#also which flowerbox are we feeling?
derp-craft · 1 year
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What do we thing guys? All red brick or do we like the diorite brick? I think I like breaking it up buuuut the white is pretty stark against the deepslate. Given I have NO idea what I will be doing with the background of this underground 'base' soooo. The shape has been fun to work with since I'm building it around something rather than on it's own lol.
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grogusmum · 2 years
Hechizado (part 3)
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JAVI GUTIÉRREZ x AMERICAN WITCH OFC (It's Kelly ya'll, cuz birthday rights!)
WC: 2400ish
WARNINGS: language, magic, supernatural witch, magical hijinx, unintentional love spell, mild swearing, head-over-heels Javi
SUMMARY: A little Bewitched hijinx, and much ado about nothing! Kelly is visiting Mallorca with her familiar. Her familiar runs off and Javi finds him. Sparks fly when her cat is returned to her, but she fears magic is the culprit!
N/A: For Kelly's birthday I gave her a coupon for a fic request and this is what she sent me-
Hazel my darling I have come up with the one-shot I would like to redeem with my birthday coupon (but I'm not trying to rush you, write at your pace 💙) "Javi G comes down to his olive trees, either to meet with the caretakers and check in or maybe he wants time away from the compound, and he saves a black cat that is stuck in one of the trees before bringing it back to his place and putting up lost cat posts online. But what he doesn't know is he saved a witch's (me) familiar so when she shows up to collect her wayward companion she gives him a luck amulet in return and unintentionally makes him fall for her."
As one can see the one-shot is a threefer, I suppose I could have waited and had it just be a 7k one-shot like a normal person, but I am an impatient little gremlin with my own fics, and I felt like Kelly had already waited so long... anyways, here is the final part of this little silly
Song mentioned is On The Street Where You Leave from My Fair Lady
Happy Birthday, beloved Kelly Girl!!! @chaoticgeminate
Part 1
Part 2
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The antsy and emotional feeling Javi was struggling with was settling down, with The Date to prepare for, he could focus. He spoke with Carmen, with the orchard crew, and preparations were underway. 
After dinner he started to get restless again, he wondered how inappropriate it would be to call on Kelly at her home and surprise her. She was new to Mallorca, he told himself, maybe her kitchen is bare, maybe she would welcome some company, maybe if he packed some leftover dinner…
He did just that and walked down the hill, singing again, a cloth tote bag slung over his shoulder.
The windows of the little house with blue shutters and overflowing flowerboxes glowed with warm light, within, Kelly had been reading and researching all evening. Other than a little cheese and crackers when she fed Nightshade, she had not stopped for dinner. The table was covered in open books and with bits of the St John's Wart and rosemary muddled in her mortar and pestle, as it would help in cleansing the amulet. 
Melinda had called, after doing some reading of her own. Kelly poo-pooed the notion that there was no spell when Melinda suggested it.
"I've been reading more about Lapis Lazuli, " She insisted, "it deepens relationships sure but they have to be there… gives self-confidence, also communication and honesty! Can you even put a love spell on a stone whose inherent properties include honesty?? Maybe all it did was give this Javi a push to act. He might have balked at such strong feelings so quickly, maybe-"
"No. I can not engage in wishful thinking like that.  I have the necklace out in some ocean water with st John's Wart and rosemary under the waning moon… which should cleanse it. 
"That was lucky you had the-"
"Javi brought them! He wants to be freed! Even if he doesn't know it. I'll smash the stone if I have t-"
A knock at the door made Kelly yelp. 
"Kells, breathe."
"My nerves are shot! I'll call you back Mel, I love you, I know you're just trying to help."
Kelly took that breath, then looked out the window and her heart was in her throat. Javi! She opened the door, blocking her mess with the door and her body.
"Javi? I thought we said tomorrow?"
"We did, but I could not wait," he held up the bag, "I brought dinner." 
Kelly thought, maybe this is best. Why make him wait? She had learned very early the pain of love spells, which was not love at all, infatuation really. It made her sick to her stomach to think she had any part in such a thing. Free them both.
"Yes, of course, Javi. Come in." 
Nightshade appeared, all purrs and cuddles. Kelly sighed. Javi looked around, the books and herbs, and then at Kelly.
“What is all this? Are you a chef?”
Kelly took a deep breath, this was not the plan, but it was the right thing...
"Come sit, I have to tell you something." 
Javi sat on the sofa and he smiled when Kelly joined him. Nightshade hopped up and sat between them, looking at Kelly, waiting.
“Okay, um. This is just-  I'm just going to say it."
"I'm not a chef, I am a witch."
Javi looked bewildered and then a huge smile broke-
"You are pulling my leg."
“No, and this," she picked up Nightshade unceremoniously, "is my familiar. Something happened when you rescued him from that tree, and then found and put on my necklace. It wasn't intentional, but I think your feelings for me are just… they aren't real! I didn't mean to cause you harm, truly I didn't," Kelly blurted it all out. "I am trying to undo what I've done but that's difficult because I don't know what I did! And I am so so sorry!"
Javi just looked at her for a moment, then at the mortar and pestle then at the cat who twisted and hoped down looking annoyed.. 
"No, I don't think so."
Kelly stood and went to the kitchen window and pulled the amulet from the bowl of seawater as she walked back she intoned-
"I release you from this spell. May you proceed healthy and well. Go your own way in good time. You live your life and I’ll live mine."
She repeat the incantation three times as she made her way back to Javi on the sofa, who watched in wonder. 
"May the spell be ended," she said with as much strength she could put in the words, as she sat next to him. He just watched, wonder in his eyes. Kelly raised the fine silver chain and placed it over his head, Javi lowered it so she could easily slip it on. 
Nightshade watched the entire ritual, he purred and leaned on Javi’s leg as he did so.
"I don't feel any different, corazón. No, wait... that is not true…"
Y-you do?" Kelly said trying to feel only relieved. "You don't… love me anymore?"
"Pfff yes of course I still love you!"
"But you know of it. Sometimes that alone is enough. I cleansed the stone… I-I said the thing!! This should have worked! You said something changed, what is it?"
"Well, I am realizing I was incredibly forward with you and quite bold. I do apologize for that, it is not like me at all. Perhaps there is no love spell," Javi leaned in, " you said it was an accident, you assumed this happened because of my very strong and unrelenting desire for you. Perhaps it is simply ‘love at first sight'? Is that so hard to believe?"
"Yes," Kelly said flatly. “When you talk like that? Yes.” 
"Kelly," Javi said, closing his eyes at the sound of her name, "My feelings are my own-"
"You are under the spell, of course you don't recognize it." Kelly took the necklace off of him in frustration. She tried not to think too much of how sweet he looked with his curls mussed.
"What can I do to prove I am under no spell?"
Kelly closed her eyes, this was … such a mess. Now she had Javi saying exactly what she would like him to say. He wasn't angry, or distrustful. Which would be entirely fair. He was trying to convince her his feelings are true! He doesn't even seem to care that he found out magic and witches like witches-witches were real. 
"Wait!" Kelly's eyes went wide. She pulled a small tattered book from her pile. Opening it she ran her finger down the page.
"Okay, there are some telltale signs of magical influence, and specifically magically influenced infatuation... otherwise known as love spells. Like symptoms. Javi may I check you for these, um, symptoms?"
"Of course," Javi looked Kelly square in the eyes, causing a flutter in her belly. 
She stood him up, thought for a moment, changed her mind and she sat him back down.
"Is this part of it?"
"Sorry, no…I'm just- ," she smiled, shaking her head apologetically.
Kelly looked around, her eyes landing on Nightshade.  
"What does he smell like to you?" 
"Um," Javi leaned over and sniffed the familiar, who hopped up on the couch, helpfully. "Cat, mostly. Tuna? Maybe?"
"That was Nightshade's dinner? No um, chocolate, hints of cacao?" 
"Is he supposed to?" Javi looked at Nightshade, like he had never truly seen him before.
"No, that would be, you know a sign. Okay, um. Think. Did your toes or fingers tingle when you picked up or put on the amulet?"
"No… well, not tingling," Javi said, " it felt very warm and comforting when I wore it. And I felt completely confident."
"Welllll, that's just. Lapis is comforting, and it is good for opening up communication… what about when you took it off?"
"Well, I was a little disappointed. I knew I could not keep it, but… it reminded me of you and I felt brave."
"Hmmm, it seems you are very sensitive to the properties of the stone, not really what- um if you are under this kind of spell… Oh! What about me? What do I smell like?" 
Kelly leaned in. 
Javi happy to oblige scooched closer and smelled her hair, he dared bring his nose below her ear. He breathed in, his nose brushing her neck. Kelly hummed, her eyes closing, then they popped open in alarm and she sprang away.
"You smell divine," Javi looked at her guiltily. 
"But how? Do I smell like something… you wouldn't expect? Like your favorite candy? Or freshly mown grass?"
"You smell like, you smell like a lemon grove!"
"That's, well, that's a nice way to describe my laundry detergent. Most people say I smell like lemon Pledge... Do you like the smell of lemon groves?"
"Not particularly. Though, now…" Javi smiled, "lemon groves will remind me of you."
"You really are the sweetest."
Javi smiled and his chest swelled, making him that much more adorable. 
Oh boy, Kelly thought.
She looked down at her book flummoxed. When Kelly’s phone rang, she jumped a mile, muttering, she looked at the caller id and answered.
“Mel? Anything?” As soon as Melinda started to speak, Kelly had to pull the phone away from her ear. Javi could hear it, as clearly as if the speaker function was on.
“Kelly! I’ve been looking at this wish-craft business! It is far rarer than you think! Is it so hard to believe he has just fallen head over heels for you!?!  That amulet may have given him a push to communicate, but it was nothing, nothing you did! That cat was playing matchmaker by making sure you met, that is all! I know it! Just smooch the guy already, will you!! Unless you have. In which case, good for you!” 
Kelly was sure her face was not unlike a lobster coming out of a boiling pot. She looked at the phone and then at Javi who had his hand up, mouthing, see! and her eyes landed finally on Nightshade who was gloating, unabashed. 
“I am getting off the phone now.” Kelly pressed the off button and looked at Javi again.
“Come,” Javi stood and held out his hand. “Come up to the house, I want you to meet someone.”
Kelly slowly took his hand and they walked up the road. Her head was swimming, the tests were hopeful, but not conclusive. Javi left her to her thoughts, but he had a small smile on his face. He took her to the kitchen.
“Carmen, I would like you to meet someone!”
“Is this she?” Carmen, who was preparing some marinades for the next day,  gave a knowing look. 
“Yes. Carmen, how long have you known me?”
“Oh Dios mío! Since you were a boy,” she waved dismissively. Javi invited Kelly to sit on a stool and then he sat himself down, he smiled at her again.
“Kelly does not think I am, well, she doesn’t believe I could fall in love at first sight,” Javi is now laughing quietly, knowing what is coming.
Carmen laughed out loud. She pulled out coffee and a tray of cookies and launched into Javi’s many loves- not so many romantic loves, though a tasteful amount was included, plus all the things he felt fiercely about. The kitchen glowed with warmth as the three talked. Carmen told stories, Javi corrected stories, and Kelly sipped coffee and nibbled cookies, laughing and watching Carmen and Javi. And whenever she looked away Javi watched Kelly. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, corazón.”
“Marco. You seem like a very well-mannered person…” Kelly hesitated, after all she put Javi through, she hated to seem like she was criticizing. “You were so rude when you found us together.”
Surprisingly both Javi and Carmen laughed.
“Well, I can be a little- but Marco is,” Javi was hedging a bit, but when he got to whatever Marco was, both he and Carmen waved their hand distastefully, Carmen muttering feh!  Finally, his lower lip jutted out, he said. “What do you say in America- a womanizer. He is bad news.”
Kelly laughed, shaking her head. Carmen launched into some stories about his transgressions with other women and then doubled back to Javi in comparison.  
 Soon Javi noticed Kelly stifling yawns and her eyes were going glassy.
“Oh Kelly, I apologize. You must be so jetlagged still. Let me walk you down the hill,” Javi offered the crook of his arm. Thanking Carmen for the dessert and the stories, Kelly took his arm with a smile. They walked in silence down his drive to the little tree-lined street. It was only when they reached her door Javi spoke-
“Do you still think I am under a love spell?”
“No, no I don’t.” Kelly smiled sheepishly. “I still think that shithead cat of mine was playing matchmaker!” 
“Well, that is entirely possible, he is watching us from the window, right now.”
Kelly whipped around to the window, and there was Nightshade. Looking quite pleased with himself.
"Okay, you don't have to be so smug about it, little shithead," Kelly said, though her affection could not be masked.
You know, it’s lucky for you really, I was ready to just slap you and say 'snap out it', like Cher did in-"
"-Moonstruck!" They finished together.
“Oh, Kelly. Now, may I please kiss you?” Javi murmured, transported by the fact that she just quoted a Nic Cage movie to him. 
Kelly turned, gazing up at Javi’s sweet face, and she nodded. Javi brought his arm around her waist, reeling her close. For a moment he just looked into Kelly’s eyes. Then closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers. 
With a swish of his tail, Nightshade left the window to curl up on the bed. He too couldn't hide his affection when he said- 
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Kelly, Javi, and Nightshade walked amongst the olive trees. Nightshade leading the way. They stretched out on a large woolen blanket, putting a basket of tapas in one corner. Javi fed Kelly pintxos and Kelly dipped bits of fresh bread into herbed olive oil and popped them into Javi's mouth. Nightshade happily dined on fish made especially for him. Bees buzzed lazily, butterflies danced in the shafts of light, and soon it was the Golden Hour again. Javi thought about the day Nightshade was found in one of his trees. He explained the coveted time of day for filmmakers. How in that lovely light, that was the moment at the romantic comedy of errors- when "the much ado" was done and the two lovers are finally together, the lighting is soft and the music swells, ending with a kiss.
The End
For Kelligraphy Chaotic Geminite 💚
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thank you for reading! 💚
You can find more of my work here and if you would care to be tagged for this or any of my writing fill out my taglist form
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magpiemorality · 5 years
Seeking: Family, Foster Twins 3
Homeward bound; to Patton’s house
Warnings: referenced child abuse, neglect, implied separation anxiety.
First | Previous | AO3
So they were going home with Patton on trial. It was happening.
They'd debriefed in the morning about the process, talking it through with Remy, who was secretly a little sad to see them go. Packing never took long with kids at the halfway house, so rather than be sent to do that they were just told to hang out until Patton could pick them up after lunch.
Remus's head perked right up like an excited puppy when he heard the sound of a car door closing outside, squirming in place on the waiting room couch with Roman slouching by his side, hoodie firmly up. He was, apparently, making a Point or something, maybe a silent protest? Remus wasn't entirely sure, but he would support it anyway. But also Patton was there!
Parents gave Remus weird feelings mostly, but Patton had brought out something completely different. It was weird, and he was a little embarrassed, but he'd almost felt like he could even ask Patton for a hug during their very first and he would've been given one. Amazing. How could he not be instantly addicted to that euphoric, exciting new fluttering of hope in his chest?
If only Roman felt the same way.
"Hey kiddos!" Patton said when he got through the door, waving but (oh gosh Remus really liked him) not rushing over to crowd them. "I've left the car unlocked, why don't you go drop your bags in there and come say bye to Remy when I've signed everything?"
Remus felt the weight of Patton's eyes as he rushed to do as asked, dragging the sullen Roman along with him in his eagerness.
"He's not grading you on your performance Remus, jeez," Roman grumbled, dragging his heels deliberately. "I suppose you'll wanna sit up shotgun with him too, chat to your new bestie on the ride home…"
"Dad said it was polite not to make a driver feel like a taxi-"
Woops. Wrong thing to say. Roman rounded on him, throwing his bag to the ground, his metaphorical hackles up in less than a second despite the origin of the comment. "Dad said a lot of stupid things, Remus. We don't listen to them, remember?!"
"Yeah, sorry, I just-"
"Don't bring them up. It's our deal. Jeez, this guy really changed you already."
Remus wilted, hanging his head and pulling his back up higher on his shoulder as he stared at Roman's ratty sneakers. Silence was best, always best.
Above him, Roman sighed. "Shit, no. Remus I'm sorry, I overreacted again. Um, treaty?" He offered, holding his arm out. Remus shuffled under it quickly, hooking his chin over Roman's shoulder. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be like that to you."
"Sorry for talking about him," Remus responded, equally softly, glancing at his twin when he stepped back. "I'll try and cool it with Patton, until he really proves himself, okay? But it's hard."
"I know. You're-" Roman's face twisted briefly with uncertainty before hardening again with resolve. "You're doing real good, Remus. Yeah?"
His twin smiled bashfully at him. "Yeah. Now let's go, Remy is probably thinking we've done a runner!"
Remy had, funnily enough, not assumed they'd run away just yet. He looked up over his glasses when they came into the office, giving them both the usual nod and smile, and finishing up the papers with Patton.
"Hey guys, have a seat while we sort this stuff out, okay?" Patton loudly whispered to them, as though he was trying not to interrupt some sort of important proceedings, which of course these were not. Remus smothered the urge to giggle giddily, and they played a fierce words with friends battle for a few minutes until the adults stood up and shook hands over the table. "Okay boys, who's ready to go?"
"I hope to hear only good things from you both now," Remy warned, meeting them by the door and holding his hand out for them to shake one by one, something both twins managed to do so without much hesitation. "But no news is often good news too. Remember as always that you can contact me in emergencies, and we'll do your review at Patton's house in a week. You all set?"
He looked at Roman, hands shoved in his jacket and trying to look more cool and tough than he really was, and Remus, clinging to his brother's elbow and bouncing a little on his toes in excitement. Remus thought he saw fondness in his eyes as he nodded at them and opened the door to show the trio out.
"Bye now!" Patton called, steps light up the garden path to the car. He barely glanced at the two bags on the backseat, nor did he blink an eye when the two boys slid in side by side by their bags. "Don't forget to seatbelt up, kiddos. It's not too far but safety first!"
Their new carer chattered the whole way there, even though he struggled to engage even Remus in conversation this time round. Remus was more interested in sticking tight to Roman's side, watching Patton carefully in the rearview mirror while Roman stared moodily out of the window like the drama king he was at heart.
Neighbourhoods passed by, clean and perfectly average and very suburban, much like the house they stopped outside. Remus personally thought it looked like a slice of heaven, or a nineties kids' movie come to life, blue door and windows and flowerboxes and all.
There was even a picket fence, although it was just a plain wood rather than the traditional white paint. Roman still scoffed at it as they walked through and up to the house, reaching for his brother's hand with wide eyes so they could step through the door together.
Inside was almost as much of a paradise, and the two boys stayed close as they followed Patton through to the living room. He got them sat down and went to fetch some glasses of water, leaving them with a printed list of house rules and etiquette.
The mere sight of it made Roman's hands sweaty, and he shoved it towards Remus quickly, swallowing against the nausea that had abruptly risen. "You read it."
"It says... huh."
Roman's eyes shot his way but Remus didn't look bothered at all. "It says what?"
"Nothing much, really. Shoes off in the house, chores to be agreed on and split between all household on a weekly rota, no loud noises after ten because the neighbours have a baby, um, homework to be done... that kind of stuff. It's not- it's not rules, Ro. You're all good there."
Patton cleared his throat to interrupt them gently, handing the glasses over and sitting comfortably on a big floor cushion in front of the couch they'd carefully perched themselves on. "That's a list from when Thomas was living with me, actually. But it worked really well for the two of us so I wanted you to get an idea of what things are like around here. We'll start as we mean to go on, but it is Friday so we'll write the weekend off as a freebie to get used to the place."
Roman's hands felt drier already. That was... really reassuring actually.
"Where do we sleep?" Remus asked, sipping his water politely. Patton smiled and crossed his legs loosely, which made Roman wonder how old this guy was. He didn't act like the middle-aged stuffy couples they'd mostly had before, but he had apparently fostered a kid for a few years, and that hadn't been his first. Roman would have to snoop and find out somehow. It could be useful information.
Patton's reply broke his train of thought. "Well, we'll do a quick house tour once you've got comfortable, shoes off is non-negotiable I'm afraid guys, this floor doesn't clean itself! And then you can see what you think about sleeping arrangements. I've got two rooms but they're both pretty plain, so you can pick which one you guys prefer. Tomorrow we'll go shopping for some decor. Even if you end up deciding you don't want to stay, it's good to have spare bedding and things!"
Even if... Roman's thoughts spiralled again. Even if you end up deciding? As though it was going to be their choice and not the adult's. Hah! As if. But what if?
He filed that information away, and got up to toe his shoes off in the little hallway, potential plans forming quickly in his imagination. Just in case.
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lethalneuroses · 5 years
.......The “come sit on my lap” one please......
You did not specify a ship, anon, so I picked what I wanted to write, which was Widow/Moira. I hope that is okay! Also this isn’t smut and is vaguely dark. Sorry...
Outside the window of the little Viennese apartment she can see winding streets and pretty half-timbered houses and inns, overflowing flowerboxes adorning their windows. Beyond those she can see some of the newer glass buildings of downtown. Further still are the hazy purple shapes of the distant Alps.
It is so cozy here.
It grates against her, like a repetitive noise whose source she can’t identify or an itchy piece of clothing. The tension is winding up inside her. Even now, standing still and staring out, she can’t relax; one foot taps relentlessly and her fingers toy with the sleeve of her turtleneck. The evening and their mission cannot come quickly enough.
Moira is stretched out on the bed with her shirt half-unbuttoned and a book in hand. The Widowmaker glances over at her and back again every few moments as if to make sure she is still there.
Why couldn’t Talon have put them up in a fucking hotel, or an underground bunker, or anywhere that doesn’t look exactly like the apartment Gérard kept back in his hometown? The memories are faint, but they are there, and they grow clearer and sharper with every second she spends looking at the old buildings and the antique wooden furniture.
“Stop twitching,” Moira eventually commands. “What is wrong with you?”
Even here, undercover, her voice retains its vague contempt and its power. Her time as Minister, the Widowmaker privately thinks, has swelled her head; she is used now to being obeyed. Flattered. Feted.
She could confess what has disturbed her, but she does not wish Moira’s gaze to turn piercing and critical with that spark of insatiable curiosity, so she pushes it down as she pushes so much.
“I’m bored,” she answers instead. “What are we to do until tonight?”
Moira’s lips lift into a small smile and she raises her eyebrows. “I intended to catch up on my reading, but you’re distracting me.”
It is Moira’s own fault that the Widowmaker cannot occupy herself. She is like a cat, made for conserving energy for the hunt. In this quiet interim there is little to do but observe.
But she can think of one way to pass the time, a way that will stop her from fixating on that hostel across the street and how the stained glass in its front door looks just like that of Gérard’s father. So she leans against the window’s frame and lets her voice become softer. Sweeter. All those things she cannot feel.
“We are masquerading as a couple, are we not?” she says. “Yet you pay more attention to the book than me.”
She lets her lower lip pout out and hates herself for this vapid display. Somehow it is ten years ago and Amélie Lacroix is begging Gérard to look at her.
Moira sighs and closes the book with a snap. She sits up, places the book on the nightstand, and lets her long legs dangle over the edge of the bed.
“Come and sit on my lap.”
She makes it sound disinterested, but the Widowmaker knows her. She is interested. She is always interested in sampling her own creation.
The Widowmaker moves from the window and obeys. She straddles one of Moira’s legs and makes herself at home there. One of her hands plays with the scratchy fabric of Moira’s tweed pants. Always so well-dressed, even on a mission. Her fire-bright hair has been dyed dark brown, somehow making her look even more studious.
But her shirt is still half-unbuttoned, and there is nothing professional about the look in her eyes.
“Tell me,” she says, hooking a hand around the Widowmaker’s waist to pull her closer, “what sort of couple things you want to do.”
“I want you to make me scream. Then there will be no doubt we are lovers, yes?”
Moira clicks her tongue and looks pleasantly surprised. “Perhaps we should go on joint missions more often, if that’s all it takes for you to ask me properly.”
“I thought you weren’t interested in asking, Doctor. I thought you just took.”
The words come out before she can stop them, sounding as innocent and honeyed as all the others. But Moira’s smile fades, and she is not so gentle when she reaches up under her sweater.
The Widowmaker tries not to smile. She does not like it so gentle anyway.
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carpediem1951 · 6 years
July 14 and 15, 2018
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Above is a photo of the stairwell in my building.  I love these stairs they’re a very old, smooth pretty stone that feels good to your feet.  They aren’t as photogenic as I’d like 😊
I went into Old Town (Vanalinn) (Saturday the 14th) the part of Tallinn that is the heart of what most tourists are here to see. The rental agency is located here and Liisi showed me three apartments as potentials for next year.  The apartment I’m in now is too expensive to justify again, and the 3 I looked at today were more modern.  I love the location of the current place, but Old Town is also very pretty.  Once I stop typing up this section I’m going to post some of the photos I took today with the Kindle. (rereading this – haha) Nice to know if I come back again for the summer school session next year I’ve already found a great apartment.
Below is the inside of a souvenir shop that caught my eye.
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 When I entered the grocery store this morning, a policeman was in the process of arresting a woman for shoplifting.  I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such a thing before; everyone in the vicinity was pretty blasé, so I kept on about my business 😊
Today, Sunday the 15th, I realized that one of the great joys of Tallinn is walking everywhere.  Today I discovered a charming neighborhood in the opposite direction from where I usually walk.  It is quiet, clean and well kept.  I saw a row of three windows that all had overflowing flowerboxes – will go back with the Kindle so I can take pictures to show you.  I saw a sign for the Indonesian consulate in Tallinn, even though this little street appeared to be strictly residential.  I’d wound up in this neighborhood looking for a notebook that I bought at the “Comarket” (name like Publix or ShopRite) near the university. They didn’t have it at this location, but the walk there and back was peaceful, lovely and just the kind of “special” to make your day.
I don’t want to give the impression that I’m obsessed with Estonian plastic wrap (what we sometimes call plastic wrap, Glad has a version of it) but it’s very interesting stuff. The apartment came with a full box of baking parchment and I was using it to wrap leftovers.  It did a pretty good job, but because it doesn’t “cling” it’s not as effective. This “CLING FILM” is one of the few products where the English descriptive words are largest. In fact, many of the products I buy only have labels in small print, Estonian and Russian.  This cling film is worse than any of the worst Saran Wrap we ever struggled with. It doesn’t want to come off it’s roll and when you force it to separate you have the crazy task of trying to cut off the end so you can use it.  I’ve addressed the issue by taking the whole roll out of the box (which is very flimsy and the serrated edge is sharp but worthless) and using a scissor to cut the end, carefully because this stuff is really attracted to itself 😊
Was thinking I was getting the hang of inserting photos.  Just spent the last 15 minutes, burning onions and inadvertently flipping the picture over so that’s that for now 😊  Another 15 minutes to realize that my original method is the only one that works! (I am able to format photos in Word and do nice things with them, but when I copy and paste, tumblr removes the photos :-(
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intrepidolivia · 7 years
Alexandria Country Club pt 8
Pairing: NeganXOlivia (OC)
Warnings: cursing, discussion of violence, threats, mounting UST
Summary: AU! Negan and Adair get back to Liv. Negan contemplates violence. Sexual tension mounts. Adair has bad news.
A/N: Sorry this took a bit. I’m on vacation so may or may not get time to write more this week. This is a short chapter but sets up for later... hope you enjoy! If you want me to tag you, just let me know!
Negan drove as fast as he dared. Fortunately for Simon, his stop was quite literally on the way. Otherwise he’d have just had to suck it up and stayed along for the ride. As it was, it took considerable self control to actually pull to a stop to let him out, rather than just slowing down and telling him to jump.
“Shouldn’t the alarms or lights have fucking triggered?” he demanded of Adair.
“Yes!” The young man seemed every bit as upset as Negan. “And she left her car at her place. No one should have known she was at mine!”
“Any fucking idea who the fuck this is? Because it isn’t Chet.”
Adair shook his head. “No, I locked his phone, no way he got into it that fast.”
“And he’s stupid, but he’s not that fucking stupid,” Negan growled.
“I--” Adair cut off abruptly, frowning.
“What? You just thought of someone, didn’t you?” Negan glanced over at him.
Adair shook his head. “Yeah, but it’s impossible.”
“Come on, man. Give me something,” Negan growled. His tires squealed as he took a turn a bit too fast.
Adair glanced over at him. “It would be better if she told you about this…” He sighed, shoving a hand through his hair. “The last guy she dated. Almost a year ago. He was an asshole. He didn’t treat her very well. Got pretty creepy sometimes and…”
Negan’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “He hit her?”
“Once that I know of. I broke a wine bottle on his face. It was an awkward dinner.”
“So, why’s it impossible?”
“Last I heard he was locked up. When the police got him on hitting Liv, he also had heroin in his pocket.” Adair shook his head. “I swear, the more fine and upstanding some people are, the worse they are.” He glanced up at Negan. “That’s why I figured you might be okay.”
Negan arched an eyebrow at him. “Because I’m not fine and upstanding?”
Adair waved a hand. “You know what I mean.”
Despite himself, Negan grinned. “I’m just fucking with you. I get what you mean. I don’t put on a fucking show.”
Adair nodded. “Exactly.”
When they got to the house, the police were already there. Negan tried not to look as irritated as he felt when he recognized the detective from the other day. The man looked vaguely annoyed to be there, and still didn’t seem to be taking things very seriously.
Olivia was sitting at the table talking to a female officer. Negan bristled when he noticed the detective had her phone. He had the green leather case opened, and he seemed to be looking through her texts. Negan frowned at that. Chet wasn’t pressing charges, but some of the texts he’d sent Olivia… Well, there could be trouble if they were still in there.
Adair clearly hated all of the police milling around his house, and made no particular secret of the fact, glaring at everyone who shouldn’t be there.
The detective made his way over, giving Negan a smile that didn’t touch his eyes. “So, we meet again, Mr…?”
“Just Negan’s fine,” he replied. He gave the other man an affable smile. Neither of them were buying the friendly act from the other. He wasn’t sure what it was about the detective that set his teeth on edge, but he didn’t like him. “Detective…?”
“Oh, wouldn’t dream of using honorifics since we’re getting along so well. Please, call me David.” He paged through Liv’s phone. “Looks like you two have been chatty.”
Negan narrowed his eyes. “Generally I talk to women I’m dating.”
The detective chuckled. “Why?” Before Negan could respond, he continued. “So, text from a blocked number, threats… pretty creative ones…”
He turned the phone slightly, letting Negan see the screen. There was indeed a picture that seemed to have been taken through the living room window. Negan sat on the couch, Liv curled up with her head in his lap. The resolution was good, and the picture clear. Probably taken from nearby, then. He caught a glimpse of the text and it made his blood boil.
“...maybe in front of your new man there. So you can hear him beg me to cut your throat and…”
Detective David pulled the phone back before he could read the rest. “So, we still going with the Chet Applegate story?” he asked, looking amused. “Think he’s the one with the massive hate on for your girl?”
Negan fought the urge to punch him. He took a slow breath and tried to school his features into something neutral. “Apparently there’s the possibility an ex may be involved.”
The man nodded. “Yeah, I can believe it. That kind of venom usually comes from getting fucked over in love. I’ll get some details. Probably still just bullshit, though.” He shrugged. Clearly he was unconcerned, and almost seemed to be implying Olivia brought it on herself somehow.
Negan entertained a brief fantasy of putting a knife through the man's’ neck. Too many witnesses, but the thought made him feel a little better.
He hovered nearby as detective David spoke to Olivia. He could tell she didn’t like being asked about the ex. Her eyes darted to him, and to Adair. Negan gave them some room while he shared what he’d observed from her phone with the younger man. Annoyingly, the detective seemed like he was going to take it into evidence. They’d have to get her something to use in the meantime. He wasn’t about to leave her without a way to contact him if she needed to.
Whoever had taken the picture had been in the yard. Either that or they had some remarkable resolution on their camera to take a picture that clear from far away. A few policemen were in the backyard, wandering around looking at the ground and in flowerboxes. They didn’t seem to be finding much of interest.
Finally the police cleared out. One of the officers made some noise about doing frequent drive bys in the neighborhood. He wasn’t sure that would help very much if someone was capable of bypassing security measures already, but it was all they had.
Olivia looked very small and vulnerable. He knew she was a grown woman and capable of taking care of herself, but… Well, there was something about her that triggered quite a number of his baser instincts. Not the least of which was to mark his territory around her and fuck up anyone who tried to violate that.
Adair was occupied on the phone with his security company, apparently giving them hell. That left him alone with Olivia.
She came to him, burying her face in his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her. Despite the situation, it sent a little thrum of pleasure through him.
“I’m sorry,” Olivia said softly. “I’m sorry you’ve gotten mixed up in all this bullshit.”
“It’s not your fault, doll. Shit happens.” He stroked her hair.
She looked up finally, resting her chin on his chest. “Adair told you about Brad.”
“That his name?” he asked. He was aware his voice had gone low and all too smooth. Negan was a man who could be loud in his anger. Expressive, with lots of movement and words. It was when he got quiet, though, that he was at his most dangerous. He was very quiet now.
She swallowed. “Yeah. Online dating. I was lonely and… going through a lot. I should have told him to go to hell earlier, but…”
Negan put a fingertip on her lips, stopping her. “We’ve talked about this, darlin’. Don’t apologize for shit that ain’t your fucking fault. Everybody gets played sometime or another.”
“I know,” she agreed. “Still sucks.”
“That it does.” He frowned slightly. “Do you think this could be him?”
“Last I heard he was still in on the heroin charges.”
“When’s the last time you heard?”
Olivia paused, thoughtful. “Maybe a month ago. I haven’t been keeping up with it really. Just when I think about it. That’s been less frequently lately.”
“Maybe we should check, just to make sure he’s not the fucker sending threats.” He let her go, but kept his hands on her shoulders.
She sighed. “They took my phone,” she complained. “I’ll have to borrow Adair’s or something.
“We can get you a temporary one tomorrow.”
She looked up at him a moment, with a little smile. “You know, you’re being a little too good to be real.”
Negan laughed at that, stepping closer. He tipped her chin up with one hand. “Oh, sweetheart, I am many things, but I don’t often get accused of being good.” He leaned down, his lips hovering a breath away from hers. “I’m usually considered a very dangerous man.”
“Good thing we’re on the same side, then,” she said and smiled.
“Yeah. And it’s bad for whoever’s stalking you. He best hope the fucking police catch him before I do,” he growled. He closed the distance between them and kissed her, hard and aggressively. He didn’t quite mean to let his anger seep into his touch. But the idea that someone out there was threatening her, was frightening her, was trying to hurt his girl… Well, it made him angry. And so his kiss was almost rough, claiming her lips with his own. Part of him wanted to lower his head and suck a purple bruise into her throat. To mark her as his own.
She gave a soft little gasp, and he realized his hands were digging into her hips tightly. He loosened his grip, pulling back a little. “Sorry about that, darlin’. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”
She gave him a crooked little smile. “Don’t be,” she said. Her voice was throaty and deep with lust. “I’ll let you know if you’re too rough. You’re not even halfway there yet, for the record.”
He sucked in a breath. It was like her voice and those hooded eyes had a direct line to his cock. He contemplated bending her right over the table then and there, but he figured Adair might object. Instead, he contented himself with tightening his grip again, pulling her roughly against him. “Didn’t I warn you about teasing, sweetheart? I’m starting to wonder if I need to fuckin’ do something so you’ll take me serously.”
Olivia’s eyes widened a little as she looked up at him. A little flicker of fear ran through her expression, chased by arousal. Oh, yes, he wasn’t going to be able to control himself very long with her. She slid her hands up his chest. “Like what?”
The direct challenge was almost too much to allow him to keep control. “You are really fuckin’ close to finding out.”
She was about to reply, and he knew from her expression it was going to be something that made him drag her upstairs by her hair, when Adair came in. Negan liked the kid, but right then he wanted to scream at him. Then, he saw the young man’s expression, and he shoved his distraction aside.
Olivia also focused on him, apparently quite aware something was wrong. “Adair? What is it?”
The young man was frowning, brow knit. “I checked on some things. Just because we were concerned and all. Brad was released on parole two weeks ago.”
@noodlecupcakes @genevievedarcygranger @glittered-unicorn-lava @feistybaby @adair-donovan
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