorate the yard and serve as containers. Because it amuses me, we own the house, and I fucking can. Even told the neighbors, and they found it hilarious. When the soil is ready, I'll add native wildflowers, some milkweed (monarch butterflies navigate through here), and other native plants that self-seed and will require minimal effort. The backyard will be treated much the same, but with raised beds for food and herbs, and walkable paths.
For now, my current plants will have to do. I'm just hoping my African Violet survives the transfer and thrives in the significantly larger and more appropriate pot. The other held maybe two cuts of wet soil. This? A gallon, possibly more.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 4 months
Scrolling through house listing websites and daydreaming vividly about not having a shitty landlord any more
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plantaffinity · 29 days
Can we just talk about this thing with shopping. Forget about the overconsumption conversations, forget the judgement over shopaholics, forget about whatever fast fashion and calling women vain and whatever. Forget it. Can we talk about the feeling you get when you buy that perfect little thing and bring it home? Why does it feel so good? It can be anything, even groceries. It feels so good to buy things and bring them home and put them where they're supposed to be. Why is it so god damn sayisfying
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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chipped-chimera · 6 months
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Where I've been btw (arms in a fish tank swearing a lot because plants hate being in aquasoil and water at the same time)
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heart-bones · 7 months
I have been here one full day and I am already ready to go back to my apartment why am I like this 🙃
also please lord tell me what have I eaten that has completely ruined my stomach, I feel like I've been nauseous since I got here 😫
#i will get over it and be sad to leave in two days haha#i got to walk around the koreatown plaza out here and got snacks and milk tea w my sister#then we went to lunch w my parents 😊#and grocery shopping#then lin left and my parents and i went to a few places for fun#we watched the last voyage of the demeter a n d everything everywhere all at once together#(finally seeing it!!!! it was great & loving and i cried)#(because of course)#my mom got up at one point and got dizzy she fell and kept falling and it was Really sudden and very scary#all the plants were knocked over and i was immediately screaming like an idiot#but i helped her up and we walked slow to the bathroom together so i could look her over and make sure nothing was too bad#she skinned her arm in a places - she's so skinny so it bled a lot which was also scary.#i may have immediately stress cried while i was helping with her and we sat together for a long time to talk#then my dad was So Upset so he had to vent#(i understand his frustration to a point but i also feel like he's holding everyone else to this standard in his mind - )#(- of how they should “deal” with my mom having cancer - that my older siblings aren't “stepping up to help”)#(but he literally talked about my mom fading away and getting weaker every day like she wasn't sitting right next to him ???)#(and she was!)#i don't know MAN#i dont have things figured out at all but ot made me so angry and so sad#i know he is just feeling hurt and upset 🫠🫠🫠
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violentviolette · 1 year
protip, do not repot half ur plants the day after giving urself a manicure or u will indeed be picking little granuals of dirt out from under ur nails for the next 3 days
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squeakadeeks · 11 months
i was scared to watch scavenger's reign bc it looked too scawwy for me but i took a risk and watched it and its SO good. titmouse my beloved.
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derp-craft · 1 year
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What do we thing guys? All red brick or do we like the diorite brick? I think I like breaking it up buuuut the white is pretty stark against the deepslate. Given I have NO idea what I will be doing with the background of this underground 'base' soooo. The shape has been fun to work with since I'm building it around something rather than on it's own lol.
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adhd-mode-activate · 2 years
I pray that all of y'all are able to experience the gift that is teachable parents.
I grew up in a conversative Christian family (in my immediate family, I mean conversative in the religious sense. In my extended family, there are political conversative, but my parents strongly disagree with them). For years what I knew of the LGBTQ community was my aunt and her wife (who are quite frankly awful people; smol me assumed any gay person I met would hate me because I was a Christian) and what I googled at 2 AM
I didn't realize I was demi until I was 18 and went on a deep dive research hole in my dorm. I was scared to say anything to anyone. I assumed I'd be an outcast in the culture I grew up in, but I also didn't think anyone else would accept me.
I don't really know how it happened, but four years later I've got some of the coolest friends ever. One of my best friends thinks I'm crazy for the labels I collect like the human personification of a crow (which is where one of my nicknames comes from), but she loves me anyway. The other thinks I'm crazy for my faith, but she doesn't hate me for it. Instead, she asks me questions that I love to answer. I'm a demiromantic/biromantic asexual who's 90% sure that she's a girl about...60% of the time (gender is confusing, y'all), and I'm comfortable with that
And my parents? Well, it took three attempts at describing demisexuality to my mom for her to "get" it. She didn't understand how it was different from "normal" (mom, I've heard you talk about how you fell in love with my dad, and the one other person you dated before that, and how you couldn't imagine dating someone you weren't friends with first. There might be a reason you thought being demi was normal). But the thing is? After initially saying that she didn't understand, she was the one to come back and say "I've been thinking about it, and I realized I didn't handle that well. Could you explain again?" It took a while for me to come out to my parents. Little by little, testing the waters because of my irrational fears of disappointing them. They're not disappointed. My mom doesn't agree with me on everything, but she trusts me. If she has a question about anything related to attraction or gender identity or mental health, she asks me, because she trusts that even if we end up disagreeing, she'll learn something. My dad is a man of few words, but he will not hesitate to call out what he thinks is wrong. So the fact that he listens when I pace the room, verbally tearing apart an argument against trans rights, means a lot. Not only does he listen, he helps me strengthen my arguments. Any time I find a new fight, he gives me the resources and the weapons to wield it. He's a historian and a good one. When I am grieved and angry and bitter at the wrongs I see hidden behind the name of Christianity, he shows me history and where it's happened before and how it was righted. And then tells me to go. Keep making friends, keep putting my anger to good use, keep loving as deeply as I do. because if no one is angered by injustices they are never righted
My parents are still conversative Christians. They understand that I make decisions they never could. They know I will challenge them on things they never would have thought about, go places they never could, interact with people they never will interact with. But they're willing to learn from me. They're willing to trust me, willing to disagree with me without breaking the relationship. They're willing to be a safe space for any friend who is not safe in their own home for whatever reason. I pray that all of y'all will have parents like that, who even if they don't agree with you on everything, trust you (which I think is a healthy thing, each generation should grow and learn from the previous one and be willing to challenge things their predecessors wouldn't without losing the good already done)
And, if you don't think that's possible, you can have mine. Considering the fact that my mom was giddy when I told her I'd adopted a couple of my younger friends, and nearly cried with happiness when I told her that of course they could be her grandkids, she'll love you. My dad will be glad to show you one of his special interests (history, theology, cooking, or the potato cannon he and my brother built out of PVC pipe in the back yard are good starts if you're curious what special interests he might have). My mom will lavish you with all the affection you could ever want and then some. My dad will make you laugh when your emotions threaten to drown you.
If you don't have a home, I offer mine. Welcome home.
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
i think more people should play the Blue Skies mod in minecraft bc it is like. The best fucking thing
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