#its a 3 block space its gonna be crowded no matter what
derp-craft · 1 year
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What do we thing guys? All red brick or do we like the diorite brick? I think I like breaking it up buuuut the white is pretty stark against the deepslate. Given I have NO idea what I will be doing with the background of this underground 'base' soooo. The shape has been fun to work with since I'm building it around something rather than on it's own lol.
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All Along the Watchtower (Chapter 3)
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Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 3K+
Warnings: mentions of violence, human trafficking, morally gray characters, CIA Black missions = shady shit, swearing
Summary: The first flashback chapter for Rory regarding her time in Iraq working operations for the CIA (will tie into the overall story fyi, no ship stuff this chapter)
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis. Will also be available to read on AO3.
2016 - Anbar Province, Iraq / Syrian Border 
“All right, people, you have your orders. This ain’t gonna be pretty. So get your shit on right.”
Rory tried her hardest to ignore the droning voice of Officer Walker, the CIA operative assigned to the squad sitting in the front passenger seat, giving his best military impersonation for the crowd of soldiers jammed together in the armored vehicle. Crammed so tight her shoulders barely had room to bump against her fellow passengers as they drove along the rocky road. They were sardines in a tin can being boiled together on a hot stove – a pressure cooker – and the situation they were about to find themselves in only made it worse. 
“We are fifteen minutes out from the Syrian border. I repeat one - five minutes. This is known home turf for ISIS. We’re expecting heavy resistance. I will remind you all that this is unsanctioned. We are heading into the Black. There will be no questions. There will be no reports. There will be no crying to your mamas on the phone when you get back to base, ‘cause believe me, we’ll be tracking it. That goes for you limey fucks too,” he said with a smirk, looking up into the rearview mirror with his amber eyes. “ God Bless Homeland Security. ”
Walker’s wry smile was enough to turn Rory’s stomach, but she didn’t get to choose her bosses in the middle of warfare. She had to nod her head with a ‘yes, sir’ and a ‘no, sir’ to make her way through this. He might have been American, he might have been CIA, but right now, he was in charge. 
“We are dealing with a serious piece of shit in one Abdullah Al Ghulam, he is our target. I want him kept alive at all costs. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
She said nothing while the other soldiers around her offered their oath of fealty to the man. Instead, Rory kept her head down and her mind focused on the mission. Her mind always had to be on the mission. In situations like these, knowing she was about to see some shit, she did her best to block out the conscience her mother had instilled in her – doing good things for the right people . Out here there was just getting your hands dirty and hoping that it would be for the best, that it paid off in the long run and wouldn’t come back to haunt. The end justifying the means when things went dark like this, Machiavellianism at its very peak. There were no heroes out here, no matter who was patted on the back and awarded medals. 
Across from her Lt. Andrew Owen kept his eyes on her, his blue stare darkened by the brim of his helmet. The corner of his lip curled as he noticed her looking back at him with a ‘can you believe this guy’ flick of her brow, his head shaking slightly in return. He was the second in command of her unit, they seemed to never be too far away from one another, having fought in enough foxholes together to trust that the other had their six, and despite what the mission was expecting to serve them, seeing him there in the vehicle with her did add a certain sense of relative calm to the situation. There was a face in the crowd of strangers that wouldn’t just see her as some waste of space. Andrew knew what she was capable of. All too well . 
As the stream of armored vehicles came to a stop, the soldiers completed their final weapons check as the sun began to fade down into the horizon, streaking the sky in deep orange and red like the hellfire they were about to rain down. Readying their thermal scopes and night vision, making sure their tac gear was strapped on tight, the doors opened, and shadows crept out into the evening. 
Rory swung the strap of her rifle over her head and across her shoulder, looking out at the sky turned purple, the sun nearly completely gone down except for one lingering sliver of light along the horizon line. Pulling down on the goggles that would help lead her into the dark, seeing only in green and black as she marched forward, she followed her Lieutenant into battle. He was quick to give her a bump to the shoulder, that last little bit of comfort from a friend before hitting any possible SNAFUs. 
“You good, Sinclair?” he whispered into the comm.
“Yeah. Same old, same old. Right, Andy?”
Chuckling at the nickname, a smile cracked his otherwise serious face, “Fuck you.”
Tensions were relieved for only a moment, building right back up as boots crunched slowly through the sand and small bits of gravel towards the munitions bunker American intelligence had confirmed the existence of several klicks across the border with the use of drones. It was up to her and the rest of the squad to clear out the guard of enemy combatants, neutralize the weapons, and then collect the intel that would lead to who had actually shipped them in. Weapons didn’t come from nowhere, there was always a trail that led back. 
Silently stalking into the night, radio chatter was kept to an absolute minimum, hand signals being used instead. They’d crossed the border into enemy territory, they were no longer within the boundaries they were meant to maintain, they were in a country they weren’t at war with – not yet anyway. The squad broke up into two units, flanking the building in a pincer movement that would leave the resistance fighting from two opposing directions. Rory was split off with Walker and Lt. Owen, coming in from the rear of the bunker along with several other NATO soldiers of different rank and file, while the others stormed the front with charges to the doors. 
Shock and awe . 
Explosions rang out into the night, flashes of white light sparking from the corner of Rory’s night vision, the heat blurring her view for just a moment. She gripped her rifle a little tighter as they moved forward, heading down towards the opposite entrance of the complex. The heavy doors were locked tight, so C4 was strapped on in order to breach. Flying open along with a blast of sand, the doors were left to creak on their hinges as the soldiers entered before the ringing in their ears could quiet. 
Black figures stormed through the halls lined with flickering fluorescent lights, the sounds of gunshots and yelling echoing as the B squad moved to meet them in the middle. Bullets ripped through the air, bodies falling. This wasn’t a precise operation, a striking opposite from the way Rory usually worked. Shifting from shock to all out bedlam for the enemy, the dead littered the bunker as the force pushed through the halls. They weren’t taking prisoners here, no hostages, this was meant to be a clean sweep except for the target, clearing all rooms of anyone armed or considered dangerous.
Room after room, corridor after corridor, this place seemed to go on forever. Some passages ran tighter than others but would lead into expansive rooms and from them more men would appear, gun spray missing the soldiers as they fired haphazardly. There would only be casualties on one side tonight as the enemy seemed to swarm like insects, wave after wave, protecting what lay at the heart of the labyrinth of tunnels. Cut down as the soldiers expected more to rise from their place. 
Heading down one of the tunnels, it steadily grew darker as Rory’s squad moved away from the main hall. The lamps above glowed with warm, golden light, yet shadows still bloomed against the walls of the corridor. Another heavy steel door blocked their path at the end, and Walker was sure that was the entrance to Abdullah’s private area, sectioned off from everyone else like the queen in a nest. 
Taking point at the door, Walker motioned for one of the other soldiers to come forward with the charges to breach, and the blood in Rory’s ears began to thunder with each pump of her heart, the sweat starting to form on her brow. It didn’t matter how many times she was in a situation like this, how practiced of a routine it had become, she still had that frantic moment just before hell was about to break loose. When the anxious prey animal in her head was set free before the chomping jaws of the wolf would clamp back down again and she’d return to calm. Battle readiness swept over her as the adrenaline spread through her body, keeping her head on a swivel. 
With a massive bang and a gust of rushing air, the door was breached and once more they dove headfirst into the unknown. The darkness dissipated and the lights of sconces on the walls lit their way to Al Ghulam who threw himself down on to his knees without an order, wasting no time in placing his hands behind his head, as if he already knew he wouldn’t be sacrificed despite his crimes. 
Rory’s hawklike gaze travelled over their newly acquired prisoner, surprised to find a man who was still clean cut and wearing a well-tailored shirt and pants and smooth leather boots, despite having been in a bunker for apparently some time, using this as his headquarters. He was a man who still held onto his ties to the West, despite working with terrorist organizations that actively despised the nations that made up its colonial powers. 
Stalking up to the man, Walker grabbed the zip ties from his vest and slapped them around Abdullah’s wrists. “Well shit, you went down easy, huh?”
“Allaenat ealayk." <Arabic: Fuck you.>
“You gonna call me an American pig while you’re at it?” He looked down at the prisoner, his brow raised waiting for an answer, but he was met with only silence. “That’s what I thought. So, Mr. Al Ghulam I think you already know why we’re down here, so why don’t you save us nice people some trouble and lead us to your stash, ‘kay?”
Dark eyes rose to look at the American through a furrowed brow. “There are no weapons here,” he said confidently. 
“You can fuck right off with that bullshit; I know for a fact –”
“You know nothing, fucking CIA.” Abdullah’s eyes scoured the officer with a glare. “You are led by your masters, but you don’t know anything at all.”
Grabbing Abdullah by the collar of his shirt, Walker lifted him to his feet and looked him in the eyes. “I know what I need to. And right now, you’re gonna play your role and lead me to the containers I know you have kept here.”
“Containers yes, but there are no weapons.”
“Sure there aren’t.” Walker shoved the man forward, causing him to stumble as he was pushed past the soldiers. 
Rory’s stare followed him out of the room, focused on Walker and Al Ghulam. Containers, but no weapons – what was that supposed to mean? She looked to her Lieutenant, the question caught on her tongue, but it came through in her furrowed brow. Andrew gave her no answer, he didn’t have any more to go on than she did, but his jaw sat clenched. 
They followed the CIA operative down, further down into the bunker. Metal stairs clanging as the boots of a dozen soldiers stomped upon them. Finally entering a massive room with a large roll up bay door at the end of it. Storage space, a delivery system, this base was well-established. Placed in the middle of the room were six large metal shipping containers and Walker’s eyes went wide at the sight. 
“Alright, people, I want those doors opened. We’re taking inventory and then sweeping for intel.”
Using large bolt cutters, the locks on the containers were removed by the soldiers, but upon opening the doors it brought no peace. There weren’t any weapons as was promised, just as Al Ghulam had said, there was something else. Something that made Rory’s stomach drop and her eyes go wide with horror. 
Inside each container sat women and children. Weeping and starving, treated like cattle. Their clothes dirty, the smell of body odor near unbearable as it wafted throughout the room.
“ Jesus Christ… ” Rory could only speak in a whisper, eyes glued to the sight before her. 
Bolt cutters fell to the cement floor with a heavy bang. Soldiers stood, shocked so quiet they could hear a pin drop. The flashlights of a dozen rifles travelled over the tear-streaked faces of innocent people caught in the crossfire of a war that had been going on for too long. Herded into pens, treated like property, to be sent off to God only knew where. 
She seethed, a deep-seated anger in her making her blood run cold. Violence she’d seen and dealt with, able to manage it and push it down to where it no longer kept her up at night. Such abhorrent behavior towards human lives however, that was something she couldn’t shut out. Her gut twisted, the stoic exterior breaking as her mouth hung open and her eyes began to sting. 
Children and women reached out towards the soldiers, seeing their captor pushed to his knees and a gag shoved in his mouth. They thought the forces were there to save them and it broke Rory’s heart. They weren’t heroes, they weren’t here to save the day, if Walker had his way these civilians would likely be left here for some clean-up crew to deal with. Lives didn’t matter, just having the upper hand in the fight did. 
Walker stood, his hand pressed to Al Ghulam’s shoulder as he forced the man to stay on his knees, but his face never seemed to change. Even as his amber eyes travelled over the countless faces that sat before him, the sickening sight had little effect on the man who had filled his life with secrets, lies, and deception, all to keep the power imbalance for the empire of America going strong. 
“What the fuck is this?” Rory looked to Walker, her lips drawn back in a snarl. “What the fuck is this, Walker? I thought we were coming down here for weapons.”
“Yeah, we were. Intel was wrong,” he said with a shrug.
“How did no one know about this?” She tossed her arm out towards the half dozen steel cargo containers filled with women and children. 
“Calm down, soldier. You think in an active war zone we got the time to be looking for missing persons? You think that’s what we’re here for? You think we give a shit about that? We are fighting terrorists, we are not the fucking UN,” Walker snapped.
Rory took off her helmet and held onto it by the straps, stabbing her tongue into her cheek if only to compose herself. “I think that whatever the fuck this asshole has going on –” Her attention turned to the man on his knees currently bound and gagged before her eyes darted back to Walker. “It’s a lot worse than whatever you or anyone else has been led to believe.”
The CIA officer stared her down, his face growing harder as he glared at her from under his brow. Unmoved by her compassion for humanity, he had a job to do and she was hindering those efforts. 
“Don’t go pulling any heroics, Sinclair,” Andrew hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her closer to him until he could talk low enough for only her to hear. “We don’t need to go any deeper than this. This is above our paygrade already. We’re just here to shoot, remember ?” His glare stabbed into her as if to caution her next move. “I'd like to keep it that way.”
Her brow knit together, her jaw tightening ever still. It was like she was the only one who could see what was happening, the only one with clarity of mind to know that something monstrous was going on here and it sunk deep into the bowels of things. There was an unseen side to war, and she had yet to have gotten a stomach for it. “There are women and children locked up in steel boxes like cargo. I don’t care if this isn’t the weapon shipment we were sent in for. You think I'm going to turn a blind eye to that?”
“I think we shouldn’t push our CIA friend.”
It was a warning. Andrew had been around this block more times than she, he knew how bad things could get, but still she couldn’t understand how he wouldn’t object to what was happening here. “ Andy ?” She was taken aback by her Lieutenant’s sudden willful withdrawal of his conscience. They were at war, weapons were something she expected, a human trafficking ring was not on her list of things to discover in a bunker.
“Listen to me, Rory. We let Officer Walker do what he needs to with our target, and you and I stay quiet. Do you understand me, Sergeant?” Rory’s eyes drifted away from Andrew and back over to Walker, still holding onto Abdullah like a hostage before Lieutenant Owen grabbed her arm and brought her attention back to him as her superior. “There’s a reason the CIA wants him kept alive when it would be so easy to just put a bullet in his head. I’d prefer not to be privy to all that. Clear?”
“Rog’,” she said sullenly.
“Good. Now then let’s say we help Officer Walker here find a private room where he can hold a discussion with Mr. Al Ghulam. The sooner we can get out of here, the better.”
Rory nodded, her face sunken into a scowl. She hated being beholden to a law that didn’t even truly exist, a shadow of the rule of justice that was meant to be carried out, where war crimes and human rights violations were swept under the rug so long as the right hands were greased and information could be swapped between hands. It was dirty, stained in red, and going into the black meant it would never come to light. 
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hajimewhore · 4 years
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Body Swap 👫 (Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader) ➸Rated T, fem!Reader, 1.8k words   ➷Humor, awkwardness, lots of swearing, more d*ck talk but mild mild nothing goes on, just very uncomfy, the secondhand embarrassment is real in there (like every part honestly)   ➷ Masterlist, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, ✈Part 4, Part 5
“Uh, this… isn’t what it looks like?” 
Come’s your kneejerk response to Tooru’s exaggeratedly disgusted expression, you can tell he’s about 0.2 seconds away from throwing a fit.
“I went out of my way to wait for you, because I’m that good of a friend, you’re welcome. But you were taking so long, I figured I’d come in and drag you guys out. So. can someone please explain,” he shoots you (Hajime in his perception) a hard look, “What the hell is this?!”
Tooru is flushed in the face, and though his stellar performance and comical gestures were entertaining, you balk a bit at his outburst.
It’s a bit intense, and you feel a nervous sweat down your back. You can seldom say you’ve been on the receiving end of Tooru’s anger, and your struggling to come up with the right words to save face.
“I can explain?”
And what you came up with turned out to be excruciatingly underwhelming, and the baffled look Hajime sends you tells you that he also found your response pathetic.
Being in Hajime’s body with your hands clutched at his skirt, pulling away as if the garment was crafted using hot coals the second Tooru made an entrance, You’ll admit... it looked highly incriminating, and you’re going have some painful explaining to do.
“Well it looks like you’ve got your dirty hands on my bestfriend,” Tooru opts to refer to your actual self as his bestfriend, “What, Iwa-chan, can’t get any action? Trying to cop a feel before school? I didn’t think you were like that!”
He finishes the first segment of his rant with a huff. Under normal circumstances, you’d be appreciative of the rank up on his bestfriend list. Currently though, Tooru is getting under your skin, and as young man, you’re a little offended that he’s talking to you like that.
Tooru takes two strides (curse his long legs) across the threshold of your house, eyes narrowing in on you.
You glances to Hajime to ease the situation, he’s the only one that can say anything to help alleviate the situation.
Tooru follows your gaze, eyeing skeptically for an explanation. Hajime clears his throat, and you think you just might be saved. He’s always been quick to resolve altercations, whether its verbally or physically.
“....Hajime wanted me to wear my skirt shorter, but I said it was against school dress code.”
Hajime states as a matter of fact, and you gasp, what the fuck Hajime, but Tooru’s absolutely scandalized gasp overshadows your own.
“You asshole, that’s not—” 
Tooru is quick to interrupt you,
“You absolute heathen Iwa-chan! Who knew you’d turn out to be such a dog!”
Tooru snags your collar with a tight fist, and you instinctively wrap your hand around his.
Uh... you’re not gonna have to fight Tooru, are you? It’s Hajime’s body, so you’d gladly let him get bruised up as retribution for that comment, but you’re not too keen on getting punched in the face by Tooru protecting your own dignity.
“It’s not like that!”
You scramble for a way to dig yourself out of this one. Tooru’s locked his glare on you, exuding pressure.
“Then what is it like Iwa-chan?”
You glance from Tooru’s scowl to see Hajime’s smug expression behind him, your brow ticks at the sight of it. 
‘That little...’
Weren’t you just saying last night how excellent of an actress you were? Time to put that to the test.
You forcefully remove Tooru’s fist from your collar, adjusting your tie. Tooru allows you to gather yourself for a moment, scorn still etched across his features.
Averting your eyes to the side with a serious, contemplative gaze, you muster all the dramatics you can to pull off your next line. Internally, you think smugly that you must appear picture perfect for a drama noir film. If only it were raining too, that would set the atmosphere ideally. But an actress must work with what she’s got. 
Tooru seems decently invested in your dramatics, and Hajime is looking at you with contempt, as if he drank sour milk. Now that a pregnant pause has settled in and you’ve garnered the crowd’s interest, you sigh, long and wistfully,
“She never wears her skirt like that... I thought she might be struggling with her self confidence, so I was just trying to make her feel comfortable with herself. I’m such a brute though, I guess I got carried away.”
You cast your gaze sheepishly to Tooru, rapping your knuckles lightly against the top of your head to emphasize your point.
Tooru blinks at the explanation, takes in the information, considers the evidence in his mind.
His eyes begin to water, as expected, tears brimming at his long lashes as he spins around to pull Hajime (AKA you) into a bone crushing hug. He’s got a suffocating grip on him, all the while crying about ‘Hajime’s’ reasoning.
“I didn’t even notice! Forgive your stupid bestfriend, I should’ve said something too! How did I miss that?!” his dramatics always seem to up yours, Tooru is currently stealing best-in-show from you, “Waaaah, I’m sorry, you’re perfect the way you are!”
He cries into what he thinks is your shoulder, no doubt using the fabric to wipe his face, much to Hajime’s disdain. Meanwhile, Hajime is glaring hard and venomously at you for that bullshit display.
‘Are you fucking kidding me?’
He mouths, and you stick your tongue out, giving him the cheekiest expression he’d never want to see on his own face.
“Whew, alright,” Tooru straightens, clearing his throat and flicking his last tear off with the swipe of a hand, “Now we really have to go. Hike that skirt up and let’s get on with our day.”
He’s back to picture perfect Oikawa Tooru, no evidence of his outburst to be seen (asides from the wet spot on Hajime’s shoulder).
You try to grunt in agreement as casual and Hajime-like as you can.
For the sake of getting to school on time without any further incidents, Hajime pulls the uniform skirt up a tad higher, vowing to lower it when you fucking nuisances are out of the picture.
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Your final class is almost over, and you’re feeling.... extremely uncomfortable.
Not because the school day went bad, no, you found it easy to converse with his classmates and teachers. Notetaking was relatively simple, you’re learning the same material as Hajime anyways.
You’re physically uncomfortable, and the pressure of your bladder about to burst is driving you crazy.
‘I can’t take it any more!’
You shoot your hand up, and your teacher gives you an odd look before you excuse yourself to the restroom.
You head to the furthest end of the building, the women’s restroom is generally vacant so the men’s should be the same, yeah? And you definitely don’t want to be caught in the women’s, despite how empty it could possibly be. So with a heavy sense of shame, you waddle into the men’s room.
If someone’s in there, it’ll be fine. Just be in, and out. No big deal.
Oh fuck no.
“Iwaizumi, hey.”
Matsukawa fucking Issei glances up to the door you just waltzed through. Matsukawa Issei, middle for the Seijou men’s team, tall and messy haired flirt, the same Matsukawa Issei that helps you with your blocks and techniques, friend of Tooru and Hajime... and he’s staring straight at you with a casual nod of his head. 
You try to return it as casually as possible, despite your bones and every being shaking in you. 
‘Fuck, I forgot men I actually know use the men’s room.’
“...Mattsu–” nope not Mattsun (so much for being casual, you almost fucked up the way Hajime refers to Matsukawa), “–kawa.”
He raises an eyebrow for the briefest second, before returning his attention to the urinal, unzipping his pants. Un. Zipping. His. Pants.
He doesn’t give you much time to dwell on the slip up, already entering conversation about how your day is, to which you give short response to, trying not to shuffle your feet to the urinal. You really don’t want him to catch on to your discomfort.
You heavily contemplate just going into a stall, but you think that might be weird for guys to do. Now that you think about it, isn’t it weird to piss in the urinal directly next to the other guy? If you chose one spaced out would he get offended? Goddamnit, you never learned men’s room etiquette. Screw this whole situation, and screw Matsukawa Issei for needing to relieve himself at this exact time. 
Well, it’s too late now, you’re already standing at the one directly next to Mattsun. You can’t exactly take your sweet time picking another urinal and shuffling about while Mattsun is here engaging you in conversation about his fucking math class.
If it was weird to choose the spot beside him, Mattsun doesn’t say anything about it, going about his business. 
Thankfully, if you could even be thankful for a situation like this, you’re so overwhelmed by Mattsun’s unexpected presence that it’s keeping your mind off the having-Hajime’s-dick thing. The discomfort is still there, but you have to pee so badly, you’re not too bothered by it at the moment. You’re also intently focusing on not blushing, willing the blood flow to your cheeks to cooperate with you for once.
Simultaneously, you’re concentrating on not looking at Matsukawa fucking Issei’s junk. You’re getting good at multitasking.
But apparently, not good enough. Your willpower wasn’t as strong as you thought, and your focus slips for a moment as you gaze down and–was someone going to tell you that Matsukawa fucking Issei was HUNG?
“Is there something wrong with my dick?”
You shoot your eyes back up to Mattsun, who’s tilting his head with a thick brow raised. 
‘Hajime, if you hear about this, I am so sorry.’
“Nope, it’s perfectly fine,” you respond curtly, before coming to the realization that Hajime probably wouldn’t like you telling his friends that their dicks are ‘perfectly fine’, “I mean, no. It’s seriously ugly.”
You cringe at your save, if you could call it that, and Mattsun (finally) zips up. He casts a momentarily offended look at you.
“I think you mean ‘seriously huge’.” 
He laughs deeply, heading to the sink. You completely agree with that sentiment, and you’re glad he knows he’s well endowed, but it’s best to keep those thoughts to yourself.
You follow suit, laughing as sarcastically as you can without letting your voice crack. 
“Whatever, man.”
You proceed to have awkward sink talk with Mattsun, and upon exiting the restroom you thank the gods when you see his class is the opposite way to yours. 
“See you at practice.”
He waves, and when Mattsun is out of sight, you sigh in immense relief. 
Just how many dicks are you going to see before you swap back? You sob internally, returning to your class.
But that does bring up a point, Men’s Volleyball Practice. 
You’re marginally grateful for that encounter with Mattsun, because now you’re acutely aware of the locker room changing time before and after practice. 
You bury your face in your arms, taking note to sprint like hell and get to practice early. You’ll be damned if you have to spend any amount of time struggling to avoid eye contact with your friends’ abs, as well as Hajime’s other teammates'.
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A/N: AHAHA the CHAOS. Anyways, we all know Matsukawa got that horsec*ck. Thanks for tuning in for this week’s episode of y/n’s awkward panic. Iwaizumi Is So Done. 
taglist: @cybergovl​ @thatoneoddgirl8 @keijikunn 
Masterlist, Part 5
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willowbird · 4 years
prompt: aaron had a slight ED that he developed as a kid and is now being noticeable to the rest of the foxes even andrew and nicky kinda knew he forgot to eat but the stress from school and exy makes it worse....
I could easily expand on this and maybe one day I will. It hits kinda close to home tho so I’m going to err on the side of brevity just for my own mental space. Thank you so much for the ask! I hope this is what you’re looking for ❤️ ❤️ Take care of yourselves!
Warnings for depression, eating disorder. 
Edit: this has been expanded and can also be found on my ao3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Ao3
Wednesday | 6:04am
The alarm was screaming. 
Its cries crashed against his senses like sea-storm waves and Aaron was without shelter. The sound had been crowding him for four minutes now, and he still couldn't lift a hand to make it stop -- even though he was perfectly aware and wide awake. He wanted to stop the sound, he needed the quiet back, but for whatever reason his hand just wouldn't listen to his brain no matter how many times he willed it to move. 
Aaron hated days like this.
Wednesday | 8:43am
Nicky slung his arm around Aaron’s shoulders, a grin plastered on his face. His hair was slicked back like a low-budget greaser, halfway between wet and just damp. They’d just finished morning practice and he, Nicky, and Kevin were waiting out in the player’s lobby for Neil and Andrew to finish showering and changing so they could leave.
“Aw man, I am hungry. Please tell me that Andrew and Neil are gonna finish up soon so that we can go get a real breakfast.” Nicky's whining was easy enough to ignore most of the time, but today Aaron was tired and his patience was thin. He had three tests to study for, two essays to write, they had a game coming up on Friday, and Aaron didn't have the bandwidth for Nicky, too.
He shruged his cousin off with a snort. "I'm just gonna hitch a ride to the library." There were still a few hours before his first class of the day, and he needed to use that time for something productive.
"Aww, c'mon Aaron come to breakfast with us! We'll drop you at the library when we're done. It won't take too long!"
"What won't take too long?" When Aaron looked over, he saw Neil and Andrew coming out of the locker room, clean and changed.
"Breakfast!" Nicky announced. "Neil, tell Aaron to join us! It's a family breakfast -- he should be there!"
"You can't just label things "family" events as a way to require people to be there," Kevin said with a long-suffering sigh. Even so, Aaron noticed he already had the menu of their usual breakfast joint pulled up on his phone. The pictures of pancakes topped with glistening syrup and fluffy omelets made his stomach clench in an unpleasant way.
Aaron looked away.
"I've got a shit to do," he said. That would be his final word on it, and to demonstrate, Aaron turned to head toward the doors.
Except Andrew had moved to block him, though Aaron hadn't registered when his twin had circled them. Aaron frowned, lifting his chin in challenge.
Andrew just studied him for a long moment before looking just past Aaron, gaze darting over his shoulder to the others behind him. He lifted a hand and a second later a slim object snapped into it. When Andrew then held it out to him, Aaron saw it was a granola bar.
A quick glance over his shoulder exposed the granola bar thrower as Kevin, who was zipping his backpack shut. They matched gazes briefly and Kevin nodded toward the granola bar in Andrew's hand.
"If you aren't going to come to breakfast with us make sure you get something on your way to the library."
Aaron glared at him, then rolled his eyes and turned back to his brother. Andrew just looked at him, expression blank, and continued to hold out the damn granola bar like he could stand there all day without a care in the world.
A flash of resentment boiled through him. Of course Andrew could stand there so fucking unbothered. Barely anything affected him at all.
With an annoyed huff, Aaron snatched the bar out of Andrew's hand and shoved it into his pocket before stalking out of the building.
Wednesday | 1:15pm
Katelyn ❤️ (13:15): Hey baby! Prof Dixon bailed again ~ you free?
Aa. Min. (13:15): McCallister's?
Katelyn ❤️ (13:16): See u in 5! 😘
Wednesday | 1:23pm
Aaron stood inside the confused cacophony that was McCallister's, an on-campus restaurant that was the love child of a deli and a pub but four times too big, regretting his choices.
It wasn't even the noise that was bothering him the most. It was the smell.
Aaron took two steps into the restaurant and his stomach roiled. It twisted and tightened, curling in on itself in disgust at the sharp, slimy stench of cold cut deli meat cushioned on a waft of double-baked potatoes that filled the restaurant like wildfire's haze. He and Katelyn met here for lunch two or three times a week when their schedules lined up. They both liked the food and they had several corner booths where they could hide in and study together after eating. It was one of their favorite places. But right now, Aaron was fighting not to gag. 
“Aaron!” Relief warred with dread at the sound of Katelyn’s voice and he hastily plastered on an imitation of the smile he usually didn’t even have to think about, that always rose to his lips whenever she was around all on its own. It didn’t today, but for Katelyn he could make the effort. For Katelyn, Aaron could do anything. 
He turned around once that smile was fixed in place and wrapped his arms around her when she joined him, indulging in a quick kiss that soothed some of the nausea churning in his gut. When they broke apart, Aaron turned to lead them toward their usual booth but Katelyn stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Babe is everything alright?” Worry painted a crease between her eyebrows, her mouth drawn down as she studied him. 
Most days, Katelyn’s concern warmed him. It made him feel seen and loved and cherished. Today it put a slash of anxiety through his lungs, breath seeping out through the cut and concaving his chest under the weight of her scrutiny. 
Aaron arranged his smile into something tired and unalarmed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a long week, y’know?”
Katelyn hummed like she wasn’t sure she believed him but was deciding to trust him anyway, then she smiled and she released his arm only to take his hand, giving it a small squeeze. “Alright, then let’s get some lunch and shut out the rest of the world for at least a little bit, yeah?”
The smell of the restaurant was still choking him and even his skin felt tight. The absolute last thing he wanted to do right now was stay there another second, let alone the hour he had until he needed to think about heading to his next class.
“I’m so sorry Kate, I’ve got to meet with the TA for my history class. I remembered right after I texted you but I still wanted to see you so I figured I’d just tell you when you got here.” He offered an apologetic smile and did his best to ignore the way guilt was now mixing uncomfortably well with the sick already sloshing around in his stomach. Aaron did not like lying to Katelyn, it felt wrong. But he also couldn’t... he couldn’t explain what was wrong with him right now -- not because he didn’t know, but because he was sure explaining it was going to make him sound crazy and that was just the last thing he needed right now. It was better to slip away, go somewhere he could focus on homework or something and just... wait for it to pass.
Katelyn’s expression fell, flashing disappointment, then a sad understanding as she nodded. “Of course. It’s okay babe, really. I’m just glad I got to see you at all.” She smiled then -- that bright, warm, just-for-him smile that always had Aaron’s heart skipping. A small knot of tension loosened in his lower chest, just enough that he was able to take a small breath and offer a more genuine smile of his own in return. 
“I love you,” he told her. 
“I love you too, Aaron. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you later, okay?”
He made no promises before he made his escape, just a smile and a wave.
Wednesday | 3:37pm
The granola bar tasted like ash in his mouth. It felt like there were iron weights attached to his jaw, making it impossible for him to chew. A fist of repulsion locked around his throat, and it was a physical struggle to swallow. 
This was the worst part about days like this.
Aaron knew he had to eat something, because he knew what could happen if he didn’t and the only thing worse than having to put up with feeling this way, dragging himself through the mud of his own psychosis one step, one mile, at a time -- was doing it with everyone watching him struggle. 
So he forced himself through half the granola bar. He knew better than to push for more than that, or all his efforts would be wasted into the nearest trash can.
Wednesday | 7:51pm
Practice had been brutal. It had been so bad that even Nicky hadn’t been able to cheer himself through it and was just as bitter and on edge as the rest of them by the time they hit the showers. 
Aaron sat in the lobby and waited for the others, feeling old. He felt tired. He just wanted these stupid pissing contests to stop and everyone to shut up. He wanted the world to be completely silent, completely empty. Emptiness sounded nice. Sounded peaceful. Sounded right.
The sharp scuff of shoe-rubber against tile had him cringing so hard his shoulders ached and he peeled his eyes open to glare at the source. Andrew stood there, hands in his pockets, blank-faced and too knowing.
Aaron snorted and looked away. 
The couch shifted slightly as Andrew took the spot next to him. There was the soft shk of a blade cutting into something crisp and when Aaron looked over, Andrew was holding out a small sliver of apple. His brother wasn’t looking at him. Instead, the other Minyard was dispassionately staring at the tv, which was playing some sports channel that Aaron knew very well Andrew didn’t give a single shit about. 
For a long moment Aaron just stared at the side of his twin’s face, but it was impossible to know what, if anything, he was thinking about. Finally, he looked at the sliver of apple. It was pale, small, unobtrusive. Aaron’s stomach clenched, a mix between hunger and repulsion. All he’d had today was that half a granola bar -- which had been both too much and not enough. His throat tightened as he stared at that innocuous slice of fruit, but he was almost focused more on the hand holding it. His eyes burned and he looked away, but not before taking the slice. 
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racingtoaredlight · 3 years
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RTARL would like to extend our warmest holiday wishes to those who celebrate and, even if you don’t, happy 9/11. Now who’s ready for some FOOTBALL!!!!?!?!
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So after two weeks of games that combine to count as only one official week even though some teams have already played twice we have only one real question answered: is Alabama still good? Yes, they are. Everything else is still liquefying vapor.
I am assuming everybody is waiting with baited breath for an RTARLsman but I don’t have anything yet. I guess the not-Master Teague RBs on Ohio State are the frontrunners for now. Or that one guy from that one team who was good. You know who I mean.
Saturday, September 11
Matchup    Time (ET)     TV/Mobile
Illinois at Virginia   11:00am   ACCN
Jeff George won Citrus Bowl MVP for the Illini against the Hoos in his last game as a student athlete before becoming the #1 overall pick in the 1990 NFL Draft. Based on this history it is safe to presume that whoever the QB is for Illinois today will be the #1 pick in 2022.
VMI at Kent State   11:30am   ESPN3
I’m not sure on this but maybe this game is cancelled.
WKU at Army    11:30am   CBSSN
Army is favored by 6. I bet this game is boring.
Norfolk State at Wake Forest    12:00pm   ACCNX
I don’t see a line listed but whatever it is bet against Wake covering.
Indiana State at Northwestern     12:00pm    BTN
This game is an act of terrorism.
Alabama State at 25 Auburn     12:00pm    SECN
Real body bag season starts today, huh?
Youngstown State at Michigan State  12:00pm   BTN
The Michigan State running back is the guy I was trying to think of earlier! He’s pretty good. Not good enough to make me watch this but I will check on his stats every so often.
Tulsa at Oklahoma State   12:00pm   FS1
I bet Mike Gundy has some really salient thoughts on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and I can’t wait to hear them.
South Carolina at East Carolina   12:00pm      ESPN2
South Carolina is a two point favorite against an East Carolina team that is, per my understanding, not exactly good. So I can only extrapolate that South Carolina is likewise not good.
Pitt at Tennessee  12:00pm   ESPN
Look, I’m not going to pretend this is good television but if Pitt rocks their classic yellow helmets and Tennessee wears non-alternates the colors on the screen will at least be pleasing. The thought of the actual football involved hurts my brain but it’s interesting that the points have gone from a consensus pick ‘em to Pitt -3 over the course of the week. Does Tennessee have any players that are good enough that by missing the game they could impact the gambling that much? Or are people just squaring themselves with the fact the the Vols are really and truly a ruined burnt out hole of a football program? Pound the latter.
12 Oregon at 3 Ohio State  12:00pm   FOX
Losing Kayvon Thibideaux certainly isn’t going to help Oregon but he’s not usually on the field as a run stopper anyway and if Ohio State learned anything last week it’s that they can just run until they feel like throwing a pass. Oregon actually has some legit talent on the d-line besides Thibideaux but the Ducks are gonna be hard-pressed to keep things within two scores here.
Miami (Ohio) at Minnesota   12:00pm   ESPN
If Oregon can’t make a game of it in Columbus look out because this time block is an absolute wasteland. There is scant reason to turn the TV on for the early schedule other than gambling purposes.
Kennesaw State at Georgia Tech   12:00pm    RSN/ESPN3
Georgia Tech probably should have closed up shop after Paul Johnson retired. Either that or just absolutely slathered the football program in dollars. The Yellow Jackets being unable to land any big time recruits while playing in Atlanta is a real mindfuck. They aren’t a AA program playing dress up in a “power” conference they’ve got actual history. I don’t mean to give the impression I want them to be good but I don’t understand how they can be such fodder for so long.
13 Florida at USF    1:00pm    ABC
Remember that year when USF was the best program in the state? Wild stuff. Weird, wild stuff. I know the deal with UF is that they don’t go out of state for contract games but it’s actually kind of surprising they even bothered to keep this trip to Tampa on the schedule. Like the area recruits would probably be happier to go see a game at The Swamp than to kick around their hometown for a pile of shit like this.
Wyoming at NIU    1:30pm   ESPN+
I’m not gonna open the ESPN app for this but if it was on ESPN2 I’d probably check in on it during commercials. Aesthetically pleasing trash with an upside for actual entertainment.
Middle Tennessee at 19 Virginia Tech    2:00pm   ACCNX
Virginia Tech’s home crowd scene was the normie story of last week’s games. People that don’t watch college football were either aghast or frantically waving their blue lives matter flags in response. Us in this space just ate the shame and forgot it happened by the time Saturday’s games kicked off. My theory is that VPI is not actually any good but UNC’s 2020 season was a well-timed fluke and the last hurrah of Mack Brown’s storied coaching career. The Hokies are at home, though, and MTSU is almost certainly not on the same athletic level as the Turkey Gobblers so I’d probably take the home team -20 if I were so inclined to wager on this particular game that is being broadcast on the ACC’s new pornography channel.
Rutgers at Syracuse    2:00pm    ACCN
Holy fuck does this game suck. Reuniting former Big East, uh, rivals (??? does Rutgers have any natural enemies?) in a cross-conference classic betwixt the B1G and the ACC.
Duquesne at Ohio   2:00pm   ESPN3
I don’t think I need to explain to you all the national title implications riding on this game.
Toledo at 8 Notre Dame    2:30pm     Peacock
Just remember that if you subscribe to Peacock you are at the very least tacitly supporting Notre Dame. If for some reason you’re watching this please report back on how many of those defensive pick plays Notre Dame runs. They were doing that shit constantly against Florida State last week and it drove me nuts. I think the idea is that you are so flagrantly illegal so often that the refs grow numb to it and just don’t call it at all.
Robert Morris at Central Michigan     3:00pm    ESPN3
Not to be outdone by the early games, the 3 o’clock set is equally terrible.
Purdue at UConn    3:00pm    CBSSN
I bet Edsall still gets bonuses for stupid shit even now that he’s retired or whatever the official designation was for him no longer coaching.
Boston College at UMass    3:30pm    FloFootball/NESN+
I don’t know what FloFootball is but I know it isn’t anything to do with the state of Florida.
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Ball State at 11 Penn State    3:30pm    FS1
It surprises me to see Penn State as only -22.5 favorites. That seems very kind to Ball State. Hopefully I’m wrong and the Ball State Lettermans take it to the Sanduskys.
Murray State at 7 Cincinnati    3:30pm    ESPN+
Practice week continues.
Temple at Akron    3:30pm    ESPN+
Pound the under.
Georgia Southern at Florida Atlantic   3:30pm   Stadium
There is really nothing going on this week.
Air Force at Navy   3:30pm   CBS
Middies vs. Fly Boys in the first leg of the Commander’s Cup on the twentieth anniversary of 9/11. I can’t imagine the amount of emotional manipulation that’s going to make its way onto this broadcast. Normally I watch these games but I don’t think I can do it this year.
UAB at 2 Georgia    3:30pm    ESPN2
Georgia may well be absurdly talented on the defensive side of the ball but I’d be surprised to see them make it through the regular season with fewer than two losses.
5 Texas A&M at Colorado     3:30pm     FOX
This is only interesting if the Aggies spring a leak.
California at TCU    3:30pm    ESPNU
Things most certainly are not looking up.
Buffalo at Nebraska    3:30pm    BTN
Nebraska is in an interesting position because if they buck the odds and end up being good after we’ve all been so ready to see a National Championship-winning coach get fired that would be funny but if they end up being really bad it’s even funnier. Go Bulls!
Mercer at 1 Alabama    4:00pm   SECN
I’ll cry a little if Saban pulls the starters in the first half and the Tide beats Mercer by less than they beat Miami.
South Alabama at Bowling Green   4:00pm    ESPN+
10 Iowa at 9 Iowa State    4:30pmABC
This is not the kind of top 10 matchup I can just sit idly by and let it happen. Your silence is complicity in this monstrous display of modernity.
SC State at 6 Clemson    5:00pm      ACCN
Clemson dropped all the way to #6 and they’ll hang around the top of the polls because they don’t have the toughest conference schedule in the world but my confidence in them is not high right now. I think the new QB is just a guy. He’s talented as hell but I don’t see him being great.
Illinois State at Western Michigan     5:00pm   ESPN3
This is either MACtion or MACtion adjacent and I have only one word for this midwestern trash: abhorrent.
LIU at West Virginia   5:00pm    ESPN+
LIU plays football?
Lamar at UTSA      6:00pm    ESPN3
Downside: You’re watching one of the least important games of the year. Upside: You’re really not missing anything.
Portland State at Washington State    6:00pm    P12N
Washington State was a perfect spot for the stupid pirate fuckhead and his leaving has ruined the program and, eventually, his reputation. Not relevant to this game necessarily but this game isn’t relevant to anything else, either.
Gardner-Webb at Charlotte   6:00pm    ESPN3
Oh, yeah, feel the excitement.
Bethune-Cookman at UCF   6:30pm   ESPN+
Go Cats.
NC Central at Marshall    6:30pm    ESPN+
The hits keep coming.
Houston at Rice   6:30pm    CBSSN
I’ve always had a soft spot for Holgo and for Houston football but somehow I really don’t like seeing him coach the Cougs. This is SWC magic but with no magic. UNLESS! Houston can put up 100. I don’t think they even have the guys to do it but this is Rice we’re talking about here.
Nicholls at Louisiana    7:00pm    ESPN3
Keep the energy up.
North Texas at SMU   7:00pm   ESPN+
I bet is MS621 were still alive he’d be at this game giving Spencer’s boys hell. Sadly he died doing what he loved, curing his COVID by eating ivermectin paste out of a horse’s butt. R.I.P., friend. Neigh to you wherever you are.
Southeastern La. at Louisiana Tech   7:00pm    ESPN3
Even the low tier stuff is geared up for annihilation. This is a bodybag week for all time.
Memphis at Arkansas State    7:00pm    ESPN+
Memphis getting less than a touchdown against Arkansas State seems like easy money but I have no real concept of either of these teams just yet. Maybe the end is nigh for the Tigers glory years? I sure hope not but it’s possible.
NC State at Mississippi State    7:00pm     ESPN2
This game should be as fun as a parents funeral.
Southern Illinois at Kansas State   7:00pm      ESPN+
Over the past week I experienced derision for referring the the guys in purple and silver as “Kansas State” instead of “K State” and that stung because it always surprises me that anybody cares about them enough to have a strong opinion about them.
Stephen F. Austin at Texas Tech    7:00pm    ESPN+
15 Texas at Arkansas    7:00pm   ESPN
Let’s see if Texas is ready to run with the big boys of the SEC! Arkansas is given a decent shot to win this game and that makes the “15″ next to Texas appear extremely suspect in my eyes.
Texas Southern at Baylor    7:00pm   ESPN+
This week Texas Southern is the people’s champion.
Texas State at FIU   7:00pm    ESPN+
Oh, Butch, why have you done this to yourself?
Western Carolina at 4 Oklahoma      7:00pm     PPV
All the Westen Carolina fans are buying this PPV to see their guys score 40.
New Mexico State at New Mexico    7:00pm     Stadium
I looked up the historic rivalry last year to figure out why it was played early in the season instead of at the end but I’ve forgotten and don’t feel the need to look it up again. I figured out how to watch Stadium on my TV but I also forgot that and don’t feel the need to look it up again.
Appalachian State at 22 Miami (FL)  7:00pm   ESPNU
My gut tells me Miami is probably legitimately about the 14th best team in the country but I still would never advise you to bet actual money on the Hurricanes. Are they 9 points better than App State? Easily. They should win by 20+. Are they liable to fuck around and lose or scrape out a win in the final seconds? Absolutely. Let’s fuckin’ go.
Morgan State at Tulane    7:00pm    ESPN+
A lot of people learned to love the Green Wave last week but it’s hard to keep that going with their schedule. Don’t forget them later in the year when the CBSSN glow is really shining.
Liberty at Troy   7:00pm   ESPN+
Liberty -4 is maybe my surest advice of the week. If Malik Willis is as good as his press the fake school should have this game on ice early.
Eastern Michigan at 18 Wisconsin   7:00pm    FS1
I find Wisconsin’s losing effort against Penn State last week to be a personal affront against me and all of nature.
Eastern Kentucky at Louisville    7:00pm   ACCNX
I think this game being broadcast at night on ACCNX means they’re playing naked.
Grambling State at Southern Miss    7:00pm    ESPN3
This is the kind of game that belongs on an app.
Hampton at Old Dominion    7:00pm    ESPN3
This is the kind of game that belongs on a well-worn high school football field.
Austin Peay at 20 Mississippi   7:30pm     ESPN+/SECN+
This is a pretty big OOC game for an SEC team.
Georgia State at 24 North Carolina    7:30pm    RSN/ESPN3
One of several GSUs, I think this is the one I most hope emerges victorious this week.
Idaho at Indiana   7:30pm    BTN
Wait, wasn’t Indiana like #10 last week? What the hell happened to them? No, don’t tell me. Seriously, don’t.
Missouri at Kentucky     7:30pm    SECN
When the SEC hits 24 teams the “S!E!C!” chants are gonna seem really stupid.
Howard at Maryland    7:30pm    BTN
There’s no official line for this game but I hope the Bison can pull off the upset in this classic local rivalry game.
Jacksonville State at Florida State    8:00pm   ACCN
Still shaking my head at FSU icing their own kicker. Jesus, Norvell. Get your shit together.
McNeese at LSU     8:00pm      ESPN+/SECN+
LOLSU was my lock of the week last week if you’re considering taking gambling advice from me.
Washington at Michigan    8:00pm    ABC
UDub lost to a 1-AA team last week and now they have to go on the road and beat Michigan. Which seems inevitable, to be honest.
Cal Poly at Fresno State    10:00pm    CW59
The murder rate will continue to increase as the day progresses. I always kind of like it when a local broadcast shows up on the sheet. So pretty much none of us have legal access to this game. It makes it more special.
San Diego State at Arizona    10:00pm    P12N
Pac-12 Network is similar to CW59 in that almost nobody in the country has legal access to their broadcasts. If you’ve read enough of these posts you are aware that SDSU is my weird very deep backup team. I don’t have a reason to align myself with the school or program, I just tend to enjoy watching their games.
Vanderbilt at Colorado State     10:00pm    CBSSN
This is an abomination.
21 Utah at BYU     10:15pm    ESPN
This is a lowkey fun rivalry. I’m pretty sure I write the same thing every year but it’s still true. Go Utes.
Stanford at 14 USC     10:30pm    FOX
I think USC could win a national championship and I’d still be baffled that Clay Helton is their coach. Of course, they won’t win a national championship as long as Clay Helton is their coach but they apparently won’t ever get embarrassing enough to fire him, either.
Idaho State at Nevada    10:30pm    Stadium
This is the lowpoint of the week’s schedule and you have to stay up late to watch it on a network that only exists as an app or as part of a hidden unlockable download-only level of cable subscription. This is the beauty of the college game.
UNLV at 23 Arizona State    10:30pm   ESPN2
Herm Edwards figured out the trick to looking good in the Pac-12 without having a particularly great team and I can’t make up my mind if I’m rooting for him to keep sliding on that rail or to fall off it. I think I’ve come around to rooting for him but it’s a very dynamic and fluid situation.
Hawaii at Oregon State   11:00pm    FS1
Hawaii gets to play at their normal time for a game against the bottom of the barrel of the Pac-12 but they’re an 11-point underdog. If you’re ever going to take Hawaii, this is the stars lining up for you to do it. It’s still a big “if” but I’m saying there’s a chance.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Put Me In a Movie
Keanu Reeves x reader (A/n- You can tell I was procrastinating by how this is written. Anything so I can not do what I’m actually supposed to be doing. A/n 2- I’m mixing perspectives because who’s gonna stop me?)
Summary Prologue  1   2   3  4  5  6 7  8
Warnings- NSFW/SMUT, oral sex, angst (sorry not sorry)
Chapter 9- Baby, Can You See Through My Tears?
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Over a dozen times; she’d laid next to him since that drunken night in Chicago, yet, none of them felt as troublesome as that one. They’d returned from the roadside bar well after midnight, and she’d offered Keanu something he wasn’t readily going to pass up, even if things between them weren’t on stable grounds. Then again, they hadn’t ever been on stable ground. 
A night spent bare naked with entangled limbs broke into the somber splitting of dawn, the first threads sunlight peeling her eyes open. Shaking off an unrestful slumber took merely seconds and by the time Y/n had regained her better senses, she remembered that laying next to her, seemingly unaffected by the weight of their tension, slept Keanu. His soft snores were melodic and his strong arm settled around her waist just a little soothing. Even if things weren’t the best between them, he was still the man she found paradise in giving herself to. 
Shifting her head on the pillow, Y/n sneaked a glance at the alarm clock at her bedside; 5:15 in the morning. It was far too early to be awake. Even if the sun preferred an early start, Y/n still longed for the pleasures of sleep, for at least a couple more hours. So, despite her mind’s protests, she shut her eyes, blocking out the light that filtered through the splits between her heavy dark curtains. It took a while, but eventually, Y/n was turning in Keanu’s unconscious embrace, opening her eyes one last time, regarding him with an admiration that she'd never felt for another. He really did hone some kind of other-worldly beauty, having aged like the perfect Chianti; sweetness of tobacco and all. For a while, she stared at him, controlling the tingling urge to reach out and sweep a few dark strands away from Keanu’s face, which was turned to her. How could someone so stunning make her ache so much? 
The devil usually came as the one thing you want the most.
The wispy thought fled quickly, but Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Keanu wasn’t really her personal heaven, instead, he was the flames that would one day painfully lap at her heart. Her eyes stung at the idea, though, the inching in heart ache didn’t last much longer, for Keanu’s soft, hypnotic snores were enough of a lullaby to recall sleep. Y/n’s heavy lids slipped closed, her breaths evening out and her troubles following her to the sea of unconsciousness. 
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When Keanu stretched himself awake, his sleep blurred eyes weaning open, he splayed his hand on the spot beside him, seeking a bit of early morning intimacy, maybe something quick so it wouldn’t take too long to move things to the shower. Warm rivulets skimming their bodies while his rough palms held her jammed to the wall? It seemed like the right way to start their morning. Keanu’s body ached for Y/n’s, the feeling of her warm, sweet cocoon around him, squeezing him incomparably. Her voice, her taste, her touch. He craved it.
Lest Y/n was still melancholic from the night before.
Maybe they should talk first, so he could explain himself. If he could even find a way to do that. Keanu could tell that his words, or rather lack thereof, had set quiet discontent in her being, and it troubled him too. The not knowing what they didn’t and the knowing what they did. 
When the sheets felt cool to touch, Keanu rolled onto his side, groaning when he found the spot vacant. Odd. It was barely seven and usually Y/n stayed in bed until they were both ready to get up. Keanu spent a minute eyeing the adjoined bathroom, waiting to see if she'd emerge. But the door was wide open and not too long after, he noticed that his t-shirt from the night before had been swiped off the back of the chair at her vanity. 
After a moment's more of contemplation, Keanu shrugged off the sheets, and planted his feet on the cool toned hardwood. Not bothering with his jeans, Keanu just pulled on his boxers before detouring to her bathroom before setting out to find Y/n.
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"Something's bothering you?" Keanu's voice broke Y/n out of her murky thoughts, raising her gaze. As her eyes roamed his form from the feet up, she quelled a mischievous smirk by taking her lower lip between her teeth. As usual, just the sight of Keanu was enough to make her forget why she was even upset with him. It wasn't fair, he shouldn't have been able to have that effect on her, but Y/n didn't think she could change it if she tried. It was just something Keanu carried with him; he was magnetic with a deep, hypnotic stare that reeled her in and banished unwelcome sorrows
Clearing her throat, Y/n gently pushed away from the freckled, marble island that separated the brief foyer from her kitchen, padding over to get a second ceramic mug from the cupboard fixed over the kitchen sink. "Not really," she shrugged, producing a patterned blue and grey mug that matched her own, "Coffee?"
"Sure," Y/n could feel Keanu's penetrating gaze following her as she moved about the small area; first pouring some of the fresh brew out of the French press and then preparing it just the way she knew he preferred it; with two spoons of sugar and not a drop of milk. Keanu stayed silent, and Y/n had been so busy sinking back into her own world, that she hadn't realized that he'd stationed himself behind her until she turned around, yelling in surprise and nearly scalding his broad, bare chest. 
"Shit!" And Keanu just chuckled, looking over her impressively, close enough to crowd her little bubble of personal space and render her flustered. "What are you doing?" She breathed, when he blocked her in with his hands stationed at either side of her on the counter.
"What are you doing?" He mirrored, low and gravelly. As hard as she tried, Y/n just couldn't pretend that his behavior didn't have an effect on her. She liked him like that, when Keanu reminded her that she was minute compared to him, when he so easily took control and made her feel much smaller than she actually was. 
A shuddered breath escaped her dry, parted lips and Y/n blinked slowly, "I was making you coffee," her chest heaved with deep breaths and Keanu was so close that each time her chest rose, the fabric of his grey company t shirt, pushed out by her breasts, brushed his torso. The absence of his response signaled to Y/n that he wanted a different answer, and with a clouded, though insistent mind, she probed, "What am I to you?"
Her breathy words were nearly lost in the stillness of the atmosphere, and Keanu brushed a stray strand away from her cheek, twirling it around his fingers, "What do you want to be?"
That couldn't have been a good answer, and in any other instance, Y/n recognized that, but right then, other, more provocative thoughts were consuming her.
Keanu let the curled lock go, proceeding to drag his thumb across her plump, lower lip. Reaching its end, he grasped Y/n’s chin, gently tilting her head upwards, just as Keanu lowered his. The mug, having been set down off to the side, was forgotten, its contents growing stale and cold as the air around them heated up. “I…..”
“Shh,” Keanu’s hot breath fanned the side of her face and when his lips descended upon hers, Y/n could taste a lingering mintiness as his hands slid off the smooth surface, landing on her hips. His tongue slid over hers and the cotton bunched up in his eager fingers. Y/n could feel his longing pressing into her thigh, pale blue tent barely any sort of barrier. 
Keanu swallowed up Y/n’s low moan and his hands skimmed down, only to dip beneath the hem of the t-shirt, which fell to the center of her thighs, grinning against her lips upon the discovery that she had forgone panties. One of Y/n’s soft palms slid up to his shoulder, the other flat on his chest as they continued.
"I want to be the girl you can get out of your head," Y/n whispered, hoarse and soft as she broke their kiss, gently pushing Keanu on the island behind him. When he was backed up there, she kissed him again and he took control with feverish and carnal desire, moaning into her mouth as one of Y/n's hands slipped down to his growing bulge. "Can I?" She pleaded with lust blown doe eyes. 
"Yeah," he breathed his permission. Keanu's hand instinctively lacing in her hair as Y/n dropped unceremoniously onto her bare knees. Immediately, she freed his cock from its cotton constraint, licking her lips at the salacious view before her. Y/n spit into her palm before wrapping her fingers around his girth, pumping, at a leisurely pace and staring up at Keanu, finding herself intoxicated by the primal desire reflected in his eyes.
When they were together like that, none of it mattered. For a handful of sacred moments, nothing was wrong with what they were doing and as long as their innate, physical desires were sated, the turbulence of their emotional states were mute. They could forget, they wanted to forget. 
When Keanu gently urged Y/n's head toward his crotch, she eagerly took him in her encircled lips, her tongue swirling his head before she hollowed her cheeks out, dipping further. Keanu's swollen tip reached the back of her throat before she could even take him fully, and caught by surprise, Y/n’s eyes watered and she almost gagged. Though, recovery was quick and she opted to use one hand to work the rest of his shaft while she palmed his balls. 
At times, she'd alternated between licking the underside of his dick and peppering sloppy, praising kisses along it’s length, eliciting low moans from Keanu above her. "That's babygirl," he groaned when she took him in her mouth again, guiding her to a steady pace, occasionally bucking forward and catching her by surprise. 
The floors were cool beneath her knees, contrasting with the pooling heat in her center, longing to be tended to. Her arousal throbbed needily and the feeling of Keanu in her mouth was beyond comparison. Everything about him was all consuming, from the roughness of his bulging veins against the insides of her cheeks to the salty taste of his skin. The pads of his fingers dung into her scalp as a wordless praise and Y/n's muffled moans seemed to echo, joining Keanu's heavy pants.
"Fuck Y/n," he hissed along with a couple throaty grunts, "I'm gonna…."
But she didn't care, Y/n wanted to taste him, prove that she'd be the one he could truly never shake. 
Though Keanu didn't give her the opportunity, pushing her away with wavering will, "No," was all he offered in return of her disappointed bewilderment, pulling her to her feet. As she stood, in one swift motion, Keanu was lifting her off the floor, turning them, only to deposit Y/n on the cool marble. 
Without further warning, he hastily pulled the t-shirt off, slightly smirking at her exposed breasts, her nipples already responding to the cool morning air and the arousal between her legs. Keanu, in an instant, pulled her to him, her legs going around his middle as he sheathed himself in her longing heat. 
At the feeling, Y/n's head lolled to the side as a filthy groan escaped her lips. "Keanu," she mewled, sinking her nails into his shoulders, getting lost in the way he filled her. 
"Gonna fuck you so good," he warned, exiting her fully before bottoming out again, "You looked so fucking good with my cock in your mouth little one. Do you like my cock in your mouth?"
"Yes!" She cried, knowing how vocal he liked her.
Keanu held her hips in place, her breasts bouncing and her body jerked with each volatile thrust. "Do you like my cock buried in your cunt?"
"Yes!" She screamed louder, her nails, now sunk into his back nearly drawing blood, "Fuck yes!" One of his hands inched up her side, grasping one her breasts, roughly squeezing and kneading as he rolled his hips aggressively. His balls loudly and shamelessly assaulted her drenched core, soliciting lewd yelps and urgent pleas for ‘harder’ and ‘faster’. 
Keanu bruised the impressionable skin behind her earlobe on down the column of Y/n’s neck with ravenous, starved kisses. Her eyes were shut, and Y/n curled her toes, legs still tangled around his waist, making his movements more rigid. Being with him like that was ecstasy, the only drug she’d ever be addicted to, the one that was intoxicating her, killing her, more and more everyday. She wouldn’t quit, she couldn’t, now when he was a master of control, wielding his body to bring hers pleasure. It hurt, physically, but in the best way and she cried, sealed eyes leaking onto his shoulder as he repeatedly rammed into her, reminding Y/n that this was his favorite part of her.
Keanu was the ‘hard and fast’ kind of man.
Y/n was the ‘don’t forget about me’ kind of girl.
And together? They were poison. But poison was good because they were two people that craved destruction so much so that they caused it. He’d never lasted in anything too attached and she was usually running away from it. They worked, the way flames tinged the wings of a moth. Surely, there’d be heartache, and Y/n knew it, but when Keanu was with her, she was only ever interested in a different kind of pain. 
“Fuck, Keanu!” She gasped, ragged and husky. The inside of Y/n’s throat burned and his name ricocheted off the walls. Messy strands clung to her heated, sweaty skin and Y/n’s face was buried in Keanu’s neck. Stark white flashed over her gaze and a gush of slick warmth coated his cock as she came, hard. 
Keanu kept up momentum, grinning mischievously as her little body writhed around him, her creamy juices feeling like every definition of ecstasy. He wanted more, he wanted to hear her call for him again. “Not so fast,” his strained grunt was managed through a tightly clenched jaw and gritted teeth. Vaguely, he could feel hot tears leaking down his shoulder, where her forehead still rested, but he didn’t register what had roused them. 
He couldn’t help her, not when it came to emotions, because he was a little lost there himself. But when their bodies were tangled, when he was buried between her legs, he could help her there. He could be her escape, if she’d be his. 
It wasn’t long before Keanu could feel Y/n convulsing around him again, another wave of pleasure washing their thighs, and that time, he joined her in release. Keanu’s cock twitched between her pulsating walls, generous bursts of cum coating them, only to drip out and sticky their skin, spreading around with a few faltering jerks of his hips. Y/n milked him for all he was worth, her whines and loud, shaking breath weaning more out of him. “Y/n,” he heaved, hugging her close, fingers tangled in the ends of her hair and leaving reddish impressions on the lowest point of her back. 
Y/n’s hold on his back slackened and at some pointed her quiet tears had evaporated. Relaxing a little, she still clung to Keanu, her heart content when he held onto her too. But it wasn’t enough to quell her mind. “Why are you crying?”  Keanu brushed some hair away from her face when he pulled away slightly, noting her bleary eyes and stained cheeks.
As if he didn’t know.
“I’m not crying,” she lied, knowing that he’d possibly forgo the obvious and accept her lie. For a split second though, Keanu seemed to doubt her, and Y/n softly repeated, her thumb skimming the apple of his cheek, their gazes locked, “I’m not crying.” And with that, she distracted him, because his attention span was nil when lust was involved, and Y/n let her lips crush sensually against his, stirring him again with delicate strokes. 
She wasn’t crying, not in anymore. Not for a little while. Not as long as she was high on him. 
Tagging- @harrisongslimited​  @paanchu786​  @thesadvampire​  @fanficsrusz​  @fickensteinn​  @ladyreapermc​  @babygirltaina​  @septimaseverina​  @snatchedbylele​  @omg-imagine @21stcenturyyfoxx​  @magnificentclodpiebanana @allie1804-fan @keandrews  @greenmanalishi  @rdjloverxxx​  @danceoftwowolves​
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
A Legacy Begun (11 - End)
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Chapter 11: The Spark of Hope | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: After a long time of running and fighting, you and Cal decided to finally settle down after all these years to raise a family. However, it was never a life of peace whilst the shadow of the Empire looms over your heads.
Prompt/s in play: Anon prompt (found in Chapter 1 link) + fic idea
A/N: Wow, I’m a day overdue on this. I was supposed to work on this a day ago until I had a yard accident. Don’t worry, nothing’s broken, but something’s... wiggling. Hopefully, I’ll be okay in a few weeks... hopefully. Sorry for the delay, you guys.
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Scruffy! Cal Kestis, Daddy! Cal Kestis, Adult! Cal Kestis, Jedi Family, Jedi Offspring, Force-Sensitive Offspring, Settling Down, Rebel Alliance
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 | Previous: Part 10 | Masterlist
11 of 11
The Kestis family and the Mantis crew eventually decided to join this alliance with the objective of stopping the Empire at all costs. They took up the offer a month after Mari Kosan had personally approached them.
For young Cassidy, it was a big adjustment, having to leave the home she knew back in Zera III and begin to live in a new home. The child had mixed feelings about it, she had sensed the uneasiness of her parents when they prepared for their departure that day.
“I never saw a planet that red before,” she gasped, gawking at Yavin’s main planet that they passed by as they approached the moon’s atmosphere.
When the Mantis had cut through the skies and had full view of the forests that covered the land mass. All of a sudden, little Cassidy didn’t feel a bit homesick anymore.
“It’s… almost like home,” she softly uttered, the treelines reminded her of the wide, green dells of Zera.
Greez prepared the Mantis to land near the open area in front of the sandstone structure. Upon closer look, it would’ve been a temple when it was still in its prime. The entire family was greeted by Mari Kosan, who went out of her way to meet with them as soon as she saw that familiar ship flying into their radar.
The bustle of the temple-turned-base of operations fascinated the young Jedi. Never has she ever seen a different kind of ship besides the Mantis, she had to step back while keeping her head titled up—emphasizing the gargantuan size of the fighter ships.
The new feeling was a two-way road: for the adults working in the base, it was new for them to see a kid running around—understandably so, it was someone’s daughter. As for Cassidy, she wasn’t used to this much people in a single place, she felt small and therefore found more solace with her family.
“This place is so much bigger than our house, Mom!” she exclaimed.
“Well, it is a base after all, darling,”
“Did they build that too?” she points to the pyramid.
“No, it looked like it’s been there way before they even came here,”
Much like her lifestyle in Zera III, Cassidy found herself a spot where she can practice her saber techniques in peace without being in the way of the adults working in the base. It’s no surprise that her spot was another clearing in the forest, little did she know that she was in full view of the scouts in the watchtowers but they didn’t mind her that much, it was also only a few meters away from the base so she can find her way back on her own.
Her parents eventually found her spot, thanks to a watchtower scout, and they continued their training—almost as if nothing happened. Over time, her skills improved and she was able to spar with her parents—something that she has been secretly dreaming even before she had her own saber constructed.
“You’re catching up real quick!” Cal encouraged.
“Well, I’ve been practicing all week, Dad!”
“Don’t get cocky then, Cassy!”
Cassidy’s combat techniques had evolved from sticking to only Form I: Shii-Cho to being a practitioner of Form III: Soresu, occasionally making a medley out of the first four forms if the situation arises. It was a blatant contrast to her father’s combined forms—which were technically powerful, swift, nearly-brutish in terms of movement, and is highly likely to be overwhelming for an unskilled opponent.
You observed that Cassidy was more in the offensive and Cal was being defensive in his stances. He surely didn’t go easy on sparring against his daughter.
“You confuse your confidence with arrogance, keep yourself grounded—literally and figuratively!” Cal lectured as he proceeded to lunge at her, to which she barely dodged by a hair. “Celebrating too early will cloud your judgment. You may think you’re winning—but you’re getting closer to loss.”
From that, Cassidy became more conservative with her attacks, timing for the right window of opportunity to get a jab at Cal, he disarmed her when he made a flurry of combos against her to the point that the grip on her saber had weakened and led her scuttling on the dust. The tip of his lightsaber hovered mere inches away from the front of her face.
“Well, Cassidy?”
This isn’t how Cassidy pictured herself in today’s instruction. While she had her father thinking that she’s submitted to the ground, she mustered her energy in her hands and Force-pushed her father away. It wasn’t a strong push, but enough to stagger him away from her so she can reach for her saber.
Igniting it the second the weapon reunites with her hand, she lunged for an overhead strike to which Cal flimsily deflected while trying to regain her footing.
“Impressive,” he commented as the colors of their blades mixed in the tight space between them. Cassidy pulled away before she could let the weight of her father overcome her in the block. “Most impressive.”
Cal switched his saber off, signaling the end of today’s session. Cassidy made a celebratory spin of her saber before turning it off.
“You’re learning everyday,” you added.
“There are just some parts that I can’t get right,”
“You’ll have plenty of time to work on that, sweetie. Come on, it’s time for lunch, Greez is making your favorite,”
Cassidy raced out of the forest, forgetting to wait for her parents and simply dashed towards the Mantis. You and Cal exchange insights on your daughter from today’s session.
“She’s becoming more and more skillful. She really is a born fast learner,”
“To tell you the truth, I didn’t think she’d do a Force-push on me. That was quite creative of her,”
Cal insisted that his daughter had inherited tactfulness and adaptiveness from you.
“Yes well, she got that tinge of recklessness from you,” you rebutted, half-jokingly.
The two of you walked out of the clearing and followed Cassidy to the Mantis. Apparently, she was waiting for you by the entry ramp, when she had caught sight of her parents she disappeared into the ship, probably helping out set the table inside.
“If there’s one thing Cassidy is weak for—it’s fried Nuna legs,” Cal quipped, nothing but a chuckle from you became his reply.
The first few months have been peaceful, yet there was always the looming fear that war will come here and ravage the moon. Your only comfort being you’ll be fighting with good people and in numbers.
In the midst of the committee, he was held in high regard, looked upon with great esteem, they turned to him whenever the subject matter felt like his insight was crucial. He was a constant figure among the meeting rooms in the base. They didn’t look down on him due to his second origin of being a scrapper, as a matter of fact, he had the same knowledge as their engineers.
“Master Kestis,” a voice, faceless among the crowd in the meeting room. He had insisted everyone to simply call him by his first name, but out of force of habit, they end up addressing him as Master.
When he knew that it was hopeless for him to correct them, he turned to that voice in the room that addressed him. His glance prompted them to continue.
“Do you think it’s plausible to have a far-range receiver to pick up the Empire’s signal?”
A brief pause allowed him to think. He returned his attention to the holograph where they had gathered.
“Well, the concept is similar to something I’ve designed for our previous home. But to make its range farther—for instance, from the surface to off-planet—we’re gonna have to need a stronger satellite, calibrate it with an open channel frequency, and once we test it, we can figure out how far our dummy ship’s signal can be picked up once it’s out of the moon. The farther, the better—it means that we can pick up the Empire in our radar before they even realize it.”
“It’s an ambitious design, but not impossible,” Gial Ackbar, the Mon Calamari admiral, interjects. “It’s sure to help us buy time when the need to evacuate comes.”
“We’ll see what we can do in the drawing board,” the head engineer added, stroking his grey-white beard as if he’s come up with an idea to add up to Cal’s concept. “I think we can do that on one of the prototype transponders we have to communicate with the pilots from their ships once they’re off the planet.”
“That could work, I’d like to see it some time, if you don’t mind, Head Engineer,”
“My boy, it will be a delight if you stop by!” the old head engineer chuckled, tucking his hands into the pockets of his long, white coat.
The meeting was adjourned after a few more discussions varying between the Empire and the base’s own resources. Everyone else dispersed in the meeting room and Cal was one of the first people to leave the room, trading curt nods at fellow rebels as he passed by the hallways.
Cal wore many hats and served them one by one—sometimes even juggling two at a time. But past the formalities, the conferences, and the ceaseless interaction with the diplomats, he always returns to the one role he has been taking on for eleven years.
“Dad! Watch me train with Mom!” Cassidy comes running up to her dad in the hangar and he catches her in his arms.
“I wouldn’t miss it, sweetie,”
“Then we’ll spar, right?”
“You betcha!”
Father and daughter appear into the forest clearing where you had been waiting for the two of them. Cassidy slipped her hand away from her dad, Cal gently holds you by the cheek and pulls you in for a kiss.
“Darling, you’re back,”
“I missed you,”
“It was only for an hour or two,”
“Yeah well, meetings aren’t really my thing,” the bridge of his nose crumpled, playfully making a grimace as he stretches his arms upward and wraps one of them around your shoulder. “This is a bit more of my thing.”
Bemused, you rolled your eyes and found his hand on your shoulder, “Which one—today’s instruction or me?”
He inched close and grinned, the tips of your noses brushing against one another, “Both.”
His lips pecked yours, but he doesn’t plan to let go of you any moment soon.
Now at eleven years old, Cassidy continued to prove her potential as a Jedi.
The child was lithe and nimble, using them to her advantage whether in combat or traversing the terrain of the obstacle course that her parents had built together. Her strategical skills were put into good use in that training course.
Her liveliness in combat was balanced out in using the Force and meditating, courtesy of you, no less.
“You’re getting better at the fighting,” you initiated, eventually slipping away from Cal’s arm. “But let’s see how you’ll fare without your weapon.”
Using the Force, you spirited away the saber from Cassidy’s small hand. She didn’t have time to react on it and realize that you’re stealing away her saber.
“Oh, don’t think about pulling the same trick as you did with your dad,”
There was stern tone in your voice, just hearing it made Cassidy’s stomach churn. To reassure her that it was going to be a fair fight, you removed your saber from the designated hook on your belt and joined it with Cassidy’s atop a rock’s flat surface.
“There will come a time that you’ll be robbed of your weapon—mostly by your enemies. And when that happens, you’re essentially bare—but don’t let that deter you. The weapon you have next to your saber is yourself. Now then…”
It occurred to her that she had to wield only the Force and engage in hand-to-hand combat against you. You seldom engage in any form of combat with Cassidy—because that was more of Cal’s work—but it was only this one time where she saw you throwing fists and delivering kicks. She’s seen you fight with a lightsaber, but rarely with your bare hands.
Your own daughter was surprised to face her mother—who was barely angry or aggressive, always sweet and doting—not once did Cassidy ever imagine you challenging her. Then again, you were a Jedi, she knew that you would eventually.
She tucked her knees down, placing herself in a stance with her fists in front of her.
“Good form. Now, see if you can attack me,”
Cassidy resumed to being the one who always engages in the offensive first. Springing her heels toward you, she attempted to pull a punch—in the blink of an eye, the whole of your palm stopped the impact on wherever she was planning to hit you.
You pushed her away, deflecting her blow, and she restarted her stance. For every punch she threw, she was denied of landing it; in perfect balance, you bent down level to her waist and your leg literally swept her off of her feet.
“Throwing punches may feel thrilling, but if you’re going to be reckless like that first moment, it’s not going to work,”
“I’ll try again,” she declared, steeling her mental willpower and her demeanor.
Going back to your stance was your reply, you anticipated her attacks. This time, she opted to start with a kick and your forearm shielded you from the tip of her boot. When you swung her foot back to the ground, she hooked her left fist towards your cheek—a bold move, you thought, but it was nothing as you repeated the same deflection as the first time. Cassidy took you by surprise when she flung a kick against your side when you were busy blocking her punch with your arm.
You staggered at the impact, you dented the earth with your boots as you skidded and reset your footing to face her in the other direction. A small smirk curled along your lips—that meant that she’s impressed you with her last-minute tactic—and the fistfight continued.
“Good!” you exerted. “Keep making use of your advantages, Cassidy!”
Cassidy allowed the adrenaline to flow within her, dictate her movements, and be able to analyze the situation faster before you could retaliate. Punches and kicks land between mother and daughter. Flinging and trading fists, making sure that it doesn’t only cut through the wind.
Eventually, your eleven-year-old secured her win on this round when she delivered a kick on your knee and then to your abdomen. When the adrenaline had died down in her system, Cassidy’s clenched teeth loosened and the tension in her shoulders relaxed. She darted towards her mother’s side, assisting you to get back up on your feet.
“Oh… Oh no, Mom! Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine, sweetie,” you grunted, managing a reassuring chuckle and taking her hand, you repeated. “It’s fine.”
“I’m so sorry, I… I don’t know what gotten into me,”
“A little adrenaline couldn’t hurt, Cassy,” you tussled her hair. You exhaled away the aches that her hits have delivered.
The arrival of a Corellian freighter called your attention, catching a glimpse of it on the trees’ canopy. The intrigued youngling darted out of the clearing to find it landing right in front of the base, opposite of where the Mantis idled.
“Wow, that’s a big piece of junk,”
“Now Cassidy, be nice,” Cal lightly scolded.
“Oh come on, Dad, you think so too, right?”
He sighed, bobbing his head left and right, “Okay, it’s not the best piece of work, really.”
“Knew it!” the child chuckled.
From afar, you spot the Princess exiting the ship, flanked by a pair of men, a Wookiee, a gold protocol droid, and a blue-and-white astromech.
“Well, it seems Her Highness has gotten herself stuck with an interesting band of misfits,” you commented within Cal’s earshot.
“Quite an interesting rescue team if you ask me,”
The family approached the group, appearing out of the clearing to greet the princess with the greatest esteem.
“Ah, Your Highness, this is Master and Lady Kestis,” the soldier introduces.
“Your Majesty,” husband and wife greeted and bowed in unison, to which the Princess immediately dismissed.
“Oh come now, there’s no need for formalities,” she beamed a smile with lips as red as roses.
Cassidy was still a tad shy towards newcomers, she hid behind Cal’s hip as she gazed at the mismatched group of misfits; she was mostly interested with the Wookiee and how tall it stood over everyone else, when the brown, hairy creature met eyes with her, she was startled and hid her face against her dad’s arm, but the Wookiee tilted his head slightly, mirroring the child’s gesture as she gradually peeked out of her father’s arm. When she sensed that the tall creature was harmless, she flashed a shy but friendly smile and the Wookiee groaned softly.
The same head engineer from Cal’s meeting beckoned him to join them inside the base.
“Lady Kestis, if you don’t mind, we would like to have your company in the council room as well,”
“Of course,” you turned to Cassidy. “Daddy and I will be back, okay? You go play wherever you like.”
“Okay, Mom,”
You kissed her forehead, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
She nodded and you let her free. You and Cal followed the head engineer and the Princess, boarding a cart separate from theirs on the way into the hangar. The Kestis couple sensed the urgency as they strode into the meeting room, while having the meeting, Cassidy had wandered off into the hangar—secretly following the newcomers and caught the eye of the boy with sandy brown hair.
“Hello there,” the nineteen-year-old spoke in a friendly tone and bent to her level. “What’s your name?”
“What a pretty name. Well, Cassidy, I’m Luke! Nice to meet you,” he gladly extended his hand, offering her a handshake. She hesitated for a few seconds but took his hand with hers and they shook on it.
She didn’t notice it, but Luke’s friendly smile unconsciously dissolved as he felt something within the girl. It was similar to a feeling he had not too long ago. Even with his eyes opened, he suddenly reminisced a moment where he had his vision obscured and the sound of the lightsaber buzzing against projectiles rang fresh in his eardrums. He shook away the thought and managed a smile in front of Cassidy as he let go of her hand.
“Did you rescue her? The princess?”
“Yeah, I guess we did,”
“Are the bad guys coming here? Because I have a bad feeling about it,”
“Oh well, would you look at that—just when I thought you were the youngest here, there’s one who beat you to it,” the other man, obviously taller than Luke, cuts in before he could give the boy a chance to reply.
The Wookiee grunted in reply.
“Don’t scare her off, Chewie,” the man blurted.
In reply, the Wookiee raised its voice on the man with the black vest, flailing its arm to emphasize whatever point it was making. While the three bickered, Cassidy turned her head to the freighter they came in with, she reminded herself of her father’s scolding and bit her tongue.
Moments later, all of the pilots started gravitating towards the room where the engineer had summoned them. Although he wasn’t a pilot yet, Luke decided to join in, but he politely excused himself in front of Cassidy before he went with the herd of orange jumpsuits. Amidst that gathering of pilots, Cassidy’s parents were also in that briefing, listening to the head engineer as he points at the blueprint of the plans they’ve recovered while giving instructions.
“So much for that far-range receiver,” Cal mumbled within your earshot.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your chance in making it,” you comforted as you listened.
“Using proton torpedoes, a precise shot into this small exhaust port found in this trench—it’s an opening so small, its width roughly measures about two meters—will cause a chain reaction into the oscillator, destroying it from the inside,” the head engineer explained.
Murmurs filled the room, heads turning left and right as doubt begins to fill the meeting room. You and Cal glance at the uneasy pilots, their collective inhibition was so loud that neither of you don’t need to sense it—because everyone else in the entire room did.
“That’s impossible!” a faceless voice, lost in the crowd of orange and white, stood out from the whispering.
“Then man your ships, and may the Force be with you all,” the engineer adjourned.
“Are you fighting with them?” that question had been suffocating you for the duration of the briefing.
“No, I don’t think I have the strength to leave my girls here,”
Relief washed over you as you smiled, Cal secretly slipped his hand to yours and intertwined fingers with you. The two of you watched the pilots disperse out of the room, some were confident, some were nervous—but if there was one thing they had in common: they’re ultimately anxious.
Cassidy eventually found Luke donning a starpilot’s jumpsuit. She watched the blue-and-white astromech droid being hoisted by a magnetic crane into the designated port on the exterior of the X-Wing.
“I hope they’ve calibrated and oiled your S-foils well,” Cassidy blurted. “It’s gonna be hard if it’s not fully locked in their attack position.”
“You sure know your starfighters,” Luke smiled, impressed.
“My dad used to be a scrapper, so he knows his stuff. Plus, he helps with the ships too!” Cassidy said proudly.
Luke replied an awkward but friendly laugh as he climbed the ladder onto the cockpit of his X-Wing.
“Hey Luke!”
“May the Force be with you!”
“May the Force be with you too, Cassidy!”
You beckoned Cassidy into the far side of the hangar, where the three of you watched all of the X-Wings wheel out of the hangar and take off to the skies—carrying the hope of the entire Rebel Alliance as a first step to battling the Empire.
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iggy-dearest · 5 years
Happy valentines day Vergil
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Vergil peeks out from the shelter of his pages for what seemed like the thousandth time that day.
Valentines Day
You two used to celebrate it before your ‘unplanned separation’. However, since he then decided to stay by your side and be the dutiful husband that you deserve. And he’s determined to treat you liek the queen you are. He doesn’t know what to do, every plan he comes up with just seems to have an equally horrible chance of blowing up in his face!
Your poor husband
Should he take you out?
No you don’t like crowded areas that much. What if you have a panic attack while your with him. He doesn’t want you to feel scared!
Should he make a homemade gift?
No, he’s never been good with crafts, that’s more of your forte.
What if he takes you to one of those spa’s you and the other women go to your occasionally?
No, you don’t like certain people touching you and it also seemed like something you did with just the girls, and Dante said. Whatever the hell that means.
Maybe he should make you some dinner?
Although, he really can’t cook, like at all. He remembers when you first started traveling together in your teenage years, he nearly burned down that cheap hotel room. ‘How do you burn water’ was your question. He never got near the stove again, traumatized and deeply embarrassed by the fact that he’d burned water. Although he supposes tea counts? Doesn’t it?
He should get you tea. You appreciate it as much as he does. As far as he knows your taste in tea hasn’t changed much. He also noticed that you seem to be running out of your favorite blend and if he remembers correctly it isn’t very easy to come by.
Perhaps he could somehow get Dante to leave you alone for the night? Although he wonders how he should approach the matter with him.
The door opening as abruptly as it did was what snapped him out of his thoughts and what made you jump in your seat. “I’m back!!!” Dante hollered like he was on the worlds biggest sugar high. “Why are you yelling” you asked, although you don’t know if you want to know the answer. You spotted the familiar shaped box in his hands, “did someone get a treat” you teased with a glint in your eye that made your husband weak in the knees. “You bet your ass I did” Vergil saw the smile on your face when you saw Dante sporting his own. A feeling gurgled in his stomach, why did you have to be so close with Dante?
Taking a box into your hand you saw a name written in beautiful penmanship,,, one Dante never could have forged even on his best day. “Who’s Sandy” you asked propping yourself up on the desk. “New girl at Sammy’s” Dante said now sitting in your old seat behind the desk. “Oh~” you know who he’s talking about she looked young apparently has a really big crush on Dante.
“Either of you get any yet?” Dante questioned
“No, not that I know of” you sighed out,stretching your back out, how long have you been sitting in that chair. “I think I’m gonna head home for the day. Okay?” You asked.
You honestly have no idea what your gonna do, you just don’t wanna stay with him anymore. You don’t know if he’s going to try anything with you. Quite frankly if he does it means he’s trying to wine you back, which is confusing for its own reasons and if he doesn’t it means that he doesn’t want you anymore which hurts more then it sounds like. You just don’t know. Maybe you should just go home, listen to some opera to clear your head make some tea to calm you down and maybe watch a movie. A silent film seems fitting and not as pathetic as your love life.
“Ok” Dante agreed, what the hell has his idiot brother been doing this whole time. Honestly, does he not see a perfect opportunity when it happens to be standing a few feet away from him and is walking out the door.
“See you tomorrow” and with that you leave to drown yourself in tea and perhaps some wine.
“What the hell have you been doing for the past 3 hours, Vergil?!?” Dante yells.
Vergil turns his head to the window once he sees you cross the street he gets up himself. Time to get his affairs in order, Dante straightens up as he sees his brother get up from his seat.
Is he going to stab him?
On Valentine’s Day
Nice way of showing your brotherly love, asshole.
The younger twin watches as his brother wordlessly puts his book down on the coffee table and walks out of the establishment. Heading in the opposite direction that you were in.
Where the hell was he going?
It’s here he knows it’s on this block. You mentioned a new tea shop that had just opened up that carried your favorite blend. He knows because the look on your face was not one he could ever forget. Vergil walked down the street although it seemed more like cantering. His eyes strained a bit from the light reflecting on the shops naked windows. Than back to the small scrap of paper he had jostled down the name of the store.
Was the name. Simple easy to remember, he likes it.
Walking inside he is greeted to a mix of smells. The strongest being from the fruity blends that you happen to dislike. He doesn’t much like them either.
“Welcome” said a store clerk. The clerk approached him “Hi I’m Joshua, if you need any help, just ask me” he said with a well practiced smile.
When did humans get so..nice?
“I’m looking for a specific blend” Vergil started. “Peppermint lavender” he finished dammit if only he’d taken the nearly empty container. That would definitely help his situation. “We have a few choices, if you’d like I can bring them out and you can see which one it is that you’re looking for” wow, when did humans become so helpful.
Vergil nodded he didn’t usually prolong his time with others, but for you he’d do just about anything. Because you’re worth it, you always have been. He was just a fool and didn’t always see it.
He heads to the counter where the salesman has all the teas laid out for him. He squints his eyes as he trues to remember what your container looked like. It was...white..with purple outlining.
The salesman watches as the man who’s face looked like it was chisled out if marble and looked like he should be at a fantasy fair tried to make up his mind. He hopes he doesn’t choose the one thats mainly white, he’s had his eye on that one for a while and it the last one!
“This one” Vegil decides pointing to the one that’s the most similar to yours. He really hopes that it’s right, it’d be really embarrassing if it wasn’t.
He choose the one he had his mind on. Maybe he could just say that it’s been reserved?
No, the salesman saw him before he walked into the store. He actually walked past it a few times too, but he had a look on his face that screamed ‘determination’. The salesman sighs internally, he probably needs it more then he does.
“Excellent choice” he says his rehearsed line and moves to the cashier.
Vergil hopes he’s not to late. He runs through the street. It’s getting late, he’d stopped to pick up some takeout that you liked courtesy of Dante for the information. He wants to get there before 8 o’clock otherwise he’d come off as wanting sex.
Wouldn’t he?!?!
And then he remembers, he’s got a sword that allows home to teleport. Really Vergil crosses his mind. With two precise swings he is at your apartment building.
However, this might be the hardest part. Going to the door of the woman your head-over-heels for and asking for her to let you into her safe space.
You sigh that’s enough of the silent films. Maybe you can leech off of your sister-in-law’s disney account. You decide Disney makes everything better. It even makes you feel better then you crazy love life.
You look at your glass, shit! That was your last spot of tea. Oh well, that just means you’ll have to break out the wine. What goes better together then Disney and wine.
You’re about to get up and stretch when in the place of hearing a tired joint popping, you hear a knock. Who the fuck knocks at, you peer at the time on the cable, 7:50pm. It had better not be your annoying neighbor, your not in the mood for his dumbassery. You’d much rather just sock him in the chin or slam the door on his nose, either work for you.
The knocking comes again. “I’m coming” you’ve decided it’s not your neighbor, they wouldn’t have waited so long to place their next knock.
So who the hell is it?
“Vergil” is the only word to make it out of your mouth as you open your door. What is he doing here. He looks a bit out of breath, is he alright?
“Hello”..hello...hello. Who the fuck even says hello anymore. Thats it Vergil’s used up all of his confidence. Why is it that he can face demons with no problem yet he can’t even face his love without freezing up. “Um,” what the hell are you supposed to say. “Is everything alright” you let out, sort of leaning and hiding behind your door. That door is your best defense right now if anything happens or if you just wanna slam it in his face because he talked out of his ass.
“Yes-no-uhm” christ can someone help him.
“Happy Valentine’s Day” he mumbles
“What” you ask, he must be nervous if he’s mumbling around you. Though, you’re glad you still have that effect on him.
“Happy Valentine’s Day” he finally manages, his voice filled with a bit more confidence than before.
You watch as he hands you a cylindrical container. It looks familiar to you, “this is..” you’re surprised he noticed “where did you find it” your so surprised, that’s good right? “The tea shop you mentioned” was his only answer “Vergil, I mentioned that weeks ago” your surprised he still remembered, even you didn’t remember it all the time despite being a frequent costumer there. Your glad that he did though-oh is that Chinese food.
“Thank you” sincerity dripped through your voice, and for that it’s worth it for him. You’re worth it, you always will be. “Would you..like to have dinner” now your surprised “I’d love too” you moved aside and let him in. You hope he likes Disney.
Vergil could not be happier then he is in this moment. You asleep and curled into his side, empty plastic containers strewn put on the coffee table complete with disposable chopsticks. With a Disney movie ‘Alaadin’ you said the name was, illuminating the otherwise dark apartment. He sees you shiver slightly, he takes the throw blanket that is draped over the back of the couch and lays if on you, his neck will hurt in the morning but he really doesn’t care. He’s not moving, no man in the world would. He slowly reached for the remote and turned the TV off.
I love you, he thinks as he starts to drift off.
I love you, you think as you snuggle closer into the source of your warmth, and you have a feeling that it won’t go away anytime soon.
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lil-miss-methodical · 5 years
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On My Block Season 2 threw down the metaphorical artistic gauntlet & there ain’t a Squad gully enough to pick it up. 
I hope people who've seen season one and now season two realize that what's taken place before their eyes is called elevation. This is how an ongoing show is supposed to handle things. Season one laid down a foundation for its audience and season two did not make the silly mistake of disregarding that foundation but instead pulled that bitch from under the audience’s feet to give us that freefall feeling and then used it to cushion our fall - reminding exactly why we loved it. it had me hyped, made me laugh, made me cry - often all in the same episode. Things that I thought were gonna happen didn’t happen how I thought they were gonna happen and that's how they kept me perched, on edge, interested even through sleep deprivation.
These were the same characters I’d grown to love in season one. Despite the hardship, despite the bullshit they returned to us the characters whom we’d grown to know and love and unveiled them just a bit more. When jamal rolled in money - I felt as though i was rolling in the dough. When Monse was telling Cesar what to do I was nodding along as though she was me, as though her opinions were mine. When Jasmin spoke I listened for a lesson was being given. When Cesar or Ruby cried - we all cried.
The musical scale out did the last and I didn’t even know that was possible. from the very first song they used to open the show and place all of us in our feelings - to the return of the track that left such a huge mark last season. They music not only to alter how we feel moment to moment, but to make authentic the era, style and culture the show is marked upon.
The Breakdown:
This season is broken down into two variables - solo hero's journey & and overarching theme.  The former can be elements as such: 
- Ruby's battle with PTSD
- Monse's battle of solidifying her feet instead of running
- Jamal's fight to be shine, be seen, be respected (and that has as much to do with audience as with Squad)
- Cesar's unsettled feeling of being alone (although he and we really learn how much he has)
- Jasmin staking her claim to her position
With season one ending in a death of a loved on and a wound of his own - we find Ruby healing. At first he's in a state of denial...This is a reality many black and brown people find themselves suck in, not about the mishap no, but about the trauma that comes with it. Like Ruby, we disassociate. We go with a 'it's life, bad shit happens, yet I'm alive and I should see the blessing in that and keep pushing forward' mentality that does not allow us to first dissect that trauma and journey through that pain as we should. The show acknowledges that damage and thus we end up having seemingly unlikely people help Ruby he's not only on a journey but deserves to allow himself to take that path to real recovery. Jason Genao did such a wonderful job - from the simplicity of wanting to unwind with some spontaneous party organizing to the quick emotional windup that taunts when something reminds you of your trauma.
Monse is the character I relate to the most because I see myself in the nature of her traits while also being able to identify with her internal struggle. Being abandoned put puts a complex within an individual that most people cannot understand - def it's that first abandonment is by a parent who we're taught is supposed to love, protect and be there for us. People who are abandoned can either gain traits of being clingy or having issues forming a bond or leaving. Monse of course like most has a duality of this. The bond is important to her and she'll do anything to maintain it but on the other hand she has a sense to leave when stuff it too uncomfortable. We see this several time in this season alone. But the real lesson for Monse is not a reprehend on her fears or traits but reality of being loved and accepted. No matter what you do, where you go, you love us and we love you and we'll be waiting when you get back.
Jamal is that character doesn't get the respect he deserves - that in story and from the audience that watches the show. The show took this in hand this season. As Jamal never ceased to remind the squad of his work on their behalf he steepled his worth asl and the actor that plays him, Brett Gray, yet again flexed his comedic chops for the masses yet again. I think Jamal doesn't understand how iconic he is, how amazing he is for those in story and out. He's coming off of that high of being on the heels of an adventure.
Jasmin also got shine this season. They humanize her without changing her, dimming her light or having her apologize for who she is as women have to do when the world feels they're too boisterous, too loud in tone, look and voice. She loved herself enough to remain true to herself and those who took the time out to see who that was, got to love her. Like all the characters she was opinionated, and even when the whole crew don't realize it she has something to add to the squad - thus what allows her to be the honorary member of the team. Also Jessica Garcia is another comedic genius in the element.
Cesar went from being in the hard place of his brother's gang to being in what seemed like an impossible place of no gang and seemingly no protection. Exiled from the Santos he's literally homeless and isolated from his last remaining relative. He find himself shipping from one one home to the next, exhausted with having to adapt to different family cultures. This was interesting because as they show we are ironically who we are in part do to our family living styles at home. There were a lot of jokes about Cesar's one color tanks and knee high shorts but when he starts surfing from house to house you get to see this 'culture' of how these people lived from an outsiders perspective - the man chilling vibe he received with Monse's dad. The rushed, lively, full feeling of Ruby's home that at first felt crowded to him. The eccentric way Jamal ran his bedroom. Even the weirdness of Chivo and his 'family'. While these aspects of these difference threw him of kilter at first he learned to appreciate and truly love each and everyone for those same difference. He learned the art of gratitude because people tend to treat their homes as their safe places - not just for heir forms but their identities. We can be exact who we are in the face of our homes. As he thought he had nothing, those around him that loved him welcomed him into their safe space - despite the physical danger. This bonded his relationship with these people even more because there's a difference in saying we're family and you showing that I'm your family. And yes it was beautiful to see them credit the two black men of the parenthood for taking this kids life seriously and holding court for him. It was beautiful watching him come to love and appreciate Jamal and understand the wealth that comes with this friendship and making a strong brotherhood (def considering the war of gangs between brown and black men).
Every character must thread their given path to meet in a middle of shorts with everyone else. And noticed I didn't say they must complete the journey - travel it alone. We get the the end satisfied but still with the knowledge that the work is yet to be done. Ruby's PTSD and pain did not magically dissolve. Monse's abandonment issues didn't evaporate into nothingness. Jamal may have sculpt his worthiness yet the anxiety of 'what's next' still snipes at him. Cesar may have learned to appreciate what he does have but lost in the aspect of independence and what that means in the face of those around him that he loves and how to make that not mean being alone. Jasmin may have Ruby and us kneeling at her feet learning the error of our ways but she still got 3 other members to break.
It is these individual journeys that push the narrative forward, that reveals the overarching theme so to speak. Without these journeys there's nothing to carry the overarching theme. This is what I call great writing because it forces the threads to connect but still allows all individual characters to have their own position in the story that equals out.
The Revelation of a Theme:
Everything about this season was about family. When we watched Spooky, Mario, and Jasmin help guide Ruby through his symptoms of PTSD and trauma, what we were witnessing was family at work. When Cesar, Jamal, and Ruby laughed while rolling their eyes in disbelief of Monse's leaving for good speech - thats was love. When they tell her you'll be back and we'll be here...that was the understanding of family. When we see those around Jamal grow to see his worth by working to this appreciation its an aspect of a real family’s effort. The sacrifice, and support that came both for and from Cesar was hella representation of family. Jasmin’s whole storyline is the representation of new family.
This season didn't truffle with pointlessness. They didn't find conflict by creating false hate between the characters. They didn't drag this aspect of 'let's blame Cesar' or have that be an easy tension between him and Ruby. As a matter of fact their bond was deepened. Ruby had no hate in his heart for Cesar, instead he embraced his brother in the street and they cried, for themselves and each other.
This whole season was about being willing to sacrifice, being willing to be selfless for those you love. Everyone allowing Cesar to live with them, Jamal allowing it to be 'our' money, Monse's dad not trying to force her to stay away from her mom despite his feelings where Julia was concerned, them risking it to clean the money, Jamal giving up the gnome. Their rush to burn the money when they thought it would put someone else life in danger.
It was this concept of sacrifice and selflessness that sends Cesar after Latrelle in hopes of freeing his friends when Ruby comes to him distraught.
Cesar on most scopes is not a killer. As he told his brother he's not cut from the cloth of gang life. We see him called pussy for not being about that life. For not being able to end a life over turf wars, money, or Ill-intent words thrown his way. But as everyone had to show what they were willing to do for the concept of family - so too did Cesar. Good or bad - we saw what Cesar would be willing to pull the trigger for.
They all loved eachother, with that love came a protection and a fight to rival any and all that didn't have good intentions. This season was love. It was family, sacrifice, acceptance, respect. Ruby was willing to heal for it, Monse willing to stay for it, Jamal willing to fight for it, Jasmin is willing to be patient for it, Cesar was willing to kill for it. OMB is about this diverse mix of kids who have this bond that they've learned to nurture. It's speak on who they're allowed to be because it and how far they're willing to go to keep it.
In my last review my byline was "On my block, squad means family" and this season has proven that for this crew,  squad still and always will mean Familia.
How do you define family and how do you allow it to define you?
Other post/aspects to be on the look out for:
Mario/Ruby vs Spooky/Cesar Cesar X Monse - The breakdown Monse Family -The genius Jamal/Jasmin Jasmin/Ruby
Don’t forget to follow me for future post and reviews!
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bubble-tea-bunny · 6 years
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[arthur curry x reader]
author’s note: part 2 to “what we find in the water” which i wrote aaaall the way back when jl came out. it feels like so long ago haha. hope you enjoy <3
word count: 2,366
These days, you can’t quite say for sure if the warmth blooming in your chest and seeping through your veins is from the heat of the summer months, or from the return of the man in the water at an unusual time of year.
It catches everyone by surprise. It’s a shock, even. Though could they be blamed? No crowd stands waiting at the shore as Arthur emerges and you figure he might be glad. He doesn’t seem to like being in the spotlight, but it doesn’t last long because people do stop to watch once they realize what’s happening. He’s back. And he’s six months too early. Someone asks why (doing their best not to sound like they’re irritated because they’re not, but they don’t want him to get the wrong idea because he’s certainly an intimidating figure)  but he understands there’s no hostility and all he says is that he wanted to take in the new scenery. You don’t like to be in the spotlight either yet he enters the pub and spots you behind the counter wiping down glasses, and you glance up to see him in the doorframe, so broad his shoulders almost touch each side, and you’re the center of his attention.
Of course, it doesn’t go unnoticed by the other villagers. You know there are whispers of speculation when Arthur sits at the bar right in front of you, about his reasons for an early visit. If when he said he was interested in the scenery, he was talking about you. But you pay it no mind, and neither does he. Bright brown eyes are trained on you as you seem to glide in your space behind the counter, swiping up empty mugs to wash and put away. You weren’t working here last time I came by he remarks, and you tell him it’s a new gig—just started last month. You grab a glass and pour his drink without asking him what he wants because you’d seen him order it over and over on all his past visits. He raises a brow once you set it down before him.
“I don’t know if I should be impressed or concerned that I’ve drunk this so much you have it memorized.”
You laugh. Arthur thinks you’re summer poured into a soul and brought to life.
He stays late. Past closing, but you’re not bothered. You clean up while you talk, wiping down tables and arranging glasses to be ready to go for tomorrow. Your boss is out of town for the week, which means you’re manning the bar every day. You wonder if Arthur plans to stay that long, and a part of you hopes he does, because he’d make the shifts less boring. The hours today had flown by.
“Don’t you feel it?” you inquire out of the blue, counting the cash in the register.
“Feel what?”
“The alcohol.” It comes out matter-of-factly and you look over at him with what he can surmise to be an expression of confusion since his words aren’t slurred nor are his eyes cloudy. One might not ever know he’d been drinking (especially as much as he has).
“I mean, I do feel a little dizzy.” But that could be from something else. The second half of the sentence nearly escapes his mouth but he stops himself. He knows that it’s from something else. Some days he chases even the faintest buzz, and he’d never been successful during his days in the pub over the numerous winters. Who knew all he needed to make it happen was you?
He stands up to follow you outside, and he does so with ease, no wobbling of any sort (but you did watch him closely to make sure he was fine, and to support him if he stumbled even though you’re both confident your smaller frame would do little to keep him upright, but it’s the thought that counts). You lock the front door and inquire where he’s off to from here, and you’re trying to hide the disappointment in your voice because you take this to be the end of your interaction at least for today. He had plans to visit the pub as he always did, and you had a conversation because you happened to be there too. A case of being at the right place at the right time.
But Arthur doesn’t think that, and he raises a brow, though you can’t see it since you’re checking the door is secured. “Are you trying to get rid of me?” he teases.
The joke might have made you nervous before, worried that he’d taken your words the wrong way and was offended, but now you know that’s not it at all and you allow yourself to chuckle. “Of course not. I just figured we’d been talking because we were both at the bar, but now it’s closed up for tonight, and, well, I assumed that meant we were going our separate ways…” you trail off with a shrug.
At your response, he sighs quietly and glances out at the ocean, listening to the gentle crash of waves. There’s a light breeze this evening; the water is calm. Then he returns his attention to you, and you’re staring up at him with eyes like the moon and momentarily he’s pondering if it’s you who controls the tides after all, not him. “When the others asked why I came back in the summer, I gave a vague answer, and it was because I couldn’t tell them the truth.”
You tilt your head in curiosity, waiting for him to continue, but he can see the cogs spinning in your head as you put two and two together.
“I came back for you.” He doesn’t know if you’d gotten four yet, but even if you had, he would’ve given the answer anyway.
There are books and movies about two people dancing around their feelings, full of doubts until finally at the end they confess their love and they live happily ever after and yada yada yada. But there’s no wondering for him. He might’ve only been here for a day, but he’d spent the whole thing with you and it’s minuscule in the wide scope of time, but it’s long enough for him to catch a glimpse of your beautiful soul and know that what he feels for you is what the sky feels when kissed by dawn.  
A flurry of thoughts swirls in your brain and all that leaves your mouth is Oh. But its connotation isn’t bad. There’s a quick flash of something like excitement which passes over your face that you try to hide but you know you’ve failed when he smiles at the sight of it. And then you’re glad you couldn’t hide it.
If people hadn’t been talking before, they certainly were now. Arthur spends every waking hour in your presence. At first, it was owed to the fact you worked at the bar and that was a place he frequented. Simple coincidence. But outside your shifts, he’s still with you. This is the most he’s ever spoken and almost every word has been said to you. Even your brother has got to questioning you, but you don’t give a straight answer. I know before I said he didn’t like talking much, he says one afternoon, but maybe he just didn’t have the right person to talk to.
You’re laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. It’s dark, the only light pouring into your room the light of the moon. There are no curtains on your window. You’d meant to get some, but changed your mind because the sun operated as a sort of alarm for you. You woke when it rose and shone on your face, and instantly felt tired when it set and the moon came out to play. Tonight, however, even with the moon high in the sky, you aren’t sleepy. You gave up trying to fall asleep a while ago, instead choosing to lay there with your thoughts until you became drowsy. But all the thinking only serves to make you more awake.
A gentle knock on your door breaks your train of thought, and you sit up and ask Yes? It creaks open slowly and Arthur peeks his head through. He’d been sleeping on your couch while he was visiting. His size practically dwarfed the poor piece of furniture and you apologized that there wasn’t anything better. But he just smiled and told you it was perfect.
“Can’t sleep either?” he asks quietly once he sees your wide awake eyes. His voice is gravelly like he’s just woken up, though you assume it to have been a short-lived rest spent tossing and turning.
You shake your head. “No, I can’t.”
His hand is curled around the doorknob as he thinks, and you watch him patiently. “Let’s go for a swim,” he resolves finally.
“But it’s so late.” Your brows furrow.
“Neither of us is gonna fall asleep anytime soon anyway. Come on, what do you say?”
You end up saying yes. You follow him to the docks, walking to the very end where you can jump off without being blocked by fishing boats. His eyes light up at the sight of the water, and he grins at you before slipping his shirt off and tossing it to the side. He takes a running start and dives in, and you chuckle at his enthusiasm. However, you don’t jump in after him. You settle down at the edge, feet dangling and swinging back and forth. You’re content to sit and observe. He probably missed being in his element, despite it only being a few days.
Arthur emerges several seconds later, no deep breaths taken because he doesn’t need them. He finds you sitting on the dock and frowns slightly. “You’re not coming in?”
“It’s too cold.” In the day, you might’ve entertained the idea, but the evenings are cool and the water more so. Your body isn’t built for the water like his is. He probably doesn’t even notice the temperature.
He swims over, the water shifting gently as he moves. The surface ripples behind him, rays of moonlight distorted like one is looking at the horizon on a hot day in a desert. He comes up to the dock and hefts himself up enough that he can rest his arms comfortably on the wood. His hair sticks to his shoulders and back, the ends dripping. He looks up to meet your eyes.
“It’s not that bad,” he says. He wears a little smirk that’s the tiniest bit mischievous and so you’re not inclined to believe him.
“You’re just saying that,” you shoot back playfully.
He doesn’t respond, but the smirk is still on his face. Then you catch him glancing down at your hand, and you wonder why. The second it clicks is a second too late because suddenly he’s grabbed your wrist and pulled you forwards, bringing you in with him as he falls back into the ocean.
You’re quick to pop your head up with a sharp inhale, and you let out the breath in a shudder. You were right—it is cold! Arthur is laughing and you attempt to glare at him as you stutter out You jerk! but you’re unsuccessful, and soon you join him. It does well to warm you up, and your body steadily adjusts to the temperature. Since you’re in the water and your clothes are soaking anyway, you decide to stay there for a little longer. You don’t go too far from the dock, and Arthur, though he’s able, doesn’t either. What fun could he have out there if you weren’t with him?
He takes a moment to stop and watch you, a fond grin forming on his lips as he does. Your hair trails behind you in tendrils as you twirl around, like you’re as much at home in the sea as he is. You’re clearly an experienced swimmer, and briefly the thought crosses his mind that maybe in another life you could’ve been Atlantean.
You drift over to him. You’d noticed he was floating in that one spot for a while. “You okay?”  
“Yeah.” He nods reassuringly. “I’m fine.”
You nod too and smile, your silent response of Good.
The two of you lapse into silence, the waves jostling you slightly but not enough to move you from your places. It was already late when you came out to the dock, and Arthur knows the sun will start rising in a short while, painting the sky orange. Yet he swears that the clock seems to slow as he looks at you, morning still a far and away notion, and he hopes you know you have powers in your own right.
He leans in to kiss you and your lips taste of salt but so do his. It reminds him of home. You remind him of home. And the clock stops ticking and he holds you close and thinks he could stay like this forever, with you in the small hours between late night and early morning. The water might be cold but your skin is burning, and if you’re summertime personified, he’s found his favorite season.
You sit on the dock to survey the approaching dawn. Your clothes are clinging to your body but you’re long past the point of caring. Though the sun isn’t quite out yet, the sky is getting lighter and fading from black into a hazy blue, a telltale sign of morning. Arthur presses a quick kiss to your head and you smile softly.
There’s the familiar sensation of warmth spreading from your chest throughout the rest of your body and you consider the fact that maybe you feel this way because he’s the piece of a puzzle you hadn’t realized was missing. Maybe he’s the keystone holding your soul together. It’s always ourselves we find in the water. You read that line in a book once. You sneak a glance at Arthur, the first light of day washing over his face, and you reckon maybe whoever wrote that is right.
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stark-web-warriors · 5 years
Stark Contrast [CHAPTER TWO]
Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 7464
Warnings: Swearing, Threat of NC (but no NC)
Chapter Summary: Y/N goes to the Back-To-School party with Peter to meet up with Ned and MJ and ends up meeting the members of Pai’s club, MISA when things turn for the worst.
A/N: So I’ve been working diligently and am getting Chapter Two out early!!! I’m so excited for Chapter 3 y’all have no idea! So as I was writing this I saw several of y’all comment about how wholesome it was and I was like —am I gonna ruin it? But this has been the story from the start and I’m so glad to see it taking to life. If you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, Inbox me and I‘ll add your username. Members of the tag list MUST reblog. I look forward to your feedback, friends!
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Chapter Two
The one condition Tony insisted on was that Peter Parker must go to the party with Y/N. It was embarrassing, to say the least, when the man called Peter’s Aunt May to make sure of that. So here Y/N was, sitting in her running Audi as the rain came down and made the empty street gleam navy. She leaned over to try to peak out the passenger window for any sign of the boy coming out of the apartment complex. She was anxious and growing self-conscious in her new outfit and how much of her body it exposed. That was Tony’s compromise. Y/N could miss their “bonding time” and go to the party instead, but Tony would help her get ready for the party, and the man knew parties.
After school Thursday he took Y/N to a fancy store she’d never heard of where the price tags didn’t dip below $500, which was probably why she’d never heard of it. The moment they walked in two women, who looked like they’d probably been supermodels in their younger days, hurried to assist. One led Tony away and sat him down on a chaise lounge by the fitting room with a cold glass of sparkling water. The other whisked Y/N away toward the clothing in the boutique, speaking about what they were looking for as if she were going to the red carpet. It was all very overwhelming at first, but Y/N caught a glance at a mesh shirt she liked. It was simple and looked like her style which made her comfortable. The woman was very nice when Y/N pulled it out and brought a black bralette and classic pair of black skinny jeans to match, as well as a silver chained purse and matching belt to accessorize. It was nice to know that she was willing to let Y/N make decisions for herself and still it was strange when she knew how to make that decision better. The whole “accessorizing” thing wasn’t anything Y/N had entertained much before, and she never thought of a belt as anything more than a tool and a purse a pocket-extender. Still, she put the ensemble on behind the lavender curtain for the changing room and slid it open to reveal Tony ready to approve or disapprove.
He choked on his water and sputtered, “Absolutely not,” the moment he caught a glimpse. The shop assistant rushed toward Tony as he coughed, but he held up a hand to hold her off and stood up. “That is too risqué and I can’t allow you to go out in public in that.”
“I mean, when you think about it, you saying that is like saying that I, a minor, should be sexualized, and if I wear revealing clothing it’s my fault if a man sexualizes me, and is that really the message you want to send your only daughter?” Y/N rambled, knowing Tony well enough to know he’d see right through the speech, but would also appreciate the effort.
“Why don’t you go ahead and run that,” Tony said to the supermodel who had styled Y/N, handing her his gold card and walking toward Y/N.
“I thought you said it was too risqué?” Y/N mocked as the man stepped up to her. “What do you even think is gonna happen at a party jam-packed with a hundred teenagers?” The girl asked, trying to give a more justified reason for her to have the outfit that she’d grown so attached to in a matter of minutes.
“You happened, didn’t you?” Tony quipped.
Y/N smiled at how much she appreciated this version of parental interaction. He was parent enough to take responsibility and care, but he was childish enough to be satisfied dissing the teen and then giving her the benefit of the doubt. “Thank you,” she said sincerely. It was a fun experience, even if it was weird, and she appreciated the bonding time.
Y/N was uncomfortably adjusting the mesh top when Peter hurriedly opened the passenger door and climbed in. He began to apologize as he buckled in, “Sorry I’m lat-Holy fuck.” The boy hadn’t really changed in demeanor but lost his thoughts when he looked at Y/N clad in all black. “You look like a million bucks. Like, I mean, actually. Is that a Coach bag? Aren’t those things like a thousand dollars each?” Y/N giggle at Peter’s innocent surprise. He seemed more shocked by the branding than the serious skin Y/N was sporting, and it was relieving.
“Tony wanted to take me to this one fancy boutique,” Y/N explained with a giggle as she shifted into drive.
“Okay yeah, okay, that makes sense, yeah,” Peter mumbled to himself as they drove off into the neighbourhood.
“Are you nervous, Peter?” Y/N inquired, glancing away from the street to peek at the panicked boy. “I mean, I’m no party expert or anything, but what’s the worst case scenario, someone double dips in the guac?”
“It’s not that, it’s just…” Peter trailed off. He clearly didn’t really want to share too much. “The last time I was at a school party, something bad happened and I had to leave very suddenly, and I was already worried about something like that happening again, and now its like, I get in and you look super hot, and I mean, I’m not into you like that or anything, like we just met, but-“
Y/n laughed, “Peter!” Anything to get the boy to stop spiralling off into infinity. “I’m flattered that as my friend you think I look bitchin’ and if anything happens, it’s okay. You can find me and I can drive you home right away.”
“It’s not-“ For the first time, Peter paused to take a breath and rephrase, “Thank you, Y/N.”
“You know you don’t have to be so jittery around me,” Y/N insisted. “Clearly you’re good at communicating or you wouldn’t be Tony’s intern, or have such good friends. Don’t be a rambling mess around me. I want a friend, too.” Y/N saw a large amount of cars parked on the street and heard the loud bass of the music pumping down the street and decided it best to park where she was at the end of the block, where she had room. She moved the gear shift into park and looked at the seemingly calmer boy beside her.
“I’m sorry. I have a lot of responsibilities and I still try very hard to have a personal life and you make me nervous because you're kind of really close to both realms. Like, you’re the center of the Venn-diagram, and it makes me worry that the space between is getting smaller, and I’m not ready for that yet,” Peter explained calmly, finally holding his composure.
“Thank you,” Y/N sighed. “I’m glad you told me that… AND we still barely know each other. Everything you’re afraid of hasn’t happened yet. Can we please cross that bridge when it actually starts experiencing structural integrity wearing and needs maintenance?”
“That was a very specific metaphor,” Peter commented, making the young girl smile and push her way out of the car into the barely-there rain. As expected, Peter followed suit, and the two walked in the front door with their dignity fully stocked.
The moment they opened to door it was absolute fucking chaos. The music was booming, the voices were blaring, heat rushed out to be released into the night for only a moment before the door closed behind Peter and Y/N. The two teens felt lost for a moment looking at all the sweaty high schoolers crammed into one house, albeit very large. Peter spotted Ned and MJ leaning against a wall in the corner and began navigating Y/N through the crowd toward them. Of course, this entailed him getting cut off by someone and consequentially Y/N stumbling into Peter’s back. Miraculously, however, they managed to cross to the corner Ned and MJ were taking cover in.
“It’s very loud,” Y/N yelled, unsure how she was supposed to make friends over the sound. She glanced around nervously, wondering what she’d gotten herself into.
“You look hot,” MJ shouted back, nonchalantly as she gave a cool backwards nod. Y/N was thrilled to have MJ’s approval, and still, she smiled at her shuffling feet insecurely.
Finally, Ned mentioned, “It’s quieter out by the pool,” before leading the group away to the back yard. This, of course, involved travelling through the dense crowd around the DJ stand, which all but blasted their ears off, but it was worth it. They travelled to the far side of the strangely shaped swimming pool. It was lit up for the night, making the entire backyard light up with an aqua glow. It was clear why there were so few people outside. It had just rained, everything was damp, the pool had some stray leaves floating in it. It wasn’t exactly party central, and that felt just perfect to the group of misfits.
“I can’t believe they’re letting Flash DJ again,” MJ complained, kicking a nearby branch into the pool for no apparent reason outside of impulse.
“Because of what he did to Peter last year,” Ned agreed solemnly with a sad nod, only to be immediately contradicted by the tiny girl beside him.
“No, because he’s a crappy DJ,” MJ groaned inconsiderately. She was a confusing person who never quite did what you expected of her. Before the conversation could continue, she’d plopped down on the cement and was wading her feet in the pool, converse and all.
One thing stuck in Y/N’s mind that she really wanted the answer to. “What did Flash do to you, Peter?” the teen inquired concernedly. As far as she knew, Flash was just some smart guy in a couple of her classes. She didn’t have the social context to think anything ill of him, and the hint made her apprehensive for a number of reasons.
Before Peter could respond, Pai was running up exclaiming, “You’re here!” before wrapping her arms around a very stunned and rigid Y/N. It was weird how silky the girl's hair was falling off of Y/N’s shoulders, and she wasn’t quite sure how to engage in this fake-y femme behavior. She’d seen girls do this with each other—the high pitched squeak, the hug, the small talk, and then they would finally admit what they wanted—It wasn’t anything she’d ever encountered herself. Awkwardly, Y/N tried to hug back but wasn’t sure how to do it without tearing out that impossibly slick and long hair. “I’m so glad you could make it. You know, Liz used to throw this bash, but she had to move last year because her dad went to jail. So sad,” Pai put forth a small pouty face, clearly not stopping to think about the fact that Y/N didn’t have the first clue who Liz was. “Hey, Peter. Ned,” the bubbly girl greeted, looking across the group to find MJ on the ground. “Michelle, you’re gonna get your shoes wet!” Pai warned with a wave of a hand and a smile, causing MJ to shake her head and look up confusedly, then turn to look at the oblivious girl with a face that begged how she even missed that point. “Anyway, Y/N, there’s someone I wanted to introduce you to,” the skinny girl explained as she slid a boney arm under Y/N’s and began dragging the girl away. Y/N looked back at the group, trying to make an apologetic face as Pai continued, “His name is Amadeus Cho and he’s the president of MISA. Korean guy. Super smart and super hot. He’s the host of the party this year. Anyway, he wanted to meet you and so I told him I’d introduce you two.”
Y/N sighed. While she wasn’t used to the girl-y social behavior, she could tell Pai’s heart was in the right place. She was just trying to help Y/N make a new friend, and that was sweet, even if it did entail dragging the helpless girl back toward the daunting house. Pai led Y/N through the large crowd of the party and around the corner where she’d previously been with Peter, Ned, and MJ to a flight of carpeted stairs, briefly mentioning, “Some of us are hanging out upstairs to get away from everything,” before pulling Y/N all the way up and into what appeared to be a second living space. There was a kitchenette on the back wall, and in the center of the room was a floor pit with some modern art-looking furniture. A white couch and chair of oblong shape cornered around a purple rug on a black tile floor. The whole place looked so rich, and Y/N worried when she caught the judgmental eyes of the 5 teens scattered across it. There was a girl sitting on the purple rug going through magazines, one guy bringing a bowl of chips over from the kitchenette, which seemed strange at a party where there was literally a kitchen full of food set out downstairs, there were two teens laying on the couch together, cuddly enough for Y/N to assume they were a couple, and finally, there was the only person who could have been Cho, sitting on the artistic white chair like it was a goddamn throne. Y/N felt so far out of her element all she could do was follow Pai’s lead.
“Y/N. Nice to finally meet you. I’m Amadeus Cho,” the composed boy offered a hand.
“Oh really? So people actually call you by your first and last name, that is to say you go by your full name,” Y/N could hear Peter’s rambling coming out her mouth as she shook the kid’s hand, and quickly pulled away, stopping herself while trying to recover with a string of, “Cool, cool, cool. Very cool. That’s very cool that you do that.” She wanted to facepalm her head back into the womb at the way she was acting.
Amadeus looked at Y/N strangely, and with the subtly of a K-Pop star, and elected to ignore her stance behavior in favor of introducing his friends. “This is Mercedes,” he gestured to the girl sitting on the rug. The girl who waved was fashionably dressed in a bright cyan that complimented her dark, pigmented skin tone. Her hair was bleached blonde and clearly had spent a couple of hours in the flat iron. Her outfit was gaudy, but modest, which made Y/N miss the likes of Peter and MJ who, although very awkwardly, made her feel killer to wear it. “On the couch is Sam and Noah. They’ll probably be too infatuated with each other all night to notice you’re here, so you can pretty much ignore them,” While this sounded like a jab the boys would be offended by, they didn’t so much as wince, which was odd, but Y/N shrugged and took a seat next to Pai on the raised floor, dangling her feet into the floor pit. “I’m Aleksi, by the way,” the last boy in the studious glasses introduced himself bitterly as he returned with the bowl of chips and joined Mercedes on the floor.
“So word on the street is that you’re Tony Stark’s daughter,” Cho implied as he leaned forward in his chair to his half-open hands like he was Sherlock Holmes. The motion pulled down his sleeve just enough to reveal a very expensive looking silver watch.
In her discomfort, Y/N’s sarcastic side immediately responded, “Oh really? Because I thought it was pretty well hidden…”
“Hey, hey,” Amadeus slowly held his hands up in surrender, “if you don’t want to talk about it you’re in the right place. Unlike the party animals downstairs, most of us up here are the members of MISA. That is to say, we understand sharing only what of your background you’re comfortable with revealing.” He smiled like a fucking romantic interest in a K-Drama, and Y/N couldn’t tell if she found it charming or it made her want to punch him in his perfect teeth. Clearly, he thought of himself as elite, and she could see why, but being oblivious didn’t make him a bad person. He could be a charmer and still be a super nice considerate person, and she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“No, no,” Y/N began. “It’s just-” she caught a glimpse of how hopeful Pai looked introducing Y/N to her friends and felt her soften her resolve for the sake of the kind girl who’d been so nice to her since her first day. “I mean, it’s alright, I guess. There’s just not much to tell. I’m more interested in what you all are getting up to up here, anyway,” Y/N said in an attempt to change the subject.
“Mostly just hanging,” Mercedes responded casually, setting aside another magazine from the stack. Y/N was impressed by how easily she could handle the paper with the bejewelled stiletto nails the girl was sporting.
“What’s with the magazines?” Y/N asked. Her interest was peaked because even Steve Rogers didn’t mess around with paper magazines these days.
“Planning out a ransom note,” Mercedes mentioned nonchalantly as she flipped through another magazine. “On a completely unrelated note, do you spell Stark with one ‘R’ or two?” IT was such dead delivery Y/N wasn’t sure if she was really supposed to laugh at that joke until the stylish girl on the carpet glanced up with a playful smile. Y/N grinned back and let out what was more a huff of air than a laugh.
“Mercedes is trying to find an issue that features more than two races. She’s trying to make a point about whitewashing and how damaging it is when magazines will make sure to have their one ‘token black model’ and call it diversity,” Amadeus Cho explained, the cheeky smile still plastered to his face.
“I’m writing an opinion piece about the appalling lack of racial diversity because it’s always a line up of white people and then one person of a different race so it's 'not racist’,” Mercedes elaborated passionately. “Look around this room,” she gestured, “We’ve got at least 5 ethnicities at the same party. That not what the world looks like and they need to acknowledge that, and if they don’t my letter to the editor, I’m going to take that rejection letter and send it to their competitors to publish.”
This felt huge. This girl was proudly doing loud work of her own volition for a cause that would make it seem like a whisper. Mercedes was doing it anyway just to have a voice in her cause. Y/N couldn’t help but feel a mix of intimidation and inspiration. “That is honestly so cool,” Y/N admitted, earning a wink of Mercedes’s deep brown eye. The girl turned to the group excitedly and opened it up to the floor. “Anyone else have an obscenely awesome social project they’d like to tell me about?” 
“Amadeus Cho has one!” Pai piped up immediately. It was honestly sweet how much she wanted to be involved in the group, but it was also slightly hard to watch her trying to get approval from such intense people. The first day Y/N met Pavitra she had mentioned MISA and how much it felt good to have people of untraditional backgrounds to share the experience with, but she never seemed the type to chain herself to a pole for the sake of racism in America and that was okay. She was entitled to try to live her life as normalized as possible. It was so clear that Pai was working twice as hard, as a result, to feel included. It was sad because Y/N liked Pai. She thought Pavitra was a kind girl with a grounding in where she came from and ambitions that would fly her into another galaxy. So to see her trying to be involved by boasting her friends' success was conflicting.
“I’m working on a drone with reflective panelling that I can send into North Korea airspace to expose the absolute horrors that reside there,” Amadeus mentioned like it was yesterday’s math assignment, causing Y/N to drop her jaw. So he was a science guy with a social justice cause all packaged into the body of a member of BTS. She now understood why Pai was so infatuated with the guy. “I’m not done just yet, but I have it in my room along with some pictures from the test run if you’d like to see,” Cho offered.
“Oh my god, absolutely,” Y/N responded. She took Amadeus Cho’s hand and allowed him to lead her further away into the large house. By the time they reached to door frame, she felt miles away from the party going on downstairs. Cho led her into the dark and tidy bedroom, over to his desk, which was littered with parts, but right in the center was the shining glory of a genius mind. Y/N noticed a stack of photos printed out and stacked up on the left side of the drone and mindlessly picked them up and glanced through. They were all pictures of building that she couldn’t quite understand, but she was too intimidated to say that she didn’t know what they meant, so she set them back down and sat down on the nearby bed as Cho picked up the drone.
“She took a hit during the test run and needs some repairs, but the reflective panelling should still work if I just-” Amadeus forced way for a switch that was stuck and the thing disappeared, peaking Y/N’s interest. “Wanna see something cool?” Cho asked, earning a shy nod from Y/N. He flipped the drone so that the panels were facing away from him, and Y/N watched his torso visually disappear.
She furrowed her brows as she said, “The panels broadcast the signal of the room behind you as if you weren’t there. How do they do that?”
“Memory,” Amadeus explained as he placed the drone back on the desk and began walking toward where Y/N sat on the bed, “Think of it like Google Maps, but good. There are audio sensors that help it locate itself and it can tell where things are in a space as it correlates to a 3D rendering of the space. Every second it’s piecing together that map. It knows the wall is behind me, but I’m not supposed to be there, it knows that from its maps and the sensors, it can still tell that wall is behind me, so that’s what it projects.” The bed sank beside Y/N as the attractive teen took a seek so close she could feel the seam of his jeans brush her leg.
Y/N could feel her heart beating louder and faster, wondering if she was really okay with what this was leading to. “You seem very proud of yourself,” Y/N managed to tease nervously. She knew she wanted to maybe kiss him some, just some good old fashion dumb teenager acting out kind of thing.
Amadeus Cho leaned in close to Y/N’s ear and near-whispered, “Maybe I am.” His warm breath made her ear tingle as the boy pulled away with that sly smile.
Y/N looked up to Cho curiously. She wasn’t sure his endgame, but she had come to the conclusion that she wanted to play. Amadeus took a steady hand and brushed back Y/N’s hair. The cold of his watch roused her flesh as it brushed across the back of her neck. Their foreheads touched and Amadeus moved his face so that Y/N felt the tickle of their noses just barely touching. The next thing she knew, those beautiful lips were against hers. Before she knew it, Amadeus was leaning back onto the bed, and Y/N’s thirsty lips stayed attached to Cho as she leaned forward over him, desperate for the hydration. He began to massage her sides through the mesh shirt, grasping tighter and tighter as they continued. Y/N placed her fingers in his perfectly thick black hair as the boy beneath her trailed a hand up her back and onto her head. She felt a slight pressure at first, but then she felt a shove that left her looking at the boy's stomach. She knew she didn’t want to do that, and she wasn’t about to submit.
“Let’s just keep doing this,” Y/N suggested, placing a sensual kiss below the boy’s ear. He pulled her face right back in, smashing a violent kiss onto her lips. Cho carefully slid his hands up the back of Y/N’s Mesh shirt, tickling the exposed skin. His hands began fiddling with the bralette and Y/N immediately reached back to gently push his arms away, only to be ignored as he continued to play with the band of the bra. Her heart was beginning to flutter, and not in a good way. Y/N pulled away and embarrassedly but firmly told him, “Please don’t.” Amadeus nodded and smiled, pulling his hands out of the girl's shirt and showing them like he was trying to prove he wasn’t holding a weapon. Y/N took a deep breath to remind herself that he listened to what she said and didn’t push it any further before leaning her face back down to the beautiful boy laying below her. She was about to lean in for another kiss when she felt a powerful shove to the top of her head and found herself face to face with the budge in his jeans. “Okay, I thought I made it pretty clear I didn’t want to do that,” Y/N said, anger heating up quick, struggling to gain her ground as she continually sank into the marshmallowy mattress.
“Where are you going?” Cho investigated frantically as he pulled himself into a seated position once again.
Y/N finally managed to stand and trying to keep it together she stated curtly, “I’m going back to my friends-“
“Bitch!” The next thing Y/N new her forearm was burning with how tightly it had been gripped. 
“What the fuck?” Y/N screamed. Tugging at her arm was a mistake. It was a million pins and needles, like when kids used to give each other ‘snake bites’ on the playground. “Let go of me,” she mustered the lowest her voice could go.
“Why the fuck would you lead me on like that, huh?” Cho argued back, tightening his grip. “After all that you say you’re leaving, like hell you are.” Y/N struggled more, beginning to really panic, knowing that no one could hear the encounter over the party, that Amadeus was just getting more aggressive. An involuntary tear left her eye at the pain of a particularly hard tug on both their ends and suddenly at that moment he just let go. Y/N knew that should have been the moment she booked it out the door, but she was so confused by the behavior should couldn’t help freezing and looking at Cho, who was quite horrified and starring at the doorway.
“Y/N,” the scared girl spun her head around to see Peter Parker standing in the doorway with a hand held out. Peter took a hard swallow, and she could see he was uncomfortable with the situation, but still trying to help. “We’re going,” Peter told her seriously.
Y/N took a deep breath to compose herself and then casually strolled toward Peter as if nothing had happened, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her quickly down the stairs. When they got to the main floor, Flash at the DJ stand shouted, “Where are you going, Penis Parker? The party’s not over yet.” Peter didn’t so much as wince as he rushed Y/N out of the house and straight into the middle of the street, suddenly lit up by headlights. The car laid on the horn as Peter pushed Y/N out of the way, the two now huddling between two parked cars across the street from the party. The two hadn’t realized they were panting until it had already started slowing down.
“How did you even know I was up there?” Y/N asked. Peter huffed, out of air from rushing out of the place, and simply tapped on his Stark Wrist Communicator as he continued to catch his breath. “I don’t understand,” Y/N admitted. She still didn’t know what the damn thing did and had no idea why he’d be using it to figure out she was up there in the first place.
“Mr Stark called me. He said he’d gotten a notification that your vitals spiked and asked me to make sure you were okay. The moment I hung up with him I got a distress signal-“
“I didn’t send a distress signal,” Y/N mentioned in her confusion.
“No, of course not. Jarvis did,” Peter explained, beginning to walk down the street toward where they’d parked. Y/N looked at him blankly and shook her head, still not understanding this strange world she’d been thrown into. “My guess is the yelling and the grabbing set him off, so the distress signal got sent to the nearest com-link wearer, me, and I pulled up the building schematic to trace the signal,” the small boy explained like it were elementary quantum physics.
Y/N shook her head hopelessly, “but it all happened so fast.” It terrified her that things could fall apart so quickly. That she could feel so unsafe in a situation she chose to put herself in. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Peter offered as they reached the Audi.
She really didn’t want to bring it up ever again, but she wanted to clarify something with this boy. “I don’t think he would have ever done it.” Peter cocked his head. “I mean, yeah he was angry and aggressive, but I don’t think he’d go that far. Fight a little sure, get a little too angry yeah. I just… he’s the kind of person who, about a month ago, would have been afraid I was gonna mug him because I was living in a poor, crappy city. The fact that now he thinks I’m a prize to be one because of my background I’m worth pushing around… It just seems so backwards and confusing, Peter! And that’s my whole world right now. I don’t understand any of it.” Quickly Y/N climbed into the car, trying to leave her embarrassment at the door. That was more than she had intended on sharing. So as Peter climbed into the passenger seat, Y/N apologized, “I’m sorry, Peter, I’ll just take you home. Don’t you worry about little old me. I just need the night to regroup.” 
“No. After everything, I’m making sure you get home safe. If that means I need to drive then, hand over the keys. I’ll do it.” Peter’s voice raised in nervous pitch, but he maintained his composure. 
“Peter, even if I wanted you to drive me home, I live at the Avengers Facility. Security is impossible and I’ve basically accepted that I will never be able to have friends over,” Y/N explained hopelessly.
“Except…” the boy encouraged, turning over his hand for her to go on. It was actually the glimpse of the comlink on his own wrist that actually allowed Y/N to process why Peter was special.
“Except you have security clearance because you're Tony’s intern.” Y/N disappointedly threw her head around in a circle as she put together the rather obvious information. “Fuck it,” Y/N responded, aggressively opened the driver’s door she’d only just entered, standing to look at Peter over the roof of the car. “You licensed?” She asked casually.
“I just passed my test last weekend,” Peter responded proudly.
The doors hadn't even closed when Y/N abandoned ship. “Yeah, no. Get back in the car,” the girl commanded, ducking back in head first.  She simply said, “Jarvis?” as she climbed back into the seat and buckled up. She knew his perception and memory protocols were intuitive enough that he’d know what she was asking.
“Routing you to the Avengers Facility, Miss Y/N,” the car responded as it roared to life. The interior began to glow blue from all the lights throughout the dash. Rapidly, the car backed up and pulled out of the parking spot, startling Peter enough that he grabbed the ceiling for stability.
“You can do that?!” the frantic teen wheezed. Y/N decided that was a rhetorical question, and simply smiled at the funny kid. He was so unpredictable—or maybe she just didn’t know him that well yet. 
Y/N reached down the left side of her seat and held the button back until her seat was as far back as it could go. She wasn’t exactly mindful of why she did it. Just to relax Y/N supposed. She just felt really closed off, and as thankful as she was for Peter, she wanted to be alone for a bit to sort her thoughts. The best she could do to indulge that was to rotate her body some to face away from the boy. She didn’t want to talk, she wasn’t sure what to talk about, she hadn’t really put together her whole feelings on the matter. The first couple minutes she felt guilty like she was ignoring Peter, but after several, it seemed normal. She could hear was the quiet engine and the wind on the windows lulling her.
“This is so sad. Jarvis, play Desposito.”
Peter had delivered the line absolutely deadpan, and in the silence, both teens immediately froze to anticipate what Jarvis’s response would be. Y/N’s interests were perked enough that she peeked over her shoulder at the boy. She wasn’t even sure if Jarvis was programmed to respond to him. Peter, as a favor, had shown Y/N a bit more about how the com-link works over lunch during the week and his AI was named Karen, so the J.A.R.V.I.S. system was clearly anchored on the Stark name. It had been silent too long, like Jarvis was deciding. Y/N rotated in her seat back toward Peter so she could get a good look at the console. A flamenco-style guitar flourish resonated through the speakers. Shocked, Y/N turned toward Peter who’s jaw drop said he was screaming on the inside. A slower guitar riff continued as Y/N moved to sit her seat up in pure shock. The notes descended into the song, the meme, the legend and Y/N lost it. She felt laughter bubble up from her throat as she looked at the kid who instigated it. His jaw slowly closed, but the wide surprised eyes stayed. Y/N was loving the reactivity Peter had and wanted to keep it going, so she began dancing with her arms and her torso as the verse built close to the chorus. She was surprised at how easy it was to do a body roll in a car seat. It felt sexy in the suggestive outfit she was wearing, and in this situation, she felt safe to wield that power. It was just Peter, and he was her friend.
“Come on, Peter,” Y/N urged, grabbing the hands of the boy who’d been too thrilled watching her to join in himself. She made their hands dance together, turning Peter’s hands over and pulsing waves through them, before letting go for him to dance on his own whims. She wasn’t a dancer, but the pulsing waves she sent through her body in the car seat felt amazing. She looked over at Peter who was more tentatively head bobbing and swaying side to side, but she was satisfied. It was the kind of song you participated in, and she wanted to share this experience with him until the last line.
The car returned to silence. Putting her arms down, Y/N could feel the beginnings of sweat forming on her back where it was stuck against the leather interior, but it was refreshing. She felt a renewed energy by building a positive experience, and it didn’t make the other one okay, but it made her feel like she was refocused and could better sort out her feelings about what happened, without the depression of them being that last impact. “Thanks, Peter. I needed that,” Y/N admitted in the silence that had returned as the car pulled up out front the Avengers Facility.
“Don’t get me wrong, I was just making a joke to tease you—as a friend of course. Jarvis did the rest,” Peter defended with his hands up in innocence.
Y/N smiled and shook her head as she got out of the car. Peter behind her. The moment both doors were closed the car drove off to perform its parking protocol. Y/N had gotten used to that one small perk of her new life. Never having to park in the garage when she got home was a lifesaver. She turned around to look at Peter, now standing alone on the driveway. “We’ll ask Tony if Happy is still around for the night and see if we can get you a ride home that way,” Y/N suggested, otherwise inviting the boy to follow her in.
She found Tony sitting at the bar in the room she had waited in for so long that first night. He had a drink in his hand, but it was full and the ice inside was but slivers, so Y/N could tell he’d been sitting there for a while not drinking it. She figured maybe even just the action of pouring a drink felt better than doing nothing. He hurried over from the bar at the sight of the kids, worried expression. “What happened?” the man begged.
Y/N thought about what she’d be saying and licked her lips, knowing what she needed to have this conversation. “Peter?”
“Yeah,” the diligent boy stepped forward ready to care for her, and this was the kind of coddling she didn’t need.
“Do you know where the mess hall is?” She turned to face the boy.
Peter Parker assessed her for a moment with those deep chocolate brown eyes and understood, “Yeah, I do,” he answered before quickly walking out of the room.
As soon as the boy stepped out of the room, Y/N began, “Now don’t freak out.”
“What do you mean don’t freak out?!” Tony responded all high strung. “All I know is you sent out a distress signal, of course I’m going to freak out!”
“Well don’t freak out because then I’m gonna freak out!” Y/N rigidly explained, “And I’m not freaking out about it, are you?!”
“No! Are you?” Tony asked tentatively.
After a pause, Y/N insisted, “No.” It was a strange rollercoaster of 4 sentences, but Tony and Y/N were still trying to get used to this whole ‘Parent-Child’ dynamic. They didn’t know how to gauge these situations and it made sense that this would be a little bumpy. They were both scared. Both began waiting for the other to make the next move, and they ended up staring at each other for an uncomfortably long time. “Why’d you call Peter at the first sign of trouble?” Y/N asked finally, careful to start with something relatively explicable.
“I wanted to make sure everything was okay. I wanted you to go with him because I asked him to keep an eye on you,” Tony explained, making Y/N start to heat up.
“Okay, you realize that’s not his job, right? I’m not exactly sure what he does around here, but I know watching me isn’t in the job description.” Y/N felt offended that Tony would waste Peter’s time with tasks like that. Peter was her friend, if he was going to look out for her, he was going to do it because he wanted to, not because he was told to.
“And where would you be if I hadn’t called him, hm?” Tony quizzed, his lips beginning to disappear in reciprocated frustration.
“Right here!” Y/N yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. “There’s clearly something you’re not getting here, so here’s what happened,” the livid teen started listing off on her fingers, “Party. Guy. Bedroom. I said no. He got angry.” She had run out of fingers and decided to continue on anyway. “He wasn’t trying to force anything on me, he just grabbed my arm in a hissy fit. He wouldn’t have hurt me. He wasn’t going to rape me. So if you hadn’t called Peter, the guys hissy fit would have fizzled out on its own, I’d have left, and I would be RIGHT—FUCKING—HERE!” The girl gasped for air and dropped to the ground. She had run herself out of air in her aggression, and she was scared at the high-level emotions she was having. It was making her wheeze.
“Oh, kid,” Tony spoke softly, stepping forward and kneeling down on the floor next to her.
“I just…” she mustered herself. “I don’t know how to feel right now. It was nothing. I know that, but then everything around it makes me feel angry one moment, and fine the next, and I’m sad, but it’s not because of what happened. I don’t know how to feel.” Without another word, Tony sat down on the floor next to the girl and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. Over his shoulder she continued to mumble, “It’s just so confusing because he’s not a bad guy and he didn’t really do a bad thing. Like he was responsive when I asked him to stop. But it made him angry, and I guess that makes me angry.” Tony pulled away, and lead Y/N to the couch so she could continue. “I think what bugs me the most is that a month ago that kid wouldn’t have looked my way, and now because you’ve slapped a name on me I’m desirable enough that he wants to fight for it. Like a possession.” Y/N stopped speaking and began chewing on her lip as she thought further.
Tony tapped her knee and stood up. He began working his way toward the bar and asked, “You want anything, kid?” as he swiped the watered-down drink off the counter and dumped it out.
“You realize that sounds wrong because you’re not supposed to be asking me that, right?” Y/N quipped back without missing a beat. She knew he never meant it in the first place, but it felt good and made the girl smile to herself. This was their relationship. He wasn’t her dad, and she wasn’t going to call him that. That didn’t describe their relationship. He was her senior, and she respected that, but that didn’t mean she had to conform her behavior around the associated social rules of Father-Daughter. So Tony and Y/N made quips at each other all the time. It felt nice to have that one note of stability. “Could you bring me a glass of water?” Y/N called over to Tony. Thinking nothing of the man’s lack of response as she heard the clinking of glasses and the sloshing of liquid being poured.
Tony returned, taking a seat on the couch with a single drink in his hand. “Where’s mine?” Y/N mocked offense. She did want the drink, but she much more enjoyed the game of verbal ping pong she and Tony played.
“I’m sorry, but this bar does not serve any underage gods, superheroes, or normal people,” Tony joked with a smile, earning an eye roll from his daughter. “So what are you gonna do if you have to see this kid at school?” Tony inquired earnestly.
Y/N furrowed her brow and shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t hate him… I just hate what he did.”
It was Monday when the girl calmly walked across the lunch room and smashed Amadeus Cho in the face with a lunch tray.
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human-nonsense · 5 years
Chapter 1 of my WIP
Hey looking I'm being a writeblr lol. So I've posted parts of this chapter before but this will be the full chapter. its definitely not perfect (its like a slightly edited first draft lol) but I tried lol. I appreciate anyone who reads this! Hope you enjoy <3 <3 <3 
Tagging @marvel-and-writing @northofnowhere4 @kaz3313 @cassandra-yannu-writes and I’ll tag you @kiki-thelocal-farmhoe even though you read it already ajkdjjfhakjhf 
Paige had asked me not to follow him that morning. I lasted not even five minutes before I grabbed my cloak, projected out of our realm, and make my way toward the Earth against his wishes. He honestly should have known better than to ask such a thing of me, especially today, but I think he was so much of a nervous wreck when he left that my role in all of this must have slipped his mind. Probably.  
As I traveled through the space between Earth and my home, a small ring of blue appeared in front of me. Without hesitation I reached out and pulled the sides until it grew big enough for me to step through it. With my feet hitting the soft ground the smell of grass filled my nose and I smiled. It’s been a while, I’ve missed you.
Then the smell of cattle and shit reached me, and my face cringed a bit. I blinked a few times as the portal disappeared behind me and the sunlight blinded my eyes. The shapes around me cleared and I found myself standing in a field among 20 to 30 black and brown cows. Their brown eyes were all on me, and I raised my hands in surrender.
“Hello darlings, it seems I’m in the wrong place. Any of you know where Mistwood is?” One particular cow made a muffled mooing sound before completely turning her backside toward me.  Ignoring my question, she ripped at the grass below her.
“Ok sorry for asking.” I muttered a few curses along with “Rude cow,” as I put my hands down. Treading carefully as I avoided cow waste, I tried my best to look past the cows and off into the horizon in hope of seeing buildings. I can’t be THAT far off...but then again, the Earth is pretty large. I frowned.
 “AYE! Get away from my cows!” I turned around and found an older man shaking a shovel in the air. He was steaming as he paced quickly toward me.
“Who are ya, huh? You trying to steal me cows? Speak thief! I won’t continue to be taken advantage of just cuz you people thing I’m old! You hear me!” I side eye the cow that had ignored me earlier as I muttered, “As if I’d want your cows.” “What you say!”
“I said I’m lost. Can you help me? I’m trying to get to Mistwood.” By this time, he was now a few feet in front of me. He was shorter than me with a ragged white beard and a small hunch in his back. He dug his shovel a bit into the ground and leaned on it as he studied my face with narrow beady eyes.
“So... you’re not trying to steal me cows? How do I know you’re telling truth huh? I’ve been robbed before, how do I know it wasn’t you who robbed me last time! I’m not dumb! I’m-”
I placed a hand on his shoulder and felt a coolness grow on my palm. My eyes caught contact with his and I smiled. I could feel as the old man’s tense shoulder relaxed in my grip. The shovel slipped from his grasp and landed with a thud on the ground. His eyes gleamed bright for a second before dimming down to their natural brown. I smiled again.
“I promise I have no desire so steal from you. Now can you tell me where Mistwood is?” The old man’s fists clenched and relaxed at his sides. He took a deep breath before he gurgled the back of his throat and spat to the side. I had to hold myself from twisting my face.
His eyes gleamed again as he said, “It’s roughly 200 miles East from here.” I glanced in the direction he was pointing and let go of the old man. East? Oh that’s right, I forgot that’s the new north. Who was the dumbass who switched those around? It wasn’t me was it?
The old man shook his head a bit. He probably felt the usual groggy and confused, but I didn’t have the time to explain to him what I did or say that I was sorry. I could always come back and do that. I could even give him a cow or something. Better yet I could deal with the people stealing from him, but for now I had to find Paige. I hope I find him before he finds her.
I was already making my way through the cows, my eyes peeled for their crap, by the time I heard his voice again. “Aye, wait! Wait one second young lady, what was... I feel... WAIT!” Now outside of the herd, I turned to face him as I continued to walk steadily backwards. “Yes?” Struggling to keep up he asked, “You’re not gonna walk all the way there are you? It will take days and you got nothing with you. What kind of traveler travels without supplies huh? Are you sure you’re not up to something bad like stealing-”
A large blue ring of energy burst open behind me stopping him in his tracks. “Of course not, thank you for your time Jaymes. May our paths cross again another day...or something.”  I stepped back into the portal and I watched as his eyes grew wide. His mouth hung open as the ring closed around me. Before the portal completely closed, I popped my head out and quickly told him, “And good luck with the cows and the harvest. Remember not to drown your plants that what got you in trouble last year, ok bye”
I vanished with a pop. The words “how did you...” echoed in the distance as I made my way toward Mistwood.  I was careful not to arrive anywhere crowded, I did not need to freak out a crowd and create a whole mob today. Some Earth Humans may know about magic but not all of them. And as for the few who practice it, their abilities could never compare to what Paige and I could do.
I peeked through the small ring to check if the area was clear before stepping into an empty alley. I took a moment to rest against the brick wall that ran down most of one side. Those portals really do a number on me, especially when I miss. With my eyes closed and my back against the wall, I blindly padded down the various pockets hidden within my black button-down vest. It took me a second but I final took out a light blue cloth out of a pocket of my navy-blue britches. The cloth was long enough to tie around my face up to my nose, which I did.  I waved my hand slowly across my face and the cloth glimmered as it changed into a dark mask.
The mask waved and shimmered giving it the illusion that it was made from fluid water like shadows. I use this technique usually to make sure my face will be covered no matter what lighting I may walk through, but also, well, because I thought it was cool. It covered everything except my eyes. Finally, I got off the wall and put the hood of my cloak up to hide the rest of my head from sight. Not wasting anymore time I paced out of the alley and on to the semi crowded sidewalk.
I think I blended in with crowd well enough? My clothes were definitely not as flashy or bright as they could be, but they were nice.  I got a few glances no doubt due to the speed I was walking and the fact I was just slightly pushing past some of them. Not too hard of course, I don’t need to accidently break one of them or something. Oh that would be the last thing I need today, another headache to explain to Paige.  
“Hey what’s the rush huh!” I briefly turned back to give the slow man I had bumped past a look. He spilled a bit of the drink gripped in his hand as he jumped back, practically out of his skin.
“Ahh sor- sorry.” He stuttered before I turned back and kept walking. I’m going to take it that my eyes are really red right now if I freaked him out that badly. On a less stressful occasion I probably would have enjoyed messing with an Earth human, just a tiny bit, but my thoughts of Paige pushed any thought of fun out of my mind.
There was no telling where he could be, the city of Miswood was a very large, busy, and modernized city that he could literally be three steps behind me, and I’d probably never know. So instead of search for Paige I decide to head straight for the hospital I knew would be his end destination.
The place, unfortunately, was a building he has visited many times before, but today would be a different kind of visit if everything went according to plan. I have been to Mistwood’s Hospital of the Sun many times too for various reasons, so I knew my way well. It seems that Paige and I are often...needed in those sorts of places.
After a block I decided to just run for it. With every step I was cursing out my portals. A few lifetimes of practicing and I still can’t do the stupid things right 100% of the time. They’re just weird to me and so hard to navigate in that you basically have to guess when to step out unless you’re constantly peak out all the time. I am not afraid to admit I get lost...a lot, and that’s why I’m running because I don’t want to try again and accidently end up in another city like an idiot.
Maybe my frustration blinded me or I was too busy keeping myself from wheezing too loudly, but I completely ran past him before I registered his existence in the corner of my eye. Skidding to a stop, I took a few steps back and saw a pacing Paige mumbling loudly to himself back and forth farther into the alleyway next to me. His hands covered his masked shaking face as he said to himself, “I can’t do this, I just can’t! It will be one big mess!”
My attention being solely on him I gloriously rammed the side of my hip and leg into a metal trash bin on my right while I was making my way toward him. I grunted and cursed, grabbing at my side as the metal bin crashed with a loud CLUNK on the floor before spilling most of its contents between the two of us. Paige’s head snapped my direction. The air around us picked up and cooled to the point we could faintly see each other’s breathes. In seconds it warmed as the air calmed the moment he recognized me.      
“Greenwood?” He whispered. His hands were slightly shaking and his eyes wouldn’t meet mine. Rubbing my side and giving a frustrated kick at the bin below, I made my way closer to him. “Paige, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be­-”
“I know!” he interrupted loudly before quickly covering the part of his mask where his mouth would have been.  He waved the same shaking hand over his face and his dark shadowy mask similar to mine vanished into a small white cloth. Still not meeting my gaze he pulled the cloth down to his neck before running the same hand through his brown hair.  
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have...I shouldn’t of... I’m just...” sighing he started again. “I’m scared. Of what she will think of me. I don’t know how much she might remember and... it’s hard. So I panicked half way and I just...” he gestured the alley around him. I waved my mask off and pulled the cloth down. I was close enough now that I could reach out and touch him so I placed a hand on his shoulder. He kept his head down so I cocked my head to the side to try and met his gaze.
“Hey, I know what you mean. The closer I get to her... the more terrified I feel.” His eyes finally glanced up to me. “You have no reason to be afraid. She’ll love you if we can do this right but me...” I placed my other hand on his other shoulder as I smiled at him. “Exactly Paige! If we do this right she will... we will have another chance to make things right. To make it up to her.”
Paige was quiet as his icy eyes searched my now blues ones, considering the conversation. A small grin made his way across his face.
“You’re not trying to use some magic shit on me now are you?” I laughed before letting him go. “Me? Of course not, though I did have to do some to get here.” “You didn’t use the trees?” “I...didn’t think about it to be honest. I wasn’t thinking straight and I got just a bit lost, but I’m here so what does it matter, right?” He shook his head, his grin not leaving him.
“I thought I asked you to stay put?” “Can you really blame me! I mean what would you have done if our roles were reversed, huh?” “Not far from the same thing.” His grin fades as the daunting weight of his task fell on his shoulders once more.
Twisting one of my fingers in front of me, I continued. “And now that I’m here, I can help.” He looked down, his eyes glancing at his sword. “It’s still mostly up to me though.” “That’s true. I can’t do this for you, I know that, but I can walk with you, yeah? And when we’re there, I promise I won’t be far.”
I gave him my best smile and he gave a short laugh. Nodding he answered quietly, “You never are.”
He looked off to the side in a daze. His hands were shaking a bit less now, however one of them was grasping the shiny silver sword at his hip tightly. Blinking out of his daze he looked at his sword again and slowly nodded his head. I watched him intently, as old memories resurfaced no doubt in both of our minds.
At last he said, “I made a promise to try didn’t I. So try I will. For her.” He looked my way and I gave him a nod. “For her.”
Paige took a deep breath before placing his palm on his chest. “What color should we be then?” I thought about it for second before answering, “I don’t think there’s many Ohpan humans this down south so... Ralodan?” He nodded his agreement and I put my own hand on my chest. Together we said,
The true form of the universe is unknown
It is hidden within a color we can not see  
Just like I wish to be
Make me Ralodan
           As our final words left our lips, a white light extended from our hand. The light beamed bright as it expanded from our chests causing the parts of us the light touched to disappear. In a matter of seconds, we were completely gone, or at least we would appear to be among the Earth Humans. They wouldn’t be able to see or hear our footsteps. As long as we kept our mouths shut and hands to ourselves it will seem like we don’t exist at all. We gave each other a once over to make sure we were completely covered before I lead us out of the alley way.
Neither of us walked with much of a hurry. I could only guess Paige was trying to stall as much as I was. Though my face felt emotionless my hands could not stop twisting in front of me. Just thinking about where we were heading made my stomach drop and my heart beat a bit faster. Paige though calmer, was still gripping his sword tightly and his shoulders were tense with stress. I looked away from him and smiled to myself. I guess we’re still just as human as anyone else huh...
I crashed into Paige’s backside, my distracted mind not realizing he had stopped. I whispered my apologies, but he didn’t pay me any mind. His eyes instead were glued on the towering hospital a block in front of us.
For a second I thought he might run away. He was paler than before and wouldn’t look away from building and I was prepared to catch him if he did decide to flee. However, he only put his hands in the pockets of his old black leather jacket before walking ahead of me. I took a moment to watch him and look up at the rows of windows higher above. I wonder which one’s hers...I thought, instantly making my stomach drop again. With a hand pressed to my gut I followed behind him.
No one paid us any mind as we entered the hospital. The waiting area was full of buzzing people rushing here and there. Some of them I recognized as doctors and alchemists due to their orange, red robes that had a large symbol of the sun on their backs. Paige and I had to be patient and observant enough to stay out of people’s ways. This made catching up to Paige to be a bit of a struggle but hey like I promised him, I wasn’t far off.  
In the middle of the hospital stood four large blocks of wooded lifts that were each separated by maybe a couple feet of marble flooring. Each lift had four poles to hold up a thin roof that was decorated with silver sun symbols on the top. Large silver chains were attached to each corner of each lift. With my eyes I followed the chains up the seven levels of the hospital all the way to the clear glass roof that allowed the sun to beam directly on the lifts and then some.
I watched with a proud smile as the symbols of one of the full lifts glowed red and the chains began to rattle. Up it went, faster than one would expect just looking at the weight it carried, but the power of the sun is a strong force. A joy filled me. Using the power of the sun took the humans millions of years to figure out and only a few thousands to relearn it, I was proud of them.
As Paige and I carefully dodged and maneuvered through the people we soon were able to reach the lifts. Paige managed to get on one with ease while I had to jump desperately reaching out for one of the poles as the lift left the ground. With the machines speed I only managed to grab the bottom of the pole. I felt my legs dangle down below and I willed myself not to look down. Silent as I could be, I pulled myself up and looked at Paige. I narrowed my eyes at the grinning face he did not try to hide. I gave him a very colorful gesture before gripping the pole tightly as the lift buckled to a stop.
There were three people being carried on a cot on the lift, two stronger looking individuals were at both ends of each one trying to keep the cot steady. These cots took up most of the space. A few clusters of families stood here and there with doctors in between them attending to the patents. As a cot and company made their way off the lift, a larger crowd of people took their places. The new flow of people pushed Paige and I tightly to the corners of the lift to the point we were both standing on the outside of the poles. The tips my feet barely stood on each side of the pole with the back of my feet touched nothing but air as a small family inched its way closer to me.
My stomach swirled as the lift buckled to life and I felt the absence of floor below me. Against my better judgement I glanced down just as the lift zipped upward. A sharp curse left my lips as my stomach dropped at the sight of the long-tilted drop below me. I closed my eyes and pressed my head on the pole as I tried to forget the image. It filled me with only a little bit of peace to know the marble floor did have an enchantment placed on it to make sure no one could fall to their deaths. Don’t ask how I know that.
I open my eyes briefly and a small child that belonged to the family in front of me was scanning his eyes my direction.
Well shit. Paige was watching quietly to my left. He had more room than I did with both feet standing firmly on the floor. I didn’t know what much he could do if anything.
Just looking at him all I could tell the child was eight and named Kelith. While glancing around for my voice, his curious eyes lingered on my face for a few seconds. I held my breath. His gazed moved on yet a frozen state took me as he reached out toward me with his small hand. I sucked my stomach in the closer he got. My heart thundered in my chests as thoughts reminded me of the open air behind my back. Shoo! Shoo! Please don’t make me have to drop and get another lift! Please Kelith! Mind your business!    
His small hand touched the pole a few inches below my hands as the lift came to another stop. His family, who were more concerned with their fallen family member then any sound I made, trailed a few doctors and a cot off the lift and onto the fifth level of the hospital. The child not wanting to be left behind followed quickly behind them giving me the opportunity to breath.  
Seconds after making are way up again I hear the taunting voice of Paige say, “That could’ve gone worse. I do wonder what you would’ve done if he had found you out.”  Glancing around the lift I found the lift to be a lot emptier than it had started out with. “I wasn’t about to fight an eight-year-old if that helps. Even if it was tempting.” He smiled and opened his mouth to answer only to close it into a thin line when the lift stopped for the final time.
A hand brushed over Paige’s paling face and through his hair.  “This is her floor isn’t?” I heard no answer. Light blue eyes were hazed in thought as they stared down the hallway before us. I glanced past him and watched the last cot getting situated to step off before looking back at Paige. Placing my hand on his shoulder I found tension there. Faint droplets of sweat adorned his forehead. The cot was halfway off the lift by now.
“Come on Paige.” There was pause of continuing silence. Before I could consider trying to drag him off, he nodded and walked forward. I followed behind and heard the rattling sound of the chain coming to life as my feet meet marble.
My eyes never left him as we continued through the hallway. Watching his stiff and uncomfortable presences made my mind fill with its own fair share of nervousness. Each quiet step we took, each stressed doctor holding files of paper rushing to some unknown room, each pained patient I caught glances of through windows and doorways... I wanted to bolt back home. I wasn’t ready to face her. I was a brave coward, I guess we both were. Brave enough to keep going but so much of a coward that I regret how far we’ve come. Then we turned a corner, Paige slowly stopped and that’s when I could hear a heart beating. I couldn’t tell if it was mine, but it echoed distantly as Paige turned back to finally look at me.
He leaned in closer as he whispered, “We’re a bit early, the morning nurse is still with her.” My eyes glanced against my will to the small window of the room to my right. That heartbeat returned stronger than before to only quieting down as only the light orange robes of the nurse filled my view.
I looked back at Paige just as he was recreating his mask. Instead of the shadowy void that we had worn before was now a simple polished blue porcelain half mask. The door clicked open and out stepped the nurse between us oblivious to our presences. I gently caught the door inches before it clicked shut. Paige made sure the nurse had made it down the hall before speaking again. The white of the walls, the emptiness of it all made it feel like nothing else existed, only this hallway, this room, me, Paige, and…
A weight filled my chest. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to walk through this door and face her if the thought of her alone made me anxious.
“Will you come in with me?” whispered Paige, his eyes practically begging me to say yes. I nodded. He relaxed just a bit.
“But I’ll stay like this, I don’t want to be seen just in case she remembers me.” “You know there’s only a small chance of that.” “But if she sees us both it will increase the chances. I don’t want to risk it. It will be too much for her if she remembers us both.”
Paige fiddled with the zipper on his jacket. “You’re right… I just think she would prefer to see your face over mine.” He places his hand on his chest and softly chanting,
I am of the Earth and the Sea
And of the space between all things
Let me be seen
Like before a white light beamed from his hand and traveled the extent of his body as it dispelled the color Ralodan that had covered his former self.  
He took a deep breath before facing me. “Where do you think I should start?” That question had a million answers. Over the last couple of centuries, it has haunted every quiet moment I’ve ever had, yet I still had no for sure answer even now that the question mattered.
“I…I can’t tell you that, but I do know not to start at the beginning. Maybe instead start with the chapter before that.” Paige nodded. He managed to take a step towards the door before I grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.
“Hey everything will work out, yeah? I know you can do this Paige.” His tensed shoulders relaxed only slightly. “I don’t think you have enough energy to magic my stress a way Greenwood.” “It was worth a try.” He patted the top of my head before pushing the door open and making his way into the room. I shook the nervousness out of my hands quickly before following right behind him.
I could not help by smile the second I saw her. There she was, after so long, she was now only a couple feet in front of me, of us. She was young, only 21 years old. Her dark blue eyes were a bright contrast against her light skin and the dark bags that laid beneath them. Her dark hair was a mess that came to her shoulders. The girl was pale and sweaty. She coughed and closed her eyes as she rubbed her chest. I thought she would pass out, but her droopy eyes reluctantly opened again. Almost like coughing drained her of all her energy. Like she was wasting away like an old woman laying in her death bed. My heart ached just looking at her.
Spread out on her bed were varies pieces of paper, pencils and pens. A pair of scissors was lazily grasped in her hands. She must have been doing some sort of crafts, as best as I could tell. At first, she didn’t notice us when we walked in. Her focused gaze was toward the large window to her left. I managed to catch a glance of the small birds that were chirping and dancing right outside the glass before the door closed with a click behind me. Hearing the door, she blinked out of her thoughts and turned our way.
A small sharp gasped escaped her, stopping Paige in his tracks. She turned her head in confusion as she studied him. Paige took another step and the girl moved back in her bed away from him.  
“You…who are you?” she managed to whisper.  A tense Paige took another small step towards her. The girl gripped her scissors a bit tighter in her gasps. I put an arm out in front of Paige to stop him from getting any closer. He didn’t look at me but as I quietly made my way away from him, he didn’t move a muscle.  
 “Hannah, I’m not here to hurt you. I-” “You know my name?”
Do you ever have that moment when look at someone and their face and very existence makes you so angry you could just punch them in the face then and there? Do you know that feeling? Well, I watched as the slightly fearful, yet curious look on Hannah’s face twisted to burning rage seconds after hearing Paige’s voice and I knew that moment was happening now. Her blue eyes burned dark. Her whole body started shaking, I thought she was going to explode. She had changed so much from the sick weak girl she had seemed that I took a few cautious steps away from the two of them and toward the window.
“That voice... where do I know that voice.” She said through strained teeth. My eyes grew wide. I looked at Paige and he was already looking at me. I could tell the same thought was running through our minds. She remembers.
“Why do I know your name! Tell me who you are! Or get out!” Goosebumps appeared on my arms as a dark and heavy energy creeped its way through the room. It felt warm. I could see it seeping out of Hannah as her anger grew. I looked at Paige and he was pale and sweating.
Desperately he pleaded, “Wait! Please hear me out. I’m here for you. I’m here to-” “Here to kill me.” Her voice was dead cold. I was worried now. I needed to do something but what could I do? If I reveal myself and she recognized me there was no telling if that would make things better or worse.
“What? No! I just-” Hannah threw a pillow and Paige took it right in the face. “Get out! NOW!” Paige gave me a pleading looking as he clutched the pillow like a shield between him and Hannah. I gestured with my hands something that said “What do want me to do? I’m trying to not be known!”
 Trying again Paige pleaded, “Look, look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you-” Hannah wasn’t listening though. She instead was seconds away from pressing the emergency button on the side of her bed. Paige noticed and clicked his fingers. A blast of air covered the room just as her hand slammed on the frozen button. A shiver went down my spine. The air was noticeable cooler than it had been a moment before. It did not mix well with the heavy heat of Hannah’s rage creating an almost humid feeling to the room.
Hannah hit the button several times, but it wouldn’t move. Grunting in frustration, her eyes zoomed around the room and stopped as they met the window. The birds were there only they were still, frozen in flight. She snapped her head to Paige making him raise his hands in surrender.  
“What did you do!” she yelled. Paige was backing away now, the energy was crawling toward Paige and I had no idea what to do. “You were going to call for help and I panicked, I’m sorry! I here to-”
The dark energy blasted in all directions in the room. I raised my hand to block the blast. BOOM. I felt small thuds hit my back as the window behind me exploded. Hannah screamed in surprised. I held in a curse as I looked back and saw half the window now across the floor as glittery shards. Looking back at Hannah her eyes were wide and scared. She can still do magic? Oh fuck.
“Hannah…” The girl snapped her head at Paige. She was still shaking but now more out of fear and bewilderment than anger.
“You did that.” “No-” “Yes you did! You are here to kill me. I can feel it in here.” She pointed to her chest. “It’s my time, right? That’s why you’re here right! I can feel it. Every day I’m worse and no one knows how to make me better!” Tears were glittering her cheeks. Her fists were shaking, and her jaws was strained.  
“But I won’t just die without a fight.”  Gripping her scissors, in a flash she threw the blanket off her, stormed off the bed and headed straight for Paige. Reacting on instinct I grabbed the girl around her waist, stopping her in her tracks. Let’s be honest here, I doubt she could do much to hurt Paige, but she was angry, confused, armed, and just exploded a window so I was not underestimating her right now. 
“Stop it!” She yelled at Paige, unaware that holding her back was not his doing but mine.
I gave Paige a look that’s said, “Do something!” as she fought against my grip. I was carful not to breath on her but considering her mind set she didn’t noticed it was a person holding her back and not magic.
She was wild. I ducked just in time to avoid an elbow to the face.  I couldn’t even calmer down if I tried. I needed to look in her eyes for that. But she was still sick so deeper breathes were soon following her fighting.  Paige was clutching his sword as he looked at me with wide eyes. The heavy energy of the room was trying desperately to reach him, but he forced it awake with a flick of his hand. I could physically see the clockwork crank in his mind. He ran his hand through his hair quickly before unsheathed his sword, raised it above his head and slowly got down to one knee before Hannah.
I almost gasped but held it back. There were only a few beings in this world Paige kneeled too, one of them was me, and the others were being greater than the both of us combined. He really is serious about making amends…
Keeping his head down he pleaded, “Hannah, I promise you I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help.”
“Help! Help me how? By ending me!” Still fighting to get free she laughed at the idea. “I know what’s wrong with you! Why you’re sick all!” Hannah stilled in my arms. I could feel her anger cool just the slightest. She stared at him for a long time before she finally asked, “You do?” Paige slowly nodded. “You’re lying! No doctor can figure it out, so how is it you know what’s wrong with me?”
“Because I know more than any doctor will ever know. I know every illness, every poison on this planet and the next. That’s why I’m here, I…” He looked up at Hannah. “I know how to heal you.”
Hannah was still shaking but was leaning more against me now. The longer she stood in my arms the more she seemed to rely on me to stand. The warm heavy energy recoiled toward her as it died down. She was sweating and tired but trying her hardest to not show her weakness to Paige.
“I don’t trust you! I just look at you and I… you can’t only be here to heal me, can you? I know you’re here because I’m dying. I can feel it, but…that’s not the only reason why I go so angry is it? There’s something else behind that anger.” She placed a hand on her chest. Gently he answered, “You’re right. While most people don’t like me and react to my presence in all sorts of ways, you are the first on instinct to be filled with a…justified rage.”
Hannah stared at him as she caught her breathe.  “So, you are who I think you are then.” “Maybe. I am, well, a lot of things.” Hannah narrowed her eyes. “Then explain it.” Paige slowly stood. “I will. I promise. But first I need you to listen to a story of mine.”  
There was a silent pause that echoed through the room. Paige opened his mouth to say more but Hannah beat him to it.
“A story? Why would I want that!” “Because I promise you the story will explain everything I am. It will explain the true reason behind your anger, why you are dying, and most importantly how you can heal. Please. Just give me one chance.” Hannah was silent. I noticed her head turning a bit as she looked at the birds again. Their frozen state was unchanged. She looked back at him.
“I still don’t trust you. The worst part is I feel like…like I know you.”
“I promise to explain everything. You deserve it.” Hannah gave a reluctant sighed.  
“Fine. But you have to promise not to do anything weird.” She gestured to herself, the frozen birds and exploded window. “Well technically I didn’t destroy the wind-” “Secondly I get to keep your sword until you’re done.” Without much hesitation Paige agreed and offered her his hand.
I finally let go of her and took silent steps away from the two of them, watching them intently. Hannah hesitated, eying him carefully before gripping his hand. Small streams of light danced as they encircled their hands. Hannah watched with eyes wide open.
“I thought I told you not to do anything weird!” “Don’t worry, it’s just magic. These lights will make sure I keep my promises.” Hannah pulled her hand away once they died down.  
“What’s magic?”
Paige relaxed just the slightest at the sound of her calmer voice. He sheathed the blade, untied some strings and offered the sword, scabbard and all to Hannah. As she took it and slowly backed up into her bed, Paige answered her question in the most annoying way possible.
“How do you not know what magic is?” Hannah narrowed her eyes. Paige rubbed the back of his neck and apologized.  
“Whatever, I get it. Magic is the source of your weird shit. Now, will this take long?” Paige took a moment to think. “Probably.” Hannah did not look pleased by that answer. Placing Paige’s sword in her lap she gripped the hilt. Paige cleared his throat as I made my way closer to Hannah’s side.
“You know there once was a time when all humans in the world could do the ‘weird shit’ all the time.” Hannah raised her eyebrow in disbelief. “It’s true. The Earth is full of all kinds of chapters filled with all kinds of people. In one chapter the humans wielded magic like it was an extension of their own bodies. And in another their magic was stripped away from them. My favorite I think is the story of how humans go their magic back.”
“That’s great. How does any of this help me?” Ignoring her question Paige absent minded said to himself. “I think I’ll start with Bruno.” Confused Hannah asked, “Bruno? Who is that?” Paige smiled under his mask making his eyes brighten a bit.
“He was a young man. He lived when the old countries use to separate the world. I don��t know a lot of his story, but I do know he was… there.” Hannah raised an eyebrow. “Where is there?” Paige clasped his hands together. His eyes were cloudy like he was lost in his thoughts. He looked at me, his light eyes swirling with white energy as he answered “He was there when the planet broke apart. He was there when the humans, their ancient countries and kingdoms finally fell to pieces.    
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Our Little Secret Part 12 (Merlin & Child!Reader, Mordred X Reader)
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
Summary: (Y/N) recalls the dreaded events of the last few days, from which she returned to Camelot alone, despite having left with Mordred.
Key: (Y/N) - your name
Warnings: mind control, injuries, violence, death, blood, cliffhangers, the whole shebang
Word Count: 1,835
Note: i couldn’t justify mordred leaving of his own account very well without giving up (Y/N)’s secret and i have a better plan for that so??? have some mind control i guess,,,this ending is faster than i wanted it but whatcha gonna do aLSO CLIFFHANGER AGAIN AHAHAHAHAHA
    “(Y/N),” said a gentle voice.
    The young woman remained still, her eyes just as unmoving as she was. Those crowded in the room watched her with curiosity, though they stayed a good distance away from her chair. They had been dining in the hall when she arrived, beaten and bruised, completely abandoned in the forest without her horse or her companion, Mordred, who had left with her days ago.
    “I need you to tell me what happened,” the gentle voice spoke. It was Arthur, kneeling in front of her to meet her eyes. “Tell me everything.”
    (Y/N) inhaled shakily. “It– we– I don’t know. I don’t know. It happened so fast.”
    “Just take a deep breath,” he said. “Start from the beginning.”
    “We– Mordred and I– were hunting a troop of Saxons that was terrorizing the outlying villages; burning crops, killing men. It took nearly three days, but we found them and took care of the lot of them, so we began the journey home. We were a day’s ride from the citadel when we made camp for the night,” she told them.
    Arthur furrowed his eyebrows. “Were you attacked that far into the border?”
    “No,” (Y/N) said, finally looking up at him. Her voice cracked. “That’s just it– there was no attack.”
    “What do you mean?” Leon, who was also nearby, asked her cautiously.
    She grasped one arm with the opposite hand, almost shaking in her chair. “Something– something happened to Mordred. He woke the next morning convinced you, Arthur, had killed someone important to him.”
    “What?” Arthur glanced between the council members, then back to her. “Who?”
    “Kara. She was, uh, a druid girl. They grew up together, but he hadn’t seen her in years,” (Y/N) stuttered. “He was practically screaming, furious with you over a crime you hadn’t committed. I tried to ask him when and how he thought this happened, but he wouldn’t stop talking about how you would pay for it.”
    “And where did he go?”
    She shook her head. “I don’t know. He took the only horse we had and rode off. That’s why it took me so long to get here.” She looked up at him. “Arthur, you have to believe that wasn’t Mordred. I don’t know where he even heard the tale. He was not himself.”
    “I believe you,” he said, putting a hand to her shoulder. “Do you have any idea where he went?”
    (Y/N) froze and looked away from him. “Nowhere good, sire,” she muttered.
    “He said something about finding Morgana.”
    In the following weeks, the war against Morgana became far more intense. Reports of a dark-haired sorcerer at her side came swarming in and they only made (Y/N) fight harder, for she knew her Mordred was not there willingly.
    When Arthur made the decision to ride out and meet Morgana’s forces at Camlann, (Y/N) readied herself for the fight of her life.
    Those last weeks had been difficult, searching for Mordred and avoiding Merlin with all her might. She was so focused upon her work that the others grew concerned for her, more so when they planned to ride out. They knew she would stop at nothing to save Mordred and, while they did not blame her, they worried it would get her killed.
    Waiting in the camp the day before they thought the battle would begin, (Y/N) suddenly regretted not saying goodbye to Merlin. Perhaps he was a stubborn bastard that had driven Mordred and herself away to the point where they could die this day and have never spoken to him again, but he was important to her nonetheless. His worries had been for Arthur and (Y/N) when it came to accepting Mordred and he could not be blamed for his protective nature. The mistakes he made while being protective, yes, but something told the young woman that he was already feeling the repercussions of them.
    (Y/N) and her four favourite knights in the world, Leon, Percival, Elyan, and Gwaine, gathered by the fire for what felt like their last meal. Spot laid loyally at her feet. He was probably too old for this kind of thing, but she felt he would chase her all the way from Camelot if he wasn’t brought along in the first place.
    When she was done eating, the young woman cleared her throat. “Whatever happens tomorrow, I want you all to know that I’m grateful for all you’ve done for me and I’m blessed with the opportunity to fight alongside you.”
    Leon, her oldest friend of all of them, looked up with sad eyes. She spoke as if she planned to die and that in itself killed him. “I think I speak for all of us when I say that the same could be said to you.”
    That night, when the attack began early, (Y/N) stood beside Leon. They stood together during Arthur’s speech and during the initial charge. They shared one last glance before racing into the battlefield together.
    It was a battle unlike any other she had fought. Besides the brutal nature of it, it seemed she was constantly outnumbered, surrounded by up to five men at a time.
She unabashedly used her magic whenever she needed, feeling that this was the final battle, no matter the outcome. If Morgana died, Arthur would likely allow magic more freely in his kingdom. If (Y/N) died, then there was no reason for her to worry about them knowing her secret from the afterlife. If Mordred were to die that day, then she would, too, whether by the enemy’s hand or her own.
It came to be, after the initial attack and Merlin’s appearance, though in disguise, that (Y/N) found herself in a quiet, narrow space.
She was fighting off two men and spotted Arthur in her peripheral vision. He was being approached by a dark-haired figure, but did not see him. Luckily for the king, she shouted his name, which gained his attention and allowed him to defend himself from her lover’s attack.
Soon, she was distracted by her own duel with the two Saxons, focused more on defense until she could turn the tide her way.
However, she failed to see the third attacker creeping up behind her.
Kill Arthur. Kill Arthur. Kill him. Kara. Avenge Kara. Kill him.
Mordred was in a dark room, sobbing and clawing at stone walls that had no door. The ends of his fingers never stopped bleeding and his nails were worn to the point of uselessness. No matter the amount of screaming and shouting and begging he produced, no one came to rescue him. He was stuck in a prison of his concoction, his own invention.
He knew Arthur had done nothing to wrong him, yet he couldn’t convince his mind otherwise. It was as if all logic had been shoved aside and his emotions were ruling him, using a false story to drive him to kill his king.
The young man could see himself go to attack Arthur. He could feel the sword in his hands, the wind upon his face, but he had no control over it. However much he moved his hands to try and drop the sword, they stayed stone still. The only thing that seemed to reflect his true mindset was the fact that tears fell from his eyes.
Please, he whispered, knowing Morgana was listening. Don’t make me do this.
As soon as the thought left his head, Arthur seemed to realise that the young man was crying, not to mention that his eyes were a sickly green.
“I don’t want to do this, Mordred,” he huffed, blocking another swipe of his sword. “You have to fight it. You have to fight her.”
Mordred wished that the king’s words inspired him to give more effort, but they did the exact opposite. He had tried already. He had tried so many times before, yet he was still trapped in his own head.
That was when he saw her.
    (Y/N) was across the way, fighting off two Saxons. The sight of her filled him with such hope that for a second, just a second, his eyes moved of his own accord.
    (Y/N), came the thought. That’s (Y/N). I love her.
    But then he saw the third Saxon, who was sneaking up behind her, battle axe raised. She didn’t notice him, which filled Mordred with a sense of dread.
The thought of (Y/N)’s in danger wasn’t even fully in his head before he felt his hands loosen, dropping his sword onto the ground. He didn’t dare take another second to look at Arthur’s expression before he was racing across the field. When he arrived, he almost shoved (Y/N) out of the way, but was mindful of the other two Saxons at her front, before standing in between her and the Saxon.
The axe was bearing down on him before anyone even realised he was there. It cut him from his left shoulder to his right hip and he collapsed onto the ground without a sound.
(Y/N) had heard the shink of the axe against his skin and turned, killing the Saxon with a stab to the stomach. It was then that she saw Mordred’s bright eyes, turning back to his own rather than the green they would be under Morgana’s spell, staring up at her with a sort of deadness.
Across the battlefields of Camlann, Morgana and Merlin stood apart. They battled grievously, using all manner of magic they could before they turned to physical weapons. Morgana had been a great swordswoman in her time and she had lost none of her skill.
However, when she heard a cry from far off and her connection to Mordred was severed, she lost her focus. She turned her head violently, searching for the young man in the distance.
“Mordred,” she whispered.
Another word had not left her lips before a sword was driven through her midriff. The witch gasped at the sudden pain, looking down at the weapon then back to its bearer. She searched Merlin’s face for remorse, but found none, resigning her to her fate.
Thus, Morgana Pendragon collapsed, life fading from her eyes in an instant.
It wasn’t until she was gone that Merlin sighed, his eyebrows furrowed. Even his ageing spell could not disguise the pain he had felt at killing his old friend.
She hadn’t been the fair and just Lady Morgana in a long time, but she had always held some sort of remnant of her past, at least to Merlin. He could not help but think of the old days whenever he had seen her. Those days were gone forever now.
Merlin’s head snapped up when he heard (Y/N)’s scream, his heart dropping. The loss of Morgana was inevitable, as he had long resolved, but to lose (Y/N) now would be the death of him.
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
Part 13
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Allegiances: Chapter 19
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 20
Series is rated M
Word Count: 2958
Sometimes you just need to do what you need to and try to live with the aftermath.
Read it on Ao3!
Read it on Wattpad!
AJ ran until his lungs burned as tears streamed down his cheeks, cutting tracks through the smears of walker guts. The boy heeded Clementine’s advice, the sun’s hot rays burned against his back as he let his shadow guide him until he stood before a giant metal fence. The original bars were bent and busted, sheet metal affixed to block the wall’s occupants from outside view.
The small boy heaved and wheezed as he tried to catch his breath, his mind feeling fuzzy and dizzy as he stumbled forward. AJ tried to call out, form any words at all, but the sentences came out broken in shards as he struggled to remain standing. Completely exhausted, he sank to the dried leaves below, looking up and seeing a thin figure leaned over the wall.
“Mitch! Louis! It’s the kid!” The boy’s raspy voice carried loudly through the air. AJ wondered why he would yell like that. Monsters would hear him even from far away.
A smaller gate off to the side let out a metallic shriek as it was quickly swung on its hinges, clattering loudly against the brick. Two figures bolted from the opening, one wearing a big coat he remembered was Louis. Louis fell to his knees next to AJ, putting his hands on the blood-soaked boy’s shoulders.
“AJ, are you okay? Where’s Clementine?” His eyes darted wildly to the forest around them, frantically searching for her.
“C-C...lem go… got…” AJ coughed out, wheezing and choking on the smell of his own gut-smeared clothes.
We have to go back for her!
Louis sent the other boy a concerned look before AJ was scooped up into his arms.
“It’s okay, buddy. I got you.” He assured as AJ struggled to stay awake.
Louis called out for someone as he placed the boy down at one of the picnic tables, most of the others immediately crowding around. AJ still shook as his breathing began to calm, though the words remained clogged in his throat. Not even he knew what to say, however, as a flurry of faces he had mostly only seen in passing before had now surrounded him.
“Alright, all y’all give the kid some space!” A loud and commanding voice came from a chubby girl with bright orange hair. Her imposing tone immediately vanished once she kneeled down in front of him, her eyes turning soft and trusting. “Hey there, sug’, I’m Ruby. Are you hurt at all?”
“No.” He breathed out, rubbing away some of the guts on his face with his sleeve.
“But Clem is.”
Ruby and Louis both froze. They stared at him with eyes filled with even more worry than before.
“She got bit.”
Everyone around him became quiet and still. Horror across their faces hidden with varying levels of obscurity.
“No…” Louis broke the silence as he stood, hands gripping tightly at his dreads, a mannerism he’d seen in Clem many times.
“That’s not fucking true. No fucking way. Not her. Not her.”
Louis paced in a small circle as a few tears cascaded down his freckled face. Another tall boy with an angry red cut stitched up across his cheek put a hand on his shoulder, pulling Louis into a half hug.
“Clem said you’re a doctor.” He pleaded with the girl.
“So you gotta help her. She’ll die if you don’t.
“AJ I can’t fix a bite. Nothing can.” She said solemnly, her voice beginning to break.
“I got rid of it though!” He argued.
“What do you mean?” Louis stepped forward, face painted with pain and confusion.
“How did you ‘get rid’ of a bite?”
“I cut her leg off.”
AJ lead the way as Louis followed quickly beside. Ruby with her medical bag and a boy named Aasim with a bow in his hand brought up the rear as the four of them raced through the trees to find their lost friend. Birds soared through the branches overhead, twittering almost mockingly as if trying to make the people below jealous of their speed and freedom.
What remained of James' barn sat in a clearing at the end of the path, the walls having had huge holes torn into them by the onslaught of walkers that now lay dead around its perimeter.
"What the fuck happened here?" Aasim asked in shock as he checked for any around them that might still be moving.
"Clem got too sick to run, so we hid." AJ jumped over each rotting corpse, having previously made sure none would come back again.
"I stopped them from getting in."
Louis didn't stop to listen to the boy's response as he threw open the double doors. AJ was hesitant to enter, not entirely sure what he'd find inside. He watched Louis look around before rushing down to where Clementine had been laying with Ruby following him in. Were they too late? AJ felt he owed it to Clem to see for himself, no matter the final result of what he'd done to her.
She's gonna live. Stop thinking like that, dummy.
Clem's the toughest ever.
AJ forced every step forward until he crossed the threshold. Louis crouched next to her, muttering lowly into her ear, his voice catching every few words. The older boy ran his thumb across her pale cheek, eliciting no response from the unconscious girl. The shallow rise and fall of her chest being the only sign of life.
AJ couldn’t watch her deathly face any longer, his eyes instead moving to where Ruby sat on the other side of Clem. She unwrapped the blood-soaked hoodie from the stump he had tied it to, the infected segment of her leg laid detached less than a foot away. Everything about this looked so wrong to AJ.
“You… cauterized it?” The girl said with a tone of surprise. The smell of burning flesh still emanated from the wound.
“Where’d you learn that?”
AJ just crossed his arms and shrugged. He knew the people at the Delta were bad, and they taught him a lot of things. AJ feared if he told them too much they might think he was bad too.
They must have thought Clem was bad.
Clementine told him when you do bad things you have to ‘atone’ for them. Maybe this is why they helped her now because she ‘atoned’ for the bad things she did because of the Delta.
AJ recognized the bottle Ruby held in her hand. Medicine for cleaning. He remembered how horribly it burned whenever he got a bad cut. He watched Clementine’s face intently, disheartened when she showed no reaction to touch.
“She’s so cold…” Louis croaked, his voice barely above a whisper as he rubbed Clementine’s frozen fingers in his hands.
“This is all I can do for now.” Ruby declared as she fastened the final bandage.
“She’s no doubt suffering from hypovolemic shock, and if she was as sick as AJ said she was, she could still turn.”
“She’s gonna make it!” AJ refused to believe otherwise.
“None of you know Clem like I do. She’s stronger than anyone.”
The redhead looked at him with eyes of pity as she let out a disappointed huff, looking back at Clementine's expressionless face.
“Only time will tell I suppose.”
The walk back felt excruciatingly slow. Louis held Clem tight as he carried her with AJ holding the girl’s limp hand.
“Keep an eye on her breathing.” Ruby reminded. Casting them a nervously worried glance.
She just doesn’t get it.
Aasim waved to the same boy who was on watch before, signalling for him to open the gate. Upon entering, they were greeted to a rather distraught welcoming party.
“Is that them? Is she alive?” A blonde girl with bandages wrapped tightly over her eyes stood from her spot at a picnic table and tried to wander to way over to them, her arms waving wildly in front of her.
Violet, that was her name.
She was stopped by Tenn as he ran up beside her, grabbing firmly to her slim arm and narrating what he saw to the blinded girl.
“They all came back, and Clem… her leg really is gone…” His voice began to stutter.
“Clem? Clementine?” She tried to approach further, crying out to her friend.
“Is she dead? What happened?”
“She… ain’t out of the woods yet.” Ruby announced to the group.
“We just gotta wait and see if she wakes up… or if she… turns.”
“She’s gonna fucking make it, Ruby.” Louis hissed.
AJ followed after Louis as he took Clem into one of the school’s buildings. The hallway was littered with graffiti and bits of debris. Each wall was lined with rows of doors. He followed the older boy until he stopped outside a specific one.
“Can you get the door?” He asked to which AJ obliged, finding the sparsely decorated interior.
Louis placed Clementine on the bunk to the left, handling her as if she was made of glass. He watched him stroke her hair for a moment before stepping back to take in the horrid sight. The older boy fiddled with something in his pocket as he scanned her uncertainly, finally shaking his head and pulling out a roll of duct tape.
“What’s that for?” AJ asked as he hesitantly approached.
“Something that’ll at least get Ruby off our backs a little.” He said as he took her left hand, rubbing his thumb across her palm before bringing it to the metal post of the bed frame. AJ flinched at the sound of the ripping tape as Louis firmly attached Clementine’s wrist to the post.
The boy jumped up onto the bed next to his protector, his feet swinging off the side. He pinched her side in a spot he knew she was ticklish, begging for any response. The dark circles that hung under her eyes almost seemed to weigh them shut.
“How did this happen?” Louis’ voice was barely above a whisper.
“Right after we split up.” AJ answered.
“We tried to climb the rocks but she was already hurt and slow.”
It’s all Minerva’s fault.
AJ had never spoken to Minnie directly more than a couple of times, but the way her ice cold eyes always stared into him gave him a weird feeling. He always knew there was something weird about her, but he couldn’t have guessed she was that crazy. She was supposed to be the friend of these people, but she attacked them, and tried to kill her own brother! Clementine always taught him that family protects each other no matter what.
“Goddammit.” The tall boy stomped his foot as he began to pace around the room.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m fucking sorry.”
“She wouldn’t blame you, y’know.” That got him to stop pacing.
“She wanted you to protect Tenn, and you did. So she wouldn’t be mad.”
“That doesn’t make abandoning her like I did any more right.” Louis sniffed as he wiped his nose with the sleeve of his coat.
“That’s bullshit.”
Louis suddenly coughed, choking on nothing but air. He stared down at the boy and let out a small chuckle.
“I find it highly unlikely that Clementine lets you cuss, so I don’t think I should either.”
“But thanks, kiddo.” He smiled.
The moment of levity in the air seemed to diminish as quickly as it appeared. Blowing out the window as they both glanced back at their reason for being in this room.
“What do we do now?” He asked Louis as he sat down hunched over on the opposite bunk, elbows resting on his knees and his head hung low.
“I guess we wait.”
And wait they did. Long minutes of silence quickly turned into hours as the room remained quiet with nothing but the soft wheezing of the girl in the bed to fill the void. They waited. Waited for her to show any signs of anything, but the girl’s small noises and shallow but steady breathing played over and over like a song on loop. A song that felt nothing like the music AJ knew. The sickly tunes held no resemblance to the sweet melodies she used to sing to him. All he could do was wait and hope that soon a more cheery theme would begin to play. Until then, they sat until the room began to grow dark with the setting sun.
A humble knock at the door was enough of an atmosphere change to cause them both to jump. Ruby entered holding a couple bowls of water in her hands, each with a tattered cloth hanging off the side.
“One for Clem’s head and the other to clean you up, little mister.” Ruby stated in a hesitantly cheerful tone.
AJ had forgotten about the state of himself. His loosely-fitting shirt stuck to his skin with the dried walker blood. The same stuff smeared dry and cracked on his face and hands, caked around his nails. He sat cross-legged on the floor with the bowl in front of him, dipping his hands into the cool water and watching it become tinged with red as he scrubbed his hands.
Ruby made her way over to Clementine and placed the back of her hand against the girl’s forehead, then moved to check her pulse.
“She ain’t runnin’ a fever which is good, but her pulse and breathing are still weaker than normal.” The redhead furrowed her brow.
“We’ll have to keep a close eye on her through the night, but there’s nothing we can do for her right now but let her rest.”
“How long until she wakes up?” AJ asked from his spot on the floor and was met with an apologetic look from the girl.
“If she does, It’ll either be sometime tonight or tomorrow. Which is why we should just make her comfortable and let her heal.”
Louis opened his mouth to speak but Ruby answered his question before he could even ask it.
“I don’t know, Louis. I wish I could tell you there was more I could do, but there just isn't.” She let out an exasperated sigh as her resolve began to crack and she turned away from them, heading to the door.
“Omar said dinner’s gonna be ready soon. You should see if Tenn or Willy have any old clothes for AJ, I’m gonna go check on Violet.”
AJ caught the edge of tears in her voice.
Louis left as AJ continued to scrub the blood from his skin. The chill of the evening air was amplified by the cool water. He stared at the now stained cloth sitting in the red water in front of him. He pushed it to the side, getting up and sitting on the bed next to Clem.
“Clementine?” He asked in a small voice.
“Can you hear me?”
Of course, no response came, but AJ wasn’t about to let that stop him.
“Ruby said you need to sleep a lot to get better, but don’t stay asleep too long, okay? Everyone’s really scared.”
AJ remembered something she had told him a long time ago.
“You’re the toughest boy in the whole world, AJ.”
“I’m not scared though. You taught me how to control my fear. How to be brave.”
“It’s okay to be scared, but never let it control you.”
“So I’m gonna be brave for everyone else. Just like you were brave for me all the time.”
AJ walked over to the dresser and pulled the fresh cloth out of the cold water, squeezing it and letting it drip back into the bowl. He carefully brought the damp cloth to Clementine’s face, wiping away Lilly’s blood.
Thinking about that evil woman gave AJ an odd feeling in his stomach. A feeling of something rotten and twisted. She made Clem do all kinds of bad things to people. All he wanted was to keep Lilly away from her. To protect her, just as she did for him. So AJ washed the remnants of Delta from Clementine’s skin.
They can’t touch us now.
The door creaked open again as Louis entered with a stack of clothes folded under his arm.
“These are from Tenn, back when he first got here. They should fit you.”
“Thank you.” AJ said as he put the cloth back into the bowl.
“Chef Omar, the cooking god of Ericson’s himself, has worked through the pain of the bullet hole in his leg -to Ruby’s dismay- and prepared us his signature rabbit stew.” The worry behind his smile was painfully obvious.
“If you don’t want to sit with the other kids yet that’s okay, I’ll bring you a bowl after you get changed.”
“Are… you gonna eat in here too?” Part of him didn’t want to be alone.
“Of course, little man.” He chimed optimistically.
“It’s up to us to look after Clem while she gets better.”
It’s our turn to take care of everything.
Louis held his hand out for a high five, to which AJ happily obliged. Louis cast the sleeping girl one final glance before heading off to the courtyard.
AJ rooted through the pile of clothes Louis had left behind. He chose a pair of plain blue jeans and a green t-shirt depicting what used to be his favourite toy.
Discooooo Brrroccoli!
He grabbed the rest of the pile and unceremoniously threw it into the bottom drawer of the wooden dresser, leaving the blood-stained garments piled against the wall. He stopped at the door just before he went to follow Louis, turning back to the girl on the bed.
“I’ll be right back.” He said to Clementine.
“I promise we won't talk too loud.”
You get to rest now.
Just like you always wanted.
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controloffandoms · 6 years
Paparazzi (J.A.)
Prompt: Requested by anonymous for a friend. (I’m sorry, I lost the ask so I came up with this without the prompt)
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader, slight Thomas Padalecki x reader
Words: 3193
Warnings: cursing, Paparazzi, panic, anxiety
Notes: I may or may not have been reading a lot of fics about the daughter/dad relationship between Jensen and his daughter, the reader. For the purposes of this story, Thomas is 17, Shep is 10 and Odette is 5. JJ is 8, Arrow and Zep are 4. Maison is 13 and West is 16. Obviously I’m changing the years of birth :)
Part 2
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Ever since you could remember, you had been put in the spotlight. Your father, Jensen Ackles, was a huge star in the show Supernatural and everyone wanted to know about his personal life...and that included you. Not to mention that you had a weird family from the cast of Supernatural. You had your Uncles Jared, Misha, Jim, and so on. You had you Aunts Ruth, Kim, and so on.
The nice thing was that you could shield your younger siblings from the paps. You could almost make their life normal. You were the oldest, you could grab all of the attention in the room in order to keep your siblings at a safe distance from those who would try to get too close to your younger siblings.
You weren’t Danneel child biologically. You did call her mom, though. Your mother had dropped you off at Jensen’s when you were just a baby. That had been eighteen years ago. You’d met Danneel in 2007. It had been a while since your father had met someone and you knew he was seeing someone, but you hadn’t gotten to meet her until about a year after they had started dating. You were seven at the time and loved her instantly. When you turned nine, Danneel and your father were expecting their first child and you finally got your wish for a little sister. When you turned thirteen, you got two more siblings and you loved them all unconditionally.
You would do anything for them. Which is why you were in your current situation. “You remember the store Mom went in, right JJ,” you asked her quickly.
“Yeah, the Victoria Secret store,” she replied.
“Good, take your brother and sister into the store and find Mom, okay? Tell her that we need to be leaving soon,” you gave your sister a tight smile, trying to keep calm.
You watched as they left through the back of the music store. You watched as some of the paps went to follow and you had to think fast. You started playing the piano in a rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody accompanied with the singing. That certainly drew the paps eyes. They swarmed you and you inwardly cringed. You hated singing and playing any instrument in front of anyone, let alone paparazzi.
As you finished the small segment of the song, you stood from the piano and tried to make your way out of the store, but there was no out. Your breath picked up slightly. You hated being trapped. The paps just kept shouting questions at you. Some of them on how you learned to play the piano and sing, others on very personal matters, others you couldn’t distinguish. “I need to go-please.”
You tried to push through the paps, but they kept pushing you back. “P-please, I need to leave. I have-I have to go,” you whispered.
They kept shouting questions and kept preventing you from leaving. Your breathing continued to get faster as tears started to prickle at your eyes. You don’t know how long it was until someone was pushing their way through the crown and putting an arm around your shoulder, shouting back at the paps and forcing his way through the waves of men and women trying to get a story.
Once you were a safe distance from the store, the person stopped walking. “Hey sweetheart, are you alright,” he asked.
“Daddy,” you buried your head in his chest and wrapped your arms around him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you just as tight, placing his chin on the top of your head and talking calmly to you.
“It’s okay, don’t work yourself up. I’m sorry they attacked you like that. I thought y’all would be fine for a couple of hours by yourselves,” he hugged you even closer, running a hand over your back in an attempt to ground you.
“They-they just came out of nowhere and I was-I was with JJ and the twins and I knew that they would be scared if they stayed and I told them find Mom and then some of the paps wanted to follow them so I had to distract them and then they just all crowded me and they wouldn’t let me out and they just kept coming and screaming at me,” you sobbed slightly, holding your dad tighter.
“I’m sorry baby. I should have been there sooner.”
“Are Mom and the kids okay,” you asked after a quiet moment.
“They are just fine. They’re waiting in the car. Dani’s worried about you,” your father responded, pulling away from you slightly. “Ready to go, kid?”
A couple of weeks passed and you were finally feeling less afraid of leaving the house. As you walked through the door of the house after your classes, you were met with an eight year old running into your legs followed by the four year olds stumbling over each other as they ran towards you. “Hello, what’s the occasion for you all to attack me the second I get in the house,” you raised an eyebrow at your parents as they rounded the corner with smiles on their faces.
“Mommy and Daddy can’t take us to the park and said that maybe you could! They have work,” Arrow smiles up at you.
You chuckle but nod. “Hmm, I’ll have to check my schedule. Let’s see, I did have that scheduled tickle monster attack for my siblings at 3 PM, but I guess I could bump that up in order to take y’all to the park, Munchkin,” you raced towards JJ and picked her up, tickling her relentlessly.
“No, stop it! (Y/N),” she whined. You laughed and put her down.
You turned to your parents and smiled, “when should I be expecting y’all back?”
“We will be going to dinner at Jared’s house around seven. Do you think you could bring your siblings over? Dani and I will be coming directly from work.”
“Sure, Dad. We’ll go to the park, maybe get a light snack and either do something in town or come back here until it’s time to come over for Dinner,” you stated.
“Great, thanks baby, you’re the best,” he responded, placing a kiss on your head and doing the same to your siblings.
“Really, you’re amazing. I don’t know what we would do without you,” Dani added as she brought you into a huge hug while kissing the top of your head.
“Mom, it’s not a big deal. I love watching out for the little ones. They remind me of the energy I use to have and wish I could get back.”
“Don’t we all,” she responded.
“Alright, Miss JJ, I need to change and then we’ll head out. Help your brother and sister with their shoes,” you called out. An excited ‘okay’ was called back to you and you went to your room to change.
“JJ, don’t go to far away. I need to be able to keep an eye on you,” you called as you pushed the twins on the swings and JJ played around with a couple of the other kids at the park.
“Single mom,” the woman next to you asked.
You laughed slightly, “no, oldest sibling that only has two hands.”
“Think of it this way, the day you have your own family, it will come much easier after doing all of this now,” she responded, “and I’m speaking from experience.”
“I would hope so.”
JJ came running back over, “can we go get snacks,” she asked, face flushed from the running around she did.
“Yes, please (Y/N),” Arrow yelled, clapping her hands.
“Snacks,” Zep asked.
“Okay then, let’s go find a place to get something to tide you over to dinner.” You grabbed the twins hands and instructed JJ to walk close to you.
You walked a couple of blocks until you found a place to go. “How about we get ice cream? Just don’t tell Mom and Dad,” you winked at JJ.
“Yes,” the twins shouted. JJ nodded, bouncing on her feet. You decided to save yourself some trouble and sit the twins down with JJ in charge of making sure they don’t get up. You went to get the ice cream for the four of you.
You paid for the ice creams and sat a table. JJ took a huge bite out of her cone. You set your ice cream aside and get Zep and Arrow ready to eat theirs by trying to protect their clothes the best you could. Finally, you gave them the cups of ice cream and turned to yours, taking a bite. “Try not to get it on your clothes, Jay.”
You spent a couple of hours walking around town until it was about six twenty. “Okay, who wants to go see Uncle Jared and everyone else,” you asked. You got variation of happy sounds so you headed towards the house.
You were almost there when things turned sideways. You tried not to stop, but they swarmed you. You gave your phone to JJ with your dad’s number already dialed. You put had her get on your back. You put a twin on each hip and hugged them close and they returned the favor by burying into you. The second you heard one of the twins start crying, you lost it.
“HEY! BACK THE HELL UP, YOU ARE SCARING THE CHILDREN,” you yelled. The paparazzi went quiet, but you didn’t stop. “You guys would do anything to get a damn story and I’m fucking tired of it! There are better ways to get your stories than ganging up on people! Back the hell up and let me through or I swear to God it’s not going to be pretty,” you glared at the paps in front of you.
They moved slowly to let you through. JJ quietly handed your phone to you as you moved through the crowd who was slowly starting to get louder. “Dad, yeah. I’m three blocks away. Concord Street. Please hurry, I think they’re gonna start up again,” you quietly whispered through the phone.
Not only were the paps freaking your sibling out, but they were freaking you out, but you didn’t get to hide away from them because you were protecting your siblings. You sure as hell weren’t going to let them be even more freaked out by the jackasses.
You backed up from the paps-who were starting their shouting again. “You want a story? Why don’t you write about how paparazzi don’t understand the term ‘personal space’ or how the paparazzi are willing to scare the hell out of three children in order to try and get the juiciest story? I don’t care if you swarm me when I’m alone, but don’t you dare do it when I have my siblings with me! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
More questions were shouted your way and you ignored them. “You wonder why no one wants to talk to you and this is why. You take and take and take and never give back. You do anything for a story that isn’t even true. You twist the words and situations and you give bad reputations to people who deserve so much better than that. Fuck off and stop scaring my family,” you growled, chancing a look behind you to see your father, Jared, and Misha hurrying towards you.
You placed Arrow and Zep down and they ran to your father. You let Misha take JJ and Jared took care of you. Before you could completely walk away, you turned back and got out of Jared’s grip. “And another thing, why don’t you try being decent enough human beings to try and get the stories straight. Stop scaring the shit out of people and book an appointment to talk to someone. Or is that too complicated for you to follow? You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves! You made children cry, you scarred them and for what? For me to yell at you? For me to yell at you and you to make up a story about how mentally unstable I am? To shine a bad rep on my family? Yeah you should be fucking ashamed,” you growled and let Jared lead you away.
You climbed into the car, biting your lip. All attempts to talk to you slowly died out once you got to Jared’s house. You quickly got out of the car and walked into the house. You bypassed Dani and the others, heading straight for a bathroom. You locked the door behind you and looked into the mirror. You hadn’t realized you’d started crying.
You wiped your tears and let out a couple of shaky breaths. You turned the sink on and splashed your face multiple times before wiping it off. You looked at your form in the mirror, seeing the shaking easily and you took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.
A knock shook you out of your head. “Just a minute,” you called out quietly.
“It’s Tom, open the door, Ackles.”
You debated for a minute before unlocking the door to let him in. He walked in, closing and locking the door behind him. You had sat leaning on the cabinet before Tom had turned to look at you. He joined you on the floor, sitting close enough so that the sides of your bodies barely touched.
It was quiet for a few minutes before Tom spoke. “They don’t know when to stop. They don’t know boundaries and they think that they can do anything. I’m scared of them too. I hate being in the spotlight. It’s okay to be afraid,” he stated.
You leaned a head on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist, “I know...it’s just like they’ve been targeting me and Jay and Arrow and Zep and they freak me out but I can’t show that to my siblings or else they would be even more scared. So I push it back and handle it. Then it all catches up and it crashes down all at once,” you whispered back. Tom’s arm pulled you closer, his head resting on top of yours.
“It’s going to be okay. They’ll find someone else to chase after soon enough.”
“But they shouldn’t! It’s fucked what they’re doing and they know it. They made all three of my siblings cry today, Tom! That’s not alright,” you brought a hand to your face, wiping away your tears.
“I know that. Them making you cry isn’t alright either...but there’s not much we can do about it. We just have to keep moving on and making sure you and your siblings are alright.”
You sighed and nodded slightly. “Yeah...but I need a moment to pull myself together,” you responded.
“And I’m right here to help you get it together.”
Everyone had decided to stay at Jared’s for the night. He had plenty of rooms to share anyway. You couldn’t sleep though. The paparazzi swarm had really gotten to you. Slowly over dinner, you had forgotten about it, even if it was just for a little while, but now it was coming back full force.
You got yourself up from the bed and quietly made your way to the kitchen. You grabbed a glass and filled it with water. You sighed and leaned against the counter. “Couldn’t sleep,” Tom asked from the doorway. His tall frame was covered in shadows.
You shook your head. “My brain won’t shut off,” you whispered.
Tom walked into the kitchen and began getting things out from the cupboards. “I have an idea.”
You shook your head as Tom started putting ingredients into a bowl. “You are insane, Thomas Padalecki,” you laughed and started to help him.
You relaxed into the couch, Tom sitting beside you as you both were eating the cookies you’d made and were drinking the milk. “I’m surprised, they actually taste good,” you looked at Tom.
He fake gasped and placed a hand to his heart, “I’m offended. I am a wonderful cook and baker.”
“The last time you cooked, you burned the pasta.”
“That was one time,” he quietly exclaimed. He placed an arm over your shoulder and leaned further against the couch.
You relaxed even more against him, feeling sleep pull you in. “Thanks for this, Tom. You didn’t have to stay and put up with me,” you yawned.
“I’d do anything to see that beautiful smile on your face,” he responded as you fell into the arms of sleep.
You slowly woke to the sound of muttering voices. As you slowly became aware of everything around you, you felt the arm around your waist. You could also feel the mattress below you moving….wait, that wasn’t a mattress. You opened your eyes and squinted at the light. Somehow during the night, you and Tom had moved to lay fully onto the couch with you on top of Tom.
The voices got slightly louder as they entered from another room. “We should wake them up,” your father stated.
“It looks like they had a long night, Jens, let them sleep,” Gen replied.
“Yeah, let them sleep,” Tom’s chest rumbled under you. His voice was deeper from lack of use. His arm around you tightened slightly as he started to doze off again.
You flushed slightly and bit your lip. “You should see your faces,” Misha lost it. Curious, you looked over the couch to where your father and Jared had varying degrees of shock, excitement, and amusement on their faces.
“Your faces are kind of funny,” you mumbled and placed your head back on Tom’s chest, feeling the tiredness sink in again.
“Oh no you don’t,” your father responded. “Time to go (Y/N).”
“I don’t want to,” you grumbled and snuggled more into Tom’s chest, wishing to go back to sleep. You heard multiple choked laughs at the response. You assumed your father was giving them a look that made them try to be serious.
“Tom, (Y/N) needs to go,” Misha stated.
“No,” he responded.
You laughed quietly. “We can do this again sometime. We can talk later,” you whispered, not really wanting to make your father angry.
Tom made a sad noise but his arm slowly released you. He sighed and sat up. Because you were on his chest, you went with him. “Hello there,” he smirked as your faces were inches from each other.
“H-Hey. Um, I have to-I’ve got to g-go,” you quickly got off Tom and leaned down to give him an awkward hug. “Talk to you later,” you rushed.
“Yeah,” he smiled genuinely. “Maybe next time we won’t be so rudely interrupted,” he smirked.
Your face flushed even redder and you made a couple of unintelligible sounds. “I-uh-I d-don’t think-that’s not-I-bye Tom,” you stuttered and hurried out of the room, catching small glimpses of the adults’ faces. Most were close to cracking up. Jared had a proud but amused look on his face and Jensen’s was stone hard. This was going to be a fun ride home.
@dragon-star-light @lifelovelaughangell123 @clarinette07 @jessikared97 @the-wintergirl
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Fine Lines (brother!Steve Harrington x Reader)
Summary: "what happened, kiddo?”
Warnings: self harm, bullying- please don’t read if these are triggering topics for you!)
"Y/N, come on! You're going to be late!" your brother shouted through the door of your bedroom, waking you from your slumber.
You sat up straight, your hair a mop atop your head. "Okay, I'm up!" you shouted, sitting up to stretch. Within minutes, you had grabbed your clothes and ran to the bathroom. You stripped out of your pajamas and stepped into the shower, standing under the hot spray. "Shit," you hissed as it stung your wrists.
You looked down at the fresh cuts that dotted your wrists, the ones you added at 2 am the previous night. Despite the pain searing throughout the irritated skin, you hurried throughout your shower, rushing to get out.
After drying off, you got dressed in your favorite pair of jeans and a mustard yellow sweater. You finished your routine in record time, slipping on your tennis shoes and racing to the kitchen where Steve was waiting,
"Morning," you greeted, sitting across from him at the table. "Hey sleeping beauty," he muttered through a mouthful of toast. "Almost ready to go?" you asked before taking a piece of toast for yourself. "Yeah," he said, shoving the rest of the bread down his throat. He pushed his chair back, gathering the plates and wordlessly offering you the last piece.
"No thanks," you declined, smiling as you went to grab your bag while eating your toast. The sound of Steve rinsing off the dishes sounded through the House.
"Ready?" he shouted, sorting through keys. "Yeah!" you called back as you walked to the front door. "Let's go, kiddo," he murmured as you walked by, giving your head a soft pat. You hopped in the passenger seat while he locked the door.
He joined you and pulled out of the drive, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. "Did mom and dad come home last night?" you asked. Steve clicked his tongue. "Sorry- they should be home tonight though."
You nodded, taking a deep breath. Out of habit, you pulled your sleeves over your hands, heat rising to your cheeks.
"Cold?" he checked, "oh, uh, yeah," you lied, turning to stare out the window just as you pulled up to the school. "Have a good day- I'll see you at 3:15," he said with a smile.
You held your fist up, smiling as he bumped his against it. "See you tonight," you said as you exited the car. You watched as he drove away before entering the building.
Your feet tapped against the tile floor as you walked down the crowded halls. With a few minutes to kill, you trudged to your locker. After turning the combination and opening the door, you tried to block out the voices behind you.
"Look at her," one of the boys whispered loudly enough for you to hear. "People only like her cause of her brother."  You had just gotten your textbooks out when a large hand slammed the door closed. You let out a gasp as its owner shoved you against the lockers roughly, pinning you there with both of his arms.
"Hey there, Harrington," he breathed, staring down at you like a predator to prey. "Tony-" "Shh, mouth closed. You look better that way," he said. You glared at him despite your quivering chin. "Aw, c'mon baby- as ugly as you are, who else will treat you like this?"
In a burst of courage, you pushed him away just in time to run to class. You blinked away tears from your waterline, slinking into the classroom alone.
The day progressed as normal from there. Three o'clock arrived sooner than you thought, signaling the final bell to ring.
You went back over to your locker, gathering your bag. Footsteps echoed behind you, prompting you to pack faster. "Harrington," Tony sing -songed as he came up behind you. His shadow cast upon the otherwise empty hallway. "I've gotta go," you mumbled, trying to get past.
He wrapped a fist around your forearm, his fingers digging into your cuts. You hissed, pulling back. "What's the matter, dumbass?" he began. "Are you gonna go slit your wrist?" Tears welled up again, and you jerked away , successfully sprinting out of the building.
You wiped your glassy eyes on your sleeve as you spotted Steve's car in the lot. Your feet slapped against the asphalt as you ran to his vehicle. Tony watched from the concrete steps as you escaped.
"Hey-" he started. "Please, drive," you sputtered through tears. "What happened?" "Please!" you repeated. You sobbed as he drove home, brow furrowed in confusion. "What's going on, kiddo?" he asked softly, reaching over to rub your back.
His touch, while soothing, brought more tears to your eyes. "I can't do it, Steve," you whimpered. "Do what?" he asked as he pulled into the driveway. "Anything," you dismissed before sniffling. As soon as he parked, you grabbed your house key and bag before running to the door.
Steve watched sadly as you ran inside. What had happened, he wondered? He couldn't push away his feelings if concern as he rubbed his eyes with his palms in exasperation. With a sigh, he slipped into the house.
You had been in your room long enough to pull your razor blade  from under your mattress. Your hands trembled as you pressed the metal into your skin, holding your breath to stay silent. The new cut stung as you slowly pulled it to the right, watching as it crossed your veins. Blood pumped from the wound, smearing across your skin.
Your tears mixed with the thick, red liquid. After repeating the action twice more, you sighed and shoved the weapon back under the mattress. You laid down atop the purple bedding, ignoring your still-bleeding wrist, pulsing and numb. You continued to cry, allowing yourself to drift off in a dreamless sleep.
Steve stood outside your door, his fist hovering in front of the wood. He wanted to check on you, but didn't want to invade your space. Defiantly, he shook his head. 'This is silly,' he thought to himself, rapping his knuckles against the door.
He was met with silence. "Y/N?" he called, concern rising to his throat.
You stirred from your sleep with a jump, pulling your sleeves over your knuckles. "Just a minute!" you rasped before scrambling out of bed. You combed through your hair with your fingers, making yourself more presentable. "Come on in!" you called while straightening your shirt.
Steve slowly pushed open the door, peeking around the corner. "Hey," he said softly.
You smiled weakly as he sat beside you on the bed, by your pillows. "Hi." "So um, what happened today?" he asked. “It's nothing, just emotional I guess."
His eyes bore into the side of your head as you stared at your toes diligently. "Y/N, is someone hurting you at school?" he asked sternly, resting one hand on your shoulder and one on your pillow. “No, it's f-" "Whoa," Steve interrupted, staring at his palm.
Your face burned as you looked at the red liquid covering both your pillowcase and his hand. Slowly, your brother turned to face you, brows furrowed in concern.
"What happened?" he asked immediately, inspecting your rigid form. "I don't know," you lied, turning slightly to further hide your wrist. “Y/N," Steve said, a crack in his voice. Your eyes remained on your toes. "Kid, please, let me in."
You flickered your gaze up to meet his hurt one. "I p- I promise, nothing's go-going on," you said through sniffles, few tears slipping down your heated cheeks.
Steve sighed before pulling your head into his chest, smoothing your hair as you cried into his green sweatshirt. “Im sorry," you whimpered, pulling back enough to wipe your eyes, exposing your bloody sleeve.
Immediately, Steve pulled your wrist to his face. He gently pulled back your sleeve to reveal cuts, old and new. "Y/N," he whispered, running his thumbs over the welts.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his wounded eyes flitting to meet yours. "I couldn't," you said, feeling shame crawling under your skin.
"I'm your brother- I'm always here, I always have been. Why was this a better option?" he begged. You shook your head helplessly. “I need help, Stevie," you cried, wiping away more tears.  "I know, and I'm here for you," he soothed before pulling your head back into his chest.
His tears fell in your hair as you held on to him, finding solace in his familiar form. "I'm sorry," you admitted. “No, no, it'll be alright, we're going to be ok." He paused to look down at your shivering body before repeating himself. "We're going to be ok."
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